#violeta varmitech
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cat-angel-936 · 5 months ago
I came across this reblog of @jokerislandgirl32 and I thought it was so adorable that I couldn't help but draw it ^^
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jokerislandgirl32 · 8 months ago
Well, since we are. Violeta: What is the strangest, dumbest, useless or ridiculous thing that you heard Zach say or invent there? And Zach, for you too, right: what was the craziest thing you did for love?
JIG Message! Hi, thank you for the ask, I’m putting it below the cut because of length and pregnancy mention!
Violet’s Truth
Violet: Hmmm, well, I’ve seen and heard a lot from him that is strange, useless, and ridiculous…but the one thing that sticks out in my mind is when he equipped our own children with titanium battle wear. You know what he used for the polar bear and walrus fight at his ice palace….
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Well, Mr. Smarty decided to repurpose this invention…and he crafted it into battle wear for our kids! I walk in on our four oldest in the suits, at that time Varina was 9, Vera was 4, and Victor and Vallen were 1 and a half, so they were just babies! And I see them going at each other, and Zach’s cheering them on…oh I was LIVID!
Zach was literally encouraging our toddler son to defeat his siblings: “that’s right Victor take your brother and sisters down! Show us who the strongest member of the Varmitech Crew is!”
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As soon as Zach saw me he turned even paler than I thought humanly possible for him, and he was fumbling for an excuse…guess who slept in the spare bedroom that night.
So…there’s that…ugh, it still makes me so mad!
Zach’s Truth
Zach: Craziest thing I did for love? Welll…Dating Gourmand to get over Violet was probably the craziest thing I did for love. I only started dating because I thought it would make me forget Violet, but it only made me want her more. I was in a seemingly committed relationship with him, but all I could think about was her.
So, my plan completely backfired, and I ended up hurting both of them for following through with that plan. Gourmand was mad at me for years, and Violet got into an abusive relationship….it was a crazy decision that had catastrophic consequences.
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And getting Violet pregnant after only a year of dating, when she was 22, and marrying her a month after finding out about the baby when she had just turned 23 is right up there as one of the craziest things I did for love.
It was not planned, it was unexpected, it was crazy, but it was right, and even though we struggled after losing baby Alexandria, marrying Violet was the best decision of my life…Because she is my world.
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In response to this post ⬇️
JIG Message: I’ve got a few more to get through, and I’m still accepting questions, but I’ve turned anon off for now!
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cat-angel-936 · 6 months ago
(Violet and Verá are not mine, they belong to @jokerislandgirl32 )
I once found this image on Twitter and said "Hey! I know two characters that would look great on them" and then things turned into this embarrassing situation for Ziolet with one of their children haha 🤭. I put Vera because she has the face to do something like this, don't ask me why😅
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cat-angel-936 · 9 months ago
@jokerislandgirl32 I couldn't resist doing this, I'm sorry 🤣
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cat-angel-936 · 7 months ago
hello! I was writing the 3rd part of "the villains' plan" and this occurred to me haha
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Take it as a small preview of what happens🤭 the character in front of María and Martin is Violet from @jokerislandgirl32 the only one that details well for the sketch hehe 😁 I hope you like the final result when you see it 💚💕
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cat-angel-936 · 5 months ago
What do you think a double date with Chris and María and Zach and Violet would be like?
Mm...how would it be?
María: wow this place is very beautiful *marvelized*
Violet: Yes, Zach and I usually come here hehe
Chris: Thanks for organizing this double date Zach.
Zach: Nah, it's nothing green boy, we deserved it after what your brother did that time
Chris: Yes you're right.
Miniaturized Martin: ....what? Did you really think I wouldn't be watching them?
Chris would realize that his brother was waiting for them, but he wouldn't say anything until he dropped Maria off at her house and then went straight to Tortuga to kill Martin.
Chris: Where are you Martin! No one can help you!
Aviva: I told him it was a bad idea.
Koki: We're going to miss him.
