#vessel simon
scribbledghost · 3 months
I've gotten firmly sucked into the SIeep Token pit so I present you: Simon "Ghost" Riley who is a vessel for... something. He's not quite sure what - it's not as though he's ever been particularly religious. But he constantly gets the distinct feeling that he's not alone in his own body. That something else can control him whenever it deems fit. Something old.
He becomes his moniker - a ghost. Something that's not quite there but tangible all the same. At first, it's business as usual; he uses his new "gifts" to help the 141 complete their tasks, gliding into places he shouldn't be able to get to, phasing in and out of reality when he risks being spotted.
Then one day, when he's on leave, he spots you. And something shifts.
Whoever - whatever - is riding in his meatsuit with him all but drags him to you. Thankfully he still has enough presence of mind to phase out of existence before scaring the daylights out of you.
But the entity residing in his body has demands. And one demand is that he follow you home. Simon is a strong man, but even he's powerless against the eldritch thing in his bones.
Though, part of sharing a body with an ancient deity is also sharing its emotions (whenever it happens to have them, which is not often). Simon feels deep affection settle into his gut as he hides in the shadows of your home. A protective aura surrounds him as you sleep.
Why this Old God has chosen you, an average civilian human, to be so enamored with is beyond Simon. But he doesn't question it. He simply goes along with the being's desires - especially as time goes on and Simon begins to lose track of where the deity's wants end and his begin. The being's desire to protect you and care for you melds with his own.
You still can't see him. Not yet. He's very purposeful about that. There must be a right time, right place, right circumstance. But you can feel him. A light brush across your cheek, a sudden ease of your anxiety out of nowhere, a presence at your back as you sleep.
Simon will protect you. He will care for you. He will love you.
Whether it is because the creature using his body as a vessel commands it, or because of his own free will, he isn't sure. He supposes it doesn't matter.
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theshortstack · 1 year
something about masked men…like damn
I would let them run me over for fun
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Still learning about these so
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🪐 comfort.
something else little !!
WARNINGS: none, js fluff
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sometimes he feels like you are his very own, personal sun.
his entire world- his universe revolves around you and only you. when he wakes up beside you and sees the way the sun shines on your skin, kissing each and every freckle and scar that adorns your beautiful skin.
each sunrise and sunset is filled with you and only you.
your eyes are the only thing he could ever need. the feeling of your skin against his drives him crazy. and what makes it all so much better is the fact that you're all his.
no one can touch you but him.
the fact that his heart beats every day only for you is what drives him to do what he does everyday. the way you trace his scars and kiss his face like you'll die if you don't. the way you sob into him when night rolls around and your life is just too taxing...
he loves you. is that so hard to imagine?
he adores you.
his entire being is dedicated to you.
you own the breath in his lungs, the blood in his veins and the skin on his bones just the same he owns each and every inch of you. you are the only sound he hears. the way your voice calls his name when you can't open the goddamn jar of peanut butter just does something to him.
every time he thinks of you he wants to cry.
how did he deserve you? a monster such as himself paired with the being he sees as earth's very own goddess plucked straight from the paintings of old.
the way your body feels against his in the middle of the night... the way his hands cradle your body as sobs tear from your throat and out into the quiet night..
you are the only thing he sees. his eyes only land on you. when he thinks of perfection you are what comes to mind.
when you come home and lay in bed, watching the fan spin beside him as you babble on and on about your day. if it were anyone else he wouldn't give a single fuck.
but it's you.
you are the one he wants to spend the rest of eternity with. you could very well have cut his heart out and spit on it and he'd have thanked you.
you are his sun, his moon, his stars, his entire life and body and universe.
when he blinks he sees you.
you are the only feeling under his fingertips he would kill to have. his hands running over each curve and dip and imperfection you have to offer is his entire life. the way you look up at him and just smile would make any man crumble- and that's exactly what he wanted to do.
crumble into you and stay there for all of the rest of mother earth's life.
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check the tags for who this would go with !!
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honestlydarkprincess · 8 months
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will you be calling?
