#vincent gigante
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bbyhoneybee-x · 1 year
Hi! I love your blog! I was wondering, I saw a post you did where they give their someone a black eye or something? And was wondering if you could do Michael, Vincent and Thomas? If it's too much I'm sorry! Thank you so much!
ayyy guess who's back from the dead! i would like to briefly apolgize for being in active on here for so long, i had lost insperation to write for a while but now im back to give it a second shot! hope you all like this
Michael Myers-
To say that Michael was a big man is an overstatement when he so easily towers over you without even having to try so there's gonna be times of where he might bump into you or knock you over without realizing that your there. By the time you had gotten back to your home sweet home it was late and you were just so very tired and all you wanted to do was cuddle up to Michael and go the hell to sleep, grabbing your keys you unlocked the house and made your way inside before you kicked off your shoes and called out for the masked man , " hey! im finally home" you said as you made your way upstairs to the bedroom you both share only to find Micheal laying on the bed his mask abandoned on the floor which has only been some recently that been been doing around you more often. With sleep filling your eyes you trudged on over to the bed and went to lean done to give him a small peak on his cheek. The thing you need to realize is that even though Micheal is a gigantic of a man and could very easily crush your or anyone's skull simply with his hand , without his mask on he feels very vulnerable , since he sleeps like the dead he didn't hear you come in and the gentle pressure of your lips against his cheek had him in a frenzy state where his fist had collided with your face sending you back on the floor in a ball of pain. His eyes widened as he stand up , his chest breathing frantically now , seeing you on the floor holding your face made his cold heart break softly. Without saying anything he gently picks you up in his huge arms and held you to his chest, even though he doesn't speak he tried to comfort you s best as he from what he knows [which isn't a whole lot] gently tilting your face up to meet his gaze seeing what damage he had cause. your eye had already swelled up and a dark purple color was filling the effected area quickly, sensing the panic in his eyes you gently held his hand in a way to not only comfort him but yourself as well " hey its ok mikey , i know you didn't mean to hurt me i startled you " you said as you gently squeezed his hand. Micheal shakes his head softly as he looked at your eye and a deep sigh had left his chest, he gently placed you down on the bed and gestured for you to stay there and he made his way down to the kitchen. after a few long minutes an hearing some concerning bangs downstairs he trudged his way back to you with item in his hands , an frozen bag of peas in one hand and in the other hand carried some ibuprofen and some Halloween candy. A softly smiles came across your face as he held the bag of peas to your eye trying to be careful of not wanting to cause you more pain then he already has , he placed the candy in you lap and open the bottle of the pain relief and place two in your hand before reaching over to the old wooden nightstand and handed you a tall glass of water. Micheal maybe be a stone cold killer and a nightmare to many people but for you he was soft and loving , he wouldn't be able to forgive himself for a while after the accident , his hands would tremble against yours every time you'd go to hold his hand as if he was afraid to hold you like you were made from glass but after a while he would start to com back around with the help of loving words from you and patience, soon enough he'd be back in your arms like the whole thing had never happened but the thought of it happening again is something that not only scares him but also you as well but with being able to put down rules in place and make sure that he knows that your there maybe this might just be a one time nightmare for the both of you
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Vincent Sinclair -
Making wax sculptures all day was a very tiring task for Vincent , usually by the time he was almost finished it was already dark outside and way past time bedtime. Normally you wouldn't go downstairs and try to bring him up since he was just a stubborn as Bo was, he'd shoo you off back to bed and he'd soon follow up after a few minute but tonight was different as you had not seen him once except for this morning when he woken you up by giving a small kiss to your head and it was down into the basement he went. He didn't even come up for breakfast,lunch or dinner which wasn't like him at all , it had worried a big hole through your stomach as you stood by the to of the step that led down to his workshop of sorts. You'd never really gone down there unless you really needed him since in his own way that space down there was a safe space for him and you didn't want to really upset him by barging in uninvited. But you were worried so he would come to understand that hopefully you thought to yourself as you started to ascend down in the darken basement. The sounds of your shoes echoed off of the stone walls as you make your way to the opening of the basement , " Vincent?" you called out as you stood by the door with your arms wrapped around your torso in a attempt to comfort your self . Without hearing any type of response you started to advancing deeper in to the room looking around when you finally spot the tall masked man looming over one of the wax figures , the sharp blade of his knife seemingly glows in the dark . you take a few more steps forward as you called his name out once more with no avail , this isn't like him at all . You approach him and gently places a hand on his shoulder and shook him softly " Hey vin-" your words were cut off as he spins around at a quick speed like you've seen before normally when hes trying to get his next victim , the tip of the knife had came across and gashes in to your cheek inflicting a stinging pain that cause you to cry out and fall own on to the floor. Vincent was in his own little world when he created these master pieces and normally he good about not getting to far into his head that much but today was different for him , Bo had given him a deadline to have these pieces down and out into the wax museum and hes not one to disappoint his twin brother he ended up blocking out the urges to eat and see you. His hands trembled as he drop the knife and falls down to his knees where his hand had cradled your face and his eyes widen with pure panic. He reached over to his work table and grab a rag which he held to your cheek , he might not be a man of many words but his eyes do all the speaking for him , he was sorry for hurting you accidentally. You gently placed your hand on top of his in comfort " You didn't mean to do it Vincent it's ok" you said as he began on cleaning up the gash and he could't help but be mad at himself for doing it but your words always had a calming effect on him. Soon the gash was cleaned and bandage up , he sat on the floor with you in his lap and you holding hi hands. In your eyes he's not a monster and you helped him see that from his eyes as well. Eventually you both have came up with a system to ensure that something like this wouldn't happen again , it was a simple belly attached to a string that led in to hr basement so you can ring it from upstairs and he'll know that you'd be coming down.
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Thomas Hewitt-
It's hot summer days like this that makes you want nothing more then to sit in the cool shade and sip on some fresh , ice cold lemonade with your beloved Thomas , but unfortunately today is a day where hoyt had thrown Thomas in to some hard bloody work. Normally he'd do it would out any complaint but the heat was starting to effect him, making him more irritable then he usually is. You stood in the kitchen softly sipping on the refreshing beverage as you heard Thomas grunt loudly in pain and slammed something hard down that caused the floorboards to shake from the forced behind it. Your heart breaks for him , he every rarely get anytime to himself or anytime with you since Hoyt made it his job to get his hands bloody and proved for the family , so you had made the choice to bring him a nice cool glass of lemonade in hope that it could help him feel better. "Poor thing must be suffering down there in the hot basement " you said to yourself as you carefully made your way down the old creaky stairs leading to the basement with the drink in on hand. Thomas came into your eyesight , he was hunch over the wooden work table , his shoulders moving up and down as he breathe heavily, one hand clutching onto the other seemingly had hurt it when he was working. Your eyes had widened a bit as you rushed over to him after setting the glass down on a different spot " Tommy? are you ok darling?" you said as you came over to his side trying to see what had happend to his hand , he grunts angrily and tuned his back to face you " Thomas let me see please" you said softly as your hand reached out to grab his arm but it didn't go to plan. The moment he felt the hand on his elbow his top had blew a fuse, reacting on pure instinct, he shoved you away from him but there are times of where he didn't know his own strength.Your head slammed into the wooden table behind you , black spot had filled your vision as Thomas had seen what his anger had done to his love of his life, any anger that he had immediately went away see you on the floor holding your head in pain. Thomas dropped to his knees and held your head in his giant hands looking closely to see if there was any blood coming out of it , he pulled your hand away from it to see some blood on it and he swear he could feel his heart shatter into million pieces , he picked you up in his arms and ran up stair to the room the both of you shared and lays you on the bed before he grab a basin ad filled it with clean water and grab some rags to help clean the wound. the time he took cleaning your head wound was spent in silence but you could hear his soft sniffles and you knew he didn't mean to ever hurt you on purpose. Once he was done wrapping up your head you turn to face him , he sat on his knee looking down at his hands , gently you sit up and wrap your arms around his neck bringing his head in to your lap gently hushing as he made soft sounds in protest afraid he was gonna hurt you again," Tommy is ok im gonna be fine i promise you said softly making his head rise up to look at you with silent tears in his eyes as his hands gently came up and brushed against your head , you gently grabs his hands and held them to your chest right over your heart, " im still here Thomas , i ain't going no where i know you didn't mean to hurt me me at all it was just an accident'' you said softly with a smile. Thomas leans his head on your chest and held on to you as if your gonna slip through his hands like sand. It'll take Thomas sometime to feel like his hands aren't gonna hurt you every-time he touches you, you can see the bit of fear in his eyes , but each time you reassure him that hes not a monster that he sees himself as, an that you love him regardless of anything that's happened. soon enough your Thomas start to come back around , now his hands are constantly on you all the time , but hey its not like either of ya'll have any complains at all.
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{ i hope you guys really enjoyed this! after not writing for a while it defently feels really good to be back! hopefully this is good if not better then my past works but let me know what you guys think!)
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xxladyballadxx · 6 months
The Moon That Shines
𓆩♡𓆪 Vincent Valentine x (Fem) Reader 𓆩♡𓆪
Warning: N/A
𓆩♡𓆪 Note : I couldn’t be arsed writing a summary for this.. :// 𓆩♡𓆪
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☾ dividers by : @saradika-graphics ☾
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You were wandering off deep in the forest, chasing the deers that you captured with your eyes. As they leapt over a log and disappeared into the thin air, a roaring howl alarmed the place. Scaring the birds and other creatures, scurrying off into their hiding places. You heard another roar, a howl chilling you to the bone. Sounded like a wolf but it was more ‘beastly’ in some way. 
