#vi was soooo fine in this act
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karvviie · 4 months ago
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i need this butch so bad
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sunshades · 15 days ago
sorry #posting again but it's been on my mind cuz i once again saw a post and i just. really really hate the way this bit is so often taken out of context to make her out to be dismissing and belittling him just cuz she felt like it, because a lot of the story does hinge on the fact that this was in fact a reasonable worry
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heathcliff of course has reasons to take it personally, but the context of the entire canto tells you why this was a problem to begin with. we also see it during the rest of the game, cuz he mellows out as the cantos go, but we can't forget at the start he was out there killing his coworkers. then in canto vi we get more about it. nelly starts here jokingly:
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but by the end she's very serious about it:
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the cycles of abuse is ofc one of the main themes in the canto, like in the book where heathcliff assumes for the second generation the role of their own hindley; in game he's growing both in the shadows of hindley and of his other mirror selves. but it can't really be ignored that the problem WAS there and he was shaping up to be just like them (a person used to violence to the point even someone as close to him as the woman who raised him had reason to believe he might hurt her!) and that catherine is discussing it in the hopes of figuring out a way to give him a place to heal and grow out of that absolute hell that was growing up in the heights. it just feels really weird to always discuss that part as if catherine was being cruel for no reason, when heathcliff himself admits that he left because he feared he'd murder her
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instead by the time of the canto, while hindley, linton and nelly all comment on him not having changed, he continously chooses to be the better man, avoiding unnecessary fighting, lending a hand to people in danger, and ofc standing strong against the erlking's provocations and attempt to turn our heathcliff into another just like him, to continue the same cycle.
BUT it's important that back then he was a person who wouldn't have done that, a person who would have hurt his loved ones, and that what he had in mind was taking revenge on them- because he grew past that in the course of the story, then that character development is much more meaningful. and that's also why it's so important to all the people around him, who had seen him start to go down that same path as hindley, to become the worst version of himself--
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because in the end he didn't become like that! he did change and become that better person, and they noticed!
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annalyticall · 3 months ago
I still love Vi a lot but I won't lie there were quite a few times in season 2 that I thought she was mischaracterized or just not used very well as a character
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kathinkapng · 4 months ago
hi- congrats on releasing the you & me update as well as potions for you! i'll combine my feedback for both games in this ask:) (hopefully it doesn't get cut off😭)
i love the voice casting for you and me so much!! it's exactly how i imagined the girls to sound---i especially liked the voice acting for atia (the way her voice conveyed the total shock and confusion in atia's "my dear girl, i don't think you're thinking straight right now" line made me laugh 😭)
for potions for you, i love how it reminds me of those diner games where you have to serve the customers before their patience runs out<3 it's pretty easy to navigate around the little potion shop and remember the items needed for the potions, but challenging enough that the gameplay doesn't get boring:D
misaki and mere are SO cute. goodness 😭 it's clear that they come from two very different cultural backgrounds, but despite this, they make an effort to understand and support one another even if they don't really get it. it's sweet:")
there's some hints to deeper lore (senerithian pantheon, tasogare's shrine, etc.) which i'm interested in if you end up diving deeper into it. mostly because i'm curious why misa seems to hate vis so much 😭
(and on a note unrelated to misa and mere, bel is so ❤️ hehekfhklhlk prebtty)
i playtested on mobile (android, both on chrome and duckduckgo, using the itchio web player) and here are some issues i found:
1.) for good job and you and me, none of their voicelines play, but the bgm is fine (note: this isn't an issue on pc)
2.) the bgm for potions for you doesn't play for the entire game
3.) during the tutorial, if you get the necessary components to make healing potion I but make a failed potion instead, you can no longer access the shelves where the refreshing tonic and sunherb are:") i can send a gameplay recording if it helps:")
that's all!
Thank you sm for this feedback???? 😭💖💖 It absolutely made my day <33333
My answer is going to be even longer, because.... I just love rambling lmao (im sorry x'D)
The audio not playing on the web-version is an itch.io-problem, I think?? For me, itchio also tends to take a ton of time to load images as well - so maybe it's the same for the voicelines???
I'll recheck the bgm for p4u later, but good to know! I think it played for me when I tried it, but better be safe than sorry lol
And feel free to send me a recording!! I thiiink I know what you mean (because I removed this for the herbs), but I'm not sure x'D
You & Me:
I'm soooo glad you think so, ahhhh!!!! Choosing their VAs has been a biiit difficult, because a) there were so many submissions omg and b) there was a good amount of ppl who gave Atia a sexy mommy-voice fhdjhhfkdkksfkssi (They did sound v good tho... It just wasn't giving Atia)
I'm so glad that Sunny and Skylar auditioned, because their depictions just make my heart melt 💖💖💖 (Also the straight-line still makes me giggle hehe)
Potions For You:
These diner games were one of the inspos for this game - my co-writer Celi rly likes them!!! (and I lowkey made this game for her lol) I'm glad you enjoyed the gameplay since I'm kinda unsure about it - so it's pretty reassuring to hear feedback for it ☺️💖
Also ahhh, yeah that's their relationship in a nutshell!!! The main conflict in the later game will kinda come from them trying to compromise a bit too much for each other - but alas, I don't wanna spoil too much x3
Also, since the game prolly won't be updated in a hot minute... I'll drop some lore/info down below - it might be kiiinda spoilery, but not too much in a way that it'd take away from the game imo <3
Basically, they live on a continent called Senerith with ~5-6 regions. Their current pantheon consists of five gods (one of them is dead though)
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Tasogare (Misaki's goddess) has the Twillight domain - and that includes the twilight of life (aka she guides mortals into the afterlife/knows the secret of death, which is why her followers are v secretive about her)
Viz is the god of springs (and the spring of knowledge) and Mere's god. It's said that he sent Mere (who was the high priestess/mayor of the town) visions of the future that were so powerful (and painful) that it left golden scars her body.
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I don't have a better pic for her scars on hand rn, but yeah 💖 Basically, Misa hates Viz because Viz is Mere's biggest hater 💖💖💖
Also, hehehe.... Agreed, Bel has one of my fav designs ever!!! As one last pic in here, I'm dropping my fav Beleth drawing from last year, hehe
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ventrue-in-control · 1 year ago
♡ divorstieeee
●●○○○ | ATTRACTION ●●��○○ | AFFECTION ●○○○○ | INTEREST ●●○○○ | LOYALTY ●●○○○ | TRUST
LOW | ●●●●● | HIGH
[the interest is low mostly due to the horrors that is everything connected to vi. he doesnt know most of it! but hes soooo fine never knowing about it! he does trust her somewhat. but he also trusts her to act with her self interest in mind. he mostly just care. they got a lot to relate with.]
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zvkos · 4 years ago
The Problem With Bias In S4 of TWDG
I'm sure this topic has been spoken about before, but I need to get this out of my system because my GOODNESS the choices in season 4 (in regards to Louis and Violet) suck ass! There's a clear bias between the two and I'm going to explain how below.
OKAY! SO! Going into TWDG s4, playing it for the VERY first time without learning about any of the new characters, we come from three previous games about survival. In one of them, we play as Lee, trying our best to survive, protecting Clementine, and teaching her about survival. In another, we play as Clementine trying her best to survive. In another, we see Clementine on her own as a hardened survivor. For THREE games, we -- as a player -- are trained to put survival first and foremost.
Then comes season 4.
