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dchuntress · 4 months ago
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cremeriie · 11 months ago
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that's gonna leave a stain, helena...
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th3huntressx · 1 month ago
my hyperfixation atm. made this instead of studying for my quiz and now i just wanna write a vichelena centered series
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philoursmars · 6 months ago
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Fin août, je suis remonté vers le Nord en passant par l'Auvergne et Vichel.
C'est quasiment un pèlerinage : je fais, à chaque fois que je viens à Vichel, une balade sur la Chaux e Vichel (en poussant parfois jusqu'au Montcelet qui la surplombe). Les Chaux sont des plateaux formés de coulées basaltiques. On se croirait dans une savane africaine !
L'araignée est une Argiope frelon (d'après @onenicebugperday, elle serait sur le point de pondre) ; quant à l'arbrisseau, c'est un Prunellier.
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liuphrog · 1 year ago
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VicHele || Anxious
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moinxi · 11 months ago
DeFi Further Vichele
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eclipsecrowned · 2 years ago
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❝ You are not at all what I imagined. ❞ victor to hel // @luxsclaris
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The starlight catches in her dark braid, glinting off her glassy fingernails. Delicate fingers are outstretched to the sky above, gesturing at some horizon eclipsed by the mountains that surround them. But the comment lands at an awkward angle, glances off of her pride.
A merry expression fades away by degrees, hand dropping anxiously. Her laughter is sand-dry, absorbing what joy had animated her marble hide. Just as it is with him, a mask slides neatly into place. She need not show him such flights of fancy again.
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"I do get carried away with history. Can you blame me, when this land has so much to share?" She remembers, here more than in most locales. Latveria has always been an Earthly delight to her, and facing the golden age of its new millennium stirs memories of centuries that have long since faded to dust.
Yet that is no reason to forget herself. Stroking a hand through dark strands, she turns to face Victor again, perfectly composed. She is meant to be his most ardent pupil. How irritating it must be, to see her rattling away like a schoolgirl over ancient landscapes. The whole point of this partnership is that she should face present instruction, after all.
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444names · 7 months ago
Names generated from American, French and German forenames, including the letter sequence "Ch"
Aachrichan Aachrier Aachry Amicha Ancechard Anchantie Anchel Anitch Annich Aprichria Ascher Audericher Audritchen...
Becheil Becheine Berich Bermichrie Bernich Betchanel Betchrine Brennichan Brichae Bricheraita Bricherona Bricherric Brichew Briniechant Béatjach Callencha Carachloren Chade Chael Chaely Chaldebodd Chalianie Chalie Challew Chamine Chancha Chancineva Chand Chando Chandolf Chandran Chandrianne Chandt Chane Chanfra Chang Change Changoryss Chani Chanie Chaniquelie Chaniste Chanisty Chann Channa Channy Chara Charce Chard Chardon Chare Chareba Charie Chariené Charinna Charis Charjoan Charkony Charlade Charle Charmin Charolf Charry Chary Chathmar Chawretevey Chaël Chaëll Chaëlleid Chealenna Cheandre Check Chedebodne Chedel Chedney Chedrachane Cheid Cheild Cheiliell Cheiliff Cheilyne Chein Cheine Chelantony Chelett Chelf Chelfrey Chelgarle Chelgen Chelhelia Cheli Chelia Chelianie Chelichrin Chelivan Chell Chella Chelly Chelm Chelmark Chelmat Chelvicard Chely Chelyney Chencis Chene Chenne Chentollia Chenton Chentz Chera Chereannie Cherein Cheren Chergis Cherie Cheriedd Cheris Cherl Chermalia Chermariann Chermarick Cherne Cherolyne Cherri Cherry Chert Chertrich Chervé Cheway Chian Childelley Chilia Chimer Chimmy Chinz Chlodna Chlolex Chlorgene Chloserst Chlourtim Cholanueld Choldavica Chole Cholgebken Choll Chollil Chollis Chomaxim Chommy Chophy Chowale Chowarl Choway Chria Chrianièlee Chrianne Chriany Chric Chricandy Chricanney Chricarg Chricarol Chrichar Chricherina Chrici Chricilbet Chrick Chrickay Chricki Chrictoine Chridnaom Chrie Chriellas Chrien Chriencky Chriettha Chrika Chriken Chrikt Chrildoren Chrin Chrina Chrinan Chrine Chrio Chriola Chriolyn Chriquerd Chrisala Chrise Christ Christe Christinest Christista Chrisy Chrithelied Chrius Chrius-ped Chryle Chrylva Chèle Chèleney Chèlerta Cladrichria Clichèle Clémichria Codonichaël Collanch Cravichann Dachel Dachelgerto Danich Danniched Darvichrie Demichrico Deracher Diamichelf Dorichanne Ebaprich Edachrie Eddicherna Elich Emadrich Emich Emichriendy Emichrisank Emmangerich Erricharla Ertichrie Evichrinice Florench Fracharam Frachew Franicharay Frarach Fricholio Frichric Garichrine Garichris Georiche Gesicha Gindrichris Grinichen Gustiche Haricharick Heanichryne Heches Helich Helietche Hilachry Hilvichell Howannicher Hérichenz Inich Initcharci Iranichrik Jacha Jachae Jachandy Jachanes Jachar Jacharc Jachel Jachelf Jacher Jachilher Jachowalina Jachria Jachrick Jachrickaye Jachrielli Jachriston Jamicher Jamichried Jaylvich Jeachri Jeachris Jeancherike Jeasmichler Jenchrie Jenjachene Jenryancha Jermichris Jillmich Joach Joachange Joanchilic Joannichrio Jochrick Joharitche Johnnich Josch Joschillet Joschowaye Joschrin Josemicha Josich Juditchrie Julichrie Karichloren Karvicherna Katacheine