#virus covid Lambda Delta
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didanawisgi · 4 years ago
Importance Vaccine breakthrough by an emergent SARS-CoV-2 variant poses a great risk to global public health.
Objective To determine the SARS-CoV-2 variant responsible for 6 cases of vaccine breakthrough.
Design Nasopharyngeal swabs from suspected vaccine breakthrough cases were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by qPCR for Wuhan-Hu1 and Alpha variant. Positive samples were then sequenced by Swift Normalase Amplicon Panels to determine the causal variant.
Setting Transmission event occurred at events surrounding a wedding outside of Houston, TX. Two patients from India, likely transmitted the Delta variant to other guests.
Participants Following a positive SARS-CoV-2 qPCR test at a third-party site, six fully vaccinated patients were investigated. Three males and three females ranged from 53 to 69 years old. One patient suffered from diabetes while three others were classified as overweight. No significant other comorbidities were identified. None of the patients had a history of failed vaccination.
Question Which SARS-CoV-2 variant is responsible for 6 cases of vaccine breakthrough, one interventional monoclonal antibody treatment, and one death?
Findings Viral sequencing revealed 6 vaccinated patients were infected with the Delta SARS-CoV-2 variant. With no histories of vaccine breakthrough, this suggests Delta variant may possess immune evasion in patients that received the Pfizer BNT162b2, Moderna mRNA-1273, and Covaxin BBV152.
Meaning Delta variant may pose the highest risk out of any currently circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants, with increased transmissibility over Alpha variant and possible vaccine breakthrough.
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doonitedin · 3 years ago
These new COVID-19 variants are causing global alarm beyond Delta strain
These new COVID-19 variants are causing global alarm beyond Delta strain
The continued spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus has spawned a Greek alphabet of variants – a naming system used by the World Health Organization (WHO) to track concerning new mutations of the virus that causes COVID-19. Some have equipped the virus with better ways of infecting humans or evading vaccine protection. Scientists remain focussed on Delta, now the dominant variant around the world, but…
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noticiasinter24 · 3 years ago
Todo sobre las variantes de COVID-19: cómo se originaron, cuáles son las más preocupantes y de qué depende su aparición
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Variantes. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta y Lambda no son solo letras del alfabeto griego. También representan lo que la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) llama la atención y las variantes de interés del SARS-CoV-2, manteniendo alerta a científicos, investigadores y autoridades de todos los países. Según lo declarado por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, la organización internacional de salud más importante, todos los virus cambian con el tiempo, al igual que los virus que causan COVID-19. En vista de los últimos desarrollos en Delta, esta versión se descubrió por primera vez en India a fines de 2020. A los principales países del mundo les preocupa que tenga una mayor infectividad y sus 6 características distintivas, que pueden ralentizar el movimiento global hacia el “nuevo normal ”. Importante Es comprender las razones detrás de estas mutaciones de virus en general, especialmente el nuevo coronavirus. Noticias Internacionales. ¿Qué es lo más peligroso? La variante Delta del COVID-19 es una de las variantes que preocupa a la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Debido a su alta infectividad más que a su letalidad, aparece hoy en 135 países, y hoy es la pandemia causada por el SARS. Uno de los proyectos -El virus COV 2 es el más preocupante en la comunidad científica, ya que para evitar su propagación, la empresa necesita estar completamente vacunada contra la combinación actual de inmunización contra COVID-19. Lo mismo sucede con Lambda, identificada por primera vez en Perú y ahora detectada en más de 40 países. El pasado 14 de junio, la OMS clasificó la variante Lambda como “de interés”, lo que significa que da lugar a una transmisión significativa y también puede causar “varios conglomerados del nuevo coronavirus en distintos países, con una prevalencia relativa creciente y ocasionando números cada vez mayores de casos con el tiempo”, resalta la OMS. Esta versión muestra signos de tener un éxito inusual en la infección de personas completamente vacunadas, según un estudio preliminar. Ya se ha extendido a Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, así como a Texas y Carolina del Sur. Consultado por Noticias Internacionales, el doctor Víctor Romanowski, virólogo vicepresidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Virología (SAV), director del Laboratorio de Virología Molecular en el IBBM-Fac. de Cs. Exactas (UNLP/CONICET), explicó: “Un virus es un paquete de información genética. Cuando entra a una célula, tiene que producir más virus, ese es su objetivo final. Para lograr este cometido, tiene que expresar toda la información genética almacenada en su genoma -a ARN ácido ribonucleico- para sintetizar proteínas y producir más copias de genoma que servirán para ‘armar’ más virus”. “En el caso de los coronavirus, estos paquetes de información genética tienen alrededor de 30 mil caracteres, una especie de folleto de unas diez páginas. Imaginemos a una persona que trata de copiar tanta data lo haga muchas veces, alguna de esas oportunidades lo hará cometiendo errores. Esto mismo sucede en el caso del ARN polimerasa, que copia ‘a mano’ toda esa secuencia de letras y los errores que comete se cometen se conocen con el nombre de mutaciones”, detalló el virólogo. En consecuencia, “estos errores pueden aparecer como constelaciones de mutaciones, que caracterizan a lo que llamamos diferentes variantes de un virus. La cantidad de variantes es prácticamente infinita, un número muy grande. Muchos de estos errores convierten al genoma en inviable, un virus que