#viscount jungkook
taevjim · 1 month
Marrying the Viscount (m)
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𝓢𝓮𝓺𝓾𝓪𝓵 𝓽𝓸: Romancing the Viscount (m)
𝓟𝓪𝓲𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰: Viscount! Jungkook x Viscountess! female reader
𝓖𝓮𝓷𝓻𝓮: romance, angst (maybe?), smut
𝓢𝓾𝓶𝓶𝓪𝓻𝔂: You had finally found your place in society, not only succeeding from the challenge of being asked for your hand, but from none other than a Viscount. In your mind, you were ready for a husband the moment you were let out into society, but now that you had the very thing you've dreamed of since you were a girl, right at your fingertips, you weren't sure if you knew where you stood in life at the moment. Would you live happily ever after, or would the pressure of being a Viscountess be too much for you to handle?
It had been a full week since Jungkook had asked for your hand in marriage and you were ecstatic, to say the least. Although you were probably one of the happiest women of the ton, not only securing a man, but a Viscount, you still couldn't help the way your eyes wandered as you walked through the street. You were constantly wondering what people were saying of you, wondering if you could live up to the status of Jungkook, if you could get used to all eyes being on you at all times.
Of course you've confronted Jungkook with your troublesome thoughts and you admired the way he never failed at coaxing you with kind words, and reminding you of your worth. You had to admit, his words managed to put you at ease but it never lasted too long before you were back to overthinking, allowing your thoughts to consume your mind, almost taunting you every second of the day. It was torture.
The thoughts in your head tormented you relentlessly and with Jungkook trying his hardest to not only be the Viscount everyone so loved and adored, you didn't want to put the pressure of your doubts onto his shoulders as it might become too much for him to handle.
You've seemingly been accepted with open arms by Jungkook's absolute lovely family. The excitement on their faces warmed your heart once he announced your unexpected engagement before them, only minutes after the two of you devilishly committed such sin in his carriage the night of the first season's ball. You've spent so much time in your life feeling sorry for yourself and wondering what you could've been doing wrong, all the while the Viscount had his eyes set on you all along.
The success you've longed for since you were a child was right before your eyes, right at the edge of your fingertips, yet it was still a bit difficult to accept the reality before you. To become wed to the Viscount, it meant more responsibilities piled onto your shoulders. Not only the responsibilities of being Jungkook's wife, but the responsibilities of becoming the Viscountess that this wedding would embark upon you.
In no way were you doubting the marriage, or doubting Jungkook. You love Jungkook with the entirety of your heart and you were practically itching for the wedding to get here so you could call him your husband. However, the doubt you had in yourself was beginning to weigh you down and the fear of drowning becoming a challenge you were afraid to face.
You currently sat at Jungkook's desk as you write in your journal, spilling your emotions out onto the pages as if they could listen to you and speak back. Writing had become a small part of your life in the past week, you deciding it would be best for you to write your thoughts down, instead of bombarding Jungkook with the trouble.
Glancing up at the clock, you sigh as you realize he still wasn't home. He had gone out for a bit of a hunting trip with the other Lords, all while his mother decided to take his two sisters shopping. She invited you to come along with them, which you politely declined, telling her you had some work to catch up on. In truth, you've been a bit skittish to step foot out in public without Jungkook by your side. He made you feel protected and secure with his presence, a presence you were undoubtedly addicted to.
Perhaps you were being a bit selfish choosing to lock yourself in his chambers as you cry to yourself on the pages of a journal. You had everything you've ever wanted, even more so than what you originally expected, and it seemed as though you still weren't happy. You've never really been faced with these type of hardships in your life, not while there was love involved, at-least.
You close your journal, deciding you were tired of pitying yourself for the day, and you stand to head out into town. You knew Jungkook's mother was probably at the modiste with her two daughters, for their debuts were coming up very soon and she needed to get them prepared for the time to come. You figured you would meet them there, suddenly feeling a little foolish for declining the invite of your presence.
The walk to the modiste was very quick, since it wasn't but only a block down the street. Besides, the weather was exceptionally nice today so you didn't mind and you needed the fresh air anyway.
"Oh my dear y/n, I'm so pleased to see you!" Jungkook's mother pleasantly greets you as you walk into the stop, wasting no time to rush over and land a kiss on your cheek.
You smile and slightly bow before following her over into the fitting room where her oldest daughter, Liliana, stood before the mirror. She was wearing an exceptionally elegant gown, a contagious smile on her face as she scanned over the fabric.
"It's beautiful," you compliment as you enter, earning an appreciative smile in return.
"Please, please come sit." Jungkook's mother rushes you over and sits you down on the sofa next to her, "Anna is up next. I think you'll absolutely love what she picked."
Jungkook's mother was always such a pleasure to be around. Although you've only known her a short time, you've never seen her with a sour face. You could tell she completely adored her children and raised them to the best of her ability. You felt complete admiration towards the woman as you watched the way she interacted with the two girls. They were incredibly lucky to have such a caring mother.
"Ohhh that is very pretty," you gush as Anna steps up onto the platform, giving a slight twirl to show off the gorgeous piece of clothing. She claps her hands in excitement, obviously very pleased with Madam Claire's work. She was a very talented modiste, after all.
Your future mother-in-law turns to you, capturing your hands into her own all while flashing you a beautiful smile, "I also have a surprise for you, my dear." Your eyebrows raise slightly at her confession and you turn to see Claire carrying a breathtaking burgundy colored gown into the room.
The color was so pleasing to the eye, making it difficult for you to move your gaze elsewhere. The bodice was a lacey material with a few crystals scattered about the surface, paired with mesh fabric sleeves that hung off the shoulders, and a slimming cotton skirt that cascaded down to the floor. For a moment you were speechless, completely taken off guard that Jungkook's mother would make such a kind gesture to have a gown made for you.
You turn to her, shock and appreciation written across your face. "Mrs. Jeon, this is for me?" you ask.
She lets out a small laugh and carefully reaches over to move a piece of hair from your face. "You are my future daughter-in-law," she states, "You mean so much to my son which means you mean a lot to me as well and you make him very happy. I wanted to show you some appreciation for being so wonderful."
Her words almost make you tear up and then you begin to feel awful for not coming along when she invited you out this morning. You were too busy moping about your, now, perfect life. In that very moment, you decided it was time for you to stop thinking of all the negatives regarding your future wedding, and start appreciating the positives.
"You are such an amazing woman, Ms. Jeon. Thank you." You slightly squeeze her hands that were still resting in your own and she quickly pats your shoulder, urging for you to stand.
"What are you waiting for?" she asks, "I want to see you try it on."
You didn't need to be told twice. You quickly spring to your feet and step up onto the platform, allowing Claire to help you change into the dress.
The dress was already stunning on it's own, but once you saw it on yourself, you couldn't believe a piece of clothing could make you feel and look so desirable. It fit like a glove and your heart warmed once again when you realized how thoughtful it was for Jungkook's mother to make sure she got your measurements perfectly without you noticing.
"Breathtaking," she claps her hands enthusiastically, clearly proud of herself for gifting you such a perfect gown.
"Now," she announces, standing to her feet, "We should start getting ready for tonight's ball."
Once the four of you exit the modiste and start the short walk back to the Jeon house, you begin making small conversation with Mrs. Jeon.
"Were you ever nervous?" you question, "About becoming Viscountess, I mean."
The corners of her lips upturn in the slightest way at your question, almost as if she was expecting for the two of you to speak about the subject at some point. She lets out a small sigh and hooks her arm through yours as you stroll.
"Of course I was nervous," she starts, "I didn't come from a wealthy family and it was quite difficult for me to make it into society. It took four seasons before I married and I was undoubtedly very discouraged."
Your eyes slightly widen at her statement. She was admittedly a gorgeous woman, probably more so in her younger years, so the thought of her having such trouble finding a husband was quite hard for you to believe.
"I can tell you're nervous," she continues, "But I don't want you to allow those feelings to overcome you too terribly. You will become an astounding Viscountess."
You feel reassured at her words, but you would be lying if you said the statement completely washed all of your worries away. However, you didn't feel alone. Learning that Mrs. Jeon struggled in society just like you have, comforted you in a way. It may have taken her four seasons to find a husband, but she married a Viscount and not only became an amazing Viscountess, but an extraordinary mother and woman.
"What troubles you?" she asks as she notices you staring off into the distance. You didn't want to dump all of your feelings onto her at once, but you realized she was the only one you were close to that understood the challenges that you were facing.
"I'm afraid," you admit, "I feel as though I've been looked down upon for so much of my life and I don't want to mess up. Truthfully, I don't know what I am doing."
You notice as the two of you arrive in front of the house and watch as Liliana and Anna rush inside, likely going to greet their brother, who should be home by now. You loiter behind with Mrs. Jeon and follow to sit beside her at a bench in front of the square.
"Honey, it's okay to not know what you are doing. How can anyone expect you to? Everything is new to you and I understand how overwhelming you must be feeling with your current situation. Jungkook will never fail you, nor will I. Don't be afraid to come and talk to one of us when it begins to feel too much, otherwise you'll suffocate from your own feelings." She caresses the back of your head as she speaks, and her words cause a wave of comfort to crash over your body.
"You're right," you admit. You smile at the woman before you, slightly leaning in closer to her touch. Having a mother figure in your life was proving to be very solacing, as you were ripped from that opportunity at a very young age.
"You know, when I married Jungkook's father, I had thoughts of leaving him." Her confession vaguely shocks you, not being prepared for those words to leave her lips. She slightly chuckles at your reaction, but continues speaking.
"I never thought I was good enough to be blessed with such a nobleman, much less to become a Viscountess. I struggled greatly in the beginning and I was ashamed to feel such a way, but I realized he needed me just as much as I needed him and I realized that he chose me for a reason. He saw things in me that I failed to see in myself and with his partnership and his love, I was able to become the woman that I currently am." Her touching words bring a tear to your eye and being the loving, yet caring woman she is, she reaches over to wipe it away before it falls.
"My son chose you for a reason," she says, "And I wholeheartedly trust his judgement that he has made an exceptional choice. It's okay to feel the things that you do, but I hope you can learn to put those feelings at bay before they consume your entire being."
You don't respond, partly because you don't really know what to say, but also because you can't trust that you can utter a single word without bursting to tears into her arms. She was probably the strongest woman you've met thus far and you wanted to make her proud.
"I hope you realize how much this talk truly means to me." Your words come out in a whisper, and once again she smiles at you with such adoration behind her eyes.
"I see the woman that you are and I know for certain you will make this family proud. You need not worry for how people will look at you, or what some may say as you walk by. You have a Viscount and not many can say that. You also have a pure soul and an impenetrable character. Promise me that you will come to me if you ever need anything." Her eyes sparkle so subtly as she utters such touching words, proving to you she truly meant what she was telling you.
You nod at her request and she plants a tender kiss upon your cheek before gently pulling you to stand from the bench. "Now let's go find my son and see what he's been up to."
The next couple days pass by in a blur, for all you could think about was your wedding. It was only three days away and although you were still quite nervous, the happiness you felt in your heart outweighed all the negative feelings you've had the past week or so.
Jungkook knew how you were feeling and he couldn't blame you for the emotions you've dealt with. He knew it was hard for you and he did an exceptional job at helping you any way he could, in fact, the two of you never really stayed home too much. Every day, almost the same time on the dot, you watched his carriage pull up in front of your home, ready to take you on whatever adventure had called on your names.
He had taken you to a number of places , whether it be out of town to some of the most popular theaters in neighboring cities, or a simple walk to the park so the two of you can read together and share your ideas on what lies in the next chapters to come. You had come to the conclusion a long time ago that he was a great man, but knowing him the way you did now made you fall more in love as the days pass.
You sit in the bay window of your home, a book in hand as you read the passages in front of you, occasionally giggling at something ridiculous one of the fictional characters said. You had plans to get a head start, as it was a book Jungkook had picked for both of you to read; you of course wanting to get further into the story before he did. It became almost a challenge between the two of you to see how many chapters the other could read before your next outing. It was a little childish, really.
The sounds of horses approaching draws your attention away from the pages and you look down to see Jungkook hop out of the carriage, immediately focusing his gaze upon you. A smile graces your lips and you hop up with an urgency, practically running downstairs so you could greet your fiancé.
Dana shakes her head, a playful smile across her face as she witnesses the pure puppy love you and the Viscount had shared. When you had broken the news to her that you were to be married, she was over the moon for you, the purest form of joy took over her as she had embraced you in a loving hug.
"I knew it would be your season. All that worrying you did for no reason," she had whispered to you that night, pulling you to sit with her so you could tell her all about it. You didn't spare the details either, trusting that you could tell Dana all about the time you had shared with the Viscount and not have to worry of her judging you.
"Please don't slip!" she calls after you as you dart down the stairs.
You don't waste a single second as you approach the front door and swing it open to reveal the most handsome man before you, the man you would soon get to call your husband.
His face lights up as he sees you and he pulls you into a comforting embrace, planting his pillowy soft lips upon yours in a quick kiss. "Are you ready?" he asks as he pulls away and scans your attire from head to toe.
Dana had styled your hair in a casual but classy updo, making sure to allow a few hairs to fall from the sides so they could frame your face in the most appealing manner. Your body was also adorned in a pretty pale green dress, one of your favorites of your collection as you adored the way it fit your body so snug, yet still allowing you great comfort.
