#villian x y/n
kuwkedits · 2 months
☁️Comfy Cozy Monday☁️
The Lov takes care of overworked reader… in their own way
Authors Note:the time stamp matters sorry besties
Tags: c.c.m☁️ / comedy🎭
⚠️CW: Kys jokes, one(1) kidnapping joke, lots of swearing, threats, Arson
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magicalbunbun · 19 days
A song for Y/n Cipher
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Definitely forces bill to dance with them.
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blueninjablade3 · 3 months
Affection Headcanons with Hook, Frollo, and Jafar.
Captain Hook
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* This sweet gentleman just wants love. He adores cuddles, small pecks on the cheek, and pet names. Oh dear lord this man with pet names!
* Hook would write you a song on the piano and then play it for you for you. He still doesn’t think that’s enough even though you’ve told him otherwise.
* You’re the only one besides Smee who can calm him down. He will be yelling going insane over Peter Pan then you’ll walk over with your calming voice and drag him to his cabin. (Man lives of anger cuddling) He’ll rant to you for hours like this and all you have to do is sit there in his arms and give him little lovings.
* He calls you Honey, Darling, his pearl, his treasure, his beloved, and his diamond.
* Kisses with him in public are short and sweet. You can tell he loves you so much even with with a peck.
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* Frollo is not a very affectionate man. He has his moments (Mostly in private) but is not very affectionate. He's all right with hand-holding in public. However, behind closed doors, Frollo actually enjoys a good kiss or cuddle. In public best, you're getting is a peck on the cheek and a short hug.
* This man is actually terrific at gift-giving. I say this because it appears that he has quite a bit of extra money (He literally lives in the Palace of Justice). He also seems like a good listener so if you mention something he could get you? Consider it yours.
* When I tell you this man seeks you out when he’s angry. He burns down Paris to find you. He gets ANGRY. (You’re a little scared of him when he’s like this) He is still gentle with you just be sure you can handle yelling.
* Frollo calls you dear, darling, Mon cher, Mon chéri, chère.
* Kisses with him in public are rare but they happen. But those kisses are very short and not much romance in them.
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* Jafar is very verbally affectionate. He (and Iago too) aren’t the biggest fans of having you just waltz up and hug him. But he is very shameless and flirty. He will drop so many innuendos over the Sultan's head. (Smug dickbag)
* You expect me to say this man ISN’T a good gift giver?! He’s rich and has ears everywhere. If he doesn’t know he won’t sleep until he’s sure he has a gift you’d like.
* When this man gets angry he doesn’t seek you immediately. Now if he’s been tested long enough and thinks there’s no other option he’ll get Iago to grab you for him. Once again Angry Cuddles ™. You can’t escape either. If you try he’ll start going into snake form. He’ll let you go when he’s good and ready!
* Jafar calls you my dear, my darling, little one, love, and my love
*Kisses with him are very frequent. He doesn’t give a shit about PDA. He’s shameless. He also likes proving his claim on you which he can do with kisses.
Thank you for reading! Please remember that rebloging, likes and comments are much appreciated! ❤️
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sweet-honey-tears · 8 months
▪️I am Your Safety▪️
Villain Deku x Quikless!Fem!Reader
OverView: Villain Deku with a quirkless reader who ends up calling on him for help.
Warning: Swearing, kidnapping if you squint
Inspiration: I recommend watching this short! Give them some love! It’s very good.
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It was a mistake, a rookie, quirkless mistake. One that could leave you dead, hurt, or worse. To leave the safety of your home for a pointless ingredient for dinner, one you could easily go without but stubbornly won't. Ginger root, a simple ingredient for stir fry, had led you here. Barely 5 minutes from your home, yet in a completely new area.
Hidden behind your cozie apparent laid a maze of buildings, dark alleys weaving between their roads. It wasn't the best part of the city. But with what you could afford, it was the best for you and closest to your work. It was lucky you even found housing in the bustling city of Musutafu. Tho, with the constant casualties, maybe not so much. It seemed the city took an odd turn when pro-heroes DynaMight and Deku left hero society. Intern, causing considerable other heroes from their graduating year to also leave. The news turning many of the streets, especially yours, into less-than-stellar areas.
"You shouldn't live there; I could pay for you to be where the stars are." Izuku had told you, his green eyes shining against his dark circle.
"I'll be fine Izuku! Plus, I know you'll be there to protect me!" you had cooed. It was dangerous, both to live in that area but talk to the leader of the 'New Age' with such a teasing tone. Anyone else would be dead, but not you. Izuku signed, placing his hands on your sides and looking down at you. He searched your face, trying to find any possible crack he could talk you into his idea.
You'll be the death of me, doll." he groaned dramacitly. His wild green eyes glanced back down at you. "Just don't leave the house at night, okay, doll? Promise me." "I promise ZooZoo!" you had so gleefully said, finger fixing his red suit tie.
The old conversation rang in your head; that was before you both got into a heated fight. One that caused you to leave the house in despair.
He had called you weak, and a joking argument turned heated quickly. "I'm not helpless, Izuku!" "buy you are!" It'd been a lonely few days at your small apartment. Sitting on the decrepit couch that had begun to seem too big. Maybe it was your depressed stupor that led to this rooky mistake.
"Fuck fuck fuck!" you whispered. What was the point of getting an ingredient for a dish if you'd never get to even make it back home? You had been too stubborn, and it was only dusk at the time. You had time to run down to the store and grab it before it turned dark, you debated. You had managed to grab the ginger, quickly cashing out and beginning your trek to your apartment. “Come on… come on…” you whispered, begging the sun to go slower. "C'mon!" your feet picked up their base.
