vieranbow · 1 year
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when your girlfriend tells you she wants you to live on her private island
when you change your last name to reflect your response
when she jumps out of a window in panicked joy
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crystalmarred · 2 months
"Have anythin' you want tae send with me tae th'First?" Meiko offered to G'raha. "I'll be headin' there in a few days!"
INBOX CALL ⇢ @vierandancer
It was not uncommon that Meiko took a trip back to the First. Often she would ask when she went, if there was aught he needed her to take there. For Lyna, he knew her to mean, given their relationship feel somewhere between a father and daughter and a grandfather and granddaughter.
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"A few days? That's plenty of time for me to write a letter," he said as a smile slipped across his lips. "And perhaps find one of those confectionaries she secretly likes, if you'd be discrete in offering it to her."
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symphcnii · 2 months
@vierandancer asked:
"Do you understand how crazy that sounds?" Meiko knew she couldn't stop her. Short of throwing Yugiri over her shoulder and dragging her back to the House of the Fierce, at least -- which she would not. Her heart sank into her stomach. How could she describe just how dangerous Zenos was? She didn't know that many words! And Yugiri was deadset on doing this. Ah, hell! She was going to end up going with her, wasn't she? Shite.
Yugiri should have known that Meiko would come after her, wouldn't let her go through with this plan, or at least not alone.
Of course she knew how crazy it sounded - to think that she could successfully assassinate the crown prince when even the combined forces of the Alliance, the Resistance and even the Scions had failed to defeat him - but she could not forsake the people of Doma, so broken that they no longer had the will to fight. Despite Lord Hien's words, she could not stand idly by and allow his life to become forfeit. Someone had to take this risk, to make the sacrifice, if it came to it.
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"I know the odds. I know what he is capable of, and that in open confrontation, I will likely die." The Raen glances down for a moment, before her gaze returns to the other with a look of conviction. "But if I do not— if I succeed, then countless lives will be saved. Doma, Ala Mhigo— everything will change! One life for that world is a price I would pay a thousand times over!"
And now was the perfect chance to enact this plan. She would kill Zenos. She had to.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
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Alphianud sighed, as he continued to try and persuade the soldiers here to aid in their cause. He had heard things were tense here in Coerthas, but never did the young man picture that they would be opposed to outside aid as much. The guards were questioning almost anything they had offered. Shivering, the white haired realized this was the best way to try and earn Lord Drillemont's trust. However, it seemed even after doing multiple tasks it still wasn't enough, and they had no time to spare.
The aftermath of the Waking Sands massacre still lingering inside Alphianud's mind. He had arrived much after the events, but it didn't mean it didn't bother the scholar. He felt partly to blame, thinking perhaps if he had been here things might've turned out differently. Taking strides over to Meiko, he could tell the warrior was growing just as impatient as he was with regard to the reception they had received since arriving in this land. It seemed A'kihiko had taken it upon himself to go around and ask the various people in camp about Guillaime's motivations. Which only lead to them further getting involved in various different quests around Coerthas.
"You seem lost in thought Meiko, something in particular on your mind?" asked Alphianuad, as he sat beside her. To be honest, he was surprised the other wasn't cold. The outfit she was wearing wasn't the best for cold weather like this yet Meiko looked like it didn't bother her at all. Although, he had noticed how confused she seemed to be at how they were treated since arriving here with Cid.
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"I know this is a lot to take in, especially after everything that has happened..I don't expect you to trust me right away or understand why I am trying to help the scions. All I ask is you have faith that we will see this through."
A smile did wander onto Alphianud face as he had seen A'kihiko and Meiko interact a bit. Sometimes it reminded the boy of his own sister, Alisaie, which only lead to an ache inside his chest. The two hadn't left off on the best terms, he hoped she was okay. It was his nature to worry after her, even though the younger twin could perfectly handle things on her own. Sometimes made Alphianud wonder if she even needed him around much, but, perhaps that was his emotions talking.
"We just have to deal with that troublesome inquisitor. I see your brother has been asking around. Do you know if he has found anything yet? I realize us standing around isn't this isn't exactly the most exciting part. I hope once we locate Cid's ship, we can finish this."
Although Alphianud did realize that things were never that simple, plus it was up to Meiko rather or not she trusted him enough to follow his word. There had been plenty of people who betrayed the scions before, what did he have to prove that he wasn't like the rest.
