#villlain prompt
surplus-of-sarcasm · 2 years
Short Prompt #2
TW: None!
"Why?" Hero breathes out incredulously. "Do you keep following me everywhere, to the point that you're becoming exclusively the only criminal I fight? Do you really hate me that much?"
Villain crosses the street, destroying any space between them. They let out a soft, musical laugh as they tilt the crime-fighter's chin up with a gloved hand, forcing them to meet their gaze. "Maybe little hero, it's because I don't."
They revel in the almost confused look colouring the crime-stopper's features and the bright red flush highlighting their face as they slowly short-circuit.
"I love you," they whisper, voice velvety and passionate, their lips almost brushing the hero's ear.
Hero's heart had never beat faster. They never knew it was even capable of reaching such a speed.
Notes: To the ppl who sent asks in my inbox, I promise I'm not ignoring you, just give me some time! And thank you for the asks! 💙💙
✨️Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-whump @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @theangstyclown @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove
Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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creadigol · 1 year
Request to continue Teacher Hero?
Only if you want to!
Please and thank you! 💖
Honestly, this has been one that has wracked my brain for a while! Due to that, I think I may have made this a bit long…but I hope you like it! 💕 Thanks for the request!
This is a continuation of my Hero Teacher prompt here
“You know…you really need to stop doing this.”
“If you let it leak, the water bill will be horrendous. Trust me, I know.”
The mechanic's dolly Villain laid on, made a sharp creek as they shifted position and grabbed some kind of adjustable wrench (one that Hero had never seen before…then again they were shit at home repairs) from the tool box. Villain’s head and shoulders were not visible from Hero’s vantage point, so they inclined themselves to speak with Villain's black jean covered legs instead.
Their favorite pair to wear while working the plumbing system, as Hero had come to learn these last few weeks.
Hero tapped their finger on the kitchen counter, “I’m not talking about the sink.”
“Well, I’m working on the sink,” came Villain’s easy and muffled reply.
“Yes, I can see that.”
“Then, as this is the current activity I am doing and you are actively watching me do it, one would assume that the plausible topic of conversation, when begun under such prerequisites, would be about said activity..ie the sink.”
“And I’m not talking about the sink.”
“Then I’m confused.”
Hero huffed in frustration and ran a hand through their hair.
“Stop being obstinate!”
The resulting chuckle from under the caverns of the counter just served to irritate Hero more.
“Obstinate! That’s a big word. Does your class know the meaning of it yet or are you breaking out the SAT words now that you have a chance to talk to an actual adult?”
“For someone whose crotch is sitting dangerously close to my stomping foot, I'm hearing a lot of sass.”
“Fine, fine, point taken. What ARE you talking about then?”
Hero had to think. Honestly. What were they talking about? The home and classroom repairs? The strange new repertoire between the two of them? The fact that Villain had found out their secret identity in the first place?!
“All of it.” They finally conceded.
The torquing of the wrench stopped.
“All of what?” Asked Villain in a falsely innocent voice.
“All of THIS!” Hero gestured around their own kitchen, knowing Villain would pick up on the fact even if they couldn’t see from under the sink.
“Wha…” Hero didn’t let Villain finish.
“THIS! The home repairs, the classroom windows, little Stacy’s bike, Mrs. Santori’s 1998 Avalon…”
“Didn’t realize you knew about that one…”
“Of course I knew! Teachers of the same grade tend to go to the same meetings, dumbass. What else am I to make of her muffler and AC suddenly working again?”
The scraping of the wrench started again.
“Her mechanic is a con artist…Worked with him a few times actually…was going to charge an arm and a leg…”
“That’s not what I’m asking!”
“Then what are you asking?”
Hero had enough.
Leaning over the sink they stomped their socked foot down on the mechanic's dolly right between Villlain’s legs. Using the leverage, Hero viciously rolled Villain out, leaning over so their eyes met while Hero’s hands rested on either side of the sink and their entire stature loomed over them.
It would have been an intimidating pose, had Hero not been in a loose t-shirt, sweatpants and have their hair falling all over their face. Villain had shone up right as Hero had put on some comfortable clothes to cook in.
Villain, for their part, looked shocked for only a moment before replacing the expression with a more condescending and vexing one.
“I’m asking,” Hero said slowly, letting the intimidating tone they only used while hero-ing seep into their voice, “why?”
“Why.” Villain repeated.
“Why.” Hero confirmed.
