#violetcottontail fembit
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beyond-the-rabbit-hole · 11 months ago
Marburg, Stephbit, and Fembit interaction pls??? I love women,,
Girls Night 2 - Triple Baka, aka None Pizza with Left Beef
Features: Stephbit, Marburg, Fembit Warnings: Blood, period jokes
“Hi, I’d like to place an order for delivery?”
Stephbit was already snickering, shushing Fembit and Marburg as she tried to make an order on the phone. It’s impossible, since what they’re doing is so stupid they can’t help but crack up.
“Yeah, same address as last time, I’d like to get a large pizza- Yeah- No toppings-” “Except beef!” “Shut it Marburg- Yeah, uh no cheese either. Yes I’m sure. No sauce, I want zero toppings on this… Except beef. Yes I understand what I’m ordering, just put the beef on the left side.”
Fembit wheezed, struggling to keep Marburg’s mouth covered so she wouldn’t start cackling.
“Yup, yup, I also want as many orders of garlic bread as you can sell me. All of them actually- Just gimmie everything you’ve got in stock.” Stephbit held back a giggle, twirling the phone cord around her finger. “I know what I’m ordering, it’s not a prank, I swear.”
“Tell them to send their delivery boy in a maid outfit!” “They’re not- They’re not gonna do that.” “Ask anyway!” Fembit chimed in with a huge grin, barely restraining Marburg to keep her from laughing. “Yeah, uh, for special delivery instructions, any chance you could send the delivery boy in a maid outfit? We’ll tip really high for that.” Stephbit snickered a bit, shaking her head. “I don’t think they’re gonna do it.” “Awww.” “But there’s always a chance.”
Marburg finally managed to slip free, letting out a loud, howling laugh that Stephbit was positive the poor guy on the other end of the phone heard, no matter how much she tried to shield the phone from her cackles. “Fembit, silence the wench!”
“I’m trying, but she’s all slippery!” “Oh gross, she’s gonna get blood on the carpet.” Stephbit snickered, shaking her head. It’s not like any of them really care about blood in the carpet, it’s more about the principle of it. You don’t just bleed all over the place when someone invites you over, that’s rude.
“Pizza will be here in ten, we gotta clean this shit up.” Stephbit chuckled as she hung up the phone, looking over at Marburg. “You really gotta get that hemorrhaging under control, maybe dial it back to once a month like the rest of us?” “I don’t ask you to hold it in when you’re on your period.” She snarked right back, much to Fembit’s amusement. “Oooh, the girls are fightiiiiiing~!” “Not helping.”
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beyond-the-rabbit-hole · 1 year ago
What if women??? What if??? Stephbit content pls!!!! (Also if you include Fembit my head will literally explode and it will kill me instantly)
Girls Night
Features: Fembit, Stephbit, Northstar Warnings: None
A girls night with Stephbit includes lots of things. Snacks, movies, caving in skulls, giggling over cat videos, but the best part is very clear;
Doing Northstar’s nails!
“We should do em’ red.” Stephbit mused, holding one of his hands. “It’ll look real nice… Actually, how about we do ours red too, let’s match.” She grinned.
“Oooh, That sounds fun!” Fembit sang out, picking up the little nail polish bottle.
Northstar wasn’t exactly there by choice, but he allowed this bullshit. If nothing else, it did bring a little amusement to the banal nature of the Skull when Loathesome was prancing about. “Do I have any say in this?”
“Nope!” “Absolutely not darling~”
“Mmh, figured as much. Well, if you insist on painting my nails red, then I am going to do your eyeshadow red.”
Fembit blinked, laughing lightly. “Pardon?”
“I have a daughter, I know how to do eyeshadow.”
“Well well, then by all means darling!”
Stephbit snickered, deciding to paint Fembit’s nails while Northstar did her eyeshadow. “Stay still, alright? I don’t wanna accidently spill this on the carpet, Loathesome will throw a hissy fit. Like he totally doesn’t drag corpses in here and smear god knows what on it or anything. No no, we must keep it pristine!”
The pair got to share a laugh, with Northstar doing his damn best not to fuck up Fembit’s eyeshadow. He doesn’t exactly want to meet the business end of whatever weapon she’s packing right now, be it a knife or otherwise. “Stop moving.”
“Make me!”
Northstar fell into what is commonly known as the ‘Dad deadpan’.
Fembit on the other hand, burst into another fit of giggles with Stephbit. “You’re making yourself look so old!” “Awww look at his frown lines!” “Did we upset you?” “Peepaw is mad!”
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beyond-the-rabbit-hole · 1 year ago
*really tiny voice in the distance*
Hey can we hear more about northstar i rlly like im
Papa Bear
Features: Northstar, random sacrificial Habit, mention of Bonnie Warnings: Mild violence
“Fifth time this week.” Northstar grumbled, stomping through the skull of a Habit that had decided to trespass on his property. Having Bonnie… It made him a bit of a target. He hadn’t eaten her, so a lot of other Habits seemed to think that made him weak or something. Well, it’s not his fault this one decided to step on a bear trap. Hauling the Habit up over his shoulder, he shook his head a bit. Well, now he has to get this thing dealt with before Bonnie wakes up from her nap. He isn’t going to bring it in the house, so woodshed it is.
The other Habit was starting to wake back up, so he wasted no time in getting it restrained and unarmed. He watched it carefully, eyes narrowed in annoyance.
“Oh wow, you can’t even afford an attic? You’re pathetic!” The other Habit jeered, receiving a swift kick to the teeth from Northstar.