As the fog swooped through the forest, you ran off scared and bumped into a tall, monstrous figure standing in your way. You held your head up, examining the figure that you crashed into. It was a beast who appeared out of nowhere, a very big one. His claws were sharp and long, his fangs were like werewolves, gigantic curled horns of a devil and his face…looked very demonic. You tried to use your magic to blast the beast away but you were too shaken by fear. It leaned in close to you, staring deeply into your soul as it growled. Instead of screaming for her, you fainted after seeing so monstrous and dropped to the floor…
After that unexpected event, you woke up in a strange place that looked like an abandoned house. You were lying down on a bed comfortably with a blanket over you. You gasped, getting up from the bed. You couldn’t recall what happened for some reason as it became hazy to you. Your eyes wandered the place, glancing around as you spotted a glass of water and a piece of bread on a plate left out for you on the table at the side of the bed. As you drink the water and stomach a piece of bread , you take another glance around the room, seeing how messy it looks. A bit empty except there were papers and books scattered around the floor. Even strange marks on the wall….
“You’re awake..” His voice sounded deep and somewhat hollow, like there was no sense of emotion in it. There appeared a man entering the room, wearing a red cloak with black leather attire. He was even wearing a golden gauntlet on his left arm and golden sabatons. Crimson fiery eyes and black hair like charcoal. You nearly choked on your last piece of bread when he entered the room out of the blue, crawling back in fright.  “W-who are you?” 
“I’m not here to hurt you...” 
You calmed down a bit, putting your legs out of bed wanting to stand up, “A-alright. Tell me, do you know how I got here? I really can’t remember anything that happened, it’s all a blur to me..”
“I found you passed out on the ground and decided to take you here so you can be safe…” He simply put, walking up to you. You gave a slight nod, believing his words without saying anything in return. Although you couldn’t stop wrapping it around your finger as you were still trying to figure out why you passed out. “Why were you out in the woods at this late hour?” He asked with such firmness coming from his tone. “I was just taking a stroll, that’s all.” You responded. He cocked an eyebrow and tilted his head, “What if some monster attacked you?” 
“I can protect myself.” 
You lit a fire on the palm of your hand with a bitter smirk, “Yes.” 
Vincent lifted his head back in a normal position, you honestly can’t tell if he was concerned for your safety. His expression looked so…emotionless.
“What’s your name if you don’t mind me asking?” 
“Vincent Valentine. And you are?”
“(Y/n) (L/n)..” 
After the introductions, Vincent escorted you outside his home and only walked with you halfway to your village, “Will you be alright heading straight home on your own?”
“Yes, thank you for um…before.” 
“Take care.” He turned around and started walking back to his place. 
Vincent turned his face back on you once again, “What is it?” 
“I was thinking if we could see each other again..”
“To get to know each other better. Besides you don’t seem to have a lot of friends by the looks of it and honestly…you look lonely.” 
Vincent didn’t look very offended when you said that about him, “I’m used to it.” 
You pointed your finger at the lake, “Let’s meet over there tomorrow by noon.” lowering your hand and flashing a smile towards Vincent. He gave a slight chuckle and turned his back around, walking off without saying in return. 
You weren’t seen to be pissed by his response for some reason, you tittered and waved him goodbye as you began to walk home to your village, “I hope to see you again, Vincent!” 
As the mysterious man continued to walk down the path to his home, he wondered why you were so interested in him. Vincent didn’t wish to upset you so he actually turned up and headed up to meet you by the lake at noon the very next day. You brought a picnic along with you, hoping to share some with Vincent. He appreciated you offering him food but he wasn’t very hungry which clearly made you visibly sad but you don’t seem to be very upset about it. So you sat down with him and just talked. You realized that Vincent wasn’t much of a talker, he listened to you chatting about your life. Just slight nods and a few head tilts. All these little responses from him. You weren’t expecting him to speak a lot because you’re not really bothered by it. The day goes on when the fiery sun lowered down as the pearl white moon rose in the deep dark sky. 
You set your eyes on the moon, watching how it beautifully shines, “Quite pretty, isn’t it?” 
“It really is..” Vincent responded simply, agreeing with you. 
“I dreamt that one day, I could go there…. to the moon..” You added, lifting your hand to the gleaming light of the white pearl, “I know it’s quite cold there but I want to experience it and just sit down on the solid ground, looking at the whole galaxy..” 
Vincent’s expression changed completely when you began to talk about your dream, your dream about heading to the moon. This led him to believing that you truly love the moon very much. His face softened as you continued to dream and talk about the moon. This is when you realize you were getting ahead of yourself. An innocent laughter slipped out from your mouth, “I’m sorry, it’s quite silly, isn’t it?”
The man in red shook his head, his expression becoming more soft, “No…no, I don’t believe it’s silly at all.” Although Vincent tried his best not to show it but he actually likes the dream you have, if that’s the way of putting it. You light a smile across your lips, “You know, we should see each other more often.” 
“Yes! I know you don’t like talking much but I was hoping we could spend some time together and get to know each other. We can sit here all day watching the moon if you would prefer that. We don’t have to talk, we can just watch the moon together.” 
Vincent stood up with a little surprising smile and gestured his hand to pull you up as you smiled in return, “You know, (Y/n)...I think I might like you.
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a/n - this felt so rushed omfg, I was struggling so much and couldn't think straight since I haven't been writing for a while. I also struggled with writing Vincent so he was actually quite difficult to capture but I think I did okay with him I guess?
Sequel to The Moon That Shines ⤵
No More Secrets ↩
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starythewriter · 11 months
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TW: rough sex.
A/N: I do not know if I will contiune to make KINKTOBER stories for the reminder of October… if y’all really like this one then I might Aswell!
But trust me December will have a new special everyday!
you and vinnie had decided to go to a Halloween masquerade ball, you got ready dressing up as harley Quinn, while he dressed up as the joker.
once you were done you took some selfies, photos, and vinnie snapped you a photo…
he looked so fucking hot…
you started to think it all the things you would do to him while you were alone….
you put your phone down finishing your makeup.
you made sure to call up Jack Harlow, and urban. Jack was getting ready when you called.
urban picked up “hey my love… what’s up?”
Y/N: “urban… I have a question sir… what are you dressing up as for the masquerade ball?”
urban: “Batman… why?”
Y:N: “fun… sounds kinda hottt… I’ll be attending as harley quinn you know we should meet up… I wanna talk in person…”
you say clicking your tongue.
urban: “sounds perfect… let’s meet up by the entrance… since I’m coming with Jack and your coming with vinnie… signal to me and we’ll sneak off.”
he said with a smirk on his face.
you had such a bright smirk after that call… you were curios if Jack knew anything about your arrangement…
you finished up your pony tails and, headed towards the masquerade ball, you texted vinnie:
“hey Vincent… I’m headed to the masquerade ball”
“alright Y/N see you there. I’m going over Aswell.”
you quickly arrived you saw so many people, but urban, Jack and vinnie were yet to be there.
you went inside, coming across Jack…
who was dressed up as a vampire…
“hey Jack… how are you… you look fabulous…”
“I’m great Y/N… thank you… you look delicous”
you felt some sexual tension…
you grabbed a cup with red wine as a waiter passed by.
“thank you Jack… maybe I’ll let you have a taste…” rubbed your hand down his crotch to his knee….
you walked away graceful.
Jack Harlow’s POV: I saw Y/N’s beautiful harley Quinn costume… Y/N looked so hot, before Y/N walked off, they slid their hand down my crotch… I was so turned on… I kept my eye contact and felt… just entranced… I wanted to fuck Y/N right then and there… I saw Y/N walk towards vinnie…
I’m not sure what, Y/N was planning… but I couldn’t help but be intrigued even if I didn’t want to… I knew my soul was aching for Y/N.
Your POV:
you walked off seeing vinnie… but you saw urban too… urban was distracted so you rushed over to vinnie. you kissed him slowly… “fuck… Y/N… someones horny huh?”
“yes vin… I’ve been in a heat… glad to see you looking so hot”
“ you know… we could go into the bathrooms….”
“vin… *kiss* be patient… tonight is all about me… and you and the rest of them have to earn your time with me”
you giggled….
you surprised all 3, you wanted to let loose and just have fun tonight…
you walked off to urban, with your red wine almost finished… “hey urban… you look smoking hottt…”
you say Moaning at the end of your sentence…
“you look better… you know… I could use my strength to rip those fish nets off”
it was WAY, too early into the night for you to engage into any sexual fun…
but… “urban.. follow me”
you quickly led him,upstairs you slowly started to makeout with him… you didn’t give two fucks… you just needed someone.
URBAN’s POV: Y/N is… breath taking and just so sexy… I kept grinding up onto her… making her moan loudly… I was hoping that vinnie could hear… I was enjoying this so much…I feel like I can’t control myself when I’m around Y/N, slowly Y/N started to kiss my neck causing me to groan… I was so ready to start fucking her… but she grabbed my shoulders slowly grinding onto me… and have me a kiss before kneeling down…
“Y/N what are you doing?”
