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elegantpersoncreation · 11 days ago
Zhanna Stelmakh...Elvis Presley - Can’t Help Falling In Love 
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anticonaviolin · 2 years ago
Когда у тебя 5 детей, бытовые заботы и уход за детьми составляет до 9 часов в день. Есть ряд лайфхаков, которые помогают сократить это время и не смотря ни на что успевать развиваться профессионально. 
1. Включаем вперёд роботов (стиралки, посудомойки и прочие приборы) Как раз в этом случае не как в математике: от перемены мест, сумма изменяется)
Сюда же относится точное понимание с каких вещей стоит начать уборку/готовку и тп
2. Договариваемся с подросшими детьми о том, что у них будет какая-то одна  обязанность п�� дому, которую они будут делать самостоятельно. У наших детей домашние обязанности появляются где-то в 9 лет. Некоторые психологи говорят, что полезно детям с 5-6 лет поручать какое-то домашнее дело.
Кстати, не надейтесь всецело на этот пункт 🤣 Первые несколько лет вы будете часто думать: "А ведь легче сделать мне это самой." 🤣🤣🤣
3. Все время, которое мы тратим на хозяйство, мы можем попутно использовать чтобы делать одновременно полезные дела. Например делать уборку и слушать музыку или обучающие материалы. А готовя блинчики общаться с детьми.
Главное понять, что для вас эффективно сочетать.
На самом деле Александра прочитала и применила не одну книгу на эту тему, поэтому использует гораздо больше фишек. Но это такие простые основные советы, которые при небольших усилиях помогут)
А расскажите какие способы помогают лично вам успевать больше?
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wupplesguitarz · 8 months ago
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bcatucciomusic · 10 months ago
Ariana Grande - we can't be friends (wait for your love) (Violin & Piano...
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bencasso · 9 months ago
"Maple Leaf Rag - Enchanting Violin Arrangement by Ben Barnes 🎻✨ | Ragtime Classic"### YouTube Description: "Discover the vibrant energy of ragtime music with this unique violin arrangement of 'Maple Leaf Rag' by the gifted violinist Ben Barnes. Feel the lively rhythms and spirited melodies brought to life in a way you've never heard before!🎻 **Performed by**: Ben Barnes 🎼 **Arrangement by**: Ben Barnes 📍 **Location**: [San Francisco]**If you enjoyed this performance, please LIKE, COMMENT, and SUBSCRIBE for more exciting musical interpretations!**🔔 **Don't forget to hit the bell icon** to be notified of my latest videos!🌟 **Follow my musical journey on social media**: Social Media- Instagram: https://instagram.com/benjamindavidbarnes- Facebook: https://facebook.com/benjamindavidbarnes- Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/benjamindbarnes- Twitch: https://www.twitch.com/bencasso- Redditt: https://www.reddit.com/user/bencasso- Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/bencasso- All Links: https://www.allmylinks.com/bencasso- Bencasso Links: https://www.linktr.ee.com/bencasso- Violin Lessons https://www.linktr.ee.com/violinlessons- Tax Deductible Donations: https://www.culturescholar.org/donate- Tips: Venmo: @culturescholar- PayPal: [email protected] #BenBarnes #ViolinCover #Ragtime #ClassicalMusic #ViolinPerformance #MusicRevivalThank you for watching and supporting my passion for music!"---This title and description are crafted to highlight the unique aspect of a violin arrangement, while encouraging viewer engagement and promoting your social media presence.
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luckyshotwrites · 2 years ago
Ch. 80 // Itty Bitty Issues // Day 55 Part 1
Contents (Warnings): Lynette gets to go back to work (teasing, slight angst, g/t, character and monster info as always). Read full chapter on A03
Wordcount: 3,000 +
Song I correlate to this Chapter: Middle Of The Night (ViolinCover) - Joel Sunny
Side note: This chapter will be with Lynette's part in third person (I'm playing/testing with it). If it's too disorienting this far into the story, go ahead and send me a message on this post! And or if you like this better, do the same!
(Nov. 19th, Saturday (right after eating Lynette)
He swayed back to his seat. He rested back down and ran his slightly pointed tongue across his lips. A bit of her taste still remained on them. 
He did it more so out of habit than obsession. 
Her struggle slowly simmered down, an occasionally misplaced kick or two, but that had been it. Aw, did I play with you too much beforehand? He chirped in his own mind, knowing if he projected his voice to her, she'd be too tired to hear it. 
His yellow flame framed his phone. He ran over the black screen before his hand tapped at its surface twice. It lit up and showed another new message from her. 
