#very unrewarding from a storytelling pov. or more like overindulgent
andramaquynhs · 3 years
you not liking a/v/a (aka that ship) 👀
(TL;DR at the end bc predictably i ended up ranting)
On me not liking time becky (a/va) one bit indeed, anon. Main the reason i stopped watching the show tbh. She basically solidifies the start of and the reason why Sara became nothing more than a love interest in a show where she was arguably the lead, or one of anyway. a/va was supposed to be a side character but everything revolves around her now, both in canon and fandom, and it's tiring as all fuck for a character as bland as hers, i stg just thinking about her and ava/ance takes 5 years off my lifespan
Lot's writing was always a bit lesbo/biphobic, in particular (mick outing sara at every turn? fetisizhing the fact that 'this frilly likes other frillies'?? lot having sara sleep around on important missions?), but then it used her as queer 'rep' bc they knew Sara had a big wlw following and it somehow got even worse. Nothing says someone is your equal quite like them beating and abusing you, nothing spells romance like they undermining, belittling, discriminating and putting you and your friends in danger, being more preoccupied about your girlfriend's s*x history with men than the fact said girlfriend was fucking dying, critizing your gf's ten year old choices and her oldest friend while she was grieving him ...but it's alright bc we get to see two white women who could play sisters kiss every 5 minutes, right?
And that's all they doooo, Sara hasn't had a story arc besides being in a relationship with another woman and being dead since then. She couldn't even grieve her fucking father, we got breadcrumbs when Laurel died but we still got to see some of her reactions, season two i think was had a whole thing about her learning to accept Laurel's death, accept that she shouldn't change it even if she had the means to, and ends with her deciding to preserve the timeline as it is despite how deeply it hurt her. It was powerful, granted at CW levels and in a show with so many characters, but she had a story arc, she learnt something, she grew...she's done none of that since time becky came around, it's sad and infuriating and a lot of sara fans understandably stopped watching bc of that. I held out for Zari, Amaya, Charlie, Jax and Stein but then they were mostly gone too
And trust me, I'm aware nyssara has some issues as well, the whole conflict with Nyssa's adherence to league rules and going after Sara's family, but Nyssa was very much a product of her upbringing, it was all she knew, it had a reason, it instigated change and served the story, it resonated. and i didn't keep watching arrow but from what i've seen Nyssa grew as a character as well, she chose to stay in prison and told Sara to move on and step away from the shadows. at the very least, they had conflicting, interesting, solid foundations while ava/ance is? just there?? besides time becky belittling Sara and her team, especially the poc, especially Zari, what else does she do? she's not even shown being a good leader, she's co captain bc she's f*cking the captain who doesn't even seem like the captain anymore! Neat little exercise that works every time: picture time becky as a man......suddenly things ain't so cute anymore are they
the only good thing to come out of lot before i stopped watching is Sara going to the time becky factory world or whatever, and when someone says it must be paradise she basically goes 'is it though???' :|||| a whole ass mood bb ♥
TL;DR: time becky aka a/va is bland af and ava/ance made Sara a shadow of her previous self. her entire character now revolves around being in a relationship with an abusive, self centered, biphobic and racist woman who could be her sister, and being dead sometimes. but gay rep, yay!
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