They stayed that way in silence for a moment. Neither one attempting to break eye contact.
In a sudden movement, Villain brought the wrench they were still holding up to Hero’s face, stopping just short of their nose. Hero didn’t flinch.
“That,” Villain said easily. They moved the wrench the last inch, gently booping Hero’s nose. “Is a story for another time.”
Hero rolled their eyes, straightened and reached their hand down to help Villain up.
“What I think is more important right now, is not the ‘why’, but the ‘who’.”
Now it was Hero’s turn to try and look innocent.
“I don’t know what you mean…”
Villain threw the wrench back into the toolbox with a loud clang.
“Of course you know what I mean!”
“That’s not…I mean…It’s not relevant,” Hero stammered.
“Oh!” Villain walked closer to Hero, effectively backing them into the kitchen island. “It’s not relevant that one of the very precious students you dedicate so much of your life to..is Supervillain’s daughter.”
TBC if requested!
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wigglywormy · 1 month
@ the anon who sent the prompt about Lee!bakugou with villlain deku AND watersports?????? I SEE U AND IM HERE FOR IT STAY TUNED
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Would you do a continuation of short prompt 42? With the supervillain and villain and kid hero? I come with gift 🍿🍿
Part One
Villain leaned back in the kitchen chair, sharpening the blade of their knife with long, careful strokes. Rain pattered on the windowpanes, and the vague remains of steam in the air made the kitchen feel warm and cozy. It would have been nicer without the snakelet lying in the other room.
That little menace better not wake up.
Villain tapped their foot evenly against the floor and checked the wall clock for probably the third time since Supervillain went out, about an hour ago now.
“Will you just be nice to them when they wake up?" they'd requested. Then, at Villain's annoyed brow raise, "Not...nice, but at least civil? I have a meeting with Other Supervillain, and I don't want them scared off while I'm gone."
“You’re leaving?” Villlain hated the little note of panic edging in on their voice. This was a baby hero after all. Nothing they couldn't handle. It was an insult to their own skills to be so worried.
Of course, Supervillain caught it, and of course, instead of pointing out the silliness, they indulged it. “Do you want to come with me? I suppose we could leave a note.”
Villain's stomach coiled.
“I’m not leaving them alone in my home. I’ll stay.”
And so they had. Stubbornly. Bitterly. Anxiously.
There was just something about having an enemy in their safe space that made the thought of facing them so much worse. It would have been different running into them mid-heist or out on the street.
They rechecked the clock. Minute hand on the 3. An hour and fifteen minutes. Supervillain must be walking back by now, right? Did they remember their umbrella? That rain looked like it was picking up.
Villain's whetstone slipped.
A horrible grating sound broke the smooth, monotony, and Villain''s arm narrowly escaped being sliced open along the knife's edge only to bash the rounded stone directly into their knee a second later.
Villain yowled, cursing loudly.
"Sorry!" Hero held up their hands in an apologizing-warding motion. Their hair was pasted flat on one side, while the top poofed up in a mess of fluffy tangled curls. "That's my bad."
The villain only responded with a vicious glare, and the little hero winced. At least that was a little satisfying.
Hero swallowed, wetting their lips and curling their fingers in and out of their palms for a couple seconds before carefully pushing on.
"They went out. Villain stuff."
"Right. Of course. That's their job. Your job. Your jobs."
Awkward discomfort twisted their face in several directions, one part of them making an effort to be nonchalant and the other part panicking. Clearly, they hadn't thought through the type of person they were crashing with or how it involved them ethically when Supervillain invited them in.
"That it is," Villain said coldly.
Hero cleared their throat. "I really wasn't expecting...anyone else. Did Supervillain call you to watch me or...?"
"I live here."
"Oh. Oh! I'm sorry! I don't mean to crowd your space. It's just Supervillain said... And I was so tired... And they never mentioned..."
"Stop blathering. It's grating on my nerves."
Hero's mouth snapped shut with an audible clack.
Villain sighed, sliding their knife back into its sheath and striding stiffly across the room to tuck the whetstone back in its drawer. All the while, Hero's big, pathetic eyes watched them move, rising prickles on the back of their neck and being generally annoying.
"What?" Villain snapped.
"Nothing!" They paused. "Are you guys like…”
Hero didn’t seem to know how to finish that question, but their fingers twined together in some resemblance of togetherness.
“Oh. Cool. I didn’t know that.”
