#vincent phantomhive headcanons
mysadcorner · 1 month
Black Butler Masterlist
Sebastian Michaelis Masterlist
Vincent Phantomhive Masterlist
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blondeaxolotl · 4 months
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Been a hot minute but RAHH more body headcanons, continuing the phantomhive family (plus butler!grell) Part 3/??? Part 1 Part 2
Also bonus comic because I love drawing Grell and making Seb look stupid:
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amethystroselily · 4 months
You know what, if Undertaker is Vincent’s father, Tanaka knows, and Undertaker knows he knows. But also Tanaka minds his own business and Undertaker is strangely defensive about personal information for someone who keeps monologuing, so perhaps they will never have an actual conversation about it.
In that case I hope Tanaka was also sleeping with Claudia. I think it would really add an edge to whatever the fuck is going on between Tanaka and Undertaker. And it would be really funny. To me. I hope Tanaka gets his “you are not the father” moment. But he’s the one who ends up raising the kids anyway bc of his position as a servant, and Undertaker is jealous.
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bubbles0bop · 1 year
Idk who y'all think this is because this is not Ciel Phantomhive.
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If you remember...
Ciels soul was absolutely devoured by Sebastian and he states that when this happens, their souls completely and utterly disappear which means it would not be possible for Undertaker to fix his cinematic record.
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Whoever we are seeing now in the manga is not Ciel Phantomhive
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plague-of-insomnia · 1 year
there is something strangely erotic about vincent phantomhive being fluent in japanese
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lilacwriter07 · 11 months
Vincent staring at the Undertaker's decoration
Vincent: is that a real skull ?
Undertaker taking a bite out a dog treat : huh huh ..
Vincent watches Undertaker opening the top of the skull, to reveal more dog treats : cookie ?
Vincent : don't mind if I do
Diedrich: don't eat that !
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callmewisteria · 2 years
Black Butler Headcanons I Came Up With At 3:30AM
i’ve been working on papers for university, and Black Butler has inspired me a lot lately. so, this is the product of my writing/working on a great amount of Black Butler fanfiction alongside my Fairy Tail and Once Upon A Time fanfictions.
Grelle was born to a wealthy family in her human life, and enjoyed the theatre, and specifically the opera, so much that she joined an opera company. However, she could never get any of the more lead female roles she wanted as she was only ever recognised as a man due to being born male. When she was cast as Romeo in an operatic production of Romeo And Juliet, she actually committed suicide on the last night of the production. This is how she became a reaper.
Ciel enjoys watching butterflys, and had wanted to have a butterfly green house when he was a little kid. His parents, Rachel and Vincent, had planned to have this done for his thirteenth birthday, but they died before this could be achieved.
Undertaker begged Sebastian to tell him jokes every day for two years after the first time he did when he, Ciel, Madame Red, and Grelle came to ask him about the Jack The Ripper murders.
Sebastian enjoys getting his hair professionally done. When Ciel allows him free time, one of the things he likes to do is find a stylist to do his hair. This is because he enjoys the scalp massages, as well as the fact that he can get it done whenever he likes, since he can regrow his hair whenever he wants to.
Ciel learnt to oil paint before the death of his parents. Rachel had begun to teach him when he was around three years old. He enjoyed it so much that he became incredibly good at it, though he did not do it after the death of his parents, because he could only think of them when he tried. He ended up snapping his brushes, and had the few of his paintings that survived be hidden after his parents died because he could not bear to look at them anymore.
Shortly before her death, Rachel found some of the written but never sent love letters her sister, Angelina, had for Vincent. Ann was out of town for a few days to visit a patient in the country, and had asked Rachel and Vincent to look over her home. Ciel was with them, but had gone to sleep because it was late. When she had asked Vincent if he had known her sister was in love with him, he said yes, and showed her one of Ann’s letters to him, which had ended with “you consume my waking days, and I will always be happy so long as you are in my life.”
When Ann found out she had miscarried after the carriage accident that killed her husband and nearly killed her, she had been six months pregnant, and demanded to see her dead baby. She broke down upon finally being permitted to, learning she had been pregnant with twin girls. She buried them with their father, and only allowed Rachel and Vincent to attend the funeral.
Grelle had been a knife enthusiast when she was a child, and had been almost giddy when she had learnt she would have a death scythe as a reaper. She just about fainted from excitement when she learnt she was allowed to customise it however she wanted. Her first design was for it to have whirring knives everywhere, but one of them flew off and hit another reaper in the face. She decided on the chainsaw design after being told she could not include knives on her death scythe.
