vex-bittys · 3 months
Hi! Um I'm new to this community and was just wondering how long a bitty will live for since I can't find any information about it. It would also be great if you could tell how long each of your lamia bitties would live for.
*Theoretically, a bitty could live forever. Bitties don't age past adulthood, and like the monsters they are based off of, they can live on indefinitely as long as they are healthy and happy. The lamias are no exception.
*This doesn't mean that bitties usually live super long lives though. Due to their small size, bitties can become injured, sick, or even killed. This is part of the reason that they need caretakers to adopt them!
*There is one last thing that limits a bittybones lifespan. Bitties who have gone through a trauma such as being abandoned or having their adopter pass away may lose their will to live. A bitty who no longer has intent to survive will most likely dust. This factor often limits a bitty's lifespan to the lifespan of their adopter.
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thetrexartist · 1 year
This is Soda Pop! He's a honey bo lamia from @vex-bittys . I just made this, so I remember how his scales looked and got carried away. Butttt the torso shots are one of my first actual attempts at drawing any of the skeles.
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under-write-reblogs · 2 years
A Handful of Lamia’s
Just a one-shot. Honestly, it wasn’t even really supposed to be this long… it just got out of hand, I guess. 
Basically, the Tumblr user @vex-bittys wrote an adoption scenario for my alternate account (@under-art-reblogs  [ https://at.tumblr.com/vex-bittys/hi-there-ive-been-doing-a-lot-of-research-and/ist81pzebyyk]) with two of her lamias bitty types and it inspired me to write this. 
If you’re interested in Undertale bitty’s or lamia’s in general (along with a few other hybrid companions) they are a wonderful, amazing, (insert any other positive word here), person to check out!! I adore their blog even if I haven’t interacted much. 
Hope you enjoy! (Also the Ao3 link is below if you prefer that over tumblr)
As a young, introverted adult, life could sometimes be a bit lonely. Sure, you interacted with your coworkers a lot, and you had a small circle of friends you talked to and hung out with on occasion… but it didn’t make going home to an empty, quiet house any easier. 
You had considered getting a pet for a while, but you felt like all the typical, familiar options weren’t the right fit for you.
You adored the most basic of all pet companions: that being cats and dogs. 
After all, you’d always had at least one or two while growing up, but that was the main issue. There was always someone in the house to keep them company and keep an eye on them while you were a child. Most of the time they tended to be sweet… but you’d grown up with a good handful that could get into heaps of trouble in a very short amount of time. 
Not to mention, a cat or dog might need more attention than you could give them. Daily walks and brushing just a necessary thing required to provide for them (at least in your opinion), along with all the affection you could possibly give them… and just leaving them alone in a house all day didn’t sit right with you. And while a sibling might help keep them occupied, you would still worry about not being able to fully provide what they needed. 
So a quiet no for both of them, at least for now. Unfortunate, but at least there were other options, right?
Small mammals like mice, rats, guinea pigs, or even a rabbit might work. Except they needed a companion or two to keep them company, plenty of space, and they could be relatively smelly pets if you didn’t keep up with cleaning. Not to mention, they didn’t live for very long in comparison to other animal companions. It would break your heart to bond with some only to have them pass away in just a few years. Plus, on the off chance one of them managed to escape while you were out, you didn’t want to come home to chewed-up wires or other damages in your home. So not a great fit either.
Birds were an absolute no. While interesting to watch and pretty to look at, you knew yourself…. and you had little patience for excessive noise. Being an introvert was difficult, and whenever you were home, you wanted to recover your energy from the day… which meant that having an animal constantly squawking in the background of your home would get on your nerves far more than fill the loneliness. Not to mention they were high-maintenance pets that needed someone with experience to care for them properly. You weren’t really willing to research for a pet you knew you probably wouldn’t enjoy keeping long-term. So another no.    
Reptiles were yet another option you considered as you had always found them fascinating, but they were more… “look-at” rather than “play-with” pets. Many of them might not necessarily mind if you went home and held them every day, but they wouldn’t necessarily have a positive connection with you other than perhaps learning that you were the one to provide them with food. Not to mention, you didn’t really like bugs, and the idea of feeding a lizard crickets every other day… ick. No thanks. Ultimately, you knew getting one as a pet wouldn’t help solve your problem of wanting companionship, as interesting as you found the idea. So another no. 
….You wanted something that would greet you when you came home. Who would sit beside you while reading or occasionally watching a few movies, maybe even just relax nearby while you were writing in order to keep you company. Of course, this was a silly thought if you wanted a mere animal companion. They may be sweet, but very few could form a genuine connection with their owners and provide what you were seeking.
