#very excited for the next chapters!!! ❤️❤️❤️✨✨✨
changenameno · 2 months
Wild Ride PART 1
(Complete, link to the second part, ⬇️ down below)
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Having to share a car with your friends Sy and August, you and Walter make do. They won’t catch on, to what you’re doing in the backseat, right?
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Fem. Reader (Sy and August)
Warnings: 18+, cursing, unsafe driving, voyeurism, vaginal fingering, finger-fucking, dirty talk, MDNI (most of the Smut in the second part)
Word count: 1.2 K
A/N: Apparently I’m not able to fit a smutty fic in one chapter, so here we go with two parts, again. But at least it’s complete. Though it’s not proofread, any mistakes are my own. Please be kind, comments/reblogs are much appreciated…Thank you, hope you enjoy!❤️✨

! Neither Nomis, nor Walter Marshall, Syverson or August Walker are my creation!

You weren’t really excited about this wedding. Not that you weren’t happy for the couple. You were.

But you hadn’t had a free weekend alone with Walter in forever, and just missed being close to him. Also very importantly: not having had sex with him, in so, so long either. Ergo being a bit sulky at the fact that you didn’t even get alone-time in the car.


Walter had surprised you yesterday with the news: “ So you know how August has bought that new car?”

Not liking where this was going, you slowly turned to your boyfriend, who was sitting next to you on the couch, “Yes, why?”

“Well we were talking earlier. And came to the conclusion that it would make more sense to car share, as we, him and Sy have to go to the wedding…,” drawing out the end as he caught on to your irritated facial expression. “Erm, that’s alright, is it not?” he added unsure.

You sighed deeply, technically speaking it was a perfect solution. But you really wanted to have some fun with Walter. Knowing it’d take some time getting there, you’d hoped for at least a quicky, in some abandoned parking lot or something. Seeing as you couldn’t do anything now, because Faye had a friend over for the weekend.

“Well yeah, of course that’s alright,” straining to keep your disappointment out of your voice and failing miserably. Walter knew you to well, raising his brow sceptically,” Mhhm yeah riiight, and I’m Cinderella waiting for her first kiss.”

Making your sour face, light up instantly at the mental imagery that statement had created. He smiled softly at you in return, patiently waiting for your explanation. Giggling you admitted,” Okay fine, I’d kinda hoped you and I could have a little time to ourselves….you know?”

It was his turn to sigh, cursing,” Damn. If I’d known you’d be up for that, I wouldn’t have agreed to car share.”

“Oooh, but Mister Marshall, by now you should know with you, I’m always …up…for…that,” you winked teasingly at him.

August had picked up Sy first, because his house lay on the way to yours. When he drove up the driveway, your face fell, as you saw the car. More specifically the completely loaded up car. He rolled down the window greeting you both. ”Morning you two, jump right in.” Sy grinned at you from the passenger seat, waving briefly.
Still gaping at the car, you shook your head, “You’ve got to be kidding, what is that?!” Walter didn’t look too keen either, as August supplied you with; “Ah yeah a friend of mine moved and I hadn’t had time to remove all the boxes yet.”
Irritated, Walter remarked, “All the boxes? August, the whole damn car is packed to the roof! You do realise that there’s only one seat not occupied?”
August smiled slyly then nodded; “Well yeah, but I thought you two love birds could share the seat.” And as if that ended the argument, he just rolled his window up again.
Annoyed you glared at your boyfriend; “I’m not getting into that car! We have to drive at least four hours!” Walter signed, shrugging his shoulders, “I know, but I believe we don’t have much of a choice here.”
Nearly growling you answered,” Oh, I’m so gonna kill him.” The detective simply opened the car door, getting in behind the driver’s seat, waiting for you. Seething you made your way over and into the car. Settling down between Walters thick thighs, as best as you could. If there was a moment to curse your boyfriend’s muscled physique, it was definitely now.
Quite literally feeling completely boxed in, you somehow managed to put a seatbelt on. August gleaming blue eyes landed on yours as he pulled out of the driveway. Looking you up and down, taking in your dark blue dress with small white flowers on it. “You look quite stunning, love.”
You on the other hand, were having none of that, “Oooh, don’t push it.”
Sy ever the gentle intermediary, “I have to agree though, you look stunnin’, sugar.”
You huffed in response, but had to admit that all three men looked dashing themselves in their dark blue tuxedos.
Walter snaked an arm around your waist and rested his other hand on his thigh. Not wanting to argue any further you remained silent, resigning yourself to your fate, being squeezed in for the next four hours.
