#violet makami x evan hawkins
americaswritings · 11 months
Violet Hakami & Evan Hawkins dating (for more than a few episodes) would include...
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A/N: Just my take on how their happily ever after could go (still sobbing over here so writing this gave me a little comfort. I hope it might cheer you up)
Violet definitely has an ugly christmas sweater competition with Ritter and Gallo
She thinks it‘s kind of dumb, but she participates anyway because why not??
So when she is out shopping with Evan she begins looking for the ugliest one she can find
And he is like ????
"You actually think these look good???"
So she tells him about the competition and he helps her pick one and it's never mentioned again
But then on Christmas Eve he shows up in the most horrendous sweater she has ever seen
And she is so shook??? Because it‘s Evan???
"I think I win this one.“
"Oh, you definitely do!"
The year after that they take the competition so serious they go shopping separately
and there is lots of banter and teasing involved ;)
Also Evan is really good at picking out gifts
Violet just gets something she thinks is a good fit but Evan can spend weeks weighing ideas until the finds the perfect one
And he does
Every single time
"Evan...I don't know what to say." :,)
She is always speechless and he thinks it‘s the best reward he can get, because it‘s so cute
And we all know making Violet Makami speechless is not an easy quest (That girl always got something to say)
"Just tell me I'm the best."
"Oh, you so are!"
At the end of her work day Violet usually vents to him about annoying patients or jokes that were pulled at 51
And he listenes quietly and grins (because he thinks she is so cute when she is mad) until she is done or his smile distracts her from what she was going to say next
"Stop it!"
"Stop what?"
"You know what! That thing that you're doing!"
"Exactly that. It's distracting!"
Evan is a really good listener
and he is very patient
Violet is more fierce and outgoing than him
so that's a match ;)
But even though he is the calmer one , sometimes he has to let off steam too (mostly it‘s about the paperwork)
One of his ways Violet really doesn't mind ;)
The other is the gym. They work out together regularly and he teachers her boxing
He goes for runs too, but Violet can‘t be bothered to join him
"There is good exercise and then there is running.“ He always grins at that
Violet takes him to a spinning class once (Brett introduced her to it) and he ends up loving it
When they have a tough call they always take the time to talk about it, because they both know how important that is
Usually Evan can sense if something happened just by the way Violet picks up the phone or when she comes home in a weird mood
"What's wrong?"
Lots of comfort
And hugs
"You know you can always talk to me about everything, right?"
"I do."
Evan is the big spoon
But when they make out Violet is the dominant one
She likes to mess with him and tease him
because she thinks it's so fun to get a reaction out of him
especially in public ;)
Also lots of chemistry talk (because she knows he is into that)
which in turn makes her feel very cool about it and not like a huge nerd
though she has learned Evan is such a nerd about tv shows
she is always more entertained by how into them he is than what actually happens on screen
And yeah she might have called him chief in bed once or twice (it was an accident….)
Let‘s just say he didn‘t mind
Since officially being out as a couple they go to Molly‘s regularly
Evan gets along with everyone, because he is such a likeable guy. Violet sometimes thinks it‘s annoying haha
"Is there anyone who doesn't like you?"
"I guess some do, yeah."
She rolls her eyes hard at that
They often hang out with Brett, because he still supports her on the paramedicine program
He introduces her to his friends too and they are not the uptight guys she imagined they might be (they think she is pretty cool and pretty hot Evan can‘t disagree on that one, though he prefers his friends not to call her that)
Violet is the sassy one in the relationship
But they both got the sarcastic comments down
They like to call each other by their last name if they are teasing
Also Evan does this leaning-against-a-wall-pose that Violet thinks is so hot
The worst part is he doesn‘t even realise he is doing it
After dating for a while he introduces her to his family and they all adore her
Now they keep bugging him about proposing
Which he will do (eventually)
Also Evan can cook
He sometimes tries to teach her but she‘s a mess
(Or maybe she isn‘t trying hard enough, because it‘s just so comfortable to let him cook for her)
and he doesn't mind at all (he says it relaxes him which she really doesn't get)
They don‘t see each other at work anymore, but sometimes he surprises her with a lunch date or pops in at 51 when he is off shift
Those are her favourite moments
Of course Mouch then made him cook for the whole firehouse which she got pretty mad about, but Evan didn’t even mind
"They are your family and I want them to like me.“
"As if they didn‘t adore you already.“
When he doesn't cook for them, he loves to take her out
Fancy restaurants
Chilling at the movies
When he has to attend boring events she is by his side and makes them not so boring
He is there (and proud!!) when she gets another award
"For being one hell of a badass paramedic!"
