#visage v1.2
ellitx · 4 years
Twig | Albedo x Reader
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the final act of TWMA part 1 part 2 
can be stand-alone
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disclaimer: this is written before v1.2 so my interpretation of albedo’s story and lore is not accurate. these are just my assumptions and understanding that i based on each characters’ voicelines about him
word count: 3.4k
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            Something felt odd. What in the world happened…?
            The male awoke from an unfamiliar scent that drifted through his nose. Likewise, he has woken up from a restless sleep due to the rough waves, to glimpse at the glowing and radiant sun peaking above the horizon out of the window. It extended its vivid light across the deep blue sky. 
            Its dazzling and inviting rays flowed through the window providing warmth to his body. Slowly the fatigue of the endless dreams was seeped out of him as the warm light trickled into replacing his unrest— it eased his body.
            His mind meandered aimlessly into nothingness, continuously staring at the beige wall painted around the room.
            He is aware when he is forgetting when there is something close yet hidden, yet he cannot at that moment fathom what it could be. It’s as if he was following a bread crumb trail and it ends, so he stopped. 
            It gives him ideas as to what is missing from his brain because if one always got stopped when traveling, you would know that there are blocks in your way preventing you from continuing any further— even if he has no clue to as what they are. 
            A peal of melodic laughter that is mirthful and playful then reached his ears, stopping him from his dreaming. Albedo turned his head to the source of the voice and saw a girl— that was around his age— chuckling as she held a tray in her hands.
            “You’re finally awake.” She brought down the platter on the table next to him and poured a cup of tea. His visage frowned and tightly gripped the blanket that was tucked to him. 
            Why did he felt that she was mocking him? He doesn’t know why but for some reason it did irk him. He forgot about his memories. He doesn’t have the slightest clue as to where he was and why he was here.
            “Here.” She gave him the cup and patiently waited for him to take it. So this is where the foreign scent was coming from. He thought to himself.
             The smell was fragrant but had a tinge of spiciness in it. It made his nose crinkled but accepted it nonetheless— quite hesitant, as the girl observed. Taking a small sip of the tea, it surprised him that it tasted sweet. It was quite unexpected because of the tangy fragrance it gave off.
            “You look so lost.”
            The laugh came from her like a newly sprung leak— sheepish at first, stopping and starting. She wasn’t done yet though, he could tell from the way she turned her head and half-bit her lip. From deep inside her chest came a great shaking motion and her muscle face grew tight.
            His eyebrows arched as he put down the cup on the tray, waiting. In moments this female’s laugh was more like a burst water main arching into the brilliant summer sky, soaking everyone around her with unrestrained gales that deliberated her to nonstop giggles and picked face picture of glee.
            Albedo wanted to stay straight-faced and walk out the room— she was, after all, laughing “at him”, not “with him”. But before he could stop himself, his poker mouth twitched upwards, and was smiling despite himself.
             Nevertheless, he didn’t hate it.
             On the next day, she was already bombarding him with questions. 
            “Hey, hey, what was that thing you just did? That was my sister’s research she’s been working hard for and you’ve already solved it?!” [Eye color] optics sparkled in awe and admiration as [Name] gazed at him from her side.
            He peered into her eyes and nonchalantly shrugged his shoulders, continuing to read the texts of the book she gave him. “It was a minor mistake she had done. I’ve read some pieces of information about that topic and was not expecting I would stumble upon it.”
            She puckered her lips and pouted as she snatched the codex from his hands. His answer was so vague! It didn’t really satisfy her curiosity about this outlander. “Hey!” 
            The female raised her arms, preventing him from reaching it. “I won’t give this back to you until you tell me the whole story!” Albedo’s brows folded in confusion and struggled to grab it. “That is the whole story.”
            Her cheeks puffed and watched him yanked the book from her. It was disappointing, to say the least how he easily took it. 
            Sighing countless times already made him question himself why this girl still insists on staying by his side. It’s not like he didn’t like it nor does he like it, it just raised him so many questions about what happened yesterday.
            Why would the Knights took him in considering how [Name] just effortlessly helped him out of nowhere. Not to mention how he barely knows a single thing about Mondstadt. It made him indignant how he can’t remember even the slightest thing.
