#video agency kit
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claitea · 6 months ago
its like yknow my room is a little like n's. there's plushies and figurines everywhere and video game posters all over the walls and theres a toy sword in the corner, you would Not be able to tell this room belonged to a 21 year old. but i got to Choose everything in here, if i outgrew an interest i put away the books and took down the posters and replaced them with new ones. its the fact n had no say in what went in and out of his room, its all presumably been the same for 15 years. you can assume he still likes these things since he plays with it all up to the final showdown, he just never got to explore anything else or expand on those interests. its the lack of agency thats horrifying
anyway all this to say i think he should get one of those fancy super detailed realistic model train sets that take up like half a room. i think he'd love model kits
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pilcrow00b6 · 2 years ago
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“Sunset” Trailer Park - lot & families
40x30 | 5 bedrooms, 6 bathrooms | lot type: residential/residential rental
"Sunset" Trailer Park houses a small community of misfits and runaways.
You can find it on my gallery - ID: littlepirate213 or download tray files (link below). Place with bb.moveobjects on.  
EPs: Growing Together, Highschool Years, Cottage Living, Snowy Escape, Eco Lifestyle, Discover University, Island Living, Get Famous, Seasons, Cats&Dogs, City Living, Get Together, Get to Work
GPs: Werewolves, My Wedding Stories, Dream Home Decorator, StrangerVille, Realm of Magic, Jungle Adventure, Parenthood, Vampires, Dine Out, Spa Day, Outdoor Retreat
SPs: Paranormal, Nifty Knitting, Laundry Day, Toddler Stuff, Movie Hangout, Vintage Glamour, Romantic Garden, Holiday Celebration
Kits: Fashion Street
No CC used
DOWNLOAD (Simfileshare) - residential version
DOWNLOAD (Mediafire/Simfileshare) - For Rent version
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It's easier to say what Sherryl dislikes rather than likes: people that talk to much, womanisers, drunks, party people and the list goes on. Her awkwardness makes it difficult for her to connect to people, that's why most of the time she keeps herself busy with her work as a police sergeant or goes out for long fishing trips.
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If you want to earn money as a medium you gotta look the part, no? At least that's what Harriet thinks will bring her more customers...
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Since their engagement, Brook and Mo's plan for a comfortable life has gone a bit off track. Turns out being a freelance artist and writer doesn't make as much money as they thought. For now, they are content with what they have and spend their lives in a small trailer with Mo's cat, Toki.
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While working for a secret agency, Adi was involved in an experiment to artificially enhance soldiers. While the strength part was definitely successful, the experiment had its ... side effects. Now Adi has a wild temperament to deal with and is desperately looking for a way to find balance in his life again.
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After many years of work, Gabriel and Eden finally have time to pursue their interests. While Gabriel loves all things digital: video games, programming and photography, Eden prefers arts and crafts. Overall, the couple have a good relationship, but Eden's meddling and love of drama sometimes annoy Gabriel.
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g-girlshavingfun · 2 months ago
December Prompts
29) A safe house - Abby & Rachel
While on an assignment in Bahrain, 8 years before the events of LYKY, Rachel and Abby disagree on the group��s next move after one of their cover’s is blown. (3,035)
“Well that went well.” Her sister’s dry amusement greeted them as they stumbled through the safe house door, Joe unsteady on his feet and Rachel stooped by the weight of him pressing against her shoulder.
“Don’t Abigail.” A warning lingered in her voice, the adrenaline of the last couple hours still coursing through her veins and making her temper spark. Matthew swooped towards them and took Joe’s other arm over his back, the two of them supporting the staggering man towards the couch where he collapsed next to Abby. Her husband immediately started attending to the blood pouring down his friend’s face, the lump brewing on his forehead, the grimace bubbling across his mouth. In an effort to help, Rachel fetched the first aid kit from the small kitchen, dampened a cloth with water and passed Matthew a bag of frozen peas wrapped in a cloth. He took it with a grateful smile, his eyes scanning her own body for similar injuries, worry dancing across the crevices of his skin.
Meanwhile, her younger sister showed no such concern for their friend’s welfare, simply leaning towards him with a wicked grin painted on her face. Propped open on her thighs was a CIA issued laptop installed with connections to all the intelligence agencies in the western world and equipped with millions of dollars worth of surveillance technologies and coding capabilities.
She was using it to rewatch security footage of Joe falling down the stairs.
“Hey Joe, want to see this video I found of Bambi ice skating? Oh wait, that’s just you trying to make a discrete escape.”
“Rachel, I deeply dislike your sister.”
Abby cackled in his ear, replaying the video so he could watch his descent in all its glory. At the time, Rachel was sure that she hadn’t been laughing, was sure that she had armed herself with an arsenal of weapons and extraction tools the moment her and Matthew realised his cover was blown, was sure that she had been halfway across Manama when the cameras caught the unflattering view of Joe hitting his head against the bannister. However, now that the two of them had gotten away from the GDSSI splinter group and travelled safely across city, Abby beating them back and taking up an early residence on the couch, she clearly found his unfortunate slip to be the highlight of her life.
“Should I call Langley? I reckon we’re gonna have to head back and send a new team in a couple months, target them from a new angle. Joe’s cover’s blown and they might have seen you as well Rach.” Matthew’s worry leaked into his voice, accent growing stronger to reflect his building anxieties, tension bleeding into the hand applying pressure to Joe’s head and causing the man in question to wince. Abby rolled her eyes and nudged him to the side, taking over with the blood stained cloth with a much gentler hand and an incredulous look.
“Good thing we have two more people right here who can take over then.” Eyebrows climbing high up her face, she gestured slowly between herself and Matthew, voice slow as though she was talking to a child.
Matthew just shook his head. “It would take weeks for me to even build up a cover solid enough to work my way into their ranks. I would need months to get any information out of Al Bin Ali.”
“Hmmm. Give me three drinks and two hours.” She punctuated her declaration with a wink over her shoulder, standing from her crouched position and moving towards her bedroom. “I have a dress packed that’ll have him talking before Joe’s head stops bleeding.”
After remaining largely silent since they arrived back to the safe house, thoughts preoccupied with the signs of a brain bleed and contingency plans and extraction protocols, Rachel lifted her voice and stopped her sister in her tracks. Her abrupt objection was met by a slightly agape mouth and the minuscule raise of a singular eyebrow, a tiny tilt of the head and a dangerous flicker of light in narrowing eyes. Rachel could hear her sister’s response before she even moved her mouth to verbalise it.
A stern glare, a firm voice, a resolute stance. “No.” She looked to Matthew, directing her orders towards him as Abby continued to shoot her a challenging look and Joe frowned through the blood trickling down his skin. “Give Langley a call, we’ll drive south tomorrow morning and catch a boat across the Gulf. We can make it to Kuwait by Monday afternoon and catch a flight out from there.”
He began to move towards the phone immediately. Of the three of them, he was the best at following her orders. Not just because they were married, but also because he had the most respect for the hierarchy of CIA operatives, because he was the only one of them to consistently remember that she was the most senior agent there.
Her sister on the other hand, held no such space in her brain for that fact.
Snatching the phone before Matthew’s fingers could brush against it, she cocked her hip out and looked around the room in disbelief. “Hang on, that’s it? We’re not even going to discuss it?”
To anyone else, her tone voice gave away only shock and incredulity, the fledglings of a fight hanging onto the coattails of her words. But Rachel wasn’t just anyone else. She knew her sister like she knew the sun would rise and fall everyday, like she knew the ever-changing ground beneath their feet, like she knew the beat of her own heart. The brief tension in her jaw, the flickering of her eyes, the pitch of her voice, it all gave away the inkling of hurt that had taken root in Abby’s chest at Rachel’s protest. Not wanting to upset her sister any further, not wanting to escalate the situation to a fight, she tried to be gentle with her words.
“It’s too risky Abby.”
“How would you know?” A decade’s more experience for one. “You haven’t even heard my plan.”
“You don’t have a plan. You have an idea.” So much for being gentle. It was laughable though, the suggestion that Abby had actually decided on anything more than flirt with him until he slips up. A flush of admonished anger spread up her little sisters cheeks; clearly Rachel had her made. “Protocol dictates that we need to go back to base and regroup with our handlers and superiors before any more moves are made.”