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cat-angel-936 · 5 months ago
(Violet @jokerislandgirl32 Monie @rosey100 )
Martin: and now he says he feels butterflies in his tummy and all that 😒
Jimmy: Oh! how it happened to me! 😃
Monie: no Jimmy, yours wasn't love, it was half a liter of cream ice cream 🙄
Toodles: and like good friends, they are always there to help...or something like that?😕
Chris: Should I give him the flower and shake his hand or the other way around? *nervous* 😣
Zach: look, whatever 😑
Violeta: but if I were you I would hurry up *pointing to María* 🙁
A random: what beautiful eyes, and they are both alike 😻
Maria:... ? 🤨
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cat-angel-936 · 8 months ago
@jokerislandgirl32 me inspire jeje 😅
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Joder I looked too good Zach, now I need a Chris hairstyle to counteract
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cat-angel-936 · 7 months ago
The villains plan part 2
(The character mentioned here is not mine, it is @jokerislandgirl32 , gracias ^^)
María: *with a towel on Razo's head* you shouldn't play in the garden, you know that
Razo: I'm sorry Maria...*scolded*
María: well, nothing happens, go with Hasper and * watch the wolf leave * uff and that pumpkin was for lunch. Or well, I'll use it for compost
*Bell ring*
Maria: huh!? Did they arrive so early? *surprised* Hello, put the Husky mantle on the others.
Hello: yes, don't worry
María: agh and I still haven't finished preparing the food or setting up the table outside *goes to open the door* Chris *surprised* and the rest? *leans over to look outside and sees no one*
Chris: no, I'm alone, I wanted to come help you *scratches the back of his neck nervously*
María: ah, very good, he comes in * takes him by the hand and shows him in *
Zach: very good, this is the plan * with a ruler he points to a drawing that she made * we will kidnap the girl from Ureña so that the green boy can rescue her and they can fall in love with her and be happy
Donita: mh...and how are we going to kidnap her?
Gourmound: Yes, from what we saw, she has two dogs. As soon as they see what we are doing, they will alert her.
Zach: but they already saw us before, surely her simple minds will think that we are visiting friend, plus we could use Donita to convince her that she comes
Donita: and why me? I don't want to be surrounded by mud from the rain. Can't your wife go?
Zach: I don't want to involve her in this, Martin is very aggressive with these issues, and didn't you want to be her godmother? You have to get to know and become friends with the bride, right?
Donita: Yes, but I thought I would meet her when she was already here, what if Gourmound is better off with her dog? They are both dog owners, it could help.
Gourmound: I didn't bring it with me, although you could also use a Zachbot or two for this and they wouldn't even notice
Donita: I like that plan
Zach: ugh well, then... I'll send a Zachbot to catch the girl when they are distracted with something, then we make a call saying that we have her, Chris arrives, defeats us as always and rescues her, they fall in love and are happy, okay ?
*the two villains nod*
Zach: Perfect, let's get started!
Martin: Where is Chris?
Aviva: left early to go help Maria
Martin: ah... *serious* just when he had to talk to him about something
Aviva: they can do it later
Martin: *takes a deep breath* okay, I'll walk a little while, let me know when you're gone *leaves*
Aviva: and now what's wrong with him? *looks at Jimmy and Koki who shake their heads
Koki: maybe it's brother jealousy, it's very normal
Aviva: yes it can be...
Martin: ugh, I can't believe she meant let's go to that girl's house again *complaint* well, at least she'll serve as a tour guide I guess... huh? What is that sound ? *hides in the bushes and watches a Zachbot pass by* What is Zach planning? *decides to follow robot*
*Hallo and Kris looked at the humans from afar*
Pandy: everything okay?
Hallo without taking his eyes off them: why wouldn't he be?
Kris: Everything's fine honey, we're just watching.
Pandy: haha, she'll be fine, they don't have to be so upset, and human Chris seems to be a good boy.
Kris: Chris human?
Pandy: that's what we decided to name it, Razo thought it was a good idea
Hello: ah, thanks for asking us, it was a nice detail
Pandy: ...guys, I know it's difficult, this situation is complicated for me too.
Hello: well you don't look *annoyed*
Kris: we just want him to be happy but
Hello: it seems like yesterday when she was just a little girl....
Pandy: yes, I miss those moments too *starts looking too*
Chris: a question Maria, how did you meet them? *curious*
María: they only appeared, at first it was only Kris, then Hallo, Pandy, then Rojo and I was the only one who could see them, until Razo arrived and my mother was scared to see 5 wolves and one rotting in my room then they came rest. I was 7 years old at the time haha
Chris: Did they just show up? *turns to see them*
Pandy: *I smiled and wags my tail*
María: yes, then things happened... and we ended up living here
Chris: oh and did your parents take it well?
