#violentkisses writing
violentkisses999 · 1 month
cw: extreme vampirism, blood loss and lust, sexual tension, dubcon, death
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vampire reader with an unsuspecting human wanda, that would explain how you had managed to get her backed against the bathroom counter of the ladies' restroom. the fresh blood seeping out of the scratch on her forehead to blame for your one track mind.
you couldn't lie, even before that fight broke out at the bar, she had caught your attention. throughout the night, you could feel yourself getting lost in the auburn red wisps of her mane. you couldn't help but admire as she babysat the same honey gold glass of mead.
occasionally, she'd make small talk with the bartender. though, for the most of it, she peacefully nodded her head to the pounding rhythm of the booming music.
when the physical discourse broke out, you had honestly found it amusing. the drunken women were shameless as they threw their own heels, snatched any locks of hair they could grip, and broke each other's skin.
however, when the metallic odor of sweet crimson hijacked your senses, your previous attraction to the lonely woman only heightened. as your admiree held her head in pain, the liquid in your glass rippled as your hand began to tremble. how she had gotten caught in the cross fire was a mystery to you.
you could imagine red fumes hot on her trail as your little dove fled to the restrooms. your gaping pupils were locked onto her until her figure disappeared behind the heavy swinging door. it'd been about a year since you'd felt a beating in your chest quite as prominent as this one. your head was swarmed with restraint, and your emotions blended into one abominable urge. your fingers wrung tighter around your nearly empty glass.
the binary question was served clearly: will you evade through the nearest exit that exposed you to the open world, or invade the four walls that protected the alluring beauty from your selfish bloodlust?
suddenly, your sensitive ears caught wind of distant whining. the poor thing must be trying to cleanse the open wound. maybe that was the straw that broke the camel's back, along with the feeble glass that was now left in ragged shards pulling cold blood from your own flesh.
however, this didn't hender you from running a bloodied thumb over her wound. she physically flinched and drew in a harsh breath. in the moment, you could only focus on how your bloods danced in the flickering artificial light. your's: dark and tainted. her's: innocent and bright.
you stalked closer to her, eliminating distance between the two of you. the tip of your nose grazed down the bridge of her's. softly, her face tensed into an adorable scrunch. you wanted to take her then and there. you needed to selfishly corrupt her in every way.
still, you took your time. for some sick and twisted reason, you wanted her to flee. you wanted to see her go running for her life. perhaps, you enjoyed the hunt more than you should. who could blame you, it's the best part?
wanda, on the other hand, was becoming impatient. your nimble fingers felt like rods of ice as they scooped up her plush thighs. she was effortlessly lifted onto the sink. why were you so cold? your cool breath sent goosebumps down the centre of her back as your lips settled on the valley of her neck.
your sly fingers snuck under the skirt of her burgundy mini dress, halting when they grazed over a thin piece of lace. her hips bucked needily, and the grin etching onto your features was downright malicious.
again, you lifted her with great ease. she gasped and wrapped her legs around your waist as you carried her into the stall the furthest from the entrance. you sandwiched her body between yourself and the wall, your nose still buried in the crease of her neck.
you had to refrain from tearing her slutty little dress to pieces. instead, you simply bunched it around her hips. slowly, you began to rut your belt buckle against her sodden panties. meanwhile, you probed at the throbbing heartbeat underneath wanda's skin, your blossoming fangs scratching over the bulging veins.
you could feel wanda's heels digging into your bottom as her hips met yours halfway. it's when her airy pants convert into thick moans as she fucked herself on your pelvis, you become practically feral.
what a beautiful sound. you wanted more.
her skin tasted so sweet. you needed more.
you couldn't stop your hand when it muffled her moans, not even when you both heard the squelch of blood as it dripped over the hill of her chin.
oops. you must've forgotten that you had slashed your hand open earlier. though the cut healed long ago, your cold blood still remained.
the heavy heartbeat in wanda's core conflicted with the terror she felt beating in her chest as your metallic blood seeped between her lips. being forced fed blood was the last thing wanda was expecting when you approached her.
her moans were chopped into ragged breaths as she attempted to push you away. it was like clawing at a brick wall. you were so lost in her scent, her sharp heels digging into your calfs did nothing to throw off your steady balance.
