#very docile friendly sweet and affectionate cats
widowmaker · 15 days
to first time cat owners: please do NOT get a bengal
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kandyshoppe · 1 month
So! I’m going to school to (hopefully) become a farm vet, and I also enjoy those hybrid Aus, SO! Farm Hybrid Au! (Or just farm au!)
Riddle: a rooster, specifically a red cornish. Cornish are known to be a bit aggressive, and finicky. I think he would have been a neglected chick and didn’t get to the full size, instead staying kinda small instead of becoming big like other Cornish.
Trey: Highlander cow, soft, sweet babys! They’re just happy to be here, and are stocky tough cattle. Their coats are double coated, so they can get matted but it’s rare with a proper diet and care.
Cater: a part indoor part outdoor cat, a beautiful orange tabby mix, who goes through moods of cuddle monster and hates everyone. Never a hiss from him, but a grumpy huff and he trots away.
Deuce: mastiff, a guard/live stock guardian dog breed. Big, aggressive to strangers, but love bugs once they get to know you. Specifically a Pyrenean mastiff, they’re polish, and suited for cold weather best.
Ace: definitely a Nubian goat, head strong, rebellious, LOUD, but they’re not aggressive! They’re actually very friendly, to their detriment since they will try to befriend predators!
Leona: farm cat, probably a Maine coon mix, cause he’s so big and fluffy! Maine coons are also very “dog like” and can learn tricks, to play fetch etc. They also tend to have a resting mad face, which Leona seems to have sometimes!
Ruggie: a stray dog that helps hunt vermin on the farm. I feel he wondered up once, and made sure to avoid the live stock (and their guard dogs) and got some rats or something. He doesn’t live on the farm by nearby in the woods with his pack of strays (including granny!)
Jack: another guard dog! Anatolian Shepard, a middle eastern breed suited for colder climates, and lovingly called “nanny dogs” and they will happily let goats jump on them. They’re a bit dominant, preferring to do their own thing vs what others say though.
Azul: cull duck! They’re a bit noisy, enjoying the sound of their own voice. They’re the white ones most people think of for ducks, small and fairly friendly but they do enjoy nibbling to show affection…
Jade: runner duck! They can’t fly, but enjoy scrabbling among rocks to find grubs, or in Jade’s case, mushrooms! They don’t waddle either! They run! They’re not as friendly as other duck breeds, being stand off-ish sometimes.
Floyd: just like his brother, a runner duck. He lives up to the runner in his name! Prances around, and enjoys tormenting the other animals on the farm. Someone stop him! Sneaks up on others and nips their feet. Has been kicked before, it didn’t stop him.
Kalim: brown Swiss, in the top three cattle breeds! They’re known for being fairly docile, calm and friendly. They’re very affectionate, and can get upset when not given affection from their handlers! This boy is BEGGING for ear scritches!
Jamil: Brahman bull, he can get aggressive much easier than Kalim. He’s also a very intelligent boy, as his breed usually is. But they’re also known to be shy, preferring to be alone or with a specific quiet few vs a large herd! Brahmans also are sensitive to the cold, so his hoodie is a need!
Vil: a jersey cow (my favorite!) they’re so pretty, but also the divas of milking cows. But it’s worth it for their thick, buttery and fatty milk! They’re also very curious, choosing to follow new comers vs hiding. They’re very social, but sassy things!
Rook: a trained hawk! (I’ve never seen a trained hawk around chickens but he is!) he was found as a baby and ended up bonding with the farmer I bet, so now he protects the others from birds, and more sneaky attacks! He enjoys sitting with Vil, a strange pair but it works.
Epel: a Southdown sheep, also known as “baby dolls” cause they’re so little and cute! He’s still a ram though, and hates being called cute! Head butts at will! Is mad that Vil has chosen him as their “calf” and follows him around, keeping him out of trouble. Vil’s no fun.
Idia: a British soay sheep, but he’s got a genetic mutation that makes him a deep blue instead of a dark brown. British soay are shy and flighty, they’re timid even among sheep breeds! Idia probably struggles with joining herds because of his color, which makes him more nervous about predators!
Ortho: à shetland sheep, another smaller breed, but quite friendly and inquisitive (which is rare among sheep, I’m sorry they’re dumb) Don’t let his size fool you though! Shetlands are one of the hardiest breeds out there! Small but mighty!
Malleus: a big black shire horse, now I don’t know as much about horses, but shires are docile and friendly draft horses! I bet cause of his size though, many of the other farm animals avoid him cause he’s scary. Shires are sometimes used for riding, and I bet he REALLY enjoys riding!
Lilia: a fell pony! They’re one of the smartest ponies, and while they can be finicky at times because of their intelligence, they are sweet ponies. He’s too intelligent for his own good I bet, enjoying to open the gates and wander out, but doesn’t close it and now EVERYONE is out and about!
Silver: an Icelandic horse (my brother’s favorite), they’re super sweet and hardworking sweethearts, with a beautiful grey coat! One of the friendliest horse breeds in the world, he’s just a big old love bug! Loves rolling around and laying in a nice patch of grass I bet.
Sebek: a shetland pony, but he’s one of the ones who give shetlands a bad rap. He’s nippy, and stubborn, and loves to whiney whenever he can! Likes the sound of his own voice. Is entranced with Malleus, and wants to be a big horse like him one day!
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lucy-the-demon · 8 months
Sdv characters as cat breeds
Sebastian: long hair black cat (not a persian cat, his snout would stick out like the average cat) ( no breed in specific, but it's obvious hes a black cat)
Sam: a orange Maine coon, id say for long luxurious mane on the cat that could represent his mullet, and you know how orange cats be, they a little goofy. Maine coons are big cats but gentle giants, they look a little intimidating but they're so sweet and loving cats.
Shane: russian blue x British shorthair, they usually have an independent streak but are loyal to the people they care about for the British shorthair side but for the Russian blue side they're sensitive but intelligent and devoted. But like all cats, he can be feisty ( the Russian blue for the blue tent, you can never forget the blue color)
Harvey: a sphinx, the most hypoallergenic cat, highly intelligent and affectionate, just imagine a cat Harvey wearing a cat sweater in cold weather. Some will say they're ugly, but some think they're cute and goofy looking.
Elliott: a ragamuffin, for the long thick fur, they're friendly, affectionate, people oriented, and docile, orange fur of course for his hair color. Very gorgeous cats, and Elliott does seem like the type to care about his looks.
Alex: a Bengal cat, they're sweet and loving but are very active cats, they like to move a lot. High energy cats, with a constant need for activity.
Have fun with this one guys
I'll make a version of the bachelorettes later.
I love cats and sdv, i know both of these topics quite well
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animala2z · 2 years
Selkirk Rex: Height, Weight, Lifespan, Personality, Special Information & More…
A medium to large cat, the Selkirk Rex‘s build shares traits with other cats in the “rex” class, which refers to breeds that carry a genetic mutation for curly or wavy hair, such as the Devon Rex or Cornish Rex. She is solid like a Cornish and strong like a Devon, but the Selkirk’s body is stockier than these slender, elfish cats, and her face is round rather than narrow with ears.
According to The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA), her legs, especially the legs, tend to give her the appearance of a curly British Shorthair, but she is definitely her own breed.
The Selkirk Rex is famous for her soft, curly hair that has earned her the nickname “the cat in sheep’s clothing”. His loose, flowing curls and curly mustache are present at birth. The curly-haired gene is dominant, but not all Selkirks are born with these ringlets. Some have straight hair. Long-haired Selkirks have long ringlets, while short-haired Selkirks have short, tight curls. Her “teddy-bear” physical characteristics make her the perfect choice for pet parents looking for a fun-loving and cuddly friend.
What the Selkirk Rex cat breed has in common with its Rex relatives is its lively, energetic, and friendly nature. She has a lively personality and is patient with youngsters as well as dogs (as long as they return the love), making her a great addition to a family with children and other pets.
Origin: United States
Height: 9–11 inches
Weight: 6–16 pounds
Length: Up to 30 inches
Lifespan: 15–20 years
Colors: Selkirks come in all colors and coat patterns.
Selkirk Rex Breed Characteristics:
Curly-coated cats occasionally come along as the result of a spontaneous genetic mutation. The tolerant and gentle Selkirk Rex is one such breed, developed in 1987 from a curly-coated cat found in a shelter.
It takes its name from the nearby Selkirk Mountains. Selkirk Rex are docile and sociable. He is affectionate and loves to cuddle, making him a good choice for families with older children, other pets, or frequent guests. Assuming he was well socialized as a kitten, he can be a good traveler and make an excellent therapy cat.
The Selkirk is by no means a couch potato, but it is more comfortable to live with than a Cornish or Devon Rex.
All three rex breeds share the same curly coat, but the body type and personality of the Selkirk are very different from that of the Cornish and Devon rex. Persian, Exotic Shorthair, and British Shorthair were used to develop it, it has a round head, round eyes, a heavy, muscular body, and a sweet, calm personality.
This is a medium-sized big cat weighing six to 16 pounds, with females on the smaller side. Selkirk racks come in many colors and patterns, including pointed ones. The coat can be short-haired or long-haired. Selkirk Rexes typically live 13 or more years.
Which Types of Allergies for This Breed?
You may have heard that the Selkirk Rex coat is hypoallergenic due to its texture, but that is not true. Allergies aren’t caused by any particular type of coat but by dander, the dead skin cells that are shed by all cats (and people, for that matter). There is no scientific evidence that any breed or crossbreed is more or less allergenic than other cats.
Some people with allergies react less strongly to certain cats, but no reputable breeder will guarantee that his cats are hypoallergenic.
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History About Selkirk Rex:
Making its first appearance in Montana in 1987, the Selkirk cat breed (named after the original breeder’s stepfather) is a relatively new breed, but it didn’t take long for cat organizations and pet lovers to take notice.
Selkirk Rex curls are the result of a natural mutation found in the litter of kittens produced by a blue tortoiseshell cat and a white cat.
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shadowqueen402 · 2 years
What type of cats the characters would get if they could have one
Balan: Maine Coon (Nicknamed the Gentle Giants, these cats are the largest house cats with friendly personalities. Plus, they thrive well with children and other pets.)
Lance: Persian (Despite being gentle and sweet, these cats are discriminating in their affection, meaning they will only give it to those they love and trust. They also command an air of royalty.)
Leo Craig: Scottish Fold (This cat breed is affectionate and really playful. They dislike loneliness and can be stubborn too.)
Emma Cole: Abyssinian (These cats are loyal, playful, and extroverted. Plus, they are really intelligent. That said, these cats have their quiet moments.)
Jose Gallard: Ragdoll (Gentle, quiet, and docile, these cats are really laid-back. They are also affectionate and a great choice for those that are getting a cat for the first time.)
Fiona Demetria: Turkish Angora (This cat breed is playful, intelligent, athletic, and are protective of their selected companion. This breed also likes to swim in water.)
Yuri Brand: Himalayan (Unlike their Siamese parent, these cats are quiet. But they are lovable and do have an energetic streak.)
Haoyu Chang: Birman (Just like Haoyu, this cat breed is laid-back. This breed also is friendly, gentle, and curious about everything.)
Sana Hudson: Egyptian Mau (These cats are the fastest domesticated cat. Plus, they are one of the best guard cats. Also affectionate and friendly.)
Cass Milligan: American Shorthair (Affectionate with owners and social with strangers, these cats are low-maintenance. They also come in a variety of colors.)