The weight at his stomach grew heavier, and it wasn't because of Lynette's body. He pressed his fangs together and tilted his head back. My neck feels cold. 
The sudden vibration in his pocket knocked him out of it. He brought out hers. It was something that didn't shrink with her. He tapped on the screen, and he could see it was a message from someone named Wicks. 
Her phone didn't let him read it. He had to put in a pattern to reveal more options. What would she put? He smirked. She'd make it a recognizable shape, and I'd imagine it'd be something she'd find cute.
His first thought went to the Halloween party. He could vividly remember the ridiculous mascot-like costume that summoned the monster's eyes to her. He didn't expect to precisely replicate the pattern first try. 
Her phone unlocked for him. Lev snickered at the odds. 
"Your very predictable, aren't you?" His hands tapped at his abdomen. It was hard to tell she rested inside. He opened her message without hesitation. 
Wicks: I want you to send me updates starting tomorrow. 2:30 a.m. 
Updates, huh? The urge to take a picture of his abdomen and send it to Wicks was, oh, so tempting. But, his fascination with this character drove his curiosity more. Who is Wicks? Is it the brother she mentioned? If I recall, she did say she hadn't been involved with magic. 
He put two and two together and still found himself unsure whether he knew what was going on or assumed something else. It'll be fun to extract from her later. 
Lev looked back at the time on the clock, and since he had a little more than an hour to kill, he took the time to eat the rest of his cold steak, chopping it into pieces and then eating bite by bite as he scrolled through Lynette's phone. 
(Nov. 19th, Saturday, noon)
He had two hours left before he had to bring her back to work. 
His digits tapped at his stomach, and his other hand clutched the small wooden figurine he had made. He made a replica of the guy he was seeing tonight. He tried to capture the same detail and style as the guy previously showed him. 
Lev admired the work, running his hand along the curves of the sanded and softwood. He placed it on top of the spinning maze he made. 
He opened one of its small doors and brushed his finger across the tiny dots. It made him smile. If Lynette had known Brail, she would have found herself overwhelmed as all the doors said Lev Lawless, and the walls inside stated that they were the correct way to the exit, misleading her direction to purposefully push her to a dead end. 
He shut the tiny door and stood up. His workroom had gotten quite cluttered. He had many hobbies he had picked up from his dates littered about inside the room. Including the dartboard he trained with. 
You were so lucky Alexander decided to be petty. Since he rushed his fun, he'd love to have her around for two more days. These games have been so fun, though.
He had moved next to his door, flicking to the T.V. in the back corner. He wanted to bring another fighting game to bet with, whereas he also liked being able to observe his opponents closely. So games that required the other to look one another in the eye excited him the most. 
We should get some fresh air. Lev amused himself, going to his room to get dressed. He'd go out and get a coffee with her still inside him.
She had already been in him for nine hours. Unlike the hybrid, Alexander, Lev, much like any other monster, didn't have a limit. 
He weaved in and out of traffic, ending up at a coffee shop near the pizzeria. He got in line, only one other keeping him from getting his roasted coffee at the counter. 
His eyes danced between each customer and staff member. He eventually landed his gaze on the woman in front of him due to her "subtle" glances.
He stepped up before she paid and offered to pay it with his. 
When her eyes opened, she gasped. Nothing was underneath her, and she panicked to grab what suspended her. Due to the pants below her and her quick glance up, she quickly figured out what and who it was.
He held Lynette up by the middle of her shirt back. It kept her arms from being able to successfully grab at his fingers.
"What's the matter, Lynette?" Lev said. He tipped her toward his face. "Do you find the outside world so scary that you'd rather hide away inside of me? I'm so flattered.~" He teasingly put her near his lips, "I'll gladly-"
"NO! I never want to be inside your body again."
Lev exhaled. He looks pleased with himself. "Then it sounds like you have to win your bets and everyone else's, huh?" He swung her back, "I'd love it if you could make it more of a challenge for me."
I can't do that when you all stack the games against me! She didn't want to give Lev more reasons to antagonize her, especially after his omission yesterday. Even if he ate her without reason, he treated her no different than food.
Her mind slipped back to what happened after she was swallowed. There weren't any noticeable changes. At least as Lev described, there was no unbearable smoldering heat nor any remanence of the smoothie he drank.
"The challenges are usually as fair as the coin toss," She quietly uttered.
Lev's finger poked the side of her face. He pressed at it, spinning her around slowly. Her work shirt tightened.