By now you had sat in idle silence for at least half an hour, while the guys had talked about this and that.

Until Sy turned back, beaming at you,” And what’s that grumpy face all ‘bout? Can’t only be the seating.” Damn, you thought no one would notice, that you’d been grumpy since before they’d picked you up. But of course, Sy being your best friend for god knows how long, would notice.
Trying to lighten up, your lips curled into a soft smile, nonetheless lying through your teeth as you answered,” Nothing really. Just tired I guess.” He didn’t look convinced, but knew better than to push, simply turning back to the front.
Suddenly the arm around your midsection, pulled you even closer. Walter leaned down, lips touching your ear, whispering against it,” You know, you can be quite the brat, when you don’t get what you want.” Lightly shivering due to the lewdness of his comment. Heat spread through your body, breathing back just as softly,” Mmmh, well and whose fault is that?”
The resounding growl he let out, travelled all the way down to your panty-covered cunt, which immediately began quivering with want.
Felling his hot breath when he answered, “Looks like someone needs reminding, of who is in charge.” The hand that had been on his own thigh, slowly slid over to yours, inching up from your knee and under the hem of your dress. Already turned on but at the same time alarmed, you took hold of his hand, before it could travel up any further.
“Wait, wait, what if they see,” you gestured towards the front of the car, where Sy and August still chatted. At that Walter pulled back slightly, straitening up. Disappointment settled deep in your stomach. No, why would he stop?
But Walter had no intention of stopping, he just came up with a plan to distracted his two friends best he could. Mentioning the latest game. He knew that would have them quarrel for hours on end at times. And as always they started arguing right away.
Smiling up at your boyfriend you purred; “That worked like a charm.”
“Yeah. And now, where were we?”, his pupils blown wide, as he knew exactly what would follow.
If you’re interested in being on my taglist, please let me know! And if you want to be taken off (my taglist), feel free to tell me! ❤️✨
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arcadekitten · 10 months
WISHMAKER RE-ANNOUNCEMENT! It's been a while, and since WISHMAKER has changed engines I thought I'd make a new little thread about it! (As well as some fun news near the end so stay tuned!)✨ (Click to read more!)
WISHMAKER was originally planned to be developed in Unity. Luckily I was still very early-in when Unity announced their controversial update. Even though Unity went and changed their changes eventually, I decided in the end that I felt most comfortable changing engines.
WISHMAKER is now being developed in RPGMaker MZ. Despite this, the game is still set to be a third-person point-and-click adventure game, & I can say pretty confidently it looks the part too! Nothing like my past games developed in RPGM!(not that that look is bad!)
While RPGMaker comes with its own limitations, it's also an engine I'm more experienced in. And because of that there's now things I'm excited to do in it that I would have never been able to do in Unity due to my inexperience! Silver linings abound! Most of my time spent in Unity was just trying to learn it, which is not a challenge I have now. I have already been making faster progress with WISHMAKER recently since I don't have the learning curve I did with Unity!
While I'm still not 100% on how releasing chapters will go, it is likely that each chapter of WISHMAKER will be separated into its own RPGMaker game (but all kept in the same space). This would allow chapters to be updated individually in the case of bugs, and also allow me to create each chapter without worrying of things like conflicting plugins/affecting something in an earlier chapter, etc.
Just like my initial announcement, I am a bit nervous announcing it so early in its (re)development. However, you all have been so kind and patient with me and I know you will keep it up and it means the world to me! And because of that...
NEXT SATURDAY I am planning to share a screenshot of the game! Even though this version of the game is still really early in development like I said, it has also been at least 3 months since my initial announcement and I KNOW people are curious, so I wanna give everyone a quick look into what it'll be about! And I'm also SO excited to show you just how much different it looks from the games I've made in the past and while I don't want to be too presumptuous, I have a feeling you're really gonna be excited for it!