Clem is new to the boarding school and for the first time, is surrounded by her peers. Very quickly, we learn a little bit about Louis and a little bit about Violet. It's not until Marlon gives Clem the choice to either hunt with Louis & Aasim or fish with Violet & Brody that we have to opportunity to really learn about them.
This is the first instance of bias.
When Marlon is describing the different trips, he says something like: Violet and Brody are going to go fishing, hopefully they get along enough to get some work done. When describing the hunting trip, he says: Louis and Aasim are heading to the hunting grounds. Well, Aasim will, anyway. Louis... I just hope he shows up.
We learn two things about Louis and Violet here -- One, Violet doesn't get along with Brody. Two, Louis slacks off.
Hmmmm. I don't know about you, but to me, one outweighs the other. Especially as a player who has learned to prioritize survival. Violet doesn't get along with Brody? That's fine, Clem has been in groups before where not everyone has gotten along. However, if we go with Aasim and Louis, he might not even show up -- which leaves us short a man, putting us more at risk.
Now you might be thinking: "Wow, you're thinking really hard about this choice. It's not that serious." Except IT IS. For the simple fact that whoever you choose in this decision is the character you learn the most about. If you go with Violet, you learn why she's so closed off and bitter. If you go with Louis, you learn why he goofs off and doesn't take much seriously. This choice is literally the first step down whatever route you decide to do.
I've seen soooooo many people decide to go with Violet due to the fact that Marlon says “Louis might not even show up.” A LOT of people miss the opportunity to learn more about why Louis acts the way he does, therefore leaving him as a one-note, slacker, class clown type. He barely has any depth. He's just the guy that flirts with Clementine. That's it. There's no real reason to appeal to him since you spent the least amount of time with him. (Oh yeah! AND Marlon is his best friend!)
A.J shoots Marlon dead, Louis is PISSED at A.J and Clementine. (Rightfully so, I might add.) Violet, however, sticks up for Clem. She's on her side because she's pissed at what Marlon did. (Rightfully so, I will add again.) Once again, I've seen MAJORITY of people write Louis off in this episode. They're pissed that he's pissed at Clem & A.J. They don't want anything to do with him. Meanwhile, Violet is by your side throughout the episode.
In what UNIVERSE does a brand new player see this, and is like: "Well, I still like Louis better." I haven't seen a single one. It doesn't even make any sense to put the romance option in this episode because of the CRAZY imbalance between characters.
Should you romance Violet, the girl who wanted you to stay, who defended you, who (up until this point) likes you the most?
Or should you romance Louis, the guy who is pissed at you and A.J, who voted to kick you out, who demanded A.J give him the gun before you both left for the wilderness, and ignored you for a bit when you were back?
HELLO? In what WORLD are these routes equal?
Yes, Louis apologizes later, but by this point most people have a grudge against him and don't take it seriously. Or worse, they tell him to fuck off.
AND THEN to make matters WORSE, the big branching off decision is in THIS EPISODE. And, wow... Wow, this choice is literally one of the most biased choices I've ever seen in a decision-based game!!!!
You can either: check the defenses with Violet before the big fight, OR, play piano with Louis.
Before the big fight that will get people killed. You can either: CHECK THE DEFENSES WITH VIOLET OR PLAY PIANO WITH LOUIS.
Who in their ABSOLUTE RIGHT MIND would chose to play piano with Louis? Hell, I wouldn't choose to go with Louis and he's my favorite character in the game!!!! Once AGAIN, majority of people go with Violet (because it makes the most sense!!) and they lose the opportunity to learn more about Louis and bond with him. At this point, you're on Violet’s path -- whether it's platonic or romantic.
I know K*nt said the difference between Violet and Louis is "staying alive vs. feeling alive" but they went about it soooo completely wrong it BOGGLES my mind how they thought their routes were equal. I'd love to go more in depth on how I would've set their paths up, but this post is already super long and I'm rambling. Also, before I get any hate, I want everyone to know I DO NOT hate Violet. I do NOT hate Violentine. I think Vi is a great character, and if you like Violet and Clem over Clem and Louis, hey! That's awesome. I just personally believe the game is tilted towards her and wanted to share my frustrations.
tl;dr -- season 4 of twdg has terrible, biased choices in regards to Violet and Louis, the game is always pushing you to Violet and gives you no reason to choose Louis.
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ericsonclan · 5 years ago
A Winter’s Ball
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(art by @violetineprompts​ for Pirates AU but works even better here)
Summary: The soldier girls from Clementine's unit enjoy a winter ball where they get to meet some cute fellows.
Read on A03: 
“Whew, finally a well-deserved break!” Sophie exclaimed, walking with her hands crossed behind her head. “I can’t wait to dig into whatever sort of feast they have prepared for tonight!”
“It certainly is a nice change of pace,” Ruby agreed, walking beside Sophie. She looked over at the other three girls, fellow soldiers in their squadron. “What are y’all looking forward to the most? Food or dancing?”
“I guess food,” Brody answered, looking at the ground nervously. “I mean, dancing’s nice and all, but we won’t know anyone there so I’m not sure I’ll get up the courage to ask someone,”
“I’m sure you’ll be able to, Brody,” Clementine encouraged her friend, patting her on the back. “And if you see anybody and you’re too nervous to ask, just let me know and I’ll grab them for you,”
“Thanks, Clem. Are you excited for dancing?”
“I’m not the best at it, but I’m sure I’ll still have a good time,” Clementine glanced over at Prisha who hadn’t said a single word since they headed out. “What about you, Prisha?”
“This whole party is a waste of time,” Prisha grumbled, rolling her eyes. “I’d much rather be having a strategy meeting than dancing with a bunch of coddled city boys or making small talk at a buffet. But decorum demands I attend so here I am,”
“Aaw, Sug, I’m sure it won’t be that bad,”
“Oh, believe me, it will. I’ve attended enough balls in my time to be sure of that,”
Before Ruby could say anything further, Brody let out an excited gasp. “Look, we’re here! The building is so pretty too!”
It really was. Decked out with lights and with lively music drifting out onto the street, the venue of the ball looked plenty inviting. The girls linked arms as they went up the staircase at the front entrance, curious of what the night would hold for each of them.
“Excited, Louis?” Marlon asked, offering his best friend a cup of punch. “It’s been a couple months since we’ve seen any girls. Besides your sister, that is. But she doesn’t count,” The two of them glanced over to the side of the room lined with chairs. Violet was hunching angrily in one of them, annoyed that she had to attend this ball in the first place and even more pissed that she was stuck in a dress for the night.
Louis winced sympathetically before taking a sip of his drink. “Yeah, I think Vi would much rather be home with Willy than here right now. And as far as girls go….” His words drifted off as a batch of girls entered the room, laughing amongst themselves. He flinched as an arm was thrown roughly around his shoulder. Looking up, Louis saw Mitch had both him and Marlon in a headlock.
“Dude, check it out!” Mitch exclaimed, a wide grin of his face. “Girls!”
Aasim sighed in annoyance behind them. “Yes, we’ve noticed Mitch. We all have eyes,”
“You got your eye on any in particular?” Mitch asked Marlon, ignoring their friend’s sassy remark.
“Not sure…” Marlon’s eyes scanned the room slowly. There were so many options. His gaze fell on one girl in particular though, a tall redhead with her long hair loosely tied behind her back. She wasn’t that far off, so he could hear the conversation she was having with one of the other guests.
