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lovelyballetandmore · 3 months ago
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Joakim Visnes | The Norwegian Ballet School & Academy | Photo by Nikoline Foto
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skeppsbrott · 1 year ago
Lite pinsamt att folk fortfarande tycker kungen är kul och meme-ig!
Kungen på transflagga är bara kul om man kan förtränga att han fortfarande är bitter över att Victoria är före Carl Philip i tronföljden, att han står utanför lagar och demokratiska fri- och rättigheter, att Lundsbergsskolan gång på gång utpekas som korrupt och med helt vansinnig elevkultur.
"Nej, nej jag kan faktiskt inte dra mig till minne att jag någonsin skulle ha varit på en sådan klubb".
Tror ni att ett kungabarn som visade sig vara homo- eller bisexuell skulle få leva sin sanning öppet? Ett kungabarn som råkade vara trans? Ditt enda jobb som arvinge är att se till att föröka dig. Ja, det måste vara ditt kött och blod, nej, det spelar ingen roll att släkten Bernadotte inte har någonting med Vasa eller kung Erik att göra.
Låt dig inte luras av Young Royals; för den som faktiskt är nära kungamakten nog att st��ndigt behöva förhålla sig till den, är en världsbild där vissa människor har mer medfödd dignitet och rätt till makt än andra, ett ofrånkomligt faktum.
Familjen Bernadotte lär vara bra reklam för Sverige men de som står i kassor och går rundvisningar på Slottet har sämre lön och arbetstrygghet än vad jag hade på samtliga mina resturang- och barkneg. Slottet har 1400+ rum och i enorma salar står små koppar som hört till Marie Antoinette undangömda bland tusentals andra ovärderliga och unikt magnifika föremål.
Om kungen var allierad på riktigt skulle han låta mig och alla mina vänner suga transkuk på silvertronen.
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isgn · 1 year ago
Ah bi yanım çöller
Bi yanım deniz
Sinem'de bir yara
Görmez kimseniz
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autisticethanmorgan · 2 years ago
SAD for Benny that he has to learn Latin alone. The best part of learning Latin is learning it with your little gay friends so you can make fun of each other and translate memes into a dead language
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averitt-phillips-world · 2 months ago
At VA, breast cancer awareness is more than wearing pink ribbons. It’s about empowering individuals, especially Veterans and their caregivers, with the knowledge and resources to take charge of their health, know their risk factors and support those facing the diagnosis from treatment through recovery. Take Army Veteran Michelle
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sallymadden · 1 year ago
El visn
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latinare · 1 month ago
Do you know how I should ask a guy on a date in Latin? We’ve been studying spoken Latin a lot together for fun and I feel like that would be the best way to ask him out. Also ignore the lesbian in my profile picture it’s a work in progress
This is amazing. Let's see...
Visne cafeam mecum habere? (Do you want to have coffee with me?)
Visne ad saltatum mecum venire? (Do you want to go to a dance/dancing with me?)
Hac veneris die in cinemateum ibo. Placetne tibi mecum venire? (I'm going to the movies this Friday. Would you like to come?)
I hope these help. Good luck!!
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waggledoogledoggle · 7 months ago
Jed flusters Octavius so much he just reverts back to he first/primary language (latin)
Jed: -kisses Octavius’s hand-
Jed: Octy?
Octavius: Visne me nubere?
Jed: Huh?
Octavius: Hoc nolui! Nisi vis. I just- es calidissimus. Shit, non dicere voli id. Non quod tu non es! I just- eo desinas nunc.
Jed: Ok… Octavius, I understood none of that-
Thank you for your consideration
“Will you marry me?”
“I didn’t mean that! Unless you want to. I just- You’re very hot. Shit, I didn’t mean to say that. Not that you aren’t! I just- I need to stop now.”)