Thankfully, you knew that ‘The Lamia (and Felid) Bittybones Adoption Center’ had plenty of lamia’s (as the name implied), which acted as true companions, not just pets. At least they did, so long as you bonded and properly cared for them. Which made them perfect for you. 
Lamia’s were capable and intelligent enough to look after themselves while you were out of the house, but also be willing to keep you company whenever you left and if they were comfortable with you. Unfortunately, you hadn’t known about them until you moved into the city and overheard someone talking about getting another. But for a while, you had been consumed with rebuilding your life and hadn’t thought it would be fair to adopt one during that stressful time of trying to settle into a new routine. 
Thankfully you now felt comfortable enough to welcome one or two lamias into your home if they were willing. And if you got two, they could keep each other company on the off chance you couldn’t bring them with you outside the house for any reason. And after having done plenty of research, along with setting up a few places in your home for them to call their own and create a personal nest for themselves, you were fairly sure you knew of the two types that would suit you best. 
The obvious first choice for a companion had been the Chain lamia. After all, each Chain created a unique SOUL-bond with their ideal owner to connect with them and understand what they needed most. It allowed them to sense and experience the emotions of the person they bonded to, both positive and negative. And of course, it would let you do the same for him. It would give you a way to understand his needs and provide the companionship he also likely craved. They were someone to share the ups and downs of your life with, and since each bond was unique, you were sure you and your Chain would find hobbies to bond over. Not to mention they were typically known as loyal and protective, two traits you preferred in any companion.  
The other had been a King lamia. While a bit more proud and high-strung than a Chain, so long as you respected them, they were just as loyal companions. Despite their name, they preferred to act as the hero of any home they were a part of, patrolling and protecting what they considered their space, which usually translated into their owner’s home. And apparently, many of them shared your hobby of having one of their main past-times being reading, which you were sure the two of you could connect over. Not to mention, they could be very helpful. Fairly willing to do menial, routine tasks if given the praise they deserved for doing such things… and in all honesty, teaching a King about the tasks you usually couldn’t find the energy to perform and praising him for choosing to do so when you couldn’t sounded pretty rewarding.  
… someone who understood your feelings at a deep emotional level and was always willing to keep you company, and someone who shared a loved hobby of yours and who would protect your home while you were away? It seemed like the choice was made for you… and hopefully, two of the lamias would think you were the right fit for them as well. 
As you made your way closer and closer to the adoption center, you got more and more excited. Feeling almost like your very SOUL was pulling you towards something… which according to your research on Chains, it probably was. It seemed like your bondmate was waiting for you.
As you walked towards the adoption center entrance, you looked in through the window to hopefully catch a glimpse of the lamias inside, wondering if you could spot the Chain you knew was nearby. And you did… for a split second. 
You locked eyes with a miniature Chain sitting in the windowsill, eagerly watching those passing by. And upon catching sight of you, he rushed forward in excitement… colliding hard into the glass, seeming to have forgotten it was there. Hearing a distinctive thud even from outside the center, you rush in, the bell clinging gently above you despite your panicked rush. Seeing the poor lamia slumped over, you reach out in an effort to provide comfort and make sure he was alright. 
As soon as you make contact you could feel the comforting, warm sensation of the bond settling into place as you look over his bruised skull. You’re sure the Chain would feel it too if he hadn’t just bonked himself unconscious.
…Apparently, your panic hadn’t gone unnoticed as you hear a flurry of activity behind you, with several other lamias rushing towards the front desk, probably to get Miss Vex or one of the Nurse Papythons, but you do notice one lamia making their way towards you. A King. And he certainly looked determined about something.
Unfortunately, you think his laser focus had something to do with what happened next. You didn’t exactly see what it was, but it seemed that in trying to reach both you and the Chain he failed to notice something else cross his path… whether it was a particularly sturdy toy or maybe even another lamia he tripped mid-slither over something, knocking his head on one of the corners of the windowsill before faceplanting onto the floor. 
Sitting between two lamias who had just dazed themselves with their enthusiasm, you don’t think anyone could blame you for feeling a bit thrown off and confused by the bizarre events that had unfolded in under three minutes. 
Guess fate had a sense of humor… but you had definitely found the two lamias meant for you. (Though maybe you could invest in some bubble wrap for them, just to be safe).
By now, Miss Vex and several other lamia’s had made their way towards you again, and offering an easygoing smile, she implored you to stand and follow her so you could begin filling out the adoption forms. Reassuring you that the Nurse Papythons would have the two lamia’s sorted out in no time. 
