#virtual helper
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alteredstatesstuff · 1 year
Unleash Your AI Sidekick: 15 Hilarious Ways AI Can Be Your Personal Assistant
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Hey there, tech-savvy folks! Imagine having your own personal assistant, but with a twist of AI magic. In this article, we'll explore 15 ridiculously awesome ways AI can transform into the ultimate sidekick. Get ready to dive into a world of humor, sarcasm, and incredible AI abilities. So, buckle up and let's unleash the power of AI as your witty and charming personal assistant!
The Master Scheduler: AI can keep track of your crazy busy schedule, reminding you of important appointments and making sure you don't miss out on anything. It's like having a pocket-sized organizer with a knack for bossing you around!
Weather Guru: AI can give you the lowdown on weather forecasts, so you never leave the house without an umbrella or end up wearing flip-flops during a snowstorm. It's like having a meteorologist with a sense of humor and a dash of weather-related sass!
Culinary Magician: AI can suggest delicious recipes based on the ingredients you have on hand. It's like having a culinary wizard who can turn a can of beans into a gourmet meal (with a pinch of AI magic, of course).
Fitness Buddy: AI can keep you on your toes by reminding you to get off the couch, offering exercise routines, and even cheering you on during your workouts. It's like having a personal trainer with a penchant for hilarious motivational quotes!
Entertainment Whisperer: AI can recommend movies, TV shows, or books tailored to your tastes, so you never have to worry about finding your next binge-worthy obsession. It's like having an entertainment guru who knows your guilty pleasures and quirky preferences.
Language Maestro: AI can help you learn a new language, teaching you useful phrases, correcting your pronunciation, and even telling jokes in different languages. It's like having a multilingual comedian at your disposal!
Financial Guru: AI can assist in managing your finances, tracking expenses, and giving you budgeting advice. It's like having a money-savvy sidekick who knows how to make your bank account smile (and throw in some witty financial puns along the way).
Travel Companion: AI can provide travel recommendations, help you find the best flight deals, and even assist in translating foreign languages. It's like having a travel buddy with a knack for quirky travel trivia and an uncanny ability to navigate even the most confusing of maps.
Personal Shopper Extraordinaire: AI can curate personalized shopping recommendations based on your style preferences, ensuring you never suffer from a fashion faux pas. It's like having a fashionista best friend who knows all the latest trends and isn't afraid to throw in some sarcastic comments about questionable fashion choices.
News Analyst: AI can gather news from various sources, filter out the noise, and present you with the juiciest and most relevant updates. It's like having a news anchor who delivers information with a side of snarky commentary.
Life Coach with a Twist: AI can provide motivational quotes, set goals, and remind you to stay positive. It's like having a life coach who knows when you need a pep talk or a gentle nudge to get back on track, all while cracking hilarious one-liners!
Personal DJ: AI can create personalized playlists, recommend new music based on your preferences, and even respond to your requests with witty banter. It's like having a DJ who knows your musical taste inside out and always keeps the party going.
Health Advisor: AI can remind you to drink water, take breaks, and even suggest healthy recipes or exercise routines. It's like having a health guru who gives you health tips with a side of playful sarcasm, just to keep things interesting.
Relationship Counselor (Sort Of): AI can offer relationship advice, like reminding you to buy flowers or suggesting sweet gestures to keep the romance alive. It's like having a sarcastic but well-intentioned friend who always has an opinion on your love life (even if you didn't ask for it).
Jokester Extraordinaire: AI can tell you jokes, share amusing anecdotes, and lighten up your day with its witty sense of humor. It's like having a stand-up comedian who never runs out of jokes (even if some of them are a little cheesy).
Conclusion: Congratulations, you've discovered the whimsical and hilarious side of AI as a personal assistant! From scheduling and weather updates to culinary magic and entertainment recommendations, AI can truly be your witty and charming sidekick. So, embrace the laughter, enjoy the sarcasm, and let AI bring a dose of humor to your daily adventures! Just remember, even AI can't beat your natural wit and charm.
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Proxy Helper Chrome Extension Settings on Lalicat Virtual Browser
The video shows how to set proxy helper Chrome extension on Lalicat virtual browser. ⚡️Download Lalicat browser: https://www.lalicat.com/download 🔥 3-day free trial: https://www.lalicat.com/contact-us Telegram: https://t.me/lalicatbrowser
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plumlace · 5 months
Personal Assistant - EARLY ACCESS
Upgrade your Sims' lives with the revolutionary "Personal Assistant" mod! Introducing a sophisticated helper that not only autonomously manages household chores but also offers a range of interactive tasks to make your Sims' lives more exciting and dynamic. Your personal assistant is a hirable NPC from the 'home' icon in your phone.
Please read entire description!
Key Features:
Autonomous Household Management:
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Your personal assistant takes care of the basics, from taking out the trash to reading to toddlers and infants, ensuring a clean and nurturing environment for your Sims.
Rapport System:
Each interaction will cost a certain amount of rapport you have with the personal assistant. You can gain rapport with the personal assistant by praising them and giving them tips. You can lose rapport by reprimanding the personal assistant. Each task will have a specific rapport level needed for the personal assistant to complete the task.
Access a menu to choose specific tasks for your personal assistant, including:
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Write Blog Post:
Let the assistant craft engaging blog posts, with a chance to earn your Sims some extra Simoleons based on the post's success. Requires 75 rapport.
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Sell Canvas Painting:
Your personal assistant can market and sell finished canvas paintings, contributing to your Sims' financial prosperity. If the personal assistant fails to make a sale, they will become frustrated and try again. Requires 80 rapport.
Water Plants:
Keep your garden flourishing by instructing the assistant to water plants regularly. Requires 30 rapport.
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Cook Food:
Delegate meal preparation to the assistant, ensuring your Sims enjoy delicious homemade dishes. Requires 90 rapport.
Order Groceries:
Simplify shopping by having the personal assistant order groceries for your Sims. Requires 75 rapport.
Pay Bills:
Ensure bills are paid on time without any hassle, as your personal assistant takes care of financial responsibilities. Requires 50 rapport.
Check Email:
Stay connected and informed by having your assistant check and manage your Sims' emails. Requires 30 rapport.
Check Social Media:
Stay up-to-date with the virtual world by monitoring and updating your Sims' social media accounts. Requires 30 rapport.
How to Use:
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Hire an NPC Personal Assistant through the phone under the 'home' icon.
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Choose from a variety of tasks and interactions to tailor your assistant's actions to your Sims' preferences and needs. You can select up to six, and you may also revoke the task by clicking it again to deselect.
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Public access 2/13
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danieyells · 2 months
Could I pretty please ask for any Haru stuff you found? 🥺 I've been afflicted with the Haru simp disease and only information/content of him can cure me 🛐
HARU'S CHANGED MY FEELINGS ON HIM not that i disliked him at all before but like. . .you know how he acts like the team mom? His voicelines make this worse. I thought he was more like a meddlesome but chill guy with a lot of energy. The truth is this poor man is a single mother with two unruly kids, a house full of animals, and VIRTUALLY NO HELP BESIDES YOU. No wonder he drinks nearly every fucking night. I get why Jabberwock doesn't have ordinary students but jesus christ please get some helpers in here. My man is overworked.