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lovelyballetandmore · 3 months ago
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Joakim Visnes | The Norwegian Ballet School & Academy | Photo by Nikoline Foto
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yasamasancisi · 2 months ago
visne curugu rugan cantami taktim derse gidiyorum
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4709j047 · 1 year ago
visne suyu >>>>>>>>>
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morethansalad · 1 year ago
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Dolma with Cranberries / Turkish Visneli Sarma (Vegan)
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millenniumchibo · 7 months ago
I see you being a sad gay man out here, get a therapist dude. It will help trust
What im fidne idk whaht yallma re on anotut
but also my visn is blurryrnisnt that nirmaks?
Palin text: What im fine idk what yall are on about
But also my vision is burry is that normal?
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writerunblocked · 1 year ago
Bullet Proof Heart: I. The Agreement
Synopsis: After her idiot older brother, a man notoriously bad a counting, accidentally short-changes the Peaky Blinders for who their father pays for protection, Anya Rosenthal finds herself engaged to the much older and the most powerful man in Birmingham. The leader of the gang The Peaky Blinders and her now former employer, Thomas Shelby.
Trope: Arranged marriage trop. I know it's old, but I like it.
TW: Death and dying, antisemitism, drinking, drunkness, and smoking, swearing
WC: 3560
Read Part 2, Out of the Bag, here. Read Part 3: Acceptance here
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It was a bleak late August morning in Birmingham, England. The people went about their business, dogs barked, and she could hear children laughing outside. Nothing about this morning could predict the day Anya Rosenthal would have. 
Waking up, getting dressed, and running into the kitchen to greet her mother who had been up for hours, the 22-year-old was greeted by her mother mopping the floors and muttering things in Yiddish under her breath. Looking at her mother’s blotchy face and red eyes, she looked like she’d been crying. She walked over to where her mum kept the liquor, grabbed the bottle of Jameson, walked over to the tea and poured her mother a glass with more Jameson than tea. Placing it down on the table, she walked over to her mother who was muttering in Yiddish ‘no good piece of shit. Marrying her off without my knowledge. I thought he loved her. To him!’ 
“Mame, vas geyt far?” Anya asked. (Mum, what’s going on?) 
Anya's blue eyes met her mother’s blue ones. And Anya could see herself in her mother. The two were practically identical. Both had curly blonde hair and piercing blue eyes that caught the attention of everyone. Anya was said to be the most beautiful woman in all of Birmingham. Except her family was dirt poor. Her father had been hurt during the war and the family of eight had fallen upon hard times. Her brothers had taken up jobs running for gangs while her father had started growing Cannabis, something that was still taking off. 
Her mother stopped mopping and walked over to where the tea cup was. Anya followed. “Antshuldigt mir, Anya,” she whispered while taking a drink of the tea. Anya knew it was extra strong with no milk, just how her mother, and also Anya, liked it.  “Bite visn az ikh keynmol gevalt dos far ir.” (I’m so sorry, Anya. Please know that I never wanted this for you.) 
Anya was now terrified of her mother’s own words. In her 22 years on God’s Earth, she had never seen her mother cry. Her own mother, who’d raised six kids while her husbands and three oldest sons were off at war and raised Anya and her older brother Isaac while simultaneously running the family pot business. Many soldiers would flock to it after they came home from the war, her three oldest brothers and father included. 
But her father was sick, they couldn’t afford to take him to a doctor, and he didn’t have much longer left to live. He struggled to breathe and he struggled to walk. With every laboured breath, the Rosenthal family knew that their father was close to death. Her oldest brother Abraham, better known as ‘Abe’, would take over the business. 
“Vas tut zikh?” Anya asked her mother. (What’s going on.) 
But her mother couldn’t even look her in the eyes. All she kept on saying was ‘sorry’ in Yiddish over and over and over again. She was worried her mother was on the verge of a mental breakdown and she’d have to be whisked away. She was hysterical and that terrified Naomi. Her mother had led the charge for their immigration from Krakow, Poland, to Birmingham, England fleeing the Pograms. Anya was only a little girl but she could remember their neighbours being murdered by the townspeople. They’d packed up and fled to England, the only country that was willing to take them. Her father and brothers would then sign up to fight for the Crown, not knowing if they would come back alive. They all did, but no one knew how or why. They were in the Somme and worked as tunnelers. 