tiene ciertos errores en ciertos lugares es incapaz de producir más virus o infectar más células”, añadió el vicepresidente de la SAV. “Los errores que modifican la información genética y permiten que el virus sobreviva son errores que vemos y observamos como variantes. Existe la llamada presión de selección, que favorece las variantes que tienen ciertas ventajas, como una replicación más rápida y una infección más eficiente del“ objetivo ”. "O células" diana ". En el corto año y medio de la pandemia del coronavirus, muchas de estas variantes han provocado que el virus sea más infeccioso que el virus original. Se descubrió en China a finales de 2019. Inicio ok . “Esto no necesariamente significa que estos virus causen mayor daño en la persona infectada. Una de las características para detectar una variante es que necesariamente tiene que infectar y replicarse más eficazmente que la original, sino no la veríamos, ya que estaría desplazada de la población por otras mucho más eficaces para reproducirse”, ejemplificó. De acuerdo a Romanowski, “los estudios de biología computacional permiten vaticinar que errores de replicación o mutaciones podrían hacer que una variante sea más eficaz en propagarse que otras. Desde lo empírico se observa que ciertas mutaciones aparecen en diferentes variantes de manera independiente. Y esto sugiere que no existe una infinidad de variantes viables: son limitadas y eso hace que nuestra lucha contra el coronavirus pueda ser focalizada de mejor manera y permite pensar que tendremos éxito independientemente del diseño de las vacunas”. "Finalmente, todas las vacunas permiten el desarrollo de defensas inmunes contra múltiples proteínas virales. Es decir, los anticuerpos no solo detectan" parches "de proteínas, esto puede considerarse un mosaico de pequeños parches, y hay algunos anticuerpos que actúan sobre él. Esto significa que las vacunas se dirigen a diferentes variantes y su eficacia es ligeramente diferente ", señaló. Según un virólogo: "Estamos viendo un experimento al aire libre en los Estados Unidos, donde un grupo de personas han sido vacunadas y un gran grupo de personas no han sido vacunadas. No quieren ser vacunadas". Es importante aclarar que la eficacia se determina en ensayos clínicos. Lo que estamos viendo en estos momentos es la efectividad de las vacunas en el territorio, es decir en el mundo real.  Es muy distinto pensar en la efectividad de una vacuna para impedir que se infecte una persona tenga síntomas a evaluar su efectividad para impedir que esa persona que tiene síntomas termine necesitando una hospitalización o tener eventualmente un desenlace fatal”. “Se ven mayores diferencias cuando se analiza la protección que brindan las vacunas para evitar la enfermedad sintomática causada por las distintas variantes. Pero cuando nos movemos hacia el objetivo de reducir el riesgo de hospitalización y, eventualmente, de una enfermedad severa que conduzca a la muerte, la mayoría de las vacunas exhibe porcentajes de efectividad mayores y cercanos frente a diferentes variantes”, concluyó Romanowski. Por su parte, Aldo Cáceres, virólogo, bioquímico y coordinador en el comité de bioseguridad y control de infecciones en el H.I.G.A San Felipe de San Nicolás de Los Arroyos, provincia de Buenos Aires, definió a Noticias Internacionales: “Los coronavirus, y en especial el SARS-CoV-2, tienen un genoma grande, de 30 mil pares de bases, que es el corazón del virus. Cuando ingresa a una célula humana, necesita replicarse. Es un parásito intracelular. Invade la célula y comienza a replicar el genoma, y ??comienza a emitir órdenes a la célula que invadió para ensamblar un nuevo virus ". "Estos virus de ARN se replican mediante la acción de una proteína llamada ARN polimerasa o dependencia. Esta proteína carece de una exonucleasa correctora. Cuando se replica, en la transcripción que debe realizar otra persona, no corrige Esos errores, comenzaron los errores para aparecer, esta es la base de la mutación ", agregó. ¿Cómo continúa el proceso? “Esa mutación, a veces puede tener o un menor o un mayor efecto, que puede hacer que no llegue a nada y se extinga en el mismo momento o bien prosperen y originen alguna variante que pueda generar un escape al sistema inmune”, deslizó y especificó que depende mucho de la presión que ejerza esa mutación. “Generalmente las mutaciones más importantes en SARS-CoV-2 se están dando en el genoma de la proteína viral S o spike, que es la llave de ingreso del virus a las células humanas”, especificó Cáceres y aclaró: “Estas variantes se analizan desde la vigilancia epidemiológica molecular, y se hace por consenso mundial a través del GISAID que cuenta con más de 16 mil mutaciones registradas y acá en la Argentina existe el consorcio llamado Proyecto Argentino Interinstitucional de genómica de SARS-CoV-2 - PAIS, donde se lleva analizado un número importante de muestras, secuenciadas en formas parcial o total, con más de 1.000 genomas secuenciadas”. En referencia a las principales características de las variantes, el virólogo y bioquímico pormenorizó a Noticias Internacionales: “En el caso de la Delta estaría, por ejemplo, en que cuenta con un 60% más de transmisibilidad con respecto al linaje original. Más allá de ese porcentaje, también se analiza si es más virulenta, si puede ejercer mayor daño con esa mutación en el genoma que ha adquirido y ver si cuenta con la ventaja evolutiva para hacer el temido escape evolutivo, que a lo mejor las cepas vacunales -inducidas en la vacuna con la respuesta inmunológica- no pueda detectarla o tenga un menor efecto, hecho que sucede con Delta, que tiene cierto escape inmunológico pero afortunadamente débil”. “Uno cuando hace vigilancia epidemiológica molecular, lo que hace es buscar la mutación específica dentro del genoma. Eso se puede producir en una proteína que tiene algo diferente respecto a la original que le brinda esa ventaja evolutiva. Ese potencial impacto clínico que puede llegar a tener después hay que observar en la población. Se puede avisar que se encontró una mutación específica pero después hay que comprobar su accionar en la comunidad”, agregó. Son necesarios más rastreos genéticos del coronavirus para evitar nuevas variantes, advirtieron científicos.
¿Serán infinitas las mutaciones en SARS-CoV-2? 
