dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
Okay but the dick thirst is real. Like idk if it’s the new season (because I am always horny for him) but I love to see it!! Especially that gif …. Ughhhhhh literally I have a hard time (hahahaha) watching any episodes because THEY ALWAYS DRESS HIM IN THESE SLUTTLY LITTLE POLO SHIRTS WHERE HIS ARMS ALMOST BUST OUT OF THEM!!! Like sir… pls… I need him to crush me with those arms!! Like literally every time he crosses his arms I have to take a second to breathe, before I can continue watching!! 🫠 I would literally let him do anything to me 😭
huhurhuhgu yessss. they can't parade him around in short sleeves with those arms. its not fair. they can't expect me to be normal about him. they can't expect me not to want to bite him. he looks like a slut for fucks sake. he could flex those big fucking arms and rip straight through those shirts.
he could choke me and i would say thank you. he could do anything to me and i would thank him. i mean look at him!!
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
Istg exbf!dick is making me go feral!!!! I’ve had my first day at a new job today and still he was in my head all day 😭 literally been living there rent free ever since you first mentioned him … like the horny element of this: YES but the angsty element of them not being together anymore and still wanting each other: FUCK YES!!!!
Yes!! Yes!! It’s about the angst!! It’s about: I never stopped loving you. I still remember what position you sleep in. I wake up and go to tell you what I dreamed about but you’re not there.
It’s about the pain!! And the frustration that this person is so well tangled in your heart that you can’t let them go. That subconsciously you search for them no matter where you are and it hurts like hell; feels like dying.
But you throw the horny into the mix and urhrhrhrh. No one else can make me feel like this. You know what I need without me having to tell you. I compare you to everyone else and realise that they’re not good enough; they’re not you. You push me right to the limit and no further because you know me.
But it’s also about the self confidence, the arrogance!! The knowing that in the end they’ll come back to you because you can give them something no one else can.
And then it’s about the: this is the only way I can have you but I want more; I want you back. You were the only one who looked at me with all my flaws and loved me anyway. I don’t know how to love anyone but you. I don’t know how to live without you.
Aaaaagh. I’m wailing, crying, lying facedown on the floor 😭😭
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
Another exbf!dick Grayson thought: it’s not only the „I thought you’d be the one“ but also the „I WANTED you to be the one.“
yes yes yes!! i can feel the angst!! i can feel the pain!!
crying hard enough to make yourself sick. the sight of your toothbrush in the bathroom brought me to my knees. i can't bring myself to throw it away. i drove my car to the middle of nowhere and screamed out everything but your name. my home is so empty without you in it. i haven't opened the curtains in weeks. you left your key on the kitchen counter and looking at it feels like a gunshot wound. i thought you were the one i'd spend the rest of my life with. i keep waiting for you to come back. i want you to come back. why won't you come back?
lingering by the door. fingers pulling at your sleeves. you leave before the sun comes up. you leave in the dark. you leave me in the dark. your toothbrush is still in the bathroom. just in case...just...its there if you ever change your mind. i carry your key in my pocket. i still call it your key. i don't know how to call it anything else. i don't know if i can keep watching you walk away from me. i deleted your number from my phone in a fit of rage. how can you do this to me? i know your number by heart and find myself reciting the digits when i think of you. the last time you left i was still awake and i heard you whisper my name. i wanted you to be the one so much it hurt.
you keep coming back to me. i can't ever turn you away. you still fit so easily into my home. i left your key on the kitchen counter hoping you'd take it with you. i saved your number back into my phone. i don't think i'll ever be able to let you go. having you like this is better than nothing at all. having you like this is killing me. i threw your toothbrush out last week but bought a brand new one in the same colour. you never took your key back with you when you left. i still can't call it anything other than yours. you keep coming back to me and i keep letting you in. don't you know by now? i still want you to be the one.
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
OMG Ella I‘m so sorry for spamming you with my exbf!dick thoughts again, but when I was listening to my Taylor Swift playlist earlier today he occupied my mind again for a good few hours because the songs just fit soooooo perfect!!!
Last kiss is the angst component… the „I never thought we‘d have a last kiss“ is literally what distressgirl said in one of their asks 😭😭😭
Also smn mentioned social media and finding pictures of them without you in it „so I’ll watch your life in pictures like I used to watch you sleep“ aaaaargh it fits so good it’s making me cry again!!
The other song that made me think about him was The way I loved you … like obviously „I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain“ … „so in love that you act insane“ … „and you were wild and crazy. Just so frustrating, intoxicating, complicated“ this is more or less the Angsty side of the exbf!dick phenomenon but DEFINITELY the horny side … I’m thinking about tapes here HAHA
AAAaaaa don’t you ever apologise my darling. I’m here for whatever you have to say!!
Ommggg how are those lyrics fitting so perfectly?? the fact we’re finding him in our thoughts, in songs, is making me want to cry a little. ‘i never thought we’d have a last kiss.’ asdjskjdksj stopppp i can’t take it. i can’t take it!! 
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dxckgrxsonx · 2 years
maybe we want the emotional damage…. It’s like tooooo good!! I need to write up a whole essay on the movement that is the exbf!dick Grayson lovers on tumblr in October of 22
i'm signing us all up for group therapy i swear to god. were going to sit in a silly little circle and take it in turns to emotionally damage each other over exbf!Dick Grayson then go get food afterwards.
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