They shoved their hands in their pockets and stared intently at the floor beneath their feet. It was subtle, but Villain noticed the tips of their ears going a light pink.
Minute hand on the 4 now.
Come on, Supervillain, where are you?
They didn’t know anything about entertaining kids , or talking to kids, or anything to do with kids. Especially not a super powered hero kid that could bend them in half with their pinky and may or may not be part of a bigger plot to take them down.
Hero raised their eyes nervously. Their cheeks were pink too. Villain was definitely paranoid, weren’t they?
Villain cleared they throat.
“Apparently, now that you’re awake, I’m supposed to direct you to the soup on the stove.” They motioned lazily to the covered pot and then waved at the cupboards. “Bowls are on the left.”
“Thank you.” Hero shuffled to find a bowl, and for the first time Villain noticed that they were wearing the blue and purple spandex of their Hero uniform.
“Why did you even come here?” Villain said.
Hero cringed, ladle hesitating over their bowl. “I didn’t know what else to do. It was cold, and I was tired, and the offer was right there, and…and…you guys are going to kill me, aren’t you?”
Villain blinked. Soup was spilling over the edges of the ladle. The kid was shivering. Were they more scared than they were letting on?
Villain tried to imagine being an abandoned kid taken in by their enemies. It was hard enough having one in their safe space as an adult.
“We’re not going to kill you,” Villain said. “Supervillain made you a whole stew. They think you’re adorable.”
Hero bit their lip and nodded, quickly finishing filling their bowl and sitting on the farthest end of the table. “I mean…I wasn’t worried at first, but…”
But Villain.
Yeah. They were lucky Hero was stout enough not to have run off by now. Supervillain would have kicked them to the couch.
“Don’t you think your agency will be upset? You’re not being very subtle.”
Hero followed Villain’s finger down to their costume.
“I, um, didn’t have a change of clothes. And they’re mad anyway, right? So…how much more bad can it get?”
They smiled weakly, but Villain knew forced calm when they saw it. Villain wouldn’t press that direction further.
“What happened to your clothes?” they asked instead.
“Well, they were in my dorm, but the agency froze my keycard, and they say I’m suspended from the premises so I can’t pick them up. I-I get it.”
“Over a few buildings?” Villain said in disbelief.
Maybe they said it little heatedly because Hero stared at them with surprise and tension written in their eyes.
“Well, those buildings cost the agency a big chunk of money, and I’m really lucky no one got hurt, so I really just should be thankful it’s only a suspension.”
“Is that what they told you?”
“It’s…it’s what I think.”
Oh really?
“Alright,” Villain shrugged. “You destroyed a lot of buildings. You maybe put people in danger. That’s not exactly recommended. At least from a hero’s standing. But come on, you tore an entire building from its foundation and threw it. Your agency has to at least appreciate your strength. It’s incredible.”
Hero averted their eyes to their soup. Maybe they were uncertain whether they should be accepting the compliment of a villain. “Thank you…”
Villain nodded.
Maybe they could buy them a couple new outfits. Just so they wouldn’t have nothing when they finally convinced Supervillain to turn them out.
As if on cue, the front door hinges squealed, and Supervillain’s confident stride sounded in the hall, pausing in the living room a moment before continuing on to the kitchen.
“Oh good!” Supervillain’s eyes sparked intensely, like a shock of lightning bolts in a blue blue sky. Their coat clung damp on their shoulders and a few strays locks pasted against their temples. “You two met!”
A load of tension Villain hadn’t even realized they’d been holding suddenly dropped from their shoulders.
“We’d already met,” they corrected.
“You know what I mean. How were they, Hero? Were they mean? Did they bully you?
Hero’s relief was almost just as obvious as Villain’s own, a small smile quirking their lip. “No. They were…nice.”
Supervillain’s eyebrows shot up, and they’re eyes tried to catch Villain’s gaze.
Nope. Villain wasn’t doing this. Time to redirect the conversation.
“How was the meeting?”
Supervillain slid into the seat beside Villain, sprawling their legs and sliding halfway down the chair back. “Ugh. Boooring. Other Supervillain is way too direct. ‘Kill them.’ ‘Blow this up.’ There’s no showmanship!”
“You and Other Supervillain are having a team up?”
Villain and Supervillain turned toward Hero at the same time. The little scrap huddled a little closer to the tabletop. They looked like they wanted to disappear.
“Don’t you dare say—“ Villain began.
