#vietnam 3 week itinerary
indochinatrek · 11 months
Vietnam itinerary 14 days
vietnam itinerary 14 days
Explore Vietnam's top tourist attractions in just 2 weeks with our comprehensive Vietnam itinerary. Perfect for family holidays and tour holidays, start planning your Vietnam 2 week itinerary now!For More info please visit our website -https://indochinatreks.com/best-vietnam-travel-itinerary
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purplesurveys · 7 months
What was the name of the main character in the last book you read? Kim Jiyoung.
Do you own a pair of Disney pajamas? Nope.
What are three of your favorite toppings for salads? Croutons...lots and lots of croutons. I also like chicken breast and raw tuna.
What was the last place you went out to eat? Today's itinerary was the exact same as last week's. We went to Mama Lou's again for lunch then made a quick stop at Blk 513 for froyo – or in my case, toppings with a deliberate request to lessen the yogurt because I actually don't like the yo part of froyo.
Do you have a lot of clutter in your home? A bit, but we're good at hiding them. We have drawers in each bedroom to keep said clutter and also have storage space under the stairs for the same purpose. We just like to keep certain things in case we might need them in the future.
What was the last pill you took? 💊 I took a Strepsils if that counts; but if it doesn't, I had a Biogesic a few months ago for a headache.
Are you happy with your current doctor? 👩‍⚕️ I don't have a regular doctor.
Is there a bottle of Benadryl in your medicine cabinet? As far as I know, no there isn't.
Do you take vitamins? I don't.
Does your hair need to be washed right now? It's a little dry as it usually gets after 12 hours, but I'll be washing it again tomorrow morning before work.
What was the last thing you ate? Fried chicken from McDonald's, with rice.
Do you prefer pizza or hot dogs? 🌭🍕 Pizza.
What is your favorite pizza topping? 🍕 Barbecue sauce and chicken. Or good ol mozzarella if we're going classic.
Is your dad a jerk? No. The older I get, the softer spot I have for him – and the more I understand him. It's been impossible for him to view him as a jerk.
What color are your fingernails painted? They're never painted.
Is anyone in your family currently in the military? Nope.
What was the last thing you bought at the dollar store? We don't have dollar stores, but the last I think I picked up at the closest equivalent store we have were some toys for the dogs.
Are prices of things going up where you live? Yes, inflation is very much felt. It wouldn't be as big of a problem if salaries/wages were adjusted accordingly, but that's not happening, and we're all just trying to play catch-up with the rising costs.
What color was the last carpet you sat on? Brown.
What is your favorite dog breed? Beagles, Samoyeds, and golden retrievers.
When was the last time you wore make-up? 💄 This morning. It was my usual minimal setup of concealer and BB cream (if the latter even counts?) because I don't even own anything else beyond those two + foundation.
What was the last thing you ordered at the last restaurant you went to? Risotto, pizza with prosciutto and mushrooms, truffle mac and cheese, mozzarella sticks. I also ordered an iced cappuccino which was never able to make it to our table, lol.
What was the last thing you wore that was pink? Probably a t-shirt. I don't own a lot of pink clothes.
Name three people you know, if any, that currently live in another country. Trina, Ysa, Pia.
Name three people you know who are from another country (and what countries?) My co-worker's husband is a foreigner but I still haven't been able to make out if he's from the States or somewhere in Europe lol; an aunt's husband is from Vietnam, and another aunt's husband is from New Zealand. I don't know a lot of non-Filipinos as I don't run into a lot of them.
What are your grandmas’ names? Eh, no thanks.
Have you ever heard of “fairy hair”? (It’s tinsel in the hair that gets put in permanently…it’s like tinsel highlights.) Just because of this survey that I think I've taken 3 times lol.
Have you found any gray hairs on your head? Some strands here and there, yes.
If applicable, how old were you when you found your first gray hair? I think I was around 11. They've showed up a handful times since throughout high school and college, but it's limited to individual strands.
Do you think you will dye your hair when it’s gone gray? I'm already dyeing my hair as it is, so this is definitely a possibility once the grey starts breaking out for good.
Do you have a sister-in-law? I guess I can say that now, yeah! I count Katrina as an SIL.
Do you have a brother-in-law? I don't.
When was the last time you went swimming? 👙☀️ Must be over a year ago. I haven't been to the beach much, save for a quick day trip last month – that was for work reasons though, and it wouldn't have been an appropriate time to swim in the beach.
Do you own a bikini? Sure.
What color is your bike, if you own one? I don't own one, because I can't ride a bicycle.
If you were a rockstar, what color guitar would you have? 🎸 Purple.
What are three places you’ve been on vacation that you’ve enjoyed? Bangkok, Sagada, San Felipe in Zambales.
Does your home have carpeted floors? No. We have a carpet in the living room but that's it.
What color was the last scarf you wore? I don't wear scarves. Closest thing is a shawl; last one I wore was red.
What was the last spicy thing you ate? Instant laksa.
Do you like sushi? 🍣 Very much; I'd never ever turn it down.
When was the last time you had sushi? 🍱 Last weekend.
Can you see a box from where you are sitting right now? Nopes.
Would you rather sing or dance? 🎤💃 Sing, but that's not to say I'm any good at either.
What color was the last sports bra you wore, if applicable? Black.
What is your nicest neighbor’s name? I can't remember her name anymore, but it was the househelp of a neighbor who helped me get a trike a year ago. We hadn't met each other until that point, but she was so so nice for taking the time to help me out and for even leading me to a street corner where I'd be more likely to hail one.
Would you rather have a personal chef or personal house cleaner? Chef.
Do you have any zits on your face right now? On my nose and left cheek :(
Do you wear glasses or contacts? I have glasses.
How many Britney Spears albums have you owned? I love Britney, but not enough to own her albums. I collected Beyoncé's instead and owned every CD/DVD up until Lemonade – the streaming era happened and as far as I know they also stopped releasing physical CDs here starting from Lemonade. :(
What was the first concert you went to? Paramore in 2013.
Do you like cheese? 🧀 Yeah, but not obsessed.
What are three of your favorite things to sprinkle cheese on top of? Pasta...and that's it really.
What are three of your favorite bakery items? Doughnuts, macarons, and chocolate chip cookies.
When was the last time you went to a bakery? 🧁 I don't get to go to them much! Last closest place was a Starbucks lmao, I must've visited one around two weeks ago.
Do you prefer coffee or chai? ☕️ Coffee.
Do you know what “chai” means? Yup.
What are three other names you like that start with the same letter as your name? Rachel, Ruthie, Rose/Rosie/Rosalie.
What are three creative hobbies you enjoy? I like painting, writing, and coloring.
Is there a bag or basket of yarn somewhere in your home? 🧶 Nopes. I stopped doing embroidery years ago.
Do you ever wear skirts? No. I quit skirts the moment I graduated high school.
Do you ever find it hard to live in a world where nobody cares? In certain situations where you feel it more, yeah. Like how the world will never stop for you in your grief.
Would you rather have a tattoo of a skull or a flower? Flower.
Have you ever had to take steroids? 💊 Nope.
What are three of the worst withdrawal effects or side effects you have experienced from a medication? 💊 Not a medication, but a vaccine – high fever and feeling like fucking glass. I don't think I moved for like 12 hours lmao.
What are three things you like about church? Nothing.
What are three things you dislike about church? Everything.
Does your town have a horse and carriage company? Nope.
Who are three of the biggest jerks you know? I don't know a lot of big jerks.
Have you ever met a Jason that you didn’t like? I don't think so.
Have you ever had a friend named Sarah? I have a workmate with the name but wouldn't consider her a friend.
Did you go to school with a Suzy? No.
What was the name of the person who bullied you the most in high school? I wasn't bullied in high school but my biggest ones were everyone who gave me shit for my name and short hair and called me a boy as a kid. As a four year old it just felt like the whole world teaming up to gang up on me, and I thought everything was meant to be that way. I didn't know anything back then, so I naturally thought well maybe I deserved to be bullied like that? Maybe that's just how the world works? Lol it had long-term effects on my confidence and in the way I'd deal with people that I, really, was only able to rectify once I got out of school.
Do you know someone named Matthew? I know a few people with that name but none of them go by Matthew.
…Mark? I don't think so.
….Luke? Yes.
….John? Loads. John is an extremely common first name but it's the kind of name that's rarely used, same as Maria. Most Johns I know go by their second name.
Have you ever been friends with an Ashley? Nope.
….an Emily? No.
