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pvsqdx · 3 months ago
i remember reading one vinnie hacker mafia story on wattpad and idk what happened but the author removed it
if anyone saved it on drive or smth pls lmk
can y'all help me get that book it was so good :(
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
y/n meets her celeb crush (jack harlow) at a concert and vinnie gets jealous at the way y/n is acting. and at the end, she comforts him and reassures him that she only loves vinnie
“Jetson came in with an FN, two girls with him told me he ain’t got a preference!” You shouted at the top of your lungs, tip toeing and holding onto your boyfriends arm as you sang one of Jack Harlow’s songs.
To say you’re a fan would be an understatement, you want to jump in this mans arms if given the chance. Your obsession with the rapper got so bad that you had to sit down and talk to Vinnie as you discussed with him that if ever you both meet the other curly man in your life, your actual boyfriend has to pretend to just be your friend. Of course you took your statement back when you saw Vinnie pouting and burying his head on your neck. Your chances of meeting Jack is slim to begin with. Plus, you were kidding, well maybe half kidding. No, you were totally kidding.
“You having fun, baby?” Vinnie said to your ear as he pressed a kiss to your temple, enjoying your excitement more than the actual concert.
“Yes! Thank you, I love you and your gift!” You beamed as you jumped up and down, your smile infecting Vinnie. When he caught news that Jack has a show in LA, he pulled all the strings to get you two tickets just for the fun of it.
“Jack, I fucking love you! Marry me! Have my babies!” You shouted and you gasped out loud when the rapper looked at your direction. That did not just happen. He flashed his pearly whites and held multiple eye contacts for the rest of the show. You literally feel like Y/n right now.
As the night progressed, Vinnie got awfully quiet after you caught Jack’s attention. All he could think about was if he just played himself by bringing you here, did he? Is he actually losing you to the cutest rapper in the game? Oh my goodness, do the tickets have meet and greets included in it?! He even double checked the e-ticket and when it didn’t have M&Gs, he almost kissed the ground he was standing on. Phew, he dodged a bullet.
You were both on your way to his car as you snaked your arms around his. “Thank you again, Vin. I had so much fun.” You said as you looked up at him wondering how you got so lucky with a guy like him who pays attention.
“Of course, my love, anything for you.” He smiled but it barely reached his eyes.
The both of you finally got home and were all cozied up, ready to sleep until Vinnie spoke up. “Did you mean what you said back there, Y/n?” He asked, looking up at the ceiling.
You turned to face him and brought your hand to his face as you made him turn to you. There was a solemn look in his eyes that you couldn’t figure out. “What do you mean, Vin?”
“When you said you’d marry him and have his babies.” He sighed and looked down on the bed, that pout decorating his face again.
“What?! No, baby. I was just trying to get his attention. C’mere.” You cooed the last sentence as you brought his big ass head to your chest as you threw your legs over his in an attempt to pull him closer.
“Are you for real?” He nonchalantly asked as you kissed the top of his head as you hummed, telling him you’re for real.
“I can never love someone as much as I love you. Even if it’s Jack Harlow or Prince Constantine of Greece, I’d pick you, okay?” You kissed the top of his head again.
“They can never amount to the feelings you make me feel. They can tell me I’m pretty but that’s nothing compared to when you call me beautiful. You make me feel like the only girl in the world and I’m sorry I made you feel bad, you can never lose me, babe. I’m yours, always. For-fucking-ever.” You pulled his head up to look at you.
“You’re the one I want to marry and have babies with, not someone who I’m sure has a lot of hoes in every city. You don’t have hoes, right?” You tried to enlarge your eyes, trying to be serious, but it just made Vinnie laugh.
“No, I don’t have hoes. And do you mean it when you said you’d marry me and have my babies?” He asked, teary eyed.
“Yes, my love. In this lifetime and a whole lot of others.” You pressed a sweet kiss on his lips and when you pulled away, you saw a tear streak down Vinnie’s already red cheeks.
“Aww, baby, don’t cry! You’re gonna make me cry.” You laughed as you peppered his face with more kisses.
“I love you, I love you, I love you.” You repeatedly said as you gave him even more kisses until he was smiling and laughing. He then wonders how he got so lucky with a girl like you and he thanks the heavens every single day for bringing you to him.
“You have a type, huh?” He smirked.
“Oh, shut it. I do not, Vincent Cole.” You rolled your eyes, trying to dismiss this teasing.
“Yes, you do. You like the curly haired guys!” He said as he slightly tickled your sides.
“Yes, okay. I said it. You’re lucky you’re curly or else I wouldn’t even look in your direction.” You said as you buried your face on his chest as you huffed in annoyance because he totally caught you.
Hello! I’m back and I hope I get to publish more works lol. Also i missed d part of d req where it said y/n meets jack oeoedodkdkddk
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
vinnie and y/n are hype house members, barely talk to each other and they were going somewhere with the house. Only the two of them are in the car and she starts her period on the way
Tw: period/blood & mention/s of pee
“Can you go before we drive?” Vinnie asked, not looking up from his phone as he stood beside his car door.
Your relationship with Vinnie isn’t exactly the most defined, sure you live together but that doesn’t mean you’re the bestest of friends. It was casual, too casual for you since you might have a teeny tiny crush on him. But casual is good. It’s safe enough for you to keep your distance.
“Go where?” You asked while looking around in confusion.
“The bathroom?” He finally looked up at you, his brown eyes looking you up and down. Is he judging your outfit?
“Oh! Uhm…no I don’t wan- well I already went so…” You stuttered. Wow, you’re really awkward and why are we talking about piss?
“Okay. It’s a long drive and we’re barely stopping to save time. Are you sure you’re good?” Finally, you made up what was written all over his eyes, even his tone. It was somewhat concern? Why would he be? It’s not like you’ll pee yourself. But you’re glad he’s showing a little bit of warmth towards you. Baby steps.