“Y’know, they told us to leave our weapons back at the camp, but what was I supposed to do with these guns?” She dramatically flexed her arm muscles, smiling mischievously.
“Dibs,” Marlon handed his drink over to Louis and began walking toward the girl.
“Wait, what? We’re calling dibs?” Louis asked in disbelief. “Everybody hasn’t even arrived yet!”
Mitch let out an appreciative whistle. “Check her out!” He pointed to a girl with short auburn hair who’d positioned herself beside the punch bowl. “What a babe. I’m going to ask her for a dance.” With that he strode off, making a beeline toward the punch bowl.
“What fools,” Aasim noted, stepping forward beside Louis. “Flirting with girls when there’s a war going on. This ball is held in honor of the troops. We should be honoring our soldiers, not trying to bed them,”
Louis raised an eyebrow at his friend. “So you’re not going to be dancing tonight?”
“I didn’t say that. I’ll be speaking with all the visiting soldiers, but as a dedicated supporter of the revolution, nothing more,”
Louis nodded absent-mindedly. “I’m going to go check on Vi. See you around,” Before Aasim could say anything further, he headed over to speak with his older sister. She was gazing with boredom into the middle distance, a glazed look of apathy on her face. He plopped down beside her, trying to give an encouraging grin. “So… how’s it going?”
“Balls fucking suck,” Violet growled. “They’ve always sucked, but they’re even worse when I’ve got to pretend to be blind the entire goddamn time,”
Louis’ face fell. He knew the need for Violet’s false disability was his fault. He’d panicked when the revolution began, convinced that if Violet went to war she’d be killed in battle. Insisting that she find a way to stay out of the conflict for his and Willy’s sake, Louis had come up with the idea to claim that Violet had been almost entirely blinded after a bout of smallpox. It had worked and she’d been excused from active duty, but now whenever they went out in public Violet had to pretend she was blind, holding her brothers’ hands to go anywhere and not looking at anything directly. It was truly wearying for her, but they couldn’t drop the act now.
“Did you get any food? I could grab you some if you’d like,”
“Nah, I’m good. Just gonna enter a temporary coma for the rest of the party,” Violet let herself momentarily take a glance round the room. “Marlon and Mitch seem to have hit it off with some of the soldiers,”
“Yeah, I can’t believe they made connections so quickly,”
“Poor Lou,” Violet mocked. “Haven’t found anybody you want to talk to yet?”
“I’m talking to the prettiest girl in the room right now,”
Violet snorted. “Please. Find someone else to bother so I can wallow in my misery alone,”
“Aw, don’t be like that, Vi,” Louis placed his hand to his heart, feigning insult. Suddenly his eyes were drawn across the room to one particular soldier. She was wearing a lavender gown, her curly hair pulled to the side in a way that drew attention to her amber eyes. She smiled as she talked to another soldier, laughing at something they’d said. Louis felt like the wind had just been knocked out of him. His heart had started a staccato rhythm in his chest and he couldn’t seem to slow it down. He wanted, no, needed to ask her to dance. But now as soon as he needed them, his legs had gone utterly limp, like rubber underneath him. Would he be able to get up the nerve to speak to her before he lost his chance?
Sophie had been enjoying the party so far. Her plate was piled sky high with hors dourves skillfully balanced one on top of the other. She’d seen a few of the guests glare at the decadent height of her snack pile, but Sophie didn’t care. They were just jealous that she’d figured out how to work the system. As she chewed away happily, Sophie noticed a young man walking up to her.
“Hi there,” he said, offering her a smile. “I like your guns,”
Sophie took another second or two to chew her food before quickly swallowing. “What?”
The boy’s face fell in embarrassment. “Oh, uh, I mean… I heard you talking to someone else about how there weren’t any weapons allowed at the ball and then-”
Sophie’s eyes widened in understanding. “Oh yeah! These guns!” She lifted her arm that wasn’t holding her food, flexing it dramatically. “Pretty cool, right? Who knew that wartime could make you so ripped! Want to feel?”
The boy paused a moment before obliging, reaching out to feel the muscles in her arm. He whistled. “Damn, that is impressive,” He let go of Sophie’s arm, offering his hand. “I’m Marlon,”
“Would you be interested in honoring me with a dance?”
Sophie looked at her plate of food then back to Marlon. “Can we dance one-handed?”
Marlon chuckled at the question. “We can certainly try,”
Brody had been standing at the punch bowl for about 20 minutes now. She didn’t particularly like punch, but it gave her something to do with her hands. It was already proving to be a poor choice though, as she could feel the need to pee slowly rise within her. She wouldn’t be able to last the night this way.
It took Brody a second to realize the voice had been directed at her. Turning, she saw a tall, brown-haired boy standing beside her, a cocky smile on his face. “Would you like me to refill your drink for you?”
Brody felt her cheeks flushing at the attention being directed her way. “Oh, that’s OK. I can do it myself,” Her arm jerked forward to grab the ladle, but instead knocked into the bowl itself, spilling the entire contents directly onto the stranger’s crotch. He swore in surprise, luckily catching the bowl before it crashed on the floor.
“I am soooo sorry!” Brody gasped. Reaching behind her for some napkins, she began to pat down the wet spots on the boy’s pants before realizing where she was patting and dropping the napkins with a startled squeak. “I should let you do that yourself. I’ll get some more napkins!”
“Wait!” the boy exclaimed, snatching Brody’s wrist to keep her from fleeing. “It’s fine. They’re just pants; they’ll dry. Let’s start over,” He placed the punch bowl back on the table, then extended his hand. “My name’s Mitch,”
“Brody,” She tentatively took the hand offered her, flustered as a smile returned to Mitch’s lips.
“Cute. Brody, would you like to dance?”
“I-I’d love to,”
“Then let’s go,” With that Mitch had tugged her onto the dance floor and their dance began.
Aasim was disappointed. He looked around the room, searching for any soldiers he hadn’t spoken with yet. He wanted to make sure that he talked to all of them about the ongoing war effort and his attempts to raise funds for the revolution. Perhaps he could find more allies to bolster his efforts and strengthen the revolutionary force’s chances. So far, this ball had proven to be a waste of time though. The soldiers weren’t here to talk politics. All they wanted to do was dance and eat and make small talk. Perhaps it was too much to expect more from soldiers on leave, but Aasim couldn’t help but feel insulted by their apathy towards his endeavors. He tossed his notebook on the table beside him in annoyance.
“What’s that?”
Aasim turned to see a beautiful, buxom lass standing beside him. Her red hair contrasted prettily with her pale skin, a ruddy blush gracing her cheeks. He found himself speechless for a second before clearing his throat to answer.
“These are my notes I keep on fundraising efforts for the revolution. I want to make sure I perform my duties as an active member of the war effort to the best of my abilities,”
“Really?” From her tone he could tell she was impressed. “That’s wonderful! You know it really warms our hearts to see citizens giving their all to the revolution just like we are. And you’re really going above and beyond!”
“Oh, it’s nothing,” Aasim insisted, blushing happily at her praise. “Just doing my part,” He extended his hand to her graciously, placing a chaste kiss upon her wrist. “Thank you for all your service,”
The girl’s eyes widened at the gesture before a sultry smile crossed her lips. “If it takes fighting a war for us to meet, it’ll have been worth it,”
Damn, she’s smooth. “I’m Aasim,”
“Ruby, would you like to accompany me in a dance?”
