#vet courses Australia
avetaau · 18 days
Practical Skills for Career Advancement at AVETA – Enroll Today!
In today’s fast-paced world, acquiring skills that are both practical and industry-relevant is crucial for career advancement. AVETA stands out as a premier institution offering a diverse range of vocational education and training courses in Australia. With a focus on providing quality education, AVETA equips students with the skills they need to excel in their chosen fields. Whether you are looking to kickstart a new career or enhance your current skill set, AVETA’s comprehensive courses are designed to meet your needs.
AVETA prides itself on delivering education that goes beyond the classroom. Our courses are structured to provide hands-on experience, ensuring that students gain real-world insights and skills. This practical approach to learning not only enhances employability but also empowers students to confidently enter the workforce. Choosing AVETA means choosing a pathway to success backed by experienced educators and a commitment to excellence.
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Hands-On Learning for Real-World Career Success
Our wide array of offerings includes vet courses Australia, which are tailored to provide students with the knowledge and competencies needed for various industries. For those interested in pursuing a career in security, our security guard course in Australia offers thorough training and preparation for this responsible role. Furthermore, our esteemed bachelor of hospitality management Melbourne program combines theoretical knowledge with practical application, preparing students for leadership positions in the hospitality sector.
AVETA also offers the certificate iii in commercial cookery Australia, which is perfect for aspiring chefs looking to make their mark in the culinary world. This course emphasizes practical cooking skills alongside essential kitchen management techniques, ensuring graduates are ready to thrive in professional kitchens.
At AVETA, we are dedicated to fostering an environment where students can achieve their full potential. Our commitment to quality education and industry relevance makes us a trusted choice for vocational training in Australia. Join us to embark on a journey of learning and growth that will pave the way for a successful career. Contact us today to learn more about our programs and how we can support your educational and career aspirations.
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smolkooks · 2 months
incoming call... (part ii) - kenji sato
a/n: roughly 2k more words of kenji sato fluff! sequel to 'incoming call...' link to part i
you snickered, “ken, i told you not to get too close! she doesn’t like strangers,” you leant down to scratch the little kitten’s cheeks, and because she knew you and you were undoubtedly her best friend, she purred in contentment, all the while giving kenji sato an irritated glare.
the nickname—ken—slipped off your tongue smoothly, the same way you’d been saying it for the past few months that you’d been spending around your highschool sweetheart. even though you’d been apart for so many years and hadn’t seen each other for so long, it had been easy to slip back into an old rhythm.
“fuck, i didn’t know she’d actually bite me, she looks so tiny,” he hissed, shaking his reddened finger.
“size means nothing when it comes to animals,” you retorted, and despite the way you rolled your eyes, you still handed him an ice pack from your freezer, “take this, big baby.”
he huffed but took it anyway, pressing it to his injury.
it had become a bit of a routine—after his games, he’d come over to your clinic to visit you while you handled the late-night clean ups. the rest of the vet team headed home at closing, but with no kids or family to care for, you often spent your evenings here, keeping the animals company and handling some of the extra paper work. 
“how’s emi doing, by the way?” you said as you refilled some of the water bowls. most of the animals were sleeping at this time, but you still liked to make sure they were all fed and watered. in fact, it was better to do it while they were asleep—less whinging from the little babies for treats.
“she’s doing well,” he said, and it was his turn to roll his eyes as he leant against the bench, “attitude and all, as always.”
“she’s a teenage girl,” you said with a laugh, “it’s so normal. i was one, so i can affirm.”
“mhm,” he said, eyes gleaming, “i remember.”
it was weird, toeing this line with kenji sato. so long ago, you’d been each other’s universes and after separating to go to university, the two of you had been sucked into different orbits—him going into baseball in the states, and you pursuing veterinary medicine in australia. it almost felt like fate nudging you, having the two of you run into each other—back in japan all these years later.
saving you from responding, his phone rang at that very moment. being around kenji all these weeks had gotten you used to his late night calls—how he’d have to run off to take care of the city. but this call seemed to come from one of his teammates, with the familiar way he addressed the person on the other side of the line.
he’d told you that at first he didn’t have any friends here, too busy to do anything but work. but now, he’d grown close to plenty of his teammates and of course, he had you.
“yeah well, i’m kinda busy right now actually...why?” you overheard him say as you busied yourself with some clean up and tried not to look like you were eavesdropping, “oh...oh! yeah uh—what?! what the...” his change in tone piqued your interest.
“...right, thanks for telling me, i’ll call you back later, yuta. thanks...” he hung up, and turned sharply to you, meeting your awaiting gaze, “the press caught you, uh, getting into my car.”
you frowned, confused at the problem with that, considering it wasn’t at all illegal for kenji to have friends.
“they’re blowing it up,” he said, running a hand through his hair and messing it up again, “i...i don’t mind, but i don’t want it to hurt you, that’s all.”
you waved his concerns off, “it’s whatever, to me. as long as it doesn’t harm your reputation, i don’t really have a public image to maintain. my patients don’t care who i date or don’t date.”
date? you felt flustered the moment those words left your lips. even though the two of you had been getting closer again and flirting and doing things that one would do while dating, neither of you had clarified the boundary yet.
kenji seemed equally as flustered and didn’t address what you’d said, not wanting to embarrass you, “you’re right,” he smiled crookedly, and you returned one back despite your racing heart.
the moment you stepped into your mum’s house, you were bombarded.
“what’s this about you dating kenji again!” she exclaimed, shutting the door behind you and ushering you into your childhood living room, “i haven’t seen that boy in decades. and since when were you—,”
“what, mum?” you cut her off sharply, even as she shoved you into a chair and poured you hot tea, sitting down opposite you eagerly, “i’m not dating him? plus, where’d you even—,”
she shoved the article in your face before you could even finish the question, her phone screen so bright that it took your eyes a second to adjust. “mum, your phone’s so bright, it can’t be good for your eyes.”
“not important, y/n,” she snapped hurriedly, “look at it.”
blinking your eyes to focus, you finally saw the image clearly. it really did look like you were dating. the window of kenji’s porsche was wound down, and you were leant over towards him, pressed so close to him in a way you didn’t remember doing, even though you knew that you’d only been reaching over to grab the gum from his glovebox. the way he was looking at you, though—you hadn’t noticed in the moment. it was really full of adoration, eyes glittering with a love you remembered so clearly from your highschool days, and his arm was reached out around you in a way you also hadn’t noticed before.
“explain,” your mum demanded, although she didn’t seem annoyed, she seemed...quite excited, the way her eyes were suspiciously bright, “i miss seeing that lovely boy around.”
embarrassed, especially as your eyes scanned over the headline—baseball star kenji sato’s new sweetheart?!—you stuttered, “uh, i ran into him a few weeks ago and we’ve been hanging out, you know, at the clinic.”
“well, then, what are you doing in his car?” she rushed, waving her phone around again, “doesn’t look like the clinic to me. and look—,” she scrolled down a bit further to another picture, this one even more incriminating.
it was you, tucked in the audience of one of kenji’s baseball games, dressed in his team colours, cheering amongst the other vip guests sitting amongst you—friends and family of the players.