"Hey, pretty!" a voice called from the ally.
"Crap". Your feet picked up their pace.
"Come on! We just wanna talk." you waited for the sound of Izuku's voice to help you, to tell them you're both busy, and flash his neon eyes, but there was only silence. Right, he was gone.
"Sorry, I need to go. Have someone waiting for me." it was a lie, but a hopeful one. Maybe if they knew you were expected somewhere they leave, you'd have someone looking for you; you weren't worth the trouble. You were wrong.
"Oh, cmon I'm sure they can wait a bit."
Your eyes squeezed shut as you pressed your hand to the brick wall. In your panic, you had lost track of where you were, instead ending up in a place you knew nothing about, in an ally with a dead end. "Fuck fuck FUCK!" you cried, palm slamming on the wall as you slowly slid down. Tears burned your eyes as you sat on the ground, watching the predators creep ever closer to its prey.
The scruffy ally light above you barely made the two men visbale. You watched one's arms turn sharp as skin-colored blades as he inched closed with a sickening grin. The others, you couldn't tell what their quirk was, if they had one at all, but he held a gun tightly. That was deadly enough to a quirkless user civilian like you.
"Now come on pretty, just come with us peacefully, and ya won't get hurt. I'm sure your family will pay to get you back." "and if they don't, well, take great care of you." you had long dropped your canvas bag and, ironically, the ginger root you ventured out for. Yet they hadn't stopped for the bag, and considering neither held it, their intentions had never been to get the bag. Your body shook, and Li quivered, face becoming hot with fear and horror. You watched as they inched to you, your body caving in more. "Izuku…" you whispered as though a small prayer.b "Izuku!"
You screamed, your throat raw from tears and its pitch. The men seemed to pause at your sudden outburst before appearing to become angered at your choice to yell. "Fucking whore- shut it!" "Izuku!" you wailed, body caving as you waited for pain. "IZUKU," you flinched as you heard a loud pop and felt something small shower your body. The dingy ally light shattering as something sharp and quick hit it. Another boom sounded, a shriek leaving your lips at his proximity to your head. Green light slammed into the wall behind you, sending cracks up the foundation. "Doll…" "Zoo-coo" you rasped out. You opened your eyes, staring at the ground below you, watching it light up with the lumination of green flicker lighting. Slowly, your body sat up, your tears blurring the gory sight before you. He stood there, dressed in a suit vest and shoes, green hair not even out of place. He seemed more displeased and worried than angered.
"I-km sorry! You were right!" you shuffled, body caving again as tears raked your body. Fear still gripping every bone. "I should have listened! I'm sorry I left! I'm sorry I yelled!" you cried. The realization of how helpless you were fully settled itself upon you.
"Sh shh, Dolly, it's okay."
His body bent forward as he effortlessly picked you up. Your arms wrapped around his neck as you squished yourself closer. "I've got you." he calmly coded, kicking a limp arm out of his path as he walked you both out of the ally. "You're moving in with me tonight." it was firm, a demand, no room to argue, not that you could or would. Your tearful state leaving you in hiccups. "I need to keep my doll safe, and you're only safe with me."
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irinangels · 2 months
thinking about...
band au where drummer!dabi who fucks you-- the lead singer-- senseless backstage because he claims that you need to warm up your vocals before the concert....
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llostwriter · 3 months
Never Meant To Be | SVSSS Fanfic
- Nonbinary Reader
When you found out that you were reincarnated as a wandering orphan, forcing you to steal to survive. You lost count of the times that you would get beaten up upon getting caught by the villagers. The looks of disgust from the villagers upon seeing your raggy clothes and dirty face were imprinted on your small mind. Intelligence was nothing in this world; all that mattered was the ranking of an individual. There were times when you ended up starving on the streets or almost freezing to death.
It wasn't even surprising that, soon enough, the human traffickers found you. The original owner of the body was found by the human traffickers before you were even in the body. The human traffickers make weekly visits to the orphans, demanding that the orphans give them the taels that the orphans gathered from begging on the street. The ones that weren't able to give any received a beating. All the good spots in the areas were taken by the other orphans, while you were left with the crappiest area, which is mostly deserted.
The income was so low that you even decided to leave this village and beg elsewhere. The traffickers caught you again, and you received another beating. Only then did you learn that the orphans are only allowed to beg within the village.
Every week of the first few months, you have received a beating from the traffickers.
The orphans could hardly fend for themselves, so they didn't even bother sharing any of their stuff with you. Resorting to having to even fight them for some ointments. Yes, there would always be some additional bruises after the fight; however, you did get your ointment. You know that your life is miserable the moment you even have to fight a dog for a blanket. Even the white cat from the village council’s madam gives you the disdainful treatment. Hissing at you whenever you look at its pearly white fur.
You were envious of the white cat. It gets better treatment and is cleaner than the combination of you and the other orphans. You remembered watching out of the village council madam’s window, drooling at the lotus cake being fed to the white cat daily, who later licked its paw.
One day, in the village, there was a huge fire that ended up spreading out to the borders of the village. Everybody was evacuating, while you stood confused and helpless. Almost accepting the new path of death, ending this misery of yours. You would have never expected that a cultivator would rescue you. Your memories of his appearances were blurry. The only thing that you have left of him is the ripped-off piece of his light green robe.
Away from the human traffickers, your life was somewhat peaceful. You would be found stuffing your mouth with mysterious berries that you found in the forest. The stomachaches taught you which berries to pick and which berries not to pick. Cleansing the filth off yourself in the rivers.
You find yourself in a new village and hear from the villagers about Cang Qiong accepting new disciples. That would be a good chance to turn your life around.