Jungkook struggled to take his eyes off you, almost not believing that he finally had you after years of yearning for the woman that you are. He almost groaned at the way you looked up at him through your beautifully dark lashes, the look in your eyes almost challenging him to pounce on you right then and there. It was becoming much harder for him to control himself around you these days and most of his thoughts were consumed with the day you'll finally be married, so that he didn't have to hold himself back during such circumstances.
You say a quick farewell to Dana and hook your arm through Jungkook's so he can lead you towards his carriage. The two of you had made a quick trip back to his house, where he decides the plans for today would consist of a horse ride to the fields and a picnic.
You were practically buzzing with excitement, not having been able to ride in quite some time. In truth, you had been practically itching to get out into fresh air and enjoy the beautiful nature of the season. It warmed your heart to know how thoughtful Jungkook was to remember all the things you were interested in, doing everything he could to see your smile. It also felt nice to know you would be having some much needed alone time with the man, as the two of you hadn't had much luck for such an opportunity the last couple days.
The weather was perfect, the sky a captivating color of blue, and the breeze so subtle that your skin yearned for more of the feeling. You and Jungkook were sat under a tree, occasionally feeding each other the various fruits and sandwiches he had packed for the two of you.
You had giggled at a thought that suddenly ran across your mind and you pick up a singular grape, slightly scooting back a couple inches. "Open," you playfully demand.
He just chuckles at your obvious giddiness and opens his mouth, watching as you ready yourself to make the shot. You accidentally overthrow the small fruit, causing it to bounce off of his nose and land in the grass. Within seconds, you've fallen over onto your side, a fit of giggles escaping from your belly.
"Oh you think it's funny?" he questions, playfully offended that you would laugh about pelting him in the face with a fruit.
He rises to his knees and scoots closer to you to begin attacking your sides with his fingers, attracting more high-pitched giggles from your body. He begins to chuckle himself, watching as you squirm under his touch, only stopping when he deems his punishment was enough. You rise back into a sitting position, slightly breathing heavily as you make the conscious decision to pick up another grape and throw it at him.
This time it bounces off his forehead and you quickly stand to your feet and take off across the field, knowing he was most likely right behind you, chasing you down.
"Get back here, you little brat!" You hear him right behind you and you let out a squeal, attempting to pick your feet up faster.
"Nooo! You stay away!" You squeal again, refusing to look behind you because you knew he was right on your heels.
Before you know it, you feel his grip on your wrist and your foot slightly catches the bottom of your dress, causing the two of you to tumble into the grass. You're back to giggling furiously as his fingers attack your midsection once again, punishing you for your childish actions.
"This is what you wanted huh? You wanted me to punish you, didn't you?" he teases, his fingers in your sides not letting up, causing numerous high-pitched squeals to launch from your throat.
"Okay okay I'm sorry!" you accept defeat and he stops torturing you, not yet moving from his position atop of your figure.
You lay there under his weight, breathing as if you've just run a marathon and you look up at him. The playful gleam in his eyes is gone and replaced with a look of desire as he analyzes your features. Half of your hair has made it's way out of the pins that were meant to hold it together, and the strands lay displayed across the grass around your head. Your cheeks a deep pink, from all of the running and laughing you've done. Your lips were rid of the gloss you once wore from the many kisses Jungkook has stolen from you throughout your picnic date.
His eyes jump back and forth between your own, soon slowly making their way down to your chest. It rose and fell, as you lay out of breath, and he can't help but notice the way the tops of your breasts just barely spilled over the edge of your bodice. You were a sight for sore eyes and he could look at you for hours, never becoming bored.
He can't resist the urge to kiss you, so he leans down to mold his mouth onto your own. He can taste the strawberries you've consumed only moments prior, urging him to kiss you deeper as he chases more of the taste on your tongue. Immediately, you can feel pure heat flood down to your core, a whimper softly rolling off of your tongue and onto his own. He could feel his control slowly beginning to slip from his grasp, which causes him to slowly pull away from you before the thought of taking you right here in the field consumes him.
You let out a low whine, slightly disappointed that he was no longer touching you the way you craved. He reluctantly stands to his feet and outstretches a rather large hand into your direction, aiding you to stand on your own feet as well. The silence between the two of you was entirely too loud and the tension was a thick presence in the contrasting light breeze that rolled through the air.
Once you both make your way back over to the tree, the two of you begin to pack up your belongings. You catch sight of a couple grapes scattered across the grass and you can't stop the giggle that releases from the confinements of your throat. He lets out a chuckle of his own and shakes his head.
"You are going to be the death of me, y/n." The sound of your name rolling off of his tongue causes a blush to rise to your cheeks. He takes a step closer to you, carefully removing a leaf that had been stuck in your hair before he shoves it in your face to tickle the tip of your nose. You giggle at his actions and swat his hand away.
"Well you better get ready, Mr. Viscount because soon you will be stuck with me for the rest of your life," you teasingly stick your tongue at him and he quickly scoops you up into his arms, the sound of your giggles blessing his ears once again.
With a quick spin and loving kiss pressed to your lips, he sets you atop of the horse and pats your thigh over the material of your dress.
"I sure hope so," he says, a smile stretched across his pretty face, "I wouldn't ever dream of having it any other way."
He grabs your hand and raises it to his lips to place a soft kiss upon your skin before retreating to hop up onto his own horse so the two of you can make the short journey back to Jeon house.
As you ride back, taking in the beautiful flowers that stretch across the field and watch as the rabbits hop around the plush, green grass, you turn to see Jungkook's eyes already upon you. In that moment, you realize you've never been more happy and you couldn't wait for what the future had in store for you.
The day of your wedding was upon you and you were proud to say you didn't have an ounce of nervousness in your body. All of the negative feelings you once harbored inside of you had seemed to vanish, as if they were never there to begin with. The only feeling you had now was one of excitement. You had been dreaming of this day for years since you were just a girl, and now it was finally here, almost whispering into your ear that you deserved this. You deserved to be successful and marry a high ranking nobleman who accepts you as you are, not wishing to change a thing about you.
You were in love, and although just two weeks ago you had only spoken to the Viscount for the first time ever, you wouldn't dare change a single thing about the day you met. You may not have spoken to each other until that day but the two of you longed for each other in silence for years prior, making this very moment even more sweet and victorious for you both.
You stood in the fitting room of the modiste, just staring at yourself for only a few moments which felt like a lifetime. You just couldn't believe the sight before you. The sight before you being the very reflection of yourself, sporting your dream wedding gown, realizing that there was no possible way it could've ever looked more perfect.
Your dress was quite poofy compared to the style you usually wore and the detail that danced down the fabric of your skirt was certainly difficult to look away from, the train becoming your favorite part of the dress as it stretched out a couple feet behind you. You went with quite wide mesh sleeves that hung off the shoulder, which left plenty of room between your skin and the material. The bodice was a similar material of the skirt with even more detail and crystals that were embedded to the fabric.
Claire and Jungkook's mother were both staring at you in awe as they stood to the side and locked hands with each other, seemingly proud of the sight before them. You really didn't know what to say, your words stuck in the pit of your gut, not able to make their way up to the barrier of your lips.
"This dress," Mrs. Jeon breathes out, "It was absolutely made for you, darling."
You shoot an appreciative smile in her direction, trying your very hardest not to start crying. You didn't want to ruin your makeup before you were able to get married.
"It's everything I've ever dreamed of wearing on my wedding day," you finally find the words to speak. You then turn to Claire and clutch your hands to your chest, "You have made a dream come true for me. I don't know how I could possibly thank you enough."
She comes over to stand next to you, a prideful smile stretched across her glossy lips. "How about you thank me by marrying that man and becoming the Viscountess that you were born to be."
You quickly embrace her in a hug and place a heavy kiss upon her cheek before pulling away.
"Oh!" she exclaims, "One more thing."
She suddenly disappears around the corner before emerging once more with a veil held between her fingers.
"If you are to be married, we certainly can't forget this," she says before sliding the clip into your hair and positioning the material in it's rightful place. She then circles around to stand in front of you, carefully pulling two strands of your hair from behind your shoulders to place over each side of your chest.
Now you really looked like a bride and if you had to admit, this was a reality you could see yourself getting used to rather quickly.
Once you've deemed yourself ready, you step off of the platform and stand before Mrs. Jeon. "I would especially like to thank you," you start, "For being there for not only myself, but your son as well. I can tell that he adores you with every fiber in his body and i wholeheartedly trust his judgement that he's made an exceptional choice with making you my mother-in-law."
You utter the same words as she spoke to you that day outside of her home. Her heart melts at the realization and she pulls you into a comforting hug. "Thank you, dearest, for showing me another reason why I'm thankful to not have let my emotions get the best of me all those years ago."
She pulls away slightly, her hands now resting on your shoulders as she tenderly kisses your cheek. "Now," she announces, "I believe we have a wedding to get to."
The three of you quickly exit the shop, Claire deciding to close down for the day so she can be there for your special moment, and you all hop into the carriage that awaits for you outside.
The whole way to the church, the two women are messing with the fabric of your dress, moving a few pieces there and a few pieces here. You could tell they wanted this day to be just as perfect as you did and you couldn't have been more thankful.
As you arrive, you could feel your nerves kicking into overdrive, the urge to fidget with your fingers getting the best of you. Your feelings go unnoticed by Mrs. Jeon and she reaches over to rest a warm hand atop of yours, stopping your nervous tendencies.
"Everything will be okay," she whispers, "I'm right here. I'm not going anywhere." Her words manage to sooth you and you take a deep breath, nodding your head. Her and Claire both help you out of the carriage, immediately making sure everything was in place before they gave the signal that you were ready.
Since you had no male relatives, you had made a request upon your engagement to have Jungkook's mother walk you down the isle. Of course she accepted, had feeling honored that you would assign her with such a special task. You had become so close to her now that you really couldn't picture it being anyone else to hand you off to her son.
Claire sneakily makes her way inside the church before you so she can get situated before the doors were to be opened.
Mrs. Jeon holds her arm out to you, to which you don't hesitate to take and hook your fingers into the crease of her elbow. She sends you yet another encouraging smile and you decide that you are ready.
The doors are suddenly opened for you and you remind yourself to breathe before the two of you begin your walk inside of the church. Any conversation that was had between your guests quickly silenced as you were revealed. The church was packed to the brim as no one wanted to miss the event of the Viscount becoming married and you quickly realized that all the looks of admiration were no longer aimed towards him, but towards you.
You shut your eyes for a quick moment, trying to stop them from nervously wandering, and as you open them again you are met with the site of your lovely Viscount standing at the alter. The look in his eyes was one of pure adoration, his graze not straying for a second, taking in all the glory of his future Viscountess.
As always, his tight-waisted skirt coat fit his figure to perfection and you had to prevent the whine that threatened to spill from your lips at the sight of him. You couldn't believe in mere moments you were to be his wife, the thought almost driving you insane.
You could feel everyone's eyes glued to you, impossible for anyone to look away. You looked like you had blossomed straight out of a fairytale from a storybook and you felt pride swell in your chest knowing that you had finally captured the eyes of the ton.
As you get to the end of the stretch, Mrs. Jeon places a soft kiss upon your cheek and hands you off to Jungkook, who reaches out to you immediately. You're finally standing face to face with him, his eyes wildly move across your face, completely starstruck at the beauty that stood before him. He's always thought you were beautiful, but seeing you in this moment was one he knew he surely would never forget as long as he lives.
The two of you can't take your eyes off of each other through the entirety of the service. It was as if the two of you were speaking a thousand words to one another all while your lips didn't move an inch. These were the moments you lived for. The moments where you could tell exactly what he was thinking, a single word not have been spoken.
You could feel his thumbs carefully tracing the smooth skin of the top of your hands, a touch so small that still managed to ignite a fire inside of you.
Soon, the words "You may kiss your bride." reaches your ears and Jungkook wastes no time pulling you in and locking his lips to yours in urgency. Everyone in the church cheers, standing to clap for you. The excitement that roars between the four walls of the church eggs you on to cup Jungkook's face, keeping his lips on yours for just a few moments more.
Finally, the two of you turn to the crowd and you can't help but notice the pure joy on everyone's faces as they now lay their eyes upon their Viscount and Viscountess.
Immediately after your wedding, Jungkook had his carriage ready to take the two of you to Italy for your honeymoon. You were thoroughly shocked, having wanted to go to Italy for so long, now you get to share the experience with your husband.
The journey was exceptionally long, but as you arrived in the streets of Venice, you couldn't take your eyes from the breathtakingly structured buildings scattered throughout the city.
Jungkook sits back in his seat, admiring how happy you looked. He thought it was adorable the way you pointed at something in passing with such excitement, urging him to look at what your sights had fallen upon. Venice was a gorgeous city undoubtedly, but as his eyes lingered over you, he couldn't imagine anything that was more gorgeous.
You've arrived at the hostel the two of you would be staying in and you stared up at the building in awe as you stepped out of the carriage. The weather felt much cooler against your skin and you shivered in delight, leaning your head back to breathe in the Italian air.
You both quickly make your way inside, Jungkook carrying both of your suitcases in either hand. He had refused to allow you to carry your own, so you trail behind him as you ascend up the staircase to the floor where your room would be.
The room was very spacious, already knowing that Jungkook most likely booked one of the best rooms they had. A king sized canopy bed sat to the left of the room against the wall, the bedposts extending so high, they almost reached the ceiling. A quite large bookshelf sat to the right of the room and your eyes trail up, taking in the rows and rows of books all the way up to the ceiling. There were also two chairs that sat on either side of the bookshelf and a lamp positioned in the middle, allowing a comforting setting to be able to sit and read a book. Lastly, an elegant patterned sofa sat against the wall straight ahead, next to a cherrywood desk.