“ANYA!” her father roared. “ANYA ROSENTHAL GET IN HERE!” 
With her mother’s silent sob, she got up and walked to her father’s office. She wondered who was behind the door as she smelt the familiar smell of cigarette smoke and her father only smoked cigarettes when he was meeting with someone. As she opened the door to her father’s office she saw the man sitting at the desk with a cigarette in one hand and a glass of whisky in the other. But on the other side of the desk with his back toward the door was a man with a partially shaved head and a familiar cap that she saw every day at work. She nearly wanted to scream, for Anya recognised the man, it was Thomas Shelby, leader of the Peaky Blinders. No wonder why her mum was crying. No wonder why she was inconsolable. This man wanted her for something. And she hoped it wasn’t about last night at the Garrison, where Anya worked as a barmaid. 
“Anya, you’re here,” Mr Shelby said, turning around to greet her. His electric-blue eyes looking into hers. She felt weak in the knees. “I’m glad you could make it.” 
“Is everything alright, Mr Shelby?” Anya asked tentatively, taking the only empty seat which was beside him. “Look, about last night, I didn’t know that Connor would try something like that—”  
Mr Shelby cut her off. “What happened with Connor?” 
Fuck. Anya thought. Fuck me in the ass and call me a bitch. “Nothing,” she said. “Nothing at all.” 
“We’ll talk about it later,” Mr Shelby said. “We have other things to discuss.” 
“A raise?” Anya asked hopefully. “Controlling the creepy men? Finding my sanity?” 
“Enough, Anya!” Her father grumbled though he did seem amused with his daughter’s antics. His warm and mischievous smile that he'd given to all six of his children coming through.
“You’re my new fiancée,” Mr Shelby said. “Your father and I made a deal. He got caught up in something and you are unfortunately caught in the middle.” 
And though Mr Shelby seemed saddened by the fact she’d gotten caught up in their business. Anya didn’t know what to do. It felt like everything was falling to pieces around her and all she could do was watch it happen helplessly. Anya had no intention of getting married in the first place and was happily content with being the crazy single Auntie at every Seder who gave sweets to her niece and nephew. She wanted to travel, have fun, and go out. The last thing on her mind was marriage. Anya was pulled out of her thoughts by her mother’s violent sobs from the kitchen. Anya hated how powerless she felt with the whole ordeal. Her youngest getting married, her little girl growing up, and starting a family of her own. People usually married for love, but Anya wasn’t given that choice. 
Anya felt numb, completely and utterly numb. As the world crumbled around her, she wondered if it was possible to melt into the chair. Not even her mother’s sobs could pull her out of this. Sure, she and Mr Shelby did know each other, intimately as they had started sleeping together recently, she didn’t love Mr Shelby. 
Tears staining her blue eyes, she didn’t move, she didn’t say anything. As her world crumbled around her, she wondered if she could turn invisible. She wanted to strangle her father. And Mr Shelby as well. Her father passed her some vodka and she drank from it. “Who’s idea was this?” She whispered. “And what did you do, Dad?” 
“A deal gone wrong,” he sighed. 
“My idea,” Mr Shelby announced. 
Anya rolled her eyes and glared at Mr Shelby, probably a death sentence to anyone else. “Don’t you see enough of me?” She asked. “I’m on your payroll.” 
Before Shelby could respond, Abe barged into the room and nearly lunged at their father. The pure rage that could be seen in his brown eyes was something that startled Anya. “SHE’S NOT A PIECE OF MEAT!” He roared. “SHE’S NOT YOURS TO MARRY OFF!” 
The entire house went cold. Everyone looked at him in shock. “What?” asked Abe. The atmosphere in the house turned cold as everyone processed their father’s statement. 
