#victoria 2x09
raenchels · 5 months
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jolteonmchale · 4 months
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I passed! I frickin' passed! I get to stay!
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Who: Emily Alyn Lind as Audrey Hope What: Victoria Beckham Striped Knitted Cotton T-shirt - $54.50 Where: 2x09 “I Know What You Did Last Summit”
Note: Altered by the costume department
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princeescaluswords · 1 year
What do you think are Gerard’s favorite lines of Shakespeare and why?
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Selecting one line took me a long time, to be quite honest, but I finally settled on these from MacBeth, Act V, Scene V:
I have almost forgot the taste of fears; The time has been my sense would have cool'd To hear a night-shriek; and my fell of hair Would at a dismal treatise rouse and stir As life were in't; I have supp'd full with horrors; Direness, familiar to my slaughterous thoughts Cannot once start me.
In the play, MacBeth is waiting for his enemies to attack when he hears screaming from inside the castle. He explains to the audience that he's become so accustomed to doing terrible things that he is no longer easily frightened. The irony, of course, is that the outcry is due to his beloved wife, Lady MacBeth, having killed herself out of guilt for the murder they performed together. The irony of these lines would work for Gerard Argent just as well.
It might seem strange, but Gerard and MacBeth have an especially important thing in common: they often claim that their murderous actions are impelled by outside forces.  In MacBeth’s case, the Scottish lord betrays his king and his dearest friend, even though he knows these actions are wrong, because he can point to the ironic prophecies of the Three Witches.
Gerard doesn’t have anyone supernatural oracles to blame his actions on.  Instead, he insists that the Argents are at war with the supernatural. Whereas the Code argues that the Argents should only hunt in response to violence ("We hunt those who hunt us"), as embodied by Chris's interpretation, Gerard steadfastly rejects that position. He announces in Omega (2x01) that he's going after every one of them because they killed Kate, despite knowing that isn't his real motivation or that Kate struck first. After sharing the parable of the Scorpion and the Frog, he declares he "know[s] a werewolf's nature" in Visionary (3x08). He declaims on La Bête's murderous tendencies in Damnatio Memoriae (5x12) as if it were an exemplar of a werewolf rather than just another serial killer.
Derek, in a way, is wrong. Gerard isn't declaring war at the beginning of Season 2, because he acts as if he's always been at war. You can see him calculating the use of cutting down the Nemeton (though we don't know for sure he did it); he orders Kate to destroy the Hales, innocent children included. He speaks in strategies and military terms. He quotes Sun Tzu as often as he does Shakespeare. His argument is clear that war not only justifies his family doing terrible things but demands it. "When it comes to survival," he announces in Master Plan (2x12), "I'd kill my own son." He argues that Allison, too, must ready herself to do terrible things because "She'll feel the ground shifting beneath her feet time and again in her life. It is our job to teach her how to keep standing" in Party Guessed (2x09). His first mission for his 18-year-old son is selling weapons to a criminal organization without telling him in Silverfinger (3x17).
One of the keys to note is that, also like MacBeth, Gerard doesn't regret this, not in the way that say Chris and Victoria do like when they wanted Allison to have a choice. In fact, he takes pride in the strength of his will, as the Scottish king has forgotten fear. He gloats when he thinks he has Scott on the ropes about his ability to get things done in Battlefield (2x11), "and if you haven't noticed, I have a very impressive means to motivate people." Even when defeated, he remains confident, as he boasts to Allison and Scott, "I don't go easily, though, do I?" He's proud of his actions as he shares with Liam in The Sword and The Spirit (5x14) "they would call me a necessary evil, but you can call me Gerard." He wants to transform his wicked violence into a legacy through the lens of war and necessity; his entire story in 6B is Gerard trying to reframe his terrible deeds as a legacy. Even when he's making a deal with a demon, the Anuk-Ite in Genotype (6x18), he's triumphant: "The legend is, is that you need silver to kill a werewolf. The truth? You need an Argent."
While both MacBeth and Gerard try to position themselves as not as other men, their ends are the same. They are not kings or generals; they're monsters. "Turn, hellhound, turn!" MacDuff cries to MacBeth at the beginning of the decisive battle, and Chris Argent condemns his own father; "If you're looking for rationality, I think he left that behind a long time ago." These men have talked themselves into evil, and they pay the price for it. They both pay the price for it as well. MacBeth, motivated by prophecy to do wicked deeds, doesn't think that prophecy can be against him, but it is, for Birnam Wood does come to Dunsinane. While Gerard, who always saw the interaction of supernatural and human as a war regardless of the individual participants, is destroyed by someone he refused to see as his own daughter.