“Hold your tongue, vermin.”
“Oooh or what, you’re gonna cut it out?”
“No. I just put Bonnie down for a nap, and if you wake her, I’m not going to be happy.”
“Ha! You actually care about that thing? I can’t believe you didn’t eat her! You’ve gotta be the only Habit too weak to fuck up Evan’s life!”
Northstar paused, tilting his head to the side as he listened carefully. Ah… He can hear Bonnie crying faintly from inside the house. Well that’s not good. Looks like he won’t be having much fun with this Habit. “You woke up Bonnie.”
“Yeah, so? I’m gonna make you watch when I eat her-”
One swift punch went straight through the Habit’s skull, and he didn’t heal this time. No, Northstar wouldn’t allow it. This Habit isn’t even good enough to eat. All he deserves is to join the legions of Habits buried in the backyard.
He’ll do good to grow a nice big oak tree for Bonnie.
Maybe he could build a tree fort for her in it when she’s older.
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beyond-the-rabbit-hole · 1 year ago
Important Stuff
Hi, this is Bugsy, I run @violetcottontail, and this is the official sideblog, which is funny because that blog is also a sideblog. You will never locate my main muahahaha!
It's @catarimint, I'm just being silly.
Anyway, this blog is where writing drabbles and other stuff will be posted. If it's canon, it will be tagged as such. All of the writing drabbles will be focused around the current and future cast of that blog.
Update: Additional mod!
Hi! This is @killamortis. You can follow my blog but I don’t run the blog the blog runs me (there is no blog).
Update 2: Third mod!
Hello! This is @princessragdoll, but you can call me Daggers (or Eldritch but only Bugsy calls me that lol) I also run the blog @bunnyclawsllc which is by some miracle canon to the Bugsyverse and features my characters Fembit and Evelyn. Please enjoy!
Posts written by Bugsy will be tagged #bugsy drabble or #bugsy speakin
Posts written by Killa will be tagged #killa drabble or #killa speakin
Posts written by Daggers will be tagged #daggers drabble or #daggers speakin
Good news: We take requests! If you want to hear about which Habit has the biggest god complex, or which one would chill with you on a rainy day, go ahead and ask about it! We'll write it :D
Rules for requests:
Don't be an ass. Being an ass is defined as: Harassing other people over requests, harassing us over our writing, doing that twitter shit where apparently if we write bad things it means we support them??? We don't support cannibalism but we'll write it, so chill.
Don't come at us for being ooc. Look man, Bugsy made like- 12 different Habits from DIFFERENT ITERATIONS. They're not gonna be perfect to canon because... THEY'RE NOT CANON LOL
YES. WE KNOW CANON HABIT IS NOT DOWN TO BONE. THESE ARE NOT THE CANON HABITS. We're just silly little tumblr users, don't like something? Block us bro, we will not be offended, and you will not have to see our stuff.
IF SOMETHING IS LABELED "DEAD DOVE, DON'T EAT", IT MEANS WHATEVER IS LISTED AT THE TOP IS INCLUDED IN THE DRABBLE. If you don't want to read a certain topic, PLEASE check what we've labelled the fic with at the top. We'll do our best to write any possible trigger warnings, if we miss any, let us know nicely please!
WE DO NOT CONDONE HARASSMENT OF THE REAL ACTORS FROM EVERYMANHYBRID. None of what we write is directed at the real people behind EverymanHYBRID. We are writing for THE CHARACTERS. NOT. THE. REAL. PEOPLE. Seriously, do not be weird about this, we're just writing for fun here.
Current cast list and Allowed Requests:
Loathesome and Evan - The main pair on the blog (All requests allowed)
The Forgotten - A fucked up man out for revenge (All requests allowed)
Centralia - A little arsonist (No 18+ requests)
Stephbit - Miss Big Dick Energy (All requests allowed)
Fairmount - Local stalker and artist (All requests allowed)
Northstar - The father figure (All requests allowed)
McHabit and McEvan - Local depressed cashier and clown bitch (All requests allowed)
Evbit - Buzzfeed Unsolved but with real murder (All requests allowed)
Deepbit - The only Habit who can swim (All requests allowed)
Jeffbit - Not a fan of barbeque (All requests allowed)
Boardbit - When he's bored, he plays board games (All requests allowed)
Showbit - Loves himself a little too much (All requests allowed)
Evan Corenthal - Therapy ain't cheap, but Habit's get it free (All requests allowed)
Evan Gallows - He's a rockstar, but a Gwar type star (All requests allowed)
Stygianbit - The depths of space have no mercy (All requests allowed)
Voyeurbit - Local bastard gets inHabited (All requests allowed)
Octantis - The Southern Star (All requests allowed)
Alternaria - It's not his fault you can't breathe... Or is it? (All requests allowed)
Marburg - It's not her time of the month, but she's all red (All requests allowed)
Vaquero - This cowboy will not save you a horse (All requests allowed)
The Doctor - The bringer of all daddy issues (All requests allowed)
Xerox - He’s just a poor boy nobody loves him (No 18+ requests)
Shellshock - PTSD, but make it sassy (All requests allowed)
Starlet - Vinnie better watch out, a star is in town (All requests allowed)
Bittybit - A hamster sized being of pure rage (All requests allowed, but keep in mind he's TINY)
Grimmwolf- Fairytale villain turned confused old man (All requests allowed)
Fembit- The queen of all girlbosses (All requests allowed)
Evelyn- Peak gen Z energy, full of caffeine and trauma (All requests allowed)
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