Ciel found out he was allergic to cats after he tried to carry one home to the manor. All was well until the cat got spooked and scratched him up in the face. Angelina, who was visiting at the time, had to help fix him up, amongst the chaos of the frantic Rachel and Vincent.
Grelle had never been able to fall in love until she met Ann. Her biggest fear had been that Ann would reject her once she learnt that Grelle had been born male. However, Ann was the first person to accept Grelle as a woman, and her (secret) girlfriend. Even though Grelle killed her, because they both confessed their love for each other as she died, the last thing she remembered was being with her love. Grelle struggled to feel such passionate and unwavering love afterwards, wondering if something were wrong with her.
Ann and Grelle both knew that, if caught, there was a chance Ann would be handed over to the authorities, and subsequently executed for their crimes. When Ann couldn’t bring herself to kill Ciel, it was an act of suicide, and so, when Grelle lashed out and killed her, Ann committed suicide. She wandered aimlessly and frightened for years as a reaper, discombobulated, and frightened by whatever awaited her on the outside whenever she had to reap. After several years, however, she and Grelle were reunited by chance, and were able to rekindle their romance.
Sebastian’s distaste for Grelle stemmed not only for her being a reaper and the crimes she committed with Ann, but from her overly theatrical personality. He was not shocked, but disappointed, when he eventually learnt that Grelle had been a part of the opera in her human life.
Ciel despises all holidays, and becomes infuriated when anyone, even the queen, brings them up in his presence.
Sebastian once fell through the ceiling after an accident with the other servants of the Phantomhive manor. Ciel laughed, not particularly annoyed by the disturbance because of how absolutely ridiculous Sebastian looked in the process of getting back up while the other servants panicked.
Ciel had a replica of his favourite childhood toy made after his return to the manor. While secretive about it, he holds it tightly to his chest every night when he goes to sleep. For Ciel’s sake, Sebastian pretends to be completely unaware of this.
Sebastian has a very low tolerance for spice, and gets annoyed whenever it becomes apparent to anyone else. Ciel is greatly amused by this.
Grelle secretly attended Ann’s funeral, and, in a moment where she was able to be alone with her, laid in her coffin with her. She hugged her, and took a short nap beside her one last time. When she woke up upon hearing people coming, she kissed Ann one last time before disappearing to, distractedly, carry out her work for the day as a reaper.
William made the mistake of trying to bribe Grelle by temporarily stealing the coat she took from Ann after killing her. Grelle went absolutely berserk, and William never brought up the subject of what happened that night, or Grelle’s obsession with the coat again.
Grelle took Ann’s coat because she could not bear to go through her life as a reaper without something of the woman who taught her how to love fully, and fearlessly.
Vincent always enjoyed doing his wife’s hair, and Rachel indulged him though he was not particularly good at it. He knew it, but kept doing it anyways when he realised it always made Ciel smile and laugh.
After becoming a reaper, Grelle taught herself all of the instruments she wished she could have learnt while in her human life, including the violin, guitar, piano, and harp. Though few people knew about it, one of Ann’s favourite things was watching and listening to Grelle sing and play her instruments.
Ciel had always loved poetry from the day he learnt to read when he was around three years old. After the death of his parents, he grew quite attached to the work of Edgar Allan Poe, and always carries a copy of his three favourite poems in his pockets.
Sebastian secretly keeps a small army of cats in the basement of the Phantomhive manor, sneaking off to play with and care for them every chance he gets. Ciel is completely unaware of this because of how meticulous Sebastian is about hiding it.
Rachel once punched a man in the streets before hitting him with her parasol for attempting to kidnap Ciel for ransom when he was about seven. No one in London ever tried to mess with her again.
Rachel had longed to be a ballerina as a child, and, though she was never able to perform as part of a company, Vincent learnt to dance Swan Lake with her, and they would do it themselves every so often when they were alone because he adored how happy it made her.
Grelle likes throwing axes. Not at people, just trees and inanimate objects. All of the other reapers find this particular hobby of hers to be rather bizarre, but don’t question it out of the slight fear that she will start throwing axes randomly at them, seemingly out of nowhere.
Grelle takes halloween almost too seriously. Ciel is quickly exasperated by it, and Sebastian often finds it to be somewhat frightening.
Undertaker once brought a coffin to the Phantomhive Manor with Grelle inside as a prank. Grelle nearly scared the living daylights out of Ciel and Sebastian, and informed Sebastian that it was his ride to the next world, and it had a hole in the bottom if he weren't quite ready to go. Sebastian then told Grelle he was grateful that he would never see her in hell.
Undertaker is obsessed with drinking copious amounts of lemonade. No one knows why, and everyone is too afraid to ask.
