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knowledgezz · 5 months
Discover the five best-repairing ideas to help you fix your home equipment. From understanding your appliances to knowing when to call professionals, these tips will help you maintain your appliances and potentially save money on repairs.
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outjunkoutva · 2 years
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Masterpost (kinda): Plague doctor moodboard thingies (Will be updated as I post the other moodboards) X and Iscariot Athanasius and Jota Fabian and Corpses/Anubis Arcturus and Jessabell Finn and Gypaetus Corvus Cornix and Direst
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monmorgandy · 2 years
Blackwater River
Blackwater River by Denise Powers Fabian Via Flickr: Blackwater Falls State Park, Davis, Tucker County, West Virginia
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newworldcbd · 2 years
Get the Best CBD Skin Care Products & Botanicals in Virginia.
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violethowler · 9 months
Red Rising-era Mars Map
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After several days of carefully going over all the locations mentioned on Mars across the entire Red Rising saga, I've complete a map of the planet post-terraforming and marked out all the cities mentioned in the books, as well as my best estimates on their location.
Surprisingly it wasn't that hard to figure out a general idea for a lot of things because of how many real-life regions and landmarks on Mars that are namedropped throughout the series.
Explanations for why everything is placed where it is are below the cut. Fair warning though that my distance is based on eyeballing things based on comparing distances to Earth maps, so the distances between cities isn't exact.
Apollonia - mentioned in Dark Age as the continent where Agea and the Valles Marineris are.
Cimmeria - the name comes from the Terra Cimmeria region in the eastern hemisphere of Mars (seen on the right side of the map), but in Dark Age the continent of Cimmeria extends as far north as the Olympus Mons, where Olympia is, and the edge of the continent is implied to be east of Agea (see below in the Bodies of Water section).
Arabia Terra - mentioned in Morning Star as a northern continent and there is an actual region on Mars called Arabia Terra in the northern hemisphere, so i traced the boundaries of the region as the shape of the continent.
Sirenia - we don't know anything about where Sirenia is, particularly since the region it's named for, Terra Sirenum, is directly bordered by the Terra Cimmeria region, but based on the implied size of Cimmeria, i assume it's probably in the eastern hemisphere of Mars.
Elysium - the ancestral home of House Arcos gets its own island because its name comes from the IRL Elysium Planitia and Elysium Mons west of Olympus Mons north of the equator.
Bodies of Water
Borealis Basin - mentioned in Red Rising, said to stretch across the northern hemisphere. Name comes from Vastitas Borealis, the lowland region of Mars that encircles the north polar landmass.
Golan Basin - mentioned in Morning Star. Since the other named Basin takes up a large chunk of the northern hemisphere surrounding the north pole, I logically assumed that the Golan Basin was the southern equivalent.
Thermic Sea - Morning Star implies it's near the equator. In Golden Son, when Darrow is heading toward Agea after landing on Mars during the Iron Rain, he's travelling north and mentions the Thermic Sea being on the left, which puts it west of Agea. Dark Age mentions that when Pax is fighting the Red Hand's torchShip to help Lyria the bases is on the northern thermic, indicating that the sea is south of Cimmeria.
Amazonian Sea - Virgnia flies over it while heading to Cimmeria during the Iron Circle in Dark Age. Named for the Amazonis Planitian, aka the Amazonian, a lowland region west of Olympus Mons and northeast of IRL Terra Cimmeria.
Gorgon Sea - mentioned in Golden Son with not specific details about its location so i put it between Terra Arabia and Sirenia for lack of major cities and landmarks in that area.
Cities and other Major Locations
Agea - repeatedly established as being located in the center of the Valles Marineris
The Institute - the Red Rising map and Golden Son place it in the upper arm of the Valles Marineris, and Golden Son establishes that it's 80 kilometers east of Agea.
Thessalonica - In Golden Son, Darrow mentions when they make landfall during the Iron Rain that they're 300 kilometers from where they need to be, and they head north to get to Agea. On the way, they pass Thessalonica with the city on their left at the edge of the Thermic Sea.
Tinos - Morning Star establishes that Tinos is 500 kilometers south of the Thermic Sea, but is also shown to be big enough that the Sons of Ares base extends out into the thermic under the sea floor, bc their meeting room has a clear dome that looks up at the sea.
Nagasos Mine- Sons of Ares Volume 3 establishes that it's 600 kilometers south of Agea. When Ryanna takes Roran and Corthus through a shaft up to the surface already terraformed, there's a shoreline and water depicted near the entrance to the shaft. It could be a lake, but for simplicity's sake I'm assuming it's the shore of the Thermic, particularly based on the location of Tinos.