“You can tell the agency if you like,” Supervillain interrupted with a shrug. “It’ll make it more interesting.”
Hero’s eyes flicked nervously between the two of them. “I don’t have to if—“
“Hero.” It was the same tone Supervillain used on Villain when they were in one of their panics. Firm but warm. “Don’t worry about what you see or hear around us. You are safe here. No matter what.”
Villain held back a biting remark. They weren’t so sure about Supervillain’s promises, but that was probably something to discuss privately. At least the hero looked a little looser. But now they were looking at Villain like they were expecting an answer from them as well. What did the want from them? A hearty welcome and a slap on the back?
Villain cleared their throat. “Yeah. You’re…safe.”
Hero’s weak smile grew a little stronger, and Supervillain smirked.
Ugh, it wasn’t like it was a declaration of friendship or an acceptance for indefinite housing or anything like that.
It just…wasn’t a lie.
Part Three
Master Taglist:
@moss-tombstone @crazytwentythrees @just-1-lonely-person @the-vagabond-nun @willow-trees-are-beautiful @cocoasprite @insanedreamer7905 @valiantlytransparentwhispers @whovian378 @watercolorfreckles @thebluepolarbear @yulanlavender @kitsunesakii @deflated-bouncingball @lem-hhn @office-plant-in-a-trenchcoat @ghostfacepepper @pigeonwhumps @demonictumble @inkbirdie @vuvulia @bouncyartist @lunatic-moss-studio @breilobrealdi @freefallingup13 @i-am-a-story-goblin @ryunniez @rainy-knights-of-villany @distractedlydistracted @saspas-corner @echoednonny @perilous-dreamer @blood-enthusiast @randomfixation @alexkolax
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avvail · 2 years
Masterlist for Requests #1
please ask for requests in the inbox. if continued, it will be linked on the post. i don’t often do continuations anymore, but you’re more than welcome to ask.
villain uses superpowers for comfort
hero's powers of probability
villain's lover is kidnapped
supervillain gives villlain a gift · hurt/comfort
villain gets flustered
villain under house arrest
hero teases a cat villain
villain vents to a civilian
work rivals · hurt/comfort
cat hero gets distracted by lights
two villains have a crush on hero · hurt/comfort
hero x villain but classmates · hurt/comfort
villain wakes up from a nightmare · hurt/comfort
other villain's birthday
sugar daddy villain
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villain finds out hero is being abused
vampire villain saves a dying civilian (m/f)
civilian is cheated on
villain's unrequited love towards hero
the hero dies alone
hero sacrifices themselves
hero finds out mentor's secret
villain can't kill the hero (mlm)
vampire hero is starved
hero's wings are cut off
vampire villain bites the hero
hero is bitten and transforms
superhero wants to save hero
hero has a panic attack-mid battle
villain takes care of an abused hero
hero is forced to look after themselves
abused hero finds villain
flirty hero goes too far
supervillain kidnaps superhero's lover
vampire villain and hero want each other
hero is depressed
villain pushes hero into a pool
a teammate is betrayed by villain
hero has a bad day
enemies with benefits
villain finds a drunk hero
two heroes' child is kidnapped by villain
the hero likes chrysanthemums
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hero begs for villain to stop
supervillain x villain
angel hero x demon villain
two villains and a civilian
villain keeps hero sick
demon hero x angel villain
witch villain puts a spell on hero
hero manipulates the villain
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therapist hero
hero is kidnapped by an obsessive fan
villain can hypnotise through touch
vampire supervillain with a harem of hero thralls
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a former hero and the new one
rival x rival
powerful villain gets caught on purpose
siblings with ice and fire powers
hero survives an assassination attempt
vampire hero is hungry
hero and villain still care
vampire hunter villain x vampire hero (m/nb)
siren villain and a deaf hero
detective x supervillain
pirate villain x naval captain hero prompts
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Hiii, im a new follower but i loooove your prompts! Could you do a continuation of 135 ? No pressure tho :)
I so happy that you like my Prompts! I hope you continue to like them in the future :D
Continuation of Prompt #135   Original
"There you are, my darling little her-" [Other Villain] cut themselves off when, instead of [Hero], a scowling [Villain] stood in the middle of the abandoned building.
"Why the hell are you here? Get lost, [Hero] should be showing up soon." [Other Villain] spat.
"No, they aren't. I'm actually the one that set up this meeting. I just asked [Hero] to tell you about it." [Villain] stared daggers at [Other Villain].