The picture frames that covered the walls were photos that were taken of the city, each just as breathtaking as the other. You had never traveled as long as you've been alive, so you felt like a princess in such a wonderful location of the world. You were beyond grateful.
You don't notice that Jungkook had already set your things down, as you were too busy gawking at the beauty that was your shared bedroom for the week. Jungkook has traveled more times than he could count, so he was pretty accustomed to Italy by this point. He was more interested in looking at you, watching the way you made your way around the room, your eyes floating around the walls where different pictures of the city hung.
He slowly walks over to you, sliding his arms around your waist from behind. Your attention was no longer on the photos as you become focused on his touch. You close your eyes as he gently moves your hair from your shoulder, leaning down to press his warm lips against your skin. A sigh of relief escapes your lips and you bask in the feeling that was him.
His hands grip your hips, turning you around so that you now faced him. You had to look up at him due to the height difference and your arms take their place around his shoulders.
"You're so beautiful," he whispers, his eyes not once leaving yours.
You feel your cheeks get hot at his compliment and he wastes no time, bringing a hand to rest on your neck before he leans down to capture your lips into a kiss. His kisses were always so soft, so warm, and so addicting. You would never get tired of the feeling his kisses brought upon your being.
He seemingly becomes desperate, for the taste of you always drives him mad. He's tried so hard not to lose control around you, wanting to wait until you were wed before he does the things he's been yearning to do. Now that he had you, just the two of you alone, he couldn't hold back anymore.
A squeal of surprise leaves you as he lifts you into his arms, walking over to lie you down on the edge of the bed. You look up at him through your lashes and he groans at the sight. Out of everything that he desired about you, your eyes were the one thing that could bring him to his knees with just one glance.
His eyes trace over your form as you lay before him. He takes you in as if this were the last time he would ever see you and he finds it incredibly difficult to draw his gaze away. He quickly notices the way your dress pools around the middle of your thighs, your legs slightly spread to accommodate his form which stood between them.
A slight gasp escapes your lips as he carefully traces a finger across the skin of your thigh and he watches with hunger how his touch leaves goosebumps in it's path. You were just as crazy for him as he was for you and somehow, that thought drove him even more insane.
"Please," you whisper, begging, "Please touch me. I need you."
His eyes snap back up to your face and you shudder at the pure want that reflects from his irises.
Wasting no more time, he leans down into the crook of your neck, leaving wet kisses across your flesh until he reaches the shell of your ear, whispering oh so slowly, "I'm going to show you how much I love you, my pretty Viscountess."
His words leave you utterly desperate and you already knew your undergarments were rightfully ruined. You shudder once again at the feeling of his hand disappearing underneath your dress, immediately touching you where you needed him most. He smirks into your neck at the sounds that fall from your mouth out of your control, and the way you grip the back of his neck hopelessly gives him the permission he needs to sink two of his deliciously thick fingers into your core.
"Oh god," you breathe out, your back slightly arching off of the sheets.
"Relax for me, my love." You listen to his gentle words and allow your legs to fall open further, giving him more access to your body. He slowly drags his fingers against your inner walls, praising you for your obedience, "Such a good girl."
Your mouth falls open and your eyes shut momentarily as he reaches even deeper inside of you, drawing the most beautiful sounds from your chest.
He pulls away reluctantly, not ignoring the whine that you make as he does so. He carefully pulls you into a seated position and reaches behind you to unclasp the back of your dress. Your eyes stay on him, not faltering for even a moment as he pulls the material from your body, leaving you in your corset, your undergarments, and your stockings.
A growl is stuck in his throat, threatening to be released as his eyes take you in, having yet to have seen you in this way. As if a flip is switched inside of him, he rushes forward to capture your lips in a heated kiss. He doesn't miss the way your tongue darts from your lips and past his own, relishing in the warmness that his mouth provides you. His hands begin to make quick work of untying the back of your corset, loosening it just enough for him to slide it down your body.
The sight of your breasts almost make him choke. He'd never seen anything more beautiful. They looked so soft and smooth, he was dying to just touch them.
He gives into his thoughts and reaches forward, enveloping both of your breasts into his large hands and he groans at the way your soft, supple flesh felt beneath his fingers. His fingers gently pinch one of your pink nipples, causing your body to jerk so slightly. He copies his actions to your other nipple. smirking when he gets the same reaction from you twice.
Momentarily, he moves his attention down to your undergarments and wastes no time in sliding them off your legs. He decides to leave your stockings on, quite enjoying the way they looked on you.
You take notice of the fact that you were fully naked beneath him, yet he stood fully clothed. You sit up slightly, running your hands up and over the fabric of his coat until you reach the top button, popping it open with ease. He looks down at you as you unbutton the rest, never taking your eyes off of his, and sliding his coat from his shoulders.
Your fingers slide down to the waistband of his pants and you begin to pull the cotton fabric of his shirt from it's confines, then sliding it up his chest. He moderately lifts his arms so you could pull his shirt from his body completely, your eyes falling to his abdomen. You drink in the creamy tone of his skin and his muscles that have been hidden from your eyes all this time.
He takes it upon himself to practically rip the buttons to his pants open, pushing them down his legs in a rush, his underwear soon accepting the same fate. You can't help the way your eyes trail down his body and landing on the hardness that has been kept at bay underneath the fabric of his breeches.
Your mouth begins to water at the sight, not able to stop yourself from reaching forward and taking him into your hand. You moan at how heavy it feels, wanting nothing more than to pleasure him the way he had done for you.
At the feeling of you beginning to run your hand down his length, he abruptly stops you.
"As much as I'd love to feel your cute little hands pleasuring me, I need you." The look in his eyes are pleading you and you bite your lip at the sight. What a man, you think to yourself.
He falls atop of you once more, connecting his lips to yours and moaning at the taste of your mouth. Your fingers find their way into the silky locks of his hair and he groans into your mouth at the feeling. You could feel the weight of his length pressed against your core, slightly rubbing at any sudden movement, and it drew so many more sounds from your body. Sounds that he needed to keep hearing. He never wanted to stop hearing the sounds you make for him.
He pulls away, keeping his eyes on yours as he reaches down to position himself upon your entrance. You didn't know what to expect for what was to come, but you knew you were ready. You were more than ready for him.
A gasp falls from your mouth as he, very slowly, pushes inside of you. The sting was definitely there, but your want for him was so intense that any feeling of discomfort was gone within seconds and soon you were desperately whimpering for him to give you more.
He lets out a grunt, squeezing his eyes closed at the feeling you provided him. You were so warm, and tight, and he felt at home as he buried himself inside the walls of your body.
"Please," you beg him, "More. I need more."
His head falls to the crook of your neck and his hips begin to move against yours, pulling out only just enough until he's diving back inside of you again. The moans that slip from your lips cause his movements to increase and your legs to tighten around his waist.
"God I love you," he grunts into your ear, "So fucking perfect." You moan even louder at his words, your core tightening around him.
One of his hands reach up to cup your breast, the feelings of his fingers playing with your nipple heightening your senses more than you thought possible. Your back arches, pushing your chest into his grip further.
He continues touching you, rolling your nipple between his fingers, growing desperate to hear more of the sounds you make for him. You don't disappoint as another moan escapes you and the pace of his thrusting increases.
There's a familiar feeling building in your core and the grip you have on the back of his neck tightens. His kisses trail from your neck to the underside of your chin and eventually back up to your mouth. You kiss him back hungrily and you dig the heels of your feet into his lower back, pushing him deeper inside of you.
He grips the sheets beside your head and pulls away so he can look at you. He wanted to see the faces you make when you fall apart beneath him, a sight that was more beautiful than anything he'd ever witnessed in his life.
"Look at me, darling," he says, reaching up to softly grip your chin.
You open your eyes and look up at him through your lashes. This was what he wanted to see. He wanted to see your eyes; to look into your soul and watch the way these intense feelings you shared swam around in your irises.
The intensity with which you looked at him caused that oh so familiar euphoric feeling to begin building inside of him as well. He was a weak man when he looked into your eyes. Your eyes were surely going to push him to the edge.
His thrusts grow faster and harder, causing your mouth to fall open and your fingers to bury themselves into the plush skin of his back. That feeling inside of you grows more and more and you feel as though your head may spin off of your shoulders any second.
It only takes a few more of his thrusts and you feel as though you're floating beneath him. Your eyes never leave his and his name slips from your lips over and over, your thighs then tightening around his waist, your core tightening around him even more so. The way you're looking up at him, the way your walls squeeze him so tightly, and the beautiful sounds that fall from your lips cause him to lose all control he's ever had.
His large hands grip your hips and his face falls into the juncture of your shoulder followed by his deep moans releasing from his chest, all the while his pleasure releases inside of you.
You feel breathless, yet wonderful as you hold each other.
Both of you slowly come down from the pleasurable high you simultaneously shared, the room suddenly feeling very warm. Jungkook places a few more kisses down your shoulder and back up again until he reaches your lips. Your lips join in a kiss that lasts for a few slow moments, the two of you basking in the feeling of each other.
He slowly pulls away and looks at you with an endearing gaze as he pushes a strand of your hair behind your ear.
"I love you," he whispers.
Your heart swells and the corner of your lips raise before you lean back in, stealing another kiss.
"I love you too," you whisper back and run your fingers down the side of his handsome face.
For the rest of the night, the two of you lie in bed, limbs tangled and your hearts full. You no longer felt nervous or scared of what was to come in your future, for all you needed was your Viscount and the love he has never hesitated to give you. The fear and anxiousness you felt all melted away as you look over at the man who you got to share the rest of your life with.
Marrying the Viscount was the best thing to have ever happened to you.
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saninthebuilding · 11 months
main masterlist! ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
BTS ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
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❤️‍🩹 i need you more than i want to (716) ❤️‍🩹 with you (827) ❤️‍🩹 you will be my world (983) ❤️‍🩹 my hero (1k) ❤️‍🩹 i want to walk this path with you (2.1k)
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❤️‍🩹 it's your golden hour (2.8k)
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❤️‍🩹 forever you and i (935)
ANIME ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
💥 bakugo katsuki: it's actually pretty easy being nice, to a bitter boy like him (2.2k) 💥 bakugo katsuki: i got you (1k) 🥦 midoriya izuku: trust me, okay? (1k)
FICTIONAL CHARACTERS ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
👑 cardan greenbriar: sheathed swords and stupid faces (2.5k) 🧥 viscount tewkesbury: when the rain pours, it dries
MISCELLANEOUS ﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
🔪 enemies to lovers write-up: it was always you (384)
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candywife333 · 4 months
F*** The Pyramid
Genre : Historical
PAIRING : yandere-ish Duke Jungkook x spinster social pariah chubby y/n
Inspired loosely by the Pyramid Games (kdrama which you guys should totally check out) and a novel called ,"The Captain's Wallflower"
Warning: This fic has minimal to no proofreading and the usual blend of outlandish comedy , crude jokes with expletives, smut, and angst (because I can't do without it). This is purely fiction and not a representation of the real Jungkook's true character or that of any other member of BTS.
Currently a trilogy ( thinking of making it a series with all other characters of BTS)
Summary: Duke Jung kook remained the quintessential peer of the realm, born with a platinum spoon in his mouth from the day he arrived into the world. He grew up playing a massive role in determining the structure of the social hierarchy----who gets to be the diamond of the water, the most eligible bachelor (other than himself of course), and.....who gets to be at the bottom of the pyramid ;the very dregs of society, the spinsters and ruined women who would never have a chance at a better life.
His bevy of associates all wealthy and powerful comprised of ; Marquess Taehyung, Baron Jimin, Viscount Yoongi, Viscount Hoseok, and Duke Namjoon (close advisor of the king)--formed the Pantheon (a group of wealthy and powerful men that ruled England). He lived the ideal life, the envy of all others..... or so he had thought. Till he met, Spinster Y/N--- the illegitimate daughter of Baron Stanton. They say, if she looks like a spinster, smells like a spinster (of lavender and epsom salt) , and tastes like a spinster ( though who would ever choose to taste one?) ----then she must be one. But something about Y/N was peculiar. She definitely seemed to be a spinster in name and mannerism. But was she truly one? And what was she hiding?
Cameos: Hwasa (my queen), Chungha, and many others
Part 2
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I yawned again. And again. And again. Munched on a croissant. And then proceeded to...yawn again. So boring. I would never deign to come down to London for a Season ever again. That was the only modicum of comfort I was looking forward to. Never showing up here again. The scene would never change, so what was the point? Aunt Alyssa, my mother's older sister, had insisted that I accompany Solji to her debutante season----where she would be introduced to all the other pompous, rich, uninteresting, vapid members of the ton. So she could find an uninteresting, rich husband to marry who would inevitably cheat on her with a mistress and she could pretend to be happy and have his ugly nonsensical big headed babies pushed out of her vagina and die....eventually. I know, my view of the ton and life amongst them is anything other than comforting. Yet after watching so many seasons go by, sitting on my bench (I called it my PERCH) like a cockatoo at the rotten old age of 26, my views were firmly engraved into stone. Nobody could convince me otherwise.