Cal Suresh: Bengal (Energetic and playful, this cat breed is really intelligent just like Cal himself. Plus, they're known for retrieving items and to enjoy playing in water.)
Iben Bia: Russian Blue (These cats are curious and tranquil. Quiet and sensitive to human emotions. Develops deep bonds to those they love, but are distant to strangers. They do not like change at all.)
Attilio Caccini: Siamese (Social, playful, and very chatty. This cat breed loves attention and is affectionate. They are often described as 'dog-like'.)
Lucy Wong: Oriental Shorthair (Like its Siamese parent, this cat breed is talkative. Plus, they are social and intelligent, just like Lucy herself in the novel. Very affectionate too.)
Eis Glover: Burmese (These cats are very affectionate and like to cling on their pet parents. But they aren't inclined to tolerate threats, so they're rather protective.)
Bruce Stone: Bombay (These cats are highly social and get highly attached to their owners. They always crave for attention. Plus, like Bruce, they are good with children.)
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catsofcalifornia · 3 years
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Berlioz AKA Bear and Figaro AKA Fig from Animal Rescuers Without Borders in San Diego, California
Click here for more information about adoption and other ways to help (as well as many, many videos of Bear and Fig)!
Berlioz is a very sweet, docile, young teen boy who was rescued by a local Baja citizen who would feed this young kitten who occasionally would visit in the evening. He was very hesitant of people, but, with time, he started to trust his feeder. After some time, he was able to pick him up and keep him at the vet clinic to board him while he requested help to place him up for adoption. He is such a handsome young boy.
When he was at our cat adoption center, our volunteers had gotten to know him and always commented about how sweet and affectionate he is. One of our volunteers recently shared just how much he loves being brushed on the top of his head..a pathway to his heart! His very best friend when at our adoption center and now in his foster home together is young female teen named Figaro. Foster update 6/27: Bear (his nickname) loves to be rubbed and meet new people. He has been introduced to multiple dogs and he does very well with them as soon as he knows they won’t hurt him. He has done well meeting many new people and letting them pet him. Figaro (Aka Fig) is his best friend (who he would love to go to a home with) but he would do well going to a house with another friendly cat, as well. He is not a huge cuddler (unless it’s Fig) but as soon as he sees you walk up, he starts purring and rolls on to his back for belly rubs. Foster update: 5/21: Bear is a very sweet cat, but he needs to get used to your presence/you reaching to pet him. He does not like sudden movements to be petted, but if you get down on his level and let him come to you, he is a purr monster and does not want you to stop petting him.! After a few days of letting him come to us, he now lets us reach out for rubs because he knows he’s going to love it. Bear loves to play with his foster sister and best friend Figaro (who we call Fig) and his foster brother Monty (our own cat). All three play for hours running up and down the stairs, playing with toys (especially feather toys) and sneak attacking each other. Bear is very good motivated, once he hears the bag he goes running up the stairs, so his food intake will need to monitored. Bear would do best going to a home with Figaro or another adult cat who matches his personality. He immediately loved our male cat so there is no problem with him going to a house that already has a male cat. 
Figaro was rescued off the streets in early February. She is such a very sweet, affectionate, playful young teen.Her best friend is Berlioz and they enjoy spending time together. This sweet girl will make a wonderful family member  and cannot wait to find her forever home! She is currently in a foster home, along with her BFF, Berlioz, who she was with her in our cat adoption center, the foster family's cat, and a rabbit.
Foster update:  6/27: Fig (her nickname) loves to be carried in the morning like a baby and purr and rest her head on your shoulder. She is a very small and very cute cat. She is very playful especially with her best friend Berlioz (aka Bear). She loves to cuddle, sleep & play, as well as attack with Bear. She does very well with dogs as soon as she knows they won’t hurt her. She would do best going to a home with Berlioz and/or another friendly cat. Foster update: 5/21:
Figaro:  Fig is the sweetest cat; she loves to rub on your legs and beg you for rubs. She loves attention, from humans or other kitties. Once you start petting her she doesn’t stop purring. Although she’s not a huge lap cat on her own, once you pick her up, she does like to be cuddled. Fig loves her foster brothers, Monty (our cat) and her best friend Berlioz (we call him Bear.) All three play for hours running up and down the stairs, playing with toys (especially feather toys) and sneak attacking each other. Fig loves food but she’s not super motivated if she’s in the middle of playing. She would do best going to a home with Bear or another cat who matches her personality.
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ice-cream-nekogirl · 5 years
Headcanons with Class 1-A’s classmate having a Wolf-Dog
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(Yes Game of Thrones inspired me for this one! And you can name your wolf-dog whatever you want!! :3)
Your quirk is Animal Mimicry, which means you can copy the abilities of any animal you want, but you have to actually know the animal’s abilities in order to properly copy their abilities.
Which is what enabled your parents to buy you a pet that would aid and protect you the most.
So they were crazy enough to get you a wolf-dog. But the little pup took to you really quick and instantly became your loyal companion after some training and getting her house-broken.
At first it was a challenge, but your quirk gave you a connection to animals so it was somewhat easier to train the hybrid.
You fondly named your wolf-dog (Dog’s Name of Your Choice).
A lot of people became a bit alarmed though since your beloved animal grew very large and somewhat imposing since she was your height when you got on your knees.
After some training, she became your partner in your goal to be a hero as you believed that animals can be just as heroic, if not more heroic than humans with quirks.
Plus she’s there for you in case you feel sad, anxious or stressed out about anything as she’s also there to provide emotional support and therapeutic benefit.
Since she is very fast and strong, you could become as fast and strong as a wolf-dog, even gaining their speed, jaw strength and even growing claws sharp enough to destroy the robots in the entrance exam and landed you a spot in Class 1-A.
Aizawa is NOT crazy about the idea of having a huge animal (especially a dog) in his classroom, but because you filled out the paperwork he has no choice but to let the animal stay in his class as an honorary hero in training.
·At first her size does intimidate some of your classmates since she looks like a wild wolf that could tear their flesh out if she wanted to, but her friendliness put their worries at ease.
· But she gives a smell test and smells every one of your classmates, which was a bit awkward at times.
·It was okay when she was just smelling their legs or their arms, but it got extremely awkward when she would smell the crotch area. Especially for poor Todoroki, Yaoyorozu and Bakugou and all three of them were quite flustered
The latter reacted with much more indignation than the former two, but you thought it was hilarious and said it was his fault for being sweaty...
·Awkwardness aside, many of your classmates, especially Kirishima, Uraraka and Kouda are ecstatic to have a fluffy, sweet and large doggy in their class everyday. And because (Dog’s Name) is friendly, she is more than happy to be pet by your classmates, and you’re perfectly fine with letting your friends pet her as much as they want.
Kirishima and Kouda tend to abuse that policy though because (Dog’s Name) loves them both and often demands them to pet her even during a class session…
(Dog’s Name) absolutely adores Midoriya though, and often flusters the boy by licking him the most even in class and at times just shows up to lick him during the most random times.
As a result, she is not favored by Bakugou, but (Dog’s Name) likes the way he smells and often sniffs him or tries to lick him, but Lord Explosion Murder isn’t having it.
“Get the hell away from me you oversized mutt!” He often yells at her, but she’s so large she isn’t intimidated and expect these two to have glaring matches as they both growl at each other. 
Tsuyu is a bit worried to pet her due to her frog quirk that automatically protects her from a frog’s natural predators (dogs included) so she can only pet him when she’s wearing her gloves.
Mina and Hagakure adore the fluffy dog and love to pet her, and (Dog’s Name) mistakes Ojiro for another dog due to his large tail so she tries to get him to play with her but he just chuckles awkwardly and pets the wolf-dog.
Tokoyami is a bit alarmed by the wolf-dogs’s sheer size, Dark Shadow is especially not comfortable around the canine but (Dog’s Name) likes them both just fine, albeit sometimes her instincts kick in and she tries to chase him and you have to stop her.
Iida isn’t so fond of the fact that a large animal is in his classroom, but you just wave the papers in his face to remind him that whether he likes it or not, (Dog’s Name) is an honorary classmate.
(Dog’s Name) is very affectionate and friendly to all the students of Class 1-A, including Mineta, but Mineta dislikes her because she’s always trying to attack him and chew him up as she thinks he’s a chew-toy.
“Hey she’s the only girl who will ever chase after him…” You made a bit of a mean joke when once again (Dog’s Name) was chasing the screaming grape boy while everyone just watched and did absolutely nothing about it.
Much to the pleasure of Yaoyorozu, Tsuyu and Jirou. “Good Girl!” Jirou made sure to praise the wolf-dog for chasing down Mineta.
However you horrified all of your male classmates one training day by showing off a trick you taught (Dog’s Name)…
Which was teaching her how to bite down on a man’s privates as a brutal attack by saying the trigger word ‘DANKON!!’ and you did a demonstration by giving her a sausage treat which she instantly chomped on when hearing the trigger word.
Midoriya, Iida, Ojiro, Aoyama, and especially Kaminari, Sero Kirishima and Mineta were absolutely horrified and trembling in terror at such vivid imagery, Mineta, Kaminari, Sero and Kirishima may or may not have been covering their own groins out of fear. 
Iida scolded you for teaching your dog such a ‘villainous trick’ but the sadistic side of you ate how scared they were.
Even stoic and/or apathetic Bakugou, Todoroki, Shoji and Tokoyami are a little unnerved by what your dog can do just with the right trigger word...
Uraraka, Jirou and Mina secretly find it hilarious like you do though...
Terrifying tricks aside , you make it a point to tell everyone that she is also there for therapeutic benefit as (Dog’s Name) can tell if someone is upset or anxious. So she tends to go and try to cheer up some of your classmates.
Especially Midoriya, Todoroki and Bakugou. She lets Midoriya pet her when he’s feeling anxious, and when Todoroki is brooding about Endeavor, (Dog’s Name) nuzzles and licks him and succeeds in getting a small  chuckle from IcyHot.
Bakugou tried pushing her away, but the dog was stubborn during a small breakdown he had in secret after he’s rescued from the LOV. He reluctantly let the dog nuzzle him and actually pet the docile, whimpering wolf-dog.
Her favorites aside from you, are Midoriya, Uraraka, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, Kouda, Mina and Sero.
And when Shinsou is put into Class 1-A, of course he prefers cats and is somewhat put off by the horse-like dog, but (Dog’s Name) takes an instant liking to him and gives him the honorary smell test and an affectionate lick to his cheek.
Despite his preference, Shinsou appreciated the lick but was also disgusted by how much slobber one dog can make...
However, she might be friendly and affectionate to Class 1-A, but is very hostile and aggressive towards villains, especially the League of Villains as she attacked and even maimed a delinquent villain during the USJ and defended Uraraka and Tsuyu from Toga.
So they all view (Dog’s Name) as a very useful ally due to her strength, strong sense of smell and ability to terrify most villains with her size and ferocity alone.
She was a great hep during the LOV’s attack during the Summer Training, and you and her were part of the Bakugou Rescue squad as she was able to help track down the Nomu’s scent and was able to catch Bakugou’s scent.
It’s a little scary to see her bare her fangs, and even more scary when you bare fangs upon fighting alongside your companion, but your classmates are also awed by how your quirk gives you such a bond with the wolf-dog.
It’s also a little funny to see her go from aggressive to sweet whenever a conflict is resolved, as all (Dog’s Name) wants is pets and huggles.
So overall it’s safe to say that (Dog’s Name) is the class pet and you are all too happy to give her that name because she’s the best doggy you can ask for, and the best doggy Class 1-A can ask for.