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ghostswoman · 9 months
I completely fell in love with sleep token no joke
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vesselai · 1 year
Okay listen I love petrigrof. They're so tragic Yuri coded but also it's fucking insane that Betty jumped through a portal, left Simon ALL ALONE while he still could've been saved from the crown or Betty could've fixed it, because the future Simon seemed fine and not crazy. Like does anybody think about how fucked up that was. They're both like. Deeply flawed people and that's the point of adventure time that everyone is deeply flawed and fucked up and you can grow for it but holy shit Betty wtf.
And then she proceeded to push her DYING HUSBAND off of the flying rug. And fly off to fix the crown she was just running away from.
I'm sure there's some shitty stuff about Simon I could find or that'll be revealed in fiona and cake but nobody talks about how deeply fucked their relationship was from the start and how codependent they seemed to become somehow
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countessofbiscuit · 2 years
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worship 💀
sleep of duty or something …
tattoo asset by the amazing @sleepyconfusedpotato
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maelstrom007 · 1 year
I've got the @ghouljams Fae!au brainrot, and I needed to write more about my OC Mal. This time, featuring ghoul's OC Love, and Fae!Ghost. Thank you so much for letting me borrow them! I hope I do them justice, and they're not too out of character. While it's implied that Mal already knows Witch (I think their friendship started well before this) I thought this was an interesting way to bring Mal into the darlings and 141's sphere of influence.
I hope you enjoy!
Mal stood at the far wall of their crafting space, studying their old leather bound notebook. It was an account of every project they’d ever undertaken here at the shop, filled to the brim with notes. Currently, it was open to the last commission on their list for this quarter, someone wanting a garment that would fill them with confidence after a particularly difficult time in their life. Before them stood several cones of yellow and orange cotton that they had dyed with this intention in mind. Now to decide what it would become. Mal closed their eyes, imagining the customer in their head, how their shoulders had hunched and neck sunk involuntarily. They needed something to straighten up, bring some height back into their frame. A jacket would do them nice. 
Mal took the cones to their warping board, a square frame with pegs hanging on the wall, and readied the yarn. Before they began Mal closed their eyes once again, taking deep breaths and pressing their bare feet firmly into the floor as they grounded themselves. Once they were settled, they imagined in their mind what their customer would look like in this new jacket. How their face would be full of warmth and joy, how much taller they would stand, the swagger and spring in their step as they walked. Mal let the feeling wash over them, filling themselves up with the giddy confidence. Full of energy, Mal began the warping process, tying an orange yarn to one peg and wrapping it around sequential pegs until it was as long as their fabric needed to be, then doubling back and following that same path back. 
Maintaining this confident headspace Mal continued on, occasionally switching between colors to create a shimmering ombre across the warp. This warp will act as the vertical threads when they weave the fabric later on tonight. Already they could see the gentle halo radiating off of the threads as the intent gets buried deeper and deeper. By the end it’ll be radiant like the sun. 
The slight jostle of someone attempting to open the front door made Mal accidentally skip a peg, breaking them out of their concentration. Immediately the halo of the current length they were working on dimmed, forcing them to backtrack and do their best to bring themselves back into the confident headspace. They didn’t really care if someone was at the door, there was no reason for anyone to be there and thus no reason to give them the time of day. Pick up was always reserved for the last week of the month, and they hadn’t pulled aside the heavy curtains hanging from the gutters that prevented humans from seeing the shop, and warned Fae from entering without an invitation. No, those get pulled when Mal’s commission list was empty and ready for new customers. Which it wasn’t. 
The jostle returns again and only a well timed breath keeps the bubbling anger from making its way into the warp. They tied it off and stepped away with a sigh. They couldn’t afford to keep having their concentration disrupted by the mystery person at the door. 
Opening the door reveals a girl, smiling brightly, “Hey, I think your doors locked.”
“It’s not,” Mal replies. Not in the physical sense anyway. Witch’s wards are strong and clever like that. Although they will have to check up on the curtains outside. Nobody should have been able to find their shop with them pulled shut, although now there was a clear section that was pulled to the side where the girl seemingly forced her way through. Those damn Moth’s were probably nibbling on it again. 
The girl stares at them for a moment, as if expecting them to say more. Evidently the silence becomes too long as she presses on, “Aren’t you going to let me in?” 
“Why would you want in?”
“Because you’re a business? And I’d like to do business here?” The exasperated look on the girl's face is enough to set Mal’s teeth on edge. 