“i’m not hearing it,” she cut you off, a grin breaking out, “you’re bringing him over! i can’t believe it—my daughter and kenji, reunited,” she sighed happily, “i was worried you would never settle down, you know.”
flustered, you didn’t even bother to object, sagging in your seat at her insistence.
“y/n, i’m really sorry, i didn’t think it’d be that bad,” he said hurriedly as he followed you up the stairs to your apartment, “i’m really sorry. i’m trying to get them to take it down but you know how—,”
you whirled around as you shut the door to your apartment after letting him in, “my mum wants to see you.”
you sighed, switching on the lights and throwing yourself onto your couch, “she saw the article and couldn’t stop going on about how i was finally settling down and how she needed to see you again.”
he ran a hand through his hair, “you...don’t mind?”
“kenji,” you sat up straight, beckoning him over, “i don’t mind. and i wouldn’t mind...”
the silence was loud, the only sound in the room the quiet humming of your lights and the traffic outside, as he sat down beside you, sinking into the cushions.
you knew you didn’t have to finish your sentence. kenji sato knew you too well. he met your eyes and pulled you close, hugging you to his chest. you breathed in his scent—clean, and a little tinted with fish. you’d found out that he often had to go fishing—diving, more like—for emi’s dinners, and that was why he was so often around your apartment block...to fish in the river like a weirdo.
you hummed, waiting for him to continue as you pressed your face into his chest.
“i really meant it when i said i missed you, back when we first saw each other again,” he began, and you smiled into his skin, “i was so lonely. drained, and it was like fate—seeing you that day saved me, i swear. you were all i could think about. i couldn’t...i couldn’t imagine never seeing you again.”
“kenji,” you murmured, leaning back to look at him earnestly, “i missed you, too.”
“what i’m trying to say is,” he swallowed, looking down before looking up to meet your gaze again, “i...i wanna date you, y/n. if you’ll have me,” suddenly shy, he flushed a bit at his own words.
you smiled at how sweet it was, how shy he seemed and also how your stomach fluttered with butterflies, “ken, of course i’ll have you. you’re all i want.”
you’d barely finished your sentence when his lips met yours in a gentle, soft kiss. you couldn’t really put it into words, how it felt to kiss kenji again after all these years. it felt like coming home. it felt like taking all the colours of the sunset and smearing it across a canvas. it felt like drinking warm milk tea. you hummed into the kiss as he deepened it, pulling you closer by the nape of your neck, and you reached up to tangle your hands in his dark locks, pulling him down towards you at the same time.
you were so close to him you could feel his heartbeat—almost hear it, and you hoped he couldn’t hear how quickly yours was racing. he tasted of caramel, and you couldn’t help but sigh as his hands slid down to your waist, pulling you onto his lap as you broke apart from the kiss, curling into him in a hug.
“y/n,” he murmured, keeping his arms wrapped around you, “i really, really missed you.”
you’d missed him too. his little habits, his dishevelled hair—fish smell, and all. you’d missed him more than anything.
finally, you’d come home.
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aquadraco20 · 5 months
Bearded dragon substrate, humidity, and diet.
Inspired by @kaijutegu's recent post, let’s talk about calcium sand.
So, calcium sand, and substrate in general, has been attributed to impaction in bearded dragons (and other reptiles, but for this post, we’re just focusing on dragons.) However, while some substrates are more natural choices than others, and as such are more digestible, substrate itself is typically not the root cause of impaction. Improper husbandry such as dehydration, improper lighting, diet and supplementation all negatively impact the digestive system as well as the body in general, and the problems only compact when these factors are stacked together.
Firstly, lets look at a bearded dragons natural habitat. This video courtesy of the veterinarian Jonathon Howard, known online as the Beardie Vet, shows the texture of the substrate that wild dragons live on. The sand is loose on top but packed underneath. The grain size is about 96% fine sand.
Next, lets look at this map.
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This map courtesy of Claire Jaworski overlays wild bearded dragon sightings from iNaturalist over a soil composition map of Australia. Note how many of the sightings are found in Calsisol zones. Calsisol (also known as calcarosol) zones are characterized by containing 15% or more calcium carbonate. We know that bearded dragons engage in geophagy, or intentionally eating substrate. This is likely a natural behavior that they would perform in the wild to fulfill their biological need for calcium. We provide calcium as a supplement so that they do not perform this behavior in captivity (however this is not the only vitamin we should be providing!!!)
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Next we should consider humidity, as there is not much standing water in their natural habitat, as well as diet, which they also obtain water from.
Contrary to popular belief, the natural habitat of bearded dragons has a very wide range of humidity, both throughout the day and throughout the year. When they are found basking, the humidity typically ranges between 10-30%. However, the morning after rain can be around 60%.
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According to these maps, which measured the humidity of Australia over the course of 30 years, many dragons would be found in areas that range between 50-70% humidity in the morning and 20-40% at 3 in the afternoon.
It is also important to note that dragons are frequently found in burrows when not out and about. In these burrows, the humidity can be higher than the surrounding air.
As far as diet, this entire post is just a fantastic resource, again, courtesy of the Beardie Vet. In the wild, adult female dragons would be ingesting 48% plant matter in their diet, with males ingesting 68%. As far as moisture content, “Most plants/herbs are around 85% water – herbage 80% water, flowers observed eating >90% water; Insects are about 65% water – Termites 60% water, crickets 67% water.”
Bearded dragons, while they do not spend a lot of time drinking, are dependent on both the natural humidity cycle and their diet to stay hydrated. It is not natural to maintain a humidity of 30% or lower all year round, and compounded with poor diet and lack of access to water, can lead to dehydration, which in turn disrupts the digestive system’s ability to do its job.
So let's bring it back. Bearded dragons are naturally found on substrate with calcium in it. If you look at Zoomed or Fluker’s calcium supplement, for example, you will see that they are calcium carbonate. If you look at the ingredients for T-Rex, RepTerra or Komodo’s calcium sand, all are made with the exact same calcium carbonate.
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So what’s the problem? The problem is, in the absence of poor husbandry, the ratio. Remember that Calsisol is 15% or more calcium carbonate. Well, most bags of calcium sand are 100% calcium carbonate. They should not be used straight, instead mixed together with other safe substrates such as children's play sand, excavator clay, and pesticide and fertilizer-free topsoil to create a natural and safe substrate mixture. The proper substrate will not only allow them to create burrows like they would in the wild, it will allow females a safe place to lay eggs (which they can do even without the presence of a male), help retain heat, and keep humidity at normal levels, as well as provide natural enrichment.
Thank you for reading.
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spawksstuff · 4 months
De on Merv Griffin Star Trek II Promotion
Transcript below.
Merv: Well you saw DeForest in this last scene that we saw appear uh not the docking the- what do you call it? The?
Leonard: I’m not going to help you.
Merv: Whatever they do with the ship in space to get it going.
Leonard: We’re taking it out of space dock.
