#viper x omen
ixonaeve · 2 years
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89 notes · View notes
hollowbutcanlove · 1 month
Correspondence with Valorant agents Pt.1
TW: foul language, meat(?).
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169 notes · View notes
onlyfrags · 6 months
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Last Updated: 5/24/2024
| Key: ✿ → SFW | ✦ → NSFW | β → Omegaverse | ⚠︎ → Dark content |
If you see someone you want that is not on this list, feel free to send me a request at any time! Just make sure to read the [Request Rules]
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*Untitled* | NSFW x GN Reader (In progress)
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Coffee talk | NSFW X GN Reader (IN PROGRESS)
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Reunions | Gekko X GN Reader (in Progress)
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Self Worth | Iso x Reader (in Progress) Iso is so used to being a weapon for others. What happens when someone reminds him that hes worth more than that now?
After work | NSFW x Reader (In progress) You and Iso help each other relax after another stressful mission
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✿ Yoru X Draconic Radiant S/O | Yoru X Male Reader ✿
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139 notes · View notes
wisteriaiswriting · 4 months
Omen, Viper, Killjoy and Kay/o with an Danger Prone S/o
𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕊/𝕆
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Words: 457
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When something small is about to happen and he notices, he’ll either successfully or try to prevent it.
Often enough he’ll just teleport you away from the area.
Sometimes he debates to never leave you alone or with any of the ‘dangerous’ agents.
Has taken to knitting something small each time you return / become injured.
He now has an overflowing shelf and basket full of ‘em.
Now he has taken to hiding some of them around the base for fun. (And hopefully a sign for you to stop getting hurt!!)
Will give some of the older ones to hide and gift them for others.
If you become injured at all he’ll try to help with anything.
On missions he’ll try to watch over you for as long as possible.
When you become injured he’ll stay around you the whole time.
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She at least knows the basics about first aid, so she can care for you if needed. (Which is a lot)
But the amount of times she has to help you?
Lord give her strength, cause soon enough she might be the reason you see Sage.
Is clear about you to stay near her on missions.
She will use all her abilities to try keep you near her and safe.
If you have to go on a mission, she’ll try to choose the safest option available.
There is no escaping any of her lectures or scoldings after any kind of injury.
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She really tries to keep you safe and away from anything that could be remotely dangerous to you.
Will create a multitude of bots to follow you around base, alarming her when something that could be dangerous is around.
Watches your stats during missions the most, even if the others are worse she knows you could suddenly drop.
But when you're on a mission and she’s not, she’s watching them nearly 24/7.
Is the first person you see in the hangar once you return from the mission.
Even if she sees Sage check you, she’ll do her own check over just in case you’ve managed to hurt yourself within those few seconds of landing.
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Ever since he joined the protocol he’s been made aware of your ‘habits.’
So he has made plenty of plans and protocols surrounding you.
Constantly hangs around you when there's any possibility of danger around.
Often enough he’s able to predict, detect or notice any incoming danger so he can pull you away.
He’s not one to scold you, instead he trys to figure out why you’re so danger prone.
Ever since he’s joined you on missions and trips there has been a slight decrease in your visits to Sage.
So everyone has given him the unofficial label of your babysitter.
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82 notes · View notes
mezzy-1 · 7 months
Radiant Recruitment (Valorant X Reader Part 3 // MISSION)
Name: Y/N 
Class: Radiant
Callsign - Nomad
A few weeks had passed since you had been recruited by Valorant to help with the interdimensional attacks.  Your power over radiant energy was stronger, and you had even mastered shifting into energy.  An alert went out to all the agents and you were sent on your first mission.
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(GIF from Infamous: Second Son)
Lotus was a beautiful temple, devoted to ancient beings and immersed in their mystery
Sadly, you couldn’t take time to marvel at the stone carvings, as you were pinned by a barrage of lead
The shots grew closer and louder, each one destroying more of the stone wall you hid behind
You were stuck in the hall to Site C, and backing further towards the waterfall embedded in the wall
Pure shadows formed into a large orb between you and the shooter.  As the orb encircled you, a shape twisted out of the space behind you
“You cannot be alone Y/N, it is too dangerous.”  Omen scolded while pulling an Operator from his back
“I have you as backup, I’ll be fine.” you reassured, placing a hand on Omen’s hood to readjust it
“Take this,” he placed a Sheriff in your hand, “we will not let them win.”
Taking advantage of your cover, you slid into the shadow and waited.  The barrel of an Ares poked in and an agent stepped through
Grabbing the gun quickly, you disarmed the agent as they tried to fire the gun in response.  You pulled them into the smoke and shot twice
Breach’s double slumped to the ground with a heavy crash, the Ares still in your hands.  You decided to take it as to even the odds
“That was, impressive Y/N.”  If Omen could still smile, you guessed one would be spread across his face
Making your way through the temple, you and Omen moved stealthily while getting closer to the Spike
Walking into the amphitheater in B Site, you checked for any sign of movement before stepping inside
Immediately an Alarm Bot exploded towards you, and Omen quickly threw himself in front to take the hit.  He stumbled back while an automated turret blinked to life
“I did not see them Y/N, they were waiting in ambush.”  
“I’ll handle their toys Omen, just wait here.” you whispered before activating your abilities
You dashed in and tossed a pulsing ball of energy into the air
Solid energy slammed down onto the turret, pulsing into it and expanding outward.  Pieces of scrap littered the room 
Before you could take another step, a Nanoswarm erupted at your feet and you hopped back.  Knowing that Killjoy was likely biding her time, you decided to call in help
“Omen!  Teleport across here and start firing!  Trust me!” you yelled to the phantasmal agent
Smoke began to form on the raised platform in B Site as you charged through the swarm.  Spotting Killjoy training her gun at Omen’s teleport, you shot before she could
Omen reformed as Killjoy fell, looking on in silence.  He nodded to you before continuing forward
“Y/N, you are injured from the trap.  Are you in any pain?” he pointed to the scratches and scoring along your legs
“I'll be fine, but I appreciate you asking.”
Arriving near A Site, you made your way to the stairs and put a hand onto the wall.  Omen watched and curiously approached
“This wall leads directly into where they have the Spike, but they’ll see me if I come through.”  You looked over to Omen.  “Mind putting shadows behind this wall?”
“I’ll do one better Y/N,” Omen sent a wisp of shade through the wall and another towards the entrance to A
“They will flee in terror when we strike Y/N.” Omen’s rage was barely restrained.  You phased into the wall and fell through into a waiting cradle of darkness
Omen’s Operator let a round spiral through the air.  The sound signaled you to leap from the shadows
You crawled out from the clinging darkness and readied your Ares.  Bracing for the knockback, you steadied your legs and pulled the trigger
A torrent of bullets screamed from the barrel.  Each round cracked brick, scattered stone, and crashed into the temple
Caught between the onslaught was Yoru, who reacted quickly and teleported away.  You heard him appear somewhere close to the site and waited
Yoru walked out from a corner and began sprinting towards you
Realizing it was a clone, you shot it’s head then moved back into the darkness Omen provided and repositioned
Yoru had swung the corner in an attempt to counterattack but met his end through your Sheriff
The Spike was located at the ascender.  Running towards it with a defuser ready, you came face to face with, yourself
Your mirror jumped from the ascender, kicking you down and causing you to fall onto the gravel.  A Shorty was pointed in your face by a smirking double
“You really are quite the disappointment.  Seeing you like this, it’s kind of sad that I thought we might be similar.”
Your mirror kicked you in your chest and sent you away from the Spike.  They readied a shell in their Shorty
“This is pathetic to see.  I’d feel bad for you, but I doubt it would make a difference.  I’m going to enjoy ending your poor little existence.”
As your mirror gloated, your eyes caught movement appearing behind them.  Pebbles began to shift as your mirror’s shadow grew longer
“I was hoping for more of a fight.  Any last words?” your clone taunted
“Behind you.” Omen whispered as he finished forming behind them
Spirals of darkness tore through the air and twisted into your double.  Omen’s Paranoia blinded them while you rose to your feet and shot the mirror
“Thanks for the save Omen, I wouldn’t be here without you.” you smiled at him as you finished defusing the Spike
“I was only doing my part Y/N.  But I do appreciate your gratitude.”
“Oh I haven’t finished thanking you yet Omen.  I can do better than just a simple ‘thanks’ you know.”
Omen turned his head towards you in confusion
“You and I are going to take a day off.  We should go somewhere and rest up.”
“But my condition-”
“That’s why you should pick!  Where do you want to go Omen?”
“... I would like to visit the forests near here.  It is innocuous and beautiful, and we can spend time together Y/N.”
“That sounds like an excellent idea!” you replied
Fracture may have been abandoned, but it was never forgotten
Chamber was visibly uncomfortable as you and him entered the ruins and began your sweep
“Is there something wrong?” you asked, checking over your Vandal one more time before looking over to Chamber
“Non, it’s nothing.  I find myself distracted by other affairs, but I have plenty to concentrate on here.”
You playfully batted him in the arm and stepped forward into the moss covered ruins of Fracture
Before you could take the stairs upwards, a bullet missed your forehead by a single hair.  Over at the site, you heard the sound of footsteps and Spike being planted
You and Chamber reflexively took cover behind a wall.  You began to gather radiant power in your hands.  Chamber unholstered a Headhunter
The sound of Chamber’s Trademark came from behind, and he swung around and landed a shot right into an enemy Reyna
She had been lurking in the underside of the Spike site, and could have killed you 
“For that I think you owe me a date Y/N.!” he took aim at the stairs while you began to run towards the site
Breach’s double lept out to open fire but was promptly shot by Chamber.  You were almost up the stairs but wall of jade erupted, blocking your path
A grenade flew over the wall and burst open, explosive shells showering you momentarily
Chamber grabbed you and rolled, keeping you from harm
“We don’t have much time, we have to rotate Y/N.”  Chamber dusted himself off while helping you up, taking a Rendezvous card from his pocket
“No, I can phase through the wall and defuse it.”
“Y/N, there’s at least 3 agents over there.  C’est impossible!”  Chamber warned as you embraced him for the last time
He grabbed both of your hands, and you could feel the metal card contrast against his warm palms
Raze bounced over the wall and Chamber twisted and shot her mid air.  You took your moment and transformed into pure energy
Dashing through the wall, you slammed the ground and a wave of force sent the enemy Sage upwards
You shot her before moving to the Spike, which had been hidden behind a crate
“I always wondered what my mirror would look like.” a voice came from behind you, and instantly you were on the ground with a bullet wound
Turning around, you came face to face with yourself.  It was uncanny and the Phantom being pointed at you made it even more frightening
“I know mirror implies an exact copy, but I thought you’d at least be a little different.  Oh well…” your clone mused
You felt around for your Vandal, but your double kicked it away.  You reached for a side arm but felt nothing, save for Chamber’s card
“Don’t squirm, I don’t want to waste any shots on you.” your mirror spoke
“My, two of Y/N.  I must be the luckiest man in the world.”  Chamber joked as he teleported in, Tour de Force ready
Earlier as Chamber held your hand, you had taken the card.  It had been activated when your double had been gloating 
“NO!” your mirror screamed as Chamber’s gun punched a hole through their sternum.  You quickly defused the Spike and rested once it stopped
“Y/N, that’s 3 times I saved you.  I think that earns me something, no?”
“What did you have in mind?”
“Dinner, and don’t worry I know an excellent place in Paris.  My treat of course.”
