#{alpha saiyan; hati}
museincarnate ยท 4 months
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He's being edgy and possibly brooding. Don't mind him. Or... See if he needs a distraction or something to do.
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museincarnate ยท 6 months
๐Ÿ * โ€• ๐…๐ˆ๐‘๐’๐“ ๐Œ๐„๐„๐“๐ˆ๐๐† ๐’๐„๐๐“๐„๐๐‚๐„ ๐’๐“๐€๐‘๐“๐„๐‘๐’.
โ› ย excuse me, i think iโ€™m lost.ย  โœ
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( As Adult Neptune for any muse of your choosing! )
Despite their collective ability, as a group, to be isolated in the wilderness while they traveled, it seemed as though someone had stumbled across Hati's gang's camp; announcing herself and her situation, for the ragtag group to acknowledge with slightly off-putting stares. Two Majins, two Namekians, two Arcosians, and...
What appeared to be a Saiyan would rise from his seated position, to approach Neptune. She seemed kind enough, and what started as an irritable expression, would quickly soften to something more neutral, if not careful.
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"And I take it you weren't heading for anywhere in particular, in the woods?" He'd sigh, momentarily, as if he was slightly being inconvenienced.
"Where were you headed? If I know where it is, I guess I can guide you."
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museincarnate ยท 1 year
"Lucilia, don't think I don't see you over there jotting things down."
Oh, he's definitely blushing hard and losing his composure a little.
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museincarnate ยท 5 days
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No thoughts. Hati's just judging everything he's seeing, after disappearing for some time. Who knows where he goes.
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museincarnate ยท 1 year
@the27percent - Hati
A ragtag group of seven had just set up an encampment out in the wilderness; two Namekians, Two Icejins, and two Majins following close behind what looked like a Saiyan male in his early 20's. For the necessity of allowing resources to replenish in other areas, the group seemed to live out in the wild; still remaining clean and organized in their way of life.
As for the one who seemed to lead them, he seemed a touch agitated; though the female Majin was giddily skipping up to him, and trying to calm him, or speak optimistically. Given the lack of care any of the seven possessed, it wouldn't be hard for someone to slip into their encampment, or startle them. They didn't seem all that hostile, at least...
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museincarnate ยท 4 months
โ˜บ: something that makes my muse happy โ˜น: something that makes my muse upset - hati
Something that makes Hati happy: He won't admit it, but Hati enjoys soft touches of affection when he can be afforded it. Words of affirmation and praise, or any leisurely activity that distracts him from... Himself. Or just getting him away from his misfit crew.
Something that makes Hati upset: Cowardice and pacifism. Being Half-Saiyan, he prides himself too heavily on that part of his lineage, as part of a warrior race.
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museincarnate ยท 6 months
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"And now I hear discourse about someone getting stabbed. I wonder what they did to deserve someone wanting to do that to them..."
Hati shrugged.
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museincarnate ยท 1 year
Cue Hati's cheeks turning a blazing red, at the realization of the possibility of others taking notes of things he reveals, whether he likes it or not.
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museincarnate ยท 11 months
"i never gave up on you." - Lucilia to Hati
Despite the family drama that was likely unraveling because of who Hati was, and his own past, Lucilia's statement likely came after he'd been found bloodied and disheveled; licking his wounds after a moral and physical battle with his own flesh and blood, Fen.
Frustrated, he kept his anger contained and didn't lash out at such a supportive partner; instead spitting blood onto the grass beneath him, while he was sitting. A shoulder was dislocated, as he struggled to relocate it on his own; Hati hissing through gritted teeth before he could manage a response. Hell... He wasn't even standing, as he sat in neither defeat nor victory... A stalemate.
"You'd have every right to. I hate that you have to see me in this sorry state, Lucilia, but I am grateful for you... Always."
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museincarnate ยท 1 year
๐Ÿ˜ถ + Has Hati had [smacks lips] spicy thoughts about miss Lucilia? >3>
"I-I have, but I fail to see how that's anyone's business but my own! Of all the things to ask, where I have no choice but to answer..." Oh, he's certainly flustered by that one!