“But I can-”
“Look, they’ll be on edge after today, they’ll be on the look out for moles within the group and suspicious of everyone-”
“They’re not going to be suspicious of me.”
“And you’re sure of that are you?”
“Yes.” Astonished laughter bubbled out of Rachel’s throat. It was just like her sister to be so cavalier, so arrogant. Enraged at her reaction, Abby spun on her heels where she had lurched forward to stand eye to eye with her advisory, towering over Joe and pinning him down with a fierce glare that had him wincing. “You. You’ve worked with me more than she has. You tell her. I can catch him in his bar tonight, loosen his tongue just enough that he gives up the name of whoever’s commissioned their group, then stick it out just long enough that he doesn’t catch on to what he’s done. He wont even remember what I look like. Right?”
Another wince, his gaze flickering between the two sisters before he settled his sights on Rachel with a regretful shrug. “She is remarkably good at that.”
She huffed. Rolled her eyes. Joe didn’t know half as much about Abby and how good she was as he thought he did. Unlike him, Rachel had seen her learn to lie, to deceive. Had seen her sister grow into her charm and her silver tongue, had watched her weaponise it against men and women, friends and foe, targets and civilians alike. She was perfectly aware of how easily Abby could bend a person to her will and twist their words into the ones she wants to hear just as they’re forming on their tongue, but that doesn't mean she’s going to let her take a stupid risk just for the sake of her pride.
Voice sharp, she admonished them both with a steely glare. “I don’t care. It’s reckless and half-assed and you’re just going to put yourself and us in danger.”
“No I’m not!”
“Will you listen to yourself? You sound like a child not getting her way-”
“No, you’re treating me like a child.”
“I’m treating you like a subordinate-”
“-Who’s not experienced enough to take over as eyeball on an op like this. Who's too young and naive to make calls like this. Whose pride and arrogance and selfishness are going get someone hurt if she doesn’t learn to do things by the book!”
Rachel and Abby were sisters in more way than one. They were bound together by blood and guts and DNA, by their father’s absence and their mother’s nonchalance, by their school’s sisterhood and the stone walls that housed them. They were made from the same materials, the same stubbornness and strength stood where their bones should be, the same cacophony of family of honour of duty rang through their lungs in the place of oxygen. They were carved by the same hands, large but gentle soothing back their hair back as they cried, holding their fingers as they shook, weathered and firm grasping tight to the point of their chins, to the base of their necks. They were the same, even when they were so, so different. That meant her little sister was in some ways her best friend, and in others her worst enemy; they weren’t strangers to fighting.
When Abby was small, so was the lid on Rachel’s temper. A mirage of hormones and clumsy fingers and grief and the thoughtlessness of youth trimming back the fuse on their relationship so that all it took was a small spark for the fires of an argument to burn. As they grew, so did Rachel’s patience, but so did Abby’s ability to wind her up. By accident sometimes, but more often than not her teenage sister would grind her down with targeted jabs and incessant barbs fuels by the endless anger of being 15 until she couldn’t help but snap back. Something had mellowed between them once they were both settled into adulthood, arguments rarer and fights more scarce, but occasionally they still found themselves stood as they were now, nose to nose and rage to rage, screaming in a language that only the two of them could truly hear.
Throughout their lives, the story was always the same. Abby would float in and out of her periphery with a careless smirk or a teasing smile, whittling down her patience until even the deepest breaths couldn’t hold back a snide comment. She’d fall into her sister’s trap of engaging in a battle of wills and wits, the two of them entangled in one another’s biggest doubts and deepest insecurities until one of them pushed it an inch too far.
Usually Rachel.
Almost always Rachel.
Without ever meaning to, she’d nudge them both over the invisible line in sand, a line that seemed to drift and move with every passing of the tide, until Abby flinched violently away from her with a quivering look of pain in her eyes.
Unknowingly, Rachel seemed to have just crossed that line, her sister’s face creasing with pi and voice wavering with insecurity. “Selfish.” The whispered word made her soften; the step Abby took away from her made her wince. Maybe she went a bit far. “I’m trying to help.” She could feel Matthew cringe at the vulnerability creeping into Abby’s voice, her husband far too soft towards her little sister. Abby must’ve sensed it too, spinning on her heels and looking up at him with wide wet eyes, sounding remarkably similar to the little girl she once was as she pleaded up at him. “Matt? You know I can do this right?”
As quickly as it lived, Rachel’s guilt died.
She raised an eyebrow and glared at her husband, daring him to fall for such conspicuous manipulations in front of her. Out the corner of her eyes, she caught Joe grinning slightly into his lap at his friend’s predicament, clearly no longer bothered by the egg forming on his forehead.
Matthew gulped. Stuttered. Swung his eyes back and forth. Shook his head. “Nope, I’m not picking sides here. I’m Switzerland.”
“Yeah well Switzerland is married to America so you might want to rethink that position.”
“I’m sorry, are you calling me Germany in a World War 2 metaphor?”
Joe started laughing harder than she thought possible at that, Abby’s aghast tone summoning tears from the corner of his eyes. If Rachel weren’t so preoccupied stumbling through protests against her sister’s accusations, she might’ve worried about the severity of his inevitable concussion, the peels of laughter so uncharacteristic that they alluded to some kind of weird personality change. As it was, she banished all her worry and her anxieties and her disappointments to the back of her mind and simply shook her head, casting one more stern look to the source of her frustrations before turning away and making her way to the kitchen.
They had a second phone in there, she would call Langley herself.
“The mission’s over Abigail, that’s final.”
“We’ve been working on this for months Rach, I’m not turning in and giving up just because it suddenly got difficult.”
“Neither am I.” A sharp yell. A pregnant pause. A deep breath. “We’re going home because the risks now massively outweigh the rewards. The information you might get tonight isn’t worth whatever situation you’ll undoubtedly find yourself in when things go wrong.”
Unbidden, the image of her little sister at the hands of those men came to her mind. Suddenly, she couldn’t breathe. Whether they uncovered her identity or not, they wouldn’t be gentle with her if given the chance, and there wouldn't be anything Rachel could do to protect her if things went that way. There was a reason Rachel very rarely took assignments with Abby. There was a reason she would never agree to send her sister into the field on this one. There was a reason it was supposed to only ever be Joe who made contact with the group.
The boys wouldn’t understand this, but there were worse fates for an operative than death.
Bracing herself against the counter as a wave of panic thudded through her heart and rattled against the walls of her chest, Rachel forced a gulp of air into her lungs. Her knees felt weak. Sweat was building at the base of her neck. Terror had twisted itself around her organs and was constricting like a python, squeezing tighter and tighter until the pain running through her bones was blinding. She felt sick.
Oblivious to her fears, her sister spoke up again, the strength and authority Rachel had lost somewhere along the way leaking from her tone.
Abby had always loved stealing her things.
“Why don’t we vote?” Rachel couldn’t help but scoff, shaking her head again where it hung between her shoulders. “Believe it or not Rachel, this isn’t a dictatorship, just because you have a few more years in the field than we do doesn’t automatically put you in charge.”
“Fine. Joe?” She spat the question out with a brief glare in her sister’s direction, spinning to face the man hunched over on the couch. Sometime during her brief breakdown, the humour had dripped off of his expression. He now eyed her with something like knowing, something like concern, something like an apology gleaming in his eye.
No. He wouldn’t be so stupid.
“I’m actually with Abby.” Clearly she had underestimated him. “She know’s what she’s doing Rach, I wouldn’t be supporting this if she didn’t.”
While the compliment filled Abby with air, a glimmer of pride blooming in her face and heels nearly lifting off the ground in glee, Rachel felt lead soaking into her shoes. Lungs solid in her chest, heart pounding mercilessly against her ribcage, blood thickening and pooling in her stomach, she suddenly felt a slow heaviness take over her.
Joe averted his eyes.
Her husband shuffled his feet in thought, took a deep breath, darted his eyes between her sister’s hopeful gaze and her own terrified glare. “Not tonight.” Somehow, his attempt at playing the middle man only disappointed them both. “Give it a couple days for the dust to settle, let us come up with a proper plan.”