With all that said, thank you all SO much for all the support on all my work! Changing engines was scary but you guys still kept patient with me and supported me and it really does mean a lot to me. I'm so excited to show you all I have up my sleeve soon! THANK YOU!❤️
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here2bbtstrash · 22 days
Miss you❤️
i miss you all so much, my goodness 🥹 shall we do a small life update?
partner moved in! my place was small to begin with so it's definitely a little cramped in here now 🥴 but we have our eyes on getting a bigger place when the lease is up. i'm super happy to have him around all the time, just sleeping in the same bed every night and sharing our meals together brings me so much comfort. it's been really wonderful!!
i turned thirty 😳 and honestly it... hasn't been a big deal at all lmao. i feel so excited to be entering this decade. i think i care a lot less about things that ultimately don't matter than i did in my twenties, and i feel a lot more sure about myself and what's important to me! plus i had a super-fun karaoke party with some of my favorite humans 🥰
i've seen so much kpop this summer, and it's not even over yet!!!! txt, itzy, ive, stray kids, ateez, and we have (g)i-dle, kard, and seventeen still to come before the year is through!! the shows have all been AMAZING, and ofc the best part is having friends come into town and getting to experience it together!! (and yes we did see lolla felix in person and no i have not recovered 😵‍💫)
and for the least-fun update..... health news 😔 after a whole bunch of concerning symptoms that were continuing to worsen over the last year, i sought out a specialist and got some tests run and have been diagnosed with ✨endometriosis✨ - and friends, this shit blows. i am on some new meds that we are hoping will help mitigate symptoms so that i don't have to have surgery (for now!), but the adjustment period has not been even a little bit fun, nor have the swirling unknowns about things like fertility or long-term quality of life. it's something i'm trying to give myself space to process and get adjusted to, bc even as someone with long-term mental health issues and adhd, adjusting to a chronic physical illness is a whole nother fucking ballpark. but i'm hopeful for an improvement with these new meds, and very lucky to have the best support system i could ever ask for - y'all know who you are 🫶
unfortunately, because of all these bullet points but particularly the last one, writing has continued to be at a full standstill. i am really hopeful that the inspiration will come back for me when it's ready, but for now i'm allowing myself to be in a different season of life and feel okay with that! i am still counting down the days til our boys come home (i quite literally am on the verge of tears every time i think about how SOON we will have hobi back MY LOOOOOOVE 😭😭😭) and i cannot wait to see what this next chapter brings, for them and for us!!
i hope you're all doing well, would love to hear your own life updates if you feel like sharing!! MWAH 🤍
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rweoutofthewoods · 1 month
Hi mere!! I wanted to tell you that I enjoy your work a lot! I’m excited abt all of your updates. Tennessee baby is my favorite fic!! I was wondering if you could spoil something for us abt what’s gonna happen on the next chapter. I’m dying to see more of Sirius and how he will react when he ✨finds out✨ I know there’s still a long way before that happens but still I’m excited. I’m starving for more of that fic❤️❤️
Yes! Ofc! The next chapter is very Sirius centered actually!
There’s a lot about what regulus remembers of him and when he left. There’s still some time for sure until Sirius figures out but he’s going to become a bit more of a character in the fic! I cannot say much more because idk about the rest of the chap bc I had smut plans but idk if I’ll do it right now bc there has been a lot of smut already 😭 I don’t want it to become pwp.
Tysm mwah!
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e-rated-beardo · 3 months
✨ New fic ✨
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(Just a little guy, climbing around where he shouldn't be)
I've embarked on something overambitious again! 😃 I'm 85k words and 20-ish chapters in on my gdrive - enough to dare to start posting before pride month is over. (trans angel trans angel trANS ANGEL—)
It's a supernatural murder mystery/ineffable husbands romance/love letter to the City of Aberdeen/project to besmirch every building of my alma mater. Crowley and Aziraphale are human (and subtly different from their "regular" selves—but that's for readers to wonder about and characters not to notice, yet) and meet as academics. Cue bickering and romantic tension. Then, someone is found murdered on a summoning circle.
Scorn and the Saint-Maker (rated E, no warnings)
Tags: Murder mystery, Temporarily human, Romance, Smut (some skippable), Demon summoning, Canon universe, Trans Aziraphale 🏳️‍⚧️, Cis Crowley, more tags on AO3
Summary, excerpt and art stuff™️ below the break⤵
Doctor Crowley has turned truancy into an art form, lecturing only under sufferance. Doctor Fell has signed up for his undergraduate course and has no plans to let him slack off. When a faculty member is found dead, our heroes start forming uneasy suspicions. What was the occult symbol drawn next to the body? Why does it feel like they’ve known each other forever? How is Crowley supposed to tell police that he thinks the murderer is a demon he summoned 35 years ago? And what about that statue that’s the spitting image of the victim?
