#vibratingskull speak
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vibratingskull · 5 months ago
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Felt cute, took a snap with hubby ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Delicious art by @thrawns-backrest
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vibratingskull · 6 months ago
Me with Thurfian 😔
My old man...
How it feels to like a character so much but there's no new art or photos of them so you're just checking the tags like a mad man thinking there's gonna be something
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vibratingskull · 2 months ago
Question 👀...How do you think Thrawn would react to having to work under Kylo Ren?
Personally I think Thrawn would eat him for breakfast lol 🍝
He would hate it I think. He won't necessarily show it, but he would hate it.
Thrawn is canonically good with children, but this one is a grown man having temper tantrums for the stupidest things. Thrawn definitely doesn't get paid enough to deal with that manchild.
I think he would start polite and proper as always but will really quickly understand who he has in front of him and his respect will go down internally. He would call him a fool like he did for Ronan, but on several occasions and to his face, no fucks given.
If they work together I assume their goals coincide so he would come to his rescue if needs be, but he would be petty about it. Clearly, Thrawn snarky side will show off more and he will casually assassinate Kylo with words.
Would be quite happy to get rid of the manchild as soon as possible. 0/10, he does not recommend.
(Yes he would eat him for breakfast)
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credit to @kobadit
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vibratingskull · 6 months ago
Once i learn to draw, it's over for all of you bitches!
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vibratingskull · 5 months ago
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I'm a simple girl, I need Ar'alani to step on me with her shiny black boots ✨
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vibratingskull · 3 months ago
Jesus i drank 11 of those drinks... 👀
I didn’t realize you were the person who did the fanfiction tag drinks.
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ahah yeah that's meeee!!
If you guys are interested they are all available as stickers on my RB!!
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vibratingskull · 23 days ago
So we all agree Filoni Thrawn didn’t really matched Tim Thrawn .
But to be honest, canon Thrawn is not completely the same as the one at Heir to the empire...
I deseperatly tried to reconcile the Tim and Fil versions because I had the (stupid) hope that Fil actually listened to Tim and asked for advice to write Thrawn, even a little.
That one is on me, I trust too easily
HTTE Thrawn is the very first version of Thrawn, the first draft and he has been written in a very specific context. The character of Thrawn had time to simmer and grow in Tim's mind and he inevitably evolved.
So yeah, I guess he isn't the same, but to me Tim Thrawn will still be closer to the real essence of the Character of Thrawn than Fil Thrawn will ever be.
HTTE Thrawn is the starting point of the fascinating character we have now, so in this light, I love him very much ❤️
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vibratingskull · 17 days ago
Lars is such a cutie 💙
His parents did raise a couple of "villains" lol
Oh my Loooooooord, LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARS...! 😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩😩 ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
He is such a cutie patootie, such a sweet and gentle soul ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I love the clear contrast between his personality and when he incarnates Thrawn on screen, shows he is a monster of acting and I hope he gets to work on so many more projects and receive the recognition he deserves!!!!
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Silly babygurl ❤️
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vibratingskull · 6 months ago
So I am working on something... 👀
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what do we think? do we agree or something?
Cause that's haunting me and my mutuals never hear the end of it...
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vibratingskull · 7 months ago
Me in the Thrawn fandom !
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my contribution to the selfshipping community 🫡
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vibratingskull · 3 months ago
Hey There,
Have you seen this!?
Getting blue in the face 😉.
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@vaarians, @sparepartsthrowaway, @ele-millennial-weirdo
LOOK AT HIM BEING SO PRECIOUS, I CAN'T WITH THIS MAN !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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vibratingskull · 2 months ago
I just rewatched the clip from rebels where Thrawn grabs and growls at Slavin for insulting the Twilek art...
In "my version" he overheard Slavin insulting his beloved and that was his reaction 😮...
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"That is my Ch'acah you are talking about you fool!"
Love me a protective Chiss man ❤️
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vibratingskull · 1 month ago
I just found this clip of Tim Zahn.
I suppose that explains a lot of irregularities between different versions 🥺 (not that this hasn't been heavily discussed already lol).
Poor Tim...let him write Dave! 😭 ✍️ ✍️ ✍️
Just went through all the stages of grief except acceptance.
I am so fucking ✨mad✨
I gave him grace until now, but I'm now a certified Filoni hater, thank you for radicalizing me anon!
