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chrisoncrack · 5 months ago
HERE is MY (not so) personal take about diddfee- i meant vevfe because she and her minions wont understand
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Before starting, if you dont know who vevfe is, in short she is a fictiosexual (which is an invalid sexuality) adult attracted to christopher pierre, who is a minor, and wrote a necrophiliac fanfic (by the way, if you didnt know, necrophilia is literally a form of $A) which, even worse, involves our silly christopher pierre of course.There are actually some other small things other than this, but ill explain them in the comments.
Now, what i HATE of her is her complete immaturity when also being an adult.
She keeps on blocking people who call her out AND keeps on making points that are pretty stupid and repeats them EVERY SINGLE TIME just like they do make sense. She does all of this instead of apologizing for the things that she has done.
"but you cant hate me on something i made four years ago!! this is why ghosts hates people who bring back his old stuff!!" First of all, Ghost's old stuff isnt even HIGHLY disgusting,but most of all he actually doesnt bring it back or talk about them anymore and asks people to not do so aswell, EVEN if they like it. Vevfe on the other hand, seems to not be even ashamed of the fanfic she made, never apologized for it and EVEN brings it back occasionally.
Also her other excuse ("People have done worse!!!") doesnt make sense at ALL: we infact dont like the people that have done worse, we never said we did. And just because people have done worse doesnt mean that you can do disgusting stuff.
Well...thats all i have to say for now..
Thats all Folks!!!
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pierre-was-here · 4 months ago
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vevfe just fucking blocked me.
i asked her "Do you fart? 🩷" before submitting my question, pausing as i forgot to send it anonymously, and now i can't find her profile
𝓪𝓶 𝓲 𝓬𝓸𝓸𝓴𝓮𝓭? 💖 хахахахаха..
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tjakev · 3 months ago
Stance regarding the Vefve situation
(TL;DR for those who suffer Attention Deficit like I do)
While yes what vefve has made is undeniably weird, I don’t think it’s a justification to those who are becoming almost unhealthy obsessed and will dedicate their entire blog to hating on Vevfe.
I’ve been following this whole Vefve situation for a bit now, it’s insane to consider since I wouldn’t even be on tumblr without Vefve via their about page on youtube.
So when I started browsing and discovered this overwhelming hate for Vefve I was initially shocked and yet also intrigued, I learned more. By the end of it, I came to the conclusion that there were parts that were well deserving of Criticism, and others that I think were kind of overblown, mainly by a small yet vocal minority of especially butthurt Vefve Critics, to the point where it was creepy within itself.
I’ll start with the stuff I believe is worth critiquing, then the stuff I’m 50/50 on, then with the stuff I feel like was overblown, ending with how bad some have been about this whole shebang.
The Chris x Kennith ship:
This was the one where I felt like it was justified in terms of critiquing, Chris’s entire schtick is he’s a self entitled manipulative scumbag who has no issue mentally breaking down people one by one, and he’ll smile the whole way through. While Kennith was a Homosexual who was gullible, manipulated by Evelyn into basically almost causing an apocalyptic style mass murder and ended up taking his own life. So to ship One of the most Manipulative characters with one of the most Mentally destroyed is like trying to mix Water and Oil, it’s completely backwards in terms of logic and common sense. I know Vefve has this whole Fnaf fan styled “Alternate Universe” where the characters are slightly tweaked, but removing Chris’s manipulative behavior is like removing Frank Sinatra’s ability to sing, you completely remove the entire reason Chris is the way he is.
Not to mention the two were born almost a century apart, and Chris’s soul stayed in the Manor making it almost impossible for the two to really meet.
Vefve’s Immaturity and Echochamber:
Another thing that Chrisoncrack brought up as their main argument was how immature Vefve was and has been throughout this whole 2-3 month scandal. Their inability to take criticism and feedback, mostly bad feedback, is the whole thing that’s been stirring the pot that is this drama.
Instead of either Apologizing or standing her own ground(IN A MATURE MANNER). She instead throws a hissy fit and blocks anyone who dares to give her the slightest pushback, I’ve seen many and talked to many who’ve been blocked for some of the most simplistic call out posts or comments, hell they don’t even need to do that! They just need to simply reblog someone else’s posts and BOOM you’re blocked. Also I’m fully aware Vefve will probably block me too, not remembering I can use Alt accounts or Safari lol.
Vefve also constantly teases the people criticizing her by drawing art of the Chris and Kennith stuff(which I’ll go into depth about next).
Next is the topic I’m 50/50 about.