Read the first two chapters on AO3 ➡️
Excerpt from chapter 2:
The bloody man… was… cute. He was cute, and damn him to hell. Anthony Crowley didn’t like cute. He didn’t even like people. Crowley had barely looked twice at another man in a decade. He’d already given that part of himself up as a bad job at about the same time that he abandoned his last attempt at making friends. He just wasn’t a friendly sort—he had too many sharp edges, too little patience, and too much of a penchant for rubbing people the wrong way for sport. But then here came this waistcoated, tartan brolly, sarcastic eyebrow, bitten-back smirk, Doctor-of-Information-Sciences oddity, strolling right into his lecture theatre where he didn’t even want to be, and all of a sudden Anthony J. Crowley, doctor of mathematics and advanced bastardry, found himself improvising a class about the very core of mathematics and trying to sodding impress. It was embarrassing, really.
✨ Art stuff™️ ✨
I wanted to sketch the building whose epic clock tower appears about five sentences into the second chapter (the first is a prologue, so it barely counts), so I found the prettiest reference photo with the most exciting perspective situation I could find. (The second point was a consequence of the first.)
Just look at this bullshit:
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Then, well.
Things went a comfortable amount of overboard about as soon as pencil touched paper
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Isn't she gorgeous, this granite orgy in gothic overkill? 🖤
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Bonus: This fic contains maths (CW?), and there's going to be some blackboard drawings here and there. Here's the first. Gold star (maths nerd star ⭐️) if you can tell me the problem we're discussing without reading first.
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Start reading "Scorn and the Saint-Maker" on AO3 ➡️
ping @goodomensafterdark ❤️ @harlotofupdog, this is the fic where Crowley draws 🍆s on students' homework 😄
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starbeltconstellation · 4 months
Hello again! ✨💕
Here is some more WONDERFUL fanart of my SW OC, Melanie Bains, from my fic, Rewrite the Stars, by the great @fangirlteallie ! 😁❤️💕
The ‘tedikin’ one is my favorite. Hehe. ❤️😊
It is truly such a joy to have an artist so invested in bringing Mel to life. It’s so motivating as an author, and one of the highest compliments we can receive.
Thanks so much again! 💕
Still working on that next chapter. 😭 So sorry, my little reader ducklings. 💔 It’ll be SO worth it when I’m done though. Lots of new Melakin scenes to tide you all over. Hehe. 💓🥰❤️‍🔥
My writing has also just improved a lot as well in general! So I’m very proud of this chapter, and will be so excited to share it with you all when I’m done. 😊💕✨
Until next time! 😜
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novemberthorne · 1 month
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love 💞
Thank you so much for the ask! 💕 What a fun idea! I'd love to share some of my favorites! 🥰
Something Lost, Something Found (90k, rated E)
I've obviously gotta include this one, because wow, what an absolutely amazing experience it was to write and post this and to get to see everyone's thoughts and comments through the whole story!! ❤️
"I'm…" Steve starts, like he's actually about to tell him. Oh God. He's about to tell him. Eddie's staring, and Steve sees how his hand is searching the seat behind himself for the remote, probably to kill the movie, because Steve's being so weird it's making him worried. He sighs again, breath trembling from stress and he buries his face in his hands. Leg still bouncing in place. The TV gets turned off and the room fills with silence, and he hears Eddie shuffling around next to him. "Steve—" "I have a pussy now."
The Train Fic (23k, rated E)
This story was written as a birthday gift for my beloved partner ❤️ I worked on it for every single day for over two months. I was completely immersed in it, and despite the experience being very different than most my other fics, it's one of my favorite writing experiences ✨ever!✨
“Just… hang out together on the train?” Steve asks to clarify, because it was a strange idea. "Yeah. Let's indulge in a little escapism together, and I'll show you what the journey is all about. Okay?" Steve feels baffled. “Are you… high?” Eddie just laughs. “No, that’s not—” “Your thing?” “Exactly. Clever boy.” And Steve might just be the most naive guy on the planet, but he believes him. “It’s your choice, though. Trust your gut, alright?” “Right,” Steve says carefully, looking at Eddie with a careful look. At least he doesn’t look offended by Steve’s blatant hesitation. “It’s not a no, I’m just…” Eddie leans in a little, and he gives Steve’s arm a friendly nudge. “You don’t have to make excuses or explanations for being cautious, Steve. Think about it over the day, okay? You know where to find me.”
Who Embraces The Monsters (10k, rated M)
I love monster stories, and for some strange reason, this is the only one I've ever written! I need to change that...
"I'll never fucking forget you," Steve tells Eddie genuinely, letting himself feel all those vulnerable things he usually just swallows down. Eddie just looks. The black ink under his skin has spread into his face, and it's pulsing, shifting under the surface, moving like a living thing. It's seeped into his eyes, black bleeding into the white of them and starting to take over. Then Eddie smiles, and it's a monster's smile. "Go," he just says. And despite every cell in his body rioting against it, Steve leaves.