without thinking, she stretched her jaw to open her mouth. her cries for help were muffled by your hand. though they wouldn't need to be for long. as soon as her lips were unsealed, your dark blood leaked from your hand onto the tip of her tongue. in that moment, her kicking and pushing ceased, her vision blurring.
at the same time, your honed fangs pierced the thick layers of wanda's flesh. she didn't kick or scream. surprisingly, her head rested against yours and her eyelashes began to flutter.
suddenly, you felt a sharp pain in your palm. did wanda just... bite you? though her dull human teeth struggled, she gnawed at your flesh until you bled. you had heard that vampire blood could be compelling, but you had never witnessed the power of your own at work.
she sucked and licked until your skin began to heal itself. then, she'd just tear into your flesh again. your nonverbal dance of blood lust intensified as you drained her neck. she groaned into your hand at the feeling. wanda tasted so sweet on your tongue. she was sinless and unmarred: a true artifact of nature.
you wouldn't dare complain. your little dove- so willing to give and so naively desperate to take. her grip around your wrist felt like a shackle of possession. she hadn't planned on stopping. so, you can imagine how disappointed she was when you pulled away from her neck. your darkened eyes observe her features as they shrunk into a disheartened pout.
you marveled at how easy it was to corrupt such a pure entity. wanda's downturned lips were smeared with your blood. a vast percentage of her eyeballs were dominated by her pupils. you could tell that her head was anything but lucid as she struggled to make eye contact with you.
after a moment of silence, wanda tilted her head forward, her lips ready to connect with yours. though before she could make it to you, your hand collared her sore neck and guided her back against the wall.
her lips pursed as you drew in closer to her. you could almost chuckle at how reactive she was. she begrudgingly sighed as your lips passed her's and stopped when they were next to her ear. her hands began to roam your arms, clutching at the thick fabric of your sweater. she couldn't help but want to be underneath your skin. her nose burying itself in the side of your face.
your free arm snaked around her back, pulling her closer to you. your tone was almost sinister when you whispered, "rest well, my little dove."
before wanda could question your command, a cruel snap cut through the silence around you two. her body immediately fell limp in your arms. her breathing ceased as the color slowly drained from her face. you had no struggle lifting her into a bridal hold and resting her head against your chest.
you couldn't help but admire her lifeless features. soon, they'll be reanimated- probably furiously glaring at you. you'd apologize for corrupting your little dove, but you'd never really regret it. wether sooner or later, she'll learn to accept the undying bond between the two of you.
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violentkisses999 · 1 month
cw: angst if you squint
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wanda truly loves when you find old history books to help her study the craft.
the two of you would always find yourselves tucked away in a quiet corner of your local library. the table in front of you covered in heaps of ancient literacy. her heart always warmed at how enthused you'd become.
in her previous relations, whether it be with friends or lovers, her lifestyle had always been an issue. everyone had either been freaked out and immediately backed away, or they'd refuse to acknowledge the fact that she is a witch at heart and expect her to leave the occult for them.
the day she revealed her identity to you, she was a nervous wreck, her fingers fiddling with the silver rings around the others. she knew she shouldn't be so high strung about it, it's not like it was some fatal flaw. but she really liked you, and she didn't want this to be the thing that drove a wedge between you two.
that night, she cried herself to sleep- in your arms, of course. after she disclosed the only secret she had ever kept from you, she half expected your face to twist in disgust or you to scream in her face. hell, even a downturned sigh would've broken her heart.
however, when you asked, "why didn't you tell me sooner, red?", the tears she had attempted to dam broke through the walls she built long ago. the adoring grin on your face fell as wanda began to sob right in front of you. your arms automatically wrapping around her shoulders, pulling her in for a hug that she was yet to reciprocate.
at first, you thought it was your response that triggered this. this theory only confused you more as you had tried to be as delicate as possible. but when she began to ramble about how cruelly others had reacted in the past, you began to put two and two together.
you couldn't tell what bothered you more: the idea of anyone mistreating wanda, or the fact that she fully expected you to do just that. still, you prayed reassurances to her until her cries settled and were replaced with quiet snores. only then did you carry her to bed- her head never leaving your shoulder.
much like right now, wanda's head rested against your shoulder as she fought a losing fight with a long awaited nap. you hadn't noticed as your eyes were glued to an aged page of an ancient book. you read along the lines, your finger following.