The entire point of the ton's existence was enforcing social hierarchy. There was no other point. True friendships are meager and rare, sanctity of marriage has no meaning ( with affairs flourishing abundantly in dark corners of Vauxhall ) , and love is nonexistent. Love, a concept I had pondered for ages as I watched naive gullible debutantes waltz around with their chosen well-to-do suitors. Suitors that proclaimed sonnets of love initially, yet inevitably lost interest in their gullible little guppy fish wives and relegated those same foolish wives to country estates never to be seen again, so they could priggishly jaunt across London with mistresses on their arms---to operas and **gasp*** decorated bedrooms. Showering attention on mistresses and maids and any other women of relatively low standing --- to suck at their grotesque, syphilitic cucumbers.
Abhorrent. Men never made sense to me, and I was convinced that love was a construct they came up with, to fool women to do their bidding. I mean, at this point, having seen what I have seen, I wonder if they even believe in the hoax called love themselves. My concern after sitting here on my perch for the last 7 seasons since I had come out, is that not once had I been asked to dance. I mean, in the grand scheme of things, I guess it made sense? Chubby , wearing spectacles, and unappealing dresses with colors and designs of years gone by, definitely would not make me the toast of the season by any chance.
Yet, even when I had been a bit more fashionable, and when father had been alive and still holding the position of Baron--I would've expected few offers of marriage by fortune hunters merely seeking my dowry. But alas... that was not be. One girl, that debuted the same year as I did, daughter of Duke Asbury, Lady Seulgi had tripped on her feet while dancing the waltz, into the arms of Baron Jimin , bowling both of them over to the cold marble floors of the ballroom rather unceremoniously. She had bemoaned to the rest of the debuting girls (including little old me) that day, languishing on a chaise as she gesticulated nervously, " I am a miserable dancer. How will I ever survive this wretched Season"?
I had quietly tried to suppress my giggles at her ridiculous tirade. What could she even mean? She was proclaimed the diamond of the first water instantaneously after being presented at court that Season 7 years ago, earning the attentions of all the members of the Pantheon and many other wealthy peers of the realm. Her life was easy. All she had to do was do nothing. Yes, I said it. Merely, NOTHING. Her fate was decided from her birth. Not like the rest of us, who were not conventionally attractive and now.......financially destitute. She had earned the good grace of everyone from birth due to her wealth and strong connections. Even if she had farted, everyone would have applauded her flatulence.
These were the women I didn't understand. The ones who had everything, yet bemoaned their lot in life----frivolous ninnies in my opinion. All the women of the higher echelons of society remained there --marrying similarly wealthy lords and preserving their lineage and wealth. You may ask---is there no social mobility? And I would say, of course bloody not---you simpering little sot. What did this look like? A fairy tale? Cinderella? Princes of good moral standing don't exist. Rich men have options. And they always avail them. Why would a rich man marry a poor woman? Lust. That would be the only real answer.
I know I sounded jaded, and I definitely was. You can only be a trampled on flowerbed for so long, till you start festering and molding with bitterness. I do not profess to be better than anyone else. At times over the years I had wished to feel beautiful, marry a good match, and have a family. But that destiny clearly was not in store for me. The complicated reasoning being that I simply was not conventionally attractive and did not inspire lust in men, and that my father's rather paltry dowry did not inspire even mere greed in men . I am socially inept and quiet by nature. These were all valid reasons.
But, the simple reason I chose to believe---is that one man merely found no utility in me. Who you may ask? Duke Jungkook I would say, without even flinching or stuttering. Others thought "society at large" did not care for them, hence they were mowed over to the corner to become rotten spinsters and outcasts. You know who society was? Duke Jungkook and the members of his Pantheon. But he was still the mastermind. Slickly manipulative, handsome, and wealthy.
He was born sitting on a golden throne, and over the years proved that he was an intellectual. Silently accruing further wealth for his estate through trade and industry---something the Ton usually looked down upon. But since it was Duke Jungkook, it was permissible. Everything was in his case. He was the exception to every rule. If his character description stopped at this, we would have all been fine. But one thing Duke Jungkook seemed to crave is control. He was hyper competitive because he lusted after control---and it's close comrade, power. Power over even the pitiful members of society, he had no business trying to control. He played God for years, and always got away with it.
How do I know he's the one running the show you ask? Well, I had time to observe. And I would say, that is my only true talent. I notice things others don't because I am invisible. A mousy little mite relegated to my pitiful perch. And I noticed everything, from his wagers which either demoted or elevated people's social standings---to the way he manipulated people with misinformation and rumors. He decided who was popular. And he decided who wasn't. And if anyone was to blame for my social standing, I would say it was him. What he had done 7 years ago had reduced me to my position now. It wasn't even anything all that dramatic. He cut me down without even a fight.
I remember it as clear as if it were yesterday, even now.....
"I am so sorry, Lord Jungkook, I wasn't watching my step, please forgive me", I had stuttered in an overly fuchsia dress akin to a little sausage as I sweat incessantly in the stuffy ballroom. Hadn't meant to spill a chalice of lemonade on his coat.
His dark eyes gleamed with amusement and something that I identified as calculation later on in my life , as he brushed it off with a wave of his hand, "Tis' of no import, Lady Y/N. Don't worry". I nodded and curtsied towards him, "Thank you for overlooking my clumsiness, Lord Jungkook. I am sorry to disturb your evening".
I had thought he had truly forgiven me. It wouldn't ruin his reputation, our encounter. It was the mistake of a newly debuted girl, more akin to a child than a woman.
I had believed in the kindness of men and humanity till then. Till he chuckled and slyly condescended in a rather loud and cloyingly sweet tone of voice, "Of course, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. At least you are not as clumsy as your mother in concealing her relations or as clumsy as your father in the way of estate management". He sauntered away lazily as he left me to deal with the fall, whistling a merry tone juxtaposing the social demise he had just inflicted upon an innocently naive girl.
Casually cruel in the name of being honest. Everyone in the ballroom had heard, their eyes and ears peeled towards any interaction involving him as they do generally, as moths do towards a flame. Only Lord Jungkook would know my dad's poor financial status even as a Baron, or about my mother's affairs which had wrung him dry emotionally. Father had resorted to ruining our meager wealth by letting the estate go to spoil. He soon after died of heartbreak at my mother's affairs a year after this horrendous moment.
He had borrowed a massive amount of money from Duke Jungkook, money he would never be able to repay. When he died, the Baron's estate and debt was inherited by cousin, leaving me and my two older sisters with nothing. Thankfully, my sisters were already married off to decent, financially stable men---though they were mere vicars. Not men with titles, but reliable nevertheless. And I was left an orphan. Looked down upon and pitied by my beautifully polished sisters, and members of society as I was unmarried and ineligible according to my looks and lack of dowry--and Duke Jungkook's honorable estimation of my worth (or lack thereof).
Duke Jungkook had ruined my life long before dad had died, and the mere sight of him would remind me of my downfall to this day.
I hated the man to his day, teeth gritting unconsciously. If I ever came across the man in need, I wouldn't hesitate to ruin him. As he had ruined me. He had opened up to the mockery and disdain of the ton. I didn't get invitations to most balls and events by then. The only few I did get invited to were due to my Aunt Alyssa, or shall I say Viscountess Alyssa. I was unmarriageable nevertheless. And I had only stuck around to earn some money by being companion and chaperone for Solji.
The plan was to leave this horrendous place of twinkling lights and crushed dreams for a family--for a baby (a dream I had cherished in my heart of hearts for quite some time). I just wanted to be left alone now. Away from Duke Jungkook's paralyzing serpentine glances that decried me of my humanity and value, and the snickers from other wealthy men at my nunnish appearance. I would go live in a 3 bedroom cottage on the countryside, the only thing that had been entailed to my name in father's will which had not been of any value to debt collectors.
It was a beautiful cottage, tucked away near the edge of a meadow in a quaint little town called Chestershire. We had family vacations in my childhood there. It just required some repair and warm touches, to become a lovely house. I had earned money as companion to Aunt Alyssa so that I could retire there without worrying about money for at least the next 2 years. I would probably start selling garments I had knitted and sewed over the years as well, once those funds ran out.
Just thinking about the cottage and the quiet life awaiting me, filled with baby chicks and piglets and a warm hearth devoid of judging glares filled me with happiness....something I had not been acquainted with for a long time, as a soft smile brightened up my face .
Couldn't wait to leave the bloody pyramid. Every dog has its day. And mine would arrive tomorrow.
Only , if I had known that destiny always knows how to kick a girl in the arse, just when she believes the worst is over.
I arrived around the evening of the next day after a garrulous carriage ride had tossed me up like a well done egg salad 30 times. The travel was terrible and yet the journey was definitely worth it. Meadows filled with various flowers and fruits stretched up and over sprawling green hills in the weak light of the setting sun , all cresting into a peak at the top of the hill---my home, my cottage. It was just as I remembered it, a homely cottage wrapped around by rose bushes and creeping stalks of bouginvillea and tulips.
The main village center was just a 3 minute walk away, but felt much further away from everyone else, with the way it was situated upon a tiny hill surrounded by an expanse of trees giving plenty of shade to the cottage. I paid the coach man and walked up the hill, sweating and dusty from the ride. As I came up to the door, I could smell the fragrance of a hearty stew wafting out of the window.
Who was in there already?I knocked on the door and was met with a swinging door that gave view to an overgrown golden retriever jostling me to the grassy ground with enthusiastic licks. A buxom lady with sparkling green eyes, and thick brown hair in two plaits exclaimed happily, "Oh, darling Y/N, tis' been a long while since I saw you. Must've been when we were kids, still digging worms from the pond and making little houses for them".
I remembered who it was. Sunny, my old maid's daughter-- who I had played with in my childhood. I patted the dog on its head as I got up, brushing grass from my skirts, enveloping her in a rambunctious hug with a wide grin, "So good to see you sweetheart!!!! Where is your mother? Is she in good health?"
"Oh, she's fine Y/N, just back at home because of her rheumy joints. She finds it hard to keep up with maintaining the cottage, so I am doing the job as of now." I smiled warmly, my insides singing with joy at the jubilant welcome back home. I truly felt at home for once.
Chestershire still remained the quiet town I remembered it to be, idyllic and pasotral. It was a wonderful change of pace--fresh air and sprawling greenery so much the eye could not contain. She grabbed me by the shoulders and hustled me into the clean , well maintained cottage. It was a beautiful interior with leviathan bay windows and plenty of comfortable seating space. I inhaled the hearty potato stew into my mouth, discussing my plans with Sunny on how to make the cottage even more homely and regarding repairs to be done.
Apparently a tiny sum of money was provided by father's will to go for maintenance annually to the cottage. That is why the place hadn't fallen into complete disrepair. It just needed a few homely touches, some floral printed curtains and doilies and warm rugs and blankets. Along with some vases that could contain flowers which shrouded the cottage window-sills.
I had my work cut out for me for the next week. But this work was more welcome than anything else I had had to deal with uptil now.
--------------------BACK IN LONDON
Lord Jungkook was pondering something of the utmost importance at the moment as his valet stared at him, eyes agog with concern. The cravat he was to wear today to Lady Esterly's ball held much salience. It had to be something somber to indicate respect towards the end of her grieving period, yet not so outrageously dark in color that it would be utterly unfashionable. She had lost her gouty ill tempered 70 year old husband few months ago to sickness. And though she was clearly happy to lose him, it would be unbecoming to demonstrate those sentiments in public.
As Jungkook entered the ballroom , something in his subconscious pricked at him. What was this uneasy feeling? He hadn't felt this way since 7 years ago when he had found out that Lady Y/N's mother was having an affair with his father, who had been Duke of Somerset at the time.
His father had been a wealthy and powerful man who had always seemed to always adore Jungkook's mother, the Duchess Somerset. Yet, he had done the exact opposite and when she had least expected it, well into their marriage of 30 years, taken up a torrid relationship with Y/N's mother. Jungkook's mother had died of grief merely a year after his father had made his affections not so secret to society. And his father soon followed her in death due to his weak constitution, succumbing to infection in the winter. Y/N's mother had been left to grieve the passing of his father and her husband that same year. She stayed with one of Y/N's married elder sisters.
He had never noticed Y/N's existence till then, till he found out whose daughter she was as she had scurried around the edges of the ballroom like a nervous rodent since her debut in Society. She wasn't much of a beauty to look at with plain features, full cheeks and a plush frame that seemed more matronly and frumpy than anything else. Her only redeeming feature were her sparkling eyes and lush hair that served to hinder the expressions on her face.
Her attire had deteriorated as her father's estate fell to ruin, thanks to Jungkook availing Jimin's crafty ways of tricking money out of the hands of Y/N's gambling father who had gotten rather desperate for money. Jimin ran a gaming hell that had made many a gentleman penniless---something he took great pride in. According to Jimin, if they lost money to the gaming hell, it was a testament to their bad luck and his good luck.
Jungkook had decided to strip her of any remaining honor, not as though her mother had left his mother with any honor either-- even in her death. It would be comeuppance for what her mother had done. She would pay for her mother's sins. And so he thoroughly ruined her reputation, ensuring she would never have a good life therafter--a life lacking family and a chance at a socially and financially advantageous match.
That's when it hit Jungkook. Where was Y/N? She wasn't in her usual spot overlooking people dancing at her bench. That had been her occupation for the past 7 years, watching people have the life that she would never have--he had made it so.
Jungkook felt extremely uneasy now that he could not spot Y/N. Where the hell was she? She always came to the bigger events that Lady Alyssa and her daughter attended. He had denied her invitation to most smaller ,more intimate events with his social acumen, but not the big ones. She had to see what she was missing out on---life. That had been his revenge plan.