“Yes, sir.” You said jokingly as you opened his passenger door, getting settled for the long road ahead of you both.
After about an hour and a half through your drive, you felt the unexpected. The universe has got to be kidding because you swear that’s your period, your in denial self doesn’t want to believe it because you just had it. You tensed up and fiddled with your hands while looking outside. You didn’t know what to do and the only thing you can bring yourself to do was to check your period app to see if it really is that time of the month. And there it is: two damn days early. You wanted to cry from frustration because the man beside you isn’t exactly the most lenient with things. You’ve overheard him countless of times speaking on the phone demanding stuff ranging from car parts to Purgatory release dates.
Vinnie must’ve felt your panic when he snapped you out of your misery. “Hey, you okay? I told you to pee before we go.” His eyes shifting from the road to your direction. You honestly have no idea what to reply, I mean do you just tell him you might be bleeding on his seat?
You could burst into tears right now, if we’re all honest. “I think I’m on my period can you pull over the gas station if there even is one?” You spoke quickly which you regret now because…
“What? You spoke too fast, love. Say it again.” Well that’s certainly new.
“I said I think I started my period, can we pull over if there’s a gas station?” You looked over at him with teary eyes.
He was starting to panic as well because how often do you drive with a girl who unexpectedly just got her period? He sped up and there you can see from the distance, a gas station. “I’m coming with.” Vinnie declared when he pulled the handbrake.
“Why?” You asked while wrapping a hoodie around your waist just in case there’s a stain.
“Creeps hang out here. Precious cargo.” He nonchalantly said. You sped your walking and was surprised when Vinnie put his warm hands on the small of your back. He’s just simply helping you speed walk, Y/n.
You hurried to the feminine products aisle expecting Vinnie to vanish to god knows where but he stayed with you and honestly it was kind of awkward. “Uhm can you back up a bit?” Your eyes shifted from him to the pads and tampons in front of you.
“Oh, sorry.” He scratched the back of his head and shyly walked away. Why is it Vinnie who’s here with you out of all people? This is so embarrassing. He can’t see you like this. Well, not yet perhaps?
You beelined your way to the cashier and paid for the box of pads/tampons and raced through to the end of the store to use the bathroom. Luckily, it didn’t bleed through your jeans so that’s a win in your book. You took the moment to regroup yourself, hoping that Vinnie wasn’t creeped out or disgusted by you. It’s natural and normal and there’s nothing to be afraid of.
“Here I got these for you.” Vinnie’s big doe eyes looking straight at your shocked face because he did not just shove a bag filled with snacks, chocolates, and drinks on you.
“Thanks, Vin. But this is too much.” You said while rummaging through it.
The blond just shrugged and pouted. “Ehh…well we can eat it in the car or the cabin.” He suggested.
“No, this is all mine.” You demanded and headed back into his car.
“Okay, whatever you say.” He chuckled as he put his large hand on the small of your back again to guide you guys out of the store.
As you got in the car and settled in, you spoke up. “Thanks for being understanding and uhm chill about it…”
“It’s no biggie. I’d do anything to help.” Vinnie said as he focused back on the road.
Thankfully, he wasn’t the type to freak out or be disgusted by women’s periods. You sat back in your seat and comfortably reveled in the fact that the guy you like is down to tolerate you and your cycle. Now where can you find a guy like that?
Sorry the words weren’t wording iykwim. Didnt know where to go with this request bc im still on my writers block or smthing idk but i wanted to post for u guys bc that is what u came here for lol
Also! There’s a vinnie period fic somewhere n its rlly good! Suggest u give that a read as well. If im not lazy ill link it. Its Pretty by @shesnothingspecial!
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
that picture with the flower made me think about giving vinnie flowers because i don’t think that man has ever been given any and how shy and cute he would be about it 🥺
Imagine it’s a normal day and you just went grocery shopping and you stumbled upon the fresh bouquets at the front! You figured to buy one for Vinnie because when have you seen someone buy a guy flowers? You picked the prettiest one for the prettiest boy you ever met and went about your day. You arrived at Hype and rushed to his room only to find him sitting on his gaming chair.
You hide the arrangement behind you and you saw Vinnie peaking, trying to get a look at what you have. “Baby, what’s that?” He smiles and makes grabby hands so you skip towards him.
“I got you this!” Your cheesy smile made him smile even more, your excitement definitely contagious. You showed it to him with the biggest grin on your face.
“Aww you got me flowers?” He pouts as he took it from you and smelled them.
He sways his chair to your side so you could sit on his lap as you kissed him on the cheek. “I figured my favorite boy would love some flowers.”
“I love it, Y/n. I love you. Thank you, baby.” He kissed you on the lips then a brief peck on your neck.
“I love you, Vin.”
“I’m streaming by the way.” He laughs as you sprung up from his lap and slapped his arm as you hid from the camera, embarrassed.
“I hate you, Vincent!” You raged, so embarrassed that you stormed out of the room.
Vinnie got up to chase you and almost yanked his whole set up with him because he forgot to remove his headset. “Be right back guys,” he said while laughing at his poor girlfriend.
This is Vinnie when he saw the flowers:
Tumblr media
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
hi bby <3 how do you think Vin would introduce you to his friends? idk i would feel so intimidated bcuz all his friends are pretty asf
I’ve actually thought about this! Okay here goes hehe sorry it took a while :((
You and Vinnie had been dating for quite some time now and even though his friends know about you, given that he talks about you all the time, they’ve never met you. Vinnie had been dropping hints that you might meet them soon and that kind of made you anxious because of course a pretty boy would have pretty friends. You know it’s gonna happen sooner or later but that sooner seems to be nearer than expected.
You were dragged by Vinnie to get boxes of pizza suddenly out of nowhere. “Vin, why can’t you just have it delivered?”