Abby deflated slightly, the beginnings of a protest forming on her lips, but a stern look from Matthew halted the words forming in her throat. Instead she nodded, smiled slightly. She had gotten her way again. Meanwhile, Rachel felt the bones holding her together liquify under her skin, the pillars holding her up quaking with the force of her anger, her betrayal, her terror. She expected her voice to be weak when it tumbled out her mouth, thick with emotion and trembling with worry, but she remained stoic, hiding the depths of her reaction behind a thick wall of steel determination.
“I already told you. You’re not doing this.”
Neither Matthew nor Joe would look at her. Truthfully, it only fuelled her anger more, red hot rage coursing through her veins and igniting the hairs on her skin. If they were going to go against her plan, if they were going to stab her in the back, if they were going to go along with treating her sister like a sacrificial lamb, they could at least have the decency to look her in the eye.
Abby didn’t flinch when their eyes met.
“We voted. It’s done. I’m doing this Rachel.”
She threw the phone on the counter with trembling hands and stormed towards the bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her before any of them could see the tears brewing in her eyes.
Authors note:
Moral of the story is don’t go on dangerous secret spy missions with risk takers who you love very much unless you’re comfortable letting them take those risks.
Love the idea of Cammie and her friends viewing Joe as this effortlessly suave guy who can never put a foot wrong on a mission, and Rachel and Abby just eyeing each other because they both remember that time he fell down the stairs and gave himself a concussion trying to get away from a target.
I have a second idea for these two arguing in a safe house, but I think it will be both harder and sadder to write, so I am saving it for when I’ve got through all of the prompts.
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viewwrangler · 8 months ago
And on the day when Kamala Harris nearly sews up the nomination...
... we are reminded what it's like to be a black woman in this country for everyone else.
Illinois deputy charged with murder after shooting a Black woman (theguardian.com)
An Illinois sheriff’s deputy has been charged with murder after fatally shooting a Black woman who called 911 to report a possible prowler.
Sangamon county deputy Sean Grayson, who’s white, shot 36-year-old Sonya Massey in the face in her home in Springfield, Illinois – about 200 miles south of Chicago – after deputies responded to her 6 July call.
Prosecutors alleged that after Grayson, 30, allowed Massey to move a pot of water heating on the stove and set it on a counter. Grayson then “aggressively yelled” at Massey over the pot and pulled his 9mm pistol. Massey then put her hands in the air, declared “I’m sorry” and ducked for cover before being shot in the face.
In its statement issued the day of the incident, the Sangamon county sheriff’s office initially said “deputies immediately administered first aid until EMS arrived” after Massey was shot, but prosecutors allege Grayson discouraged the other deputy from getting his medical kit to save her....
[...] Grayson, who has since been fired from the department, was indicted on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated battery with a firearm and official misconduct. He pleaded not guilty in his first court appearance Thursday.
Sheriff Jack Campbell said Wednesday that Grayson was fired because it is evident that the deputy “did not act as trained or in accordance with our standards. With our badge we accept enormous responsibility, and if that responsibility is abused, there should be consequences.”
Before his firing, Grayson had been with the Sangamon county sheriff’s department for nearly 18 months. He served as an officer with several other police agencies in central Illinois for about seven years prior....
Bodycam video released in case of Sangamon County deputy shooting Black woman who called 911 (chicago.suntimes.com) By the Associated Press Jul 22, 2024, 4:22pm CDT
The video will “shock the conscience of America. It is that senseless, that unnecessary, that unjustifiable, that unconstitutional,” said civil rights attorney Ben Crump, representing the family of Sonya Massey.
SPRINGFIELD, Ill. — Body camera video released Monday reveals a chaotic scene in which Sonya Massey, a Black woman who called 911 for help is shot in the face in her home by a white sheriff’s deputy.
The video from deputies’ body cameras shows a tense moment in which Sangamon County Sheriff’s Deputy Sean Grayson yelled at 36-year-old Sonya Massey to set down a pot from the stove just seconds after she started pouring the water into the sink and the two giggled over her “hot steaming water.”
He then threatens to shoot her, Massey ducks, then briefly rises, and Grayson fires his pistol at her three times....
The Sun-Times article contains the body cam footage.
The baffling thing is that even more than usual in these things, there's absolutely no reason for him to have shot at her. They're laughing together and then suddenly he's shooting. (That there is a "usual" is horrifying and ridiculous and saddening and infuriating, all at once.)
I am ... curious, let's say, as to why Grayson has worked with "several other police agencies" in "seven years prior". That is not typical; people generally don't move around that much in that little time.
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lgcmedia · 3 months ago
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When people enter the industry at a young age, it feels like you're growing up with them... I know Xander didn't debut that early, and he was of age, but it was pretty obvious when he first debuted as a model that he was rather nervous. Does anyone still remember watching LGC Style? His last appearances on variety shows and on LGC Fall Boys had him looking so at ease. I am so proud of him. Now he looks so much more comfortable performing and with himself.
If you don't believe me, go check out his first episode of Off the Runway, click off this now and go! Now I don't think he will ever read this, but it's endearing to see how Jisoo has grown into himself no matter what he does. I am extremely excited to see what he does next... Oh, I feel like his presence as a model has improved this year over the last, but I know it all takes momentum... I picked up a KANU coffee kit today, I guess you could say I am a fan!
[ + / - ] i wondered how he was even a 'model' before when the agency debuted him. he looks like he actually wants to be in front of a camera now LOL. [ + / - ] oh i wasn't even aware he was a model first, i saw him in the music videos... darn. i will follow xander's career either way! [ + / - ] I agree, Jisoo really grew into his looks. And it is good seeing him in more campaigns. I hope he will do more next year!  
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kangoneko · 1 year ago
Squirrelflight's Choice
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"I hope the mistakes I've made, I've made out of love."
Hello all! Today I'd like to discuss the character of Squirrelflight in the hope that I can help spread my interpretation of the character. I hope you'll continue to the end, and if my post changes your mind about her in any way, I would be so happy.
This will largely be focused around her choices surrounding the kits she chose to raise at Leafpool's request. Spoilers from Squirrelflight's Hope and other books that released prior will appear here.
In this post, I want to argue against the idea that Squirrelflight only took the kits because she thought she was barren, and argue that what she did was the best choice considering the circumstances. I believe this interpretation not only makes for a stronger, more cohesive narrative across all of these books, but also makes logical sense.
Let's start with the events surrounding Leafpool's pregnancy and the sisters' decision to raise the kits in ThunderClan under the lie that they were Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's biological children.
This decision had many factors surrounding it. The first being that Leafpool couldn't go forth with her plan to raise kits outside the clans with Crowfeather after Cinderpelt died and leave ThunderClan without a medicine cat. On top of this, the novella Leafpool's Wish reveals that Leafpool was told by her warrior ancestors that she had to have her sister raise the kits in ThunderClan, leaving her with little other option but to lie that they weren't hers.
Many people criticize this decision from Leafpool, for multiple reasons. For one, she could've stepped down as a medicine cat and raised them herself. For another, she could've pretended that they were random kits she found instead of ones related to her and Firestar. And while I see what they mean, it just wouldn't work out.
The whole reason she decided to come back was to be the Clan's medicine cat, and there is no way she would be allowed to continue being a medicine cat after it's revealed she not only had kits, but that she had them with a warrior from a rival clan. That's two codes broken for the price of one. On top of this, StarClan told her to do it. Her kits are special, part of a prophecy about being Firestar's kin. It simply wouldn't work if she just pretended they were some random kits. Keep in mind that this lie was never intended to come to light, and since two of her kits were blessed with magic powers, her secret would've been discovered in no time. StarClan must have known this, hence why they told her to tell that lie specifically.
But we're not really talking about Leafpool, are we? We're talking about Squirrelflight. Squirrelflight herself has faced criticism for going along with this decision, chiefly surrounding her keeping it a secret from Brambleclaw. While people acknowledge that StarClan directly told her to lie to everyone that the kits were Brambleclaw's, some still think she should have told him. Especially since Brambleclaw, when the kits' parentage is revealed, says he would have gone along with her lie.
And to address that, we need to take a look at Squirrelflight's arc in the novella Leafpool's Wish.
Despite the fact that there is a perfectly serviceable Moonkittii video summarizing the book, many people misconstrue the events of it and say things happened that really didn't. The most egregious of these mistakes is thinking that Squirrelflight only took the kits after Yellowfang told her she was barren, as well as largely ignoring a lot of her agency in her decision to take them.