But now she was nowhere to be found. He blindly searched for her, till he came across Lady Alyssa and inquired in a drawling tone , schooling his features into a calm that he didn't mirror the panic he was actually feeling, "Hello, Lady Alyssa. Fine evening it is today, is it not"? Lady Alyssa graciously smiled at him, "Yes, of course it is Lord Jungkook. How are you faring today? Oh, this is my daughter Solji in case you have not met her". Solji gracefully curtsied in her periwinkle floaty dress that showed off her waifish frame in the best light.
He continued in an unaffected tone, "And where is your companion, Lady Solji? Y/N is it"? Solji nodded as she replied, "She has decided to retire to the countryside for a while. Her father left her a countryside residence and so she has chosen to depart early before the season ends so that she can celebrate Christmas over there". Lady Alyssa sighed, stating in a resigned tone, "Anyhow she has no prospects of marriage with how she looks and conducts herself, better she is away from polluting the rest of the ton with her incessant cynicism and gloom".
Jungkook nodded at these statements seeming calm as a cucumber on the outide, whereas he was internally rattled at the happenings imparted to him. She had left? After so many years, she had decided to just leave? Evidently she had gotten tired of not being enough for London. But how could she leave without telling him?Without even an announcement of her departure?
A little voice in Jungkook's head gave him the blatant answer--not like she had any friends to inform of her departure. And not like he was her husband/brother/legal guardian, who she would have to inform of her comings and goings. After his blasting statement 7 years ago, the few friends she did have, left her --frightened of being associated with her ill repute by merely even conversing with her, or being seen in her presence.
She was a free bird, and Jungkook was hating the fact.
She had left him to play his own game. The pyramid only remained so, when there were people at the bottom. Sure, there were others he could and had manipulated to stay at the bottom, but he wanted her to remain there. Not for her to exit the game altogether.
Y/N was not allowed to be happy or have a Christmas, after what his mother had been through---he would definitely ensure this.
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kookminficrecs · 2 years
Viscount Park’s Guide to Matchmaking for a Duke
title: Viscount Park’s Guide to Matchmaking for a Duke
author: thisneedsmorefilth
rating: explicit
word count: 20803
summary: Viscount Park is back in London after five long years. Luckily he’s got his best friend, the future Duke of Hartfordshire, Jungkook, here to make his homecoming memorable. But when the duke determines this is the season he will find his duchess, Jimin will find out just how hard it is to find a suitable match for his best friend.
link: AO3
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inkedtae · 2 years
Hiiii first off I wanna say I love your work, I'm somewhat new to your page
I wanted to know any info possible on Chamomile Whispers and Love Bites
Also what's next for Rotten Angelcake
And do you plan on writing anymore chubby/curvy work?
Hey love! Thank you so much!
I'm actually working on Rotten Angelcake right now and hoping to post on this sunday night. Here's a little sneak peak. Also I have decided to exclusive write curvy reader fics, so all the wips I have listed will be for a curvy reader.
Chamomile Whispers ⟶ i haven't written anything for this yet so here is a vague premise ⤜ viscount!jungkook x curvy!reader ⤜ summary: jungkook does not crave perfection, simply an escape. no intentions of commitment can chain him away from his art, but if that is what it takes to pursue it, jungkook doesn't mind playing the part. an arranged marriage was all he expected. but now your love letters smell like chamomile whispers and he craves every drop.
Love Bites ⟶ i also haven't written anything for this so more vague premise ⤜ vampire!jimin x human!reader ⤜ summary: you didn't realise summoning the undead tethers them to your soul. however, you adore the power. that is until you find that love bites and it becomes you're lifeline.
check out my wips
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biaswreckmepls · 2 months
Fan-Chosen BTS fics #5 - May 2024 - Day 1
enchanted (to meet you)
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43028199
Author: eztia
Rating: Explicit
Relationships: Kim Namjoon/Jeon Jungkook
Status: Completed
Chapters: 1/1 (16452 words)
Tags: Royalty AU
In the midst of high society and a tumultuous season of weddings both unplanned and not, sweet son of the Viscount and ardent reader of romantic literature, Jeon Jungkook, finds himself navigating a love story of his own. It's just his luck that it involves a certain Duke with dark eyes, a teasing smile and... dimples
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/43028199
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sparklehoney7 · 1 year
enchanted (to meet you)
by: eztia
pairing: namjoon/jungkook
info: one shot (16,452)
tags: Alternate Universe - Royalty / Noble Jeon Jungkook / Sweet Jeon Jungkook / Shy Jeon Jungkook / Cute Jeon Jungkook / Kim Namjoon | RM is Whipped / Kim Namjoon | RM Calls Jeon Jungkook Pet Names / Explicit Sexual Content / Park Jimin is a Little Shit (BTS) / Marriage / Wedding Night / Carriage Shenanigans / Romantically!! / there is a bunny named jasmine / Duke Kim Namjoon | RM
summary: In the midst of high society and a tumultuous season of weddings both unplanned and not, sweet son of the Viscount and ardent reader of romantic literature, Jeon Jungkook, finds himself navigating a love story of his own. It's just his luck that it involves a certain Duke with dark eyes, a teasing smile and... dimples
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wishtherebestars · 2 years
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Viscount Kim Namjoon has always looked out for his siblings, during his childhood up to his early adulthood, but now it was time for him to focus on himself, and find a significant other.
BRIDGERTON AU, gn!reader x namjoon
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The Apocalypse has come, and it’s not a good time to trust anyone. But when a handsome stranger shows up with his friends needing help, what else can you do?
WALKING DEAD AU, gn!reader x seokjin
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Min Yoongi was the leader of the Peaky Blinders, feared by many, loved by his family only. Until he meets you, someone who doesn’t seem afraid about the world he lives in
PEAKY BLINDERS AU, gn!reader x yoongi
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Hoseok has lived a happy life, a good career and two lovely kids. but he realises he never told them the story of how he met their mother.
HIMYM inspired, fem!reader x hoseok
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Park Jimin is a world famous popstar who is giving a dance class to the class of your stepsiblings. You sneak in, but on your way out you lose your ipod, which is found by Jimin who is impressed with the dancing video he found. he just can’t seem to figure out it’s you dancing.
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Taehyung is a timelord, a time travelling alien, and every once in a while he runs into a version of you. This time he founds your face in a Van Gogh painting in the museum he was visiting.
DOCTOR WHO AU, gn!reader x taehyung
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Jungkook was trying to figure out how to live with the powers he recently got. yet the most difficult thing about it seemed to keep it a secret from you, his best friend and crush.
SPIDERMAN AU, gn!reader x jungkook
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ktheist · 4 years
chapters:  21 / 22  / 23
knight!jungkook x princess!reader
“I want to form a special force of ghosts. They shall have no name, no existence except for protecting the royal family and I’ll oversee them directly,” you announce - it’s a bit out of the blue, you admit but as you flip through the ledger, it seems as though most of the kingdom’s income goes to maintaining the army. The Southern Kingdom is known for its daunting amount of soldiers. You’d lost to them because they were five times the size of your men yet it was too easy to drive your sword into the men’s guts - most of them were untrained.
Taehyung looks up at you from his position - he has his arms around your waist, nose and lips brushing against your lower abdomen. At least he’s not trying to sneak in kisses anymore after the physician left with a note of your health and advised you to remain in bed. And remain in bed you did. You sent Eunha to fetch the ledgers from your office so you could review them while resting.
“Why would you need some faceless troops? I can protect you. Our child.” Something in the way he addresses the life growing inside you makes your stomach churn uncomfortably. He shifts to lie on his back, head on your thigh so he could look at you while he speaks.
Sighing, you set the ledger to your side, not realizing your hand has dug itself in his hair. It’s become almost as natural as breathing from the many times he requested you to play with his hair when he saw you sitting up and leaning against the headboard. At first, you’d ignored him and continued to read but eventually you entertained his request - only to shut him up.
“I can protect myself and my child too when push comes to shove.” You’ve been polishing up on your fencing skills. Never will you allow a man - the same man lying in your lap - to stand over you at sword point again. “But I’m talking about a time when you and I won’t be here anymore. What happens if my great grandchild gets kidnapped? Or worse, killed. These ghosts I plan to train - they’ll be a shadow of the royal family. They won’t show their faces but they’ll be there. Watching. And if things go awry, they’ll do what they have to protect the throne and its heir.”
He hums in contemplation but you know it’s already decided. Your plan is set in motion as soon as you thought of it. The matter of the King’s approval is nothing but technicalities.
“Do as you wish my Queen.” He reaches over your hand that’s in his hair and brings it to his lips, kissing your fingerpads individually, “for it is my command.”
“We have the strongest army, no ruler would be foolish enough to go against. Secret task force? Preposterous!” One of the boisterous ministers slams a hand on the table while the other is fisted tightly in anger after you’d laid out your plan.
“We’d be a laughing stock if word gets out that the royal family doesn’t trust the army and resort for some faceless knights.” Another one states more calmly. He and the first one had been at each other’s throat with every meeting yet when it comes to shooting down the Queen, they have no problem with banding together and making peace.
“Your majesty,” Lord Park finally speaks up. If he notices your glare, it doesn’t show in his eased smile and amiable tone, “Marquis Hwan and Viscount Yoo are right. This is a matter of the royal army’s dignity, please consider her majesty’s proposal.”
“They are not knights,” resisting the urge to sigh, you correct them monotonously. “nor are they men - well, as far as any of you are concerned, they’ve been dead for a long time. You men do know what a ghost is, yes? Souls who could not move on from this world due to their thirst for vengeance. They shall serve the royal family and we shall aid them with whatever they need to execute their vengeance.”
The soured expression in ministers’ faces does not get past you but to have them be insulted enough to have their tongues tied is more than you can ask as you stand up from the throne. Your left hand takes hold of the handle of the sword that Taehyung’s been holding. He usually has it strapped around his waist but it would poke against his side if he sits so he’s chosen to hold it.
The metallic sound of the sword grazing against the edge of the steel sheath cuts through the air. Pushing down the reflex of placing your hand on your lower abdomen in a protective nature - it’ll only serve to enforce how woman you are in this room full of men. You let the sword dangle on your side, “seeing as the recruits undergo the same training before being chosen to serve in the army or as guards in the castle, I take it the head in charge of the training should be one of the best skilled here.”
“Lord Park,” the man’s facade falls at your clipped tone, “care to fence?”
His eyes reverts to the man behind you - his King but his King must have let him down because his shoulders sag. He walks down the aisle of with his fellow ministers next to him, expression hard.
“Your majesty, you’re with a child. To exert yourself so with fencing-” He tries one last time after grabbing hold of the sword a footman has presented for him.
“You should worry about yourself, my lord.”
The tip sword gleams with the sun rays pouring through the windows as you charge forward. He manages to block your attack with a fatal smirk before countering. The sound of metal clamoring against metal reverberates through the pin drop silent hall as you swing your sword. He’s got the advantage of strength on his side but you’re faster. Swifter. More precise.
You aim right for his heart, the tip barely grazing the luxurious material fitting for a lord whilst he freezes in his spot. It takes a moment for him to register his lost and drops the sword with an echoing clang. And another for the silence to break as Taehyung applauds. The ministers follow suit without a second’s delay though with somber faces.
“Brava, my Queen!” Taehyung shouts, a glimmer of excitement twinkling in his eyes - just like in the battlefield. Swords and violence has always had that effect on him. Just because the beast lays dormant without news of war does not mean it’s lost its claws.
You thank Lord Park for his ‘service’ as if this was nothing but a show, noting the way his eye twitches at the word and letting a smirk spread across your face as you walk past him and look at each individual minister in the eye before speaking, “I can pick any army man or guard at random and invite them for a duel and I can easily win. I won against the supposed head of security. Do you expect me to trust my life on these untrained men?”
The meeting adjourns without another protest from the ministers. You watch with an icy stare as they file out of the room, a few huddled together, whispering in secrecy. They couldn’t have waited to leave the palace grounds to plot their next move, could they?
“That was marvelous, darling.” Taehyung rises from next to you only to drop on his knee at your feet, palm raised to the ceiling. You cover his hand with yours and wordlessly study the manic glint in the man’s eyes before they flutter close and kisses your knuckles.
The flames dance over the torches on either side of the gates yet the cold night nips at your cheeks and your fingertips that you clutch together in a show of anxiousness. It’s no secret that the force will arrive this week as far as those who knew about them are concerned - you know they’ll be here tonight. Many things could go wrong.
Taehyung could have returned from rounding the outskirts. He’d left three days ago because news of bandits raiding the town had surged. They were mercenaries - hired by you through your ghost just so the King wouldn’t be here when the rest arrive.
It takes another fifteen minutes of you standing in front of the doors before the first cloaked figure steps through the door built within the gates. There are three of them - the other four would be here tomorrow of the day after.
“My Queen,” the tallest one falls to his knee whilst the other two remain standing - you heard they’re not too fond of serving monarchs of any kind. No matter, as long as they do what they’re here for, you could careless about formalities. As for respect, it can be earned.
The man pushes back his hood, revealing a tresses of dark brown that appears black with the lack of natural light. The familiar equally brown eyes glimmers with in the moon light as lips sweeter than honey greets you, “it’s been awhile.”
The tip of your nail grazes his cheekbone briefly before you trace the side of his face down to his chin, “welcome back, Jungkook.”
