amlovelies · 4 years
Hey hey! No. 46 from the "micro stories" for Riley/Morgan, please!
Thank you 💜 slightly ns*fw 
#46 shimmer
         “You sure you’re up for this Sweetheart?” Morgan asks as she glances back at Riley.
         “Not really, but I’ve always wanted to try.” Riley admits as she joins Morgan at the end of the pier. She gazes out at the dark water of the lake. The moon shimmers on the surface. “We’re alone right?”
         Morgan has to close her eyes and concentrate. It’s getting harder and harder to sense anything besides Riley. The flutter of her heartbeat fills her ears, and the coconut scent of her shampoo blanket Morgan’s senses. After a few moments of silence she shrugs. “Far as I can tell.”
          Riley takes a few breaths and Morgan can see her hands are shaking as she attempts to undo her buttons, “would you like a little help? We both know how quickly I can get you out of your clothes.”
        “Yes, please.” Riley laughs. 
         Morgan is true to her word making short work of the buttons on Riley’s shirt. She takes a moment to enjoy the view as Riley manages to get out of the rest of her clothes. 
         “Here goes nothing,” Riley yells before taking a running leap of the edge into the water. 
         Morgan isn’t far behind. 
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
Hiya! I have a request! From the "Question Ideas #12" the prompt "What color is it?" for Pearl, please!
Hey Buddy! Thank you for the request!
This is easily the most self-indulgent thing that I have ever written ever (And I already write pretty self-indulgently) But I hope you like it! :)
Ao3 Link
Title: Snowy Afternoons
Pairing: Nate and Pearl
Words: 1.6k
Summary: Winter baking (and that’s pretty much it haha) Also a bunch of references to snow, because I miss it
Whenever it started snowing in Wayhaven, it rarely stopped. The thick blanket of snow would continue to cover the entirety of the sleepy little town until the first hints of spring. The air barely seemed to go above freezing, it always making her nose and face red, almost like a permanent blush.
               But as frigid as it may be outside, Pearl could not think of a time of the year that she loved more. With it being in the middle of the holidays, and the overall beauty of the season strangely made her nostalgic, despite the unsure feelings she had toward the holidays in general due to repeated absences and half-baked apologies from her mother.
               Maybe it was the time of the year where the town got together to celebrate, no one being left out. Downtown always looked beautiful with all of the decorations, the same decorations year after year, and even with the familiar sights, it was nostalgic almost. Even with all of the recent changes, Wayhaven, was well, still the same. Not even the supernatural could change that.
               And she supposed there was something comforting in that. Whether she liked it or not, this was her home, and nothing would ever change that. Pearl had tried to leave once, and it made her feel more lost, despite the fact that she believed that was following her dreams at the time, and was frustrated with herself to why it just left her feeling unfulfilled.
               But just maybe, with the arrival of Unit Bravo in the town, she felt like that perhaps her calling was to be a small-town detective dealing with the supernatural at every turn. And that was not such a bad thing.
               Especially with the arrival of one particular member.
               Pearl’s eyes went straight to Nate at the other end of her kitchen, her fingers delicately tracing over the pages of one of her cookbooks, and even though they may have not been dating for long, he looked like he had belonged there, and had been there for his entire life.
               She had invited him over that morning to help her out with baking with the holiday party at the station. It was something that she did every year, and while it could get a bit overwhelming at times, it was never something that she really needed extra help with. The routine of it all was familiar to her at this point.
               Perhaps she just wanted an excuse to invite him over.
               Not like she thought he would need one to come over anyway.
               He always managed to make himself at home at her place anyway, even with it being a bit of a disaster at the moment. She had always managed to keep it so neat before she met the team, and now it had turned into what she optimistically put as “organized chaos” (Though she was sure Adam would disagree) Paperwork and other Agency materials piled up on about every flat surface, with several assorted technology bits that she had taken from the warehouse’s tech room to look further at.
               And Nate had found his own way to add to the clutter, often bringing books and other various items that he owned, and his comfort in her space never failed to bring a smile to lips. It was a sign of their continued closer relationship, and it was something that she hoped would never fade.
               “Do you think the cake is cool enough yet?”
               Pearl blinked in surprise at the moment broken, to find Nate looking straight at her, his brown eyes as gentle as ever, bringing one of her old collegiate mugs to his lips, full of the tea that he had made the both of them when he had first arrived. She was not sure just how long she had gazing at him, but from the hint of a smirk on his face, it had to have been a while.
               Got me feeling like I’m in the clouds, don’t you Agent?
               But the cutting flirtation that she wanted to respond that smirk with seemed to die with the rising blush on her face, and all she could do was give him a smile.