“I’d like nothing better,”
“Lou, you’ve been staring at that girl for over a half hour now.” Violet grumbled. “Are you going to talk to her or just warm that chair with your ass all night?”
“I’m going to! Just give me a minute!” Louis’ eyes returned to the mystery girl on the other side of the ballroom. Some part of him had been hoping that their eyes would lock from across the room, she’d smile and come over his way and they’d strike up a conversation without him having to get up the nerve to start things out. Seeing as that hadn’t happened, he’d have to move on to another plan. “I’m going to get a cup of punch then go talk to her,”
“What the hell do you need punch for?”
“My throat is dry! I don’t need to explain myself to you!” Louis stood up from his chair with a huff, stalking over to the punch table. When he arrived, he was shocked to find it completely empty. What the hell? Who’s been hogging all of the punch? Well, that mission had been a bust. Louis turned round to rejoin his sister, but froze when he didn’t see Violet there anymore. Had she ditched him? He searched the room frantically for her before his eyes landed upon Violet doing what he feared most: talking to the girl.
What the shit, Vi? She knew he’d planned to go over there! Was she putting the moves on the girl herself now that he’d proven himself too much of a coward to do so? Utterly dejected, Louis began to make his way over to the chairs.
He turned in surprise upon hearing Violet’s voice. His sister was walking over to him, the girl of his dreams following behind her. Violet stood before him, a small smile on her face as she gestured back toward the girl. “Clementine, meet my brother Louis,”
The girl stepped forward, a bright smile on her face. “Pleased to meet you,” she said, giving a quick curtsy.
Louis felt like he could just about die from the euphoria he felt in that moment. “I’m Louis,” he said, bowing awkwardly.
“I just told her that, dumbass,” Violet rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Anyway, you two have fun,” With that she was gone and the two of them were left alone.
“So, Louis,” Clementine said, his name rolling off her tongue like a short melody. “Tell me about yourself,”
“Oh! Uh, well, you met my sister Violet. I have a little brother at home too: Willy. He’s too rambunctious to go to these sort of things yet, otherwise you’d see him here, pigging out at the food tables,”
Clementine’s eyes lit up as his words. “You have a little brother? So do I! His name’s A.J. He’s far too young to go to balls yet, but I think he’d be right at the food table alongside your brother if he was,”
“Sounds like they’d make quite the duo,” Louis chuckled. His eyes strayed to the corner of the room where a piano stood. He wasn’t sure if this was the right move, but he was going to go for it. “Clementine, do you like music?”
Clementine’s brow quirked in curiosity. “Yes? Doesn’t everybody?”
“You’ve got a point,” Louis said, looking down in embarrassment. He was going to see this through though. “Would you like it if I played something for you?”
“I’d love that,” Clementine’s smile was genuine as she offered him her hand. “I assume we’re heading over to the piano?”
“Your guess is right, my lady,” Louis quipped, taking her hand in his and leading the way across the room. Clementine’s hand felt warm in his. Louis couldn’t believe this had worked out. He’d have to thank Violet later.
Violet stared out at the dance floor blankly, silently willing the clock to move faster. There was nothing for her here. All her friends were occupied with dancing or flirting. Even Louis had left her now, though she had to admit that was her own doing. That boy never would have gotten up the nerve to ask Clementine for a dance. Seeing the two of them laughing and smiling beside the piano had a smile temporarily tugging at her own lips, but it soon dissipated in the wake of boredom. There were still hours left till this would all be over.
“Greetings,” A tall girl with a long-plaited braid stood before her. Violet glanced up at her for a second, then immediately looked away. Shit, she had to remember to keep up the blind act.
“Hi,” she said simply. Hopefully the girl would go away soon. Violet wouldn’t be able to convince her of her blindness for long.
Instead the girl sat down beside her, causing Violet’s mind to devolve into a series of panicked swears. What did she want? “You look awfully bored,” the girl commented casually. “I’m glad to see I’m not the only one who finds balls tiresome,”
“Yeah, they suck,”
“Have you danced with anyone tonight?”
“No. Nobody worth dancing with. Besides…” Violet vaguely gestured towards her eyes before dropping her hand.
“Oh,” The girl seemed to understand the gesture, but not be bothered by Violet’s apparent disability. A beat of silence passed between them before she spoke again. “Would you care to dance with me?”
What the fuck? Violet wanted to look over at her but was afraid to do so. She wanted to dance with her? Why? “Umm, I mean, we’re both girls so that might look a little… odd,”
“I know,” The girl’s hand drifted down beside Violet’s, brushing against her and sending a thrill up her spine. “My name’s Prisha. What’s yours?”
Prisha hummed quietly in approval. Violet felt like she could melt from the sound. “Tell me, Violet, would you like to get out of here?”
“And go where?”
“Anywhere,” Prisha’s pinky finger crept out, slowly encircling hers.
“I… I’d have to get back before my brother got worried,”
“That’s fair. And Violet?”
“You can drop the act. I’d quite like to look you in the eyes if it’s alright with you,”
Violet’s eyes shot over to Prisha’s. She knew?
Prisha smiled knowingly, happy in her victory. “You have lovely eyes, Violet,”
She did too. Violet found herself getting lost in their rich brown depths.
“So…” Prisha gestured towards one of the side exits to the room. “Shall we?”
Violet nodded mutely. The pair got to their feet, walking briskly towards the doors. Within moments they had left the ballroom, off on an adventure all their own.
The night hadn’t gone quite like anyone had expected. In the end however, all five couples finished the night much happier than they had started. It truly was a wonderful winter’s ball.
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kimsgoeun · 5 years ago
♫ - veronica/logan
♫  five times my muse swears it’s not a date, and the one time it maybe is. @kaceyrps​
i.  They end up bumping into each other coincidentally at some show downtown. They seem to do that a lot, but that’s somehow supposed to be a part of Neptune’s charm.  “Didn’t realize this was your kind of thing,” Logan casually says. She pulls a face. “And what’s supposed to be my kind of thing?” It’s out of jest that she says this though. They don’t know each other well enough to know what the other likes anyway. “Well, I guess I’ll see you in there then,” he nods. “Or,” she interjects, “we can just go in together. Unless you’re meeting someone else.” She isn’t sure what compels her to suggest it, but she tries not to think about it, nor does she linger on the satisfaction she feels in knowing he is here on his own. 
ii. Technically it’s his sister who invites her over to some family soiree, but it’s Logan who insists she comes after Veronica offers to decline if it’s weird. It’s weirder to see him in that famous Echoll lifestyle when he clearly isn’t comfortable. But it doesn’t take long for her to put the pieces together that maybe he wants her here for that very reason. They end up chatting most of the evening on the sidelines with Logan feeding her tidbits of information about the people in the room. She adds some colorful commentary of her own making him laugh and helping him forget why it is exactly he doesn’t like being around his family’s people. She forgets why she she was so hesitant on attending. Or she does until Trina saunters over to them after having one too many drinks. “Aww, well aren’t you two lovebirds adorable. If I didn’t know any better, I’d think the two of you were on some kind of a date.” Logan rolls his eyes but its Veronica who says something. “Oh, no, this definitely isn’t a date.” Both eyes fall on her, Trina’s moving between her and her brother. “Oh-kay. Well I think that’s my cue. Have fun you two!” she says before taking off. Veronica watches her go but finds Logan still staring at her. “What?”