Merv: Taking it out of space-that’s what you call it?
Leonard: Yes.
Merv: They were taking it out of the space-I thought there were technical words.
Leonard: Space dock is Bones McCoy.
Merv: Going to de-dock. De-dock the spaceship Yeah, yeah.
William: (unintelligible)
Merv: Well this is the young fella who portrays the outspoken ship’s surgeon Doctor Leonard Bones McCoy. Would you please greet DeForest Kelley.
DeForest: First off-
DeForest: Yeah. I want to tell you that I have nothing coming out other than Star Trek II except a 75-year-old turtle which just came out of hibernation.
William: Oh my word.
Merv: You wanna talk about it DeForest?
DeForest: Well her name is Myrtle
Merv: Myrtle the Turtle?
DeForest: Myrtle the Turtle which is a very original name of course.
Leonard: He or she?
DeForest: Myrtle’s a she. I gave you remember?
Leonard: Yes I remember.
Merv: And how do you know she’s 75? Where’d you peak around?
DeForest: Well a friend of ours gave us the turtle which was shown to a vet and the vet arrived at the age.
William: The rings around the shell.
DeForest: The rings around the shell and we’ve had the turtle 10 years and we felt it would be a good thing to have something in the house older than both of us.
Merv: Was the house in an uproar when she came out of hibernation?
DeForest: Just a terrible uproar. It upsets us each spring, it’s a terrible feeling-but I’m glad she’s out. But I must tell you something before I forget about it. I’m so scared, I never do talk shows you know.
Merv: Well we’re delighted you’re here
DeForest: I’m absolutely a wreck I must tell you
William: You don’t like a wreck Leonard-DeForest
Leonard: You look alright.
Merv: You look very relaxed and comfortable.
DeForest: Thank you.
Leonard: You’re handling it beautifully De.
DeForest: That’s what you always tell me.
Merv: You’ve not always been a good guy on film.
DeForest: No, no I haven’t.
Merv: You had your years of being the bad guy.
DeForest: Yes indeed. Yes, a great number of them.
Merv: Which is preferred DeForest?
DeForest: I don’t know. I spent about 10 years trying to get out of the heavy department. There were a group of us running around at the time, James Coburn, and a guy named Jack Elam, with the crazy eye, and there were about 5 of us that were running from show to show. And I got into this thing, I like them because they really are the most interesting roles I find actually.
Merv: More guts to ’em.
DeForest: But then like everything else, I wanted to get out of it. And I had just- I was finding my way out of it, slowly. I had done a film called “Raintree County” in which I got away-he was still a heavy, I kill Lee Marvin in the show.
Merv: That very seldom almost ever happens.
DeForest: But he was a good guy as far as I was concerned. I only kill one guy. But then Eddie Dmytryk put me in a role at Paramount called “Where Love Has Gone” and that was not a heavy. Then I went into Star Trek after that and I got into the Doctor McCoy thing.
Merv: And you’ve just been a lovely person ever since.
DeForest: Yes, I’ve just been darling.
Merv: What’s your most vicious moment on the screen do you feel DeForest?
Leonard: Insulting me.
DeForest: Yes, this is right here.
Leonard: All the time.
DeForest: My situation right here.
Leonard: This is terrible what I have to put up with him.
DeForest: I must tell you about some friends of yours that I do not know personally but on Star Trek one, I went to Australia and New Zealand to do some promo stuff for the film and on the way back I stopped in Hawaii for rest and relaxation. And while there, I was staying at the Kahala Hilton, if you’re familiar with it-
Merv: Very
DeForest: The units that are in the back of the hotel that lead right out to the beach the apartments-
Merv: Oh yeah right out on the-
DeForest: Yes.
Merv: Everyone always fights for those.
DeForest:  And all we did was sleep we were so you know with the jetlag and the whole thing so I had been down to the pool a couple of times and found that it wasn’t too- hi Bob how are you? That it wasn’t-that’s Bob Sallin
Merv: We know.  
DeForest: Yeah we saw him. You put the camera on him, handsome. We had, Carolyn had not been out of the unit hardly at all and I had wondered out. I went to the swimming pool and I found the usual thing, signing autographs and that sort of thing. And I thought well that’s no fun so, but I did see this beautiful coral reef running out to sea and I said, “Carolyn” I said “before we go back to California” I said “you gotta come out, at least walk out on this coral reef”. So we walked down these steps and there was the grass and then the beach. And as we got to the foot of the stairs this applause, tremendous applause, these people on the beach, started to applaud and I thought “My God it can’t” you know this is impossible.
Merv: Well your best performances-
DeForest: Carolyn said “just ignore it and keep walking”. I said “I can’t do that.” They just kept applauding and kept applauding. I said “I can’t do that” I said “I must go and speak to them, at least say hello.” So I walk out there, and here was Don Rickles and his wife.
Merv: Probably coming out of the coral.
DeForest: That’s right, out of the coral. Steve and Eydie.
Merv: Oh the whole gang.
DeForest: And Bob Newhart and his wife. I had never met them before. Come to find out they’re the biggest Trekkies in the world. They had seen the film the night before and they were thrilled with it. The only thing was they Eydie said that she was very unhappy about the theme, the music, and she missed the Star Trek theme. But I had to tell you that because I’ve seen them on your show so many times.
Merv: Oh I know. And I have also been there at the same time they have been at the Kahala.
DeForest: They go there every Christmas.
Merv: And the only fortunate one who is ever there is that dolphin who can swim underwater and get away from Don Rickles. Let’s show another-I can’t wait. I figure if I show enough of these clips I won’t have to pay to see the movie.
DeForest: We haven’t seen it.
Merv: Oh, well this is where Khan, or “Can” as the case may be. Richardo “Mat-ol-ban” Montalban has killed almost everybody but Captain Kirk. (Note: earlier Shatner was being interview alone, and at one point he pronounced "Wrath" as "Wroth" so Merv and Leonard had been teasing him about his pronunciation .)
DeForest: I see.
Merv: Oh you haven’t seen it?
DeForest: No I haven’t seen it.
Merv: Is there a doctor in the house?
DeForest: But I see what you’re talking about. Yes, you’ve got it here.
Merv: Another scene from Star Trek II. Watch.
When they come back from the clip William talks about Ricardo and then they go to a commercial so I ended it here. The interview continues with Bibi Besch coming out, but I have not been able to find that portion of it.
