magicapandora · 2 years
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Blossom and Saffron Ketsueki-Mayfield 🌸🪷
I’ve barely drawn anything for HPHM but i decided to draw Rosie and Victor’s kids! The twins go to Beauxbatons and are absolute menaces. But also they’re as fabulous and extra as their parents! I hope you guys like them!
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vega-yukibear-art · 4 years
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Victor x Black Swan Queen MLQC
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sharinluna · 5 years
I'm surprised by the amount of positive reactions of my latest post. To be honest I was preparing myself for getting angry letters from Victor stans going "How dare you label Victor with a bad thing like patriarchy!"
...Trust me, I get really....wild anon messages from all sorts of people. Which I mostly ignore and never bother to reply.
Anyway, VictorxMC relationship is stereotypical and conservative, but I think that is a factor that contributes most to his popularity.
Also that is why he needs the humbling experience of chapter 18. The prince has to fail in saving his love. He has to watch her die in his hands. He had to be absolutely powerless to protect his woman. He has to be dragged down from his throne.
Why? Because MLQC is a story about deconstructing/subverting conventional romance! What are usually recipes for happily-ever-afters in other love stories are ruthlessly torn apart.
If someone asked me the lesson of this story I would reply: Life sucks but we have to do our best to live on. Love is painful but we shouldn't abandon love. The Light is forever unreachable but keep reaching for it all your life because that's what counts. Don't give up Hope even though you know it will lead to nothing but despair. All of which are what MC is trying to do in the chapters. But the writers won't readily hand her the happy ending.
And I thought GoT was dark.
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bittersweetmelxdy · 5 years
hey can I request a victor scenario where Mc is like really scared and just launches herself into his arms? (you’re writing is awesome btw)
Hi, so you requested this, and another anon requested just ‘victor x MC anything’, so I thought this might be a fun concept to write, if you wanted a more serious piece, let me know, but thank you for my first Victor request, I hope I did this justice. I had a lot of fun writing this, especially the dialogue between the two.
Title: Irrational Behaviours
Pairing: VictorxMC
Warnings: Fluff, future fic (they’re married), very much establishedrelationship, affectionate teasing, 
Victor would always tell everyone that after a year of beingmarried to his dear wife, there was nothing she could throw at him that hewouldn’t be able to handle. She was predictable and he could read her like abook. However, after what just happened, he may have to reevaluate that sentiment.
It began as a typical day, he woke up at 6, kissed the topof his wife’s head, and took a shower and got dressed. By 6:30 he met his tiredwife in the kitchen, she handed him a cup of coffee tiredly, yawning loudlyafter. He drank his coffee sitting down at the island in their kitchen watchinghis wife make breakfast, humming along to the song recently stuck in her head.A song he only recognised because if she wasn’t singing it herself, it was blastingaround their house. Switching off the stove, she turned and startedreaching for the plates, he lifted his coffee to his lips to hide his smirk as hewatched her struggle to reach the plates, even after so long, she still refusedto let him help her reach them, stating that “it was humiliating”, and “Ibet you do this on purpose as you just like to see me struggle”. Well hecouldn’t argue with the second statement at least. Seeing her huff, he stifleda laugh, upon hearing the noise she threw a glance his way, but he quicklyducked to avoid suspicion, making her believe he was engrossed with somethingon his phone. As he watched her turn back around, he quickly got up, after all,he knew what was coming next. With skill he still didn’t know how she acquired,she climbed onto the counter top, balancing on her knees and reached for theplates. However, upon closing the cupboard door she lost her balance, where hepromptly caught her.
“You know you could just-“
“Victor I swear you finish that sentence, and your followinginjuries are your own fault.” She glared at him “Besides I had it totally undercontrol.”
“Yeah I’m sure falling from the counter top was exactlywhat you were planning.” He laughed placing his pouting wife back on her feet. “Whattime do you have to leave?”
“Got a meeting at 10, shoot at 2, and I’ll be home afterdoing some post-production at 6.” She said plating up the breakfast and placingthe plates opposite each other on the island. “What about you?” She said bitinginto a piece of toast.
“Meetings all day.” He replied, “As the CEO of a company, Itend to be slightly busier than simple producers.”
“Victor I’m still holding a knife.”
He laughed aloud all the way to his office.
By 7:15 he stopped by the front door of the house andchecked his watch bemusedly as he watched his wife run around the entrywaygathering her things.
“You know you’re going to make us late right.” He teased.
“You seen my-“
“Phone? You gave to me before you started to run around likea headless chicken.”
“Would you let that go already!”
“Not in this lifetime.”
After dropping his huffing wife off at her company building,pressing a quick but firm kiss to her lips and telling her “love you, see athome.” He sent her off with a smile and a wave before sighing telling thedriver to head to the company, opening his laptop, and beginning an email toGoldman about his schedule for the day.
His day was typical: meetings, reading files, signing off onshows and projects, telling Goldman not to bother him for trivial matters. Thatby the end of the day, he was tired, drained and just wanted to hug his wife.He never really saw work as anything exciting, more like he was a single personwho had the responsibility of his employees on his shoulders, and he wasresponsible for them. Walking through the front door, he placed his bag on thefloor and held his arms open expecting for his wife to excitedly bound into hisarms chattering about her day, but what he received was dead silence.
Walking further into their home he called her name, growingmore and more panicked as only silence greeted him, then after walking up the stairs he noticed theirbedroom door was ajar. Victor walked into the room opening the door and callinghis wife’s name loudly.
“Victor, is that you?” a small voice came out.
“Where are you?” he asked.
“I’m in the closet.”
“I’m sorry… did you just say you’re IN the closet?”
“Yes Victor, and I’m not coming out.”
“Do I get to ask why.” He said leaning up against thedoor frame of the closet.
There was a pause, “You’ll laugh…”
“Tell me,”
“Tell. Me.”
“There’s a wasp.”
“A wasp?”
“A wasp.”
“So, you’re telling me that the reason you’re hiding in thecloset like a child, is because there’s a wasp.”
“Yes Victor, and I’m not coming out ‘til you’ve got rid ofit.”
“Your being ridic-“
“Not. Coming. Out. Victor, I mean it, I will live in thiscloset.”
“You can’t do-“
“Watch Me.”
“Ugh, fine humour me, what’s wrong? Are you allergic?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t know, dummy, it’s not going to eat you.”
“We don’t know that!”
Victor sighed, and pinched the bridge of his nose, mumblingunder his breath ‘You love this woman. You married this woman, because youlove her’
“Victor, I can hear you thinking. Get rid of the wasp.”
“Fine, where did you last see it?”
“I don’t know…”
“Do you use your head, or is it just for show?
“I got a glimpse of it and then screamed and hid, I think it’sin the bed- AHHH!”