JUSTICE FOR TIMOTHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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vibratingskull · 1 year ago
@pencil-urchin you motivate me to continue my silly main fic with each of your comments !!! Can't wait to know your thoughts on the 23th chapter (omg already?) !!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Shoutout to the dedicated cheerleaders of wips who comment on each chapter and motivate the poor fic writer to keep going you are crucial to the ecosystem
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vibratingskull · 2 months ago
Hello there, I dunno if you remember but I'm anon who wrote in to you recently saying that I'm relatively new to the Thrawn fandom (I was asking about what clothes he wears other than his uniform lol).
I just wanted to ask your opinion on the differences the differences between different versions of the character (If that's OK?).
I understand that he is still a villain of the story (I mean he does still work for the Empire at the end of the day) but the scale of villainy seems to slide around depending on which interpretation.
The new canon books, is depicted as being more "grey area ish" in general and seems to be the "best of a bad bunch" kind of with regards to imperial officers. (While obviously still being party to some pretty terrible things).
I've not read Heir to the Empire or the other Legends books but I was reading about that story and he seems much more straight up villainous in that series it seemed like a big contrast?
I know that in Rebels, he also comes across as more evil, but from what I've seen online, most people seem to think that it's an inconsistency between Tim Zahns writing and Filonis?
I understand that this has been debated a fair bit online. I was just curious to hear your take as I like your works :) Do you think there's some retconning involved, or is it dependant on the perspective of who's telling the story? Or who is in charge of writing the media eg Tim Zahn vs Filoni?
Like I said I'm still a bit newish to Thrawn so still figuring it out 😅 .
This turned out to be longer than I expected lol. Feel free to ignore if you don't feel like responding 🙃
huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh... I'll be honest I am terrible at this kind of exercise, so 'I'll try to be concise and actually make sense 😅
I feel like Tim and Fil write him differently (I'm team book forever), but it is a timeline question: Where Thrawn is in his life, and in what context he is.
Its just that Fil write him like he was in the first trilogy (Heir of the Empire) of Legends when he is older and in a very specific context while Tim had the occasion to write him at different stage of life and confronts differents ideal, political structures and ideas.
Young Thrawn has a spark you wish would not go extinct while Older Thrawn is wiser in the way of wars, way more experienced in life and battles. They wrote him at two very different points of his life.
We also need to consider the context: Rebels/Heir to the Empire/Ashoka are from the Rebellion pov, Thrawn IS an enemy, the man to kill, we do not come to those medias to root for the villains but to have the comforting confirmation that Good will prevail over Evil, so why waste time fleshing the big bad guy in a more sympathetic life?
Thrawn 2017 and Thrawn Ascendancy however are from Thrawn's friends Pov, Ar'alani, Samakro, Vanto, Faro... People he knew personally and bonded with, their recollection will be way more sympathetic and forgiving of his actions.
What I find interesting is that the idea of a younger more merciful Thrawn dates back from Legends in fact! Thrawn's personality from Outbound Flight (very good book, highly recommend) is very reminiscent of the two new trilogies, especially Ascendancy because the context and timeline match.
So Tim really had in mind that this promising young man, this military genius who was ready to welcome and help humans on his ship, to help an endangered species to reclaim their own planet (with ulterior motives, granted) while the rest of his species would just kick them out or take them as slave for themself will someday turn into that old Admiral with nothing less to lose, ready to destroy entire worlds for his own goals and reduce entire species into slavery.
And it is at that point of the timeline that Filoni starts to use Thrawn for canon Star Wars.
Does that mean that Filoni really understood Thrawn character? No, not really. I think he understood him on a shallow level, he did say he did not read the last trilogies, probably not Outbound Flight either, only Heir to the Empire when he is """at his worse"""
Like do I think book Thrawn would have allied himself with witches? No
Would I think he would be okay to trap his soldiers in an endless loop of dying/resurrection to keep fighting until he can escape? HELL NO
Did I facepalmed myself watching Ashoka? More than once.
But Tim said in interviews he liked Filoni's interpretation of his character, so what do I know? (also we don't know how free Tim was to say his real opinion during the interviews, so take it with a grain of salt.)
Filoni may play all he wants with Thrawn, but he cannot take my books away from me and I'll keep re-reading and cheering for the bad blue guy till my death
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TLDR : They write him at completely different points of his life and Filoni's grasp on the character is very shallow
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vibratingskull · 11 months ago
International Asexuality Day
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Happy day to my blue ✨King✨!
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