They move in together when they realise they have been practically living together all the time anyway
„It’s just easier that way.“ Brett just nodded at that with a very unconvinced grin (the girl knows what's up)
Evan is really not the jealous type. He likes to be aware if there is something he should know about, but he trusts Violet and is secure in their relationship
Violet can get pretty jealous though. She just can't help it
Especially because she knows how good Evan looks in his uniform (or outside of it ;)) Of course others will try their luck with him.
She actually growls when she is there to see it. But he always very politely shuts them down
"You know I only have eyes for you."
And they go on that vacation
And lots of others
Their camera rolls are full of photos of the other
Most of them are goofy
Of course they are each others lockscreens, but Evan carries around a photo of her in his wallet
She thinks it’s so old-school??? But so cute???
Later when he proposes he does the whole deal
He makes sure they are both dressed up and he has roses and her favourite dessert
it's so romantic
Violet almost cries (okay maybe she cries a little) and then Evan gets teary eyed too and it's a whole cute mess
She wants to say she expected it after Brett and Kidd kept teasing her for months
But she really did not
Because there had been plenty of opportunities where nothing happened so she didn‘t expect anything that day
He makes it look so smooth, but they both know he is a nervous mess inside
His biggest fear (after her saying no obv) is dropping the ring so he holds onto it so tight he almost forgets to let go of it then
OBVIOUSLY she says yes
They agree to keep it low-key at first until they figure out the details
But the next day at work she ends up spilling the news to the girls and to Ritter and Gallo
And then Herrman overhears and announces it loudly to the whole firehouse
So there is that
Everyone is so happy for her
Boden even comes out of his office and hugs her
it's adorable
Herrman wants to throw them a party at Molly‘s and she actually thinks she might combust from happiness
Evan doesn‘t mind at all when she admits that „kind of everybody knows“ later. He is more amused about it
"You can show off your ring now. I know you want to.“
She really does (urgh when has she become one of those puppy eyed lovesick girls she used to make fun of??)
Shortly before the wedding Violet gets into a car crash with the ambulance when a sicko tries to get back at the firehouse for uncovering his drug stash
Evan feels his heart sink when he hears what happened
He rushes to the hospital IMMEDIATELY (he might have used his siren to get there faster)
Brett is there to tell him what happened and he is so scared for Violet the whole time she is in surgery
But it makes his heart a little lighter when he sees the whole waiting room is packed with her family at 51
And they take care of him too
Because he is a part of it now too <3
When they finally get the good news that she will be okay everyone let’s him go in first
He hates seeing her in a hospital bed although it reminds him of their first memorable encounter when he had to lecture her about a citizen complaint and her appendix burst in the middle of it
And she had barked orders around in the ambulance and talked nonsense…something about not having problems in her love life at all…and then she had petted his knee and told him he wasn’t a bad paramedic
She had told him that
Her boss
And she had asked him if she would survive
It had been one hell of a messy and cute event for sure
He had fallen hard for her then. And fast.
But being back here sitting at her bedside he could only think about the possibility that she had not survived
And he hadn‘t been there
But when she wakes up and asks him for the bubbly water he made sure to get ready for her it‘s forgotten for a moment
And she sees how upset he is so she reassures him she is okay
"Trust me, you won‘t get rid of me that easily.“
"I am counting on it.“
They do need to post-pone the wedding a little
But when it does happen it‘s picture perfect
And Evan cries a little when he sees her which makes everyone else cry a little too
And they have their happy ending
Because they deserved it
@capkilljoy @fairytalesforever @hamartocado @choke-me-sweet-pea @sleepinginthegarden7 @thenoddingbunny-blog @ttalisa  @hallecarey1 @Not-jay-c @sunwardsss @writingrem-blog @the-pink-petite-princess @wanniiieeee @part-time-patronus @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad  @theshortegg @not-reptilian @msdrpreist @alisonhepps @hallecarey1  @thatfangirl42 @dustyinkpages @ellabellabus07 @iluvjj  @wayward-hunter  @sweet-texas-girl @rosie-posie08 @ @olsensnpm  @meyocoko  @alexxavicry @shhh423  @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jayyeahthatsme @savagemickey03  @alexxavicry @partiallypearl @earthtolottie  @gisobsessedwithfanfiction  @navs-bhat  @AlohaStitch_626 @multi-fandom-lover7667 @xcallmetaniax @esposadomd  @halsteadloversworld @girlintheredscarf  @randomwriter1021 @joyfulfxckery 
@alldaysdreamers  @krswrites @oosnapitskat @okiegirl24  @mads-weasley  @nyx2021 @human01sposts @wanniiieeee @dustyinkpages @randomwriter1021 @cosmic-psychickitty @smoothdogsgirl @yyourmotherr  @luckyladycreator2  @penguins0527 @rippl3s @sande5098 @freyathehuntress @sorry-i-spaced   @narnianaos @jtxox01  @captainjoongiekissme @killerrbunnii @randomhoex @mrspeacem1nusone @thesithdiaries @cosmicwintr @fdl305  @insane-fangirl @thaliadoesthingd @crazy4pennywise@morks-watermelon  @automaticpeachsong @arialikestea @lanea-1 @hoeshii  @multi-fandom-lover7667  @mrsjna @toohighhopes @caroldanverwife @Kanji_Chikara @chsatlntic @halstead-severide-fan @halsteadloversworld  @mrspeacem1nusone @durandingers  @keabbs @sorry-i-spaced  @zizzlekwum @slytherlight @itserickalove  @mrspeacem1nusone @xwhatababex @Zo-3435 @evangeline0404
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americaswritings · 11 months
Chicago Fire Masterlist
Violet x Evans (Hawkami)
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Violet Hakami & Evan Hawkins dating (for more than a few episodes) would include...
