#viral ice cream moment
mkteach · 26 days
This ice cream seller tried to pull a fast one by giving empty and half-filled cones, but this clever man wasn't fooled! Watch how he stays calm, eats what he’s given, and ultimately wins the game when the vendor finally hands over a fully loaded cone. It’s a hilarious and satisfying moment of victory! See how it all plays out and don't forget to like and comment if you enjoyed the video!
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emo-batboy · 2 years
I GIVE YOU a totally real list of viral photos of Battinson with his newly adopted son, Dick Grayson, that took Gotham by storm
Bruce crossing the street with a rosy-cheeked Dick Grayson dutifully holding his hand, Dick somehow found the camera and is waving to it excitedly (this is the first ever photo of them together)
Dick balanced perfectly at the top (and I mean on top) of a jungle gym while Bruce looks stressed out of his mind, pleading for Dick to get down before he hurts himself
Dick doing the exact same thing a month later but this time Bruce looks completely unfazed, sipping a coffee like it’s just a normal Tuesday (the photos are regularly paired together as a popular meme template in Gotham)
A selfie of Bruce and Dick making stupid faces at the camera that Dick turned into his class for one of those “About Me” posters you make in 3rd grade
Dick asleep in Bruce’s arms after a fancy dinner party, they’re wearing matching suits, Bruce is kissing his forehead :(
Bruce and Dick propped up against a wall, sharing a packet of fruit snacks in an empty room next to the charity gala they’re supposed to be attending
A plethora of photos of Dick climbing on top of Bruce at inopportune moments (à la this post)
Including a press conference.
And an investors’ meeting (bring your kid to work day)
Bruce standing outside of Gotham Elementary holding Dick in his arms with matching scowls on their faces. A mother and her son have been cropped out after the boy shoved Dick, and the mother refused to make him apologize. (It almost got physical. The mom has since quit the PTA.)
Bruce and Dick wearing matching sunglasses on the Gotham pier, Bruce is sipping another coffee while Dick eats from a comically large ice cream cone. A second photo shows Dick offering some to Bruce, which he accepts
Bruce retying Dick’s tie in the middle of another charity gala (for the children’s hospital)
Dick doing a cartwheel in the park while Bruce looks at him with the fondest look humanly possible
Bruce and Dick in a convenience store at 10pm (on a Friday) wearing matching oversized Nirvana shirts and pajama pants, it looks like they’re having a movie marathon (it’s Grey Ghost reruns <3)
pspspspsps @bruciemilf
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jarofstyles · 6 months
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Hello my loves! This is the first part to our Patreon exclusive series, Buttercream. The ready is available on Patreon (over 18 parts) and is still being updated. You all asked to see what’s available to read and I’m giving you sneaks of it!
A series featuring an Alpha Architect Harry, a bossy bakery owning omega Y/N, the sweetest treats taste tested and some steamy smut.
Check out our Patreon for all parts of the series and 150+ exclusive writings.
The smell kept him coming back.
In his life, Harry had been to a quite a few bakeries. He could be considered an expert on fudge brownies, a specialist on cupcakes and the swirls of icing, a connoisseur of croissants. He treated himself a bit too often, if his mother had anything to say with it. His sweet tooth had always been prevalent in his life.
The new bakery down the road from his job, though? That had made him a true problem.
Every day before work, he stopped. Suit and all, pulling into the parking lot and nearly drooling the moment he got out. His feet carried him towards the door and the smell hit him immediately. Sweet buttercream, frothy vanilla, spiced cinnamon, and… something else. That something else that had him nearly vibrating, and now on a mission to have the whole menu to figure out just what the hell that scent was.
It was intoxicating. Mesmerizing. If Harry didn’t have work, he would spend hours just sitting here to smell it. It had a weird hold on him, and he didn’t quite know how to ask if it was an air freshener. That was unlikely for anywhere but restrooms anyways considering how offensive it could be for the noses of alpha’s and omegas alike. A bad scented one could send them into moods. Or even sickness. The sense of smell was very important.
“Mr.Styles.” The teen manning the cash register saluted him. He came in every day and was known to the cashiers, so he had ruled out it being one of them. Thank god. They were either young enough to not have a scent or too old for it to be possible. “What will it be today? Y/N’s been whipping up a storm for the holidays. New recipes. We’ve got a peppermint bark brownie that would go well with the peppermint mocha you like.” She chirped, watching as he scanned the cases.
Harry was a little intimidating but he was exceptionally charming. He smiled, he conversed, he tipped well, but he always seemed to be looking around. Trying to find something that no one could really place. The bakery was empty besides a mum and her friend with their kids, munching on treats and coffee as they watched the traffic go by. It wasn’t them. Harry’s ears did perk up when he heard an unfamiliar name.
“Y/N?” He asked, tilting his head as his attention went back to the cashier. “Who’s that? The owner?” Harry had never met the owner. For some reason, every time he came in the morning she had stepped out for her own break. It didn’t bother him so long as his compliments to the baker got passed along, but hearing her name stirred something in his chest.
“Yep.” She popped the p in her word. “She’s awesome. She started this all on her own after she went viral on the internet. She got the funds from online orders. You see the custom cakes and stuff but she does awesome experimental flavors. She doesn’t care if they’re hits or misses and let’s us go home with leftovers.” There was obvious pride to be working for someone like Y/N. It peaked his interest.
“Oh?” He asked, leaning his body against the counter. “That’s incredible. I’d be very happy to taste some of the new things.” He flashed a smile, tapping his card against the wood of the counter. “What would you think Y/N would suggest?” And why did saying her name make him feel silky and hot? Like it was meant to live on his lips? They tingled as the word left his mouth, making him shift his stance slightly. His skin was buzzing slightly as he heard someone else come from the back.
“She would suggest the peppermint bark brownies, the s’mores donut, the lemon cream cookie and the chili chocolate cupcake. Spice and sweet work surprisingly well together.” The airy voice went to his bones.
Harry could smell it fully now. The scent that laced the bakery was now engulfing him. Filling the space, making him inhale it with each breath. His hand tightened on the card, curling into a fist at his side as he caught a glimpse of her. She had been the source. It wasn’t a baked good or a cashier, but it was the baker herself that was making him addicted to the sweets laced with her scent.
He was silent as he observed her, a smile quirked on her lips. Slightly glossy and deliciously plump as she greeted the cashier with a simple hey and asking her to go to the back to grab the other new tray of cinnamon buns. Sliding them on to the rack, she used her hip to gently nudge the counter open and grabbed one for Harry.
“Here. On the house.” She slid the bag over to him with her soft simper, hands tapping on the wood.
She was marvelous.
Harry was speechless. Something he never usually was- the alpha could talk to a brick wall if he needed to- but this sweet little omega has been slowly hypnotizing him with her scent over the course of a month and now he was finally seeing her. He loved delayed gratification, a fan of edging, but this? He wished he had seen her far earlier.
“Hi.” He peeped. His face looked like he saw a ghost. The woman in front of him was like a mirage- and he wasn’t trying to be dramatic. He swore she was familiar to him in some way. Some how. She was all omega in the ways that called to him. The curve of her face and her soft voice… he could have started purring if he didn’t have some semblance of self control in his body.
“Hi.” She returned the greeting with a soft chuckle that heated his chest. “I hope you like the suggestions. I recognized your voice. You’ve been in here every morning we’re open and I figured it was about time to meet the loyal customer.” She chirped, brushing the stray hair that had fallen from her ponytail behind her ears. The adorably disheveled look added to her appeal.
A candy apple red apron was dusted with various baking material, tied around her waist snug. It showed the curve of her waist went deeper than what he could tell under her sweatshirt that appeared to have the bakery name printed on it. A swipe of flour was decorating her forehead, like she had wiped hair from her face and simply forgot about flour coated hands. Little details he was memorizing to think about later.
“I love the smell.” He blurted out. Immediately, he winced. That hadn’t been what he had meant to say, at least how he had meant to say it. Heat crept up further under his cheeks as he opened and closed his mouth, watching her giggle a bit as he tried to find his bearings.
“Fucking hell- I meant to say, I love your bakery. It smelled amazing when I went past it so I decided to stop in a few weeks ago and now it’s become a part of my daily routine. I bring in pastries for the office.”
“Aren’t you a star coworker.” She cooed, turning from him with a wink as she grabbed one of the red boxes and began to construct it. “They must love you at the office. I have on good authority that the one that brings the snacks, gets the pats on the back. Especially hand made, beautifully crafted baked goods.” She teased, opening up the case and beginning to place some sweets into it.
“I’d hope they like me. I’m their boss.” He laughed quietly, scratching the back of his neck. Never has he felt more like a schoolboy talking to a playground crush. He was head to toe in a suit good enough to meet his best clients, and a girl with flour on her face was sending him to his knees. Each time she moved, a gentle waft of her scent was given his direction and made that ever loved self control hang by a thread.
“Ooooo. Bossman.” She grinned, wiggling her brow as she placed another iced brownie with crushed peppermint bark sprinkled on top into the box. “Should have guessed. Love the suit, by the way. You look very handsome.”
That little compliment made his day. The pretty omega with the prettier smile and mouthwatering scent thought he looked handsome. That would be lingering in his brain all day. How she thought he was handsome. The casual compliments.
“Thank you.” He preened. “We do interior and exterior design for businesses. Up and coming places and remodels. So if you ever need a guy- I’m here.” He placed his hands in his pockets and lifted up on his toes rocking back and forth.
“Oooo. Is it that bad in here? Do I need a renovation?” She sucked her teeth, tilting her head. It had him freezing, mouth falling open to grovel. He hadn’t meant to offend her at all, hadn’t tried to insinuate it needed a remodel.
“Shit- no, I’m sorry. It’s very cute in here, I didn’t mean to insinuate it needed any help. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize how it would sound-“
“Cool it, bossman.” She cooed, laughing at how he had nearly fallen over himself. “I’m just messing with you. The place does need some exterior work, actually. I hadn’t had the budget when we first started, nor the time. But I didn’t take any offense to it. You’ve got to market yourself. Don’t worry.” Her reassurance made him melt into relief, leaning into the counter. This whole encounter had him feeling a bit on edge in the weirdest way. He wanted to snuggle this woman, yet he was almost afraid of her. An omega. He was afraid of an omega.
Anyone else would laugh at him, perhaps, but he felt the nervousness creeping in his bones. He wanted her to like him. He wanted her to think he was cool and want to know him better. Y/N, Y/N, Y/N. She had unarmed his normal charm and made him feel like a nervous bundle of sweat and it was exhilarating.
“I’ll take a card, though.” She placed her hand out flat. “If you’ve got one. I’m gonna check out your website.”
Harry fished one out of his wallet, thankful he kept them on hand. It had his office number, and part of him wanted to offer his personal cell but he knew that would be a bit weird. Especially if she wanted to use his services. He almost hoped she didn’t- asking a client on a date wasn’t good for the image, was it? He wasn’t sure.
“If you’ve got any questions you can reach out on the email there, it’s a direct line to me- or uh, I come in every day so.” He shrugged. “Around this time. You’ve got very good coffee too. It’s been a while since I’ve had a good hazelnut. People put a lot of syrups and things… but your shop does it the best.”
“Thank you.” She seemed chuffed with his praise. “I taste test everything with the crew here. You’ll be in for a treat. If you’re coming in every morning, do you think you’d want to be a bit of a guinea pig for me?” She slid the box across the counter. “I’ve been experimenting like my lovely employee was saying. But I’d love a real customers opinion. Even if it’s bad. I want to know what the consumer likes.”
Harry was shocked. Y/N was kind of treating him like a friend, like she valued his exact opinion. He couldn’t deny he felt exceptionally special. Having not only the owner of the bakery but an omega he had some sort of crush on suddenly want to sample the new things she sells and get his opinion on it.
“Oh- uh. Alright. Of course! I can do that.” He grinned shyly, handing his card over for her to pay for the things she had put into the box. “I come in every morning during the week so… you can just let me know what’s new to taste.” There was a giddiness in his stomach. An excuse to talk to her every day. Or at least a few times a week. He’s never really reacted this way to an omega before, the scent craving, the shyness he suddenly felt, all of it was so new to him and he was unsure how to navigate it but he didn’t want to stop. He only wanted more.
“Perfect. What is your name, by the way?” The card was handed back to him and there was slight disappointment their fingers didn’t brush, but Harry took today was a victory.
“Harry. Harry Styles. It’s lovely to meet you.”
“Y/N. I’m glad to meet you too. I hope to see more of you soon.”
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inkskinned · 1 year
okay yes it's often bad and hard and sometimes i am so anxious my whole body feels like it's vibrating but also at the same time the gps took me a different way on my drive and i got to see more of the river than i usually do and yesterday the sun was still above the horizon after 7pm and that was amazing and the whole sky turned an orange-gold like how they try to make ice cream taste; you know, one of those evenings that just tears you open no matter how jaded you get. it's warm for the first time here and people had lined up against the water just to stand outside and watch the sunset
and yeah it's tax season no i haven't done mine yet but when i mentioned it offhand in a single side-comment three days later my friend sent me a list of helpful tips and followed up to see if i'd need help on them
there's this parking lot for a walking trail near where i live and one of the two google reviews is my actual favorite: love it here. there were so many beautiful parking spots but sadly we could only take one. and no this person isn't going to go viral and probably the only people navigating to this spot are extremely local - but there's something so precious to me about someone taking the time to write something that will make strangers in their community laugh, even though there's no way for me to tell them good one! directly
yes i am not doing well sometimes i'm doing even very-badly but recently i have been given enough breathing room to say okay, this situation is bad, but then it will be over, and you will be moving onto the next thing and it's true that i need to get groceries and pay rent and argue with my health insurance but it is also true that in the absolute stress and anarchy of my life today someone recognized my dog before they recognized me and was so excited because "they tell everyone about the greyhound in the area and didn't get a picture before so can they take a picture now please"
in class we all stand in a circle and are all grown adults and for a moment while the teacher is figuring something out, we all hold hands, just to be silly and connected. for no reason at all at 8pm on a thursday my friends and i start breaking out the dance moves to high school musical. my coworker gchats me during a meeting about the book he recommended to me and i'm enjoying reading
i help a high school set up for a star-themed dance and while putting up streamers i find graffiti that says if you're reading this, i love you, and we're both going to get out of here right next to fuck everyone, live out of spite, don't let the fuckers make you die. on the bridge where i walk my dog someone has written i love you and on the sidewalk in chalk someone has written i love you and on the side of the water tower someone has written i love you
at the bottom of a text post an internet poet says - i love you, i love you, i love you. i've never met you, i love you because you exist and we exist together. and isnt that enough for now. just for this moment, i mean. like, if you just close your eyes and breathe - somewhere, across this world, i love you, because you're here with me.
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shuenkio · 2 months
𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 | S.Jy 💨
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Paring: Idol!Jake x idol!male reader | Genre: Soft smau.
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Synopsis: You were so careless to the point you're stuck in a bathroom with Jake.
Cw: Cursing, whimpers, masturbate, mentioned of cum.
Non proof read 100% | wc: 1.7K
Eng is not my 1st language.
CRD to the owner of the pic and dividers. [Sadika]
A/N: I wrote this while my head is spinning. So there'd be a lot of grammar wrong, awkward part and explanation please bare with meh :<
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Having finished your day earlier than the other members was the best blessing you've ever wished for. You will be able to do anything you want at the dorm. After you are done with your shooting scene for the MV, you immediately head home without any worries.
You entered the dorm room, and silence enveloped you. The usual campus noise faded away, leaving a space untouched by sound. Each step you took was absorbed by the quiet, amplifying the room's stillness. Dragging your feet to your own personal room after those roommate bunk bed days was quite a relief since you've now been able to have your own space and some privacy.
Settled down with all your stuff, you had the urge to wash up before anyone came back later. Once you were freshened up from the shower with the towel wrapped around your hair, you decided to wait for the members, which included Jake, Jungwon, and Sunoo, to have dinner together.
You take out your phone as usual to look up the fancams for the music show yesterday since it's one of your hobbies. Then you stumbled upon Jake's fancams that the fandom had gone crazy for these past few days, and they've actually gone viral on TikTok so suddenly.
As a result, you click on one of his fancams that has the most insane views. You keep watching and watching, zooming in and out, unable to catch anything special, but one thing you've noticed is that it's probably his manly, craziest, veiny hand that makes social media almost die.