The final irony would be that Gerard would quote MacBeth as part of his arrogance and vainglory, because he stands apart from other humans as one who hunts monsters, but like MacBeth, he would fail to see that his own arrogance caused his destruction.
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ruby-red-inky-blue · 2 years
Nobody asked, but here is my “objective” ranking of MFMM episodes:
1x05 Raisins & Almonds 
2x09 Death on the Vine
2x05 Murder à la Mode
1x02 Murder on the Ballarat Train
2x10 Dead Air 
1x10 Death by Miss Adventure 
1x03 The Green Mill Murder
2x03 Dead Man’s Chest
2x01 Murder Most Scandalous
2x12 Unnatural Habits .
1x08 Away with the Fairies
3x03 Murder & Mozarella 
1x06 Ruddy Gore
1x09 Queen of the Flowers 
2x13 Murder Under the Mistletoe
1x13 King Memses’ Curse
2x07 Blood at the Wheel
3x07 Game, Set, Murder
1x12 Murder in the Dark 
1x01 Cocaine Blues .
3x06 Death & Hysteria
2x02 Death Comes Knocking
3x01 Death Defying Feats
2x09 Framed for Murder 
2x04 Deadweight
1x11 Blood and Circuses
1x07 Murder in Montparnasse
3x02 Murder & the Maiden
2x06 Marked for Murder 
2x08 The Blood of Juana the Mad .
1x04 Death at Victoria Dock
3x08 Death Do Us Part
3x04 Blood & Money
3x06 Death at the Grand
(Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears)
1x05 Raisins & Almonds This one *just* takes first place because I find the main suspect absolutely fascinating. She’s so reserved and underhand, and the show calls you out on it if you find her suspicious because of that - she’s actually drawn very similarly to some of our most sympathetic male characters, Jack not least of all (controlled, cool under pressure, widely read, very fair-minded). It’s also got what may be *the* quintessentially Phryne scene: - “I did the only thing I could under the circumstances.” -“You called for help?” -“I stabbed him in the shoulder.”, and one of Jack’s best comebacks: -”If a tree falls in a forest -” -”You’re likely somewhere very close by, wielding the axe.” And, much as I adore the later-stage light angst and co-dependence of Death on the Vine, that first admission of semi-serious attraction on her side ("it happens”) as we’re setting up the status quo for the season - he’s married, not really, but real enough - catnip.
2x09 Death on the Vine Maybe the only seriously suspenseful episode! Also, a village drama caused by WWI tragedy! Germans that aren’t caricatures! Rilke’s Liebeslied! Dot gets to shine! “Is that my Collected Shakespeare??” (that Jack apparently keeps in his office? In case he urgently requires... some Shakespeare... for paperwork on a murder case?) Jack’s back to being silently but steadfastly supportive (now with an angsty twist)! What’s not to love? And this episode’s ending is in my top three, they yearn so prettily.
2x05 Murder à la Mode Start to finish, this one’s just a total delight. Mail theft! Dot-centric! A break-in and thwarted escape via printed cotton by the yard! Jack is bringing back Marc Anthony! Fashion!! Phryne is goading/enticing/threatening with “her Columbian emeralds”, which is definitely code for *something*. Just, peak fun. This is the episode I’d show the uninitiated who are just out for a fun romp.
1x02 Murder on the Ballarat Train I don’t even love Agatha Christie that much, but the train murder? Sign. Me. Up. This is definitely where I first fell for this show, which is why it’s maybe up a little *too* high (the resolution of the crime plot is a bit ridiculous, and so is Jane’s Oliver-Twist-esque backstory). But it doesn’t even matter! This one has everything! Bert/Ces/Mr. Butler antics, Phryne’s driving, Dot learning new things, glorious early flirting/bickering action, and that lovely final scene. Plus the lovely scenery and an old train and the first introduction of Phryne’s glorious house, which never hurts.
2x10 Dead Air Such fun! Another one I’m definitely not watching for the A plot but it’s so so fun to watch, Phryne is breaking and entering *with* a police officer, singing about laundry detergent (and my god, sign me up), everyone suspecting the undercover cop of sabotage, the gang sans Jack taking over his office, feet on his desk and emptying his secret stash, and that ending. That ending.