Y/N, didn’t answer… I let out a gigantic groan…. feeling Y/N, work my growing bulge with their mouth…
my pleasure was short lived as Y/N, stopped and left me with a kiss…
YOUR POV: you had some fun with urban, Jack and vinnie….
you kept walking around seeing cake auctions, all types of drinks.
you took some drinks and started to grove onto the dance floor having some fun…
you slowly made your way downstairs bumping back into vinnie…
“come here vinnie… let’s dance”
you both got into the 1st dance floor, dancing, grooving…
he spun you around…
you both were having the best time….
“Y/N…. your making me horny… let’s head over here”
he lead you into a room, their were low lights…
it was clearly gonna be used but you both didn’t care…
you slowly made out with vinnie…
his hands were all over your body… You knew he could be rough…but you wanted more…you felt yourself wanting more from him… you pulled away kissing him again… he pushed you on top of a table…your body was pressed against each other… he unbuttoned your shirt and ran his fingers along your stomach… he sucked on your breasts…
you moaned quietly…you could see the fire in his eyes… he wanted to take your clothes off but he wanted to do it slow…He moved down, slowly unbuttoning your pants… you could feel yourself hardening… you bit his lip asking him what he wants to do next… he smirked… “take it… I promise we can go slower…” you smiled at him… you unbuttoned his dress shirt pulling it off him, you kissed him deeply, his lips were moving against yours… he started to rub your clit through your underwear.
You moaned loudly as you felt yourself getting closer to orgasm…you moaned softly against his lips trying to hold back… he kissed your neck and bit it… “fuck vinnie! I’m so close!” he kissed you and started to push your underwear down your legs…
you moaned louder… you felt your pussy starting to get wet… you reached behind you grabbing your panties off and tossing them aside…
you felt your pussy starting to drip.
you felt urbane…
you started kissing vinnie… you both were in sync, as you started to thrust into vinnie… He moaned as you hit him in just the right spot… you moaned louder, feeling the orgasm starting to build…
“VINCE!!! I AM SO CLOSE!!” you screamed at the top of your lungs.
Vincent pulled out…
he was dripping with sweat… he was breathing heavily. He grabbed you and helped you up… you were both still panting heavily…… you both made out some more… slowly you both got redressed and spent the rest of the night together…
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xxsycamore · 1 year
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↬ 💋 "You're going to stand here against the wall because you're being punished."
Napoleon Bonaparte x Main Character • rating: E (MDNI) • tags: Bickering; Femdom to Maledom; Light Dom/sub; Lipstick; Kissing; Marking; Neck Kissing; Teasing; Nipple Play; Blow Jobs; Dirty Talk; Vaginal Sex; Size Kink; Multiple Orgasms; Creampie; Post-Sex Cuddless • wordcount: 3,831 • masterlist
a/n: Today marks FOUR years since I love this man......Enjoy🙇🏻‍♀️
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"Who kisses the other more?"
"Easy. That would definitely be me-"
"It's me."
Napoleon and MC cross their gazes, lips still parted in mutual interruption. Napoleon raises a brow, quick to defend his bold statement. "Nunuche, I love you, but no."
"Excuse me?? I'm kissing you every chance I get! And you know that!"
"Nunuche." He puts a hand over hers, insisting overconfidently. "Need I remind you of what I'm infamous for, in this mansion? They even go as far as call as to me a kissaholic, yet you still…"
"That's nothing! You might have your kiss attacks in the mornings, but I'm out there giving you full-course meals of smooches all throughout the day! Are you seriously going to argue with me about this right now?"
Vincent awkwardly sinks into his seat, lowering his face into the 101 Questions For Couples book that he picked up as an anniversary present for Napoleon and MC. He is starting to regret his choice, as he never as much as imagined these two to be the type to argue over anything at all. And now they're having a couple's argument over this. It's somehow fitting and, frankly, it's even adorable, but all he wants right now is to restore the peace between the two… but how does he do that?
Out of nowhere, (as per usual) comes Sebastian, who might have listened in. Before Vincent can wave his arms at him to signal SOS, the couple figures out by themselves how to get help from the poor butler.
Napoleon and MC turn in his direction, putting an abrupt end to what only looked like them about grab each other's collars (were they going to fight, or kiss?! ) only to shout at Sebastian, almost in one voice:
"Sebas! Which one of us do you think kisses the other more?"
Sebastian stands up stoic and serious, visibly considering their question with utmost diligence. They've given him too much power in the debate and he has to use it wisely.
His hand travels up to rest under his chin, as if deep in thought. His fingers ghost over his lips which are curling up in a smile. Could it be that he's recalling an event that would help him with his decision?
"I'd say… Monsieur Napoleon. He is the person I have more record of seeing initiating a kiss, MC."
Napoleon is busy putting his hands on his hips triumphally as MC simply stands there and gasps, taking in a gigantic portion of pure betrayal… coming from her dear co-worker of all people, nonetheless.
"That's- That's only because I keep my love in private! What's wrong with that?"
"Absolutely nothing, MC. Forgive me but even without this data, Monsieur Napoleon strikes me as the person who'd kiss you more, rather than the other way around. He is a warm and loving person who wants to remind his partner of his feelings regularly. Physical touch is his second love language. Those are my observations."
What should have been an attempt to put out MC's burning rage seems a lot more like flattery towards the man he idolizes instead. Having had enough, MC gets up in a rush, clearly headed for the door. Seeing that Napoleon is not following behind, she turns on her heel, crosses the room back to his side, grabs him by the sleeve until he's got no choice but to follow, and spells it out for him.
"We're going. To our room."
Before anyone has a chance to say anything, Napoleon is snatched away with the loud thud of a closing door echoing behind him.
Vincent closes 101 Questions For Couples shut and shakily puts it down on the tea table as if it's a cursed relic bound to bring despair. He frowns at Sebastian.
"What do you think will happen now?"
Sebastian nods with eyes at rest, as if the answer is clear as a day.
"It's obvious, Master Vincent. They are going to kiss and make up."
Napoleon knows things are about to get serious when he hears MC locking their bedroom door from the inside. Uh oh. He decides for now it's best to cross his arms and patiently wait until MC decides to approach him and address her grudges. And preferably, to remove that smirk from his face. It's a little hard when he finds her cute when mad. And what is she doing now? She seems to be tying her hair back in a slick ponytail. Someone's getting hot, perhaps. Should he be scared, or should he be aroused? The limited time to ponder is already over as she finally turns around to face him. Her angry glare is turning him on. He is not sure how to fight her with a hard-on. 
"Hey." MC returns the pointless greeting, doing a good job of keeping her unwavering cold expression. She surely doesn't plan on simply standing there attacking him with that dagger-shooting glare alone. Only a breather more and she steps in closer; reaches out to him.
Napoleon stands still, unsure of what to expect. He's got an idea or two about his own next move but he first wants to see hers first. Jade orbs travel down to follow the movements of her hands as she begins to tug at his clothes.
One by one, the buttons of his white shirt come undone under her gentle hands. She is taking her sweet time, undressing him slowly, agonizingly so. It's as soothing as when she helps him change for bed when he's sick. Something tells him he's not getting all tucked in and cozy this time.
"Do you need help with that, Nunuche?"
That's a harsh way of telling him to shut up. But he's guilty of using the same words when he's annoyingly nudged awake in the morning sometimes; he can't help it. He does shut up.
MC makes sure to not leave a single clothed spot on his entire toned body, making him feel exposed and watched by her sharp gaze. After awhile, the silence is at last broken by her.
Now? Napoleon almost asks aloud, curious to see how she'd shut him up this time. He hopes his boner is not getting any more obvious because of this.
He expect her to come closer, because where else she could be going right now? But instead, she takes a step back, looks at him from head to toe, and then goes to her dressing table. Napoleon shivers. Is she going to fetch some sort of torture device from there? Could it be that his innocent Nunuche is finally turning to the dark side because he crossed the line teasing her?
Oh, it's just lipstick. She hoovers over the dressing table to look into the mirror and applies it precisely; just as if she's getting ready for a nice date out. Napoleon is dumbstruck and wants to jokingly ask if that's for getting her dominatrix persona on, but remains silent. He is not left hanging for much longer as soon MC pockets her lipstick and giddily returns in front of Napoleon.
"Can I at least lay down?"
"No~ You're going to stand here against the wall because you're being punished."
So that's indeed where things are going. Napoleon gulps down, holding back a sigh fueled by the frustration of finding himself uncharacteristically not in control. He tries to put two and two together, finding a connection between MC's blood-red lips and the fact that she's got him all stripped down like an empty canvas.
She gets on her tippy toes and puts a hand on the wall behind him to steady herself before kissing him gently on the lips. Napoleon wishes with his whole being to return the kiss and transform it into something less innocent, but the chance slips out of his grasp as MC withdraws too soon. Ducking down for another smooch attack, this time she aims at his cheek. It reminds him of being greeted back from work, so pure and warming. Another two or three kisses are pressed against his other side and he feels giddy, imagining what he looks like with so much lipstick smeared on him, like a little kid on his birthday when it's the aunt's turn to give a present. It's ridiculous, everything that is happening right now, but more ridiculously so he enjoys it and doesn't question a thing. That’s the far opposite of a punishment, though. The next kiss lands lower, on his nape, and MC uses her hand to tip his chin upwards so she can place one right under his jaw. Next, she pays more attention to his neck, making a row of kisses down his collarbone. She knows he is ticklish here but that only encourages her more for this impromptu torture. 