"Oh." [Other Villain] wrinkled their nose in disgust, "In that case, I'll be going now, sorry, but you're really not my type."
[Other Villain] turned to leave before seeing that the exits had locked behind them. They slowly looked around the building, finding it deceptively secure for its appearance. Sure they could break out, but not fast enough to avoid [Villain] if they attacked.
"You're not going anywhere until we talk; you degenerate." [Villain] glared at them.
"Fine, fine, what do you even want?"
"[Hero] says you’re creepy. Stop doing that."
"What?" [Other Villain] took a step backward, taken aback that, out of all things, this is what they were discussing.
"You heard me." [Villain] continued to drill holes into [Other Villain] with their eyes.
"One, I'm not creepy. Two, why the fuck do you even care?! Like, How does this even affect you? Like I know you're a stick in the mud, but I'm not flirting with you or anything." [Other Villain] defend themselves.
[Villain] let out an annoyed huff from their nose as they retorted, "One, it's not the transgressors' right to determined if they transgressed; that's the right of the person transgressed. If they think you're creepy, you're creepy, you can't decide what they are and aren't comfortable with."
[Other Villain] opened their mouth to argue, but [Villain] cut them off by raising their voice.
"Secondly, it affects me when [Hero] is relieved to see me instead of you. I am the monster that should be stalking their nightmares. When they see me, they should feel dread, not relief."
"Oh, so it's a matter of your fragile little pride then, hmmm?" [Other Villain] teased.
"It is when my nemesis is happier to see me instead of some two-bit sex-fiend."
"Am I sensing a bit of jealously [Villain]?" [Other Villain] smirked, "I'm just giving [Hero] what they really want deep down. They just haven't admitted it to themselves yet."
"I refuse to argue nonsense with a sexual predator."
"The hell did you call me?!" [Other Villain] snarled, immediately lowering into a fighting sense.
"I called you many things throughout this conversation [Other Villain], but if you want to settle this with fists..." [Villain] lowered themselves as well, "I'm happy to beat my point into you."
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Short Prompt #468
"You didn't even come to my funeral!" - the hero furiously shouted at the villain, throwing their arms out, clearly upset.
Villain rolled their eyes and groaned. "You got revived right after! It was in the prophecy and everything!"
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defectivehero · 3 years
“That was part of the appeal for you, wasn’t it?” their old friend asked, turning the empty mug in their hands. It was long empty. “The two of you lived in entirely different worlds, and that gave you comfort. You took comfort in the fact that you were so different from the hero.”
“I came here for your help, not for you to state the obvious,” the villain muttered under their breath, clenching their fists as anger rose in their chest. 
“But then, the hero retired,” they continued, ignoring the villain’s objections. “At the exact same time, a new villain began to rise to power. A new kind of villain- one that targeted the wealthy elites and corrupt political figures of society.” They looked up to face the villain, their eyes alight with curiosity.
The villain sighed, not liking having to hear the story of events from this perspective. They didn't want to be reminded of what happened.  “You grew curious about this new villain,” they recounted, looking at the villain for confirmation. The villain nodded stiffly. “You tracked them down, and unmasked them, only to find out that they were the hero that you had loved from all those years ago. And now, you’re here, spilling your secrets to an acquaintance you haven’t talked to in years. Yet, you claim that these events have had no impact on you?”
“No impact,” the villain agreed, their voice sounding hollow even to their own ears. They laughed internally. What were they doing? They couldn’t even convince themselves. 
“I used to worry for you,” their old friend stared at them, eyes locked on theirs. “Not anymore, though.” The villain swallowed, regret heavy on their tongue. 
“Just tell me what to do,” the villain mumbled, immediately wishing they hadn't  said anything after seeing the disbelieving look on their friend’s face. 
“Me tell you what to do?” their old friend laughed. “You must really be out of sorts to be asking me, of all people.” “I don't know what to do,” the villain admitted. 
“You seem to be under the assumption that you have to do something,” their friend squinted at them, as if the answer to their problems was obvious. “You don’t have to do anything. Just return to your normal life. Play the villain- I’ve heard how good you are at it- and forget that these events ever transpired. Push them from your mind.”
“But it’s the hero,” the villain emphasized, looking at their friend helplessly. Their friend shook their head in disbelief.
“No,” they argued. “This new villain is not the hero. You are just living in denial, hoping and praying that the hero will return to being a hero. When, in reality, the hero is growing and rising to bigger heights than you ever had.”