All I Do Is Want (11k, rated E)
The first fic I ever posted in the fandom 💕 and it got such a beautiful reception, it definitely sealed the deal for me to keep going!
"Eddie," he says quietly, because he doesn't trust his voice not to break right now. "Mhmm?" "Maybe we shouldn't. Tonight." He says carefully, and despite himself he shifts his hips back, depriving them both of the contact. It felt so nice, and he wants it so bad, but he thinks it would be a bad idea to have sex here. At least right now.
Secret Smile, Wistful Eyes (30k, rated M)
This fic was such an educational writing experience for me, and also such a personal, emotional journey. It was also my first chaptered fic I ever posted, very exciting!
"Seriously? You never even, like, suspected it?" "No?" Eddie says, feeling kind of like he's floating, maybe even dreaming. He's usually good at subtext, he can read between lines well enough to confidently put most things together. But this was something else entirely, another thing that would rock his entire understanding of the world, surreal to the point where he knows it's not actually going to sink in until Steve says it out loud.
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favorvn · 1 year
Hiiii! How are You?! When can we see the next chapter of Favor come out? I am super excited!!!!!! Did You got a Release date for that? I saw the extra scene when Z appears in Binary Star Hero! That was awesome!!! Did Z can broker the fourth wall in the Game?! SO MANY CUESTIONS FOR U, FUCK!! I WANT TO SEE Z AGAIN!!! 🫣❤️🦇✨😵‍💫🕸️🧛
Hi! I don't have a time estimate of when the next ep of Favor will be ready 🥰 but I am working very hard to make it happen!
I thought Z would be a nice little easter egg for people who were able to 100% BSH 💕 just a silly little thing~
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arc852 · 2 months
you have been really inspirational to me! I even started to dabble in writing (even tho I’m not very good lol) and I always look forward to reading your stories! I’m so excited for the next chapter in the BBBCAU ✨ (but take all the time you need ❤️)
-✨🔭 anon
Aww yay! That makes me so happy, knowing I've inspired you to write! And none of that negative talk now, cause all that does is stop you from writing. You gotta tell yourself it's good, because I'm sure it is, and over time you'll just get better and better!
Also, thank you! Hopefully the next chapter of First Meetings will be done soon, I'm still having a hard time figuring out how I want to write it, but it's getting there.
I know! Just for you, here is a little sneak peek!
 The humans had appeared to pause for a second as soon as Jimmy disappeared underneath the bed. “Was that some sort of mouse?” Joel asked, though his unsure tone was enough to tell that he already knew the answer to that question was a resounding no. Still, Grian answered.
 “That was definitely not a mouse.” Grian said, breaths slightly heavy at the sudden excitement. “It…It looked like a tiny person.”
 “Okay, so I wasn’t just seeing things then. Good to know.” Joel said. “A tiny person…”
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the-lonelybarricade · 11 months
I love Queens of Thieves. It’s such a beautiful story and I find myself rereading it often. It is a masterpiece.✨❤️. When are u going to update again I am so excited😍💜
Thank you!! I'm so glad that you're enjoying Queen of Thieves, I've been having a lot of fun writing it and I'm very excited for what's to come! 🥰
As for when I'll be updating it, I don't know! I have a lot of WIPs and I try to play a balancing act between what's gone the longest without an update, what I feel motivated to write, and what my readers seem to be interested in reading. I recently did a poll on what I should update next (here) and my Elucien fic A Blaze in the Dark won, so that's what I'm working on right now!
Chapters can take me a long time to write since I do this in my spare time, so I really appreciate everyone's patience with updates! If you're new here and looking for something to read, you might consider one of the Feysand stories I've already completed like As the River Flows or Darling, Let's Run.
There are also a lot of other talented writers in the fandom with fully completed stories that I would recommend checking out! I have a list of feysand recommendations that you can find here. I only ask that if you read something that you found on one of my recommendation lists, that you leave the author a nice comment 💕
Happy reading!
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halfagone · 9 months
✨ An Outlook on Fics into 2024 ✨
For my own peace of mind, I try not to keep an update schedule since life tends to be unpredictable and I will give myself a hard time if I miss a 'deadline'. However, there are a number of projects that I'm looking forward to updating or uploading in the new year.