(Gonna make more of these with individual classmates!)
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exotic-pets · 4 years
Top 10 Trending Exotic Pets
The most natural thing to think when someone tells you they have a pet is that they have a dog, a cat, a bird (canary, parrot or parakeet) or a little turtle. But what if someone tells you they have a black scorpion as a pet? The surprise is huge, whether it's an urge for attention or just want to learn more about an animal thousands of miles away from its natural environment. We want to make clear the necessity to buy legitimate animals in order to get their paperwork in hand in this article on exotic pets that are chic.
It is not intended to support the illegal trafficking in exotic animals that we echo the exotic pets that are in demand. Nor does it accept the absence of these species' interests, but rather opposes the absence of awareness that human beings are done more and more often than not, treating actions as they fall before the empty eyes of those around them, without even asking what the consequences of their actions are.
Tarantulas, that species of spider covered all over its body with hair, and larger than usual in size, have become very fashionable as exotic pets, but if there is one thing that should be clear to us, it is that they are not at all violent animals, as long as they are not disturbed or made to feel in danger. Although if there is one thing that should be obvious to us, it is that they are not aggressive animals at all as long as they are not bothered or forced to feel in danger. if this is your first preference, there are a few more docile tarantula types. If there is one thing that should be clear to humans, that is that they are not dangerous animals at all as long as they are not threatened or made to feel in danger And they have a simpler treatment system.
So you should be particular about the space where the tarantula will be since the terrarium is not the same as for a python for this type of animal as for a lizard. Although they could be in small locations, it is preferred that they be in large areas with many divisions where they can pass. And as for any of these species, you ought to have a doctor who specializes in these animals, not just to let you know about their treatment, but also about their medications and to chat about their actions.
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This lizard was once considered to be malicious and was even able to scare away anybody who wanted to get close to it by spilling blood out of their eyes. The truth is that all this is more a story than anything else, because this little lizard does not bite, it is not dangerous and in fact it is beautiful, with a skin full of colors. In reality, depending on where they reside, they have a great capacity to produce various colors.
Although, don't you think it would be much more precious to see it in its natural habitat?
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I have honestly had doubts about whether to include the Vietnamese pigs in this article because they are becoming less and less exotic, as seeing a person walking around on the street is no longer a rarity but has become normalplace. But, yeah, since we really don't see them as much as some more famous ones do, we're going to continue to see them as exotic. George Clooney, who was one of the first to have this animal as a companion, made it trendy. After introducing it to society, sales soared almost everywhere in the world and houses were filled with Vietnamese pigs. However, with the Vietnamese pig we want to make an appeal: Care of it before you give it away or buy it because it weights up to 50-100 kilos. Just as it became fashionable and sales skyrocketed, some time later, abandonment and calls to the protectors also became very common, because the little pig was very funny when it weighed 6 kilos but with 50 kilos it was not so funny anymore. George Clooney has everything you need to be able to raise these pigs, so whether you have a farm or a house with a wide garden, it will not be responsible to have him as a pet.
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Clownfish, from the family of Amphiprioninae, are easy to care for and do not require anything special for maintenance when working with saltwater species, any more than usual. They are very beautiful and showy fish, glad to share tanks with other species, including surgeons.
One characteristic of clownfish, besides their colors and their arrangement, is that clownfish are able to change sex as needed. But beware, 90% of clownfish come from catching in natural areas, it is a protected species. Because we kill many local people, we have to try to avoid buying.
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Having exotic spiders in the house can be very dangerous and even in some cases complicated. But there is a type of animal that is simple to maintain and that does not present risks, which is why they have become fashionable, the ants.
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It is a smart idea to create an ant farm to get an exotic pet that doesn't need upkeep. The ants are clean, tidy and very easy to handle. We will get to know the organizational nature of an ant farm, how they work as a team and how their social relationships work.
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Wallabies are rare animals to see as pets. They are marsupials, just like kangaroos which look very similar, although with shorter legs and a much smaller size. They are very docile animals and get used to humans quickly especially if there is food involved. They are curious and very skillful, but for peace of mind, they still need their space.
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Sika is a type of deer with special characteristics: they are docile and easy to raise and maintain. The preferences of the Sika are restricted to having a large room in which they can run and breed in peace.
They are shy beasts, and they shed their shyness as soon as they reach humans. In the rutting season, they are not ferocious, although other deer in the rutting season may develop aggressiveness.
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A beautiful and very sweet rodent, it is also known as tuco-tuco or Moorish Guinea pig. With a ball-shaped round body and almost no tail, it looks pretty much like a regular guinea pig, despite being much more suspicious. Without complications, it can reside in a terrarium or in a cage. It is a genus which is very docile. It may be one of the most sought-after pets and because of all its characteristics and the innocent look, ideal for being a domestic animal.
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The multiple types of iguana that exist have become one of the most popular exotic animals in recent years. Although within all the types it stands out the green iguana, which is probably the most natural pet within its family. They are attractive, omnivorous and fully docile creatures, even though their presence can make them seem hostile. Moreover, since they are very independent, they blend well into a house and have no trouble living with other persons. The iguanas are not going to come looking for you to scratch them or to feed them, though. They can sit on top of you because they like the heat you give off or eat from your hand if they're hungry, but usually they won't come near you. Never force the situation or bother to try to teach them to come when you call them, you will most likely waste your time.
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On the Internet it has become tremendously popular, as its big eyes and how friendly they are has led to many videos being broadcast about them. More people live in Madagascar, and that's where they're supposed to be, don't you think? If you want to see a lemur up close, you can go to the zoo and if you want to see it in a natural setting, save up for a trip to these lands, but don't recommend accepting lemurs as a species. They have many peculiarities. They have multiple peculiarities, a male lemur is more docile than the female, something totally opposite to most other species.
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Although there is a tale of a monkey, this one seems to be tiny and manageable, and its lifetime is 20 years. The squirrel monkey has been in demand among the wild animal populations that some have at home, also known popularly as the "titi" monkey. It requires special care, to be educated from babies and as they have a veterinarian specializing in exotic animals. Unfortunately there are people who claim that a monkey in captivity is healthier than seeing him grow up in his own habitat and be raised in nature.
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This tiny marsupial is a hamster-like thing, but you have to be very careful of the kind of animal that escapes. As it is an animal that is very tender, it is also known as a petaur. He also needs to be with animals like him and if they live alone, they can suffer from depression or self-harm.>/
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Strange mix between mantis and shrimp, which live approximately 3 to 4 years in captivity. How long do you think they'll be free to live?. It has become a trendy animal companion for people who want to house exotic animals. It has several properties and among them stands out the one that can move its eyes independently from each other, it can capture infrared and ultraviolet rays. It can also capture four types of linear polarization and two of circular polarization, so it can detect small and transparent animals for feeding.
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Although it is a temptation to have one of these specimens given its beauty, we would suggest that sloths are at risk of extinction and animal traffickers trade in different parts of the world, so if you buy one, you not only add to their faster extinction.
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In general, the bengal cat is a very active and affectionate cat, but in order to enjoy a full life, let's not forget that it is a wild cat who needs his own world and his own. It doesn't have to be a kitten, it isn't a pet, it wants to be alive.
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It's a blue macaw that I love. Native to South America, the color is very amazing and after the animated movie Rio, it has become trendy as an exotic pet to have at home. It's a lovely and charming bird who usually loves a lot of company, and if you have one, you should really propose that we buy a partner so that it doesn't get sad. Don't you think it would be better to see it fly free, in its natural habitat and find its own partner?. The Hyacinth Macaw, also known as the Violet Macaw, is one of the largest macaws in the world. It is cobalt blue in color, with violet wingtips and a lower part. His tail is gray, while his jaw and eyes are light. Typically, although they're really noisy, they're a pretty quiet type of animal. It is also said that they are one of the most loving birds of all. It is very necessary that they closely observe their diet because it is very delicate.
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It's an odd breed that Paris Hilton popularized, so it's worth noting that this little animal raced her to the hospital. They live between 23 and 40 years and although it may seem quite peaceful, the truth is that it is not advisable to have it at home, like everyone else, because it needs care and space to grow and live in a healthy way.
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I always find it hard to see why we have a bad habit of wanting to tame wildlife, to humanize creatures, to take them too far from their instincts, their climate, their habitat, their living conditions. This is the case of the coati, with an elongated nose and colors reminiscent of the raccoon, it seems that there are also those who find it fun to have this little one as a pet. Know, it's a very restless, mischievous and dangerous beast as it will open the cabinets and make a mess of what you find, the description they send of it. Their diet is omnivorous.
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The civet is a nocturnal and carnivorous animal which is not known to have been accidentally or willingly introduced to Europe. There are many unknowns around it, since it was a pet that got wild, to the subsequent use of this animal as a pet to eliminate other animals that haunt the houses. Be that as it may, their habitat is the woods and they like to climb, they hunt alone and are easy to bite.
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It is a cute animal and easy to domesticate, but it is absolutely unethical to keep it as a pet, as it is an endangered breed. Originally from Africa, a nocturnal animal typically builds a burrow to a depth of 10 meters (mostly found in the Sahara Desert and the Sinai Peninsula). From berries to rats, beetles, fish, etc., his diet is very diverse.
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Sometimes we reach surrealism, it's true. Also bats, specifically the fruit bat, have become one of the most fashionable exotic pets. They are considered to be patient, docile and respectful creatures. It feeds on fruit and wants you to make it fly home, as its name suggests (length to the right to fly within four walls...).
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bighousecats · 2 years
Are Ragdoll cats large cats? If so, the answer is yes, but first let's talk about their health and growth. The Ragdoll is a smaller breed of cat than most other types. The breed was created as a cross between a Siamese and a Persian. Its unique size is one of its major selling points. The Ragdoll is a wonderful pet for many reasons, but the biggest reason is that they are very cute. Ragdoll cats are considered one of the largest domestic cat breeds. They are strong and muscular, which only adds to their weight. Adult women can weigh between 8 and 15 pounds, while men can weigh up to 20 pounds. These are very large cats. When adopting a cat, you need to keep their size in mind as you usually need bigger cat stuff. Regular sized cat beds will not work. They also eat more due to their size, so you need to distribute their food appropriately. Ragdoll kitten If you're looking for a new pet, consider a Ragdoll cat. The breed is quite friendly and is ideal for households with children and other pets. They are laid-back and sweet, and will generally be quiet and docile. You can also expect them to tolerate play sessions with children and other pets. Although this is a small cat breed, it is still one of the most popular in the United States. average size of a Ragdoll cat is between fifteen A common misconception about Ragdoll cats are that they are too small to be considered a full-size cat. However, their large size does not prevent them from being an excellent companion. The breed is quite social, and will typically follow you around the house. They have a low perch preference and tend to follow you around the house. They may even act more like a dog than a cat, so be prepared for some roughhousing. The average size of a Ragdoll cat is between fifteen and twenty pounds. However, this figure can fluctuate. Luckily, proper nutrition can help maintain your cat's weight. Their long, sturdy limbs and strong tails make them look much bigger than their actual size. In fact, a Ragdoll can grow to weigh up to 20 pounds! They're generally about 17 inches long. A Ragdoll kitten can weigh anywhere from 1.8 to three pounds at birth. However, they double their weight in one month! By the time they reach two years old, they should weigh anywhere from 3.1 to four pounds. At five years old, Ragdoll kittens should weigh between five and six pounds. If you're thinking of adopting a Ragdoll kitten, make sure you have space for them to grow! Ragdoll kitten's growth While most domestic cats weigh less than 10 pounds, Ragdoll cats can be considerably bigger than domestic cats. In fact, a mature male Ragdoll can weigh between 15 and 20 pounds (6.6 to 9.3 kg) and a female can weigh between 8 and 12 pounds (3.6 to 5.4 kg). This means that, even as a kitten, a Ragdoll will grow a considerable amount. Although this breed is incredibly intelligent and affectionate, it can be extremely laziness that stunts growth. Exercise improves depth perception and cognitive abilities, and it promotes growth. Several common diseases of Ragdoll cats can also stunt growth, so proper diet is important. Be sure to keep a close eye on your kitten's weight because excessive feeding, starvation, or inhibiting their natural hunger is not a good idea. A few simple steps can help a Ragdoll kitten grow to full size. Using a kitten scale, weighing in at eight to ten pounds, or measuring in inches, can help you monitor the size of your pet's growth. While this scale will be hard for even the most experienced cat owner, it can help you better understand what your kitten is capable of as it ages. If you're not sure whether to get a Ragdoll kitten because of its appearance or personality, you can always consult the FAQ section on the breed's size. Although most cats stop growing after the first year, Ragdoll cats don't stop growing once they reach 12 months of age. As they transition from baby food to solid foods, their growth is exponential. During this time, they reach the 400-gram mark and start exploring independently.