1x10 Death by Miss Adventure A great A plot! Yes! This is a glorious episode because it is so heavy on the Dot and the Mac content. We love to see it. Also yay some era-appropriate feminist issues and sapphic rep (okay maybe debatable but I thought she was sympathetic actually). And that final scene is so sweet and expertly underplayed.
1x03 The Green Mill Murder The part with the MIA brother is weird, but quite solid A plot otherwise, and it lives in that sweet spot of early days Phryne and Jack where there is definitely a semi-obvious *something* but it hasn’t been acknowledged so the flirting is so lighthearted and carefree (how long has she known this man? A few months tops, and she’s sitting on his desk and feeding him cold gratin??). Them taking breaks from their goodnatured bickering to play matchmaker to Dot and Hugh is a source of constant delight to me. And the storyline about the gay couple is handled so sweetly and deftly, I adore this show for it.
2x03 Dead Man’s Chest Again this one is popular with me entirely for the B plot, the A plot is so forgettable. But again, does it matter? Beachside flirting, sneaking drinks, Jack being Phryne’s numismatist on speed dial.
2x01 Murder Most Scandalous I just enjoy Rosie and the twist in the Phryne/Jack dynamic that results from her, and I liked Sanderson’s character much better when he wasn’t a complete scumbag. Plus, this one is just so *fun*. There’s so much good Dot content! Fan dancing! Loses points for Phryne’s caricature-esque undercover persona, though, you can do better.
2x12 Unnatural Habits The A-plot is relatively solid but it’s trying to be so many things at once it isn’t that memorable. But I do enjoy Le Drama and the flirting is industrial grade in this one - honestly this is up here about 75 percent just for the tie scene, and at least 2.5 percent for the fact that Jack didn’t so much as blink before dropping his murderer into the Pacific for her (honestly this dude gets shot in the sholder and dropped into the bay after the newspaper runs the headline “sixth frost in succession” - I’m saying there was a genuine risk that Fletcher would get enough of a shock to just drown, and by god don’t we all wish he would have).
1x08 Away with the Fairies I really like the A plot for once (even though the resolution is a bit rushed). Not *much* movement on the romance B plot but what little we do get is so charming I ain’t even mad. Could have done without the continued Lin storyline tbh.
3x03 Murder & Mozarella I appreciate Phryne’s interactions with Concetta So Much. She’s so jealous, but also they really like each other. I just like the character work they’re doing in this a lot. And the Godfather family feud storyline is clichéd of course but it’s definitely on purpose, and it’s so fun to watch.
1x06 Ruddy Gore Honestly, the crime plot is pretty far fetched, and I’m not wild about the Lin storyline, so this is where the rating suffers. BUT. So much flirting. There Is Shakespeare.
1x09 Queen of the Flowers I love Phryne as a mentor figure, and the storyline with Jane’s mother turns out surprisingly sad but sweet. Overall solid A plot here, and we spend a lot of time with Jane and Phryne, which is a rare treat.
1x13 King Memses’ Curse Do I remember much of the fairly convoluted crime plot? No. (A reincarnated pharaoh? Really?) I remember this episode fondly purely for the last ten or so minutes. But man, those are absolute peak hurt/comfort content, and another final scene that’s a definite contender for top spot (Sailing on a Sunbeam and everything!). Oh, and this one has the peak Dot and Hugh scene! Him walking her through how to hold him at gunpoint is unparalleled.
2x13 Murder Under the Mistletoe The better “And Then There Were None” imo. Funny, cozy, decent-ish crime plot, and lots of Prudence, which is fun. Plus some heavy grade flirting and maybe my favourite joke of the show (”Miss Fisher’s gone on holiday.” -”Oh. Anyone dead yet?” -”Only one so far, sir.”). Loses points for Jack’s jumpers (shrunk in the wash, I want to say) and the fact I can never *quite* remember what the motive of the bad guy was in the end.
2x07 Blood at the Wheel The angst! It’s so good. Unfortunately, the A plot doesn’t keep pace, and Phryne’s thoughtlessness in the latter third borders on cruelty. Dotty as Miss “Runnemalova” is rather amusing, but not quite enough to get me interested into the racing storyline.
3x07 Game, Set, Murder Another fun romp, and Phryne v. Spider and Jack’s absolute delight at it are a treat, as is Phryne being made an “honorary constable”. Series 3 is decidedly unsubtle compared to the others, which is a downgrade imo, but the lighter tone has its perks and they shine in this episode.