It doesn't get any better for Napoleon once those devilish lips find their way down from his collarbones. Nothing could've prepared him for the contrastingly bold gesture of suddenly having his nipples playfully pinched and pulled. It comes nonetheless, making him grunt out a moan of surprise. As if apologizing for getting too naughty, MC kisses them better, leaving two identical lipstick prints around his areolas. Napoleon gazes down at her, bewildered, as she slowly sinks lower, kissing her way there as well. Her hands map the familiar area of his abs, replacing the feather-light caress of her fingers with the one of her lips time and time again. Excitement pools in Napoleon's loins as the woman in front of him finds herself fully on her knees, having reached his most sensitive place with her lips in the meantime. His fists clench and unclench with the absence of anything to grasp into and his neglected cock twitches with anticipation.
"Has the color come off already?"
Ah, she refers to her lips that are indeed a much paler shade of red already. The sudden distraction breaks his expectations in million pieces as he just nods tepidly. MC casually sits back on her heels as she reaches inside her pocket to fish out the lipstick.
Napoleon tries to steady his heartbeat, watching her apply it anew on her beautiful lips, kiss-swollen to perfection and just so fuckable, but that's his cock doing the thinking instead of him. Hence the need to calm his pulse. She takes her time in order to be careful, and truly, without the aid of a mirror, perfectly fills them in with the red color; if he knows anything about that. He clicks his tongue, realizing where all this red is going.
"Down there, too?"
"Oh, yes." She clicks the cap back on and discards the cosmetic product to roll off somewhere on the floor for now. "Especially down there."
You're driving me crazy, Napoleon thinks, and if he has to be honest with himself, he is not so sure of however much longer he would be able to limit himself to thoughts alone. Perhaps his Nunuche underestimates the situation. More and more small grunts leave his lips as MC puts imprints of the newly applied lipstick on his fair untanned skin, dangerously close to his cock but missing it on purpose. The red marks bloom on his hipbones and the inside of his tights, it feels like forever before she finally does what he was hoping for most. Wrapping her delicate hand around his stiff length, a kiss appears on the side of it, too; right over a thick vein that runs there. The most frustrating of it all has to be the fact that she does none of it all with the intention of giving him pleasure. Not that her plan is much more innocent, as she particularly marks him as hers all over, in her own way.
He is able to, at last, enjoy her mouth for one short but rewarding moment as she parts her lips and takes the tip in between, swirling her tongue around it. Perhaps not wishing to ruin her make-up with such activity, she lets go in shortly, noticing how he twitches eagerly in her hand. She keeps his cock there, stroking the base slowly as she busies herself with additional kisses on the length of his tights, knees and however much lower her position would allow.
She stands to her feet and the curtain falls. Hands on her hips, like a craftsman admiring his handiwork. Her eyes travel to chase over trails of dusty red roses blooming all over Napoleon's body, but as they finally return to his face, the expression doesn't match her own, not one in a bit. He looks out of breath as if each of those kisses were received by his mouth instead, face flushed and hair sticking wetly to his face.
"Do you like what you've made of me, Nunuche?" Snorts Napoleon, wondering if she is proud of herself for her little game and the effects it had on him.
"Mhmm! I love it."
MC claps her hands together, visibly admiring his body again to rub it in his face just how much she means it when she says she loves it. She gets closer again, lifting up his limp right hand and placing kisses against his wrist, just a little spot she missed.
"I'm almost not mad at you anymore, Napoleon. You look thoroughly kissed, and everyone who gets a look at you would know that it's me who kisses you more… and not the other way around."
"So this is what your little plan was about, hmm?" Napoleon forcibly releases his right hand from her grasp and uses it to collect her chin instead, squeezing her cheeks firmly. "You said almost not mad. What's the price I have to pay for your full forgiveness?"
MC begins playing coy with a little hum rumbling in her throat, and Napoleon releases his hold so she can give the reply she comes with. She decides on putting on her commanding tone one last time, having decided on her answer.
"Fuck me nice and we're good."
"Yeah." Putting the overdue end to her naughty ministrations by makeshiftly handcuffing her wrists with his much stronger hands, Napoleon's gaze pins her down. "Yeah, that's what I was intending to do."
Napoleon suspects that he hardly needs to throw her on the bed himself, as something tells him she'd straightly jump there if he were to let her go now. One way or another, she is soon to find herself pinned under his large frame, inhaling nothing but his scent on the pillow as he envelops her smaller body with his own from behind. He spreads her legs at a favorable angle, barely having the mind to make sure she is comfortable before grabbing into his cock and guiding it towards her sopping wet hole. He grunts and grabs her by the waist, dragging her further down the bed to ensure they're as close as possible, and watches her arching her bottom in anticipation.
Napoleon rubs his blunt head into her swollen lower lips, teasingly. He collects her wetness until the glide is smooth and rewarding, but makes sure it's not too pleasurable for her just yet. He aims at her dripping hole and guides his cock there slowly, enjoying the way she clenches desperately around him as if to pull him further in.
As he withdraws, familiar whines of dissatisfaction reach his ears. Despite the person he knows himself to be, being unfair once in a while feels just right. Especially after what she did to him earlier.
MC curls one leg around his own, trying to make him get the hint and hurry up, and Napoleon's eyes darken with lust at her desperation.
"Shh, ma chérie, I've got you." He fails to hold in a chuckle of endearment, heart swelling with pride at how easily he drives her crazy for what only he could give her. "I've got you, is this what you wanted?"
He gradually pushes in, stretching out her insides with his girthy length that never ceases to be just a little too big for her.
"Oohh! Yes, yes, give it all to me… Napoleon… don't make me wait any longer…"
"Hmm? Can you take it all in?" He strokes over the small of her back, admiring the beautiful arch of her back; the way she presents herself so willingly to him, making it that much easier to ignore the part of his brain that wants revenge for the part of it that wants raw pleasure.
"Y-yes, please, more, please…"
Slowly, he bottoms out. Letting out a satisfactory moan of his own, he didn’t until now realize how much self-control it cost him to keep his gentleness. That and, with being previously stimulated to a certain dangerous degree, he wants to throw away any plans of taking it nice and slow from now on. Screw revenge. He gives one long look at the place they're connected again, admiring how much of him has disappeared inside her hot tightness, and then grunts again, readjusting his position.
He drapes his body over his lover's, chest to her back, using the opportunity of being close enough to whisper in her ear. Each word he utters this way is making her clench deep inside, and he makes the best out of it, feeling utterly satisfied with himself but remembering to keep the grin out of his tone.
"I'm going to move now." He breathes in and then out, "I'll try to go at it slowly because it looks like you need to cool down, but…"
"No…" a sharp inhale, "No, give it your best." She shifts her body a little, rocking her bottom on his cock as if to demonstrate the intensity of her wish. "Fuck me for your pleasure."
Napoleon chuckles darkly, pecking her arm with wetted lips and collecting her wrists again into his iron grip.
"How am I supposed to do that when you're already rutting against me so selfishly? You're trying to get me to set the pace that you need. Look at you fucking yourself against me."
"Yeah? Do you want me to let you keep going? Can you cum like that?"
Instead of wanting to keep going or not, a more fitting question would be whether she could retain herself from it. The pulse in her ears is maddening as she chases after her high, the tip of Napoleon's cock rubbing against her sweet spot and MC making sure she is maintaining the angle all the way. Soon enough, without having the time to warn him, she shouts into the pillows and rocks her body repeatedly, using his cock like a sex toy, convulsing harshly around it. Napoleon groans, bucking slightly back into her and enjoying the sight, the feeling of her coming undone in his arms coupled with the heavenly tightness wrapping around his cock. He presses kisses into her hair, inhaling the sweet scent of her shampoo; then pressing more kisses into to whichever part of her he could reach, until she comes down from her high. He almost considers her calmed down before another set of whines leaves her mouth.
"Already?" Napoleon teases. He gives an experimental thrust, knowing not to overwhelm her senses.
"Mmm, more, more!"
That's a nice reaction, he thinks to himself as he thrusts again, slowly gaining speed. He wants nothing more than to fuck her breathless at last, reducing her to a moaning mess beneath him. He could mockingly refer back to the thought that it all started with her having the upper hand, but maybe later. Though it's intriguing to imagine another scenario, of how this should've played out - with him tied to the bedframe and his hips straddled as she rides him to her satisfaction. He would be a rotten liar if he says he isn't interested in seeing it come true. But oh how much better victory tastes. There is a good reason she didn't go all the way, and that's because she wanted to be fucked raw and fast instead. But since she has his heart - she's been having it for a long time now - more than playing with power he wants to simply satisfy her and quench her thirst for him. He knows that no amount of true dominance would feel as good to her as to simply have him buried deep to the hilt inside her, moaning his pleasure into her ears as he spills his seed against her deepest parts. It's because he feels the same way.
"Do you still want me to keep going? Fast and deep like that? You're going to make me want to fill you up."
"Ahhhh, yes, Napoleon, Napoleon do it, please, fill me up with your cum, please."
He thrusts hard and noisily into her wet heat, feeling his release building up by her cute pleas alone. In addition, she feels incredibly hot and tight around him, coaxing his release as he tries to maintain a steady pace.
Enclosing her arms with his own muscular ones and holding a vice-like grip on her wrists, he lets himself go.