A full grown Ragdoll kitten may weigh between one and two kilograms. If you get a Ragdoll kitten, it'll probably be the runt of the litter. Ragdoll kitten's maturity A Ragdoll kitten can reach impressive proportions, even though they are still very young. A Ragdoll is born pure white and gradually develops colored markings called "points" until the age of two. Their lifespan is high and they are generally healthy. Their fertility and survival rates are fair to good. Mothers take good care of their nursing kittens, and they reach their maximum height at about two and a half years of age. Male Ragdoll cats should be between eight and twelve inches tall and sixteen to twenty inches long. While Ragdoll cats tend to mature more quickly than average, their sizes are not fixed. Although they should weigh eight to 12 pounds as kittens, they can grow larger or smaller than that. Typically, female Ragdoll cats are smaller than males, but they are still smaller than average. Regardless of the size, they can quickly gain weight. Ragdoll kitten healthy The average size of a Ragdoll kitten is approximately two to three pounds at birth. By the time they reach their second birthday, they should weigh about two pounds. After that, they should be about three to four pounds. A Ragdoll kitten can double its body weight in a month, so they should be between 3.1 and four pounds when they're ready to leave their mother. Approximately seven to ten months of age, Ragdoll kittens are ready to be independent. Upon reaching three months of age, most of them are neutered. Nutrition is extremely important for the overall health and development of your ragdoll kitten. It's important that your kitten eats the right food in the correct proportions to avoid malnutrition and other problems. A diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for a kitten's growth. If the kitten isn't gaining at least one-half pound a month, visit the veterinarian immediately. It might be a late bloomer. Moreover, if the kitten is not gaining enough weight, it could be suffering from parasites or malnutrition. Ragdoll kitten's health A good care routine is the key to keeping a Ragdoll kitten healthy and happy. Ragdoll kittens have a life expectancy of 10 to 15 years and need regular checkups to stay healthy. These adorable kittens are susceptible to several common conditions and diseases. In addition to vaccinations, health care for Ragdoll cats includes deworming and grooming daily. To prevent common health problems, Ragdoll cats should be visited by a veterinarian as soon as possible. A healthy Ragdoll kitten weighs about 1.7 pounds and weighs 800 grams. It is recommended that you keep your kitten with its litter mates for the first 3 months. The premature separation of kittens from their mother can lead to a variety of health problems. At five months, Ragdoll kittens should resemble small adults and will begin to have bursts of rapid growth. As a result, you should limit their food intake to a limited amount. This will prevent stunted growth and malnutrition. Another important health consideration for a Ragdoll kitten is its temperament. Although these cats can be noisy and vocal, they usually do not let out any meows unless they are in distress. They will not complain unless they are hurt or hungry. Even then, they may not be vocal. It's important to know how to spot signs of distress and act accordingly. While most Ragdoll kittens are mellow, you should watch out for any signs of discomfort. The most common health problems for Ragdoll cats are genetic and acquired. Thirty percent of Ragdoll kittens are born with a congenital heart defect called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This condition is hard to catch, so your kitten may remain asymptomatic for years. However, if it does develop, the symptoms can range from lethargy to acute pain and even paralysis. Ragdoll kitten's growth spurts If you are wondering when to expect a Ragdoll kitten's growth spurting, you are not alone.
Most kittens grow at varying rates, and a Ragdoll may go through several intermediate growth spurts before reaching full adult size. This unpredictable growth pattern should not be rushed or ignored, as it could lead to stunted growth or malnutrition. Read on for information on how to properly manage a kitten's growth spurts. Growth spurts in Ragdoll cats are natural and will continue until they reach the age of four. Growth spurts in male ragdoll cats are more pronounced than in females. Growing ragdoll cats should look like small adults by five months of age. But if your kitten is sick, growth may be slow or stunted. You should watch out for any signs of sickness or disease, as this can cause a dramatic decrease in weight. Although Ragdoll cats are notoriously fussy eaters, the right food is important to support healthy growth. Choose a formula high in protein and fat. Animal fat (up to 20%) should tickle your Ragdoll's taste buds. A good brand for your Ragdoll kitten is Untamed. These cat foods contain the right balance of animal fat to support healthy growth. Growing a Ragdoll kitten is an important step in cat care. It is a slow-growing breed that may require several years to mature fully. Males are generally larger than females and weigh between eight and twenty pounds. Female Ragdoll cats are typically smaller than Norwegian Forest Cats. In addition to their size, they tend to grow slow, but this does not mean that they are slow-growing.
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bloojayoolie · 6 years
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Being Alone, Anaconda, and Animals: @manhattan acc waiting 4 LOVE Super Cute, super fun, playful, spry, tail waggy, social & sweet Zeus 37941 12 years old. 45 lbs **** TO BE KILLED - 8/17/2018 **** AGE AIN'T NOTHING BUT A NUMBER and 12 year old Zeus is here to let you know just that. As cute as a button, sweet, social, spry and ready for fun, Zeus family moved away and into an apartment where dogs are not welcome and felt like it was okay to dump him off at the Manhattan ACC. Not a good look as they have a euth list 6 nights a week and older dogs are among the first to go. However, Zeus has made it quite clear that it is not his time. There's lots of fun he hasn't had yet and he's up for making plenty of new friends. Family first though. Zeus is waiting for that special new BFF to save the day, and his life. Please help us network this 45 pound winner to the moon and back for that awesome second chance. ZEUS@MANHATTAN ACC Hello, my name is Zeus My animal id is #37941 I am a male white dog at the Manhattan Animal Care Center The shelter thinks I am about 12 years old. 45 lbs Came into the shelter as owner surrender Aug. 12, 2018 Reason Stated: MOVING - No pets allowed Zeus is at risk for medical reasons. He is a geriatric dog with multiple medical concerns which are listed on his medical history, including a heart murmur. Zeus is recommended to be ideally adopted into an adult only home due to some behavioral activity. My medical notes are... Weight: 45 lbs Vet Notes 13/08/2018 [DVM Intake] DVM Intake Exam Estimated age: 12 years Microchip noted on Intake? No Microchip Number (If Applicable): History : owner surrender due to moving Subjective: Observed Behavior - docile, allows all handling, but not attention seeking. Muzzled for precaution Evidence of Cruelty seen - No Evidence of Trauma seen - No Objective T = P = 100 R = 28 BCS = 3/9 EENT: Eyes clear, ears clean, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. very small eyelid tumor noted on lower left lid Oral Exam: dental attrition with tartar noted - was muzzled for exam so full eval not done PLN: No enlargements noted H/L: NSA, 3/6 systolic murmur noted on left and sternal CRT < 2, Lungs clear, eupnic ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated U/G: Intact Male MSI: Ambulatory x 4, skin free of parasites, no masses noted, healthy hair coat - pressure point alopecia over elbows CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities Rectal: not done Assessment Heart Murmur 3/6 r/o valvular versus HCM, DCM Dental attrition Thin intact Prognosis: Good Plan:Recommend cardiac ultrasound when placed SURGERY: Permanent waiver due to age and heart murmur 13/08/2018 [Spay/Neuter Waiver - Age] It is the policy of ACC not to perform surgery on any animal over the age of 8-10 years due to the higher risks incurred in a shelter setting. In addition, Zeus has a heart murmur. The veterinarian is hereby issuing a permanent spay/neuter waiver, from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY due to the estimated age of this animal. ACC does recommend you consult with your veterinarian to determine if surgical sterilization is appropriate. 14/08/2018 [Spay/Neuter Waiver - Age] It is the policy of ACC not to perform surgery on any animal over the age of 8-10 years due to the higher risks incurred in a shelter setting. The veterinarian is hereby issuing a permanent spay/neuter waiver, from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY due to the estimated age of this animal. ACC does recommend you consult with your veterinarian to determine if surgical sterilization is appropriate. Details on my behavior are... Behavior Condition: 1. Green Behavior History Behavior Assessment Zeus was stiff bodied during intake he kept his tail between his legs and was giving people whale eye. He flattened out on the floor when we tried to take his picture. He allowed me to remove his collar and leash him. When i opened the kennel door he jumped right in and when i gave him the cue to sit he sat down until the door closed. Date of Intake: 8/12/2018 Basic Information:: Zeus is a male white large breed dog that is estimated to be 12 Years old. His previous owner found him as a stray 11 years ago and kept him until he had to move to a location that did not allow animals. Previously lived with:: 1 Adult How is this dog around strangers?: Zeus is friendly with strangers and will slowly approach them until he is comfortable then will seek attention. How is this dog around children?: Zeus lived with a 10 year old child for a few years and was very friendly and affectionate with her. How is this dog around other dogs?: Zeus is friendly with female dogs and will look to play but will growl at male dogs and younger dogs that are high energy. How is this dog around cats?: Zeus was pet-sitted by someone that had cats and he was very friendly with them and would share a bed with them. Resource guarding:: Zeus is not bothered by people going near his food but will always try to play tug if you take away his toys. Bite history:: Zeus has bitten another dog 11 years ago when another dog tried to play with him approaching him from behind and drew blood. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: High Energy, Playful, Affectionate Other Notes:: Zeus tends to bark a lot when left alone at home, he will whine and bark when he hears people walking by. He flinches when he hears a loud noise and will back away.He enjoys baths and will jump in to the tub. He is not bothered by people trying to pick him up. He enjoys being brushed. He does not like having his nails trimmed and will back away and growl if people keep trying to trim his nails. Has this dog ever had any medical issues?: No Medical Notes: Zeus has no known medical concerns. For a New Family to Know: Zeus is an affectionate dog that enjoys following people around the house. He likes to play with balls and rope, his favorite game is tug and he will always entice play with his ropes. He is used to being indoors but in his previous home he had a backyard and would spend all day outside. He tends to sleep in his crate most of the time. He enjoys eating a mix of wet and dry food. He is very house trained and has recently started using wee-wee pads as well. He is crate trained but will cry the entire time he is in there he is trained to be in a crate for up to 9 hours. He does pull hard on the leash during walks but will stop pulling if his name is called. He was also walked off leash for a while and would stay within 10 feet of his owner. Date of intake:: 8/12/2018 Spay/Neuter status:: No Means of surrender (length of time in previous home):: Owner Surrender (In home for 11 years) Previously lived with:: An adult and a child (age 10) Behavior toward strangers:: Slowly approaches, is then friendly Behavior toward children:: Friendly and affectionate with a 10 year old he lived with Behavior toward dogs:: Growls at males dogs and high energy dogs, friendly with calm females Behavior toward cats:: Friendly Resource guarding:: None reported Bite history:: Yes, Zeus bit and broke skin on a dog 11 years ago when the other dog was trying to play with