There was something familiar about that name, but you were not able to find out exactly what it was.
You watched the large crowds of hundreds of people. There were some other orphans, some kids dressed in rich silk robes, and some kids from the casual village household. The task was plain and simple; it was just digging holes. A few of the rich folks were complaining of dirtying their robes: “This is too filthy!”. “I can’t handle this any more!” “I’m telling my mommy and daddy about this!”. “This is so unfair!” “Why am I doing the work of a slave?!” so many complaints.
So they ended up ordering their servants to do it for them, resulting in the rich folks getting disqualified. “Wait until my parents hear about this! They’ll shut this mountain completely down!” but as expected, those complaints were all barks and no bites.
The sun beat down on your back as you hunched over the earth, your long, pointed nails digging into the clay. Untrim nails for months, maybe even years; you were not sure since you only occupied the body a few months ago.
Each thrust of your hand was met with gritty resistance. The earth, dry and stubborn, yielded only grudgingly. Tiny particles of clay, fine as dust, clung to your nails, causing a gritty discomfort that snaked up your arms, sending chills through you. Regardless of your gender, the sensation was maddening, a constant reminder of the tenacity of the very ground you were attempting to conquer.
There were some smart kids who dug platforms stacked upon each other like stairs from the soil. That is to make it easier to get out of the hole.
However, that also wastes a lot of time, and time is precious.
Your brow furrowed, and you bit your lip, the scent of nature mingling with the dust that clung to your clothes. The discomfort was a constant, a nagging reminder of the futility of your task. Yet, you dug on. It was more than just a hole you were creating; it was a statement, one that would completely change the turn of fate.
Each inch dug was a battle—a slow, agonizing victory. The earth, unforgiving and relentless, fought back, the damp clay clinging to your nails like a tenacious parasite. But you pushed on; you drew in grim concentration, your eyes burning with a singular focus.
You knew the pain and discomfort were necessary parts of the process. It was the price you paid for the freedom of creation, for defying the expectations of practicality. The discomfort was a reminder that you were pushing boundaries and challenging the very fabric of reality.
Finally, with a groan, the earth gave way. By the time the ending was announced, the hole, deep and narrow, was complete.
You looked around, and that's when you saw him. You identified him from the crowd by his green robes. The feeling of familiarity and nausea hit you like a wave.
Your survivor, your angel, is the one that’s going to drag you out of this hellhole.
He noticed you; his paper fan spread out, covering half of his face. He narrowed his eyes at you indifferently.
Being a disciple of Qing Jing Peak Lord was not that bad; your life clearly improved. You don't have to fight other orphans or animals for anything. All living expenses were provided for you. You shared your daily tasks with the other disciples. During your free time, you’ll spend time watching your Shizun from afar. Aside from that, the looks of admiration and gratitude were obvious.
The wind carries the rumors.
It has only been a few months since you became a disciple, and you have already heard your share of the rumors surrounding your savior.
The rumors surrounding your savior were outrageous; you would never bring yourself to believe them, even if there were doubts surrounding them.
in the following months. You have always kept a safe distance from your savior. You can’t deny that there were desires of wanting to have physical contact with your savior. It was pure nonetheless, but it still felt wrong. Even after you left behind your past of being an orphan, you still felt filthy and tainted. You were disgusted by yourself. It wasn’t long before you realized that you had romantic feelings for your savior.
But you never have the courage to confess. Your savior was close, yet felt so distant at the same time.
A young disciple named Luo Binghe had just arrived, and he was taken in as your Shidi. From the start, he showed himself to be a hardworking and persistent teenager, always displaying politeness towards everyone. However, despite his good nature, your savior began to treat him unfairly, burdening him with an excessive number of tasks compared to the other disciples. This sudden change in attitude was puzzling.
Witnessing Luo Binghe being disciplined unjustly, you found yourself tending to his wounds and gradually forming a close bond with him. Despite the mistreatment, he never blamed Shizun for his hardships. As time went on, the male disciples following your savior joined in on the unfair treatment, directing their animosity towards Luo Binghe by assigning him all the unwanted tasks. Despite this, Luo Binghe continued to fulfill his duties without complaint.
Nonetheless, it pains you to see your savior acting like a monster.
You were unsure how it turned out this way. One day, your savior’s personality completely changed. It was almost like they were completely different people. It was also the first time that your ‘savior’ approached you willingly, apart from missions. You were happy about it, but something felt horribly wrong at the same time.
You have always had that feeling since you first became a disciple. It was wrong for a disciple to have romantic feelings for their Shizun.
This was different; it was almost as if this was an imposter living in your savior’s body; their aura was different. The imposter gives out a more outgoing and calm vibe, while your savior gives out a more indifferent and cold vibe. There is no possible way that one person could change in the span of hardly one day.
But how is it possible that somebody would look exactly like your savior? Did your savior have a twin brother? If yes, where is your savior right now? There’s no possible way that your savior would just abandon his disciples and his title without a single word.
The imposter attempted to mend your relationship; however, it didn’t work. The longer that the imposter stayed, the more hatred that you grew for him.
At the same time, you were glad that he’s now nicer to his disciples and Shidi Luo Binghe. But you simply can't get over the fact that the imposter is using your savior’s body without any permission.
Months turned into years, and your hatred toward the imposter grew numb, just like your feelings. There was no use for it anymore. You ended up leaving the peak and becoming a wandering cultivator.
When your Shidi Luo Binghe married the imposter, they invited you, hoping that you would come. Which you did.
