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dr-teatime · 9 years ago
vexedfallen answered your question:I have a dood and a crovo, but what happens next?
Arm wrestling?
idk why but the first thing that came to mind was the outsider slapping someone with his own severed arm...
Im getting tired tho so I think im closing up whatever-this-was for now ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
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klaviergavinwiki · 9 years ago
vexedfallen replied to your post “I’m rly glad other ppl didn’t like the new guest grumps tbh like I...”
I thought it was just me, I could hardly watch that Guest Grumps
Same honestly. When I first watched what little I did I saw a lot of people in the comments section saying it was really interesting (which should’ve been my first clue that it was garbage tbh) so I refrained from saying anything but I’ve seen a couple posts about it since and apparently a lot of people really didn’t like it.
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reginaeinferos · 9 years ago
11, 12, 30
11: A song that you never get tired of
The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls
12: A song from your preteen years
Helena by My Chemical Romance
30: A song that reminds you of yourself
I can’t think of one ATM so I asked my cousin what reminded her of me and she said Anaconda by Nicki Minaj
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kurogabae · 9 years ago
“so it has recently come to my attention that the red streaks in Ruby’s...”
It is hard to see in the show so it's understandable that you'd miss it.
“so it has recently come to my attention that the red streaks in Ruby’s...”
I can see how that'd be hard to spot - her hair fades from black to a dark maroon at the ends. It's not like bright red or anything, and I think you can get away with black/dark brown all the way through anyway.
oh good it’s not just me not being able to see things like a normal human
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Just Neurotypical Things: Thinking that you know better than a ND person who wants to get an official diagnosis so that they can get accommodations and brushing it off as "But you don't SEEM/LOOK like you're [x]"
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thatgamingfeelwhen · 10 years ago
Tgfw Spiral Knights wants to be as welcoming as Mario but as unforgiving as Dark Souls but does is so horribly that it ends up being worse than both ever could be
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atokin · 10 years ago
vexedfallen replied to your post:What blog/website was the Steven Universe person...
Ah, I don’t really recall ever seeing it so I was confused
you probably follow people that payed no mind to that blog it got worse when people that were gullible started calling out to the Crewniverse :[
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klaviergavinwiki · 9 years ago
vexedfallen replied to your post “vexedfallen replied to your post:what kind of demented person decided...”
GROSS NO, that totally does sound like a suburban white mom would make though
some white woman named leighann was making this for her kids brashlynn and nayvie to bring with them to their church youth group’s potluck and she threw in a bag of unchopped celery to make it a healthy snack.
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klaviergavinwiki · 9 years ago
vexedfallen replied to your post:what kind of demented person decided to put celery...
that sounds super gross
it’s not great tbh it’s just huge chunks of hot barely cooked celery which apparently is pretty normal according to all these recipes on google but this definitely feels like something a suburban white mom came up with on the fly
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npd-king-chizome-blog · 9 years ago
You must be a hell of a thief because you stole my heart from across the country
U make me have the doki dokis
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npd-king-chizome-blog · 9 years ago
You're so beautiful that you made me forget my pickup line.
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npd-king-chizome-blog · 9 years ago
Fluff or sin
I;m a fucking sinner so sin all the way.
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reginaeinferos · 9 years ago
Try Hard (mom calls me this all the time lol)
Take It Off - Ke$ha
Roses - Meg & Dia
You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison - My Chemical Romance
High School Party (Girl) - Bo Burnham
Alfie - Lily Allen
Royals - Lorde
Death Valley - Fall Out Boy
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klaviergavinwiki · 9 years ago
vexedfallen replied to your post:why is itunes so convoluted now like literally all...
I can’t even figure out how to repeat songs without just adding it to the “up next” used to be I could find that no problem
Same???? It is so god damn hard to use now. Everything used to be so out in the open and obvious but now it’s just hidden. 
Everybody nowadays is focusing so much on their software being ~minimalist~ and ~sleek~ that they completely forget that it still needs to be functional.
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Just Neurotypical Things: Blames you for both you and your siblings mental illness
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Just Neurotypical Things: "There's no way your child has a learning disability. They just need to apply themselves!"
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