María:...*hangs her head* they thought it was sad but they said it was fine
Kris: Maria, I think I heard Hasper barking in the orchard.
Maria: In the garden! I have to go see! *it goes*
Chris: I'll help you *Hello, they stop him* eh?
Hello: calm down, human Chris, it was just a distribution
Kris: There are some things you need to know.
Chris: did I do something wrong?
Pandy: no, not at all dear, just there things you need to know
Kris: when María was little, she lost her parents because of bad people, luckily an older man took pity on us and together with his wife adopted her as his granddaughter, he was the one who let us live in this cabin, so better not touch that topic
Chris: oh I didn't know, I have to apologize to her *sorry*
Hallo: yes, you were an idiot, oh!
Pandy hit him: don't tell him like that, he couldn't know! *looks at him annoyed* don't pay attention to him, they're a little grumpy today
Chris: Don't worry.
Pandy: but if what you said worries you so much, the garden is in the back *winks at him*
Chris: Yes, thanks Pandy.
Maria: Hasper?, Hasper? Where are you lobitoOo *something grabs her from behind and lifts her* what is she!?
*sees a robot appear with an extended bag and they put it in it*
Maria: wait! What do you think they are doing!? Let me go!!!!! *kicking in the bag*
*the zachbots look at each other and then leave without anyone seeing them or so they thought*
Martin: oh...this is bad *decides to go after them* don't worry María, I'll help you!
Zachbot: *turns around*....
Martin: *in fighting pose* you better let go of the girl oh. No, wait! *the Zachbot takes it too and they leave*
Maria/Martin: this is not fair! Aid!
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cat-angel-936 · 7 months ago
Chris's Citacumpleaños
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Chris had gone to Maria's house, he wanted to spend more time with her before having to leave that forest, when they played his birthday song.
María: and what do you want to do for your birthday? - she asked, curious to see that the boy's birthday was very close.
Chris: I don't know, I know the kids are going to celebrate it with a turtle meeting - he responded discouraged.
María: but it's not what you want, right?
Chris: Not really, I've been wanting to do something else for a long time.
Maria: uh like what?
Chris: I don't know something different, but it's not a "party" in which the same 5 of us are always there.
María: And what do you think about a picnic at night? "I know a point where you can see the moon and the stars, it is a very beautiful landscape," the young woman suggested excitedly.
Chris: just the two of them? -He couldn't help but blush and feel nervous, although he wasn't the only one.
Maria: if you want - Maria seemed to be too, although she didn't know if that was a good or bad sign.
Reason: birthday! I can go? It will be fun! Play ball all night, yes yes yes! - The tireless wolf appeared, who upon hearing the combersation could not help but get excited and began to run around him, luckily for the humans who were alarmed when the animal appeared, at their side. rescue Pandy came to calm the situation
Pandy: ah Razo, honey, you can't get involved in other people's conversations, it's not right- she said, making him stop in his tracks.
Zero: Also, maybe they want to spend some time alone - she continued with a mischievous look towards the other two who couldn't help but turn red, plus the birthday boy.
Chris: this... it's okay, if so I would like you to go too- she covered his face trying to calm his red face like a tomato
Angy: really? - she asked excitedly.
Chris: Yes, I really like your company.
Pandy: well then it's decided we'll go!
Kris: Yes, I also don't like the idea of ​​you being alone in the forest at night.
Chris: eh well...
Kris: you don't count, you're another human
Chris: Ouch...
Maria: Sorry Chris, today is a little tense- she said while petting the big wolf who looked tired.
Kris: I only care about you, I don't want a bear to come and hurt you or a human.
Pandy: we know honey, but they're going to be fine, we'll go with them
Razo: Yes! And we will play ball!
Hello: do you only think about playing?
Chris: well, it looks like it's a puppy, it's normal.
Razo: thank you human Kris - he wagged his tail happily when he was defended
*animal bracelet sound*
Chris: Turtle is calling me, wait a minute - he said, moving away a little so that the wolves couldn't be seen - yes, Koki?
Koki: I told her to interrupt your exit Chris, but Zach is doing his thing again - she said she would be the girl
Chris: I'm going to Haya, don't worry Koki *hangs up*
María: you have to go, don't you? - she asked somewhat discouraged as she approached him again.
Chris: I'm sorry - I apologize, he would have loved to stay longer.