"Oh, so everyone has gone crazy for these? Damn, mine can't even half of him... But he kind of looks sexy, i guess." You murmur to yourself, looking at your slimy, skinny wrist, before you zoom in accidentally on the middle part of his, where the dance move was, he's thrusting.
Nevertheless, oblivious to you, someone else had been watching you the entire time from behind your back at the back of the couch you were sitting on. The moment was such a coincidence that he caught your red hand watching his sexy and hot fancam, and he might get the wrong idea of you.
"Did you say I'm sexy~ m/n?" Jake laid down lower as his hot breath whispered, brushing against your earlobe with such a tone. Who knew Jake had been there, watching you in silence, amusing you with your secret hobby? In return, you jumped before falling from the couch by the sudden appearance of him.
"What—the—... ouch, Jake Hyung?" Rubbing the sensation on your hip slowy from the sudden fall, as you look up to see it was Jake who did it.
"Yep, mate, it's me. Who else? Care to explain it to me?" Jake chuckled at your shocked reaction, and your jaw dropped open. The fact that he knows you've just realized what he meant by that makes the tension even worse.
"I can explain. Hear me out first, Hyung!"
"Okay, okay, but I won't believe it if you say you didn't like mine."  It was so embarrassed and such a shame that Jake caught you in such a bad moment like this, and if there's anyone else beside him, the scene would be twisted into another story, but gladly nobody else, it's just Jake and you in the dorm while the other two, Jungwon and Sunoo, were stopped by the ice cream store for the late-night snacks.
You explain with your heart racing, stumbling almost every word to make it a sentence, which makes Jake even more amused by your kind of behavior like this, and he likes it.
However, once you finish, you thought you'd already escaped by told Jake that he couldn't tell anyone else that it's just between you and him, even if it was just a coincidence and bad timing, but you fear his mouth would slip, and boom, the members would tease you to death, especially the one and only Maknae.
But in order to keep his mouth shut like a zipper, Jake has to make a condition, and in return, he wants something back from you. Hearing those deals, you didn't care about the favor he wished for; all you needed right now was to make it as clear as the night sky in the summer. So finally, you accept without any hesitation, even if Jake says you haven't even heard of him yet, but you urge him to make it happen, no matter what.
"You still want to do it, boy? I don't even open my mouth yet,  mate."
"I'm doing anything; I don't care. Just say the magic words, Hyung. Just say it, and I'll do it right away." Hearing the enthusiasm in your voice and the urge to willingly do anything got the best of him as his gaze slowly turned into something you couldn't imagine, from a shy expression to the dark side of him.
"Since you are eager to do it, take a bath with me then."
"I beg your pardon." Are you hearing that right? Bathe with what and who? What in the world gave him the idea of showering together? And imagine the butt naked body of his, and you wouldn't think that would be so damn awkward as hell.
"Come on, don't make me wait long; just shower again; you're sweating, boy!!" He said as he moved to the bathroom without faze. His voice was alluring through the hallway before you even noticed that you were indeed sweating. You wanted to decline, but you set it up by yourself, willing to do anything. Now you have stumbled into your own trap. Left with no choice, you make your way into the bathroom room too, with an unexplained expression mixed with anxiety and excitement.
Closing the door behind you before you take the sight In front of you, Jake was already naked while he was taking off his undies. A heavy, deep sigh left your chest and covered your messy, flushing face with your tiny fingers. Now you're stuck in a situation you can't turn back. Seeing you cover your face, Jake couldn't help but ask.
"Why did you cover your face? Don't be shy; we're men, right?" Jake then walks to the spot where you were standing before taking your hand to the bathtub as he takes off your clothes for you. But you stop him when he's about to remove your undies—
"Hyung,  let me ask something first? "I know you don't like showering with anyone, not even Jay Hyung, but why me?" You state that, making him freeze for a while. It's actually caught him off guard when you did know him quite well.
"Well, tbh, seeing you take a shower with another member piss me off a little," Jake responded with his arms folding around his chest, slightly showing his jealous side.
"Wait—that's mean you know I've shower with Sunoo Hyung? No way, I thought you were already  asleep."
"Well, not anymore and forget it; just shower with me; it's my turn to have you." I couldn't wait any longer. In a swift motion, your clothes were thrown away by him across the floor as he took you to bathe with him in one bath tub, and yes, it's not too wide to move.
"Um, alright, possessive, lol." You reply back in a dry tone, yet deep down, you just want to scream and yell out of your thoughts at the sight in front of your eyes right now. It's super distracted, but it's such a view to not look at. His dickey was not great with the length, but it's definitely fat in the girth. Everyone is uncut, and so was he.
It was not too big or too small, but the urge you had to grab it and feel it was crazy. Seeing your eyes glancing on his lower middle leg up and down like that, Jake's smirking before licking his plump dry lip as he mutters out.
"Enjoy the view? Or you want to feel it?" Another red-handed moment. You were speechless when he caught you in the scenes again, but this time, you can't explain.
"I never knew you were this freaky Jake, Hyung."
"I still have a man body at the end of the day, and actually, we humans feel the emotion so called 'horny', isn't that right?" Jake placed his back as he lay against the wall before closing his eye. He enjoyed the warm bath, and his dickens were slightly hard and visible on the surface. Oh my, it's twitching.
"Lord, have mercy" look away, embarrassed by the unashamedly carefree side of Jake. How can he, oh, well, you just realized he's from Australia? Later on, you feel the water is splashing nonstop before you take a peek at Jake and see him... masterbation. This is the death of you.
"Jake hyung, I'm still in the bathtub. Aishh," you said, swallowing hard while looking over to see. He wrapped his palm around his shalf and stroking them, and eh, the foreskin moving up and down gave you the same aroused heat in your dick too.
"Sorry, ma'boy, but NGh, it's too late to stop it. It's feel good. I feel horny." He said in the middle of his breath, gasping for air from the heart racing jerk off. As he continues faster, you can't help but take a full view of his masterbation; the grip on his dick was so full, so tight, and so hot. The idol Jake that everyone knows, at the end of the day, he's human in any way.
Jerking off is normally something that happens, isn't it? The water started to get hot from the intense moment between you and him, especially the one who enjoys himself. The hot view soon later got the best of you before your dick also got hard, begging for a touch too, but you didn't.
You love to edge yourself and continue to watch your hyung jerk off happily.
"Motherfucking shit too hot, I'm coming—m~n" Spare no more times, Jake's balls were clenching in unison as a wave of white stuff exploded out of his dick, along with the grunting noise out of his mouth, from the pleasure.
"That was guuuood m~n...fuck... I can't move my hand m~n can you please help me clean? Woah" After all of those sessions of masterbation, he collapsed on the spot from exhaustion. The cum stained that was splashed on your fingers is still hot, and the leaking of his dick continued to drip from the big load earlier.
"Very... Freaky Jake Hyung very" And little did you know, you were pre-cum by the scenes too. 
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🗣️ Please mind my English! ><
🗣️ Reblog and like is much appreciated ♥
Open request for Jay ff !!
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koiiiji · 7 months
Heey I loved the joker nsfw scenario you write so goood can I request sth very fluffy for example how each day with him goes, where he takes us on dates and so on?🩷 also you could maybe include some angsty scenarios where we want to watch him at a fight night but he doesn’t want us to see the cruel world he lives in bcs hes so protective and etc
suuure hun!!! sorry that it took me too long to answer, have no idea why ur request displayed in my app only after 6 days so i started to work on it late.
hope you will like it! enjoy🤓🤍
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。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
mere mention of apples brought a fond smile to your lips, thinking of Joker's peculiar fondness for everything apple-related. from his shampoo to his gum, his love for the crisp fruit permeated every aspect of his life. you even gift him home fragrance with apple taste. and especially joker liked sweets with apples, all kind of pies, muffins, ice creams and etc, everything with apples. and when you stumbled upon the viral tiktok video featuring the famed apple croissant, you knew it was the perfect choice for your date. you immediately sent a link of that café to Joker. no need to say that date idea was approved in a second.
as you rode the metro toward the new cafe, anticipation for your date with Joker bubbled within you. dressed in your best outfit and with your makeup flawlessly applied, you were ready to make this a day unforgettable, preferably without any distractions from his “colleagues.” or so you thought.
but just as you were lost in thoughts of sugary delights and stolen moments with Joker, a notification from him shattered your reverie. Your smile faltered as you read his message, the words weighing heavily on your heart. “sorry, im in the bar, Wooin said it emergency. don’t wait for me, maybe ask your friends and have fun. i’ll be late. sorry.”
with a sigh, you decided to continue the date alone, and buy that damn apple croissants, unwilling to let Wooin's interference ruin at least your evening. the idea of waiting for your girls seemed futile, knowing they likely had their own plans for evening.
when you entered the cafe, when you were paying for your croissant, you still couldn’t get rid of unpleasant idea. you knew Joker hated it when you stepped into his “work life” and saw him fighting in the actagon. but since Wooin decided to take him away from you so brazenly, you thought that there would be nothing wrong with you grabbing him after this stupid match, and taking a take out bag of croissants with you, you headed to that ill-fated bar.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
as you walked into the dimly lit bar, the contrast to -at least expected- date was stark. the once vibrant excitement for sharing apple croissant after that damn match had faded, replaced by a sense of disappointment and frustration. the air hung heavy with the stench of alcohol, mingling with the faint undertones of stale sweat and spilled drinks. each step you took seemed to echo against the grimy floor, the stickiness clinging to the soles of your shoes, a tangible reminder of the less-than-inviting atmosphere.
despite your reluctance, you made your way through the crowded space, weaving through intoxicated patrons who stumbled and swayed in a haphazard dance of inebriation. the cacophony of voices, laughter, and clinking glasses assaulted your senses, drowning out any semblance of peace or tranquility.
as you approached the bar, your eyes scanned the dimly lit room, searching for the familiar figure of Joker amidst the chaotic scene. and then, like a sudden chill down your spine, you felt the unwelcome presence of an arm slung over your shoulder.
"hi there, little thing," came Wooin's voice, dripping with an unsettling mixture of familiarity and condescension. words sent a shiver down your spine, his presence a stark reminder of the intrusion upon your plans and the disruption of your evening.
despite the façade of casualness in his tone, there was an underlying tension, silent dislike, Wooin never liked your presence, Joker was distracted, which means he did his job badly. you resisted the urge to shrug off his arm, instead steeling yourself with a forced smile, masking the turmoil brewing beneath the surface.
in that moment, surrounded by the oppressive atmosphere of the bar and the unwelcome company of Wooin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of betrayal, both by Joker's absence and by the intrusion of his colleague into your plans. it was a bitter reminder of the complexities of relationships, the delicate balance between loyalty and disappointment. and then your heart sank. the crowd roared, drawing attention to the center of the bar. to the octagon. people seemed to be chanting someone's name, and it clearly wasn't Joker’s. Even though Joker protected you from this world and did not allow you to appear at his fights, you knew he never lost, so why was the crowd rooting for someone else today? these and other thoughts were constantly running through your head.
as you watched in disbelief, Wooin approached you with a sly grin, his words cutting through the chaos of the bar like a knife. "you see, darling," he began, his voice dripping with malice, "Joker's task tonight is not to win, but to fall." the revelation hit you like a sucker punch to the gut, leaving you reeling with shock and betrayal.
as the fight in the octagon reached its climax, you stood frozen in the midst of the raucous crowd, your heart pounding with a mixture of fear and disbelief. you couldn't tear your eyes away from Joker, his form battered and bruised. Wooin's words echoed in your mind, Joker's gaze found yours across the sea of spectators. In that moment of connection, you saw the pain etched in his eyes, a silent plea for understanding and forgiveness.
as the final blow landed, and Joker stumbled to the ground, you felt a surge of anguish wash over you. it was a bitter pill to swallow, knowing that his fall had been orchestrated not by his opponent's strength, but by the cold calculations of those who saw him as nothing more than a pawn in their game.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
in the quiet solitude of the changing rooms, you found Joker sitting alone, his hands trembling as he attempted to patch up his wounds. without a word, you approached him, your hands reaching out to gently grasp his own.
in that moment of shared vulnerability, the weight of the world seemed to lift from your shoulders, replaced by a sense of clarity and resolve. and as Wooin's departing footsteps echoed in the distance, leaving you alone with Joker, you knew that this was your chance to confront the truth that lay between you.
with a trembling voice, you said “you know that you always can stop doing.. this..” after thinking a little, you added "and start with something new..." you looked around the small room, meaning all his work in general, "well, less violent". Joker just smiled at you and with a trembling hand reached for the bag that you had brought with you, his fingers brushing against the delicate pastry nestled within. with a bittersweet smile, he took a bite of the apple croissant, savoring the taste of sweetness and redemption that lingered on his lips.
。‧˚ʚ°ɞ˚‧。 ───
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helpimstuckposting · 1 year
I couldn’t get my earlier post out of my head, and then this happened so… I hope you enjoy a little famous!Eddie and dingus!Steve ficlet (ft platonic soulmate Stobin)
Part one | part two | part three
Steve and Robin had lived in Indy all of their lives. They shared the same schools, same teachers, same jobs, it would never end. They were platonic soulmates in a way they understood but couldn’t explain to anyone else, and that was okay. It worked for them.
Since they graduated, they’d been ice cream scoopers, movie rental employees, pizza makers, delivery drivers, movie theater security, bartenders, and now - surprisingly - musicians.
They had originally started messing around with song covers during their bartending era. Every Thursday was karaoke night, and they were both too competitive to see it as anything other than a chance to win, both trying to upstage the other. After a while, Steve started writing songs in his free time and Robin wouldn’t let anyone but her sing them. She posted their songs on Tiktok and Instagram just to see what would happen, and eventually they made their way onto Spotify and other streaming services.
A few of their songs went viral enough that they had a steady stream of listeners, and spent their free time putting more and more songs together. Their boss even let them play live at the bar on Wednesdays (and of course they’re still just as passionate about karaoke night).
It was a few months into their Wednesday shows when he showed up. Eddie Munson. It was just another bar in Indy, just a stop on their tour, just a coincidence that he happened to choose Robin and Steve’s bar. Steve noticed him during their set, and he was so glad in that moment that Robin was the lead singer because he was absolutely sure his voice would have cracked. Corroded Coffin was one of Dustin’s favorite bands, the kid wouldn’t shut up about them any time a new album or single was released.
Steve knew they were in Indy on tour, he’d witnessed Dustin’s spiral about not being able to afford a ticket, but he couldn’t believe they stopped in this bar. Dustin was gonna freak.
Once Robin and Steve finished their set, they went back to the bar to resume their actual jobs and Steve was once again stunned when Eddie Munson walked right up to him for a drink. Obviously Steve should have expected that, what else was someone going to do at a bar? But seeing someone he knows from the multiple posters plastered over Dustin’s bedroom wall, right in front of him - in the flesh, was beyond anything he could have predicted. Internally, he was absolutely freaking out.
Externally, he tried to keep his professional mask on. Munson was a regular customer, just a guy buying a drink, Steve could handle it without a meltdown. But man was the guy attractive. His band tee was ripped at the hem, jean vest with all its pins and buttons catching the light, and Steve could see the tendon in his neck pull as he laughed at something his band mate next to him said. Steve wanted to bite it.
He finished a customer’s drink, collected their card, and braced himself as Munson stepped up to the bar, a dimpled smile on his face that made Steve’s heart flutter like a dying butterfly in his chest.
“Nice set, man, your friend’s voice is gorgeous,” he said. “Can I get three rum and cokes?”
Grabbing three glasses from the bar, Steve began on the drinks. “Absolutely,” he said, his smile probably nowhere near Eddie’s level. “Are you here often, or just visiting?” Steve asked, attempting to play it cool, like Eddie was just any other person. This is ridiculous, Steve’s gonna throw up. Keep calm.
Eddie looked him up and down and smirked, “Just visiting for the weekend,” he said. A growing lump in Steve’s throat made him want to scream ‘I know!!! I know why you’re here!!! I know who you are!!! Hi!!!’ but he shoved that down as far as it could go, ready to choke on it if need be.
Steve set the finished drinks on the bar in front of Eddie, the musician handing over his card in exchange. “Open or closed?” He asked.
“Open. So, are those songs originals?” Eddie leaned into the bar, putting his face just a bit closer to Steve’s. He was gonna have a heart attack before the night was over, for sure, if Eddie kept this up.