For a moment Victor stood in front into of the closet door,and in the next he had his arms full of the very terrified love of his life.His wife had wrapped her legs around his waist and seemed to be attempting tochoke him with the death grip she had around his neck. Looking exasperatedly upat the sky, he wrapped his arms around her form and adjusted her to be morecomfortable. Looking down at his wife, who was trembling in fear, and tried to stifle his laughter.
“Victor, you said you wouldn’t laugh.” She pouted.
“So, where’s this terrifying human-eating wasp?”
“Victor, it’s there!” she screamed pointing at the wasp thathad just flown out of the closet and was now trying to ram its way through thewindow.
Victor calmly strolled over to the window, and opened itletting the poor insect fly free, after shutting the window and locking it. All with his wife still wrapped around him, ignoring her protests of ‘Victor put me down!’ and, ‘I don’t want to be anywhere near IT’. Hestrolled over to the bed and sat down with his wife in his lap. Stroking herhair behind her ear, he smiled down at her affectionately.
“So, do I get a thank you?”
“Oh, yes thank you, Victor my dearest husband, my knight inshining armour.” She swooned teasingly at him.
“Too much, but you’re welcome.”
“Couldn’t you have put me down before handling the wasp.”
“You know how much bigger you are compared to it right.”
“I’ve never been stung before, I thought I was going to dieVictor.”
Victor flicked her forehead, and watched as she covered herforehead in pain, glaring at him, before he pulled her into a tight embrace.
“Idiot, I wouldn’t have let you be in any real danger, I’vestill got a few more years to spend with you yet.”
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somethinglacking · 5 years
Mr Love Queen’s Choice: 
Shower Comfort: VictorxMCxGavin PG+ Do you want to come?: VictorxMcxLucien G You’re not going out in that outfit: VictorxMC PG+ Just trying to catch you: KiroxMc PG+ Did you just look me up and down and then bite your lip?: KiroxMCxGavin 18+ Tell Me What You Need: KiroxMcxGavin 18+
Full Fics: Bound To You: GavinxMC +18 Bet We Don’t Get Caught: KiroXMC +18 Rings and Handcuffs (Kiro X MC) +18 Kinktober day 9- Med Kink (LucienxMC: Mr Love) +18 Within His Control (Kiro x MC) +18 Mystic Messenger: Shooting for Stars:Yoosung x Original Character Hyuna Shooting For Stars: Chapter 1 Shooting for Stars: Chapter 2 ONE-SHOTS I Am Yours-   SaeranX(Nari)MC +18 Whatever you wish Master-   SaeranXReader+18 I’ll never let you go-   SaeranXMC NARI It’s All In The Hips!-    707XReader+18 Saving Privet 707-    Crack, SaeranXReader Fun n’ Games-    707XKaori(MC) +18 Under the Cherryblossom-   VxSakura(MC) +18 Nothing More Than A Toy-   707xKaori(MC) +18 Pretty Little Canary-   Onesided Unknown X Reader Cruel Angel’s Thesis (707 X Nari MC- Another Story) Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 1- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 2- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 3- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 4- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 5- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 6- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 7- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 8- +18 Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 9- +18 Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 10- Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 11- +18 Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 12 Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 13- +18 Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 14 Cruel Angel’s Thesis Chapter 15 DIVULGE (Virgin Saeran X Reader entirely +18) Divulge Chapter 1 Divulge Chapter 2 Random Head Canons 707 Masturbation Ritual HC NSFW +18 Why Luciel/707/Saeyoung Choi is my main bias in Mystic Messenger (My thoughts on the Character) Reblogs Appreciated 
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gracelesslamb · 5 years
The CEO, the Professor, and Me (VictorxMC(x Lucien) SMUT) Part 7
Victor sounds pissed. 
“Sleep well, Victor?” asks Lucien. His face is passive and he seems unphased by Victor’s apparent displeasure. 
“Fine. I slept fine. Until I was rudely awakened by you two going at it like a couple of rabbits!” 
I blush furiously and bury myself into Lucien’s chest in embarrassment. Lucien laughs and pats my head. 
“Sorry…”I mumble. 
Victor sighs in frustration. “I’m sure it was his idea, so I don’t blame you at all, ______.” 
“There’s no need to be jealous, Victor. I’m perfectly willing to share.”
I glare at Lucien as I roll myself off of him.  “I’m not some toy that can be passed around, you know. I can make my own decisions about whom I have sex with.” 
“I never said you couldn’t. I assumed since you were willing to have one-on-one intercourse with me, that you would also be willing to engage in the same activities with Victor, if he wished to.” 
I open my mouth to protest but realized that he wasn’t wrong about that. Instead I pull on my clothes and retreat to Victor’s side of the elevator. 
“I’m going to sleep again.”  I use my purse as a pillow this time around, and curl myself into a ball. My body was starting to ache after all the sex, and I could tell tomorrow I was going to be a walking bruise. At least the boys will also be walking bruises along with  me. It’s a small comfort. 
I feel Victor lay down about a foot away from me. He grabs my hand and pulls me towards his bare chest. He’s so warm. 
“Thought you’d catch a cold if you didn’t have some source of warmth.” murmurs Victor. His voice resonates pleasantly through my ears. Victor drapes his suit jacket over us.
“Get some sleep.” I feel the soft press of lips on the top of my head. 
I snuggle myself into Victor’s chest. He’s much bulkier than Lucien so he completely covers my frame with his body. I feel so warm.  Victor’s lips  brush my temple. 
“At least I get to have you in my arms for a little while.” he whispers, barely audible.  There’s sadness in Victor’s voice and my heart lurches.
It doesn’t take long for me to drift off to sleep again. Lucien had definitely tired me out enough to sleep for awhile. 
My sleep was short lived, however, thanks to the damn elevator fluorescent lights shining in my eyes. 
And Victor’s massive erection poking at my rear. My face heats up a little. Having one-on-one time with Lucien was one thing, but Victor was different. Victor was...intimidating in a way Lucien wasn’t; most likely the fact that Victor is technically my boss. 
My...incredibly attractive boss. Who has already had sex with me once, among other...things. 
I squirm a little in Victor’s arms and he stirs a bit. Whoops. 
Victor nuzzles my neck softly. Warm tingles spread throughout my body and I sigh contentedly as he lazily presses kisses against my neck. Heat pools between my thighs again. I bite my lip and try and suppress the whine trying to get out. 
“Don’t worry...we’re essentially alone right now.” Victor whispers in a low growl. Oh. So he stopped time for this. 
My hips press into his erection and he groans softly. “Careful,” he whispers into my ear. “I was planning on taking it slow, but if you keep doing that…” Victor’s voice drops an octave “I may not be able to hold myself back.” 
His lips return to my neck and his hands start to unbutton my blouse. I slide myself out my skirt as he discards the garment. Victor rolls me onto my back, allowing my head to hit the leather briefcase. He kisses his way to my shoulder, reaching behind me to unclasp my bra, discarding it to the side.
