#victoria grey
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dopescissorscashwagon · 2 years ago
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Victoria Grey : Good bye to the Alliums who are now going from purple to green and soon they will turn to gold 🌸
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mysticalcats · 4 months ago
Have you tried drawing jellicle cats as trains and vice versa?
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dinah and skimble :)
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09sadsadgirl · 15 days ago
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selfie queen
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tvseries-writings · 1 year ago
We care about you
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Maya x Carina x reader (Amelia is reader’s bff)
Prompt: Reader has a car crash with Carina’s car and she feels so guilty that she refuses to go to the hospital and it’s not the best choice.
TW: car crash, seizure
When you open your eyes, your first thought does not go to the probable concussion you gave yourself, nor to the poor light pole you knocked down. No, your concern becomes the car: the Carina's very expensive and beautiful Porsche that you have just crumpled against a stupid pole that you could very well have avoided, had the road not been wet. Your thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the driver's door, yours, suddenly opening.
"Miss, miss can you hear me? Y/n?"
Vic's face appears in front of you, and as soon as he notices it's you, her gaze changes from a calm and placid one to one quite panicked.
"Are you okay? Do you want me to call Maya and Carina?"
Vic unbuckles your belt, intimating you to stay still while she checks you over. She feels your legs, asking if you can feel them. You nod. By the feel of the pain in your ribs, you probably have one or two cracked if not broken ribs, blood is pouring out of your nose since the airbag exploded in your face, and most likely the deep cut on your forehead indicates a more serious concussion than you would have liked but you don't care. The only thing you care about is the car, and right now you really have no other concerns besides.
"Were other people involved?"
"No, just a poor pole. But I don't think it will complain. We need to get you to Grey's Sloan. Montgomery, Warren! Give me a hand, we-"
Relief floods you as soon as Vic confirms that no one else besides you was involved in the accident. You know full well that it could have been worse, yet you refuse to go to the hospital, you won't let anyone waste time because of your stupid mistake. Carina's car...you destroyed it, the Italian loves that car and you literally crumpled it for her.
"Y/n, you know you have to go to the hospital. Maya and Carina would kill me if they knew I didn't take you to the hospital...please don't make me carry you or call them."
You shake your head, immediately regretting it as soon as you do when a twinge in your head makes you squint in pain.
"No, Carina is going to kill me as soon as she sees what I've done to her car..Vic, you don't understand. She loves this car more than anything, she went to pick it out with Andrew as soon as she got to Seattle-" a sob involuntarily escapes your mouth as your body is shaken as more follow. Tears line your cheeks and though you want to stop them, you really don't have the strength.
"Y/n, Carina loves you more than a stupid car...she won't care if-"
"No Vic, you don't understand, I don't want to go to the hospital, please, please, I can't look at Carina and tell her that I destroyed one of the things that reminded her of her brother. Please Vic, take me home, don't take me to Grey's Sloan. Please."
You plead with her and see her struggling internally with herself, even turning a glance over her shoulder where Ben and Travis, having heard it all, are struggling in the same dilemma as she is. Then, Vic shakes his head and you decide that you have just chosen which battle to fight, at least for the next few minutes.
"I'm sorry y/n but we need to get you checked out and Grey's Sloan is the closest. I'm really sorry."
You shake your head, tears continue copiously to line your face, and the adrenaline slowly begins to fade, making your head feel lighter and your chest feel heavier.
"No Vic, this is not your choice. I am conscious and aware of my actions, legally you have no right to transport me anywhere unless I have harmed other people."
You use your best lawyerly tone, the same tone you use in the courtroom and see them exchange a look and then nod.
"You're right, legally we can't force you but we can call Maya and Carina, y/n."
You grit your teeth; this was an option you had not calculated but, instead, you come up with an idea that is better than the others and will probably save you from going to the hospital. As they say, if Muhammad does not go to the mountain then the mountain will go to Muhammad.
"Thank you for coming."
Amelia shakes her head, a look of disapproval quite legible on her face.
"Well, when your best friend as well as roommate for a good six years of college calls you and tells you she's been in an accident, it's hard not to check in on her."
You smile at her, and before you can try to speak, she's asking you rapid-fire questions.
