#very happy with those titles bc the ones before. lmao. yeah those werent titles
lavenoon · 1 year
Found the Flock, Dynamic Swap Drabble, ~2K Words
Before Robin gains a new tenant, they first get to know the withdrawn rookie - a gamble for both, as neither get along with other agents. For good reason, as it turns out, but having a friend makes many things easier.
Thick as Thieves, Reverse Dynamic Swap Drabble, ~2K Words
A little blunder causes Moon to fret, and coincidentally, Robin laments about their tenant, who just can't seem to stand them. Dawn, the victim of their complaint, is more than ready to distract them.
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starryseo · 7 years
high schooler!jaemin
im sososo excited to write this because i loVE NANA sosososo much,, i miss him terribly but i hope that if and when he returns he is super happy and healthy so he can carry on making m e m o r i e s. sm need to update us more on him :((
ok so ma boi na jaemin
is literally loved by everyone in that school
and they all know him as the Smiley Kid™
like they may not even be in a class with him
mAY NOT even be in his year
but they have seen him around school
and i GUARANTEE he was smiling so everyone just knows who he is
they also know him bc he once started this petition
initially, the school didnt have a badminton club
and nana was just like ???/ badminton is love what the heck????
so he b e g g e d the sports teacher to start a club
and the teacher loves nana bc he’s always so active and supportive and just amaZING in their class,,,,, so they give him a chance
but they cant just start a club outta nowhere yknow?
so they’re like, if you get enough people to support you then i’ll talk to the head teacher and see what we can do ok?
so thIS BOI RAN OUT and started just asking literally e v e r y o n e in the school to sign this paper so the club would happen
and like who can say no to his smile??? it literally makes my heart weAK
the dreamies were the first to sign obviously
even donghyuck
but he only done it after nana said he’d post the old baby photos of hyuck everywhere aha love this boy
those baby photos??? he got them from hyuck’s mum lmao
yeah hes the kinda kid to talk with the other dreamies’ parents - mainly the mums because hes just such ??? a darling? ???
obviously he got enough signatures and he did not stop smiling for like a week bc badminton club!!!!! is finally a thing!!!!
he and mark are always the first to turn up and honestly some ppl just go to watch the two of them have a match
when hes not sparring w/ mark hes super kind and helps out others that are playing but struggling
which just makes everyone love him even more
he and jeno always get lockers full of confessions
and hes such a cutie he has the notes all saved in a shoe box under his bed
i say “a shoe box” but like he has so many notes there are like 20 boxes lmao rip
and whenever he gets chocolates or smth he always shares them with the dreamies
he also tries to help the others out whenever he can
like,, running lines with jeno for his auditions,,,,, helping out jisung and chenle with their homework etc.
he also encouraged mark the first time he wrote a poem to get it published in the school paper,, mark was heckin’ nervous so nana suggested sending it in anonymously, and mark just continued with it
also!!!!! this boy!!! i know i said renjun has like the bEST food in his lunch boxes, but jaemin is a close second
he always packs fruit with him and like its so ?? cute???
he spends the previous night chopping up the fruit - apples, bananas, mangoes, pomegranates, grapes, oranges, you name it - and then puts it in the fridge so it’s all fresh for lunch tomorrow.
uses a separate container for it and theres just s o  m u c h fruit
he brings in 7 forks as well because he kNOWS !!!!1 the others are gonna take some from him
alsooo he is The Hoverboard Master™
lowkey gets frustrated when jisung challenges him
but is highkey supeeerrrr !! happy!!! when he beats jisung
insert the dreamies just disappointingly head shaking as jisung fake cries
“youre seriously not gonna let the kid win??” - mark
“even im not that cruel” - hyuck
but nana #dontgiveafuck bc he just won hAH TAKE THAT @JISUNG [had to make sure i didnt tag a blog there lmao rip]
mm so yall prolly met bc of a mutual dislike for sociology
ok so this part may be rubbish bc i know nothing abt sociology lmao so idk bare with me
yall were in the same class and the teacher set a partner project for the last term which she would test you on
1) ew partner projects #amirite 2) ew sociology #amiriteagain
cliche move: yall got paired up together
the project was basically one where you guys could freely talk about any topic relating to modern day society
you guys had to prepare a powerpoint expressing contrasting views to the topic and then also include your own
didnt seem hard enough, but since you were being graded on this you had to put in 110% effort overachievers ayyyy
so yall got to work, tryna think of what topic you could write about
and after much debate and thinking you both eventually agreed on writing about how social media portray young men
first yall were gonna do women but felt that others may do that,,,, and also that the expectations men had werent spoken of as much so this would be interesting
in lesson you made a quick plan about how you were gonna go about this
decided that it’d be best if you both worked on the powerpoint together, but done research separately so you could just merge the two when making the powerpoint. like, nana would find bad views and you would find good ones.