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taevjim · 1 month
Romancing the Viscount (m) 18+
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-Disclaimer: This AU is inspired by Bridgerton. I do realize a viscount is a British nobleman, but for the sake of the AU, we are going to use our imagination xoxo
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-Summary: For three seasons now, you had yet to have any marriage proposals under your belt. It was depressing to say the least. You have come into society as a blossomed young woman, ready for marriage, but no man of the ton has seemed the slightest bit interested in you. You’re on year three of being let off your leash into society and the pressure was certainly on for you to find a husband. You were beautiful, charming, and had incredible wit; anyone would be dying to have your hand in marriage. What could possibly be taking so long? Perhaps a viscount has had his eyes set on you all along and he’s the reason you have yet to be wed.
-Pairing: viscount!jungkook x female reader
-Genre: smut, smut, and more smut.
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The day started off fairly promising with the pure energy that radiated from you as you rose from the cotton sheets which kept you company at night, aiding you a good night’s rest. Your feet touch the cold floor and you spring to action as you skip across your room, your baby blue night gown trailing through the air behind you at your rushed pace. Excitement crept through your bones down to your core with the thought of tonight’s seasonal ball. Of course you had plenty of balls to attend to throughout the season, but the first ball of the season was always the most important, as well as the most promising.
Although you were gleaming with excitement, you couldn’t help but feel a little nervous as well. Maybe even a bit discouraged. This would be your third season out into society and you couldn’t help but wonder if you would find the man of your dreams in the near future. A girl can only hope. Many young women have had no problems snagging a husband on their FIRST year of their debut into society, so what could you be doing wrong? Surely there was nothing wrong with you, at-least you didn’t think there was.
Your reflection in the vanity mirror stares back at you as you run your nimble fingers across the soft, supple flesh of your cheek.
“Is it my looks?” You ask yourself, barely above a whisper.
The characteristics of your looks were actually quite simple. You had rather large, round eyes with perfectly curled lashes to frame the lids. A cute button nose and incredibly soft cheeks which always seemed to have a hint of pink undertones to your rather fair complexion. You were also adorned with an exceptionally full figure, making you curvy in all the right places. Never mind the fact that these characteristics didn’t exactly make you unique; you were still deemed one of the most beautiful women of the ton.
Yet, still no husband.
Perhaps you were beginning to feel a bit impatient. Of course you were. What were you to do if you go through yet another season with no man on your arm? God forbid you end up as a spinster, which might be your fate if you don’t find any eligible bachelors soon.
There were quite a few bachelors who you have set your endearing gaze upon, but unfortunately none of them have ever given you more than just a couple of minutes of sub par conversation. With questions ranging from the weather to who you think the queen’s next ‘Diamond’ will be. You’re always polite and proper, speaking with purpose and clarity. You’ve never seemed to have trouble charming your way through a crowd. You’ll never understand what the hold up could be.
Surely you should’ve at-least had ONE proposal by now, but as luck has it, it’s not necessarily on your side as of late.
Your maid rushes through the double doors of your chambers, preparing to wake you before her eyes land on you across the room while you sit at your vanity.
“Well you’re up quite early, I see.” She smiles and strides over to open the curtains to the windows, letting in the bright rays of sunlight into the four walls of your bedroom.
“Today is the first official day of the season. If I’m going to find a husband, I need to make sure I am on my toes at all times and prepared for anything,” you say as you gently pat a small dab of foundation into your skin.
Dana, your maid, gives an approving nod and walks over to begin taking the pins from your hair, allowing your curls to bounce out from their confinements and take their place down the slope of your back. You made sure to pin your hair in rollers the night before so that you could have the most perfect curls. She begins running her fingers through the softness of your locks, carefully moving the pieces of hair into their rightful positions.
Effortlessly beautiful. Exactly the look you were going for.
You put the finishing touches onto your makeup, having gone for a subtle natural appearance, and stand to finally begin ridding yourself of your nightgown.
“You’re going to do just fine this season,” Dana says as she helps you into your corset. “Don’t forget that you are absolutely gorgeous.”
The corners of your lips raise at her compliment and you turn to her with your hands clutching your chest. “You’re too kind. I appreciate the work you put into making me look so good.”
She lets out a giggle and slightly shakes her head, the front two pieces of her baby hairs swinging at the sudden movement. “Don’t be silly,” she begins, “You already have all the right qualities.” Her words pierce into your mind, almost reminding you that you should have nothing to worry about.
She helps you into a simple baby pink gown that seems to hug your curves in all the right places. The corset is definitely working wonders on you, not that you needed to rely on it too terribly. You grab a scarf and carefully drape it behind your shoulders and across your forearms, deeming yourself ready for the day.
First stop was to go by the modiste for a fitting of your dress you would be wearing for tonight’s ball. You wanted to make sure everything would be perfect for tonight, which would hopefully grant you the success you’ve been chasing since two seasons ago.
As hoped but also a bit expected, your fitting goes by swimmingly. Madam Claire, the most trusted modiste within miles, did an exceptional job on capturing exactly what you envisioned for your gown. It was a dark blue with a suede bodice and sleeves made of silk, enveloping your arms all the way down to your small but perfectly manicured hands. The bottom portion of your dress was also silk and although it was slightly puffy, it was still quite slimming, small crystals adorned the fabric across the entirety of the material.
It was absolutely breathtaking.
“Oh Claire,” you gush as you do a 360 spin, your eyes only leaving your reflection in the mirror for not even half a second, “It’s everything I’ve imagined. If I do happen to be blessed to become a bride this season it’ll surely all be thanks to you.”
A slight blush creeps onto her tanned cheeks and she playfully waves a hand at you, “Oh stop it. This dress wouldn’t even look half as good if it weren’t you who were wearing it.”
The smile never leaves your face as you embrace her into a quick, but comforting hug. “Thank you so much Claire. You’re the absolute best,” you thank her and quickly undress to change back into your previous dress.
You decide to pass a bit of time as you make your way back down the street, finding a bench up ahead to sit and catch up a bit on your new book. You quite liked reading. The way words can be put together to create something beautiful was a talent that would always be incredibly admired by you. It was the way that it didn’t matter where you were, for once you picked up your book and started reading, you could imagine yourself being there in the story. Almost as if the words came alive right before your eyes.
You’ve been told by a countless number of mamas of the ton that the reason you didn’t have a husband yet was because of the fact you couldn’t keep your nose out of a book. Often being told not to “taint yourself” with such a boring and time consuming activity.
However, that never stopped you from opening a book and becoming one with the words on the page. It was like it was an addiction. An addiction you never wanted to ween yourself off of. People didn’t seem to understand the want of a woman to read, but you were never confused with the activity. You simply enjoyed it. You had even taken up quite a hobby of your own by writing in your journal every other night, explaining in utter detail of what you wanted most out of this life. Perhaps writing it down on paper helped give you the hope of it actually becoming true.
Your attention was suddenly torn away from your book as you lift your head to the sounds of women giggling a bit too loud for your liking across the street.
A group of four women stand before a man as they flutter their lashes and wave their fans inches away from their bosoms. The man in question was none other than Viscount Jeon.
He was a man of great fortune and even greater integrity. His confidence radiating from him like fumes from a flame as he chuckled at the flirting women. Viscount Jeon was definitely the man every young woman wanted on their arm, regardless of his reputation being a class A rake. Not to mention, he was drop dead gorgeous.
From where you sat, you slightly saw his side profile, and boy was it a sight. Of course you’ve seen the Viscount plenty of times, mainly at a ball being thrown, but sometimes around the square. It wasn’t hard to admit that you would never get tired of seeing him. His shoulders looked deliciously broad from where you were sitting and you quickly realized your interest for your book carefully slipped away the moment your eyes landed on his figure. A quite lean and very muscular figure, at that.
You subtly watch as the man converses with the women, making them swoon at almost every word that leaves his enchanting lips. Your eyes trace his figure, taking in the expensive material of dress he wore on his back. His coat cinched around his waist almost too perfectly, making him all the more irresistible. You catch the sight of his rings around his beautifully thick, creamy toned fingers, and let out a disappointed sigh as he moves to shove his hand into the pocket of his perfectly fitted breeches.
Embarrassment quickly replaces your neediness as two mamas pass by you, following your entranced gaze over to the Viscount. You had been caught staring. Although you weren’t caught by the Viscount himself, you still felt your cheeks get hot as you were visibly noticed practically drooling over the man.
You let out a huff of air and stand to your feet, deciding you should head back home to start getting ready for the ball.
What you didn’t notice, however, was the way the Viscount’s eyes locked onto you as he spotted you crossing the street. He has stolen many glances at you over the past couple years every-time he’s seen you. You were beautiful, that much he knew. He also knew that your debut into society wasn’t the most successful as you still hadn’t managed to find a husband which happened to be from his doing. He has never even spoken to you once but he knew the moment he laid his eyes upon you, he had to have you, and he made quick work of letting every man of the ton know that you were off limits. You, however, had no idea that was the case of your suffering fate and he didn’t plan on telling you about it either.
♞ ♞ ♞
You watch the trees go by and listen to the sounds of the horse's hooves hitting the ground while you make your way to the ball in your carriage. The leaves were a beautiful green and the grass even greener and it made you smile. You always appreciated nature and how magical everything seemed to look whenever a new season had approached. In your gut you had hoped tonight would be the night you get to meet your future husband, as you were starting to grow very tired of waiting.
A sigh escapes your lips and you look down into your lap, suddenly very interested in watching the way your fingers toyed with the material of your dress. If you manage to fail yet another season, you might just give up. You looked exceptionally beautiful tonight, even you could admit. Dana sits across from you as she watches you silently battle yourself inside your own head.
She reaches forward and places one of her hands over your fidgeting fingers and says, "You will do amazing tonight. Don't worry yourself so much, you'll create wrinkles on your forehead."
You send a gentle smile her way and caress her hands into your own. Dana had always encouraged you no matter the day or the task at hand. She was so supportive of you, never faltering. You suppose it was because it was her job, but you and Dana had grown rightfully close over the years of her taking care of you. With your mother passing at a young age and your father going over seas, Dana was all you had. You couldn't feel more grateful.
"What will i do?" you ask, "If I don't find a husband surely I'll be ruined."
She frowns at the sight of you shutting down. Truthfully, Dana couldn't quite understand how you still haven't managed to wed since your debut. There was no gossip going around of you that would potentially scare any suitors away. Your looks were most definitely not the problem, as you were incredibly beautiful, even more beautiful than most ladies she had worked for in the past. In truth, she was just as confused as you were.
"Don't talk that way. You will find a husband, I'm sure of it. You are beautiful, smart, witty, and selfless. This season will be your season." She holds both of your hands into her own and her words make you smile. You trusted her with your life and she always saw the good in you. She knew the potential you had to become successful.
Now it was just you who needed to see it in yourself.
The carriage suddenly comes to a stop before the palace and your eyes sparkle as you take in the scenery. The hedges around the property were trimmed perfectly and the lights that shined around the palace twinkled in the most captivating way. You watch as a few ladies make their way inside, fans in hand. The goal for you tonight was to shine and continue to be the one thing you ever knew how to be, which was yourself.
"Go," Dana shoos you out of the carriage and gives you another look before sending you on your way. She moves a couple strands of hair that managed to fall out of place and smiles, "Perfection."
You wave to her as you begin to make your way to the entrance, your nerves suddenly making another appearance inside of your gut. You fix your posture as you started to slouch and you carefully run your fingers across the material of your dress, trying to rid the perspiration that managed to build up because of your nerves. Taking a deep breath, you begin to make your way inside.
Your eyes take in all of the pictures that hang the walls of the hallway. It's almost like you had never been here before, although you have a couple times in the past. The first ball of the season was always held at the Queen's palace, and the Queen made sure to keep it exceedingly presentable. You stop before one picture that catches your eyes above the rest. It was a picture of the Queen and her King when they were younger. She wore the most grand gown in the photo, as she always does, and King George stood beside her in all his gory. They looked proud and emanated power as they both stared into your soul. Oh how you longed to find a love like the Queen had.
"Are you not going to go inside?"
Your head whipped to the side as you curiously look to see who was speaking to you.
It was the Viscount.
You quickly bow, not wanting to seem disrespectful. "Lord Jeon, how lovely to see you."
His eyes never leave you, not even for a second. He takes you in from your head down to your toes, as if his eyes were drawing a map across your form. You always managed to clean up very nicely, from styling your hair into the most perfect way to picking the most gorgeous gown.
You began to feel rather small under his stare, nervously switching your weight from one foot to the other. At his delayed response, you begin taking him in as well. His waist coat fit his muscular body like a glove and his breeches, even more fitting. You could almost make out the shape of his body through the fabric, your eyes trailing the material. What a man the Viscount was. You look back up to his face, finding him already staring at you, and a blush creeps up to your cheeks.
"No escort?" he asks as he looks around the, now empty, hall. It seems everyone has already made their way into the ballroom.
"Oh, no. I don't ever have anyone to escort me to these sort of things," you let out a breathy chuckle and clasp your hands together for what seemed to be the tenth time tonight already.
A small smirk edges it's way onto his beautiful lips and he holds his arm out to you. "Well, what are we waiting for?"
Was the Viscount really offering to escort you into the ballroom? Surely he wouldn't want to be seen with a woman such as yourself, as you've had not a single suitor in the past two years. A man of such status would never.
However, he was the Viscount, and you would be absolutely insane if you didn't take him up on the offer.
You carefully outstretch your arm and rest your fingers into the crease of his elbow, allowing him to lead the two of you to the ballroom entrance. Your nerves seemed to spike even more now, causing you to slightly squeeze his arm. He notices the action and looks down to you, watching as your eyes bounce from one edge of the room to the other. With his other hand, he reaches over and allows it to rest on yours. This action causing your gaze to snap up to him.