As you watched the smiles imprinted on both your Shidi Luo Binghe and the imposter, Only then did you realize that you had officially lost your savior. Forever.
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Another Shigaraki thought, because he’s living rent free…18+ MDNI
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He’s been away with the league of villains for several days recruiting new members, during that time he’s not stopped thinking about you, about the way your skin feels against his and the way your breathy moans fill a room as he’s face down between your legs.
As soon as he arrives home and sees you, he takes no time to pull you into his arms, nose pressed into your neck to inhale your scent whilst whispering “I missed you” over and over into your hair.
Before you know it, your bodies are pressed into the mattress as he smashes his hips into you. Your legs are spread as far as they go, so he can fill you harder and deeper.
He groans your name loudly at the sound of your passionate pants. The way you clench around him makes his brain melt causing him to slam into you more erratically desperate to feel more of you. Sleep is no longer an option as the night is spent exploring each others bodies.
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rat-typewriter · 3 months
Hating Weddings | Dabi x Reader
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SUMMARY: Just hours before you’re due to marry a man you don’t love, Dabi comes to change your mind; as it turns out, you don't need too much persuasion. WORD COUNT: 2.3k
You sat, staring at your reflection - the stylist nervously tried to meet your eyes in the mirror. She had spent three hours - and quite possibly half the world’s supply of hairpins - drawing your hair into the elegant
“It’s lovely.” You said, attempting to mask the disappointment in your voice - but judging by the way your soon-to-be mother-in-law rolled her eyes and huffed, you were still a bad liar.
Over the year that you had known the woman, the only thing you seemed to have in common was a mutual dislike for one another. You were not the sort of bride she wanted for her son; maybe it was the way you didn’t fall over yourself at the opportunity to spend time with the beyond dull boy - or maybe it was the way that XYZ. Either way, she had really mastered that expression of distaste she wore (which you could only imagine was paired with her envisioning you being run over by a bus). But she tolerated you nevertheless and you did the same for her. Engagements like your own were rarely anything to do with love or feelings or whatever you wanted - they were strictly business.
Quirk marriages were much more common than most people would’ve liked to believe; they paid well too. You’d been found by the guy’s father - an owner of a wealthy demolition company - who knew your quirk would be an invaluable asset to their business. It wasn’t the life you had imagined for yourself, but at least money would never be an issue for you again.
“Thank you,” You smiled sympathetically at the stylist, who seemed unable to exhale fully - glancing between you and the other woman with wide, doe eyes.
She seemed to relax a little before your mother-in-law took her by the elbow and pulled her into the doorway - as if standing a few feet away suddenly made you incapable of hearing their hushed voices.
Shutting your eyes, you exhaled slowly - as if, with enough determination, you could expel the tightness in your ribs through your breath. Your legs buzzed with adrenaline that only seemed to worsen as the ceremony drew closer and your head was starting to feel slightly too light for the rest of your body - as though a strong wind would dispel your skull into a wisp of smoke.
Just as you began to half-heartedly wonder if you might be about to vomit: your phone buzzed. The text from an unknown number flashed up on the screen.
Last chance.
Quickly, you swiped the message away - averting your gaze, instead focusing on the colours of nail polish picked out for you. You had no idea that there could be so many shades of white: eggshell, light ivory, pearl, fresh snow, bone china, chiffon, porcelain, dark ivory-
I’ll be outside in twenty-five.
You stared at the text, your legs becoming more restless than ever. You could practically hear his low voice and smug tone in the sans serif. He was so sure of himself; so arrogant. Who did he think he was? Expecting you to follow him wherever he went, well over a year after you’d told him that you were giving up work with the league of villains. Expecting that you’d just abandon everything you’d worked for - to build a new identity and to cover your tracks so you could leave it all behind - just because he goddamn asked.
It was only as your fiancé’s mother reentered the room - meek hairstylist in tow - that you tore your gaze from your phone.
“Don’t do that with your face.” She scoffed and you were suddenly aware of your deep scowl. Despite trying to relax your expression, you still felt the hot redness in your cheeks.
She continued, “Plenty of girls would kill to be where you’re sitting. I don’t see why you have to go and spoil it for everyone else.” She turned back to the stylist and resumed her string of complaints and general dissatisfaction, occasionally jabbing a finger in your direction.
You tried to follow a string of deep breaths - in and out, in and then fucking out - but Dabi’s stupid, snarky voice still rang in your mind.
The pair of you had always argued like your respective lives depended on it. To the untrained eye, strangers would have assumed your relationship to be beyond dysfunctional - but insults and generally winding each other up was just how you both communicated. It ranged anywhere from flirty teasing to pettiness to flat-out screaming matches - but it was never truly malicious. Even after the most seemingly brutal throwdown, you both continued like nothing had happened - with a casual Do you want takeout tonight? or a simple See you later, babe and a peck on the cheek. Somewhere along the way, being at each other's throats became being more-or-less joined at the hip. And as quick as you were to poke fun at one another and compete - you were still (literally) partners in crime and made a killer team.
Leaving him was one of the hardest things you had ever done. But it was a decision you had to make.
Again, the phone buzzed - sliding across the table a little.
Now or never.
You exhaled - biting back a smile - the fucking cheek of this man. You were tempted to text back Now-or-never my ass, but didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of a response. Now or never had become a secret between the two of you: a reference to your first meeting that you’d drop into as many situations and missions with the league as possible. He’d shouted it from the street below, trying to convince you to take the leap out of a fourth storey window after him; you’d whispered it in his ear while pressed up against him, hiding between shipping containers. It was a prayer to your relationship; a promise. All referencing that first chance meeting.