so you went your separate ways after that lesson and met up the next day
yall chilled out in the library after school and started your individual researching
and after like the first hour the cuTIE asks if youre hungry and youre like yeah a lil’ bit, so you guys pack up your stuff and head down the street to the cafe and eat a bit there
he pays even tho you had previously agreed to split it :(((
and youre just like “hey we should just base our project on you-”
jaemin: “a nice young man that pays the bills?”
you: “a lying young man who said we’d split but stole the bill before i could do anything. im writing bad things about you now”
you: “idc :))))”
yall were just kidding obvs
after eating you guys head back to the cafe for like another hour of researching
and you decided that tomorrow you’d make a start on the powerpoint
so yall say bye, meet up tomorrow after school bc theres no sociology lesson, and do the same thing as yesterday
including the cafe dateeeee ;))))) 
you make a start on the powerpoint and like hes such a perfectionist
like “no, no, no y/n move the title a bit to the right. no no ! your other right,,,, aaa no youve moved it too much !!!!”
“um,,,,, im not really feeling this navy blue, use that green instead,,, actuallyyyyy, what about that purple over there????”
after he starts shouting out hex codes to use you give up and just let him take the mouse
he ends up keeping the initial navy blue lmao
so after that hectic day and jaemin’s complaining youve managed to do just. your. first. slide.
but it has a super c00l background and animations so yeah very productive !!!
this basically continues for the next 3 weeks, with you guys presenting in the 4th week.
when it comes to the presentation day yall were vvvv nervous going up bc you get graded on how you present it as well, not just the info :’))))
but the whole thing runs super smoothly bc na jaemin flashed thAT SMILE @ YOU AND ALL YOUR WORRIES DISAPPEARED BEFORE YOU GUYS EVEN INTRODUCED THE TOPIC
the whole thing went really well, you guys took turn answering questions your peers and the teacher threw at you and when yall were done he sMILED AGAIN !!!!! and like yall felt super confident bc that went hecking well
when you got your results back it was an A*/ A+ and nana sent a message to you like “OMGGGGGGG WE DID IT!!! YESSSS!!!! MY AMAZING HARD WORK PAID OFF”
yall decided to celebrate at the cafe that you frequented
the old lady that owned the place knew you guys really well bc of the project
she’d be constantly refuelling you guys so she knew about the project too LMAO
and so when you guys told her that you guys aced the project she was super happy too and she was like “your food is on the house ily !!!!”
so like whoop whoop !! free food !
and you guys kept up that tradition during the summer holidays, meeting up at the cafe
and like the employees there knew you both so well
they started a bet like “how long until they walk in here holding hands one day and start dating???”
jaemin accidentally calls you sweetie or smth and you both just hear the old lady scream “yeSSSS!!! I WON!!!!! PAY UP WORKERSsss!!!! FREE FOOD FOR YOU, JAEMIN + Y/N!!!”
yall were confused as heck buT FREE FOOD !!!
i aint even surprised this was my longest one i love na jaemin
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briinleyisms · 8 years
“LMAO” AKA “ ( x ) ( x ) ( x ) #squadgoals”
ok so lowkey have had this muse for like ten years (ive been rping since i was seven fucking beat me) but every rp i bring her 2??? drops after like??? five days likE LISTEN THAT IS NOT HOW U RUN A RP LISTEN!!! UP!!! PUT UR BACK INTO IT!!!
anyhoW ok unlike ivan since i was still figuring out his bg w rosie when i posted his ‘intro’ i actually got brinley figured out and there’s a long version and a short version. imma put the tl;dr up here ok bc the non-tl;dr is overwhelming. personality is like.... toTALLY POINTLESS WHO CARES ABT PERSONALITY but it’s at the bottom i guess :\
ok basically she was born into a death cult in aliso viejo, california (tbh i just looked up rural places in ca and chose the most recently established one i could find lmao) called ‘the children of the revelation’ bc im extra. lots of fear-mongering revolving around the idea of The End of Days™. leader was a total prophet and totally abused his prophet power. planned out ritual for end of days was lowkey highkey terrifying (‘let’s go die in the river of miracles’!!!!!! [too extra help me]) and one of the ‘apostles’ was like ‘i quit’ and left iN THE DEAD OF NIGHT!!! and lowkey basically kidnapped a few ppl including BUT NOT LIMITED TO brinley and they wound up in hillsboro and ‘apostle luke’ eventually left and now she’s in the oikos house. fin.
also sik tattooz bro.