The burning sensation of Napoleon hitting her deepest, most sacred part is slightly painful, but in a very good way. She feels so full. The sheer thought of him giving into his desire and claiming her like this is enough to send her spiraling into pleasure, but the feeling of his hot cum rushing into her depths is mind-shuddering on its own. She doesn’t realize there are tears rolling down her cheeks. Rutting away the rest of his high into her hips, smacking the sweat-lined skin of her ass, he moans her name, letting himself be milked from every last drop as she keeps convulsing and following him into the throes of release in high-pithed, pleading shrieks that morph into downright pornographic moans. Their legs tangle together, maintaining the gradually dying down friction until their senses start to calm down.
Napoleon can feel the slowly cooling layer of sweat covering the skin of his back, though he still feels very hot; the humid summer air demandingly asserting his presence. He carefully rolls off MC, making sure she is getting enough air to breathe. He almost pouts in realization, I'm always the one doing all the work yet she is panting harder. Pleasure still rocks all over him, and his heart beats lovingly at the feeling of MC curling into his chest even when she must be feeling hot.
They stay like this for a moment, catching their breath, hands wandering each other's bodies, and sending muted fireworks of pleasure aftershocks everywhere they touch. It could either be that he is ticklish, or the endorphins kicking in, but soft giggles escape Napoleon's lips and pour right into hers, infecting her along the way. It's a very clumsy kiss, but it gets Napoleon an idea.
"I still think I can turn the score around. Let's see who leaves this room more thoroughly kissed or whatever." 
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 @lovely-bubb1es @princesspraya @delicateikemenmemes Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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altocat · 10 months
Do you have any unhinged ffvii comp head cannons?
Tifa and Lucia are distant cousins
Lucrecia was briefly in love with Grimoire
Rufus has a severe peanut allergy
Gast is Genesis' biological father
Cloud secretly enjoys lingerie whenever he takes a break from serious manly soldier shenanigans
Eventual Barret/Elmyra??
Angeal has the most skills in bed
Sephiroth occasionally refers to himself as Mother/Jenova in order to feel closer to her
Aerith enjoys blowing things up
Cid is a recovering alcoholic who smokes as a substitute
Genesis is future!Vincent's bff other than Nanaki thanks to his longevity
Nanaki chases his tail when no one is watching
The Turks are directly/indirectly responsible for the deaths of exactly 203.5 civilians
Glenn plays DnD with Matt and Lucia on weekends
Yuffie is banned from all public karaoke bars for...incidents in the past
Zack has a gigantic collection of slinkies that he refuses to elaborate on
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sephirthoughts · 3 months
Vincent's New Kid Just Dropped CH 11: Present Day With Short Deepground Flashback
NOTE: It's not a time skip in the Deepground section, it's just to frame Nero's physical trauma more. All that story is still going to be told!
Rating: Mature
WARNINGS: torture, captivity, phantom pain, PTSD
NOW WITH @siringadev's beautiful father-son art!
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father and son trying to out-edgelord each other but who is winning
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it's vincent
After the Restrictor came, and they implanted those chips in everyone, they sedated Nero and carried him to a dark, cavernous place, in the lowest sub-level of Deepground. Industrial power tools whirred and shrieked. He awoke feeling the vibrations in his skull. 
Men were locking heavy shackles onto his wings, at six points. The shackles, they attached to the type of chains that are used for boat anchors; made of iron and as thick as a man’s arm. The chains were hung through huge, steel rings, bolted to a massive support pillar, and hooked up to a construction winch, on the other side. 
The Restrictor turned the winch and drew the chains tighter and tighter, laughing while the teenaged boy screamed in agony, pulling Nero’s wings higher and spreading them wider apart, till his shoulder blades felt like they were about to be dislocated, and his feet couldn’t properly rest on the ground. 
That was the position he was locked in. Splayed against the gigantic support pillar, like a butterfly pinned to a display board. Muzzled and bound in a straitjacket. Chained by his wings, to the literal foundation of Deepground. 
The only way to relieve the pain of bearing his weight on his wings, was to push himself up on tip-toe. He could only do that for so long, before his legs began to tremble with fatigue. Try as he might, his strength would eventually fail, and his legs give out. Then his wings would catch his full weight, and he would scream in agony again. 
The Restrictor often lingered nearby, watching him go through this process, drinking in the boy’s tormented groans and cries of distress, with lascivious glee. But he also observed the boy growing stronger and stronger…and more dangerous.
Nero curled up, as the lightning bolts of pain racked his body again, mouth hanging open, a clear stream drool running out onto the floor. Where was his muzzle? Where was his straitjacket? He’d had some kind of cotton jersey shirt on his top half, but he had clawed and torn it to shreds, and it now lay in a purple pile on the floor.
He heard a noise behind him, but he didn’t have time to work out what it was, before he felt the darkness react to something, like a dog jumping in excitement, when its master walks in the door. Weiss! It must be Weiss! he thought, deliriously. Tears of joy leaked from the sides of his eyes, even as they were squeezed shut against the pain. 
“W—Weiss…” he rasped, as the darkness reached out toward his beloved. His only one.
He was hauled up to a sitting position, and strong arms wrapped around him from behind, like bands of iron, compressing his crossed arms on his chest, in that familiar position. He was pressed tight against a stone-hard body and lifted to his feet, but…something was wrong. The darkness was curling happily around the person, but making no connection. Not Weiss! his mind screamed.
Enraged, Nero gave his lithe torso a sudden twist, like a snake, trying to wrench himself free, but the arms held him fast. “What the fuck!”
“Calm down,” a smooth, deep voice said, right in his ear. “You’ll hurt yourself.”
“Fuck you! Let me go!” he snarled, thrashing harder, still to no observable effect.
Vincent sighed. “Nero, I know you’re in pain. Let me help—”
“I don’t need your help you bastard!” he roared, kicking his legs, trying to throw this human monolith off balance. He may as well have struggled against the planet itself, for all the man moved. Panting and shaking with fatigue, from even that brief effort, he gave up and hung limply in Vincent’s arms. “I h—I hate you. Fucking die.”
“I can’t.”  
As Vincent said this, the room exploded into a whirling, crimson blur, and suddenly, they were atop the roof of the house. Nero’s bare feet stood on the sandy grit of the roof tiles, and blowing wind brought the scent of rain, from the rolling, grey storm clouds, that were obscuring the moon. 
“What the hell are you doing?” he asked, in real bewilderment. 
“I think I can help, with your pain,” a rasping, resonant, entirely demonic voice answered. “But I can’t try it inside the house. My wings are too big.”
Chaos. The demon’s familiar aura sent shivers of elation up Nero’s spine and made him sick to his stomach, at the same time. He felt bloodthirsty, resentful, filled with rage and grief and underneath it all, a deep, hollow ache. A longing as fathomless as the abyss.
“How do you know I’m in pain?” 
“Sephiroth explained, after you went upstairs.”
“Can he ever mind his own business?” Nero grumbled, under his breath.
Acting entirely without his input, Nero’s darkness tendrils suddenly burst out of the black markings all over his body and plunged directly into Chaos, connecting them, like it was plugging him into a power source. 
Horrified, Nero tried to make them come back, but his knees buckled and his vision went blank, just then, his brain shorted out by the sudden exposure to unfiltered Chaos energy. 
When his vision returned, the demon was still holding him, the same way—Nero’s arms restrained in straitjacket position, and his bare back pressed to its midsection—steadying him on his feet, so he didn’t fall off the roof. 
He was trying work out what the hell Chaos was playing at, when he felt it. A dizzying rush of relief, pouring in through the wing brackets on his shoulder blades and coursing through his body. Lack of pain so potent, it was ten times more intoxicating than the headiest pleasure. 
Involuntarily, Nero’s head dropped back onto Chaos’ chest and he gave a shuddering moan, as he began to unfurl the demon’s huge, membranous wings, slowly and stiffly, spreading them as wide as they could go. 
Tears poured unchecked down his ashen face, weeping openly, as he stretched and folded the wings on the demon’s back, savoring every movement, feeling the contorted phantom segments straightening out, the excruciating knots loosening, the throbbing tautness unwinding. 
Nero’s body now felt relaxed and comfortable, being held tightly in Chaos’ arms. Actually, he hadn’t felt this good since…well, in a long time. Now that they believed everything was back as it was supposed to be, the formerly tormented nerves were humming with vitality. Suddenly, the urge to use the wings he’d missed so sorely, was so strong he could taste it.
Nero’s own wings had nothing to do with his ability to defy gravity, so it was something of a shock to him, when he gave Chaos’ wings an exploratory flap, and the two rocketed into the air. 
He jolted and cried out in alarm, as the ground fell away and the rooftop shrank below them at a dizzying speed. Chaos, however, appeared patently unconcerned, only taking control to give his wings a few beats (to stop them plummeting directly back out of the sky, and to gain some height for safety reasons), then returning control to Nero. 
Nero wasn’t afraid of heights in the least, but he didn’t particularly want to smack into the earth like a meteor, so he scrambled to flap the massive wings. With an effort, he got them under good enough control to keep aloft, then gingerly began to try changing direction. 
He was uncoordinated, and kept going awkwardly off kilter. They tumbled and veered multiple times, before he actually began to get the hang of it. But by the time half an hour had passed, Nero was able to fly in relatively steady circles, above the Valentine-Highwind property.  
All this time, not a single word passed between himself and the ancient demon, whose body he was essentially sharing, at the moment, but at times he could feel its wordless intent, guiding him. Spread. Glide. Tuck. Bank left. More thrust on the right. 
