#virginia loyall farragut
araiz-zaria · 4 months
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Border (one of three) via European Sculpture and Decorative Arts
Medium: Bobbin lace
Gift of Mrs. George Goodwin Hall (Virginia F.), in memory of Gertrude M. Farrrague (Mrs. Loyall Farragut), 1935 Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, NY
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araiz-zaria · 3 months
Gather 'round darlings!
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"...what is it Percy?"
"Is there anything wrong, Percy?"
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araiz-zaria · 2 years
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...now with the whole family!
(aka. Loyall's Westie graduation photo LMAO 🤣🤣🤣)
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araiz-zaria · 2 years
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"Love you, Mama!" 🥰🥰
(earlier version can be found below↓)
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araiz-zaria · 1 year
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...sailors' talk — the wives' revenge 🤭💀🌊🔥✨ (read the previous part here 👀)
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araiz-zaria · 1 year
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"A beautiful morning. It would be difficult to believe that yesterday could have been such a day as above described. The vessels in port are returning to their stations, and, like good housekeepers, we are loosing sails to dry after rainy weather, cleaning up the good old ship, and making things comfortable once more. The ship is in fine order. We get along like a happy family—only, I lack my wife.
Oh Glasgow...
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araiz-zaria · 6 months
Naval Letters of Percival Drayton, 1861-1865
I think I was searching for Alexander Hamilton Jr. (...yeah, that's his name 👀👀, and he was indeed the OG Alexander Hamilton's grandson(!!)), Percival Drayton's close friend when I found this collection of letters from Percy. They wrote each other all life long, but especially during the civil war.
Here are some screenshots of Percy's letters to his friend Alex H. Jr (though this collection also holds letters he wrote to Lydig M. Holt, his other close friend, which are shown in the screenshots as well), with each of them taken because they piqued my interest... 😏😉
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I've written (heck, drawn even) about Percy and Dolph (John A. Dahlgren) being friends, and here is Percy telling Lydig M. Hoyt about his friend Dolph 🥺💙🌊
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...ah yes, that infamous letter where 🌊Papi🌊 David Farragut is proven wine mom 😅😅😂🤣🙈
(...and turns out Percy confessed his private sin (ie. cigar smoking) in this letter too 👀👀)
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So right around this time (latter half of 1864) there was Sanitation Fair held in New York to raise funds for Union soldiers and sailors alike. 🌊Papi's🌊 CDV and autograph proves to be hot commodity there 😺😏😌✨.
Even Percy got a CDV request from McClellan's wife(!) 👀👀
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That time when 🌊Papi🌊 and Percy received a distinguished visitor, General Alexander Asboth. He was a Hungarian immigrant who fought during the 1848 revolution in Hungary, and later fought in American Civil War as well (distinguished himself in the battle of Pea Ridge). He invited them to dinner and they had...chocolate soup??
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And here's Percy throwing ✨Shade✨ to some New York doughfaces and copperheads 💀🔥
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...I shouldn't laugh but I find it hilarious how Virginia was surprised by 🌊Papi's🌊 sudden leave 😅😩🥲🙈. Apparently Percy was supposed to go but it was so urgent so 🌊Papi🌊 ended up leaving on his own...
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araiz-zaria · 1 year
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A month later and after their paths had separated, Drayton was still worrying about his old commander, who was "most certainly going through as much risk of life with his dissipations as he has in his battles." Percival finally wrote to Virginia Farragut, warning that she must "not permit him to run wild, and get back to the late hours which through constant lecturing I thought to have some- what broken in on.”
Sometimes when you read about Percy's care and attention for his CO you feel so 🥺🥺, but then you read on and then you couldn't help but feel 👀👀
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araiz-zaria · 3 years
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Missy the mouser general (...admiral?? 😆) of USS Hartford
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araiz-zaria · 3 years
Navy Bicorne 🌊⚓
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(sequel of sorts from this one)
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araiz-zaria · 3 years
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araiz-zaria · 2 years
Letter from Admiral Farragut to his wife, on the eve of the battle of Mobile Bay
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Flagship Hartford
Off Mobile, August 4th 1864
My dearest wife, I write and leave this letter for you. I am going into Mobile Bay in the morning, if God is my leader, as I hope He is, and in Him I place my trust. If He thinks it is the proper place for me to die, I am ready to submit to His will, in that as all other things. My great mortification is, that my vessels, the iron-clads, were not ready to have gone in yesterday. The army landed last night, and are in full view of us this morning, and the Tecumseh has not yet arrived from Pensacola.
God bless and preserve you, my darling, and my dear boy, if anything should happen to me, and may His blessings also rest upon your dear mother, and all your sisters and their children.
Your devoted and affectionate husband, who never for one moment forgot his love, duty, or fidelity to you, his devoted and best of wives.
To Mrs. D. G. FARRAGUT, Hastings on the Hudson.
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