“That sounds wonderful.”
Most missions with Iso were easy, mainly because you and him worked so well together
This one was an exception, as the Omega Protocol had decided to launch a Spike attack in a metro station
You and Iso were the only ones that snuck in.  You had used the abandoned tunnels to get in and start your counterattack
“Baochi zhending Y/N, we can’t afford distractions.” Iso loaded bullets into a Sheriff and you followed suit
“But you’re going to listen to music like usual?” you pointed at his earbuds
“It isn’t distracting, it gets me to focus.  I can send you some recommendations when we’re done.” Iso began strolling towards the platform
When you both reached the stairwell, Iso activated Double Tap while motioning for you to make your own move
Particles of radiant power erupted under the stairs and flowed outward near the top.  Suddenly a rival Phoenix sent a flash around the corner, blinding you
Two shots echoed, and as your eyes cleared Iso stood before you covered in a shimmering coat of radianite
“Let’s take care of them.  I’ll take the lead from here.” he raised his Sheriff and made his way up the stairs
Entering the platform, you could hear the Spike counting down farther in the hall.  Carefully, you navigated kiosks and stalls searching for movement
A single shadow moved behind you, and you turned to face an Omen appearing.  You rolled and shot, a direct hit to center mass
Iso’s training had paid off, you’d have to thank him for the lessons later
A sniper bullet harmlessly bounced off his head, a purple flash showing the Double Tap had worn off
Blazing forward, you came face to face with Sova.  He tried to shoot once more but you grabbed his Operator and punched him with a radiant fist
“Y/N, I can see they have the Spike here.  It’s down on that platform.” Iso pointed to a flight of stairs leading down to the tunnels
“I can enter and defuse, but you’re going to have to cover me Iso.”
“Don’t worry,” Iso readied a wall of radianite, “they won’t touch either of us.” 
The wall launched forwards with you behind, and bullets rattled against it.  Each shot leaving ripples in the structure
You darted left, then shot at the first person you saw.  An enemy Yoru fell while you shifted into radiant energy
Springing from your hiding spot, you phased through an enemy Deadlock’s wires towards their source
You sank your fist into her chin before moving onto the Spike.  Your form shifted back and you readied the defuser
“So this is my mirror, strange.” a voice came from the shadows
Your own double stepped out from a pillar and took aim with their own Sheriff.  In their eyes was an unnerving coldness
“Well it’s not worth considering anyway.” they spoke as they began to pull the trigger
Instantly your mirror was surrounded by a grid of hexagons and was pulled into the floor.  Iso had used Kill Contract on your double
You finished defusing the Spike but soon after, violet sparks appeared in front of you and someone exited the domain
“Na hen jianden.  I guess that version of you didn’t train enough.”  Iso straightened out his hoodie 
“I suppose so.  Speaking of that, are we still on for training later?”
Iso looked over at with a raised eyebrow 
“You want to actually train, after all of this?  I’m amazed that you still have energy for that.”
“I don’t really mind training at the range.  It’s like you said, there's something relaxing about taking time and aiming.”
“True, but I am going to be making a hotpot for dinner later and I’d like you to come by and taste it.”
“In that case we should probably skip going to the range, I can rest up over dinner with you then.”
“We’ll hit the range afterwards, but for now we should rest up.  You did excellent work Y/N, that deserves something.”
“Vaya Y/N, up here!”  Gekko alerted you while reaching a hand from an industrial vent.  He gripped your hand and pulled you in
The Kingdom facility in LA was already destroyed but a few more had popped up nearby.  Gekko and you were sent in to see what was happening
“Mira Y/N, there’s guards laying everywhere.  We should take a look.”  Gekko peered through the grate before kicking it out and dropping the to the floor
“They’ve all been shot,” you took out a Phantom and switched the safety off, “do you think it could be-”
Gekko tackled you to the ground as knives flew at you.  Jett’s double floated above the ground and got ready for another volley
You reached a hand forward and sent a crackling ball of plasma towards her.  It zapped through the air and impacted against her
Gekko slid the action back on a Ghost, and finished her off with a single shot
“Ay mierda, of course these putas are here.  They probably have a Spike too, we should move.” Gekko summoned Dizzy and held her close
You followed the halls around while trying to listen for a Spike.  The noise grew as you got closer to the center
A ball of poison enveloped you and Gekko.  He fell back and tossed Dizzy forward and you followed her
You eased along the wall, then listened for Dizzy to shoot.  You caught Viper wiping goo off her eyes and shot
Gekko grabbed Dizzy and put her back, then looked ahead with a sudden shock
You saw that the Spike was placed on an upper floor with only one set of stairs leading upwards.  There was only one way forward, and you had to attack directly
“I’ll cover you with Thrash and then you can do the rest.  Vamos Y/N!” Gekko guided Thrash forward while you charged alongside her
The creature impacted at the top of the stairs, disabling a waiting Killjoy and Cypher.  Your shots connected to the vulnerable agents and you called Gekko up
“Nice job!  We’re unstoppable right?” Gekko celebrated as he made his way to the Spike.  On his shoulder was a smaller Wingman he was petting
“Y/N!” he yelled as a bolt of plasma hit him square in the chest and sent him over the handrails.  The Wingman had grown and was barely holding onto Gekko
“You got too confident, you shouldn’t be so quick to call victory.” your own voice spoke to you
Your double held a Vandal and sneered at your disadvantage.  The Phantom wasn’t aimed, and any move would get you shot
“I guess I shouldn’t either, I’m going to finish this and then move on to Gekko once I’m done.  Sorry.”
The sound of a Spike being defused caught your mirror off guard, and their eyes shifted over
Wingman was defusing the Spike, but Gekko was nowhere to be seen.  Your double aimed at Wingman but you hit them with a quick jab 
The Spike was finished and Wingman jumped at your double, slamming them off the floor and chittering angrily as they fell
“Calma Wings, I think we’re good.” Gekko pulled himself up from the edge and you helped grab his arm
He tumbled into you.  You both lay on the floor, tired from the adrenaline
“We should probably get out of here before the cops arrive and Kingdom gets wind of this.”
“That’s a good point,” you sat up and started to rise to your feet, “where should we lie low?”
“I know this awesome taqueria a few minutes from here.  It’s 100% authentic too, the entire menu is in Spanish.”
“Can you translate it then?”
“Por supuesto Y/N!  I’ll even pay too, it’s my idea.”
Inside the frigid cold of the American Northwoods, you and Viper had decided to follow up on rumors about a Kingdom research facility
Viper had found the location from old contacts she had, and you came to help as back up
Your ability to phase through matter proved useful, as it gave you and Viper easy access to the building
Walking carefully to avoid the cameras, you and her made your way into the lower levels 
“Stop Y/N,” Viper paused and put her back to the wall, “I hear something around the corner.  Stay close to me and follow.”
“Understood.” you took your Ghost and crept behind Viper as she turned around the corner and froze
“Shit.” Viper gazed over the railing towards a collection of machines, pipes, and consoles below.  Across the room was a group of 3, all mirror agents, setting a Spike
Viper dropped down with you, then launched the Toxic Screen from her arm.  The pieces rained down along the industrial maze
She turned the mists on and got her weapons out.  She carried with her a Phantom and Ghost
You took point and moved along a large pipe, keeping your head below it to stay in cover.  A part where the toxins blocked the route appeared
Sounds of machinery revving and spinning along the ground grabbed your attention.  A Boombot raced out of the toxins towards you
Before it could explode, Viper shot it and signaled to charge into the toxins.  Your radiance gathered into the tips of your fingers
A volley of plasma rushed through the toxins and incinerated the path forward.  Following behind, you peeked the corner and shot as you left cover
An enemy Raze fell to the floor with a primed grenade clattering from her hand.  The explosion sent you backwards into some pipes
Gekko’s mirror came running towards you with a shotgun
Green smoke cut his vision, and in a second you had disappeared from your spot and had a Ghost to his back.  You pulled the trigger
Once more you channeled your power, and began to transform into energy.  Moving through walls and pipes, you arrived at the Spike
Buckshot hit your back and you tumbled to the floor in a daze.  You felt the barrel of a gun touch the back of your head
“I never really thought I’d see my mirror up close.  It’s so weird.” you heard your own voice muse
Whipping around with your Ghost, you brought the barrel up to your own double.  They rolled and kept you in a standoff with their own gun
“Even if you shoot me, you’ll be too weak to defuse the Spike.  Why not just give up now?” your clone taunted you while training their Specter on you
“I don’t need to shoot you, I just need to defuse the Spike then?” a smile crept onto your face
“That’s not going to happen,” your mirror’s eyes narrowed, “you aren’t getting out of here alive.”
“Neither are you.” Viper growled, stepping from a shadow and firing at your doppelganger.  A Toxin Orb flooded the space with mists
They fled into the facility, and away from you.  Quickly, you reached the Spike and defused it as quickly as possible
As it settled, the cloud of toxins dropped around you.  Viper strolled up to you, then eyed the Spike
“Good job Y/N.” 
“I took out 3 agents and defused the Spike.  It was more than a good job!” you retorted
“Is that so?  You did well, but you needed my help in the end.”
You crossed your arms and leaned against a support pillar
“Don’t be so dramatic Y/N,” Viper picked up the Spike and shoved it into your hands
“We did our jobs Y/N, that’s enough for a day.” 
“It’s worth a day off at least.”
“Could’ve been worth dinner, if you hadn’t needed a rescue at the end.”
“Then I’ll pay this time,” you began to walk out with Viper, “where are we dining?”
“Somewhere with a good wine list, and of course we’ll have to dress up.  I assume you have fine clothes Y/N.”
“I have something tucked away for special occasions.” you winked over at Viper
“I can’t wait to see it then, Y/N.”
“Ughh, these guys are such a pain to deal with, right Y/N.” Neon shouted while pressing her back to a wall
“I agree, but can we talk after we send them packing?” you yelled back from behind a crate.  You took another magazine and tossed it to Neon
“Please Y/N, you and I don’t need to worry about anything.” Neon loaded the mag into her Bulldog
“On 3?” you signaled
“Yeah,” Neon nodded to you, “3!” 
She threw up a wall of energy and dashed in.  You followed suite and chased in with your Stinger
The Spike was already beeping away.  The Omega agents had set up in a market near a waterfront
Stalls full of produce, fish, and baubles had been abandoned by their owners.  Bridges crossed the waterfront and connected the market
You and Neon were fighting near a warehouse and were making your way over one of the concrete bridges to the Spike
Neon and you ran inside the cover she made before shots ripped through the wall.  You both hid behind a cart filled with bottles
The walls began to fade out and you glanced over to some of the bottles that had fallen out.  You spotted Iso’s double through the reflection
“Neon, shockwave on the cart!” you ordered.  Arcs of electricity jumped from her arms to the cart, then into the ground
You turned and fired at a stunned Iso, his arm jerking as tried to shoot.  He hit the ground with a heavy thud
“Y/N, I can see the Spike!  It’s across here near that statue!” Neon pointed to the Spike while getting ready to sprint
A rumble came from underneath the bridge.  Suddenly it began to split apart and both sides started to rise up
“It’s one that let’s ships through.  Dammit, they must’ve hacked the controls!” you slammed your fists against the cart in anger
“Nah, I don’t think it’s a problem Y/N,” Neon began to grin, “I have an idea.”