“But-” they tried to interject, but their friend continued.
“They are doing everything you did, except better.” Those words hit the villain like a punch to the gut. They bit the inside of their cheek, tasting blood in their mouth.
“Shut up,” the villain seethed, standing up and looking down at their friend. Their friend remained seated on the couch across from them, and looked up at them with an amused expression on their face. 
“It’s true,” their friend continued. “They’re making waves, that's for sure. Must be frustrating to watch the hero become a better villain than you.” The villain’s fist was connecting with their friends’ face mere seconds after the jab. Their friend’s eyes widened for a second, as they put their fingers to their noise. They removed their fingers, looking down at the blood coating them curiously. 
“Well,” their old friend chuckled dryly, getting to their feet. “I think our conversation has come to a close.”
“No, wait-” the villain tried to object, but their friend’s grip on their shoulder was like iron. They were tugged up from the couch and pushed onto the front porch, as the entrance to the house was blocked by their friend. 
“Don’t come here again,” their old friend said, eyes flitting over their face as an apprehensive expression came over their face. “And for your sake, I hope you figure this hero thing out.”
The villain swallowed hard as the door was slammed shut. They remained there for a few minutes, simply staring at the door as their thoughts raced. Eventually, they were able to take a step back and turn on their heel. Biting their lip, the villain walked down the porch steps and into the driveway, getting into their car. The second they were in the safety of their car, they broke down. 
©2022, @defectivehero​ All Rights Reserved.
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serino137 · 4 years
Prompt #56
"I don't think this is a fare fight" the villain chuckled, pulling out his sword and standing in front of the hero.
"Hm, why?" The hero asked, genuinely curious since she saw nothing wrong.
"Well, I'm built like a tree and you're built like a squirrel" the villain teased before lunging forward and swinging his weapon.
"I am not built like a squirrel!" The hero squealed before merely dodging the sword.
"No, you're not" the villain whispered, too dazed in the fight to realize what he was saying. "You're built like a beautiful lady that makes men everywhere turn their heads. "
"What?" The hero snapped, nearly stumbling back.
"If you keep looking so beautiful like that" the villain murmured, "you're going to make me lose every fight. "
"Why?" The hero gasped.
"Because my eyes will be too busy undressing you to focus, darlin" the villain flirted before lunging at her once again.
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 1 year
Short Prompt # 11
TW: Blood, restraints, murder mention, injury, captivity
Not edited
If Hero had hit rock-bottom before, this was infinitely worse. They vividly remembered the cold metal connecting with their skull, making spots dance in their vision till their world faded to a pitch black abyss of utter silence, the pounding headache they were suffering a testament to that.
Their arms were bound tightly behind their back, the thick rope unwilling to relent to any efforts of escape, only chafing against the crime-fighter's skin, reopening poorly healed cuts. The gag shoved into their mouth rendered their throat dry enough to rival a desert. Their legs felt like they were made of lead, and their muscles were on fire. They'd gotten themselves thrown into hell, it seemed.
The door creaked open, letting a sterile, white light blind the hero as it snuck into the awfully dim room. They cursed through the gag because every time that door opened, their torture was renewed, their wounds slowly reopened again.
Except instead of one of their many tormentors, their sworn enemy, Villain, stood face to face with them.
Unlike the hero's pathetically miserable state, the villain looked immaculate, untouchable. Their dark hair hung in loose curls, and their clothes were pristine and very soft-looking. They looked like they'd just stepped straight out of the salon, and Hero hated it with a burning passion.
"If I take out the gag, you'll behave?"
The look in Hero's eyes had already delivered the desired message more effectively than a thousand filthy swear words would.
The villain had the decency to finally cave in and slice through their restraints and pull the gag out of their mouth.
"Come on, let's get out of here."
When the hero didn't follow suit, they turned back to them, arms folded across their chest, and they raised an eyebrow at them. Always one for theatricality.
"I can't walk," Hero whined pathetically, fixing the villain with wide, adorable, manipulative eyes.
"Your legs aren't broken," they snapped.
"You try walking normally when you've been restrained for weeks!"
Villain scooped them up against their chest effortlessly. "Keep this up, and I'll bloody well murder you," they growled
"You'd miss me too much," the hero purred, tracing the curve of their jaw in a featherlight caress. Even when they were covered in dirt and blood, they still managed to send shivers up the criminal's spine.