I'm mainly looking to post more updates for my multi-chapter fics. In 2023, especially at the end, I posted a lot of one-shots so I could make my goal of 100 DPxDC fics (which I did, yay!!) but I want a little change of pace this year.
lex luthor's ascent updates
We have 57 chapters left for lex luthor's ascent from supervillainy to fatherhood. Obviously if I posted one chapter a week, I still wouldn't be able to finish in the next year. These past couple updates have also been averaging at 10k per chapter, which makes it much harder to post quickly and consistently. However, this means we have a very exciting opportunity to possible reach 1 million words by the time this fic is finished!
Off With [the Demon's] Head updates
I am hoping to post more for Off With [the Demon's] Head. For a while I was very burnt out from the idea, as I had fallen out of love with the Ghost King concept for a very long time. I was also struggling to write Dad!Danny when I wanted so desperately to write Ellie as her own person, but it's much harder to give her independence when she's eight years old to Danny's seventeen.
Nonetheless, I gave the fic a look and I decided that there is a way I could finish this with an exciting ending. Exciting for me, or exciting for you, we'll have to see. lol This also means I won't have to rewrite the fic like I had originally worried! I have yet to update the chapter count, but I am very pleased (and a little exasperated) to say that we're looking at a projected 75 chapters in total. Which leaves us with 60 chapters left of this fic.
bloodlines updates
Another long one, bloodlines is going to take a very long time to finish. I have pretty much the entire fic planned out, but with all my other fic updates, it might take some time to write/post. We're looking anywhere from 30-50 chapters for this fic, however. Depending on how much plot I can squeeze into each update. At the moment I have no plans to confirm the chapter total.
🎉 Surprises! 🎉
I have many more updates planned, but for now I'll keep those secrets close to my chest. I hope you all will enjoy whatever may come in store with this coming new year! Thank you so much for all your support and following along with me on this wild, wild journey.
May y'all have a wonderful end to 2023, and happy reading. ❤️✨
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brightoakgame · 1 year
Irregular Monday Update, Edition 13
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Woo, it has been an August, hasn't it??
This update is going to be a bit more freeform than usual, since quite frankly, progress has been a little arrested this last month: what was meant to be a week's break to spend time on real life commitments spiraled, thanks in no small part to the fact that after avoiding it for years, covid finally caught up to my family and boy, is it hot garbage.
That said, I do have three major updates to share:
Steam and I have worked out our differences, and the demo will be posting there soon! I will let you all know as soon as it is up and can be wishlisted; the plan is to swap in some of the new assets so it is a little more polished than the 1.0 version, too. ✨
After serious consideration, I have decided to push back my projected window for full release a little bit, and now anticipate Bright Oak will be out in its entirety at the beginning of next year (2024). It's not a big move back, but I do want to apologize for any disappointment this causes! 💕 I made this decision in large part because I was feeling a little burned out by the breakneck pace I'd set myself, and I don't want to feel I have to rush through any part of the upcoming sections-- but also because...
I've decided to participate in the 2023 Spooktober Game Jam! This will be my first game jam experience, so I wanted to be sure to have a clear slate for September in preparation. 🎃 I've missed writing ever since finishing the script for Bright Oak, and this gives me a very, very different sandbox to play in for a little bit before recommitting to my main squeeze. I'll post more about that (shorter, spookier, dark fairytale) project as things progress, but for now will only add that I am extremely excited to be working with the group I am - my true-blue and talented art partner and friend, @remnantation, included among them!
I think that's about it for now-- backgrounds, coding, and cgs are all still in process, just moving a little more slowly than they had been. Lastly, if you're looking for a new game, may I recommend both the newly-released first chapter of The Summit Library by @qkayoostudio, as well as Crushed by @hummingbird-games? That's how I plan to spend the next few days! ❤️
Stay safe and well,
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rataticaisdreaming · 1 year
Pawton played chapter 2 of Sally Face today! can you guess who wasn't normal about it? 💙✨ enjoy my favorite moments in the order they happened!
not him starting by saying: "excuse me, a little frog in my throat, a little Lilypadton in my throat!" 🐸
his favorite way to say hello is: "hewwo!" 🥺 baby...
wise words i live by: "when in doubt, deny it out"
"Logan is the puzzle man, he should be playing this game" i would love to see a Logan gaming livestream!
