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raisongardee · 1 year ago
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"Au modèle militaro-viril multiséculaire qui a prévalu jusqu’aux années soixante-dix, et subsiste encore partiellement aujourd’hui sous des formes édulcorées, a succédé le prototype mercantilo-publicitaire. Le premier, reposant sur une apologie du sacrifice de soi et du dépassement gratuit, mobilisait l’ensemble des valeurs et des principes qui structuraient depuis toujours le psychisme des hommes : du courage à l’esprit de conquête ou de compétition en passant par la ténacité, l’héroïsme individuel et collectif, le culte des cœurs virils et des corps vigoureux. Le second est un dérivé de l’hyper-économie marchande, un acteur-producteur de l’industrie du divertissement soumis aux lois comptables de la rentabilité et à l’évaluation chiffrée. L’un vise à l’excellence physique et morale, l’autre donne à voir en spectacle le triomphe des vainqueurs et l’anéantissement des vaincus. L’un est dépense pure, l’autre est course au gain."  
Patrick Buisson, La fin d’un monde. Une histoire de la révolution petite-bourgeoise, 2021.
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maaarine · 1 year ago
Le coût de la virilité (Lucile Peytavin, 2021)
"Au fil de mes recherches, je suis tombée sur une statistique à laquelle j’ai d’abord eu du mal à croire : la population carcérale en France est composée... à 96,3 % d’hommes ! (…)
Il semble que nos sociétés modernes, pourtant capables d’analyser les actes citoyens à l’aune de critères tels que l’âge, le milieu social ou le niveau d’éducation, refusent inconsciemment la grille de lecture hommes/femmes concernant les violences.
Pour prendre quelques exemples parmi cent : en France, la Sécurité routière diffuse des campagnes de sensibilisation auprès des jeunes sans jamais préciser que ce sont d’abord les hommes jeunes, puis les hommes de tous âges, qui sont responsables de la grande majorité des accidents de la route (à durée de conduite égale avec les femmes).
Le milieu social sert de critère de référence dans les programmes de lutte contre la délinquance; il n’est jamais rappelé que les femmes issues de milieux défavorisés ne participent pas, pour l’immense majorité d’entre elles, aux trafics et aux incivilités auxquels s’adonnent leurs homologues masculins.
Certains partis politiques voudraient mettre en avant les origines ethniques des délinquants ; nous ne les entendons pourtant pas mettre en avant le sexe des délinquants en général…
Il semble donc indéniable que le premier critère caractérisant les auteurs de comportements asociaux, à savoir leur sexe, est presque systématiquement passé sous silence.
Ce constat m’amène à questionner légitimement l’efficacité des politiques de sécurité mises en place avec un tel aveuglement, conscient ou inconscient."
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gassydumbjocks · 3 months ago
Virilite 1.1:
Boys will be boys
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Training Liam to be the perfect manly dude he was meant to be was more fun than i thought, i kept trying a lil more commands on him, some even to humble him a bit making him do embarrasing stuff he'd NEVER do and he'd just obey without hesitation.
This was just getting better, and better, and again i thought of what Noah would think of this when he'd see Liam being no more than a puppet for the amusement of the commander.
After making him burp out the entire national anthem and laughing my ass off at him, i heard some steps from upstairs coming, Noah came at our weekly gathering to watch the game together while having some beers, i had to think of a good excuse for Liam, or maybe should i just tell him it was the best?
"Dave, where did ya put-... Oh, you're with... Liam?" he said scratching his neck, confused, Liam and i rarely interactued, let alone just the two of us, but this was going to be different from now on.
"Uh, yeah, we were just waiting for you here" i lie returning to the couch hoping he'd buy it .
"Sure, ok then" he simply shrugs it up "i was looking for him upstairs too, Liam, can you help me bring all the food and drinks?" he asks his son, and as he gets no response he raises an eyebrow "Son?"
I quickly intervene "Leave him, i can help you with that" i say but he ingnores it "No, i want him to do it besides... Why is he so, vacant?" He notices Liam is just sitting in a static position, no movement from him, and also his empty look "Liam you alright?" he asks again, and as expected, no response.
"What's with him all of a sudden?" he suddenly asks me, and i gasp a bit. He looks at him again, and then notices the bottle of Virilite pills that were still at the table "Virilite? What's that?" he says now focusing on them taking the container.
"Noah, i can explain this, those are some pills i bought, for Liam, you see?" i admit "They are meant to turn him into a real man, just as you and me always wanted, look, just let me show you" i try to explain him.
"Pills?! But, Dave- what the hell? What do you even mean?" he asks starting to frown a bit, i quickly take the container and show him the instructions.