“What were you- Hey!” you were surprised when she grabbed you and hoisted you over her shoulder
“Hold on Y/N!” Neon took off down the street as the bridge continued to raise.  Wind flew by your face while cars blurred around you
Her speed carried you and her upwards, and in one great stride she cleared the gap between the halves
“Kumusta ka Y/N?  Are you still with me?” 
You breathed a sigh of relief and slid off of her back.  You shakily got to your feet and started to move forward with Neon
“I’m good, but don’t do that again please.” you groaned
A wave crashed forward from the sea below and swept Neon away.  Gold spirals and floating bits of surf animated the wave as Neon was pushed into the ocean
You moved quickly to target Harbor, shooting him down.  You ran to the coast but a round of buckshot almost sent you over the edge
While holding on, a familiar face, your face, stepped into view.  Your mirror looked down at you dispassionately
“I expected a lot more from my double.” your clone racked another shell in their Bucky and aimed downward
“This is probably freaking you out and all, but honestly,” they moved their finger to the trigger, “who even cares?”
It was almost hopeless, Neon couldn’t fire electricity with saltwater around and you couldn’t really attack from your position
One of your hands slipped and your grip tightened in response.  Particles gathered around all of your hands as a reflex  
Your double let out a sadistic laugh
“You haven’t won yet, so I wouldn’t celebrate too early.” you gritted your teeth and more energy gathered around your free hand
“Let’s fix that then.” your double pulled the trigger and you loosened your grip and fell
You dove into the water and swam straight down.  The unstable particles in your fist made contact with the sand 
A geyser sent you upwards to a surprised mirror.  They quickly aimed another shot at you 
Bolts of lightning hit them, and they fell to the ground in jerking spasms.  Neon had grabbed your hand and rode up with you
“Salamat Y/N!”  Neon quickly sped to the Spike with a defuser in hand
You arrived just as she finished defusing it.  Taking a moment to relax, you took a seat from a stall and exhaled deeply
“That was a lot.” you looked over at Neon while she picked up the Spike
“I agree, but it was kind of fun right?  When we went over the bridge, that was awesome!”
“It was scary, but I’m glad we made it out in one piece.” you caught Neon staring at a food stall
“Y/N, you have no idea,” she stretched her legs, “I could eat everything here.”
“Well let’s find a place nearby,” you suggested.  Neon’s eyes filled with anticipation
“I saw this one spot with a ton of rice dishes that smelled amazing a few kilometers away.  We should check it out!”
“Yeah, but let’s shower off a bit because both of us are covered in seawater and grime.”
“Sure, but when we’re done I’m racing you to the place.  Loser buys the food.” Neon smiled at you with sparks in her eyes
“You’re on.”
Bind had never been a particularly important location to you, but the stories that Cypher had told you made you much more driven to root out Kingdom’s presence
Currently, you and Cypher were on an assignment to steal data from Kingdom and find more radianite refineries
You and him finished downloading employee names.  Herrera, Johnson, and Kimura flashed across the screen
“They’ll have nowhere to hide now, eh Y/N?”
“Serves them right for destroying this place in the name of profit.”
“Of course,” Cypher opened a feed to his camera.  He froze, looking closer and then taking out a Vandal
“We have visitors, and they seem to have a Spike with them.  Let’s not let them take more from my city.”  Cypher used his camera to mark one of the agents
“Y/N, take them out and I’ll advise through my cameras.”  
You grabbed a Vandal from your sling, and stepped out to the battlefield.  Sneaking along the wall, you stalked the outline of the agent before it stopped transmitting
“They removed my dart, not that it matters at this point.” Cypher whispered through your radio
Sparks of energy flooded your palm and bonded into a mass of burning plasma.  You tossed it over the wall and listened to it explode
You moved quickly through the archway and felt melted glass crunch under your boots.  Eyes darting around, you checked for enemies and caught the reflection of something gold
You spun around and fired before Chamber’s mirror could pull the trigger on his headhunter
“Nice work Y/N.  Chamber can take his secrets to the grave.” Cypher praised using your earpiece
“Can you give me information on who else is here?” you asked while moving through to the hookah bar
A sudden tripwire alarm cut through your radio and you dove to cover before bullets hit the ground to your right
The three shots from your Vandal dropped Neon’s double that had gotten caught by one of Cypher’s traps
“I knew someone would fall for that.  Thanks for cleaning them up.” Cypher’s tone was calm despite your beating heart
“Just letting you know, I can see one other agent on site with the Spike.  Looks like Sage to me.” 
“Understood, moving towards the Spike.  Thanks for the advice.” you spoke while beginning to phase through the wall 
Arriving onto the site, you could see the Spike and nearby Sage had a rifle trained on hookah’s entrance
Quickly, you moved around the metal shelter and fired a round into Sage.  Running over to the Spike, you began to defuse
Immediately, you felt pain arc through your leg and collapsed to the ground.  You reeled on the ground but tried to move over to the Spike before another shot rang out 
“Cypher!  There’s someone else here, they-” the radio went silent as someone began emerging from the from the shadows
“My, it seems like my mirror doesn’t measure up to the real thing.” your double spoke while loading another round into their Marshall
“I wonder where the next shot is going to come from.” the mirror taunted while moving out of your sight
You crawled into the shelter to defend yourself and slumped against the wall.  You could shoot through it but the Spike would finish you off if you couldn’t defuse it
“If you weren’t such a disappointment, you may have actually been fun to fight.  Instead you crawled into a metal coffin to die.” your double’s voice echoed around you
A round from an Operator fired through the wall of the shelter, clearly meant to show your mirror had upgraded
“Don’t worry Y/N, I have you covered.” Cypher’s message cut through the radio static
Suddenly your mirror was highlighted through the wall, and you fired right for their head.  You watched them drop through the bullet holes
Sounds of the Spike defusing relaxed you as Cypher approached your hiding place
“How did you-”
“Chamber’s corpse.  I used Neural Theft to scan for your adversary.  I knew if I helped you just a little you could triumph.”
“Thank you Cypher,” you struggled to get to your feet and Cypher knelt down.  Cradling you in his arm, he carried you out of the shelter
“Y/N, you don’t have to thank me.  You would’ve done the same for me, but if you wanted to show some gratitude then I have something in mind.”
“Which is?”
“I know a wonderful restaurant we can eat at when your leg has been healed.  Does later tonight work?”
“Definitely!  I can’t wait!” you exclaimed while holding Cypher a bit tighter
Stakeouts were usually quite boring, but not this assignment
While watching a shipment of Radianite moving from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea, you and Fade had been sent back to Istanbul to monitor for attacks while it docked
Now you and her were fighting a team of agents hijacking the boat at dawn.  You and her hid in the shadow of the boat while moving into the cargo hold
“Y/N, wait.” Fade commanded while reaching for her Ghost.  “Before we enter, we need to-” 
The sound of a Spike being planted sent fear rattling down your spine.  Fade looked over as if sensing your worry
“Don’t let it control you Y/N.  I need you to stay calm and fight alongside me.” Fade placed a hand on your shoulder
“I’ll be alright, just tell me where to shoot.”
Fade smiled and gathered a mass of writhing shadows in her hands.  Lobbing the bundle deeper into the ship, it rose up like smoke with two piercing eyes 
“Go Y/N, öldür onları!”
Dashing across the water and into the cargo hold, you saw two agents hiding amongst the crates and pillars.  They were highlighted against the shadows and industrial lights
You were against Omen and Reyna.  Orbs of pure shadow appeared throughout the room while the click of metal boots echoed through the space
Gathering energy into your hands, you compressed it into form and strained to hold it in your fist.  You waited for them to make the first move
Reyna’s Leer appeared in front of you, sending you to the nearest cover to break line of sight.  You narrowly avoided a spray of metal before hiding behind a girder
To slow down her assault, you let loose a volley of energy and fired back to suppress the attack.  A stray bullet hitting a light gave you an idea
Taking a moment, you shot every light you could see and repositioned.  Waiting in the dark, you stopped your radiance momentarily to blend in
Firing a small wave of bright particles away from your spot, you watched as muzzle flashes from the other side tracked the decoy
Shooting quickly, you managed to hit Reyna and took a second to aim for Omen.  When you had him in your crosshair he was already teleporting away
“Damn it.” you whispered while keeping low to the ground and peeking for any sign of Omen
Something behind you moved and you shot
A rat scampered out from a nearby barrel and dove into a vent for safety
Instantly, you swung to the side to avoid a knife aimed for your neck.  Moving back, you could barely see Omen against the darkness
A knife fight against him would be impossible, especially in the dark where he could freely attack
“I can feel you getting nervous Y/N.”  Fade yelled from across the cargo hold.  “Don’t let him intimidate you!”
Fade was right, and in a moment of pure calm you developed a plan.  Radiance flooded your body but instead of letting it take you completely you held onto your physical body
Bright light surrounded you, and suddenly the trails of shadow coming from Omen while he shifted around 
“Fade, do you see where he is?”
“Evet Y/N!  He’s to the right!”
You shot at Omen and hit him directly while he lunged with his knife.  The weapon clattered to the steel floor of the hold
“It was smart to create your own light Y/N.  We still have more to do though.  Gidelem Y/N.”  Fade pointed to a latter leading to the upper deck
You climbed ahead of her and caught a glimpse of the morning sunrise.  It was a deep orange with rose colored clouds
Hiding near a cargo crate, you spotted the Spike in the middle of the ship.  It seemed to be unguarded, but there were plenty of places for someone to hide
“I’ll flush them out with Prowlers.  Tamam Y/N?” 
“Got it Fade, ready when you are.”
Two bestial creatures oozed out of dark miasma near Fade’s arms, low growls rumbling from their tensed jaws
Darting towards the Spike, the spectral hunters split and began searching the nearby tarp-covered barrels and crates.  A roar sounded with accompanying gunshots after
You moved in towards the Spike while the assailant fought off the Prowlers.  Fade crept behind and broke away to secure the area
Stepping closer, a slight resistance met your shin.  In an instant your legs were tangled in one of Cypher’s traps
Knowing he would attack someone caught in one of his wires, you made a plan with what you had around you.  A barrel leaking oil gave you an idea as you shot the trap 
Freeing yourself, you fired at the oil barrel and dove into the spill.  Sliding along the floor, you aimed and shot Cypher from a low angle
Able to defuse the Spike, you made your way to the device ready to end the battle
That’s when you locked eyes with a familiar face
“It must be unnerving to see your reflection like this.  Well only for you, I’m not too worried about it considering you’ll be dead in the next minute.” your mirror spoke
You narrowed your eyes and took aim at the doppelganger, but around you something began to move about
Kingdom’s security appeared, filling the top deck with armed guards in flak armor.  They barked orders at you and your mirror, oblivious to the volatile Spike
Your double merely smiled and leaned against a crate, unfazed by the development while reveling in their victory
One of the guards training a pistol on you took a step closer, then froze.  Through her face mask you could see her pupil dilate before she fell onto the ground hyperventilating
Darkness and the vague forms of monstrous beings crept over the deck like a growing shadow.  Each guard ran or collapsed screaming in terror
Your mirror’s eyes filled with darkness, causing them to flee by jumping from the boat
“Dinlenmek Y/N, it’s over.” Fade stepped over to you.  Trails of fear gathered at her feet and pulsed with every step
“Thanks for the help, it was looking helpless back there.”
“Rica ederim, it was nothing.” Fade finished defusing the Spike while ambivalent to the chaos around her
“Fade, we should probably get out of here before these guards get their vision back right?  Don’t you have a safehouse nearby?”