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boxwinebaddie · 1 month
so i was shooting the shit with the girlies in the group chat earlier and we were talking about the great outdoors, which, of course, are great to everyone...EXCEPT JERSEYKYLE who is basically a spoiled brat and pampered house cat and the only thing he thinks would be great about the outdoors...is if one of them would Fucking OPEN and take him back inside to civilization, cable tv and air conditioning.
like i think in the future when j.k. is working his full-time guidance counsellor job ( mr. bro, you are everything to me, baby ) they coerce him ( probably with pastries, paid vacation time and peer pressure ) into chaperoning the 5th grade weekend overnight camping fieldtrip, which ravenstanley marsh, of course, tells him is a great idea and it’d be fun to be out in the forest....It Was NAUGHT.
i am picturing him in like the big puffy orange jacket and like the grown up version of the green ushanka/ear muffs, shivering, snifflin, shrieking, crying about bears or red, blotchy, completely sunburned, totally bugging about bugs, tear-gassing everything with insecticide,
ready to End It All...
meanwhile future ravenstan, who i like to think went back to school, minored in wildlife, became an badass emergency travel veterinarian, is constantly on the move and on location ( and by that i mean like srsly impoverished third world countries, the amazon rainforest, rural new zealand where they desperately need vets, australia with all the shit that can fkn Kill You, buttfuck -40 siberia saving the polar bears )
working with non-profit wildlife protection and conservation efforts, has a little squad of hyper-vigilant zoomanitarian search and rescue emergency animal doctors that specifically head to dangerous places doing intense emt roadside surgeries, goth boy apothecary hot boy shit, foraging for supplies, making life-saving medicine out of tiny mushrooms and pieces of tree bark, running through fields with possible landmines in it to save endangered species, going full emo indistana jones adventuring and saving the world as captain stanet in no mans land w/ all his tattoos and piercings ( hero KING! )
...just pointing and laughing at teacher yersey when he finally gets thirty min of service on the helicopter flying out of snake island, brazil having nearly escaped having his flesh melted off by pit vipers doing important smart boy science research on different poisons and his fiancé calls him bc he got a bug bite and he thinks he's Cooked.
live laugh love ravesey style, everybody.
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bluespiritfire · 2 months
Hi 👋
I am writing to u with a heart full of hope and faith , asking for your urgent help .
We are a family living in harsh and difficult conditions due to the war, suffering daily from fear and destruction. And Iam running a fundraising campaign to save them 🕊️.
Plz🙏 could u reblog the post about my campaign on my account!? Every share and reblog can make a difference in my family lives.I humbly request a donation of 5$ or more if you can my friend and if u can’t just support us enough for me.🌹
In conclusion, my family and I thank you foor your kind attention to our message.❤️🌺 🍉
Of course, friend. I hope what little I can do helps. Much love to your family from Australia <3
I know there are a lot of fishy scams going around capitalising on this terrible genocide, but from what I can tell this is a legitimate fundraiser and has been vetted by multiple sources. I still encourage you to visit @samerpal and verify for yourself.
Please do what you can! I know money is stretched thin for a lot of us, but anything helps in a situation as dire as that of the families trapped in Gaza.
As of receiving this ask, the goal is 93,049/450,000 SEK. If you can't afford anything right now, please do share their link!
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What is Polari?
Polari is an argot, a method of communication more complex than slang, but not quite a stand-alone language. It was used from approximately 1910-1950 in England, and until the 1980s in Australia by queer men and drag queens working around the law. There were many, many dialects, even a singular city such as London could have three or four separate styles.
Where did Polari come from?
Thieves' Cant is an anti-language with roots in the 1500s, used primarily in England by beggars, criminals, Romani people, queer people, and anyone else from the large swaths of people who had reason to avoid the police. (x) It was commonly believed that Cant developed from Romany, but modern research shows Romany and Cant to be distinct. (x)
The name derives from the Latin word "canto", "to sing", referencing the sing-song way beggars spoke. (x)
Because of its nature, we have little to no record of any actual translations. Today, it is used in some DnD games and TV shows for added immersion.
Later on, to distinguish themselves from the Romani people, other travelling entertainment companies developed their own argot. (x)
Fairground Parlyaree, also known as backslang, became a marker of cultural outliers, although it was quite group-specific and only the core vocabulary stayed the same. (x)
Cockney Rhyming Slang
Polari also took vocabulary from Cockney Rhyming Slang, where words are replaced with a rhyming equivalent (Adam and Eve = believe, as in "would you Adam and Eve it?"). (x)
This slang was used by the poorest classes of London, so it is no surprise that it melted into what would become Polari. (x)
Other Influences
Polari borrowed heavily from Yiddish, Romanian, French, and Italian because of its history and origins.
When did Polari become Queer?
The argot was used by many different groups, from fishermen, to travelling entertainers, to actors, and navy vets from the 1800s on, but when it was repopularized by drag queens in the 1910s and 20s, it was used primarily by the queer community.
Why did Polari fall out of use?
There are three main reasons this happened.
Firstly, in 1967, homosexuality was decriminalized in England, and so Polari was no longer necessary.
Secondly, a radio show called "Round the Horn" (1965-1968), which featured two gay men speaking to each other in Parlyarlee, was discovered by non-queer audiences, and the "code" was largely cracked. Although it was true that because of the variation there was no way listeners would understand every dialect, the base vocabulary was so similar that a passer-by would be able to clock Polari and out the person.
Thirdly, Polari comprised of a lot of bigoted slang and language. This discouraged many involved in the civil rights movement (and of course many people of those marginalized groups) from keeping up with the argot.
However, a few words, such as camp, butch, and fish, have survived and are still used in queer and drag communities.
Additional viewing:
(x, x, x, x, x, x, x)
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bouquetface · 2 months
I don't think I sent in the right chart for the astro game, so I'll send the info instead.
WD are my initials, she, 21/12/2003, 12:00am, Sydney, Australia.
My favourite song right now: Drama - Aespa.
Thank you 💛
Assumptions about You:
You have two planets and your nodes at 18 degrees. This is not an easy degree. It indicates being very pessimistic. One might experience depression and feelings of suicidal ideation in their younger years.
On the bright side, it makes one very analytical. And it indicates someone with the power to help heal others. This degree is seen in the charts of Vets and Doctors. Healing and customer service may be a big part of your career.
Due to your Moon and Saturn placement, I believe you might have struggled in your younger years. You may have felt you didn’t fit in. You could have serious frustrations with siblings even though you love them. In the family, you may have felt neglected. Possibly siblings or other family members need extra care. Your mother may live away from her own hometown. Your family may be very protective. They could be religious or traditional in others ways. You may find them to be too strict. They may not believe in respecting a child’s privacy. They feel the need to overstep boundaries because they believe it is for your protection.
You should be cautious of relationships (friends, romantic & business) where people overstep your boundaries. People easily become controlling and possessive of you. This might be because your compassion can make people feel understood and seen. They don’t want to let you go. And they can become codependent.
You could have struggled with low self esteem. You may be a brilliant writer. You could enjoy horror or gore in magna, film or literature. You could be into psychology and health due to your analytical nature.
Marriage is going to bring you a lot of joy. Your partner may be older than you or you may not meet until after your first saturn return (27-29). The partner would become your best friend. They likely have traditional values. May be religious.
Pluto has been over your natal Venus. This suggests you may have dealt with an intense experience regarding relationships or money. Since it went from 4th to 5th, it’s more likely about relationships. In the past few years, your home and family life may have been intense. For ex: Your or others moving away. Or you may have romantic relationship that has transformed your perception on love & relationships.
This month Mars conjunct Uranus in your 9th. You could have sudden and surprise events in regard to travel or higher education. For example, planning or cancelling a trip. Making final choices on a school or course. Hard to say exactly because uranus is often surprising.