“When did you find out, David?” asked Mr Shelby. 
“Last month,” he sighed. “I found out last month.” 
Everyone knew that David Rosenthal would die and that he was on borrowed time. They didn’t realise it would be this soon. Her father had been going downhill lately, he struggled going up the stairs, he struggled to breathe, he struggled to even move. Her mother walked in, her eyes stained, her face puffy as she looked at her husband. Anya knew her parents had known each other for their entire lives. They grew up next to each other in Poland, they met the day her mother was born. They got married young and moved to England together with their family fleeing the Pogroms in Poland. She wondered how her mother would handle the death of the man she had no memories of without. Abe would become the head of the family and life would go on like nothing had happened. 
“I have a condition to the marriage,” Anya gulped. All eyes turned her, her mother gasped another sob. “I’ll go through with it if and only if you take care of my mum for the remainder of her life. And my nieces and nephews are put through school.”
Mr Shelby nodded. “That can be arranged,” he said. 
“And I want that in writing,” she stated. “If not, there’s no deal.” 
"Anya,” whimpered Abe. “You don’t have to do this.” 
Her mother was sobbing violently now, but she’d been crying for so long that no tears had come out. Anya could also see that her mother’s violent sobbing was getting on Mr Shelby’s nerves.  
Mr Shelby got up and looked at her.  “You’re no longer an employee of Shelby Co because you’re my fiancée.” He put his hand on her shoulder. “I’ll pick you up later tonight, Anya.” 
Anya nodded her head, barely being able to look at her now fiancée. “See you later tonight, Mr Shelby.”  
“You’re my fiancée now, there’s no need to call me Mr Shelby,” he said. 
“You later, then, Tommy,” Anya responded in a shaky voice. He walked out of the house. 
Anya got up and also walked out of the house. Grabbing her purse, she walked down the street and made her way to the nearest pub where she took a seat and took a drink. The bartender saw her and laughed. He had a moustache and a darker complexion similar to Abe’s and wore a Star of David, he looked over at her and smiled, “Hi, Naomi, what brings the most beautiful girl in town back?” 
Anya rolled her eyes and scoffed at the comment. The bartender and owner, Sam Lebowitz, had always been a flatter, but he had no interest in her. And when the news got out, no one would dare touch her for fear of the Shelbys.  Sam had been a friend of her dad’s for years and she considered the man an uncle figure in her life. “A pick me up,” Anya admitted. She needed it after the day she had. 
He walked over to her with a shot of Irish whiskey and vodka. He handed them to her. “How’s your dad?” 
She took a deep breath and gulped. “Three months,” she whispered. “It’s getting to him.” 
She could see the horror in Sam’s eyes when he heard that. Sam had been her family’s first friend since they emigrated and also served in WWI. As tears threatened to spill from his chocolate brown eyes, he brushed a piece of black curly hair away from his face. “Are you guys planning on sitting Shiva?” He asked her. 
“I don’t know,” she admitted. “That’s a thing to ask my mum, she’s been a wreck all day. She’s been sobbing on and off. The poor woman can’t even cry anymore.” 
The atmosphere between the two people turned melancholic. Sam kept on filling her glass and she kept on knocking them back one by one. She didn’t care that she was losing track of time. She just wanted to forget this horrible day. She’d found out that she’d be married off like royalty, she found out her father was going to die in the coming months, and her life would consist of her looking over her shoulder because of who her inlaws were. 
She thought of herself looking out of Arrow House in Warwickshire, being arm candy to Tommy, being at his beck and call. She wiped her eyes from the tears that continued to spill as the alcohol flowed. The whiskey and vodka started tasting like water, but she just continued to drink and drink and drink. She didn’t care. 
The pub turned quiet but she downed another glass. “Another, Sam,” she slurred. “I need another.” 
“That’s all for you for tonight,” he said. “You’ve had more than enough, Anya.” 
“My dad’s dying!” She slurred. 