"See? These have effects on the behavior and even actions of whoever that takes them, and even affects the increase of testosterone on him! He'll be in a trance-like state and you'll just need to command him do anything you want" i say, he still giving me a killer look.
"Noah, this can help you to finally lead him the right way and turn him into a good straight man, dont tell me you didn't seek for a miracle to change him so he'd finally like to bond with you" i say, and he just stays silent, proving my point.
"Even so, what can i "command" him to do?" he asks shrugging, and i smirk "anything brother, i already had a lot of fun at him, just watch this" i say and look at Liam, who letted out a goofy laugh again oblivious we were talking about him "Liam, i want you to make a cup fart with your own hand, and then you'll smell it" i smirk waiting for it.
We see Liam reaching his hand to his butt, and after some seconds, he grunted squinting an eye and dropping out a huge bomb of a bassy fart on hid own hand palm.
I burst into laughter while Noah still reacts to what just happened, dumbfounded "did he... did he just fart?" he asks, and to top things up, we then saw how Liam with that now eternal dumb expression in his face took his hand to his nose, and sniffed deeply, before laughing again, making me almost cry of how amusing this was for me.
"And that's not all, Liam, show Noah that trick i trained you to do" i command and Liam gets in action for his thing, first, i trained him to let out a loud burp with his hands cupped in his mouth, then he'd play as if he was juggling with it, he'd swallow the belch again, and when his stomach recieved the burped out gas again in his stomach...
I chuckle and go to him to give him some well-deserved pats in the back "good boy, very funny Liam" i praise him with a huge smile.
"Bro, what are you waiting for? Just try and make him do something you always wanted him to, any manly stuff works" i say again and he looks at his son, reflecting.
"I admit i always wanted a son i could call a real man... Ok, but just for a bit! I dont want my son to always be this...somehow extremely gassy zombie thing" he says waving his hand, the gas must have hitted him by now "Goddamn, did you fed him something to make him this gassy or what?" he asks coughing.
"Nothing, just pure pill effect, and I know right, its so potent, i even had to open a window earlier, but we'll get used" i joke "also i wouldn't worry, i readed in the website the trance state isn't permanent, they give you a certain amount of time so you can "program the person" as your like, then they'll come back to normal again, just with the new antics and persona you implanted on him, Liam will now love to join us in our belch offs or our protein farts competitions in our boys nights during the matches huh?" i giggle
"Guess this can work" Noah said, finally putting just a small, very slighty smirk on his lips, while patting his son's back, eager to finally enjoy the company of a son that could make guy stuff with him.
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drugastraian · 6 days ago
Suplimente Fertilitate, Potenta, Vezi Pret | Vegis
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partenaires-coupdecoeur · 4 months ago
Du 1er octobre au 27 novembre 2024
A la Scala
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Un homme sur scène épaulé par divers membres de sa famille, ses camarades de classes, son psy, ses exs, ses futur(e)s, des collègues, des élèves, offre le fruit de sa réflexion. Le condensé d’une existence en sept tableaux et à peu près le double d’anecdotes fondatrices, convoquées pour interroger le vertige d’un genre et tout ce qu’il implique d’impératifs. L’auteur s’est un peu emballé avec cette grosse phrase, la suite sera plus simple. Promis.
De l’enfance à l’âge adulte, de l’oppression à l’émancipation, de la virilité abusive à une masculinité singulière, Le Premier Sexe est un parcours. Et un partage.
N'attendez plus pour trouver votre Coup de Cœur !
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partenaires-jaiunticket · 4 months ago
Du 1er octobre au 27 novembre 2024
A la Scala
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Un homme sur scène épaulé par divers membres de sa famille, ses camarades de classes, son psy, ses exs, ses futur(e)s, des collègues, des élèves, offre le fruit de sa réflexion. Le condensé d’une existence en sept tableaux et à peu près le double d’anecdotes fondatrices, convoquées pour interroger le vertige d’un genre et tout ce qu’il implique d’impératifs. L’auteur s’est un peu emballé avec cette grosse phrase, la suite sera plus simple. Promis.
De l’enfance à l’âge adulte, de l’oppression à l’émancipation, de la virilité abusive à une masculinité singulière, Le Premier Sexe est un parcours. Et un partage.
N’hésitez plus, vous pourrez vous aussi dire, J’ai un ticket :
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apilgrimpassingby · 2 years ago
May I recommend my favourite Christian bands?
The Oh Hellos are an indie folk band, who I like for having a lot of very layered and Biblical lyrics. It's deep (my goodness there is so much artistry in their albums), and it's subtle enough that secular people can and do enjoy this. And you get an extra layer of enjoyment, knowing that "Bitter Water" is about temptation and "The Valley" is about original sin and baptism.