            He doesn’t blame anyone for it. It’s no one’s fault that he lost his memories.
            Just thinking about this bizarre occurrence that just magically appeared out of nowhere made his head ached. Though the tug on his arm caught his attention and looked at the young teen in puzzlement as they started to march off to archon knows where.
            “Maybe I should tell Grandmaster Varka about this…” She softly muttered to herself. He caught her words perfectly and so further press a question to pique his interest. “Tell about what?”
            Both of them slowed down and paused in their tracks, stopping midway near the fountain area. [Name] chuckled and winked at him playfully. 
            “You’ll see.”
            Albedo hummed and looked fixedly on the back of her head as they continued to walk silently. 
              There was a delicious moment where his face washed blank with confusion, like his brain cogs couldn’t turn fast enough to take in the information from his wide eyes. It made [Name] stifle a laugh at the expression he was currently showing to all the members of Ordo Favonius.
            Every muscle of the male’s body just froze before he looked away from them to the girl who stood beside him. A grin crept up onto her face, it soon stretched out from one side to the other showing every single tooth.
            Surprise isn’t an emotion he’d ever taken well. He could tell himself he was at loss for words. He guessed he found himself dumb, in a sense that made his lexeme stopped flowing. Stopped because she has shown him a new direction he never anticipated for a moment.
            Every member knows she had saved him— saved him from what though? That he did not know, he never asked her about it nor did she even tell him what happened to him. He just let it be.
            Receiving the news that he’ll be a member of the Knights, to have the position as the Chief Alchemist, really made him bewildered and surprised.
            “Isn’t this happening too fast?” He questioned whilst quirking a brow.
            “Hm? What do you mean?” [Name] tipped her head as her eyes stared at his own turquoise ones.
            “Why is everyone easily agreeing to it? I’ve only been here for a day and just assisted your sister in translating. I appreciate the thought that the Grandmaster here is giving me the position of Chief Alchemist but I can't help but question why.”
            She glanced at him, her mouth pursed but slightly open and loose. Her eyes are fixed as if she’s looking at something a yard behind his head. He called her name to garner her attention.
            She blinks, refocused. “Albedo, it’s actually been five days. Lisa talked to everyone about how genius you are.”
            Now it was his turn to owlishly blink. Five days? Does time really move that fast?
            Well, he did hear the saying that time flies fast when you’re having fun. He never noticed about it and now that the idea battered him, it continued to linger inside his head.
             What happened yesterday, what happened today, everything still feels the same. Even if the fragment of memories within him seemed to etiolate. His hands clawed his chest, feeling the unusual warmth from it and throughout his body.
            Everything has been important to him and will be important to him.
            He knows that these distant memories seem so far and vague but are significant to him.
            He doesn’t understand the reason why, but he shouldn’t forget.
             At least that’s how he thinks things should be.
             The sound of the ticking grandfather clock echoed throughout the silent room. It sounded so monotonous and lifeless inside. The tall and antiquated object stood there as the gateway for old-man time, the golden pendulum making its steady way back and forth.
            The silence was so eerie, though none minded at all as two teenagers were fast asleep, still remaining inside their dreams. 
            An aroma Albedo has gotten used to woke him up. It’s the smell of the herbs and various flowers that have mixed together giving off a sweet and minty scent. He opened his eyes and stayed like that for a few minutes.
            The alchemist tiredly glanced down to see the papers are now messed and scattered all over the table. Heaving a sigh as he raked his fingers through his hair, his aqua optics went on to the female’s sleeping body that rested on his lab’s bed.
            She still hasn't woken up.
            He stood up from his seat and quietly approached her unconscious form to check on her condition. [Name]’s features were much softer in sleep, the lines that usually creased her brow replaced by youthful appearance giving off a child-like look. 
            She looked peaceful, he thought to himself.
            He pulled up the blanket over her shoulders and turned around to continue making remedies for her once she’s awake. 
            The Knights of Favonius were worried sick about her, especially her sister, Lisa. They were hoping and praying to the Seven she’ll wake up from her coma. They all miss her presence, days of not seeing her wandering around also worried the townsfolk of Mond.