Vefve self shipping with Chris:
I’ve seen many people get mad at how Vefve self ships/simps for Christopher Pierre(which does explain why she washed any manipulative habits of his away but I digress).
Chris is 17 while Vefve is 23 meaning that it would be considered Pedophillic or illegal for Vefve to ship themselves with Chris. Now yes, I 100% agree that it’s odd to be an adult and ship yourself with someone who is underage. Where I become divided on this is the fact that 1. She has been shipping herself with Chris since she’s been apart of the community, which has been 5-6 years meaning that she was 16-17 when she started shipping herself with Chris. Aka a minor, so this isn’t an instance of an adult whose shipping themselves with a minor all the sudden while they’re an adult. This is an instance of a minor shipping themselves with another minor, but Vefve became an adult after the fact.
Once again I still think it’s weird, in general I think self shipping is weird in general. But I don’t think we should be throwing the word Pedophile with Vefve without substantial evidence, especially when entire peoples careers like Alex Kister and Pyrocynical have been almost thrown away because of false Pedophile allegations people threw around and everyone accepted.
Finally onto the only overblown topic:
Vefve’s fan comic and the Necrophilia Accusations.
Oh boy I might get some shit because of this, but honestly I didn’t think from at least what I’ve read that the comic isn’t that bad. Is it weird to have these Characters who represent various forms of Trauma and Abuse be Halloween monsters, yes. Is it weird Chris killed kennith and then basically made out with his decapitated head, of course.
But to say that there was this underlining tone or message of Necrophilia is a WILD thing to say. I don’t like the comic either and I sorta don’t wanna defend it . But The comic is about horror and as such the part of Chris kissing Kennith’s head was probably written to be an extreme form of horror. But to say that this is Vevfe’s underlying fetish is a very out of pocket thing to say and the fact she’s being harassed over this fact amazes me. Because this is exactly what happened to the creator of “The Coffin of Andy and Leyley��. Where a part of the game has the siblings “do the do”. Which was supposed to be a shock value moment and supposed to be taken as a bad ending. Turned into people accusing the creator of being into incest, to the point where the harassment was so bad they had to sell the rights and basically erase their own existence off the internet.
And I don’t think we should be accusing someone because they decided to add a form of horror to their horror based story, I know authors will often add stuff in their story’s that’s underlying of their actual motives and thought process. But it’s one thing if it gets really nsfw and sexual and constant in their works and it’s another thing if it’s a one and done thing in the media.
Now let’s get onto the echo chambers on BOTH sides of the spectrum.
First starting with Vefve fans, I’ve been seeing a lot of things fans of Vefve have been doing that is insane, from the metaphorical meat riding of her to apparently doxxing someone on tik tok. It’s honestly wild how close minded her defenders are, I get defending what you love but Jesus, there’s defending someone and then there’s ruining someone else’s life over petty tumblr drama most won’t care about or remember in 5 years.
This goes both ways, I won’t name drop who but there’s this user I’ve been noticing who has a massive hate boner for Vefve and anyone who slightly defends her is given the boot and is told to basically kick rocks and fuck off. Even if they have a decent point. Once again it’s okay to defend and criticize someone but if it comprises most of your modern blog page and it becomes this almost obsession, it just makes you look worse than the people you accuse. Go outside, get some Ice cream and go on a walk, trust me, it’s a better way to spend your time than to ramble about tumblr drama in a niche community for months. Trust me I’m already losing my mind after typing this for an hour and a half.
I won’t be bringing this topic up again and anything I need to add will simply be edited into this post cause I don’t like to constantly reignite drama. I only made this cause I wanted to get it out of the way before people started asking me to pick sides and shit. If you have any counter arguments or points you wanna bring up, absolutely feel free to do so! Just PLEASE keep it Civil and friendly.
That’s all, stay tuned for more drawings of Slurpee and Friends I got in the works, Stay cool, stay chill,
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da-millerrrrr · 1 year ago
Jryy, V xabj Vevf unf ab pyhr jung jr’er fnlvat. V pbhyq fgneg fpernzvat CRAVF va pvcure naq fur jbhyq or abar gur jvfre. Tbqf Rzrenyq qrfreirq orggre…
Ah lemme just…
Fb qb jr unir gb fraq lbh nfxf va n pvcure abj? V zrna, V'z abg pbzcynvavat. V yvxr ohfgvat vg bhg rirel bapr va n juvyr. Naq vg nqqf n ynlre bs zvfgvdhr, qba'g lbh guvax?