….a Jessica? I haven't.
….a David? I know a David but do not consider them a friend.
Have you ever dated a Matthew? Nope.
Who was the last person you remember hanging up on you? It's been a while, so can't really remember. Maybe my mom.
How’s your heart? Are you wounded? 💔 She's a little tired and confused but she tries to fight.
What was the last type of pie you ate? I never have pie.
Are you happy today? Little bit, yeah.
What time did you wake up this morning? 12 AM because I needed to report to a work event by 2 AM.
And last but not least, did you enjoy this survey? Sure!
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evisaofvietnam · 1 month
How to Apply for Vietnam E-Visa: A Step-by-Step Guide to Secure Your Travel Authorization
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If you're planning a trip to Vietnam, obtaining a visa is an essential part of the process. For many travelers, the easiest and most convenient option is to apply for a Vietnam e-visa. This digital visa allows visitors from eligible countries to apply online, saving time and hassle. In this article, we'll guide you through how to apply for a Vietnam e-visa, ensuring a smooth journey from application to approval.
What is a Vietnam E-Visa?
Before diving into the process, it’s important to understand what a Vietnam e-visa is. The Vietnam e-visa is an electronic travel authorization issued by the Vietnamese government. It allows eligible travelers to enter Vietnam for tourism, business, or family visits without needing to go through the traditional visa application process at an embassy or consulate. It is valid for 30 days, single entry, and can be used at various points of entry, including airports, seaports, and land border crossings.
How to Apply for a Vietnam E-Visa
Applying for a Vietnam e-visa is a straightforward online process. Here’s how to apply for a Vietnam e-visa step by step:
1. Check Your Eligibility
Before you start the application process, ensure that your nationality is eligible for the Vietnam e-visa. Citizens of over 80 countries can apply for a Vietnam e-visa, including the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and many European countries. You can find the full list of eligible countries on Vietnam’s official immigration website.
2. Prepare the Necessary Documents
To apply for a Vietnam e-visa, you will need the following documents:
A valid passport with at least six months of validity from the date of entry.
A digital passport-sized photo (taken within the last six months).
A scanned copy of your passport’s biographical page.
Information about your intended entry and exit points in Vietnam.
3. Complete the Online Application Form
To apply for a Vietnam e-visa, visit the official Vietnam Immigration Department website. Here, you’ll need to fill out the online application form, which includes your personal information, passport details, and travel itinerary. Double-check all the information to ensure accuracy.
4. Pay the Visa Fee
Once you have completed the application form, the next step in how to apply for a Vietnam e-visa is to pay the processing fee. The standard fee for a Vietnam e-visa is $25 USD, which is non-refundable even if your visa is denied. Payment is made online using a credit or debit card.
5. Receive Your E-Visa via Email
After submitting your application and payment, you will receive a confirmation email. Processing typically takes 3 to 5 business days. Once approved, your Vietnam e-visa will be sent to you via email in PDF format. Print out a copy of the e-visa to present at immigration upon arrival.
6. Enter Vietnam
With your Vietnam e-visa in hand, you’re ready to travel. When you arrive in Vietnam, present your printed e-visa, passport, and entry card at the immigration checkpoint. After verification, you’ll be granted entry for up to 30 days.
Benefits of Applying for a Vietnam E-Visa
Choosing to apply for a Vietnam e-visa offers several benefits. Firstly, the online application process is quick and convenient, allowing you to complete everything from the comfort of your home. You’ll also save time by avoiding the need for embassy visits or long processing times. Additionally, the Vietnam e-visa fee is relatively affordable compared to other visa options.
Tips for a Successful Vietnam E-Visa Application
Apply Early: It’s recommended to apply for your Vietnam e-visa at least a week before your intended departure to avoid any delays in processing.
Double-Check Information: Ensure all personal and travel details are accurate when you apply for a Vietnam e-visa, as incorrect information could lead to delays or rejection.
Keep a Backup: Always carry both digital and printed copies of your Vietnam e-visa in case of any technical issues at immigration.
Now that you know how to apply for a Vietnam e-visa, the process should be easy and stress-free. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be well-prepared to secure your Vietnam e-visa and enjoy your upcoming trip to this beautiful country. Make sure to apply for your Vietnam e-visa well in advance, and you'll be on your way to an unforgettable adventure. Safe travels!
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inviewadventures · 9 months
Discovering The Wonders Of Southeast Asia: A Comprehensive Travel Guide
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Traveling Southeast Asia Route
Embarking on a journey through Southeast Asia is an adventure of a lifetime, with diverse cultures, stunning landscapes, and vibrant cities waiting to be explored. The region offers a plethora of routes catering to different preferences and interests. Whether you’re a beach enthusiast, history buff, or nature lover, there’s a perfect route for you.
Travel in Southeast Asia
Southeast Asia, a tropical paradise, beckons travelers with its warm hospitality and rich tapestry of traditions. The region comprises 11 countries, each with its unique charm. From the bustling streets of Bangkok to the serene beaches of Bali, Southeast Asia promises an unforgettable experience for every traveler.
Southeast Asia Travel Packages
For those seeking a hassle-free travel experience, Southeast Asia travel packages provide a convenient and well-organized way to explore the region. These packages often include accommodations, transportation, and guided tours, allowing you to focus on soaking in the beauty of your surroundings.
Southeast Asian Countries
The countries that make up Southeast Asia are a melting pot of cultures, cuisines, and histories. From the iconic temples of Cambodia to the bustling street markets of Vietnam, each country offers a distinct flavor. Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines are just a few of the gems waiting to be discovered.
Southeast Asia Travel Itinerary for 2 Weeks
Crafting the perfect two-week itinerary for Southeast Asia involves a delicate balance of exploration and relaxation. Start your journey in the vibrant city of Bangkok, explore the ancient temples of Angkor Wat in Cambodia, unwind on the pristine beaches of Phuket, and savor the delectable street food in Hanoi. Two weeks may seem short, but with a well-planned itinerary, you can make the most of your time in this enchanting region.
Southeast Asia Map
Navigating the vast and diverse landscapes of Southeast Asia is made easier with a detailed map. From the mountainous terrain of northern Vietnam to the lush rainforests of Borneo, a map can be your best companion. Interactive online maps make it convenient to plan your route, ensuring you don’t miss out on any hidden gems along the way.
South East Asia Travel Route for 3 Months
For the intrepid traveler with more time on their hands, a three-month journey allows for a deeper exploration of the region. Consider a route that takes you from the historic sites of Myanmar to the idyllic beaches of the Philippines. Immerse yourself in the local cultures, try exotic cuisines, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Read on: Southeast Asia Travel Guide
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backpacking2024 · 1 year
I have no choice now KAJDJDJSJS I'm DOING IT. 5th of Jan 6:25am baybee!!! one way baybee!! landing in Bali at 9:15!! I knew the flight would be cheap flying from Australia (when u hit Darwin they make you get out and swim lmfao) but I got it for 380 bucks! super happy with that! will be flying from Melb to Adelaide on Dec 20 to have Christmas with family and say goodbye, then flying out of Adelaide. probably could've gotten it cheaper from Melbourne but I wanted to see my family off.
really digging into my planning. starting to compile hostels and stops I def want to do. I think I definitely want to get my PADI license in Malaysia or Thailand. every source has told me it'll be $500, but in most places that includes your accommodation and meals so I do want to splurge on that.
I also want to do a Muay Thai camp in Thailand! I absolutely love boxing and MMA so I love the idea of staying in one of the camps for a few weeks! I think the cost is around 250 for a 2 week stay which again includes a room and meals. there are months long options as well 😳 I wanna get so buff
also sorting my workaways. I definitely want 2 in Indonesia, one is on a village fruit farm in West Java and the other one is another farm in South Sumatra. they both have lots of reviews so I think they're safe options for my first time using it :3
further on is cleaning up beaches in Langkawi Island in Malaysia.
After that it's mostly hostel work. there's a lot of paid positions available in Japan and the working holiday visa doesn't seem too complex to get. only I'll have to have a detailed plan on my Japan travels and can only apply from Australia 😬 so I'll have to apply now and have a bulletproof itinerary for like 10 months from now and I don't even know when exactly I'll arrive! it's a big pickle. you can't even volunteer in Japan without a working visa so even if I don't want to make money, just saving money by working/volunteering for board isn't doable, which is how I was planning to be able to travel Japan without blowing a heap of money 😬😬 will check it out further and ask around.
