#visage : hati
scbastiansallow · 7 months
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the disapproval of cowards is praise to the brave. your name will be written in glory when wizards rule the world.
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voidb0und · 1 year
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I didn't know — I didn't know how greedy my heart really was.
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reapcrbunny · 2 years
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TWO GOTHS JUDGIN’ YOU    ft.    @tellusbane
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belovedghcsts · 20 days
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bloodymyhands · 9 months
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starliitstories · 1 year
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museincarnate · 1 year
"Heh, I'll clear your skies, if you know what I mean." - Lucilia to Hati
A bead of sweat would roll down the visage of the Half-Saiyan; the supposed innuendo causing his cheeks to temporarily adopt a reddish hue.
"This had better not be your attempt at teasing me, Lucilia. I've had similar thoughts, you know..." Honest as can be, his gaze averted; Hati swallowing air to keep his composure.
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kazeofthemagun · 2 years
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@cursedfortune asked the summoner:
She's peering over to him in that special silent way that says, 'I want to pet your dogs'
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Ah, how she always radiated such wonder whenever one of his Espers graced the world of the living. With their task complete, the beasts would soon be released - their prolonged existence a tax upon the Hunter's constitution. Five faceplates engraved with glowing glyphs turned towards her, just as he did.
Fenrir's ilk recognized her much like she did them. To see the true spirits shining past a visage of steel and wire, summoned through the sacrifice of Soil. Seldom were they ever acknowledged - treated as more than mere tools of destruction. That hidden truth was one shared between the beast and its summoner; The one to give shape to its purpose, to offer another fleeting glimpse of the waking world. Not many would ever behave the way the Witch did. Not in the face of such grand instruments of violence.
Then again, she too was one such instrument - if only her nature called for it. Summoned by the world itself, by its need for entities like her. It was one of the rare instances where he was willing to truly believe in fate.
Hati's metallic snout slid slowly into her hand, allowing the creature's smooth shell to be touched freely. His three jaws clicked and folded, sheathing vibrant teeth. The rest of the Arsenal of Wolves stood around, as though awaiting their turn. Kaze's own hand rested against the side of Fenrir's neck, tracing dark armor with part gratitude, part reverence. This time, the silent gunmage had words.
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"They can tell. The way we are connected. The similarity." Cryptic yet again, but there was a warmth to his tone. "Spirits and the likes of us. We are not... that much different."
There was a pause, an appreciative shade of blue observing the coal-eyed Witch. Though ever hard to read, the low rumble of his voice was filled with affection.
"Will... made manifest."
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bvlgae · 2 years
War raged ever onwards between the Empire and the Union, but what befell the Faerie Village was decidedly not. This wasn’t carefully planned tactics at work, nor had honor been involved. Only brutality- Dogs tearing at each other to slake some frenzied hunger for blood. 
As a steward of the forest, it was his duty to protect those who dwelled beneath it’s boughs, but one mortal alone is nothing against the might of hundreds. As he cradled the cold body of his murdered sister to his breast, it was like something inside of him had cracked through the shell of his psyche. Not broken, but freed. Chains drawn taut, bolts to the wall loosening until they SNAPPED.
Perhaps it was the feral cry that left his lips, stained crimson from where he’d torn out the throat of an imperial, that attracted Hati. Whatever the reason, the Great Mother of Wolves had roused and sought out Fleuret like she was following the plaintive mewls of her offspring.
Pact partner, mother, goddess...
It was difficult to pin down the exact way that Ravus saw Hati, but the nature in which the direwolf nuzzled him and reacted to perceived threats was certainly that of a violently protective parent.
Slashes and sprays of red had stained the pure white of his vestments, fine and sumptuous fabrics now heavy with vitae from their slaughter. Ravus himself was on one knee, leaning heavily against the sabre he’d pierced the earthy loam beneath his feet with. Breathing heavily from the exertion of the killing frenzy he’d taken part in, it’s only the beating of massive wings that makes him pause ad raise his visage skyward.