him. Housetrained:: Yes Energy level/descriptors:: Zeus is described as playful and affectionate with a high level of activity. Date of assessment:: 8/14/2018 Look:: 2. Dog pulls out of Assessor's hands each time without settling during three repetitions. Sensitivity:: 2. Dog stands still and accepts the touch, eyes are averted, tail is between legs, body stiff, mouth closed, lip long, ears likely back, may lip lick. Tag:: 2. Dog is fearful but unresponsive when touched. Approaches the Assessor when the game ends. Dog is likely crouching, may have a long lip or lip lick. Paw squeeze 1:: 2. Dog quickly pulls back. Paw squeeze 2:: 2. Dog quickly pull back. Flank squeeze 1:: Item not conducted Flank squeeze 2:: Item not conducted Toy:: 1. Minimal interest in toy, dog may smell or lick, then turns away. Summary:: Zeus very cautiously approached the assessor, and when the assessor reached towards him he jumped away. He was very tense throughout the assessment, had a tucked tail, and avoident of handling. Summary (1):: 8/13: Zeus is introduced to a female dog through the gate due to reported bite history involving another dog. He appears slightly tense with raised hackles. Date of intake:: 8/12/2018 Summary:: Tense and whale eyes, allowed handling Date of initial:: 8/13/2018 Summary:: Allowed handling ENERGY LEVEL:: Zeus is described as having a high level of activity. We recommend long-lasting chews, food puzzles, and hide-and-seek games, in additional to physical exercise, to positively direct his energy and enthusiasm. BEHAVIOR DETERMINATION:: ADULT ONLY HOME Behavior Asilomar: TM - Treatable-Manageable Recommendations:: No children (under 13) Recommendations comments:: No children: Due to how uncomfortable Zeus is currently with touch and novel stimuli, we feel that an adult-only home would be most beneficial at this time. Potential challenges: : Fearful,On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration Potential challenges comments:: Fearful: Zeus is reported to need a slow approach from people and is very fearful at the care center. It is important to always go slow and give Zeus the option to walk away from any social interaction. Zeus should never be forced to approach anything that he is uncomfortable with or to submit to petting or handling. It should always be Zeus' choice to approach a new person or thing. Zeus would do best in an initially calm and quiet home environment and should be given time to acclimate to his new surroundings. On-leash reactivity/barrier frustration: Zeus has been reported to react to other dogs on leash, lunging towards them, barking and growling. Zeus may need positive reinforcement, reward based training to teach him to look at you rather than other dogs. We recommend a front clip harness or head halter to help manage this behavior. * TO FOSTER OR ADOPT * If you would like to adopt a dog on our “To Be Killed” list, and you CAN get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process *within 48 hours of reserve*, you can reserve the dog online until noon on the day they are scheduled to die. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) HOW TO RESERVE A “TO BE KILLED” DOG ONLINE (only for those who can get to the shelter IN PERSON to complete the adoption process, and only for the dogs on the list NOT marked New Hope Rescue Only). Follow our Step by Step directions below! *PLEASE NOTE – YOU MUST USE A PC OR TABLET – PHONE RESERVES WILL NOT WORK! ** STEP 1: CLICK ON THIS RESERVE LINK: https://newhope.shelterbuddy.com/Animal/List Step 2: Go to the red menu button on the top right corner, click register and fill in your info. Step 3: Go to your email and verify account Step 4: Go back to the website, click the menu button and view available dogs Step 5: Scroll to the animal you are interested and click reserve STEP 6 ( MOST IMPORTANT STEP ): GO TO THE MENU AGAIN AND VIEW YOUR CART. THE ANIMAL SHOULD NOW BE IN YOUR CART! Step 7: Fill in your credit card info and complete transaction Animal Care Centers of NYC (ACC) nycacc.org HOW TO FOSTER OR ADOPT IF YOU *CANNOT* GET TO THE SHELTER IN PERSON, OR IF THE DOG IS NEW HOPE RESCUE ONLY! You must live within 3 – 4 hours of NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Norther VA. Please PM our page for assistance. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a dog on the To Be Killed list, including those labelled Rescue Only. Hurry please, time is short, and the Rescues need time to process the applications.
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petstutorial · 3 years
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The Ragamuffin Cat Breed Pictures-Information & Characteristics
If you see the Ragamuffin cat for the first time, you might think it is a Ragdoll, which is entirely understandable considering the two have many similarities. The cat also looks like a crossbreed of longhaired cats such as the Persians or other longhaired domestics. The other impression the cat gives is good health and immense sweetness, mostly because of the docile nature and large expressive eyes. I can tell that adopting or purchasing this pet from reputable pet stores is worth the effort and money. Read on to find out more about the Ragamuffin cat breed.
The Ragamuffin has a rectangular body shape with broad shoulders and chest. Its hindquarters are moderately masculine, and the lower abdomen bears a fatty pad. Other parts of the body, including the muzzle, chin, and forehead, have a rounded appearance with full cheeks and a short, strong, and heavy neck. The whisker pad has a puffiness that gives it a sweet look. The eyes of the breed are very noticeable. They are sharp, expressive, and walnut-shaped with a moderate wide set and an oriental slant. The eye colors range from yellow/gold to aqua and odd-eyed. The paws have tufts between the paws and beneath them.  The legs are medium in length and heavily boned, with the back ones being slightly longer than the front ones. It has a fully furred tail with a slight taper at the base. The Ragamuffin's coat is either bi-colored or multi-colored with a silky, dense, and soft texture and medium-to-medium-long length.
The Ragamuffin shares the same history as the Ragdoll. The breed is one of the newest in the market yet one of the most popular in many homes across the world. The first of its kind was a white Angora-type Turkish semi-feral white cat named Josephine, whose family was in riverside California and owned by Ann Baker. One of the breed's kittens named Daddy Warbucks became one of the breed's dominant males. It had a white tail tip with mitted seal point longhair, with a white blaze on the body. Back then, cats with mitted feet and pointed patterns went by the name Cherubims. The ones with non-pointed hair features went by the name miracle Ragdolls. The pet's owner patented the name in 1971, but some individuals split the owner's foundation in 1975 and renamed the new breed Ragamuffin, independent of the Ragdoll breed. Today, all cat associations except the CCA recognize the Ragamuffin. TICA does not accept the breed beyond its registration status. Read next: Balinese Cat Breed
Personality and Temperament
The personalities and temperaments of the Ragdoll and Ragamuffin are very similar. The breed is people-oriented, affectionate, cuddly, attentive, and very lovable. When you hold it in your arms, it tends to go limp, which is a sign of feeling thoroughly contented and comfortable. The breed is not overly active, but it enjoys some playtime with preferred people. They also adapt fast to situations around them, they follow humans they are close to everywhere, and change of routine does not change or upset them. The cat is friendly to well-behaved children, dogs, and other cats.
The Ragamuffin's soft, silky, and medium-long coat does not tangle much, making it one of the easiest cats breeds to groom. All it needs is a gentle combing once or twice a week to remove any loose hairs and make it feel loved. Regular nail trimming and ear cleaning are essential for the cat, and you should do it at least once every ten days. In addition, brushing the cat's teeth regularly with vet-approved toothpaste helps to prevent periodontal diseases.
Generally, the Ragamuffin is a healthy cat. However, like all animals, it can inherit genetic health problems. Some of the most common hereditary health issues in the Ragamuffin breed include- Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) and Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM). Before buying the breed, you should insist on seeing the certificates that prove the cat has gone through PKD and HCM screening. HCM is common in cats, and it causes the thickening of heart muscles. PKD, on the other hand, causes renal failure. The life expectancy of the breed is from 8 to 13 years. Read next: Highlander Cat Breed
Wrapping it up
The Ragamuffin is not a very vocal breed, nor is it too active. However, it is one of the best pets to have at home, especially if you live in an apartment. It is attentive, loves everyone around them, and follows you everywhere you go, which is somewhat sweet. Talking of sweetness, the breed is beautiful, with expressive eyes, and you will want to cuddle it to feel the soft, silky texture of its fantastic coat. If the Ragamuffin wee a dog, you would definitely put it on a leash and take it with you for walks, and it will not fight you. This post has appeared for the first time in https://petstutorial.com/ragamuffin-cat-breed/?feed_id=730&_unique_id=60a12c6494b8a #pets_tuttorial #jane_brody #pet_blog #pet_training #pet_products_reviews #best_dog_products #best_cat_products
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bigdawgtazz · 5 years
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#Repost @susiesseniordogs ・・・ (near) MIAMI, FL: Once again Ears is back on SSD. For the fifth time. In his last post we asked you to help us rally for Ears, but that turned out to be a total dud effort. Ears has lived at the shelter for 10 years and his story just isn't getting any traction. Should we put it on repeat? 10 years. Ten years. 10 years. Ten years. TEN YEARS IN THE SHELTER! What's it going to take to help get Ears' story out there? Ears is very people-friendly and he's been in the shelter for his entire life. It's not a life he's ever deserved. We can't change what's happened but we won't stop posting until we change his future! PLEASE SHARE and tag your friends! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽 @bornfreepetshelter wrote, "We are still looking for a home for Ears. He is very loving towards people and would make an incredibly loyal companion. We don't think he has ever been in a home and he is already 10 years old. Ears is great with people but he is dog reactive. While he MIGHT be able to get along with a very submissive and docile female, this will require a lot of management from adopters and there might be still a chance they won’t get along. This is the reason we recommend for him to be the only dog at home (no other dogs or cats). However, Ears is a very sweet, fun and playful dog who deserves to be in a home. Nothing brings out Ears' fun-loving personality more than when he plays fetch. He absolutely loves it, will actually return the ball and seemingly can go on playing forever! He also loves water. He is very sweet and affectionate. Ears is eager to have a home that will give him all the love and attention he craves and deserves. Ears was recently taken to the vet he is a healthy doggie! His damaged ear is from many years ago when a dog bit his ear through the fence. Born Free Pet Shelter is a small shelter so transport is not available - adopters will need to drive to the shelter to adopt Ears in person." To adopt Ears, please email [email protected] with questions or to set up a meet-and-greet. @bornfreepetshelter is located in Homestead, FL. ❤️ #seniordog #lookingforlove #adoptme #adoptdontshop https://www.instagram.com/p/BxIJHZoAfSc/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1sdhup5zsdr8d
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pommunism · 7 years
a VERY important intro post about my pets
Sugar. 17yo grey tabby female who gets compliments every vet visit because she doesn’t look old at all. used to be very fat, now has a lot of loose squishable flab after losing weight. outgoing, big attitude, drama queen. drools when she’s happy. purrs constantly. bites out of love. fueled by spite.
Samoa. ~10yo black female. obese. used to belong to my nana. a little timid, but very sweet and friendly. easy target for bully cats.
Furby. 9yo himalayan female. bitter bitch club. very hairy. cat aggressive, people lover. disgusting fur because she never washes. whiny meow. on prozac. still my baby.