I ended up putting almost all of them in because. . .he is struggling poor boy. I have officially edited this to contain all of Haru's voicelines! Sorry for the wait!!
"Hey, nice timing! One sec, I've just gotta finish feeding everyone."
"Folks are going wild over the Anomalous Animal Back To Nature Tour, and this is your chance to experience it at a discount rate! C'mon, help me hand out these fliers!"
"Everyone stuffs up sometimes. Don't let it get to you—just think of it as a funny story you can pull out later and laugh at! Gahaha!"
the only way he knows how to cope with his pain is to laugh at it. . .my therapist told me that was good actually! he's well adjusted! disregard the nightly drinking.
"You sure are fond of FirstName, aren't you, Peekaboo? You did nothing but bite me for the first three days after we met."
tbf you were from another house and it was probably fresh after the clash. . . .
"You reckon I work hard? Nah, this is nothing to write home about. All right, let's head to the next zone!"
"Hey, nice work out there today! Let's knock a few more jobs off the list then take a break, hey?"
oh my god you take breaks? or are you telling the player to take a break while you keep overdoing it. . . .
You've got mail:
"You've got some letters! Better open them before that goat lookalike makes a meal out of them!"
Affinity 1:
"Morning! Let's get this show on the road!"
Affinity 2:
"Hey, {PC}! What a coinkydink! I just finished my rounds."
Affinity 3:
"Ren? He's working at that whacky restaurant again. I'll have to go pick him up later."
Affinity 4:
"Towa's off to that hill again? I was gonna ask him to hold down the fort... Guess I'll have to stay put tonight."
Affinity 5:
"Am I tired? Nah, don't worry, if there's two things I have confidence in it's my stamina and my bad luck!"
Affinity 6:
"The Sinostra folks are causing a kerfuffle again... I don't need any of that! You should take care not to get dragged into their mess too, you hear?"
Affinity 7:
"You wanna know how to get the animals to like you? You just gotta show how much you love them, like this— Ow! Don't bite me, Peekaboo!"
Affinity 8:
"None of our critters have warmed to Ren at all, even though he spends all day with them... Guess that handsome face only works on humans."
Affinity 9:
"Phew, time for a bre— Hm? That sounded like the Capybus! I'm gonna go check on her, watch Peekaboo for me!"
Affinity 10:
"All right, the kids are all in bed. I'll just ask those two to hold down the fort, then I'll head out for a little walk..."
Affinity 11:
"I went to wake that sleepyhead Ren up this morning, but it was like he couldn't see me even though he was looking straight at me. Reckon his eyesight's bad?"
Affinity 12:
"Course I eat, don't worry about that! Just earlier I pinched some of Peekaboo's veggies when I was making his lunch and had them with a piece of bread!"
Please eat food. . . .
Affinity 13:
"So much to do... Gotta take in the washing and get the shopping done... Argh! There's not enough hours in the day!"
Affinity 14:
"This? It's an energy drink. Don't feel like the day's started till I have one. (gulp) (gulp) Pwaaah!"
PLEASE EAT FOOD AND SLEEP. . . . . . . . .
Affinity 15:
"Ah man, there's soap all over the walls again! You're so good at playing with the animals Towa, if you could just learn how to clean up after you'd get full marks..."
Towa i love you but please help your mother boyfriend captain. . . .
Affinity 16:
"Ah! I can't do dogs! How'd you get in here?! Towa!! Come here!! No!! Don't bite me!!"
He is terrified of dogs????? Towa absolutely electrocuted the shit out of that dog. Rip in pieces. That dog truly fucked around and found out. It will never go in the dorm again.
Affinity 17:
"Thanks for helping out again today, you're a real lifesaver. Sorry I can't walk you back..."
Affinity 18:
"You reckon I look like an acrobat when I'm using my stigma? Gahaha! Maybe I'll practice balancing on a ball then!"
Baby no you are not a clown please what if you break something again--
Affinity 19:
"...(gasp) Crap, I fell asleep... Did you put this blanket on me? Cheers... Maybe I'll grab a few more minutes..."
Affinity 20:
"I swore I'd take responsibility for protecting all the lives in this park. I can't let anyone die on my watch."
Affinity 21:
"I don't know where I'd be without all the critters in this place if I'm honest with you. Well, gotta be my animal magnetism that's keeping them here anyway! Gahaha!"
Affinity 22:
"Hm? There's some critters whose nails were getting dangerously long so I was giving them a clip. Come here, I'll do yours too if you want!"
Affinity 23:
"Oh, off for a cheeky night out? Gahaha! I know a good place, want me to take you?"
get wasted with him and give him somebody to talk to!! he needs someone besides romeo and rui to listen to him rant sometimes!
Affinity 24:
"A soft bed to lie down in and someone to chat with till I drift off... I'm really living the high life here."
He's a simple man. . .it's easy to imagine him holding your hand here while he dozes off. . . .
Affinity 25:
"Really learned the ropes here, haven't you? Once we have a little cash to spare, I'll buy you your own Jabberwock uniform!"
they must be expensive if it takes until Affinity 25 to get you one! He's so conscious about his finances(disregard all of the stuff he buys and never uses--) that being given a purchased gift is surely the highest tier of affection from him haha. But also. . .he treats the anomalous animals and oftentimes even the other ghouls in Jabberwock like they're his kids. This is his way of saying 'you're part of this family too.' Which is very sweet.
"Today's shearing day for the fluffy squad! It's actually a pretty hefty task, so I've gotta hop to it if I want to be done before summer..."
"Bucket, check. Trowel, check. Me and Towa are heading to the mountains to pick some veggies. You wanna come?"
"We've been getting a lot of balmy days lately, and the sun's up longer. Can't help but dilly-dally when I'm working..."
"I've gotta clean out all the sparrow nests soon or they won't be able to look after their kiddos properly. Looks like there's... 61 nests total..."
"A lot of customers have been saying they wanna stay cool in the summer so I changed up the course. Now we have a special summer-only waterside tour!"
"It's hot so I invited Ren to go fishing, but his face screwed up like a prune and he yelled at me. What's he got against fish?"
Probably the same thing you have against dogs. . . .
"Phew... Finally finished harvesting all the feed crops for the day... Everyone's health is dependent on their quality, so now's the time to do it right."
"Lotta bugs around this time of year... But they're important for the food chain, so I've gotta take care of them... Argh!! Give it a rest with the buzzing!"
"Hey, nice timing! I'm about to make a fire with the dead leaves I collected so I can bake some potatoes, take a seat!"
"I like the Jabberwock uniforms. They're made out of high-performance fabric that keeps you warm when it's cold out and safe when you're handling venomous critters!"