Hati’s hackles bristled as stiff as that of a broom, baring oversized fangs as she leapt in front of her ‘child’. Her tail wasn’t straight or flared up like wind-whipped banner, but curled halfway between her hind legs.
Despite her aggressive display, Hati was scared. And if Hati was scared, then there had to be good reason for that.
“A red dragon,” he mused aloud as Angelus landed nearby, Ravus’ icy blue eyes then shifting to the other human dismounting the massive creature. 
“Leave now. There is no more sport to be had here. Unless you’ve come to avenge your fellow soldiers?” he questions, raising the curved blade of his sword.
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writinanon · 6 years
Rook’s Wolf Heritage
   Rook is directly related to Fenrir. She is his Great-Granddaughter with Hati as her Grandfather and her Father, Ask (translated as Ash because he was born within a grove of Ash Trees and the Norse can be very literal sometimes. Rook herself is named after her Fur looking like smoke spreading into inky blackness and then suddenly white). This means that her Great-Great-Grandfather is Loki. He takes pride in the fact that his Blood flourishes no matter what and has taught her to be clever. It also means that she will occasionally have Thor poke his nose in her business and while not exactly the greatest of her Family he will be more than happy to fight anyone who wanted her Hand. Odin keeps far away from her because she is a Wolf and he knows what his fate will be upon her Great-Grandfather’s awakening.
   Rook’s mother was Mortal and remained Mortal. Her mother was loving and kind but died when Rook was young. Baring Blood is strenuous enough without it being as Pure as it was. Ash was heartbroken about this, he often visits Rook’s mother in the Underworld where she is a permanent Guest within Hel’s mansion. This is the reason that he returned Home once Rook was old enough to care for herself because his heart could not heal while in the Mortal Realm and he refused to make his daughter, his only child, an orphan. Ash loves Rook more than anything and will destroy anyone that mistreats her. This is why he raised her amongst the Coyotes of Hope, he knew that many Wolves would look down on her and he couldn’t slaughter them all without becoming Bound as his Grandfather. There were still instances but they happened much later when Rook was able to deal with it at the time.
   With her half heritage they were unsure if she would actually show the Power that comes with Blood or if it would lay dormant until she had children, if she had them with a Wolf (a ‘true’ Wolf not one of those Southern pretenders). However, Rook’s Power is deeply rooted in her Blood and shows in her strength, magic (thank you Loki, you sly bastard), and her presence. If it weren’t for her scent most would think she’s Pure. Once they realized that she was just as powerful as her father it was decided that she would join the Hunt when the time came. If she hadn’t she would have been taught to be a Guardian and would have protected the Territory and Family.
   This meant that when it came time for her to get the Seal of her Family inscribed into her back it wasn’t a shield with Jörmungandr encircling it and Hel’s crown in the center but the Hunt. As it is Hati that is her Pack Patron his visage is the one that curls over the top of the Hunt. Woven into the knot work are thistle and clover with an elder blossom in the center.
  The outer most circle starts at the back of her neck, touches her sides, and stops in the middle of her back level with her bellybutton in the front. The plants and lace work are between this layer and the next. Then comes the Hunt with a great circle, meant to represent Earth in the center, but she has an elderflower there for her mother. The tattoo is done in dark blue that looks black and it glows in moonlight, a soft sky-blue color, though it is only the lace work, flowers, and Hati that glow for her. It is the same in reverse for her Cousins of Sköll’s Blood, with the red looking black and glowing a warm cinnabar.
   Because it is a Rite of passage within the Blood it is very painful to get the tattoo done. It is literally sewn into the skin of the back because it isn’t really ink but magical ribbon, symbolizing that they are Bound to this Fate as their Patriarch is Bound in Ribbon until the day that his Brother will release his Tail and the Ribbons will snap. Depending on the Seal it will be done with a Wood Needle or Bone, Rook’s was done with Bone. No one but the Blood know that it isn’t ink, though those that come into the Blood and join the Family learn of this information. They learn it the hard way because once they are deemed worthy they will have a smaller version, with only the Pack Patron and the unique mark (for Rook it is the Elderflower) within the lace, sewn onto the back of their neck or onto their wrist depending upon if their Mate is a Guardian (wrist) or a Hunter (neck). (The Brothers are able to withstand the pain fairly well but Faith has to have Rook rubbing her ears and distracting her to make it through without passing out because none of the boys passed out so she felt she couldn’t either, despite Rook warning them that this would be painful and there was no shame in passing out hell she passed out for hers).