Según el virólogo Aldo Cáceres, “la única forma de prevenir estas mutaciones genómicas es conseguir la inmunidad colectiva requerida, porque cuando aumenta un gran número de casos, como en el caso Delta, lo único que hace es producir un mayor riesgo de mutaciones porque Cuanto más se propaga el virus, más probabilidades hay de que mute ". “Hasta el momento se han visto miles de pequeñas modificaciones que no tuvieron una mayor consecuencia, pero hay algunas variantes de preocupación (denominadas VOC) y de interés, que también son seguidas de cerca por la OMS, para ver si evolucionan y pasan a ser un riesgo a la salud. ¿Serán infinitas? Creo que no, o por lo menos si llegamos a la inmunidad de rebaño con la vacunación vamos a poder controlar la situación”, agregó. “Además, no podemos saber cuáles serán las próximas mutaciones, esto es algo totalmente impredecible. Es factible que aparezcan nuevas versiones del SARS-CoV-2, sería lo más esperable, aunque no podemos saber dónde, a pesar de que generalmente las mutaciones que tienen un impacto clínico o efecto en la población cuentan con una mutación que le da una ventaja evolutiva, que puede estar dada en una mayor adherencia a las células humanas; en una mayor capacidad de replicación, en una mayor capacidad de escape inmunológico a la defensa que le presenta el sistema inmune, etc.”, determinó el experto. En diálogo con Noticias Internacionales, Lilián Testón, médica infectóloga del FUNCEI (Fundación del Centro de Estudios Infectológicos del doctor Daniel Stamboulian), advirtió: “El genoma viral está compuesto por secuencias de proteínas. A medida que el virus circula y se transmite entre diferentes individuos las posibilidades de mutaciones en su genoma aumentan”. “Como sucedió hasta el momento, algunas variantes fueron reemplazando la cepa viral original y prevalecen en diferentes regiones. En el caso de la variante Delta, aparecida en diciembre de 2020 en la India, posee dos tipos diferentes de mutaciones se caracteriza por aumentar la carga viral en las vías aéreas superiores lo que genera mayor capacidad de trasmisión y su consecuente diseminación en la población susceptible de forma rápida y eficaz. La vacunación completa, hasta el momento con 2 dosis, previene el desarrollo de enfermedad severa y de hospitalización”. agregó. Para Testón, existen posibilidades infinitas de mutaciones, algunas pueden no ser tan peligrosas y auto limitarse. “Dentro de los escenarios posibles para el fin de la pandemia deben evaluarse dependiendo del porcentaje de población vacunada. Mientras la tasa de vacunación sea baja o insuficiente la circulación continuará hasta que se alcance los niveles adecuados de vacunación. En países con altas coberturas de vacunación es posible que el virus genere brotes esporádicos especialmente en la población no inmunizada y mantenga una endemicidad que requiera de vacunas adicionales en forma anual”. “La enfermedad no puede erradicarse porque existe un reservorio zoonótico (murciélago) que puede ser el origen de nuevas infecciones”, alertó. Guillermo Docena, bioquímico e inmunólogo, profesor titular de Inmunología de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, investigador principal de CONICET y desarrollador de ARGENVAC 221, opinó a Noticias Internacionales: “Lo primero que hay que destacar es que todos los virus mutan. A medida que se van replicando, -para eso invaden células y organismos- y a medida que se van multiplicando van introduciendo variaciones o mutantes. La diferencia de un virus a otro es la velocidad con la que muta, hay virus que mutan más y otros que menos: el SARS-CoV-2 muta mucho menos que HIV por ejemplo o hepatitis, y tenemos aparición de variantes por la gran cantidad de individuos que infecta el coronavirus, muta poco pero se multiplica mucho”. ¿Cómo aparecen las variantes? “Hay más de 3 millones de secuencias de ARN publicadas que son distintos virus con cambios muy pequeños al del coronavirus original. De ese total, se han transformado en variantes de interés o de riesgo menos de 10. Esta selección se debe a que sus mutaciones o cambios aumentan la transmisión del virus de un organismo a otro, y eso se consigue por que cambia muy pocos aminoácidos en la zona donde la proteína S del virus se une al receptor y entra a la célula. Cuando esos cambios en esas zonas muy puntuales determinan que el virus se una más fuertemente al receptor celular, entra más rápido y fácil; esto determina que tenga una mayor capacidad de replicación y puedan generarse más partículas virales en cada individuo”, especificó Docena. En relación a la pregunta si las variantes serán infinitas, de acuerdo al investigador del CONICET: “No, la aparición de variantes va a depender de la capacidad de transmisión que tenga el virus y de las condiciones en las poblaciones en las cuales se esté replicando. Si tenemos situaciones controladas con contagios en un número bajo es muy poco probable que aparezcan nuevas; aunque si llegamos a tener picos de casos como los de Brasil o India, con 100 mil a 400 mil nuevos contagiados por día, ahí sí es un indicativo que el virus se está replicando mucho y en esas condiciones es posible que aparezcan variantes” y vaticinó: “Si no se producen situaciones como las de India y Brasil, es improbable o imposible que aparezcan nuevas variantes. No creo que haya nuevas mutaciones, aunque me preocupan los dichos del primer ministro británico Boris Johnson que no le importa que haya 100 mil casos por día. Si eso llega a ser así, -ya superaron los 50 mil infectados diarios en ese país, ahí sí es probable que aparezca una nueva versión del SARS-CoV-2”. Con Información de Infobae. Read the full article
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abr · 3 years ago
(D)allo scorso giugno, le varianti (...) del virus Sars-CoV-2 (...) prendono il nome dalle lettere dell’alfabeto greco. (Prima) le varianti venivano individuate dal nome del Paese dove erano state identificate (...): ma per evitare l’effetto-stigma (...), l’Oms ha deciso di assegnare le lettere dell’alfabeto greco alle varianti cosiddette «di preoccupazione» (in inglese VOC, Variant of Concern) e «di interesse» (VoI, Variant of Interest) (...). In base a questo criterio, vennero nominate «Alpha» la «variante inglese» B.1.1.7, «Beta» è la «variante sudafricana», «Gamma» quella «brasiliana», «Delta» quella indiana. (...) Dopo la «Delta», sono state classificate (...) altre tre varianti: Lambda, Epsilon e Mu (tutte e tre VoI, «di interesse» e non VoC «di preoccupazione»). Venerdì dunque sarebbe toccato alla lettera «Nu»: ma l’Oms ha deciso di saltarla. Non solo: l’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite ha saltato anche la lettera successiva, la «Xi». La motivazione, come spiegato al Corriere dalla portavoce dell’Oms Margaret Harris, ha a che fare con due ragioni diverse. «Nu», ha detto Harris, «suona, in inglese, troppo simile a “new”» (...). Per Xi, la questione è diversa: «Xi», spiega Harris, «è un cognome estremamente comune. E le nostre linee guida impongono di non utilizzare nomi che possano danneggiare gruppi culturali, sociali, nazionali, regionali, professionali o etnici». (...) il cognome Xi (...) è quello del capo di Stato (cinese), il presidente Xi Jinping. (C)hiamare la nuova variante «Variante Xi» avrebbe potuto generare un involontario contraccolpo mediatico «anti-cinese». Per questo l’Oms ha (...) opta(to) per il nome «Omicron».
ma come sono pol.corr. col VAIRUS (del finanziatore) CINESE! via https://www.dagospia.com/rubrica-29/cronache/si-fa-politica-anche-nomi-varianti-covid-290973.htm
 Anche se poi tutti son lì a chiamarla la variante (Sud)AFRICANA, a indicare che si sarebbe sviluppata dove il Covid non è affatto pandemico e infatti nessuno si vaccina (6% della popolazione). Par quasi ... voluto, si può dire?  