When Yellowfang lied to her and told her she was barren, Squirrelflight was very upset. But while she told her sister that she loved her and would do her best to help her as much as she could, she still steadfastly refused to take the kits and lie to Brambleclaw and the rest of ThunderClan in the process. She only changed her mind after the kits were born, when Feathertail visited the two sisters and urged Squirrelflight to reconsider. Squirrelflight, having then realized how much she had grown to care for the kits, agreed to take them so that they could live the best lives they possibly could in ThunderClan.
Squirrelflight not only struggled with the decision, but also refused to change her mind until they were already far away from the clan. This is understandable, considering how dishonorable and painful lying to ones kin and clanmates can be. Keep in mind that she was even doing this for her sister, the cat she was closest to, and yet she still had trouble going along with it.
Taking all of this into consideration, why would she have risked the chance that Brambleclaw rejects them? Better yet, why are we taking Brambleclaw at his word that he would have still accepted the kittens if he was told the truth? Keep in mind that after the lie is revealed, Leafpool steps down as a medicine cat out of shame. Brambleclaw's position as deputy is incredibly important to him, with his ambition for power being his main character motivation throughout The New Prophecy. Lying to ones clan is incredibly dishonorable, and after the truth came out, Brambleclaw would either step down out of shame or feel pressured to by his fellow warriors.
But let's not make him sound entirely self-centered, either. Lying is not always an easy choice. Making Brambleclaw keep the lie makes him complicit. There's kindness in not involving him, in making him an innocent party. Brambleclaw already has to put up with a lot for being the mirror image of his father, but for it to be found out that he played a part in such a serious lie? It could be proving everyone who doubts him in the clan right. Not only this, but the kits would feel betrayed by both of their parents if the truth ever came out. I can't imagine that any of these thoughts hadn't occured to Squirrelflight, a cat who already felt uncomfortable lying herself.
Ultimately, while I could neither feasibly blame Brambleclaw if he did reject the kits nor say for certain that he would, I don't see why it's so unbelievable to expect him not to, especially when Squirrelflight herself grappled with the decision. The sisters both needed 100% from him, nothing less. And Leafpool didn't get 100% from Squirrelflight until weeks after the initial proposal.
I believe Brambleclaw is only able to so confidently say he would keep Squirrelflight's lie because he has already come to love the kits as his own, similar to how Squirrelflight only agreed to take them after she came to love the kits as a mother. To take him at his word is an entirely unfair criticism of Squirrelflight's decision. Anyone can say they would have done something, but actually doing it is another matter entirely.
Anyway, acknowledging that Squirrelflight had agency in the plot of Leafpool's Wish also makes Squirrelflight's Hope make a bit more sense than it normally does. While StarClan taking zero responsibility for the lie about the kits' parentage is insulting, Squirrelflight still made a choice--her own choice--to go through with it. And I like this about her. I like that she tried to help her sister and give the kits the best life they could. They not only got to grow up knowing who their kin was, but they grew up with two loving parents as proud warriors of ThunderClan, all while not having to face the prejudice of being half-clan kits or kits of a medicine cat. The aftermath when everyone found out was undeniably terrible, but I love how you can see the decision had actual merits. That it was understandable. That it was human.
Squirrelflight to me is such a selfless character, it saddens me to see people scorn her when she was just trying to help her sister. It also sucks to see the narrative of the books treat her so poorly, and for Brambleclaw to ignore her attempts to mend things between them for so long, a decision he later regrets after he comes to understand why she did what she did. It sucks to see this treated as an "everyone was bad" issue when it's more like everyone was right, in some way, but that some handled the fallout worse than others. That there was more heartache than there needed to be, and that the sisters are not the source of the problem, but a result of the systemic problems that surround the clans and the Warrior Code as a whole.
Thank you for reading! This post was mostly born of a desire to scream into a voiceless, unfeeling void about how much I love Squirrelflight and how much I want other people to love her, too, but if You (hypothetical reader) got anything useful out of it, then I'd love to hear your feedback! Let me know if you want to hear me yell about any other warriors characters. Or don't, I might just do it anyway. ฅ^•ω•^ฅ Toodle-oo!
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pidge-poetry · 11 months ago
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WALK THROUGH FIRE: VIDEO INSTALLATION The ‘Walk Through Fire’ visual is the result of an art installation held earlier this month in east London. A wall of 75 old school CRT televisions was constructed in a shop front, each of which displayed different footage inspired by and related to both the song and the wider themes of the EP - also complemented by classic archive footage of Tony, as well as two teenagers who represent young versions of both him and Yannis. Passers-by were given a copy of the song to listen to on cassette while images from all 75 screens vied for their attention - effectively providing them with a unique video experience which they had subconsciously edited themselves. The concept was completed by a camera which also reflected footage of each listener’s reaction as they participated in the installation: a creative feedback loop creating a triangle of collaboration between Tony, Yannis and each participant. The project also offers another engaging interactive element as the ‘Walk Through Fire’ website provides viewers with a unique experience to create their own bespoke version of the music video - their webcam virtually immersing them within the wall of images. The visual was directed by regular Foals visual collaborator Kit Monteith. Kit says: "The idea for the new Y&TY video came about from not really wanting to make a music video, or atleast mainly wanting to make a work of art that would somehow find its way into video form; We made the art the priority and the rest flowed from there. I wanted to create something inclusive and fun for people that would make them question their role as a listener, reminding them of their agency in a world where so much media and content is thrown around with a presumption and reliance on an audience's passivity. The EP Yannis has made with Tony is all about collaboration and connection, the two of them connected on a musical level and great music is the result. However, I see it as a triangle of collaboration that is only completed by the listener and Tony no longer being alive somehow made that role more vital than ever. So we built an interactive video installation out of 75 CRT Televisions, creating a huge wall of images beaming out of a shop window onto a busy East London street. People were invited to inhabit a private zone amid and very public space, listening one at a time to the track on an old cassette walkman whilst moving their eyes and body to find a path from one screen to the next to create their own visual journey along to the music, craft their own music video and find awareness of their agency and their role as collaborators along with Yannis and Tony. Amongst all this I also wanted to raise a comment on the state of our consumption of media, just because our phone screens aren't literally a shop window it doesn't mean we're not buying something, or paying for something, especially with our time. The music video is a record of the artwork, the physical interactions people had with it and a space for its themes to be shared further afield, so too with the interactive digital website version which I also see as a key component to the artwork as a whole."
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yakool-foolio · 1 year ago
Piano-centric video game tracks that I associate with Vivia
A majority of these songs are from my character playlist, but I feel like being my music man self and wanna ramble a lil bit about them while providing individual links to each song.
Darkness Falls (Deltarune) - The og piano-centric track I tied to Vivia like it was wrapped around his finger. Fits his sense of mystique and storybook-esque view of the world to a T.
My Castle Town (Deltarune) - I feel like this song would be one Vivia could play on his lonesome in the secrecy of the undisturbed hotel. If his perception of peace and quiet were to be a song, this would be it.
Laura Plays Piano (Silent Hill 2) - I'm a HUGE Silent Hill nerd, so it was instinct to pile up a bunch of SH2's tracks on top of Vivia like a warm, heavy comforter. I'm mainly showcasing this one because this song encapsulates the feeling of spectral projecting, wandering unseen among the living and dead. (Please listen to Silent Hill 2's OST, it is filled with so many good piano tracks that feel close to Vivia it pains me)
Breeze - In Monochrome Night (Silent Hill 3) - My personal favorite track from SH3, a slow burn instrumental that remind me of Vivia and Halara's dynamic specifically. I associate Halara with drum kits, as previously discussed in my post about each character's instrument motifs. The piano and drums work in tandem, creating a shockingly well-played duet.
By Your Side (Omori) - The warmth of a rare smile from Vivia, finding genuine happiness in his place within the agency. Surrounded by those who love and care for him, a stark contrast to his horrible home life, Vivia wouldn't trade this tranquility for anything else.
Lost Library (Omori) - The solace of a good book in the homely nook of the fireplace, guided by candlelight. No sooner does he rest just as easily in his own little spot, dreaming sweetly of a better life away from all the difficult truths hiding in a desk drawer across the room.