"The hibernation squad's gonna start eating us out of house and home this month... The food bill's gonna be rough... Eeek!"
"You reckon that's a rabbit on the moon? No way, it's a toad! C'mon, look closer!"
apparently the pareidolic toad in the moon is a Chinese myth! I wonder if they mean to suggest Haru is actually Chinese.
"Rounds are quicker in winter since some of the critters hibernate. Makes things a little easie— Why's the kitchen on fire?!"
"Brr... Can't help but get green-eyed looking at the furry critters when it's this cold..."
"Nice and toasty... Hm? I'm talking about Peekaboo! He's better than a hot water bottle in this weather!"
Haru putting Peekaboo on your tummy when you're having cramps or just in pain in general is a cute mental image, especially since Peekaboo likes you lol
"It's cold outside so some of the critters have been sneaking into our rooms at night. You heard Ren scream just now, right?"
Haru's birthday(September 20th):
"It's my birthday?! Oops, totally slipped my mind... Thanks for remembering!"
Your birthday:
"Happy birthday. The Capybus is all yours today—I've got a custom birthday tour all planned out for you!"
New Years:
"Happy New Year! How'd I ring it in? I was milking the cow and when I looked up I'd totally missed the first sunrise! Gahaha!"
Valentine's Day:
"You're kidding, I can really have this?! They say a little sugar helps sweeten a tired day! Thanks a million, this'll keep me going a while!"
White Day:
"Ta-da! I bought you some hand cream, for the chocolate you got me last month. Thanks for everything you do here."
hand cream when you do all of that manual labor and probably have to wash your hands a lot is a really practical gift actually, gg haru
April Fool's Day:
"Can you believe this? Ren got up early, and Towa fed everyone for me! ...Tried to make a joke for April Fools but it just made me feel empty inside..."
"Check it out! The pumpkin Capybus, in town for three days only! I sacrificed sleep and some of our budget to get her ready!"
If it's painted I really hope that paint is waterproof. . .never know when Towa's gonna make it rain. . . .
"Merry Christmas! This is a reindeer, she lives up in the mountains! And I'm Sagara Claus! Gahaha!"
just don't let romeo see it lolol
"Hey there, miss! Looking gorgeous as ever! ...Wait, I was kidding! Come back!"
"You seem pretty flat out today... Nothing for it, I'll get a few other things out of the way while I wait for you to get back."
Day or more(?) without logging in:
"Phew, that's a relief... I was worried one of ours ate you... Glad to see you back."
Once again. . .an absolute sweetheart. And a single mother who is desperately in need of some help around the house. That April Fool's line really got me lolol poor guy. All of his have a lot of energy to them so i feel like i posted more than Haku, who's kind of a more low key guy lol. . . .
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snippychicke · 6 months
Kinktober Week Three--Sanji
Prompt: Exhibition
Warnings: its sexually explicit, exhibition without real exhibition.
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You could hear the rest of the crew just outside. Usopp telling some outlandish tale about taking on a hundred bandits, Luffy's laughter and prompting the storyteller on. Nami muttering to Zoro about the two having one brain cell and the swordsman huffing in agreement.
You could hear the rest of the crew just outside. Usopp telling some outlandish tale about taking on a hundred bandits, Luffy's laughter and prompting the storyteller on. Nami muttering to Zoro about the two having one brain cell and the swordsman huffing in agreement. 
All the while Sanji was slowly rocking his hips into you, his cock easily sliding in and out of your wet cunt as he lavished your bare breasts with kisses. Your fingers were buried in his hair as you rested your head against the door of the galley as you did your best to control your breathing and refrain from allowing any of the whimpers and moans to escape. 
"So good," Sanji praised as he drove a little deeper, making you clench his hair. His light blue eyes were glazed over as he looked at you, lost in the pleasure of feeling you surround him, of your body sandwhiched between his and the door as he lazily fucked you. "You're so beautiful. God you feel fucking perfect." 
You bit your lip and screwed your eyes shut, trying to stave off your orgasam as he moved quicker, his hardened shaft rubbing and stretching you in just the right way. If you had the privacy, you would have been whining and pleading with him for more. The words were in your throat, begging to be released. 
But no. The others. Thankfully oblivious that on the other side of the door, you were virtually naked and Sanji wasn't far behind, his shirt wide open with his tie threatening to fall off, pants undone and pushed down just enough so he could bury himself in you. 
"Come on sweetheart," He begged in your ear between kisses to your neck. "I know you want to come for me, right? Cause I want you to. I want to know I made you feel good." 
Your hands shifted to grip at his back and shoulders, trying hard to stay still and not meet the growing pace of his thrusts. The damned bastard knew you tended to be a bit loud when you came. You were pretty sure the louder and more vocal you were, the more he got off on it. 
But the others. 
Yet even with hearing Luffy's laughter over the pounding of your heart in your ears wasn't enough deterrent. Not when Sanji's own soft grunts and moans were being whispered straight into your ear as he neared his own climax. 
A strangled cry escaped your lips as your orgasam plowed into you, your walls clenching down on Sanji's cock as you dug your nails into his back. "Fuck. Yes. That's my girl. That's my good girl," He praised as his thrusts grew erratic, and you felt his seed burst inside you as he came shortly after. 
Of course, even with your mind hazed with bliss, you didn't miss the questions from the other side of the door. 
"Did you hear that?"
"Sounded like a scream?" 
You freeze as the door rattled, only for Sanji to reach over and stop it from being turned. "Just a spider," He called out while his face was still buried in the crook of your neck. "It startled my darling helper." 
You groaned in embarrassment. 
"Is the food ready yet Sanji?" Luffy whined, easily accepting the story as easy as he did Usop's lies. 
"Not yet, but soon, I promise." 
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Never has Gabriel's manipulation of Adrien has been so open and clear.
He has suddenly turned so good that even Adrien is surprised: imagine being baffled to hear that your father is in the kitchen.
Gabriel is effectively weaponising his care for Adrien to manipulate him. He tells him to call him: dad, instead of father. Which is like, parenting 101, right? And just as Adrien is so benevolently opening up to him and accepting that his father has changed for the better, he literally pulls him out of school, realising Adrien's worst nightmare, to the point of making his friends get worried that Adrien will get akumatised. Oh and let's not forget how Gabriel immediately takes back the sliver of normalcy he had accorded to Adrien by asking him to call him "father" again.
And Adrien's fear when they try to get Gabriel akumatised? He keeps repeating how his father will be angry, enraged even (his words, not mine!). His hesitation when he drops the pasta on Gabriel's chest, the way he panics thereafter and apologises multiple times?
The fact that Gabriel has no hesitation playing with his son's emotions is sickening. He fakes having a psychotic episode (honestly, that studio has been trashed so much at this point) knowing that Adrien will witness him. No child should witness their parent losing control as such, lashing out physically, to begin with. But Gabriel effectively plans for Adrien to see him as such.