Kathechard Katschrin Keitch Kelach Kevicheleen Klachri Krichalvia Krichele Krichelline Kricheryn Kriches Krichilon Licha Lichaltony Lierach Llexavich Loredrichia Lorrachad Lostach Lérichri Mabracheine Mamichello Maniche Maracholie Marich Marichalex Maricheild Marichen Micha Michaelice Michana Michane Micharl Michary Michean Michein Michelon Michen Michenda Micheney Michenry Micher Micheramy Micherio Miches Michric Michrie Michrinelis Michrista Miechellais Monjacha Niannich Nichanah Nicharyste Nicheido Nichel Nichen Nicherhard Nichèletina Ocheanne Ochil Ochrie Olichadia Pamichri Patschelis Pettachille Rachela Rachelie Rachelvin Rachernhald Racherret Rachri Rachriette Ranich Reinich Renracharce Richazel Richewigmut Richily Richise Richlenrie Richley Rochangen Rochaël Rochri Rogetch Romaitch Rommicherdo Ronicheil Ronichiam Ronjach Rorgeoricha Rémichèlex Saach Saacher Sabrichari Saderennich Scher Sicharia Sichrisa Stedelsich Sterrichria Suetchario Sulrichel Sylvichanny Tacharie Tachely Trichanda Trichrioll Ulichewine Vaitcholf Verich Vicannichie Vicha Vichae Vicharam Vichel Vichen Vichernha Vichert Vichon Vichrick Vichris Vietch Wench Werichelyn Wilourichen Xenetchawn
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danielleyongbokxlbeauty · 3 months ago
I wanna go out with brie tonight briefly for food and drinks. But i am scared to call my bestie after I ghosted her ass for Stray Kids. It's a slight tea panic attack rn.
Its not okay to bully me to the point I fucking cry stays or tumblr place. You are the wrong people causing me headaches and emotional pain and also sexual release problems from abuse and sexualizing me when it's fucking natural to have sexual with ur partner or partners. So kindly fuck off and mind yas business or karma godly kind will get you back 20x right now
No taken me for granted just to project your own insecurities or shame for whatever reason on me. You will get revenge from universe and god if any of you don't mind yas fucking business in my life. I will also throw something at ur vichele if u dare come around my hoa ever again.
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dchuntress · 5 months ago
helena, dropping off vic at the airport: have a safe flight, babe.
vic: i have no say in that matter.
helena, driving off without looking back: die then.
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darkmoonkestrel · 5 months ago
daily kestrel 38:
twas a busy day at the elementary school library, but I stopped at Hardee's for a Frisco on my way in and got to wear pajamas for the AR party so it's fine. I also solidified my wishlist for the chaos for classrooms stream, I hope we get at least a couple things on there bc esp the Legos and stuff would be great to add to the library
my parents went back to their house this morning, no major damage but their power is still out and there were plenty of small limbs down, I think mom has realized that it could have been much worse. I haven't heard from Memi but apparently she's fine, she was over at my cousin's house earlier when I checked her location
I had a meeting with my professor this afternoon about my progress in the practicum and apparently I'm doing great, so that's always good to hear. I spent all evening in the office and got some work done, along with finding weird ways to sit on the yard sale yoga ball that now occasionally swaps places with the desk chair
Peyton and Paige watched more horror movies on their list and came up with the concept for Vichelle Massage, a drag queen who is the exact opposite of Michelle Visage in every way. Paige made a stew that reminds us of the poor people food we all ate at different times growing up, although this stew had two packages of meat in it so it's not quite the same
I had the window open in the office and someone was burning something or had a fire going in the neighborhood and it smelled amazing, truly the epitome of fall. a good day overall, even if I am feeling a little out of it rn
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tiglonele · 9 months ago
Shenzhen Tiglon Technology Company Limited - Dash Cams for Trucks
Tiglon is one of the leading manufacturers in china with the R&D ,producing and marketing for the car camera ,dash cam,carplay ,vichele camera ,kids camera ,sports camera for more than 20 years ,we make the OEM&ODM serivce ,we have supplied Walmart,LIDL ,Aldi supermarket and name brand in the world ,our product is widely used right now in various field ,we are happy to make the world easy to see ,easy to record! For more details call us @ +86 13714507157
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philoursmars · 1 month ago
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En l'honneur du Nouvel An Chinois qui nous fait passer dans l'Année du Serpent, en voici quelques-uns !
Ici, de vrais ophidiens :
Vallée d'Aure (Pyrénées) - une vipère mangeant un lézard
Vichel (Auvergne) - une vipère tuée par ma petite bouledoguette, Sapho !
Tozeur (Tunisie) - une Vipère à cornes
Marrakech, Place Djemal-El Fnâa - le Cobra d'un charmeur de serpents
idem - une couleuvre autour de mon cou (bon, c'était en 1981)
Vichel - une Couleuvre verte et jaune
entre Issoire et Orbeil (Auvergne) - une couleuvre
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liuphrog · 1 year ago
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VicHele || Midnight Invitation 🍬💌
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ahmedrezk2023199655 · 1 year ago
Discover must-have gadgets for cars
#gadget #vichels
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eclipsecrowned · 6 months ago
inspired by dash... some kisses feat. @luxsclaris (vichel) and @umbralined (ghulia)
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