You can’t help but chuckle as you look over the form, filling out the little bit of information needed. It was mostly a promise on paper saying that you would take care of both of them to the best of your abilities and also informing you on how to contact the center if you ever had any questions or concerns. 
Once you had signed it, the only thing left was to wait for the two lamias to recover enough to sign the form themselves. Hopefully the King would still be willing to do his display for you before signing the form. (You knew it was probably important to him).
Telling Vex this, she offered a smile explaining that he was also one of the only Kings currently in the adoption center who had made an effort to learn healing magic. …Not unheard of for a King, but not necessarily common either. 
A few minutes later, both lamias slithered out from behind the desk, making their way towards you and the adoption form. 
The Chain reached it first, hastily signing the paper before indicating he wanted to sit on your shoulder. You happily allowed him to slither up, where he let out a pleased hiss at finding the hood on your jacket was lined with faux fur, quickly making himself comfortable by burrowing into the soft sensation before looking back towards the desk and letting out a questioning chirp.
The King was still standing there, not quite meeting your eyes. 
Lamias naturally used hisses and chirps to communicate with each other, though they were capable of learning to speak whatever language their owner used… and yet, without him saying anything, you could tell he looked rather embarrassed for his earlier enthusiasm. His pride clearly bruised more than his skull for not being the one to save the day.
You can’t help but reassure him that you thought his eagerness was quite impressive, and you were confident that he would have done wonderfully had it not been so chaotic at the time. …Seeing as how he didn’t quite look convinced, you asked if he would like to do his display to prove his might. 
At the suggestion, he lit up, lifting himself to his full height, flaring his hood, and bowing. The King had some beautiful dark splotches along with the usual extravagant skull marking in the center.  
His stunning display was almost hypnotic in a way… it was almost like he was dancing, and you couldn’t help but applaud with enthusiasm as he finished, even though you already knew that you were going to adopt him. 
He was a prime example of all things noble and heroic, especially if he knew healing magic… the noblest task of all (at least in your opinion). And upon hearing that, it seemed his pride was restored. So he signed the adoption form as well, seemingly pleased with himself. 
Before leaving, you picked up a few other things for your new companions, allowing them to pick out a few other necessities of their own choosing before waving to Vex and leaving… off on your first adventure with your two lamias. Hopefully it would go better than your introduction, but whatever came next, at least the three of you would no longer have to face it alone.  
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keptocrow · 1 year
There are two flying creatures in my room: one very clearly a moth, a little guy, and the other imperceptible and zippy.
Only one may live.
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dying-acc-idk-man · 2 years
can i have little vex scar and the itty bitty grian collectables content
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get it becau-
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biinaberry · 8 months
Hey, you said you were doing requests for jellie votes? Could I get a little bitty vex scar getting up to mischief?
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They torture eachother when bored [Vote for Jellie and get a sketch]
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undertale-museum · 8 months
This post mainly focuses on noting creators who created Sanses.
Please notify museum of any innaccuracies, we are fallible. ~ Guide
Asy _ @/furgemancs
Please respect creator’s wishes
Blue_ undertale community
aka Underswap Sans
Bittybones _@/fucken-crybaby
courtesy of @bittybones-au (check for lamia source @vex-bittys)
Butch_ @sans-guy [A10]
Ccino_ @black-nyanko
From fluffytale
Core Frisk _ @dokudoki [A19]
Cross_ @jakei95
Dream_ @jokublog
Dust_ @ask-dusttale
Epic_ @yugogeer012
Saejun_ @/guinongtale_au [Farmtale]
in Fandom: Farm Sans, Oikra, Stick
Fresh_ @loverofpiggies [1-08]
Loverofpiggies also known as CQ or Crayon Queen
Error_ @loverofpiggies [1-08]
Geno_ @loverofpiggies [1-09]
Goth_ @nekophy
child of Geno + Reaper
OG account accidently deleted
Gradient_ @askcomboclub
Horror_ @horrortalecomic / @/sourapplestudios [1-10]
in fandom: Horror, Skull, Axe
Ink _ @comyet / @myebi [A7]
Killer_ @/Rahafwabas
Left fandom
Lust_ @nsfwshamecave
Hit by P*rn ban
Nightmare_ @jokublog
Outer_ 2mi127, Outertale Blog
2mi127 blog absent check edits for more details
Pale_ @unu-nunu-art
Palette Roller_ @angeutblogo (side blog) , @lasserbatsu (main blog)
Paperjam _ @7goodangel [A2]*
Template_ @unu-nunu-art
Reaper_ @/renrink
Red_ Undertale Community
aka Underfell Sans
Science_ @talkingsoup
in fandom: Sci
Swapfell Sans_ kkhoppang
Salvaged links appreciated
Seraphim Sans by tratserenoyreve
Color Sans by superyoumna
Dance Sans by Teandstars and Sterrenschijnse
Gaster Sans by borurou
Echotale Gaster Sans by yoralim
Fellswap Purple
Fellswap Red
Fellswap Gold
We will not pursue uncovering the creators. There are too many versions of the AUs.