"look at this," -you nudged her head with your own- "it says here that chaos magic was dis-"
your previous revelation was shortly cut off by a new one. wanda had fallen asleep. you dumbly gazed around at the terribly organized books and papers in front of you, wondering how long you had been reading alone.
as another snore rumbled from wanda's person, she nuzzled the side of her face into the warm fabric of your sweater. you could hear someone shushing her from somewhere in the distance.
your tense shoulders relaxed as you gently shut the book. leave it to you to get lost in your girlfriend's world.
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violentkisses999 · 17 days
preys and predators
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summary: the story of preys and predators unfolds as you exchange numbers with wanda maximoff: a predator of nature your wedding planner.
pairing: fem!reader x wanda maximoff
cw: death of animal, light depiction of blood, (i'm an asshole when it comes to poetic metaphors, pls stick w me)
there was once a swampy bayou. humid breezes raked over soggy lumps of leaves. it was midday when a white swan gracefully flapped near the edges of peaceful waters. its webbed feet squelched into clay like mud as it ventured closer.
the bird's long neck bucked as it peered its head around: checking if the coast was clear. all that could be heard were screaming heaps of cicadas and the occasional yelp of a cricket. once the swan decided that it was safe to do so, it dipped its bumpy beak into the murky water.
the resting waters of the bayou rippled as the waterfowl sipped. its tired eyelids drooped as it drank. it hadn't seen the bubbles of air that emerged from the water.
as the bird's body grew heavier with relaxation, it was submerged further into the thick mud. so far to the point where it could feel its stomach rest against the soft land. unbeknownst to the pure creature, the ripples in the body of water redirected. instead of moving away from the bird's beak, they were flowing right towards it.
once the greedy swan had finally quenched its thirst, it lifted its dripping beak. its eyelids never opened as it ruffled its feathers. its body was graced with a warm gust of wind.
its eyelids fluttered as they peeled apart. though instead of the peaceful swamps it expected to see, the bird's eye view was met with gaping jaws ready to feast. the snout of the slick predator dripped as it lurked further open.
before the swan could retrieve its feet from the mud-
drops of blood flew to paint the sharp blades of grass. like water colors, the brownish water blended with the crimson substance.
the scene was terrifying, but so is nature. the tailed beast drew back into the murky swamp. the cicadas still screamed, and the crickets still yelped.
after so long, another greedy creature would naively sip from the forbidden bayou. that sneaky gator will be there too. patiently watching its prey fatten before striking. just another day in the wild.
the circle of l- "hey?" wanda repeated, "you okay?"
suddenly, the sounds of civilians chattering, and cars honking infiltrated your senses. busy gusts of wind fanned her fragrance right towards you. miniature bumps rose on your skin.
the tender rasp of her voice had your hands fumbling with your phone. your voice shook, "yeah- no, i'm all good, " you explained pathetically.
a moment of silence passed. though subtle, you managed to notice it. her green eyes sharply peered into yours. the space between her auburn brows creased as her head tilted in the slightest.
before you could further reassure her that you were present, her hands firmly clapped together. her matte lips pursing in disregard.
"anyways, now that you have my number, we can discuss cake tasting plans over the phone." her stating of the obvious was met with your dumb nodding. you'd be lying if you said that you'd been listening.
"text me later?" her eyebrows raised as she slightly raised her shoulders: physically begging for words. you cheeks warmed as if you had only just noticed your limited responses.
"absolutely!" you blurted out before your lips could stop. your eyelids squeezed shut, and your cheeks heated. your grip on your phone only slipped as sweat drew from your palms. "i mean, yes. i will text you, and i will give mark your number as well."
wanda's shoulders seemed to relax at the mention of your fiance. you wouldn't have noticed, you were too busy staring down other random pedestrians. anything to make this interaction feel more casual.