“Y/n, I feel bad whenever I order food because we live far and it’s nice to get out once in a while,” he said, never looking at your eyes. Okay, first of all; he never wants to go out, second; the nearest pizza joint is a good 30 minutes away, third; it’s weird how he avoided eye contact and it was the first time too.
“Okay, isn’t that the whole point of getting stuff delivered? But I don’t care anymore, let’s go,” you huffed past him and led the way to his car.
You knew the route to the pizza place but somehow Vinnie wasn’t taking that road. “Isn’t it that way?” You asked, pointing to the other direction.
“I know.”
“Vin, where are we going?”
“To meet my friends, they already have pizza there.” He looked over and smiled at you but you were just dumbfounded, surprised he blindsided you. He’s literally been so excited for the past few days of the thought of his friends finally meeting you, the person that makes him happy, a better person, and a better friend.
“Dude! I’m not ready yet,” you whined as you lightly smacked him in the arm.
“It’s gonna be fine, baby! I wouldn’t be friends with them if they aren’t kind,” he assured you.
“No, it’s not that. It’s uhm…it’s because they’re all pretty.” You smiled awkwardly at him, your cheeks turning pink.
“What?” He asked in disbelief. “Well you’re gonna be the prettiest in the room when we get there, just see.” He adored how flustered you were getting over something simple and then he started to wonder: were you intimidated? A person being pretty isn’t even a factor for Vinnie to consider when he wants to befriend someone. That’s bananas!
Soon enough, you arrived at Liza’s house. The dread and the uneasy feeling brewing deep in your stomach. “They’re gonna love you,” he said as you both heard screams from the hallway. Vinnie knocked on the door and finally you were greeted by his assistant and best friend, Liza.
“Hey! Come on in. Nice to meet you, Y/n!” Liza ushered you both and then you see the whole group. Vinnie introduced you to each and every one and all of them warmly welcomed you to the space.
“DJ here has a crush on everybody…” Vinnie boasted as DJ scratched the back of his head. “I think he might even have a crush on you too.” You all laughed as you pulled Vinnie closer.
“Sorry buddy, I’m quite taken.” You retorted back and the whole room echoed in laughter, you didn’t even realize all eyes and ears were on you. You then realized that there wasn’t anything to worry about, that it was all in your head. I mean, apart from being pretty, Vinnie’s friends were nowhere near making it their whole personality. You also realized that they’re a lot like your boyfriend. They were kind, funny, and interesting.
You finally detached from Vinnie and went to go talk to Grace. Eamon pulled your boyfriend to the side and whispered: “She’s a keeper, bro. You finally found your match,” he said as he patted Vinnie’s back as if congratulating the boy for a job well done.
Author’s Note: In short, he bamboozled you HAHAHAHA of course he did
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diorjadore · 4 years ago
.・Masterlist .・
.・Navigation .・
Angst — ❋
Fluff — ♡
Sad — ✢
Series — ★
Smut — $
.・Fan Fiction .・
Started: 9/20/2021
Last Updated: 7/20/2022
2021 Works
California ★ ♡
Altar ✢
Clothes Stay On $
Care $
Wanna Take This Downtown? ♡
You Could’ve Saved Me ❋ ✢
Cute Haircut ♡
Lust For Life $
You’re Special ♡
WFM Part 2 $
Soft $
I’ll Be Home For Christmas ♡
2022 Works
Jealous $
Flower Shop Girl ♡
Bothered ❋
.・Vinnie Minis .・
Started: 1/04/2022
Last Updated: 4/10/2022
Vinnie’s kinks
Car with Vinnie
NSFW Alphabet
Drunk!reader with Vinnie
COVID +!reader
Vinnie reassuring you
Double date with Thomas & Mia
First date with Vinnie
Nudes in public
Introducing you to his friends
Yes & first kiss with Vinnie
Pop Up 1
Pop Up 2
Safe with Vinnie
Reader gets a panic attack
Flowers for Vinnie
Jack Harlow concert with Vinnie
Periods with Vinnie
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
could u do the other way around? being insecure and kind of jealous of vin but not telling him anything...
Sure! Thanks for being patient, this was in my ask for a long time lol
Insecure Vinnie here
You don’t know how many times Vinnie had reassured you that he loves you and finds you beautiful just as you are and that there’s nobody that can compare to you and to how you make him feel. But the plethora of girls that just throw themselves at him and them being conventionally pretty doesn’t help at all. You can’t help but think of the day that Vinnie leaves you for someone prettier and sometimes you feel disgusted with yourself for even thinking that, knowing that he’s yours. Staying is a choice and your boyfriend makes that choice everyday and he’s willing to repeat said choice forever because there’s really no one else better for him.
You’ve been sulking in bed feeling like shit for the whole day when you saw a girl comment on his latest Instagram post saying how hot he looks. Given that she doesn’t know you exist, you liked it like that, you couldn’t help but get hit with a wave of insecurity. You don’t get it, this girl is a broad. Vinnie was oblivious to all the facts and you thanked the heavens he is because you don’t want to burden him with your recurring feeling.
For someone like him who could have literally anybody, you can’t help but wonder why he chose you. What’s so special about you that made him turn around and stay? What makes him continuously stay? And how does he have the constant energy to deal with your insecurities and be the angel that he is who makes you feel like the most loved and luckiest girl on the planet?
Vinnie had already told you this before but he said that you being different from all the girls he’s been with is exactly what made him stay. He said you were a breath of fresh air that day he met you, that you had this aura around you that radiates contagious happiness that he felt like he was compelled to consume. When he got a glimpse of who you are, he realized that there’s so much of you that he wants to know. He continued on by saying that sometimes we think the sun doesn’t always shine its brightest but it does and it’ll definitely shine again tomorrow. Kinda explaining how you having your bad days don’t make you any less in his eyes and that this will all pass. He actually said that it’s him that’s lucky; that you chose him out of all the people to share your warmth with, that the both of you didn’t know just how much he needed you to make him feel whole; like you were his missing puzzle piece, and that you make him the happiest and most loved man on earth.