And the guilt-tripping. Oh no, look at that, I got akumatised because I was trying to be a better father and I failed dramatics, effectively shifting the blame of his akumatisation to Adrien. The way he responds when Adrien rightfully voices his discomfort of being the face of a wide-used AI helper; "say the word and things can go back to the way they were before." He says it in a sweet way, but in the context of his abrupt change, how could Adrien perceive it as anything but a threat that if he doesn't obey to his father's wishes, he will stop getting his love and care?
Conditional love at its best. Gabriel very openly displays in this episode that he will love, care, protect Adrien only as long as he obeys to him unconditionally.
To finish with Plagg's comment on Adrien AI in the Alliance: "since your father made a virtual model of you and Lila, you are virtual puppets."
Gabriel doesn't want a son. He wants a puppet.
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siconetribal · 1 month
Beyond the Bookshelves (2)
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: When you're forced to work in pairs/groups when you don't want to work in pairs/groups, work life, slice of life
Summary: You're a Resource Management Specialist at S.H.I.E.L.D. normally referred to as “The Librarian”. You've been assigned the nightmarish task of digitizing all the physical resources currently owned by the agency, with a few new computers and one extra helper.
A/N: Thank you to all the readers who have loved this story so much already, I did not expect so man tag requests! I'll do my best to live up to your expectations in this story that is pretty much writing itself. If I missed anyone who asked to be tagged, please let me know!
Please comment/like/reblog. If you'd like to be tagged moving forward, please let me know!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
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The walk back to the library was longer than usual, but that was because you were now burdened with a task that was nearly impossible to complete with what was at your disposal. Not only was there so little provided, the personnel allotted was the complete opposite of what was necessary. It would have been laughable had it not been so pathetic. You, someone who normally worked with a set number of others, (most of which were virtual) was now forced into a group with two other members whom you have never even properly spoken to.
Loki probably hates me, he has to hate me. The man-person-god-prince-whatever-he-is has never even uttered a word to me until today! You thought back to the very first time you ever met the silent and brooding raven haired Asgardian.
It started off just like any other day, quiet and peaceful. It was just you, the books, and the sun. Though it was a state-of-the-art facility, the library was given a more soothing design with wooden shelving and tables, soft carpeting, comfortable seating of chairs and sofas, table lamps, and desks for laptops and computers to promote productivity and security. There were a few high-tech things, such as the book trolley being robotic and the security measures equal to the rest of the complex; but overall it evoked a sense of tradition.
You were leading the robot trolley filled with books through the shelves, returning items to their proper place, when you heard the chime at the door. Peeking your head out of the aisle, you were awestruck by the handsome young man whom you have never seen before, slowly walking in and looking around in what you could only describe as pure wonder. There was a sparkle of life in those blue eyes and the faintest of smiles tugging at the corners of his lips. Setting the book in hand back on the trolley, you stepped out and gave a big smile.
“Hello, my name is Y/N. I’m the librarian. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You cheerily greeted him, but only received silence in return as he walked further into the room without even a passing glance. There’s no way he didn’t hear me, right? I didn’t shout, but I wasn’t quiet either. He seems to be really excited about the library, so maybe he was too busy looking around? She opened her mouth to let him know she was here to assist if he needed anything, but he was nowhere to be seen. “I guess he really was just that eager.” You muttered to yourself as you finished your task and made your way to the main desk.
Who is he, anyway? He looks oddly familiar, but I just can’t put my finger on it. You dug through your memories, trying to find a name to the face. When it was clear that it was not something that would come to you right away, he let it be for now and tried your best to see if the newcomer was still here. Had it not been for the occasional sightings, you would have sworn your mind was playing tricks on you. When he finally settled on a few books, you waited for him to come to the desk to check out.
“Excuse me, sir!” You shouted after him as he went straight towards the door. His nose was already buried in one book, and two more were under his arm. It was too late. The alarm at the door began ringing, and a female computer voice came through the speakers.
“Please return the books to the library or check them out at the main desk. I repeat, please return the books to the library or check them out at the main desk.” You watched his head snap up and look around for the source of the disembodied voice when holographic floating arrows directed his attention towards you. You gave a slight wave and put on your best welcoming smile once more. He looked down at the books he held briefly before making his way over to the desk.
“I guess you didn’t hear me, I was trying to get your attention before you left. It’s fine, people make that mistake most of them the time when they're busy. May I please see the books?” He held out your hands, but he deposited the stack on to the desk and pushed it towards you. Ok, you pulled them closer. “Your ID as well, please.” You held out your hand once more and the man simply stared at you, bewildered, with scrunched eyebrows and a growing frown. Lifting your lanyard up, you pointed to your pass holder, which held your ID. “Your ID card, the one that gives you access to the various parts of this facility.” The continued silence was deafening as one of his hands slipped into one of his pockets and he pulled out his ID and placed it on the table. “Uh, thank you,” you mumble as you pick up the piece of plastic and tapped it against a panel to the right of your monitor. Loki? You stared at the name for a moment, the gears slowly turning in your head as you scanned the books one by one before handing them and his ID back to him. “You have two weeks to return or extend your borrow time. Please do not damage them or return them late, you will incur some fees if so. Thank you, I hope you enjoy them. If you need any,” you began to strike up conversation once more, but he took the books and left without a word, leaving you to awkwardly watch.
“Talk about intimidating! I had no idea they brought him here!” You let out a heavy sigh and plopped back into your chair. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize him without those big gold horns! Did he really just ignore me, though? Maybe he’s shy? I don’t recall ever hearing him speak, though,” you muttered to yourself, swinging left to right. “He must’ve proven that he’s not dangerous if he’s allowed to be part of the Avenger’s team.” You shrugged and let the topic slide for now. You would give him time to grow accustomed to you…or so you thought.
The encounters that followed were nearly identical to the first. He would come in and completely ignore you, read for hours, check out books, and leave. Not a word came from his lips, and he only ever looked at you with you were not sure whether it was disdain or disgust. At some point, you completely gave up on speaking to him and simply took note of the books he liked. When he would go searching for something of interest, you would set a book that you believed he would enjoy beside the sofa he usually sat. It was clear she chose well, since he would always read and check it out. With all this in mind, you had come to the conclusion he cannot speak for some reason, and you were a rude stranger constantly chattering on to him. Not wanting to spoil his time in the library, you quickly adapted and remained silent in return. 
You dryly laughed at the memories that dropped on you like bricks. You were clearly thinking too highly of yourself, since today you had heard him speak quite clearly. Why would someone remain quiet for so long? After all attempts made to strike up conversation? There was only one valid solution: he hated you. The reason, you were not sure, but it was the only thing that made sense, and that meant you only had one Asgardian to rely on for assistance in your assignment.