“And you’ve still had enough. Just because you’re immune to hangovers—” he stopped and then looked straight behind Anya. “Mr Shelby, is everything alright? I paid you yesterday.” 
FUCK. Anya thought. Of course this pub’s under the Blinder’s protection. 
“I just need to speak to Anya for a moment,” Thomas Shelby said grabbing me. 
“Leave the girl alone, Mr Shelby. She’s had a rough day. Her dad’s dying,” he said. 
“I'm only here to help,” he said. “Come on, love, Abe’s worried about you. Your mum’s a wreck. It’s past sundown.” 
“It’s not Friday,” she grumbled. “Ikh viln vodka! SAM, PASS ME THE BOTTLE!” She hollered reaching for the bottle of vodka.
Sam looked at Shelby and then Anya who was looking hungrily at the bottle like it was her mother’s latkes with applesauce. Sam looked at Shelby, then back to Anya, then back to Shelby once again. With one arm on her, Shelby pulled out a tenner and put on the counter, “Here’s for her tab for your best vodka.”  
Her ears perked up as she heard vodka. She reached for the vodka while trying to squirm her way out of Shelby’s arm, but his grip was tight. “I’ll get her home, Mr Shelby,” Sam said pushing the tenner back. “She’ll be safe with me. I’m her uncle and I need to go talk to Chaya.” 
“I can do it, Sam,” Shelby assured with a glance to Anya who was now looking at Sam with a guilty expression.
The two men stared each other down. Sam had to be the bravest man in all of Birmingham or the dumbest. All Anya knew was that this could end badly if she didn’t say something. She was going to lose her father, she couldn’t lose Sam too. “I’m her uncle,” he said. “I’ve known her since she was born, I will take care of her until the morning,” Sam stated again. 
“I can take care of my own fiancée, Sam,” Shelby said. “The engagement was today.” 
The look on Sam’s face was one of pure horror like he’d just gotten the worst news in his life. The horror in his brown eyes, the hurt, the betrayal. “Let me speak to you in your office,” Shelby responded. 
Reluctantly Sam went, and Anya and Shelby followed. Looking around the dark wooden room, the air smelt like stale cigarette smoke and booze, but there was no laughing, no talking, no dancing. Everyone except the three of them that is. 
They followed Sam into his office filled with photos of Anya and her five brothers throughout different life stages. Photos of Sam and her father when they were growing up. And photos of her mother smiling and laughing. The black and white photographs would never be able to capture her mother’s beauty. The beauty that Anya had inherited. The desk was filled with papers and weights, a typewriter sat in the back of the room, and a leather chair where Sam sat. 
Anya was laid on the couch by Shelby, who grabbed a blanket, pillow, and trash for her. “Get some rest, love,” Shelby said. 
“You’re not my mum!” She snarled. The urge to throw up came over her and she puked her guts into the trashcan. She felt sober now. Sam passed her a towel and she whipped her face, he then passed her some water and she drank. She nodded and got up. “I’d prefer to stay with Sam, Mr Shelby. If you don’t mind.”
“Your parents are worried sick,” Shelby stated. “And don’t call me—” 
She cut him off. “Then maybe my father should have thought of that before he sold me to you like I’m royalty. Yes, he’s sick, yes, he’s dying, but I’m still pissed at him for giving my life to you!” 
“I’ll take good care of her, Sam,” he said. “I can provide for her and I’ll be setting aside money for Gal and Noam that will take care of them for the rest of their lives. Chaya will be taken care of after ” 
“Is that what you said when you showed up to David’s place on Tuesday night?” He snarled. “He told me about your meeting. He was so horrified that he couldn’t even speak on the phone. I had to go over there. You’re taking advantage of a dying man, Thomas Shelby.” 
“Sam,” Anya pleaded. “Sam, please. I need you here, I’m losing my dad, I can’t lose my uncle.”  