It occurred to him, with a series of complicated emotions, that his father was teaching him to fly. Just like a real father teaching his real son to ride a bicycle. Patiently and calmly, ready to catch him, if he fell. He felt something deep inside him, begin to crack. 
Nero, being Nero, bridled and balked. Furious with himself, for being so soft and stupid, and letting himself be taken in so easily, he sullenly withdrew his control from the wings and let them fall, till Chaos lazily caught them and swooped back upward, with effortless elegance, as if it were no more difficult than breathing. 
That drew Nero right back out of his morose ruminations. He had thought he’d been doing well, but he clearly had no idea what flying even was. Chaos used far fewer wing beats to achieve the same height and speed, and seemed to be exerting ten times less effort. What the hell? How was it that much different to what he’d been doing?
Spinning like a corkscrew, the demon rapidly ascended, higher and higher, till they emerged from the storm cover in the clear, black sky, where the air became thin and icy-cold, and the the moon shone pure and bright over the sea of clouds. 
Nero was staring in undisguised awe at the tens of thousands of glittering stars, when Chaos tucked his wings tightly against his body and dropped abruptly into a freefall. Nero’s stomach flipped and he had to choke down a cry. They fell faster and faster, the wind beating furiously at his face, making his eyes tear up, as they plunged back into the grey clouds, plummeting earthward at terminal velocity.
Just above the treeline, Chaos extended his wings partway and used the downward momentum to shoot forward like a bullet, speeding over the blurred tops of the trees. 
As if on cue, thunder rolled and lighting crackled, as the heavy clouds burst, at last. The cold water droplets lashed Nero’s face and his bare torso, as they flew at that logic-defying speed, but he was actually rather thrilled by it. He wasn’t bothered by cold, and he’d never felt rain before. 
Apparently sensing that the weather didn’t trouble his passenger, Chaos kept going, soaring nonchalantly through blinding sheets of rain, doing spectacular loops and dizzying barrel rolls, throwing off spirals of water as they went. 
Nero had to force down the swell of mirth, that bubbled up in his chest, at the idea of this apocalyptic demon playing around in the rain, to amuse itself. Chaos was having fun, and it showed. If he could have admitted it, without gagging to death, so was Nero.
More than two hours evaporated, and soon they were circling back around toward home—er…toward the Valentine-Highwind house. When they got in close, rather than landing, Chaos did that teleportation thing with the whirling crimson, and they were simply standing in Nero’s room. 
Nero hadn’t got his sea legs yet, and turned around unsteadily to blink up at Chaos, who was Vincent again, in his slashed up black jeans and crimson henley, with that stupid headband, as usual. He was also perfectly dry, as opposed to Nero, who was soaking wet, from head to toe, black hair pasted to his white forehead, and quickly creating a puddle, on the wood floor. 
Conveniently, Sephiroth (because the world had gone thoroughly insane, and the hero of Wutai was now some kind of super-housewife) had left folded bath towels on the dresser, and put the fresh linens on the bed, while they were out.
Before Nero could say anything, Vincent picked up an oversized bath towel and spread it open, holding it up between them, like a privacy screen. Not quite understanding the prudishness of the gesture, Nero peeled off his soaking wet jeans and underwear, then let Vincent wrap the plushy towel around him. 
He still had no idea how to process what happened, tonight. No idea what it meant, or how to react. So he just stood there, dazed, while his father carefully rubbed his long hair, with the other towel. 
Fatigue settled on him, with the warmth and the weight of the gentle touch. Now that the pain was alleviated, he was exhausted, down to his bones. Without realizing it, his eyes drooped shut, and his head began to tip forward, by degrees, till it was resting against Vincent’s chest. 
Darkness tendrils slithered out of the black markings, all over his naked body, and coiled themselves around Vincent’s arms and waist and neck, like affectionate boa constrictors. If they could purr, they would have, fucking embarrassing things.
“The next time you’re in pain, don’t wait for it to become unbearable. Come to me, and I’ll help you.”
nero the wet cat: *HISSSS GRRR HISSSSS* cat dad vincent: *pats dry with towel* nero the dry cat: …. *purr*
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bimbo-superstar · 1 year
Darkness lurks
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Dark Vincent Sinclair x plus size reader 
WARNING DARK THEMES INCLUDE: Dub-con, forced breeding, exhibition, size kink, knife play, (Reader does not have race specified), misogyny, spit kink  
Please proceed with caution, not intended for younger audiences. 
It has been a month since y/n was taken and held captive by the Sinclair brothers, stripped away from the outside world and kept underground in a makeshift dungeon used as a canvas for a man with a face made of wax.
You were picked up and tossed onto the man's worktable, you knew this time was coming sooner or later it wasn't like you were some type of oblivious girl you saw the glances he left or what you thought was glances it was hard to determine because of the dark holes behind the mask they were soulless just like the husk of a man they were attached to. “NO GET OFF OF ME YOU FUCK” you screamed but your words were not met with a response which is what you were used to, the man pulled a knife from a shelf next to him and stuck it in your face he began to slide the knife down your cheek to your breast. The act of him sliding the knife down your chest left you vulnerable, it started to actually frighten you, seeing as he was adding more pressure to the knife. “Please stop, please I'll do anything just stop with the knife” you said as an act to plead with your captor, the man turned his head showing he was interested in the offer, he brought the knife down to your panties and cut them off of you, the feeling of the cold air from the basement left you with a shudder.
The man placed the knife back on the shelf and made his way towards the end of the table where your legs were at, you clamped your legs shut but it was no use he was stronger than you and just forced them open. The man lowered his head until it was eye level with your cunt, and he began to glaze his fingers at your entrance. The sensation was amazing, but you knew in the back of your mind that this was not supposed to be happening between you and this person, he inched closer to your hole and plunged his fingers inside. “fuck” you exhaled. It felt amazing since he worked mostly with his hands it meant his fingers were toned yet also thick, and just like how the fun had begun it was short lived the man pulled his fingers out of you and brought his digits up to your mouth, “open” is all he said this whole time. You complied and parted your lips for him he wasted no time to shove his fingers in your mouth, he pulled his fingers out of your mouth and wiped them all over your face like if you were some sort of object. He unzipped his pants and took them off along with his boxers, he gave himself a few pumps not that he needed them anyways he was always aroused by the way he had been brutalizing you. You braced yourself for the man's cock from the angle you got of his lower half he was not on the small side, but he wasn’t gigantic either it was the thickness of his cock that had you scared.
He plunged himself inside your entrance which caused you to wince in pain and attempt to stop him by putting your hands on his chest, all he did was grab both of your hands and hold them above your head. The man began to ram your cunt at a brutal pace not giving you anytime to get used to his size, tears started to form in your eyes, but you could tell he loved to see you in pain from the way his cock twitched inside of you at the sight of your tears. He continued fucking you at a rough pace you could feel the table you were on shaking from the impact of his hips colliding with yours, you looked down towards the area you two were connected by and saw the way he was making your thighs ripple. you picked your head up and unfortunately made eye contact with your assaulter, he lifted the mask exposing his lips and attempted to crash them into yours, but you snapped your head towards the direction of the stairs, and that's when you saw him. The mechanic was standing at the top of the stairs, he was staring back at you with a shit eating grin you scanned his body up and down and that's when you caught a glimpse of what he was doing. The motherfucker was getting off on his partner here fucking you, the man began to palm the bulge in his jeans while he watched the scene in front of him. The wax man grabbed your jaw and forced you to stare at him, he moved closer and shoved his tongue in your mouth fucking your mouth with his tongue basically, when he moved away from your face, he left behind a string of saliva that still connected the two of you.
You felt your orgasm approaching, and you begin to roll your hips to match the man's rhythm hoping that if you came, he would finally stop what he was doing to you and just as that thought ended you felt the wave of your orgasm wash over you “Oh my fuck, I'm cumming!” you yelled out as you creamed over the man's cock. The man picked up his pace as he also felt his orgasm approach, you were so numb from all the assault on your pussy all you could do was lay there and let him overstimulate you. The man's cock began to twitch once more inside you and that is when you remembered that he did not have a condom on, a wave of disgust and horror washed over your face as you began to strike and plead with the man “Please don't cum in me, I don't want this just get the fuck off of me!” you screamed out yet your cry’s fell on deaf ears this left you no choice but to strike this man to get his attention, you pulled your hand back as far and you could and hit the man in his face knocking off his mask. He was stunned at the way his little victim was acting but he had to discipline you, so he slapped you it felt as though you were hit on the side of your face with a brick. This act of disobedience led the man to make his pace faster as he held down on your hips, “you're going to look so beautiful carrying our child my muse” the man whispered to you, this caused you to let out a sob and cry as the man let his final thrust snap against your hip and he exploded inside of you. You felt his cum flood inside of you, the man looked down at the area that connected you and at last pulled himself out of your abused hole with a pop. It didn't take a long time for his cum to leak of you, you felt disgusted within yourself all you wanted to do was crawl into a hole and die.
“Atta boy Vinny!” the mechanic clapped as he walked down the stairs with a cocky stride, Vinny... that was the name of the monster that just ruined you for his sadistic pleasure. “Thank for getting our new toy ready for me little brother” the mechanic said as he roughly grabbed your jaw, “Hope you aren't tired doll face the fun has just begun.” 