María: it's okay, later we'll talk about your birthday- she smiled sweetly at him.
They stood looking at each other, waiting for someone to do something but they didn't know how they should say goodbye.
María: then....adiós- she raised her hand in farewell while the other one walked away again
Chris: yes... bye- he responded sadly as he left that cabin.
Chris was gone and Maria went up to her room without saying anything to the other animals. It was then that Chris behind the protection of a tree and Maria between the pillows of her bed gave a muffled cry of despair at what had just happened.
Aviva: I understand, so that happened- Aviva said when listening to a little of the story that her friend told her.
Chris: Yes and I need you to help me with Martin, I don't want him to find out... - the one in green pleaded, causing confusion for the inventor.
Aviva: huh?
Chris: look Aviva, don't get me wrong, I would really like to tell these things to Martin but....he doesn't make it easy, that's why I need you to help me hide it- he tried to explain, Aviva put a hand on his shoulder to console him and tells him
Aviva: I understand Chris, what do you need? - Understanding that it is a delicate topic for him and Chris smiles when he sees that he can trust her with these things.
Chris: thanks Aviva, can you help me with some meals or something?
Aviva: Sure, what is Maria's favorite dessert? This way when you arrive at your citacumpleaños you will have something to surprise her with.
Chris: citacumpleaños...? I hadn't thought of it like that- she blushed, I wasn't expecting that comment.
Aviva: really? You're going to be alone on a picnic, didn't you think you'd be on a date? Or will there be more people?
Chris: no, it will just be the two of us...- he said a little nervously, as the wolves would also be there, he didn't think he would be on a date.
Aviva: don't worry Chris, you're just nervous about having a date in a long time - her friend consoled her.
Jimmy: who will have a date? - said the pilot, appearing out of nowhere and speaking very loudly.
Chris: shh it will be me, but Martin doesn't have to find out - he said nervously, doing it to them to make sure that his brother doesn't hear them.
Jimmy: oh so things with Maria are going well - the boy was happy and gave him a couple of gentle elbows causing the other to blush.
Chris: something like that...
Aviva: Chris, what's going on in that head of yours? - he asked, seeing him suddenly so discouraged and they sat him in one of the chairs so that he could talk more comfortably.
Chris: mh...well I don't know, today when I had to leave I felt like I needed to do something...like kiss her- he explained sadly, causing Aviva and Jimmy to look at each other strangely.
Jimmy: and why didn't you do it?
Chris: I don't know, it didn't feel right, but I want to do it, I need to do it and it frustrates me that I can't do it because I never had the opportunity to do it before! -She said, getting upset and raising her voice.
Aviva: don't worry, Chris, you're getting upset," she said, calming him down.
Chris: sorry...I'm just
Jimmy: What if you kiss her on your date? "Every date has to have a kiss," he interrupted, excited with what just occurred to him.
Chris: Do you believe? - he asked blushing
Jimmy: Yes! And this way you won't feel like you're doing something wrong because you're on a date!
Aviva: shh! Jimmy lowers his voice - whisper
Jimmy: sorry- he said with a nervous smile.
Chris: thanks guys, you are the best- he smiled gratefully
Meanwhile with Koki who was in the turtle garage fixing createrra
Koki: huh? *ring sound* Maria?
María: Hello Koki - nervous greeting
Koki: Hello María, how are you? - I answer happily when I see her.
María: well, I was calling to find out what Chris's favorite flavor of dessert is, since his birthday is approaching I wanted to surprise him - she explained
Koki: how cute, because Chris really likes mint and chocolate.
María: mint? -When she heard the taste she felt disgusted for a moment, which caught Koki's attention.
Koki: you don't like mint do you?
María: no, it's too strong for me, I prefer strawberries
Koki: I like them too. So are you coming to the party?
Maria: actually...
*Zach who was spying*
Zach: this will be the easiest gift I can give the green rat hahahaha- he said with an evil laugh
July 19 7:15 p.m.
Chris: I'm nervous.
Aviva: don't worry, everything will be fine - she hands him a pink box - you just enjoy your citacumpleaños - I wink at him
Chris: haha ​​thanks Aviva
Jimmy: And remember, it's not bad if you want to kiss her.
Chris: But how will I know when it's time?
Jimmy: don't worry, when you're there you'll know," she said, patting him on the shoulder.
Martin: Chris, where are you? - Martin's voice could be heard entering the main turtle room.