Guardian Battle Theme (Breath Of The Wild) - Don't you just hate it when your peace and quiet is threatened to be taken away from you? The anger that arises is subtle, but the flash of a blade sprouting from his hand is a clue unaffordable to miss. If you've managed to piss off Vivia, then you've sure as well earned it. Lookin' at you, Yomi.
Wielder Volo Battle Theme (Legends: Arceus) - If one small detective is the only thing that stands between Vivia and his peace and quiet, he'll do whatever it takes to force him away. Since Yuma wishes to see the truth that badly, then he'll have to fight him for it. Neither of them want it to be this way, but they must protect the one they deeply admire, unknowingly colliding into each other's beliefs of who the culprit really is.
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tarikulreview · 1 year ago
EazyLeadz Review - $127 to $1500+ Eazy Pay Days WITHOUT Ads, A Huge Audience
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EazyLeadz Review - $127 to $1500+ Eazy Pay Days WITHOUT Ads, A Huge Audience
Works Amazing For Beginners - It’s Your Easiest, Surest & Cheapest Way To Passive Online Income & Daily ChaChing Alerts In 2024!
EazyLeadz Review - Introduction
    Welcome to my review of EasyLeadz, arecently launched system that touts itself as a "Lazy man" solution for simplified lead generation and monetization. This tool claims to empower individuals, even those with little experience, to access and profit from substantial buyer leads without the reliance on advertisements, with the ultimate goal of effortlessly boosting their businesses.
    In the quest for targeted buyers to promote affiliate products, traditional lead gathering methods are often viewed as time-consuming and challenging, potentially putting a cap on a company's earnings. EasyLeadz positions itself as a solution to this challenge in the business landscape, offering a user-friendly lead generation platform that streamlines the process, enabling users to effortlessly generate targeted traffic for their products.
    EasyLeadz goes beyond merely promising increased visibility. It asserts the potential for substantial profits by effectively promoting personal or company products. In a business environment where lead generation is a critical factor for success, EasyLeadz aims to be a convenient and effective solution, presenting a fresh and simplified approach to tapping into and capitalizing on potential customer engagement.
Eazy Leadz Review - Overview
Product Name                      : EazyLeadz
Vendor                                 : Ekeocha Roland
Front End Price                   : $17
Product Type                        : Software
Support                                 : Effective Support
Official Website                    : Get Access now
Recommended                      : Highly Recommended
Skill Level Needed               : ZERO Skill Levels
Rating                                   : 9.4 out of 10
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Eazy Leadz Review – Features
® Unlock 100+ DONE FOR YOU Interactive Lead Capture Forms & Popup Funnels ready to deploy in 60 seconds flat.
® Unique lead form and popup funnel strategy helps users to leverage multi-source traffic(landing pages, websites, social media, etc.) and convert them into engaged leads
® Fast & Easy To Set Up - Deploy In Under 60 Seconds Flat, no skill is required, no prior experience, not even AI prompting.
® 100% Done for you system - Lead magnet, copy, tech, delivery - we’ve LITERALLY done all the work.
® Comes with a monetization kit - we help you build your list and then show you how to make money from it - 100% beginner friendly.
® Users Can Start Getting Results Immediately.
EazyLeadz Review – Benefits
Free List Building:
EazyLeadz streamlines the process of building your list with a 100% Done For You System, ensuring accessibility even for those with minimal experience in digital marketing.
Effortlessly collect payments with 1-Click e-Store Integration, enabling the rapid monetization of your email lists.
Quick Affiliate Review Pages:
Craft affiliate review video pages within minutes, simplifying the promotion of affiliate products and commission earning.
Advanced Funnel Logic:
Leverage advanced logic branching for funnel steps, creating dynamic and personalized experiences for your audience.
Legal Utilization of Video Authority:
Legally harness the influence and authority of top video marketers, enhancing the credibility of your content.
Diverse Video Sources:
Utilize videos from multiple sources, including YouTube and Vimeo, providing flexibility and expanding content options.
Create Captivating Video Funnels:
Easily transform any video into attractive funnels, turning website visitors into active subscribers and customers.
Simple Builder:
Use the easy drag-and-drop tool to create and customize your video funnels effortlessly.
Media Library Access:
Get free access to millions of stock videos, GIFs, and images to make your video funnels visually appealing.
Funnel Analytics:
See how well your funnels are performing with helpful analytics, so you can make smart decisions to improve them.
Mobile-Friendly Pages:
Make sure your video funnels and pages look great and work smoothly on all devices, from phones to computers.
Customization Options:
Personalize your video pages to match your brand, keeping a professional and consistent online presence.
Urgency and FOMO Features:
Add timers for urgency to create a sense of missing out, encouraging more engagement and conversions.
List Management Made Easy:
Effortlessly organize and use your contact information with a simple one-click export to CSV.
Simple Sharing with Hosted Links:
Share your video funnels easily with a wider audience using free hosted links, expanding your reach.
Dashboard for Key Metrics:
Keep an eye on important performance indicators through a clear dashboard, helping you make data-driven decisions to improve your video pages.
In conclusion, EazyLeadz provides a user-friendly solution that combines simplicity, customization, and powerful features to boost your digital marketing efforts.
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EazyLeadz Review– How it works?
Your Subscribers Can Start Getting Results in 3 Simple Steps
Step 1   : Choose a topic you're interested in and pick from more than 100 pre-made plans.
Step 2   : Share your plan to get a simple code that you can put on your pages, websites, or share through our social traffic tool.
Step 3   : Begin attracting and turning traffic from different places into interested leads and sales.
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EazyLeadz Review – OTOS
Font End – $17
 ® Create up to 20 lead capture campaigns effortlessly.
® Explore a collection of 100+ ready-made lead form templates.
® Receive 100 Done-for-You premium lead magnets.
® Build a substantial list of up to 10,000 engaged email subscribers.
® Enjoy a swift and straightforward setup in under 60 seconds.
® Access a variety of 50+ Done-for-You theme designs.
® Incorporate urgency and FOMO with customizable timers.
® Embed campaigns seamlessly on unlimited pages, websites, or funnels.
® Employ Hello Bar, Sticky Button, and Pop-Up features for optimal engagement.
® Implement Exit Intent Technology and customize settings.
® Tap into a vast network of 5 billion social media traffic sources.
® Track key metrics through a robust analytics dashboard.
® Ensure GDPR compliance with a secure lead generation system.
® Integrate seamlessly with preferred autoresponder service providers.
® Manage local lists and export data to CSV.
® Benefit from multilingual support, covering 108 languages.
OTO 2 – $37/$47
® Construct and tailor extended lead capture pop funnels effortlessly.
® Utilize drag-and-drop simplicity to craft 20 interactive popup funnels.
® Implement lead segmentation to enhance engagement and generate 10 times more leads.
® Deliver multiple magnets efficiently through an extended funnel structure.
® Incorporate gamification strategies for heightened lead generation results.
® Easily set up complex lead funnel branches.
® Access a vast library of millions of stock videos, GIFs, and stock images.
® Deploy advanced logic branching for intricate funnel steps.
OTO 3 – $67/$97
® Unlock limitless campaigns, engaged leads, views, and traffic.
® Opt for a custom domain to elevate your branding.
® Leverage the teams feature for collaborative campaign efforts.
Become a member of the exclusive club for the latest and updated lead generation funnel assets.
Immediately acquire 50 additional Done-for-You (DFY) lead forms and magnets.
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Acquire everything necessary to unlock daily affiliate commissions.
OTO 6 – $97/$147
Achieve success as a software marketer by reselling EazyLeadz.
Offer 100 licenses at $97/$127.
Provide 1000 licenses at $127/$147.
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EazyLeadz Review – FAQ
 Q: Is EazyLeadz suitable for beginners?
Absolutely! EazyLeadz is specifically designed with beginners in mind, featuring a straightforward setup process and a user-friendly interface that requires no prior experience.
Q: Can I personalize the lead capture forms and popup funnels?
While EazyLeadz provides a variety of ready-made templates, customization options are somewhat limited. However, users can still modify certain elements to align with their branding and preferences.
Q: How quickly can I start seeing results with EazyLeadz?
Users can witness results almost immediately after deploying their campaigns. EazyLeadz is optimized for rapid engagement and conversion, allowing users to capitalize on their efforts swiftly.
Q: Is EazyLeadz suitable for advanced marketers?