“Evet, but I know a better spot.  It’s a cafe in Maltepe, we can wait there for a bit.”
“I guess I could eat something after this,” you picked the Spike up, “what food do they have?”
“Simit, kahvalti, menemen.  The usual kinds of breakfasts, and any of them will taste good.”
“That sounds wonderful!  I can’t wait to try them.”
Snow lazily drifted down onto you and your winter jacket.  The cold night you had spent at Icebox was peaceful until you heard the sound of a Spike
Ice crunched under you as you walked carefully towards the office area and listened for movement
Behind you, a sound startled you and you aimed your Guardian at the source
“Vent rolig ned Y/N!” Deadlock hissed while putting her arms up.  “It’s only me, I came as soon as I heard the Spike.”
“You scared me, I thought you were one of the Omega agents.  Sorry about almost firing.” 
“Think nothing of it, it was only a reflex.  We need to make our way towards the Spike, la oss gå.” Deadlock unholstered a Vandal and pointed to the corridor into the offices
Sneaking towards it, you and Deadlock kept a sharp eye for any sort of movement.  Deadlock raised her hand and ordered a halt
“I don’t like this, it looks too easy to walk up there.  Hold on Y/N.” Deadlock tossed a Sonic Sensor onto the entryway of the corridor
“Y/N, I’ll go towards the back through the cargo yard.  You follow me and cut through the offices, we’ll clear them as we work our way into the site.”
“That sounds like a good plan, let’s go.” you said while taking a deep breath and tightening your grip on your Vandal
Stepping closer to Deadlock, you followed her lead through your new path.  She tensed and pushed you out of the way
A round pierced the snow behind you, leaving a sizable hole in the ground.  Ducking into the nearest cubby, you spotted Deadlock doing the same across from you
Realizing that the shooter had to have fired from a higher vantage point, you guessed they had to be shooting from behind the slope near Mid Broiler
You made sparks shoot from your hands before engulfing it in energy.  Deadlock saw your plan and fired suppressive shots blindly at the sniper
Twisting out of cover, you threw a fistful of explosive energy towards the broiler and moved in while it rained fire
Moving around the corner towards the sniper, you spotted Jett’s double watching plasma cook the steel around it
You shot quickly, narrowly avoiding her retaliation before overwhelming her with bullets.  She fell into the snow lifelessly
“That was a clever move Y/N.  Flott jobb.” Deadlock saluted you before the sound of the Sonic Sensor exploding drew her attention
Deadlock and you aimed towards the disturbance before a smoke blocked your vision.  It was a dull brown and had fallen out of the sky
“Helvete, they want us to fight here.  Make your way to the Spike,” Deadlock placed her Nanowire Wall into the smoke.  
“Let them come for us, I won’t lose here.” She punctuated by loading a round into her Classic
Moving up the stairs towards the Kitchen, you got ready to sneak around to the site.  A wall of fire blocked your steps
From the opening to Mid Blue, Phoenix shot through at you with his own rifle while moving forward.  You had high ground but were trapped by flames
He moved under Tube and closer to you, keeping you from running via suppressing fire
You couldn’t go forward without burning, nor try your luck outside without being shot.  Using the adrenaline you made a quick assessment of the surrounding kitchen
A plan formed in your head, and you readied your Vandal while moving to the side of the opening 
Phoenix’s Curveball swung through the entry and popped, blinding light filling the kitchen.  Your eyes averted, but saw a ball of fire land into the room 
A sneaker wreathed in flames stepped into the room.  Phoenix was engulfed in fire, and confident where he stood
Shooting your target, you knew you already had Phoenix beaten.  The sink exploded open and a pipe burst open
Water sprayed Phoenix down, and in his shock he didn’t catch you swinging out and finishing him off
Knowing you had little time left, you ran towards the Spike and hopped down from the hallway.  Your body filled with energy and began to unwind into pure radiance
Passing through a wall, then levitating through it, you appeared on the Spike site and scanned for threats
Brimstone was in the middle of calling down a smokes at the site to wall it off.  As soon as the pods dropped, you shot his back and moved to the Spike under the Ascender
You readied a defuser, and got low to defuse the Spike.  An arm shot through the wall and into your ribs
Searing pain spread through your torso, and as you crumpled to the ground you saw the rest of a glowing figure step out of the wall
“I can’t believe you fell for a trick that you just used!” your own mirror jeered
While frost ate at your face, burns stung every breath you took through broken ribs.  Looking at your mirror with a mixture of hate and fear, you realized the Spike was active still
“Hurry up and die, or are you going to need some encouragement?” the clone threatened while energy began to gather into their hand
In an act of defiance, you launched plasma towards the clone and through a smoke.  It harmlessly burnt the side of a yellow cargo crate
“Was that really your best attempt at a counterattack?  I mean it was so slow I stepped out of the way!”
Your plan was already in motion, as through the smoke a thin line traveled towards your clone
Instantly, they were entangled in a cocoon of threads, Deadlock’s own Annihilation dragging them away to their death
Deadlock sprinted through the smoke while the wires yanked your rival away.  The cocoon disappeared into the smoke as Deadlock finished defusing the Spike
“Y/N how bad are your injuries?  Kan du puste?  Are you bleeding?” she was barely able to get the questions out while looking beginning to dress your wounds
“I’ll be okay, it was just some burns and shock.  Don’t worry, they won’t get rid of me so easily.”
“Takk gud at det går bra.”  Deadlock sighed while helping you to your feet
“It just needs some time to heal.  We should rest in the meantime, I could really use it after today.”
“You’ve more than earned it Y/N.  I can get Brimstone to supply us with some fresh ingredients and we could make dinner together.” 
Deadlock’s cheeks were red either from the cold or from your emphatic response of “YES!” 
“¡Esas malditas!” Reyna shrieked as she choked the life out of an Atlas operative.  Her anger was barely contained she continued to crush the soldier’s windpipe
The guard fell lifelessly while a soul orb drifted from the corpse and into Reyna’s waiting grasp
“Y/N, come closer.  I won’t bite.”  Reyna beckoned you closer from across the plaza.  Pearl was normally calm but her frenzy had transformed the district into a battlefield
“Wait, can you hear that?  It sounds like a-”
“Claro Y/N, it’s a Spike but why would they bomb their own city?  How desperate they are to kill us.”
Picking the guns from the soldier, you armed yourself with his Phantom.  Reyna sported her Vandal and toyed with the soul she held in her hand
“Vamanos Y/N.  I can’t wait to tear into more of them.”
“That makes two of us.” you flipped the safety off the Vandal and started for the wooden doors that led to B Site
A screech pierced the air as a glowing hawk flew out from the door frame, bursting into light
Your eyes filled with green light as you felt Reyna pull you to the side of the door while shots rang out 
Splinters of wood showered the area as bullets punched into the doors.  Your vision began to clear and you decided to retaliate
“Reyna, I need you to cover me while I move in!” you shouted while staying low and charging energy into your hands
Reyna’s Vandal spat a flurry of rounds into the doorway, and you seized the opportunity to go straight through the opening
Energy pulsed inside your hand, and you released the growing power against the wall.  It buried itself into it before launching down the corridor at blinding speed
Shifting around the door, you caught Skye’s double reeling from the energy blast.  You went for the kill and fired
“Bien hecho Y/N, such power deserves to be shown.”
“You haven’t seen anything yet, Reyna.  Now let’s finish them off.”
“Por supuesto.”
You and Reyna moved down the alley from cover to cover, making sure that an ambush was almost impossible
Turning towards the entrance to B Site, you were greeted with a sudden explosion of chemical flames that clung to the ground.  They blocked your approach 
“Y/N, I can hear enemies coming from behind us.  Let’s welcome them.” Reyna grinned with a sadistic joy
One of Fade’s nightmares splashed down in the alley, glowing eyes marking you and Reyna.  Roars came from further away, and a lilac wall of energy pushed into the alley
Iso’s mirror was obviously using the cover to move in on information Fade had given him, and Brimstone had blocked the path forward
Reyna gritted her teeth and scowled, pulling the soul she had stored into her hands.  You nodded to her and rushed forwards
Passing through the wall, you met Iso pointing a gun at you while two Prowlers flew towards you and Reyna
Particles collected into your hands, and you locked eyes with Iso as he began to shoot.  You directed your power to your feet and sent a shockwave downward
Landing behind Iso, you swept his leg and shoved him down.  Your first shot met his Double Tap but the following bullets put him down permanently
Both Prowlers twisted around and lunged for you, and out of the corner of your eye Fade’s mirror readied a sniper rifle
A phantasmal eye blinked into existence, its gaze catching Fade and fixating on her from its spot in the middle of the alley
In the moment of safety, you shot Fade and the Prowlers disintegrated.  Turning around, you spotted Brimstone’s mirror before Reyna’s Leer blinded him
You shot him before Reyna could and watched a soul orb float out from him
“You work faster than I can kill Y/N.  Very impressive, I knew I would like working with you.”
Throughout Pearl, the sounds of boots and heavy gear signaled the arrival of more Atlas units.  Reyna got a confident look on her face
“Y/N, be a dear and defuse the Spike.  I will handle the rest of these soldaditos.”  Reyna sauntered off while activating her Empress form
Beginning to inspect the site, you couldn’t see any sort of movement or soldiers around.  The Spike was hidden under the tower area, directly under the pillar. 
 You moved towards it carefully, checking for any incoming enemies and removing a defuser from your person.  From a ways away you heard the sounds of Reyna’s massacre
Right as you began to defuse, something dropped from the ceiling.  A shimmering form fell onto you and put you in a chokehold before forcing you to the ground
A strike to your jaw disoriented you and your assailant took your Phantom.  You reached to hold onto it but merely tapped it as it was torn from your hands
“For someone meant to be me, you leave a lot to be desired.” 
Your mirror reveled in the face they had you completely beaten from their surprise attack
“I know Reyna is here somewhere too, but from the sounds back there I guess she’ll have her hands full.  I wonder if she’ll die to the Spike or to me.”
Combat and gunfire from the other side of Pearl proved Reyna wouldn’t be coming back
“Let’s finish you off first.  There’s only room for one of us and I don’t think you measure up to the real thing.” your double aimed the Phantom at your head
The gun clicked harmlessly, and your mirror realized you had dexterously flipped the safety on when they stole it
Energy flooded your hands and you jumped towards your mirror.  Pummeling them rapidly, you unleashed your radiance onto them and finished them off
The Spike began to spin faster, but you calmly deactivated it without a second thought
“Is that your mirror Y/N?  It looks like you made an example of them.”  Reyna purred as she walked towards you
“They spouted something about being the ‘real version’ before I beat them.  I don’t think they’ll make that mistake again.”
“You have come so far Y/N, I think we should revel in our victory.  Crushing our enemies is something to celebrate, de acuerdo?”
“We should do something  then, I want to hear more about how you rampaged through those Atlas soldiers.”
“We’ll catch up over dinner Y/N, I have a special place in mind once we return.”
“Make sure you wear your best, I know I will.”
“I’m looking forward to it then.”
(Hidden within one of the stories is some lore for an upcoming post. See if you can spot it, because it relates back to the unearthed archives I'm posting!)
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frozenfries · 3 months
Cozy Café : A VALORANT Headcanon
It’s been a hot minute since I’ve written for this game, but inspiration struck at a random time. This totally hasn’t been sitting in my drafts since last January
Prompt: If the agents worked at a café, what would their roles and/or signature drink be?
