#vic mcgillicuddy
askfacultystaff · 10 months
If Vic Mcgillicuddy and Joyce Crandall meet them from fututre
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22-years old Boboiboy Halilintar: Back off.
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Neko-Sufi: *Whispers* You don't have to, Hali...
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22-years old Boboiboy Thorn: She is my lovely cute kindest and sweetest foster sister I ever had in my life! She's even caring girl!
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22-years old Boboiboy Thorn: As long as you not lay your dirtiest fingers on her.
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Vic: .......!!!! 😨
Joyce: ..........!!!! 😰
(I'm pretty sure they terrified to see their faces like that. Good job, Halilintar and Thorn -v-👍)
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neko-sufis-world · 5 months
Single touch, your arms and legs will amputated. Even though a little. 💢
-Zaid to Vic McGillicuddy while holding his hand tighter more which can hear crack sound
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askfacultystaff · 6 months
......... Damn...... More hours left..... 😓
- Haste to himself, watching both Rush and Ambush still eating Vic McGillicuddy and Joyce Crandall.
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neko-sufis-world · 4 months
-Zaid to Vic Mcgillicuddy while he's pulling his arms, placing his on legs on his back and his head.
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askfacultystaff · 6 months
DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! DO IT!! 😆😆😆😆
- All entities, except Dread, Blitz and Dash while supporting both Rush and Ambush who are killing and eating Vic McGillicuddy and Joyce Crandall like wild animals.
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askfacultystaff · 6 months
Hungry? 😐
- Ambush to Rush who starting to feel starvation, staring ath both Vic McGillicuddy and Joyce Crandall.
- Vic McGillicuddy and Joyce Crandall.
...... *Pants and licks his own mouth* HUN-GRY!!! 💢
- Rush as his mouth begins to drool of hunger and then jumps to Vic McGillicuddy.
I can't look, Blitz! 😫
- Dash to Blitz before they cover their own eyes together.
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askfacultystaff · 6 months
Aha. This is them which Boboiboy talked about..... Time to kill them to death! 😑💢
- Ambush, along with Rush when they saw Vic McGillicuddy and Joyce Crandall, getting ready to kill them to death.
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neko-sufis-world · 6 months
Are you trying to hire my wife to work as s*Beep* worker? 😒💢
-Zaid to Vic McGillicuddy while holding his hair tightly.
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neko-sufis-world · 11 months
There's one guy who me and my dad and sister even Mechabot really hate him a lot. Because he spreads a fake rumours about my wife such as sleep with guy for money. His name is Vic McGillicuddy. He's also tricky guy who the Loud House mostly, and everyone. But, since she(Neko-Sufi) here the Royal Woods, he starts to make a fake rumours about her. 😑💢
-22-years old Boboiboy to Rush and Ambush, much their anger
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neko-sufis-world · 11 months
Ooh! Can I have her?? 😃 *Grasps and run* Thank you! 😄
-Gegergirl Blaze to Vic McGillicuddy as she grasps gila monster Gilly away from him
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neko-sufis-world · 11 months
When 22-years old Boboiboy sent into current
...... 😒💢
-22-years old Boboiboy while he's staring at Vic McGillicuddy angrily, hugging Neko-Sufi
?? 😶
-Neko-Sufi when she got hugged by him
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neko-sufis-world · 9 months
Guys, that is the guy I MEAN. Vic McGillicuddy. With his "daughter" name Gila the gilly monster. 😒💢
-22-years old Boboiboy to entities while he's pointing at Vic McGillicuddy, hiding.
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neko-sufis-world · 1 year
..... 😏💢
-Amato while he's staring at Vic McGillicuddy, face hidden a bit
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neko-sufis-world · 1 year
Hah. Nice try, Vic. I know it was you who spread a fake rumours about my (step)daughter. 😌💢 Let me guess, I heard they say she sleep with rich guy? Dating with minors? Pfft! My (step)daughter would never ever do that. You think I'm dumb and I believe all those? No, no. I'm smart. I know everything about her. I know her since she's a little. I know she would never EVER do that. 😏💢
-Amato to Vic McGillicuddy, knowing he's the one spread fake rumours about Neko-Sufi
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neko-sufis-world · 11 months
-Bethany Swift to Vic Mcgillicuddy while she's making Anya's face
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neko-sufis-world · 6 days
.......... 😐
-Aiden while she's pointing her shotgun to Vic McGillicuddy, feel mad after she hears the false rumour about her other mother, Miss Black Cat.
Apologize. To our mom. NOW. Before I rip your head off. 💢
-Alice to Vic McGillicuddy while holding his head tighter like she's about to destroy his brain and bowing him over Miss Black Cat in force.
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