iii. Her father’s visiting Neptune when they run into Logan on the pier. She tries to act indifferent about her father meeting him, but it’s a little weird. Even her dad knows something’s up when he waggles his brows at her when he isn’t looking. It doesn’t help when he tells Logan that Veronica has mentioned him once or twice. Betrayed by my own father, she thought. Attempting to end this little slice of hell she found herself in she interjects, “Well we were just on the way to the store, so we should probably-- “ Only to have her dad interrupt and conveniently say he’s actually feeling tired and might head back to her place and oh, wouldn’t it just be swell if Logan went with her instead? She glares at him when he waves his goodbyes to the pair and quickly hides it when Logan asks if they should head out. An awkward air hangs over her head now that they’re walking together to the store. That awkward silence makes her want to bolt. They both begin speaking at the same time and she presses her lips together into a frown. “Go ahead,” he offers. Now she feels bad about trying to find a reason to leave. It’s not as if they’re doing anything weird. Friends can walk around and do some shopping together. She shakes her head, “It’s nothing. What were you going to say.” A more serious look flashes over his face and for a second she’s concerned. And then he ruins it by saying, “So you talk about me with your dad, huh?” and laughing at the annoyed reaction on her face after hearing it. “You know what. I really don’t think I need another set of hands to help me pick up some groceries, so you can go,” she deadpans and picks up her pace. It’s even more annoying that it doesn’t take much for him to catch up with her. Damn his tallness.
iv. She tries not to grimace when Dick Casablancas comes barging in. The blond stares at the scene in front of them - Veronica and Logan eating Chinese take-out with some show playing on the TV - before some idiotic, smug smile spreads across his face. “Soooo am I interrupting something? Because if I am I don’t want to be a co--” Logan cuts him off. “--Did you need something?” She mutters under her breath, “A brain for instance...” It takes all of her will power and control not to throw her food at him when he goes on some winded story about some girl he met and her friend and how he needs Logan to be his wing man. “...But since you’re on some “not” date with Veronica, I can bring in someone else.” She hears him sigh and suspects he’s going to tell him to leave (or tell him good luck) but she’s already standing up. The idea of being on some “not-date” date ruins her already appetite. “It’s fine. I think I’m going to head out anyway,” she says, trying to make a quick getaway. “Have fun helping Dick get laid.” She sidesteps past the other man and pretends not to notice Logan attempting to stop her from leaving. 
v. Veronica asks for another favor with the promise of dinner being involved. The place is fancier than she prefers and she knows she’ll stick out like a sore thumb if she goes alone, so that’s where Logan comes in. The nicest thing she owns still doesn’t seem like enough--whoever said a little black dress would always be timeless and classy clearly never went to Neptune--as she takes in the other patrons once they’re seated. Her focus is busy on searching the room as the waiter begins chatting to them. She probably looks like some lousy date to the waiter as Logan does all the talking and she’s staring off in every direction, but she can’t waste a breath on caring about the opinion of what some stranger thinks of her. Nothing. Veronica deflates in her seat. Crap, did I get the wrong information? “Something not going according to plan?” he asks. For a second she’s caught off guard by the question before remembering how often she asks him for these kind of favors. She sighs, “Yeah, but that’s okay. I’ll figure something else out.” She frowns apologetically. “Sorry. Guess we can split. I don’t know if it’s worth spending this much on food we can easily get elsewhere for less.” She’s collecting her purse when Logan stops her. “Well we’re already here and you did promise me dinner...” She purses her lips as he holds her promise to him over her head. Without staking out someone while they’re here it almost feels like they’re on a date and Veronica stares at him quizzically to make sure he doesn’t think that’s the case. But Logan raises a brow at her in question and goes back to looking over the menu, not at all bothered the way she seems to be under the surface. As long as he wasn’t reading into it then she wouldn’t either. This definitely wasn’t a date.
vi. She offers to buy him a drink after obtaining the evidence she needs to prove her client was innocent. He’s the one that says he wants to buy to help her celebrate the win. Not wanting  to be rude, she happily agrees. They meet up at some bar in town after seven. She hates to admit it but she’s put in the slightest bit of effort into how she looks -- hates it even more that she notes how nice Logan looks after splitting ways earlier in the day. There are a few times she catches him staring at her, but then again, she’s staring right back. One drink turns to two, two turns to three, and by the fourth, it almost seems like they’re waiting for the other to call an end to their night. One of them suggests dancing at some point, but she can’t recall who. The alcohol makes her feel light and happy and less concerned that her hand lingers in his or the space between them inches closer and closer between songs. There’s a good chance she won’t remember half of what happens tonight, but through the hazy bar lights, she could almost consider this a date. 
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ghosty-goos-asks · 7 years ago
so does laura know about vi's 'kittenspace' or?? cause last i saw she was confused about her wanting pets soooo??
Didn't explain it to her fully, mostly just said Virgil was being silly and wanting attention so he was acting like a kitten and she was fine with that explanation - 🤖👻
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aceofwands · 7 years ago
Ria hateblogs Discovery Episode 8  “Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum”
short recap straight into the intro again, so clearly got a lot going on this ep :P
we finally see a bit of the actual war! random Federation ship being attacked by 6 Klingon vessels (which look nothing like Klingon ships it's so frustrating)
Discovery come in to save them
Lorca is yelling at this weapons officer so much and he's just suuuuuuch a jerk
the bridge crew looks so cool that it annoys me we know 0 about them!
the battle sounds ... like a video game ... and it annoys me so much
they had a chance to show a random captain who was a) an alien, b) a woman, c) not white - but no, the captain of the other ship is another white guy
lol they failed to stop the other ship from blowing up ... and now are getting out of there ... Lorca is gonna be pissed - oh yeah, he's giving a little speech about how it's not time to grieve
it just seems SO silly that the Discovery is the solitary saviour of Federation ships, like it just contributes to feeling like there isn't really a war going on??? it feels so isolated to just the Discovery ...
oh lol Stamets just stumbled out of the chamber after using the spore drive and Tilly asked if he was alright, and he said 'what are you doing down here Captain?'
like ... these characters are so one-dimensional??????
her defining characteristic is that she's gonna be a captain
and it's just soooo boring?
Stamets is now yelling at Tilly because she was confused at him calling her captain LOL
Lorca is talking to a vulcan admiral and asking why they were the only ship in the sector and the only ones able to render aid
apparently the 2 other ships were also simultaneously ambushed ... 
the klingons are sharing stealth technology
I don't CARE if you're gonna call it 'stealth technology' that is a fucking COPOUT
Michael, Tyler and Saru are on a mission to some planet to find something to help with this stealth tech
... the natural formations of this planet (trees, rocks, etc) vibrate with a specific tone ... okay Michael's explaining this stupid biological technology ... and how they're going to use it like a sonar to detect the Klingons
why is this science so dumb?
they're now talking about how fast Saru can run. as a prey species. and how acute his senses are compared to theirs
glowly clouds just floated down in front of them. some sort of lifeform that Saru is now talking to. they're now surrounded by like 5 of them
aaand we're cutting back to the Klingons
I love seeing people not able to act
they just have no emotion, it's real sad
it's also hilarious how they have to add things like Kol's red striped face paint to distinguish them ... if only there was some way to make their forehead ridges individual LOL
already back to Saru and co
this story has jumped around a LOT in 10 mins
Saru getting to make first contact with the glowy alien. lol it zapped him. Michael's explaining that they now have to follow first contact protocol and can't use their transmitter without them agreeing
so like, actual Star Trek morals for a change, yay!