Amidst the chaos of battle, a quaint café stands as a sanctuary for the weary agents. Here, they can take refuge from their high-stakes duels, and trade their weapons for aprons to pursue a different kind of mission: the art of brewing the perfect cup of coffee.
Phoenix: with his vibrant personality and quick reflexes, he’s the charismatic face of the café. Entertaining customers with his barista skills comes naturally as he conjures up dazzling coffee concoctions with a flair of his hand, a burst of flame and a confident grin. His signature drink, The Ignition Latte, is a fiery blend that invigorates even the most exhausted of patrons. Jett: agile on and off the battlefield, she brings her lightning-fast speed and precision to the café. With a swift motion of her finger, she effortlessly crafts delicate latte art, transforming each cup into its own masterpiece. Her Cloud Burst Cappuccino is a smooth delight, creating a moment of feather-light happiness for those who drink it. Viper: the formidable chemist brings her scientific expertise to the world of coffee. With a touch of her gloved hand, she infuses her creations with unique flavors and aromas, leaving customers in awe. Her Venomous Mocha is a mysterious blend that tantalizes the taste buds and leaves a lingering, addictive aftertaste. Sage: with her nurturing personality and herbal knowledge, she adds a touch of serenity to the café and its menu. Her Rejuvenation Tea is a calming infusion that restores both body and mind, providing a moment of tranquility amidst the chaos of everyday. Omen: ever the enigma, he brings an air of mystery to the café. With a flick of his wrist, he conjures up ethereal and smoky concoctions, leaving people wondering how he manages to capture such unique flavors. His Shadowy Cold Brew is a chilling experience that takes customers on a journey through darkness and light. KAY/O: the robotic agent assists in the day-to-day operations of the café, precisely measuring ingredients, ensuring efficiency, and maintaining the coffee shop's cutting-edge technology. KAY/O's presence adds a futuristic touch to the atmosphere, making customers feel like they've stepped into a realm where man and machine coexist harmoniously. Sova: a master archer, you can find him behind the counter carefully crafting his signature drink, The Tracker's Shot: a potent blend of espresso and a hint of blueberry syrup, topped with a delicate foam art of a wolf's paw print. Sova takes great pride in his creation, often using it as a conversation starter with customers, enthralling them with tales of his adventures in the wilderness. Cypher: the watchful surveillance expert provides security for the establishment. He has a keen eye for detail, which translates seamlessly into his signature drink, The Watchful Eye Latte: a meticulous combination of steamed milk, a shot of espresso, and a dash of vanilla spice syrup, served with a meticulous swirl of latte art depicting an intricate camera lens.
Chamber: the polished agent with a mysterious past has a taste for the unconventional, which is reflected in his signature creation, The Trademark Mocha: a rich concoction of dark chocolate, a double shot of espresso, and a hint of cinnamon, sprinkled with a dash of edible gold glitter that gives it an otherworldly shimmer.
Astra: with the ability to infuse her cosmic energy into any environment, she can elevate even a simple drink into an otherworldly experience. The Celestial Brew starts with a base of rich, smooth espresso, followed by a fusion of steamed milk and vanilla syrup, creating a swirling galaxy effect. To top it off is a dollop of homemade lavender-infused whipped cream, a touch of stardust and a sprinkle of edible glitter.
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kieranwritess · 2 years
How obnoxious would your s/o be after the "fraternization" ban is lifted?
Characters: all - KAY/O
a/n: something I threw together after the most recent patch (6.01)!! i love them <33
Jett, Phoenix, Raze, Breach, Neon: these guys are not afraid to pda in the common area. if you two have been together before the rule was lifted, you can bet they're taking every chance to show their significant other off.
Chamber, Cypher, Yoru, Fade, Viper, Reyna: more often than not, they choose to keep their most meaningful acts in private, but if they get jealous, you can bet they're all over you. Chamber likes to fluster you in public and is probably the most cocky of the group.
Harbor, Skye, Astra, Sage: you are absolutely worshipped when you're alone. the most they would do in the HQ or on missions is hand-holding, hugging, or a quick peck on the cheek. I feel like one of their love languages would be physical touch or words of affirmation.
Sova, KJ, Omen: THE MOST TOUCH STARVED MOTHERFUCKERS OUT THERE!! As your relationship grew older, they would be more comfortable with little acts of affection in public. KJ would not be afraid to let you hang off of her like a little squirrel.
Brimstone: mans is gonna have a heart attack just thinking about the old rulebook. since he's the leader of the protocol, he keeps a lot of things private and to himself anyways. plus, he knows the younger agents would poke some fun at him.
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illubean · 8 months
omg!! you’re doing valorant 👀
Can i ask you’re thoughts (head cannons) on how the agents would be around children? (who would hate them, tolerate, love, be extremely confused what to do)
Valorant Protocol with Kids
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Characters: Valorant Protocol except for a few of them Type: Headcanons
Warnings: none
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❥ They're practically still a kid themselves! Needless to say, they get along great with children and there's never a dull moment with them. They come up with countless games to play, getting the children tired enough by their bedtimes just because of all the fun they had.
-Gekko, Jett, Neon, Phoenix, Raze
❥ These agents are great with kids but don't relate with them on a personal level like some of the others. They're responsible and relyable if you ask them to babysit, making sure that the kids are safe and entertained. Maybe they can't come up with a million games to play, but they manage by letting the kid come up with a fun activity.
-Brimstone, Harbor, Sage, Skye, Sova
❥ Oh god why would you make them be around kids! They have no clue what they're doing and are so awkward, especially if the kids don't understand their adult language. Jeez, why can't these things just come built in with big words? The kids probably think these agents are boring or are afraid of them.
- Cypher, Deadlock, Fade, Iso, Killjoy, Reyna, Omen
❥ They don't necessarily like kids but make great babysitters none the less. They really rather not be bothered, but if they have to they're making sure to follow all of the babysitting instructions to a T. They're strict on bedtimes and will not negotiate if the kid asks for extra candy after dinner. They are always sure that the kids are fed, bathed with their teeth brushed and off to bed no later than 9pm!
-Chamber, Viper, Yoru
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svshiroll · 2 years
raze: what’s the word for when your hands are bisexual
killjoy: do you mean ambidextrous
raze: i’m in love with u
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starkura · 1 month
1 step forward, 2 steps back
synopsis: cypher’s been avoiding you and you girl talk it out with kj and raze
since you join the protocol, you’ve been hanging out with cypher. he was a very helpful and welcoming person to you. it seemed like he liked talking to you a lot since he was very charismatic. though, thats probably just how he is. overtime, you slowly developed a liking for him. cypher always helped you out whenever you needed it, he even went out of his way to do stuff for you. however, it always felt like there was a barrier between you and him. he practically knew everything about you. he is a spy and knows everything about everyone. but, you knew barely anything about him. you knew the things that casual friends would know, and that was about it. you tried to pry and get him to open up, but it felt like everytime you tried, he started to push you away. overtime, the things he used to do for you became rare occurrences.
8:00 am, location: valorant hq
it was early in the morning, barely anyone was awake at this time of day. you found kj, raze, jett, phoenix, and cypher in the kitchen. kj and raze were sitting on the stools at the counter and phoenix and cypher were playing a game of chess together. it appeared that phoenix was losing big time. kj spotted you coming from the hallway.
“morning, didn’t expect you to be up this early!” she laughed. they all wave to you except cypher, he looked away from you. everyone could feel a awkward tension between you two, however no one was brave enough to address the elephant in the room. you didn’t bother to attempt greeting him. “morning” you rubbed your right eye. in the background, cypher had just won another match of chess. phoenix rolled his eyes in annoyance and defeat. cypher was lightly laughing. you glanced at him in the corner of your eye. even though you were upset with him, you can’t help it when you see him happy and laughing. it was bittersweet for you.
“ah, i have to work on my cameras, we can rematch next time phoenix.” he tilted his hat to phoenix. “i’ll beat you next time, just you wait!” he said confidently. he excused himself out and walked to his room. phoenix left the other direction, seemingly confident that he will defeat cypher next time. now that cypher was gone, it felt safe to talk about the elephant in the room.
“hey… are you and cypher doing okay?” kj asked you. you looked up at her and sighed. “honestly, i don’t know.” you say in defeat. you put your elbow on the counter and lean your head against your hand. “did something happen?” raze asked. “well, it’s kind of complicated. he just stopped talking to me overtime. when i tried to go and talk to him one on one, he just excuses himself quickly. i don’t know if i did something wrong to make him hate me.” you tell them. they both look upset for you. they can tell that you are visibly upset by cypher’s avoidance. “i’m sure you didn’t do anything wrong! cypher’s just a very secretive type of guy.” kj reassured. “if anything, i’m sure he’s afraid to let you get closer to him.” kj said. raze nodded in agreement. “yeah, nobody knows anything about that dude. he’s super secretive. but, just because he doesn’t tell you everything, doesn’t mean that he doesnt like you! cyphers just a private kinda guy.” raze adds. “he wouldn’t hate you for no reason, i’m sure of it.” kj said.
after what kj and raze told you, you felt a bit better about the whole thing. you reconsider the reasons why cypher suddenly started to avoid you. however, you were still pretty upset with him for avoiding you. you got up from your seat and fixed yourself. “i’m gonna head back to my room, i’ll see you guys later.” you wave at them goodbye. they wave you goodbye in pity and you walked towards the hall. you made your way back to your room and plopped on your bed. you were in defeat and didn’t want to think about cypher any more. you let yourself fall asleep once more.
sorry for a cliff hanger ill make part 2 soon 😁 (i lied BUT IM WORKING ON IT I PROMISE)
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jesjokes · 6 months
My agent head canons :3
Brimstone: he’s such a supportive dad but also I could see him being a bear
Phoenix: Bisexual trans man
Sage: probably bisexual definitely a woman liker and trans fem
Sova: Trans man and mlm (hes so in love with harbor t4t)
Viper: Lesbian. No other way around that
Cypher: demiboy and 100% pan he doesn’t care and maybe poly
Rayna: bi and Demi girl
Killjoy: in lesbians with Raze 😻/ref also agender
Breach: trans bear 🙏 bi
Omen: aroace and agender, even pre accident he doesn’t seem like he’d be into anyone that and prefer platonic relationships and doesn’t fuck with gender
Jett: she likes women there’s no way (also trans fem)
Raze: lesbian
Skye: definitely Bi
Yoru: trans masc nb and mlm
Astra: non binary and pan
Kay/O: robot :3 (hes supportive and maybe a little fruity)
Chamber: token straight/J (hes the gayest of them all 🇫🇷) no but Fr he’s probably bi and a trans man
Neon: pan and non binary
Fade: butch lesbian (please save me 🙏)
Harbor: bi and leans towards men also trans man
Gekko: 100% trans masc nb and gay (hes so nb4nb with Iso)
Deadlock: Butch agender lesbian (again PLEASE save meee 🙏🙏🙏😋😋)
Iso: trans masc non-binary aroaceflux
Clove: amab Non binary and pan
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monin1ca · 2 years
Tearing at the seams (Chamber x reader)
Word count:1.7k
Warnings: Angst with comfort at the end (because I hate bad endings), suggestive-ish, cursing, mentions of wounds, google translated french
Synopsis: Being Sage's intern was challenging, and it took time to understand how to use your powers in the desired way. Your training has brought you to this stage, where you are tending to the protocol's flirt; Chamber.