This year your career could have expanded. Ex: You may have gained new responsibilities. Got a promotion. Job change. Or started a job. It’s likely your reputation is well this year too. People may positively talk and think about you. Some may see you as a leader and teacher.
North node conjunct Mars. This can indicate cutting ties. You could be moving literally or moving away from an old version of yourself.
I hope this mostly resonated. Please leave feedback 🫶
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not-poignant · 1 year
Alright, so this is something I realized based on the brushes of worldbuilding you placed in the background of your *Underline the Rainbow* series, specifically, attitudes about omegas based on James's family from *Underline the Black* and Christian's attitude toward Nate from *Underline the Blue.* Even more specifically, the belief about how omegas have "healing powers" they bestow upon whomever they bond with. James's family believed in this strongly enough that, years later, they still work to destroy James's chosen partner because they felt an omega bond would magically heal terminal cancer. They even got journalists on their side, suggesting this idea is common enough in this world to warrant a news story. Thus, it wouldn't be a stretch for those that believe in these magical omega healing powers to "prescribe" an omega as a means of treating PTSD. Of course, you'd want one that isn't suffering from any mental or physical issues themselves, so you choose an omega who had a positive upbringing, like Nate. Christian or his family vetted Nate, picked him, and now are working to make Nate the perfect omega to soothe and heal Christian and his PTSD, someone who will never cause any negative feelings toward the alpha so he can focus on getting better Which is why Nate will always fail. He wasn't chosen as a partner, lover, or even a caregiver. He was chosen to exist as a perfect shadow of Christian, intuitively giving everything to his alpha while not taking any thought from Christian to care for, not even making a face when eating a food he hates or having a fabric he enjoys in his own heat nest that Christian doesn't like. Nate's not seen as a person; he's meant to be a tool with no soul, no desires, no concerns that contradict what Christian wants, and he will never be perfect enough to succeed there because it's an impossible standard. Heck, I'm half convinced the things Nate wants from Christian that the alpha mocks him for during heats are things like cuddling, not the sex itself. So yeah, I'm excited for more of both stories, especially *Blue.* Thanks again for writing such wonderful stories.
Anon, this is really clever and I half wish it was that deep, because you've put a lot of creative thought into this and I have not gone in that direction at all.
Firstly, I really wish fringe conspiracy theories didn't get picked up by the news, but we've learned thanks to the pandemic that this will actually happen a lot if the news is interesting or controversial enough (i.e. news headlines about vaccine injury being pushed by anti-vaxxers as 'proof' that they're right / were right all along). A theory doesn't have to be common for it to hit the news, the folks who believe in it just have to be loud enough. Gary's situation was newsworthy in particular because James was quite a well-known musician in the state, and there are less than 30 peak alphas in Western Australia and very few of them are in relationships, when they enter a relationship, it tends to enter the gossip columns anyway.
As for Christian, it'd be nice if this was something Christian's family was pushing - or not nice exactly, but it'd be nice if there was a broader overarching reason that isn't simply: Christian is abusive.
That's it.
Christian is abusive. He's an abuser. He doesn't believe Nate can heal him or soothe him or support his PTSD. He doesn't subscribe to fringe conspiracy theories. He's just one of the many millions of people out there who believes he has a right to control the lives of others, and to punish them when they aren't exactly the right 'shape' that he wants based on whatever whims he's experiencing in the moment. Abusers get PTSD too.
There is a very simple reason why Nate will always fail in that sense: Christian is an abuser, and he enjoys having power over others. Unfortunately for Nate, Christian's flavour of abuse is emotional/psychological, and Nate has no defences against it, because he never came into the relationship as an equal in the first place.
Christian never wanted perfection. He's gotten it by his own definition many times, and he's the one constantly moving the goalposts on Nate, to make sure he's always doubting and questioning and second-guessing himself. Christian could get everything he wanted in its exact perfect format and when Nate attempted to do the same thing the next day, he'd find a way and a reason to put it all down. It doesn't need to be logical, Christian enjoys subjugating those less powerful than he is, and he believes he has a right to do that.
He could if he wanted to use a conspiracy theory to support it but he - like most folks - disdains those sorts of theories. I think he'd scoff at the idea that omegas could be genuinely healing to anyone, tbh, both because the theory isn't really true, but also because of his general contempt towards omegas.
I'm sorry anon, you've put a lot more creative thought into how this could all sync up than I have! I tend to see all the relationships as quite separate (i.e. the kind of stories that could be read each as standalones), and sort of conceptualised them all very separately.
But also, I think this is influenced by the fact that Nate and Christian are actually a couple from another story of mine, Falling Falling Stars, where there was no conspiracy theories, but there certainly was an abuser, and an abuse victim who became very cynical and closed off after being with Christian, even once he'd fallen in love with Janusz. I saw no reason to introduce something completely new when the shape and structure of the abuse can remain essentially the same!
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Australia's biggest Twenty20 cricket league, the Big Bash League (BBL), is made up of teams located in cities. It is well-known for its fast-paced and exciting structure, and it usually runs from December to February. Since its founding in 2011, the league has gained prominence and drawn both Australian talent and talents from other countries. Teams like the Sydney Sixers, Melbourne Stars, and Perth Scorchers battle it out for the championship in famous venues across the nation. The Australian cricket season's biggest event, the BBL is renowned for its exciting atmosphere, engaging fan base, and high-scoring matches. The BBL gives players a competitive edge and a worldwide appeal by featuring both established international cricket stars and up-and-coming talent. Finally, the league has made a substantial contribution to the expansion of T20 cricket by highlighting the exciting elements of the format and helping to nurture players who succeed in this shortened version of the game.
The way that Cricket Australia has responded strategically to the recent turmoil surrounding the Sydney Sixers in the Big Bash League is a very well thought out plan. The challenging assignment essentially entails requesting detailed proposals from prospective Team owners who have already contacted a player to captain their teams. The last four possibilities have been selected by Cricket Australia, which will choose the best one to form a new Big Bash League team. In-depth analyses of the suggested cricket infrastructure, cutting-edge team facilities, creative marketing approaches, and comprehensive community engagement programs would all be necessary for CA. Carefully vetting each proposal is the responsibility of a carefully chosen selection committee made up of business professionals, league executives, and seasoned cricketing greats. Beyond the obvious, the criteria consider the importance of cricket to the club owners, the size of the leaders' current fan base, economic feasibility studies, and the possibility of igniting a thriving cricket culture in the neighborhood. Concurrently, the committee is developing strict ownership and management policies to create a model for openness, moral behavior, and sound financial standing.
This comprehensive and complex strategy aims to create a revolutionary change in the league's course rather than just solving the problems that plagued the Sydney Sixers. Cricket Australia hopes to establish a new side that will play at the highest level of T20 cricket while also fitting in well with the local sports culture. Through the cultivation of a culture that is marked by impartiality, absolute responsibility, and proactive engagement with the community, this all-encompassing project seeks to establish the Big Bash League as the pinnacle of quality and enjoyment within the international cricket scene.