"well, you do that." with that, she zipped up her coat and drew back into the busy crowd.
and just like that, the chattering civilians and honking cars became real noise again. the autumn breeze still graced your skin. no more goosebumps. huh... weird..
anywho, you should really call mark. planning you guy's wedding has been driving you crazy.
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violentkisses999 · 17 days
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chapter 1
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violentkisses999 · 1 month
only you can convince octavia to have mercy on her opposers.
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all night, your lover laid awake, her arms around you securely. no matter when or where, she had always felt the need to protect you.
no barriers of fabrics covered your bodies. octavia's bare chest pressed against your back. her biceps still as tense as they were when she joined you in bed. her thumb kneaded at the pudge of your belly.
you were so soft and sheltered. she couldn't remember the last time she had seen your skin deeply wounded, and she liked it that way. may whatever supreme being above have mercy on the fool who blew at the flame that kept her going, because she wouldn't.
she decided that you weren't fit for war. you thrived the most in front of a computer. you did more for your people when your fingers were racing across keys at the speed of light. on the ark, computer coding was just a class you were good at. it also happened to be the skill that came most in handy on the ground.
octavia didn't know how you did it. you were a hero to so many people that would never even know your name. watching you save more lives than she could take with the click of a few buttons was always so satisfying.
she mindlessly nudged at the nape of your neck with the tip of her nose. your fresh scent fogged her senses in a way that she easily submitted to. she could stay lost in your presence all night, but alas, duty called.
a mission in polis: another ambassador of king roan sticking their nose where it shouldn't be. soon, they won't have any business of their own to mind.
kane suggested that it wasn't in her best interest to go through with it. he told her that the killings would be for nothing once roan knows the truth.
she knew this, but she was burdened with one purpose: to protect. whether it be a grounder or an arkadian, no more of her friends would die. if that meant killing anyone that threatened roan, she's willing to live with their deaths.
with that in mind, she left you lying in bed with a gentle kiss along your hairline. she was careful to not dip the bed as she lifted herself. her sharp eyes tracked the slow rise and fall of your waist to be sure you hadn't awoken.
the pale moonlight was all that assisted her search for her belongings. sneakily, she maneuvered herself into her armor. she was struggling to find her boots. she throws them in the same place every night, how could they just-
"there better be a warm bed for you in polis." octavia's search was cut short by your fried voice. she could've sworn she felt something thud in her neck as she twisted to look at you. you were still in the same position. your back to her. however, the quickened rise and fall of your waist didn't slip past her.
she quickly gathered herself to respond. she was so startled, she asked, "what are you sayi-"
you didn't even let her finish her question before continuing, "if you leave me here tonight, i'm not letting you back in."
to anyone else, you just sounded pissed off and stern. but octavia wasn't just 'anyone else'. she could hear the well hidden sobs and the slight stuffiness in your voice.
you were... crying. her eyes softened and all of a sudden, she wasn't so determined to leave.
the sound of metal clanking with metal could be heard as her jacket fell to the floor. her now free hands flew to encase the hill of your hips, her knee pressing a dip into the mattress as she sat beside you. as if you'd break under pressure, she carefully turned you to lay on your back.
once she saw your face practically soaked in tears, her heart shattered into a million pieces. she ran calloused thumbs over your moonlit tears.
"my baby," she whispered as she lowered her forehead to rest on yours.
your shaking hands clutched the leather of her armor, you drug them over her arms. it seemed as if the sight of her fully clothed was enough to break your resolve, because you broke into heavy sobs right then. your shoulders shook as you whimpered, "please, don't leave."
you were begging her to listen to kane. even though you didn't see eye to eye with the man most of the time, this was one thing that the two of you agreed upon.
listening to you bawling seemed to cease the war in her mind. she swiftly pressed her lips against yours, swallowing your cries. as she pulled away, her nose nudging yours, she eased her palms over the crown of your head, pulling your hair out of your face.
"i'm not going anywhere." her cracked lips welded with yours once again. the sigh you released tickled her face beautifully.
and just like that, she remembered why you were her first priority. how could she forget?
"ai hod yu in."
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violentkisses999 · 1 month
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i noticed that there aren't many octavia blake fics. it's either that, or i'm not looking in the right places. if i were to post my fanfics about her, would you guys read them or not???
love, violentkisses </3
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