1x12 Murder in the Dark Another one that’s kind of weird but contains a single scene that is such a masterclass in UST that it eclipses the entire rest of it. Also, Isabella’s antics with Prudence are hilarious, and their treatment of the Arthur plot is another feather in the show’s cap where sensitive topics are concerned.
1x01 Cocaine Blues I’m partial to a pilot in any case, and this one has Miranda Otto! And early Dot is such a delight. Otherwise this one’s a bit meh, but I have a soft spot for it anyway.
3x05 Death & Hysteria Fun overall, and that scene in the morgue where Mac and Phryne hang Jack out to dry re: the mysterious electrical massage device is hysterically funny.
2x02 Death Comes Knocking Another one that’s a bit weird, but I’m not one to resist a world war tragedy, and I appreciate some of the smaller details immensely - like the dangling implication that the medium may actually have *real* visions? And Jack’s passion for sandwiches and Martinis.
3x01 Death Defying Feats Overall I find this one a bit tiring, and another circus-adjacent storyline, don’t know why but I do not enjoy those much. But on the other hand, it has the glorious, glorious “liberal-minded men” speech.
2x09 Framed for Murder This one’s just fine? I do like Clara a lot, and Phryne as a director is rather fun. Actually, this whole thing is pretty fun! I just always seem to forget it immediately after watching.
2x04 Deadweight Another one that’s definitely confusing upon first watch. I like the running themes a lot, though, and the ending is absolutely adorable!
1x11 Blood and Circuses Again, I think I just really don’t like circus-focused crime drama. But the final scene is soft and admirably simple, and Jack and Elsie are a dream duo and a fascinating character study.
1x07 Murder in Montparnasse This is controversial, I guess? Given this has the one of the two kisses, you’d think it would rate higher, but... I just don’t really like this one. One scene I remember really fondly though is the one where they’re definitely not playing with toy cars in Jack’s office.
3x02 Murder & the Maiden Interesting A plot that would have definitely been much cooler as a trans storyline (then again, we have enough murdered trans people in media). And some interesting developments on the romance side. The chase is obnoxious but fun nonetheless.
2x06 Marked for Murder I’m incapable of following this episode’s A plot, I still don’t entirely get the crime. And I still don’t know if it’s actually about regular football (”soccer”) or rugby. But the team rivalries among the gang are amusing, especially in Dot’s case.
2x08 The Blood of Juana the Mad Decidedly a mixed bag, but it has its moments - both of the funny and angsty variety. And a lot of Mac, which is always a plus!
1x04 Death at Victoria Dock Super convoluted, but still in the carefree flirty zone pre-Raisins and Almonds, so that part’s fun by default. Loses extra points for assuming Latvia and Russia are culturally or even linguistically the same, though, why???
3x08 Death Do Us Part I know, I know! I just think overall season 3 isn’t really my cup of tea, and the Baron Fisher storyline was definitely getting on my nerves. And sweeping and amusingly dramatic as the final sendoff is, I’m always reduced to giggles when they leasurely jog towards each other and, idk. It doesn’t quite have ~*~the vibe~*~ y’know.
3x04 Blood & Money Not bad, just forgettable.
3x06 Death at the Grand Again, comparatively meh.
Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears Too Indiana-Jones-y for my taste, and what happened to the costumes? Also, while this show never worked when you took everything one hundred percent seriously... this one falls apart if you take it any more than 30 percent seriously. And I *liked* the more serious ones! Less would have really been more, maybe a fun fish-out-of-water type thing where Phryne (plus newly arrived inspector) have to solve a murder in London? Or France? Anyway a relatively stationary thing without a supernatural element would have done fine, the film was barely longer than the episodes, they were taking on a bit much. Plus I do think they did Jack somewhat dirty by sending him through a repeat of his “Blood at the Wheel” arc.
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wondroushistory · 7 years
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Episode 9: Comfort and Joy
Merry Christmas, my angel. Merry Christmas, my love.
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b99gif · 5 years
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She talks in her sleep.
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nademy · 4 years
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"Ok, let's talk about how sexy your hobby is?"
" Oh god! Thank you, thank you"
Throwback when Travis was a Vicley shipper🥺♥️
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victoria--albert · 6 years
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Thank you.
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omegasamwilson · 6 years
Ho-lee shit
Station 19
That ending tho...
“No, I know you know better than to actually tell anyone in the department.”
Just... oof.
God. Oh. My. God.
I am screaming. Gimme all the angst.
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jolteonmchale · 4 months
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Animal Control 2x09 - Beagles and Lemurs
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“Christmas will always be a time of enchantment.” | victoria, comfort and joy.