Aviva: it's Martin run, run - she gave him the turn and encouraged him to leave before his brother realized
Chris: I'm coming, I'm coming- she said, running away.
Martin: Guys, have you seen Chris? I can't find it anywhere
Aviva: oh...probably he went out to see animals or is climbing some tree outside, you know how it is- he made an excuse so that the oldest wouldn't suspect what they were up to.
Martin: If that's the case, we'd better be able to organize everything for your party.
Jimmy: oh yeah, we'll finish before he arrives hehe
Aviva: haha
Martin looked at them strangely at the attitude they were taking, but he attributed it to how excited they were for his brother's birthday.
Maria, do you think this looks good on me? - She said nervously while looking at her clothes in the mirror, which made a strawberry stand out. - Oh, the makeup looks bad? - She put her face to the crystalline surface to see her face better.
Pandy: Maria dear, you are beautiful - the wolf next to her tried to calm her down.
Red: yes, and if that idiot doesn't like it, screw him! - the red wolf exclaimed excitedly.
Angy: and your makeup is beautiful, I'm sure he'll love it- alago
Doctor: and we will also be there for whatever happens. Hasper, who was next to the big wolf, barked in affirmation, accompanying his other companions to calm the state of his human friend. At this, María could not help but smile at his words.
María: thank you girls and Rojo, I don't know what it would be like without you," she said and thanked them, caressing them on the head.
Hello: María, everything is ready for the picnic and Kris, Cero and Razo are already at the place - she appeared with the basket for the picnic, he was going to give it to her but María refused
Maria: excellent! "You can go ahead, I'll put on my makeup a little," she explained as she turned to look at the mirror again.
Hallo: are you sure? - questioned the wolf with the pumpkin.
Maria: Yes, don't worry, I'll catch up with Chris when he arrives.
Pandy: okay, Maria, see you," she said, motioning to the rest to leave so Maria could be alone.
Red: why didn't you make him leave?
Pandy: why is Maria nervous, she needs some time alone to calm down, I know that when human Chris arrives he will calm her down
Red: mh in that case... You better not make her cry or I'll set her on fire- he said proudly.
Angy: You're always so brand new, aren't you? - He mocked a little.
Doctor: You know how he is, he likes to act tough and protective.
Hello: but as soon as Kris gets angry he goes and hides behind Zero or doctor hahaha
Hasper: *barks in affirmation*
Red: That's not true! -he complained embarrassed, and just at that moment Chris appeared and watched them leave, making him laugh at the conversation he could hear.
Chris:... *knocks door*
Maria: Hello Chris, she said a little embarrassed.
Chris: you look beautiful...- he responded in wonder at seeing her, those words simply couldn't help but come out of her mouth which caused both of them to blush.
María: I-I'm sure, do you think so? -She said very blushing.
Chris: yes...- he said somewhat embarrassed- eh, I-I brought you this- he shows her the box that Aviva gave her before, surprising the girl.
María: Chris, it's your birthday, you didn't see
Chris: I know, but I wanted to surprise you, Koki, I don't know how but he told me that you like strawberries so - she responded, opening the box and showing a roll filled and decorated with cream and strawberries - for the picnic.
María: Chris, thank you very much - she replied, amazed, taking the gift.
Chris: Oh, aren't we... are we leaving now? -She asked, extending her hand for María to take.
María: "Of course," the fair man said, happily taking her hand and they walked to the picnic.
Martin: Chris? Chris! Chris where are you? -He looked in bushes, trees and antlers under the stones, but he didn't find it- Where is he?
Koki: are you still looking for Chris?
Martin: Yes, I can't find it anywhere.
Koki: Maybe he just wants time alone, leave him alone.
Martin: ugh okay, Chris when you finish can you go back to Tortuga? "I'll show you something later," he shouted as they walked away, so that his brother could "hear" him and stay calm.
Koki: hahaha we will be waiting for you Chris- he said between jokes, another gesture that caused confusion in Martin due to the tone he used.
Zach: very good, I have a Zachbot spying on a turtle and another one following Chris, are you ready for the soap opera? - I ask the others, excited under the layer of imbecility.
Donita: wow what an emotion
Violet: um honey, is it necessary to be hidden for this?