See, it isn’t always about looks because at the end of the day, it’ll fade and you’ll be left with a shell of what once was. But to be so beautiful inside that it radiates outward is something that lasts for a lifetime.
After much thought and convincing with yourself, you got up from his bed and hugged Vinnie who was sitting on his gaming chair. “I love you. Thank you for loving me,” you said as you kissed his temple and brought his chin to face yours so you could kiss his lips.
“Now what’s this all about, hmm?” He kid. “I love you too, Y/n. Forever,” he smiled and kissed you back.
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
insecure vinnie not knowing how to tell you how much you mean to him :(
Aww so cute :(( Insecure reader here
I feel like he’ll be so overwhelmed with his feelings that he just can’t put it into words. We’ve seen at times how his emotions get the best of him and maybe his mind runs above speed limit. Like there’s so much on his mind that he wants to tell you about how he feels for you. Maybe it’ll be silent in the room when it’s just you two and Vinnie will just blurt it out and talk fast that you can’t understand him so you ask for him to repeat it HAHAHAA He’ll finally say it slowly, his cheeks would be red and you can sense he’s nervous as hell but you assure him it’s gonna be fine and really as in really pay attention to what he’s about to say even though you already know what it’ll be about!
“I don’t know how to tell you this properly but I’ve been dying to just spit it out so here goes…”, he starts and you’ll maybe laugh at how jittery he’s getting so you assure him. “Calm down, baby. It’s just me. It’s just us. We have all the time we need,” you say as you take his hand and rub your thumb on it.
“I feel like you deserve to know this because I feel like I’m gonna lose you if I don’t, you know? Okay, okay, I can do this. There’s not a day that goes by that…that I don’t think of you and that might be creepy-is it creepy? I’m sorry if it is but uhm yeah, I do! A lot. Like a lot, a lot bro. Wait not bro, babe. Yeah, babe. Babe. Baby. And you just mean a lot to me, Y/n. I’m bad at showing it at times so I feel like I have to tell it to you and that’s what I’m doing now. You..you make me so happy that sometimes I feel like I could just burst and I’ve never felt that before with anyone else actually. Uhhh what else, what else? Oh! It scares me how that’s even possible, you know the bursting part, but it’s alright because it’s you. Yeah and even if you make me feel that way, you also feel like my comfort person, I feel safe with you, like like like I can sit in silence with you and that would be more than enough, you know? Like I’m me and I don’t have to be anyone else when we’re together. And I’m talking a lot, sorry. I tend to do that, huh? I hope you’re ready to listen to all I have to say because I’m not letting you go ever and I…uhm I love you. I do, so much,” he said, out of breath and his heart light because he finally got to say what he wanted to for a few weeks now.
As soon as he said his whole speech, you grabbed his face and kissed him with so much love and adoration. You know deep in your heart you would’ve interrupted him at the first few sentences but you were so entranced by his openness and ability to express that you got sucked into your own daydream as you just sat there looking at him and listening to him profess his feelings.
“Good thing I talk a lot too because I’m not letting you go either. I love you, Vin. More than words can say…” you giggle at the irony (is it irony? Not sure lol) and of course the cuteness of the situation as you kissed him again and again and again.
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
nsfw alphabet!
Sorry this took so long!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
- so attentive and affectionate :( Vinnie would ask you how you’re feeling and he’ll carry you bridal style to the bathroom. “I’m gonna carry you like this when we get married and have our own place.” he says excitedly which cracks you up because he’s all naked and his dick is waving around when he walks.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
- his of yours is your stomach area, particularly your waist. He likes to snake his arm around it to bring you closer to him during any position! Doggy, missionary, cowgirl, any! But who are we kidding? He loves every single part of you, absolutely everything. You’re perfect in his eyes.
- yours of his has got to be his face. He has this natural beauty and you could look at his face the whole day and not get bored. Sometimes when he’s fucking you, you would blank out and just look at him and focus on the feeling. It quickens the process HAHAHAHA but in particular it would be his nose :( it’s so cute and pointy and perfect. Also his arms and torso. You fantasize about riding them and he let you one time.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
- well he loves to cum in you! He goes feral and crazy and he wants to roll his eyes everytime he cums inside and when it oozes out and even the absence of it (like when you keep it in). Cums a lot too, a shooter definitely, and he tastes great because he does what he can to make it sweet for you lol. It’s always up to you where it ends up and you’ll ask him sometimes to put it on your face, or tongue, boobs/stomach area, ass, on your vagina, or inside. Usually inside. He loves it when you toy with it when it’s on your body and how you put it on your mouth using your fingers.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
- y’all love to watch each other masturbate. Like you would be sprawled on the bed fingering yourself and Vinnie would be starting at you and at your fingers as they circle your clit. You also love to see him jacking off and sometimes he’ll forbid you to take care of it yourself because you alone just there when he fucks himself can already make him cum. You guys love doing it in front of a mirror, too! Narcissist vibes, just kidding. Y’all have a lot of sex tapes lol and Vinnie loves to use your vibe on you like he’ll do it for you himself. And you both have certain someones that you’d love to be part of your threesome… 👀
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
- somewhat experienced but not entirely well versed since he is just 19 and if what he and his friends are saying is true that he doesn’t know how to talk to girls, then his body count wouldn’t be a lot. He is good at it though and he focuses on you rather than him just getting off on/in a girl. He can and will dick you down.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
- lets just rank the most simplest ones! First would definitely be missionary then doggy then cowgirl lol or tie between doggy and cowgirl? But he loves missionary because he gets to see all of you blissed out in pleasure. That’s what motivates him to fuck you harder and better. Does you sitting on his face count?