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wellthatwasaletdown · 3 years ago
"Live Nation venues have now said that the artist can set the rules for their own concerts. So Harry has no excuse not to demand double vaxx or proof of recent neg covid test."
It would be irresponsible and reckless to pack a bunch of people INSIDE a venue (even with masks) while the Delta Variant is waging war against the United States healthcare system. I saved this image to show a friend earlier this week--and the numbers keep going up. There are no hospital beds in my state. None. The Lambda Variant has been detected in the U.S. as well and it is showing signs of being resistant to the vaccines.
How is a concert tour supposed to happen under those conditions? What protocols do you put in place to stop the virus from spreading when it's twice as contagious as the original strain?
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yemme · 3 years ago
The variants are coming.  We failed to get Covid under control and a virus loves nothing more than to survive.  We’ve had many strains of this virus.  Once again China are closing regions Jiangsu Province because of an outbreak.  They are seeing the same strain in Wuhan as well.  Lambda is coming.  You think Delta or Gamma were trouble.  Get ready people.  Go back to the same practices. 
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lunasalix · 3 years ago
There are a few things that bother me about the "Darwinism" response to anti-vaxxers potentially or actually dying of COVID. You know, those people who say things like, "I got my shot, so I'm safe. Let those who didn't suffer the consequences."
1. Anti-vaxxers are a danger to all of society. Their ignorance and/or selfishness allows the virus to continue mutating. There are already stronger variants showing up, like Delta and Lambda.
2. This take completely ignores those who are unable to be vaccinated, whether it's due to age, immunodeficiency, or barriers to accessing medical care. It's not fair to ignore their safety and right to exist in society. Arguing against this point stinks of ableism.
3. Many BIPoC are nervous of the vaccine just as they're nervous of all medicine and science because those fields have caused great harm to their communities through inequitable care, such as medical training and equipment only designed for white skin, or outright abuse, such as Tuskegee and the forced sterilization of indigenous women through the 1990s. They have every right to be wary, and they don't deserve to die because of it. It is up to the medical and scientific communities to build better relationships and trust.
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analysis-of-china · 3 years ago
China's first anti-COVID-19 drug expected to be launched soon
--An analysis of Brii Biosciences' BRII-196 and BRII-198 neutralizing antibody combination therapy
On 25 August 2021, Brii Biosciences, a multinational start-up pharmaceutical company that has been working on an anti-COVID-19 neutralizing antibody since the outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19), announced that among 837 outpatients at high risk of disease progression for COVID-19 outpatients, hospitalisation and mortality were reduced by 78% in the trial group compared to the placebo group. There were 12 hospitalisations in the trial group compared to 45 in the placebo group, and one death in the trial group compared to nine in the placebo group. This was funded by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the data were statistically significant. Also, there were no serious drug-related adverse events or deaths in the clinical trial, and no serious infusion reactions.
In the face of the viral variants, data from in vitro chimeric virus trials indicates that the BRII-196/BRII-198 combination therapy maintains neutralising activity against COVID-19, including B.1.1.7 ("Alpha"), B.1.351 ( "Beta"), P.1 ("Gamma"), B.1.429 ("Epsilon",), B.1. 617.2 ("Delta") and C.37 ("Lambda"), it was unclear at press time whether the combination therapy was effective against the latest variant B.1.1.529 (" Omicron", Omicron) with the same good therapeutic effect.
“We are delighted with the positive results of this important global trial," said Dr. Hong Zhi, CEO of. Brii Biosciences. “As we continue to study this novel virus and build our knowledge of it, Brii Biosciences is committed to advancing the global standard of care for the benefit of patients at all stages of the disease and those affected by the COVID-19 virus variant. We look forward to completing the analysis of the full dataset and sharing the results of this large global trial." Teresa H. Evering, MD, co-principal investigator of the BRII-196/BRII-198 ACTIV-2 study and of Weill Cornell Medical College, USA, also said, "We are pleased to announce the Phase 3 interim results for ACTIV-2. The results demonstrate a significant reduction in hospitalization or death endpoints in mild non-hospitalization of COVID-19 patients treated with BRII-196/BRII-198. The devastating recurrence of COVID-19 cases over the past few months has impressed upon us the urgent need for relevant treatment options to tackle this disease."
Since the outbreak of Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) in early 2020, Brii Biosciences has partnered with Tsinghua University and Shenzhen Third People's Hospital to establish Tenson Huachuang to co-develop BRII-196 and BRII-198 New Coronary Neutralising Antibodies. BRII-196 and BRII-198 are a collaboration between Brii Biosciences and Tsinghua University and Shenzhen Third People's Hospital to develop new coronary pneumonia (COVID-19) antibodies from the blood of patients with neo-coronary pneumonia (COVID-19) during rehabilitation. This antibody was genetically modified by Brii Biosciences 's research team, applying genetic engineering techniques to reduce the risk of antibody-mediated dependent potentiation, increase its blood concentration into the lungs and extend the drug half-life to at least 60 days for a longer-lasting therapeutic effect. The non-overlapping epitope-binding regions of both antibodies provide highly neutralising activity against SARS-CoV-2 virus and therefore have anti-neo-coronavirus capability. Notably, the Phase II clinical trial of the BRII-196/BRII-198 combination therapy in China (NCT04787211) is being led by Academician Zhong Nanshan, member of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and Director of the National Clinical Medical Research Centre for Respiratory Diseases at the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University.
In addition to the clinical trial, in response to the emergence of new COVID-19 infections caused by the Delta variant in China since the second half of the year, Brii Biosciences has collaborated with local government departments and hospitals to donate BRII-196/BRII-198 to Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Ruili, Kunming, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Zhangjiajie and Zhengzhou on a pro bono basis, for clinical treatment. Since June 2021, Brii Biosciences  has provided a total of over 2,300 copies of BRII-196/BRII-198 Neoconjugate antibodies to relevant authorities and hospitals in various regions, supporting 18 hospitals in 17 regions to carry out life-saving treatment for patients.