Continued from here with @vierandancer
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aetheryic · 10 months
if all your characters were modern verse and had youtube channels what kind of content would they create
this is such a funny question i actually giggled at the chaos that could occur dfkgnfdlkd
ryne ; i think she'd have a lot of different things / content, kinda like a vlogger but not just showing her day but rather a lot of things she gets up to. her days arent "normal". baking videos (gone wrong), pranks on the scions, doing my girlfriends makeup ( sorry gaia ) lots of fun :3
alisaie honestly gives me exploring / travel / investigating paranormal spot vibes. she'd involve herself with soo many different people, customs, and while she's firey af she's also verily compassionate and beloved. dragging alphinaud along is a rare tweet, seems like something she'd do with wols
cid builds things. like the youtubers who sound so nice but are talking abt really technical shit that i don't understand ?? that's him. it ranges from "building a go kart out of materials in my garage" to "idk someone asked if i can build a gaming pc so here i am!"
alphinaud is definitely the commentary / gamer boy. he's not that great at the games, but his wild conversations and takes fascinate people. he's just having a good time, and he's also good at diffusing any drama between people. or himself.
haurchefant makes fan videos... jk, but also -- i think he'd just show videos of his animals/chocobos/chickens bc he's really proud of them and doesn't even expect anyone to watch but they do bc he's sooo cute and sweet and treats them like lil people
and finally mina would write songs / do covers ! primarily rock covers because their voice really suits it, but requests as well. they love performing the most outta my guys so they'd rlly put a lot of effort in and aim to entertain
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lcstkey · 1 year
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@vierandancer asked 10, 12, 22, 4 Sad Headcanon Q's
10. what is the worst illness your muse has ever had?
Answered Here
4. how many scars does your muse have?
This answer is verse dependent.
For her Kingdom Hearts-related verses, and if we're counting each claw mark as an individual scar, then it'd be six. Three on her left calf from when she got swiped in the village chaos then swiped again at Ophiuchus which inadvertently freed her from her strait-jacket.
[Vagabond Dandelion] She has several burn scars from that dragon Heartless on her right shoulder and creeping closer to the neck and back.
[FFXIV x KH AU] As a result of casting Dark Thundaza in close proximity during the events at Witchdrop, Selena used to have Lichtenberg scars on both of her arms leading to her collarbone and neck areas that healed up over a period of several days.
In her Ace Attorney AU, she has a burn scar that covers her left leg.
12. does your muse tend to push themselves too hard?
Yes, Selena absolutely does and this is a constant for every AU.
22. looking back, what is one thing your muse wishes they had done differently? 
Vagabond Dandelion, Selena wished that she had chosen to reunite with her sister instead of giving into that fear of being hurt again. The fear that she would unintentionally hurt her sister again by going 'Hey I'm alive' then disappearing because she died for real this time.
Her Ace Attorney AU has her dealing with intense survival guilt. She wishes that she had gone with her dad and sister for that ill-fated car ride.
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thescions · 9 months
“M'glad you’re all right.”
It was taking all of Meiko’s willpower not to outright apologize. If she had acted more quickly, she could have stopped Ranjit from attacking his own. From knocking the antidote for the Night’s Blessed from his hands and forcing Y'shtola to make a split-second decision that could have very well cost her her life.
It sort of had, actually. In a way. Meiko did not like being indebted to Emet-Selch, nor did she trust his dramatic monologues – but she could admit he had assisted them. And what mattered was that Y'shtola was back with them, safe and sound now in the Crystarium.
Safe and sound…for now.
“Not feelin’ too out o'sorts after your second trip to the Lifestream?”
She knew better than to overly dote on Y'shtola of all people, but Meiko wanted to let her know she cared. She had been far too intimidated by the Archon to properly communicate her admiration for her until that emotional revolution of hers, forced to fight Elidibus – “Zenos” – alone. She could only do her best now to bridge the gap. Or try.
In the transition from full sight to halos and shades, Y'shtola would have liked to believe she had adapted fairly well. And with haste, too! Still yet, it had been disturbing to have her frame of reference so muddied when looking once more upon Meiko's radiant silhouette. As experiences go, it was certainly not one she relished, in the least.