"Have you lost consciousness? Have you had any dizziness? Altered vision?"
Amelia pulls a small light from the breast pocket of the lab coat she is still wearing before pointing it in your eyes.
"I'm fine," you close your eyes, instinctively turning away from that blinding light.
"Mm yeah, no. You're not all right. Now be still and stop saying you're fine."
Amelia holds your head still, probing multiple places for some kind of bump and glancing at the gash on your forehead.
"This cut needs stitches and you need a CT scan. Oh and you still haven't answered my questions, don't think I forgot."
When Vic notices that you don't answer, she does it for you.
"When we arrived she was unconscious and was unconscious for about three minutes while we were there and soon after she recovered she had trouble recognizing me so I wouldn't rule out visual changes."
Ladies and gentlemen, the traitorous bastard Victoria Hughes.
"Hospital, now. No discussion. I remind you that between the two of us, I am the doctor and also one of the best."
You sigh, shaking your head a few times or at least trying to, as Amelia holds you firmly in place.
"I don't even think about it Amelia, not-"
You stop suddenly, a high-pitched ringing in your ears not allowing you to hear whatever Amelia is saying and then, your pupils rotate back and your body is suddenly shaken by convulsions and everything goes dark.
It is Amelia who takes you to the hospital, with Warren by your side as they check your vitals all the way to Grey's Sloan while Vic and Travis brush all speed limits in order to get their captain's girlfriend and great friend to the hospital as quickly as possible.
After administering Diazepam, fortunately the seizures have stopped and Amelia is squeezing your hand, as if to let you know she is with you.
"Everything will be fine, stay with me y/n. It's all right okay? It's all right. I'm here, I'm here with you."
In less than five minutes, your unconscious body is quickly brought through the doors of the emergency room at Grey's Sloan.
"Female, 25 years old, car accident. Unconscious for three minutes, probable head injury. She had a seizure episode before entering the ambulance; diazepam was administered. She has been stable ever since."
Vic says, before leaving you in the hands of Dr. Teddy Altman, who rolls her eyes as soon as she recognizes the woman lying on the stretcher.
"Y/n? Do Amelia, Maya, and Carina know?"
The neurosurgeon sighs, shaking her head and slipping on gloves and a sterile gown to carefully examine how severe your head injury is.
"Damn it, Schmitt, call Dr. DeLuca. Warren, alert your captain. I can't believe you guys didn't say anything, those two will kill you."
Warren swallows before nodding and pulling out his phone.
"What was I supposed to do? This idiot didn't want to and I remind you she's a lawyer, she knows her rights very well. We need to do a CT scan on her, Schmitt did you reserve the room?"
"Y-yes Dr. Shepard and Dr. DeLuca is coming. I told her that her partner had been in a car accident but I didn't have time to tell her that she was okay that she had already shut me down."
Teddy pinches her nose between her index finger and thumb, sighing in exasperation.
"Schmitt, did you even check that she wasn't operating?"
The resident looks at her embarrassed before shaking his head.
"No ma'am, I-"
The boy doesn't have time to finish the sentence that a worried Italian doctor enters the emergency room, nearly bursting through the doors.
"Where is she? Is she okay? Teddy tell me she is fine-"
The Italian woman suddenly stops, noticing only then your pale, unconscious body on the crib in front of the two doctors and the resident.
Caria quickly approaches you, stroking your forehead and being careful not to graze the cut before turning to Amelia as they move to the exam room to have you scanned. "What happened?"
Although she is addressing the neurosurgeon, her eyes do not leave your figure, and her hand does not detach from yours.
"She lost control of the car and drove into a light pole, the airbags deployed, which caused her to have a massive nosebleed, and a head injury. She had a seizure episode before we brought her in."
Carina gasps as she hears the last sentence.
"Has she woken up since then?"
The Italian closes her eyes, aware that this is not a good sign and praying that you have not suffered more damage than she initially expected.
As they prepare you for the CT scan, Amelia and Carina being the only ones in the room, Carina decides to ask Amelia one of the questions that came to her mind as soon as she noticed the neurosurgeon standing next to you, slightly sweaty in the face and aware of all the information from your journey from the accident site to the hospital.
