constantinemars · 2 months
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Welcome to the hell 😈
I’m Constantine Mars, author of “Constantine’s Book of Law”, famous Vexatious Litigant from San Jose, who disqualified three bribed crooks (“judges”) from my divorce case during about single year - in a fight for life of my son Max, who those disqualified assholes tried to force to be kidnapped outside of the United States to Ukraine in times of war, and forced to live without father for already two years.
I’ve been in jail for bringing donuts and hot chocolate to my son, was ordered to be arrested by disqualified judges twice, and was personally threatened by Presiding Judge and Executive Admin of court for requesting to officially nullify all orders of three disqualified bribed crooks from their court, and publicly exposing their disqualification and video recordings of them committing fraud on court.
“To the hell and back” - this how I would describe experience with fucked nit nest of Santa Clara County Court.
Kicking ass to fucked crooks in Santa Clara court became my main entertainment during last two years - disqualified fucked crooks squeal like pigs, and angrily retaliate to me by ordering fabricated arrests and permanent restraining order against my son.
You’ll find some notes, templates of legal papers, and law education here, and of course more information about “Constantine’s Book of Law” - which I guess you already read.
If not - here you can get it 😉
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“We are what we repeatedly do.
Ultimately, decide who you want to be and then have your actions reflect that as often as possible. 
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Enzula (Enza Maria) Tavormina and Norma (Scalia) Tavormina certainly do not reflect the actions of “good people”. The culmination of their repeated actions define their characters and who they are. Their propensity to continuously and maliciously inflict harm on their family in their time of need is horrendous. This while there is a world wide pandemic happening! Their complete disregard for family values runs contrary to the essence of being Italian, “la famiglia prima di tutto”, family comes first. Their moral compass completely out of whack..
Their reputation, self tarnished forever by the repeated abusive, vindictive and malicious lawsuits against their own family, as well as their extended family.(My God, they even filed lawsuits against their niece, Sergio’s daughter contesting her lineage to her father. WTF!) 
1.They filed lawsuits against their older brother. (an old man in his sixties) 2,They filed lawsuits to evict their younger brother (a lifelong heroin addict, in the middle of winter during a fentanyl epidemic) 3.They filed lawsuits against their younger brother’s estate after he died of a drug overdose. 4.They filed lawsuits against their sister in-law (a woman who suffers from mental illness) 5.They filed lawsuits against their niece (which earned her them tittle of “worst aunts ever”) They even contested DNA evidence that she was Sergio’s daughter. An ongoing case during a pandemic, no less. WTF!
6. They filed lawsuits against their father that prevented him from getting the medical help he needed, which then resulted in his death. Incredulously, Norma Tavormina actually hired a lawyer, Rosalia Giarratano, and fought against the irrefutable dementia diagnosis of numerous medical experts and professionals which would have saved his life. Enzula (Enza Maria) Tavormina with her PHD in Psychology, stood by while her father suffered at the hands of her abuser and did absolutely nothing to help her own father. So much for upholding the principals of her profession. Unfukenbelievable!
They filed all these lawsuits which led to the death of their brother Sergio as well as the death of their own father and then, wait for it ..., they have the audacity to claim that they are the victims. OMFG! What judge is going to believe that bullshit! Enzula (Enza Maria) Tavormina with her PHD in Psychology and living in the fentanyl capital of the world, Vancouver, plays ignorant and expects that anyone with half a brain would believe that she did not know that evicting Sergio, a life long heroin addict, form his home and onto the cold fentanyl laced streets of Montreal in the middle of winter, would result in his death by a drug overdose. (wow say that 2 time fast) My God, IMO not only was she aware of it, she purposely and maliciously orchestrated it along with her sister Norma Tavormina. Enzula Tavormina even tried to deny that Sergio died of a heroin overdose and fabricated a false autopsy report to try and back up her lies. Anyone with an iota of human intelligence can see that Sergio was the victim here, a dead victim. How condescending and full of one’s self to think that people are that gullible to believe that she was ignorant of the intended outcome. How does she explain her actions to her non biological daughter, Niria? I am the victim! Ya right! I guess Enzula’s emphasis on her non biological daughter’s DNA lineage wasn’t that important when it came to procuring a child. OMFG, the narcissistic balls on this woman, challenging Sergio’s daughter DNA lineage after her atrocious self-serving and destructive actions. A real a Auntie-Christ. (worst aunt ever) IMO, is it any wonder her husband divorced her ass. Even her dumb sister Norma knew that Enzula was a narcissistic sociopath as evidenced in this email written by Norma to her brother Guiseppe.