Janus taught Patton that "moi" means "Patton" in french 💀
Pat being excited at seeing a mustached man "look at that little Remus in the corner!" 💚
Patton being thankful Kenny censored himself. according to him, if you play games with Roman or Virge, you don't have to care about cursing. only with Pat you shouldn't curse, which is a sweet thing to remember <3
it was extremely nice to hear Patton say that the bad things that happened in your childhood weren't your fault 🥺💙✨
Virgil or Logan always look around for security cameras, because "they are watching us", every time they go out. dad wasn't sure who exactly does it, probably both.
Kenny, stuffie Patton and Patton headbanging to Sanity's Fall gives me life!
"we found our Virgil", Patton says as he talks to an old woman who is wishing for death to take her already 💀
Logan and Patton agree that David Tennant is always a treasure to have! Logan probably loved him as the tenth doctor in Doctor Who and Patton loved season 2 of Good Omens <3
"dark misunderstood individual" was Patton's view on Virgil when he first met him, he was fascinated by the purp man 💜
"i'm a gaming dad! :D" him 🥺💙✨
"for frick's sake! i'm very angry right now >:(" look at this puppy failing to express anger.
Patton always makes sure Thomas gets a cookie! 💙🌈
the things that Patton does with each side: he loves cooking with Logan 💙 watching YouTube with Virgil 💜 playing roleplay games with Roman ❤️ enjoying quiet times with Janus 💛 and he doesn't hang out with Remus that much 💚
the flinching and hiding behind his hands with each jumpscare broke my heart! 😭💔
"God doesn't care about us," Patton immediately covers his mouth horrified that he had to read that in-game line.
"i can't do this, i can't..." he was covering the screen with his hand, not wanting to watch a heavy scene. while he was laughing at himself for saying dark things he never gets the chance to say, he was genuinely distressed with the heavy stuff :(
"do you want your therapy plushie?" asks Kenny, giving Patton a Winnie the Pooh pillow plushie to hug and feel better after such a wild experience 🧸💙
this was such a sweet experience and i'm looking forward to the next chapters of Sally Face! can't wait for Pat to play the insanity that is chapter 5 ✨
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cyren-myadd · 7 months
I love all your fanfics ❤️❤️❤️
Can we get a snippet of The Next Chapter of Blood Is Thicker than Water?
I don't know how I went from updating this fic with super long chapters weekly to struggling to update once a month 😭 the motivation ✨evaporated✨
It makes me really happy to know people are still excited to keep reading it though 💙💙💙
BITTW is NOT abandoned, I'm just going through a creative rough patch, I promise I am still working on it, just very slowly.
Here's a snippet of what i have so far:
The city was a very different jungle than the one he’d been raised in. It didn’t take long before he was hopelessly lost in the unforgiving urban sprawl. All he had was a wad of cash in his pocket and the adrenalin in his veins.
Eventually, Spider decided running around the city in a blind panic wouldn’t get him anywhere, and he sat down at a small but fancy-looking restaurant to try and come up with some kind of plan. He closed his eyes and forced himself to take deep breaths in an attempt to calm himself. It was nearly impossible with the knowledge that Quaritch was out there hunting him down at that moment. Not for the first time, Spider thanked Eywa that he hadn’t had an asthma attack since his Uniltaron. 
“Excuse me?” A side voice made Spider flinch and look up to see a frumpy-looking waiter standing by the table.
“You haven’t ordered anything. You need to order something before you can sit down.” The waiter pointed inside the cafe where a line of consumers stood waiting to purchase an overpriced coffee or unnutritional pastry.
Spider felt for the wad of cash, but decided against buying anything. He wasn’t sure how much money the doctor had given him, but even if it was a lot, he didn’t want to waste a single cent on anything other than getting the hell out of the city.
“I’m not planning on buying anything. I’m just catching my breath.”
The waiter’s nose wrinkled disapprovingly. “Then you need to leave.”
“But why?”
“We don’t allow… loiterers.”
Spider wasn’t exactly sure what a “loiterer” was, but the waiter said it like a dirty word. He narrowed his eyes at the man. “Listen, dude. I’m not bothering anybody. There’s plenty of room. I’m just gonna sit for a few minutes, then I’ll leave.”
“Do I need to call the police?”
The threat sent a thrill of panic through Spider’s body. He still had a concussion from the last time someone called the “police” on him. “What? But I’m not doing anything! I’m just sitting here!” He cried, throwing his hands up in bewildered anger.
“You are trespassing on commercial property. Either leave or you will be escorted out.”
Spider stood bolt upright with a snarl and grabbed the waiter by the front of his stupid frumpy uniform. “I’m just sitting here! What the hell is your problem?”