While EazyLeadz primarily caters to beginners, advanced marketers can still benefit from its streamlined approach to lead generation. However, they may find themselves desiring more customization options and features tailored to their specific needs.
Q: What support options are available for EazyLeadz users?
EazyLeadz offers comprehensive support to its users, including tutorials, documentation, and direct assistance from the support team. Users can also access community forums for additional guidance and insights.
Q: Can I integrate EazyLeadz with other marketing tools and platforms?
EazyLeadz is designed for seamless integration with various marketing tools and platforms, enabling users to leverage their existing infrastructure while maximizing their lead generation efforts.
EazyLeadz Review – Conclusion
However, users should be cautious about the learning curve, relying too much on internet connectivity, and the potential costs associated with upgrades and reseller accounts. Consider your specific needs and give it a try for a while to see if EazyLeadz is the right fit for you.
Like with any tool, staying informed about updates, actively participating in the community, and making use of available resources will contribute to a more successful experience with EazyLeadz.
Thank you for taking the time to read this detailed review of EazyLeadz. I hope this thorough examination has given you useful insights to help you make a well-informed decision for your online journey.
Get Access Now >> Click here
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ankitaacadereality · 1 year ago
Elevate Your Project with Cutting-Edge Animation Services 
Today, partnering with an animation services company is a staple for video advertising - and there are a lot of good reasons why. For many, it has become a crucial part of their story because its cost is less than other forms of video marketing and animation’s capability to spark emotions. 
But you might be asking yourself, if 2D Animation Service Providers are that crucial, why do I need an agency? Why can I do it myself?
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What are the benefits of partnering with an animation services company?
Business can focus on creative imagination
Reduce prices for video-editing software
Capture the core of your brand
I. Cost and budget 
When you partner with professional 2D animation solutions, you can be assured of top-quality solutions at affordable prices. 
Ii. Personalize The Brand
If there’s something that 2D animation services provide that standard school video marketing doesn’t, it’s humanizing your brand. Whether it’s a 3D or 2D animation, everything about your video can be made to fit your business persona. 
Another advantage of using animation solutions is that you can encrypt your brand.  
A personalized brand can also lead to:
Brand Engagement 
An animation services company can also help you soft-sell your services or products. Video animation allows us to digest content on visual and audio levels all at once, so it gives us an enhanced idea of the core message. 
So whether you use 2D animation services for a company timeline or product launch, they can give life to concepts that viewers may struggle to engage with. 
More visual prompts and less text can keep the audience engaged for a long period. Also, video animation especially appeals to every age. This is as it elicits a sense of reminiscence in every one of us. Ensure your animations are branded in your business colors
Why should your company use an animation services company?
Well, we’ve already drawn why animation solutions themselves are so beneficial for:
Brand awareness
Brand engagement
Embodying and personalizing your brand
As to why you should partner with an animation agency, there are a lot of reasons: 1. Kit and Software 
If you don’t already own the best and most advanced animation software, then you might be shocked - animation software isn’t low-cost! 
The good news is, an animation services company will have all of this organized, and they can hit the ground running, for instance, with whiteboard animation production. 2. Time
At the very least, it takes months to learn basic 2D animation services, whereas an animation agency will have a devoted professional with years of experience. And your time has just as much of a financial value as kit and software. 3. Investing In Assets
Video animation can also be an immortal video marketing asset.
This is because your animation can be used across different media. You could utilize an agency’s animation services to create an explainer video that could equally be used as a brand launch.
Plus, you can boost engagement by hosting it on your social channels, and video content is easily shareable. 
Last but not least, 2D animation services can fit anywhere in your sales cone- whether that means entertaining existing ones or enticing new consumers. 
4. Good Quality
An animation services company is going to be versed in styles ranging from whiteboard animation production and 2D through to 3D animated videos.
Making sure your data is mobile-friendly is key 5. Creativity
Like we said, once you’ve stopped trying to learn Maya and Blender, you can focus on what really matters - your meaning.
For best video animation to work, you need to translate your brand’s mission statement engagingly and concisely. And by outsourcing the complex elements to an animation agency, you can emphasize this part of the project.
Wrapping up
An animation services company can save you money and time, all while boosting your brand’s engagement. By outsourcing to an animation agency that can ensure the animation style you select reflects your brand vision, you can confirm that your brand’s story gets told right.
You can cut down on the up-front costs related to trying to learn animation yourself or hiring an animator. Plus, animation solutions can even be more affordable than live filming!
Animated video can flawlessly capture your business’s ideals with engaging and fun characters and content. With the rise in the status of animation for video advertising purposes, you’d be crazy to miss the boat. 
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suburbanplumbingexperts · 1 year ago
Why You Should Call a Plumber to Diagnose Leaks
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Routine Inspection Can Detect Hidden Leaks
Water leaks can cause a lot of damage if left undetected and unrepaired. They can lead to mold growth, structural damage, and high water bills. While some leaks are easily detectable, others can go unnoticed for a long time, causing significant problems. This is why it is essential to call a plumber to diagnose leaks even if they are not immediately apparent. By conducting routine inspections, plumbers can identify potential leaks and fix them before they cause severe damage.
Professional Expertise Ensures Accurate Diagnosis
When it comes to leak detection, it's crucial to rely on the expertise of a professional plumber. While you may be tempted to try DIY methods, such as using leak detection kits or watching YouTube tutorials, these approaches are often ineffective. Plumbers have the knowledge and experience to accurately diagnose leaks and determine their source. They use specialized equipment and techniques, such as video camera inspections and pressure testing, to locate leaks hidden behind walls, under flooring, or in plumbing systems.
Prevents Further Damage and Costly Repairs
Calling a plumber to diagnose leaks at the earliest signs can prevent further damage to your property and save you from expensive repairs in the future. If left untreated, even a small leak can lead to significant structural damage. Water can seep into walls, weaken the foundation, or cause mold growth, resulting in expensive repairs. By addressing leaks promptly, plumbers can fix the underlying issues and prevent additional damage, saving you both time and money in the long run.
Preserves Water Resources and Reduces Costs
Water is a precious resource, and wasting it through leaks is both environmentally irresponsible and costly. According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), household leaks can waste over 1 trillion gallons of water annually in the United States alone. By promptly calling a plumber to diagnose and repair leaks, you contribute to water conservation efforts and reduce your water bills. Fixing leaks can significantly decrease your monthly water usage, leading to substantial savings over time.
Identifies Hidden Plumbing Issues
Leak detection is not only about finding visible leaks; it also helps identify potential hidden plumbing issues. When a plumber inspects your plumbing system for leaks, they may discover other problems such as corroded pipes, faulty valves, or improper installation. By addressing these underlying issues early on, you can prevent bigger problems from arising in the future. A comprehensive leak diagnosis by a professional plumber can provide you with insight into the overall health of your plumbing system, enabling you to take preventive measures and avoid future emergencies.
Promotes Health and Safety
Leaky pipes can lead to the growth of mold and mildew, which can have adverse health effects on you and your family members. Mold spores in the air can cause respiratory problems, allergies, and even severe health conditions. By calling a plumber to diagnose leaks, you can prevent the spread of mold and maintain a healthy indoor environment. Furthermore, hidden leaks can also create electrical hazards if water comes into contact with wiring or fixtures. By addressing leaks promptly, you ensure the safety of your home and protect your family from potential harm.
Calling a plumber to diagnose leaks is a wise decision that can save you from extensive damage, costly repairs, and potential health risks. Professional plumbers have the expertise, specialized equipment, and experience to accurately detect leaks and address the underlying issues. By promptly fixing leaks, you preserve water resources, reduce water bills, and contribute to environmental conservation. Additionally, a comprehensive leak diagnosis may also help identify other hidden plumbing problems, ensuring the long-term health and functionality of your plumbing system. Don't hesitate to call a plumber if you suspect a leak in your home; it's a small investment that can prevent significant problems in the future.
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evermorehqs · 2 years ago
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Alexandra Casoy is based on Alex from Totally Spies. She is a 26 year old human, vet technician, and uses she/her pronouns. She has no powers. Alex is portrayed by Eva Noblezada and she is open.