Even now, her heart stirred at the early signs of her arrival. Before she could mark the woman's Limsan brogue, an unsettling fetter of light effused the aether in all around her. Inanimate objects lined like froth in furious waves, a bellowed beating, almost too bright to parse. Her bodily reaction was to tense, as if weapons might be needed. Her mind, however, soothed those muscles. No Sineater could come this far without notable exordium. The Crystarium was safe, if not heavily fortified.
"Ah." 'Master Matoya' tilted her head just so, amusement on her face. "I trust I did not task you terribly? I am well. Better, I imagine, than had I sought the end of that drop."
That was truer fear.
Beyond any Sineater's gleam, regardless of nature, not had startled her more sincerely than the yawn of the void, near-entirely bereft of aetheric impression, save that which lingered in the empty air. Might she have derived a more preferable outcome? A neater exit strategy?
The Night's Blessed would not die. Into that stream of pure energy, of formation, battered by its body, it was this knowledge which steeled her. Could she have been better? Could she have known more? Oh, it was questions as that which Y'shtola was more than acquainted. It was nary her entire focus of study. Yes. Better that the antidote find the Warrior of Darkness' hands.
After all, Louisoix had seen in all of them a willingness.
"What of you, my friend? Need you aught I might provide?"
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thancrxdwatxrs · 1 year
🎵 + 'mun’s choice’!
𝐦𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜  𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐞𝐝  /  𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐞𝐝  𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. send 🎵 + 'mun’s choice’ for a lyric-based / dialogue starter taken from or a starter inspired by a song of my choice. Running Up That Hill - Kate Bush @vierandancer
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"If I only could, I'd make a deal with the gods, and get them to swap our places..."
Thancred wasn't overly drunk, but he did feel a slight buzz. However, he would also often mumble to himself and convey his most personal thoughts out loud. It was only when he finished his ale did he realize he was not alone.
"Ah, mine apologies. I did not see you there..." He offered a smile, but it didn't seem to reach his eyes. "Come, sit, have a drink with me."
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hyaciiintho · 1 year
hmmm sineater au for thanced :D
Send me an AU and I'll tell you what my muse would be like in that AU | ✿
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He was fine. Even as he grew ill, it was fine.
That was what he had told them in life-- insisted, really. The guilt was eating at him from the inside out, but he was fine. There were bigger things to be worried about, after all.
No, he wasn't practically burning himself alive, the boiling presence of something more churning his guts each and every time he uttered the words: It's fine; I understand. There was more at stake than facing his own mortality, let alone all the ugliness that remained within.
As the days went by, it grew increasingly harder to turn the other cheek to the inner turmoils of the body and mind. There was the same repeating phrase that weighed at his shoulders more, and more, each time it crossed: I wish I had done more; I wish I could have done things differently. I wish, I wish, I wish.
Wishes didn't come true; Guilt ate at his heart, mind, and soul.
The transformation was sudden, but at the very least, his companions knew the signs of it when it was about to start.
Eyes were a flood of light, dripping like molten gold down his face in streams of tears to be forever branded on a marble-like visage. Three wings sprouted from his back as if bursting from a fleshy cocoon: Two on his left, and one on his right. A third eye grew from his forehead, impassive gaze blinding with light shining through it, whilst the two he already had glazed over in stone, forever doomed to shed those molten tears. Weapons were ripped from his very ribs, a mournful scream leaving his lips for one last time as bone shaped itself into a pair of deadly blades hovering at either side of him, his Gunblade morphing within his hold to be a third.
And as fast as it had happened... it had stopped. Gone was the broken man clinging to a past he couldn't go back and change, and there instead stood a mock statue of his memory, reflecting the ache and mourning once held inside.
Thancred: the Forgiven Guilt.
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vieranbow · 1 year
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Casually taking engagement photos, nbd.
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crystalmarred · 2 months
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"I hope Wuk Lamat's not twistin' your arm t'go with us," Meiko chuckled, her tone light but concern genuine. Childhood friend banter was one thing, but sometimes Erenville looked so reluctant to return to Tural! It was difficult sometimes to tell how he was really feeling.
INBOX CALL ⇢ @vierandancer
"I would not say she is twisting my arm, no. It is more..."