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I hope you guys enjoy my first smut fic! Sorry it took so long to come out I've been dealing with personal things but I've decided I wanted to begin writing again, feel free to give me advice and tips in my inbox <3
So sorry I had to make a few edits 🤍
@stat1cstarz​ @slasherhoe87​
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cellarspider · 6 months
28/30 Katamari Damacy
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[Video description: It's the We Love Katamari soundtrack, specifically Katamari On The Swing.]
You wanna see the dumbest thing you’ve seen all movie? Of course you do. I’ll try to figure out a way it could have worked. Content warning for character death, and a monster attack that I’m mostly not showing because I’m squeamish and y’all are going to have to deal with that. Yes, I, a person who used Pink Flamingos as a cinematic comparison earlier in this series, am squeamish about a scene in Prometheus. Sometimes stuff just hits you different for no discernible reason. 
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Vickers and her lifeboat quarters ejected separately from the Prometheus, so she's wandering around on the surface not that far from Shaw. Both of them are therefore in The Danger Zone when the Engineer ship crashes, intact and rolling along its circumference. Spare a thought for how seasick the Engineer is probably feeling right now, and for David's still-conscious head, rattling around like a coin in a washing machine.
But we only see Shaw and Vickers, as they realize what's coming, and start up run away. …Down the path of the gigantic ship.
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I want to emphasize, both of them do this. Do panicked people make dumb decisions? Yes. Are movie audiences predisposed to being charitable about that? No they are not, the audience expects rationality. The audience needs to be brought down to the perspective of the characters, so that irrational decisions make emotional sense. 
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You need to make people feel the disorientation of encountering something so much larger than you that your sense of space is completely thrown off. It can be done. There's an animal fear in there, where self preservation kicks in and can steer you right or wrong. Something’s too large, or moving too fast to grapple with, or both. Jacob Geller has an excellent video essay covering this topic in video games, for instance.
For movies that do that? The one that comes to mind first is Edge of Tomorrow (2014). The beach landing scene in particular gets you into the perspective of a guy who is not supposed to be there and is completely disoriented, while remaining visually readable. It sticks close to him and his panic. The danger around him is all-encompassing, and he cannot keep track of it all. This overwhelming speed returns at points throughout the movie, leading to points in the theater where I physically leaned away from the screen, like I was in the original audience for The Arrival of a Train at La Ciotat. (1895)
And somehow this manages to be tense despite the fact that the man we’re following is Tom Cruise.
[Video description: A clip of the aforementioned scene. I highly recommend Edge of Tomorrow to anyone for whom Tom Cruise isn’t a dealbreaker. In fact, you get to watch Tom Cruise die! In this very clip! It’s a tense, engaging science fiction action movie, with good bits of humor, Bill Paxton as the most unhinged Master Sergeant you’ve ever seen, and Emily Blunt plays a goddamn space marine, power armor and all. As that description may imply, I especially recommend the movie to any 40k enjoyers–it hits a similar tone. You may also find the movie listed under the title Live Die Repeat.]
But no. In Prometheus, we the audience are shown the whole thing. The entire context. And what we see is a couple of morons that seem to believe they can outrun a wheel the size of a small town.
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Neither of them actually think to run left or right. Shaw just trips, and then rolls to the side. The average human does not roll that fast, so it really drives home how unbelievably bad they are at this. Vickers also trips, and gets squished.
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[A clip from The Naked Gun (1988), in which a stand-off between police Lt. Frank Drebin (Leslie Nielsen) and Vincent Ludwig (Khan Noonien Singh himself, Ricardo Montalbán) ends with Ludwig falling off the side of a stadium before being run over by a bus, a steam roller, and the USC marching band.]
This scene, obviously, does not work. I am, however, stubborn enough to try and workshop how it could have worked.
Vickers needs to be broken beneath the wheel, and to do so in a way that the audience won’t jeer at. We’ve already discussed the issues of having too wide a view of the action, so let’s table that. How could you keep that perspective, while flattening Vickers?
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You do have options. Maybe have Vickers do the smart thing and run off at an angle toward the sun, so she wouldn’t get any looming shadow to tell her when the ship begins falling over until it’s too late. Have her injured in the crash and unable to process what’s going on. Have her escape pod door fail to open, trapping her in the path of the ship. She was part of the corporate machinery, having petty power over others but ultimately trapped by circumstance. Make that all literal. 
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And for fuck’s sake, don’t have the entire ship fall over on Shaw a few seconds later, letting her come out okay because she was huddled near the world’s strongest rock.
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When the narrative blatantly plays favorites, my instinctive reaction is to resent the recipient of the movie’s favor. It feels like they're cheating.
Y'know what would’ve helped here, weirdly? Shaw thanking God for this. It would’ve theoretically been in character! The whole movie runs on christian logic anyway, so why not leave people wondering if there’s a supernatural power at work in the unbelievably fucked up universe of Alien. You’d swing back around to making people wonder what kind of loving god would allow chestbursters to happen.
But no. There is no god. Only the rock. You’re welcome.
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Shaw has a hole in her suit or somesuch, and thus is propelled onward toward the lifeboat, which we know contains her newly-birthed squiddo, trapped in the med-pod room.
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It’s not dead. Of course it isn’t. But what makes no goddamn sense is that it’s gotten massive. Yes, I know, Alien didn’t give an explanation for the embiggening of the chestburster either, but I am willing to give Alien the benefit of the doubt, and Prometheus just showed me a woman get killed by a donut.
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David, possibly cognizant that Shaw is his only chance to not have to drag himself around by the lips, calls her to warn that the Engineer’s on their way to finish her off.
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I waffle on whether this is dumb behavior from the Engineer. I know the movie’s reason for doing this is just to have one last action beat, and an unsatisfying payoff at the end of the film. 
The Engineer spared Shaw before. Maybe that was a tiny amount of sympathy for how she was getting kicked around. She’d die alone on this alien moon, sure, but it wouldn’t be their doing. But the humans got their act together enough to crash the ship. Maybe sparing her was a mistake. Even one of them might be too dangerous to let live, especially when we find out soon that there’s more ships quite close by.
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There was a cut bit here–I’d previously avoided showing these, but why not. The Engineer stopped and looked at the books strewn on the floor. Watched a little of Vickers’ weird screensaver wall, as it played one of the videos included in the transmission David had sent toward the moon during the journey, while everyone slept.
Ironically, most of the human material culture the Engineer gets to see is due to Vicker's disinterest in the mission, which completely failed to consider the fact that it's polite to bring gifts when you visit somebody. Her material comforts becoming the single point of cultural contact. A strange little coincidence, and a little more silent characterization for the Engineer, until David’s voice over Shaw’s radio sets everyone to murderin’.
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But because this movie is allergic to characterization, so we can’t have that. Instead, we are only using their reappearance to hit another horror movie cliché: the bad thing that's gotten back up again. Here, have a clip from Scream (1996), which deliberately did a send-up of the trope.
Originally there was going to be a whole fight scene here, which they took out because they felt it lessened the Engineer. But as it is, they’re still reduced to a big ol’ monster with a scary face that lumbers in and tries to kill the heroine.
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Want to know what’s weird? Both Alien and Aliens solve their final alien problem by opening a door. This is literally the same thing. This is their one weird trick.
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And frankly, I can’t look at it, because what happens squicks me out. So good job I guess, the non-consentacles got me squirming in my seat. When I’ve subjected other people to this movie, I’ve shamelessly muted and walked away for a minute. Maybe at some point I’ll figure out what limit it’s hitting there for me and Litany Against Fear it to pieces, but not right now! Facehuggers are a manageable sort of unsettling, but I do not like the bodyhugger.
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The screenshot hunt for this was not fun, lemme tell you.
So, yes, the last of the Engineers on this planet laid low by their own creation(s), they’re mortal after all, ironic circle of rebirth, yadda yadda, moving on.
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You know what, I’m actually with Shaw right now. Lying face-down and having a cry is a very understandable, human reaction to all this. Good job, movie, you got me vibing with her for about thirty seconds.
Want to see how they screw it up?
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
https://youtu.be/y-pE9j98jP0 da baaa, da ba da ba da ba da doodoodoo dabada daba da–
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cinemaslife · 18 days
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#145 El Cuervo (2024)
Eric (Bill Skarsgård) y Shelly (FKA Twigs) se conocen en un centro de rehabilitación porque ambos son adictos a las sustancias. Ella entra huyendo de algo que hizo en su pasado y él buscando reprimirse de algo que hizo siendo un niño.
Shelly se muestra muy interesada en Eric nada más verlo, según ella misma, por "estar terriblemente roto", y no tardan en enamorarse locamente (con la química de un botijo y una lámpara). Un día, las personas de las que huye Shelly van a visitarla y ella entra en pánico, por lo que Eric la ayuda a escapar y se va con ella.
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Viven como hippies viajando de un lado a otro, yendo al lago, sin responsabilidades ni ataduras y viviendo su amor. Lo que más hacen es estar en cueros correteando, que lo único que demuestran es su nula química. Pero nos tenemos que creer que están muy enamorados.
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Shelly a veces tiene flashbacks de lo que hizo y se muestra esquiva con Eric, este preocupado insiste en acercarse a ella y pese a que ella no le cuenta nada, solo le pide que la quiera más cuando más difícil sea amarla. Prometiéndole que saltara detrás de ella si ella salta.