               “Uh, yeah, I think so”, she stammered out, trying to tear her eyes away from his and failing miserably.
               Nate was kind enough not to tease her about it, and he moved closer to her until their shoulders were brushing together, “Want to show me how this is done, [redacted pet name]?”
               The simple question surprised her, since it was a rare feeling for her to feel like she had anything that she could teach him. He knew so much, knowledge gained over human lifetimes, and while she may know the parts of a computer like the back of her hand, it was pale in comparison to all that he knew.
               And baking was not something she was particularly good at either, just something that she enjoyed as more of a guilty pleasure, but maybe that was what she was willing to do now. Not feel like she had to the best at everything around him, even with the competitive part of her not as pleased with that.
               Pearl gave him a wink, “Then let’s get started, shall we?”
               She took one of the bowls that was full of the icing that she had made earlier, it bright white, and she brought it over to her kitchen table, which like the rest of her apartment, was also in a sort of mess, with flour covering one half of the table with various bits of decorations that she had made earlier. She looked over at the currently plain white cake that she and Nate had spent the morning making, and it had turned out as just perfect as she would ever want it to.
               “So”, she began, dipping the spatula in the frosting and starting to lather it on the top of the cake, “We’ll start with a crumb coating at first, and then we’ll do a second coating later, since that kind of helps hide the imperfections”
      ��        Pearl paused, and she looked back at the focused look on his face, and she could not help but smile, “I feel like I’m in some sort of cooking show or something”
               Nate laughed, “And I’d say you do quite well in one”
               “Wouldn’t go that far”, she replied, trying to ignore the feeling of butterflies in her stomach, “But thanks”
               She then handed him one of the over spatulas, “You get the top, and I’ll get the sides?”
               “A sound plan”, he agreed, and the two of them both started to work.
               As she normally did when she was baking, Pearl started to hum quietly, something that she did while she baking, hardly noticing that she doing so. It was the only sound in the otherwise quiet room, and he gave her smile, smiling in a way that no one had ever smiled at her before.
               “Wow”, she whispered as she looked at the now completely iced cake, “We did good” She then looked up to Nate, and she gave him a lopsided grin, “But with us working together, I hardly expected anything different”
               “Neither did I”, he responded, getting even closer, and she moved to stand on her tiptoes in order to kiss his temple, and even though she may have not been a vampire, she could feel his heart race at the touch.
               “I’m going to put the cake in the fridge to cool for a bit”, she whispered, her lips just barely brushing the outside of his ear, Nate bending down slightly in order to let her do so, “Then we’ll work on the fondant, mio amor”
               While Pearl may have not been very far outside of Wayhaven in a long time, she always had a knack for languages, part of the reason for that was all of the international friends that she made while she had still done coding events. And one that had stuck with her was a certain Italian phrase and though she doubted she would ever be able to top the one that he had given her, it was something that, well, summed up everything that she felt about him.
               My love
               And possibly the only true one I’ve ever known.
               She reluctantly moved away, and it looked like Nate did as well, but she got everything put up that needed to be before going to stand next to him, and she picked up some of the green fondant that was going to go on the side of the cake.
               “So”, she began, “What color do you think this is? Because I’m not sure if I made it more of a seasonal green or more of a spring green”
               “I think it’s quite seasonal”, he smiled, and while she was not sure what he would have answered if it was not, she let it go.
               “Good”, she replied, the hint of a smirk on her lips, “Would hate to look like I’m pining for another season”
               He chucked, the kind of chuckle that almost seemed to brighten the room, and without really thinking about it, she tugged down the top of his jacket to meet his lips with hers, which he gratefully accepted, kissing her in return in just as much feeling as she was, and it took everything in her not to outwardly moan at the contact.
               And while they have still had plenty of work to do still, the two of them, for a few glorious minutes, forgot all about it, letting the two of them get lost in the sensation instead, the two of them needing nothing else besides each other.
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bellarxse · 4 years
"Petra! Hi! What's one thing that Nat does that just makes you wanna jump up, run and give her a hug?"
Talk to my OCs!
“Oh!” Petra is stunned for a moment, before she flushes at the mention of Nat’s name.
“I--” The question seems to fluster Petra, and she flounders for a few moments, mouth opening and closing repeatedly as she tries to think of just one thing, when Nat lights up her world like the Sun without even trying.
“When she reads to me in other languages, I feel like I melt a little inside. Right about...here.” She gestures somewhere over where her heart would actually, biologically be, before looking down.