My Bali, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam itineraries are shaping up. once I train into China though things get pretty rough. and after Japan it's basically up in the air. I plan to fly from Tokyo to Kathmandu, Nepal and do a tea farm workaway. Then India, which I'm super excited but intimidated by and I have no idea what route I'll take aha. Would still love to then do Pakistan, Jordan and Turkey but I'll see how much time/money I have by then. will end in Austria to see my best mate. Might spend Christmas with them 😳
166 days to go 😩
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ftriptravel · 2 years
Are you finding a spot to relax on Lunar New Year 2023? Ftrip made this tour in Vietnam for you. Vietnam is not only considered a children-friendly country but also suitable for a family trip.
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vietnams-visa · 2 years
How To Plan An Awesome Trip To Vietnam
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Are you traveling to Vietnam soon? Does travel planning take so much of your time and effort?
Our Vietnam Travel Planner will guide you step-by-step on how to plan a trip to Vietnam. This article will be useful whether it’s your first time visiting Vietnam or the 10th time.
1. Brainstorming
To plan your trip to Vietnam easily, you should do a little brainstorming and ask yourself:
a) How much time do you plan to visit Vietnam?
You should consider how much time you’re planning to visit Vietnam.
Do you have one week or two weeks in Vietnam?
Is Vietnam just a quick stop for a 3-day-trip in your big Asian adventure?
Although the longer, the better, you can still visit Vietnam in 3 days (choose  Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh).
If you have a longer time, you can choose your favorite places to go in Vietnam. We’ve listed the most beautiful and worth-visiting places in Vietnam for your Vietnam itinerary.
b) How much is your budget?
Although Vietnam is a budget-friendly country, you can find luxury stuff.
It can cost a lot of money if you are overspending. Knowing your budget well will help you greatly in planning your Vietnam trip.
c) Who are you traveling with?
Do you travel with your partner, friends, or family? Or are you traveling solo to Vietnam?
If you’re a solo traveler, it’s best that you can rent a motorbike for a trip from the North to the South of Vietnam or vice versa or join tours.
Traveling in Vietnam by bus or train is an excellent option with friends or family.
d) What type of experience do you prefer?
Are you more into sightseeing or adventure travel? Or are you just looking for a relaxing beach vacation? Do you prefer the city or rural area? Would you like to visit off-the-beaten-path?
2. Choose your destination in Vietnam
Deciding where to travel in Vietnam may be one of the most challenging decisions in your planning process. But after brainstorming, you may know where you want to go.
Depending on your travel style, you can pick different destinations in Vietnam that suit your needs.
Answer these questions in the brainstorming part will narrow down places on your bucket list.
Also, while choosing your places to visit in Vietnam, you should know the best time to visit Vietnam.
Are you into a rainy or dry season, or do you prefer to travel in the off-season, shoulder-season, or peak season?
Each place has a different best time to visit, so planning well is essential.
3. Check your Passport
You should have a valid passport when traveling abroad according to the “6-month-rule”.
It means that your passport does not expire six months before your arrival date. You may get declined boarding your flight if your passport is not valid.
So check your passport carefully and renew it if needed.
4. Apply for a visa
Firstly, you should check if you need a visa to Vietnam and how long you need it.
Because Vietnamese visa regulations change a lot, you should check carefully and check again before departure.
The easiest way to apply for a Vietnam visa is through an agency. You won’t need to worry much about the regulation and process. Just let them take care of you.
With over ten years of experience, Vietnam-visa is a trusted agency providing quick and trustworthy service for travelers.
5. Book your flights
a) From abroad
If you fly overseas, you may land in either Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, or Da Nang. There are several flight companies having routes from and to Vietnam.
b) Domestic flights
Vietnam Airlines, Bamboo Airways, and  Vietjet are leading flight companies in Vietnam.
I prefer Vietnam Airlines and Bamboo Airways because they provide excellent service. There is not much canceling or delaying, and you may have food onboard. The seats are also more comfortable.
Vietjet Air and Jetstar usually have a promotion, and the price is lower than Vietnam Airlines. However, it’s common that your flights may get delayed around 30 minutes or more with them.
6. Buy travel insurance
You should never travel without travel insurance. As Vietnam is not too safe, you may get robbed or have an accident while traveling in Vietnam.
With travel insurance, you’re covered if there’s any problem. The travel insurance will cover your needs: sightseeing, city breaks, vacation getaway, or adventure travel.
7. Book your stay
Depending on where you go, you can book your visit accordingly.
There are different types of accommodation in Vietnam: resorts, hotels, hostels, guesthouses (homestay), and apartments. 
From budget-friendly hostels to luxurious resorts, you can choose the most suitable accommodation and enjoy the best of your time in Vietnam.
Although you can just come in and ask for rooms in hotels in Vietnam, booking your place in advance for your convenience is recommended.
8. Book train, bus, or ferry in Vietnam
Many backpackers buy motorbikes or scooters and get on a road trip from the North to the South or vice versa.
If you’re not a big fan of riding a motorbike, you can consider booking a train or bus or renting a car for your Vietnam trip.
How to book a train, bus, and ferry in Vietnam?
We recommend using Baolau to book trains, buses, and ferries while traveling in Vietnam.
Baolau is the travel search engine that compares prices and time of train, bus, and ferry routes in Vietnam, facilitating your Vietnam travel planning and simplifying the booking process.
9. Book travel tours
As Vietnam is relatively cheap, you can find budget-friendly tours starting at $15. Luxurious tours such as Ha Long Bay Deluxe Cruise can cost $50 or more.
If you’re interested in visiting islands in Vietnam, booking a tour may be the best idea because it’s difficult and expensive to rent a boat on your own.
Also, taking a tour will be a great option if you travel alone and want a companion.
Here are some recommended tours from Klook:
10. Know places to go
We recommend having a flexible schedule because you might love one destination more than others or unexpected events during your trip to Vietnam, but still plan a bit before your departure.
We have several tips and guides on traveling in Vietnam, from the best places in Vietnam to basic Vietnamese phrases. The more you prepare, the better you can plan your trip.
11. Find places to eat and drinks
Wonder what you should eat in Vietnam? Read our Vietnamese street food list to find your favorite.
We recommend downloading and using the Foody app to find restaurants when you arrive in Vietnam. You can also check Trip Advisor for places to eat at each destination.
12. Connect with the locals or travelers
Vietnam is a popular destination in South East Asia, so you can find several travelers who are going here.
You can either join Facebook groups or  Couchsurfing  to find them. Couchsurfing is a great way to meet the locals and connect with travelers around the world.
13. Take vaccines
If it’s your first time visiting Vietnam or traveling to Asia, there’s a high chance that you will need vaccines.
If you explore the jungle or mountains in Vietnam, you should be careful of malaria or dengue fever.
Before visiting Vietnam, you should check with your doctor or a qualified medical professional for relevant travel-related advice.
Some recommended vaccines are Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Yellow Fever, and Typhoid.
Being healthy is essential for traveling, don’t forget to buy travel insurance to prepare for all the risks.
14. Prepare money
In Vietnam, Cash is a King. The Vietnamese currency is Vietnam Dong (VND) and can be exchanged in banks or jewelry shops.
Depending on your budget and travel style, the amount of money needed for your Vietnam trip may vary.
There are several ATMs and banks in big cities, so withdrawing some cash will not be a big issue. Then you can exchange your currency for Vietnamese Dong.
As the withdrawal fee is high, we recommend bringing some cash before entering Vietnam.
15. Buy a sim card
Although you can find free Wi-Fi in public places such as coffee shops, shopping malls, etc., in big cities, buying a 4G sim card is more convenient when traveling to Vietnam.
Some stands at the airport offer sim cards, but we recommend ordering one online in advance.
You can check the sim card packages from Klook for a 4G sim card in Ho Chi Minh or Hanoi.
16. Pack your luggage
What to pack for Vietnam?
If you travel in the summertime, you should bring light clothes or buy new clothes in Vietnam as they are cheap.
If you need any specific medicine, you should bring them along.
You can easily buy sun cream, shampoo, toothbrushes, and toothpaste in Vietnam at convenience stores, so you don’t need to pack them.
17. Check your travel documents & flights
Before departure, you should recheck all your travel documents: passport, visa, insurance, and other required travel documents such as booking confirmation.
We recommend storing those documents as PDF files on your USB, laptop, or Drive so you can access them remotely.
Also, it would be best if you rechecked your flight schedule to ensure it departs on time.