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museincarnate ยท 1 year
"So... This Family..."
"First and foremost, this family started, regardless of timeline, with two bitter rivals: Shuen and Torno.
Shuen, a Paradox in living form, believed in peace, and embodied hope itself; protecting the helpless, even if he was just one man in the endless cosmos. He's been through his share of troubles; losing sight of who he was, what he believed in, and his very nature quietly dooming the universe he and Torno came from. Sure, that last part wasn't his fault, but still."
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"Torno, on the other hand, was a prince... His life torn asunder when he lost his mother, and in a fit of rage, snuffed out his father's life, for carrying out that misdeed. Called the Mighty Saiyan, his moniker isn't just there to intimidate others. With sheer force, alone, he hits as hard as the universe's very mass, without moving faster than a second. For years, his rage wouldn't subside, until he and Shuen seemed to work out their troubles before they found mates, and had their own respective children... At least, that's the constant variable across all timelines."
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"Respectively, Shuen and Torno had Yujin and Hakkona. Yujin, the first-born son of Shuen, was much like his father in his earlier years; joyful, optimistic, and quick on his feet, when it came to combat. With his training partner being Hakkona, from childhood to adulthood, the two fell in love and had a kid together. After this kid of theirs grew up, a long-waiting ancient being claimed his body as a host for his soul, and damned Yujin and Hakkona's son to permanent death. A soul destroyed, as well as the body that was once the child's own. After that Yujin drank heavily, hardly slept, and became a recluse."
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"As for Hakkona, she was and still is strong, like her father, Torno. After her child was taken from her and Yujin, though, she couldn't be around children, as it sent her into a mournful, blind rage. She'd learn to overcome that coping mechanism, and lead a more calm life. Though, in recent events, another Saiyan left her permanently scarred; albeit curing her of her socially timid personality, and making her more like Torno: stoic.
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"Now... Here's where the timelines split up, and things get a bit complicated. Shuen met a woman named Tazz; falling in love with her shortly after the darkest chapter in his life. She was his sunshine, when his own light had blackened due to events that broke even the greatest of heroes. The two of them bore two children; Saiyan-Luparian twins that are named Fen and Hati. Fen took after his father's personality, and was very proud of his mother's lineage and life as a Luparian, while... Hati disowned his own mother and brother, when Shuen, in that timeline, met a tragic end protecting all three of them from a Luparian Hunter. Of course, after tracking his brother down, events transpired that would reunite the family, by the time the twins reached adulthood."
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"In another timeline, Torno met a Rabbit Woman named Tater, and the two fell in love as well. In this timeline, Torno gave up protecting the vast universe, and settled down with Tater, and the two had twins of their own: Togeta and Frei. Just like Hakkona, Togeta took after her father; being rather rowdy and strong, and becoming a sort of vigilante once she grew up. As for Frei, he was practically a spitting image of his mother; sharing even some of her timid tendencies, and being softer-spoken. Frei was responsible for opening a means of communication between all of the timelines that Torno and Shuen exist in, with most other constants being unaffected."
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"Then... You have another timeline constant, though the age of her depends on which timeline is being visited. In the timeline where neither Shuen's OR Torno's twins exist, Aitez, the second child and daughter of Yujin and Hakkona, is but an infant. She was born out of mourning, and the hopes that she could help Yujin give up his bad coping mechanisms, while he and Hakkona split up after her birth. Replacing the void that their first child's absence had left, the Aitez of the twins' timelines is fully grown, and tomboyish in nature. Taking after an amalgamation of her predecessors, and the person she was named after, she has a chip on her shoulder, and knows little about her forgotten brother."
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"So... How do I know so much about this happy fucking family? You see, (reader), they may have forgotten, but a wish was granted by someone other than flesh and blood, to bring that son of Yujin and Hakkona back from his state of permanent death. Sure, it perverted the laws of life and death, but with it came a knowledge of everything that the family had done since the son was lost. Oh, that doesn't quite answer how I know all of this? Fine, I'll make it clearer."