Vg qbrf vaqrrq. Znxrf zr srry yvxr Bfinyq I. Inafgrva
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myweddingsandevents · 4 years ago
Open SmartNews and read "West Virginia Governor’s Coal Companies Owe Millions to EPA: Report" here: https://share.smartnews.com/vEvF
To read it on the web, tap here: https://share.smartnews.com/Vt9q
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hiraeth · 8 years ago
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So much shade around but he loves to sunbathe!
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chrisoncrack · 4 months ago
whaaaat!!! vevfe now knows what i say about her!?!!! im boutta shit myself!
(what she wrote was lowkey scaring me."im all that he think about~" when im say im chris i dont mean it literally 😥 GET OUT!!!) (fr tho...why did bro add the "~" too 😥😥😥
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n3rdyw0rdy · 5 months ago
thank you sigma, also i didn’t know she was a fictiosexual…. thats kinda insane!!!!!!!!!!!😁😁😁 that just makes her infatuation with christopher even more disturbing and creepy
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HERE is MY (not so) personal take about diddfee- i meant vevfe because she and her minions wont understand
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Before starting, if you dont know who vevfe is, in short she is a fictiosexual (which is an invalid sexuality) adult attracted to christopher pierre, who is a minor, and wrote a necrophiliac fanfic (by the way, if you didnt know, necrophilia is literally a form of $A) which, even worse, involves our silly christopher pierre of course.There are actually some other small things other than this, but ill explain them in the comments.
Now, what i HATE of her is her complete immaturity when also being an adult.
She keeps on blocking people who call her out AND keeps on making points that are pretty stupid and repeats them EVERY SINGLE TIME just like they do make sense.
"but you cant hate me on something i made four years ago!! this is why ghosts hates people why bring back his old stuff!!" First of all, Ghost older stuff arent actually HIGHLY disgusting,but most of all he actually doesnt bring them back or talk about them anymore and asks people to not do so aswell, EVEN if they like them. Vevfe on the other hand, seems to not be even ashamed of the fanfic she made, never apologized for it and EVEN brings it back occasionally.
Also her other excuse ("People have done worse!!!") doesnt make sense at ALL: we infact dont like the people that have done worse, we never said we did. And just because people have done worse doesnt mean tht you can do disgusting stuff.
Well...thats all i have to say for now..
Thats all Folks!!!
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deadly-espresso · 4 months ago
Not to sound cruel, but I do have some criticisms regarding this post.
TW from this point onwards due to discussions of ephebophilia and necrophilia:
-The claim about being fictiosexual being "invalid" sounds very weird because there's a good chance you or someone else you know has experienced sexual feelings regarding a fictional character. It's a mundane, valid feeling (though that's not to say it can't go to weird extremes). So, calling it "invalid" doesn't make that much sense.
-The whole thing regarding people thinking Vevfe shipping herself with a grown-up version of Christopher Pierre being ephebophilic is more nuanced than you think about it. While the only concrete claim about Christopher's age by GHOST is that he is 17, his age does get more vague when you consider his lore, with one of the few other things known about him is that he had died and become undead in some way, and by the present time in his story, someone he knew in life had reincarnated. So, that means at least 1 generation had gone (about 20-30 years given how long it takes for a human to grow to maturity and reproduce) before the present events of the story. So, it is likely that Christopher is at least chronologically older than 17. But, whatever, if you're only sticking with biological age, an important thing to note about this situation is that Vefve is not simply shipping herself with Christopher, but shipping herself with an alternate version of him who is 24 years old. If Vefve was just shipping herself with Christopher's canon depiction, then yeah, it'd be easy to argue that the ship is ephebophilic, but the point here is that she isn't shipping herself with the canon depiction, but rather an AU depiction who is a grown-up like she is, therefore the ship isn't truly ephebophilic if you know the context. However, I'm not completely discrediting criticisms regarding the shipping given that Christopher isn't exactly the nicest guy even in her AU, and also plenty of people may not know the context that her depiction of Christopher is quite different to how he is in canon, even if his design is largely unchanged from his canon counterpart.
-And about the whole necrophilia thing? I can agree that making out with dead bodies isn't a pleasant idea, but people are free to explore whatever concepts they like in fiction, no matter how grotesque it may be. Also, unlike the above situation, the fic wasn't about Vefee and Christopher, but rather it was between Christopher and Kenneth Simmons, another ship of hers. While I can agree that the ship can feel shallow at times and I don't think the two would actually get along that well, it's unlikely either of those characters are meant to be a stand-in for Vefee within that story.