“Oh, yeah, I uh… I wrote them,” Steve stuttered out. This was insane, he could pinch himself, there was no way this situation was happening. Eddie was gorgeous, dimples firmly in place because he wouldn’t stop smiling or smirking, his curls just begging for Steve to bury his hands in them and bring their faces closer. If Steve hadn’t been on the receiving end of hundreds of Dustin’s rants about Corroded Coffin, he knows he’d still want to drag Eddie out back and see what those lips tasted like, if they felt as much like sunshine as they looked.
Eddie nodded appreciatively and looked Steve up and down once again. “I’d love to hear more some time,” he said as he turned to leave, three glasses balanced in his hands.
“Well there’s karaoke here tomorrow night,” Steve blurted out, all attempts at remaining calm flying out the window because was that Eddie flirting with him? How did we get here? “You could stop by if you’ve got any free time.”
Eddie laughed, amusement flickering in his eyes and suddenly Steve remembered chasing fireflies in Robin’s backyard when they were kids. He started walking backwards towards his friends, “I’ll see what I can do!” he said with a raised voice, flashing one more smile that made that butterfly in Steve’s chest absolutely flip out. He was frozen in place, the shock of the whole situation settling deep in his bones. Honestly, Steve wasn’t sure he was still alive. Did he choke somewhere between the stage and the bar? Did he even make it to work in the first place? What day was it?
“Earth to Dingus!” Robin shouted at the other end of the bar. “A little help here?” she frantically gestured around her to the rising number of patrons.
A pretty decently sized mob was forming around the bar, snapping Steve out of his rock-star-induced-coma. He could freak out later in the privacy of his own home, right now he had work to do. And if his brain short circuited every time Eddie ordered drinks, that was nobody’s business but his own (and Robin’s).
Thank you so much for the encouragement !
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yujinnieswifeu · 2 months
hello and thank you for the fic on sex appeal it's really great I really liked it thank you again
I wanted to know if you could make a fic about yujin or wonyoung filming the kisses challenge (candy, drinks, ice cream, popscicle) for reader's YouTube channel and wony or yuj gets a little naughty and horny because of all the kissing teasing the reader about that touching reader breast and reader pushing back their advance and telling them to concentrate on the basic subject after filming the video reader it's that she's going to have a long night (yujin or wonyoung getting hard after a moment in the video hiding they're hard cocks with a pillow video)
(you can easily find gay people filming this challenge you can use it as a source of inspiration)
thanks again for the other fic
pairings: sub!fem reader x dom g!p Yujin
warnings: smuttt, cumming inside of pussy (please don’t do this irl), kinda switch Yujin and reader?, mild cursing, needy Yujin
a/n: hii again anon!! I’m so glad u enjoyed the previous one that i wrote on Wony hehe, so here is another one w Yujin this time!! I missed writing for Yujin so this was so fun to write tbh, really missed my baby🥺🥺 i forgot to add that this was such a good request as well so tqsm😭. And might have gotten carried away w this askk haha, okk i’ll stop yapping here🥴. (Should i start an anon list btw?? Would you guys like that?)
You and Yujin have been seeing the viral kissing challenge, and wanted to try it out for a while now. You were scared but excited at the same time. It is not like you and Yujin were innocent when doing youtube couple videos, but the thought of doing a challenge like this, it was something new. Yes, sometimes your hand would linger a little longer than usual, sometimes your eyes would stare a little longer into hers, but kissing so intensely in front of the camera was something that you two would never think of doing until couples started doing the kissing challenge.
So fast forward to now, you and Yujin were sitting in your living room, the ice cream flavours were spread all over the table and the camera settled over the tripod just like usual. “I’m scared of this Yujin ah..” you mutter out your thoughts in your head, and Yujin goes to cup your cheeks, planting a soft kiss on your lips to calm you down. “Mm..what have we not accomplished huh?” She whispers against your lips, her eyes lowers down on them before going back to look into your eyes.
“You’re right…with you, everything is possible.” You gave her a wide smile, the one she adores and she smiles back widely as well, almost looking like a puppy. “Stop that lookkk.” You dragged your words, which makes her giggle, showing off her dimples. “That’s even worse!” You pout, and she takes the opportunity to pinch your cheeks instead. You were whining now and Yujin just shushes you up with another kiss. “We need to start rolling the video now, if not the ice cream will melt.” She looks over the ice cream, some puddle of water under the wrapper due to condensation (idk if I’m right 🧍🏻‍♀️), and back at you as you gave her a small pout.
“When i kiss you later, that look of yours will be gone baby.” She teased, and you just roll your eyes at her way of flirting with you, a smile forming on your lips now. “There’s that smile, i’m going to start now okay?” She asked and you nod your head yes. Within a few seconds, she starts the video, settling next to you and you two starts with the normal introduction, filling some fans in on how has your day been and answering the lucky fans questions. Finally, it was the part when you two would do the challenge.
“So..Yujin and me both know how fans have been asking for this content lately…so we’re going to do this challenge. Can you guys guess what it is?” You posed with your hand over your ear, as if hearing what the fans are saying and Yujin giggles at your actions. “You got it right, we’re going to do the….kissing challenge!” Yujin answers after a while of silence and you hid your face in your palms, suddenly feeling embarrassed. “As you can see, y/n here has been trying to get away from this, but of course, i convinced her.” Yujin teases, her hands going to ruffle your hair and you give her a glaring look, which makes her giggle. “Okay okay, i’ll stop.” She says, straightening your hair for you before going back to the task at hand.
“So for this challenge, we have prepared ice cream, and there’s so many flavours to choose from, we really just bought a bunch which we thought were nice to try for this challenge.” Yujin rambles on and you nod at her words.
Yujin shows the ice cream flavour to the audience, the blindfold was over your eyes now, making you unable to see anything but darkness. Your heart was racing during this time, being unable to see was not something you two were unfamiliar with of course, but thinking about her lips on yours while the video was playing, and blindfolded, there was just something about it that makes you all nervous and excited.
When you feel her fingers under your chin, you got the queue, your lips puckers a little and then you felt it, her cold lips on yours. Your breathing hitches in that moment, feeling her kissing you more intensely, her tongue presses through your lips, forcing you to taste the sweet taste of the ice cream that lingered on her tongue. It tasted like a mix of blueberries and strawberries. Your breathing starts getting heavier, and after a while, Yujin pulls away, almost drawing a whimper out of you as you bite your lips between your teeth instead.
“Well..what flavour was that?” She says slightly breathless, now grabbing a pillow from the edge of the sofa over her lap. “Mm..was that mixed berries?” You raise a brow through the blindfold and Yujin was a little shocked you got it right. “You guessed it right babe, how did you guess?” She quipped, now removing the blindfold for a while, your eyes squinting from the light slightly. “It tasted like blueberries but at the same time strawberries?”
“Oh, to me it just tasted like blueberries, maybe it’s because of you huh? Always distracting me.” Yujin smirks, her attempt to flirt with you makes you roll your eyes, your cheeks now slightly red from her words. “Let’s move on to the next flavour!” You added on, trying to change the subject which causes Yujin to laugh. “Okay, okay, put it back on then.” You place the blindfold back on, the sound of the wrapper fills up the room, the silence was making your heart race, not knowing when she will kiss you.
That was until you felt a pair of hands on your waist, pulling you closer to her, your breath hitches, a gasp falling past your lips at the unexpected touch. Yujin takes this opportunity to kiss you deeply, instantly sliding her tongue inside your mouth, you whimper softly, feeling her hands slide up and down your body teasingly. You were going to push her away and chide her but Yujin knew you too well, her hands sliding under your shirt to feel your skin against her palm. You moan into the kiss, not stopping her yet, until you felt her sliding her fingers past your bra and brushing teasingly at your nipples. You pull away almost instantly, breathing heavily and removing the blindfold that was covering your eyes just a second ago.
“What was that?” You were sternly looking at her now, and she pouts cutely instead, hoping it would work against you. “Don’t give me that look, we need to focus on our video and you know that.” Yujin just whines, she was getting hard doing this challenge and it was not helping when you were blindfolded. She was having those naughty thoughts about you, all blindfolded for her, maybe even bound to the bed…it was driving her and her cock crazy. She just wants this video to end at this point and show you how hard you have gotten her. “Baby…can we stop here for today?” Yujin whines, the pout still etched on her face and you sigh, shaking your head no. “Just 2 more flavours okay? We need to retake this one since you got carried away.” Yujin droops her head, almost like a puppy which makes you giggle. “Sorry love, soon okay? Then we can take care of that problem of yours.” You whisper the last part seductively into her ears, and she bites her bottom lip, suddenly eager to continue recording the content for you two’s youtube channel.
“A-ahh Yujin slow down!” You cry out, Yujin had requested for your blindfold to stay on, the camera still rolling as she rams her cock inside of you. “Ngh…s-so tight for me, is it cause of the blindfold?” Yujin pants heavily, spreading your legs apart as she drives her cock further deeper inside of you, reaching places that you couldn’t and you let out slurs and moans. She loves seeing you like this, so vulnerable for her. “Shut u-up.” You say breathlessly, and Yujin giggles slightly, pushing your hands up over your head instead to feel you squeeze around her even more. She groans softly against your neck, before licking and sucking at the skin there. “You like it when i do this?” Yujin tightens her grip over your wrist, and you whimper softly. Your hands were curled into fists, and Yujin moans, feeling you tighten around her more.
Just a little more and she would come undone, but that was not what Yujin wants. Within seconds, you found yourself being manhandled into a new position, Yujin slides her cock between your folds, whimpering into you ear as she has your front pressed down against the bed. “F-feel so good..your pussy is mine.” She bites your earlobe, pushing her cock tip past your hole again as she rams herself inside of you. You moan loudly, the sound slightly muffled as you had your head in the pillow. Yujin slides her fingers under your front, her fingers going to tease at your nipples, rolling and pulling them between her fingers, your moans becoming even louder at this point. Yujin whines against your ear, your pussy was closing deliciously around her cock, and she couldn’t stop. Within seconds, she cums inside of you, moaning how good you feel against your ear as her finger slides down to rub at your clit, which sends you over the edge as well.
You feel her hot seed inside of you, but she was still moving her hips slowly. It starts to get too much for you, and you whimper, unable to push her off you since she moves her hands to pin your wrists down, driving her cock that was still hard inside of you. “S-so good, i can’t stop baby, please? I want you to be full of my pup..i’m going to fill you up full of my pup o-okay?” And who were you to say no? When the thought of it turns you on so much? You two ended up doing it all night, and you were sure to be sore the next few days but that was the worries of tomorrow with how good Yujin was fucking you.
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unfinishedslurs · 1 year
prank gone wrong (viral!) (steddie)
Eddie’s been someone’s dirty little secret before.
He’s got a type, okay? Unfortunately hot jocks are often the type of asshole to get sucked off behind the bleacher and then turn around and spit in his face about it. Going right back to their friends to talk shit about what a freak Eddie is, never mind the fact that his mouth still tastes like their nasty fucking jizz. He’s used to it by now. Used to people who pretend they barely know each other. He’s not asking they parade their relationship for the whole town to see, just someone who doesn’t pretend they’re strangers. Is that too much to ask? 
He’s so fucking stupid. He really thought this time would be different.
Steve Harrington barreled into his life like a goddamn train and Eddie’s been derailed ever since.
The first time he met Steve he was six. Eddie still lived with his mom, and she took him to the park, where he met a little boy who wrinkled his nose and told him he smelled bad. Steve does not remember this, and turned red with mortification the first time Eddie told him
After that incredible hit to baby Eddie’s self-esteem, they didn’t interact much, existing on the periphery of each others lives. He figured it didn’t matter. Harrington was a year under him, and a douche besides. Was ready to leave town from the moment he learned to walk. As soon as he graduated, he could finally get the hell out of this place and never think about the assholes he went to school with again.
His mom leaves. His dad gets arrested. He moves in with his Uncle Wayne, who only has one bedroom in his trailer and won’t take no for an answer when he gives it to Eddie. 
Eddie doesn’t graduate.
(Harrington comes back to school different after Byers beats him up. Eddie doesn’t notice. He’s got bigger things to worry about.)
They don’t talk in Eddie’s second run of senior year either. He hears the gossip, sees him come to school with stitches in his forehead and no girlfriend. Still, it’s none of his damn business. He rolls his eyes at the rumors and stays far away from Billy Hargrove.
Steve Harrington graduates. Eddie doesn’t.
And this is where his careful distance falls apart.
It’s the mall’s fault of course. What isn’t? Businesses closing down, rent going up, his resolve crumbling. All over some fucking ice cream. God, Eddie should have just turned around. Left the store and the mall and the entire damn town behind. 
He’s aware he’s being melodramatic, but in his defense he’s queer in Indiana. He has a right to be. 
Anyways, the point is that Eddie saw Harrington’s little blue shorts and red lips and cannot be held responsible for what happened after. 
(They fucked. That’s what happened. They fucked, and kept fucking, and then after the mall burned down Steve showed up on his doorstep with suspiciously placed bruises and his coworker and looked at Eddie with pleading eyes. He didn’t even bring Robin home to her parents like a sensible person, just insisted on having her there because they were a package deal now and couldn’t be separated. Like puppies, Robin said when he looked at her. Last he checked, she wanted to bite Steve’s head off, and now they were attached at the hip?
He got used to it quickly. He had to. She comes on half their dates. Steve’s lucky he’s so cute.)
Now, nearly five months after Steve served him ice cream for the first time, he feels his heart shatter in the Hawkins High parking lot. 
“Harrington,” Dustin shouts, and it carries across the empty lot. Steve’s head jerks up and he waves, Robin standing beside him. “Steve, c’mere!”
Steve tilts his head. “What?”
“Come. Here.” Dustin repeats, enunciating clearly. Mike and Lucas look at him like he’s insane. So do Gareth, Jeff, and Chuck. 
Steve, who is standing a mere 20 feet away, turns to Robin and says something that makes her snort. Eddie can practically hear his bitchy murmur. 
“Is that Harrington’s girlfriend?” He hears Gareth ask. He has to swallow his laughter. 
“Yes,” Dustin says.
“No,” Mike corrects. 
“He won’t admit anything, but he always has a bunch of hickies and stuff after hanging out with her,” Lucas clarifies, because half the time when Steve says he’s hanging out with Robin he's actually with Eddie. The fact that Robin is usually still there is irrelevant. Marking up his boyfriend is one of his favorite pastimes. He refuses to let his boyfriend’s “soulmate” get in the way just because she refuses to sleep in one of the Harrington’s fancy guest rooms like a normal person unless he kicks her out. The way they both pout at him for it is fucking ridiculous. He ends up giving in half the time, and then lies awake and cold on the very edge of the bed because Robin starfishes her way across the rest and Steve is a blanket hog. 
The first time he tried giving Steve a hickey as some kind of dominance move for privacy, Robin stared him dead in the eye and didn’t back down. 
“I can do that too,” she said, and promptly bit Steve on the shoulder. Steve, who was shirtless and already slightly dazed from Eddie’s ministrations, let out an honest to God squeak. Like a dog toy. Eddie and Robin both stared at him before breaking into loud cackles that had a blushing Steve yelling at them before finally burrowing under the covers and refusing to come out. Needless to say, Eddie didn’t get laid that night. 
“Harring-ton,” Dustin whines. 
“I’m literally right here. You come here.”
He did, if only to grab Steve by the wrist and drag him to where everyone else was standing. Steve squawks. “When we’re late for dinner with Ma, I’m telling her it was your fault—“
“I want you to meet everyone!”
“I went to school with them!”
“Yeah, but they think you’re still a dick,” he says, as if they’re not standing right there. Steve is similarly engrossed in their conversation, not even noticing that Dustin’s stopped walking. 
“They can think whatever—“ he walks right into Eddie and lets out a startled oof. Eddie, who let it happen, catches him as he flails. 
“Well hello to you too,” he says, not bothering to hide his amusement. 
Steve looks at him with wide eyes, gaze dropping down to his lips before whirling around and snapping, “Henderson!”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“I didn’t do anything,” Lucas mimics under his breath, ducking behind Steve when Dustin turns around with the fury of a thousand suns in his eyes. 
He just stands there, hands on his hips as the kids bicker around him. 
“Oh, so now we can talk?”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Steve asks, brow furrowed like he doesn’t know exactly what he’s talking about. 
Eddie can’t help but laugh, a sharp sound that makes Steve jump. “What do you think it means, Harrington? You never want to talk to me in front of the kids! Don’t want to dirty your hands with the Freak in public, I guess.”
“I…what are you talking about?”
[no talkie henderosn]
“What?” His eyes get wide, panicked, as he reaches for Eddie. “Eddie, that’s not—you have to know that’s not what I meant by that. I never meant it like that!”