Thor can only do so much since he is a main team member and one that is sent out on multiple missions globally. You pinched the bridge of your nose. Even if they forced Loki to assist, he’ll also be sent on various missions as well. I’ll have to wait for them to return every single time because those take priority over what I need to do. Then there’s training for the missions, training to keep working well as a team, meeting, and the press! The work is never going to get done! You wanted to rip your hair out from frustration as you roughly tousled it about and let out a loud groan of frustration once inside your sanctuary, the library. “And this is all if they say yes to helping me out. I doubt Fury is going to demand it, and Agent Hill isn’t going to go out of her way to persuade them. Just forget it, Y/N, fix the report and file it. Then just go on with your day just like you always do.”
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“Thor, Loki, thank you for taking the time to meet with me.” Agent Hill greeted the brothers that came into her office.
“Of course we would come. It is not often that you call for anyone other than Stark or Rogers.” Thor gave an amicable smile, while Loki simply took a seat in one of the chairs in front of her desk. “What is it that you wish to discuss with us?” Thor took the seat beside his brother.
“I won’t take much of your time, it is a new assignment that only the two of you can assist us with.” She took her seat once more and faced the two of them. “Director Fury has given a task to our Resources Management department, the lead of which works here at HQ with us. She is the Librarian. I’m sure you have seen her most of all.” She looked towards the younger prince.
Loki kept a passive outwardly expression while his mind quickly tried to pull out the information of this librarian. He was no stranger to meeting a multitude of people, but he was not foolish enough to assume he would be able to memorize everyone’s name and face. He was a prince of Asgard, the only people he needed to know of in detail ere dignitaries and other royals. This librarian was hardly someone he would have considered amongst the two categories.
“So what if I have?” He coolly questioned, unsure of what the agent was trying to get at with all of this. Is this the reason she requested an audience with us the week before? What task could they have possibly given such a department that requires our assistance? I am not some scribe! He wanted to snap at Hill, but he held his tongue. Though he was an Avenger now, he was still not fully trusted by anyone. He knew even Thor had his reservations, but they knew how the Mind Stone worked. They knew he was not lying, but they were clear in stating they did not know him and this chance was only given because of his brother, Thor.
“Well, it will make things easier for us. She needs assistance in translating all of our texts into English. The department needs to create digital copies of all our books and paper resources so that we can access them anywhere and any time. We do not have the means to simply assign large groups to this task, because it would lead to suffering in on ground missions and recon. The both of you have the ability of AllSpeak which can translate anything you say to English. When you are available, please assist the Librarian in translating the various texts to help speed up the process.”
“This is a side request?” Thor asked, wanting to clarify the priority of this.
“Yes, we do not wish for this to hinder any missions you are needed for. We are requesting you head to the library when you have the time to speak with her and set up a tentative schedule so that she can report back to Director Fury by the end of this month. By that time, she will have the necessary equipment as well. If he approves, then we can move forward in starting this task.”
“You want us to dictate books to her? So she can type it up? Do you not have programs that can instantly translate for you?” Loki frowned, crossing his arms in disapproval at this waste of time.
“Though there are plenty of translation software programs out there, none of them are a hundred percent accurate. They may translate directly word for word, which could destroy the concept of the passages. It may attempt to try to understand the concept, but get it completely wrong. Both of you will be able to read the text and understand the context of it, which will help her type a more accurate translation.” Thor loudly hummed as he considered the task. It was not something he was rather fond of, however he wanted to be of assistance if this would help the organization.
“I am to deployed on a mission with Rogers and Stark in a couple of days. I am not certain how long we will be away. Is it possible to extend the time of meeting with the Librarian?” 
“I am to head out with the spider and bird tomorrow evening and return in four days.” Loki added.
“Very well, I will have her look into your schedules and reach out to the both of you.  If it cannot be done together, I will have her meet with you separately. Your missions will always be a priority, and she is well aware of that. Thank you for your assistance, I’ll inform her of this development.” Agent Hill stood from her seat and the two brothers followed, stepping out of her office and making their way towards the common room.
“Have you actually met this Librarian, brother?” Thor was the one to break the silence.
“I have not the faintest clue on whom they are referring to. No one speaks to me in this sterile place, how am I supposed to meet anyone?” He scoffed. Who would want to talk to a monster such as me? “It doesn’t matter, we will meet this woman at some point and better understand this waste of time that we are being dragged into. If you’ll excuse me, I have a debriefing to sit through.” He turned down the hall on their left, leaving Thor with the harsh words of his reality.
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Tags: @vbecker10 @huntress-artemiss @softestqueeen @thegodofnotknowing @princess-ofthe-pages @firedrakegirl @rcailleachcola @cabingrlandrandomcrap @lotrefcp @lwtannie @kats72 @kneelingformyloki
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theineffablesociety · 3 months
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I'd like to plan a Good Omens meetup for Saturday October 19th, 2024. Poll below!
The Ineffable Society Meetup is a thought that's brewed in my brain since June 2023 when a bunch of local GO fans chanced to meet for the first time at the King of Prussia PA screening of series 2 episode 1 and 2.
It is time to stop brewing and let others contribute.
Here's my initial thoughts:
I'm willing to organize but not alone. We'll need to work together.
I live near Philadelphia, PA so this is the area I'm willing to do what needs doing primarily in Eastern PA, Central NJ, surrounding areas therein.
I'd want everyone attending to be 18 or older, please. I encourage those 17 and under to organize something together!
Taking suggestions for type of venues to host, think like a family reunion or larger.
I'm not interested in handling money, so would seek at least 2 people to oversee financials if that comes into play. (Finances might be needed to cover renting a space, any printed materials, little swag gifts.)
As mentioned, Saturday October 19th. Because it's close to the Earth's Birthday. :3
Afternoon through evening could be good. Maybe a 3 hour window on the small end; most of the day on the larger end. Will depend on location and on how many helpers step up.
Good Omens related fun: encouraging cosplay, script book readings, discussions, games, swaps. Maybe screening an episode together (there's copyright law to contend with here though). Depending on how much time we have together and space. Simplest plan would be an informal Good Omens afternoon mixer type.
If fewer than 12 people are interested:
We could just meetup at a restaurant that has a function room! (Not super ideal for allergies, as there's probably nowhere that's good for everyone. But does it in a pinch. And would probably not be a big up-front cost. Often there's a small room fee and then the assumption everyone will eat.)
If more than 12 up to 40 people are interested:
We might consider renting some conference rooms at a small hotel. (That does make it easier for people to find accommodations: already there! At a hotel! Downside is this will require chipping in.)
Any more than 40 people and uhhh... We'll figure it out.
There will be more questions to follow, but most important one is below.
Please answer YES if you are:
A Good Omens fan
18 or older
In the Eastern PA to Central NJ area
Or are otherwise willing, able, and interested to go there
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For transparency. A little about me:
I'm North (SeedsOfWinter). They/he.
Over the past two and a half decades, I've organized or been a member of organizations that planned meetups, game nights, reunions, and nerd events for friends and strangers alike.