Task in hand
For the CA to select you as the next team in the Big Bash League, you will need to make a proposal presentation. You will be given one business owner and a team captain. Your proposal pitch needs to contain-
• strategies to persuade Cricket Australia
• marketing strategies
• a three-year financial plan that accounts for player acquisition costs
• public relations strategies
• a jingle
• the team logo
• star player hiring plans
• a press release for the team
• 15-player squad.
Ppt not more than 7 slides
Report not more than 20 pages Extra deliverables are appreciated
A jingle
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lady-hallowtide · 10 months
I’m going to tell you a story that I have never fully told to anyone before, but it is one of the only times I have ever felt proud of myself. Looking back it was incredibly risky, but I’m glad I did it.
When I was twenty I still lived on the old family farm. I was doing a degree by distance education and working full time. I had a little Australia Terrier since I was a child and she was getting on in years but she still followed me everywhere. Her name was Holly. It was near about Valentines Day, and I had recently ended a short lived relationship but it ended messy. Given the man in questions temperament when Holly went missing I immediately suspected him. When I got home and she wasn’t there to greet me I immediately knew something was wrong. I walked around the farm calling for her, a trail of cats curiously following in my wake. I checked the security cameras and saw Holly leave the front of the house and walking out of view of the camera. She looked like she was wandering and not being called so that was a relief at least. When they got home my family rang all the neighbours and one had received a visit by a woman travelling along the nearby busy highway who had found a dog on the side of the road. I have no idea how Holly got there. Holly didn’t have a collar, and my neighbour has never met my dog so she told this stranger she didn’t know who Holly’s family was. The stranger left her number, but when I rang it nobody answered.
I was distraught of course. This little dog had been my shadow for a decade. I printed missing flyers and stuck a poster on the gate of my families farm. I kept ringing the phone number and when nobody answered by nightfall I looked up the address and saw it was for a place a little over an hour away.
The next day I called in sick to work. I was determined to find my dog. There was a vet between my house and their’s so I stopped there hoping maybe the stranger had left Holly with them. No, but they were kind enough to put up one of my lost dog posters. Making the way to this mystery address I was pretty shaken, and when I showed up I probably looked an absolute fright because by this point I was crying nonstop. I drove down a long dirt driveway to this absolutely beautiful old manor, knocked on the closest door and frightened this poor young mother and her two baby toddlers in the kitchen. She was very sweet, and the first thing she asked was “are you lost honey?”. Poor lady was very patient when I blubbered how my dog had been picked up and the number the stranger gave was for this address. It wasn’t unfortunately, the stranger had wrote it wrong and had even mentioned to my neighbour she couldn’t remember her own landline. I asked if she knew anyone by the name of the stranger but the young mother didn’t know many people in the area. The young mother offered me tea, handed me some tissues and sent me off to the local hotel/pub.
Now I was a little less teary now, because I hadn’t wanted to scare the babies at the manor, but I was digging my nails into my hand as an old stress reaction so when I turned up at the pub I did get a few second looks. I’m still a little confused why it had so many people so early in the morning but this far out in the sticks you don’t ask questions of strange happenings. I explained to the old lady behind the bar I was looking for a woman who had picked up my dog, and if she knew anyone by that name. And my gods, she did. The bar lady said the farm was tricky to get to, and the owner mighty strange, but I was determined as hell despite her good natured worry.
So away I went. This was my last lead, and if this didn’t pan out I had no idea if I was ever going to see Holly again. This driveway was older, longer, and the bar lady was right because it was tricky to find and terrible to drive down. But when I got there guess who was there to greet me? Holly was dirty, and manic as all hell but it was damn obvious she was as glad to see me as I was her. The strange lady was kind of gobsmacked I found her actually. She was kind and even offered to let me use her landline to call home and let them know I was on my way back. Mobiles don’t work in the middle of literal nowhere. The strange lady confessed she thought Holly belonged to a little old lady, because Holly would look at you when you talked to her and was very attentive. Holly was covered in mud and sitting prim on my lap ruining my favourite doctor who shirt, and I couldn’t stop smiling.
I got home, and gave Holly a bath. The next day I got her a dog collar with my number on it with a little bell.
Holly was loved, kept safe and well fed until she was eighteen and she died of bladder cancer. She and my beloved cat Kovu accompanied me across an ocean, to an even remoter location at literally the edge of the world, until we moved to the city by the sea where we settled for good. They’re both deceased now and I miss them every day.
Ive never gone into specifics, and no one ever questioned why I was missing a whole day.
It was incredibly risky for a young female to drive into the heart of darkness. I was incredibly, incredibly lucky and am so, so thankful to the three women I met that day. It could have gone very badly. I could have never seen Holly again.
I am glad I did it.
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devildevotee · 10 months
to give context for my previous prayer, it's for everyone to use as they so desire of course! but it's also for me. i'm so scared of losing my dog to a paralysis tick (a tick in australia that slowly paralyses and kills your pet), and i'd just found one on her and it was fairly sized. we're currently monitoring her to see if it needs vet attention but. yeah. at least leviathan reminds me she is here.
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Nothing beats snakes, crocodiles and other reptiles at a corporate party or event. Adult reptile shows for corporate reptile parties are now well-known in Australia as the Snakeman from Melbourne has literally brought the snakes from the swamp and into Australia’s corporate boardrooms. Big dog-tame pythons are the main staple of these wildlife education events and of course, everyone wants to hold the animals. But besides this are the crocodiles, deadly snakes, frogs and all sorts of things. Remember, only the Snakeman’s reptile shows are safe as only the Snakeman has the expertise to have vet certified surgically devenomized snakes at his reptile party events. Learn more about the best corporate reptile parties for adults at: http://www.reptileparty.com.au/corporate_parties_Melbourne_1.htm and get ready for a wild time!
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was actually a really nice day. I had a great day off I just wish it was longer.
Last night James and the boys came home and I was sitting in the kitchen eating a snack and watching a tik Tok. I had a really fun night and it was nice to see everyone back. We would all stay up for like an hour talking and laughing and telling stories and stuff. Turns out that the boys thought James was 22 and I was like how old do you think I am then and it was very silly. And I just had a really good time talking to Billy and he told me about his family and we all talked about like weird connections we have to Hollywood and celebrity. And Leon was talking about sports and it was it was just a really nice night.
Eventually the James said that we needed to go to sleep because they had work in 6 hours so we got into bed but then we ended up having a lot of laughs and just being very silly talking and I was catching James up on a bunch of gossip and it was just really light and nice and I was able to fall asleep very easily after that.
Sweetp My darling cat kept screaming at the door. The door to the bedroom is open he was trying to get into the studio and he would not stop yelling. James is going to make a vet appointment because I'm starting to think something is wrong. Like I feel like he might not be hearing well. He's eating and drinking and going to the bathroom normally but he seems a little swollen and also he's not responding to things and getting startled very easily and I'm not sure what that is but I'm worried that he might be going deaf. So fingers crossed he's not but it upsets me that he might be going through something and he can't tell me. So I got to make sure that we are getting ahead of this if there is something wrong.