oh lol, L'Rell has come to torture the admiral who was kidnapped!
ahahahahahaha, L'Rell tried to intimidate her by yelling but the Admiral just screamed back. I wish we'd gotten a chance to know her better, but I suspect she'll be dead by the end of the ep
like ... it's not like they're leaving at dramatic moments???? gotta say something for commercial breaks when they give you a proper scene! this just jumps around at random moments after like a few mins have gone by
the glowy clouds have some sort of hut made of natural fibres ... which seems odd for a gaseous species ....Tyler is talking about how he wants to go fishing and camping when the war is over. but Michael's like lol, I'm going back to prison after this. and Tyler is like fine let's keep the war going then. their flirting is kinda cute and awww they're kissing
I am still 100% convinced he's going to be Voq. because this show doesn't DO subtle or nuanced!
cut back to Tilly who's come to ask Stamets wtf is up with this mood changes. he is not pleased at her asking. but he's explaining how jumbled he is
aaaaaaaaaaand he's now explaining that he HASN'T TOLD THE DOC ABOUT THESE SIDE EFFECTS
because he doesn't wanna be sent to some Federation lab. right because potentially compromising the safety of your crew by ignoring this is a GREAT solution!
Tilly is now saying they'll monitor the episodes and hopefully they'll pass. riiiiight cause this stuff usually gets better instead of worse!
how dumb are these people
back to L'Rell again. who's chatting with the Admiral about what the Federation does to prisoners. when she found out they don't have a death penalty, L'Rell claims she wants to defect .... because she's all alone ... and they have a ship waiting to escape
LOL she thinks the Discovery is the Admiral's ship and she'll take her back there! if the Admiral falls for this she's even dumber than she seems
aaaand back to Saru. lol he hasn't got far in first contact. the aliens ARE the planet apparently ... pretty cool actually
they're all having a snooze with no blankets apparently, but Saru is being effected by these aliens or something ... whoooo are now like surrounding him / going into him ... they're making him relive flashbacks from the first two eps lol. and now they flew away ...
idk this episode is less terrible than the others so far, but it's still somehow really boring ????
Saru is now acting suss. he just crushed their communicators lol! he says they're going to stay here on the planet .... cause the people on this planet are at peace .... .... he's now awkwardly stroking both their faces???
and Michael and Tyler are like well shit wtf do we do? Tyler says that as senior officer, they have to complete their mission.
back to L'Rell, who is leading the Admiral out of the ship ... they're about to get caught, so they're fighting each other to make it look like they don't get along. L'Rell just knocked out the Admiral ... unclear if she's dead or not
back to Saru again!!
Tyler's getting him to explain what changed for Saru (who was bothered by the frequency before) to distract from where Michael's gone
idk I can't even be bothered explaining some of the story stuff, cause it's so meh?
Tyler says he doesn't want the war to end cause he wants the Klingons to suffer - now Saru is trying to make him feel the peace and harmony of the planet with a rock .... but it just like zapped Tyler cause his intentions are false, he realised Tyler is distracting him lol 
Michael has been running for the transmitter ... too bad they established how fast Saru can run earlier lol
the dramatic music is playing and Saru is running and she's setting up whatever they're doing .... and it's like ... .... who CARES
all the episodes where dumb stuff isn't happening, are still just amazingly dull?
this one has SO MUCH stuff going on that it just feels like stuff is ... happening
gotta say I much prefer the ol 5 act structure where shit actually happens - like this is not the kind of seriality I like? where episodes just contain like 3 different threads of stuff happening and it's like, who. cares.
back to L'Rell dragging the Admiral back - discovering a bunch of people she knows whose bodies have been eaten ... now swearing revenge on Kol blah blah blah
so it's unclear if the Admiral is dead - I'm now actually thinking she's alive??? but we'll see if that lasts next episode lol
back to Saru attacking Michael, destroying the equipment ... he's apparently super strong? ... Michael is shooting him .... she's giving him a little pep talk about how staying here won't fix anything, they can end the conflict of the war, blah blah
the cloud alien just teleported Tyler there so he can conveniently join this scene
Saru is now apologising, he was trying to protect the aliens ... but of course, Michael has to say the dramatic speech about how they need their help ... the transmitter is now activating ....
it's just ... so predictable .... 
the dramatic music and looks of awe on their faces do not match what is happening on screen lol
they were beamed back to Discovery and Saru is upset ... just leave him there, he'll be much happier! 
they're having ANOTHER conversation about their emotions (Saru and Michael)
back to the Klingon ship yet again!
L'Rell tried to leave Kol, but he isn't letting her lol. he's making her swear allegiance to his house and work as his interrogator. lol but doesn't believe her! 
apparently the alien planet sent an invitation to the Klingons and Federation to meet up .... and Michael is explaining that the aliens wanted to make peace for them .... of course, setting it all up for the final ep next week
wooooooooooow that was boring
like wow
the teaser is all about the dramatic battle - Kol fighting Michael, the ship blipping around, Stamets being effected by the drive
massive yawn 
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cranberrybogmummy · 8 years ago
Excerpt of Drifting part II, Chapter II
In a little while Stan had dressed and down in the kitchen, it was neat like nothing of the debauchery of last night happened. Mrs. Patterson smiled when she saw him. She was washing dishes in the sink.
“Hi there how do you like your eggs and toast?” She said, stepping away from the sink and wiping her hands on a dish towel.
“Uhhh over easy and almost burnt,” Stan said.
“Gotcha.” she replied with a wink.
She moseyed over to the other counter and started making him breakfast. She really was a pretty good cook Stan mused as he ate. Also he was bored.
“Where’s Rick, I mean Rich?” He asked
“Oh he’s in the cellar working his project. He said no one can else can go down there not even to clean,” Mrs. Patterson said.
“Anything I can do around the house?” Stan asked. He normally hated chores, but it beat sitting around watching fuzzy tv.
“Well, I guess the lawn needs mowing, and maybe set out some poison for the mice in the attic.” Ms Patterson said putting her chin in her hand.
“Sure.” Stan nodded.