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En realidad Shelly huye de Vincent Roeg (Danny Huston) y sus secuaces, Roeg es un multimillonario que controla toda la ciudad, pero que en realidad es un ser del inframundo que camina por la tierra mandando al infierno a almas inocentes para él mantenerse en este mundo y poder manipular, robar y abusar de todo el mundo. Esto lo hace susurrando una serie de palabras al oído de la gente para que estos saquen de sí sus demonios más oscuros y accedan a lo que Roeg quiera, bien sea asesinar a otras personas, como suicidarse o cometer otros crímenes... En su momento unos amigos grabaron un video de Vicent manipulando a Shelly y de como esta asesinó a una chica joven para que el malvado se quedara su alma. Los secuaces de Vincent quieren acabar con Shelly y sus amigos y eliminar el video de todas partes. Por eso la persiguen, y en el ajo está la propia madre de Shelly.
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Una noche, cuando vuelven a casa de Eric, los están esperando, y mientras se miran el uno al otro los ahogan colocándoles bolsas en la cabeza, y después fingiendo que han sufrido una sobredosis, cosa que la policía se creerá porque están untados también por Vincent.
Aquí es cuando Kronos en el purgatorio revive a Eric y le dice la famosa frase de que a veces uno pasa por una injusticia tan grande y tiene dentro de sí una tristeza gigante que su alma no puede avanzar y se queda en el purgatorio hasta que consigue venganza, y aunque le cuesta un poco entenderlo todo Eric acepta, buscará venganza y acabará con todos los secuaces de Roeg para vengar a Shelly.
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Kronos lo devuelve al mundo real y Eric va matando uno por uno a los que estaban en la casa cuando los asesinaron a él y a Shelly, dejando los dos más importantes y a Vincent Roeg para el final.
Para cepillarse a Marion y a su guardaespaldas, se cuela en la ópera y comete una de las secuencias más sanguinarias, matando a todos los guardaespaldas de Marion y dejando al que ahogo con la bolsa a Shelly para el final. Eric va completando su venganza con una katana y descubriendo que si duda de su amor por Shelly su capacidad para curarse se va deteriorando, por eso no permite que nadie diga nada sobre ella o lo que hizo.
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Mata a Marion y al guardaespaldas y lanza su cabeza cercionadas al escenario de la ópera, después del fin de obra y de que lancen lirios blancos para celebrarlo, Eric recoge los lirios y los lleva al puente donde le prometió su amor a Shelly.
Kronos le explica que si venga la muerte de su amada conseguirá traerla de entre los muertos y estar juntos para siempre, pero que por culpa de Vincent, el alma de Shelly está cada vez más honda en el infierno y solo un verdadero acto de amor hará que la chica vuelva. Por lo que Eric decide dar su alma a cambio de la de Shelly aunque esto implique no volver a estar nunca más juntos. Así ella sobrevivirá y podrá ser feliz.
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Kronos acepta el trato, pero le recuerda que tiene que matar a Vincent, y Eric se dirige a su mansión para completar su venganza. Encuentra a Vicent solo, sin nadie que lo proteja y se va decidido hacia él. Roeg intenta manipularlo susurrandole palabras que hacen que pierda el juicio y puede ver dentro del alma de Eric.
Este en su infancia perdió su caballo blanco que tanto amaba porque su madre, que estaba enganchada a las drogas, no se dio cuenta, y él como venganza quemó la caravana donde vivían con ella dentro, a la edad de 10 años Eric ya sabía lo que era vengarse y dejar que el amor que sentía se apoderase de todo. Por eso no le resulta dificil llevar a Vicent al purgatorio.
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Allí permite que las almas a las que Vicent ha manipulado y asesinado se hagan con él y le arranquen la cara, llevándoselo al fondo del agua, donde está el mismísimo infierno, para que no vuelva a salir de allí jamás. Y a cambio, el infierno, mediante el agua, le devuelve a Shelly.
Allí los amantes se abrazan y se besan y Eric le cuenta su pacto a Shelly, mientras ella es arrastrada a la superficie, él le dice que siempre la amará y que la entrega total ha merecido la pena, nunca la olvidará y no se arrepiente de nada.
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Shelly vuelve a la habitación donde ambos fueron asesinados y el paramédico, que es Kronos, le confiesa que su novio hizo todo lo que pudo para que ella sobreviviera. Cerrando así el pacto, y bajando a Eric Draven al infierno como el Cuervo.
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Okay, I found this article a while back. According to Tallulah Bankhead, one day while Vincent was up to her apartment having breakfast with her, and her new husband, John Emery (the mustached guy in the gif with Vincent above) was asleep in their bedroom, she sneaked Vincent into the room to gaze upon Emery's gigantic "member".
So, they sneak into the bedroom and Bankhead lifts the blanket and Emery is lying there completely naked. She offered Vincent the opportunity to "sample the wares" of her new husband and Vincent obliged....
Now, the article states "gay". I know he was "bisexual" because he did genuinely care and he loved his wives and girlfriends throughout his life, but no one truly knows, except Vincent. But this article made me giddy. And I just love it.
Carry on.
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Andy’s Birthday!
In honor of the amazing Alex Vincent’s birthday, here’s a Headcanon for Andy!!!
The first birthday Andy has after he and Nica get together is a little rough.
Birthdays for Andy are usually spent trying to forget; flashes of his Aunt, policemen interrogating him, hospital rooms, and the sound of the alluring, manipulative voice of his lifelong tormentor were always close to the surface around that day.
Sometimes Andy thinks of his birthday as more of an Anniversary of the worst day of his life- when his life changed forever- than a day to celebrate. It’s just another year he hasn’t died yet, when he probably should have long ago.
He grins and bears it when Nica cooks him a special dinner, bringing out a cake and presents for him after. He doesn’t want to take away from her excitement or watch her face fall when she realizes he doesn’t celebrate turning a year older anymore. But Nica is perceptive, and Karen and Mike’s call helps cement her suspicion.
The wheels in her head start turning immediately, and a week later Andy is surprised to find a gigantic stack of cards on his desk, tied together with a pretty bow.
“What’s this?”
Nica just smiles. “Just read them!”
He sees there are cards from all of the kids; Junior, Jake, Devon, Lexy- even Glen and Glenda, Rachel sent one with the kids, and Kyle…but to his shock he doesn’t recognize a lot of the names on the envelopes- until he opens the cards.
The family in South Carolina.
Mike’s former partner.
The nurse from Harrogate that helped him out.
The homes he and Kyle went to searching for Chucky.
All of the people he’s saved or suffered with. Sending him ‘thanks yous’ and birthday wishes.
By the time he’s finished reading, tears are streaming down his face. Behind him, Nica just wraps her arms around his shoulders and kisses his hair.
“I know it may not be the best day, but I’m really glad you were born…And I’m not the only one. I don’t want the bad memories to make you forget how much good you’ve done in a world that’s been very cruel to you. You more than anyone deserve to see that your birthday is special because YOU’RE special, even if something awful happened on it. And if you ever can’t remember that, I’m here to remind you. Happy Birthday, Andy.” She tells him softly.
By the next year, the cabin has grown and all of his kids live in or have their own space there, and they all throw a party for him, complete with a birthday hat and piñata (that quickly gets beaten apart by Junior).
But he notices that another stack of cards waits for him on his beside table when he finally goes to bed that night. And he’ll find the tradition continues with every year that passes.
Some days and years are better than others, but Andy starts to hate his birthday a little less.
This made me emotional to write omg I love him so much 🥰😭😍 Hope you enjoyed! 💙
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visceravalentines · 1 year
find the word wip game
rules: search your wip(s) for the words given to you and share a sentence, then assign words for the people you tag
thank u @rowanisawriter for the tag!! I've never seen this one before and it was so fun!
my words were feel, hungry, hands, bridge, and body
from an untitled, unhinged Bo Sinclair x reader
You hesitate. “I want to kill you.” The words are raspy and small, and you’re not sure you mean them. You can’t feel the conviction like you did before, those first few days. That first week. That first month—
two from a summery wip that unspooled my brain, Bo Sinclair x reader
You stop halfway between him and the couch, unsure what kind of animal you’re approaching. Your hands float up like a shield, like a bridge. “Are you okay?”
The windows are open; the thunder presses against the frayed screens. A gigantic moth flings its feathery body repeatedly at the ceiling light. You run your hand through his hair slow just to feel it between your fingers, thick and soft. Your thumb glances off the scar on the left side of his skull and comes back for another pass.
from my Gale Dekarios x reader wip when you move, I move that is ALMOST DONE
He takes a seat and leans back on his hands, eyes sweeping across the heavens like he's determined to take all of it in, all at once. When his gaze arcs down to meet yours, a twinkling of that same admiration lingers.
and I could NOT find hungry anywhere!! alas. tagging @ventiswampwater @raccoonspooky @rottent33th @bluecoolr @vincent-sinclair-deserved-better and anyone else with wips who wants to play!
OH YEAH EDIT TO ADD: your words are mouth, fall, dirt, teeth, and open!!
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jamsandsuch · 6 months
hello i am back on my vincent van gogh obsession bullshit, if anyone else has this unhealthily obsessive attachment to this artist do u have any recommendations of a good book that compiles his letters? looking specifically for a curated book rather than just a gigantic compilation
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baby-birch · 2 months
at work there’s a client meeting coming up with a relative of mafia boss vincent gigante im reading the Wikipedia page…. “Dubbed "The Oddfather" and "The Enigma in the Bathrobe" by the media, Gigante often wandered the streets of Greenwich Village in his bathrobe and slippers, mumbling incoherently to himself.” Cool! I’m gonna serve cookies and fruit
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