“That’s probably not what you wanted to hear--” Her hands are wringing anxiously, as they often are, and it is all she can do to still herself, remind herself that she is Nat’s and Nat is hers, and she can almost hear Nat’s voice telling her that no answer is silly, and that she must learn to trust herself, but--
But it never comes as naturally as it does with Nat. Nothing does.
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"Hey hey, Sam!! I have a question for you! What's the last thing that Farah did that made you giddy happy??"
For a brief moment, Sam’s usually sharp grin loses a bit of its edge, shifting into something softer - something warmer. The look is gone as quickly as it had come as they settle back in their seat.
“I guess it would be cheating to say something like ‘existing’, huh?” They grin, kicking their feet up onto the table in front of them - ignoring the displeased grunt that came from Nat.
“I certainly don’t mind that answer.” Farah says from beside them, a grin rivaling their own on her face as she tucks into their side. They hook an arm around her shoulders, tangling their fingers with hers when she grabs their hand. “What was the last thing I did that made you happy, babe?”
“I think...when you decided my room here didn’t have enough ‘holiday cheer’, so you hung up a bunch of lights while I was at work.” They laugh as they lean and kiss the side of her head.
Farah blinks. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Sam shrugs, “I dunno. Holidays didn’t really mean much to me until lately, and the fact you went through the trouble of decorating my room was sweet, I guess.” They rub the back of their neck, glancing around at the soft looks everyone is giving them. Under the sudden attention they give an awkward cough, “Okay, that’s it!”
Ask my OCs a question!
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feralrosie · 4 years
Hello! From the OTP Asks! Numbers 17-19 for Agatha/Nate, please!
Thank you, dear! I got 🥺a little bit🥺 emotional with those numbers.
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Leather reminds Agatha of Nate. Touching or smelling it makes her think of him hugging her, and the feeling of his jackets on her hands. It feels strong, fancy and safe, just like him.
And Nate thinks of her every time he hears birds chirping because of the way she giggles. Also when he listens to soft music boxes, he can't help but to think of her dancing ballet.
19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
Agatha: "Everything about you feels like home and there's no other place I'd rather be than in your arms."
Nate: "Loving you is the greatest adventure I've ever lived."
OTP Asks
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songofsoma · 4 years
marble: favorite time of day?
the dead of night where the world is asleep and it seems like i’m the only one awake. i especially enjoy drives in the middle of the night through the usually busy city i live in. it’s truly a liminal space and there’s something so surreal and refreshing about it :,)
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magesmiths · 4 years
Hey, you wonderful person! You know I have otp questions for Luca and Adam XD Numbers 4, 13, and 20, please!
Aah thank you, my love!! 💖
4. What would be their ship name?
“Luam? Adca?”
“Farah, those are awful.” 
“It’s not my fault you have names that don’t mesh well together. I guess you have to break up.” 
“Not a chance.” 
Okay but I have no idea??? Can anyone think of a ship name for my boys?
13. Name something they would never do for the other person. 
Adam won’t eat his baking. Luca only asks once, knowing the chances are slim. The way Adam’s nose wrinkles, involuntarily, tells him everything he needs to know. 
Luca won’t stay behind. If Unit Bravo is going on a mission, so is he. He’s terrified of something happening to someone in his little family, he can’t bear to not be there. It’s the source of most of their arguments; being scared for each other.
20. What is a promise they have made to each other?
I answered this here, but here it is again 😊:
“If the decision has to be made between saving my life and risking yours, save yourself.”
Neither of them plans on keeping it.
OTP asks
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not-sewell · 4 years
Hiya! For the twc this or that asks! 3, 11 and 29 please!
hi! to start off: LOVE the username. secondly, thanks for asking! ❤
answering questions from this list! ask away! 😌✨
3. Join Unit Alpha for a mission or spend the day with Elidor at the Facility? 
oh boy, this took me a while. i would much rather prefer joining Unit Alpha on a mission. there’s obviously a few reasons for this. Unit Alpha just generally piqued my interest. i was really drawn to the dynamics the members shared (i’m just generally drawn to group dynamics, what can i say). BUT they’re also supposed to be the best at what they do and i want to see the team in action, y’know? if i choose to spend the day with Elidor, on the other hand, i’m not sure how much i’ll get to see or do, tbh. i’m not really sure i would have the clearance (???) to join Elidor to the most interesting places he may have to make rounds at, and idk, i just prefer not staying at the Facility for a whole day.
11. Make A repair all of the objects of yours they break by hand or break an object of theirs every time they break one of yours? 
well, i like my environment neat and tidy and with little to no destruction. so i don’t think i would enjoy breaking A’s things. and you know what, there is something just so deeply satisfying about the idea of having A begrudgingly (or not; i prefer the former) repair all of my stuff that they’ve broken right before my very eyes. i wouldn’t have let that go even if i didn’t mind the mess that would come with breaking A’s stuff, tbvh.