As of 5 November, nearly 700 patients have received clinical treatment with the BRII-196/BRII-198 combination therapy, including patients with mild, common, severe and critical illnesses, with the oldest patient receiving the drug being 92 years old. The performance of the BRII-196/BRII-198 combination therapy in the life-saving work has now been well received by the clinical expert team and the medical team. According to the feedback from the frontline medical care, after the patients received the combination therapy, the symptoms were relieved, the nasopharyngeal neocoronavirus load decreased significantly, the lymphocyte count rebounded significantly, and the inflammatory response on chest radiographs absorbed significantly or even disappeared. Preliminary clinical observation suggests good safety and antiviral effect for virus variants such as "Alpha" and "Delta".
Brii Biosciences has submitted the interim report of the international phase 3 clinical trial to the China State Drug Administration's Center for Drug Evaluation (CDE) in October, and simultaneously submitted the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) application for the combination therapy of BRII-196 and BRII-198 to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The company is currently working closely with the regulatory authorities to achieve early approval of this innovative combination therapy in China and other countries. We expect it to provide the first effective drug for the treatment of COVID-19 in China and to make an outstanding contribution to the global fight against the pandemic, with a view to benefiting more COVID-19 patients and bringing an early end to the pandemic.
A synthesis from Brii Biosciences News Bulletin, Science and Technology Daily, Xinhua News Agency, Peng Pai News, etc..
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shangct · 3 years ago
Một chủng virus corona mới được Tổ chức Y tế Thế giới (WHO) tuyên bố là biến thể cần lưu ý, với những đột biến có thể kháng lại vaccine.
Mu, hay B.1.621, được phát hiện đầu tiên tại Colombia và sau đó các ca nhiễm lần lượt được ghi nhận tại 38 nước khác, chủ yếu ở Nam Mỹ và châu Âu.
“Kể từ khi được phát hiện lần đầu tiên tại Colombia vào tháng 1/2021, thỉnh thoảng có một số báo cáo về các ca biến thể Mu, và một số đợt bùng phát lớn hơn được ghi nhận từ các nước khác ở Nam Phi và châu Âu,” theo cập nhật hàng tuần của WHO về dịch tễ học công bố hôm 31/8.
Dù sự phổ biến của biến thể Mu trên thế giới có giảm đi và ‘hiện đang dưới 0,1%’, sự phổ biến của biến thể này tại Colombia (39 %) và Ecuador (13 %) đang tăng đều đặn, phúc trình nói.
WHO lưu ý biến thể Mu có một loạt các đột biến cho thấy những đặc tính có khả năng thoát khỏi hệ miễn dịch.
Biến thể Mu được WHO liệt kê là 1 trong 5 biến thể ‘cần lưu ý’ bên cạnh Eta, Iota, Kappa và Lambda.
Bốn biến thể khác ‘đáng quan ngại’ và được xem là có khả năng làm cho đại dịch trầm trọng hơn bao gồm Alpha (ghi nhận lần đầu tiên tại Anh và đã xuất hiện tại 193 nước), Beta (đang có mặt tại 141 nước), Gamma đã hiện diện tại 91 nước, và Delta đang hoành hành ở 170 nước.
Hiện số ca nhiễm Mu ghi nhận ở Mỹ (2.065) cao hơn bất cứ nước nào khác, theo GISAID. Columbia ghi nhận 852 ca và Tây Ban Nha 473 ca.
Một biến thể khác của COVID-19 có tên là C.1.2 cũng gây quan ngại cho giới khoa học vì lây nhiễm cao hơn và kháng vaccine hơn những biến thể khác.
Một cuộc nghiên cứu xuất hiện tuần trước cho biết biến thể C.1.2, phát hiện đầu tiên tại Nam Phi hồi tháng 5, đã xuất hiện tại Botswana, Trung Quốc, Cộng hòa Dân chủ Congo, Anh, Mauritius, New Zealand, Bồ Đào Nha và Thụy Sĩ.
Biến thể này dường như có tỉ lệ đột biến cao bất thường, đột biến nhiều hơn những biến thể cần quan tâm khác, và có thể gây bệnh COVID-19 nặng hơn các biến thể khác, theo cuộc nghiên cứu của một nhóm khoa học gia Nam Phi.
(Nguồn: Newsweek/CNBC)
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officialblackpinksworld · 3 years ago
Researchers in Japan discovered new facts about Lambda variant. Similar to Delta, the Lambda variant may be more infectious and immune to the Covid-19 vaccine.
In a preprinted study that has not yet been peer reviewed, it was shown that the Lambda variant is able to pass neutralizing antibodies that can fight the virus.
© New Study: Lambda Variant is More Infectious and Immune to Covid-19 Vaccine jeklamer.com
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cardstumble · 3 years ago
Doomsday virus variants: "They may be around forever, leaving us continually trying to figure out what to do next" "Having so many people infected creates a breeding ground for variants unlike anything we've ever seen with these sorts of viruses" It is not just the "vaccine hesitant" in US that the GOP is inciting, it's also the billions worldwide who don't even have access to effective vaccines - look at the recent resurgences in China, Japan, South Korea. Doctors and scientists will have to work overtime and work FAST and that may not be enough. We may all go extinct before this is over.
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covidclinic · 3 years ago
7 Things To Know About the Delta Variant
7 Things To Know About the Delta Variant The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new guidelines on the urgent need to enhance COVID-19 immunization coverage on July 27, 2021, along with a recommendation that everyone in areas with significant or high transmission wear a mask in public indoor places, even if they are fully vaccinated. The CDC published this updated recommendation in response to a number of alarming trends and fresh data signals.
Infections & Spread:
-The Delta version is more contagious; The Delta variant is far more contagious than earlier variants, being more than twice as contagious.
-According to some evidence, the Delta variation may cause more severe sickness in unprotected people than in prior forms; Individuals infected with the Delta variant were more likely to be hospitalized in two separate trials from Canada and Scotland than patients infected with Alpha or the original virus that causes COVID-19.