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
- yes at the start! Like he’ll tease you and be clingy to you to get you in the mood because he gets needy when he’s horny (understandable). During, hmm not so much because it’s a heated moment but definitely after! He’ll be so cute and happy and satisfied after and he’ll thank you for it. He definitely turns on a switch when he fucks because one second he’ll be goofy then the next he’s serious as hell and he shows it when he fucks you and then goofy again after.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
- very groomed. You requested for him to get his shit waxed because it hurts you and he happily obliged, and sometimes you’ll wax him yourself. 💀 IDK but I imagine his armpit hair as his pubes which is like brown and yeah HAHAHAAH so weird 😭 (bc I lowkey hate hair).
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
- so fucking romantic. Sometimes, he’ll go slow and sensual, it’s so erotic. He wants to feel your whole body on his and he always wants to feel your insides. The sex is so good between you guys because there’s equal obsession and emotion and of course love. The fire will definitely not go out in your relationship because y’all are crazy for each other (giving Nate and Maddy but yeah like them but not toxic, fuck no!). Idk if I said enough or if it’s right but lmk what you guys think about this part!
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
- thinks of you while masturbating
- only does it when you cant do it for him
- no porn
- watches your sex tapes instead or the videos you send him
- sometimes looks at your nudes/sexy photos
- moans your name
- is very vocal but in a sexy sexy way 👀
- sends you videos of him cumming with the sound on, he knows you love that
- can do it twice in a row like a champ. Okay stamina!
- got caught by friends a few times because he doesn’t lock the door
- very aggressive. Like he pumps very hard, it’s something to see!
- rubs the underside of the head (like a girl’s clit) because you always do it with your tongue and he loves that
- sees stars from how good it is but not as good as how you do it
- when you’re doing it, he loves your hand on it.
- thanks you for your service (and your cervix)
- teases his own tip and edges himself…
- your simple existence makes him horny
- a grower maybe? I think all men are growers lol. Girthy and veiny and big and somewhat long lmaoo
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
- link + size kink!
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
- it can be anywhere you want. No shot he said that to you. “I’ll fuck you anywhere you want, baby, just say the word.” Loves when it’s on the bed and his car. ON HIS GAMING CHAIR. his balcony maybe
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
- you, you get him going, your moans, your body, the sounds you make, the sounds your body makes,
the wetness between your legs, YOUR SMELL, when you bite your lip, when you’re bossy and/or mad, especially when you’re busy. It turns him on
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
- when you don’t wanna do it then he doesn’t force you, put you in danger/uncomfortable situations (sex and in life lol), bad breath but he tolerates yours, I mean he still kisses you. won’t intentionally make you jealous. Anything that’ll make you hate him but he does it sometimes to irritate you in a loving way.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
- giving: really great, eats pussy like a king, can eat you all day. Loves to eat you out ong. Kitten licks your clit til you burst. God didn’t give him his tongue, the devil did. Kisses your pussy with those thick lips of his sheesh. Smiles while doing it.
- receiving: very gentle with your head and mouth but sometimes he gets caught in the moment and pushes you down roughly. Fucks your mouth. Goes absolutely primal. Talks you through it. Holds your hand! Loves when you suck him clean. Also when you suck his balls!
- skill: radiant. Just kidding.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
- all of the above, bestie! And he knows when for each too. He’ll be fast when you’re near orgasming and rough only when you want him to be and when you’re being a brat. Slow and sensual when you guys make love which is frequent.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
- when you’re both busy and horny, usually during the day! It can be anywhere too lmao like in dressing rooms when you fit the lingeries he forces you to get. Cinema! Multiple rounds too. This man is always horny so…
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
- yeah but only if you want to! His favorite has got to be role playing…you acting lost, as a maid, him fixing your electricity stuff, you being a milf, teacher student, etc.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
- have you seen the energy this man has? Of course he has stamina. 💀 And when you think his energy will decrease after how many rounds then you’re wrong. He has so much energy that you have to tell him no more sometimes…which makes him sad. And he can put you right to sleep.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
- cock ring and a vibe for you. Hates dildos because he wants to be the only thing inside you. Yes to all of the above.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
- such a fucking tease and if you’re like me then you’ll grow frustrated and cry. He laughs because he finds it cute but you don’t so you leave him blue balled sometimes. He’ll apologize and make it up to you though.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
- his moans and groans and every sound he makes is so damn sexy. It gets you going. He’s a major talk through it guy too 😭 “Yes, baby, right there…you’re doing so great for me.” “My good girl…” “Try not to shake when I put the vibrator on you, okay?” “I know my baby girl can do it.” He coos…he coos bae! 😩
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
- loves to slap your ass randomly during the day and definitely during sex
- expert at nipple play
- always teases you that he can take you on the kitchen aisle while his hype friends are around and you didn’t believe it at first til he slid your panties to the side and fingered you and rubbed your clit while they’re all sitting across the room on the breakfast table while you’re at the kitchen sink side…and he’s done it multiple times. Pretended to drop something so he could lap his tongue on your pussy. I’m gonna make a short piece on this, don’t worry!
- you have him a handy one time at dinner with friends
- he let you ride his arms one time because his tattoos got you sooooo horny 😭
- his abs and thighs too…and he flexes it!!! A monster.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
- big as in thick but it’s appropriate for his build, veiny!, big balls and we all know that. Body of a god, you love his arms and abs. We’ve all seen him, right? Exactly.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
- sex drive so high, bae! You can’t keep up with it but y’all have been working towards you taking a few more rounds though HAHAHAHAHAAH call that training.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
- quickly but unlike you who can’t even open your eyes after nutting…joke. He stays up to clean you and stroke your hair after. He says words of affirmation when you knock out and sometimes he watches you sleep which makes him sleepy…
This was like one of the first few asks about Vin and it took so long for me to make lol I have a few others I’ll answer soon! Feel free to add stuff, please!