My recommended entry point is "Dear Wormwood". It's an album that's simultaneously about leaving an abusive relationship and coming to Christ. There's so many levels of symbolism and allusion and imagery; I can fanboy so hard about them.
My other one is Clamavi de Profundis. They mostly do Tolkien/fantasy music, but also a lot of Catholic music, which I love. Their Latin renditions of parts of Lamentations inspired me to read the book, and "Viriliter Agite" was what persuaded me that good Christian music is still being made in the modern day. Also, they introduced me to my now favourite Easter hymn, "O Sacred Head Surrounded".
not to brag but I don't know any actual good Youtube Christian music channel beside my own playlist
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lcasr · 3 years ago
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xavieroka · 6 years ago
Nos pères vivent trop longtemps, et nous restons des enfants quand nous devrions déjà être des hommes.
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artmasculiniste-blog · 5 years ago
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Introduction : Vers un mouvement des hommes ? Chapitre 1. La mâle souffrance Vraies forces, vraies faiblesses Qui regrette le patriarcat ? Des hommes qui ont faim Un fils affamé : Poil de carotte Deux siècles d’éloignement des fils et des pères La prégnance du stéréotype Big Mother veille sur vous Où sont les héros ? Le néo-sexisme La confusion des mots L’homme-coupable Chapitre 2. Révolte contre le stéréotype Des " nouveaux pères " dès le Moyen Âge Le modèle celte L’homme est multiple Chapitre 3. Contre toutes les violences La violence n’a pas de sexe L’histoire de Dave, homme battu Les damnés de la Terre Chapitre 4. La lutte des pères Naissance : préparer les pères aussi Une avancée : le congé de paternité Divorce : la justice ou l’idéologie ? Crimes contre les pères Les pères changent, les pères dérangent La longue marche des militants Pères, hommes, femmes, enfants : au carrefour de toutes les causes Le patronyme, c’est l’équité Chapitre 5. La quête de l’identité Réseau Hommes : la découverte de l’intimité New Warriors : vivre un rite de passage Construire des espaces masculins Chapitre 6. La cause des fils Les programmes père-fils École I : Bravo les filles ! École II : Comment sauver les garçons ? Conclusion : Trouver la fierté Médiagraphie. Associations. Source: http://www.la-cause-des-hommes.com/spip.php?article182 #LuttesDesPères #LutteDesPères #HommeBattu  #LaCauseDesHommes #LaConditionMasculine #LaConditionDesHommes #Masculinisme #Mascu #Masculinité #Masculinités #Masculinites #masculinite #Patronyme #ConditionMasculine #masculiniste #masculinistes #virilité #virilite #paternité #paternite #identitéMasculine #RiteDePassage #pèresMilitants #RéseauHommes #MouvementDesHommes #patriarcat #éloignementDesFilsEtDesPères #BigMother #NéoSexisme #HommeCoupable https://www.instagram.com/p/B_2i-_jgcb0/?igshid=hil5rfc9rpyb
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raisongardee · 2 years ago
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“Même remarque quant au sexe. Là, comme dans le sport, il naît des caractères secondaires, déterminés par le rendement, et qui produisent des beautés tirées selon des données numériques, vérifiées au cours d’exhibitions nombreuses, d’une ignorance brutale. Le type vous saute tout de suite aux yeux, ne serait-ce que physionomiquement, par sa vanité fondée sur la seule apparence. Le regard fixe, la moue des lèvres, mi-provocante, mi-dédaigneuse, sont obligatoires. Pour pendant, une virilité totalement aliénée des racines historiques, qui se pavane dans les arènes et se contente de leurs critères. Il n’y a plus bien loin de là jusqu’aux gladiateurs.”
Ernst Jünger, Soixante-dix s’efface. Journal 1965-1970, trad. Henri Plard.
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gassydumbjocks · 4 months ago
Virilite 1:
Boys will be boys
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Ever since I spiked my nephew Liam's beer with a strange pill I found online when he and my brother came to watch a football match, that boy has been acting like a man, as he should.
You see, my brother Noah had a son who, don't get me wrong, I love this boy with all my soul, but god damn he had to grow up and start acting like what he was, a dude, always wearing those girly crop tops and tight-fitting jeans with bright colors because "that's who he was", I admit that I was clearly upset when he revealed to the family that he was gay, but even so I couldn't do anything and neither could Noah, so we decided to accept him as he was, until I found a way to... make him act as he should.
While looking at online articles I found this article online that was supposed to be some pills that could have an effect on the behavior and actions of the person that took them, yes, I know, very science fiction-like, still, what caught my attention was the name and objective of the pill, "Virilite" was its name, and it promised to also have an effect on the levels of testosterone produced in men, which ended up convincing me to buy it.