The waiter let out a squeal like a stuck pig, and suddenly, half the restaurant was staring at them— staring at him, with fear in their eyes. What the hell was he doing? Sure, the waiter was a prick, but that was no reason to get physical. This was the second time he’d been aggressive with someone that day. Spider released the waiter’s uniform like it burned.
“I— I’m sorry, I don’t know why I—“ he stammered while the waiter retreated like he was diseased. Every eye in the restaurant was on him now, watching him warily like he was an unpredictable wild animal. To his horror, several people already had their phones out, some recording, others making phone calls, most likely to the police.
He remembered when Quaritch had told him that everyone in the city worked for the RDA, which meant that they might as well have worked for him. It would only be a matter of time before this got back to Quaritch.
Spider turned and ran.
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starbeltconstellation · 4 months
Ahhhh, I'm so excited! 😁❤️✨ Someone else made some fanart for my Anakin x OC Fic, Rewrite the Stars!
I wanted to share it here, because it makes me so happy to see my OC come to life, and to know how many people love and relate to her. 🥹
Thank you so very much again, @fangirlteallie ! ✨❤️
And to all those wondering: yes, I’m still working on the next chapter. 😭 Just bear with me guysss. It’s so long, but it’ll be SO worth it when it’s done. I’m not making any promises… but MAYBE new chapter drop next weekend? 👀
We shall see. Lol. 😁😂💕
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aphroditestummyrolls · 9 months
🎉 end of year questions 🎉
Sorry I’m a little late to this! Tagged by @genyathefirebird ! Thank you so much for thinking of me 🥹 happy new year!
Tagging: @kezzzx, @jazzythursday, @maddielle and @non-un-topo only if you want to, no pressure!
What is your favourite thing you created?
That’s a tough one! I think this is the first year where I’ve been pretty consistently pretty happy with my writing— even if I have my days where I second guess myself. As far as completed fics, I think I’d have to pick Only Way Out (is through), and the ultimate favourite? Gotta be Time for a Spare Prayer! My beloved!
Which work are you proudest of?
Keep You Safe! My first completed fic in so so long. The story that got me into the grishaverse fandom, got me a little obsessed with Colm Fahey, and reminded me that not only do I love writing, but that I’m even kinda good at it!
Is there anything you are proud of that you achieved this year?
This… feels like the same question, but I’m definitely proud of my tenacity to finish stories this year. I’m sorry I’m slow sometimes, but you WILL be getting new chapters of Spare Prayer and BHaD soon! The engagement series WILL continue! I’ve gotten pretty good at wiggling my way out of writers block, and keeping up the interest in my longer term projects. And that makes me feel so much more creatively liberated!
Did you explore anything new this year? (A new way to be creative, a trope you didn’t write before, or an idea you hadn’t thought of earlier, etc.)
It’s less of a new trope I’d never written, and more of a return to an old trope that I love— ✨secret reveals✨ it’s something that never quite suited the old guard, in my opinion. But Jesper Fahey and his big secret from his da??? Wylan Van Eck and his big secret??? AH. So juicy. So fun.
Which work gave you the most difficulty?
Between Hope and Desperation is, for some reason, the story that my perfectionism is really latching onto. It’s making it so difficult to move forward. Every time I write, it feels SO wrong, unless I get it PERFECTLY right.
Yknow, perfection? That totally attainable goal? 😅
What was your biggest creative challenge this year?
Overcoming perfectionism! And just posting!
Which work brought you the most joy?
Ooooo. Probably Only Way Out. The regular posting schedule, the pleasant surprise of looking back on things I wasn’t sure I liked and finding that things I was stuck on the night before were just what the chapter needed in the light of day.
It was really invigorating, and I wish the feeling was more consistent.
Which of your works do you think people should check out?
All of them! Really, just look over my AO3 and pick whatever suits you. My personal recommendations are Only Way Out (is through), and Keep You Safe. ❤️ and Time for a Spare Prayer, if you’re alright with WIPs.
Do you have creative plans for next year? Is there anything exciting you’re currently working on?
I’m still up to my eyeballs in BHaD, but while those chapters are long, there aren’t that many of them left! Spare Prayer is also a long term project, but the new and exciting thing is the new engagement series stories in the works— the proposal! A 5 +1 format! Stirring the pot and suffering under the judgement of the Council in equal measure! And of course, a very dramatic wedding 👀 I’m SO looking forward to it.
Lastly, any words of wisdom or anything else you would like to share?
Just post it. It’s never going to be exactly what you want it to be— just let the characters talk to you, write it all down, give it a reread and an edit, and post it.
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