Stan decided the lawn could wait until it cooled down that evening. For now he’d go to attic with the rat poison, Mrs. Patterson gave him and deal with the vermin and a flash light.  He found the trap door to the attic  on the second floor near the back of the hallway, he pulled a string attached to it and it opened up, a small wooden ladder slid out. He climbed up into the attic,  The air up here was stuffy under the eaves among the pink insulation. He casually sprinkled the poison in  the nooks and  crannies. He wasn’t here to poison vermin, he needed to find out about Rick and his family. He opened the first cardboard box he found, which turned out to be christmas decorations, the second box was winter clothes and mothballs and so on. Was there nothing? Had Rick already been up here and destroyed everything? Then he stumbled on an old accordion file folder in it was a certificate of marriage, in spanish between Viola Ernestine Van der arrt and Hernando Christopher Sanchez. From what Stan could make out it was from San Juan, in Puerto Rico. There was an old black and white photograph of that young woman, heavily pregnant of the dark messy hair, scowling in a wedding dressing next to a  older Tall, thin faced, balding bespectacled man with smiling wearily in a suit. He could see the resemblance to Rick in both of them. There were other photos: Viola holding a dark haired infant. Viola, Hernando, a toddler shirtless Rick and an older woman on a tropical beach. Then nothing, more papers something in legalese Stan and no patience for and photographs of Rick a little older maybe four  heavily tanned, glaring into the camera as he twisted in his mother’s arms, she was paler. They were in heavy winter clothes. A Christmas picture all the Van der aarrts gathered near a decorated tree, Viola looking haggard, Rick  still four  the same age, paler, hair slicked back,  and still  seething with anger. Stan looked back at papers, what he could make out is that Viola Van Der Arrt was getting custody of her four year old son. An old  photo album of Rick’s boyhood followed. There were a few  older images of him his Father, Mother and an old lady labeled as ‘Abuela Sanchez’ in Puerto Rico. In these toddler Rick was shirtless, messy haired and very tan he looked happy. The images of Rick from four and up didn’t look happy,  (expect in one album labeled summer memories. Which showed Rick or ‘Rich’ in this house.  out on the lawn or splashing in a creek). Most the of the pictures Rick was surround by grown ups in suits and his mother who was grinning in a forced way. Rick always looked angry, or exhausted or resigned in these pictures, a few of them had  that psycho Doug Blevins in them. Stan shoved them aside, he explored another box, that was mostly full of spiral ring binders with scribbled mathematical formula, diagrams, and loads of paperwork. And a framed diploma from MIT, saying that Richard Van der arrt was graduating Suma Cum laude. Stan looked at the date, Rick must have been about seven or eight when he received this. Stan found a few other diplomas, same deal. And loads old paperwork, he couldn’t understand it, so he pushed it aside. Maybe it was time to scatter more rat poison. It was hot and stuffy in here after all, maybe going out on the mow might be better, get some fresh air. That’s when he tripped over a box labeled in a scrawling hand: ‘Vi’s diaries (1956 -1970).’ Maybe this would shed some light on whoever Rick was. So Stan carried the heavy box down from the attic and hid it under his bed.
` It was still mid-afternoon, well better mow that lawn. The lawn was huge, wished he had a tractor or something kind of riding mower as the sun beat down, he sweat and reddened under it. Sometime in the middle he took off his shirt.Around three Mrs. Patterson came out with a  ham sandwich and tall cold beer. Yeah it was old Canoe, the worst, cheapest beer, but on a day like this the very fact it was cold, light and beer made it perfect for the sweltering heat.The lawn was done at four. The sun still high in the sky, Stan slunk off to the shower cuz he stunk worse then a goat. Stan knew this because he’d met some goats out on that Peace Ascendant Family commune when he was out in Texas with Carla… under the cold water of the shower, it was okay to cry no one could tell. He’d blocked out the memory after he got out the shower, about an hour later  later. The hi-fi speakers down stairs boomed with rock music, which meant one thing, Mrs. P was gone and Rick was out from the basement.  Stan toweled off and put on a clean pair of shorts and a tank top.  Rick was scarfing down dinner, hardly looking up, a protective arm looped around his dinner. Stan could see the remains of potato salad, baked beans and baked chicken thighs with some kinda herbs on them. The potato salad, wasn’t cold, the beans and chicken weren’t hot but it was food and Stan wasn’t about to complain about a free meal.   He sat down and began to eat
“Find anything good?” Rick said.
Stan choked on his food sputtering, he drank some water and finally swallowed, coming up with a gasp. “What do you mean, Rick?”
“Mrs. P said you were putting down poison for the mice in the attic. So I f-f-figured you dug up a bunch of shit about me.” Rick said, He lent back in his chair, pulled out a zippo and lit a joint.
“Nothing…” Stan Lied. “Just a bunch of junk up there.”
Rick rolled his eyes. “Yeah sure.” Rick oozed sarcasm.
“Fine.. fine  I found out you were some kind of boy genius who graduated all these fancy-ass schools before your balls even dropped.” Stan said. “Can I have a toke?”
Rick passed him the joint. “Look, it wasn’t my idea, my Mom always thought she was soooo smart, despite the fact she was only slightly above average, when she found out about me, she saw her ticket for academic glory.”
Stan took a hit, he was feeling better. “So that’s why she got custody from your Dad.”
“Heh, Naw… that her way of shitting on him. She didn’t even really want me. “ Rick sighed. “Ya know, when your a kid and your really happy? Yeah, that was Puerto Rico for me with my Dad and  my Abuela. I’d just ya know run around, half naked and do kid shit, build my own toys… radios…and blow up stuff, you know I did kid shit, maybe play a game. But she and to come and take it away, cuz she was shitting on my Dad. It was downhill from there…Pines.”
He passed the joint, Stan took a hit. “So you were only really happy when you like four?”
“Yep.” Rick sighed and giggled. He took a hit, passed it
Stan took a hit, passed it back.  “Yeesh.” Stan sighed. “It all ended for me, at 17, I thought me and my brother we’d be together forever, but he decided he wanted nothing to do with a dum-dum like me.”
“I only have two degrees, in case your wondering. I decided if they were gonna try me act like trained monkey, I might as w-w-well fling shit.” Rick said. “School sucks, it;’s a place for smart people Stan.”
They finished the joint. Minutes ticked by of them sitting there stoned, not talking.
“Yeah…. Whadda you wanna do now?”
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survivornavarino · 7 years ago
Episode #5: WE LANA DEL REY TONIGHT FAM -Rebecka
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Back from exile so here's the happenings ~Immediately cried to Beckka about Tim leaving and being slaughtered in my arms. ~Messaged Trixie, well she messaged me about what happened our other tribal. ~Messaged all the favs cuz idc if Im at the bottom, im obviously bottom of fans or favs so WHATEVER. ~Talked a lot to Julia cuz we have a lot in common (Witchcraft, being 16 y/o babies, getting lit) ~Told all the favs I have no one in this game which is true. FAVS IF YOU LISTENING TAKE ME IN. PLEASE AND THANKS. ~Messaged Vi cuz at least she was with me.
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Honestly what were they thinking with voting out Tee? I guess that's a challenge threat out of the way, so I won't complain.
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https://youtu.be/HepZnpuimhM ________________________________________________________________ https://youtu.be/IJWWj23olkA
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So the bad news is I found out Drew has been hardcore dropping my name since the game started and I thought we were cool but it's fine snakes will be snakes. I think he's a little shook about my at bat (me having won 1/3 games I've played) cause he's hinted at how crazy that is. And that would explain why he's pulling out fake receipts and conspiracies to get me out. Whew game recognize game https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/ryans-reality-network/images/6/61/Awright_alyssa_edwards.gif/revision/latest?cb=20150724035546 The good news is Eddie is a real one, we really are Joe and Desi from HvHvH, and he spilled all the tea. And honestly we have a similar playing style so we're really about to go the distance, especially if I never get reunited with Julia or Rebecka. SO we need to slay this lip sync so we both live but on the off chance we lose, things are gonna kick into high gear. I've only seen one season of Survivor (HvHvH) but Tyler convinced me to watch Kaoh Rong and let me just say that has shed some light on things. Voting Jacob? Will always be there. Sending another fan out? No problem. Voting long-term? Now that's not a bad idea. So when I said, "What if we got Drew out?" Eddie was all ears. Obviously this is super early and under wraps BUT between the two of us we can make it happen. The key is Tyler and Jake so if we can get them we have a guaranteed majority. It all comes down to timing and the pitch. This is our best chance to clock Drew and whoever fails the vetting process will be left out. If Eddie says that whenever someone takes a shot at Drew they can't afford to miss and that has to be a blindside, then this plan has to be airtight. I wonder who could pull something like that off https://media.giphy.com/media/QmeB1Hr5fz7a0/giphy.gif
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I volunteered to do the music video since I was a film major and have professional editing software. It puts a good deal of pressure on me because if we lose it looks like I really dropped the ball. However, I’m hoping that my attempts to organize us and edit the entire thing will earn me some respect and points from my tribe. It’s a bit frustrating getting ideas out of everyone. Nobody seems to want to volunteer thoughts or contribute to the brainstorming and we don’t have much time at all to get this done.