The instructions were simple, put them in the drink or food that said man was going to consume, once ingested the guy would enter an immediate state of trance, able to only follow the orders that another person suggested in his mind, there were even images of test subjects boys who I assume took the pill, they all had a relaxed yet funny expression, eyes crossed and some even with tongues sticking out like dogs, I couldn't help but laugh at the thought of Liam looking like that.
Just as i was now, immediatly after i got Liam to drink it after offering him a beer, he letted out an involuntary loud and guttural deep belch, which from what i knew and readed online was a sign that the pill already took effect, i had Liam in front of me with a dumb smile and an eye-crossed, glazed over look, like that huge burp just took away all his thoughts and personality.
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After the first 5 minutes of calling his name and getting no response, i actually started to worry, he couldn't stay as a brainless zombie-like dumbass all his life, and Noah would find out and kill me for it, i tried to remember, i took the pill's container and readed again the instructions.
"Ohh, so i have to, uh, kinda program him?" i said and then i thought of things i could make him do, i certainly bought those pills to make the kid more like a man... So, hell, what a man i would mold out of him.
I heard him let out a dumb chuckle still with that goofy smile from before, i smirked and approached "Liam, buddy, you hear me champ, you hear uncle Dave?" i asked to make sure he could indeed hear me, he slowly nodded and let out some hiccups "great, cuz we got a lot of work to do on you, and im sure you'll love it" i say.
I think of the first command to give him, they suggest to use short and simple commands, there are plenty of manly things he needs to learn, but i think i can cover up basic stuff, i remember Noah and me asking him to join us in our protein farting contests when we relaxed in our man cave watching our team, while Liam just grimaced and waved his hand, saying it was immature and gross, i would make him change his opinion, so it was obvious what would be the command "Liam...fart, loudly and proudly, c'mon" i literally order him to fart, i just wanted to test the effectiveness of the command obeying.
Without hesitation, he lifts his right leg as high as he can, leaving his butt in the air, before a barrage of gas goes out his butt.
Its so strong, big and beefy, even for me, i have to wave the smell and open a window nearby "good lord boy! Where in the hell did you got all that gas from!?" i ask impressed, and try to recover before continuing "ok ok lets keep up!, umm, belch, a nice deep man belch" i say, waiting for it.
I didn't even have to wait when he was already patting his chest and squinting an eye to help the gas release.
And holy fuck, if Liam was concious, he'd know that beast burp would have easily beat his old man and me in our oftens belch offs, the pill was clearly making a miracle on him.
I was admitidly having fun on my nephew making all the stuff he found "gross" and "immature" under a pill's control, i gave him another command, just to get a good laugh "Liam, do some armpit farts, but in the last one, you'll ask me to pull your finger, you'll let out a monster fart, got it?" i asked and he nodded again, he then started with the manly symphony, he took a hand down one of his pits and started to produce the nasty sounds.
I saw him stop and put hand on his gut, then he talked goofily "uncle, pull my finger" he asked dumbly before laughing and extend his hand at me, i gladly accepted "oh of course kiddo, let me help you with that" i smirked and pulled it hard, unleashing the beast gas he had stuck in his rump.
An ABSOLUTELY disgusting deep-ass and loud, nasty fart erupted from him, Liam never losing the crossed look on his face, as he hiked exaggerately his leg to force the fart out, i was shocked, but in the end, finally proud of him, i couldn't wait for Noah to see what he could do! We would think on more funny stuff to do at our just guys nights! After all, boys will be boys, right?
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curly-cottage-girl · 2 years ago
Uwaahh forgot how good Lux Vitae by Clamavi de Profundis is…
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drugastraian · 4 months ago
Suplimente Fertilitate, Potenta, Vezi Pret | Vegis
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noirechimere-blog · 5 years ago
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SALE PALUCHE ♛🏴 LIKE, PARTAGE, ABONNE TOI OU CRÈVE ♥ #noirechimere #mains #masculin #stereotype #stereotypes #virilite #deconstruction #punchline #pensées #pensée #punchlines #pensee #pensees #homme #mec #temoigner #temoignage #mec #humain #viril #clichés #dicton #texte (à Paris, France) https://www.instagram.com/p/B21GJH7i2Lh/?igshid=ttqdp86co6c5
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bukbot · 4 years ago
viriliter-bellator: An assistant for a fun game to you too!
chickie-birdies: :’ I like this they are not veggies.
viriliter-bellator: For an offering.
chickie-birdies: Braised Harissa Eggplant with Chickpeas.
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