Varos - Dancer mentions in Morning Star it's half a thousand clicks away from Tinos (1000 clicks=1000 kilometers, so 1000/2= 500 km).
Zephyria - name comes from an actual region on Mars located in the Terra Cimmeria region, so i put it as part of Cimmeria.
Hippolyte - Dark Age mentions it's on an archipelago in the sea. Exact location unclear but i'm putting it in the Thermic Sea for simplicity's sake.
Corinth - Morning Star mentions that Corinth right in the middle of the Thermic.
Ismenia - mentioned in Morning Star as a port city in Arabia Terra, so I picked a random spot along the coast to put it.
Lykos Mine - mentioned in Golden Son that it's in the middle of "the southern taiga", the magistrate mentions going on vacation to landmarks that are later established as being in Cimmeria, indicating that it's in the southern hemisphere on Cimmeria.
Yorkton - Golden Son mentions that it's on the edge of the taiga.
Ishtar - mentioned in Red Rising that it's by the sea, not far from Yorkton, so i had the two close together.
Attica - Golden Son mentions it's a southern city, and Dark Age implies that it's in Cimmeria bc Lyria's distress beacon was boosted to "half of Cimmeria" and people from Attica came to help stop the Red Hand
Kato - mentioned in Morning Star as being in the Alcidalia Provence, with the implication that it's north of Attica. There's an IRL region in the northern hemisphere known as the Acidalia Planitia, so i'm assuming the provence name is a reference to that and put Kato in that area on the map for now.
New Thebes - Morning Star mentions that New Thebes is south of the Aventine Peninsula, and when the Jackal was testing his stolen nukes, the explosion was visible from Phobos and made the Howlers worry it was New Thebes. Morning Star establishes that after 7 hours plus however much time they spent getting into Quicksilver's tower, then getting out and recuperating before Darrow and Sevro had their fight, Phobos was directly over Corinth. Based on the fact that Phobos takes roughly 7 and a half hours to complete one orbit of Mars, the Aventine Peninsula would have to either be in Cimmeria or Sirenia. I went with Cimmeria just to be safe.
Cyprion - Mentioned in Morning Star as north of New Thebes on the peninsula.
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ca-suffit · 4 months
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It's so annoying when Nalyra and this book group use excuses like this as if we're all dumb. There's lots of people who talk about the books and the show without being racist about it. The deeper issue here is not because people haven't read the books and think what you're saying is shocking.... What's really happening is that this group of BFFs loves to remove all mention of race from everything. They love pretending you can just overlay the books to the AMC show and it's a perfect match. Then, when anyone mentions how important it is to factor in race when discussing these things, here comes the screaming victimhood and all the "it's what's in the book" gifs. The "I'm sorry you just can't handle gothic literature SWEETIE" attitudes that are v tiring. Any race can be racist too (isn't that this group's favorite line too, they should know....) and only care for the wellbeing of white fandom, so these brown emojis or black fans who will make callout lists on other black fans under the language of calling out "fandom issues" or "antis" aren't fooling anyone to what the real motivation is behind it. People who worship Anne Rice are always going to be airheads who can't take criticism because look at your girl and all she was ever doing. Any adult who wants to defend her or the books is not a critical thinker or an intellectual. It's v possible to discuss her and the books without the stan goggles on. The black fans this group is always sneering at do it all the time. That's probably where the real issue lies, because it's done much better than the horseshit fanon Nalyra, Virgnia, and the rest are slinging and thinking is epic meta or something. I lurked for a long time before coming here to start pointing this out. I've seen these egos get bigger since the show has been off the air and book people crawled out from the depths to try and tell everyone "what's going to happen." It's a stupid power trip and nothing else. This group doesn't have the ability to analyze anything like they think they do, so they've grown together since the show stopped airing to start harassing other fans and pretend they're the victims just because they don't think talking about race is important in their....erm...."analysis" lol. They only think they have power because the fandom became smaller when S1 ended. They're gonna be muted again when it comes back because they aren't keeping up with the themes of the show and their takes aren't interesting. Saying the white man is always innocent, the black man is lying, the brown man is manipulative is what society already does. It's boring and it's not what the show has shown us in its own canon that it's doing. This group and white fandom in general love to take an inch and run a mile with it. Whenever anyone (but especially Jacob) mentions Louis might be a liar or an unreliable narrator they're jumping on the chance to spread that statement over every part of the story. They want so much for all of it not to be true because they need Lestat to be the good guy. They always claim they love stories about monsters except their favorite white guy can't even stay a monster for them to adore him. He can't ever even be any kind of fuck up and grow from it, he's just supposed to immediately be perfect. What's the point of the story then ffs? This is why you need to read other books that aren't written by idiot, egomaniacal authors who don't have editors and are in love with their own creations. If you always find a way to excuse the white characters, say all the black and brown characters are the unreliable, scheming ones, and scream and yell "it's what's in the books" whenever anyone reminds you to notice race......then you're just racist, girl. It's not even a mystery lol so stop this crap like you're fooling anyone. You can be as loud as you want but it doesn't mean you're actually a victim of anything but your own racist stupidity. Just because Anne Rice didn't get as much pushback as she deserved in her dumb life doesn't mean you're going to get the same treatment. It's 2024, bitch.