"Wait." The crime-fighter's tone suddenly sobered up, making the villain stop in their tracks. "How do you expect to just waltz out of here with me in tow?"
The hero was usually the brains of the operation, but the villain wasn't too dull either. "I killed them all," they said softly, face flushed with embarrassment.
"Tu as tué pour moi? Tu es vraiment mon autre moitié," they whispered in awe.
Villain never really understood anything Hero said in French, but it sounded so alluring, they loved listening to it anyway.
"I just didn't know what you'd think of me," they answered sheepishly.
"What would you think if I told you I've always had fantasies of someone killing for me?"
"I-I'd kill a thousand more if I had to. They can't hurt you and expect to walk away from it unscathed," they snarled.
Hero pressed a kiss into their nemesis's temple, their mint-scented hair conditioner hitting them like a kick to the ribs.
"I'm going to spoil you so bad, you'll forget all this even happened," the villain promised.
"I'd want nothing more, mon amour."
"Finally, I understand what you're saying!"
The hero laughed, soft and musical, and it set the villain's heart on fire.
Hero had always been the one fixing up Villain's messes, stitching them up in the middle of the night and trying to save them from their path of self-destruction. This time, they could finally let someone else take care of them, let the weight fall from their shoulders, close their eyes, and finally feel safe for once.
To find someone that holds you in the highest regard, that knows your value and isn't afraid to show that to the world is a blessing without a price. To see your soul reflected in someone else's eyes is the most beautiful way to spell out the word 'love'. Et quand je pense de l'amour, c'est ton nom qui est toujours dans mon coeur.
Notes: Can you guess what the stuff in French means? If you don't want to, check the replies for the translation!
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were-writes · 4 years
Prompt #204
All the secrets were out in the open. All the dirty laundry aired, and neither of them able to look at the other the same anymore.
“I think we should see other people. There’s no way things are going to work out between us now,” the villain sighed.
The hero scoffed. “And I think you should see the inside of a jail cell. I think we can both get what we want”
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gingerly-writing · 4 years
Prompt #2325
“Don’t worry, I have many cards up my sleeve! And they’re all razor sharp. And some of them explode on impact. And-”
“God, this is exactly why I hate themed villains.”
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morallygreyprompts · 4 years
Hi could do a continuation of Leader handing hero to the villain? I love your prompts/snippets.
Thank you! Much appreciated. I have quite a few of these to write, so I’m sorta trying to make it all flow together. Since there’s a lot of Hero’s going on, I’m going to call Hero2 Eldest and Hero3 Medic, and just slowly give these guys some sort of nickname where I can, to stop there being similar names because that gets confusing sometimes.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Tying Leader up soothed their nerves about as well as a cheese grater, but Hero knew they weren’t going to be able to treat the wound with coaxing words and kindness. There just wasn’t time. Instead, Leader lay in the back of the van, trembling, wincing and crying out as Medic raced to treat the wound, while Eldest kept their legs still. Their hands were tied above their head so they couldn’t do much.
Still Medic spoke softly, just trying to get them to relax, but it didn’t work. To Leader, their team was nothing to them now, nothing good anyway. They’d been too late, and Hero hated themselves for it. Granted, they’d almost died before the team found them. They were as fast as they could, but it wasn’t enough. Hero couldn’t believe that they’d believed Villain! They were so stupid to have even considered the possibility of them having a shred of honour.
Now they were here, and Hero didn’t know how they going to undo this damage- if they could undo this damage. Or was Villain lost to them forever? Hero never should have left Villain. All they had done was spread the chaos, the pain, the suffering.
“[Leader], please don’t fight me,” Medic pleaded. “[Hero], I need help here.”
Hero took a deep breath and approached Leader, which made them cower as they got into position and pushed down on their shoulders just enough to stop them trying to throw themselves off the bench they were tied to.
“You… want to go back to your master?” Leader nodded viciously, with such a deep level of pain in their eyes. Medic made eye contact with Hero, showing a clear warning in their expression. They needed to be very careful. Hero sighed, “Your master cares about you?” “Yes!” Leader exclaimed. Hero bit their lip. “Then... your master will want your wound to heal, yes?”
Leader’s face contorted. “Y.yes...”
Hero knelt beside them. For the time being, if this worked, just until the wound was sealed, then Hero would play along. “And you know that means you need to stay as still as you can and let us help you? You want to heal for your master, yeah?”