29. Sit through one of A’s dad lectures or one of N’s mom lectures?
ugh, this is so tough because i just really want neither, lol. but if i had to choose (which i do, obviously), i’d go with N’s mom lectures. i imagine them being all exasperated but gentle (and yet insistent, which can drag on real quick) while doing the reprimanding, i’d actually want to listen to what they have to say. and i also think they’d be more open to your justifications and would want to know why you did what you did. A, on the other hand, i’m not so sure. they can be kind of rigid with their stance and may go on and on, possibly overlooking the possibility that you had some logic in your mind which may or may not have worked in your favour. so it’s probably going to be more of only listening than having a window, so to say, for you to present your perspective.
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amlovelies · 4 years
Hi!! OC fact swap? OC fact swap 😌😆
Amīr can actually get pretty car sick if someone else drives! He needs to have that window rolled down and the air hitting his face, otherwise his poor tummy just starts doing all kinds of flip flops! (This is always part of the reason I end up hc that he bikes around Wayhaven when not driving!)
oh poor baby! I guess it’s a good thing he lives in a small town and doesn’t have to spend a lot of time in the car. 
Meg likes to go on long drives when she’s stressed/has a lot on her mind. She has her favorite back roads that she likes to drive down while singing along to the radio. It’s like she’s in her own little world and nothing can bother her as long as her wheels are moving
oc fact swap
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smalltowndetective · 4 years
Please, Belle, Thea things! 🖊🖊🖊🖊 Some Thea things please!! 😆
Hello Buddy! Thank you so much for the ask! You are the amazing!
And I am more then happy then to give you some Thea things! All of them for you! :D
🖊  (I have mentioned this fact but it has been ages, and I was on tumblr for about 1 week at that point, so I’ll say it again) Thea hates celebrating her birthday, which comes as a shock to everyone closest to her. She always does someone small but special for everyone else’s birthdays, and even celebrates her parakeet’s birthdays, but she really has mixed feelings on her own. Perhaps it is a memory of spending most of them alone growing up, since her mother has rarely there and she grew up kind of isolated. (She will never admit this though. She has fears of driving her mother away if she said anything about it, which is why she is sometimes overearnestly accepting of all of the secrets that her mother kept for all those years, because she really does not want to left behind again) Though, to end this on a positive note, Felix is certainly making it feel like her birthday is worth celebrating again! :D
🖊 (Talked a bit about this again, but I wanted to add more to it!) Thea speaks a whole bunch of languages, the ones that she is fluent in are English, Polish, and French. (Rook is Polish in her route) Her first language is English, but she did start speaking Polish at a pretty early age, so it is almost like a first as well. (Most of the music that she listens to is not in English, at least, what it is not instrumentals haha! She does listen to a whole bunch of piano solos and movie soundtracks) Thea does normally keep each language pretty different in her mind, not usually speaking a mix of two. The only exception to this? When she is extremely tired. (And I mean, haven’t slept for two days kind of tired) The Polish really starts to slip in then, and then it’s just a sign of “please get some sleep” haha!
🖊  Thea was salutatorian in her high school class (2nd overall), something that she got because of how hard she worked for it. (The only person who got higher then her is currently in med school!) Thea’s incredibly smart, no doubt about it, but it is does not come to her like some people who just seem to succeed and not have to study at all. She had to put in the time, and well, it certainly worked out for her haha! Thea never half does anything, once she is in, she’s in, and no matter how hard she has to work, she is going to do the absolute best that she can! (And maybe with the secret desire to make her mother proud of her... And bonus- Rebecca did not make it to Thea’s high school or police academy graduation, something always coming up before then)
🖊  If you asked what scene makes Thea nostalgic, she would say late summer beach sunsets. (I put Wayhaven as a seaside town, and I will stick with that haha!) When it is not too cold, but the breeze keeps it from being too warm, and seeing the sun almost look to descend into the water. (She has taken more pictures of this exact sunset then she cares to admit haha!) There is something that is so simply beautiful about it, and even though it may be an obvious answer, it still holds that special meaning to her! :)
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bellarxse · 4 years
Hello!! For Petra and Nat! Questions 5 - 9 of Domestic Life!
Ship questions!
5. Who’s the stricter parent? Petra - I can’t see Nat refusing their little ones (TBC on that) anything. Petra kind of horrifies herself sometimes because she starts hearing herself sound like Rebecca, and Nat has to reassure her a lot.