   Touching the Seal without being Pack, Mated, or granted permission is a death sentence. The Seal is sacred and to desecrate that is a sin. Rook is honor bound to kill anyone that touches her skin directly with the intention of touching. (Accidents can happen like when she was training in a tank top that showed parts of the Seal and Sharky slapped her on the back, hand brushing it. She had grabbed his hand and warned him that if he wasn’t careful when doing that again he would lose the hand because no one was allowed to touch the tattoo. Sharky thought she was joking until he watched her tear off a Hunter’s hand for touching the back of her shoulder a few hours later while Jacob watched and said nothing. Jacob had smirked at Sharky with teeth and explained that the weak shouldn’t get a warning. It proved that Rook really did like him despite some of his antics because she had warned him). All of the Seeds respect this (it’s really her ears that John is after anyway though once Mated he enjoys the fur of her back)
Rook’s Coyote heritage isn’t going into depth in the story because her mother was a simple Coyote not directly or indirectly related to the Coyote, like Wheaty is, but she did have friends and family a few counties over. She had to settle in Hope because Ash needed the space given the fact that he’s massive. Rook will also eventually become massive but not for a few decades.
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malano-blog · 7 years
 Menyingkap Yang Tersembunyi April 28, 2017/0 Comments/in Curatorial /by admin Apakah kau tahu caranya membaca wajah? Tatkala seorang pria melayap mencari wajah yang lenyap, apakah kau pikir cukup mengejar maknanya belaka? Pada Sabtu sore yang berhujan, 3 Desember 2016, ketika bertandang ke studionya di sebuah sudut kampung Bugisan, Jogjakarta—saya ajukan pertanyaan dari novel The Black Book Orhan Pamuk tersebut kepada Erizal As. Saya menyengajakannya sebagai sebuah kendaraan pengetahuan untuk mengantarkan saya masuk-menemu pemahaman dan penghayatan akan sepuluh lukisan mutakhir, semuanya bertitimangsa 2016, pelukis kelahiran Padang Panjang, Sumatera Barat, 3 Februari 1979, itu. Apalagi, sebagaimana tersua dalam pameran tunggalnya Refiguring Portraiture di Gajah Gallery Singapura, 15 Desember 2016-2 Januari 2017, kesepuluh lukisan cat minyak itu berpokok perupaan potret manusia dengan wajah sebagai pusat perhatiannya.  King & Queen, Erizal As, 120 x 120 cm, Cat minyak di kanvas, 2016 Tak saya kira, sebagai responsnya, Erizal menghela kendaraan pengetahuan saya tersebut menuju lalu waktunya pada 27 Januari 2006, saat dia menggelar pameran tugas akhir karya seni lukis bertajuk Problematika Sosial Sebagai Ide Penciptaan Seni Lukis di Gedung Seni Murni Fakultas Seni Rupa, Institut Seni Indonesia Jogjakarta. Lalu waktu itu penting bukan hanya sebagai momen kebenarannya menjadi seorang sarjana seni rupa, melainkan juga penanda eksistensialnya selaku pelukis profesional yang memiliki kepekaan sosial, kalau bukan kesadaran kritis atas kenyataan haru-biru di tengah masyarakat.  