-Unvaccinated people continue to pose the biggest threat of transmission: Unvaccinated people are far more likely to become infected and thus spread the virus. COVID-19 (also known as breakthrough infections) is less common in fully vaccinated people than in unprotected ones.
People who have been fully vaccinated but nevertheless have a Delta variant breakthrough illness can pass the virus on to others. People who have been vaccinated, on the other hand, tend to spread the virus for a shorter amount of time: COVID-19 samples from fully vaccinated persons who suffered breakthrough infections contained less viral genetic material than COVID-19 samples from unvaccinated people.
7 Facts About The Delta Variant:
The Delta version has five characteristics that you should be aware of: -The Delta virus strain is more contagious than the others; According to F. Perry Wilson, MD, a Yale Medicine epidemiologist, one of the things that distinguish Delta is how quickly it spreads. “Delta will undoubtedly exacerbate* the pandemic” over the planet, he claims. (*worsen)
The first Delta case was discovered in December 2020, and the virus’s variation quickly became the prevalent strain in both India and the United Kingdom. According to CDC estimates, Delta was responsible for more than 80% of new COVID-19 cases in the United States by the end of July.
-People who have not been immunized are at risk; The people who have not been properly vaccinated against COVID-19 are the ones who are the most vulnerable.
In the United States, states with poor vaccination rates, such as Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Mississippi, Missouri, and West Virginia, have a disproportionate number of unvaccinated persons. (In some of these states, the number of instances is increasing, while in others, limits are being lifted since the number of cases is decreasing.)
-’ Hyperlocal epidemics’ could occur as a result of the Delta. Dr. Wilson thinks the major questions will be about heightened transmissions — how many people will catch the Delta variant and how quickly will it spread — if Delta continues to move fast enough to quicken the pandemic.
According to him, the answers could be influenced by where you reside and how many individuals in your area have been vaccinated. “I call it ‘patchwork vaccination,’ where you have pockets of people who are well vaccinated next to those who are only 20 percent vaccinated,” Dr. Wilson explains. “The difficulty is that the virus can hop, skip, and leap from one inadequately vaccinated area to another as a result of this.”
-The symptoms of the COVID-19 Delta variant appear to be the same as the original form. Physicians, on the other hand, are witnessing people becoming ill more quickly, particularly among the young. According to this research, the Delta variant grows significantly faster — and too much higher levels — in the respiratory system.
When those who have been vaccinated contract the Delta form, they are frequently asymptomatic or experience just minor symptoms. Their symptoms are similar to those of a regular cold, such as cough, fever, and headache, but they often include a substantial loss of smell.
-Even if you’re fully vaccinated, some experts advise wearing masks. Despite being completely vaccinated against COVID-19, several health specialists around the country are donning masks. They’re also encouraging vaccinated persons to stay away from large gatherings and wear masks indoors when other people’s vaccination status is uncertain.
-The easiest way to avoid being infected with Delta is to get vaccinated. The most crucial thing you can do to protect yourself from Delta is to get fully vaccinated, according to the doctors. That means that if you obtain a two-dose vaccine, such as Pfizer or Moderna, you must have both doses and then wait the recommended two weeks for the shots to take full effect. It’s also vital to follow CDC preventative guidelines, which are available for both vaccinated and unvaccinated people, whether or not you’ve been vaccinated.
-There are likely to be more COVID-19 versions in the future; COVID-19’s Delta version is currently the most well-known strain, but the Lambda variety from South America is also making waves. According to health experts, if individuals wish to return to normal, a large section of the population must be vaccinated. New strains of the virus will continue to evolve and cause difficulties as long as a significant portion of the global population remains uninfected.
People who have been fully vaccinated against the coronavirus continue to have good protection against COVID-19, according to what we know so far. Doctors warn that anyone who is not vaccinated and does not use preventive measures is at significant risk of contracting the new type.
The COVID-19 vaccines approved or authorized in the United States, including the Delta form, are highly successful at preventing serious sickness and death. However, they are not 100 percent effective, and some people who have been fully vaccinated will become infected (known as a breakthrough infection) and become unwell.
The vaccine offers the best protection against serious illness and death for everyone.
This concludes that…
Vaccines are critical in restricting the virus’s transmission and reducing the severity of the sickness. Vaccines are highly effective, but they are not without flaws, and there will be vaccine-related diseases. Vaccination has reached millions of people in the United States, and the number is growing.
Irrespective of how things work out, the best deal for everyone out there is to get vaccinated the first chance they get and use their masks whenever in public places. Stay safe everyone! You can also go to our website and search for the test that best fits your needs. Until then, stay safe!
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martin-price · 3 years ago
COVID-19 Variant Monitoring Categories
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Virus mutations occur as a natural part of the replication process. Since the SARS-CoV-2 virus appeared in humans in late 2019, it has undergone several mutations. Scientists around the world have closely monitored the virus’ adaptations and mutations. Variants may have few or many mutations that make them distinct. However, scientists are mainly concerned about variants that impact the virus’ transmissibility and its ability to evade the immune system. The World Health Organization (WHO) established a tiered monitoring system to categorize these emerging variants. Mutations predicted to affect the way the virus interacts with human cells are classified as variants of interest (VOI). These new variants also must have the ability to create clusters or community transmission. If scientists identify a VOI, they must upload the genome sequence to a shared database to enable researchers all over the world to study it. WHO and national health agencies also must track the variant spread and determine if it is isolated or has the potential to become an epidemic. VOI that show community spread and demonstrate the ability to undermine current public health strategies are upgraded to variants of concern (VOC). This means that the virus’ mutations have made it more deadly, transmissible, or better able to evade natural and vaccine-induced immunity. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have an additional category - variants of high consequence (VOHC). This label is reserved for viruses that severely impact the global health system’s ability to diagnose, treat, and prevent the virus. As of September 2021, neither the CDC nor WHO has identified any VOHC. When VOC are identified, all WHO member countries must track and report case data to the WHO database. VOC often require a change in public health protocols to contain. As of September 2021, SARS-CoV-2 has produced hundreds of mutations - five VOI and four VOC. As with many virus variants, some mutations cannot circulate and die. In other cases, stronger variants outperform other types and become dominant. Scientists name VOI and VOC by using the Greek alphabet. The first VOC, Alpha, increased transmission rates but was responsive to available treatments and vaccines. As of September 2021, Delta is the most prevalent VOC and is the most common variant detected in several countries, including the United States, Russia, and Australia. Early research suggested that vaccinated people can become infected and transmit the Delta variant. Delta is also less responsive to some treatments. While currently identified VOCs are responsive to COVID-19 vaccines, some countries have found that protection against Delta transmission is much lower than other variants. However, protection against hospitalization or death remains high. As of September 2021, WHO named the latest VOI “Mu,” first detected in Colombia earlier in the year. A few clusters have since appeared around the globe. While more investigation is needed, researchers believe that the Mu variant cannot outperform the highly transmissible Delta variant. Other VOI include the Eta variant, identified in several countries in early 2021, and the Lambda variant, which originated in Peru.