“Then how did you mean it?”
Steve mumbles something he can’t make out. 
“Speak up, sweetheart.” It comes out mean, he knows it does, but he’s feeling a little mean right now. Lashing out like a wounded animal just because his boyfriend didn’t want to talk to him in public. 
Actually, when he puts it that way, he remembers he’s justified. 
Steve says something again, still incomprehensible. Eddie rolls his eyes. “If you can’t stop mumbling, I’ll just leave.”
That does the trick. “I thought we were playing a prank on Henderson together!” 
Eddie gapes at him. “What?”
“I thought,” he repeats, running an anxious hand through his hair, “we were pretending not to know each other to mess with the kid. Eddie, baby, you’ve gotta know I wouldn’t have done it if I’d known you were hurting. Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Why didn’t I…” This can’t be real. He’s been agonizing for months, and for what? A prank? Just some stupid, shitty prank Steve thought he was in on? He’s going to jump off the quarry. “Why didn’t you tell me? I could have had so much fun with that!”
“I thought you knew!”
“How would I have known? I can’t read your mind!”
“You can sometimes,” he says, pouting. Eddie wishes they weren’t in the middle of an argument, he wants to kiss those lips so bad. 
He groans into his hands. “It’s significantly easier to tell when your boyfriend wants to fuck than it is to read ‘Hey, let’s play a prank on this twelve year old,’ on someone’s face, sweetheart.”
“I guess,” Steve huffs. Then his face softens. Eddie lets himself be drawn in by the wrist, helpless in the face of his sweet smile. “We can stop,” he promises, swaying in close enough for his breath to ghost across Eddie’s lips. “We could walk into Hellfire tomorrow holding hands, if you wanted to. Anything you want, just say the word.”
“How would we walk into Hellfire? It’s at your house.”
Steve pinches him for that. 
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dingochef · 11 months
Tumblr media
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x OFC (Reader)Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Swearing
Written for @sailor-aviator writing challenge. Scrooge was my prompt.
Have a cup of cheer!
You don't hate Christmas exactly, more a high dislike layered over forced tolerance. No appreciation for the holiday. When you think of Christmas, your memory isn't filled with cinnamon scented Hallmark moments like baking cookies or decorating fresh pine trees.
Christmas was the ultimate swap holiday between your not amicably divorced parents. An only child shuffled from coast to coast, neither parent really wanting to invest wholesale for an occasional holiday. Half assed fake trees and takeout Chinese for Christmas dinner was more the norm than big family feasts. Eventually your parents gave up the motions of holiday celebrations and would bring you on a vacation they wanted to go on as a way to supposedly celebrate. You went skiing, a lot.
Which is how you find yourself waiting in line at your favorite coffee shop, grinding your teeth as everyone in front of you orders the most elaborate Christmas flavored mega-multi- gingerbread-peppermint-mocha-latte with almond milk and real whipped cream and all you want is an iced coffee, black. You live in San Diego for Christ's sake, it's 78 degrees outside.
You snort to yourself, you like your coffee black, like your soul. You feel like black cloud on a sunny day, a Scrooge at a Christmas pageant,a turd in the punch bowl as you wait in this excruciatingly slow line as Mariah Carey warbles in the background and you're surrounded by tinsel and fake pine garland.
You have five days left till Christmas, five days till your life goes back to normal and there is no more Santa, no more cinnamon scented gag-inducing pine cones hanging out in the entry of your local grocery store, and blissfully, no more Christmas music.
"Five more days," you breathe in and out, a calming mantra in this melee of forced cheer and commercialism.
"Five more days," breathe in, breathe out.
Finally, you're next in line, so close to getting your caffeine fix and getting out of here.
Finally, you order and wave off the barista's efforts for you to try a holiday themed drink and muffin and scone and bagel bites. Is everything peppermint flavored?
"I'm good, just a large black iced coffee. Thank you," you say through a forced smile. She shrugs and gets your order ready. You tip well and turn to quickly exit.
A blond man in a Navy, you think, uniform is behind you and instantly reads your resting bitch face. He smiles a dazzling grin, so beautiful that if you weren't trying to remember breathing exercises from yoga to keep from losing your shit, it might make you a little weak in the knees at any other time of year. And then he opens his mouth, a Southern lilt wrapped around his words,
"Cheer up, Doll. Christmas is almost here. Have you been a good girl this year for Santa to bring you a nice present?"
This is it, this is the moment you do something that will either get you arrested and on the news or a become a regrettable viral video on the Internet with the title, "ChriSTtmAs FreeK-OUT SouNd on!"
You really don't find it in yourself to care about the results of what's about to happen, this poor unsuspecting schmuck is about to have all your shiny, gift wrapped emotional baggage labeled "Christmas!" unloaded on him while he's probably waiting to get a mega-multi- gingerbread-peppermint-mocha-latte with almond milk and real whipped cream.
"Don't call me doll, dick. And I really don't give a flying fuck about Santa or whatever shitty pick up line you're trying to use. This whole fucking time of year is bullshit and I don't need you telling me to cheer up. I haven't been happy at Christmas for the last 32 years, doubt it's going to change now. So leave me alone and you can enjoy your Christmas sugar bomb and spread your fake cheer somewhere else!"
The rage flows through you making you tremble as you hold back tears.
The man in front of you has lost the smile and is reaching out his hands in what you realize is a feeble attempt to comfort you. Pure concern blankets his face, making your rage fizzle, like a match thrown in water.
"I'm sorry. I was just trying to get you to smile…" he pauses as he retreats hands and runs one through his hair,
"I'm really sorry I caused you pain. Sorry this isn't a good time of year for you."
His sincerity deflates you entirely and the tears you're holding back flood out and flow down your cheeks.
"It's fine, it's fine," you mumble as you frantically search for the exit. Now you're noticing that the entire coffee shop is silent and watching you. You flee out the door, cringing as you hear the jingle bells on the door ring. You walk just far enough to get out of the view of anyone in the coffee shop.
Apparently, this weird moment in time is when you decide to unpack your shitty childhood. Slumping down against the brick wall behind you, you sit down and take a long sip of your iced coffee, your hands shaking as you wipe away the tears.
"You look like you could use something stronger," a now familiar voice says softly.
Looking up you see your unwitting emotional punching bag holding out his hand,
"I know a place close by if you want to take me up on the offer."
"Why are you being nice to me? I called you a dick in front of 50 people," you say, sniffing to keep the snot at bay.
"Call it the Christmas spirit. You seem like you could use someone to talk to and I do feel like a dick for making you cry in a coffee shop. I'm Jake, by the way."
You ponder his offer for a second,
"This isn't one of those self aggrandizing things you're going to brag about on social media later, is it?"
He laughs, a deep and true laugh.
"Nope, I was trying to talk to you to get your number because I think you're beautiful. Plus, who drinks iced coffee black? You're obviously a complex character or a serial killer. Call me curious."
You laugh a small sniffling laugh and take his hand, and say as he helps you up,
"Well, Jake by the way, I'm Y/n, but you can call me Scrooge, I guess, because I feel like I've ruined Christmas."
"Don't give yourself that much credit. There's still five days to make it better. How about that drink? Scroogey?"
"Sure, let's go. But if you try to make me drink a peppermint martini I will lose it….again."
"I wouldn't dream of it. It's the Hard Deck, just down the block. I don't think that's the type of drink that Penny would be any good at it."
Jake leads the way towards the bar. You've seen it as you live in the area, but didn't really think it was your scene.
As you sit in a cozy booth and talk with Jake, you enjoy the atmosphere, simple and unpretentious and blissfully lacking Christmas music you realize it is exactly the kind of place you like to hang out at. You and Jake talk so long about your lives that you eventually order food. One drink turns into several.
You learn he is a fighter pilot for the Navy and is stationed out of North Island, he grew up in Texas, and he absolutely loves Christmas. He learns that you are in marketing, grew up in Connecticut, and why Christmas sucks for you.
When you finally notice the time you realize you've been talking to Jake for three hours.
"Oh crap, I've got to get going. I've got an early morning," you chuckle to yourself thinking about your sunrise yoga class and how you used some of the techniques trying to stay calm in the coffee shop.
Jake stands up with you and waves you off as you try to pull some cash from your wallet for the tab.
"My treat, call it a Christmas gift,' he says, absolutely pushing his luck. For some reason it comes across as charming and makes you laugh.
"Would it be okay if I got your number? I'd like to see you again, Y/N."
You hold yourself together to not let out a girlish giggle of glee,
"I'd like to see you again too, Jake," you readily agree, trying to sound breezy. You quickly exchange phones and send a text to each other. Jake walks you out of the Hard Deck and gives you a chaste peck on the cheek as he hugs you goodbye.
You're getting ready for bed, a giant smile plastered on your face when your phone dings, a new message popping up.
Jake Seresin: 🎄 Merry Christmas, I'm thankful for the gift of meeting you today. I must have a good boy this year for Santa to bring us together. Owe the old man one.
You: Merry Christmas, Jake. 🎅
"Merry Christmas, y/n," Jake hums into your ear curling himself around your back.
One Year and Five Days Later
"Merry? This early? What time is it?" you croak back.
"5 am, my nieces and nephews are going to wake up shortly. "
"Thought I'd let you see what's in Santa's package," he says, trying not to laugh, as he lightly thrusts at you.
"Jacob Thomas Seresin, you got me, the ultimate Scrooge, to come to Texas for Christmas with you, bake cookies, cut down a tree, sing carols, and I'm even wearing Christmas pajamas with fucking elves on them that match your whole family, but I have to, have to draw the line at Christmas themed dirty talk."
You feel Jake's smile on your temple as you talk.
"I think you enjoy it, maybe even love Christmas a little now," Jake teases.
You roll over,
"I love you and you love Christmas, so therefore by transitive properties I should love Christmas."
He laughs,
"I'm glad this Christmas has been your best one yet."
"You're confident, maybe a little cocky, that this is my best Christmas ever," you tease.
"I mean, the bar was so low that I think I've knocked out of the park."
"You have, Jake. Thank you for doing all this for me, I might even be starting to like Christmas," you hold up your fingers, "A little bit."
Jake grins and kisses you as the door bursts open,
"Uncle Jake! Uncle Jake! Santa came last night," his five year old niece, Sophia, screams, knocking the last vestiges of sleep off your brain with her volume. You and Jake sit up as she bolts out the door to wake up the rest of the house.
Jake is looking at you, his heart warm, and it gets even warmer when he thinks of a small velvet box sitting under the tree with your name on it.
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alans-snz · 5 months
Enjoy this C/el/ls A/t W/or/k drabble short fic inspired by @dsnzfb 's wonderful snzario from the other day. I initially wrote a bit of it and wanted to turn it into a drabble, but it turned instead into a mini fic, so here ya go!! Enjoy!! And I am going to bed now since it's after 4 am. But this man put in this scenario was living rent free in my brain so much I had to write this before going to sleep!!!
Snz'er: Wh/i/te Bl/o/od C/el/l U/-1/14/6 (my beloved, shown here)
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Minor spoilers for C/el/ls A/t W/or/k season 1. Continued below the cut.
Giving a gentle sigh, U-1146 finished his usual patrol around the body. Although things had been peaceful lately, being a part of the first line of defense meant he always had to stay alert. Regardless of how "normal" things might seem, he could never be too wary of any antigens possibly invading the area, whether it was through a breakage in the vascular endothelial cells, a viral infection, or anything foreign that dared cross paths with him, for that matter.
Today, everything seemed almost...too peaceful. When he experiences such a quiet day like this, especially when it comes to such a sensitive place like the epidermis, he always is extra careful and pays more attention to his receptor. After all, its job is—
46 spun on his heel and frantically looked around. Complete silence except for the occasional hustle and bustle of red blood cells. Hm...how odd...
Speaking of, as he searched for the culprit his receptor was detecting, he noticed AE3803 taking a break on a bench nearby to stock up on more glucose. She looked up from her ice cream, smiled, and waved to him, before slowly lowering her hand, looking confused at his sudden search. He decided it would be good to head over there while he tried to sort out the current situation. Besides, it's possible she may have seen something he missed. No harm in asking! On his way over to her, he subconsciously rubbed his nose lightly.
"Snf! Red Blood Cell. Good to see you again," he stated with a nod, carefully holding his hat as he softly nodded as a gentle greeting.
"White Blood Cell! Same to you!" 03 piped up and smiled once more, but it didn't last long, as her expression and tone turned concerned quite quickly. "You seemed to be searching for something, and I noticed your receptor is up. Is everything okay?"
46 carefully nodded and turned slightly. "It seems an antigen is hiding somewhere nearby. Actually, that's why I came over here." He turned back to her, his expression determined, yet still sweet and calm. "I wanted to ask you if you'd seen anything odd." He stood there patiently while Red Blood Cell thought for a moment. However, after a short silence, she only ended up slowly shaking her head. "I see," 46 continued simply. The two of them stood there quietly while 46 eyed the surrounding area once more.
Eventually, 03 narrowed her eyes and looked down at her ice cream as if in deep thought before eventually breaking the silence, "You know, I've been meaning to ask...How do you go searching for hidden antigens anyway?"
46 couldn't help but crack a smile. Seeing he always expressed interest in Red Blood Cell's job, it was always fun to explain his own tasks to her as well. "Well, it's all in this," he said simply, pointing at his receptor. "Any time something is hiding, it's often easier to detect by taking into account when it does and doesn't react." He paused and sniffled softly.
03 gently nodded. "That's so fascinating. I'd love to hear more about how it works!"
"Sure! So when it stops reacting, I...I..." Suddenly, 46's train of thought became occupied elsewhere. He could feel a prickling sensation swiftly building in his sinuses, feathering so quickly through them that he automatically scrunched his nose, his mouth fell slightly agape, and his brow furrowed.
"...You...?" 03 asked in confusion, seeming very intrigued on how this worked and very confused on why 46 suddenly stopped speaking. Little did she know, this reason would become obvious very quickly.
"...I...hh-have t-to...sne—hehh!—sneeze!" He quickly brought his wrist to his nose as his eyelids fluttered and he inhaled sharply. "Heehh...! Hiht'TSSschyuu! Hah'AS—shuu!" His shoulders shook with the force, and although they didn't sound too intense, he struggled to keep himself from bending forward slightly from the intensity. He paused, shook his head, opened his eyes, and sniffled harshly from behind his wrist, seeming to consider whether any more sneezes were lurking in his sinuses before daring to bring his wrist down from his face.
"Snrf! O-oh no, hhiih!..." That sniffle instantly riled his sinuses up even more, and he quickly found himself gasping behind his wrist and snapping his eyes shut yet again. "Haaah'YTsSchhyuu! Hih!...iht'KSSs—chuu!—uungh..." This time, both sneezes made his whole body quiver violently, and he let out a soft groan after the final one. He rubbed his nose vigorously with the back of his wrist before letting out another sniffle. "Snf! Urgh, 'scuse me."
"...Is that usually a part of your process?" Red Blood Cell asked in confusion. White Blood Cell chuckled in response and gently shook his head as he lowered his hand. He also took a mental note that his receptor had gone down afterwards, similarly to that other day when he first learned his receptor will react shortly before he sneezes.
"Not usually, but sometimes, yes." He disconnected his receptor and held it in his hand. "I always have to take my receptor's reactions very seriously and jump into action, regardless of what I'm doing at the time. Since it also tends to detect when something is bothering my nose though, it can be frustrating to start searching for an antigen, then find out I just had to sneeze." He couldn't help but laugh a bit at the idea. "Though silly, it's a welcome change of pace to realize everything is still peaceful in this body, and my receptor just wanted to alert me to my body's irritants too." He smiled softly.
While incredibly odd and unusual, it was in fact relieving for White Blood Cell to experience this situation again. While peace in the body is refreshing, having false alarms from his receptor being affected by his own body as well is one of the unusual trade-offs he would happily take if it meant he could keep this body and all his fellow cells safe!
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ohyoufool · 5 months
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20k for 200!
In the spirit of everyone who has done such fun follower celebrations in the past, and the milestone I just reached (thank you for loving my ideas about these wacky little characters we all love??), I'm trying to write 20k total across different submissions YOU guys submit.
And, because I'm a sucker for chaos, this is specifically an alternate universe fic festival. Have an idea of an AU you think would be fun with OMGCP characters? This is THE MOMENT. These will be short pieces, written in order of submission over the next few weeks.
And just in case you're having a hard time brainstorming ideas... pulling back the shades on my AU ideas list I haven't written yet. Feel free to submit any of these or put your own spin on it!