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Fortunately, he escaped with only one wound in his torso and one shot in his shoulder. Sage already did most of the work and tasked you to apply the antibiotics and change the bandages on Chamber. You had “history” with the gunsmith; back in high school, you developed feeling for the infamous heartthrob Vincent Fabron. Being the naive idiot, you were, you confessed to him on the last day of school. Only for him to be called by his parents to leave ‘right this instant.’ He gives you what you think was a fake smile, “I’m sorry, I’ve got to go-” leaving you there- heartbroken and all alone, your beating heart tearing at the seams. 
Being Sage’s intern was a tough job; learning how to use your radiant abilities and use them for how they were intended; was a long journey. Though, now you were fully capable of controlling them. Sage’s clinic was also quite hectic, ranging from minor cuts and bruises to dead people being brought back to life. You could only imagine how stressed Sage was before she took you in, but now? Holy shit.
Some agents were chosen to partake in an infiltration mission to their mirror world; the damage to the agents was considerable. The selected ones were Sage, Omen, Jett, Fade, Sova, Reyna, Chamber, and Viper. Your mentor came home with a few gunshots- not too significant. The rest? It was a different story- Sova broke a few bones of his ribcage, Jett blacked out, Fade got substantial gunshot wounds, Omen’s shadows started leaking out of his armor, Reyna dislocated her ankle, Viper inhaled too much of her mirror’s nasty toxins and who else were you forgetting… Ah, right. The man you were tending to Chamber…
But when you were recruited into the Valorant protocol and saw the French man- You decided to pretend your silly little confession never happened, and he never brought it up. Though lately- you started falling for him again; it was idiotic. All the playful banter and flirting made your heart beat so much faster, the sweet gestures he does for you. You feel delusional because you keep thinking- ‘I dont see him doing this to other people. It makes me feel… special’ You know, you know. But you learned from your mistakes and told yourself never to confess to Chamber.
You snap out of your train of nostalgic memories and knock on the room where Sage said where she left Chamber. “Oh?” The injured man’s muffled voice reverberates through the door, “Monsieur, I’m here to tend to your injuries.” You shouted, hoping it was enough to be heard through the thick door. “Ah, Y/N? Come in; the door is unlocked.” You opened the door to be greeted with a strong scent of cologne; the room was intricately decorated with white and gold. You shuffled awkwardly into the room; you looked around the room, seeing the male in his canopy bed. The tops of the bed held a translucent curtain with gold lines coming down on it, and soft duvet sheets crumpled due to Chamber laying down lazily. Everything in this room reminds you of how poor you were compared to him. You strode to the bed and placed your materials on the nearby nightstand; you noticed his iconic glasses and gold watch that probably costs millions. Vincent wasn’t wearing his vest and tie and was only wearing his white button-down. Which told you he was already anticipating your arrival. You sigh deeply to yourself,
‘Let’s get this over with before I combust.’
“Alrighty, mister, how are you feeling right now?” You inquire, looking at everything but him. “I was doing ok, but I feel better now that you are here.” The latter winks, and you playfully roll your eyes at him. “May I?” You gesture at his torso, and he smiles. “Please, knock yourself out.” Chamber pats a spot on his left, motioning for you to approach and do your work. You strolled to his side; the bed dipped at your weight when you placed your knee. Your hands slowly made their way to the buttons; you could feel his eyes on you. Even though you felt like prey being watched by its predator, you continued unbuttoning the attire. It felt like eons when you finally reached the last button, your hands dangerously close to his lower half. Once you finished, you quickly pulled your hands away to avoid the awkwardness and pulled them back up higher to remove the first plaster. ‘His torso looked like it was a frame of a greek god. Shit, what am I thinking?’ You shook your head to get rid of the thoughts and focused on removing the plaster as painlessly as possible. It was so adorable how flustered you were on Chamber’s end, The tippy top of your ears with multiple shades of red, and how you avoided eye contact with him. It was just so adorable~ You placed your left hand on his abs to have support and used your right hand to peel the plaster slowly; you heard the french man hiss and groan in pain at the action. ‘God, that sounded so hot.’ “Just a little bit more and- There.” You chirped, relieved that it was partially over. You threw the old bloody plaster in a nearby bin and got the antibiotic; you opened the medicine and squeezed it onto a soft cotton pad. “I’ll apply this special antibiotic that should sanitize, clean, and remove the scar of your wound. It might hurt, but you're a big boy, right?” You explained to him; he chuckles at the last part of your sentence. “I am a big boy, mon Cheri. Though take it slow, I’m enjoying every aspect of this.” You were stunned, “I- W-what ever… Weirdo.” You lowered your head, hoping your hair was long enough to hide your face. You slowly rub the cotton pad on the gunsmith’s skin and hear the knee-wobbling hiss again, this time caused by the shock of the cold medicine colliding against his skin. At last, you were finished; you threw the used pad and grabbed the fresh new bandages. 
“Can you sit up a ‘Lil bit? I need a little allowance to wrap this around your body.” The male complies obediently, sitting up from his pillow and waiting for your move. You go closer and start wrapping the bandages around his body, your hot breath against his chest. His breath hitches as you slowly begin your little ministrations, as you were wrapping the bandages around- You notice that he has had previous injuries before this, the faint, faint scars proving it; sure, it was normal, but you never saw him get hurt before going into the protocol.  You were so lost in your train of thought Chamber had to point out you were adding too much fabric. “Were you enjoying the view that much, Cheri?” You were not going to lie to yourself, and you were enjoying the view. “Yeah, I was.” Now it was his turn to blush; he was silent after that one. ‘As you should, Mr. Heartthrob’ You chuckled to yourself, and you moved closer to him; Placing your hand and legs over him for stability, you almost looked like you were straddling Chamber if people walked in and saw the scene. “I’m going to treat your shot in the shoulder; I’ll go a bit closer, yeah?” He gives a slight nod, his accentuated cheeks still dusted in pink. You leaned closer and slowly removed the old plaster; the slight sounds of the plaster ripping off his skin made you shudder. You can only imagine how much he went through in his past injuries; Chamber notices the sadness on your face. “What’s wrong, mon ange?”  His hand reaches your face, gentle hands caressing your cheeks. You leaned into his touch, clutching the used plaster in your hands. “I.. Just- can’t imagine what you went through before joining the protocol..” You brushed the faint scars on his body; his body hitched at your touch. You feel like the air is being sucked out due to the heavy tension between you, your heart pounding against your ribcage.
Suddenly, Chamber drops his hands lower, grabs your waist, and pulls you closer. “You are too good for me.” You yelp at the sudden action, and his slightly dry lips meet yours. You felt like your heart was going to burst out of your chest, perhaps when his lips touched yours, time stood still, but the beating in your chest only grew stronger. As your knees grew weak, you fell forward to his embrace; you could only concentrate on how smooth he was against your mouth and how completely he had taken over your senses. Chamber clouded your thoughts; all you could think of was Chamber. You moan slightly on his lips, signaling to pull away. He understood and pulled away; your head was spinning not from the lack of air but from why this was happening. You had millions of questions, but you could only muster “Why?” He laughs, “Well, the simplest explanation is; I like you too. And this tension? I could not stand it.” You wanted to pinch yourself to see if this was all real, but the loving look on his face told you this was all too real. “B-but my confession from all those years ago-” “My parents sent me home because,”  he cut you off. “I was drafted into the military; they wanted to send me far away. They’ve always thought I was incompetent and needed a so-called boost.” The truth behind his scars and why he left you behind the school amazed you. All these questions finally had answers; your eyes were filled with tears. “Ah, mon amour, don’t waste your pretty tears on me.” He says as he wipes your stray tears, “You still have to finish patching me up after all,” The male chuckles; you can’t hold back anymore, your heart tearing at the seams, not because it got broken. Now it is because your love for him is starting to overflow.
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cosmichoneibeee · 2 years
Hello, hope you're doing well today. I noticed requests were open so I was wondering if we could have a picnic date with the controllers? (If you don't want to do all five then at least Brimstone, Viper and Omen? They need more love I think.)
Have an awesome day regardless.
Picnic date with the controllers
Warnings: none, I guess
Reader is: GN and the scenarios are not really implying a romantic date, so it can be platonic too
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
You had already gone on several dates and to make something more memorable, she proposed a surprise to you.
She chose a picnic at night, in a beautiful moonlight when there is no cloud in the sky so you can see the stars.
Although Astra is super easygoing, she was just a lit bit stressed to plan everything, it had to be perfect.
Would you like her idea? What if you don't?
Harbor has to calm her down so she can see it's going to be fine.
It's a surprise date, so you didn't know what to expect...and as a result, she wouldn't let you help with anything either.
I think Astra knows how to cook mouth-watering food, and she used that skill to make your favourite foods, most likely your comfort dish that you once told her was without any pretense and she kept that information as if was something precious.
Efia keeps the memory of your face glowing with the revelation in her heart, when you went to meet her on the HQ terrace and saw a shiny towel spread out with several plates of food on top, some candles lit and even a telescope, you looked so happy and she knew she nailed it.
You ate, watched the stars - she showed you her favourite constellations, laughed with stories of your day to day and when you realized it, it was already time to say goodbye.
She walked you to the door of your dorm and as you gave her a goodbye kiss on her cheek, you promised that the next date you would plan.
He liked to have picnics when he was younger.
Until he had to dedicate himself full time to the army and that habit was left behind.
One day you heard Kay-o talk about a picnic he and Brim had in the backyard of the white house and even though he denies he did it, it stuck in your mind
You decided to ask him out on a date, but didn't say very well how it would be, just that it would be on the beach.
When he arrived and saw you under an umbrella, on a towel, putting the snacks you had prepared....man, he felt his heart skip a beat.
He loves you so much
Enjoying the breeze and eating quietly, he felt extremely light, forgetting all the responsibilities and headaches that the Protocol gave him.
At that moment there was only the two of you in the Universe.
To be honest, you two looked like a married couple, just enjoying life's calmness
He is very grateful that you took several hours out of your day just to do something nice for him.
Maybe he dragged you to take a swim in the sea together if you don’t fear the water
And laughed nonstop because of your grumpy way about getting wet
Building several sand castles for sand Brimstone and sand [y/n] to live in.
After you had enjoyed a lot, when the sun was already setting, he decided to take you for a ride on his motorcycle.
And like a movie, your day ended on the back of your partner's motorcycle, enjoying the surroundings of the beach.
Y'all didn't know what kind of date to do until during some quick research, he liked the idea of having a picnic.
Like, really liked it.
You've never done anything like this before, it would be nice to do something so..domestic.
He looked like a puppy, begging you to come have a picnic with him
And of course you agreed, he didn't even have to ask that much.
You did everything together. From choosing the place to which snacks you would take.
But you had to take the lead in the kitchen, as his cooking skills are questionable and somewhat dangerous.
Harbor guided you through a forest in the middle of nowhere and for quite some time, which honestly, if you didn't know where you were going, would make you suspicious of being the next victim of a serial killer.
Until you arrived at your destination: on the banks of a huge waterfall, with multiple falls and crystal clear water. It felt like a scene straight out of a fantasy movie and he knew it catched your eyes.
Perhaps Harbor used his power to make it more beautiful and voluminous, but you can't say for sure how he planned it all.
With everything set up and the food laid out on the tablecloth, it didn't take long for you to eat it all - you wasted a lot of energy walking over there.