“Your skin is so soft,” he murmurs against my collarbone. He begins to kiss towards the tops of my breasts, cupping one in his hand and twirling a nipple between his fingers. 
My face flushes. I’m speechless. Until several hours ago, I thought Victor disliked me. But...given the tenderness and passion he’s been displaying towards me during this entire incident, it seems that Victor has harbored some very strong feelings towards me. 
I watch in awe as Victor kisses between my chest and latches on to the other nipple, swirling around the areola with his tongue before softly nipping at it, causing me to arch towards him by reflex. He switches breasts for a little bit before continuing his journey downward. 
Victor softly kisses my stomach, making me squirm a little. 
Victor smiles into my skin. “Ticklish?”
“A little.” 
“All over?”
“Just my stomach and the bottoms of my feet, like a normal person.” 
“Uh huh. So if I go down there, you’re not going to ram me in the face?”
“U-um. No?”
“That’s promising…” Victor mutters in a barely audible whisper. He pulls my underwear off and kisses my hip bone, allowing my legs to rest on his shoulders. 
Starting at my knee, Victor slowly traces a path to my center with his lips. My hands instinctively tangle into Victor’s thick hair as he traces his tongue along the beginnings of my thighs. When he reaches my upper thigh, the tingles of anticipation begin to send bolts of electricity towards my center. 
My hips buck against Victor’s mouth once his mouth touches my most sensitive spot. 
Victor pulls back a little with a small scowl. “Try not to hit me in the face, will you?” I feel my face turn scarlet and I cover it in complete embarrassment
“I’m so sorry,” I mumble through my hands. “I’m so clumsy, and I wasn’t--”
I’m interrupted by Victor’s strong hand grabbing my wrist. He pushes my legs off his shoulders and pulls me towards him in a sitting position. 
“Hey...Hey. Look at me.” he says, tilting my chin with his hand. Our eyes meet and I can see his expression soften. 
We stare at each other for a few moments in silence. 
“I’m not stupid, I know you’re afraid that you’re going to screw something up during this...activity.” 
My face flushes again as Victor continues talking in a low, tired voice. 
“All you have to do is try and keep still. I know you’re a bit uncoordinated, so I’m not expecting you to keep still all the time. It’s you...so I’ll enjoy it regardless of how many times you accidentally shove me in the face.” 
“S-sorry. Please don’t think any less of me. I know you...don’t really like me very much.” 
Victor rolls his eyes. “If I didn’t like you...I wouldn’t be doing this.” He pulls me towards him and captures my lips in a brief, but  breathtaking kiss before trailing scorching kisses across my jaw to my earlobe. 
“Or...this.” he whispers before taking my earlobe between his teeth and pulling softly on it. I moan louder than I meant to as he moves down my body with his mouth, each kiss even more sensual than the last. He’s between my legs again as he strokes my outer thigh, while his other hand tangles in one of my own. 
Our eyes meet as he licks my center slowly. His gray eyes are intense with lust...and deep affection. As his tongue touches my clit I close my eyes and allow the sparks of pleasure wash over me as Victor swirls his tongue around the small nub. 
The noises coming from my mouth were seemingly involuntary as Victor’s tongue  begins to find other spots to make me squirm. He lets go of my hand to steady my shaking legs as he pumps a finger inside. 
Victor’s name spills from my lips again and again as he adds a second finger and his tongue zeroes in on my most sensitive area. The noises he makes while he fucks me with his tongue are sinful enough to enhance my arousal. My orgasm arrives quickly, though when it comes, Victor doesn’t slow his assault. I’m soon pushed into another explosion of pure blinding, screaming pleasure. 
As I come down from my high, Victor gently kisses his way up my body, a contrast to the scorching kisses that brought him to my center. When he finally reaches my shoulder, I feel him smile against the skin.
“Nothing. Just thought of something amusing.”  Victor pecks me on the lips gently. 
“Care to share?” Our breath mingles together as my question hangs unanswered. Victor closes the distance between us and we kiss for a very long time. We kiss for so long, that the once strong taste of my essence  in Victor’s kisses fades until only Victor remained. 
During our make-out session, Victor flips me over him, cupping my waist firmly. 
“Tighten your legs around my waist.” he whispers against my lips. “Arms around my neck. Be careful.” I secure my legs and suddenly Victor stands up, securing my rear with his strong hands. I’m pressed up against the elevator opening. 
Victor kisses me again, molding his chest to mine. When the kiss breaks, he leans his forehead against mine. He pulls down his underwear, kicking it off and takes a deep breath.
“I’m going in, alright?”  I nod silently and he presses me harder against the elevator as he slowly enters me with a soft groan. I tighten my arms around his neck as he props up  my legs that are secured around my  hips with his strong arms. 
Victor’s movements are slow and controlled at first but once he finds the spot inside of me that causes me to jolt, his movements begin to pick up. He braces me against the elevator door as he pounds into me again and again. It doesn’t take long for me to reach another orgasm. 
I feel my back slide down the elevator thanks to the sweat on my body. The mirrored walls of the elevators begin to fog as Victor continues to thrust into me. My eyes wander over to Lucien’s frozen form for just a moment before I close my eyes and concentrate on not sliding off Victor’s sweaty torso. 
Victor braces  his forehead against my shoulder as his movements become less controlled. 
“God, I wish this wasn’t the last time.” he mutters under his breath, barely audible and my heart sinks. This incident has shown me a completely different side of Victor; a side that I probably wouldn’t ever see again once we get rescued. 
The speed of Victor’s thrusts begin to quicken even more as he nears his orgasm. When he reaches it, he pushes me over the edge along with him. We slide to the ground sweaty, panting and thoroughly satisfied. 
Victor pulls me into his lap and kisses me again, with a gentle passion that could only be achieved in the afterglow of sex. 
We stare into each other’s eyes in silence for a few moments. Victor breaks the silence.
“______…..I...I…” He closes his eyes and sighs.
“You what?” 
Lucien’s voice startles both of us. Victor’s face quickly forms into a scowl as he secures an arm around my waist in a way that four of his fingers were sticking out at Lucien and his thumb was tucked into my side. 
Lucien cooly raises an eyebrow and tilts his head.
“So...I see you two have been busy while I was asleep.” 
Consult my master list for the other parts
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magicapandora · 3 years
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haha victor ur a simp
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magicapandora · 3 years
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Wow Rosie! How come you get two goth/punk partners?
I used @mcnuggyy ot3 pose meme as a reference for this!
Local cursebreaker gets goth girlfriend and punk boyfriend
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andinewton · 5 years
Daddy-to-be Victor
Continuing on from this oneshot, how does Victor deal with MC’s cravings?
‘Anything you want.’
‘I swear, Victor, all I want is a burger.’
Victor looked at you in the passenger seat of his car before huffing a sigh out of his nose.  ‘You are not filling my child with bad food decisions before it is even born.’