You stumbled through the snowy alleyway, still reeling from excitement - and, now that you thought about it, smoke inhalation. You hadn’t burnt something like that in a long time. Probably ever. Sure, as a child you scorched the odd tablecloth and spent your awkward teenage years nervously causing whatever you held in your hands smoke haphazardly - but to truly, completely burn something: that was new. You were fed up with lighting people’s cigarettes and melting their frozen car doors and listening to the frankly endless (and sub-par) swathes of spark-based pick up lines. For once in your goddamn life, you got to burn something.
The night air was freezing; turning your breath to fog in the dark. Despite your blackened clothes and singed hair, the cold numbed your fingers and you were suddenly very aware of your choice to wear flip flops in February. You had only meant to make a quick trip out of your flat to the shop downstairs; had you known that you were going to be making your debut as a record sprinter, you probably would have chosen something a little more robust. Each step through the wintry slush left your feet dripping and even in the dim, yellowy light of the alley, you could see your toes beginning to turn blue.
Hopefully this place wasn’t too far - if it even existed.
You reached a metal door - dented and dimly lit by a flickery yellow light over the frame - and, before you could convince yourself otherwise, knocked. Do you knock at a villain’s hideout? Stepping back from the door, you steadied your breathing - a group of drunken men walked past the opening of the alley, shoving each other and slurring.
Was this even the right place? You rarely found yourself on this side of the city and your melted phone had about the functionality of a deformed paperweight. Conversations with odd people in stairwells or strangers smoking out the back of the kitchen where you worked were all you had to find the league of villains. Conversations with people that you really shouldn’t trust.
The clunk of bolts being undone, followed by the scrape of metal-on-metal pulled you from your thoughts. Hinges groaning, the door swung half-open.
For a moment, it was as though it had opened by itself; breath caught in your throat you stared into the unlit building - but a few feet back from the doorway, the shape of a person shifted. His voice was low and gravely when he spoke.
“Coming in?”
Opening your mouth - vaguely aware of your brain screaming as you sprint back down the alley - you managed a hoarse Uhhh.
Another moment passed, the quiet filled by your soft breath turning to fog. A van rumbled past on the road and you caught yourself glancing back, watching as it rolled by.
“You’re letting the cold in.” He said. “Now or never.”
Oh, fuck it. Turning back to the door you laughed weakly - sounding like something between a cough and a sore throat. “Suppose it better be now then,”
The stranger stepped back and a yellowy strip of light crossed his face, illuminating his features. His skin was littered with scars - you recognised them as burns. Over the years of not being able to control your fire quirk, you had plenty of your own. But beneath them he was young, no older than you.
His eyes crinkled slightly and he grinned - which sent jolts of fear and excitement through your chest again.
“Come on then, sparky.”
It was the eleventh time that your phone buzzed - two minutes before the ceremony was to start - that you gave in.
You jumped out of your seat, the bridesmaid (who you barely even knew) and had been fixing your hair stumbled back.
“I- Uh,” you stammered as the other bridesmaids turned to stare at you. “I’m going to the toilet.”
And you took off.
You stumbled out of the door and down the hallway in eight layers of tulle and shoes that were horrendously uncomfortable. You took a left, then a right, then a left again - until you found an open window.
Good enough.
With no further thought, you forced the window as wide as it would go and shimmied through - tumbling out and into a bush.
As you attempted to pull yourself out and untangle your stupidly poofy skirt - which had caught in the branches - you heard a familiar laugh.
“Wow. Bit desperate to leave are we?”
You whipped around, finding yourself face-to-face with Dabi.
“Didn’t think you missed me that much,”
You opened your mouth, but no words came out and your brain was suddenly empty. Butterflies erupted in your stomach - the boy who you hadn’t seen in over a year was still able to make you nervous.
He grinned - oh how you’d missed that - and laughed again. “You look gorgeous, Doll.”
“Thanks, I’ve always loved the dragged-backwards-through-a-hedge look.” you said, dryly, before adding. “You don’t look so bad yourself.”
He stepped forwards - rolling his eyes; offering a hand to pull you out of the bush. “Oh, how you flatter me.”
Accepting the hand, you let him heave you out of the bush - pulling you far closer than necessary. You stood practically against his chest, having to crane your neck slightly to look him in the eyes.
You swallowed and felt your face grow warm.
God, he knew just how to make you feel sixteen all over again.
“I see you still like to leave everything until the last minute.” He said, glancing down at his watch. “I texted you ages ago.”
You scoffed. “An hour at most–”
“–Two hours.”
You glanced at his watch. 10:59. “I’ve still got a minute - there’s still time for me to marry that guy!” You threatened, unable to hide your grin. “Don’t test me!”
He raised an eyebrow. “Just curious - with or without the dragged-backwards-through-a-hedge look?”
“I’ll do it.”
You narrowed your eyes, holding his gaze: both locked in a semi-serious staredown. Standing there, his dark hair falling into his eyes; his arm around your waist tightening every-so-slightly, was the person you had thought of every day for the last year. At night, as you stared at the ceiling he had been the one that you wished was by your side. At every fancy dinner and business party; every dress fitting and stupid, stupid charity ball that you had gone to with your husband-to-be - you had wished he was holding your hand.
And now he was here, holding you close. Staring you down like an asshole.
"I've missed you." You blurted out. It came out slightly disjointed and stilted, surprising you both a little. He glances down at your lips.
He smiled - with only a hint of his usual smugness. "I've missed you too, Sweetheart,"
He leant down, quickly kissing you. It wasn't long or passionate or hot. Just a regular, discrete peck on the lips.
But, God, did it make you fall in love all over again.