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reflet-de-la-lune · 5 years ago
Vive la République en Masque !
Hier à la télévision, le ministre français de la santé, Olivier Véran, expliquait aux citoyens : « Le port du masque n’est pas l’alpha et l’oméga de la protection ». Ce n'est peut-être pas l'alpha et l'omega, mais c'est au moins une part importante du dispositif pour se défendre. Le masque chirurgical est l'alpha de la lutte contre la propagation du coronavirus, le masque ffp2 le bêta, le masque ffp3 le gamma, le masque en tissu cousu par des citoyens le delta, le port de l'écharpe ou du foulard de fortune pour créer une barrière entre ce qui entre et sort de nos bouches est l'epsilon, le port des gants est le zêta. Mais il y a aussi toutes les autres lettres de l'alphabet grec pour désigner les autres moyens de lutte contre le virus qui ne s'opposent pas, mais se combinent. Êta pour la distanciation sociale, thêta pour le confinement, iota pour le lavage des mains et la prophylaxie, kappa pour le fait de nettoyer toutes les surfaces touchées par des mains nues (poignées de porte, balançoires et toboggan dans une plaine de jeux, boutons pour le code bancaire, rampes d'un escalier ou dans les bus, etc...), lambda pour éternuer dans son coude ou un mouchoir jetable, mu pour le diagnostic systématique de la population, nu pour le diagnostic plus spécifique de l'entourage d'une personne infectée, ksi pour les médicaments à base de hydroxichloroquine, omicron pour des mesures sociales en faveur des infirmiers et des médecins qui sont sur le front, pi pour le soutien à l'économie défaillante, rhô pour des mesures fiscales en faveur des indépendants qui prennent de plein fouet la mise à l'arrêt des commerces, sigma pour venir en aide aux personnes qui vivent dans la rue et qu'on délaisse encore plus ces temps-ci, tau pour acheter des masques chirurgicaux par millions, des masques ffp2 et des masque ffp3, upsilon pour fabriquer soi-même ces mêmes masques en ne dépendant pas des Chinois, phi pour réquisitionner des entreprises, si besoin est, pour produire très vite en grande quantités ces masques. Et je laisse volontiers à monsieur Olivier Veran le khi, le psi et l'omega pour des mesures qu'il jugera bonne et efficace afin de lutter efficacement contre la propagation du COVID-19. D'ici là, monsieur le ministre, montre l'exemple aux Français et au monde : mettez un masque à chacune de vos apparitions publiques, portez des gants aussi. Et arrêtez de suggérer ou de défendre l'idée que les masques sont inutiles dans l'espace public. 
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didanawisgi · 3 years ago
Response to attacks from dr. David Gorski
Published on TrialSite (August 25, 2021)
My name is Geert Vanden Bossche. I received my PhD in Virology at the University of Hohenheim, Germany, and I have held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Germany and Belgium. I also have worked in R&D and vaccine development for GSK, Novartis, and Solvay Biologicals. Next I was a Senior Program Officer for the Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team, and from there went to the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunizations (GAVI) and was the Senior Ebola Program Manager. Then I joined the German Center for Infection Research as head of the Vaccine Development Office. Currently, I work as a consultant on biotech/vaccine issues, and I also do my own research on “natural killer” cell-based vaccines. I have argued that immune escape due to the current COVID-19 vaccines is driving new variants as the virus evolves its way around the inoculation. Dr. David Gorski is a Wayne State University of Medicine (Detroit) associate professor in oncology and surgery. He is also chief of the breast surgery division. Gorski has launched several “hit pieces” about me and my views. In one article, he attacks the notion that vaccines have a part in driving variants. He also has criticized YouTuber/intellectual Brett Weinstein for supporting the use of ivermectin in our pandemic.
Lack of Expertise
In my view, Gorski is both stigmatizing honest scientists and seemingly trying to create socially-dangerous tensions between the vaxed and the unvaxed and between medical experts who hold different views on our current vaccines. Gorski creates false dichotomies wherein one is good (pro-vaccine, put faith in government) or bad (anti-vaccine, open to alternate views and arguments), and this type of discourse and rhetoric is incompatible with science.
Gorski is also largely scientifically illiterate in the fields of virology, immunology, vaccines, and evolutionary biology. He cannot see that both the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are involved in the evolutionary dynamics of the pandemic; his effort to blame the latter category is unfair and potentially dangerous. Dr. Gorski is quick to mix up unrelated topics to create parallels that don’t make sense. He unscientifically conflates or compares data about: live vaccines and inactivated vaccines; epidemics and pandemics; measles and SARS-CoV-2; herd immunity and vaccine coverage rates; efficacy with effectiveness in vaccines; and sterilizing immunity with transmission-reducing immunity.
He also unfairly lumps me in with antivaxxers when I am pro (beneficial) vaccines. Much of this is likely based on the fact that Gorski’s expertise is largely lacking. His professional expertise in breast surgery seemingly does not allow him to opine intelligently about the topics at hand. And he regularly gets tangled up in his own misunderstandings and contradicts himself. Also, he sets himself up as a maximal “pro-vaxer” despite the noted lack of expertise in the various disciplines that apply to vaccination during a pandemic.