Phineas. 7yo brown tabby male. weirdly big eyes. severely allergic to fleas, still regrowing hair from january. extremely fearful, but will become creepily smitten with you once you win him over. has no concept of boundaries.
Gonzo. 4yo brown and white tabby male. big and plush. never has any idea what’s going on, lives in a constant state of crisis. hates being held, loves being pet and complimented. says “MROW” all the time. doesn’t get along great with other cats because he’s a princely boy but there has been improvement. terrified of shoes.
Francine. 3yo long-haired grey tabby female. a tomboy princess. hates being approached but will rub all over you once you settle down. huge irresistible bunny feet. enjoys being teased and manhandled for reasons unclear. makes a “meep meep” sound when she meows. peed on my laundry once. 
Squid. 1.5yo brown tabby male. a huge dick. always into shit or starting shit. rarely seeks affection yet has separation anxiety and follows me around constantly. never warms up to strangers. love him anyway.
Peyton. 7yo orange sable male pom. used to be very fat but thanks to a strict diet is now just normal fat. loves attention. very sweet. doesn’t like to be held or snuggled. has highly selective hearing. has the worst bark known to man.
Pika. 7yo orange female pom. the apple of my eye. perfectly round. an affectionate lap dog. has nothing going on upstairs. epilepsy, hypothyroidism, arthritis, anxiety, periodontal disease. hates the outdoors. will continue to bark two hours after the alleged danger has passed.
Tetra. 2yo cream sable she-devil pom. perpetual toddler. uses her feet to do everything. will pull your hand back to her belly if you stop rubbing her. loves to play esp with her tennis ball. favorite toy is currently a squeaky ball shaped like a chicken. talks a big game but turns tail the moment the vacuum comes out.
Pepper. 4.5yo black and gold male. beautiful and soft. has long hair on his butt that trails elegantly behind him. docile. cute nose.
Chili. 4.5yo black and gold female with rosettes. kind of a dick. big attitude. refuses to comply with anything.
Sage. 4.5yo black and gold female. definitely a dick. big attitude. refuses to comply with anything. bullies baby sister.
Nutmeg. 4yo black and gold female. not a dick. shy but mostly docile.
Basil. 4yo gold and black male with rosettes. weird and high-strung but mostly docile. 
Skittles. 12yo grey creature of unknown gender. looks like a powderpuff after its dust bath. sweet but kind of depressed because it hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves. has no idea i’ve ordered new cage parts and toys including a saucer to make its life 100x cooler.
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petrescueblog · 4 years
https://ift.tt/1LawsIA Best Cat Breeds for Beginners: a Comprehensive Guide to Choose
People are said to be divided into two distinct categories: “dog” and “cat” ones. This thing is both true and false and we can explain why. It is very limiting to say that some people are subject to dogs, in the sense that they could only deal with this animal, get along with Fido, have affinity only with him; while others are identical, but towards the cat.
In reality, the need to adopt, take care of another living being, and love it has nothing to do with feeling. it is a vocation, and if you feel it, you feel it, regardless of what type of pet it enters a part of your life. It is true, however, that “canaries” and “cats” can be easily recognized, because they have very peculiar distinctive characteristics. In fact, dogs and cats are not very similar.
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There are those who are born in this regard with a certain harmony with the little cats. These people, however, do not know that mutual attraction is not enough to get along with love and agreement (as in human relationships).
it takes a lot of commitment, perseverance, practical spirit, responsibility, intellectual but also emotional maturity. In practice, one must be ready to become a parent and try to gain experience immediately, because a cat could also prove complicated to manage.
For this reason, we have decided to list the cat breeds for beginners, that is, the most tender, most accommodating, easiest to treat that exist in the world. Basically, we’ve prepared a list of amateur-proof cats. You are unlikely to have problems with these furballs.
Top 10 Best Cat Breeds for Beginners
Despite the fact that cats are, by far, the most popular pet in the world (true story, there are more than eighty million of those furballs that run here and there across the planet), our feline friends receive many bad reviews.
The “haters” assume that cats are selfish and hostile and will not give their owners as much love or affection as it is known they are able to give dogs. There is nothing more false. If you are also of this opinion, we will change your mind.
This misconception starts from the deeply rooted belief that cats do not appreciate the company of humans. And while, yes, some cats can be loners and maybe even a little “grumpy”, there are actually a lot of breeds that love (and even seek) attention from us.
According to American Scientific, cats have literally learned to meow in a certain way, with a certain tone in order to imitate the lament of our children, so that humans felt compelled to take care of them. Their ability tells us two very important things about them, namely that:
they are quite intelligent
show a real desire to spend time with us
If you are thinking of taking a cat (if you are reading this article, this is probably your intention), why not choose an easy-going and easy-to-manage breed within the four walls of an apartment? Obviously, all cats are worthy of being adopted and deserve our unconditional affection, but we have discovered that there is a type of cat for beginners.
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The best cat breeds for beginners are, thanks to their calm behaviors and their cuddly personality, perfect anyone who wants to share their life with a small feline: even the most experienced cats could find it comforting to spend time with these cats.
Here are the beginner cat breeds that are also the most cuddly in the world.
1. Ragdoll
Ragdoll | Cat Breeds for Beginners
Ragdoll is a well-balanced cat with no eccentric features. It is a medium-large, moderately long-haired, blue-eyed cat. Ragdolls have a slow maturation and therefore reach the hair and color at about three years. Ragdoll is an affectionate and intelligent cat, who always moves in a very graceful way.
All about His Temperament
Docile, polite and congenial, ragdolls are ideal companions for the in-door. One of the most beautiful characteristics of these cats is their relaxed and sweet personality. They are completely wrapped in silky fur and have delicate white legs. They easily tune into the habits and feelings of their humans.
you will find it in front of the front door, when you return from work, to warmly welcome you, relax with a massage and print a basin on your forehead to say goodnight. If you have had a bad day, it will curl up in your lap to offer you comfort. You would never find a better friend.
They are playful cats, ragdolls, but not hyperactive. Known for its ability to adapt easily to almost any environment, it gets along well with children and adults, as well as with dogs and other cats. They can be trained to stand out on the counter and are affectionate without being overly demanding.
They have soft and polite voices, even at dinner, although they are famous for their enthusiasm for food. One thing that ragdolls don’t have, however, is immunity to pain: if you accidentally step on their tails, they scream at you and look at you with reproach, just like any other cat.
2. Maine Coon
The Maine coon is solid, robust and can withstand a harsh climate. A distinctive feature of this cat is the long, bristly coat. This breed is well proportioned, has a balanced appearance, and has adapted to various environments.
All About Maine Coon
No race has a monopoly on love and affection, but there must be a good reason why the Maine Coons have made their way in these years: they were an endangered feline breed, but today they are the second most popular of America. Maine Coon fans claim that its popularity is due to the breed’s large size, intelligence, lush coat, tough disposition and devotion to its human family.
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Maine coons are very good kittens, “great gentle giants” who always play until old age. They can also be reserved with people they are unfamiliar with (they are too smart to trust anyone). This initial adaptation period is actually a well thought out choice: the Maine Coon is deciding whether its new humans seem trustworthy. As soon as he decides, however, he forms close ties with the whole family and becomes loving and devoted.
Most want to be near you, but not on your lap. They are true family members and participate in all family rituals. As befits an ex-seafarer, Maine Coons are fascinated by water (other than repellency), perhaps because their thick coats are practically waterproof (yes, that’s right, incredible).
Some may even try to reach their humans in the shower, or at least they will walk on the wet floor after exiting. They prefer to stand on the edge of the tub, however, and touch the water with a curious paw.
3. Siamese
The ideal Siamese is a medium-sized cat, slender and refined with long tapered lines, very agile but muscular. Males can be proportionally larger. Balance and refinement are the essence of the breed, in which all the parts come together in a harmonious whole, although it does not have any significant characteristics that can stand out.
All About Their temperament
Some cats seem to think that purring or a friendly rub is worth a thousand words. Siamese do not belong to this school of thought and is known for their talent in clearly communicating their ideas and desires to their “human servants”.
If you can’t get involved in the dialogue, they are happy to hold a monologue to illuminate your little Neanderthal man mind. No insignificant meow ever comes out of their mouths their verses are real attempts at communication.
According to their fans, Siamese are the most wonderful, loving, and fun cats in the universe. They are very intelligent, self-confident, playful, determined, curious, and very active. They love their human companions with passion; living with Siamese is a bit like living with extremely active children. Except that these “children” follow you everywhere, asking to be involved in whatever you are doing.
Resolutely social and very dependent on people, Siamese craves active involvement in your life. They are super smart and, if you don’t give them something to do, they will find it for themselves (and you may not like your hobby very much).
This breed needs daily periods of play and interaction. it is essential for the Siamese’s emotional and mental health and well-being. They should not be left alone for long periods, this is not a breed that you can pamper for five minutes and leave alone for twelve hours.
The Siamese will become sad and depressed if left alone too often and maybe destructive of his frustration. The feline companionship of another Siamese or a relatively active breed will help keep a lonely Siamese happy while you are away, but there is no fetish that can replace you. Also, remember that two Siamese represent a double risk at home.
This breed is not for those looking for a quiet companion: Siamese must be treated patiently and require a lot of attention and affection. However, Siamese are generally good pets and are tolerant of children at least eight years old, provided that children are taught how to properly handle cats and not to play too violently.
4. American short-haired
American short-haired | Cat Breeds for Beginners
The American shorthair is a real working cat breed. The general effect is that of a strongly built cat, well balanced and symmetrical with a physicality that indicates power, endurance, and agility.
All About This Bread
In describing the short-haired American, the English expression that means “happy half” comes to mind. These American cats are of average size, build, type, and temperament: they are neither too large nor too small; not too cuddly nor distant; neither lazy nor hyperactive pandas.
The American shorthair is the perfect breed for those who want a cat that has fun on its lap but not on its face. American shorthairs are known for their adaptable temperament and quiet voices; they are sociable, easy to train, and adapt well in the presence of other animals and children.
They generally do not like being picked up: like their fellow pilgrims who left England to find freedom, they appreciate their independence. Historically, the American shorthair has been considered a working cat. Short-haired Americans have a lot of fun with their favorite humans, but they can also have fun with a paper ball.
They tend to remain active and playful even in their old age. ASHs also have a strong hunting instinct and have fun catching and killing mice if they have access to the great outdoors (but no trainers will ever encourage you to let it go).
5. Sphynx
Sphynx | Cat Breeds for Beginners
Cat for beginners: the sphynx (Photo Unsplash)
The most distinctive feature of this cat is its hairless appearance. The sphynx is medium in size and has a surprising weight for its size. The body feels warm and soft to the touch, with a skin texture similar to a soft peach or smooth nectarine. Sphynx is good-natured, lively, and susceptible to too many handling.
Info About Its temperament
To say that sphynx are lively is an understatement: they perform formidable athletic performances, similar to those of circus monkeys, in order to attract your attention. Very devoted and loyal, they follow their humans around, shaking their tails and purring with enthusiasm for the joy of being close to their beloved humans.
They require your unconditional attention and are mischievous (and adorable) like children. And despite all this and their alien appearance, they are really cats, with all the mystery and charm that has accompanied them since ancient times. Although sphynx may not be suitable for everyone, its unique appearance and charming temperament have allowed it to conquer a good number of adoring followers.
6. Scottish Fold
Scottish Fold | Cat Breeds for Beginners
Beginner Cat: Scottish Fold (Photo Unsplash)
Scottish fold is a spontaneous mutation of farm cats in Scotland. The breed was founded by crossbreeds between short-haired British and domestic cats in Scotland and England.