Eager, Erizal As, 200 x 180 cm, Cat minyak di kanvas, 2017  Selfish, Erizal As, 230 x 150 cm, Cat minyak di kanvas, 2017 Dengan itu, Erizal ingin menempatkan lukisan-lukisannya sebagai model pernyataan (model of statement) atas realitas sosial dan kemanusiaan di sekitarnya. Model itulah sejatinya yang memampukannya dapat tempat di medan seni rupa Indonesia. Tapi, sekira satu dasawarsa terakhir, Erizal terkesan menjauhi model itu dalam proses kreatifnya berseni lukis. Alih-alih, model itu tergantikan oleh model penggambaran (model of picture) dan penggalian artistik yang berpusat pada garis dan irama visual, sebagaimana terlihat dalam pameran tunggalnya Lines Projects (Koong Gallery, Jakarta, 28 September 2007), Rhythm of Art (Philo Art Space, Jakarta, 11-24 Juli 2012), dan Visual Symphonies (Ganesha Gallery, Bali, 2 Agustus-1 Oktober 2012). Tapi, saya ingin menggarisbawahi model penggambaran dan penggalian artistik itu sebagai proses penguatan energi kreatifnya untuk bertungkus-lumus dengan lukisan model pernyataan berpokok perupaan potret manusia. Terbukti, empat tahun kemudian, Erizal menciptakan lukisan bertopik Faceless Series yang diusungnya bersama seri lukisan begawan seni lukis modern dunia Nyoman Adiana dalam pameran Visage Blanc Sans Visage di Sangkring Art Project, Jogjakarta, 28 April 2016. Pada hemat saya, lukisan Faceless Series itu penting untuk diingat di sini. Sebab, ia merupakan titik berangkat yang baik untuk memahami perkembangan estetik dan pencapaian artistik mutakhir Erizal sebagaimana terdapat dalam pameran Refiguring Portraiture. Maka, saya ingin mengatakan pameran itu sebagai penyempurnaan bentuk, teknik, dan ide lukisan potret bermodel pernyataan Erizal. Lihatlah, misalnya, King & Queen, yang dibuatnya dengan teknik palet yang dahsyat, sebuah teknik artistik yang jarang kita temukan di dunia seni rupa kontemporer Indonesia. Dengan itu, sapuan-sapuan di kanvasnya menciptakan tekstur berlapis yang mengaduk-aduk imajinasi di antara goresan, lelehan, dan torehan garis dan warna cat minyak yang memungkinkan pemirsa mempertautkan diri dengan pokok gagasan lukisan tersebut, yaitu kerajaan atau keratuan. Jadi, alih-alih menggambarkan sosok raja dan ratu yang ostensif, sosok raja dan ratu yang dapat dicek secara empiris, misalnya, raja dan ratu Inggris, lukisan tersebut merupakan profil raja dan ratu deskriptif, profil yang direka oleh Erizal untuk membuka makna raja dan ratu seturut sensasi, persepsi, dan memori pemirsa yang menatapnya. Karena itulah lukisan tersebut bisa jadi memukau, menggetarkan, mengenaskan atau mengharu-biru sebagai cermin imajiner yang puitis atau kaca jendela khayali yang suram tentang kerajaan atau keratuan yang bertakhta di lidah dan hati pemirsa. Karena itu pula, alih-alih menyabur-limburkan sosok raja dan ratu yang ostensif dengan sapuan bertenaga, garis ritmis, goresan ekspresif, dan lelehan impulsif—lukisan tersebut menampakkan “wajah sejati” raja dan ratu yang absen atau diabsenkan oleh pemujaan atau penyangkalan insani. Pada titik itu, wajah manusia merupakan terra incognita: sebuah tempat tak bertuan yang terbuka diperebutkan, dengan tindakan dan citraan, untuk mengukuhkan nilai ekonomi, sosial, atau estetis. Itulah yang digambarkan dengan sangat impresif oleh Erizal dalam lukisan Selfish dan Eager. Kedua lukisan bertarikh 2017 itu adalah salah dua dari empat lukisan cat minyak di kanvas paling baru Erizal yang dipamerkan Gajah Gallery di Art Basel Hong Kong, 21-25 Maret 2017. Di sana, sekali lagi, Erizal tak menggambarkan sosok ostensif, tapi membuat pokok soal insani, yaitu kecenderungan alamiah manusia untuk bertukar tangkap dengan lepas dalam oposisi berpasangan, menjadi terlihat sebagai perkara eksistensial abadi tentang hubungan tubuh dan jiwa atau impian dan kenyataan. Dengan pokok soal insani dan