"Why were you with her in the ambulance?"
"She called me; she was afraid you would be upset about the car and didn't even want to go to the hospital. She said she would report us if we took her, I doubt she would have done that and I would have done it anyway but you know, Vic and Warren weren't too keen on taking the risk. And then he called me so that they wouldn't take her to the hospital and they wouldn't call you or Maya."
Carina shakes her head as she and Amelia tuck you inside the machine, before exiting the room.
"You idiot, I don't care about the car. All I care about is that she's okay."
"I know Carina, I tried to reason with her and then...well, she had the fit. It will be fine Carina, she is a fighter. She will come back to you. She loves you too much to leave you."
Carina nods, chasing back tears as she looks at the monitors in front of her, waiting for the results of your CT scan.
The Italian gasps as she feels two powerful arms embrace her and hold her close.
"It will be okay love, Warren told me what happened. She will be fine, otherwise how could we give her a good telling off for how much she was considered?"
Maya kisses her wife's shoulder, also looking at the monitors despite not understanding anything written on them. They both sigh, looking at Amelia waiting for good news.
When you open your eyes, for the second time that day, you realize you've fucked up again. The cold white walls of the hospital room you are in are proof of that. You try to move your head to the side, to look around, but a twinge in your neck puts you off. You recognize Maya's warm grip in your right hand and the Italian's wavy hair caressing your stomach as the latter sleeps peacefully.
You give the fireman's hand a squeeze and a gentle caress to the Italian's face. Carina wakes up, crinkling her eyes and looking at you surprised, happy and worried at the same time.
"Bella, how are you feeling? Are you okay? I'll call Amelia..."
Carina speaks frantically, not even realizing she is speaking in Italian, and as she reaches toward the button to call the nurses, to the right of your bed, you fuss her wrist, turning a smile to her.
"I'm fine and before you call anyone else I...I have to tell you how sorry I am Carina. I'm so fucking sorry. I know how much you cared about that car and I'm so sorry, I wanted to try to fix it before you knew it...although I don't know if it can be fixed and-"
Carina hears the beeping sound getting louder and louder; she turns to the monitors and when she sees how fast you are breathing and your heart rate, she knows you are having a panic attack.
"Bella, love, it's okay. It's okay love, I'm not mad. I don't care about a stupid car, Andrea will always stay in my heart; I care about you, Bella. The car will buy back but you worth more than anything, do you understand?"
You keep breathing fast; the throbbing pain in your head does not allow you to think clearly, and unfortunately, Carina's words come to you so muffled that they have no effect on you.
The chaos around you makes Maya suddenly wake up; it takes the blond firefighter a few seconds to figure out what is going on and to join his wife in trying to drag you out of the panic attack.
The blond climbs onto the bed, sitting right behind you and holding you in her arms despite you trying with all your might to free yourself. Carina, on the other hand, kneels in front of you, taking your hands in her own.
"It's okay love, it's okay. Breathe, listen to my heartbeat" Maya whispers in your ear, leaving a kiss on your cheek.
"Follow my breath Bella; that's it, good, keep it up."
In less than ten minutes, the incessant sound that resonated in the hospital room is replaced by a soft, steady BIP. Your chest hurts and you rub it hard, to ease your pain, before a hand forces you to stop.
"Hey, hey, you're going to hurt yourself if you keep this up. Do you want me to call a nurse to give you something?"
You nod, closing your eyes and waiting for the nurse to arrive. Carina reaches out to press the button before immediately returning to hold your hands. Maya continues to leave kisses on your neck and face as you continue to keep your eyes closed.
Contrary to what you expected, it is not a nurse who enters the room but Amelia.
"Hey rock star, you're awake. What's wrong? Do you have a headache? Dizziness?"
You nod, opening your eyes and looking into her eyes. A small smile ripples your lips as your best friend walks over to your bed and hugs you.
"You had me worried idiot."
The neurosurgeon pulls away from the hug before giving you a weak punch on your right arm.
"I'm sorry."
Amelia shakes her head as she sticks something into your IV.
"This is a painkiller, not too strong but it should ease your pain. Call me if there is any problem. I'll be back later to check how your head is; I know you have a hard head but it's always best to be cautious."