I know you are angry but please do not get lawyers involved, I will give you my share, lets just resolve this. Do not stoop to Enzula’s level. We could get this over with now. Please think about it. As far as I am concerned I will give you everything I have, never mind what Enzula thinks or gets, Sergio will have a home, you will get half of Marquette and Enzula will be out of our lives.
Now, here is the undeniable mind-blowing hypocrisy of Norma’s email. Norma Tavormina treacherously, as is her nature, stoops to Enzula’s level, and goes on the hire an endless line of lawyers. On Exposed’s blog there is a post with a photo of Norma Tavormina and her lawyer at the eviction hearing. The so called “GOOD?” sisters were evicting their brother Sergio and his girlfriend form the property that Sergio purchased and put under their names. Imagine that! Evicting him in the middle of winter, onto the streets knowing full well that their brother was a life-long heroin addict. Exposed’s blog post has been verified by Sergio’s girlfriend and is a poignant and truthful account. Pictures don’t lie, that is Norma Tavormina with her lawyer, Jean Paul Robitaille. Unfunken believable! Below are all the lawyers hired by Norma Tavormina and Enzula Tavormina in their abusive and vindictive legal warfare on their own family, including their children. IMO, not only is she the “Worst Aunt Ever” but the “Worst Sister Ever” I know this sounds so unfathomably unbelievable and beyond the realms of human reality, but anyone can call up these lawyers in Montreal, Canada and verify the lawsuits. What kind of people do this to their own family?  When one lawyer dumps them they move on to the next so they can fulfill their malicious and vexatious litigation against their families. 
Jacques St-Louis Jean Paul Robitaille Rosalia Gerenato Yohan Forcier Mark Savard Armenia Teixeira
These can not be, by any stretch of the imagination, the actions of good people. They are what they repeatedly do. “They will repeatedly FUK family until it all burns to hell”.
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edtumbled · 5 years
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I do this too much. And yeah, fuck their #bookbaggiveaway. Years of alienation got me a couple saved at least. And it wasn't a giveaway, you had to get twenty vendor signatures to get a bag. #MyBrooklyn #ACS #CrowmHeights #OneBrooklyn #NY12 #iDaddy Still #DefendingFatherhood. #still #supervisedvisitation for #falseallegations #ExposeFamilyCourtCorruptionandAbuses #FamilyServiceFraud #stopFamilyCourtTerrorism. #VexatiousLitigation #Triggers #DisgustedDads #AngryAmerican https://www.instagram.com/p/B1PdqPrlywT/?igshid=1mcm4en8angzm
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Go on now, go walk out the door Just turn around now ‘Cause you’re not welcome anymore Weren’t you the one who tried to hurt me with goodbye? Did you think I’d crumble? Did you think I’d lay down and die? Oh no not I, I will survive Oh, as long as I know how to love, I know I’ll stay alive I’ve got all my life to live And I’ve got all my love to give And I’ll survive I will survive 💪
I will heal, but you will always be a sociopath.
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I've already been through hell, so give it your best shot. Not only will I survive, I will win.
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The extent of the litigious and abusive lawsuits that have been filed by the plaintiff, Enzula Tavormina, against her own family as well as well as her extended family is truly jaw dropping and bordering on psychotic. These lawsuits give a whole new meaning to “vexatious litigation”.
She filed lawsuits against her older brother. (an old man in his sixties)
She filed lawsuits against her younger brother (a lifelong heroin addict)
She filed lawsuits against her younger brother’s estate. This after he overdosed on heroin because of the depression the lawsuits inflicted on him.
She filed lawsuits against her sister in-law (a woman who suffers from mental illness)
She filed lawsuits against her niece (which earned her the tittle of “worst aunt ever”)
In one of the lawsuits against her niece, she contested DNA evidence that her niece was in fact her niece. (she actually challenged the DNA evidence in a court of law) 😲 🏆WORST AUNT EVER🏆
Quelle réputation?
Un psychologue est censé aider les individus et favoriser leur santé mentale positive et leur croissance personnelle.
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Twisted Sister (pun intended)
We're not gonna take it Oh no, we ain't gonna take it We're not gonna take it anymore
Oh, you're so condescending Your gall is never ending We don't want nothin', not a thing from you
Your life is trite and jaded Boring and confiscated If that's your best, your best won't do
Sing it We're right, yeah We're free, yeah We'll fight, yeah You'll see
We're not gonna take it No, we ain't gonna take it We're not gonna take it anymore
Stop Vexatious litigants
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