If you're not afraid of water, after the meal, Harbor would invite you for a swim, taking advantage of the very cold water to get rid of the heat (and sweat) and have the opportunity to tease you, splashing water on your face with the help of the bracelet
If you're afraid of water, he won't force you to take a dip, leaving you on the shore while he bathes for a little while, then coming back close to interact with you - something he much prefers and teasing you by giving you hugs while he’s still soaking wet.
Viper wasn't too happy to see how you ended up getting the HQ corridors wet on your way to the dorms, though.
Omen doesn’t go out a lot.
He’s really self conscious about his appearance
In fact, it was very difficult to you to convince him to go on a date in first place.
It was very difficult to maintain a relationship with him in first place
So you deserve a wave of claps for this achievements
He wants to please you but it’s almost impossible to go out like normal people and that frustrates him.
So in order not to make him so uncomfortable, you preferred to have a “picnic” in your room, where no one would see you two.
It was quite…exotic, like you two. There was no basket or tablecloth, in fact, almost nothing reminded of a picnic at all other than the two of you sitting on the floor eating snacks.
Can Omen drink or eat at all?
Anyway, you really liked your choice of sandwiches, fruits, cakes and juices.
It was a quiet, intimate moment of the two of you, sharing food mostly in silence, occasionally sharing nice and funny stories and short comments about what you were going through and that just felt right, comfortable.
Omen isn't very vocal or transparent about what he's feeling, but you know he likes you and liked your idea.
If he could smile, he would be grinning from ear to ear right now, knowing that you care about him so much that you decided to have a picnic inside a closed, dimly lit room just to make him happy.
Viper likes luxury, a calm and controlled environment;
Her dates are usually in extremely fancy restaurants and she always makes sure to pay for everything, you just need to be there and enjoy.
So when you suggest you'd like a picnic date, out in the middle of nature, something super simple and basic, she's horrified.
You can see the desperation in those green eyes.
She doesn't know how to execute the idea and for someone as methodical as Sabine, it's like living in a nightmare.
Brimstone decided to help with suggestions and little by little she manages to come up with a plan that would work.
It had been a while since you had any news about the date and since she didn't seem to be very excited about the idea, you assumed that she gave up
Until she takes you to a park in downtown Seattle and there it is, under a large tree, on a red and white checkered towel, a little woven basket, full of homemade foods for the two of you to enjoy.
It may not look like it, but she cooks really well and she made all the dishes herself, including the beverages, all natural.
She wasn't very excited about the idea at first, but being there with you, getting some air and eating all that..she started to like it
The smile on her face and the laugh she let out every now and then, you haven't seen her so happy in a long time. The tension of having to prepare everything just melted away and she seemed content to enjoy it with you.
You were very grateful for the effort, giving her lots of thank you kisses afterwards;
She even liked breaking the routine...and receiving your kisses so lovingly.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ ㅤ˙·٠•●♥ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ ♥●•٠
@ Do not copy any of my works, translate and/or post it on others websites.
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wisteriaiswriting · 7 days
Caring for sick reader, who won't stay still
Words: 325
Request: Omen, Viper, Sova and Sage taking care of a sick reader which would be fine. One problem reader just refused to stay in one spot. Requested By: 🪲 anon
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He’s quietly panicking.
While he is a dangerous mercenary that could take down bigger and stronger enemies, he hesitates to even touch you.
You’re sick meaning you’re more fragile!
Although he will follow you around. (Being him means he can’t get sick.)
But when you keep moving around? He goes to find someone else to try figure out what to do.
He gets you the needed medicine (If you don’t take it he’ll start panicking more.) but has to let you roam.
Eventually he just settles on letting you do whatever you want (In base and nothing dangerous) while he follows you around, occasionally giving you food, medicine or blankets.
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Absolutely not.
She may not be a doctor like Sage but she’s still a doctor, so she knows what you should and shouldn’t be doing.
And roaming around is something you shouldn’t be doing!
If you don’t stop when she first warns you, she will confine you to either her lab or room.
Lab if you’re just bored, supplying you with activities and conversation to pass the time.
But otherwise you’re staying in her room, will stop her work for the day to take care of you.
Sorry but she won’t let you walk around for long, she wants you to get better and you doing that doesn’t help either of you.
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The opposite of Omen, cause he will wrestle you into bed if needed.
He can tell why you’re out and about, responding according to the reason.
Bored? He’ll bring you anything you’d like, just stay in bed, please.
If you’re determined to move around he’ll make you a deal, take your medicine and stay warm but he’ll follow along.
Will constantly make you warm food, so just sit down and eat.
At some point he will stop you, forcing you into your room for the night.
Won’t cuddle or give you much touch as he can’t risk being sick, but is verbally there for you.
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Yeah, no.
Unlike Viper, she is a medical doctor, so she is 100% aware of what you need.
Keeps you in your room for the time being.
Acts like you’re her patient. (Even if you’re her partner, she can’t have others getting sick.)
Engages with you in your room and the infirmary, away from the others.
If you keep living she will wall you in your room, do not test her, for your benefit.
Has Cypher put cameras or trips around to make sure you stop leaving. (Please stop!!)
Luckily enough you’ll be better sooner than the others.
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angeloverangelo · 2 years
"Glowing Halo, Guardian Angel"
And I dream of being braver
A/N: I really got nothing to say other than this is inspired by Operation Ashring's OST. Enjoy being the one that's kicking ass. WARNING: Mentions of blood, injuries. Reader is gender neutral. ----
This is a situation in which you, the reader, is a 'noncombatant' within the VALORANT protocol, basically, support in simpler terms. Beloved by all, they try to keep you save. Yet when a mission goes awry, the dispatched agents are in for a surprise that they have a guardian angel watching.
---- It didn't look good for everyone. Out of energy, bullets, and their weapons jamming, they were being cornered by their omega counter parts, dodging death in every turn until they were cornered, their cover slowly breaking down from the hail of bullets. "YOU. ARE. POWERLESS!" Viper cursed underneath her breathe as the KA/YO sparked the unstable radianite within their body, further incapacitating the team in the corner. Out of options, out of ways to run and somehow get an advantage. "It was nice knowing you all..." Killjoy coughed, panting, tired from running. Holding her Classic, with only three bullets in the magazine. "To die here..." Omen muttered, it was hard enough to keep his body still. Any more damage to him and he'll be truly gone. Reyna gripped her Sheriff hard as she waited...if she was going to die here, she would die taking at least one of them with her. Sova can only sigh as he felt his quiver empty, his bow was useless and now he can only hope that a miracle happens. "I knew this was too good, dammit! Dying here...this is pathet-" Viper's words cut off as the Reyna from Omega Earth came from the corner, Vandal on hand and- *BANG* Viper closed her eyes, but the bullets didn't came, she opened her eyes to see the Reyna dead, a hole from her head. Blood pouring to the ground. She looked back, no one fired a single bullet. More shots came, seemingly coming from the sky as the Omega counterparts shot back, but one by one they seem to fall. Until after a minute, silence came. The agents slowly crawled out of the corner, to find a massacre. Five shots was heard before. And there was now five bodies. If you count the KA/YO's robotic frame as a body. "What...just happened?" Killjoy managed to ask, "Did they shot themselves or something." Omen looked up, the rooftops was someone cladded in dark clothing, face, on hand was a Marshal and the person seemed to staring at Omen. "...Looks like someone saw us." Omen spoke. The person dropped a rope and quickly they grappled down before landing on their feet, their faces was covered as they looked at the five agents. "Uh...thanks?" Killjoy smiled nervously before Reyna pressed the barrel of her gun at the person's head. "Yes, thank you...but we would like to see your face now...can't be too careful." She spoke. The person stared at all five before they took off their mask, and everyone's eyes- if you count the slits of Omen's face as eyes- widened. "...Y/N?" Viper choked out. You let out a sigh as smiled. "Didn't expect me of all people to save you, now?" Reyna froze as she quickly lowered her gun and pulled you into a hug, if anything went wrong... "Whoa, whoa...hey chill! Hey!" You let out a chuckle as you hugged Reyna back. "Uh, surprise!" It was rather a surprise to see Reyna to be physically intimate...well if there was people anyways. Everyone took their turn hugging you, Omen being tightest, if there was another reason to keep himself together, it was you. And the longest being Viper. The hug was out of possessiveness, care and love for you. Though she won't admit the last one, just yet. Killjoy however... "How did you do it?! Are you hurt? When did you even start practicing?! H-" The hug felt more of a barrage of interviews but it was nice to see Killjoy being the dork you enjoy being with. And of course... "That was amazing!" Sova practically scooped you in his arms, hoisting you up, you playfully smile and hugged back. "You've grown, I'm proud!" Seem that they were more than happy than upset that you were willing to put yourself at risk there. That and you did saved them. "Thank you...we should go now. I already called our KA/YO to head to the LZ. He should be at the LZ in 3." There was no need for other words as they all agreed that they need to head back now. As you and the others headed back... Killjoy swore that there was a halo forming in your head. "...Too tired..." She muttered. Probably just her brain messing with her. Probably.
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shegxox · 2 years
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special christmas episode | valorant protocol
how you experienced christmas within the valorant headquarters
notes: hc style with images right after, not proofread bc it's hella rushed– will edit soon
a.n: literally started writing this five hours before christmas. I suddenly realized I haven't whipped a christmas special yet 💀 hope you guys enjoy and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
previous : next
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Brimstone is actually a big fan of holidays
loves celebrating it, loves seeing everyone at the table
Christmas is one of his favourites
Plans to throw a party before sending everyone for their short vacation
the 'white christmas' theme is obviously out of the picture
headquarters is literally within a tropical island. . .with a volcano.
despite that, even without snow– christmas is christmas
first task of the christmas celebrations: decorating.
majority of the agents love this part
but there's one thing they hate about it
getting the artificial tree from the stockroom
cue jett, phoenix, and yoru fighting about it
"why don't you get it, I thought you're the strongest one around here." Jett spats out
"I am." Yoru frowned. "But my strength is not worth. . .this. Are you insulting me??"
But then. . .Brimstone remembered what your radiant abilities were
Brimstone eyed you intensely as he sat with his elbows on his desk, fingers intertwined and pressing them against his upper lip.
"Ye-Yes, Captain?" You sweatdropped, trying to avert from your leader's firm gaze.
'What's with this weird atmosphere. . .'
"Can you do it?"
Your eyebrows shot upwards, mouth parting slightly.
". . .Do what, exactly–" is he asking what you think he's asking? "–Captain. . .?"
"A pine tree."
"Can you do it?"
Did you just hear him right?
You let out a nervous chuckle, "Wait– Hold on a sec, Captain." You thought he was gonna ask you to hide a body or something, "Let me get this straight—"
Brimstone didn't react much, he continued to just stare at you.
"You're asking me. . . If I can make a pine tree?" You questioned. "Is that right?"
Finally, your captain moved from his position.
"That is correct." He nodded, putting down his forearms on his desk. "So, can you do it?"
"Of course I can," You grinned awkwardly, still a little confused about where this is going. "But. . .why?"
Turns out it was already the month of December, you couldn't believe how time flies so fast, you swore you were just celebrating Halloween a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway, Brimstone requested you to make a pine tree in the common room where the Christmas party will be held soon, and honestly? You were kind of excited.
You love celebrations as much as Brimstone does, but mostly because there will be lots of good food laid out once again.
"Is it true?!" Jett bursted through the common room with excitement filling her smile, "Gaia's making a pine tree?!"