“Pushy aren’t you?”
“Yes. Now come on, I want to get something nice for my boyfriend and he’s going to pick me up any minute now.”
Something about the girl’s big, insistent eyes made Mal’s resolve crack, “Fine. You’ve caught me in an indulgent mood.” Mal turned around, walking back towards the counter, “What are you thinking of?”
When the girl didn’t immediately follow they turned around again, only to see her seemingly stuck mid stride, foot unable or unwilling to touch the hardwood floor of the storefront. Curious. The girl seemed perfectly human to them, but looks could be deceiving. 
“You’re welcome in, for this transaction,” her foot fell with a solid thump, and she continued walking in as if nothing had happened.
“So I’d like to get something for my boyfriend.”
Mal settled in and flipped their notebook to a new page, “So you’ve said.”
“Yeah, well I know that he likes to cover up a lot, but recently his gloves have been falling apart and what with Winter coming up I don’t want his hands to be cold-”
As the girl talked, Mal kept a close eye on her chest, watching for any tethers that shone brighter than the others. Humans, and sometimes Fae, had a hard time deciding what their real intent was for a gift, and sifting through their tethers was always easier than getting it out of them through words. Except that the more this girl talked, the more her chest started to light up like a god damn christmas tree. She was tangled and pierced and snared on so many hooks it was almost distressing, and one in particular burned so bright it almost hurt Mal’s eyes to look at.
“Excuse me,” Mal interrupted her, “but may I?” they said, pointing towards the brightly glowing tether at the center of her chest. 
“Uh, sure,” she said, slightly confused but trusting all the same. 
Reaching out they gently snagged the tether with the tip of their pinky finger. Even with that small amount of contact all they could think of was LOVE LOVE LOVE. So much love, and passion, and desperation, and protectiveness. 
Within the next second, Mal’s ears popped as air that used to be in the space behind the girl forcibly vacated in favor of someone apparating there in its place. Mal stumbled back, eyebrows raised in shock as the absolutely massive fucker came into focus. Piercing brown eyes peered out through a pale white skull mask, with one hand wrapping protectively around the girl's chest and the other landing solidly on the table creating an effective barrier between them and Mal. 
“What’s wrong, Love?” The man's voice was deep, and although he was addressing the girl, (the capital L was obvious in his tone) his eyes never left Mal’s. 
“Well I was going to get you a surprise gift, but I guess that’s not happening anymore.”
“Why were they touching you.”
Mal straightened, “I received permission, if that is your concern. I was only attempting to see what her true intent was for this gift.” Despite the way he was glaring, Mal could tell this man didn’t think they were a threat, at least not physically.
On closer inspection the guys gloves did look as if they were threadbare, ready to fall apart if a stiff breeze came through. He was fae, no doubt about it, and even his human form commanded respect. Mal could see the shimmery effect of the fae’s obscura, hinting at a much larger and much more. . .sinister silhouette. They could do better, break up the outline of his body like camo on a soldier's fatigues, but something told them that he wouldn’t appreciate being upsold at the moment.
“And what was my intention?” Love looked almost giddy to know, leaning over the counter top with a manic grin on her face. 
Mal quickly looked between Love and the man, trying to gauge the pro’s and con’s of this whole interaction. 
“Go on,” he said. 
“Well, it seemed like Love here wanted to stake a claim on you. To possess and protect you as much as you do her.” 
Like a seesaw, Love rocked backwards into the man's embrace, wrapping her arms up around his neck and giggling, “Yeah, I guess I am a little obsessed with you.”
For once he looked a little bit out of his depth, and once again Mal almost had to shield their eyes from the sun that seemed to light up between the two. Jesus these two were co dependent as all hell. 
“So,” Mal said, desperate to get this conversation over with, “any design you want in particular?”
“Oh, right, I think his gloves should be dark black, with white details that look like finger and hand bones. And can you make them really warm and soft? Am I asking for too much? You’ll tell me if it’s too much right? Also-”
Mal dutifully took notes, not even attempting to get a word in edgewise as Love rambled on. Briefly looking up, Mal saw the masked man curled contentedly around and over top Love’s much smaller form like a mountain sized cat. It was hard to find him intimidating now that his eyes were full of love and adoration. 