Checking online will save you lots of time and avoid a long queue at the airport, so you should do it when the online check-in service is open.
Content Source: Expatolife
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Inexperienced riders, weekend trippers in Hanoi? Book this Vietnam easy motorbike ride to Mai Chau and improve your riding skills. These two riders booked a trip last week and had a blast. 👊 Tự tin lên rồi sẽ đi được hết. Chưa biết đi thì học là ngon ngay. 😻 🔗 https://offroadvietnam.com/more-motorbike-tour-itineraries/best-3-days-northcentre 📞 Mobile/WhatsApp: 0913047509 (+84913047509) & 0985642546 (+84985642546) #maichau #vietnam #motorbike #motorcycle #easyride #scooter #touring #tours #guided #fullyescorted #holiday #honda #XR150L #CRF150L #CRF250L #offroadvietnam #vietnamoffroad #vietnammotorbiketours #motorbiketoursvietnam #vietnambymotorbike #vietnammotorcycletours #motorcycletoursvietnam #vietnambymotorcycle #vietnamdirtbiketours #dirtbiketoursvietnam #vietnambydirtbike #advridervietnam #easyride #shortmotorbikeride #northwestvietnam (at Offroad Vietnam Motorbike Tours - Videos) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEssdThnIAz/?igshid=140ofac6kl91h
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its-kaijean-blog · 5 years
Traveling to 5 countries with your family (1-Bangkok, Thailand)
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I would first like to say that there are pros and cons in traveling with your family, especially when you’re doing multiple countries in just a few days, which I will list at the end of this blog. Nonetheless, this has been a memorable trip for our family and I will do it again no questions asked.
So, here we go. Let me tell you first that this happened on my birthday week. I planned this travel months before and was really planning on going solo. However, my mom kept on saying that she wants to go as well but they had a prior appointment set and do not know if she could come. Then, like a month before the planned travel, my mom suddenly said, that she can go now, of course, with my dad and our youngest brother. So I booked them a flight as well and updated the hotel booking I had prior. I told them that I planned on touring just 3 countries and there would be a lot of land travel--backpacker style, she said it was fine and I was like, are you sure?? Again, it was fine is what she said, and asked if we could add more countries to the itinerary, which I did.
Initially, it was only Cambodia that I wanted to visit, so I booked a round trip for that. However, I decided I could land travel, so I added up Thailand and Vietnam in the list. That was back when I was going solo. Arrive in Cambodia, land travel to Thailand on the second day, then go back to Cambodia, traverse down to Vietnam and go back to Cambodia for the flight home. It wasn’t a good plan to be honest, because I just decided last minute and already booked the flight. I was thinking then that it was okay since I can manage by myself and have no one to look after. After adding up my parents and brother to the party, I started to get worried if they can manage the trip.
I was reassured a couple of times by my mom that it would be okay and that they can do it hahahaha, however, my two older brothers and our eldest brother’s wife wanted to come as well. It was at this point that I started praying that everything would go well in our trip. The upside is, my parents will support the majority of the finances. This is really good news, since I knew this trip is going to be expensive.
All excited, we got ready and awaited our flight to Cambodia.
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Here’s the fam as we await check-in
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Our tuktuk from Bou Savy Guesthouse
It was drizzling when we arrived in Cambodia. The tuktuk that came to fetch us wasn’t enough for us. I thought that they will fetch us using a van which I was normally accustomed to when I travel and the hotels provide airport transfers. Luckily, our tuktuk driver knew someone nearby and we managed to rent the tuktuk.
When we arrived at the guesthouse, I told them that our family will go to Thailand in the morning and asked if they know the best way to go. I’ve read a lot of blogs about crossing borders and all of the scams travelers face so I wanted to have a legit advice from them. They offered to help with booking a transport van for us to go to the border and another contracted van will be there to wait for us to take us to Bangkok.
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Our first breakfast in Cambodia
The trip to Aranyaprathet border lasted about 1.5hrs. It was a satisfactory ride as we left at 5 or 6 in the morning to get to Bangkok by lunch time, because It will be a  5 hour drive from the border.
It was raining again that morning so it was all muddy and there were a lot of tourists at the border looking to find their ways. Plenty of locals are there as well to scam you, so be prepared! They kept asking us where were going and offered a bunch of packages which we politely declined. Lucky of us, our van driver escorted us to the immigration building and he told us to be careful and just ignore the people haggling us.
Getting the visa to Bangkok was easy, however, I was surprised that we had to pay like 5000 Riel for it. The previous blogs I read says it was free! Hahaha
We just went with it and went to the Thailand immigration building. It was a very confusing process because it was our first time crossing borders and not all of them are fluent in English. Observation is key here guys! There are a lot of tourists who have traveled plenty of times with whom you can ask for help, don’t be shy to ask.
After all the paperworks and biometrics, we finally got our Thai visas. It was a long journey ahead, so we asked our driver if we could get takeaways first. My dad was strongly against eating street food, because he said that we might get sick during the trip, so we opted for Thai KFC!
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Of course, I ordered a box meal! Hahaha it had burger, fries and two buffalo chicken (I think). It was really good albeit the lack of gravy.
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They had egg tarts as well which were so freakin’ good as well!
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We made two pit stops to freshen up ourselves and buy more snacks. I got a watermelon and one local fruit I can’t remember the name hahaha
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Nearing Bangkok!
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We arrived by 1pm in our hostel, Loftel 22. It has a cafe on the first floor and has dormitory type rooms which was great for backpackers. They have a very modern interior as well.
It was here that the first challenge in our tour happened!
So, I said before that I had plans to go solo and updated hotel booking in my trip as people were added to the party. However, for this particular hostel, I forgot to change the arrival date! Oh my God!!! I had to explain our situation to the receptionist and convince them to change our booking. We were fortunate that they had two rooms available.
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I had planned for us to go to the floating markets for the afternoon and have a city tour at night. However, it started raining again as we were strolling! My parents didn’t want to travel far again because we haven’t had a rest from our ordeal from Cambodia. So after having an early dinner, they went back to the hostel to rest and my brothers and sister-in-law decided we’d go see Bangkok’s night life instead.
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I wasn’t able to take pictures of the night market we went to. But to describe it, there were a lot of bars and ladyboys on the street.
We only had one day to spare in Bangkok. We weren’t able to see the floating market, but hey, we’ve seen their gorgeous ladyboys, visited a few temples and tasted some of their delicacies tho.
Back to Cambodia. XD
1. Always ask your hotel what the best option is. They can offer their services and you can haggle with them.
2. Be careful of scammers in the border. Don’t assume every local there is trying to help you.
3. Look out for other tourists who can help you.
4. Plan well, check your schedule always. Take note of the weather as well and travel time.
5. Enjoy! If your itinerary didn’t work out, just make the most of it. At least you can say you’ve been in that country! hahahaha
(Next post)
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rurifufe-blog · 5 years
Sri Lanka Visa - an in Depth Anaylsis on What Works and What Doesn't
Not only are the websites that you're interested in but also the private chauffeur services and accommodations often important whenever it comes to create any kind of tour itinerary.  Northern peninsula of Jaffna can bring in tourists not just for its beaches, but also a sort of cuisine, customs, and very different from different parts of the island lifestyle.  As you set out on a Kandy sightseeing tour you will have the ability to enjoy a plethora of things like the next.
The rate may change based on the denominations you need to modify.   There are exchange offices at the global airports where you are able to get your money changed 24 hours every day, 7 days per week.  Being a little nation, it has many methods to make livelihood for its people.
The Lost Secret of Sri Lanka Visa The checklists provided on ImmiAccount will help out with making sure that you have included all necessary documents during the application procedure.  The Dubai visa obtaining procedure isn't a problematic undertaking, just stick to the next 3 easy steps and you will receive it.  If you made a double payment or several payments for equal application because of system error, please email us with the full information and we'll make refund of the surplus fees.
The Australian High Commission in Colombo knows of a scam online seeking workers for numerous jobs in Australia.  If you're planning your vacations to any component of earth then the first thing you should manage accommodation and transportation.  The continuous inflow of foreign currency enhances the wellness of the nation's economy.
You may also alter your visa here.  If a visa is issued, there can be an extra visa issuance reciprocity fee, based on your nationality.  Your visa is going to be connected to the passport number.
Should you need expert aid in turning in an application for a Subclass 887 working visa, we can provide help.  In truth, it is comparable to a visa, but different from the normal visa that's filled by tourists via the Internet without seeing any case.  You must use the appropriate visa renewal form and has to fill it completely.