A long drag from a cigarette would fill the lungs of the narrator; black sclera marking him for his very existence in the land of the living. Tones of disgust for this family had quietly intensified from the start, and the face that revealed itself to the reader would hold similarities to those of Hakkona and Yujin. Which meant...
"Like my name, I've severed all links to that family, because they've certainly seemed to have done the same to me. I am Ronin, the Forgotten Son that was replaced. Grandchild to Shuen and Torno, brother to Aitez, and nephew to Fen, Hati, Togeta and Frei. Or, that's what they'd likely tell you if they knew I lived once more. Soon... They'll know. There. You've met them. Hope it was worth hearing, before the real reunion eventually gets underway."
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museincarnate ยท 1 year
Mother's Day...
Oh, right... He has one of those. The two of them hadn't so much as laid eyes on each other since he left their home, on the same night that his father, Shuen, died protecting her and their children. And yet...
Before Hum, Bracada, or the rest of his gang woke up, Hati would depart from his encampment, and head towards the nearest city; a flower shop he'd seen before coming to mind, on this particular day. Since he'd left his home, Hati had made the conscious choice to wish away any part of his appearance that made him like her, or even his own twin brother, and yet... In that damaged heart of his, the remnants of love and appreciation managed to exist. While he and his gang acquired currency in less than ideal ways, he had frankly saved any allowance he was given as a child, and managed to have enough for one thing every single year...
Entering the flower shop in the earlier hours of the morning, a custom bouquet of Tazz's (@dragvnsovl) favorite flowers would be made; the Half-Saiyan paying for the beautiful arrangement with an added note attached. The whole time, he was rather, uncharacteristically, amicable with the owner; offering a smile and thanks as he exited the shop. He'd take to the skies once more; memorizing where his family's home was, and doing his best to avoid detection.
In the early hours of the morning, still, he'd stand on the doorstep to his former home, and set down the bouquet; knocking upon the door just briefly, before immediately, without hesitation, taking off. He wouldn't be seen, but when his mother would find the bouquet, just like every year, the note would say the same thing it always did:
"Happy Mother's Day.
From... A Loved One."
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Picrew Credit
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museincarnate ยท 6 months
โ˜” - Lucilia to Hati
Holding a rather large umbrella over both his and his partner's own head, the Half-Saiyan seemed the slightest bit distracted; his mind wandering elsewhere for a moment, as the downpour struck their overhead cover, and the pavement below them.
In his defense, he did manage to meet up with Lucilia to spend time together again, after getting away from his gang of misfits.
"Damn... I wasn't expecting rain today..."
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museincarnate ยท 6 months
"What? No, I'm fine, I โ€ฆ" - Lucilia to Hati again
Digits would curl inwards, as open hands turned to tightly balled fists, at the sight of his bleeding partner; his chest tightening to an almost unbearable degree, as breathing became almost herculean, as a task. While he'd likely come to her with his own crimson fluids escaping him to some degree... The sight of the opposite nearly drove him mad; a seething rage boiling within him, despite the teachings of his father. Humility be damned, someone he loved was hurt.
"What happened?" Was all that could be choked out, as shaky breaths made the words just as unbalanced.
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museincarnate ยท 6 months
๐Ÿ‘„ - Lucilia to Hati ;3
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He won't say anything, but it should be known that he has to keep himself from showering her in affection when they're able to spend time together. He's not the best at verbally expressing his feelings, but every time they touch, he does his very best to tenderly worship every bit of affection, and the moments they have.
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museincarnate ยท 7 months
๐Ÿ’ฎ - Is your muse the possessive or super jealous type? (to Hati)
"... Only if I'm given a reason to feel that way. I've seen couples interact with others, publicly, and one of them might be flirted with, by a random person. In the cases where my partner might not tell the other to cease their flirting, out of respect for our relationship, then I would feel possessive. As for jealousy... I fail to see what I would ever have to be jealous of."
Oh boy. He's certainly not lacking in self-confidence.
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