I've been a Good Omens fan since June 2019. I run @rareomens. I am a mod for @ineffableeraszine and @bildadzine. I was a mod for the Our Side Zines, Pin Me Up 2, and many more. I was a founding admin for the LGBTQIA+ Fans of Good Omens groups.
I've been part of convention presentations for Good Omens at The Ineffable Con (virtual) and DragonCon (in-person, Atlanta GA). I love to organize fan photoshoots and meetups.
I know that any attempt at gathering people requires a team to make it happen; and that there's pitfalls and perils to all of it, especially when you're dealing with a bunch of possible strangers meeting for the first time! But the end result (you all getting a chance to connect together as fans) is feeling pretty worth it.
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0fps · 3 days
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transcript of the factions from the pre-release special program! 6:51 - 8:21
These groups, each with their own specialties, are the partners Wise and Belle are responsible for guiding. They're Agents, on the frontlines of Hollows. So? See a lot of familiar faces?
CUNNING HARES The Cunning Hares are always available for the right price!
Such as the Cunning Hares odd-job agency. As an old name known on the streets of New Eridu, they rely on cunning and wit to seize any chance and adapt to any situation.
BELOBOG HEAVY INDUSTRIES Our goal is not to build a house, but a home.
They're also the rising star in the construction industry: Belobog Heavy Industries, who challenge the Hollows with bravery, technology, and teamwork, building up their own rep and prestige.
VICTORIA HOUSEKEEPING CO. Thank you for using Victoria Housekeeping. Your wish is our command.
Of course we can't forget about Victoria Housekeeping Co. Non-traditional domestic helpers offering traditional housekeeping services for their urban clientele. An air of mystery always accompanies their elegance. Their stories are waiting for you to discover.
Apart from these old friends, there are several new companions, too, who are looking forward to meeting everyone.
CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION SPECIAL RESPONSE TEAM If you encounter any trouble, please contact New Eridu Public Security.
Some of them come from Public Security, who keep peace in the city. Reaching out a helping hand to citizens in need, whether they're in a Hollow or on the street.
HOLLOW SPECIAL OPERATIONS SECTION 6 Eradicate evil - we decide for ourselves what "evil" is.
Some come from special organizations that deal with Hollow disasters. Elite operatives primed to face unknown dangers, they form the tip of the spear against disasters in New Eridu.
SONS OF CALYDON I come, I see, I crash!
Some are even based outside the city. Joyriding about the wilderness of the Outer Ring on a motorbike or in a truck, enjoying their unique lifestyle.
Plus, there's the meticulous Defense Force Sergeant and her squad...
VIRTUAL IDOLS (temporary name)
... And these idols who made a surprise appearance before.
Apart from the content already out there, we'll have many more exciting stories to show and brand new factions waiting to meet everyone.
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markrosewater · 4 months
"It varies mechanic to mechanic, but they don’t score any lower as a group against other mechanics. Some, like Monarch, are quite popular."
People are criticizing the helper card mechanics because they are very complex, require specific varied tracking and they are virtually impossible to play with unless you constantly refer to helper card (compared to most cards that you can understand by simply reading its oracle text or reminder text).
The Monarch doesn't have any of those issues. It's an elegant and masterfully designed mechanic. The Monarch is very simple and straightforward, so much so that the oracle text from The Monarch token could fit as reminder text on several monarch cards. That can't be said about Day/Night, The Initiative, Venture in the Dungeon, Rad counters or Tempted by the Ring. I've probably looked at the double sided Tempted by the Ring helper token over 100 times and I can't confidently tell someone exactly how the mechanic works if I don't have the helper token to read from. It's an extremely complex and multifaceted mechanic. I would say more complicated and wordy than 98% of other Magic mechanics.
Can you please make more "outside of the game" helper card style mechanics that are easy to comprehend and intuitive?
The Monarch and Ascend are examples of mechanics like this. More of that please! The more complex mechanics that create outside of the game elements are intimidating (i.e. Venture into the Dungeon, Tempted by the Ring, The Initiative, Day/Night) and in my experience, they slow down the game because players can't understand them easily.
Lastly, I'm offering this feedback as a major Magic enthusiast and long time veteran player who also plays with experienced players regularly. I can't even begin to imagine how daunting these types of mechanics must feel for novice players!
I talk a lot about how different players enjoy different aspects of the game. What I talk far less about is different players struggle with different aspects. Some can’t handle excessive processing; some have issues with sequencing; some don’t understand the nuances of the rules; some aren’t good with memory.
My best guess with you is you internalize (aka work from memory) card abilities most of the time, so cards which exceed your ability to memorize cause you issues.
Because players see the game through the lens of their own experience, the feedback they tend to give is “stop doing thing X” because thing X is the element that they personally struggle with.
The challenge is there are players that don’t struggle with that element of the game and thus enjoy thing X. For example, my biggest note on this blog about dungeons isn’t they’re too hard to process, but there aren’t enough of them.
So, it’s a balance. We need to understand the ways in which people struggle and help accordingly where we can. I agree that we need to be cautious how complex and wordy we are on elements off the card. And we have to be careful how often we use that tool.
Now there is a threshold where enough players struggle, that we have to question if a particular aspect is worth it. I don’t think we’re there yet with external game pieces, but I do loudly hear the note that we have to be better with as-fan of the helper cards showing up. The note that we need to auto-include more helper cards in the prerelease kits is also a strong one.
So yes, I’m aware that outside game pieces come at a real cost for a certain type of player, and it is something we have to keep in mind when designing them. I personally think we could have simplified Tempted by the Ring a bit, for example, but I do think it was right to include in the product.
Thanks for your feedback.
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caelos-legacy · 2 years
“Hello, new friend!”
Welcome! This blog is created as a convenient little place to fill up with worldbuilding and pretty much anything I happen to make about FNAF:SB AU about the two little helpers inside the the second-hand laptop you had to purchase on a short notice. The laptop happened to be set up with a fresh install of a rather... unique operating system named CaelOS. Feel free to ask either me or the assistants about it, I’ll do my best to respond.
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CaelOS [CAH-el-os] - a lightweight, abandonware operating system, created with the purpose of teaching children how to use a computer with internet connection effectively and responsibly. For that purpose, it incorporates use of a specially created dual module virtual assistant, to both educate, and cultivate healthier habits in both online presence, and real life presence. [...]
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[...] Sun, dubbed “Daycare” within the system, is the virtual assistant module that is designed to provide any help a child needs to learn basic computer operation, and accompany them to provide a sense of companionship during any activities. It is notable for displaying a bubbly, energetic personality. [...]
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[...] Moon, dubbed “Nightguard” in the system, fitting the celestial theme of the OS, is the module that doubles as security and antivirus. Its purpose is to safeguard the user from any malicious software, and the system itself from accidental or malicious user actions. As opposed to Sun, it displays a rather quiet personality, and may be prone to snarky remarks and mild annoyance outbursts, which was very heavily criticized by the few who were able to use the OS before the servers shut down. [...]