perkara eksistensial abadi itu, bijaksananya Erizal tak membiarkannya melayap tak terkatakan atau tak tergambarkan begitu saja. Dengan cara apa? Tentu saja dengan cara memberinya makna: mempertanyakan, mengontraskan, dan menyingkapkan, sehingga tampak sebagai apa yang ingin kita ketahui selama ini, bahwa wajah adalah konstruk atau pantulan, antara lain, keserakahan dan kekerasan manusia atau kepekaan dan kebijaksanaan manusia. “Dengan cara itu, saya kira, ikhtiar kreatif saya lewat seni lukis untuk mempelajari orang lain dan diri saya sendiri sudah terbilang cukup. Belum ada cara lain, kecuali mengejar maknanya dengan sapuan, goresan, torehan, dan lelehan di kanvas,” kata Erizal. Dengan itu, lukisan potret-lukisan potret Erizal, yang sejauh ini berkerabat dekat secara artistik dengan lukisan-lukisan potret dan wajah manusia karya pelukis kontemporer Inggris Antony Micallef dan pelukis kontemporer Rumania Adrian Ghenie, merupakan sebuah sketsa penciptaan yang belum sudah, tapi membuat khazanah seni lukis potret di Indonesia menjadi segar, baru, dan utuh, paling tidak menjadi kemungkinan lain yang menjanjikan. (*) WAHYUDIN, Kurator seni rupa, tinggal di Jogjakarta
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temanminum-blog · 5 years
Desember Chapter 2 : Mengunjungi Hujan Yang Berteduh Di Matamu. 
un jour après que tu m'as quitté
j'ai allumé une bougie dans mon coeur
j'ai demandé à mes yeux de regarder au loin
regardez je vous prie à quoi ressemble la blessure de mon coeur
aimer avec sincérité
l'audace dans la fidélité
a fait de moi une grande amoureuse
oh, la décence, les règles d'amour m'obligent à avoir le coeur brisé quand l'amour est cassé
devenir courtois au nom de la maturité
avoir bon coeur parce que c'est ce qu'on vous demande
un jour après que tu m'as quitté
jusqu'à la dernière bougie, on ne me raconte même pas
depuis le fond du coeur
à quoi ressemble la blessure de mon coeur
à quoi ressemble mon visage maintenant ?
* * *
Sudah seminggu sejak kedatangannya di Perancis, laki-laki itu lebih banyak mengurung diri di kamar, memandangi layar laptopnya yang belum ada satu katapun tertulis di sana. Botol-botol alkohol memenuhi ruangan yang biasanya ia habiskan hari untuk menulis, juga puntung rokok yang telah memenuhi asbak, dia biarkan begitu saja. lagu dari Ruby Turner masih keluar dari telfon pintarnya, sesekali tersendat karena ada pesan masuk, dan kali ini terputus karena telfon masuk.
 “hai lagi di mana?”, suara ini datang dari perempuan yang tak terduga, nama Yessy tertera pada layar smartphonenya.
 “lagi di Perancis, kenapa?” balas lelaki itu
 “temui aku jam 2, di kedai kopi biasa” telfon terputus...
Perempuan ini sudah lama dia kenal, namun semenjak Yessy melanjutkan studinya, mereka mulai jarang bertukar kabar, hal terakhir yang terdengar, Yessy menjalin hubungan dengan teman kuliahnya. Tapi hari ini dia menelfon dan mengajak bertemu, mungkin mau memberikan undangan, mengingat musim hujan selalu bertepatan dengan musim kawin.
 Jam menunjukan pukul 12 siang, dia bergegas berganti baju, menyangkin mantel dan payung, dan bungkus rokok yang hanya menyisakan beberapa batang saja. Pukul 1, dia sudah sampai di depan kedai kopi, setelah menghabiskan sisa rokoknya dia masuk.
“masih ingat dengan tempat ini” kata seorang barista yang ku kenal, Yanda sudah mulai bekerja di tempat ini sejak aku masih kuliah, Yanda juga teman Yessy yang kami baru tau setelah Yessy meninggalkan kota ini.