"I wasn't the one who won the coin toss, Lynette.~" He stopped what he was doing at the fifth swat of her tiny hand to his finger. He let her go, and she spun around as the shirt untwisted.
She couldn't stop herself and exclaimed, "You could have lied."
A minacious smug scoff left his mouth, "Why would I make it into a game otherwise? If I won every time, it'd get boring."
She held her tongue again. She felt like Lev dared her to question him further.
I don't want to give him any other ideas. 
Lynette looked away from him. Pay attention to anything else, Lynette.  She peered out the tinted windows. We're in the pizzeria parking lot? "Why did you take me to the pizzeria so early?"
Lev spoke next to her ear, "Early?"
She fixed her gaze on the building, "...what time is it then?"
Lev glanced behind her at the dashboard of his car, "1:45 p.m."
"And you JUST let me out now?!"
His eyelids lowered, resting in their usual devious position. "I was enjoying our closeness, Lynette. Is that so criminal?"
His remarks made her skin crawl. She contained her whimpers. "That's not-you're-" Don't fall for his games. "Can you take me inside and leave me on the time clock or something, please?"
He shut his eyes, still smiling, and nodded. 
Lev exited his car, not changing the way he carried her. "I would never leave you somewhere alone and so helpless, Lynette."
She wanted to say, you're a liar. 
Instead, Lynette said, "I can't get hurt, and it'll be in the pizzeria; I'll be fine."
"Right," Lev lifted her up fast, let go of her shirt, then snatched her up by the ankle. "I don't know why I keep forgetting."
"That doesn't mean you should carry me like this!" 
The dizziness felt like being on a ship bombarded by waves during a storm.
He released a pleased chuckle, "I know how to handle humans. I do it all the time." He stopped at the door, took out his badge with his free hand, and scanned it to open the door. "Though, when handling them, I generally put them elsewhere.~"
Her mind lost its functionality. How could he say things like that?! She didn't want to hear any more; lucky for her, she didn't. 
"LYNETTE!" Their jolly voice reached her. Lev perked up at it too.
"And hey, Lev! It's been a while since I've seen you two!" He said with a cheerful smile. Then he veered his head to one side, "Wait a minute, Lynette, you're smaller than I remember."
"Shrimpy, isn't she?" Lev snickered.
Don't remind me of my other obstacle today.
"I took a shrink potion Claudia made," She said with a sigh, "it's nice to see you again, June." At least he's nice... "Are you staying here late?"
The boy with rounded bottom spectacles grinned, "I'm doing a double shift today! Since Zilla is out. Plus, Edgar wasn't sure if Claudia was coming back today." June saluted, then threw his arms up with excitement, "SO I get to hang out with you!"
She needed the cold water his joy provided after experiencing Lev's heat wave. 
June looked over Lev's shoulder, "HEY, CLAUDIA!"
Lev spun on his heels and stumbled back until he hit the wall.
Lynette assumed Lev wanted sight on both of them.
The suntouched fae ran up to them and huffed, "Aw! I wanted to be around when she used it!" Her multicolored eyes darted around Lynette's body. "Can you hear fine? Be heard fine? I also made it affect a small radius around you this time, so your clothes would get small too."
She didn't even realize that before Sandra had given her a small golden clamp to allow people to hear her voice even at her size.
Lynette felt her throat. I didn't even think of that. 
"I heard every little noise from her just fine.~" Lev said as he tossed Lynette to Claudia. "Thank you again, Claudia. I really enjoyed my little extra time with Lynette." 
Claudia caught me and cradled me in her small hands. Her smile widened, "I'm glad to have tested it." She went to wave to him off and waved the hand with Lynette in it.
The innocent-appearing girl brought me to her face, "Yes?"
June patted Claudia's arm, "I don't think she likes the shaking too much."
Lynette's new friend giggled, "Sorry, you're so shakable being this small!" Claudia then lifted Lynette up, "And very edible looking."
"VERY WH-" Lynette pushed at Claudia's fingers, "Please don't get any ideas. You're supposed to be better than them! Friends don't eat friends!"
June's happiness dropped, "what? I eat my friends sometimes, they eat me, and I ate you." His lower lip quivered, "are we...not friends?" He sounded afraid of what she might say. 
"WE ARE FRIENDS! That was different! You didn't eat me against my will!" She stared up at Claudia. Who looked at the next person coming down the hall.
"Drake!" Claudia and June said in unison.
June continued, "And Alexander."
Claudia corrected the slime, "No, no, June, that's Mr. Meanie!"
Alexander's let out a partial growl, "fuck you too." His eyes locked onto Lynette immediately after. "Who's game day is it today, shrimp?"