You had been trying to get your point across that this was exactly what you were craving for the entire drive into the city.  You were hungry, Victor knew that from the fact your stomach was grumbling while you pondered over the plan for an upcoming show, completely engrossed in what you were doing until Victor leant over you, took your pen, and reminded you that food was a thing.
‘A burger doesn’t have to be a bad food decision!’  You argued, having already told Victor you just wanted something fast and now, that he shouldn’t open up Souvenir for something you could get just about anywhere.  ‘Honestly, some prime grade mince pounded into a patty and slapped between two pieces of bread would do me just fine!  Maybe with a bit of cheese…’  You trailed off as you imagined the oozy goodness melting over the surface of a succulent, juicy burger.
‘Is it actually a burger you want or meat in bread?’  He all but demanded, his frustration with your apparent incorrect decision clear.
‘I don’t…I don’t actually know, now you say that.’
‘Then let’s find out.’  He got out of the car and was beside your door before you even took off your seatbelt.  He held a hand to help you out, always a gentleman despite his harsh words, and led you through the streets silently.
You wondered if you had pissed him off, wanting something so simple, but he was the one who said you could have anything.  Maybe he thought he had had a positive effect on your tastebuds in your time together, and he had treated your palate to many new experiences, but a decent burger could set your pulse racing and not because of heart disease.
‘This is the place.’  Victor opened the door of a small cafe and held it for you to go in under his arm.  He led you to a table at the back, after nodding to the waitress, and got you seated.  ‘What do you want to drink?’
‘Uh…just water is good.’
He left you sitting there and went to the counter to speak with the waitress.  While he did so you looked around.  This cafe looked like a little mom and pop place, you were amazed Victor knew of it.  The decoration was homey, the chairs mismatched in a quirky way, but it was clean and the smell of cooking food was tantalising.  And the fact you ordered at the counter?  It seemed a little bit low brow for Victor, but you knew he was a foodie and was always looking for more places to try.  He came back and put two bottles of water on the table along with two very basic glasses.
‘I ordered for us both.’  He informed you as he slipped into his seat around the corner from you and unbuttoned his jacket.
‘Burgers?’  You asked hopefully.
‘Would you let the burgers go?’  He rolled his eyes.  ‘This will be good, I promise.’
‘I’m not the one who wants the burgers, thank you.’  You told him somewhat haughtily.  ‘It’s your child who wants it.’
Victor sighed yet again before leaning down, one arm on the table for balance as he looked firmly at your stomach.  ‘Ignore any and all messages this one’s brain sends you where food is concerned.  She’s an expert in so far as she will eat anything.  I, however, am the family connoisseur.’
You poked him in the nose with your finger to make him sit up again.  ‘Don’t start lecturing our baby and turning them against me before they’re even a bump on the landscape of my body!’
‘Someone will have to teach them that junk food is not the answer to everything.’  He gave you a small smile that was full of sarcasm and told you exactly what he thought of your diet of convenience foods before he came along.
‘We will teach them together, like we’re going to everything else.’  You told him firmly.
What you weren’t expecting was for him to laugh, but he did.  He took your hand where it rested on the table in both of his.  ‘Dummy.’  He muttered just loud enough for you to hear.
‘Yeah, well, joke’s on you.  I’m your dummy.’
‘How is the joke on me, exactly?’  He asked, tilting his head.
‘Because you chose to be with me.’  You teased.
He narrowed his eyes at you.  ‘I hate it when you make a point.’
‘I know.’  You stuck your tongue out at him.
He began to reply but you noticed the waitress coming towards you with two steaming plates.  A pang of disappointment ran through you as you realised you couldn’t see burgers on the plates, but once they were set down your stomach began to rumble in anticipation.
‘Oh, wow.’  You murmured.
‘I know.’  Victor smiled smugly.
The plate before you held an individual baguette, cut length ways and filled with delicious looking steak, cooked with onions and covered in cheese that was even now melting out of the bread enticingly.
‘This is the best steak sandwich you will find in Loveland city, if not the world.  It’s prime steak, like you asked for.  The onions are a particular genus only grown in Loveland.  The cheese is a combination of three different varieties to give it punch and creaminess, plus the melting point is a lot lower so it can be grilled once everything else is ready to give the browned topping.  And finally the bread is made freshly on the premises daily.  I challenge you to find a burger that stands up to this.’
You tore your eyes away from your food and looked at him with a mouthful of crispy baguette and filling, sucking a piece of onion into your mouth as you chewed enough to be able to talk.  ‘Sorry, I wasn’t listening, what did you say?’
Victor looked at you, big apologetic eyes, cheeks flushed and filled with delicious food, not caring or perhaps not realising that there was a string of cheese attached to your chin, and he smiled so warmly you could almost feel it.  ‘Nothing important.’  He replied before starting on his own dish.  He thought he couldn’t love you any more than he already did, any more than when you told him he was going to be a father and that you’d marry him in the same day, yet you somehow surpassed it every single minute.  Watching you eat to feed your child, the new life growing inside you, made him feel things he hadn’t realised was possible, but now he wouldn’t change things for the world.
‘By the way,’ you remarked nonchalantly, ‘I agree that this is really good.  But it’s still not a burger.’
‘Dummy.’  He replied and you smiled at one another, both content to agree to disagree.
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andinewton · 5 years
Here we go!  This is just a little one, the next part will carry on from this, but I have plenty more ideas to keep me going, I just need the inclination and time to get them done!  Wish me luck!
Can You Hear Me?
‘What exactly are you doing?’
You looked down the length of your body where you were laying on the couch.  You were trying to relax in Victor’s, no, both of your, living room.  You hadn’t been sleeping well and finding a comfortable position even with the tiny baby bump you bore was becoming difficult.  You had just found the right combination of pillow placement that you thought you might be able to nap, and suddenly Victor was on his knees with a hand on either side of your bump and his ear pressed to the centre.
‘Shh.  I’m listening.’
‘To…?’  You prompted him as you took in his look of complete concentration.
You decided to eliminate what you thought he was checking for.  ‘I ate lunch.’
‘I said shh.’  He fixed you with a firm stare, leading to you rolling your eyes as you laid your head back, hoping you could still doze off even with him there.
Your body began to relax, the warmth of him against your stomach comforting.  Your leg twitched as the darkness became complete, your brain slipping happily into slumber…until you felt your shirt being pulled up and a kiss placed firmly on your belly.  You growled quietly in frustration as you raised your head again.  Victor’s ear was pressed against you once more but now directly against your flesh.
‘What are you doing?’  You let the exasperation you felt at having been woken when you finally fell asleep through into your voice and he raised his head.
‘Did I disturb you?’  He seemed surprised, as though he didn’t think touching and kissing your tiny bumpling would make a blind bit of difference to you.