The fun goes as follows:
Submit an AU. Can be from the list included below, can be one of your own ideas.
Jazz it up. Give me a song. A scene that comes to mind that made you pick the AU. A snippet of dialogue. Anything!! I want this to be a little bit a both of yours and mine, because I’m excited we’re all here to celebrate this fandom together.
Be following me, and submit it as an ask! :) <3
Submissions open until MAY 17!!
Window washer AU
Eel fishing AU
Asbestos removal AU
Ghost AU
Ice cream AU: Bitty works at an ice cream store and Jack keeps coming in and bringing different dates. Bitty catches feelings anyways, and it turns out that Jack has been bringing the dates there as excuses to see Bitty.
“Race 2” AU where Jack and Bitty get teamed up as a recently-retired NHL player and a food network star.
Sports AU: Any. give me a sport. I will write it.
Catering AU: Bitty is on the catering staff at a 5 star hotel. Jack is the best man at Shitty and Lardo’s wedding that he’s catering. 
Bitty is the PR person for the Falcs and Jack is on the coaching staff AU
I’m a night guard at a museum and you haunt the paintings AU
Space Bar AU
Bob and Alicia Assassin AU
Jack works at an upscale dude ranch, where Bitty is the celeb who comes for a getaway with his friends AU
Bitty is the newly elected President of the United States. Jack is the secret service agent assigned to him AU
Bitty!Angel AU
Jack notices slowly in little ways like Bitty always being in focus on photos and always smelling like pie and the ‘sunshine’ way that people keep describing him always makes Jack feel like the light on him is just a little wrong.
Mob Boss x Bodyguard AU
TV Show AU: The team is all playing themselves as characters in a Check Please TV show. Jack and Bitty are playing love interests. Horror ensures. 
Players in canon TV show but role reversal. Bitty’s parents were the famous actors. Gives a sexy chance for Bitty to have anxiety. Bitty looks at Jack the character and sees what is easy to love about himself. BECAUSE they are playing opposite roles. Jack loves him like it’s breathing. 
Airstream AU: Bitty buys a pair of hiking boots from Jack on Facebook marketplace. Bitty is doing the social media and cooking and driving for his best friends’ band while they’re travelling the states and hiking around America while he runs a cook vlog from their airstream trailer. Jack is a mechanic and failed motorcycle racer who sells him the boots. Bitty proceeds to text Jack photos of the boots accompanying him around the tour across the US throughout the summer. The vlog about the journey of the boots makes Bitty’s vlog blow up and go viral. The band starts taking off. Bitty (also their opening act), invites Jack to a show when they’re back in the area. Jack sneaks off to a show that he didn’t think he was going to be able to make it to and Bitty comes on stage and fucking SINGS A SONG ABOUT HIM. They make out against the airstream after.
High school musical AU: instead of troy and gabriella, they’re CHAD AND RYAN
Bitty the vlogger who has an ongoing series about how he has the criteria for the Perfect Date and he’s convinced that once he goes on it, he’ll have found the perfect guy. He slowly gains followers and goes on a date on a friend (Shitty’s) recommendation, and to his surprise, the guy gets ZERO of the things on his list. They fall in love anyways. AU
Rock band in the middle of the apocalypse. Yeah that’s it. AU
Politician and reporter AU
Wedding DJ x Wedding Party AU
Wild West AU
Band AU where Bitty is the lead singer and Jack is the drummer and they’re famous. Bitty has been in love with jack for forever and jack finally catches feelings. There is totally a gay angst moment where jack writes a song and it gets leaked  on twitter. So there’s Jack, in a backwards baseball cap with an acoustic guitar and IT’S THE DRUMMER POSTING AN ACOUSTIC LOVE SONG. sound the alarms. The worst part is it mentions blonde hair and brown eyes and it’s so about Bitty it isn’t even worth denying and ends up getting them together.
Witch AU where someone has a cursed item and is taking it to the other character, who is a cursebreaker, to fix it. (You pick who is who)
College track AU: Jack is an unbeatable distance runner and Bitty is the short and fiery sprinter who he can’t keep his eyes off of.
Speech and debate team AU
ALL THE AUs: Jack/BItty keeps waking up in different realities. He isn’t quite sure what it means. Based on the quote: “you don’t get what you want, but you get what you need.”
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imnameimswrld · 8 months
001 ━━ 𝐀 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐡 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 ,,
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"Andiamo, Mattie," I call out as I meander through the boxes stacked up in the passageway, giving a light tug to the head of raven curls that takes a little too long to respond.
Mateo blindly swats above his head, but just misses my attack, and a cheeky chuckle leaves my lips when he sports a harmless glare in my direction.
"Greet Zietta, and grab Rory on your way out."
Nodding, my little brother quickly snatches up the golden puppy from the floor with little grace, and undoubtedly almost tripping over his laces that are almost always undone. Shaking my head at his habit, I turn to examine the apartment in it's bare state, albeit the beige leather couch in the far left, and of course, all the boxes holding my aunt's many belongings.
So I guess it's not bare, but it's void of personality.
I can almost imagine how this place will look in a month; pictures of Mattie and I on every possible surface my aunt can place one on, a wall dedicated to her plethora of ballet achievements, and crystals. Everywhere. I swear, this woman and her crystals should be turned into a documentary. I'm sure she'd go viral.
Speaking of the shiny rocks...
"Here, don't forget this." my aunt's arms shake slightly under the weight of the box she hands me, and I imagine if it weren't for her athletic build, they'd give out before she could even pull it two inches from the ground.
I ain't dumb, but that doesn't mean that for the greater good, I won't act like it.
"And this is ?" nothing in my posture indicates I want the box, but I'm a gentlemen, so I situate a hand under the surface, allowing her to drop some of it's weight onto it.
Zietta Celina's chuckle is dry and coated with sarcasm, and just to place the cherry ontop, with a sweetly fake smile, she let's the box go without warning. Now, I hate these damn crystals, but they cost a shit load of cash and well, a gift is a gift – so despite my dislike for them, I'm hilariously quick to secure them in my grasp.
Celina flicks some of her golden blonde locks over her shoulder, an annoyingly satisfied smile plastered on her glossy lips.
"Why do you still try, tesoro ?"
"Because it's worth a shot, everytime."
I peck her rosy cheek, before turning to retreat towards the stairs, but not before whipping around when a slap gets delivered right on my jean-clad ass.
"Zietta !"
"Ciao mio dolce tesoro, look after your brother well !"
And with another one of her sweet smiles, she shuts the door to her new apartment, and I can faintly hear her giggles as the comforting smell of her rose perfume lingers in the now quieting air. With a huff between laughter and a scoff, I descend the singular flight of stairs because Celina's fear of heights refused higher up from the safety of of the ground, I spot Mattie through the grand glass doors with a ball of golden energy in his arms as it's tongue laps at his face.
Stepping into the warm Monacon breeze, my gaze drops to Mattie's loose shoelaces, before it disappears as he jumps into the passenger seat. Securing a seat belt around the box of crystals in the back seat, I make my way around and hop into the driver's seat.
"Can we get ice cream with Charles ?"
Checking to see if his belts on, I click in my own before pushing my key in and rotating it, my car waking with a loud, vintage roar.
"Only if you tie your laces."
"Huh ?" Mattie's confused gaze turns into an annoyed scowl that has the scar in his eyebrow shifting as he looks down at his prestine Van's. He grumbles in his mother tongue as he reaches down to tie them up, and I take a moment to wonder why he even put them on this morning in the first place.
He hates shoes with laces.
Well, technically, he hates shoes in general.
Thongs- sorry, flip flops, or slippers, are the "only exception".
With another little huff, he falls back into the beige leather seats, pushing his overgrown curls from his lightly layered with sweat forehead. I catch a glimmer of something in his green eyes as he glances down at the shoes, and that's when it hits me – and I feel so stupid for forgetting, when it didn't even happen that long ago.
Mamma got it for him.
Those light greens bounce from the road to me, before settling on my brown ones.
"Cosa ?"
The day has been going so well, that I don't want to put a damper on it with our longtime paternal issues right now.
"Niente," I shake me head, before putting the car into gear and gesturing with my chin towards my phone that lies in the console between us. "Call Char, let's see if he's free."
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megahwn · 2 years
Swan Song
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Pairing: Kim Namjoon x female reader
Genre: hybrid!au; speed dating!au; strangers to lovers
Word Count: 11.030
Warnings: asexuality mention; alcohol mentions/consumption; explicit language; discussion of mistreatment of hybrids; fondling over clothes; nipple play; handjob; feather play; cunnilingus; vaginal fingering; finger sucking; unprotected vaginal intercourse; almost simultaneous orgasms; creampie
Summary: You think your choice to attend a local speed dating event is a complete waste of time, as you don’t feel a spark with anyone. Then you meet your final date.
A/N: Part of @jeonggukkiepabo​‘s Hybrid Collab. The questions asked in this fic come from {THE AND} Strangers Edition, which can be found here.
At this exact moment, you can’t think of anything worse than speed dating.
Your best friend, lovable thing that she is, somehow managed to convince you that you needed to ‘get out more’ and ‘meet new people.’ The thing that no one knows about you, however, is this: you think you might be incapable of romantic love. You’ve never even really felt attracted to another person, much less had any kind of feelings of affection for them. Bottom line, you think you might be broken. (Either that or you belong on the asexual/aromantic spectrum, which is completely valid but you don’t think is an accurate description of how you feel. It’s… confusing.)
Anyway, your best friend still believes in you even if you don’t, so she introduced you to the world of ‘fancy bar speed dating’. You’re meant to go to a fancy bar, as the name implies, get a drink, and sit at a table as several men cycle through. You’re meant to chit-chat and get to know each other over the course of five minutes. Then, once the night ends, you meet back up with anyone you felt like you had a spark with and exchange information or plan to see each other again. While you still don’t really think anything productive will come out of this evening, you had allowed yourself to become just a bit excited about the night ahead while you were getting ready earlier.
Right now, however, you find yourself nursing your drink while your first date of the night speaks to you from across the table, and you just know you should have stayed home with your ice cream and wine.
The guy is nice enough, attractive even, but Jesus his life sounds boring. He apparently goes to the gym every morning at 6:00am before starting his office job a few hours later. You don’t even register the rest of what he says about his work, because at that moment the daydreaming side of your brain kicks in and takes your mind on a complete tangent. You begin wondering how you would fare if you worked at a desk instead of with the kids who keep you on your feet at all hours of the day. Then you begin thinking about how you want to move up the proverbial ladder at work, and how you need to go back to school to make that happen. The prospect excites you and makes you nervous all at once.
“-But the only reason I didn’t win that marathon is because I helped an older guy who fell down near the finish line. The video went pretty viral, maybe you saw it.”
You realize the man has paused his speech for you to respond to him, so you take a large gulp of your drink to give yourself some time to come up with something to say. The alcohol burns the back of your throat.
“Um… no, actually, I haven’t seen the video. Sorry,” you finally manage to get out somewhat dumbly. The man’s face morphs from one of self-assuredness to one of disappointment almost immediately. You can’t say you care very much, if you’re being honest.
Your second date is no better, if not worse. This guy brought a list - an actual, physical list - of qualities that he ‘requires’ any partner of his to possess. Before you’re even able to introduce yourself completely, he’s already reading them off the piece of paper like he can’t remember them if he doesn’t read them verbatim.
“So basically I’m gonna need you to be honest about everything, be good with kids because we’ll have at least four, be a great cook, never wear anything that I don’t approve of…”
That’s where you tune him out completely.
It’s disconcerting that this egomaniac thinks he can treat a date like an interview and actually get a woman that way. What’s worse, though, is that you actually do possess some of the qualities he had rattled off at you. Maybe it’s time for a new personality.
The night continues exactly as you feared it would: with you, tequila sunrise in hand, unimpressed by any of the men who come to your table. There's nothing wrong with them, per se (okay, the guy with the list was pretty bad), but you just don't feel a spark… with any of them. You don't find them interesting or exciting. One man droned on for so long about his fratty college days that you were tempted to pretend the buzzer had gone off just to get rid of him.
Just as you decide you are ready to throw in the towel and go home to your ice cream and wine, the host announces that it is time for the final round of dates. You debate with yourself for a moment, wondering whether you can stand another five minutes with another man you don't care about, when someone sits down across from you and begins to speak. You look up from your drink to interrupt him and make up some bullshit excuse for why you suddenly have to leave, but as soon as you lock eyes with the stranger, your words die in your throat.
The man is practically ethereal in his beauty, from his raven hair to his dark chocolate eyes to his full cherry lips to - are those dimples? What the hell is this guy doing here when he's this gorgeous? There must be something wrong with him, you quickly decide. You double down on your decision to leave the place before the round ends when you accidentally tune in to what the man is saying to you, and boy does it make you wish you had been paying attention to him earlier.
"- So basically I've been wanting to meet you since I saw you at the bar earlier, but I got really nervous so I went to the bathroom and hid my wings under my jacket. So... yeah." The man ends his speech with a huff of what sounds like frustration or... embarrassment, maybe? You don't even register anything he had said to you because he genuinely looks so sad now, and you find that you actually feel bad about it.
"What did you say about wings?" you ask, more intensely than you had meant to sound. The man's head shoots up and a look of fear flashes across his face for a moment before he appears to steel himself.
"Out of everything I just said," he starts, sounding cautious, "you're the most interested in my wings?"
Wow, okay, you think, you definitely have to come clean about not hearing the first half of whatever this guy was saying, because apparently mentioning his wings was not the correct thing to do.
"Okay," you reply, "I need to be honest here. I missed a whole bunch of what you said at first, and only really started paying attention when you said you had been wanting to meet me since the bar. If you said something about your... wings... before that, then I missed it. So if it's not too much trouble, could you start from the beginning?"
Why, why did you just say all that? Why did you even ask about his wings in the first place? You had literally just decided there had to be something wrong with this guy and that you needed to go home anyway, that tonight was a total bust. Why in the world are you still sitting here and actually having a back-and-forth with the man? And why do you feel so relieved to see him smile right now? Before you can freak out any more than you already have, you focus your attention back onto the stranger as he begins to speak again.
“Okay, so I’m guessing you didn’t hear the part about me being a hybrid, then?” A shy smile graces his face as he speaks, and he dips his head but peeks up at you, seemingly to gauge how you will react to his revelation. That’s when it clicks for you.
This guy is nervous for you to know that he’s a hybrid.
But why?
There are some people out there who are still stuck in the past, who can’t accept that hybrids now live among humans as their equals. But that’s never been how you think. You’ve been friends with hybrids for many years. Hell, even some of your family members are married to hybrids, so you’ve been surrounded by them since you were little.
Do you give off some sort of anti-hybrid vibe that this guy is picking up on? You really hope not. You don’t stop to ponder why you hope that.
“Do you think I don’t like hybrids or something?” you blurt out without thinking any further. The man’s eyes widen and he begins shaking his head vigorously.
“No, no! It’s not that at all!” he says earnestly. His voice then softens considerably when he says, “It’s just that, um… usually, when I tell people - I mean, women - that I’m a hybrid, they get all excited and want to know more about that, but they don’t want to know more about me as a person.”
“Oh, ew,” you say immediately, distaste bubbling up inside you at the thought of humans fetishizing hybrids.
“Yeah,” the man says, his face falling slightly. “So I didn’t want you to only be interested in me because of that, so I hid my wings. But then I felt like I would be lying to you if I didn’t say anything about them, so that’s why I told you as soon as I sat down.”
“It’s not lying,” you respond after a beat, leaning forward and placing your elbows onto the table that sits between you and the handsome hybrid. “It’s totally okay to not want someone to use you or pretend to be interested in you just because you’re a hybrid. I get why you would want to hide your wings because of that.”
The man smiles softly, and a light blush spreads across his cheeks. “I’m Namjoon, by the way. I don’t think I ever actually introduced myself in my embarrassing rush to be honest.”
You snort at Namjoon’s cute self-deprecating comment and grin back at him as you introduce yourself. Your curiosity still burns into your thoughts, though, so you attempt to sound casual when you say, “So... what kind of hybrid thinks he needs to attend a speed dating event, anyway?”
Namjoon’s blush appears to deepen at your question. “A rare one with very little confidence,” he replies back, although it sounds more like a question than a statement.
“A rare one, huh?” you reply, barely able to conceal your curiosity at this point. You don’t want to make it seem like you’re doing exactly the thing Namjoon feared you would do, but you really want to know exactly what kind of hybrid he is.