Zach: just for now, when Martin realizes that his brother is missing, we will act and show him the date that Maria and Chris are having and like the rest of the rat team I tease him and he can't do anything about it haha
Gourmound: Yes, and then we can enjoy the best show of our lives - he said, showing the popcorn and the 3D glasses.
Violet: I understand," she said, paying more attention to the two screens to make sure everything was fine, "I still don't believe that Martin is so overprotective of his brother...
Razo: why did you give us the Husky mantle? - the youngest asks.
Hello: I smell danger, like they are going to spy on us, so act like normal dogs, okay?
The rest: okay...
Kris: they're here, act natural! - the leader whispered and they spread out along the entire shore of the lake to leave the couple a little privacy.
Chris: wow it's beautiful - he was surprised when he approached the picnic and saw the beautiful lake - that's it? - he was surprised when he saw the cake that was on the tablecloth
Maria: yes, a mint cake with chocolate, your favorite - she said happily, and then was surprised by a sudden hug from Chris
Chris: Oh thank you very much, thank you, thank you! But how did you know?
María: well- blushing- I asked Koki for some help- she responded sadly.
Chris: Ha, I guess I wasn't the only one who asked for help with this - she said, smiling and somewhat flirtatious, which made María somewhat uneasy.
María: .... eh, shall we sit down now? -She suggested, pointing to the tablecloth.
Chris: oh yes of course - they separated from the hug and sat on the tablecloth, María took Chris's arm and snuggled while she saw her "dogs" playing with a branch
María: because they got into that mode - she laughed
Chris: hmm, maybe they like to play in that state-he chokes out a laugh, he tilts her head to stick it to hers, without realizing that there were hundreds recorded
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Zach from the camera: what are they talking about? - the inventor questioned.
Gourmound: things about dog owners, you wouldn't understand - said the chef who sympathized a little with the situation
Zach: Oh, right, she has like 9 dogs.
Donita: aww how cute, they look like a couple enjoying a picnic day with their pets
Violet: yes she's so cute *takes photos of them* Zach- trs take the photo myth the other screen and her expression changed to a scared one
Zach: Yes sweetie?
Violet: Isn't that Martin approaching?
Zach: approaching what? - I blinked in disbelief and then saw how the layer of imbecility was removed by the one in blue.
Martin: Zach? -I look at him annoyed- and the others?-I turn to look at the others-is that Chris with María!?-He said as he turned back to look at the screen and Violet, upon seeing this, quickly took the laptop and closed it.
Violet: No.
Zach: It's a series! While we were spying on them we were watching the last episode hahaha yes that's what he said nervously standing in front of her
Martin: And what is the "series" about? -He asked while he crossed his arms and looked at the rest, annoyed.
Aviva: Martin! What's happening!? - He asked, approaching along with Jimmy and Koki.
Martin: oh nothing, Zach and the other villains are watching a "series" where the characters look suspiciously like my brother and Maria...and they were just going to tell me what it's about.
Aviva: ah...*nervous*
Martin: Aviva? - He turns around and looks at how his entire team avoids his gaze, realizing what was happening and angrily asked - Did they know!?
Jimmy: "He told us not to tell you," he responded, scared by the scream.
Koki: Jimmy! - She complained
Martin: so he's true? - Annoyed grumble
Aviva: Oh, I don't even know why you're angry, Chris is already grown up and can make his own decisions. If Chris wants to spend his birthday with the girl he likes, what's his problem? She was nervous but she decided to face it anyway. shapes
Zach: Thanks for speaking up for everyone! - Zach encouraged surprisingly, which only increased Martin's fury.
Martin: Don't get involved, Zach, this is not your business, nor yours, Aviva, replied Zach, who swallowed, came out scared, he was going to back away, but his stubbornness encouraged him to continue angering that beast.
Zach: well I have news for you blue boy, it became my problem when you interfered in that double date, and long before that I felt sorry for poor Chris
Martin: are you still doing that!? You're already married and Chris has already forgotten about that.
Zach: I never forget, and if you are so sure that he forgot, then why didn't he tell you anything?
Gourmound: There you have a point.
Martin: agh! -It was the last thing that was heard coming out of his mouth before leaving the place, possibly to look for his younger brother.
With the danger receding, Violet left the laptop in her place again, to watch what would happen and in case after this she would have to hand over the laptop as proof of murder by Martin.
Violet: I think someone will have to tell Chris...- she commented worriedly.