So even though I did not want to wake up at 8:00 a.m. I did. I got up and I quietly got washed up and dressed. The boys were still asleep so I just came into the studio and started working on sewing together my squares. And I was in here for like 40 minutes maybe. I finished the whole row. And then very quietly I heard the door behind me open and Leon leaned in and just asked can we have breakfast please. And it was just very cute. I said of course you can have breakfast I don't know if we have anything here but I'll take you guys anywhere.
So they told me they want to go to macca's which is what people call McDonald's. I didn't know they did that in the UK I thought that was just Australia. But I was like of course I can take it to McDonald's I'm ready whenever you guys are. And they were mostly ready at that point so they got the rest of their stuff together and I kept bouncing around from room to room cuz I didn't know where to go. And we were out of the house around 9:30.
I drove us out to the McDonald's on York road so that we can go to the Target after. I wasn't sure of the address so I put the Target in first and then we had to backtrack one exit but that was fine. We got there at like 9:45 and when we got inside Braden and Dylan were there. Which was very funny that we were all there at once. And we all got sandwiches and I thought it was very silly that all the boys just stood around and ate. Like I sat in one of the chairs and they all just stood around eating their sandwiches and I was like okay. Whatever you live your best life.
I was texting Jess telling her that I felt like I was pretending to be cool mom today because I let the boys sleep in and then took them to breakfast and then we were going to Target. I was living my best mom life. And after we all finished eating, Leon decided he needed another hash brown so we waited for that and then we were off.
Leon had never been to Target before so that was exciting. And I was specifically they're looking for this dress that I saw on Instagram that I think would be really good for the wedding that we're going to this fall but I ended up not finding it. That's okay I'll keep looking. But we mostly just looked around and all of a sudden I lost them. They were kind of trailing behind me and then all of a sudden I looked by me and they were gone because they had gone into the video game section. And I was like whatever they'll find me again so I went over to look at the Barbie section because I wanted to see what jobs this line of Barbies has. It's like you can be anything type of situation. There was a farmer one that I thought was really cute and then later in the day a couple people sent me listings for art teacher Barbie which I thought was great. Not artist but art teacher. Very specific. There's also farmers market Barbie. I need to somehow combine these two things together.
eventually the boys found me and we continued on walking and looking at stuff. They were fascinated by how many different Oreo flavors there were and both of them would get cookies. I just got the lemonade powder and fig Newtons that I was there for. I still did not find the lemon packets. I don't know why those have become so hard to find. But the lemonade works just fine for me for now.
I also got a new nail polish that I thought would be more lilac but is a little more white but it's still very pretty. And then we checked out and I took them to camp.
On the drive back to camp I told them the story about the man that sold the Eiffel Tower twice. And they were fascinated by my story. I love getting to tell people about that. And then they were like we will give you money for gas. Well they said petrol but still. And I was like it's fine I know where you work don't worry about it. And if they want to give me money it's fine but I mostly just really enjoyed getting to give them an experience and James got to have fun with people at the game and honestly it was a win for everybody. Even if the Orioles lost.
after I drop them off I did not have a lot of gas left but I do not pump my own gas so I decided I would make one more stop before I went home and I was going to go to savers.
And I had a lot of fun looking around savers. I wasn't there for anything specific but I was enjoying looking at stuff and it was pretty empty of people. Maybe cuz it had just opened like 15 minutes before I got there but people were not all of them in my space and that was nice. And I had fun just looking around and seeing all the silly things. I did find a bodysuit that I really liked that has a zipper in the front and is from Hollister. And I found a kind of shirt dress. Which is something I've been looking for online for a while but is very hard to Google shirt dress because what you end up with are dress shirts which is not what I'm looking for. And while this one is a tank top which is not exactly what I wanted it is still really nice and has pockets and I'm excited and I'm probably going to wear it tomorrow.
I paid and went home. And it was still really early it was barely 1:00. I had only in half of my breakfast sandwich so I had the other half while I was driving and when I got home I put stuff away and I tried on my two new pieces of clothing. The shirt dress needed two places to be sewn down to look nicer on me because I have a short neck and the collar wasn't as flattering as I was hoping but once I sewed them down it looks way better. And then I worked on some stuff and kind of just poked around the apartment and chilled and watched videos and I finally finished my last six squares so I could really jump into assembling the blanket.
James would come home and they had stopped at the grocery store and got the bread and cream cheese that I wanted to make these little cinnamon rolls that I had seen online that are called snail rolls. So the plan was they were going to make us dinner and do the laundry and then after that they would go get gas for the car and I would make the snail rolls. This ended up getting pushed a lot later than we were planning because while James was cooking they were trying to get the oven to preheat and it just would not and it's the same problem we keep having where the pilot light seems to be on but it's not heating up and something is wrong with the oven. And it's been like this for months where you have to like kick on a burner for it to make the whooshing sound. But I was doing a lot of googling and then we tried taking the top off of the oven and then we tried taking the inside out of the oven and we just couldn't figure out why it wasn't doing what it was supposed to do. So I came up with it seems like three options for what might be wrong and we're going to present them to Tina and see if she can get someone out here to try to fix it. Or replace it because it is very old.
But eventually after like an hour it did come on and James made us potatoes and made me vegetarian chicken nuggets. And they made this interesting cilantro avocado sauce that was a little too creamy in my opinion but I think would be really nice inside of an omelet. So I was really grateful for that. I love that they tried a new thing. And we chilled on the couch for a while and I had finished another row for my blanket so now I have 10 left. So I'm hoping to have those done by Friday. And then I got into making my snail rolls.
James finished up with the laundry and was folding it and as I was putting the rolled out cinnamon mini rolls into the oven They went to go get gas and I think they will be home in a few minutes. We're going to eat our little dessert and we're going to build a Lego and it's going to be a very nice night. Honestly today was just nice and normal and small and good. And I hope tomorrow is good too.
Tomorrow I start a new project which is going to be sock puppets and I do not know how this is going to go. But fingers crossed I have high hopes that the kids are more creative than me because I could not really come up with a very good sock puppet. But I hope that it comes out cool and I hope that the weather is nice. I heard someone say that we've had the last 90° days of the summer and I find that very hard to believe but it would be nice. If you look at the weather right now the next week the temperature drops the degree every day so maybe they're right maybe they're not. But it's going to be all guest. And August can be tough.
I hope you all sleep well tonight. I just took a shower and washed my hair and I'm feeling good. I hope I can sleep well tonight and I hope you do too. Good night everybody. Until next time.
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2025 Update: Australia Introduces New National Planning Level for International Students
The Australian Government has announced a significant change for international students planning to study in the country. Starting in 2025, a National Planning Level (NPL) will be implemented, capping new international student enrollments at 270,000. This initiative aims to ensure sustainable growth in the international education sector while maintaining the quality of education and support for students.
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What is the National Planning Level (NPL)?