As Namjoon nods in response to your question, you remember that you hadn’t been paying attention to him when he was speaking earlier. Maybe he mentioned what kind of hybrid he was then and you just didn’t catch it, you think excitedly. You mentally thank your scatterbrainedness for paying off in this moment.
“Did you mention what kind of hybrid you were when I wasn’t paying attention?” you attempt to sound apologetic when you speak. Namjoon rolls his eyes good-naturedly and chuckles slightly.
“I don’t think I did, actually,” he responds lightly, as though he has already become comfortable with you and your questions. He doesn’t say anything else though. He just looks at you expectantly, as if he wants you to just come out and ask the question already.
Are you reading the signals correctly? You’re not sure what to do at this point, considering that only a few moments ago Namjoon seemed almost afraid to let you know that he was a hybrid at all, and now it seems like he’s completely open about it and even wants you to ask him about it. What brought about such a quick change? Maybe it was your earlier responses to him speaking about the struggles of dating as a hybrid. Maybe he wanted you to ask, but he was just nervous about what you’d do if you found out.
But why you? Why does he feel comfortable with you, when you’ve known each other for fewer than five minutes? And why do you feel comfortable with him? You’re honestly confused, but at the same time you notice something in yourself that feels like… gratitude, maybe? Appreciation? Whatever it is, you do know that you think Namjoon’s ability to put his fears aside for you, whatever the reason may be, is possibly the most attractive thing about him to you in this moment. Even more than those dimples.
You brace yourself to ask what kind of hybrid he is and possibly be that person and ruin everything because, dammit, you really just can’t help yourself at this point. If you read the signs wrong after all, then so be it. It’s not like this guy is your soulmate or anything. (Right? Right.)
Just as you open your mouth to speak, however, the final buzzer sounds and the announcer’s voice booms into the room, interrupting your stream of consciousness and bringing you back into the present.
“Alright, folks, that’s the end of the evening! If you managed to find a spark with anyone here tonight, feel free to leave us a kind Yelp review! Good night!”
You and Namjoon roll your eyes simultaneously, then catch the other’s gaze and begin to giggle. Neither one of you moves to get up from the table even though everyone else is clearing out from the speed dating area, either leaving the building entirely or heading back to the bar.
For some reason, your time with Namjoon has lifted your mood immensely and you are no longer pining for your ice cream and wine back at home. What is this feeling you’re experiencing? Why does this guy have such an effect on you? You want to question it further, but you find that you’re too taken with Namjoon to do so. You just know that five minutes with him was not enough time. Not even close.
“So, you gonna leave a good Yelp review?” you ask cheekily, hoping to stall the man across from you. Namjoon’s eyebrows shoot up and his cheeks redden once more.
“Um… uh…” he stammers cutely.
“Because I think I might have to,” you continue honestly. You have no desire to lie to him, and you’re not afraid of how he might react. Namjoon doesn’t say anything, but his ears do take on the same shade of crimson as his face. Why does that make your insides hotter?
When Namjoon’s stammering continues, you decide to take a different approach and ask  him, “Do you like playing games?”
Namjoon clamps his lips together and nods at you.
You’re really glad you stayed for the final round.
As soon as you step into your apartment, your puppy runs to the door to greet you, tail wagging. You take on your baby voice immediately and exclaim, “Hi, bubby! I missed you!”
You almost forget about Namjoon standing in your doorway during your puppy greeting ritual, until the dog moves on from you and jumps up onto Namjoon’s legs to get some ear scratches.
“Oh gosh, I’m sorry! Muffin, get down!” You move to take your puppy away from Namjoon’s nice slacks, but before you can, Namjoon is petting Muffin like she is his own dog.
Your insides get hot again at the sight of Namjoon gently petting your dog’s ears. You roll your eyes internally and remind yourself that it isn’t actually that crazy that Namjoon is a dog-lover. Lots of people are dog-lovers, after all.
Once Muffin leaves Namjoon’s side and trots back over to her designated spot on your sofa, you lead Namjoon from the entryway into your living room.
Your place is pretty small, but in a way that’s cozy rather than suffocating. You decorated it well, if you do say so yourself. You filled it up with your books and your plants and your artwork, and it makes you happy. Your favorite part of your apartment, though, is the little corner that houses your record player and all of your records. You make a beeline for that corner of your living room and put on your favorite record. Then you offer Namjoon a glass of wine, which he readily accepts.
You come back from the kitchen, two full glasses in hand, and you have no choice but to drink in the sight before you. Namjoon is perched on the middle cushion of your sofa, once again petting Muffin’s ears.  At some point while you were pouring wine, Namjoon must have lit the candles sitting atop your coffee table. They are burning bright, shining a light over Namjoon’s tan skin that makes him look almost iridescent. When he hears you come into the room, he looks up at you, smiling softly with his pillowy lips and gorgeous dimples. You want to burn this sight into the back of your memory and save it there forever.
Before you can stumble over your words, which you know you absolutely would after seeing Namjoon smiling at you like that, you make your way over to the coffee table to put down the wine and then over to your bookshelf to retrieve the game you had been planning on having him play with you. The box is an unassuming little yellow thing, but you know what’s inside it is what really matters.
“Okay,” you say as you walk back toward the couch, opening the box as you move. “This game is really simple. We go back and forth asking each other questions and answering them. Every question must be asked, but not every question must be answered. If you don’t want to answer a question, you have to look the other person in the eyes for ten seconds before saying, ‘Pass.’ Got it?”
By now, you’re sitting on the only available part of the sofa, right next to Namjoon. You hadn’t realized until now, but as you were explaining the game to him, you had not only sat down next to him, but also put your feet up and sort of shimmied them underneath his legs. Before you even have time for any kind of embarrassment to bloom inside you, though, Namjoon is responding to your explanation with a simple, “Got it,” as he continues to pet your dog next to him.
“Okay, cool,” you say, trying to remain calm. “Do you want to ask first or answer first?” you ask, getting the cards out of the box and setting them on the coffee table where you both can reach them.
“Um… I think I’ll ask first,” Namjoon replies. “I want to know what kinds of questions these are before I have to answer one myself.”
You chuckle at his candor, then sit back against the arm of the sofa and gesture to the pile of cards neatly stacked in front of you both.
“Okay,” Namjoon says with finality in his voice. He reaches toward the table and picks up a card, then reads it to himself.
“Oh, okay,” he says, more to himself than to you. “So they’re like, conversation starters, kind of? Okay, yeah, this is fine.”
You smile slightly at Namjoon’s words, and you wonder what kinds of questions he had originally thought the cards might have held. Before you can ask him, though, he is posing your first question to you.
“What’s a mistake you’ve made that affected your life for the better?” Namjoon reads from the card, sounding almost official in his tone. You can tell that he takes what you’re doing seriously. You would never admit how much that fact is turning you on right now, though.
You think for a moment about how you can best reply to this question. You want to be truthful, of course, but you also want to be interesting and maybe a little mysterious in your response.
When your answer comes to you, you can’t help but smile broadly. Namjoon must notice your excitement, because he smiles back at you just the same.
“I had a summer job once,” you begin. “And to this day I think it was the best job I’ve ever had. I worked as a camp counselor for kids with different disabilities. I basically helped them with all the stuff a camp counselor helps kids with, but I also helped them shower, brush their teeth - stuff like that, you know?”
The man next to you nods in acknowledgement, and you continue.
“So even though it was my favorite job, I got in trouble a couple times for advocating for my campers in a way that wasn’t exactly polite. Eventually I ended up yelling at the camp’s assistant director because I had this firm belief that she didn’t give a shit about the counselors and I got fired for it.”
It’s here that Namjoon’s expression changes from concentration into surprise. His eyebrows shoot up toward his hairline and his jaw even drops slightly. You can tell he wants to ask you something, but he remains quiet in order to let you finish your story. You appreciate that more than you thought you would. Then again, after tonight’s disastrous speed dating experience, you think that Namjoon waiting for you to finish speaking is exactly what you need and deserve.
“The reason I’m grateful for the experience, though,” you say as you near the end of your story, “is that if I had been able to go back the next summer, I wouldn’t have gotten Muffin and I wouldn’t have had her for my last year of school when I was living alone.”
Namjoon turns toward Muffin for a moment, continuing to pet her behind the ears as she snoozes comfortably. He then turns back to you, a questioning look in his eyes.
“Am I allowed to ask any follow-up questions?” he asks with a hint of hesitation in his voice.
“Of course!” you reply easily as you move to stand. “This game is meant to foster conversation, you know? It only makes sense that follow-up questions are allowed. They’re actually encouraged. Oh, do you want anything to eat?”
“Yes please,” Namjoon says with a sigh. “It’s been such a long day.”
“Aw, really?” you say as you start raiding your fridge for leftovers. “How come?”
“Oh, just… work is stressful, family is stressful, dating is stressful. You know, the usual.”
“Wow,” you draw out dramatically. “So you’re saying I’m stressful, huh?” you continue with jest in your voice.
Namjoon sputters, then replies, “No! No, that’s not what I meant at all. I, uh… I just meant that, uh… oh gosh, what did I mean? What did I even say?” He sounds hopelessly confused.
You giggle as you carry the containers of Chinese takeout back toward the living room couch. You give one to Namjoon, who has one hand over his blushing face while he sighs. You then hold your own with both hands to stop yourself from moving Namjoon’s hand away from his face. You won’t admit it to him, but you like that he gets flustered by your words.
“You were saying that dating is stressful and then I made fun of you,” you say matter-of-factly before taking a large bite of lo mein.
Namjoon removes his hand from his face and indignantly whines, “You were just making fun of me? That’s so rude. Here I am thinking you’re actually offended by what I said.” His face is still burning red, and he looks down into his food with a pout. A very cute pout.
To stop Namjoon from getting too far into his own thoughts, you lightly place a hand on his shoulder and say, “I was kidding, you walnut. I know you meant that the speed dating thing was stressful. Believe me, it was the same for me, too.”
Namjoon looks up at you questioningly. “Really?” he says like he doesn’t quite believe you. “It was stressful for someone like you?”
Your heart flutters at his words. You try to keep your voice calm when you say, “Yeah, even for someone like me.”
You squeeze his firm shoulder one time for reassurance and then you let go. Even though you want to touch him in many other places, you don’t want to overwhelm him or scare him away.
You reach toward the table to pick up the next card when you remember something.
“Oh!” you exclaim. “Didn’t you have a follow-up question for me?”
Namjoon, still red in the face but less so than before, looks up toward the ceiling in thought. After a beat, he snaps his fingers and says, “You’re right, I definitely did.”
“Shoot,” you say behind your fork.
“Okay,” Namjoon starts. “You really don’t seem like the type to yell at an authority figure. What made you yell at that director person?”
��Oh,” you say with a quiet chuckle. “You know that MLK quote, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere?”
Namjoon nods.
“Okay,” you continue. “So basically that’s one of the codes I live by. I don’t get angry very easily, but when it comes to injustice, especially against people who can’t advocate for themselves, I get extremely heated and sometimes I end up lashing out at the people who I believe are letting the injustice occur.”
Namjoon continues to nod throughout your explanation, as if he’s completely fascinated by what you have to say. It honestly feels amazing to have someone just listen to you after the events of this evening.
“That’s really awesome of you to do, even if you did get fired for it. It’s brave,” he says with a look of sincerity on his face.
Now it’s your turn to blush. “Thank you,” you reply simply. “I guess it’s my turn now?”
“Oh yeah. I almost forgot we were doing this,” Namjoon shakes his head as if to clear his thoughts away. “Go ahead.”
You pick up the next card. “Ooh,” you say with a lilt to your voice as you read it. You then glance up to see a curious-looking Namjoon. “I get to fill in my own question.”
“Oh boy,” Namjoon groans as he situates himself next to you on the couch and replaces his food with his wine. “Do your worst.”
The question that has been on your mind since you were at the event earlier overtakes your thoughts once again, leaving little room in your brain for you to come up with any other queries for Namjoon to respond to. You don’t want to waste your question on something so simple, though, so you try to come up with something different but still related.
“I can think of a question, but you don’t have to answer it if it makes you uncomfortable,” you say reassuringly. Namjoon motions his glass toward you in a signal to continue.
“Okay,” you brighten. “What’s it really like being a hybrid?”
“Oh, wow,” Namjoon says right away. “You know, usually people don’t ask me that. They just assume they know the answer already. They think it’s the easiest thing in the world to be a hybrid and that nothing ever goes wrong in my life. I have no idea where they got that from though. Maybe from all the sitcoms about human/hybrid roommates.”
You snort at the thought of people getting their information about hybrids from fictional television shows. You can attest, though, that those same shows do portray hybrid life as somewhat idyllic. You aren’t sure why that’s the case, though, considering the fact that most of your hybrid relatives and friends have shared with you stories about their own personal experiences with discrimination or mistreatment from humans.
“The truth is, though,” Namjoon continues, “that it’s really fucking hard sometimes. And I’m not just talking about dating, although that in itself is a struggle too. It’s just hard trying to live life and never being sure if the people around you think you’re worthy of having, you know, basic human rights. Like for god’s sake, my great-grandparents are old enough that they were kept as pets when they were kids, before the emancipation. That’s only three generations before mine! And there are still humans out there who don’t respect us, who don’t care about us, who use us. It can make a person really bitter after a while.”
Throughout his answer, Namjoon remained completely composed. It was only as he finished his story that his eyes appeared to water slightly. You can only imagine how tired he must be from having to defend his right to exist in the world.
“I’m so sorry that there are humans out there who have treated you and your family so poorly,” you say, your voice empathetic. “I hope that never has to happen to you again.”
Namjoon’s eyes continue to water, but no tears fall. His voice does sound slightly hoarse when he thanks you, though.
“Is it okay if I ask you a follow-up question?” you say cautiously. You still don’t want to make Namjoon uncomfortable.
Namjoon takes a large sip of his wine. “Yeah, it’s okay,” he says after swallowing.
“Okay,” you say, then you take a deep breath and continue. “You said dating was a struggle too. I know we talked about how humans have only wanted to get to know you because you’re a hybrid, but is that the only reason that dating is hard for you?”
Namjoon’s blush returns and intensifies, but he still looks you straight in the eye as he answers your new question.
“Dating is hard because the animal side of me mates for life. So I’ve basically been spending my life looking for one person. I can’t date around like most people can. I choose not to have sex with anyone because I’m afraid I’ll become attached to the wrong person and then I’ll end up alone. It’s really hard trying to be a normal person when the animal side of me has such strong needs.”
You sit next to Namjoon, astounded by what he has just told you. Does this mean that he’ll choose to not become attached to you? Or does everything that has happened tonight mean that he’s serious about you already? And why do you think you’d prefer the second option to be the correct one?
Additionally, does this mean what you think it means for him sexually?
“Have you ever had sex?” you ask before you can stop yourself. You then slap your free hand to your mouth as Namjoon chuckles at you.
“Honestly? I haven’t,” he says somewhat confidently. “Is that going to be a problem?” he continues, now sounding almost like he’s ready to be disappointed.
“What?” No, of course not,” you express earnestly. “That’s, like, the opposite of a problem. There’s nothing wrong with that at all.”
Namjoon looks a little skeptical - which, in this sex-obsessed world, you can understand - but he apparently decides to let it go because he doesn’t say anything else about it. He just picks up the next card from the table and reads it aloud for you.
“What’s a dream from your childhood that you never forgot? Huh, this is a cool one,” he muses after reading the question.
“Ooh, this is a fun one,” you say excitedly. “Let me think… Oh, okay, I got it! I had this recurring dream as a kid that was very odd. So my siblings and I had this little pool with a slide attached to it and we would play in the pool all the time during the summer. In the dream the three of us were sitting at the top of the slide and the slide was trying to fling us over a chain-link fence to where hundreds of dinosaurs were running from a desert scene into a jungle scene.”
By the time you finish your answer, Namjoon is smiling so wide that it looks like he might hurt himself. You start to laugh and you say, “What?! It couldn’t have been that good of a story.”
“It’s not that,” Namjoon says with a laugh. “I think we interpreted this question differently, that’s all.”
“Oh… how so?” you ask, curious and only slightly embarrassed.
“You thought it was talking about a literal dream you had when you were sleeping, and I thought it was talking about a dream you had for the future. I didn’t expect you to tell a story about dinosaurs and an anthropomorphic kiddie pool slide.”
You let out a small snort and begin laughing right alongside Namjoon at your two interpretations of the card.