Before you can even insult her for the joke she just made, Amelia sneers her way out of the room.
"What an idiot," you shake your head, rolling your eyes. Your body begins to relax as the medication kicks in.
"So will you tell us why you didn't go to the hospital right away? You know how dangerous a head injury can be and you still decided to not go to the hospital right away. It was stupid and reckless and you can't, you CANNOT do that with your health. Ever again."
Maya looks at you sternly, with her ‘’Captain's look’’, as you and Carina call it.
"I'm sorry Maya, I know you are angry and I understand why but my only thought was only the car and the fact that I had destroyed one of the things Andrew had given Carina."
Maya holds you close and Carina joins your embrace.
"No physical thing or not, none, will ever be worth as much as your life y/n. And don't ever have a seizure over it again, am I clear? A car will never be worth as much as you are to you and me, ever. I don't care if I have to throw it away, I don't care if I have to buy another one. I care about you and your health so don't ever pull that crap again because if you had the crisis while you were alone, at home, after getting dropped off there, then it could have ended really badly and I, we, need you to understand that Bella."
Carina strokes your face gently; some tears line her face and you promptly wipe them away. Maya leaves a kiss on your cheek, holding you close.
"Car is right love, you really scared us today and when I think about the fact that we could have lost you I..." Maya shakes her head, her voice breaking and you turn to her, pulling her into a kiss.
"I'm sorry Maya, I'm so sorry I...I won't do it again."
You hug and hold each other tightly, you know you fucked up but now that Carina has calmed you down the relief you feel is priceless; therefore, you enjoy the embrace and that warmth you love so much as the medication slips you back into sleep.
Thank you so much for reading! Sorry, I know it is not the best so excuse me… I will try to improve. Have a great day!
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Taglist: @mmmmokdok @blackhill2245 @melatonindaydreamz @foggytidalwavefun @sevnheaven @budoxinha @gayshyandreadytocry @lighthousekiller @m456300 @blitzar-3 @in-love-with-heda @idontknownemore @lesbianbabe @speedup500 @differentranchempathfestival @mebeingthatbitch @jemilyswife @yuleni18 @darkstar225 @whyamihere2673 @your-my-mission @finca-lotr @coollemonsaresour @nuianced-tck-enby @fishlikestuff @ktstwice @idontknowhowtogay @liladoesfanfics @maria-403 @kawaiitoga @razorscooteer
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maveys-baby · 4 months ago
no bc the part in War Storm, right after they capture Maven and they're carrying him away and he's talking to the voice in his head saying, "I did as you said, I did as you said" breaks my heart into a million pieces every single time omg.
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onyx-collective · 5 months ago
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A creative chameleon, Victoria Morales has grown in her craft and her career.
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riverkingmarley · 9 months ago
I can’t believe there are trolley problems in Ward. Taylor’s not even there. What’s the point?
I bet Victoria doesn’t kill a single baby and if that’s not proof she’s a worse person than Taylor I don’t know what is.
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thesweetesthottie · 2 months ago
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Victoria Monet ✨️
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bouncyballcitadel · 11 months ago
Can you tell me what the Pros and Cons of the Ros?
I'm stuck between Jean, Vic, and Dr. Grey😭
Good question! It's so hard to choose 😔
Pros for Jean: The sweetest. Will fiercely advocate for their patients (and for you). You literally get to go on a date with them to McDonald's in Case Two.
Cons for Jean: None. But, for real, it will be very hard for you to continue their romance if you're not on (spoiler)'s side.
Pros for Vic: Muscly. Tall. A great mentor. A great cook.
Cons for Vic: It is heavily alluded in multiple posts on this Tumblr that something bad involving Vic will happen in Case Three.
Pros for Dr. Grey: He's Dr. Grey.
Cons for Dr. Grey: His ex-wife is Erika...who is extremely intimidating. He has a kid (if kids aren't your thing). You never know what he's really thinking.
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myth-blossom · 2 months ago
Thoughts on Max Valliant (The Splitter)
To avoid spoiling anything for those who haven’t played the new elusive target, read on below the cut:
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First, I want to hug our bestest murder clone boi so badly. You can really tell how rough of an assignment this is for 47 as he deals with Valliant and his clones. His response to one of the guards calling the clones “freaks” (“Think you’re the freak”) and describing his numbness about what he does just really hits that point home.