What a strange pair indeed.
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itwasntaphasema · 1 month
I mostly write angst and fluff.
Vessel (sleep token)
Desire -💋🎀
Alex turner
Are you tired of me? -🖤
Leon Kennedy
Coming soon…
Im not taking any requests currently but be free to ask simple questions or ideas.
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scribbledghost · 3 months
More Vessel!Ghost cause y'all seemed to enjoy him. Inspiration: "Mine" by Sleep Token.
The Deity's voice echoes in his head as Simon keeps vigil over your sleeping form.
He wonders if you know you've been claimed by something older than the earth you walk upon. He wonders if you know the collision course you and he are on, crashing into one another, carefully orchestrated by the Deity that commands Simon's body.
You've begun to see him during your waking hours. Not fully, but you've begun to get glimpses of his form in your peripheral vision. Wisps of ethereal smoke, a vague approximation of a human silhouette. Simon wishes he had the courage to appear fully. To truly complete the bond he's managed to form with you without being paralyzed by his own mind. But the thing housed in him holds him back for now.
Despite keeping Simon's desires at bay, the Deity offers him certain advantages. Certain abilities to aid him in performing its will.
He meets you in your dreams.
He scares you at first, this much is evident in the way you react. Simon isn't sure how he appears to you in this moment - if he's more human than vessel, or if he's some amalgamated thing, caught between mortal and supernatural. He supposes the way you startle at the vision of him indicates the latter.
When he speaks, the words are not his. The voice emanating from his throat sounds like his own mixed with a thousand others.
"Do not fear me, heart. I will not harm you."
It echoes through the empty space.
"...What are you?" you ask softly.
Simon considers the answer. Of course, the Deity is in control here, filtering his desires into something more palatable for it.
"Yours", it eventually answers through Simon. "As you are mine."
His body moves of its own accord, reaching a hand to you. Simon notices that it's completely blackened, flecked in starlight just beneath the skin.
You hesitate.
"I won't hurt you."
This time, the Deity lets its vessel speak for himself.
And you take his hand.
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dhampiravidi · 2 months
if Simon sang, he'd either have the voice of Corey Taylor (Slipknot) or Vessel (Sleep Token)--
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✧.. information !!
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ੈ♡˳ : hello!! my name is eden and this is my blog! i'm a july leo annnndd my favorite color is red, my favorite animal would be deer or like cats or something idk
ੈ♡˳ : my interests currently are outer banks, call of duty mw2, avatar (big blue people, not the last airbender), stranger things, hazbin hotel/helluva boss, jujitsu kaisen, marvel, sleep token, good girls, dune, arcane, across/into the spiderverse, moon knight, the umbrella academy, annndd young sheldon !!!
ੈ♡˳ : i write for ... simon "ghost" riley, könig, captain john price, steve harrington, viktor, literally any of the jjk men, miguel o'hara, loki, bucky barnes, five hargreeves, paul atreides, marc spector, steven grant, vessel, ii, iii, iv, jj maybank, jake sully, or neteyam :)
ੈ♡˳ : i write angst, fluff, and whatever else besides smut bc idk how to write that .. 😻
ੈ♡˳ : aaannnnddd requests are open!!
.. and that's it !! goodbye for now, lovelies !!! ..
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catherine-white · 2 years
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Simone Fraser has always worked with the vessel, which she sees as “a time capsule that carries antiquity within it – a thumbprint of our civilization.” Her search is for new rhythms in ancient forms via disordered patterning and pierced surfaces, permitting texture to instruct and partly define the form, while at the same time deconstructing the “container.”
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rinamaey · 2 months
Partner and I were talking about cosplay and he already knows I’d be so down bad if he did Leon Kennedy considering he just looks like him. (I wish I was kidding. The similarities are so damn scarily accurate. I thought he was lying before I saw him.)
I made a joke saying he should do Ghostface or Ghost because mask yes. Favorite horror movie and CoD character yes.
And this man goes “So what about a Vessel cosplay?”
Help. Help me. Please.
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alkaline-wtr · 5 months
My discord friends don’t approve of me spamming pictures of my pookies (masked men) in my server 😭😭
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countessofbiscuit · 2 years
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a silly wippy, summoning … something
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