Based on your citizenship and the sort of visa you're applying for, you can also must pay a visa issuance or reciprocity fee.  The Indian visa application is really EASY.  This kind of visa is further extendable if you're planning to stay longer.
Sri Lanka Visa - the Conspiracy If for some reason you don't wish to use the internet application you may submit an application for visa's at Sri Lankan embassies in other nations.  To finish the visa for Sri Lanka online form, applicants are expected to fill in a scope of private information along with the travel itinerary for the trip.  The other foreign citizens will want to submit an application for a Sri Lankan Visa relevant to the purpose and length of their stay.
The sort of accommodation you choose solely is dependent on what you would like to do in Colombo.  A trip to Bandipur is essential and it is sure to make your Kathmandu Nepal travel a memorable one.  Whether you intend to go to the South-Western Province or Northern Province of the nation, 1 thing is for sure that you'll have to halt at Colombo at the start and end of your holiday.
If you're going to earn a visit there, it's much better to decide on a Sri Lanka travel guide or a neighborhood guide.  Colombo isn't really worth the journey on a fast stopover.  Yes, Sri Lanka visa for Indian tourists is mandatory in addition to tourists from different countries to get a visa so as to enter this nation.
| The internet application is easy and clear, the site demands basic details such as nationality of the traveller and passport information, but filling the form should not take at least 10 minutes taking into consideration the fantastic design of the website.  You will just need to fill out the form including all the necessary information about your trip's purpose and passport details.  You are needed to enter the private information that matches the info on your passport.
There are a lot of jobs which are going to be in high demand during the next ten decades and migrants would be smart to sharpen their skillsets.  To be able to apply through our site, you will only demand a valid document for traveling and a suitable web connection.  There it's possible to observe the entire procedure for tea production.
The rate may change based on the denominations you need to modify.   There are exchange offices at the global airports where you are able to get your money changed 24 hours every day, 7 days per week.  Being a little nation, it has many methods to make livelihood for its people.
Not only are the websites that you're interested in but also the private chauffeur services and accommodations often important whenever it comes to create any kind of tour itinerary.  Northern peninsula of Jaffna can bring in tourists not just for its beaches, but also a sort of cuisine, customs, and very different from different parts of the island lifestyle.  As a chief tourist spot in the nation, Delhi has a broad range of accommodation from cottages donated to the extravagant foreign hotels.
If you get in contact with a trusted tour agent in the nation, you can readily plan out a Kandy sightseeing tour covering the majority of the essential attractions in Kandy, Sri Lanka.  Or, you can get in touch with the nearest Myanmar Embassy around your region to apply.  You're not permitted to get there in Sri Lanka until you get the ETA Approval Notice.
One of the crucial characteristics that make vacationers wish to go to the gorgeous isle of Sri Lanka is that there are many different point of interests that draw every kind of holiday dream.  A trip to Bandipur is essential and it is sure to make your Kathmandu Nepal travel a memorable one.  Also, you have to be certain your passport has been valid for at least 6 months, else you aren't going to have the ability to receive your visa for Sri Lanka.
If you're going to earn a visit there, it's much better to decide on a Sri Lanka travel guide or a neighborhood guide.  Colombo isn't really worth the journey on a fast stopover.  Yes, Sri Lanka visa for Indian tourists is mandatory in addition to tourists from different countries to get a visa so as to enter this nation.
When you have confirmed that you want a visa, you can finish your application on our on-line portal.  If a visa is issued, there can be an extra visa issuance reciprocity fee, based on your nationality.  Your visa is related to your passport through its special identification number.
Fraud or misrepresentation can lead to permanent visa ineligibility.  Dubai visa fees are different for each kind of visa.
Applying for visas to any nation is complex and is on occasion a cumbersome practice.  At these embassies, you can submit an application for regular visa.
| The Hidden Truth About Sri Lanka Visa The rate may change based on the denominations you need to modify.  It is always recommended to have someone to help you, specially when you're in a foreign nation.  Being a little nation, it has many methods to make livelihood for its people.
Make certain you save the contact number under Contacts on your phone for uninterrupted support.  You will just need to fill out the form including all the necessary information about your trip's purpose and passport details.  Let's compare prepaid travel cards, charge cards and debit cards to help you decide which option is best for you.
The Basics of Sri Lanka Visa Not only are the websites that you're interested in but also the private chauffeur services and accommodations often important whenever it comes to create any kind of tour itinerary.  Northern peninsula of Jaffna can bring in tourists not just for its beaches, but also a sort of cuisine, customs, and very different from different parts of the island lifestyle.  As you set out on a Kandy sightseeing tour you will have the ability to enjoy a plethora of things like the next.
LKR is a minor worldwide currency.
Fraud or misrepresentation can lead to permanent visa ineligibility.  Dubai visa fees are different for each kind of visa.
As a visa applicant, you will want to establish that you satisfy all requirements to obtain the category of visa for which you're applying. If you decide to find visa stamped at Vietnam Embassy please make sure that you have Vietnam visa approval letter already to steer clear of complicated procedure at the workplace.  This kind of visa is further extendable if you're planning to stay longer.
The Battle Over Sri Lanka Visa and How to Win It In the event of transit visa, an individual may not escape from the airport area, since the objective is just transit on way to another destination and not to travel in the nation. You'll be notified via email or prominent notice on the Web site for 30 days of such a change in ownership or charge of your own personal information.  There it's possible to observe the entire procedure for tea production.
Key Pieces of Sri Lanka Visa Eligible foreign citizens going to the country for quick stays can make an application for the Sri Lanka ETA through a simple on-line form.  At exactly the same time in Sri Lanka there are various languages.  The other foreign citizens will want to submit an application for a Sri Lankan Visa relevant to the purpose and length of their stay.
Getting your Sri Lanka visa during the electronic procedure is beneficial in a variety of ways, and the most vital benefit is you will get the visa promptly without needing to step out of your house.  If you intend to go to Sri Lanka, there are several visa choices available to you, courtesy of Travel Visa Pro.
If you're going to earn a visit there, it's much better to decide on a Sri Lanka travel guide or a neighborhood guide.  Colombo isn't really worth the journey on a fast stopover.  Yes, Sri Lanka visa for Indian tourists is mandatory in addition to tourists from different countries to get a visa so as to enter this nation.
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Get The Lowdown On Seattle Airport Hotels
Lunch and Dinner - Use sit-down meals, become cut kitchen labor costs as much as 20 zero per cent. Skip the dessert, salad, or soup. Dessert can be served at breaks. Consider box lunches instead of holding a formal, sit-down lunch. Vietnam Airlines flies daily to/from HCMC (Tan Son Nhat), Danang and Cam Ranh Flight terminal. Cam Ranh is 35km north of Nha Trang. Return ticket prices, before taxes and charges, cost approximately VND 1,476,000 (US$82.93) from Hanoi and VND 619,000 (US$34.78) from both HCMC and Danang. Visitors for the island who had their wits about them will have asked a bit of of their oahu airport shuttle for your inside information on the the best places to go, one of the most interesting attractions and boost there. In cases, vehicle driver has some will distinct work for a business that provides airport shuttle services, and definitely will also provide other alternatives getting around the island. Businesses that offer St. Lucia airport shuttles, VIP transfers and executive transfers will provide cars and drivers to booked through the day, or longer. Some also run organized trips. Real St. Lucia tours are a guaranteed connected with following a pre-set itinerary that can have the island at its very top. Several trips up and down the Divisions preceded Lazio's first Scudetto in 1973-74 shuttle service airport when they were led by the legendary Giorgio Chinaglia. But within five years came the club's darkest hour as Lazio was relegated for financial irregularities and only a click play-off prevented the club from slipping into Serie C in 1987. Most of people daydream about globetrotting and visiting fascinating destinations. Possess grand plans of leaving on some sort of tour covering almost all of the important cities of exciting world of. Paris, the cosmopolitan fountain head and capital of France can be a common right everybody's set. You'll not looked into a diehard traveler if you give Paris the pass up. It is not the cultural capital furthermore the fashion capital of this world. Salvaging home to your second highest Michelin star restaurants after Tokyo. After landing at CDG or Orly airport, you can avail an example of the several Paris airport transfer shuttle transits. Make certain that you are allowed to the airport at least 90 minutes before your flight - even the hho booster is a domestic trajectory. The stress of long lines and the idea that you may miss your boarding will put everyone on sharpness. 3) Parking costs. Should you do any traveling and tend to not on expense account, you pay excessively to fit at an airport. Examine all options you may well have. An hikes in hawaii airport may be cheaper if you do are gone for any length of energy and time. Can you have a bus (or BART or such) if so it is much cheaper. From parking with an airport motel, use their shuttle service.many have reasonable room rates and a person to park for few weeks. One not rush to make an early plane in which either. 5:30 l.m. - 7:00 p.m. - An invitation-only Welcome Cocktail Reception payment together players, sponsors, and VIPs in the Harbor Point Tennis Rod.