You groaned and scrunched up your eyes momentarily before sitting up and swinging your legs around to sit on the couch beside where he knelt.  ‘Victor, baby, I’m tired, I’m this close to either crying or punching you in the face.  I don’t want to do either.  Could you please just tell me what you’re doing then get on the couch and cuddle me into blessed oblivion?’
‘Goldman told me that babies can hear what’s going on in the world around them.  As it’s so quiet I wondered if I might be able to hear…anything.’  Victor turned enough to wrap an arm around your back.  ‘Are you having trouble sleeping?’
You nodded before replying.  ‘I don’t think it works that way.’  You stroked your hand through his hair.  ‘I think the only thing we get to hear from inside, other than if I’m hungry, is when the doctor uses the doppler to listen to the heartbeat.’
Victor nodded thoughtfully.  ‘Maybe a relaxing bath would help, then you can lay on the bed and I will make sure you’re not disturbed?  When do we get to see the doctor with the doppler?’
‘One conversation at a time, please?’  You begged, struggling to keep up as you continued to trail his silken strands between your fingers.
He closed his eyes, enjoying your hair play.  ‘Fine, doctor question first.’
‘Well, you know I have an appointment next week, I don’t know when they do the doppler though.  I think you can buy them online.’
Victor’s eyes opened again rapidly and his phone was to his ear just seconds later.  ‘Goldman, order a doppler.  Top of the line medical grade…I don’t care if you know where to look, just find one!’  And he hung up again.
‘My cute rich baby.’  You chuckled as you leant forward and kissed his forehead.  ‘Now what was that about a bath?’
Hopefully, in a couple of days, I’ll have the bath scene finished!
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andinewton · 5 years
No Hurry, Daddy - Daddy-to-be!VictorxMC
Here we go!  The next part in my Daddy!Victor story!  It’s not overly fluffy, but it does show Victor being a bit sulky and MC getting her way!  The next part will be more Daddy fluff, I promise!
No Hurry, Daddy
‘You said you’d marry me.’  Victor folded his arms and gave you a hard glare.  ‘Exactly when were you going to tell me that you changed your mind?’
‘I haven’t changed my mind.’  You huffed out a breath, wondering when he became the hormonal, moody one in this relationship.  ‘I just don’t think we should rush it.’
‘You want to marry me but when I tell you I’ve found us a venue that can accommodate us next month you’re not interested.  What am I meant to think?’
‘If you shut up for a minute I’ll tell you!’  You snapped.  You had been quite happily enjoying your day off, sitting with a delicious looking lemon meringue tartlet you had picked up on the way home the night before, a fragrant pot of tea steeping when Victor had marched in with no preamble and demanded to know why you didn’t want to marry him.  He had text you with a link to an exclusive hotel with a date, stating that if you agreed he would pay the exorbitant deposit by the end of business today.  And you had turned him down.
‘I’m listening.’
‘Would you please sit down?  I feel like I’m in trouble.’  You pushed the chair nearest to him with your foot until it nudged his leg.  ‘You might even find out that I have a good reason.’
‘What reason could you have to turn down our wedding?’  He growled but took a seat nonetheless.  You swore this man could curdle milk if he put his mind to it, so you moved your small jug away from him, just in case.
‘I don’t want to turn it down, I just want to wait for a little bit.’  You poured your tea, giving him a chance to interrupt if he wanted to, but it seemed he was willing to hear you out.  ‘Do you understand what the press will say if we get married now?’
‘I don’t care what they say.’  Victor scoffed.  ‘Their opinions are generally wrong, and if they’re too outlandish I’ll have my lawyers sue them.’
You counted to five in your head before continuing.  ‘If we get married now then have a baby really soon afterwards they’ll likely question if our relationship is because we’re in love or because you knocked me up.’
‘I don’t like that phrase.’  You knew he didn’t, that was why you used it.  He found it crude but it was a favourite of tabloids.
‘But,’ you continued, unperturbed, ‘if we have the baby first, then get married and include the baby in the ceremony, be the picture perfect family, they’ll know it wasn’t rushed, that we want to be together as a family, not just a couple.  It lends more power to our outward appearance.  People can be happy for us having a baby, then get hyped for the wedding.  It’ll be good press.  Better than giving them something to speculate about.’
He continued to glare at you but shifted in his seat and you knew you had him.  ‘If I agree to this…IF I agree, we could make an official pregnancy announcement?’
‘In a few weeks, once we’re further along.’  You nodded.  ‘Then that’s fine.  Plus, it would give us more time to plan.’
‘Plan for the baby or the wedding?’  He narrowed his eyes at you.
‘Both.’  You shrugged before putting your cup back down and getting up to stand beside him.  ‘I want to enjoy being pregnant, I want us to enjoy it.  Every minute of it, whether I’m throwing up from morning sickness or enjoying the rise in sex drive I can apparently expect.’  This got his attention as he tilted his head to look at you, giving a raised eyebrow.  ‘All of it.  I don’t want to have to cram in planning a wedding too!  Let’s do that once we’re through this.  Let’s give our baby the attention it deserves.’
Victor’s eye twitched and you knew you had got through to him, you just had to let him feel this was still his win, that you weren’t putting words into his mouth.
‘You know I want to marry you,’ you stroked his hair and saw his folded arms relax, ‘but I don’t want us to rush it.’
‘You…might have a point.’  He reluctantly conceded.
‘And not only that, we didn’t make an engagement announcement either, so a wedding would seem kind of sudden.’
Victor unfurled his arms and wrapped them around you, bringing you to sit sideways on his lap.  ‘Then let’s make a joint engagement and pregnancy announcement.’  He stated.  ‘Give the press something to be going on with.’
A smile spread across your face.  ‘Victor, that’s an amazing idea!’  You hugged him tight, his arms caressing your back.
‘Of course it is.’  He replied.  ‘I’ll get my legal team on a statement tomorrow.’
You kissed his cheek solidly before going back to hugging him.  You knew he wasn’t always, okay ever, easy to fool, but this time it seemed to have worked in your favour.
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andinewton · 5 years
Daddy-to-be-VictorxMC Masterlist
I will eventually title this properly, but for now, that’s it!
I’m going to link up all the Victor fics I’ve made, from their first date, as in my head they’re all part of one big fic!
A MisunDatestanding
Prompt:  Says who?
Prompt: Why do you care?
Prompt: Why are you laughing?
Telling Victor
No Hurry, Daddy
Can You Hear Me?
Happy Holidays
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andinewton · 5 years
Victor x MC(Reader)  Bake My Way Into Your Heart
Fandom: MLQC
Pairing: VictorxMC(Reader)
Warnings: None I can think of
Summary:  You ask Victor’s advice on baking.  He doesn’t trust you not to screw it up.  He was right.  
MC - 10.47am: Sorry to bother you…do you happen to have a foolproof recipe for sugar
MC - 11.02am: Don’t worry, I think I found one!
Victor - 11.03am: What do you mean?