There are people in the world who operate at a sprint when it came to life and Alexandra Casoy was easily one of those people. Athletics were interwoven in her DNA and the moment she could stand, she was running - whether it was around a track, after a soccer ball or through crowds at the mall to whatever plushy was on sale, the young girl was always on the move and she was talented. Thankfully, too. She might have been elite on any field but when it came to street smarts, critical thinking, and common sense? Alex wasn’t the one you’d lean on for any of those ( unless it was in video games ). The Olympics were constantly brought up in her house, which sport it was didn’t really matter. At the end of the day, all they had to accept was that she was destined to be an Olympian. The W.H.O.O.P agency had other ideas.
Alex was chosen to join two other young teens at the agency, rounding out the trio and doing so with an absent smile. Did she completely know what was going on? Not entirely but she got the basics and that was all she needed. As long as she had Clover, Sam, gadgets shaped like lipstick and her pet pig, Oinky, nothing bad could happen. And then something happened she didn’t see coming, though to be fair Alex had fallen for more obvious traps in the past, but Evermore was one they couldn’t get out of. None of their tricks worked against walls they couldn’t see and she felt like a kid who’d somehow lost their parents at a theme park. But she wasn’t alone. Though her mission days were on hold, Alex quickly found a spot to lean into her other passion - animals! Between being a spy and being a young adult, she spent her time taking veterinarian classes and it seemed like that work was finally going to come in handy.
❀ Ed Kazah: Finally someone else who thought about things the way she did....read: not a lot. There was something to be said about living in your naiveté and not taking things as seriously as everyone else
❀ Francesca Framagucci: Animals have always been a huge part of Alex’s life especially her pet pig and finding someone who loved the least loved animals just as much as she did was an immediate green flag
❀ Christopher 'Kit' Charming: Alex can’t deny that Kit Charming is exactly that - charming and boy, oh boy, does she fall for it every time. He’s cute, he’s strong, he’s a little intimidating but in a hot way. She can’t help but trip up a little around him
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shubham12340987 · 1 month ago
How New Features Of Canva Can Streamline Your Brand's Social Media Preference
One well-known online graphic design tool that has revolutionized the way organizations create visually appealing material is Canva. In digital marketing, engaging content is essential to drawing in visitors. Businesses can fully utilize social media marketing thanks to its dynamic feature set and user-friendly layout.
Through this blog, explore how you can use Digital Media Calendar's services to enhance your brand's social media strategy and take advantage of Canva's latest capabilities.
Acknowledging the Development of Canva
Beginners and experts both were served by Canva's initial drag-and-drop design tool. Through time, it has developed into an all-encompassing platform with a vast array of themes, visuals, and tools designed to meet different demands related to digital marketing, such as creating content for social media.Important Elements to Improve Social Media Management: 
Comprehensive Template Collection
With a large collection of social media canva templates, brands can easily maintain a consistent visual identity across many platforms. The templates cover a range of formats, including posts, articles, advertising, banners, and thumbnails.
Cooperation Instruments
Canva has added new collaboration capabilities that make it easier for team members to collaborate on projects. Teams may work together on social media campaigns, exchange comments, and guarantee brand consistency across all designs using real-time editing and commenting features.
Integration of Brand Kits
Brands can easily ensure that all designs follow brand rules by uploading logos, colors, and fonts using Canva's Brand Kit function. By streamlining the design process and preserving brand identity consistency across all social media images, this integration saves time.
The Ability to Edit Photos
The photo-editing capabilities on Canva have been improved with additional features like effects, resizing, cropping, and filters. With the use of these tools, brands may improve and alter photos right within the platform, doing away with the need for additional software and streamlining the process.
Designs using Animation
Because social media is becoming more and more about videos and animation, Canva has added animated design elements. Employing pre-made templates and modifiable features, brands can produce visually striking animations for posts, stories, and advertisements that boost engagement and brand recall.
Integrating Content Scheduler
Through platform integration, Canva gives brands the ability to plan and create posts right from the platform. For effective social media administration, from creation to publishing, all within one interface, this smooth interaction with services like Digital Media Calendar is guaranteed.
Using the Digital Media Calendar Services
A variety of services are provided by best media calendar agency in Dwarka, Digital Media Calendar enhances your brand's social media strategy and works in tandem with Canva's features.
Content Planning
Brands can more strategically plan their social media content by using our services, which helps them match the preferences of their target audience with their marketing goals. You can produce aesthetically attractive content that connects with your audience by using canva bundle templates for various business and design tools.
Managerial Campaigns
We help businesses manage full social media initiatives, from conception to implementation. Canva's collaboration capabilities make it easy for teams to work together seamlessly and guarantee that all campaign assets are visually appealing and consistent with the brand.
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reazreviewzone · 2 months ago
AI Copy kit review
AI Copy kit is the world's first powered integrated all-AI generator. It Is A Game-Changing AI Platform Designed To Empower Content Creators And Businesses Like Never Before. With AI Copy Kit, You Gain Access To A Vast Array Of AI-Driven Tools That Effortlessly Elevate Your Content Game. GPT 4 powered copy kit for use no deeds skills and experience, commercial license, learning curve no subscription cost including ZERO cost. You get inside massive and interesting features & It has Everything Like 4k AI Video Creator, Ultra Shorts Creator, UHD AI Graphics Generator with 40 Categories, 200+ AI Writing Tools, Human Emotion VoiceOver Generator, 50+ AI Agents to work 24x7, and Many MORE! An entrepreneur struggling at the beginner level. They do not know how to grow their new business from a beginner level to an advanced level.  This is the point of a new entrepreneur. Generally, a businessman has to find business guidelines for success when they start their new business.  They are no waste of time and money. This is more expensive for a new man.  That`s why, I recommend you use the AI Copy Kit app. AI Copy Kit has a lot of unique features and a user-friendly funnel.  You can generate massive traffic with the AI Copy Kit. I arranged some important topics in the review that help you get access to the software.
What is an AI Copy Kit? How does it work? What features, bonuses, or benefits use the app?
What is the benefit GPT 4 powered copy kit?
Many video creators and content creators are struggling too much. But the software will be easy to use for them.
4k image:- Create eye-catching 4K images using SDXL Tech, and
UHD & Ultra video:- Captivating UHD videos, Ultra shorts, and reels for social media with our AI-powered Video and AI Shorts creator.
200+ AI writing tools – create blogs, articles, video scripts, emails, product descriptions, etc. for all your business needs.
Voiceover:- Create emotion-based real human Voiceovers That Wow and captivate your audience.
Targeted niche:- 50+ AI Agents in different niches for automated customer service, leads, and sales!
High conversion:- More website visitors, higher click-through rates, and increased sales for your business.
Content creator:- 100x Faster Content Creation with ChatGPT 4 Tech - save time and 80% money in costs
Affiliate marketing:- Fuel Your Business Growth, accelerate your content production, and automate lead generation and sales!
Global buyer:- Reach a global audience with content generated in multiple languages, expanding your brand's reach and impact.
Traffic bonus:- Get Paid 10x from your clients for the Same Work.
GPT-4:- Revolutionary GPT 4-powered AI technology you desperately need to elevate your content marketing game to fuel your business growth in 2025 and beyond!
CLIENT SERVICE:- rive massive buyer traffic, leads, and sales & take industry by the storm.
Tech skill:- No complicated setup, no tech hassles, no installation, or any other headache!
Passive income:- Create multiple passive income streams without spending a dime!
Who is the best choice for it? AI Copy Kit
Every software has limitations for users. Same the agency has some targeted niches for promotion. We would use the software unlimited and they have a commercial license. So you work & generate traffic 10x with us.
Content Creators: Whether you're a blogger, vlogger, podcaster, or social media enthusiast,
 it is for you. They grow day by day their audience.
Digital Marketers:- everybody knows about the digital marketing work. Many people started their lives in digital marketing.
Small Business Owners: Level the playing field with big brands by creating professional content that resonates with your customers.
Content writer:- Millions of Online content businesses ready to make a fortune creating & selling HQ content
Personal Use & Commercial Use:- anyone can use the AI Copy kit for their personal.  
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jranimator · 3 months ago
DIY Music Promotion for Emerging Artists
Breaking into the music industry can feel like an uphill battle, especially for emerging artists. With countless musicians vying for attention, creating an effective promotion strategy is essential to stand out. Fortunately, the digital age offers a wealth of tools and resources that allow artists to take control of their promotional efforts without relying heavily on expensive agencies. This article explores actionable steps and accessible platforms that independent musicians can use to promote their music effectively.