The sound of a door opening and voices flooding into the street came from around the corner. Dabi took a step back and turned to you with that slightly-terrifying, but oh-so-exhilarating grin.
“What do you say we get out of here?”
“I thought you’d never ask.”
He extended his hand to you, faking a courteous bow and in return you grinned and curtseyed. Giggling slightly, you put your hand in his and he pressed a brief kiss to your knuckles - winking up at you.
"Touya Todoroki, I never knew you were such a gentleman!"
"If you ever tell anyone, I'll have to kill you"
For a moment, his tone is so serious that you almost believe him; even more worryingly, you don’t seem to care. But then he smiles and tugs on your hand.
"C'mon, I hate weddings."
"Me too." You giggled.
With your hand in his, you both took off running.
NOTES: This is actually a rewrite of something I wrote last year to try to ease me back into writing! I've missed it sooo much over exams but ngl when i sat down to finally write again the absolute DRIVEL that came out of my head wasn't worthy of seeing the light of day. Please send over any requests you might have!! im desperate for some inspo atm!!
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kuwkedits · 26 days
☁️Comfy Cozy Monday☁️
Reader is sad the villains make it worse before they make it better
Tags: c.c.m☁️ / hurt⛈️ & comfort🧸
⚠️CW: v angsty before comfy sorry, lots of swearing, shigaraki is very mean and so is dabi but they both get better, mentions biting into flesh, miscommunication, mentions bleeding out, bad families, murder
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📍Authors Note: I apologize for how angsty I made this weeks post but it’s kind of one of my favorite Monday posts since I’ve started this doing it this way to make sure you all got something new at least once a week um how are we liking it? Do we fuck with the good vibes I’m trying to send all of you? Anyways love u all have a good meal stay hydrated get plenty of rest 🖤 xoxo Rinnie
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magicalbunbun · 9 months
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And y/n
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blueninjablade3 · 2 months
Yandere Frollo Alphabet
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Real quick for my regular readers who are waiting for the Hades Angst I’m working on it at a snails pace but it’s shaping up nicely. I’m publishing this solely because it’s been in my drafts taunting me.
TW: Yandere themes, Slurs/ talks about slurs, genocide, medieval torture, isolation, abuse, gaslight, lack of right, racism, and religious themes.
If you are uncomfortable with any of this scroll on. I won’t be offended. If you are in a bad mental state I don’t recommend reading this Yandere relationships are extremely toxic and dangerous. If you or someone you love are in an abusive relationship, please remember you have resources to help you. I believe I’ve covered most of my bases so without further ado Yandere Frollo alphabet. Ps, left a little music if anyone wants to listen to that while they read.
Affection: how do they show you love and affection? How intense can It get?
I view Frollo somewhat like “I never quite learned to verbalize my feelings so I’m going to do very small things to tell you I love you.” Also, he brings you grapes. It’s every day he brings you grapes. (Unless you’re getting punished.) He does do the traditional kiss-your-cheek and forehead tho.
Blood: How dirty is he willing to get when it comes to you?
He’s willing to burn down all of Paris to find you. You and Esmeralda are gonna be best friends and shit talk Frollo together.
Cruelty: how will they treat you once kidnapped will he mock you?
Yes. Wtf do you think I would say “No he’s an angel” Brother has no problem calling someone a slur. Hell, I’d put money on the fact that he’d call a black person the N word hard R to their face. (He’s seriously the worst tho. Get y’all a man like… uh Prince Naveen. He’ll treat you better)
Darling: besides kidnapping you would he do anything else against your will?
Being an active part of the Romani people’s slaughter, being horrible to Quasi, and whipping people are the ones that are off the top of my head. I’m probably missing others but the point is he absolutely would.
Exposed: How much of his heart do you bear?
I think you actually bear 40%. The other 60 goes to the Bible and Christ. Don’t worry that’s still more than his family ever got.
Fight: How would he feel if you fought back?
CHOOSE ME OR YOUR PYRE BE MINE OR YOU WILL BURN~! But in all seriousness, he’s going to be so upset and do the same thing that he does to Quasi.
Game: Is this a Game to them? Would he like watching his darling try to escape?
No! This isn’t a game! Those filthy gypsies can’t be trusted! (it feels wrong even typing that 😭) They’ll harm you! You need to stay safe. In the bell tower.
I also don’t think he’d enjoy you escaping. He wants you at arm’s length at all times.
Hell: Your worst experience with him.
After one of your little “stunts” he had you flogged for a few hours and then you didn’t get lunch for a few days. (like three)
Ideals: what he sees in the future with you.
He sees a traditional Christian marriage (pretend male x male relationships were most of the time accepted by the church), a couple of NORMAL kids (he is the worst), and all the Romani people dead. (ICK)
Jealousy: does he get jealous and if he does, does he find a way to cope or will he lash out?
He gets very jealous and never controls it. He always lashes out. At this point, don’t even look at a fly anymore. He’ll get jealous of it.
Kisses: How does he act around you?
He’s possessive, creepy, and lustful. Think about how he behaves with Esma and multiply by two.
Love letters: how would he go about courting/approaching you?
He’s very traditional. He’s the type who’d buy a goat to give to your dad and then just be like “Gimme.” But he would approach you beforehand and have some small talk in passing.
Mask: Are his truth colors different from what people think?
No. He’s very publicly creepy and weird it seems. People also fear him and view him as dangerous which you can say firsthand is true. Creepy bitch.
Naughty: how would he punish you?
He’s the type to flog you for a little, isolate you, and then limit food consumption. You’re extremely afraid of acting out or acting against him for fear of his reaction.