Scottish Fold Temperament
Scottish folds are generally intelligent, quick-tempered, calm, and easily adapt to new people and situations. They are loyal and tend to bond with someone in the family. While they will usually allow others to pamper and caress them, their primary attachment quickly becomes clear as they locate their chosen human being.
They thrive when they receive attention, but always on their terms. Despite their devotion, they are not sticky, demanding cats and usually prefer to be near you rather than on your lap.
Despite being folded, the fold’s ears can pop up occasionally, especially if someone is opening a nearby food box. The crease in the ear can become less pronounced when the cat is angry or ill.
Although some members of the fold family report increased production of wax buildup in their cats’ ears, folded ears do not make the cat more susceptible to mites or ear infections. The susceptibility to hearing loss may be related to the fact that some early Scottish folds were white and the white cats may be prone to a type of deafness unrelated to fold gene.
7. Somali
Cat for beginners: the Somali (Photo Unsplash)
The general impression of the Somali is that of a well-proportioned medium-large cat, with a strong, agile muscle development, which shows a lively and lively interest in all environments, with a predisposition to human contact.
All About Somali
Don’t take a Somali if you want a cat who can be pampered with excessive cuddling or if you want a cat who can be alone in the house all day. With all the virtues of the Abyssinian and adorned with a splendid semi-long coat, the Somali is a beautiful and rowdy addition to any family.
Like the Abyssinian, the Somali is vigorous and animated, has an acute sense of feline humor, and a real need for play. Indeed, everything is a game for a Somali: many prefer to chase a ball all along the corridor and then beat it up and down, carry it around until they are completely exhausted.
If the ball rolls under a piece of furniture from which they cannot retrieve it, then they will come to you and show you a wide-open gaze or touch you gently, so that you can get up to help them in the recovery mission. Feather rods and fishing rods are a big hit.
They are highly intelligent, which contributes to their talent getting into trouble. The Somali is active, curious,and in a good mood and loves to go around the house, opening the wardrobes and, why not, even risking to break something.
Their voices are soft, their minds active and their food dishes always empty. They also tend to be determined: once you put something in your head, you can’t dissuade them. They are not warlike, only tenacious.
Somalis are people-oriented and show a lot of affection. When you relax on the sofa, they prefer to be near you rather than on your legs. They won’t, however, be involved in every aspect of your life.
Open a drawer and your Somali will be there to peek inside and even insert a curious paw inside. Somalis are the best home entertainment you can buy and are more like people than cats: small, furry and hyperactive people. Very energetic and in a good mood, Somalis play like kittens until old age.
8. Persian
Beginner Cat: Persian (Photo Unsplash)
Persian is a well-balanced cat, has a sweet expression and soft, round lines. This cat has large spaced round eyes and a huge round head. The long hair often softens the cat’s lines and accentuates the roundness in the appearance.
Information on his temperament
If you want your cats to bounce like microwave popcorn, don’t adopt a Persian. Persians are perfect companions if you like placid and easygoing cats. Don’t count on using your Persian friend as a hairy doorstop, however. They love to play in relaxation brackets, lying on your favorite sofa. Proponents say that Persians do not deserve their reputation as “fur furniture”: they are intelligent but not nearly as curious as tome breeds, and not as active.
The Persians are devoted to their humans, but they can be selective in conferring that honor. You have to earn their trust and love. They want affection and pampering, but they won’t molest you for attention as other breeds do. However, they will make their feelings known if they do not get the necessary amount of attention.
Persians require significant commitment over time. That beautiful coat requires daily treatment to keep it in good condition and free of knots. You may need to take it from time to time to a professional groomer.
9. Abyssinian
The Abyssinian is often a colored cat with a distinctly popped hair, medium in size and very regal. Agile and muscular, he shows a keen interest in his surroundings. It is often well balanced from a physical and athletic point of view.
Information on His Temperament
Abyssinians are not for those who want a cat who likes to be taken and cuddled with excessive violence. Although they can often be brave, curious, and in a good mood, when they feel harassed, the Abyssinians tend to try to free themselves.
This does not mean that the Abyssinians are distant or independent; they are typically affectionate, devoted, and cuddly with their human companions. In fact, they will follow you from room to room to keep an eye on what you are doing.
They are very happy when they are actively involved in the usual rituals of all family members. They are particularly involved in dinner, for example. The Abyssinians regularly perform antics for yours and their enjoyment, gaining the reputation of clowns from the kingdom of cats. They could perch on their shoulders, crawl under the covers and sit next to you purring madly before running away to hunt imaginary butterflies and leap on the highest shelves in the library.
They are natural athletes, no closed rooms or closets are safe from their agile legs and inquiring minds. Vocally they tend to be silent. They purr with great enthusiasm, however, especially around dinner time. If you have to stay away all day, you may want to consider providing a feline company to entertain your Abyssinian. If you work all day and have an active social life at night, an Abyssinian may not be the cat for you.
10. Sacred cat of Burma
Cat for beginners: the sacred cat of Burma (Photo Unsplash)
A cat full of mystery and legend, the Burmese is a colored feline with long silky hair and four pure white feet. It often seems a little squat. Its distinctive head has strong jaws, firm chin, and medium length nose.
Information on His Temperament
Burmese are affectionate, kind, and faithful companions with an air of dignity that seems to encourage the worship of their families. As former temple cats, Burmese seem to have become accustomed to worship. They are very intelligent and affectionate, according to some, they are often very people-oriented.
They will generally greet visitors with curiosity rather than fear. Because of their gentle temperament, Burmese are generally easy to handle: taking care of them is simple and they are ideal pets for anyone who wants peaceful companions who offer love and affection.
The post Best Cat Breeds for Beginners: a Comprehensive Guide to Choose appeared first on Pet Rescue Blog.
via Pet Rescue Blog
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purrcraze · 5 years
Are Ragdoll Cats Lazy? When To Worry
Ragdolls are large and friendly cats that are best known for their ability to go completely limp when picked up. This breed is also known for its docile and friendly personality, rabbit-like silky fur, and gorgeous appearance, but are they truly lazy as people say they are?
So, are Ragdoll cats lazy? The Ragdoll is a relatively lazy cat. Due to their docile and placid temperament and low energy levels, these cats are often idle and love to lie around doing nothing. While Ragdolls aren’t interested in jumping and running like most other cats, they like to be held and are true lap cats.
In this article, we are going to tell you why are Ragdoll cats so lazy and what are the downsides of owning a low energy cat. Read on to find out how to encourage your Ragdoll to be more active and less idle.
Why Are Ragdoll Cats Lazy?
There is nothing wrong with being lazy sometimes, especially if you are a cat. Just imagine how good it would feel to lounge around all day without a care in the world!
Due to their easy-going and relaxed nature, staying idle most of the time is a piece of cake for Ragdoll cats. Here are some main reasons that make the Ragdoll one of the laziest cat breeds:
Laid-back Personality
The Ragdoll is a gentle, intelligent, relaxed, and easy to handle cat with a friendly disposition and tendency to follow its people around the house. Ragdolls have an extremely docile nature and tend to seek physical affection in a dog-like fashion.
Considering how laid-back and unfazed these cats are, it comes a no surprise that they tend to be lazy!
Low Energy Levels
While Ragdolls remain kitten-like playful even in their senior years, chances are that you are never going to see one jumping, climbing, or running around.
These cats are the happiest when on a ground level, or more ideally, lounging in your lap and receiving a belly rub.
Keep in mind, while Ragdolls have low energy levels compared to other cats, that doesn’t mean that they are tired or feeling unwell.
Inactivity and laziness come hand in hand, and being a low energy breed is one of the main reasons why Ragdolls are so slothful most of the time.
Love To Be Held
This breed got the name “Ragdoll” due to their tendency to go completely limp and relaxed when picked up, just like a real rag doll!
Unlike many other cat breeds, the Ragdoll enjoys to be held and carried around and won’t mind staying permanently in your arms.
Carrying a cat like a baby is simply adorable, but it also encourages Ragdolls to remain lazy! In the end, why would your cat waste her energy to move from one sofa to the next when you are there to do all the heavy work for her!
Is Being Lazy And Inactive Bad For Ragdolls In The Long Run?
Being lazy and inactive from time to time isn’t a bad thing, but staying that way for a longer period comes with consequences.
Being a large and well-boned cat, the Ragdoll needs to be active and have regular exercise to stay healthy and in good shape. Otherwise, your kitty is at risk of developing certain health problems in the long run.
The most commonly seen issue that is related to laziness is:
Obesity: Is on the rise and a real problem for many cats and their owners. As a heavily built but inactive cat, the Ragdoll can pack on the extra pounds easily and become obese before you have time to react.
To make things even more difficult, the silky long coat of Ragdolls serves as a great camouflage and you won’t notice anything strange until you are no longer able to lift your cat without breaking a sweat!
While obesity might not seem like a big deal at first, it is linked with several other health problems and will put your cat’s overall health at risk. So, make sure to keep your Ragdoll’s weight in check and cut the calorie intake if you notice weight gain.
How To Encourage A Ragdoll To Move And Be Less Lazy?
Despite being a lazy fellow and not athletic at all, the Ragdoll likes to play!
Since they aren’t big fans of running and jumping you’ll need to be creative and figure out fun ways to get your cat moving. Your best bet is to use your cat’s playful nature as an advantage.
Here are some fun things you should try:
Fetch: Being an extremely docile cat, your Ragdoll can be trained to do a lot of things, including how to fetch and retrieve. Best of all, most Ragdolls like to play fetch, and this can serve as an excellent exercise that will keep your cat in great shape.
Walk on a leash: While you should never let your Ragdoll to roam freely outside, taking her out for a walk on a leash is a great way for both of you to have fun. Furthermore, teaching your kitty how to walk on a leash won’t be hard, since Ragdolls are people-pleasers and will do anything just to spend more time with their owners.
Catnip toys: The majority of cats react to catnip, and chances are that your Ragdoll will too. The catnip plant sets off chemicals in a cat’s brain provoking an energetic behavior, thus encouraging your cat to play and be more active.
Feather teasers: Using a teaser wand is a great way to encourage your Ragdoll to move more and have some fun. While Ragdolls are naturally less inclined to jump, your kitty may surprise you by doing a clumsy leap just to get her paws on the feathers.
Play with your cat more: There is no better way to curb your Ragdoll’s laziness than to play with her for at least 30 minutes every day. For a people-oriented and friendly Ragdoll, there is no better motivator to stay active than spending time and playing with her favorite human. So no matter how busy you are, take some time every day to have fun and play with your cat!
Related Questions
Are Ragdoll cats intelligent? Although a bit clumsy and lazy, the Ragdoll is a very smart and intelligent cat. Due to their dog-like personality, docile nature and big brains these cats are very easy to train and can learn a lot of tricks. With a little effort and commitment, your Ragdoll can even learn obedience commands.
Do Ragdolls get lonely? Because of their people-oriented and affectionate nature, Ragdolls need a companion, either furry or human. Compared to other cats, Ragdolls tend to become lonely very easily and shouldn’t be left alone. To prevent loneliness and depression consider getting another cat or a dog.
Are Ragdolls talkative? Ragdolls are generally quiet cats that won’t vocalize or cry a lot. However, they can on occasion meow in a sweet and melodious voice to remind you about a meal or play session. Note, a Ragdoll that is suddenly talkative and meows a lot could have an underlying medical condition.