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ftriptravel · 2 years
Visitors can explore the bustling streets of Ho Chi Minh City, relax on the beaches of Nha Trang, and experience the blend of past and present in Hanoi. There are also many opportunities to learn about Vietnam’s complex past, from the feudal dynasties to the Indochina Wars. In addition, this information will help you plan for Vietnam 14 day itinerary, Vietnam 6 day itinerary or others trips.
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sonasiaholiday · 2 years
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🧐🧐 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝 𝐢𝐧 𝐕𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐧𝐚𝐦? 
Well, there is no exact answer for everyone, this will depend on many factors including the places you wish to visit, the experiences that you want to have during your trip, and most importantly is the time and budget that you have. 
Our recommended budget for a guided trip in Vietnam is about $120-150/person/day for the group of 2-4 participants traveling together, not including the international flight to/from Vietnam. You will need to dig further into your pocket if traveling alone or looking for a high-standard accommodation. 
▶️ We make the detailed analysis of all the related factors for your reference here: https://sonasia-holiday.com/sonabee/how-many-days-do-you-need-in-vietnam 
You will find on our website Vietnam tour packages categorized into 4 main time frames. 1, 2, 3, or 4 weeks with recommended budget per person for each trip. 
⏰ About 1 week itinerary in Vietnam: https://sonasia-holiday.com/vietnam-tour-packages/about-1-week 
⏰⏰ About 2 week itinerary in Vietnam: https://sonasia-holiday.com/vietnam-tour-packages/about-2-weeks 
⏰⏰⏰ About 3 week itinerary in Vietnam: https://sonasia-holiday.com/vietnam-tour-packages/about-3-weeks 
⏰⏰⏰⏰ About 4 week itinerary in Vietnam: https://sonasia-holiday.com/vietnam-tour-packages/about-4-weeks
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Saigon’s Sultry Lively Streets
Change of profession! I became a snake charmer in Vietnam… or the snake was charming me? Either way, it was an adventure. But, don’t tell my mom because she has a huge fear of snakes!
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Formerly known as Saigon, Ho Chi Minh City was once the capital of a French colony and of the independent republic of South Vietnam. As the largest city in Vietnam (with a population of over 8 million), I found the streets of this hot and humid city filled with street vendors, people, bicycles, cars and endless motorbikes. Some of the worn-out motorbikes would carry as many as 5 people on it – mother, father, two children and a baby! Impressive and shocking!
After settling into my hotel, the Nothern Hotel, I set out to explore the city and quickly noticed how much I stood out. I was one of the very few Westerners wandering the streets and I looked funny trying to dodge the motorbikes that would cruise along the sidewalks as if they were streets too. Speaking with the locals was certainly a challenge as English was not widely spoken, which made my exploration of the surroundings all that more interesting and challenging! 
Somehow, I found my way back to the hotel and made my first friend of the trip. It was an older guy who told me about the cooking class he signed up for. I was intrigued so I signed up too! Vietnamese food was one of my biggest draw to this exotic country. 
The next day, I showed up at the cutest cooking school, called Grain, ready to whip it up.
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The teacher, David, made me look way better than I’m used to in the kitchen: we prepared delectable pumpkin flowers filled with prawns,
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a refreshing chicken salad paired with a glass of white wine,
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and steamed seabass in a banana leaf.
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A self-proclaimed dessert fiend, the next step was crucial - dessert consisted of a delicious coconut flan and coffee sweetened up with condensed milk. (Fun fact: Vietnam is the 2nd largest exporter of coffee world-wide). Looking back, David’s cooking class at Grain was by far my favorite activity in Ho Chi Minh. Even if you do not squeeze a cooking class into your schedule, don’t hesitate to hit up one of the food markets or one the city’s many fine restaurants where you take in the delicious fresh scents of mint, cilantro, lemongrass, bird’s eye chili, ginger, lime, and basil. 
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After the fun Grain cooking class, the next portion of my Vietnam trip consisted of a very serious history lesson, especially for an American. On separate days, I visited the War Remnants Museum and the haunting Cu Chi Tunnels used by the Viet-Cong in the 1960’s. If you’re a history buff, make these part of your itinerary.  
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During my visit of the War Remnants Museum, there were 2 images that struck a chord and left a lasting impression on me. First, is the photograph below where you see a smiling young girl holding her father’s hand through a cage-like enclosure. During the war, this 21-year-old girl was contaminated by Agent Orange, condemning her to a life behind these bars; the devastating consequences of Agent Orange caused a deformity, which makes her chew and swallow anything within her grasp. This was just one of many shattering images displayed along the museum’s walls.
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As a big believer of the motto “make love not war,” it is always hard for me to imagine what could possibly land countries in a situation with such unnecessary losses of sacred lives. From the simple chart below, I quickly learned how drastic the effects of the Vietnam War was on this small country; compared to the Korean War for example, the Vietnam War ended with almost double the amount of deaths, 3 times the amount of wounded people, and expended over 5 times the amount of bombs and artillery shells. 
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After taking in the damaging aspects of Vietnam’s recent war history, I headed to Can Tho (the 2nd largest city in South Vietnam) to drift through the city’s floating markets. There, I found, mud-colored rivers decorated with shabby wooden boats that were full of tasty local fruits and vegetables.
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Happy to partake in a lighter activity than the day before, I enjoyed observing the hard-working Vietnamese ladies and men, in their adorable triangle straw hats, as they whisked by us tourists in hopes of making a big sale.
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To wrap up… although I found it challenging to get around the country because of the transportation difficulties (as Vietnam’s infrastructure still has a long way to go), to meet locals (due to the language barrier) and the 2 cities I chose to visit aren’t particularly known for being pretty to look at, I applaud Vietnam’s fresh cuisine and am now an even bigger fan of their food. When I get the chance to return, I will take the opportunity to explore the country’s more traditional beautiful cities and areas, such as Hanoi, Hoi An and Ha Long Bay.
Next week, I take you over to the unforgettable land of temples... 
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seecourtneytravel · 6 years
October 3rd and 4th, 2018 (Wednesday & Thursday)
Teaching and Cebu. Cebu was epic!
Both of these days I feel like putting into one writing. I’m sure you all are getting tired of reading my day to day posts that have been a week off so here’s a way I can catch up. I was able to miss a day at both TabonTabon and LPH for teaching which was a nice break.
I met up with Jude to head to Northern Tacloban high school to teach basic life support to 9th, 10th, and 11th grade kids. I didn’t know what to expect and didn’t know if the kids would grasp the concept or understand me speaking semi fast English. I had 40 minutes to talk about cpr, drowning, and choking in the baby and the adult. I think I made a world record class in timing. I talked loud and fast.
The room would fill up with about 30 kids, they were all in uniform and I think they gave me the time of day because I was someone different. When I told them I was from New York everyone in the class “oooo” and “ahhhhh” ‘d. Then I would show them pictures of my friends back home who were American but Chinese and Filipino in appearance. They were confused why they were in the United States. I felt like that in itself was a great exposure point. When I was about to show them how far I lived from NYC in the next slide, I soon realized that all the work I did the previous day didn’t save. It was okay because I still had 40 slides.
The first class, I was feeling nervous and not really knowing how my timing would be. To get through the slides and demonstration in 40 min was tough. I had the principal in the back watching my teachings as well which was nerve wrecking. He didn’t know what Basic life support was either so maybe he learned a thing or two.
After teaching the kids ABC’s (airway breathing and circulation) and responding in the order of CAB, I would demonstrate on my water gallon the steps of CPR. The kids were very shy and were not used to me being so loud and forcing them to demonstrate. I would give them test questions along the way and a chance to demonstrate. I gave random candies that I think really helped keep them in focus. Sometimes it was obvious when they didn’t understand, but demonstration and numbers they picked up quick. They especially liked when j started singing “ah-ah-ah-ah stayin’ alive stayin’ alive” singing.