As @dianaburnwood has pointed out, Valliant’s clones are essentially children, and just as we’ve seen with Ort-Meyer, their creators find them very expendable. They’re so innocent, even to the point where if anything chaotic happens (like the death of one of the clones in an accident), that one of them seems to wander off and has some sort of breakdown about it.
Definitely not a happy pay day for 47.
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Second, I did my best to explore the level and hear all of the extra dialgoue between various characters, including sticking behind to hear a call from Valliant about the sale of his secret project to other buyers. As the target video pointed out prior to the mission, Valliant has been known to play multiple sides, so it was not at all surprising to hear him conducting business with another party despite claiming exclusivity if the ICA accepted. But that leaves me wondering: what if he’s already sent someone clones or the setup to do so prior to Pritchard’s arrival? I WISH they had Pritchard call the ICA while he waits in the room after the tour. Even if it would have stalled out at some point, I’d like to know the boards’ stand on it (gimme names, dammit), and who may choose to go rogue with that program just like Travis did with creating Victoria.
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Third, what the hell was going on with Dr. Hei? The fact that 47 isn’t tasked to take her out as well is very interesting, but also her behavior with Pritchard was odd, too. She very much seems up her own ass about her clone work—something that was a bit fun to fuck with if you do the tour and choose to challenge the “perfect” clone in an example of combat training (to which the clone can die and she scowls “Motherfucker” at 47)—but despite her air of superiority, she also seemed to be a cautious player. Whether you choose to challenge the clone on the tour or just let him destroy a brick, she still pulls Pritchard aside and warns him to be careful with Valliant because he’s dangerous if he doesn’t get his own way. It seemed out of place at first, but I think it’s more that she knows the ICA would be a good source of financial backing for her to continue her work, and so she warns him not out of concern for his safety, but for the security of her future progress. I definitely don’t think this is the last we’ll be seeing of her.
Speaking of which, Diana tells 47 they have a team on standby to come in and take care of everything else after he takes care of Valliant and the clones. I trust Diana on this, but I think even she would admit that the team wouldn’t just come in and lethally clear out both the armed guards AND the scientists. At the very least they would be interrogated for information, if not paid to trade allegiances and work for them.
In terms of where this takes place in the timeline, it definitely seems to be when the ICA is still around (i.e. before the end of the Agency in Hitman III). However, with 47’s emotional responses during the mission, I have to wonder if this takes place after Hitman II’s antidote scene??? I’ve wondered about Diana and 47 working for the ICA still for a while after meeting Grey and Olivia, a good way to keep their Providence hunting under wraps for a bit longer until the shit hit the proverbial fan. But considering the Chongqing facility is meant to be quickly assembled/disassembled as needed, it’s not farfetched to imagine they removed all traces of the hostile takeover and cloning work and reset it back to what we see in the original H3 Chongqing level. It would explain the extra security measures later on (Pritchard needing the P41 form and scan to tour the facility, the heavier security presence, the entry code changing constantly, etc).
To stir the pot a bit about future plot theories: there is material here to make a new game. One thing to think about is Pritchard’s visit to the facility in H3 in the first place—why was he there? In theory, the damage and remodeling happened immediately after the Splitter mission was over. Was he there to make sure all traces of Dr. Hei’s work had been removed from the facility? Was Imogen Royce in on it and he wanted to investigate? Hell, even Hush could have been in on it—can you imagine if that sick bastard had an endless supply of clones to test his invention on in addition to the poor unhoused souls he was preying on?
In any case, 47 and Olivia (and technically Diana) were being hunted by the ICA at that point. If any board members wanted to pursue the cloning information the Agency should have obtained after the Splitter, they could’ve done that then….
Okay, shouties over. For now. Probably.
There’s also the bit that @lucas-grey brought up recently about Lucas Grey possibly returning. At this point, I fear that if we did get Grey back, it’d be as a clone of our Grey, and as @bourbonthesecond pointed out, it would be quite the heartstring puller if 47 has to then help that Grey break free of his control and learn about his creation and past. But the way that would just fuck with 47??? My boi has been through enough.