MC - 11.04am: I mean I found a recipe that looks simple enough!
Victor - 11.06am: You’re trying to cook?
MC - 11.09am: I’m not trying.  I’m going to succeed!  I’ll send you pics when I’m
done, and if you’re lucky I might bring you one!
Victor looked from his phone to his schedule and sighed.  He pressed the intercom on his phone and spoke clearly.  ‘Goldman, cancel my appointments for the rest of the day.’
‘Are you going somewhere, sir?’  Goldman asked as he looked over all the important meetings lined up.
‘Yes.  I’m going to stop an idiot in distress before it happens.’
You wiped your hand across your forehead as you looked at the dough in your bowl.  It was supposed to be in one solid lump.  The only way you could describe the mess in front of you was crumbs.  Sighing heavily you resigned yourself to starting over, picking up the bowl only to have it slip through your floury fingers, making you squeal as you preempted the crash and mess to follow.  But, to your surprise, it didn’t happen.  The doorbell rang as you stared at the bowl just hovering in the air just a few inches from hitting the floor and you realised why.
‘Come in, Victor!’  You called before plucking the bowl out of the air and putting it back on the counter.
‘What a mess.’  Victor remarked as he looked over the flour-covered surfaces, his eyes finally falling on you as you turned around.  ‘And I see it’s not just the kitchen.’
Wiping your hands on your apron you wished you had a mirror.  You had hastily caught up your hair into a messy ponytail and thrown on torn jeans and a loose t-shirt, not something you would have chosen if you knew Victor was coming over.  It wasn’t that you had a crush on the man in control of your company’s funding, it was that you were all out in love with him.  But that was fine, you told yourself.  It was a professional relationship, you didn’t see him outside of work…except you did…and more than once he had come to your rescue.  He irritated you enough that you knew it wasn’t hero-worship, but damn if he didn’t look hot with fire in his eyes and ice in his words.
‘I’m trying, okay?’  You replied, clearing up as best you could.
‘I know you are.’  He huffed out a breath.  ‘Show me the recipe.’
You pointed towards the tablet on the side, the screen long since locked as you tried to bring the mixture together.  ‘It’s on there.’
‘I don’t have one.’
‘Idiot.’  He replied as he opened the tablet and read over the recipe.  ‘This is incredibly simple, I can’t believe even you couldn’t follow it.’
‘I think my flour is out of date.’  You admitted.  ‘And I didn’t have the right sugar.’
‘Are you trying to kill yourself or just give yourself food poisoning?’  He put the tablet back down.  ‘What exactly inspired this ill-gotten idea?’
‘I used to make cookies to hang on the Christmas tree with my dad.’  You replied with your head down as you concentrated on wiping down the counter.  ‘I thought it would be nice to make some to give to my friends and colleagues.’
Victor knew you missed your father and he couldn’t fault that your heart was in the right place.  Your strategy and execution of the task, however, were incredibly flawed.  ‘I’ll help you.’
Your eyes shot up to meet his out of sheer surprise.  ‘You want to…help…me?’  You never thought you’d hear those words from him, let alone in reference to baking.
‘Of course.  If I let you perish in some baking-related accident then I’ll have to start training some other dummy.’
‘But I’ll have to go buy more ingredients.  And are you sure you have time?’  You offered him an out, knowing how busy he was.
‘You’re good.’  He walked back through to where he had left a bag by the door, full of high-quality ingredients he had collected from Souvenir on his way over.  ‘So you can throw all of that out of date danger food in the trash.’
You blushed faintly at his obvious-to-you concern.  ‘Thanks, Victor.’
‘Don’t thank me yet,’ he replied, ‘I’m not helping you clean up this mess.’  He waved his hand at the countertops and you blushed harder at him having seen your place in such a state.
‘I’ll get on that right away.’
A little under an hour later, the kitchen was clean, and the dough looked like it was supposed to, coming together slowly but surely.  Victor had supervised, at times having to hold himself back from taking over, knowing this was important to you, but as the mixture began to take shape he could hold back no longer.  His jacket, tie, and waistcoat were long since gone, draped over a chair, and his sleeves neatly folded back above his elbow.
‘Don’t be afraid of it.’  Victor’s voice was suddenly so close to you, the low tone rumbling through you as his arms curved around your body to join your hands in the bowl.  ‘Some things require a more gentle touch, like meringues, but dough can stand a firm hand.  It thrives on it.’
You swallowed hard at the warmth of his body against yours, trying to remember if you had heard him move, if he had made a sound at all, or if you had been too engrossed in your work to notice.  It didn’t really matter which it was, if any of them, but you wish you had had some warning, even as the heat crept up your neck and to your cheeks.
‘Firm hand, got it.’  You nodded to show you were listening, but the movement made your hair brush against him, reminding you once again of his proximity.  And then your mouth spat out what you were thinking without meaning to.  ‘I guess you’d know best in that respect.’
His hands froze in the mixture over your own for a moment before moving it for kneading on the countertop.  ‘And why would that be?’
His breath rustled your hair and your breath stuttered in your throat.  You really hoped he hadn’t heard that.  ‘Because...you know about cooking!’  You replied confidently.  ‘If I had to whip meringue I’d probably give it a good thrashing and completely wreck it!’
Victor swallowed heavily at the image her innocent words brought to mind and he shifted his pelvis just enough to relieve the burgeoning discomfort caused by them.  ‘When are you going to learn,’ he murmured, his voice unusually soft, ‘that if you ever want some pointers I’m more than happy to oblige.’
‘You’re just so busy.’  You replied in an equally hushed tone, making the moment more intimate somehow.  ‘I want to be able to cook better but it shouldn’t be at the expense of your valuable time.’
Victor’s hands slid from the dough to cover yours and you heard him draw a breath, as though he was about to speak, but then he stepped back, his hands withdrawing.  ‘That’s ready to roll out now.’
You swallowed heavily before replying.  ‘Right.’
You made tea while the cookies were in the oven and served it to Victor at the little two seater table that sat in front of the window.  You just couldn’t settle enough to sit as Victor’s actions had both your heart and stomach fluttering.  You had so far asked if his tea was okay, offered him milk, sugar, honey, lemon, and boba; offered to make him something to eat, not that you thought for a second anything you made would be up to his standards; offered to pay him for the groceries he brought with him; and busied yourself clearing up what you had used and preparing the wire rack for the cookies to cool down.  Eventually Victor evidently had enough.
‘Sit.’  He said firmly, and you were in the seat opposite him before you realised it.  ‘That wasn’t an order.’  He smirked before sipping his tea.  ‘Just like this isn’t.  Drink with me?’
‘Sure.’  You smiled slightly before sitting in the seat opposite and picking up the teapot and pouring yourself a cup.  ‘I don’t know if I said already, but thank you for coming to my rescue.’
‘You don’t owe me thanks.’  He rested his teacup down again.  ‘I couldn’t leave you to potentially burn down half of the city, could I?’