Creator Archive
19JAN24: Error and Fresh were cited incorrectly. We thank Anon for the correction.
12May24: We added Epic
30May24: We cited Asy’s creator as Banalras when it should’ve been Furgemancs
5June24: We misspelled Renrink + added Reapertale link.
12June24: thegrinningkitten cited Outertale AU blog back in 2016 so we're going on that and the mention as mimipippin as 2mi127's other blog. The oldest goes back to Nov 2015 so it looks legit.
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Got a new art book for chrismas, and I was asking some of my friends what to draw in it first, only using the colored pens that came with it, the first request was to do my fav bitty, which is the Firerings, or lamia grillby bitties from @vex-bittys so I did and...
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I love them so much, but they also look a bit demonic lol, but I love them so much! So I was wondering if Vex could give me a matchup scenario with them.
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I'm thinking they are more goth or punk, and like making food and drinks with fake bones or little ornaments or something on them. I imagine they came out looking more like horrortale grillby, but not all the way cuz they aren't one, so they are sad cuz owners are less likely to get them cuz they look kinda scary, and their fire burns higher and looks more wild than others', I'll also probably draw the rest of their body at some point.
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vex-bittys · 9 months
Hello! I would like to adopt a full sized chain please. Also can I have a wholesome scenario too please? Thank you! ^^
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*A full-sized Chain stares wistfully out of the big front windows of the Lamia (and Felid) Bittybones Adoption Center. The shop has been temporarily closed, and during that time he has watched Vex and her Chain overcoming heartache through their shared SOULbond. His wants to experience that closeness for himself, but leaving the shop is a big step... especially for someone with no feet.
*As he watches people move past on the sidewalk on their way to destinations unknown, he feels it. Someone's SOUL is calling to his! His eyelights quickly pick out a human making her way into a nearby shop. Now is the time to act! The Chain slips out through the doggy door, installed for just this purpose: Chains chasing after a potential SOULbond.
*You've just finished paying for your snack when the bell above the door of the convenience jingles. Normally, you wouldn't give the sound a second glance, but for some reason, you decide to investigate. Your mouth falls open in surprise when you spot a full-sized Chain, a lamia you've always wanted to adopt, slithering hastily in your direction. You don't even realize that you've opened your arms to him until he sweeps you into a hug, his tail tip wiggling with the same delight you feel radiating from both of your SOULs.
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purpleluckystar · 2 months
While I was away, I recieved quite a few asks about the Smurfs and my AU, and I decided to answer some of them in one single posts. Please know if your ask wasn't selected, it was either because they stirred away a bit too much from the main subject (the Smurfs) with unrelated media or because there was too much rambling and I want to keep the ask box for actual questions (a bit of conversation is fine, not when it's a page long...)
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Well, I suppose that answer part of the question.
She'd like the girls, no doubt about that, but she and Storm would undoubtely clash often. They'd try to get under the other's skin (and it's in Vexy's name too: "to vex"). They'd still be friends at the end of the end... just not besties.
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As I mentionned in a previous ask: Hefty, Handy, Smurfette and Grouchy are amongst my favourites. One I also like very much is Papa Smurf, that guy went through way too much and is still a functionnal parent!
Another one I like, but is not talked about often because he comes from the CGI movies, is Gutsy. some say it was dumb from Sony to create him, because he's basically Hefty with a scottish accent, but I disagree with the sentiment. And there aren't many fanarts of him out there... Here, let me rectify that:
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Clumsy is Clumsy: stunned by the kiss, he'd fumble with his words and feet at the same time, causing him to trip on himself.
For Grouchy, I think he'd grumble a bit, say he hates the kiss, but the tomato shade on his face and the tiny, itty bitty smile he can barely contain would say otherwise!
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And so, we arrive to this ask.
I have been considering making... something... But because I'm not sure I can do it, given the fact I don't have much free time on my hand and I'd really like to work on my own projects (which are already waaaaay too far behind), I won't say what it is supposed to be. Nothing is set in stone, so who knows? Maybe it will see the light of day in the future. But even so, I still want to explore my AU with you, either with fanarts or shorts stories, withing this blog, for the meantime.