“seperti biasa” kata dia, mencoba mengingatkan Yanda tentang kopi yang biasa dia pesan. Sebelum duduk, dia menarik majalah musik Rolling Stone, ada wajah penyanyi pendatang baru sebagai cover, di penghujung tahun memang berita masih seputar album terbaik, dan penyanyi pendatang baru terbaik.
Yessy datang tidak lama setelah pesanan kopinya datang, memesan teh hangat dan menuju ke tempatnya.
“apa kabar?, Apa hari mu selamat?” Yessy bertanya dengan raut muka serius.
“kesedihan selalu datang sebelum hujan turun, setiap ku tatap angin barat dan udara berayun, kau sudah menetap di masa laluku yang pikun, runtuh hati ku yang tlah lama ku bangun bertahun-tahun”.
“sejak kapan?”
“sejak segalanya menjadi musium pertanyaan, sejak kau menolak menjadi segala jawaban”
“kamu masih memikirkan ku?”
“selama daun pagi itu masih mengembun, aku mengemban tetimbunan rindu di paru-paru dan seluruh pori-pori kulit, ku rakit doa-doa selamatmu dari sakit dan sebab rindu-rindu ini sulit ku redam, padamu doa ku tak pernah padam”.
 Setelah itu, mereka sama-sama diam, sesekali laki-laki itu memandang ke arah Yanda yang memandangi mereka dari jauh, memberikan raut muka penuh pertanyaan tentang apa yang sedang terjadi.
 “aku harus pergi, suatu hari, apakah aku boleh datang lagi?”, Yessy mulai memakai mantelnya, sebab di luar hujan mulai turun. Lelaki itu hanya terdiam, dan tak lama Yessy mulai bangit dari kursinya, dan beranjak pergi.
“kamu boleh jarang datang, asal pasti datang” kata lelaki itu.
Yessy hanya tersenyum, sebelum pergi, Yessy mengucapkan terimakasih kepada Yanda, dan berjanji akan menghubunginya setelah dia sampai di rumah.
 Tak lama, lelaki itu menyusul apa yang dilakukan Yessy, beranjak pergi, mengembalikan majalan yang tak dibaca ketempatnya lagi. Dia berjalan mendekati Yanda, bersalaman sembari mengucapkan sesuatu yang menahan Yanda agar tidak usah bertanya.
 * * *
Sesampainya di kamar, dia membuka laptopnya, memesan tiket pulang ke Indonesia. Dan menulis pesan kembali untuk Yessy.
 “aku tak akan pernah berhenti merajut benang-benang hujan, meremas gemas gerigi gerimis yang sebentar lagi menderas di jalanan, ketika kau lupa menghangatkan tubuh yang pernah hangat di pelukan ku”
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bloodymyhands · 9 months
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✮⋆˙ never let me go. ━━ ( keyleth & vax )
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✮⋆˙ i hate you. i love you. ━━ ( alicent & rhaenyra )
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✮⋆˙ make me feel like im breathing. make me feel like i am human. ━━ ( wolfwren )
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✮⋆˙ what would you do if they only knew? ━━ ( wolfwren )
the armorer
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✮⋆˙ you steal me away. ━━ ( armorer & bo )
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✮⋆˙ mia thermopolis. ━━ ( threads )
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✮⋆˙ pauses and says youre my best friend. ━━ ( percabeth )
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✮⋆˙ ahsoka tano. ━━ ( threads )
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ooc tags - (i will forget some for sure)
✮⋆˙ taylor swift lyric bot. ━━ ( ooc )
✮⋆˙ forgive my northern attitude. ━━ ( self promo )
✮⋆˙ your turn to roll. ━━ ( promos )
✮⋆˙ the trust funds and punishers. ━━ ( memes )
✮⋆˙ sneak peek into my mind palace. ━━ ( headcanons )
✮⋆˙ can i please have 20 dollars? ━━ ( wishlist )
✮⋆˙ lesbian request denied. ━━ ( crack )
✮⋆˙ waiting room. ━━ ( queue )
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