Leader whimpered but nodded. It was working enough. They relaxed as best as the pain would allow.
“Good… thank you, [Leader]. I hope you’ll be able to see we’re not that bad. We’re still your friends, but I know that’s hard for you to believe right now. Can you rest for me? We’ll patch this up as soon as we can for you.”
Leader nodded weakly. Their health was continuing to decline, but Hero hoped that they were going to get back in time.
Leader was unconscious by the time they got them back to base and got them ready for surgery. Hero was sort of grateful for that. That Leader didn’t have to see someone come at them with a needle on top of everything else they were going through.
Hero paced outside the operating room, chewing their nails like no tomorrow as they waited. Eldest came up to them, the oldest of them by quite a fair gap but also one of the strongest, and now sprouting grey hair.
“You’re working yourself up,” Eldest said softly. “I can’t help it,” Hero mumbled. “This is my fault. I thought [Villain] had let them go, I thought that. That if I stayed, if I suffered, then you were all safe…” Eldest put a hand on their shoulder. “You didn’t know, it’s okay.” “Well, I should have known! It’s cost [Leader] everything! How am I meant to fix this?” Hero cried. “They’re in so deep, I don’t know how I’m meant to reach them! I felt like shit having to act like they had a master but I. I didn’t know what else I was meant to do.”
Eldest held out their arms and Hero fell into them sobbing. They’d wanted to find Leader fighting, unbroken. They’d prayed that Leader would be strong enough to hold on, but it had been a year. What did they expect? Why had they clung onto doomed optimism? The answer was simple. Because that was the only rope they’d been able to hold onto to pull them out of their darkness. The hope of finding Leader had been the only thing that had kept them going.
And it had failed them.
“No one is asking or expecting you to do this on your own and it’s not going to be easy. If you hadn’t said what you did, then we might have lost them, so don’t hold that against yourself. We’re a team, and we will all help you. If you want to take the lead, that’s fine, we trust you. You probably know more than any of us, but this isn't just on your shoulders.” Eldest smiled down at them. “We will get them back, it’s just going to take a while. Hold onto that hope which has kept us all going, [Hero]. This isn’t over yet, we will get them back.”
Hero just hoped they were right. If they had gotten out of this twice, although only just, then there had to be hope for Leader... there just had to be.
Like my stuff and want to support what I do? Then maybe consider buying me a Kofi? Ko-fi.com/morallygrey
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acebanshee05 · 5 years
Prompt Idea
Okay so what if there’s this really sweet person who’s really smart and is known for giving great advice about anything no matter how weird it is unless it’s something that strongly goes against their beliefs. So both the hero and the villain go to them (at different times) about how to defeat the other, but they phrase it so it sounds like they’re trying to defend themselves from this awful person. The advice giver gives amazing advice to both of them, but it basically makes both of them end up in a draw, so they continually end up at the advisor’s place for more help.
Bonus: The hero and villain rant to the advisor about each other, and the advisor restates their rant back to them and they eventually realize they’re in love with the other.
Extra Bonus: The advisor gets invited to the wedding and makes a speech
Sorry if this didn’t make any sense, it just suddenly popped up in my head and I decided to post it on here.
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rayaofheart · 3 years
How about this for a prompt. Namaari realizing that for Kumandra to work long term, she will have to usurp power from the still-unrepentant villlain of the movie, her mother.
I’ve put a lot of thought into how I would approach this request, but what I eventually figured out was that I don’t see Virana being completely unrepentant or irredeemable. I think she did what she thought was best, but that she’d recognize that she was wrong- which is why she came to the meal at the end of the movie. No hate to anyone who perceives her that way, but in my head she wouldn’t be that way, and would peacefully transfer power to Namaari when it’s the right time.
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Prompt #297
As [Hero] began to stir, they were aware of three critical things, their hands were bound behind their back, a bag was over their head, and someone was talking.
"They said I couldn't do it, but I'll show them!" [Villain] excitedly said somewhere nearby. "They said I was weak, they said I'd never get [Hero], but they fell right into my trap! Just like taking candy from a baby!" they gloated to themselves.
[Hero] tested the strength of their restraints, finding them lax as they felt vibrations in what they now realized was a car.
"I'll show them [Hero], and then they'll have to take me seriously!" [Villain]'s smile beamed through their voice, "No more name-calling, no more punching me randomly. I'll finally earn their respect!"
[Hero] frowned as they stopped testing their restraints. [Villain] needed better friends.
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