Understanding the Role of the Electronic Music Press
The electronic music press has become an indispensable tool for artists aiming to reach niche audiences. These publications cater to specific genres, enabling musicians to connect directly with fans who share their musical tastes. Writing a compelling press release is the first step in getting featured. Focus on telling your story—why your music matters and how it stands out in the current landscape.
Another tip is to identify publications that align with your genre. Reach out to editors with a personalized pitch. Remember, persistence pays off, but ensure your communication remains professional and respectful. Once your music is featured, share the coverage widely on your social media platforms to amplify its reach.
Tapping Into Free Music Submission Blogs
For artists operating on tight budgets, free music submission blogs are a game-changer. These blogs allow you to share your work with audiences at no cost, providing exposure and opening doors to new opportunities. To maximize this resource, research blogs that accept submissions in your genre and carefully follow their submission guidelines.
When submitting your music, attach a press kit that includes high-quality artwork, a concise bio, and links to your social media pages. A professional and polished submission increases your chances of being featured. Once your music is live on these platforms, engage with the audience by responding to comments and sharing the blog post on your networks.
The Importance of Music Industry Words
Understanding the language of the industry is crucial when interacting with professionals and fans alike. Music industry words help you craft engaging content, whether it’s a pitch to a potential collaborator or a social media post for your followers. Knowing key terms like "EPK" (Electronic Press Kit) or "sync licensing" can also enhance your credibility.
Using the right terminology ensures your communication is clear and professional. For instance, when sending emails to booking agents or festival organizers, include terms that demonstrate your knowledge of the business. This not only shows professionalism but also builds trust, increasing your chances of landing opportunities.
Protecting Your Work with YouTube Music ID
YouTube remains one of the most influential platforms for music discovery. However, with its vast reach comes the challenge of protecting your content from unauthorized use. This is where YouTube Music ID comes into play. This tool helps artists track and monetize their music across the platform.
By registering your songs with YouTube Music ID, you ensure that any video using your music generates revenue for you. This not only safeguards your work but also provides an additional income stream. Moreover, it offers valuable insights into how and where your music is being used, allowing you to understand your audience better.
Making the Most of Spotify's Free Music Upload Option
Spotify has revolutionized music streaming, offering artists an unparalleled platform to reach listeners worldwide. The ability to upload music on Spotify for free has democratized access to this powerful platform, enabling even independent musicians to share their work.
To get started, create a Spotify for Artists account, which allows you to manage your profile, track analytics, and pitch songs to playlist curators. Playlists are a critical avenue for gaining exposure, as they help listeners discover your music. Focus on creating engaging cover art and writing a compelling track description to make your submission stand out.
Crafting a Social Media Strategy
In today’s digital age, social media is a cornerstone of any successful DIY music promotion strategy. Platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter offer direct access to fans and industry professionals alike. The key is consistency—regularly posting engaging content that resonates with your audience.
Start by sharing snippets of your music, behind-the-scenes footage, and updates about upcoming projects. Use trending hashtags and participate in challenges to increase visibility. Additionally, engage with your followers by responding to comments and DMs. Building a genuine connection with your audience fosters loyalty and encourages word-of-mouth promotion.
Collaborating with Other Artists
Collaboration is a powerful way to expand your reach and learn from others in the industry. Partnering with artists in your genre can help you tap into their audience while creating unique and innovative content. Collaborative projects could include joint performances, remixing each other’s tracks, or even co-hosting live streams.
When reaching out to potential collaborators, make sure your pitch highlights the mutual benefits of working together. Include links to your music and social media to give them a clear idea of your style and brand.
Utilizing Email Marketing
Email marketing might seem old-fashioned, but it remains one of the most effective ways to connect with your audience. Building a mailing list allows you to communicate directly with fans who are genuinely interested in your music.
Start by offering something valuable in exchange for email sign-ups, such as a free download or exclusive content. Once you’ve built a list, send regular updates about new releases, upcoming shows, or behind-the-scenes stories. Personalize your emails to make recipients feel valued and involved in your journey.
Monitoring Your Progress
Tracking your progress is essential to understanding what works and what doesn’t in your promotion strategy. Use tools like Spotify for Artists and YouTube analytics to gather insights about your audience. Metrics such as listener demographics, geographic locations, and engagement rates can inform your future campaigns.
Additionally, regularly review your social media performance. Identify which types of posts resonate most with your audience and adjust your content accordingly.
Promoting your music independently is no small task, but with the right approach, it’s entirely achievable. From leveraging platforms like the electronic music press and free music submission blogs to mastering tools like YouTube Music ID and Spotify, emerging artists have more resources than ever to build a successful career.
By combining these strategies with dedication and creativity, you can carve out a unique space in the music industry. Start small, stay consistent, and remember to celebrate your progress along the way.
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hua-hin-property-search · 4 months ago
Maximizing Rental Returns in Hua Hin: A Landlord’s Guide
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Hua Hin, a picturesque coastal town in Thailand, is a hotspot for property investment, with a thriving rental market fueled by tourists, retirees, and long-term expatriates. If you’re a property owner looking to maximize rental returns, this guide provides actionable tips to enhance profitability.
1. Choose the Right Location
The location of your property significantly impacts rental demand and income:
Central Hua Hin: Popular among tourists for its proximity to beaches and nightlife.
Khao Takiab: Known for its serene beachfront and luxury rentals.
Pranburi: Ideal for eco-conscious tenants seeking tranquility.
Golf Course Areas: Attract high-paying tenants with a taste for recreation.
2. Target the Right Tenant Segment
Understanding your tenant demographic helps tailor your property:
Short-Term Tourists: Prefer well-furnished properties near beaches and attractions.
Digital Nomads: Seek affordable rentals with reliable internet and workspace facilities.
Retirees: Value quiet neighborhoods with modern amenities.
Long-Term Expats: Often look for villas or condos with family-friendly features.
3. Invest in Quality Furnishings
Well-furnished properties command higher rents and attract more tenants. Consider:
Modern appliances and air conditioning.
Comfortable beds and seating.
High-speed internet for digital nomads.
Outdoor features like a garden or swimming pool for villas.
4. Offer Competitive Pricing
Conduct market research to determine competitive rental rates:
Compare similar properties in your area.
Adjust prices for peak tourist seasons.
Offer discounts for long-term leases to secure consistent income.
5. Leverage Professional Property Management
Managing rental properties can be time-consuming. Professional services:
Handle tenant queries and maintenance issues.
Market your property effectively.
Ensure timely rent collection and legal compliance.
6. Market Your Property Effectively
To maximize visibility, use a combination of online and offline channels:
Real Estate Portals: List your property on platforms like Hua Hin Property Search.
Social Media: Showcase your property on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Professional Photos and Videos: High-quality visuals help create a lasting impression.
Local Connections: Partner with real estate agencies for direct client leads.
7. Adapt to Market Trends
Stay informed about changes in tenant preferences:
Post-pandemic trends show increased demand for spacious properties and outdoor amenities.
Eco-friendly features, like solar panels and water-saving systems, can be a unique selling point.
8. Maintain Your Property
Regular maintenance ensures tenant satisfaction and protects your investment:
Conduct periodic inspections.
Address repairs promptly.
Consider upgrades like energy-efficient lighting and modern decor to boost appeal.
9. Optimize for Online Reviews
Positive reviews on rental platforms significantly enhance credibility and attract more bookings:
Provide exceptional customer service.
Respond to tenant feedback.
Offer personalized touches, like welcome kits, for short-term renters.
10. Comply with Local Laws
Ensure your rental operations adhere to Thai regulations:
Obtain the necessary permits for short-term rentals.
Work with legal professionals to understand lease agreements and tax requirements.
To conclude, Hua Hin offers landlords a prime opportunity to maximize rental returns with its blend of stunning coastal landscapes, growing infrastructure, and steady demand from both tourists and long-term residents. However, navigating the rental market requires expertise in tenant management, local regulations, and property optimization strategies.
Partnering with Hua Hin Property Search can make all the difference. With their extensive market knowledge, personalized services, and commitment to client success, Hua Hin Property Search is your trusted ally in ensuring your rental property thrives. Whether you’re just entering the rental market or looking to boost your property’s returns, their team can guide you every step of the way. Make the most of your investment with professional guidance tailored to your needs.
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