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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
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Moonlight Raven from My Little Pony is an autistic black cherry femme polyamorous auti4auti bipanromantic apothisexual ghoulinarcet vampstelic vesichess gorevesil lolivesi vampireperspesque vampilacdernic blacatpaldernic alderpastelgore aldervampish gorecoric bloodcoric fleshcoric gothlitacoric kenochoric gothaesic gothfashionaesic narclexic bloodsoundic stabsoundic meatsoundic clothwoundic pastelfemic bloodinkic cuvampiric chessaic kenochessaic compchessaic chessfascic chesshypic chessboardaic queenpaic queensymbic queenblaic queenwhaic fleshlolitadressic vampiretraitic pastelgoric vampgoric cutegoric kenovampic stagevampiric pastelcutic luckblackcatic laminteasic hemodrainic meatcutehoardic cutecharbloodknific bladefleshic pasgoric pastelgolita fleshlita fleshica narceuria compactmirrored bloodigowne organshove gothloline kenoire skelecute vampicute kenocute fleshcute gurocute chessreine catnitous chesscesse harbinchess drivameus gorething bloodthing fleshbeing goththing fleshthing knifething npdfreak phosgutial phosgoreial invirevidot vamblanchlacean cutiekillen kenocollector peausipeur gothfamix narcpridix genderscum gendercute genderlolita gendergore genderguro genderbloodstained narcissistic vampiregender coffingender bloodgender catgender blackcatgender dramagender theatergender spitegender bloodybubblegender mollisdeathgender energydrinkgender goregender npdgender gurogender vampiregender freakgender pastelgender vampirigender knifegender humanmeatgender killgender vampiricgender gothicgender pastelgothcatgender meatgender gothgender cassfemflux transfemneu demiwoman with NPD who experiences intense low empathy, but is trying vamp best to be more empathetic, and uses bow/bows, coff/coffins, de/deads, vamp/vamps, cor/corpses, qu/queens, gu/guros, che/chesses, go/gores, and meow/meows pronouns as well as she/her auxiliary pronouns!
Coff is supported and loved by bows sister Sunshine Smiles, an autistic pinkgender genderqueer woman who is indifferent to labeling her orientation, has hyperempathy, and uses any pronouns!
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neopronouns · 2 years ago
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chessvesil/vesichess: when many or all aspects of one's identity (such as their gender, orientation, aldernicity, alterhumanity, etc.) are affected by chess or anything related to chess
[pt: chessvesil/vesichess: when many or all aspects of one's identity (such as their gender, orientation, aldernicity, alterhumanity, etc.) are affected by chess or anything related to chess. end pt]
for myself! colors are from the chessaic flag and the format is from the vesil flag.
flag id: a flag with 5 stripes, with the second and fourth being smaller than the rest and the third being much smaller than those. in order, they are very dark grey, off-white, faded blue, cream, and very dark brown. end id.
banner id: a 1600x200 teal banner with the words ‘please read my dni before interacting. those on my / dni may still use my terms, so do not recoin them.��� in large white text in the center. the text takes up two lines, split at the slash. end id.
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mogai-headcanons · 2 years ago
(moonlight raven and sunshine smiles are both from mlp) moonlight raven is an autistic polyamorous auti4auti gorecoric bloodcoric fleshcoric gothlitacoric kenochoric gothaesic gothfashionaesic narclexic bloodsoundic stabsoundic meatsoundic clothwoundic pastelfemic bloodinkic cuvampiric chessaic kenochessaic compchessaic chessfascic chesshypic chessboardaic queenpaic queensymbic queenblaic queenwhaic fleshlolitadressic vampiretraitic vampstelic pastelgoric vampgoric cutegoric kenovampic stagevampiric pastelcutic luckyblackcatic vampilacdernic blacatpaldernic laminteasic hemodrainic meatcutehoardic cutecharbloodknific bladefleshic pasgoric kenovampic pastelgolita fleshlita fleshica (flag by @gender-mailman) narceuria compactmirrored (flag by @ecrus-gotd) alderpastelgore bloodigowne organshove gothloline vampireperpesque kenoire skelecute vampicute kenocute fleshcute gurocute chessreine catnitous chesscesse harbinchess vesichess drivameus gorevesi lolivesi (related to lolita not loli btw) gorething bloodthing fleshbeing goththing fleshthing knifething aldervampish npdfreak phogutial phogoreial invirevidot vampblanchlacean cutiekillen ghoulicnarcet kenocollector peausipeur gothfamix narcpridix genderscum gendercute genderlolita gendergore genderguro genderbloodstained narcissistic vampiregender (combo flag by @fanged-horse) coffingender bloodgender catgender blackcatgender dramagender theatergender spitegender bloodybubblegender mollisdeathgender energydrinkgender goregender npdgender gurogender vampiregender freakgender pastelgender vampirigender knifegender humanmeatgender killgender vampiricgender gothicgender pastelgothcatgender meatgender gothgender cassfemflux black cherry femme (combo flag by @imsocool2000) bipanromantic (use the standard bipan flag) apothisexual transfemneu demiwoman with npd who uses bow/bows, coff/coffins, de/deads, vamp/vamps, cor/corpses, qu/queens, gu/guros, che/chesses, go/gores, meow/meows alongside auxiliary she/her pronouns! coff also experiences intense low-empathy but raven is trying vamp best to be more empathetic!
additionally, moonlight raven is supported and loved by bows sister, sunshine smiles, an autistic pinkgender genderqueer woman (use the genderqueer gal combo flag) with hyper-empathy who is indifferent to labelling her orientation and uses any pronouns! - 🍒 anon
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