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Been a bit since I did an update. Rueben got into the Honey
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Rueben is a Honey-Bo Lamia from @vex-bittys
Go check them out!
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ballerwolf · 9 months
Yin was adopted with Yang, Pharaoh, and Murcery
He's a chain from @vex-bittys!
Full sized(4 feet tall, 9 feet total)
He, Yang, and the other soul bonds have a nest area in Donnie and Levi's room to chill and they sleep in bed with them too sometimes! many cuddles :3
Him and Yang were friends at the center and wanted to share a soul bond, and Levi walked in! he was open to having more than one soul bond and loved Chains! so it worked out well for the three of them :3
He likes drawing and picked up knitting from Donnie!
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Check out his and Yang's room here!
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Commission for @under-art-reblogs of their sona with @vex-bittys Chain and King lamias 💕 This was so much fun to draw! Thank you again ✨
Commission me!
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st0rmyskies · 2 years
“Cackling like a bitch in the shadows”- What does that meannnnn?!?!? Sometimes your tags scare me 😭
But if you are in a sharing mood 👉👈 May I have some Four lore 🥺 just a little nibble? A bitty bite? Pls I am so hungy
FOUR LORE FOUR LORE FOU— Oh fuck I can’t do a Read More on mobile.
Four isn’t very forthcoming about details of his life, but then again, who is in this house? You ask him what he’s working on in the garage and you’re apt to get either a short sarcastic jab or a passionate infodump, depending on who you are. You ask about where he’s from, how old he is (“Old enough.”), or about his family, and he won’t even look up to acknowledge you. It’s enough to make you uncomfortable, and that’s just what he wants.
Four does have family, or maybe did. He was raised by his grandfather alongside his three brothers. They were all smart and had their own special talents: leadership, athleticism, scholarship, and being a social butterfly.
Four doesn’t remember which of the brothers he was.
He took a special liking to Twilight because Twi is both friend-shaped and has that Big Brother Energy. Four feels like he doesn’t need to be The Responsible One when Twi is around.
Shadow is definitely not jealous about this.
Four met the boys through Wild. He was doing stage work at a club in Termina in between his other odd and under-the-table jobs, and Wild was just too friendly and sweet to let Four continue his quiet existence alone.
Four took one look at that Terminian townhouse, dubbed it a “fixer-upper,” and just started fixing things around the house without being asked. Time was vexed at first until he realized that Four wasn’t just a hack, but had real talent.  Eventually, he even stopped charging Four rent.
Four does have a proper bedroom in the Castle Town townhouse, at Time’s order insistence. He keeps his door locked at all times, and he’s in there to sleep only three-ish hours a night. None of the other boys have seen the inside of his bedroom. 
After Twilight, Legend is probably the second roommate Four is close to. And saying they’re “close” is honestly a stretch. They can coexist in mutual sarcasm and don’t really bother one another. In reality, they have similar past experiences and silently recognize that in one another.
Shadow does come and go from the townhouse during overnights. Time knows this, he knows who Shadow is, and although he keeps tabs on Shadow he won’t say anything to Four about it. He recognizes that they have some past connection and he is not interested to pry.
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shadows-bitty-fun · 2 years
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What could be better than the sun shining, most of the bitties away to some corner to have a quiet moment, hot chocolate for anyone who wishes to grab some... And two little noodles, playing on the ground under careful watch of either their parents or their uncle who is very careful in watching them!
That is.... Until he isn't.... And the little wiggly noodles see something... For not being very old, the twins are rather fast at moving. And still small enough to have... Many.... Hiding places...
Oh dear!
(Just a little something for now! I wanna get back to sharing stories with all my lovely bitties as well as the twins, and I hope to be able to do just that! But, for now, have the twins playing in a ray of sun!)
(Chain Lamia's are by @vex-bittys do go check them out. Also babies are not asleep this time, some squeals can be let out ;) )
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percydedragon · 2 years
Who's the better flyer? Vex and her broom or Dragon!Percy? And would Vex take the opportunity to go totally ham like Hiccup from HTTYD at times and attempt to pull off really flashy silly moves off of Percy's back midflight just to show off?
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Vex is still faster haha! (For now) Hes not used to flying and Vex was actually the one who offered him to at least "try" by just watching birds and then taking off in the air so his flying is bit wonky. However they get playfull and just race each other silly itty bitty. // Dw i actually planned to draw something with them mid air for the second question and the answer IS ABSOLUTELY I JUST NEED TO FIND THE RIGHT IDEA FORIT //
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