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After five classes back to back to back I was pouring sweat it was embarrassing. I was also losing my voice. The volunteer for the visayans worker Rico was at standby watching my presentations and taking pictures. Jude had left after the first class.
On my way back, when I left from a multicab to a jeepney I had my phone on my lap that only dropped when I went from hunched to standing as I was getting out of the vehicle. My phone went flying forward landing face down. Some bystandard called me over and picked it up for me. The scary moment when they are about to reveal the front of your phone to you happened and it happened to be my worst nighmare. He turned my phone over and it was super smashed. But the touch screen still worked.
I went directly to Robinson’s mall to see how much it would cost to repair. I went to five different stores who either said no or they didn’t have it in stock for my iPhone 6+. Finally I found a real phone repair spot that said it would cost 6,500 pasos. That’s like $110. Pretty expensive but also they typically don’t have iPhones here. My second concern was if they fixed it would they put a shitty screen on it that’s not compatible.
I went home and was all sad about my phone. I had dinner then headed out to see Ronja and Jacob at cafe Lucia. I was so burnt out from the day I almost didn’t want to go but it was the last time I would see my volunteer friends. They will be on vacation for several weeks in the upcoming weekend.
We went out and called and had our usual relaxing time at the cafe. Ronja and Jacob had their usual San Miguel light, I as some kind of smoothie. We all walked home and we said or goodbyes. I’m not usually good at goodbyes because in my head I intend to see that person again in the near future. Even if I might not ever see them again. The truth is you will never know!
The next day, Thursday, I taught 6 classes of BLS. I had packed my bags already for Cebu and had to leave to the airport right after dinner. The six classes had me actually lose my voice, it sounded hoarse and more manly than usual. It’s absolutely exhausting teaching the same thing over and over again. But I believe, even if they didn’t get everything I was explaining, the exposure of the class is what is important. The class teaching and lecture is actually what has made me feel I’ve made the most difference in my volunteering and it felt like it was the hardest I worked during my stay here in the Philippines.
As I headed home it was nearing 5pm. My flight was at 820pm. I had dinner and had some more fine tune packing for my 3 night adventure in Cebu. I stayed in contact with my friend Kevin I met in Guiuan at the ABCD surf camp. He advised me about staying at hostel 7, saying he was a friend of the owners.
I booked at hostel 7, was super appreciative of Kevin’s advice. I told him my flight itinerary and he said he would
Meet me at the hostel. I was pretty shocked he was actually going to meet me at the hostel, it made my trip right away not feel so solo.
I made my way to the airport and my nanay walked me o where to wait for the jeepney. I had already known but she is always worried I would take a wrong turn or get on the wrong bus. I let her show me but felt bad because I knew how far away it was. I kept trying to send her back home and she insisted.
I got to the airport with plenty of time to spare. Once we took off the flight would only take 30 minutes. “Ms.Bishop, I have your ordered meal.” The flight attendant handed me a sandwich and a drink. I didn’t remember ordering a meal… but I wasn’t complaining.
I had the company of a woman from the states who was visiting her friends and family in the Philippines. She made the fast flight even faster.
After getting out I ordered a grab car, I didn’t trust the taxi’s, a lot of them had a really creepy presentation about them. I waited for 20 minutes before I cancelled and got another grab car. It works the same as uber at home but not really as efficient. After waiting another 15 minutes my grab car made it through the long taxi line. I texted Kevin I was on my way. He said he had already arrived at the hostel.
After almost thirty minutes, I made it to Hostel 7. It was very sociable, people were already drunk, laughing and singing. From the outside it looked very modern and inviting. Right in the doorway was Kevin who was talking to the DJ. I gave him a warm hello hug, it was great to say I had friends that would come hang out when I come i their hometown or city. Sometimes it’s hard to get friends to drive down the street to hang out. The check in desk was also right there, I checked in and was shown my room.
I was given the choice of what bed to pick and I picked the bed directly next to someone on the top bunk. Why I did that I don’t know, maybe I thought the top bunk was the best bunk but I forgot it’s not. I met my bunkmate Prince who was from the Philippines but in town for a few days on vacation. He said he was meeting a guy on a date but he was stood up. I invited to come down for some socializing or to have a drink if he felt like it, he said maybe.
I went back outside and hung out with Kevin. He bought my first drink which was a refreshing gesture. We awaited his friend the owner to come through the door. After about 20 more minutes, the owner came in by his car with his 6ft tall French girlfriend who was really sweet. They dated for the year she has been in the Philippines and now she will be leaving to Australia.
The owners name is Michael. He is extremely personable and knows how to mingle and get crowds together. Kevin, Michael and I sat at a free picnic table outside and socialized over a few drinks. After sharing a few laughs, Michael quickly changes paths and asks, “Have you ever tried Bolut!?!”
Kevin encouraged me to try it. What was funny is that Kevin and Michael both didn’t want it at the time but was super eager for me to try it. For the experience of course.
The internet definition of Balut is “A developing bird embryo that is boiled and eaten from the shell. It originated from and is commonly sold as street food in the Philippines. Often served with beer, balut is popular in Southeast Asian countries, such as Laos, Cambodia, Thailand and Vietnam.”
I guess I can check this off my bucket list. For the record, I do not recommend eating Balut when you’re trying to impress a guy. It is not attractive and leads to many high fives and friend zoned.
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A little bit after the Balut, we headed over to the somewhat noisier crowd and tried to pass the Balut on to other foreigners. Michael was telling people “she’s a vegan and she did it!” While pointing to me. They knew that was an absolute lie and still refused. I’ll never forget the noises this gay Filipino man made while eating it haha he made it sound as bad as I made it look.
After a little bit more socializing I headed back to my dorms. I met a few more dorm mates. One from Vancouver Canada and another from England. Both solo traveling around but not really solo like myself. Always running into people on the same path.
I fell asleep pretty hard, had my ear plugs in and eye mask on. In my 8 bed dorm, some asshole turned off the air conditioning and I woke up at like 7AM boiling in my bed. The heat was unbearable. I asked someone who was on the lower level to turn it back on. I stayed in bed until my body temperature regulated.
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You can find the list of prompts below. Feel free to select any prompt and create OutlawQueen art (fic, manip, video) inspired by it. You can of course combine several prompts in one creation.   
You can submit any creation you want whether it is a new one or an old one. About the fics, it can be included in any of your existing verses. However, note that any ancient work will not be counted as an entry to win a button. 
OQ on Holidays Week will take place from August 20th to 26th, so please, don’t post anything before. 
 In the meantime, don’t hesitate to tweet or DM me at this account @OQonHolidays if you have any questions. 
Here’s the list of prompts: 
1. Regina Roland and Robin, who can’t stand very loud or very crowded spaces, in Times Square. 
2. Regina & Robin vacation in England, they visit the ‘real’ Sherwood Forest and town of Nottingham, see the statue of Robin Hood and touristy Robin Hood themed gift shops. Robin isn’t a fan of his likeness being used to make money. 
3. Entire Hood-Mills family (Robin, Regina, Henry, Roland and Robyn) goes to Disney World during ‘villains month’.
4. Robin takes Regina camping somewhere out in the wilderness where she doesn’t have her magic. Regina discovers she is NOT an outdoorsy kind of woman... 
5. Regina takes Robin to Hyperion Heights for the first time, to the bar and her former apartment, and people still think of her as the wild tattooed bartender Roni. She’s embarrassed of her cursed persona, but Robin wants to get to know ‘Roni’. 
6. Evil Queen takes Wish Robin out into the real world for the first time and decides to take him to New York City. 
7. Robin and Regina go to Vietnam. 
 8. On a family vacation, OQ family finds an abandoned puppy on a beach. Roland and Henry try to convince their parents to keep it and take it back home. 
9. Robin, Regina, Emma, Mary Margaret, Killian (any other character can be included) are all good friends. Robin and Regina's friends realize they're in love but don't act on their feelings. So, they decide to push them a little. They all plan a holiday trip: book air tickets, hotel accomodation, activities. But at the last minute their friends don't show up and Robin and Regina are forced to spend a week with each other on vacation (maybe sharing a room) and ...well, maybe it's exactly what they need!
10. Robin and Regina go to a fan convention for Henry’s ‘Once Upon a Time’ book outside of Storybrooke to support him and it’s just uncanny how well they ‘cosplay’ as Robin Hood and Regina Mills… 
11. Robin and Regina take Robyn to a heavy metal concert out in California. Turns out Robyn wasn’t interested in the music so much as she was interested in the girl from Storybrooke who just so happens to be into this band... 