The NPL will allocate enrollment limits between the higher education and vocational education and training (VET) sectors. However, certain groups are exempt from this cap, including:
School students
Higher degree by research students
Students undertaking standalone English language courses (ELICOS) Non-award students
Australian Government-sponsored scholars
Students involved in Australian transnational education arrangements
Key partner foreign government scholarship holders
Students from the Pacific and Timor-Leste
Enrollment Projections for 2025
For publicly funded universities, the government anticipates approximately 145,000 new international student enrollments in 2025, aiming to maintain levels similar to those seen in 2023. This strategic approach is designed to support universities that have faced challenges due to the pandemic and the uneven return of students.
In addition to publicly funded universities, other higher education providers are expected to see around 30,000 new international student commencements. The VET sector is projected to welcome approximately 95,000 new international students.
Individual Limits and International Student Profiles (ISP)
Each university will receive an indicative International Student Profile (ISP), which outlines their individual enrollment limits. These ISPs will be developed based on various factors, including:
Recent figures on new international student commencements The concentration of international enrollments within the university’s onshore student population
This data-driven approach ensures that universities can plan effectively for the future.
Future Developments
Starting in 2026, the Albanese Government will promote the development of new student housing to support both domestic and international students. This initiative aims to create a more inclusive environment for all students studying in Australia.
Commitment to Integrity and Sustainability
The government is committed to strengthening the integrity of the international education sector. By limiting the number of international students, they aim to return to pre-pandemic levels of new international student commencements while enhancing the overall student experience.
Pending legislative approval, these changes will take effect on January 1, 2025, replacing the previous Ministerial Direction 107.
These reforms represent a proactive step towards ensuring the sustainability and integrity of Australia’s international education sector. As the government works to balance growth with quality, prospective international students can look forward to a more structured and supportive environment for their studies.
What are your thoughts on these changes? How do you think they will impact your plans to study in Australia? Share your views in the comments below!
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jassicaleo318 · 1 month
Navigating RTO Standards: Ensuring Quality and Compliance in Vocational Education
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In the realm of vocational education and training (VET), Registered Training Organizations (RTOs) play a pivotal role in delivering high-quality education and ensuring that students are equipped with the skills and knowledge required for the workforce. To maintain a consistent standard of education and training, RTOs are governed by a set of standards known as the RTO Standards. These standards are essential for ensuring compliance, quality, and effectiveness within the VET sector. This article explores what RTO Standards are, their significance, and how they impact vocational education and training.
What Are RTO Standards?
RTO Standards are a comprehensive set of regulations and guidelines established to govern the operations of Registered Training Organizations in Australia. These standards ensure that RTOs deliver training and assessment services that meet industry needs and are of high quality. The RTO Standards are part of the Australian Quality Training Framework (AQTF) and have evolved over time to address emerging needs and challenges within the VET sector.
Key Components of RTO Standards
The RTO Standards cover several critical aspects of an RTO’s operations, ensuring that organizations maintain high standards in delivering education and training. The key components include:
Governance and Administration:
Organizational Structure: RTOs must have a clearly defined organizational structure that supports effective governance and management.
Management Systems: Robust systems must be in place for managing the RTO’s operations, including compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Training and Assessment:
Training Delivery: RTOs are required to deliver training that is aligned with industry needs and meets the requirements of national training packages or accredited courses.
Assessment Practices: Assessments must be fair, valid, reliable, and flexible, ensuring that they accurately measure the competencies of learners.
Quality Assurance:
Continuous Improvement: RTOs must engage in continuous improvement practices, using feedback and data to enhance training and assessment processes.
Self-Assessment: Regular self-assessment and internal audits are required to ensure ongoing compliance with the RTO Standards.
Student Support and Engagement:
Support Services: RTOs must provide adequate support services to assist students in achieving their learning goals, including counseling and career advice.
Student Engagement: Effective strategies must be in place to engage students and foster a positive learning environment.
Compliance and Record-Keeping:
Documentation: RTOs are required to maintain accurate and up-to-date records of training and assessment activities, student progress, and qualifications issued.
Regulatory Compliance: Adherence to all relevant regulatory requirements is essential for maintaining registration as an RTO.
The Importance of RTO Standards
RTO Standards are crucial for several reasons:
Ensuring Quality: The standards ensure that RTOs deliver high-quality training and assessment services that meet industry requirements and national benchmarks.
Promoting Consistency: They provide a uniform framework for RTOs across Australia, ensuring consistency in the delivery of vocational education and training.
Protecting Learners: By adhering to RTO Standards, organizations safeguard the interests of learners, ensuring they receive quality education and are not exploited.
Supporting Industry Needs: The standards help align training with industry needs, ensuring that graduates possess relevant skills and competencies for the workforce.
Facilitating Continuous Improvement: RTO Standards encourage a culture of continuous improvement, prompting organizations to regularly review and enhance their practices.
Compliance and Accreditation
To operate as a Registered Training Organization, institutions must undergo a rigorous accreditation process to demonstrate their compliance with the RTO Standards. This process typically involves:
Application: Submitting an application to the relevant regulatory body, such as the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) or a state-based regulator.
Evaluation: Undergoing an evaluation process that includes a review of the RTO’s systems, processes, and documentation.
Audit: Participating in a formal audit to assess adherence to the RTO Standards.
Ongoing Monitoring: Complying with regular monitoring and re-accreditation requirements to ensure continued adherence to the standards.
Challenges and Best Practices
While adherence to RTO Standards is essential, RTOs may face challenges in maintaining compliance. Common challenges include:
Keeping Up with Changes: Staying updated with changes in standards and industry requirements.
Resource Allocation: Allocating sufficient resources for compliance and quality assurance.
Documentation and Record-Keeping: Managing comprehensive documentation and records effectively.
Best Practices for overcoming these challenges include:
Regular Training: Providing ongoing training for staff to stay informed about standards and regulatory changes.
Investing in Quality Systems: Implementing robust quality management systems to streamline compliance processes.
Seeking Feedback: Engaging with stakeholders and seeking feedback to identify areas for improvement.
RTO Standards are integral to the successful operation of Registered Training Organizations in Australia. They provide a framework for delivering high-quality vocational education and training, ensuring consistency, protecting learners, and supporting industry needs. By adhering to these standards, RTOs contribute to the development of a skilled workforce and uphold the integrity of the VET sector. Understanding and implementing RTO Standards is essential for any organization involved in vocational education, ensuring that they meet regulatory requirements and deliver effective training that benefits both learners and industry.
About Us
We aim to provide only the best of resources to your RTO at competitive market rates. We are here to ensure that each resource is meticulously validated to guarantee top quality by our exceptional Subject Matter Experts and proofread by compliance experts. Our talent members are inclined towards developing only the top-quality VET Resources, RTO Training Resources, and other RTO materials for Certificate I up to the Graduate Diploma level, which are highly suitable for Australian qualifications.
Contact Us
Address - 13/19 Radnor Drive, Deer Park VIC 3023, Australia Phone Number - 1800 959 958 Mail - [email protected] Website - https://vetresources.com.au/
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