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He paused as he considered his answer. Long as he had known Wuk Lamat, it was difficult to describe why he felt the need to come along with her, even if he did not particularly want to be back in Tural.
"You have noticed she is... excitable, surely. She requires a heavy hand from time to time. Even if it does leave me feeling a bit more like a nursemaid..."
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symphcnii · 1 year
@vierandancer asked:
❛ rough day today? ❜ Non-Wol Dancer Meiko @ - K'lyhhia
K'lyhhia had practically collapsed into a seat upon arriving at the tavern, exhaling a sigh of relief now that she could finally relax. The Scions didn't seem to have any business to attend to today, so it was turning out to be a rarely afforded day of peace.
Perhaps she had looked too relieved however, as a voice soon speaks up from nearby. Ears swivel in its direction before her head follows, and she blinks before sitting up straight and offering a sheepish smile to the Viera who had addressed her.
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"Oh. Not today, surprisingly. This is the first time I've been able to relax in days." She replies, rubbing at the back of her neck before tilting her head inquisitively. "I don't see very many Viera in Eorzea. Do you live here, or are you just visiting?" She settles into a more friendly smile. She may as well try to strike up a conversation while she was here.
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oathofpromises · 1 year
" I got you this. Don’t know much 'bout jewelry, but I hope you like it.” Meiko had found it from Reunion in the Steppe. It was black leather cord woven together with little purple stones in between; it reminded her of Yugiri's clothing. "Made sure it doesn't make too much noise, too, so if you need t'sneak 'round while wearin' it, won't give you away."
Yugiri's irises grew in astonishment; it wasn't every day somebody presented her a gift that was so beautiful. It was a basic design which complimented her clothes. Meiko had put a lot of thought into the present, and some part of the ninja felt undeserving of that. Growing up, the woman got only the bare necessities for survival. Anything else was considered as a barrier or a distraction.
"Thank you Meiko..I will cherish it, but I must ask, Why did you give me such a valuable item?"
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Yugiri hoped that she didn't sound like she wasn't grateful for the gift, because she was. Unexpectedly, someone went out of their way to purchase her something. It had been quite some time since anyone had been able to surprise the samurai. The longer Yugiri held the leather cord, the harder it got for her to keep up her typical level of composure.
"I must repay you somehow..it wouldn't due for you give me a gift and not get anything in return."
The question was, What would Meiko like? She hadn't asked for much, leaving it tough to think of a present. As Yugiri reached within her bag, she had an idea. It was something the ninja meant to give the dancer much sooner, but the strain of the conflict lead her to forget she had it.
"I found this lovely Cherry Blossom hair pin; I know it's not much, but I wanted to give it to you as a souvenir. It was something I saw in the market and right away thought of you."
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ichoric · 1 year
@vierandancer said: "M'just sayin'...murder's an option." Is Meiko kidding? Maybe. Probably not. @ Alphinuad
' TECHNICALLY YES ! but it's also illegal in many cases. ' alphinaud's response came with the practiced patience of someone whose spent many days with meiko. he was fairly certain she meant it as a joke, though he wouldn't put it past her quite so readily either. the forum members were a stuffy bunch, even for alphinaud. he remembers vague, polite conversation with a few of them before venturing away from sharlayan -- and not much else. ' what if we avoid murder for this present moment ? '
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@vierandancer from here
"Of course I do!" Tataru responded happily, "I get to be able to do something for people. Being the desk person for the Scions was something, sure, but it felt like I never got to go out and actually do anything." It was part of why she had the entire Arcanist phase of hers... What a mess that turned out to be. "But now, it feels like I'm making a difference day by day. It's really fulfilling."
Upon the topic of her favorite current project, it took her a moment to think about it, before she felt an overly large smile form on her face. "Speaking of a favorite project- Has any of your measurements changed? I'd love to make something for you again if you'd like!"
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cozykitt · 1 year
"Ale's weak tonight," Meiko muttered to her drinking partner. "Gonna have t'double up on everythin' t'make up for it--"
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"Its how these places get ya... " She grumbled to the woman beside her, taking a long sip from the mug. "Watered down swill so you pay twice. I got a trick tho."
Reaching into her jacket she pulls out a flask, whatever was in it smelled strong. She puts just one shot into hers, before holding it out to Meiko.
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