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princeescaluswords · 2 years
The way Gerard so skillfully manipulated Allison whilst she was reeling in the wake of Victoria's death makes me think how he likely did something similar with Kate. Maybe her mom died while she was young too and Gerard seized upon that to mold her the way he wanted. Giving her that letter supposedly from Victoria (I have serious doubts it actually was) and insisting she burn it after reading it and giving her the illusion of control in the scene where they planned their assault on the police station
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The key to understanding Gerard Argent, both the strengths that made him a terrible threat and the weaknesses that lead to his defeat is the only non-self-serving lesson he taught Allison: Know Thy Enemy.
Gerard's strategic successes all come from his insight into his enemies' motivations, capabilities, and histories and using that information to control the battlefield while keeping his own motivations and weaknesses hidden. This allowed him to arrange any conflict so the terms are in his favor.
Let's take Kate. We see only glimpses of how Gerard might have manipulated her in her youth. Kate confesses to Allison in the burned-out shell of the Hale House in Wolf's Bane (1x09): "You don't have to be psychotic to be a killer. You just - need a reason. And even then, sometimes - You can surprise yourself." And three episodes later, when Chris confronts her on her murder of the Hale family, she defends herself with "I did what I was told to do." Gerard understood the darkness in his daughter's psychology and he used that against the Hales -- giving her permission to do terrible things while keeping himself separate. This allowed him to strike against the powerful, influential, and respected Hales by crafting a weapon who would do the unthinkable, like burn human children alive.
Let's take Chris. Where Gerard gave Kate permission to be the worst she could be, he gave Chris expectations of the same. By constantly giving his son the impression that he wasn't measuring up -- think of the scene in (2x09) where Gerard is relentless in implying that if Victoria doesn't commit suicide it's the fault of Chris's weakness or think of the Yakuza gun sale -- Gerard keeps Chris under his thumb not by directly demanding it but by twisting Chris's need to please his father while upholding the Code, to the point where Chris once recognized Kate's growing darkness, as he told Malia in Relics (6x04) but did nothing about it. When Chris is finally inspired by Allison and Scott to change, Gerard's power over his son wanes.
But then we get to Allison. Gerard had known that she was dating a werewolf since Abomination (2x04); he figured Scott out at the lacrosse game. He saved that information until the right opportunity, nudging Allison into turning Victoria's death and suicide into a condemnation of her love for Scott. He would never be so vulgar as to apply extortion directly to his granddaughter; she was strong-willed enough to resist that. He simply arranged that scene so she would come to the conclusion he wanted her to.
Gerard does this continually throughout the series; employing information he has learned to his advantage. He doesn't share all he knows about the kanima in order to keep constant pressure on Derek so the alpha will keep making mistakes that isolate him, because he doesn't want Derek dead, he wants him weakened and compromised so he can get the Bite. He feeds Scott and Allison a version of events in order to keep them from seeking common ground with Deucalion. He withholds his knowledge of the Doctors' frequency from the others in order to make sure that there's enough time for Sebastian Valet to fully remember himself so Gerard can satisfy his agenda. He uses Monroe's amateur fervor and leadership skills to gather followers rapidly while minimizing his own exposure and keeping himself free to act in ways the leader couldn't, like making a deal with the Anuk-Ite.
Then why does he keep losing? What is the weakness in Gerard's strategic employment of Know Thy Enemy? It's in the last word: Gerard treats everyone as an enemy. He hints at it in Visionary (3x08), when he asks Scott when it became his nature that things couldn't be asked for? What if he had told Allison about his cancer and asked for her help in getting the Bite? Why not use Victoria's Bite as a means to get Chris's help? Because they were all potential obstacles, so he treated them like enemies, even when that put him at a disadvantage. He dies because he can't see a werecreature like La Loba as anything but a tool to be destroyed after she was done being useful. It's why Chris points out: "Your family is right in front of you" in The Wolves of War (6x20).
This is what Deucalion was referring to when he told Scott in that same episode that what Gerard fears is not being able to beat the True Alpha. Why? Because Scott can see beyond his own plans and acknowledge the value in others as people. With enough allies, it doesn't matter what Gerard knows or doesn't know about Scott, because Scott's strength of character and force of will renders Gerard's control of the battlefield moot. And while Gerard sometimes gets an advantage over Scott through what Scott doesn't know, Scott's ability to make friends means that over time, the knowledge Scott has access to only increases. Eventually, Scott can take control of the situation away from Gerard: "How long have you been planning this little double-cross?" "As long as we have been planning this one."