Koki: we can't... I leave her animal communicator so that nothing interrupts them...
Aviva: oh no!
Jimmy: Wake me up when this is over *faints*
After a moment of silence Chris thought that this was the perfect moment, the wolves seemed to be playing and the moon seemed to be shining as if it was telling him that this was his signal.
Chris: the moon looks beautiful tonight- he commented, drawing the young woman's attention.
María: yes, in fact it is more beautiful when the moon is full, from this point you can see the reflection in the water and it seems as if it will illuminate the entire lake - she explained calmly while she pointed the moon to the lake
Chris: One night we should bring the kids here, I'm sure they would love to see that- he suggested.
María: and who doesn't? Since I discovered this place, we spent every full moon here - the girl looked at him with a smile that only seemed to make him fall in love more.
Chris: I would have loved for the full moon to be on my birthday - he said somewhat embarrassed while caressing her cheek with her fingers, which made María blush.
Maria: yes?
Chris: yes, so I could see how your beautiful face shines with the moon- Chris blushed at what he said but he had a firm and sweet look just for her, María seemed flattered and placed one of her hands on the boy's, both of them little Little by little they dried their eyes and started to get angry, but when finally their lips were about to touch, a roar stopped them, or rather an angry scream that put the other animals on alert.
Martin: Chris, what do you think you're doing!? - Saver demanded.
Chris: Brother, what are you doing here? -He asked scared and his hands shook when he saw that his brother had discovered him.
Martin: I came to look for you, what are you doing here?
María: oh well, I - I try to speak to clarify the situation a little but Martin silenced her immediately by stepping on the ground with force, which only made the "dogs" and his brother angry.
Martin: Don't get involved!
Chris: Hey, what's wrong with you!? "Don't talk to her like that!" He answered to stand in front of her and defend hers, being followed by Kris, Cero, Hallo and Rojo who surrounded Martin and began to growl and bark at him.
María: calm down guys - she begs not to make this bigger than it already is.
Martin: We are not going to Tortuga, we have to have a talk between the two of us.
Chris: sure, just let me finish my date with *interrupted*
Martin: It's now! - I order
María: It's okay Chris, I'll pick this up, here- she said calmly while he handed over her birthday cake- happy birthday Chris...
Chris: thank you... and I'm sorry- he takes the cake and walks with her brother after seeing her one last time.
Aviva closed the laptop, somewhat sad from what she could see.
Donita: now I understand what you were referring to - she said discouraged.
Zach: Yup, although I must say that the blue rat was better behaved than that time.
Koki: Is that Behavior!?
Zach: For this case, yes.
When the brothers had returned to Tortuga, the villains had left and the remaining crew members went to their rooms so as not to see in person the argument that was coming.
Chris: I can't believe you did this to me! - annoying complaint
Martin: I can't believe my own brother saw my stupid face!
Chris: I haven't seen your stupid face...why do you always do this to me? And on my birthday - he complained again
Martin: I just want to protect you and you know it
Chris: That cheap excuse may have worked when I was 15, but I'm already 28, I think I'm old enough to know who I want to be with - he demanded, but it seemed like his brother didn't want to explain even though he begged her.
Martin: no, you don't, you have no idea what love is - he responded annoyed.
Chris: and by whom will it be!?
There was a pause where they looked at each other annoyed, where the younger one was looking for answers while the older one just refused. In the end, Chris gave a sigh of surrender, marking the end of this meeting.
Chris: I'm going to my room- he said, leaving Martin alone.
Martin: yes, go... - he sighed tiredly and sat in one of the chairs until he fell asleep -...
(Al fin! I thought I wouldn't be able to publish this for today, but I can finally get this out of the way! one less thing on my list ^^ estoy feliz to be able to bring you this little soap opera on time even if it lacks a 1 and something for it to end 😅)
Aclaración: The character of Violet is not mine, it is @jokerislandgirl32. Perdón Jok I was so tired I forgot the clarifications 😓
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jokerislandgirl32 · 7 months ago
Oh this looks so cool so far! And Violet’s included 😍!!! I love this, I can’t wait to see the final result!
hello! I was writing the 3rd part of "the villains' plan" and this occurred to me haha
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Take it as a small preview of what happens🤭 the character in front of María and Martin is Violet from @jokerislandgirl32 the only one that details well for the sketch hehe 😁 I hope you like the final result when you see it 💚💕
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