Oppression: what rights did he take away from you:
Freedom, religion (if you’re anything other than Roman Catholic you’ll have to practice and pray in secret.), privacy, and if you’re American the right to bear arms. Really any weapons he’ll take away. (Maybe see if you can hide a dagger?)
Regret: does he regret kidnapping you? Will he ever let you go?
Haha! You’re so funny if you think he’d let you go or think he’d regret kidnapping you! The Lord brought you two together! You two were meant to be! Now stop struggling unless you wanna go back to the palace of justice.
Sigma: what brought this side of him?
I think his lust, pride, and lack of getting any bitches over his years all contributed. He got lustful for you, and he didn’t know how to react, then instead of admitting that he was in the wrong his pride got the best of him, and blamed you. When his lust won caused his Yandere actions.
Tears: how would he feel if you cried screamed or Isolated yourself?
He doesn’t care! You’ll learn to love him eventually. If you don’t… you won’t like what’s gonna happen. But do go ahead.
Unique: is there anything different from a normal Yandere
He has a massive superiority complex? He also can have people flogged and not be questioned.
Vice: what can you use to escape him?
I’m not quite sure. I guess maybe you could hide in the court of miracles?
Witts end: would he ever hurt you
Without a second thought.
Xoanon: how much does he revere/worship you and to what extent is he willing to go to win you over
He’s willing to go to extreme lengths. I know I’ve talked a lot of shit about him in this but in all seriousness, he views you as a gift from the heavens. An angel sent to him. His angel.
Yearn: How long before he snapped and kidnapped you?
He’s a patient man. I’m going to say if you play your cards right and Quasi is still young about 1.5 years till he snaps.
Zenith: would he ever break you?
Oh definitely.
Thank you for reading! Please remember that rebloging, likes and comments are much appreciated! ❤️
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Grumpy boy ♡
[just a random drawing because I miss him </3]
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queen-of-hoshido · 2 years
Toga: I told Y/n that their ears turn red when they lie.
Dabi: Do they?
Toga: No.
Twice: Then why did you tell them that?
Toga: Because I can do this.
Toga: Hey Y/n! Do you love us?
Y/n, with their hands over their ears: No.
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blurbios · 2 years
Being Dabi's Doting S/O
warnings: food mention
other: gn! reader, fluff
part 2 of League of Villains' Doting S/O
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Dabi wasn’t used to someone caring about him, like at all. He had grown so comfortable being alone and even with his new found companion group of the league, he continued to build up his walls. When he met you he knew he wanted you close, but he didn’t quite know how to get you there. Luckily enough, you grew fond of him fast, despite his attitude. He had always seen you asking whichever member it was how their missions went and if they needed anything from you, he hated how you never did it for him. You always wanted to, you wanted to rush to the door when he came home, but you figured Dabi would just poke fun, like he always did. He was emotionally lacking, so whenever he felt his mask slipping he opted to default with rude comments. You knew deep down he didn’t mean any of it, but it still stung sometimes and it definitely made you hesitate whenever you were around him.
However, you finally grew tired of the awkwardness and decided to do something about it. He was in his room, you hadn’t seen him leave it since he returned the night before, surely he was hungry, thirsty, something. You went into the kitchen to see what leftovers there had been from the lunch Kurogiri had cooked for the gang and made a plate for him. You made sure to grab a bottle of water too and began making your way to his room. When you got to his door you realized your hands were full, “Dabi?” You said, leaning towards the door. There was a long pause before you heard some movement on the other side. Another moment passed, it felt like a lifetime, you grew nervous and your stomach dropped. What if you woke him up? What if you’re just bothering him? The door opened, he didn’t look like someone who had a full night’s rest, he looked drained. You felt his eyes on you, so you lifted the plate and drink up slightly, hoping to shift his focus.
 “You trying to poison me or something?” 
You shook your head, “I haven’t seen you leave your room, I figured you’d be hungry. I mean you need to eat something, your body needs it—“ 
Your ramblings were cut short by a deep chuckle. “You’re keeping tabs on me now, huh?” 
You fought back a smile, “Please, just take care of yourself Dabi.” He grabbed the bottle and tossed it on his bed. As he grabbed the plate with one hand, he ruffled your hair with the other. 
“Why take care of myself when I know you’d do such a good job?” he teased. You’ve never seen him like this, yes he was still poking fun, but he was relaxed, the air wasn’t filled with tension. He’s only ever flicked your forehead in the past, so this was new. The interaction warmed both your hearts, and marked a new era for Dabi, one where he let you in and never let you go. Needless to say, you began to ask him how his missions went whenever he got back, you made sure he ate, and most of all, you made sure he knew that someone cared about him.
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a/n: i was unsure how to write dabi because i feel like everyone has a specific version of him in mind, but i hope my version doesn't butcher him too much
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I’m literally obsessed with him….18+. MDNI
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I can just imagine the way his hips would roll into you, pounding your soft flesh. He would definitely be a whiner, spewing pretty nonsense from his chapped lips and loud exhales as you tighten around his tip. Shigaraki is obsessed with you, obsessed with the way your skin feels on his finger tips and the way your back arches off the bed, allowing his mouth to attach to your hardened nipple. There’s also no doubt in my mind that he has stamina, all those built up feelings residing in his body means he can go for hours, touching, sucking and fucking you until your body is a sweaty shaking mess.
Afterwards he shows you a great deal of love, he’s not the type to be that physical with someone he doesn’t care about, so he will hold you close and rub his nose against yours before pecking sweet butterfly kisses to your face, lulling you into a calming sleep.