-However, there is at least one part of the above post I can agree with; just because some people have done worse than you doesn't excuse you from the effects of your own actions. Vefve has made some grotesque and questionable content, and she knows it. If she wants to be transparent about that and not hide it, that's fine by me; it's usually better than trying to hide it. Though, about the frequent blocking and the "you can't hate me on something I made 4 years ago", I do have some mixed thoughts regarding that. For one, Vefve is a person who has attracted some people who outright like to hate on her rather than simply criticizing her actions, and those people can be especially annoying to deal with due to their apathy and unlikeliness to take more sympathetic perspectives regarding those they hate upon. However, frequent blocking does have the downside of those thinking they can just shut down all criticism by silencing those who make it. I would rather not recommend doing that as it makes it more likely they will say damning things behind your back and leave you less likely to discover their criticisms regarding you so that you can hold discussions regarding them. And second, sometimes people will genuinely not just let something go even if you have changed as a person. I can get that people bringing up drama that happened years ago can be frustrating and isn't something you can easily fix. So, even if you can hate someone for something they did years ago, you shouldn't let that hatred fester like an infected wound, as that ire can become annoying and cause problems for everyone involved.
This post was not made to hate on chrisoncrack (frankly, I do like their content), this was just made to create a greater perspective on who Vefve is because while she may be unusual even by GHOST fan standards, she still has plenty of positive qualities, such as her musical talent, that I've learned through actually getting to know her beyond "that gross Christopher Pierre simp".
HERE is MY (not so) personal take about diddfee- i meant vevfe because she and her minions wont understand
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Before starting, if you dont know who vevfe is, in short she is a fictiosexual (which is an invalid sexuality) adult attracted to christopher pierre, who is a minor, and wrote a necrophiliac fanfic (by the way, if you didnt know, necrophilia is literally a form of $A) which, even worse, involves our silly christopher pierre of course.There are actually some other small things other than this, but ill explain them in the comments.
Now, what i HATE of her is her complete immaturity when also being an adult.
She keeps on blocking people who call her out AND keeps on making points that are pretty stupid and repeats them EVERY SINGLE TIME just like they do make sense. She does all of this instead of apologizing for the things that she has done.
"but you cant hate me on something i made four years ago!! this is why ghosts hates people who bring back his old stuff!!" First of all, Ghost's old stuff isnt even HIGHLY disgusting,but most of all he actually doesnt bring it back or talk about them anymore and asks people to not do so aswell, EVEN if they like it. Vevfe on the other hand, seems to not be even ashamed of the fanfic she made, never apologized for it and EVEN brings it back occasionally.
Also her other excuse ("People have done worse!!!") doesnt make sense at ALL: we infact dont like the people that have done worse, we never said we did. And just because people have done worse doesnt mean that you can do disgusting stuff.
Well...thats all i have to say for now..
Thats all Folks!!!
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chrisoncrack · 5 months ago
Now that i just remember it, There this person who said "ILL BLOCK WHOEVER HATES ON VEVFE!!" and still likes my posts
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HERE is MY (not so) personal take about diddfee- i meant vevfe because she and her minions wont understand
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Before starting, if you dont know who vevfe is, in short she is a fictiosexual (which is an invalid sexuality) adult attracted to christopher pierre, who is a minor, and wrote a necrophiliac fanfic (by the way, if you didnt know, necrophilia is literally a form of $A) which, even worse, involves our silly christopher pierre of course.There are actually some other small things other than this, but ill explain them in the comments.
Now, what i HATE of her is her complete immaturity when also being an adult.
She keeps on blocking people who call her out AND keeps on making points that are pretty stupid and repeats them EVERY SINGLE TIME just like they do make sense. She does all of this instead of apologizing for the things that she has done.
"but you cant hate me on something i made four years ago!! this is why ghosts hates people who bring back his old stuff!!" First of all, Ghost's old stuff isnt even HIGHLY disgusting,but most of all he actually doesnt bring it back or talk about them anymore and asks people to not do so aswell, EVEN if they like it. Vevfe on the other hand, seems to not be even ashamed of the fanfic she made, never apologized for it and EVEN brings it back occasionally.
Also her other excuse ("People have done worse!!!") doesnt make sense at ALL: we infact dont like the people that have done worse, we never said we did. And just because people have done worse doesnt mean that you can do disgusting stuff.
Well...thats all i have to say for now..
Thats all Folks!!!
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