‘It wouldn’t have been very responsible of you, it’s true.’
You sat quietly for a few moments when Victor spoke again.  ‘Do you plan on decorating the cookies?’
‘I bought some pre-prepared frosting with a piping nozzle, and some seasonal decorations.’
‘You probably won’t come to any harm doing that.’  He mused.  ‘But I’ll stay and help you, just in case.’
‘If you have somewhere to be, you don’t have to.’  You assured him.  ‘I’m sure I already caused chaos with your schedule because of this as it is.  Goldman is probably sticking pins in a little me voodoo doll even as we sit here drinking tea.’
Victor laughed so suddenly you almost spilled your tea.  ‘He wouldn’t do that.  He likes you.’
‘At least someone does.’  You quirked him a sideways smile.
‘Just because I’m firm with you doesn’t mean I don’t like you.’  He frowned.
‘I think harsh is more the right word.’
‘Sometimes you need a little push.’  He teased.
‘So if it’s only a little push why do I always feel like you’re throwing me into the deep end?’
‘It builds character, and I know you’re capable of more than you give yourself credit for.’
‘I appreciate the fact you have faith in me.’  You said quietly as you stared into your teacup.  ‘But I guess it also makes me feel like I’m not doing a good job if you have to set me straight all the while.’
‘You’re doing a good job, for the most part.  You just need…polishing.’
‘I guess that’s a nice way to put the fact I don’t do a good enough job.’
You didn’t see the look Victor gave you, a gentle one of consideration.  ‘Nobody’s perfect.’
‘You are.’  It was only when the words left you that you realised what you had said, your eyes darting up to meet his as you felt heat rush through you in an embarrassed wave.  ‘That is to say, I mean…’  You stammered, which was when the oven timer went off.
‘Saved by the bell.’  Victor murmured, quickly getting to his feet, and for a moment you thought you saw a pink tinge to the top of his ears.
Swallowing down the panicked lump in your throat, you hurried to grab the oven mitts as you came up with a logical response in your mind.  That logical response, however, turned into a spew of Victor appreciation.  ‘What I meant was you’re an amazing businessman, you can cook, you have an awesome evol, you dress nice, you know your stuff, you’re handsome, you…ow!’
In your rush you lost concentration for a moment and caught the inside of your wrist on the rack above as you removed the first batch of cookies.  You didn’t drop them, thankfully, but your wrist stung like hell.  Depositing the tray none too gently on the stove you shook off the oven mitts and blew on your wrist.
‘Idiot.’    Victor’s voice came from close beside you and you glanced up to find him beside you, his hand reaching for yours.
‘It’s okay.’  You murmured, voice barely above a whisper, but his fingers curved around your hand regardless, pulling you towards the sink where he immediately turned on the cold tap.  You gasped as the cold water hit your tender skin but Victor held you in place, his grip firm yet tender.
‘You need to be careful, pay attention to what you’re doing.’
‘I know that.’  You replied, watching as he concentrated on your burn.
‘I won’t always be there to help you, you know?’
‘I know that too.’  You looked up at him.  ‘But you always are.  Even if it’s with a sharp word or two.’
‘Does it hurt?’  He replied quietly.
‘No more than any of your normal quips.’  You shrugged.
Victor’s lips quirked in a small smile, realising you had misunderstood.  ‘This.’  He tapped your wrist with the damp cloth.
‘Oh!  It tingles more than hurts.’
He examined the mark closer, his fingers warm against your skin.  ‘I think we got water on it fast enough.  It shouldn’t blister.’
‘So I don’t need to dress it or anything else?’
‘No dressing, no.  What’s the anything else you would consider treating a burn with?’  He asked.
‘Uh…I don’t know.’  You replied hesitantly, before thinking of an answer.  ‘A kiss better?’
He raised an eyebrow at how forward your suggestion, realising it was entirely innocent as your cheeks darkened.  ‘You want me to kiss it better?’
‘Oh, no, no, no.’  You shook your head rapidly.  ‘I just meant…’
Words failed you as he looked you dead in the eyes and brought his lips to your wrist, the gentle touch barely noticeable over the burn itself, but it had your heart beating a mile a minute.
‘Did that help?’  His voice was low, impossibly intimate in such close confines.
You swallowed hard and tried to speak twice before any words came out.  ‘It stung a little.’  You whispered.
‘Then maybe that’s not what I need to kiss to make you feel better.’
At that point, you swore your brain melted as you seemed to forget how to function, that or your internal wiring blew a fuse.  Then it blew completely when his palm caressed your cheek, his thumb grazed your skin.  You had a moment of clarity when you realised what was about to happen, then his lips were on yours.  In all the times you had fantasised about kissing Victor, gentle had been the furthest from your assumptions.  Passionate, demanding, fiery, yes, yet nothing about this kiss was aggressive.  He kissed you like you were fragile, as though you could break or disappear at any moment.  Fingers touched your hair like they were the finest silk, lips brushed yours so softly it was barely a touch at all, yet still consistent in their task of caressing yours.  His other hand tentatively splayed on the base of your spine, yet he didn’t draw you closer, rather he kept a respectful distance between your bodies as though he was waiting for reassurance that this was truly what you wanted.  And there was no doubt in your mind that it was.
Your fingers hand found their way to the front of his shirt, grasping the material as much to anchor yourself as to keep him close, and you fought with yourself to keep the kiss as innocent as it was.
His lips left yours on a sigh but you kept your eyes closed for a moment before opening them to find Victor filling your vision.  His eyes flickered from side to side, searching your face for any sign that would clue him in as to how you were responding.
‘That does feel a little better.’  You admitted huskily, making him chuckle.
‘Maybe we should transfer those cookies now.’  He suggested.
‘I think they can wait a couple more minutes.’  You smiled, before closing the distance between you, the smile on Victor’s lips a hundred times sweeter than the cookies you had made.
146 notes · View notes
andinewton · 4 years
My 2020 Tumblr Top 10
1). 236 notes - Jan 24 2020
Let’s start a survey.  Reblog if you’ve read better fanfics than this tripe!
2). 194 notes - Feb 28 2020
3). 174 notes - Feb 29 2020
Daddy-to-be Victor
4). 166 notes - Mar 27 2020
Q: Hey i love your work!! 💕💕💕If your requests are open i would like to request something: mc and victor are in the beginning stages of their relationship and he seed mc without makeup for the first time and she is really insecure and it’s just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
*whispers* they’re almost all Victor fics!