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curlyangelsblog · 1 year
Heyyyy, I read your shiggy x reader and it was hot🥰🥰🥰
Can I get more shigaraki x reader smut plz and thank you🥺🥺 more first time rough sex with creampies💦💦💦💦
✿ Tomura Shigaraki x F!Reader - First Time ✿
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・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
Genre : Smut
CW : smut , cussing. Loss of virginity, rough sex. Creampies
WC: 1.1k
(A/n: Thanks you so much for the request <3 And I LOVE writing / Reading first times with Tomura I just know he would come so much and he so nervous and rough with his baby but how could he resist your just so cute :) )
・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・・┆✦ʚ♡ɞ✦ ┆・
It was rather late at night you were in the kitchen getting something to drink. You had your pj‘s on, a tank top and some short shorts. Not to worried any of the leauge members would see you. Until you heard a door open and your boyfriend shigaraki also made his way into the kitchen. You smiled at him he he came up to you and you swung your arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss. You guys have bee dating for a few months and haven’t done anything besides kissing. You could tell he was kinda shy and still scared to touch you.
„What are you doing up so late“ he ask with his sleepy voice. You loved his voice it made you press your thighs together.
„Couldn’t sleep“
Was all you said pressing another kiss onto his chapped lips. He was still a little insecure but you made sure to let him know you didn’t mind. He ran his gloved hands down your sides pulling you in by your waist. You could feel his dick print against your stomach. You decided to rub your stomache against his shaft. Biting your lip smiling up at him.
He pressed you against the fridge kissing you roughly massaging your sides and groping your ass. Making you moan into the kiss giving him the chance to slip his tongue into your mouth. Before it could escalate you pulled away taking his arm and pulling him into his bedroom. He got the hint and closed the door pressing you against it going back to kissing you. Kissing down your neck and running his hands up your tank top touching your breasts. He slid his knee in between your legs pushing against your clothed core. You bit his lip moaning his name. You guys have never gone further than him groping you so you moaning his name grinding down on his knee made him rock hard. He lifted up your top and kissed your breasts. He slid your pants down snapping the band of your cute lace underwear. You reached out to unbuckle his belt and pulling down his pants. He lifted your one leg pulling your panties to the side rubbing your clit. This made you throw your head back moaning.
„Does ist feel good“ he ask his head buried into your neck sucking on it.
„Y-yes baby“ your whimperd into his ear making him weak in the knees. You reached out and pulled down his boxers his large cock slapping against his toned stomach. You didn’t think it was that big it made you so wet.
„so big baby“ you said giggling touching it beginning to stroke it. What you didn’t expect is him biting down on your shoulder cumming all over your hand. Your eyes went wide smiling. Finding it quite cute knowing what effect you had on him. He threw his head against the door behind you letting out a quite „fuck“. You kissed his collarbone making him look at you. He was scared to look at you afraid of your reaction . He was beyond embarrassed he finally had his beautiful girlfriend all to himself and he came the second you just touched him.
„I-im sorry I didn’t mean to just felt so go-„ he started but you cut him off with a kiss.
„It’s fine baby it happens…you want to keep going.
You were trying to be understanding you really were but feeling your boyfriends breath on your skin his cum all over your hand and your clit unsatisfied you really needed him to try again. Especially after seeing how big he was. He picked you up and put you down on his desk. Taking off your panties and pulling you to the edge spreading your legs. He put his tip at your entrance and rubbed it up and down. He looked at you and ask to for permission to put it in. You nodded at him eagerly needing him to fill you up. You held onto him for support a little nervous at his size. But he kissed your temple slowly sliding in until he bottomed out. You both moaned out. Clawing your nails into his arm. Until you felt him shooting his cum into your tight walls. He grabbed your thighs letting his head fall onto your shoulder.
„Fuck I’m so sorry…if you want to leave it’s fine You probably think I‘m a-„
„B-baby you don’t see me mhh leaving do you. Please mh ughh try again“. He looked at you in shock his dick going harder inside of you then before. He could see your brows furrow and biting lip.
„You sure you ehm ok“
„Yes yes please fuck me baby…your just so big“ you whined out. And at that he snapped his hips into yours making you scream out. He snapped his hip into you a few times again until he came again. His cum leaking out of your cunt. But this time he didn’t stop. He continued fucking you through his orgasm making you squirm in his hold. You clawed at his bicep at how hard he was thrusting in and out of you. Your juices mixing making such lewd noises. Your moans getting loader. And the way you clamped down on him he knew you were close.
He laid his hand on your stomache feeling him inside you hitting all your sweat spots. He took his large thumb rubbing circles on clit making you scream his name and throwing your head back. You squeezed him with your legs cumming on his cock. He slowed his thrusts down resting his forehead on yours.
He picked you back up laying you down on the bed putting your legs on his shoulders. Smirking down at you pushing his cock deep into you making you cross your eyes.
“You feel so good baby want me to fill you up again huh?”
He chuckled knowing he already filled you up twice with his cum still leaking out of you running down your legs.
“Yes tomu Please fill me up again”
He continued thrusting into you groping your breast and pinching your nipples. He loved the faces that you made. Knowing he’s the one making you feel this good. He could feel that you were close again he was too so he started pounding into you harder than before. Tears were forming at your eyes. You’re chanting quite little “please”.
He bit into your shoulder as you both were coming at the same time. Filling you up for the third time this night with his hot sticky cum. He thrusted into a few more times before pulling out and dropping himself next to you. He pulled you on top and asked if you were ok. His cum was leaking out onto his sheets and your breathing slowed down. You let out a little yes before you fell asleep cuddled into his chest.
I Hope you enjoyed reading this and PLEASE leave request :)
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