Old scars - future hearts
"Don't do that. Don't pretend that everything is fine when it's so clear it's not. I know you're hurting Violet. Please, let me help." "What if there is nothing you can do to help?" "I can only try if you let me." or Violet and Evan talk about what happened to him and how it affected her.
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americaswritings · 10 months
Old scars - future Hearts (a Hawkami oneshot)
Warnings: angst, fluff
"Don't do that. Don't pretend that everything is fine when it's so clear it's not. I know you're hurting Violet. Please, let me help." "What if there is nothing you can do to help?" "I can only try if you let me." or Violet and Evan talk about what happened to him and how it affected her.
Words: 2k
Pairing: Violet Makami x Evans Hawkins (Hawkami)
A/N: Yup, I'm still screaming, crying, throwing up over the loss of Hawkins. I loved his character so much and his relationship with Violet was what got me into the show again. I wish they would have had more time together, because they were amazing together!! So because there's nothing else to do I'm going to pretend he didn't die and they got the happy ending they deserved. I'm going to write more for them soon! :)
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@capkilljoy @fairytalesforever @hamartocado @choke-me-sweet-pea @sleepinginthegarden7 @thenoddingbunny-blog @ttalisa  @hallecarey1 @Not-jay-c @sunwardsss @writingrem-blog @the-pink-petite-princess @wanniiieeee @part-time-patronus @unnuevosoltransformalarealidad  @theshortegg @not-reptilian @msdrpreist @alisonhepps @hallecarey1  @thatfangirl42 @dustyinkpages @ellabellabus07 @iluvjj  @wayward-hunter  @sweet-texas-girl @rosie-posie08 @ @olsensnpm  @meyocoko  @alexxavicry @shhh423  @dumb-fawkin-bitch @jayyeahthatsme @savagemickey03  @alexxavicry @partiallypearl @earthtolottie  @gisobsessedwithfanfiction  @navs-bhat  @AlohaStitch_626 @multi-fandom-lover7667 @xcallmetaniax @esposadomd  @halsteadloversworld @girlintheredscarf  @randomwriter1021 @joyfulfxckery 
@alldaysdreamers  @krswrites @oosnapitskat @okiegirl24  @mads-weasley  @nyx2021 @human01sposts @wanniiieeee @dustyinkpages @randomwriter1021 @cosmic-psychickitty @smoothdogsgirl @yyourmotherr  @luckyladycreator2  @penguins0527 @rippl3s @sande5098 @freyathehuntress @sorry-i-spaced   @narnianaos @jtxox01  @captainjoongiekissme @killerrbunnii @randomhoex @mrspeacem1nusone @thesithdiaries @cosmicwintr @fdl305  @insane-fangirl @thaliadoesthingd @crazy4pennywise@morks-watermelon  @automaticpeachsong @arialikestea @lanea-1 @hoeshii  @multi-fandom-lover7667  @mrsjna @toohighhopes @caroldanverwife @Kanji_Chikara @chsatlntic @halstead-severide-fan @halsteadloversworld  @mrspeacem1nusone @durandingers  @keabbs @sorry-i-spaced  @zizzlekwum @slytherlight @itserickalove  @mrspeacem1nusone @xwhatababex @Zo-3435 @evangeline0404
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