            She has been cooped up inside his room while Sucrose and Noelle assisted him in taking care of her. 
            The morning dusk is about to arrive and Albedo has to continue doing his research nonstop. He does so wished to see her [eye color] orbs finally open after the incident. It hurt him to know [Name] has been like this that he did not even realize until the Acting Grandmaster and her sister told him about it.
            He stared at the small plant that was placed on the windowsill. Its leaves started to fall off from its branches as it slowly started to wilt in the darkness. He grabbed the small twig and observed the faintest of light it gives off.
            Would it hurt to say that it reminded him of her? 
            [Name] is someone that has to be taken care of carefully. After all, when she saw what he had written about her condition, she didn’t want to believe it. He wanted to say that her “friend” was just a fragment of her imagination without affecting her mental state.
            He hovered his hand over the small branch, watching it bloom before his eyes with ease. He placed it back in the vase and returned to the table. If only he could easily return her back just like how he did with the plant.
            Return her from his arms again instead of that bard.
            He let out a bitter laugh at that thought. This was his fault. Why would she come back running to him if he did not even once give her his time? When they’ve finally met again for so long, she was avoiding his eyes.
            It hurt him, he won’t lie about that. Her welcome to him was just a simple nod and that’s it. No hugs, no welcomes, not even a small smile was given to him.
            If he did stop his research and at least spend time with her, will everything change?
            Albedo shook his head as the answer to himself. Even if it is, why would he still continue hoping and thinking about these things? Sometimes his formulation of the rationale of real-life situations irked him. 
            This isn’t alchemy, genius.
            His self-feud stopped when he saw her fingers moved the slightest from his peripheral vision. His heart fluttered and gave him a bit of hope if the archons had finally heard their wishes. 
            When her eyelids flickered open, the sight was not what he was expecting. 
                      A lone tear trickled down her cheek. Her lips quivered and continued to look at the distance. Out of complete silence, her soft cries arose. He’d never seen [Name] sat like that, so deflated. Her loose shoulders shook, her hands hanging low, making no attempt to conceal or even wipe her own tears.
            All of these emotions coming to him at once hurt him.
             His head throbbed and let the feeling of guilt crush him.
             The giggle rolled around the room like a child’s spinning top, vibrant and heartwarming as it moved around the people in its chaotic ways. It came in its fits and bursts— loud to soft to nothing at all and back to loud again. 
            It was as if there was an invisible feather at [Name]’s nape brushing softly; she squirmed and raised her shoulders to block Barbara from tickling her neck. The laughter built up inside her like so much water behind a dam, making her shoulders and her belly hurt.
            She cried when Klee jumped onto her body and joined in with the deaconess. Their carefree and playful tittering reached Albedo’s ears when he entered the room. Their eyes darted towards him as their laughs died down.
            The Spark Knight ran towards him and hugged his legs, overjoyed in seeing the alchemist here. He knelt down to her height and patted her head as a smile slowly crept up to his face.
            [Name]’s laugh caught his attention again, though he did not dare to look at the two females. As much as he tried to focus on listening to Klee’s words, he cannot help but listen to the former’s gentle hilarity. 
             For some reason, it made his chest wrenched every time he listens to it. He wondered why that is when it’s something he remembers all the time. 
             He recalled the day he got his Vision. It appeared out of thin air on his desk and she was the first one to point it out. It surprised [Name] why he had gotten Geo instead of Dendro. She watched him fiddle the trinket in his hands as he continued to analyze it. 
            He didn’t really mind whichever Vision he got. As long as he can continue doing his research then it’s fine with him.
            He didn’t know why he found himself laughing so hard, but all of a sudden, he couldn’t stop. His breath came in quick gasps between his unstoppable tittering. Tears gathered in the corner of his eyes, threatening to spill over.
            She was confused about why he was laughing all of a sudden worrying her. He waved his hand dismissively and pointed out the expression that was currently painted on her face. Her face reddened and slapped his back jokingly.
            After their short playful bickering, the Chief Alchemist plucked a small branch from a plant and hand it over to her. 