"No need to be nervous. I got you." Your eyes fall to his lips as he utters the words and oh how perfect they looked as he attempted to comfort you, which had worked, by the way.
You give a curt nod and a tight lipped smile and allow him to escort you through the entrance.
Upon entry, everyone stopped their conversation and allowed their eyes to fall at the head of the room where you and Lord Jeon stood. You hear the whispers immediately from the mamas and their daughters as they wonder how you, a woman with no suitors and three seasons deep into society with not a single marriage proposal, had the Viscount on your arm.
You had to admit, you felt pretty powerful. Not that him escorting you to the ball meant anything. Perhaps he was just being nice, but you surly were not going to complain.
He leads you down the grand staircase and you make sure to try and watch your step so you don't happen to fall and embarrass yourself even more to the people who so clearly wanted to watch you fail. Your fingers tighten against his muscle once again as the two of you reach the bottom and begin taking in all the eyes that were now on the two of you. Had you been dreaming?
He doesn't make an effort to part from you, instead, he leads you over to the refreshments table and hands you a small glass of lemonade. He must have thought you were thirsty from the nerves attacking your body from the inside, which he would be right. You grab the glass and take a sip, instantly feeling a bit better. A massive sum of the people around you were still staring, but it seemed as most begin to indulge into their own conversations and even taking to the dancefloor.
A couple of women make their way to you, their fans in hand and their lashes fluttering in the Viscount's direction. You wanted to roll your eyes but stop yourself because in all honesty, you couldn't really blame them.
"Lord Jeon," one gushes as she bows before him, furiously fanning her bosom when she stands to meet his gaze. "What a lovely ball, don't you agree?"
You figured that maybe you should leave his presence and allow him to converse with the women, however, you feel his arm flex and tighten around your fingers just as you were about to let go. In turn, you decide to stay in place and you flash a fake smile to the woman before you.
"Oh," she says in a startling manner, "I didn't see you there Miss." You wanted to scowl at her for her very obvious condescending tone , yet decided against it because you were the one with the man she wanted at your side. It made you feel quite victorious in a way.
Alas, as soon as her attention was on you, it was gone in a second and back onto the Viscount. "Would you care to dance?" she asks, so shamelessly holding her hand out to him.
He gives her a warm smile and tugs you slightly closer into his side, "Pardon me, but I was actually about to ask Miss Y/L/N if she would like to join me on the floor." He looks down at you now, you not quite registering his advance just yet. You only look up to him when you see the woman in front of you shoot a venomous glare upon you.
"Of course," you say, barely above a whisper. You wanted to laugh in her face and maybe even throw an unpleasant gesture her way, but in turn you make the decision to be as graceful as you can in the matter. You turn to set your half empty glass of lemonade on the table behind you and allow him to lead you onto the floor.
If everyone was staring at you before, they surly were now as the two of you take your places into the center of the room and begin to dance. It was apparent to the Viscount that everyone in this room was envious of you, although you weren't aware. He knew every man wanted to have you and every woman wanted to be you. He couldn't blame you too much for your lack of observation because in your defense, no man had approached you for anything more than small conversation, too afraid of what the Viscount may do had they made an advances onto you.
"You must pity me." The words come out before you can stop them and you let out a small laugh. He ticks his head to the side, very obviously confused with your comment.
"Pity?" he questions. "Why would I pity you?" he follows up with another question just as he slightly spins you, pulling you in again.
It took you a bit off guard with the close proximity between the two of you being incredibly evident. You look up at him through your lashes and let out a small sigh. "Lord Jeon," you begin. "I just want you to know that you don't have to feel bad for me. I may not be able to get a husband but it doesn't mean I need you to try and help me."
Now it was his turn to be slightly taken off guard. You thought he was only being in your presence so that he could bring more attention towards you, in turn, helping you find a husband. You become quite nervous at his silence and the way he just stared at you, still dancing without missing a beat.
"You think I'm only dancing with you to help you find a husband?" he asks, spinning you another time. Your eyes drift slightly to the outskirts of the dancefloor, noticing how everyone was watching the two of you. Quite a few faces of disapproval look back at you and those of admiration aimed at the Viscount. Of course they were only interested because he was here.
"Is that not what you're doing?" you ask as you turn back to look at him. You were slightly surprised to see the longing in his eyes as he stared back at you. How could you possibly think he was only interested in helping you? How could you not know how beautiful you were, how the room went completely stiff upon your entrance? And now as everyone stops and watches the two of you dance together, you still think you aren't good enough to be looked at.
He shakes his head at your question and slightly dips you. Your breath quickens, as does his at the sight of your hair completely separating from your shoulders and fully exposing the expansion of your chest. Your bodice fit your body to perfection and in this moment it proved much more evident from what he observed upon first glance of you out in the hall.
You're picked back up into his arms in a rather slower pace than you expected, now rising to see his eyes buried into your skin even deeper than they were before. It's crazy how one can have such a way with words solely based of their eyes alone. His eyes spoke more than his mouth ever has, at-least to you, and it took your breath away. You can't help but just stare back, practically feeling yourself getting lost.
Unexpectedly, he leans closer and in a whisper he speaks, "You're entirely too beautiful to be pitied."
His words were soft and kind, and everything you didn't know you longed to hear from someone else. You certainly didn't expect them to come from a man of his rank. For a moment you don't know what to say and you don't catch the smirk that inches onto his face as he gently pulls you from the dance floor, you not realizing the song ended.
Among the next hour that passes, you and the Viscount fall into effortless conversation. He tells you of his travels and many successes in his life. He also tells you his name, Jungkook. You would never call him by his name, of course, but the fact he even felt comfortable enough to tell you raised a certain spark inside of you. You learned that he's kind, smart, and also quite funny. He had you giggling more times than you can count at his quick wit and charming playfulness. He also learned quite a bit about you, that you love to read, you liked to take your horse out to the field and enjoy fresh air and nature in general. You also shared his trait of being goofy and playful as the two of you threw jokes at each other here and there throughout the night. The biggest thing he learned was that your giggle was a sound that he truly felt blessed to be able to hear, causing him to not be able to stop coaxing that sound from you with his words. He wanted to draw that sound from you all night, never wanting it to leave his head even for a second.
A couple more hours pass and you were so embedded into your conversations with Jungkook that you didn't realize the ball was coming to an end and people began spilling out of the ballroom. Jungkook watches as your curious eyes sweep across the room and observe everyone as they ascend back up the stairs and out into the hall.
You turn your head back to Jungkook, once again catching him already looking at you, and you nudge your head towards the exit, "I think it's time the night has come to an end."
"It doesn't have to end though," he blurts and your eyes slightly widen. You try to process what he means by that as he grabs your hand into his and leads you both out of the room.
As you make your way outside you instantly notice how chilly the air has become, feeling the way it slightly licks at your skin, leaving goosebumps in it's wake. Jungkook notices and inches closer toward you, hoping he can radiate some body heat your way.
"That's my carriage," he says and points to an elegant looking black carriage pulling up to stop in front of the two of you. How would it look for you to be getting in his carriage with him at the end of the night? You look around you, watching to see if anyone notices. Everyone already looked down upon you as it is, so how would they react if they noticed you riding away with their lovely Viscount?
You feel a hand at the small of your back, slightly causing you to jump when you realize Jungkook is carefully pushing you towards the carriage for you to get in. Damn what the ton thinks, you think to yourself. You were certain Jungkook wouldn't put you in a position to have you under such scrutiny. You hardly knew him but you trusted him.
He slightly gulps as he catches sight of the stockings you wore as you lift your dress a little to climb up into the carriage. It made his body shudder as he was confronted with the pure want and need he had towards you, and yet you were all the more oblivious. He knew he wouldn't be able to get that image out of his head for quite some time.
He climbs in after you, settling into the seat across from you and instructed his driver to take the two of you to the nearest park. Before you can question him, you stop as you notice the sheepish look on his face before he spoke, "I thought we could sit and talk a bit more."
You smile at his words and give a small nod, yet you find it hard to look away from him. Usually you loved to watch as the trees passed by while you rode, enjoying and taking in the nature around you, but you simply couldn't tear your gaze away from him. Evidently he couldn't either, his eyes boring into yours with a sort of intensity.
One minute he's sheepishly smiling at you like a boy being caught with his hand in the cookie jar, and the next he's looking at you like he wants to tear your clothes off in that very moment. Admittedly, it makes your head spin. You slightly adjust in your seat and his eyes snap down at the movement. He felt as if there was a fog in his head, weighing down so heavily that he couldn't think straight when looking at you.
"Thank you for being by my side tonight. It was quite unexpected but I very much enjoyed it," you said, trying to break the ice and the staring contest between the two of you.
He gives you a boyish smile and nods in agreement. "It was very nice," he states, "I wouldn't have wanted to spend my time with anyone else."
His words take you back slightly. He didn't even know you, and to be quite fair, he has never really showed an interest in you before, so why now?
"Why tonight?" you ask, your judgement getting the best of you and causing you to blurt the question before you can think twice.
He leans forward, elbows resting on his knees as he looks into your eyes, into your soul. "I know it must be a surprise that I've shown up out of nowhere tonight, but to be honest, I've had my eye on you since you first debuted into society."
Now his words really caught you off guard.
You shake your head in confusion and lean forward yourself. "What does that even mean?" you ask, "You've had your eye on me for two years yet never spoken a word to me. Why?"
He can't really give you the answer that you deserve when it came to that kind of question. He really didn't even know the answer to it himself. He knew he always wanted you but he never found the right time to make it clear to you.
"My duty as a Viscount has kept me very busy these last few years. I haven't been Viscount for very long so when that role was passed down to me, I had quite a few tasks thrown at me, on top of my journey's to other countries. I couldn't find the right time to talk to you." You slightly squint your eyes at his confession, still not fully grasping the fact of why he never once acted on the way he's telling you that he's felt for quite some time.
On the other hand, you were confused how he even had an interest towards you at all. You always thought the men were repulsed by you, hence the fact you were still unmarried, not even being courted by any of the men of the ton.
"I'm just confused," you start, "I've only seen you a few times and in those times I've seen you, you've never once noticed me."
You begin to feel nervous under his intense gaze, not being able to read the emotion that currently flashes in his eyes. "Not that you've noticed," he admits, "I've seen you many times and trust me when i say, I can't help but notice you when you are near."
He slightly scoots closer, carefully grabbing your slightly shaky hands to hold into his own. The feeling you have when he's so close or when he's looking at you the way he is, is a feeling you can't describe, but it's also a feeling that you don't want to stop feeling. Ever.
You look down into your lap where your hands are connected and smile at the way his thumb caresses your skin, "I thought all of the men around here were repulsed by me." You look up and meet his confused stare.
"How can you believe such a thing? You are absolutely one of the most beautiful women I've ever laid my sights upon," your breath hitches as his hand comes to cup the side of your face, his pinky finger tracing down the skin of your neck so gently, "I knew when I saw you that I needed to have you." The last sentence comes from his lips in a whisper and you almost feel as though you are in a trance, just staring into his eyes, not able to notice how close he has managed to get to you now.
Is this a dream?, you wonder.
Out of everything that has happened to you over the past couple years, including tonight, you knew only one thing. You wanted the Viscount. You wanted him more than anything you've ever wanted in your life and now that he's right in front of you, sitting so close you can feel his breath tickling your skin, you didn't care if it had been a dream. You suppose there's only one way to find out if you truly are just dreaming.
You lean forward a couple more inches and plant your lips onto Jungkook's, instantly sighing at the sweet taste of him. He wastes no time in kissing you back, reaching up to grip both sides of your face with his hands. Turning your head slightly, he gains more access to your mouth and can't help but run his tongue across your lips, almost begging you for entry, which you grant to him with no hesitation. He kisses you as if his life depends on it and you realize you've never felt so euphoric in your entire life until this very moment. You pull away suddenly and only now you notice how he has sunken to his knees before you, looking up at you as he anticipates your next move.
You've always loved looking at the man before you, even if you never noticed him looking back. You've always dreamed of the day you got to run your fingers through his silky hair-
Giving into your thoughts, you reach up and slowly bury your fingers into the tresses of his black locks, meeting his gaze half way as his eyes bore into yours, almost pleading you. This was the second time tonight that Jungkook has made you feel so powerful. The feeling was addicting.
You run your fingers through his hair and rest your hand on the back of his head, biting your lip at the sight of him so vulnerable before you. He groans and rushes in to push his lips against yours with a force that has your back resting against the seat now. He never lets up, kissing you as if he's scared you'll be pulled from his embrace any moment now. Goosebumps rise on your skin a second time tonight as his fingers inch across your collarbone and carefully push your dress down your shoulder.
He pulls away and almost whines at the sight of your skin becoming more exposed to his eyes. Who knew he would be so hard at the sight of a woman's shoulder, for Christ's sake. You didn't quite realize the affect you had on the Viscount just yet, but he intended on showing you.
As fast as he pulled away, he leans back in even faster, attaching his lips to the underside of your chin. His lips move across your skin with such fever, it practically makes your head almost spin of your shoulders. You've never felt such...bliss, and he was barely even touching you.
Almost as if he read your mind, his hand slowly travels down to your ankle, pressing his fingers against your skin, before his hand disappears under your dress and dances up your leg. The softness in which he touched your skin left a fire in it's wake, making you slightly shake in excitement. He gives a warm smile at your reaction, indulging in the sounds your heavy breathes make. He watches the way your chest rises furiously, suppressing a groan at the perfect sight that was you.