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chihoshisai · 2 years
more than friends but less than lovers
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blondeaxolotl · 10 months
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Madame Red visiting her sister and her family, and she brings along an extra sister with her to introduce!!
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eemoo1o · 2 years
I just thought of Tanaka being Vincent’s butler in the manner of which Sebastian is to Ciel, but once Undertaker enters the scene the two have a mutual respect for one another like “well, at least someone is keeping him safe when I can’t”.
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sleepingdeath-light · 9 months
relationship hcs ; vincent phantomhive
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requested by ; mod / self indulgent
fandom(s) ; black butler
fandom masterlist(s) ; hub | specific
character(s) ; vincent phantomhive
outline ; “dating headcanons for vincent”
warning(s) ; none, just fluff!
despite what his infamy and role as the queen’s guard dog would have you believe, vincent is an incredibly loving and attentive spouse — giving you all of his attention and affection when he’s with you and sending you frequent letters when he’s away (be that for business with funtom or for his more unsavoury duties under the queen)
he’s extremely affectionate by victorian aristocrat standards — never shying away from public displays of affection like: kissing your knuckles and fingertips, pecking your cheeks and lips, or wrapping an arm around your waist — and in private he was even more physical with you (often kissing and tickling you until you’re laughing so hard you’re crying and begging for him to stop between wheezes)
he spoils you rotten and makes sure that you’re never left wanting for anything so long as he can help it — clothes, shoes, accessories, food cravings, ornaments, books, etc. — the moment you mention wanting something he’s going to do everything he can to ensure that you have it in your possession as soon as possible
he dotes on you whenever you’re feeling even the slightest bit unwell, rearranging his whole schedule just to ensure that he can take care of you — or, rather, so that he can coo over you and supervise his staff (and, at times, dietrich) whilst they prepare your food and medication on his behalf
whenever he’s been away for a while due to some obligation or another he always makes a point to return with affection and gifts — making up for his absence physically and with many a thoughtful bouquet and arrangement of your favourite sweet things
when it comes to pet names he’s something of a traditionalist and tends to stick with ‘darling’, ‘dear’, and ‘my love’ — and likewise prefers to be called the same (but he won’t turn up his nose at the occasional ‘sweetheart’ if you’re so inclined)
if he’s ever called especially far-afield and pleasant — such as the north country, or abroad to somewhere in mainland europe — then he does his best to take you with him and the two of you have a lovely time as a couple (almost treating the entire affair as a holiday) between his investigations and assignments, and you have entire shelves full of souvenirs purchased on excursions like this (some novelty, others practical, all just sat there and occasionally picked up and looked over with vague amusement, affection and nostalgia)
he talks about you so often that he sometimes doesn’t even realise that he’s doing it, mentioning you or something you’ve done in basically every conversation he has — it drives dietrich mad but the other aristocrats of evil find it endearing and actively encourage him to keep on talking (undertaker especially finds his devotion to you touching)
he rarely ever gets jealous, but when he does he becomes incredibly short and passive aggressive — threatening them with his reputation and relationship to the criminal underground under a thin facade of politeness as he tightly grips your waist and keeps you flush against him (he’s not subtle and will be making it clear that you’re taken the moment you get home — especially if you initiated the offensive encounter in order to tease him)
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reine-du-sourire · 9 days
Borrowing @blondeaxolotl's headcanon about Vincent Phantomhive being dyslexic.
He makes Tanaka, Diedrich, and Rachel (depending on the circumstance) read everything aloud to him. Letter from the Queen? Tanaka. Missive or telegram while doing Guard Dog things? "Come on, Dee, you know I can't resist those dulcet tones, let's hear what new information we've got this time-" Love note from Rachel? "It's so much more romantic to have it from your own lips, my darling-"
He's so good at hiding it that only Tanaka knows.
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lilia and madame red
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Does anyone else get vague Madame Red backstory vibes from Lilia in book 7??? 😭 PLEASE SAY IT ISN’T JUST ME, I SWEAR THERE’S PARALLELS HERE
Madame Red (real name: Angelina, which is what I’ll call her going forward in this post) was best friends with her sister, Rachel. Angelina considered Rachel the “sister [she] loved she most”.
Let’s think of this friendship like Lilia and Mallenoa, his princess and Malleus’s mother. He would complain about her callousness and her selfishness, but it’s clear from the way he jokes about her personality that he knows her well and considers her a good friend in spite of the trouble she causes him.
Later on, Angelina and Rachel meet Earl Vincent Phantomhive, and they both fall in love with him. Ultimately though, Rachel is the one that marries him. Angelina was heartbroken and conflicted about the matter, describing it as “the sister I loved the most was going the marry the man I loved the most”. They even have a child together. She was happy for their happiness, but was also always longing for something she could never have.