Sage, Raze, and Killjoy were already in the room with you, waiting for you to work your magic.
Reyna sat quietly by the bar, sipping her purple drink peacefully with a pinch of interest towards the situation while Chamber– who's wiping a glass behind the bar looked at you with a hint of glee in his eyes.
Omen casually sat on the couch knitting away, only glancing towards the scene in front of him every now and then.
"I was just about to." You chuckled hands already raised in the direction where you plan to create the tree.
"Perfect timing," Killjoy chirped before motioning her hand to Jett. "Come, come!"
The wind radiant eagerly made her way next to Sage.
"Oh man, I love watching you use your power." Jett comments. "So magical."
"Agreed." Sage nodded.
"Alright fam, you sure this one's a good spot?" You asked for the last time.
You sighed, shaking your hands, "Here we go then."
Using your radiance, your palms glowed green. The ground of your target space started to rumble just a bit before breaking and sprouting a small pine tree.
"Woah." Jett gasped in amusement.
Raze tried to hold a giggle bubbling from her throat
"That's so cute."
"Tell me when you're satisfied with it, okay?" You say before making the tree grow and sprout its leaves.
Everyone in the common room watched as the tree bloomed beautifully.
"Wait, stop!" Jett exclaimed and you did, the green glow on your palms fading. "That's the most perfect tree I've ever seen."
And just like that, there's an actual pine tree in the common room. Not an artificial one, a real one.
"Oh look, it even sprouted some pinecones." Sage pointed out, grinning delightfully.
"Ah, it smells wonderful too." Killjoy sighed as the aroma of fresh pine started to creep into the space.
"Welp, what are you guys waiting for?" You grinned. "Time to decorate!"
Just as you said those words, Phoenix entered the room, his eyes glancing at the tree by the corner before doing a double take.
"Wha–," His eyes widened. "Where did that come from?"
"Gaia made it." Jett responded. "Cool, right?"
"Oi, what's the hold-up? Get your ass out of the way," A male voice grunts from behind Phoenix, a very familiar blue jacket peeking. It was Yoru, and he's carrying the artificial tree that he got from the stockroom due to Phoenix's insistent pestering, the tree blocking his vision upfront.
"Um, Yoru?"
"What?" The riftwalker spats out, clearly annoyed from carrying the tree.
Phoenix laughs nervously
"So uh, funny story. . ."
You requested everyone to put a personal ornament on the tree
And you even grew some mistletoes and wreaths for everyone to decorate.
It was fun decorating
You all finished dressing up the common room that same day as well
The room looked magical, especially at night when the Christmas lights are all on
Holiday dinner will be in the next few days
So before that, you all decided to take on the 'tropical christmas' theme and have a day out on the island
A beach episode within a christmas episode
Even Viper agreed to get some sun in her system
Sage, Neon, and Jett dragged you along with them in picking swimsuits
"Oh! I bet this looks cute on you, Gaia!"
You tried on at least ten swimsuits that day
The girls coaxing you to show more skin and be more confident
"Gaia, I think you'd have Sova drooling if you wear this–"
"Sova? You mean Chamber?"
"Sage, not you too–"
"You think Omen would knit you a biki–"
"Jett, stop!"
Cue you turning fifty shades of red
Today was a beautiful day.
The sun wasn't too harsh on the eyes nor its heat was too much on the skin. The sea was sparkling clear with a tint of blue that makes you feel refreshed as soon as you jump right in.
Breach and Brimstone were surprisingly getting along at the grilling station, chatting and watching over the others at the shore.
Jett and Phoenix were already playing some beach volleyball against Yoru and Skye, both teams were clearly riled up with their own competitiveness with Neon keeping score.
The two lovebirds– Raze and Killjoy were making their sand-snowman. . .sandman, on one side, gathering seashells and washed up sticks and branches for the sandman's body parts.
Reyna peacefully lays on her deck chair under an umbrella, dark shades covering her eyes with a refreshing drink in her hand with Viper doing the same next to her.
Astra and Sage stood near the grilling station, preparing some snacks and refreshments for everyone to enjoy.
"Is Gaia not here yet?" Sova asked aloud, just stepping out of the water wearing blue trunks with his muscular upper body confidently exposed, he slicked his long wet hair back, biceps flexing as his eyes wandered around looking for you.
Sova lets out an teasing grin, reaching out for his towel from a deck chair.
"She'll be here any minute now," Sage said with a smile before chuckling. "She must be shy because if her swimsuit."
Sage made sure to find you the perfect swimwear that not only matches your skin tone but also greatly compliments your body.
"Did you actually get her in one?"
Absolutely not doubting the idea of you getting into a bikini.
"Ah, you do not know the struggles we faced in forcing her into one." Sage said in a playful tone.
"I don't want to ruin your expectations but," Chamber's voice chimed in, he was sitting on a deck chair next to Sova's wearing swimming trunks and an unbuttoned short sleeve shirt exposing his lean upper body.
"Isn't that Gaia over there, approaching us?" The french man's lips curled into an amused smirk. "Personally, I like what I'm seeing."
Following his direction the two looked to their left and immediately saw you.
Sova lets out a laugh and Sage's mouth fell.
"Oh my. . ."
"LET'S GOOO!" You shrieked from afar as you started to run towards the water.
You were literally wearing a black and white striped t-shirt and swimming shorts (yes, like the one from. . .idk old old times) with a bright yellow duck ring floatie around your waist and more floaters on your upper arms. Bright pink goggles already covering your eyes, kicking off your slippers as you neared the shore.
You didn't waste any precious time in jumping into the refreshing waters.
"Was that Gaia?" Brimstone asked.
"Yes. . ." Sage answered with an empty smile. "Out of everything we bought for her. . ."
Astra lets out a light-hearted laugh, "Well, what do you expect from our mother earth."
"Yo! Gaia's finally here." Phoenix announced from the volleyball area. "Chicken fight!"
"I've got the water guns over there!" Jett dashed towards her deck chair.
"Oi! Are we just forgetting this fight?" Yoru frowned, fire still in his eyes to play volleyball.
"Who cares bro, we were gonna win anyway." Phoenix said smugly.
"Why you–" Yoru went after him towards the water. "Get back here!"
"Hey, wait for me!" Neon excitedly dashed her way to the water as well.
Sova put down his towel before running towards the sea, "I call Gaia's team!"
"Not if I get to her first." Chamber suddenly said, running alongside the russian man.
Watching you already enjoy yourself in the water, the two were so close to you when suddenly, out of nowhere, you were raised from the water.
"Ah!" You squealed grabbing a hold of what seemed to be. . . Shoulders?
". . .I wish to participate." He states in his deep voice, carrying you on his shoulders with his head in between your thighs. Jett and Phoenix had just joined in the waters as well with Yoru hot on their trail.
Chamber and Sova almost tripped to a stop.
"Not fast enough huh?" Cypher teasingly mused at the two obviously looked distraught. Sova gave him a weird look.
"Why are you still wearing your work clothes." Sova comments.
From afar, Viper slipped on her shades.
"The children are getting noisier. . ." Viper uttered to herself.
"Lighten up, Viper." Reyna smiles, sipping her drink.
"Today is a great day."
You know what time it is: Cooking time
This time with Jett
This is going to be grand feast for sure
Sova tried to help again like before
Got blocked by Sage though
"I just want to help." Cue cute pleading face Sova
"Sure you do, friend." Sage dismissed, knowing another person might come by as well
It's already a little crowded in the kitchen
Finished a little earlier making dinner
Jett turned a little bit like Gordon Ramsay while cooking
"Where's the sauce??"
"Shit– uh, I'll make it right now."
"Double time, Gaia!"
"Y-Yes chef."
By Brimstone's royal decree, the dinner is now deemed: formal.
Everyone has to wear something formal
Thank gods you have more time to prepare.
You had just finished doing your hair and make-up when you suddenly heard a soft knock on the door.
Quickly getting up, you smoothed over the skirt of your dress and and cleared your throat.
"Come in."
The door slid open and you were face to face with–
"Ah, Chamber." You smiled. "What a nice surprise."
The man looked exquisite with his all-black suit, as always his hair was neat and slick, and that familiar scent of his cologne was starting to waft around your room.
Chamber stepped into your room before gently taking hold of your right hand.
"Ma chèrie," He smiles charmingly. "You look wonderful tonight."
You wore a short yet elegant cream-colored dress with puff sleeves partnered with a big bow styling your loose half up half down hair.
Bending slightly, he placed a soft kiss on your knuckles.
"As do you, monsieur." You grinned. "What brings you here."
"Well," the man sighs, straightening his posture once again. "I would like to have the honor of escorting you, ma belle."
You gave him a light chuckle, "It's just dinner, Chamber It's okay."
He then went to your side and stuck iut his arm.
"But if you insist." You smiled, accepting his offer as you wrapped your hand around his bicep, feeling it tense just a bit as you did.
"I'll take that offer."
As the two of you entered, almost everyone was already there.
"Oh, what's this that I see?" Phoenix grinned. "Gaia and Chamber are finally here!"
Your friends came to greet you as they slowly peeled you from Chamber's hold, complimenting your look and chatting you away from his grasp much to the french man's dismay.
"Well, I'll consider this your redemption from that swimsuit you wore three days ago." Sage joked, linking her arm with yours. "Your dress is adorable! Where did you get it?"
"Your bow reminds me of that old disney movie," Raze comments. "I think it was the little mermaid?" She turned to Killjoy for confirmation and her lover nods.
"Yup, the little mermaid."
You gave them a bright grin, "Thank you, my loves. You all look wonderful as well."
Sage wore a long and flowy baby blue dress while Killjoy and Raze wore matching white suits that were styled to match their own aesthetic.
"Sorry I'm late, everyone." Your eyes turned towards the door and found your mentor at the entrance.
"Woah. . ." You accidentally slipped under your breath
Sova came in wearing a tight black fitted button-up partnered with a dark blue blazer and slacks.
"Sova!" You greeted him with a wave, instantly gaining his attention, he gave you a smile before walking towards your direction.
Sage smiles coyly, pulling you a bit in place, "Ah, excuse us for a moment, Gaia."
"Oh yeah sure."
"Wait hold on I need to ask–" Killjoy was cut off by Sage ushering them out of the scene.
"Later, laterrr."
Exactly when the three of them had gone, Sova had reached you.
"Gaia, you look lovely." He compliments with a soft smile.
"Thank you, you look–" Your eyes accidentally darted towards his chest, catching yourself off guard from the sudden action, you quickly looked up– heart beating a little fast.
"You look dashing."
"Sorry to keep you waiting," Sova utters, a little out of breath. "I went to your room but I guess you already left."
"Ah, yeah," You chuckled shortly, "Chamber came in and asked if he could escort me."
Sova raised an eyebrow, "Did he?"
"Yup, he's right over there now." You nodded your head towards his direction, Sova following your gaze and locked eyes with the weapons designer.
Chamber gave him a smirk before lifting his champagne glass to your direction slightly.
"We're just waiting for Brim, then we can all finally eat." You comment with a sigh, looking over to the buffet of food laid out on the table. "Damn, I wanna eat already. What's taking him so lo–"
You gazed up to Sova with an innocent look, "What is it."
The man didn't say anything, instead he merely glanced up.
"Huh. . ?" Confused, you looked up, eyes widening as you saw what was above the two of you.
'Ah. . .' You could feel your cheeks starting to get hot as you looked at Sova with wide eyes.
Above your heads, there was a mistletoe.
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