6. Who kills the bugs in the house? Petra - a) I think Nat would release stuff and b) I think Petra would want to show that she can be useful, even if it’s in a really small way (I think N in general has a tendency to be a little overprotective)
7. How do they celebrate holidays? I don’t think they’d follow any specific external traditions - they would cherry-pick (secular) things (or older practices that have died out) that they like from the different places Nat has been over the centuries and make them their own. Spending time together is the main thing (they have a couple of different love languages, but their main shared one is quality time).
8. Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning? N A T. (I--I may have a WIP about this that I keep meaning to get to, shhhhhh)
9. Who’s the better cook? Petra, from necessity - she was a difficult child (not wayward, just high-maintenance), so if she had any Agency nannies they were fairly hands-off and she ended up fending for herself (which translates itself into extreme self-reliance now). Petra is pretty stubborn - she knows what she likes and has a general mentality of “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. And Nat likes to watch Petra cook, so it’s a win-win. (I may also have a more nebulous WIP idea about this, shhhhhhhhhh)
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"Heello, Abby! What would you do if F stole your phone for a day??"
There’s a flash of panic in her eyes —partially from the thought, and partially from the sudden attention.
“Oh, uh.” She scratches at the back of her neck, “Look for her. Hope she gets bored trying to guess my passcode before she locks me out and gives it back.”
She thinks for a moment, screwing her face up a bit, “She got my phone once already. I uh, I leave it in the library a lot.” As she speaks, she subtly pats her pockets as if to check it was there, hoping you don’t notice. “She said my phone was ‘boring’ because there was nothing to see. She did change all my contact names, though. That made figuring out who was who...a lot of fun.”
There were so many awkward phone calls. She gave up halfway through and just left her contacts a mess after Farah took the creative liberty (with the help of Morgan, she’s sure) to change people’s contact names to different horrendous ‘erotica’ terms. She’s still got a contact with the cursed name “Pork Sword”.
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lilyoffandoms · 4 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome!! 💖✨💖✨
Ah thank you!! 😳🥺 I’m really bad at this *nervous laughter* I never know how to respond to these other than to throw emojis and memes at them 😬😅 (see) So I’m gonna try something different to show my gratitude. Because this really does mean so much to me! 💕
Warm, slender fingers slide slowly up Petey’s arms, to her shoulders, her neck, before finding purchase on her cheeks. Now warm with the flush that is spreading in the wake of that touch. It never ceases to amaze her how she responds to this woman’s touch, her voice, her laugh. Her mere presence is enough to set her heart into wild, untamed flutters
A giggle escapes those perfect lips she finds herself staring at.
“Your hearts beating a little fast there. You okay, babe?” Farah smirks knowing full well the answer.
Petey tried her best to grin. Her mouth as gone dry and all she can manage is a horsely whispered, “Just kiss me.”
And she does. Soft lips, intimate and tender, slowly kissing hers. In no hurry. The wild rhythm of their hearts beating in time with each others.
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loveinwayhaven · 4 years
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Hey there @vienocalledmebuddy! I am posting your Secret Valentine present in @quietsphere’s place! A note from the sweet kaw below.
"hi there, I would give you all the hearts @vienocalledmebuddy but Farah stole them. happy valentines day!"
All the pinks and reds and purples in this picture is SUCH an ✨ iconic ✨ Valentine’s day mood. And they both look so sweet and lovely! How romanctic~
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magesmiths · 4 years
Send this to the 12 nicest people you know or who seem to have a good heart and if you get 5 back you must be pretty awesome!! 💖✨💖✨
Tumblr media
thank you, angel! back at you!! 
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amlovelies · 4 years
Hello! I have questions from "The extremely detailed OC ask meme!" Numbers 15, 39, and 45 for Emma, please!
Thank you for the ask! 💜
15. Can they sing? Can they dance?
Emma is absolutely tone deaf. She can’t carry a tune to save her life. She will dance, but not with any real skill. She would love to learn how to ballroom dance though 
39. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
Emma has a sweet-tooth. So probably a mocha or vanilla latte and maybe a pastry or cinnamon roll
45. Theme song (and a playlist if you’ve got it!)
Two by Sleeping at Last
Tell me, is something wrong? If something's wrong, you can count on me You know I'll take my heart clean apart if it helps yours beat 
Emma can be a little too willing to self sacrifice to help others. She just gives and gives and gives
I don’t have a playlist specific for her, but I do have a N playlist
Thank you for sending me these. Emma is by far my kindest and sweetest detective and she just deserves the whole world
The extremely detailed OC ask meme
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