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
hi! i hope you're doing great this is my first time doing the ask thing and i feel really awkward haha but i had this really cute idea maybe you can expand on that? whenever you have time?
so basically the reader and vin just made it official and the reader hasn't had their first kiss yet but she wanna kiss him so like she just pecks him and then gets all shy and confesses that this is her first kiss and he thinks it's so cute and funny so he's just it's okay i'll teach u baby (!!! 🥺😭) and then he kisses them slow lik showing her how it's done
“Wait, are you saying yes, Y/n?!” Vinnie asked while holding your hand, as each second passes it tightens in excitement at your supposed answer.
“Yeah, I’d love to be your girlfriend,” you sheepishly smiled, wanting to hide your face but you couldn’t because he was gripping it tight. He pulled you in and wrapped his slender arms around you, his heart beating so fast you could feel and even hear it.
“Uhh I guess, thank you. For asking, you know. That’s really sweet and thank you too for waiting,” you laughed and pressed both your hands on his chest and tiptoed to leave a chaste kiss on his lips, barely touching but you swore you felt the softness of it and not to mention the spark it caused to your body. “I’m sorry…I don’t know why that was so bad. I wanted to like really kiss you on the lips but I haven’t done that yet so I don’t know. I’m afraid,” you laughed again but now cheeks red from embarrassment.
You bit the inside of your mouth due to the nerves and looked away. He cups your face and pouts, if he ever found you beautiful and adorable before and thought that was it, he was so wrong. His girl, wow he likes the thought of that, continues to surprise him every day. He was aware you’ve never gone far with a guy but he didn’t realize that never literally meant never. “It’s okay, my sweet girl. I can teach you.”
You looked into his beautiful hazel and brown eyes and saw as if he was asking for permission to kiss you, both of your hands still in the same position. You nodded and he pulled you in slowly, both of your eyes slowly closing to focus on the feeling and this moment. His warm lips colliding with yours and you swore you felt the whole world spin and time stop. He lead you as he moved his lips to softly suck on your bottom ones, you copied his movement and moved through the rhythm. And soon enough, as if instinct, you were leading the both of you to the kiss. You don’t know how long you’ve been kissing when you smiled into it and pulled away, trying to catch your breath as you pressed your forehead to his chest. You and Vinnie chuckled at this blissful, euphoric feeling and you started to wonder why did it take you so long to melt your lips with his.
“I think I’m addicted to kissing you now,” you looked at him and then to his lips as you thumbed his bottom lip down making Vinnie chuckle.
“Easy there, baby. You’ve only had it for a day.” He pecked your lips which you chased, he smirked and then you pulled him down to you and kissed him passionately one more time just because you loved the feeling. You could honestly get used to this.
Author’s Note: Hello! Sorry it took me so long to write this n even then it’s still short :(( I hope this was enough aaa also here’s a link to what type of kisser Vin is if you wanna read it.
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
Vin comforting you during a panick attack. I feel like he would remember the little things that help you calm down like for example to me skin to skin contact helps a lot and I think like he would always remember those things
Tw: panic attack
I actually don’t know if this is right goddamn I’m sorry thats why it took me so long to write this 😭
You bit the inside of your mouth as you stared at your laptop screen, feeling the overwhelming pressure to produce an output for your major class. You’ve been putting off this particular work because you felt as if it was too big of a task for little old you when in fact you know the more you push it away, the more you’ll grow anxious about it. You were in your zone but something just clicked that made you focus out and start to think really hard about everything.
You haven’t noticed but you already drew blood from biting the inside of your cheeks too much and you even picked on your fingers. Vinnie noticed the mannerisms and called out for you but you didn’t hear him, too clouded in your own emotions. “Y/n,” he placed his hand on your shoulder to catch your attention. He’s seen you like this before and it was because of the same reason. Your body jumped at his touch as you grabbed his hand and looked up at him, nose already red and eyes pooling with tears.
And just like that, when your eyes met his, you let the waterworks free. Vinnie quickly embraced you as you completely broke down in his arms. On top of every single problem, the burden of all of this is affecting Vinnie and your relationship with him. He doesn’t deserve this, he already has enough on his plate but every single time he proved you wrong. He’s here to stay and he loves you just the same.
“I’m so fucking tired, Vin,” you cried, your breathing ragged as you tried to come up for air. You wanted this to get over with as quick as possible but you know that does more harm than good.
“It’s okay, baby. I got you,” Vinnie said as he kissed the top of your head all the while gently moving you from the chair to his bed, putting you on his lap. “You’re here. I’m with you. Breathe, my love,” he comforts.
“I can’t, Vinnie,” you cried out once more.
“I know you can, Y/nickname. You always do, baby. C’mon copy me.” He breathed in and out, his heartbeat steady ringing in your ear as you copied his movement.
“How are we feeling? Hmm?” He queried, his voice soft and calm to further aid you.
“Good…” you trailed off but you were both met again with your sobs. You thought you were done but clearly you weren’t yet. You need not to worry though because this too shall pass. It always does.
“Shhh…take your time, baby. We got all the time we need,” Vinnie said while rocking you back and forth. Soon enough, you calmed down and steadied your breathing all thanks to Vinnie’s heartbeat and comforting words.
Who knows if he wasn’t there to hold you? You would’ve drowned in deeper water if he wasn’t there. You felt so bad that you actually need him to calm you down, feeling helpless because you can’t do it yourself but it’s fine. Vinnie’s here to be your rock, your anchor. It’s okay, it’s all gonna be okay.
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
what type of kisser do you think vinnie is
Remember Alex’s prank? Exactly.
I feel like he’s a ~soft~ kisser. Very gentle! Chin grabber too and with those lips of his??? Noses brushing and you are so close to each other you could feel his eyelashes. Screaming! Clutching my pearls! Clutching my goddamn pearls! He’ll take it slow, maintaining the gentleness of it but as every second passes, the intensity increases and both of you will be lost in it. Like completely.