            “Visions are gifts given to us by the Gods. Think of it like this sprig, there are many possibilities which among the elements they’ll receive yet no one knows what they’ll end up with until they’ve received it.”
            She furrowed her brows as her brain cogs continue to process what he meant. It finally dawned on her what he meant and hummed. “But not everyone can receive Visions, though.” She remarked.
            “Exactly. They may not bear fruits or maybe yet, one day it’ll come to them.”
            “That’s not what I meant.”
            “Then what is it?”
            [Name] sighed and rested her chin on her palm. “Not everyone is blessed by the Seven.” The male was still and quiet. 
            “Well, I’m no god. I may not know how they give out Visions but it sure is something remarkable, isn’t it?” Her eyes lightened up and nodded vigorously.
            “Right?! Wouldn’t it be better if they just give it to everyone?” Albedo laughed and admired her own exclamation. 
            It surprised the female teen that he just suddenly grabbed her hand unnoticed. He observed how small her hands are compared to his. He placed the twig on her palm and with a simple motion of his wrist, the branches started to grow as small leaves then sprouted from it.
            It occurred to her just how amazing Albedo is. She raised the small branch in the air and examine the faintest glow of the leaves it emitted. She gasped and stared with wide eyes as isotoma flowers started to bloom from the ends.
            “W-was that suppose to happen?” She turned her head to him and pushed her arms forward to show the herb to him.
            He bobbed his head and took out a pot filled with soil. He used his elemental skill on it and a cecilia shaped flower appeared. Instead of the usual vibrant white, it almost looked too rigid and rocky.
            [Name] poked it and it really was sturdy. He asked her if she can use her own elemental skill, to which she responded with a yes. She twirled her hand and he can feel the air starting to get cold.
            Small snowflakes started to form and dropped down on the pot. Once the snow made contact with the rocky flower, it formed into a crystal and bloomed into a refreshing and spirited cecilia.
            It felt like a real flower instead of the stony one they just saw. The alchemist plucked it and carefully tucked it to her ear, adoring how well it donned her appearance and perfectly captured her delicacy.
             Cecilias really does suit her.
             That day, the day he only showed it to her. It’s the memoir he cherished the most. It’s the only special memory he couldn’t forget.
            He understood why. He keeps thinking of her.
            All these mnemonics with [Name] are important to him and are everything to him.
            And on that day, he believed she wouldn’t leave.
             A smell of a nostalgic sweet breeze wafted in him. The winds kissed his skin making him wish to go back to sleep, yet the sound of familiar laughter was what made him want to open his eyes.
            He recognized those sweet mirths. It’s so close to him that he can feel the figure’s shakiness. The tree’s shadow helped him not to be blinded by the rays of the sun and the gales that caressed his skin were so calming, but his focus was purely glued to a smile.
            Her smile.
            He still waited for the day when he can show the small beauties of life to someone, but there are no fools like him in this vast world. Perhaps they exist, yet they must be distant, enjoying the same sky with other eyes yet the same thought. 
            The whistling of the birds that awaken their sleep in the trees, letting his perception be painted with white, yellow, and blue. It battered him that he was currently laying on her lap.
            So shall it stay put, a smile eternally stained upon her lips. Her joy, her love, her laughter, her cheer. All will reach the ears of those who have forgotten the warmth of such harmonies.
            Emotions came to his mind like the waves meeting the land. They come to him, soaking his entire being and helped him to understand his entire self better. He felt wet hot tears filled up his eyes.
            But this was no tears of grief. 
            It was tears of joy that he has finally heard her laugh once again. Much closer than before. The distance with them has now shortened. Is this the archons saying they’ll give him another chance?
            If it is, he’s very thankful to the Celestia and to the Seven. He was so happy that all he can do is cry and let the tears continuously fall down his cheeks. The tears stained his face but he didn’t care if it did.
            Albedo was just so ecstatic he finally got to reunite with her. He can finally hold her in his arms and apologize for the mistake he has done to her. He missed her so much that he can’t bear the pain anymore of how distant they are.
             And so he promised himself he won’t ever forget her.