I would really hope the next game would take a strong direction like this, and I’d love to see them have (and use, not kill or fridge) Diana, Victoria, and Olivia as well. I want to see them in the field and help 47 with things! I’d like that for Grey as well if we can get him back in some way.
I’m sure more thoughts will tumble out through plot bunnies and chats with friends. Hope you enjoyed this long read!
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andrastie · 4 months ago
So I'm about halfway (maybe a bit less) through Veilguard and am loving the game!
My biggest issue, however, is the lack of choices that carried through from Inquisition and the previous two game. I feel like Dragon Age Keep made the games more personalized based on the choices you made in the previous games.
For example, I was screaming when we got the little cameo of King Alistair in Inquisiton and the mention of my Coulsand Warden as the Queen of Fereldan.
Here are some things I wish had been included in the new game based on decisions made in my canon Inquisiton run (very very mild spoilers):
Divine Victoria mention - based on who we supported to be the new Divine in Inquisiton. I supported Leliana. When Harding is talking about the Inquisiton advisors and Leliana comes up, I would have loved a line about how she's settled in to her new position as Divine Victoria.
Codex entry about the Orlesian civil war - I read a codex entry in Veilguard about Empress Celene and I'm pretty sure one of the companions mentions her (I can't think of who). I chose to sacrifice Celene and put Gaspard on the throne with Briala pulling his strings. Maybe the codex could mention her assassination or another could talk about whether or not Briala still holds the power behind the Orlaisian throne.
Stroud - where the fuck is Stroud?? I sacrificed Hawke so that the Grey Wardens had a senior Warden with a brain that could step up and lead them. Yet their new Warden Commander still has no brain. Where is Stroud???
Hawke mention - an acknowledgement of whether or not we left Hawke in the Fade (I did). Maybe a comment or codex entry from Varric wondering if Hawke is still somewhere in the Fade, like he is now. We don't have to see Hawke, just a comment or codex would do.
Inquisiton companion updates from Harding - kind of like how in Inquisiton you could ask Varric or Hawke about the DA2 companions and they'd give you little updates. For example, "Cassandra rebuilt the Seekers," or "The Iron Bull and his chargers still take jobs across Thedas, more recently against the Antaam. That's gotta be awkward," or things like that, referencing what trajectory we set the companions on (Cassandra pro seeker-rebuild or Iron Bull Tal-Vashoth).
Grey Warden decision fall out - one of the big choices in Dragon Age: Inquisiton was choosing to banish the Grey Wardens or absorb them into the Inquisiton. I chose the later, knowing we'd probably need them in the new game. Maybe a comment from Davrin about how when he first joined the Wardens, he briefly served the Inquisiton, or one from Dorian when he confronts the Warden Commander, saying something like "My friend's mercy is the only reason you still stand to fight the blight".
Idk, I'd love to see people's own ideas and headcanons regarding their past choices so please let me know what you think they should have added based on previous game decisions!
I understand them wanting this to feel like a new game, not bogged down by the last games, but the suggestions I made were mostly one-off comments or codex entries that don't require voice recordings. Having three codex entries for the three Divine candidates and then just rotating them depending on the player choice wouldn't have been that hard... I don't think?
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raegxy · 19 days ago
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You are absolutely capable of creating the life you can’t stop thinking about.
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maveys-baby · 4 months ago
Cal b like: I tried to find a newblood who could fix him..
dawg he didn't need a newblood, he needed a damn therapist lmao
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battle-of-alberta · 2 months ago
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My constant experience wintering on the west coast (as portrayed by Ed as per usual)
As always, Victoria belongs to the lovely and talented @orcanadian-blog !
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multifandotakugirl · 1 year ago
sapphic culture is watching a movie series, or just series, that you swore you would never watch because there's one (1) milf in there you just needed to see and you refuse to not understand The Plot
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marejadilla · 4 months ago
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Victoria Kalaichi, “Another opinion”, oil on canvas.
b. 1986 in Ordzhonikidze, Russian republic of Alania. Graduated at Crimean Art School, Ukraine in 2006, based in New York.
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