Now, while we don’t know for sure what the timeline is between Lilia meeting Mallenoa and Lilia meeting Levan/Revan (Raverne), it’s clear that they all knew one another at some point. Lilia at least knew them both since childhood (which must be hundreds of years). Then his two best friends marry and produce an egg. The conflicted feelings that Angelina experienced only really have a direct parallel if you headcanon that Lilia was in love with either Mallenoa or Revan, but we don’t necessarily need romantic feelings here for the parallel to work. It could be that Lilia feels a little lonely because his friends have less time for him since they have each other and important duties to tend to (plus, let’s remember they also dump some of their tasks onto Lilia). However, I will concede that this point in the timeline is the least mirrored with the story of Angelina; we don’t actually know a lot about Lilia’s feelings concerning his friends’ romance and how that impacted their relationship with Lilia.
Then (I’m skipping over a lot of things that happened in Madame Red’s backstory to get to the relevant parts) her beloved sister and brother-in-law perish in a fiery blaze, and she’s powerless to stop it. All that’s salvaged from the burning building is “the child of the sister she loved most and the man she loved most”.
A similar tragedy could have befallen Lilia and Malleus’s parents, given the current direction of book 7. Levan/Revan (Raverne) goes missing, and Mallenoa is all but guaranteed dead at the hands of the invading human forces led by the Dawn Knight. Where does that leave Lilia once his two best friends are gone? He’s been left behind and forced to pick up the pieces of what little remains of a country ravaged for its resources, burdened with an unborn child to look after in their stead.
I would say the main difference between Angelina and Lilia is how they coped with the aftermath of the horrific events in their life. Angelina becomes angry at the world and envious of those that take what she cannot have for herself for granted. Those feelings manifest in violent murders. Meanwhile, Lilia, the man who has been fighting and killing all this time, becomes wise and accepting of humans, wishing for a time and place where all races can join hands and the children of tomorrow can live in harmony 😭
“It’s the world Mallenoa and Raverne would have wanted for their son. The world I would want for my own son. A world of peace, not war.”
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abybweisse · 5 months
I know this headcanon is a very rare one to see in this fanbase and that exactly why I want to share it, but I personally have a lot of fun reading Undertaker as asexual! I think he would be sex-favorable and very romantic towards his partners (or past partners I guess) but still asexual. I love to see how other people headcanon him as well but this is one that I never see and if I had to guess I would say that's probably because so much of the fanbase has the hots for him hahah
Undertaker's sexual identity?
My main reason for not thinking of Undertaker as asexual is because it's very important to my theories that he fathers Vincent and Francis/Frances with grandma Phantomhive. And I doubt he'd have sex with her (or anyone) without wanting to. Forcing himself to have kids with a human just for the point of pissing off the royal family doesn't seem like a strong enough argument.
I guess you could say he's sex-favorable -- how is this considered asexual? -- and just passively accepts an offer from her, but I don't see him that way.
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funtomfactory · 11 months
Headcanons for the Phantomhive twins
R!Ciel learning how to whistle so he can imitate birds for his bedridden brother. Said brother would try to guess which birds R!Ciel was portraying.
If they did something bad or made a mess, they would address the wrong using chess-related codenames in front of adults in the hope those adults wouldn't find out (which they would always do).
They would always try to fall asleep facing each other.
O!Ciel would firstly try to crawl into his brother's bed when he was scared, but his brother is a very deep sleeper, so if R!Ciel did not wake up, he would go to his parents.
R!Ciel once got attacked by a duck while eating his lunch outside. When he told his sick brother about the incident, he exaggerated so much that O!Ciel didn't dare to go near ducks for at least three months.
Where mystery and gothic authors such as Arthur Conan Doyle and Edgar Allen Poe are O!Ciel's favourite, R!Ciel actually prefers more romantic and lighthearted authors to read.
O!Ciel had a heightened sense of smell for food since a young age. R!Ciel was impressed by it and they decided to train the skill by blindfolding O!Ciel and holding different things under his nose, including tea boxes snuck out of the kitchen.
Both boys preferred their father reading their bedtime story, because Vincent would use "silly voices" for all the characters in the story.
The brothers often switched places unintentionally. They were so used ot being addressed to together that they would respond as one, making keeping them separate very difficult.
O!Ciel is proficient with horses, while R!Ciel doesn't care much for them.
O!Ciel once tried to ride horseback on Sebastian the dog. O!Ciel acts like he doesn't know why the dog doesn't appear to like him, but the dog simply never forgot.
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