12. DarkOQ are on holiday in the EF with Roland and get attacked by monsters. 
13. OQ are in holiday with their children and Roland gets lost 
14. Robin and Regina are both skilled contract killers working for different firms meeting for the first time in bogota Columbia during a pretended or real holidays. Of course, they have no idea that the other one is a contract killer, and even less that they have the same target (based on the movie Mr & Mrs. Smith) 
15. A weekend camping trip with the boys [dealer's choice on good or bad trip] 
16. Regina takes Robin on his first plane ride 
17. Honeymooning in Hawaii 
18. A romantic cruise that veers into the Bermuda Triangle 
19. Hiking in the Redwoods [with or without the boys] 
20. Henry or Roland get food poisoning on vacation and need TLC
21. A day at the beach ends with Regina getting sun poisoning 
22. Henry and Roland go to summer camp, leaving Regina & Robin on a staycation at home 
23. First family roadtrip 
24. Robyn's first day at the beach with Robin, Regina, & the boys [Zelena optional] 
25. Robyn gets her first period on vacation with the family 
26. Regina teaches Roland how to swim 
27. Regina and Henry are in holidays on a cruise, the same cruise as Robin and Roland. Robin, Regina’s ex-boyfriend from college. The first time they face each other, things aren’t that simple and a lot of grudge is still present. But as the two kids become friends, their parents are forced to spend time together, and talk about their past...
28. “Best vacation ever!" 
29. “Why did I agree to this trip?" 
30. "Look! I even laminated our itinerary AND synced it to everyone's phones!" 
31. “Your mum is stunning when she lets herself enjoy nature." 
32. Family day at the beach 
33. OQ spends a few days at the beach, without the kids, and things get steamy on the sands... Or above a rock ;) 
34. Regina breaks her leg during her holidays with her parents and sister, and is forced to stay behind while they are out visiting. One day she decides to get out to get some fresh air and ends up running into a certain British boy with deep dimples and ocean blue eyes. 
35. Regina isn't in the mood for a holiday, but her friends drags her with them and in the end she ends up being grateful that she went. Because she meets the love of her life. 
36. Regina takes a well deserved holiday in Mykonos. Her plan? Party, have fun, maybe meet a guy or two for a one-night stands, and forget her awful boss and pressuring job. But when her eyes fall upon the bartender of her hotel, a handsome British man with blue eyes and a sexy accent, her plans to stick to one-night stands completely fall apart. 
37. At Henry’s request, Regina and Robin organize a family trip (Roland comes too) to Maya’s ruins. But as they visit a temple, they unleash a powerful magic that threatens everyone’s lives. 
38. Regina is on a holiday trip with her friend Tink in Spain. At her friends’ request, Regina let’s a fortune teller read the lines of her hand. Regina, a confirmed bachelor, doesn’t believe her when the woman predicts that she’ll meet her soulmate during this trip : a man with a lion tattoo. That is, until she meets a handsome man with intriguing blue eyes, adorable dimples, and a certain tattoo... 
39. “What are you doing in my hotel room?” 
40. Romantic holidays in Paris 
 41. Robin and Regina take their whole family on holidays. Henry meets a girl he has a huge crush on, and Robin has to help Regina deal with her mama bear feelings and let her son enjoy this summer love. 
 42. A week at the beach. Roland almost drowns. 
43. Wish Robin convinces (after several attempts) the Evil Queen to spend a week in the Forest. Whether it ends up being phenomenal or a complete failure is up to you. 
44. Regina, Leopold and Snow take a vacation to one of the other realms of the Enchanted Forest and they meet a certain thief on the road during their journey. 
45. Regina discovers that she’s pregnant a week before a long planned holidays, and she’s extremely nauseous. “I’m ruining everyone’s holidays.” “No, you’re not.” 
46. Regina and Robin go back to Camelot to take a few days off for themselves and they end up waking up an evil everyone had forgotten about. 
47. OQ take their children and Robyn (who’s about 15 yo) on a trip to San Francisco. “Regina, I really like this girl we met on the pier.” 
48. Robin and Regina have marital issues. Their therapist suggests they take some holidays, just the two of them, to work on their relationship without having to worry about the kids. Will it work in helping them remember how much they still love each other? 
49. “I always dreamt to visit Venise.”
50. During the Missing Year, Regina isn’t doing well, she misses her son and feels like she doesn’t belong. A certain thief offers her to take her away for a few days, to help change her mind.   
51. Regina and Robin are best friends who decide to go on a trip to Las Vegas together. As they say, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas 
52. Leopold takes Regina to his hunting lodge in the mountains, she gets lost and almost dies in a blizzard, Robin finds her, brings her back to his cabin to nurse her back to health.
53. Regina and Robin take a few days off for their first Thanksgiving together as a married couple. Regina has a little more to be greatful for than she expected 
54. Robin and Regina are friends. Regina went through a tough break up after a long relationship with Daniel. Daniel was an ass, lied, cheated, whatever. Robin has been secretly in love with Regina, but has waited patiently for her to get over Daniel, and it seems she succeeds.They plan this vacation as friends (it can be with other friends) and in the trip they bump into Daniel. This makes Regina doubtful again, Robin is jealous, maybe Daniel tries to win Regina again, and due to the circumstances Robin has to tell Regina how he feels about her. 
55. Modern AU: Regina dedicates most of her time to her job and her best friend convinces her to finally take a break. Her friend books a trip for her with a travel agency. Regina reluctantly goes to the trip and is in a bad mood, always thinking about her job and what she has to do when she goes back, until she meets the tour leader, Robin. 
56. Regina and Robin in Greece (preferably not at the most popular and crazy crowded places) 
57. Regina and Robin go castle-seeing in England 
58. For father's day (or mother's day, you choose), they plan a surprise holiday, so they can celebrate it somewhere else. 
59. Robin and Regina on their honeymoon; a week in a haute top floor Paris suite where Robin is completely out of his element but he endures it for his new bride 
60. Families were accidentally booked for the same cabin, beach house, airbnb and decide to share the space so neither have to cancel the vacation 
61. Visiting Robin’s family in England 
62. Visiting Regina’s family in Puerto Rico 
63. Regina getting racially profiled at the airport, Robin defends her (either established relationship or first meeting) 
64. Roland and/or Henry get lost at airport or at destination 
65. Home alone holidays AU 
66. Jolly Roger 
67. Ship wreck (AU or Jolly Roger) 
68. Plane crash 
69. Honeymoon 
70. Cruise 
71. Traveling to meet their new baby/child/children (adoption AU) 
72. Mile high club 
73. Every year the children point to a spot on a map / globe and that is where they go now $%*^@#* picked Utah / Iran ???  and is so excited but no one else wants to go. 
74. Time machine.
75. Robin and Regina’s families would spend every summer at their vacation homes so they have been friends since they were kids and casually dated as they were teens. Now, they are both graduated and returning to the same vacation homes, hoping the other shows up 
76. Welcome to jurassic world 
77. Lost AU 
78. African safari 
79. A year after Daniel died, Regina is trying to take Henry on his annual camping trip but they get really lost and she’s pretending they aren’t. Finally, they come across Robin, who is camping with Roland and ..... :) 
80. A booking mishap occurs and Robin and Regina each lose their reservation, but the hotel has 1 room left with a single queen-sized bed. Do these strangers share or do they let this ruin their vacation? 
81. Lifeguard has to save drowning victim. [Dealer's choice on who is in which role and whether beach or pool] 
82. Roland and Henry meet on the beach and make friends, then "force" their parents to make a joint vacation of it 
83. Trying the exotic local cuisine, but who likes it and who's grossed out by it? 
84. Rained out camping or tropical trip 
85. Fights over folding vs. rolling the maps 
86. Who gets carsick the easiest? [Adults or kids] 
87. Who declares war on anyone singing "99 Bottles"? 
88. Robin goes to Vegas for his bachelor party and Regina works as a higher end stripper
89. Robin’s deployed in the military and home on his two week leave so he and the family go somewhere before he had to go back
90. Regina Mills is an executive editor in chief of a book publishing company and a total bitch. After learning she is about to be deported to Canada, she forces her assistant, Robin Locksley to marry her. Regina doesn’t have any family left and the couple travels to Robins hometown, to meet his family. Regina & Robin learn a lot about each other on the trip and start to get closer. (Based on the movie The Proposal)
91. The kids are asleep in the backseat, so road head? Why not?
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