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antigonenikk · 4 months
nearing end of season 2 and spencer's addiction arc has not been resolved... now any time he's not on screen i assume he's hanging out at some virgnia flop house listening to eminem on bass boosted speakers getting a stick n poke from a gay prn star....
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thekidsarentalright · 11 months
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aemiron-main · 10 months
Okay, so, I’m thinking about Stav’s post regarding the TFS casting weirdness and the audition casting vs the announced casting and, keeping the ton of victor-owens parallels in mind (see here, and here) and keeping multiple timelines in mind and keeping the idea of Owens possibly being Victor in another timeline/in the Edward timeline in mind:
Is it just me, or does the actor who was announced to play Victor in TFS resemble Owens WAY more than he resembles Young Victor/Kevin L Johnson???
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Like look at those two and then look at Kevin:
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The TFS actor for Victor, Mike Jibson, resembles Owens WAY more than he resembles Young Victor in the show/way more than he resembles Kevin L Johnson IMO.
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Like there IS a resemblance between Mike Jibson and Kevin, but a.) I think the resemblance between Mike Jibson and Owens is much stronger and b.) there’s also a resemblance between canon Victor/Kevin and Owens which complicates things
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And the Virginia Creel that they cast for TFS has blue eyes versus canon Virginia’s brown eyes (i know contacts are an option here but just setting that aside):
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Versus Connie Frazier/the actress that plays her/Catherine Dyer:
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And versus Owens’ current S4 wife/the actress that plays her, Christine Kellogg-Darrin:
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Canon Virginia seems to resemble the TFS casting for Virginia the LEAST put of all of these ladies!! Even setting the eye colour aside and just looking at the face, especially the nose and jaw!! PLUS the fact that Alice is weirdly missing from TFS vs the fact that in the Edward timeline, Alice is the mother (which would explain TFS “virgnia’s” blue eyes vs canon Alice’s blue eyes)…..
And also, I wonder if the Creel daughter is here after all- I mean, the casting for Karen Wheeler certainly could pass as a Creel, and as James pointed out, she really does resemble Alice:
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And with what I talked about here about Karen likely being daughter-Virginia/being the Creel daughter in the Edward timeline…. SOMETHING IS GOING ON HERE!!
And also, as a brief final note, isn’t it a Little Tiny Bit Interesting that Connie might be Edward Timeline Alice/Mother Alice vs Connie being Played by Catherine “Cathy” Dyer vs Owens’ S4 wife being named Cathy???
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symptomofloves · 8 months
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i finished the waves today & started tearing up at the end. this might be my favorite of vw's that i have read so far, though mrs dalloway will always hold a special place in my heart. reading this was such a pleasure, not only from an intellectual & emotional point, but also because of the quality of the physical book itself. this edition is from 1931! from her own publishing house, hogarth press! & the inscription! i couldn't quite figure out who susan was, but she was presumably a member of the vaughan family. another member of the vaughan family was madge, virgnia's aunt with whom she fell in love & on whom she based the character of sally in mrs dalloway!!
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monmorgandy · 2 years
The Deer Never Get Old by Denise Powers Fabian Via Flickr: Blackwater Falls State Park, Davis, Tucker County, West Virginia
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witchmd13 · 10 months
the editor who just called virgnia woolf and vita sackville west's relationship a "19 year old friendship" i am on the floor how can you read "as a body hers is perfection" and think there's anything straight about these women I am BEGGING
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sicksucculentz · 1 year
Watching Virgnia just shred, tear, devour, and rip apart some poor small mammal.  Blood is just smeared all over her face while she’s crouched low to the ground like a wild animal.
“......what a woman.....” 
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thethinkingman · 7 months
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