TW: cult (ofc), death, violence
firST it’s of note that i considered being rly fucking extra by putting quotations around her name bc her birth name is genesis like the book of revelations which brings me 2
my Extra™ title for this cult: “The Children of the Revelation”
so it was like a commune located in some place in CA that’s apparently rural and has only recently been established called ‘aliso viejo’ and lmao watch one of yall live there
but yeAH OK commune not just a church like the church of scientology like full on “u chose this life time 2 prove ur dedication”
alright so just full disclosure that i really really want to get this right and i know no one who has ever been in a cult (let alone a death cult) and i myself have not (as is likely expected) so i have already done research but i plan on doing like 100x more since this is a really serious subject. serious to the point that i’m not even using text slang (although i will when i get on with the intro post i just gotta).
anyhoW w that info out of the way time 2 get 2 the actual like point of the cult
first of all her mom joined the cult before she was born (ofc) and she was the gift!!! between her mom and one of the leader’s ‘apostles’!!!
basically: “lmao ur not leviticus enough 4 us.” (probs their slogan)
ok but obviously that’s scratching the surface like the real fuckery lied w/in two thing:
literal death cult (will get to that)
also doomsday cult
which sometimes go hand-in-hand anyhow
ok so the doomsday thing is what was more prominent in her life since she was 16 when she #escaped and never rly disobeyed (so many things 2 get 2!!!)
the leader’s name was ezekiel (cheever this is actually salem circa 1690) and he perceived himself as a prophet and naturally.... had prophecies. one of the most prominent ones was that the rapture would occur at 11:59PM on December 24th, 2011 (take away four days and add a year and u got the end of the world according 2 misconceptions abt the mayan calendar!)
the idea was that if u obeyed what ezekiel told u 2 do (he believed he was the fourth reincarnation of christ) u would end up going 2 heaven on judgment day but if u disobeyed...... yikes.
it depended on the magnitude of the ‘crime’ but for the most part if u disobeyed more than two times u were killed. u were hung or drowned and u were made an example of.
if u disobeyed less than two times and ur ‘offense’ wasnt worthy of immediate death dw!!! u can scrape by w torture!!! and also be made an example of!!!
so basically u were at ezekiel’s beck and call. every little bit of labor he asked u 2 do was like.......... if u didnt do it yiKES!!! ofc children werent expected 2 perform any laborious tasks rather just 2 listen and take in everything ezekiel and his apostles told them.
his ‘apostles’ who (as u can infer) served as his right-hand men were the fathers 2 all the children who would be born inside the cult. they kept ppl in line. they taught the kids when ezekiel was busy. those sorta things u kno???
ok so imma skip over some of the details that are like.... worse??? like theyre all bad but like these are the things i j feel like shouldnt be brought up in an intro post but theyre in the hella long rough-draft bio here that i went ahead and put up for this purpose rly
so ok imma try 2 make this next part go quicker
basically the ‘judgment day’ was closing in and ezekiel’s plans were rly like no thank u ( (TW: SUICIDE) ’hey guys! 2 make sure we get into heaven not only do u have 2 follow all of my commands since im jesus’s fourth reincarnation but we all also have 2 walk into a river with rocks in our pockets at the time the world is supposed 2 scorch with hell’s fire!’ (END TW) fun christmas activities for u and ur bae.
as it started closing in it was basically all ezekiel talked abt during his ‘sermons’ like wtf??? what a church service.