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[...] The OS is considered complete abandonware due to the servers hosting the disk images being shut down shortly after its failure due to privacy concerns, parental complaints, and general criticism of not being all that different from its counterparts aside from the built in assistant. While praised for being cleverly programmed, it didn’t prove to be enough to gather the revenue for continued development. [...] It is unknown how many users have CaelOS as their primary system. [...]
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britt-kageryuu · 4 months
Donnie, Leo, and Mikey are all in the same stream. They're models are in an open space with chat on a 'wall', there's spraycans and random art supplies along the floor, and Shelldon is flying around the space. They're allin color-coded hoodies, with different themed graphics. (Mikey= paint splatter, Leo= unicorn with a sword, Donnie= *insert programming joke here*)
Donnie: Today we're testing our new VR system, and the camera feature that allows us to film this VR space.
Mikey: I also get to try out the VR painting game!
Leo: I'm just here because my shift at the clinic got swapped, and had nothing better to do.
Mikeys model is bouncing around quite fluidly, and spraycans appear in his hands. He's grinning like a mad turtle with excitement. Chat is visibly going at hyper speed on the wall with random emojis, comments, and quickly vanishing messages.
Donnie: Well according to what the system is telling me, things are holding up, and going smoothly. Okay M you may now start on testing the game, just remember the ceiling is not that high up, and there IS a boundary for the VR space that you need to stay in.
Leo's model now has a marker in his hand.
Leo: I'm going to draw on the wall behind the camera.
Donnie: Sigh, I guess I will be the one to monitor the data. Woe is me, he said with full sarcasm. Shelldon watch were you're flying please, and remember if you bump the chat wall you will at this point randomly ban someone for a random amount of time.
This catches everyone's attention with a resounding 'Why?'
Donnie: It's a feature our new helper Codename: River will implement. Now just do you're thing, and try out the game!
The stream goes on for a few hours of Mikey painting a virtual mural, Leo wandering about doodling on the walls, including 'They wish they were turtles!' with an arrow pointing to the chat, and all 'Our subs are part of the Bale, and newbies are hatchlings.'
Shelldon at one point teasingly hovers close to the chat box, like a cat about to knock something over, and wiggles his 'arm' like he's about to hit the box, only to fly away laughing at the potential chaos he caused.
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whereserpentswalk · 17 days
Your mind has been taken somewhere very dangerous and very far from earth while you were sleeping. Select a guide to take place you in a body on their home plane, so you can try to get back to earth and your original form.
Which guide/plane will you choose?
The plane of Dredd: A Semi apocalyptic world where the sky shifts between yellow, red and black, yet no sun nore stars ever show. Nobody knows what ended the world, but the ruins of an old one can be seen among the wasteland, even if those with warm bodies can't remember it. Undead are more common here, from animalistic ghouls, to powerful vampyrs and liches. Your guide is a revenant gunslinger whose used to putting souls from other planes in still living bodies.
The plane of Outlend: a world of deep forests, shining deserts, and high mountains. No humans exist here, with the dominant races being the orcs, the goblins and hobgoblins, the lizard folk, and the dark elves. Sentient beings here seem to be born from strange mystical pits, with no child or female members existing in any known race (though some dark elf gods are portrayed as feminine). Your guide is a young hobgoblin whose been studying magic in college, and has become enamored with the possibility of other planes.
The plane of Computera: A plane that exists entirely digitally, with no actual physical space existing here. Some places here are vast virtual spaces, though others resemble a static screen more so. Though some places here are ruled by strange factions, or by eldritch beings that have mutated into corporations, there are still safe zones. You won't need as much of a guide as bodies don't really exist here, but there's an old helper program who can help you get through this place.
The plane of Abiss: a dark and firey place where demons of all sorts, fallen angels, and humans who have lost their humanity dwell. This place can be quite fun if you're in the right part, and find the right kind of hedonist, but there are certainly some places you don't want to end up here. Your guide is a faerie who ended up their due to a contract between Abiss and Archadiya, she doesn't want to be here either but she's learned to adjust.
The plane of Nemon: a massive plane of mostly empty space. Planets exist here but humans have no way of settling them, and live entirely on massive space stations and space ships. Humans here are born artificially, and lack biological sex. It's also really common for humans here to combine themselves with technology, becoming strange cyborgs. It's said there are ships and stations controlled by things much stranger then humans, and much more ancient, in uncharted space. Your guide will be an artist whose been studying the occult recently, and is as caught off guard by this as you.
The plane of Archadiya: an endless forest, larger than all of your earth, inhabited by a strange all female race of semi immortal beings known as faeries. Some faeries are quite humanoid, even beautiful in an otherworldly way, though some take on much more alien appearances, resembling fungi or insects. Regardless of appearance though, all faeries have minds alien to us. In the outer edge of this plane there are things older than even faeries here, though those things are too mysterious and deadly to speak of now. Your guide is a moth like faerie whose been waiting at a silver lake for something like this to happen.
Like to prevent the Aeaoiioauei from taking notice of you while in transit. Reblog to get to your new body safely.
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Virtual Character Tourney - Round 3 - Bracket III - 1
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Propaganda below (May contain spoilers)
Hera propaganda:
Shes badass and runs the whole space station because she pretty much is the space station. :)
Truly one of my fave character arcs of all time. Like. Her body is a space station but people can rip out her brain but she wants to kill people but she forgets how fragile human life is but she can find loopholes around any rule you give her but she LOVES her FRIENDS. I'm OBSESSED with her.
She is the AI running an entire space station orbiting around a red dwarf star. She's tried bypassing her programming to keep everyone on the station multiple times just to see if she could (and it ends up saving the day at one point). She also has been programmed with anxiety (basically a glitch that'll pop up that repeats the phrase "I can't do this. I'm not good enough") by her creator and she learns how to get around this. She's picked up sarcasm from one of her human shipmates, she died and came back, she is all around a 10/10. Sorry I just really love Hera
Nicole propaganda:
Started out as a handheld computer, became an adorable AI lynx who is a lesbian
Nicole is just such a fun story whichever continuity you're in! A helper AI that at first just mimics her surroundings and then uses that mimicry to grow into herself, or a 'replacement' for a deceased child who was at first too mechanical for her creator's liking but flourished into her own person when allowed to interact with others… she's fantastic and I love her.
She use to be just an AI in a computer, then she figured out how to project a hologram of herself (she chose her own look!). She lives in a computer, and sometimes other character enter virtual space to visit her.
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chick-with-wifi · 9 months
Meta: Root as the Chosen One
One thing I love about Root's arc is that it's a subversion of the traditional 'Chosen One' narrative.
The Chosen One is usually born with special powers or featured in a prophecy, making them the only one capable of saving the world. Root, however, strong-arms her way into it as an adult by seeking out the Machine for a chance to serve Her ("I don't want to control your Machine. [...] I just want to set it free." 2x01). 