Can’t properly imagine him doing tongue but I feel like he’s the type! Maybe he takes the lead? Suck on your top lip kind of guy but doesn’t forget the bottom either HAHAHAHA Also, very very touchy. Hands snaking to your waist as he pulls you closer to him until you’re sitting on his lap. But it’s not long til he hovers over you so he’s on top.
If you include leaving hickeys, I don’t think he does that. What do we think? I feel like he’ll just leave gentle sloppy kisses long enough that it feels good to you but not as harsh to leave a mark. He’ll definitely leave some in places only he can see though!
Lastly, he gets so happy he’s making out with you he interrupts the kiss with his smile, like full on giddy and grinning and he pecks your lips as payment for halting your make out session. Maybe he kisses you all over your face til you’re giggling then he continues kissing you on the lips. When he does peck your lips or any part of your face, he looks into your eyes after every one or after a few. Sometimes, he looks up and see your blissed face and it motivates him to kiss you more.
Ayt, stand up! Stand up!
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
concept of vinnie in the car with you
- ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS UR SEATBELT ON FIRST. NO QUESTIONS ASKED. He’ll make sure ur buckled in n if u arent, he’ll purse his lips together n be slightly irritated n do it himself. Sometimes, u do it on purpose to get on his nerves.
- Vinnie would always drive cautiously when ure in it with him n when u ask him to go fast, he wont do it bc u guys might get in an accident (but he’s perfectly fine risking his n jetts lives lol jk), he’s rlly afraid to lose u :((
- when he does go a little fast n he has to press his brakes hard, causing u to go forward, he puts his hand or arm out to stop u from doing so. U instinctively grab d arm he put out n he’ll secretly be proud of himself.
- u guys get drive thru food all d time so when he has to drive, u feed him fries (like saul one time lol) n give him his drink so he can sip on it n sometimes u let him take a bite of ur burger when he cant eat his bc hes busy driving lol
- u get sleepy sometimes n u lightly bang ur head on d window so he pulls u closer to him n pushes ur head back to d headrest.
- when u guys were newly dating, Passenger Seat by Stephen Speaks played (this song is good) n he knew he loved u since then.
- singing along to d music ofc :’) n him just going quiet n smiling when u get carried away with ur singing bc its either great or terrible. Ull fight what kind of music to play but always settling to ur shared driving playlist…
- car sex…hmmm not so much bc iirc, some of his cars dont have a backseat lmfao (i could check but i might lose my answers to this ask 💀) but handies/blowies n him flicking d bean would sometimes occur HAHAHAAH or u riding him on top. Love love love
- ILL INCLUDE THIS ONE! Him teaching u how to drive manual. Absolute hell for u both. U somehow always get on his nerves n sometimes he’ll break his patience when u drive dumb… sorry HAHAHAH “y/n, how many times do i have to tell you?!” “Vin, whats this?” “Babe, how do u start it again?” “Whats this pedal for?” N then when all d pressure gets to u, ull tear up like florence pugh…u know d pout HAAHAAHAH
- opening ur door! How could i forget? Sometimes ull feel like a menace n race him to open it first. U decide what happens next (like in a wholesome way) HAHAHAHA
- his right hand grabbing ur left so both of it rests on d thingy he uses to change d prndl. IDK I DONT DRIVE. And and and him kissing ur hand! And resting his hand on ur thigh
- u just admiring him when he drives n u giving him random kisses awww
- “where do u wanna go, pretty girl?”
- even tho ure bad at directions, he still leaves u in charge of it lmfao like boy why
Thats all i can think of atm! ADD SOME STUFF TOO, MY BESTIES! Also isnt it obvious my real life job is to look pretty in d passenger seat just kidding.
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
Imagine telling Vinnie you feel safe with him! that would be such a cute moment and I'm pretty sure he'd get all flustered and proud
I honestly don’t know how to go about this but lemme try! Also sorry this took so long.
- Aww the boy would be so appreciative of you!
- He’d consciously make it a point that you are and know that you are protected.
- “I feel safe around you, Vin. I don’t know how but yeah, I do. So thank you for that.” “You do??? That’s like the greatest thing I’ve ever heard, Y/n. You don’t know how much that means to me.” (This is so damn cheesy HAHAHAAHAH)
- Of course he’d shout and throw his fists in the air in celebration.
- Whenever you’re sad and all, you just go up to him and bury your face in (or on? Idk) his chest and pout and then he’ll smile and be proud of himself because he knows that you run to him when stuff goes wrong or whenever you get sad.
- You just let your guard down whenever you’re with him and when you’re in a room you don’t know he’s in, you instantly relax when you eventually see him.
- When you’re in public, you always hold onto him, ykwim? Like holding either his hand, his forearm, or his shirt lol just to keep him close.
- “I’m here, Y/n.”
- “It’s okay, c’mere.”
- “I gotchu.”
- “You’re safe with me.”
- ☹️🥺😭 < exactly how I’ll react to the dialogue above 😮‍💨
- When you’re sleeping together but not cuddling, you’ll eventually scoot to his side and just throw your arms across him.
- Idk if y’all remember this from my old old ask but when people send you hate for being his girl, he’ll be the first line of defense. “Whatever you say to her, you’re actually saying it to me.” “She might not have the guts to tell you guys off but I do and I won’t let her feel bad because of the shit you guys are saying. So stop. If someone sends hate to her dms bro, I swear I’ll block you and your momma on my account, I don’t fucking care.” “I honestly don’t know why you guys do this. She makes me happy but I feel like she’s not happy with me because of the shit that comes with me like hating ass fans…” stuff like that lolololol imagine Vinnie’s mad voice while reading this part.