‘apostle luke’ (i hate myself) was like “ok..... ok the more u talk abt this the less believable it sounds..... like wtf jesus’s fourth reincarnation??? pics or it didnt happen.” and after some months he wound up concocting this plan 2 #escape bc honestly??? 
so he eventually eSCAPED in the deAD OF NIGHT and basically kidnapped ppl like ok sure luke
one of said ppl was brinley which i kno is unexpected. (honestly i think this is like??? maybe the third time i brought her up in all of these bullets??? honestly @me
“wAS NOT WILLING 2 GO!!! WAS NOT HAPPY 2 GO!!! WAS NOT READY 2 GO!!! NEEDS SOMEONE 2 FOLLOW!!! DOES NOT KNO WHAT 2 DO!!! DOES NOT APPRECIATE THIS!!! IS SHOOK!!!” - everyone luke fucking kidnapped then basically had 2 serve as a stand-in ezekiel for
they ended up in hillsboro after like 84 years and he was like “OK EVERYONE GETS NEW NAMES!!! :D” and tbh he probs just pulled out one of those baby books pointed 2 a random name and bam!!! that was their name
so even tho i’ve been calling her brinley this whole time just 2 make it??? not confusing??? genesis became brinley and she was no longer a book of revelations she is apparently a name that’s most prominent in utah
over time ppl pce’d out (not rly bc they wanted 2 but bc they needed 2 like u get what i mean.)
it ended up j being three ppl in their shitty apt!!! one luke one brinley and one kid who has a name but 1) i havent mentioned it yet and 2) i dont want 2 go look for it in the bio tbh
doomsday came and brinley was shook!!! rly rly shook!!! trying 2 find out what 2 do that would be similar enough 2 what thE CHILDREN of the corn would do!!! and luke was like ( x )
a lot more climatic than im acting like it was but this is so long i dont want 2 spend too much time on anything anymore but ok minor point is homemade inkin’ machine (legit mainly bc ryan ashley -dave navarro voice- [has/had] what it takes... to be ink master. -end voice-)
ok luke left eventually and idk so did the kid idk that’s in there and at first she was like “lmao idk what 2 do ig imma squat [man ivan and brinley #parallels] and keep doin what im doin” and she did and ok
aFTER ALL OF THIS OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WRITE she wound up w the oikos (bc honestly u can only squat for so long and who the fuck would be like “yes! i would like 2 be inked by a kid on the street who doesnt rly have anywhere 2 put anything! yes!” [i would be like that #exposed]) and is now somewhere where ppl dont think the world will end soon wtf
personality but who cares abt that:
ok!!! so i never rly had a clear definition of her personality i just like... waited 2 see (BEFORE THE RP CLOSED FUCK THAT) but then i watched a long-ass chipotle commercial (theres this one part where a cow is basically abt 2 be slaughtered and idk it’s so sad it was rly playin up that pathos i wanted 2 cry) and i was suddenly like!!! a lightbulb!!! “aha!!! basically fiona apple’s cover of ‘pure imagination’”
it’s been five years since she escaped and started desocializing from that lyf she knew but like............ five years compared 2 sixteen i mean which one’s gonna weigh the other out tbh (i just typed ‘way’ i cannot believe myself pls send me back 2 first grade)
so ok literally LITERALLY it is this song like im tryna think of how 2 explain it???
like the lyrics of it are (u kno willy wonka) v bright (albeit a bit ??? during that spin part) but the bg in fiona apple’s cover is so??? dark??? and honestly fiona apple’s voice just makes everything seem darker (i love fiona apple shes such a queen)
so it’s a v contradicting song
and she has a v contradicting personality
like ok one big thing that fits this contradiction is she feels like she needs someone 2 follow??? since that’s how it’s been almost all of her life??? (come 2 think of it i wouldnt be surprised w my subconscious if that’s the reason she’s still in the oikos house [asides from jobless but]) but at the same time like??? she WANTS 2 be independent??? she WANTS 2 be able 2 build a life for herself and around herself and not someone else but??? it just doesnt work that way???
MORE CONTRADICTION!!! bc of that whole ‘death/doomsday cult’ thing she is a p paranoid person??? but??? at the same time??? c h i l l ??? i mean in any case shes always gonna be lowkey paranoid but she doesnt??? rly act that way most of the time??? this could also be filed under “very curious about the norms of this brand new society but also very wary and prefers 2 Not™”
MORE!!! lmao ok religion idek what 2 do here honestly it’s so fucked. she knoWS IT’S SO FUCKED IT’S SO FUCKKING FUCKED but 16/21 years like??? v hard 2 get over that??? buT IT’S SO FUCKED. like no hate no discriminate (speaking of no discriminate highkey bi i love wlw) but also “everyone is a sinner and so am i we are living in sin we are going 2 burn it is only a matter of time satan where u @???” so like??? scared and wary??? but also??? fucked.
if u would like 2 plot pls do feel free 2 like this or hmu
and if u actually READ that all then holy shit ur a saint u would make it 2 heaven on rapture day
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