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https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=CdgOebQNYEE ________________________________________________________________ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=cdsZyoPZe5Q
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First challenge on a new tribe and we lost. WHOOP DE DOO. Im going to try and find an in with the favs and hopefully stick with them. Saying how I have no allegience in this game. Also I keep forgetting that I can idol hunt so Im just casually at level 4 still I think. Ill probably look in the morning. But what were we thinking with Great Balls of Fire. That song is iconic and now that Tyler won he has chances of getting an in with people, but I want him gone Obviously no can do since I am not on his tribe anymore. Might as well dwindle down his numbers from this side then.
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So we lost the lip sync. I had to apply lipstick for the first time so that was fun. Sadly one of us has to go home and my guess is it's either Heather, Trixie or Vi unless me or another favorite is getting targeted secretly. I need Heather and Trixie in the game if i'm being honest, mainly due to Trixie having rumors spread about her on the OG Admirador tribe and I wanna see if I can mess around with that. Then Heather was saying that people on the OG Admirador tribe were being fake to her, and she also told me Tyler got paranoid due to Heather not responding to Tyler's messages. So I hope Tyler makes it past merge, because I can work with paranoia. For those who don't know I'm trying a villainy thing and it's probably gonna fail miserably and I'm gonna look like a dumb fuck but I was the hero on my season and I wanted to try villainy out. I'm not good at long confessionals I apologize I feel like i'm the kid in the class presentation who speaks in a monotone voice and makes everyone fall asleep.
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Me to the other tribe if/when i reach merge and we get to talk: https://desmadrechic.tumblr.com/post/171063789210/oh-god Ignore the caption that came with the video ajsjsjdkjd
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So the other tribe voted out Tee and I'm a n g e r y The challenge was a music video. Still a n g e r y We won. Still a n g e r y!
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So like this is bad for the fans, I feel like the faves will just band together and take the easy vote route, I need to socialise today. I need to just make strong social bonds and make sure people want to keep me around. I wanna act dumb and want them to think I am a free number for them. I like Drew and feel like he will be loyal to me, I am no 100% sure what Mitch and Autumn will do but I feel like they will keep me over Jake and Tyler if we end up going to tribal.
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Well look at that I got added to a new alliance chat...! Autumn added me, Tyler, and Eddie to an alliance and we named it "Keyboard Smashers" and um I like everyone in it but I also like Drew...so I'm gonna protec him! If we lose and we're still on the same tribe I think I'd want to vote out Mitch since he hasn't made any efforts to talk to me individually. It's a shame bc I think we'd have a lot in common, but oh well! Tbh I have a feeling that we're gonna swap into 3 tribes of 5 next round...my psyche is telling me this...and I'm always right! But I hope I'm wrong because I feel like I'm in a really good position on this tribe and I'm scared to swap on a tribe with people from the other tribe because I think Heather and Vi wouldn't work with me, neither would the faves on the other side. Anyways...I'm a bad bitch.
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We just did THAT and I'm happy for it. I've not gotten the chance to be as much if a social butterfly as I would like because my work situation is still adjusting, so if I can keep staying safe until merge that would be highly appreciated. HeatherAs of right now he vote is Vi. I dont agree with it since she is the only one who has been truthful to me in this game so far. But I dont see any way of saving her right now. My only choice I feel in this game is to team up with the favs and get out the fans, which I don't mind as long as that fan isn't me. Plus the fans (minus my loves Vi and Tim) all left me out of the vote. If they think I am going to crawl right back to them come another swap or merge, they have something coming. HOPEFULLY THIS VOTE ISNT ME OR ILL CRY.
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So I'm just like really sad because I love vi and I never wanted to vote her out of this game but I have to and that's really sad.  I don't really have much else to say I just feel super guilty.
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du du du..... another fan bites the dust and another fan gone, another fan gone another fan bites the dust
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Why is it that each tribal gets messier than the last? Well maybe I should back up. We lost... again. Wow what curse have we brought to this tribe. I call bs since we were nice enough to give an upbeat song. The judges are bias smh. Anyways literally no one talked. What vote who? I dunno. It’s super silent which brings bad news. Probably gonna have to expect to be voted out tonight. Oh well. Hopefully heather doesn’t get voted out but I feel like it’ll be another fan that’s gone. The favs know each other and so they’re banding together I believe. Such sadness. I’ll just have to wait until tribal to know tho
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Oh, right, this is a thing I need to do. Anyway, same boring shit as always, I'd put "Drew won an immunity challenge" as my mood message but it could be about anything, really. I think there are only like two tribal challenges I've ever lost in Athena. Bonus points because it was the music video challenge so you know my ass floated by and gave it all of ten minutes of thought, but we had a damn savant on the tribe! I love it when tribe swaps work out well for me. People were expressing all this sadness for Trixie and Vi going to their fifth tribal in a row and I'm just sitting here like listen, any goddamn time someone wants to take my seat at tribal and give me the night off, they're welcome to it. Denise Stapley is a cute look on some people, I guess. I'm just fine over here with my Cirie Fields kickback realness, I don't need tribal council, y'all can wait until FTC to give me a torch as far as I'm concerned.
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What's the haps? Stress, angina, and crippling anxiety. Anyway. We won immunity which I'm real happy about because I can nOT go to tribal council. I absolutely refuse to lose and I'm really hoping I just make it to merge without attending a tribal council. For some reason I feel like I will I will either go to like the tribal before merge and leave at the first tribal I attend or I will make it to merge without losing and I will be merge boot. I really am happy because I feel like if we went to tribal council Drew would have targeted Autumn which is something I am SOOOO against. I literally sold my soul to that girl and that's who I'm riding with for the rest of the game. So because I love ha so much I kind spilled the beans to her about Drew targeting her. I feel like really bad about it though cause I do consider Drew a close friend but for some reason I'm really having a hard time trusting him. I just feel like he's only with me until he doesn't need me anymore and then he'll totally see me for the threat that I am and take me out. I feel so bad about it but I just feel like it's what I needed to do to show Autumn that I trust her and have her back. Because of that I think Autumn would've gone after Drew and I feel like I would've had to pick a side and I really just can't vote Drew out yet njvjsdfkdnsjk. I would literally feel terrible about it cause I usually don't turn on my close allies pre-merge but if he goes after Autumn then I have no other choice. As I'm typing this I'm beginning to wonder why I didn't just tell Drew that I didn't want to vote Autumn out. Maybe he would've said ok we can target somebody else. Why don't I trust him enough to say that? Hmm idk I'm just so on edge. So a 4 person alliance was created and I'm soooooo happy. MY first alliance in this game! I finally feel have something I can maybe rely on and trust for a bit. It includes Autumn, Jake, and Tyler all of which I LOVEEEEE. Like omg this is my dream alliance I'm screaming. If we stick together we at least have enough to tie it. But who knows what will happen. I'm watching you JAKE >.>
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