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 this oneshot is based on this song   
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torrentoyunn-blog · 6 years
Visage birinci şahıs psikolojik korku oyunudur. Hem esrarengiz, hem de korkunç derecede gerçekçi ortamları birleştiren ve gerçekten dehşet verici bir deneyim yaşatan yavaş, atmosferik bir dünyada gizemli ve sürekli değişen bir evi keşfedin.
Visage is a first-person psychological horror game. Explore a mysterious ever-changing house in a slow-paced, atmospheric world that combines both uncannily comforting and horrifyingly realistic environments, and enjoy a genuinely terrifying experience.
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Générateur d’Avatars de SVG - jQuery Script intégré
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témoignages :
je voulais prendre une minute pour que chacun sache qu’il s’agit d’un travail vraiment exceptionnel. Le code est propre, portable et bien commenté. Dee ’ s attention au détail est sans égal. L’avatar ’ s têtes peut être incliné, ajusté de la bouche, et probablement beaucoup plus que je viens de n ’ t pas encore trouvé. Si c’était juste le produit de qualité seul, je ne peux pas ont commenté. Mais, j’avais besoin de poser une question et appris rapidement que Dee fournit un soutien hors pair. Ce soft ? Il ’ s tout simplement remarquable ! CreativelyMe, sur CodeCanyon
rarement voyez-vous telle un détaillé, bien pensé, pièce artistique de codage proposé pour un prix aussi petit. Une énorme quantité de travail ont été consacrés à ce soft – et de trouver un artiste et le codeur dans 1 personne est assez inhabituelle. Dee est un atout énorme pour notre communauté et j’espère voir beaucoup plus de projets par cet auteur ! mspanish, sur CodeCanyon
le grand travail Dee !! Me damne si vous haven ’ t créé le meilleur créateur d’avatar j’ai ’ ai vu … … ce produit est vraiment moins prix de superbe qualité et mieux obtenir seulement DuCarlion sur CodeCanyon
Merci pour ce bon scénario ! hiegl, sur CodeCanyon
c’est l’un du meilleur scénario que j’ai jamais acheter … Merci d’avoir fait ce Dee, espère vous régulièrement mettre à jour ce script et ajoutez des éléments … adieska, sur CodeCanyon
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Merci à :
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Wout Fierens l’auteur de lib de SVG JS
Brian Grinstead l’auteur de Colorpicker de spectre
Yuriy Khabarov l’auteur du plugin de Custom Scrollbar jQuery
Gabe Lerner l’auteur de Canvg – script analyseur SVG et rendu
sans ces personnes talentueuses svgAvatars a jamais pu être créés. Merci beaucoup !
journal des modifications :
Difficulté, 6 janvier - v1.3.2 - 2015, de la présentation générale pour un affichage correct dans les nouvelles versions de Google Chrome. 2014, novembre, 21 - v1.3.1 - Difficulté pour le téléchargement de Gravatar / * instant api XML-RPC de Gravatar ne fonctionne pas avec la méthode « grav.saveData ». La méthode « grav.saveData » est remplacée par « grav.saveUrl » on * /
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2014, janvier, 13 - v1.2.1 - Correction d’un bug avec filigrane vide sur un avatar pour le partage
2014 , Le 11 janvier - v1.2 - Ajout de la fonctionnalité de partage (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Plus) - change légèrement en CSS
2014, a ajouté, 8 janvier - v1.1 - lunettes - ajouté les poils du visage pour hommes - ajout de la possibilité de faire la tête chauve - un peu de changements en CSS
2014, janvier, 3 - v1.0 - première diffusion
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Générateur d’Avatars de SVG - jQuery Script intégré
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(V2) nouveau Design, Code amélioré, de nouvelles animations, groupe de l’utilisateur et Admin amélioré ( Under création, va être fourni en tant que libre UPDATE)
(V1.2) fixe 500 Erreur interne sur certains serveurs (mise à jour sur 21/06/2014)
(V1.12) fixe les fichiers upload avec aucun nom et certains titres (mise à jour sur 01/05/2014)
(V1.11) Ajax et progrès Bar l’upload (mise à jour le 26/04/2014)
corrigé quelques erreurs de liens (mise à jour le 25/04/2014)
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