To cover up your lingering embarrassment, you say, “Well, do you want to hear about a future-related dream I had as a kid?”
Namjoon swirls his wine in his glass and takes another sip. “Yeah, of course,” he says, sounding genuinely interested.
“I wanted to be a hairdresser,” you say with nostalgia in your voice. “I had this big doll head that I would practice on all the time. I thought that knowing how to braid meant that I could do pretty much anything.”
Namjoon laughs along with you.
“But,” you continue, “I think I also wanted to do it because I just really liked the lady who cut my hair when I was little. She was nice, and she always asked how I was doing in school. My mom took us to a barber shop, and I remember they always charged more for girls’ hair than for boys’.
By the time you finish your story, you realize that your eyes had become unfocused and that you were staring off into space. You blink a few times to refocus your gaze, only to find that Namjoon is looking at you almost adoringly. It makes you a little nervous, but you like it all the same.
You drink some more wine. “What is it?” you question when Namjoon doesn’t say anything.
“Oh,” he says, seeming to come out of his own daze in that moment. “It was just a nice story. I like that you told me. I don’t know… I guess it made me feel close to you.”
You look away from Namjoon with a small smile on your face. “Thank you,” you say softly.
Before you give Namjoon a chance to keep talking and possibly make your heart explode in your chest, you quickly pick up the next question card and read it to him.
“What do you think people remember about me?”
Namjoon’s eyebrows raise almost imperceptibly at the question, but just as quickly they return to their normal spots. He appears to think for a moment behind his wine, and then he gives you his answer.
“I think they remember how understanding and thoughtful you are. And your passion. Like how you advocated for your campers. I think they also remember how confident you are. You were so well-spoken back at the bar, like you just didn’t give a shit about what anyone thought. I, uh… I might have watched you a little bit while you were talking to the bartender.”
Your surprise must show on your face, because Namjoon follows up by asking, “What? Did I say the wrong thing?”
“No! No, not at all,” you immediately counter. “I just… didn’t expect you to say that, I guess. Like, I don’t really understand my appeal, so to hear that someone was watching me and then still wanted to get to know me is kind of a lot to take in, that’s all.”
Your confession makes Namjoon’s eyebrows raise again, but this time it’s definitely noticeable.
“Really?” he asks you, disbelief apparent in his tone. “How could someone not want to get to know you after seeing you?”
You feel like you’re shrinking into yourself at all of Namjoon’s compliments. “I have no idea,” is all you can think to say.
Namjoon must notice your sagging shoulders, because he says, “It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it. Especially if it makes you uncomfortable.”
You can feel yourself physically relax at Namjoon’s comforting words. “Okay,” you say into your wine. “Thank you.”
Namjoon gives your knee a quick pat before he reaches toward the table to pick up the next card.
“What’s your favorite thing about me?” he reads the question, then places the card gently back on the table and looks at you with that same gentleness. It makes you feel safe. You already know your answer, so you’re able to respond quickly.
“The fact that you were so nervous about letting me know you were a hybrid, but that you chose to be honest with me about it anyway,” you say with certainty in your voice. You’re not sure you’ve ever been so certain about anything before now.
“The fact that you respected me enough to tell me the truth about it before you knew anything about me,” you continue. “I mean, for all you knew, I could have been one of those horrible people you talk about that use hybrids and throw them away. You still chose to trust me. It really speaks to your character, I think. I still don’t know why you made that choice, and I’m not going to ask. Just know that I really appreciate it and you.”
Namjoon’s expression is unreadable for a moment, as if he was focusing very much on your answer just now and he didn’t have the capacity to change the way his face looked as you gave your response. Then he smiles at you.
“I know you said you weren’t going to ask, but I can tell you if you want,” he says with a slight sigh. “After the last question, I mean. I don’t want to get sidetracked.”
“Okay,” you say back to him with your own smile. You pick up the next card, eager to get the game done now so you can have your curiosities satisfied. There are no cards underneath the one you pick up.
“Oh, this is the last question,” you announce to the room as Namjoon begins to resituate himself on the couch. You then read the card aloud.
“Look me in the eye and tell me something in silence.”
Namjoon pauses his movements, then he puts his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands as he begins to ponder. His eyebrows are knit together and the corners of his mouth are slightly downturned. He closes his eyes and you take the opportunity to look him up and down. His look of contemplation is a sexy one, and you can’t get over how much you want to run your hands through his inky black hair (and maybe give it a tug).
His shoulders are broad, but not intimidatingly so. Through his fitted button-up shirt, you can tell that he works out. What are intimidating, however, are his thighs. They’re thick and they look like they could rip Namjoon’s pants at any moment. (Not that you would complain.)
Just as you are about to let your fantasies run wild and give in to your urge to touch some part of Namjoon, his eyes open and he announces that he is ready to answer your question. He turns to face you directly, blinks a few times, and then he stares intently into your eyes, as if what he has to tell you is the most important thing he’s said all evening.
Damn, why can’t his answer to this question be a vocal one? You want to know what he has to say so badly. You don’t think you’ve ever had a better conversation with a stranger than you have had with Namjoon. It doesn’t feel like you two are strangers anymore. You find yourself wishing for so much more with him.
Just as you find yourself beginning to lean into Namjoon’s space, hopeful and daring in your movement, Namjoon blinks again and turns his head away from you so that he is facing forward on the couch once more. You can’t say you’re not disappointed as you back up to where you had been.
“Was what you had to say to me important? It felt important,” you say without thinking.
Namjoon’s ears redden immediately. “Um… yeah, it was,” he practically mumbles.
“Was it what you wanted to tell me after the game ended?” you probe further.
“... Yes,” the man beside you says in almost a whisper.
“Do you want to tell me what it was?” you ask, trying and failing to keep the anticipation from your voice. You weakly follow up by saying, “You don’t have to.”
“I want to, but I don’t want to ruin things between us,” Namjoon says, a little louder this time.
“Go ahead,” you urge. You can feel your heartbeat in your ears.
“Okay, um…” Namjoon starts, then looks toward the ceiling. He closes his eyes again before continuing.
“I think you’re supposed to be my mate.”
Now you can feel your heartbeat in your throat. You’re squealing internally because it all makes sense now. You’ve never felt this kind of instant connection with anyone in your life. Sure, you’ve dated people, but only to fulfill some sort of societal expectation that you thought you had to satisfy. Sex and relationships just never appealed to you the way they seemed to appeal to literally everyone else. But now you know why. You’re meant to be this man’s mate. For life. While that fact should probably make you dissolve into a panic right now, all you can feel is peace.
“What does that mean exactly?” you breathe out, not wanting to let your thoughts run any wilder.
Namjoon reaches for your hand. You take it. “It’s the equivalent of two humans deciding to marry, I suppose. It means that we both feel something almost indescribable for each other, even though we just met tonight. We have no desire to part from one another, and we want to spend our lives together. Does that sound right on your end?”
“Yes, that’s right,” you say immediately, not wanting to leave any room for Namjoon to doubt you. “I’ve spent my whole life searching for the feeling I feel with you. It’s amazing and scary and wonderful. I never want to live without this feeling again.”
“Really?” Namjoon says, sounding so hopeful you might cry.
“Really,” you repeat, squeezing Namjoon’s hand as you speak.
“Okay, so… what now?” Namjoon still looks and sounds hopeful, but nervous as well. It’s adorable but you don’t want him to be nervous about what happens next.
“I’m not sure, exactly,” you say slowly. “If it were up to me, we’d probably be in bed already but I don’t really know how you want - or need - to go about doing this.”
It’s only after the words leave your mouth that your brain processes them. You just admitted that you want to sleep with Namjoon. Before you have the chance to take your statement back or even make your face look slightly ashamed, Namjoon is already speaking.
“It can be up to you,” he says, quietly but confidently.
“I didn’t - wait, really?” you respond, admittedly a little surprised by the apparent ease with which Namjoon made such a decision. “What makes you say that?” you probe further, wanting to make sure you’re both making the right choice.
Namjoon looks bashful once more, but he holds his head high and looks at you straight on. “I’ve wanted this since before I even spoke to you for the first time,” he says earnestly. “This has never happened to me before now, and I’m not going to second-guess myself or my feelings for you and potentially let you slip away.”
You smile and turn away from Namjoon’s gentle gaze, and you give his hand another squeeze.
“If you didn’t want to, that wouldn’t make me ‘slip away,’” you say as you turn back to face Namjoon, putting your free hand under his chin. “Remember, I’m not like those other humans who only wanted you for one reason. I’m here to stay, no matter what you choose right now.”
The wetness in Namjoon’s eyes from before returns again, but this time a single tear tracks down his cheek. You wipe it away with your thumb.
“You’re seriously everything I’ve ever wanted, you know that?” he says with a disbelieving laugh. Then he leans in and kisses you.
It starts out slow, and you can tell Namjoon is trying to make it purposeful by the way he cradles your head delicately in his hands and gently slots your lips together without even a hint of tongue. He really cares about you, you think to yourself as your lips move against his. The thought makes you sigh out against his mouth and move your hands to tangle in his hair. 
Namjoon appears to take your cue, moving his hands from your head to wrap them tightly around your waist, pulling you flush against his side. The positioning is slightly awkward, what with you both still sitting next to each other on the couch, but you’ve never felt more comfortable kissing someone. It’s sweet and passionate all at once, and it makes you hungry for more.
“So,” you start as you separate to take a breath. You’re both flushed red and Namjoon’s hair is standing up at odd angles from you running your hands through it. You would laugh if you weren’t so turned on. “Where did we land on this being up to me?” you finish, biting your lip to try to hold back your beaming smile.
Namjoon’s eyes zone in on you biting your lip and he licks his own. “Um… yeah, it can be up to you,” he says distractedly, never taking his gaze off your mouth.
You giggle and stand from the sofa, still holding onto Namjoon’s hand as you lead him to your bedroom. Once you step inside the small room together, Namjoon pulls your hand toward himself to turn you around and catches you in another firm kiss. This time, however, he opens his mouth against yours and gently swipes his tongue along your bottom lip.
Your response is immediate, mouth opening against his and eager tongue meeting his own in the middle. You begin exploring each other with lips and tongues and hands as you gradually make your way to the bed in the center of the room.
Just as the backs of your legs hit your plush comforter, you aim to put your hands inside Namjoon’s jacket to push it off his shoulders. He lets you, briefly taking his arms off your waist to let the clothing slide down his arms and hit the floor with a dull thud. Just as you move to pull Namjoon onto the bed with you, though, you remember what he had hidden beneath that jacket.
You quickly pull away from Namjoon’s kiss, opening your eyes and breathily saying, “Would now be a bad time to ask you what kind of hybrid you are?”
Namjoon chuckles, lets go of your waist once again, and turns around so his back faces you directly.
There are two masses of feathers on Namjoon’s back, right where his shoulder blades reside. They rise from there to the tops of his shoulders and then dip down to his waist. You’re already shocked by the fact that he managed to keep them hidden from you the entire time you’ve been together, when something amazing occurs.
The masses of black feathers begin to shuffle in front of your eyes, and suddenly Namjoon’s wings are stretching out to their full size, taking up so much space that you’re sure their tops will hit your low ceiling. It’s nothing short of majestic.
The wings, the hair, the lips, the fact that Namjoon said he mates for life...
“You’re a swan,” you say with complete awe in your voice. Namjoon’s feathers ruffle cutely.
Swan hybrids are incredibly rare. So rare, in fact, that many people say they no longer exist. This reveal was truly the last thing you had expected to happen tonight, but you welcome it all the same. You want Namjoon for Namjoon, not for what kind of hybrid he is.
When Namjoon doesn’t say anything else, you continue. “You’re beautiful, you know that?” you say as sincerely as you can. It’s true, after all. Namjoon is beautiful.
“Thank you,” he replies to the wall in front of you, as he has yet to turn around and face you again. You giggle and put a hand on his shoulder, urging him to turn back around. As he does, he retracts his wings back toward his body, but one of them still brushes against you. It’s possibly the softest thing you’ve ever felt and it makes you shiver with desire for the man in front of you. You want the feathers to touch you again and again, but you don’t want it to be accidental. You want Namjoon to do it purposely.
“Wow,” is all you can say before Namjoon crowds into your space once more to get back to kissing you, his hands once again gripping your waist like it’s his favorite part of you. You’re thankful that you don’t have to think of anything else to say to him because it probably wouldn’t make sense anyway. All you can really think about is his feathers on your skin as he begins kissing down your neck with more intensity than he displayed before.
You let out a small moan when Namjoon laves his tongue over the spot right above your collarbone, and in response Namjoon pushes you against the bed, making you fall onto the covers with him following closely behind.
Namjoon immediately settles a knee between your thighs, close enough that you can sense his presence but far enough away that you can’t get any kind of friction or relief. You wonder if he meant to do that. He continues to kiss you fervently, licking and sucking at your neck as he begins to move a hand underneath your shirt and up your stomach. You arch your back slightly into his touch and let out another soft moan to tell him that he can continue his movements.
Namjoon slowly inches his way up your stomach to cup your breast, still hidden within the confines of your bra. He massages your nipple through the material, which both excites and frustrates you simultaneously. He’s so close to you in so many ways, but so far away all the same. You want nothing more than to be naked under Namjoon in this moment, to be as close to him as you can be.
You tug slightly on Namjoon’s hair to get him to pause his ministrations and look up at you. When he does, you notice his already-cherry lips are even redder now from kissing you. You completely forget what you were going to say to him, and instead you simply grab his head with both hands and bring him back up to your level so you can kiss him some more.
As you continue to kiss and Namjoon continues to massage one of your nipples, you move your hands down his body and to his belt loops. He gasps slightly into your mouth but doesn’t stop you, and you continue toward his belt, undoing it with ease and slipping it off his body. It joins his jacket on the floor, and the thought of having the rest of Namjoon’s clothes end up there as well only serves to make you wetter than all this kissing has already made you.
The man above you appears to take your cue again, this time moving his hand to the top of your bra, where he pulls it down just enough to expose your breast to his hand. He goes back to massaging your now-free nipple, and the difference in feeling has you arching into his touch once more.
As you move your hands toward Namjoon’s zipper, you stop kissing him just long enough to say, “Take my shirt off.”
He squeezes your breast in his hand before leaning up slightly to grab the hem of your shirt with his other hand and bring it up over your head. He then comes back down to kiss at your newly exposed skin, but not before he gets a good look at your erect nipple that he’s been teasing for what feels like years.
Now that he’s occupied by your chest, you take the opportunity to undo Namjoon’s zipper and slip your hand inside his pants. He seems to be very affected by your movements, as he pauses his and leans up again to focus on what you’re doing to him.
“Is this okay?” you check in with Namjoon, wanting him to be comfortable with what is likely his first sexual experience with another person.
“Yes,” Namjoon breathes out into your chest, making you shiver as goosebumps rise on your skin. “Please keep going.”
You give a small peck to Namjoon’s neck before you continue moving your hand into his pants, grabbing onto his hard cock that’s still within the confines of his underwear. Now it’s your turn to tease him over his clothes.
You rub the length of Namjoon’s cock back and forth, purposely avoiding the head, where you know he needs your touch the most. He moans and drops his head to your chest, beginning to thrust slightly into your palm.
“Fuck,” he whines, clearly frustrated with your decision not to satisfy him completely.
“Yes, lovebird?” you say softly as you continue to rub and squeeze at his shaft.
“Not… enough,” Namjoon pants. His feathers ruffle again above you, and you wonder if it was due to your use of the pet name. You decide to keep that in mind and ask him about it later.
“Okay,” you give in easily, and move to rub your thumb in circles around Namjoon’s cockhead. It’s wet there, even over his underwear, just as you hoped it would be. Namjoon cries out softly and grabs onto your shoulders with both hands, which only turns you on even more and makes you moan wantonly.
Namjoon must notice that he has stopped teasing you (or touching you sexually in any way, really), because he soon goes back to grabbing at your exposed breast and kissing down your chest. He eventually brings his mouth down to your nipple and wraps his plush lips around the sensitive bud, making you sigh out and push your free hand back into his hair like you did earlier.
Namjoon sucks on your nipple with just enough force that you can feel your neglected clit practically vibrate with need. You continue to rub your thumb on Namjoon’s still-weeping head, and it must be enough to make him want things to move along, because he starts moving his hands from your shoulders down your arms, back toward your waist, and to the hem of your own pants. This is where he hesitates slightly.