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multimetaverse · 3 years
do you have any new production info for diary of a future president?
Not really, all that’s new is some imdb info and something Brandon Severs has let slip about 2x10. Brandon was answering some questions on twitter recently and said that his favourite ep of S2 was the finale, specifically the end of the finale. He had previously posted photos of him, Charlie, and Nathan filming a night during the final week of filming and Brandon had mentioned that the scene they filmed that night was one of his favourites of the whole series (fwiw Ilana liked that tweet). There’s been a long running theory/gag on twitter that there would be a cartero confession on the tennis courts at night in S2 and someone tweeted about Brandon telling the writers about that theory. Brandon replied to that tweet saying that he was pretty sure it was him, Charlie, and Nathan who did that after they shot a scene. Later he clarified that he didn’t say anything would or would not happen and people shouldn’t go canonizing things. I think that night time scene near the end of the S2 finale is actually Bobby telling Liam and Danny that he’s gay which would be a great end to Bobby’s arc in S2.
This suggests that Bobby doesn’t have to come out to people one at a time which will help the show cover more ground. I do think that Bobby also comes out to Elena and Gabi (and most likely Sam along with them) at some point in S2 but when is anyone’s guess. Whether Disney will require big gaps between coming outs or not is still unknown. We also have no insight on what Cami’s arc is. She and Dani will most likely provide some sort of guidance to Bobby but whether the writers can fit in Cami coming out to her parents in S2 or have to save that for a potential S3 is unknown. 
There are some interesting imdb updates, anyone can update imdb but since the doafp fandom is so small I think these updates are probably legit. Brogan Hall who plays Tripp is in eps 2x01,2x02, 2x04, 2x06, and 2x10. He seems to be Elena’s opponent in the school council elections. The drop off in his appearances in the latter half of S2 is something I’ve flagged before as a sign that there’s some sort of shift in Elena’s story line and a partial answer has been provided by Sanai Victoria whose imdb has Melissa in eps 2x01, 2x04, and 2x06-2x10. We know from set photos from 2x10 that Melissa is wearing an Elena for student council president button so they must be on good terms by then. So Elena’s school plot is probably running for student council president and campaigning against Tripp, maybe ending with a debate in 2x06, then spending the latter half of the season trying to come to terms with Melissa which eventually leads to them being on good terms and Elena presumably winning the election in the finale. 
Nathan Arenas updated his imdb and he’s in every S2 ep except 2x08. Brandon is likely in all 10 eps this season as a while back Carmina was replying to something on twitter about S2 and tagged Brandon saying how great it was that they had all the scripts for S2. Typically shows don’t have recurring characters in all episodes but doafp already broke that trend with Sasha and Jessica back in S1. I’d assume we get more development for Danny and Liam who we really don’t know all that well. I’d like to see more explanation on why Liam is living with his grandmother in Miami now as his excuse in S1 that he had a lot of siblings back home doesn’t really make much sense and seems like it could be a cover story for family issues of some sort. Ziggy seems to not be in very much of S2. Sean Glasgow was only spotted on set once when they had their Halloween costume day. He could very well be in more but it does seem like something happens to Ziggy, whether he just moves away or has a falling out with Bobby’s crew or something else. And who knows if he’ll be back if they get a S3. There’s not much else as of now. Ilana is directing 2x09 so that could be an important ep for at least some of the story lines. There’s a character credited as ‘freshman girl’ in 2x05 so there must be some scenes at Bobby’s high school. We’ll probably have to wait until the trailer eventually drops for more imdb updates to be made. 
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xoxofandomlives · 4 years
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RinHaru + Parallels of the ways they react to each other {Signs that they’re soulmates}
“Soulmates aren't the ones who make you happiest, no. They're instead the ones who make you feel the most. Burning edges and scars and stars. Old pangs, captivation and beauty. Strain and shadows and worry and yearning. Sweetness and madness and dreamlike surrender. They hurl you into the abyss. They taste like hope.” - Victoria Erickson
“I’ll show you a sight you’ve never seen before” {1x01//1x12}
The sight of each other’s pain {1x12//2x09}
Their gaze + gasp at their exchange {1x12//TYMx04}
The change in their high fives {2x01//TYMx04}
Their dream to swim at Worlds together {RW//RW}
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wondroushistory · 7 years
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You and I can never be, Harriet. But Ernest, it’s all I want.
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