“I’m not going to do anything to him, Anya,” he assured her. “What do you want with the Rosenthals?” He asked. “It can’t be because Abe saved your life in the trenches.” 
Anya perked up. That was news to her. She knew Shelby was a war hero and so was Abe. Anya knew that her brothers and the Shelby brothers served together, but she didn’t know Abe saved his life. She was young when they’d gone off to war but she remembered it being just her and her mother while the men were off. She remembered her mother praying every night that her boys would return home. God must’ve said ‘yes’ and her brothers and father returned home. She’d been at the ceremony when she was eleven seeing her brother get handed the medal. But he told her that it meant nothing to him, most of his friends hadn’t come back, and he was still haunted by what he’d seen in the Somme and Verdun. She knew Shelby felt the same way about it as well. She knew he did opium to forget in his past. He’d bought it from her father after all. 
“Don’t take advantage of them, Mr Shelby,” he said. “I was already terrified when I found out she was working in your brother’s pub.”  
“I have no interest in hurting her,” he said. “I can provide for her. I know you have money set aside for all of them in the case of your death, but that won’t amount to much. I can provide for her.” 
“How do you know that?” Sam asked shocked. 
“Because I know all the information on everyone who pays for protection from the Peaky Blinders,” he stated. “I know that you care for her, but I can provide for her.” 
“Is that what that Gypsy tongue of yours used on her ailing father?” he asked.
“He’s worried that she’s getting too wild and is in needing of marrying off,” Shelby responded. “Better me than someone else.” 
“The most I do is get drunk,” she sighed. “I don’t go crazy, I don’t do coke.” 
“You once went through half my vodka supply,” Sam said. 
“I haven’t—” 
“That was last week,” he said cutting her off. He turned to Shelby, his eyes now also filled with fear. This was his niece after all. “She’s out of control and you think you’re the one to pull her back?” 
“I’M A HUMAN BEING!” Anya roared tears staining her eyes. Sam passed her another glass of water. “I’m a human being. I’m not to be brought, I’m not a prize to be won, I’m not a piece of land. I’m a human being. A human!” 
Shelby led her back to the couch and put his hand in hers. “You are human, love,” Shelby said. “No one’s saying that!” 
 She jumped up and Shelby got up with her. “THE REST OF MY LIFE WAS SIGNED AWAY!” She hollered. “SIGNED AWAY TO YOU! RIGHT NOW, I’M THE PROPERTY OF MY FATHER, AFTER THE MARRIAGE, I’M YOUR PROPERTY. MY LAST NAME CHANGED, EVERYTHING ABOUT THE ROSENTHALS ERRASED AS I’M JUST KNOWN AS THOMAS SHELBY’S WIFE!” She pushed Shelby away. “Does anybody ever stop to think about me when they’re throwing my life to the wolves?” 
Shelby looked at her and sighed. “I understand where you’re coming from,” he said. “You won’t be cut off from your family.” 
She was shocked at what came out of Shelby’s mouth. He was assuring her that she wouldn’t be cut off from her family. She scoffed, she knew the answer. “You genuinely want this,” she laughed. Anya's laugh wasn’t one filled with humour that people called ‘infectious’. It was filled with shock and disbelief. “Good God, you want to go through with this. What happened, Mr Shelby,  at the Pub that made you want this?” 
“Your father got caught up in some business with the Blinders,” he told her. “You got caught in the crossfires.”
He grabbed Anya and led her out of the Pub. Uncle Sam was reluctant but didn’t object when she sent him a pleading look. And with that, she was on her way to her parents. Her mum was probably worried sick about her. 
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askfanandtesttube · 8 months ago
*fills test tube with whiskey*
H-Hey! T-That's not nice. Who let you do that? Wwhy js my visn getng blrry? I cnt relly se.e I shld soign thsi befor somethnig bad hapoens..,
-Test Tube
(OOC: haha she cant type! muahaha.)
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denizinmaviligineasikolan · 28 days ago
aranizda visneli cheesecake sevmeyen var mi
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