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
hii, can you make a part 2 for the vinnie pop up shop where she gives her number to liza?? i love it so much
Hello! Part 1 link :’)
You gave Liza your number and though she was confused at first, she caught on when Vinnie gave her a knowing look. “He uh…he asked for it so…” you laughed. “Thank you!” You cheered.
“You’re like the first person he ever did this to, what did you do?” She chuckled, curiosity bringing the best of her.
“I just kissed him on the cheek and gave him a book, that’s all,” you spoke low, only realizing that must’ve been quite peculiar. Usually, fans would give out jewelry or their art but instead you gave a book. That alone should make him remember you. Not that giving art is a bad thing! It’s just not common to give a book, more so a personally annotated one.
“Oh! Well you did leave a great first impression,” Liza said and that was your cue to leave. You kindly waved and smiled at the few people you met and Vinnie was just looking at you, giving you that knowing look again, hoping that he sees you soon.
A few days after, Vinnie finally messaged you asking to hang out. You told him that you value your privacy and would love to keep this date private or secluded, you know, to protect the both of you. Vinnie got the idea to take you to Griffith Observatory because not many people go there and if there are some, they wouldn’t bother you both since they’re on dates of their own.
He finally picked you up with his shiny and bright RX7 and you couldn’t believe that this is all real right now. I mean, how many fans can say that they’ve been in his iconic car? “Hey, Vinnie. So where are you taking me?” You gave him a fake skeptical look as if you’re claiming that he’s kidnapping you. He just flashed his pearly white teeth and chuckled.
“Hey, Y/n. Somewhere I like to go to alone…” he trailed off.
“Oh. Then why are you taking me there?” You asked, curious but he just continued driving.
“What? I can’t take a pretty special girl to my pretty special place?” You felt lucky that out of all the places he could bring you, he drove to where he goes when he just wants to be alone. A place that he’s never mentioned to anyone before other than his best friend, Jett.
You started to recognize the uphill path and realized he’s taking you to the observatory. “You’re taking me to Griffith?” You exclaimed, pure joy rushing through you.
“Yeah, you ever been?”
“Nah but I’ve always wanted to though. Who knew this is where you go to.” You confessed. You’ve always seen vlogs and random video clips of the place but never really had the urge to go. You wondered what makes the place so special for Vinnie and as if reading your mind…
“I like it, it’s quiet and the view is phenomenal. You’re the first one I’m taking there, Y/n,” he looked at you and you just swatted his arm and looked out. Your heart warmed at the thought of him sharing this place with you and you sharing your first time there with him. “I just go there to think and regroup myself. Sometimes I get carried away and start to think how I can conquer LA,” he joked, referencing to Naruto. You giggled at his remark and finally you arrived at the observatory.
It was the perfect time because pink and lilac hues painted the sky pretty. The cold air quickly brushed through your body but Vinnie’s hand on your back warmed you right back up. “Let’s go over there…” he pointed to a quaint place by the corner.
You both marveled at the view below when you uttered: “This is so beautiful.”
“Mhmm…” Vinnie hummed in agreement while looking at you instead of the view. The sky perfectly complimenting your face as the light bounced off your eyes. He wanted nothing more than to just grab your face and kiss you but he fought the urge off as he just adoringly stared at the beauty beside him. He knew there would be lots of this in the future so he convinced himself to wait for the perfect time.
Author’s Note: Absolutely don’t know how to go about this so sorry if it sucks! + a part was deleted because I forgot to save so. This is cheesy as hell for what
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diorjadore · 3 years ago
omg based on ur recent concept, imagine meeting him(and later hitting it off) at the pop up shop lmao like either as a fan or having a fan friend while having no idea why there's so many ppl in a small shop with skateboards on the walls😂
Part 2 (otw bc someone requested it!)
You waited in line for a good two hours before finally entering the cold and crowded skate shop. You and your friend had been long time fans of Vinnie and always wanted to meet him and now there is a guarantee you will. You put on your best clothes and grabbed your bag and the gift bag you plan to give Vinnie. It contains a handwritten letter and a very special book you’ve read that you figured could serve him well.
You checked each and every item on the racks and shelves and picked the ones you liked, let’s just say it was a lot. You paid and soon enough it’s now your and your friends turn to meet Vinnie. Listen, you wanted to leave an impression so when he scooted down to hug you, you opted to kiss him on the cheek as well. No, he didn’t take offense in it but rather he was caught off guard at how his stomach did backflips as a reaction. He looked at you wide eyed and smiled. “Well, now I’m gonna think of that kiss forever, huh?” He kid but inside he liked the possibility.
You looked into his eyes and saw your reflection, forgetting for a minute that you’re in public so you quickly looked away. “Yeah, that was kinda my goal,” you said. “I’m Y/n, by the way.”
“Vinnie. Nice to meet you, Y/n,” oh, he knew what he was doing. You blushed when he said your name and pulled the book out.
“I got you this. It’s one of my favorite books and I don’t know, I think you’re meant to have it.”
“This is so cool, thanks! I can’t open it here, no?” You shook your head and laughed. He opened his arms to hug you and when you accepted, he rested his chin on top of your head.
“Let’s take a picture?” He asked when he pulled away.
“Sure.” You smiled and your friend took a few pictures, his warm hand resting on your waist. That wasn’t Vinnie’s thing at all and he never does it with fans, you know it. Hell, he doesn’t even do it to his friends. This was different…
He grabbed your arm lightly and whispered to your ear: “Listen, I don’t do this often but I really liked that kiss. If you want, we can hang out soon. I would really want to know you.” He looked into your eyes and slightly smiled so it wasn’t obvious to the eyes watching his every move.
“You can give your number to Liza there so it’s subtle. I have a good feeling about this, Y/n. I even think I like you already,” he spoke low.
You did what you were asked and it wasn’t long til he texted you asking to hang out. You couldn’t believe that you just manifested Vinnie Hacker into your life.
Author’s Note: this seemed empty sorry sksks
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