Lynette laid limply in Claudia's hand. Can't you call me by my name? Her thoughts returned to the harmonic way her name always left Lev's lips. You know, never mind.
"Drake's." She said, "Your day's tomorrow."
Drake bobbed lazily, "Good thing I left my game in the breakroom."
He looks tired. 
June interrupted Drake, "Can I play too?"
Claudia nodded in agreement, "Me too!"
Before Alexander could open his mouth, Lynette filled the silence. "YES."
The muscular male gave her a vexed smirk. "Great." 
She didn't like his tone. And if he doesn't win today...I don't think he'll let anyone else but himself win tomorrow...dang it.
Today it felt harder to hold Lynette in his breast pocket. He felt grateful that she was at least far more antsy today. He couldn't take her being calm. It's mainly why holding her in his pocket bothered him so much.
It wasn't even a crescent moon this evening that was two nights ago. Not that he had been keeping up with his previous diet anyway.
He finally had the chance to set her down and away from himself. He gently lowered her onto the table, and once his fingers let go, there was a bit of relief. 
Not that the relief was totally gone. June was the only other person there with them. 
"You look so super cute small like that, Lynette!" The slime with messy bedhead brown hair said with a gleam. 
Upon reflex, Drake's ears tried to listen to June's nonexistent heart. The lack of heartbeat always threw him off and perturbed him. Is he lying? Teasing her? Or...? Drake peered past his bangs and examined June's loving expression. 
I'm on to you. He thought to himself as if June was some sort of mastermind. 
"Thanks, but I think I look better at my height," Lynette grumbled, taking a seat on the table. 
His ears picked up on her heart's rhythm, her beats were starting to calm, and he could feel himself compelled to get closer. He pushed his eyelids together and got up from his seat. 
The two watched his suddenness; he could tell by their silence. He walked toward the fridge. I need blood. He reminded himself. Though, fresh, warm, human blood sounded far more appealing. I can't bite her.
He still wanted to try. He caught someone sliding beside him while leaning over the open fridge. He peeked over the fridge door. It was Claudia. 
"Whatcha doing?"
Drake momentarily tuned into the peppy beat of her heart. Claudia only displayed it with him and now a bit with Lynette. He didn't question it.
"Getting a drink," he lowered himself and got one out of his lunch box. He decided to grab the case instead and bring it to the table. 
"Does it taste better in the pouch?" Claudia asked.
"No," Drake said as he shut the fridge door behind him. 
"Then why do you drink it from the pouches?"
"Convenience." He tried to move her away from this conversation. "It's not like I have many choices."
Claudia tipped her head back at Lynette and then back to Drake.
Drake lowered his head, "She's small right now, Claudia." He quickly continued, "And I don't want to get too used to one person's blood. That's how vampires become obsessive." Though it has been a while, hasn't it? He shook his head and looked over at Claudia. He could tell she spoke with curiosity. 
His eyes shifted to the door and saw Alexander finally going to lunch break. He's lucky he doesn't remember tastes. He'd never have to deal with that issue. 
"That's really weird," Claudia said. 
Drake gave a slight "ha, ha," like she mocked him. He forgot she was genuinely serious and blunt with her statements. "From what I understand, it used to be a lot harder for our kind to get blood from those outside our species, so our bodies naturally want to take claim over things." 
He found his shoulders rising and pushing his pecs slightly inward. The conversation talking about other vampires started to bother him. It only brought up a sour taste, and the person he wanted dead.
"Did vampires attack each other before?" Claudia walked backward in front of him so she could face him. Drake hated what she said. "It's a lot easier with all the options, huh?"
Drake's naturally and slightly clawed fingers started to sink into the lunch box. Easier. Everything was supposed to come easy to me. His thoughts began to haze. He didn't realize he was still in the break room. And the shape in front of him wasn't Claudia anymore. He felt his fangs sharpen and his body getting ready to lurch at her. 
Drake's shoulders sank. Claudia didn't notice or was so unassuming that she didn't think Drake would attack her.
He tilted his head over, and his bangs fell from his wine-red eyes. Their light glow was visible to everyone at the table. "It doesn't matter how fast I get the game out—you're gonna lose anyway." 
"I'm gonna make your sorry ass eat those words." Alexander's ruffled and playful frustration created a smile on Drake's face.
He was too embarrassed to ever tell Alexander he found some levity in him. You're still a massive pain in the ass, though. 
Drake refocused on Claudia when she moved closer to his face. She moved to study his eyes closer.  