Innate Immunity
Gorski possesses no understanding of the workings of innate immunity, i.e., innate oligospecific antibodies or natural killer cells. He does not know the difference between innate (i.e., polyreactive) and naturally-acquired (i.e., antigen-specific) antibodies. This is clearly reflected by Gorski’s list of ‘factors proposed to explain the difference in severity of COVID-19 in children and adults’. None of these factors could explain why not only children, but any young and healthy individual, could become susceptible to Covid-19 disease only a few months after they got asymptomatically infected.  This can only be explained as a result of suppression of protective, innate antibodies by spike-specific antibodies (including vaccinal antibodies) as the latter outcompete innate antibodies for binding to SARSs-CoV-2. Gorski’s list, therefore, is completely irrelevant in regard of the overarching mechanism of natural immune protection against Covid-19.
He doesn’t have the wherewithal to understand the difference between naturally acquired immunity’s sterilizing cell-mediated immunity (CMI) and the S-based vaccines’ lack of CMI. He fails to see that there is currently no evidence of population-level immune selection pressure on CMI-mediated, sterilizing immunity induced in previously symptomatically infected persons. He doesn’t seem to realize that only a minor fraction of the population acquires protective immunity against COVID-19, whereas the vast majority are naturally protected by their first line of innate immune defense (a notion, he obviously didn’t even hear about).
Gorski specifically claims that younger people are now getting infected more because, “the variant is so much more transmissible and, therefore, the higher the percentage of the population that needs to be immune.” He doesn’t even seem to realize that these younger (<65 years) and healthy people (i.e., the majority of the population) proved to be immune during the previous waves. So why would they all of a sudden lose their immunity a few months later? Further hurting his credibility, Gorski refers to ivermectin as an “anti-worm” drug and wildly misrepresents the evidence so far showing that it can help with COVID-19. Again pushing the false either/or paradigm, he puts ivermectin in the “bad” category without any nuances.    
Contradictio in Terminis
The doctor seems to miss the fact that, “spreading” SARS-CoV-2 relates to infection or pathogens, not to the disease they may potentially cause. Gorski seems to forget that despite the fact that all knew that the efficacy of these vaccines was not 100%, the primary goal of these mass vaccination campaigns was to generate herd immunity. Now, maybe Gorski doesn’t really understand what herd immunity is about, but it suffices to remind him that it relates to the observation that unimmunized people can be protected provided the vaccine coverage rate in the population is high enough to prevent viral transmission. Gorski is trying to make people believe that herd immunity would imply vaccination of the total population, which is almost a contradictio in terminis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                By going to ridiculous extremes to make his case, Gorki is basically just making himself ridiculous. He also lumps me in with folks claiming that stray spike proteins from the vaccinated are causing major harm, when I have never taken that view. He thinks that because a virus has a somewhat higher infectiousness, it will in no time dominate all other circulating variants, no matter the pressure that is exerted by the human population. All of the more infectious variants were isolated before end 2020. So why is it that only quite recently have the more competitive ones started to spread widely? For somebody who obviously has big holes in his knowledge of virology and basic immunology, it can, indeed, be difficult to understand that viral spread in a population is determined by the interplay between viral infectious pressure and population-level immune pressure.  The most blatant example of this is where he contradicts himself in saying: ‘Vaccines is a selective pressure’. Per definition, though, selective pressure is known to drive immune escape. And thus, according to Gorski,  ‘vaccinating as many people as possible as fast as possible’ is the way to go!
“Quo vadis, homo sapiens?”
It is simply impossible to achieve herd immunity with these vaccines for reasons I clearly explained in my contribution titled, “Quo vadis, homo sapiens?” No matter the level of uptake of these vaccines, they’ll never produce any kind of herd immunity, as they’re merely turning young and healthy people (who’re naturally capable of eliminating the virus) into asymptomatic spreaders. Secondarily, herd immunity has nothing to do with immune selection pressure. On the contrary: neither innate antibodies nor immunity induced by recovery from disease (i.e., the only 2 types of immunity that contribute to herd immunity) are spike (S)-directed, so they do not exert selection pressure on viral infectiousness (i.e., determined by S), in contrast to the immune response induced by vaccination. Gorki is among the many stubborn know-it-alls who pretend that further increasing vaccine coverage rates will stop the virus from spreading and further evolving. All this without any single scientific argument backing his statement. Substantial outbreaks are still taking place in countries with high vaccine coverage rates, clearly demonstrating that vaccine-induced herd immunity is a myth.
Gorski is also completely missing the point on the lambda variant. He stares at different variants in regard of their sensitivity to vaccine-induced neutralization whereas the key message of the publication I alluded to was that i) increased viral infectiousness is insufficient to ensure sustained  viral transmission in a massively vaccinated human population (i.e., a population that exerts widespread spike-directed immune pressure on viral infectiousness and ii) that additional mutations in the N-terminal domain (NTD) of the spike protein may substantially contribute to the decreased neutralizing capacity of vaccine-induced antibodies against any given variant (as mutations in the RBD alone may not explain the decreased neutralizing titers). In other words, variants may incorporate additional mutations in the NTD to dramatically increase their resistance to vaccine-induced anti-S antibodies. This mechanism of escape neutralization is of course very problematic if it occurs in a variant that as already a high level of infectiousness (e.g., delta variant) as this may lead to a steep increase in morbidity and mortality rates in the population. Gorski’s conclusion that ‘there is plenty of reason to conclude that the vaccines offer considerable protection against at least severe disease from these variants’ is, therefore, anything but based on an understanding of the virus’ evolutionary adaptation to enhanced, widespread immune pressure on viral infectivity. As a matter of fact, a such dramatic combination of high infectiousness and complete resistance to wild-type spike vaccines has recently been reported https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2021.08.22.457114v1.full.pdf.
We’re curious to learn about Gorski’s predictions on how much protection the vaccines are going to provide against highly infectious variants that are completely resistant against the vaccines…
Vaccine efficacy versus vaccine effectiveness
Regardless of the fact that Gorski does not understand the difference between vaccine efficacy and vaccine effectiveness, he doesn’t even realize that the main issue is not whether or not the vaccine protects 100% or less; the real issue is that imperfect vaccines will enhance propagation of naturally selected immune escape variants, especially if high infectious pressure is combined with widespread immune pressure (due to mass vaccination).
If Gorski is unable to make his point otherwise, he’ll rely on lies:
I never stated that the emergence of more infectious variants was caused by the vaccines as Gorski pretends
I never stated that vaccines are ineffective, dangerous and that they make the vaccinated dangerous to the unvaccinated as Gorski pretends
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