He gives a questioning look as his fingers reach the inside of your thigh and he doesn't even need to ask before you're already nodding your head, looking at him pleadingly, which further drives him even more mad for you. Your small hands grip the expanse of his broad shoulders, the same ones you were drooling over earlier in the day, and your head leans back, the feeling of his fingers ghostly dancing over the material of your undergarments. His lips finally press against yours once again as he firmly presses his fingers against you, drawing the most beautiful sound from your throat.
It was hard for him to believe how warm and soft you felt against his rough fingers. He presses his fingers even further against you, becoming addicted to the way you felt under his touch. In turn, more noises were drawn from you and he knew he would never get tired of the way you sounded. He pushes your dress up so he can see the way you look beneath him and the sight is enough to turn a man insane. The expanse of your think thighs adorned in the beautifully delicious stockings you chose to wear for the occasion, almost calling his name to keep his eyes on you.
"Please," you whisper.
His head snaps up when he hears your whimper, the look on your face taunting him, coaxing him to touch you further. Jungkook likes to think he's quite the strong spirit, but he's never felt weaker as he has kneeling before you now. He gives into the soft sounds you make just for him and pushes his fingers past your undergarments, fully touching you. You instantly gasp and push yourself up further into his embrace, shocked by the feeling that was currently running through your body. You've never been touched this way and you were almost angry that you didn't get to experience this until now.
The only barrier between the two of you is broken as he slowly pushes two fingers inside of you, watching intently at the faces you make. You let out a drawn out moan and pull him closer until his face is practically into your neck. He takes the opportunity to plant his mouth against your skin, feeling your pulse beneath his tongue, and you shudder at the warmth that consumes you.
"You're so perfect," he grunts as he pushes his fingers deeper, causing you to gasp for the millionth time. His eyes fall to your chest once again, watching it rise and fall almost in a pattern. He's thrusting his fingers into you faster, with more purpose, manually reaching inside of you for the delightful sounds you offer to him so easily.
You thread your fingers into his hair again, ever so slightly pulling when he reaches a spot inside of you that has your toes curling. He was making you feel so wonderful, a feeling you never wanted to go away. A feeling you wanted him to provide for you every single day as long as you live. Your eyes flutter open as you look up at him, the sight causing an unfamiliar feeling to bubble inside of you. His hair was slightly damp from sweat, his eyes producing a fire you've never witnessed, all the while his fingers moved inside of you much faster than before.
There's a feeling rising inside of you that causes you to arch your back and slightly constrict your legs around Jungkook's incredibly lean waist. The sounds are pouring from you now like a mantra as you desperately claw at his shoulders, pulling him impossibly closer to your form.
"You can do it baby," he whispers, egging you on before planting his face into your chest and beginning to take the supple flesh of your breast into his mouth. That's all it took to have you falling apart beneath him. Your muscles constrict and his name comes flowing from your mouth like a chant, further proving to him how undoubtedly perfect you were.
You lay still, breathing heavily as he removes his digits from your body and smooths your dress back into place. He carefully places your sleeve back up your shoulder and pushes a piece of hair behind your ear. You watch him the whole time, admiring how determined he looked. Your words were hidden in your gut as you keep your eyes on him. Soon, you realize his carriage stops before his house and you turn to him, confused.
Jungkook hops out effortlessly and holds his hand out to you. "Well, are you coming?" he asks.
Your eyes scan before his home, taking in the beautifully structured building. As you part your lips to ask him why you were here, he steps closer and gently caresses your chin in his hands.
"If you're to become by wife, you need to meet my family."
♞ ♞ ♞
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bangtanloverboys · 3 years
Season of Encounters for the titles game!
ot7 x reader; regency au/bridgerton inspired fic. feat prince jungkook, duke namjoon, viscount taehyung, earl jimin, baron hoseok, butler seokjin, and gardner yoongi. yn is the daughter of a marquis
yn being of age to marry, she must now start looking for a suitor. she’s always had a fleeting crush on her family’s butler, yet never dared to say anything. yn must attend balls and parties to find a husband, meeting many of the boys. even when leaving a ball to catch some air, she comes across the straggly gardner still hard at work. the only question as to who will win her hand or her heart?
send me a made-up fic title and i'll tell you what i would write to go with it
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babygirlaimo · 4 years
Royally fucked: One thing Prince Jungkook had learnt is that there is always hope from the sun, as it stretches its kindly fingers across the hills and with every touch – it fixes everything that was broken in the dark.
Castle of glass: Jeongguk is a prince. He is not the crown prince, no, that title is reserved for his elder brother. Jeongguk is merely a naive prince who lives in his brother’s shadow, never quite seeing the sun properly until he sees Jimin’s smile.
Atlas: As the captain of Prince Jungkook’s royal guard, Jimin has quite a few responsibilities. When Jungkook needs to let off steam, Jimin is there. When enemy nations plot murder and mutiny, Jimin is there. When Jungkook falls in love with the captain of his guard… yeah, Jimin is there for that too.
Say my name: “Jimin?” Jungkook asked quietly. Jimin’s eyes blinked open sleepily.
“Yes your majesty?” Jimin responded in his raspy, tired voice. He looked cute, all puffy and swollen from the sleep.
“I just wanted to hear your voice.”
A Crown Called Content: When Jungkook’s family is framed for the assassination of their king, he must escape into the neighboring kingdom of Sanha—the sworn enemy of his people. With nothing left to his name, he erases his identity and poses as a beta exile from the wild lands in order to start his life over.
He knows that one day he must either clear his family’s name to return home or go overseas and leave his past behind entirely. What he doesn’t expect is for the crown prince of Sanha, Park Jimin—a cruel dictator, according to the propaganda in Jungkook’s homeland—to take a particular, and concerning, interest in him.
Whispers and Sunlight: Growing up as an orphan in the poorest town of Dayangsong, alpha Jeon Jeongguk learned to steal from the wealthy to survive. A chance to work at the palace gives Jeongguk an easy in, but life takes a wild detour when he crosses paths with stubborn omega crown prince Park Jimin, who is determined to break every single rule forced upon him.
Wicked and Wild Wind: "That dopey little prince is so sheltered that he wouldn't know what to even do with you. You get through the entire tournament and win and force the royal family to make you his fiancé and marry you, and that's it."
"The ultimate heist."
Prince Jeongguk of Seolla, the youngest of five siblings with a rebellious streak, is forced to host a tournament to celebrate his 21st birthday and coming-of-age to find the perfect spouse. Park Jimin, notorious and wild thief from the west, decides to pull off the ultimate heist - join the tournament and destroy the dynasty.
Yours Truly, Sir Jungkook: Jimin, widower and younger brother to the 7th Viscount Park, receives a letter from his distant cousin's husband saying that she's passed away. Disheartened and able to relate, Jimin offers his condolences and asks Sir Jungkook to keep him updated on things. They become pen pals and as the social season goes, their unexpected friendship turns into something more.
Burn for You: Every year, the social season guarantees three things for Jimin and Jungkook—gossip, good drinks, and a whole lot of potentially illicit nights out together.
Between dull allemandes and endless dinner parties, they do their best to avoid the expected courting to remain the desperately desired bachelors they have always been, despite the rumors that breeds about the nature of their own relationship.
But this year, perhaps the rumors stand a chance of becoming more than just rumors.
0 notes
ktheist · 4 years
chapters: 14 / 15 / 16 
knight!jungkook x princess!reader
“A-apologies, your highness!” Eunha’s face reminds you of the crimson roses in the garden. Her head is dropped as you sit up, the action causing the arm draped over you to fall in your lap instead.
Without taking a glance at the body softly snoring on your side, you slip out from beneath the sheets.
“Lower your head! How dare you gaze upon royalty with your filthy eyes!” The piercing scream by Yerin makes you want to dismiss her right away, it almost felt like she deliberately spoke in that tone to wake the Crown Prince up. It’s not a secret that the newly wedded royalties’ relations are estranged from the beginning and you’re sure it’s put a few maidens’ hearts at ease. If she did try to wake Taehyung up just to confirm her wild speculations of you seducing the Prince, you wouldn’t be surprised.
Despite that, you bite the inside of your cheek as an overwhelming scent of vanilla fills your senses. She drapes the bath robe over your shoulders, her movements as delicate as a well-bred noble woman. You’re not so sure about her intentions though.
It took Eunha less than an hour to prepare a bath, all the while sealing her mouth shut in the scrutiny of your lady-in-waiting.
“You may all leave.” You speak in a dismissive tone once you’re bathed and dried. Breakfast has been laid out in trays on the circular table by the window which curtains would usually be drawn to let sunlight flow in. Today, however, it remains drawn together until you pull them apart.
And even with the overpour of light, the man is still sleeping like a log in your bed. It is only now, sitting at the table with a cup of tea close to your mouth, do you let your eyes trail the tanned back of the Prince, his lower body disappearing beneath the quilt.
There are no tears in your eyes, only hatred.
Later, during the day, two news comes to you. One is from Lord Park while you’re busy with paper work.
“I take it your highness and the Crown Prince are getting along better.”
The flutter of the quill halts along with the movement of your hand as you study the lord, “what makes you come up with this peculiar observation?”
The man chuckles, such free sound is hard to come by in these walls.
“The Prince interrogated the people arrested yesterday personally just this morning and sentenced the ones found guilty to a lifetime of imprisonment.”
When you left your chamber, he was still fast asleep. Granted, you were at your office at first light. Even Lord Park was surprised to see the neatly laid out papers across the table that you aim to work on today. He must have awaken just a it later after that if he had time to do the interrogation in the morning.
Taehyung truly lives up to his reputation. A tyrant Prince punishing the people and taking away their lifetimes. You thought by talking to him and challenging him to a duel would have lifted the charges of those commoners but you suspect, more than ever, it has less to do with disrespecting you and more with his thirst for chaos.
Moreover, the King and Queen has quipped a single word at their son’s behavior. You loathe to think that the kind, generous King shares the same minds as his son when it comes to punishments (the Queen, you’re not so empathetic).
You continue with your work with minimal conversation done in between until it’s time for dinner.
The Queen has been trying to kill you with her eyes ever since Taehyung stands up to pull your seat for you and press a soft kiss to your temple. Your body was hard as rock at the contact yet your facial expression is schooled with serenity.
The other news arrives while you’re cutting up steak on your plate. The butler rushes into the room through the adjacent door, whispering something to the King as another footman stands with a tray of letter. The King stops eating and seem to contemplate for a short while, his eyes scanning you before nodding.
Upon the gesture, the footman treads to your side, standing loyally as you question the King with your eyes to which he nods, go on.
The letter is stamped with your family regalia. Something inside you writhes restlessly as you take your time with opening the letter. When your brother’s handwriting comes into view, you feel your heart drop with each word.
The edges of the letter crumples in your grip as you force yourself to smile at the footman, letting him know that he can retreat back to his post because you’ll be keeping the letter.
“His highness, the King has passed away,” you break the silence, “I ask for his majesty’s permission to travel to the Northern Kingdom to pay my respect.”
The Queen is the first to respond despite not being the one addressed. She clicks her tongue, “there are works to be done by the Princess yet you wish to leave it for a dead kin? Viscount Lee shall head the delegate to the inferior country.”
“It would be a good opportunity to mend the political relations between the two countries, nonetheless,” you offer. Having married the royal family of the Southern Kingdom, you now represent a new kingdom, separate from your own.
“That does sound like a matter only the Princess could carry,” the King partially agrees but leaves the statement open-ended as he eyes his wife.
“I shall like to make right what was wrong too, mother. I want to go.” The voice resembles the King’s but with a much youthful hint to it but what was surprising was, it could not have been from the Crown Prince and it is apparent in the workers’ faces as well, “it would be good if the Princess could show me the ways of the Northern Kingdom as well.”
The words hits the air like a pin, resonating louder than the silence that follows suit. The Queen’s eyes softens as she looks at her son almost as though she isn’t all a power-crazed woman you had a conversation with two nights ago. 
With a sigh, she places down the cutlery on the plate, “very well. Make preparations for the Crown Prince’s delegation to the Northern Kingdom.”
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
Ooooookay then if you're enjoying them I guess I'll send you another ask. 😅😊
I have questions about this passage:
And I’ll look him in the face if he’s alive. And either I feel like I’ve come home, or I can turn my back on him and go back to Val Royeaux long enough to marry Viscount Emilio and flee to Nevarra.”
“Will that make you happy?”
She sighed and leaned her head on Jimin’s shoulder, “I don’t know, Jiminie. Maybe some people just aren’t born to be happy.”
That is a lot of weight, expectations, need, purpose to put on one person.
I am so proud of Marguerite and her growth up to this point in the story and obviously with these statements, she is still out there on that growth journey. What is most devastating to think about is if she does look in his eyes, does feel love but still doesn't feel that home. She often feels like ahead of her time, looking for things not afforded to her as a woman, elf, lowlander, daughter. Will she find her purpose? I think purpose is really what missing home means for her, though she has not fully grasped it. Probably because she has no physical home either. Ironically, she established long ago on the fishing boat with the father that Jungkook is not her purpose. So...why does she still search for it there?
Perpetually asking questions you cannot answer,
"That is a lot of weight, expectations, need, purpose to put on one person."
Yes it is!! Marguerite could very easily be setting herself up for disappointment and misunderstanding no matter what she finds.
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