5). 163 notes - Feb 5 2020
6). 160 notes - Feb 4 2020
Q: Question ask thingy, “Who did this” with Gavin 👀
7). 131 notes - Jun 1 2020
8). 124 notes - Mar 8 2020
9). 111 notes - Jun 7 2020
10). 101 notes - Feb 6 2020
Created by TumblrTop10
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bittersweetmelxdy · 5 years
Hey if its alright could I get some Victor angst where Victor is about to confess to mc but he overhears her on the phone with Gavin after he's been shot. Where she is begging him to stay awake and keep talking with her cus she loves him and cant stand to lose him. (Btw i love your writing 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💙❤💓💕🧡💜)
Well I’ll tell you, this was so hard to write, I didn’t want to break Victor’s heart, but you wanted angst, I hope you like it (I don’t know if that’s the right thing to say, I’m breaking Victor’s heart) Like always, any feedback is welcome (because this is my first time writing angst) :)
Title: Of Darcys, Bennetsand FitzwilliamsPairing: VictorxMC (onesided), GavinxMCWarnings: Pining and angstWords: 1372
As Jane Austen once said“I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laidthe foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that Ihad begun.” Victor had read the book shortly after his mother had gone toFrance, as he remembered she would always say that it was her favourite book.And he begrudgingly understood the appeal of the book, the complexity of thestory, Austen’s commentary on the social climate of her day. But he neverunderstood the Colonel Fitzwilliam unrequited love situation, the man clearlyhad feelings for her, but did nothing about it, due to his social circumstances, and instead chose to suffer in silence,allowing his cousin to come and sweep the heroine off her feet. Victor alwayssaid to himself after reading that book at the age of 15 ‘I will never putmyself in that situation, I will never be a coward in love’. 13 years laterit turns out fate was ready to make him swallow his words like a bitter pill.
He didn’t expect it, when she came barrelling into his office, pushingpast Goldman and stopping him dead in his tracks. As soon as he locked eyeswith her, he should have known he was already too far gone, so he did theresponsible thing, buried his feelings under levels of sarcasm and dry wit. Fromthe very first time he agreed to her proposal, that she “would change hismind”, he had not only fallen headfirst into the rabbit hole, but he had walkedwillingly into it.
He had even turned up at a shoot she was doing with that superstar Kiro,just to see her. He had snorted at her attempted at making pudding, and whileshe was preoccupied with her work, he had secretly replaced the puddings shehad made with the ones he had made at Souvenir. Taking them with him to hisrestaurant, he had stared at it on his counter top for a solid ten minutes, chinresting on his hands, before finally picking up a spoon to take a bite,“Horrible” he had said, as he finished both pots of pudding he had swiped fromthe set. He thought back to earlier when he had walked her back and stoppedtime in order to spend more time with her, he knew that she had noticed, andwhen he glanced down to see her bright eyes fixed on him, a soft pink blush onher cheeks, he thought maybe this ‘crush’ wasn’t so bad.
Business Trips were always something out of the ordinary, but he neverwould have expected to be dragged from sleep at 4 in the morning, for aquarterly report. Despite how tired he was, he still stayed on the phone withher and listened to her melodic voice reel out data and statistics. Hanging upthe phone he stared out the window as dawn broke over the horizon ‘Maybe Iam a fool’ he mused. But as he lay back down for one last hour of sleepbefore he had to get up, he wondered when was the last time he felt so at peacefrom a phone call.
Weeks later, he as he carried her unconscious body from that abandonedset, he had never felt so protective over another person. She was that girl allthose years ago that he had saved from the car accident, and he couldn’t helpbut mentally berate himself ‘I thought she seemed familiar when he had savedher from the car the other month. Why didn’t I make that connection?’ He cradledher close to his chest and vowed aloud that he would never let her be hurt bythose people again. He was ready to take that leap and tell the woman in hisarms, that he had fallen for her, “despite his better judgement”.
It turns out after that incident, both of them were so busy that theynever ran into each other, he would catch glimpses of her as she came to dropfiles off with Goldman, but by the time he was able to abandon what he wasdoing to go after her, she was gone. Days and weeks went by until he wasfinally able to accompany her on set, with some half-baked excuse about‘supervising flight risks’. He watched her fondly, as she ran around the set,jumping from conversation to conversation, directing her team in order to getthe perfect shots in the fewest amount of takes. She paused for a minute to tieher hair up when her phone rang, she tapped a guy with white hair who to behonest in his opinion dressed like a delinquent and pointed at her phone. Theguy nodded and she walked off to answer the phone call, with a suspiciouslysweet smile on her lips and a bounce in her steps.
After 20 minutes, the crew started to get a little antsy at the absenceof their head producer, so the white haired guy she was talking to before sheleft offered to go look for her, and to everyone’s surprise Victor also foundhimself volunteering to search for her as well. Victor walked down a few corridor’sand he then heard the sound that sounded like a choked sob, fearing the worsthe ran towards the corner that would lead him to her. But what he heard nextstopped him completely in his tracks.
“Gavin, what do mean, “don’t worry”! You’ve been shot, oh course I’mgoing to worry!” She said sniffing.
Victor pressed himself up against the wall, hidden from her view, andalthough he would say that eavesdropping is a terrible practice, he had toknow. He had to know. ‘Gavin? Wasn’t that one of the guests she hadpreviously on Miracle Finder? What’s their relationship?’ She went quietfor a minute, sniffling and making noises of agreement to the person on theother side.
“I know, I know, but Gavin stay with me please, no…no…no, stay with me ‘tilthe ambulance gets there... What? They’re here, good, listen to the paramedics, and go with them to the hospital. Please, I love you, I can’t lose you. I can’t, listenI’ll be at the hospital when you get there. Why? Gavin! I love you; I’m notleaving you, not now not ever.”
Victor’s blood ran cold, his heart was thumping in his ears, and he waslosing his grip on reality. He only vaguely heard the following conversation, ashis head felt like he was swimming underwater, his lungs unable to draw inenough oxygen, also added to the lightheaded feeling he had.
“Hey Boss Lady, everyone at the shoot- Hey what’s wrong?”
“Minor, Gavin’s been shot, I’m heading to the hospital now, can youhandle the shoot without me?”
“Of course! Call me when you get there!”
“Will do!”
It had been a long time since Victor had had a breakdown, his backgroundalways taught him to hide his emotions but he couldn’t stop it bubbling up. He frozetime and sank to the floor, broken sobs almost choking him. He covered his eyeswith his arm, and knocked his head back against the wall, the physical painfrom that injury not even coming close to the emotional pain he was goingthrough. He loved her, he had fallen so hopelessly in love with her, it wascrazy. She was ditzy, clumsy, naïve, she had every trait he thought he hated,yet whenever she displayed it, he just thought she adorable. In the midst ofhis emotional torment he remembered that book he had read all those years agoand he finally understood what he had never understood before. She wasElizabeth Bennet, headstrong, fierce and someone who just couldn’t take youreyes off, but he wasn’t Mr Darcy, she’d already found him, and he’d swept her cleanoff her feet. He was Colonel Fitzwilliam, doomed to be in love with a woman hewas unable to have, and having to suffer through watching her love someone elsein the way he would die for her to love him.
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