He begins moving his fingers gently back and forth along the soft material of your pant hem, then stops just as soon as he started. His mouth leaves your breast with a soft kiss as he lifts his head from your chest to look at you. You’re already watching him, having paused your movements in his slacks as well. You want to ask if everything is alright, but he beats you to it, and calms you down immediately.
“Is this okay with you?” he asks innocently, gently dipping two fingers inside the hem of your pants, not even touching you where you need it most yet. Your response is involuntary anyway. You moan slightly, buck your hips upward toward Namjoon’s own pelvis and lean your head back into your plush comforter. Namjoon turns bright red.
Noticing Namjoon’s expression of shock, you put a hand to his warm cheek and say, “It’s okay, lovebird.” (There go those feathers again.) “I’m just really sensitive. And really wet.”
“Oh,” is all Namjoon can manage to get out at that information, and you giggle. “Is, uh… is that a good thing?” he says without looking at you. He’s still focused on playing with the hem of your pants.
You scoot over slightly on the bed so Namjoon can lay down next to you. Then you take the hand toying with your pant hem and slowly push it down inside your clothes, all the way to where you’re soaked for him.
You watch as his expression morphs from one of trepidation to one of pure elation and lust and love. He begins moving his fingers around in your ocean, eventually finding your swollen bud and staying there when you cry out softly at his touch and grip his arm tightly.
You’re whimpering at Namjoon’s gentle movements, but you’re still able to get back to touching him, this time without his own underwear as a barrier. You can feel a vein in his cock practically throbbing with need for you, and his head is still wet with precum when you graze it with your thumb.
His response to you touching him now is to buck into your hand slightly while he simultaneously applies more pressure to your clit than before. The fact that you’re pleasuring each other so effortlessly after just having met a few hours before should be scandalizing to you, but it feels so right. It feels meant to be.
You’re lost in your bliss, thinking about everything and nothing all at once. Namjoon is touching you so purposefully, but not aggressively, and you look up at him briefly to see his eyes closed and his plush lips red as cherries from all your kisses. He’s concentrating on your pleasure just as much as his own and it makes you practically gush for him.
Namjoon suddenly moans out an “oh, fuck,” and opens his eyes questioningly at you without ever stopping his movements around your pussy.
“Did you just get even wetter?” he asks with a hint of pride in his voice.
“Mhm,” you respond in a moan, head thrown back onto your pillow and hand gripping Namjoon’s arm so tightly that it’s going a bit numb.
Namjoon briefly takes his hand out of your pants to taste you on his fingers, and he shudders when he licks you off of him.
“Damn,” he mutters, getting your attention. “You taste amazing.”
Without missing a beat, you open your mouth and stick out your tongue, inviting Namjoon to put one of his fingers into your own mouth so you can taste yourself. You lick your juices from his finger but keep going, almost deep-throating it, which makes him hiss and remove it just to give you the most intense kiss he has so far this evening.
Namjoon then proceeds to move down the bed again, taking your pants and your underwear with him and dropping them to the floor with his clothes. You’re laid bare in front of him, save for your bra that is half-removed from your chest anyway. As Namjoon looks you up and down, you begin playing with yourself so he can watch you, which you can immediately tell he is enjoying. His cock is still straining against his slacks and you want to see it for yourself.
“You want more?” you say sultrily up at him. He nods as he rubs himself over his clothes, seemingly unable to help himself as he drinks you in. You move a finger on your free hand in a “come hither” motion and he obeys, crawling up in between your legs again so he’s just over you.
Without saying anything else, you make quick work of the buttons on his shirt, letting him take over and bring it off of his broad shoulders and down his back so you don’t harm his wings in the process of getting him naked.
You expected the shirt removal process to be a bit of a struggle for him, what with how large his wings are. However, he makes it look easy by shimmying his wings through the shirt’s designated slits and letting it fall to the floor behind him. He only loses one feather.
You immediately get to work on his pants, pulling them down over his hips and down to his knees. You do the same with his boxers, putting your hands inside over his ass to push them down. He manages to kick them both off of his legs rather gracefully, and he’s suddenly as naked as you are. He’s still drinking you in, so he doesn’t really notice when you move to grab his lost feather from the edge of your bed.
You toy with the feather in your hands for a brief moment before voicing your thought from earlier. Your voice seems to ground Namjoon back into the present moment, because he refocuses and his eyes lose the slight glaze they had taken on a moment ago.
“Will you use this on me?” you ask outright, without any attempt to be coy.
“Of course,” Namjoon immediately replies. Then he follows up with, “Use it how?”
You giggle slightly at his willingness to please you then say, “Like how people do feather play. You know what that is?”
“I’m sure I can figure it out,” Namjoon says with a soft smile. “Close your eyes.”
You do as you’re told and you feel Namjoon take the feather from your hand. Your heart rate speeds up in anticipation for what’s to come and you’re so tempted to open your eyes that you wish you had a blindfold on.
The feeling of the feather touching your ankle makes you gasp, and the feeling of it traveling up your leg makes you squirm. You hear a soft chuckle followed by the words, “Is this what you wanted?”
“Yes,” you breathe out as the feather continues to move up your body, now caressing your hip, then your waist, then your chest, then your neck. You shiver as it makes contact with each new body part.
You can hardly contain your arousal when Namjoon suddenly moves the feather off of your neck completely. You’re about to open your eyes because you think he is finished teasing you, when you feel something tickle your mound. It’s the softest of touches, and you realize he’s going to tease your pussy with this feather. He really knows what he’s doing, you think to yourself as you continue to squirm at the light touches. The feather makes its way over your mound and down past your clit and then it’s on one thigh, then the other, and just as you think that you might come completely untouched, the feather is replaced by a mouth.
Namjoon is devouring your thighs one at a time, and then without warning he grabs hold of your clit with his lips and starts to suck. You cry out and tangle  your hands back in his hair, pushing him closer to you and urging him to lick and suck you harder.
Namjoon seems to understand that you need more, because he quickly brings two fingers up to your pussy and swirls them around in your wetness before easily slipping them inside you. He continues to suck your clit as he pushes those two fingers into you as deep as they can go, then he pushes upwards.
Your scream of elation is enough to let Namjoon know you’ve just orgasmed, but he doesn’t seem to want to stop there. He continues pushing his fingers up against your wet walls until you’re coming a second time, shaking so violently that Namjoon has to stop what he’s been doing and come up to hold you for a brief moment.
“Are you okay?” he asks as he notices your breathing start to even out. You nod, not sure if you’re currently capable of speech.
“Are you done?” he asks his second question with what sounds like a hint of disappointment already in his voice. You shake your head.
“No,” you manage to get out. “No, I’m not done. I can come multiple times and keep going, I promise.”
Namjoon looks at you like you just told him Christmas was coming early this year. He kisses your forehead as you giggle.
You clear your throat and ask huskily, “You ready for more?”
Namjoon nods again and you bring him on top of you, and without any further hesitation you grab his cock back into your hand and begin stroking it again. After a few strokes, you lean up and whisper into Namjoon’s ear.
“Lovebird, I want you.”
You hear the rustle of feathers and all of a sudden Namjoon’s cock is stretching your walls wide and you’re crying out again and Namjoon is grunting and you’re looking at each other while he fucks you. You’ve never felt so close to another person in your entire life. The feeling of Namjoon inside you is like nothing you’ve ever experienced. The thought makes you clench, already on the verge of another orgasm.
Namjoon fucks into you rhythmically, his pace steady but quick and his eyes full of love for you. He finds your hands and holds them tightly above your head, and he brings his lips down to meet yours in a gentle kiss.
You feel yourself reaching the peak once more and you warn Namjoon of your imminent orgasm. He thrusts even more intensely into you and you come undone around him, clenching his cock so forcefully that he comes involuntarily with a gasp. As he fills you up, you hear him mumble something you can’t quite make out.
“What did you say, Lovebird?” you ask sweetly.
“I said, ‘I love you,’” he repeats, this time more firmly and with more conviction. You don’t miss the ruffle of his feathers above you.
You smile. “For life, right?”
He smiles back. “Yeah. For life.”
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
A Spoonful Of Sugar (This fic is canon divergent)
Caleb enters his bedroom with a metal pail filled with water and a rag floating inside.
His mother was sitting on a small wooden stool, taking care of a sick Philip in bed.
Patience was doing everything she could to bring down her youngest son's viral fever.
"Here's the water you requested," Caleb informed Patience, putting the bucket down beside her.
Thanking her oldest, she reached inside for the wet rag and started wringing the water out.
After that, she folded the cloth before placing it on top of Philip's forehead.
This would help cool down his skin and temperature a bit, thus providing him with some relief from his fever.
"Mother, is Philip going to be okay?" Caleb asked in a timid voice, gazing at his mother with troubled eyes.
The small blonde was extremely worried about his baby brother.
He wanted him to recover from his sickness.
Caleb received a small nod from Patience followed by a soft smile. "He will. I'll make certain of it," She assured him as the blonde smiled hopefully at her before leaving.
Patience returns her attention to Philip.
"Philip, would you be willing to sit up for me? I have something I want you to take."
Despite his discomfort, Philip managed to sit up and saw his mother bring a tablespoon of black syrup to his lips.
"Open wide," She gently instructed.
After taking a small sniff of the strange, syrupy liquid, Philip immediately wanted to gag.
It smelt awful!
The fact that the liquid didn't look appetizing to have inside his mouth didn't help either.
Philip shook his head.
"Mm-mm!" The brunette uttered in a pouty voice, crossing his arms defiantly.
"Now Philip," Patience began, a hint of sternness in her sweet voice, "Your sickness requires the help of this medicine. My mother would always give it to me whenever I was ill."
"But mother," Philip complained in a whiny voice, "I don't want it! It looks and smells icky."
He wasn't entirely wrong, Patience thought.
Taking medicine as a child was not a pleasant experience for her either.
The scent and taste were not enjoyable.
"How about this? I'll make sure to bring you something sweet to soothe the bitter taste of your medicine if you take it," Patience promised with a smile. "How does that sound?"
For a moment, Philip contemplated the offer.
On a day like today, something sweet seemed promising.
"Okay then." He nods in agreement, opening his mouth as Patience inserts the spoon inside.
While taking out the spoon, Patience notices that Philip is still holding the medicine in his mouth and looks as though he wants to spit it out badly.
"I understand it's unpleasant, Philip, but please swallow it all," Patience advised.
After swallowing the medicine with a silent sigh, Philip immediately makes a face.
"Blech!" He said, sticking his tongue out.
"Thank you." Patience smiled as she stood up from her stool and walked to the door. "I'll be right back."
Patience had a hot cup of tea in her hand when she returned to the room, taking a seat back on her stool.
She begins to blow on some of the steam that is coming from the cup before giving it to Philip.
"Here, Philip, I added a spoonful of sugar to your tea. That should make the medicine go down," she stated as Philip took the cup to his lips and started to gulp down the tea.
"Little sips, Philip," Patience advised as Philip began to take his time sipping the warm liquid.
He lowered the cup. "Thank you, Mother!" He beamed, taking another sip of the warm drink.
He was happy to get rid of the unpleasant medicine taste.
"I love this tea! It's so sweet!"
"I know that you have an affinity for sugar," she giggled.
He obtains it from her. "When you've recovered, would you be interested in dessert?"
Philip's blue eyes lit up as he quickly nodded to the idea.
"Very well then."
Patience playfully sighed at her son's second request, still smiling at him. "You and your sweet tooth... Fine. Apple pie and rosewater ice cream once you're well."
"Can you, me, and Caleb make the pie and ice cream together?"
"Of course."
As he brought the cup of tea to his lips for the second time, Philip smiled back at his mother.
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lemonadedino · 5 months
74, 77 for prompts ask! huddling for warmth, and in vino veritas -- wiz
i'm so sorry that this took soo long wiz!! life started kicking my butt and my thoughts wouldn't settle
made this one lestappen for funsies
charles is the owner of an ice cream shop that specializes in making really elaborate ice cream confections. his store lowkey went viral on tiktok because their creations are super impressive looking, but mostly everyone in the comments was thirsting over charles when he appeared in the video to explain how they flavor the ice cream. obviously, his social media guy lando is absolutely thrilled with the heightened engagement.
one day after work, charles brings his puppy leo to the vet. they've been going to dr. vettel for forever and they both adore him. so imagine charles' shock when he checks in the with receptionist, an australian with remarkably swoopy hair who seems to have replaced the middle-aged woman with a perpetually pinched face that charles remembers form his previous visits, and is informed that dr. vettel has retired, moved to the alps to save the bees, and has left his personal phone number to charles in case he ever needs something.
after processing some emotions, charles finally asks the gold ticket question.
"who is leo seeing today, then?"
and then a blond man dressed in navy blue scrubs steps out from behind the door separating the rest of the clinic from the lobby. he doesn't seem to notice charles. charles doesn't mind because he's too busy ogling this gorgeous man who's exactly his type. he's always been a sucker for blue eyes, sue him.
"oscar, do you know if the 6'oclock appointment is coming in? they're already 15 minutes late, and the sooner i can get back to jimmy and sassy the better."
"charles, meet dr. max verstappen. he's taking over the clinic now that dr. vettel has retired," oscar says.
and boom introductions are made. they have a perfectly lovely vet appointment, where charles accidently said that leo is 4 years old instead of 8 months because the way max's mouth moved was just sooo mesmerizing wdym i actually have to have a functioning brain??
the next day, max shows up at the ice cream shop, presumably on his day off. charles is like "omg is he here to see me... but i don't want to read too much into it, yk?"
while paying for his scoop of vanilla ice cream on a waffle cone, max admits that he had no idea that charles owned the place. apparently, oscar had casually suggested the ice cream parlor as the best place in town for dessert. lando, who had been puttering around somewhere next to charles, trying to act like he wasn't listening in on their conversation, knocked over a rack of scrapers as soon at the mention of oscar's name. weird, right? crazyyyy
some time passes. max and charles become closer. leo is suddenly having a lot more vet visits than normal, even though he’s in perfect health so that charles has an excuse to see max. he’s aware that it’s getting borderline pathetic, and he’s pretty sure that oscar agrees, since the aussie has memorized his number due to how frequently charles calls to schedule appointments.
they're mutually pining but the feelings are kept under lock and key because i-dont-want-to-damage-our-friendship-what-if-he-doesn’t-like-me-back-am-I-allowed-to-date-my-dog’s-vet-blahblahblah.
charles’ shop gets nominated for a prestigious award, created to highlight innovators in the gastronomic world internationally. to celebrate, his best friend, pierre, throws him a surprise party at the ice cream store after hours. all of their friends are invited, as well as seb. having listened to charles mope about the hot vet countless times, he pops by the veterinarian office and invites max, telling him to bring a friend if he’d like so that he’s more comfortable.
and that’s how max ends up at charles’ surprise party, cradling a bottle of what he hopes is acceptable wine, oscar in tow.
upon seeing max, charles has a brief moment of “i am actually going to to murder pierre omg how am I supposed to handle being with him outside of a work context without combusting” before realizing “OMG I GET TO BE NEAR MY CRUSH!!!!”
charles notices that oscar and lando seem super awkward and stiff around each other but doesn’t know why and chooses not to press it (so actually landoscar had a one night stand that lando fled at 5AM because commitment is scary and he’s worried because he likes this guy way more than he should for someone he’s met less than 12 hours ago. better leave before it get too real)
The night progresses, more wine is poured and toasts are made. Basically everyone is tipsy by the time the party winds down and people start to trickle out.
max is the last guest to leave, constantly finding himself caught in conversation with charles again and again. just as he steps out the door, charles grabs his arm.
“wait hold on, do you want to try next week’s special edition flavor? you’re special, so you can taste test before the official public release.” charles says and then proceeds to wink horrifically. max agrees and the two of them make their way to the walk in freezer in the back where charles stores flavors to restock.
the door closes behind them and they realize a little too late that charles forgot to unlock the door from the inside so they’re now trapped.
cue immense panic from both of them. thankfully, charles has his phone on him and calls lando, to whom he had given a spare pair of keys to let them out. in the meantime, they ultimately end up cuddling for warmth in an effort to not freeze before lando could get to them.
wrapped up in max’s embrace and lulled by the wine on his tongue, charles confesses to max. mutually reciprocated declarations of love ensue and just and they’re about to kiss, a lock clicks and lando opens the door.
laying in his bed that night, max asleep next to him, charles realizes that the bruises on lando’s throat definitely wasn’t because of the shop’s weird lighting casting shadows. they were most definitely hickeys and charles remembers lando slipping out of the party at much the same time as a certain receptionist.
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