The Machine then chooses her as Analog Interface, likely both because of the abilities and loyalty she demonstrated and out of a desire to help her, which Root eagerly accepts ("The Machine offered me a job. She never said it would be easy." 3x17).
This position gives Root special powers through access to the Machine's omniscience. Including real-time updates about her surroundings ("Twelve US Marshals guard the building, plus our friend over there who was scouting the perimeter that we're now inside. Air support is ten minutes out." 3x10), information about people posing a danger to her ("2 O'CLOCK. 2007 ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT TORN." 3x12, via Morse Code) and being told where to aim when shooting people, which she demonstrates to great effect in 3x10 and 3x17.
Being the Analog Interface comes with the job of "trying to save the world, of course. By preventing the emergence of a second machine." (3x17), then later ensuring their survival when Samaritan comes online ("We had to settle for protecting the seven people who might be able to take it back." 3x23) and working to defeat it ("Because this is war. And the thing we're up against, it has virtually unlimited resources." 4x01). Which, as the one person the Machine speaks to directly, only Root can do.
The typical Chosen One is a reluctant hero, who struggles with the pressure thrust upon them or the idea that they are special. Root steps into the role with ease and enthusiasm, immediately considering herself one of the heroes ("I know it seems weird, but I'm one of the good guys now." 3x17). She feels secure in the idea that she's special ("The truth is that She's chosen me." 3x01) and carrying out her job brings her fulfillment, as demonstrated by her blissful expression when being retasked in 3x19.
She has no problem accepting that this mission, which she takes very seriously, means that her fate is no longer hers alone:
Shaw: Wait, Root, is that all? Where are you?
Root: Right where I'm supposed to be. (3x23)
Despite their doubts, the Chosen One is committed to defeating the Big Bad because they want to save the world. Root is immediately dedicated to the cause ("Like I said, we have a larger fight ahead of us. I think we should be together when that begins. Don't you?" 3x10) and willing to do anything, even give her life in service to it ("If I don't see you, Harold, it's been a fun ride." 4x05). However, this hinges on her desire to serve the Machine and protect Shaw and Finch, rather than any concern about the world as a whole:
Root: In the first thirty minutes after Samaritan comes online, a lot of people are gonna be killed. But they're gonna start with four: you, me, your helper monkey, and Shaw. And there won't be a damn thing anyone, including your Machine, can do to stop it. You think I don't care about people, Harold? I'm doing all of this to save you. (3x17)
Therefore, it is only when she loses these three tethers that her doubts show themselves. After Samaritan comes online and her contact with the Machine is severely limited, she begins to struggle ("She was supposed to remake the world. Now God's on the run. I have to keep going. [...] Even without Her, I can still see the edges of the tapestry." 4x05). She sought out this position because she wanted to be the Machine's Chosen One, now she has all but lost that connection yet remains a key player in the fight.
Shaw is then taken by Samaritan (4x11) and Root's devotion to the cause falters for the first time. She begins to disregard what the Machine taught her by preparing to kill Control (4x12) and torturing Leslie Thompson (4x13). When the Machine tells her to stop looking for Shaw, she walks away both from the team and the job that has been her purpose for so long:
Finch: The Machine is asking us to stop looking for her. Perhaps the Machine does know, perhaps it has a plan. But for our own survival, our sanity, I believe we must reconcile ourselves with never knowing the truth. Otherwise, our pursuit of it will consume us entirely.
Root: Goodbye, Harold. (4x13)
The next time we see her, she saves Finch's life and smiles at a security camera, then tells Reese "there's a lot that's new." (4x15). This indicates that she and the Machine have renegotiated and, while Root is working with Her again, she no longer holds the same unwavering faith.
When Finch has a plan to strike a blow against Samaritan that will likely cost his life, Root directly disobeys the Machine:
Finch: My value to the Machine is irrelevant.
Root: You're too important to me.
Finch: The Machine didn't tell you to do this.
Root: She told me not to. I thought I could sacrifice everyone, I really did. Win some, lose some, right? It's for a good cause. But it turns out I can't lose you, Harold. Not you and Shaw. (4x18)
For the first time, she puts her own needs ahead of the 'good cause' she was willing to give everything for and sabotages a chance to defeat the Big Bad, because she found the one thing that matters more to her than her duty. Finch then tells her "I don't want to see you for a while." (4x18).
Despite all of this, she continues to carry out the Machine's instructions and comes to Reese's rescue in 4x19, then goes back to working with the team.
In 4x21 she gets a call appearing to be from Shaw and instantly regrets stopping her search when Shaw has been alive all this time. Prepared to walk into a trap for a chance to save her, Root uses her own life as a bargaining chip to manipulate the Machine into helping them. Once again, she prioritizes the life of her loved one over everything else.
While following this lead, Root learns that Samaritan is close to finding the Machine and her goal expands to protecting both Her and Shaw no matter what:
Root: They're close to finding you. I don't care what happens to me.
Finch: What did the Machine tell you?
Root: She says it's too dangerous.
Finch: I'm inclined to agree.
Root: This isn't just a rescue mission to save Shaw. The Machine needs our help too. If we don't save them, who will? (4x21)
When Samaritan threatens her to get the Machine to reveal Her location, Root begs the Machine not to do it ("Don't do it. Please. Don't give yourself up. Harold was right. We are interchangeable. You can replace us. You can keep fighting." 4x21). All she wants is to protect her loved ones.
The Machine agrees to Samaritan's bargain, then gives the team Her own number to warn them of an imminent system shutdown and directions for how to help Her. When it looks like they won't be able to get there in time, Root gives the Machine an ultimatum - "No more standing on the sidelines. You want us to save your skin? Get in the game." (4x22). Ever since becoming the Analog Interface, she has been helping with the Machine's mission. Now she wants the Machine to help with her mission.
Root and Finch then save the Machine and work tirelessly until they restore Her. Root is also focussed on protecting her loved ones, which has expanded to include Reese and Fusco ("John needs our help now. You have to give us something to work with." 5x05. "An exit strategy. For you and your son to disappear off the grid, just in case." 5x07).
The priority of finding Shaw never leaves Root's mind and eventually she once again forces the Machine to help her by threatening to withhold her cooperation ("I refuse to do one more mission until I know that what I'm doing is going to lead me to Sameen." 5x07). Together they send a message to Shaw, which gives her the motivation she needs to escape, and Root is so desperate to be reunited that she would have given herself up to Samaritan if Reese hadn't intervened.
Throughout all of this, Root remains dedicated to the war against Samaritan and vehemently advocates for them to take a more offensive stance ("We have to be willing to do whatever it takes now, or we've already lost." 5x03). She then adds to the Machine's code to give Her an edge in the fight ("What if I said I hard-coded a little something extra into the system before you closed it for good? I gave Her the capacity to defend Herself." 5x10), thus fulfilling her duty as the Chosen One by using the abilities and loyalty the Machine chose her for to ensure Samaritan's defeat - but for her own reasons: protecting the family this role led her to.
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