He jumped and took a few steps back. He adjusted his bangs back to normal. You don't know personal space, do you? He thought to hide his abash. 
He didn't think being close to anyone right now was a good idea. He held out his lunchbox to Claudia. He lowered it down enough for her to grip it correctly. "I'm going to get the game. Can you move this to the table for me?"
She nodded and tapped its zipper before he turned to the kitchen cabinets, "Can I have one?"
Drake squinted at her, "A blood pouch?"
Hey, you, thank you so much for reading. I'm glad I put out a story that people can enjoy! I hope you continue to enjoy it as WE have a LOT more to go! YOU BETTER KEEP PROSPERING! (Nonnegotiable, as always~).
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Catch up, see some maps/art, or check the latest release dates down below  ↓ ↓ ↓ 
What I’d do for a Livable Income (Synopsis/Chapter - List)
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fearless4taylor13 · 2 years ago
can y’all do me a favor?! This is Ubaldo, a friend of mine. He learned Cruel Summer for me & my friend Belle. Can you heart the TikTok & maybe comment how good it sounds?? SO PROUD OF THIS.
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distinguishedbananadelusion · 3 months ago
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thechapelhillduo · 9 months ago
A Bar Song (Tipsy) Shaboozey Classical Cover
What. A. Tune. Is Tipsy AKA A Bar Song THE summer anthem? I think so. Shaboozey is another artist we haven’t done a Violin & Cello Classical cover of before but we’re here for it. More like this, please! #chapelhillduo #violin #cello #classicalcover #shaboozey #tipsy #abarsong #stringquartet #stringquartetcover #violincover
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rei-the-head-shaker · 9 months ago
Tumblr media
-42 _Finally! ❤ no matter how many times Joyce is given more space on this page than her (even though she already has her own space...) I LOVE HER! ❤❤ - - "Life is not a series of gig-lamps symmetrically arranged; life is a luminous halo, a semi-transparent envelope surrounding us from the beginning to the end" - - - - #gambarimasu #gambatte #ucandoit #virginiawoolf #englishliterature #music #ost #piano #pianocover #shinzouwosasageyo #snk #fma #brothers #modernfiction #mrsdalloway #violin #violincover
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daoudi · 1 year ago
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amitis-nai · 1 year ago
🖋 Intento adornar mi imaginación tanto como puedo...🌙 my creations are the result of knowledge ⚡of music🎼 and pain🪐 F.S.🎻
#violin #music #violinist #piano #cello #viola #musician #classicalmusic #violino #guitar #orchestra #violinista #violinplayer #musica #art #strings #concert #daysofpractice #flute #violinmusic #violincover #bass #n #love #musicians #practice #violinlove #electricviolin #pianist #violine
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bcatucciomusic · 2 years ago
The Weeknd & Ariana Grande - Die For You (Remix) - Violin Cover
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madhansband · 2 years ago
Thenmozhi Instrumental By Madhan's Band | Anirudh Ravichander | Dhanush | Santhosh Narayanan Songs
For Event Bookings and Enquiries: Call: +919840153443 / +919786766666
Music Band: Madhan's Band & Team Location : SVV Mahal
Kindly Support us with your reviews by giving us 5 Star Ratings and by your valuable comments. Madhan's band Google Review Link:
Services we offer: -Corporate Events -Virtual Events -Weddings & parties -Abroad Shows -Musical Instruments Rental
Get in touch with Madhan’s Band:
Website: http://www.madhansband.com/ MOBILE: +91 97867 66666 / +91 98401 53443 EMAIL: [email protected] / [email protected]
Social Links: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MadhansBandMusic/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/Madhansband/ Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MadhansBand Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/MadhansBand Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/MadhansBand/
Original Credits: Song: Thenmozhi Movie: Thiruchitrambalam Singer: Santhosh Narayanan Lyrics: Poetu Dhanush Music: Anirudh Ravichander Starring: Dhanush, Nithya Menen
madhansband #musicband #wedding #tamilwedding #weddingbgm #weddingmusic #marriageorchestra #marriagesongs #marriage #marriagesong #weddingplanners #weddingplans #weddingplanner #weddingplanning #weddingplanningtips #marriageband #weddingband #eventmanagement #eventmanagementcompany #events #eventplanner #eventmanagers #music #entertainment #flute #fluteinstrumentals #violinbgm #violincover #violininstrumental #dhanush #anirudh #santhoshnarayanan
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perfectyouthtimetravel · 2 years ago
#*☆A Storm Is Coming.Our Storm
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distinguishedbananadelusion · 3 months ago
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