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petlover18-blog1 · 6 years
Oct 6, Top 10 Companion Rabbits
New Post has been published on https://www.petlovers.shovelnews.com/oct-6-top-10-companion-rabbits/
Oct 6, Top 10 Companion Rabbits
Pet Rabbits ~ New Rabbit Checklist ~ Rabbit Names ~ Top Tens ~ Top 10 Companion Rabbits
Need Some Bunny to Love?
Having rabbits as companions (indoor pet rabbits that keep you company – like cats or dogs), is quite a new concept to most people, but the idea is becoming more popular every year.
Rescue centres around the world have commented that many adopters of their rescue rabbits are first-time house-rabbit people and of these most prefer to start with just one rabbit. If all goes well, they usually move on to adopting a second rabbit.
Unlike cats or dogs, the vast majority of rabbits crave the companionship of at least one of their own kind. So be prepared to love the idea and have a little indoor warren of your own!
Most breeds of rabbit make ideal companion pets but there are some breeds that stand out a little above the others, not just for their docile natures and companionship qualities but also for their compatibility as indoor rabbits.
It is only by letting your bunnies live with you, alongside you, in your home, that you will truly appreciate their individuality, personality, and most of all, their friendship.
Most rabbit breeds will make ideal companion pets.
Top 10 Companion Rabbits
This page will help you decide if companion rabbits are right for you and which breeds could make the best companions.
Here are some other great Top Tens…
Bit of Prep…
Are You Prepared for Companion Rabbits?
The information on this page is very important if you are just starting out with rabbits, slightly unsure of a few aspects, or just have no knowledge at all about keeping rabbits as pets, especially where companion rabbits in your home are concerned.
There are other aspects to consider too, such as house training, bonding two rabbits together so they have full time companionship when you are not around and making sure children and other pets are addressed in to the equation.
There’s a lot to consider!
But don’t worry, the following jump links are all on this page, so choose what you feel is most relevant to you and your situation, and you can move forward feeling confidently informed. (Well, hopefully!)
Super Duper Cheat Sheet
Choose the Best Breed of Rabbit for YOU!
10 Simple Ways to Choose
Yep that’s right… the title does exactly what it says!
It will give you all the information you need to make that perfect choice.
This super-duper ‘cheat-sheet’ is the ideal way for anyone that is fairly new to raising rabbits to come up with their perfect bunny breed and variety!
This excellent rabbit cheat-sheet, written by Kerry Greener, is the ideal way to choose your perfect bunny!
Enter your details in the box to the right get your super-duper, 10 Ways to Choose Your Perfect Bunny ‘Cheat Sheet’…
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Intelligence & Training
Having a rabbit as a companion in your home means a bit of training and that’s not just for the rabbits! You will need to be able to communicate with your rabbits in a way that they understand you., but this isn’t as difficult as you may think…
Rabbits have an amazing ability to learn a second language, meaning yours, so communicating with a rabbit is actually quite easy once you get to know their habits, noises, actions and behaviour triggers.
Of course communication is better when it is a two-way connection and if you begin with the right training strategy, it will be a relatively quick process of learning on your rabbits part, before he understands what you are saying too!
Rabbits are surprisingly clever don’t you know!
See more on training your rabbits here…
Treat based clicker training is an ideal way to start training a rabbit. But you must find their most  favourite treat because bunnies have a tendency to get bored quickly. (Just a few 5 minute training sessions a day is usually best).
If you think you have what it takes to train your clever bun, you’ll find much more on all aspects of rabbit training on this page…
Rabbits with Other Pets
Rabbits and cats can co-exist quite happily with lots of different species including cats, dogs, hamsters & birds, to name but a few!
Some say rabbits are more intelligent than cats and, with the right attention, bunnies can be trained, not only to go to the toilet in the right place but even jump over hurdles, come when called, stand up on command and other neat little tricks.
You try and get a cat to do that! Mind you, they probably could, they just don’t want to!
If it’s important for you to see how rabbits will react to other pets in your household – take a peek at this page.
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Got Your Checklist? – Check!
Have you got everything you need to get started with rabbits?
Do you even know what you need?
Perhaps you’ve even gone a bit overboard with your equipment, bedding, food etc., or maybe you simply just don’t know where to start. 
Well, that’s OK because we have thought of everything for you already…
Get started the right way with this detailed NEW RABBIT CHECKLIST
Overwhelmed with too much information?
Don’t know where to start?
Something not working with your rabbits?
Do you need to change something but you are not sure what?
Go from ‘Newbie Without a Clue’ to ‘Rabbit Savvy Clever Clogs’ in a few minutes with minimum effort!
Let go of overwhelm and information overload with super condensed, helpful and relevant data 🙂
Don’t even think about getting rabbits until you check out this New Rabbit hecklist!
This is EVERYTHING you need to know before your bunny rabbit comes home with you.
Don’t worry about price, this Ultimate Checklist will over-deliver on expectations and at less than half the price of a cup of coffee, it will be the best thing you’ve bought today!
“Hopefully I have thought of everything you could possibly need to know when getting started with rabbits and condensed all that knowledge into an easy-to-understand, bite-sized checklist.”
Kerry Greener
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Top 10 Companion Rabbits
Ready? Set? Go!
If you are completely prepared for companion rabbits, there are some breeds that stand out above others, these are the breeds that come as close as you can get to ‘man’s best friend’…
1. Flemish Giant – weighing up to 50lbs this rabbit requires a strong owner. They are very docile and love attention, almost like a dog but they need frequent interaction. They are gentle, intelligent and have lovely personalities. Very well tempered, calm and very large so would prefer a dog basket or similar to sleep in!
2. Jersey Wooly – These fluffy little rabbits don’t mind being handled, in fact they love company. With their affectionate, playful and friendly personalities they range from being a laid-back lap bunny to outgoing explorers. Note though, they need a lot of grooming, and they get quite attached to one person!
3. Angoras – All the Angoras; English, Giant, Satin, German & French make excellent companions if you are prepared for the grooming. They are active, playful and social, with lots of personality. They enjoy the attention of their owners and also love playing with toys.
4. Cinnamon – A laid-back, well disposed rabbit rabbit with a naturally calm temperament that enjoys attention. Likes plenty of room to exercise, various toys to chew on and plenty of quality time with its owner. Really enjoys human attention.
5. Rex Rabbits – These rabbits are said to be one of the most intelligent breeds, and being gentle, playful and relaxed, they are often described as “cat-like”. They can easily be litter trained and can do a variety tricks, such as coming when called and standing on command. An excellent choice for family households.
6. Silver Fox – This is a truly wonderful rabbit. Although originally bred for it’s meat and fur, it’s quite rare now but very popular at shows. The gorgeous Silver Fox is a large, docile breed that  known to be very friendly and actually enjoy lots of attention. They don’t mind being handled and make great companion rabbits.
7. Perlfee – These rabbits are quite difficult to find but well worth the effort if you can. They are a relatively new breed but are growing in popularity because of their friendly, good-natured personalities. They love company and if you like a lively companion these bunnies are perfect for you.
8. British Giant – British Giants have the same calm, friendly temperament as the Flemish Giant. They are docile, not as active as the smaller breeds and love lazing around. They are generally very good-natured, excellent with children and other pets, and rarely aggressive.
9. Satin – Classed as a medium to large sized rabbit, they are gentle, with good natures and calm temperaments. Curious, friendly and often comical, Satins have beautiful soft, shiny, unique coats that make them great show rabbits as well as lovely companions.
10. Thuringer – A lovely breed that needs to be seen more often. If you like a cheeky companion that has a natural urge to run all over the house and climb on the furniture, especially for attention, then this beautiful, kind and playful rabbit is perfect for you.
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A Note About The Top 10
Other Breeds
If you still haven’t found the right bunny rabbit for you, then hop over and have a look at all the rabbit breeds in this extensive alphabetical list – there’s bound to be a breed there that you will fall in love with at first sight!
There Are Exceptions
The top 10 rabbits listed in the  recommended selection above are only given as a guide and are not an exact science.
Please remember the following when considering bringing any new rabbit in to your family:
There are many other varieties of rabbit that would be suitable, the breeds listed above are just an introduction to a few bunny breeds to get you started.
Rabbits have their own individual personalities just like people. Not all of them are sweetness and light!
One rabbit may be friendly and loving yet another rabbit of the same breed may be bad tempered and bitey!
Previous experiences like trauma, stress or bad handling may have affected their temperament.
A rabbit that is docile friendly and loving with you or another rabbit might be anti-social, bossy, dominant or even timid and insecure with someone else or another rabbit.
All rabbits need a great deal of care, the right diet and plenty of exercise and attention – no exceptions on this subject!
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Making the Right Choice
Additional Tips
Different Strokes
Rabbits are all different.
Cats and dogs have their own unique personalities, rabbits do too.
Most domestic rabbit behaviour is still linked to the ancestral habits of wild rabbits, but still, each rabbit retains their own ‘personality’!
A grouchy rabbit has a good reason for bad antics, a happy bunny, sad bun or even a depressed bunny can be read and understood if you recognise the signals and act accordingly.
Different Strokes – Not all rabbits are the same, they all have different personalities, but some breeds will be more suited to YOU.
Guys & Dolls
Knowing what sex you want when choosing ONE rabbit will narrow your choice by 50% straight away of course, but please note, if you are just starting out with rabbits then understand that rabbits prefer to live in pairs.
In fact it’s a very poor shop/breeder/rescue centre etc. indeed that doesn’t inform you of this when you are first starting out.
Domestic pet rabbits prefer to live in pairs or social groups, just like they do naturally in the wild.
Letting you go merrily on your way knowing you only will ever have one bunny, is negligence and is rather sad for the bunny that is to spend the rest of his or her days not being licked, snuggled and groomed by another bunny companion. 
So, with that knowledge in hand, you’ll be needing two wonderful bunnies!
There’s an unwritten rule when it comes to bunny parings…
Boy & Girl – Perfect
Boy & Boy – OK
Girl & Girl – Oh Dear!
Boys Vs Girls
One of each sex is ideal as rabbits prefer this scenario but if two of the same sex are together, it’s better that they are two boys rather than two girls.
Does  (females) start ‘nesting’ habits as they get older and will dig, scratch, nibble and tunnel at anything given the chance. This behaviour is particularly bad if they haven’t been spayed as hormones rage to control, dominate and protect. This leads to territorial and aggressive behaviour towards other rabbits and even us.
Bucks (Males) that have not been neutered can be hyper and spray a lot. They can also be quite sexually aggressive towards females. But generally neutered bucks are much more laid back.
NOTE: Not all rabbits get these behaviours. Some rabbits will never show any aggression, spraying or territorial behaviour at all whether neutered or not.
If you neuter your rabbits, most of these unwanted behaviours and problems will disappear as they are caused by the sex hormones oestrogen and testosterone.
Be aware also that some rabbits like the Dwarf Lop (Mini Lop), Cashmere Lop, Holland Lop and American Chinchilla don’t have bad spraying habits but they do like a good degree of courtship behaviour (circling and chin rubbing.)
Don’t Wait
If you wait to to give your rabbits neutering surgery after these bad displays of aggression have started, then the surgery may be successful in some cases but not in all, as enough time will have passed to let the behaviour become a habit.
Attractor Factor!
That ‘Je ne sais quoi’ –  ‘I don’t know what’, is that uncertain something that all pets have, that draw them to you.
It’s knowing that, that little bunny is your perfect friend and will listen to your every blithering word.
It’s something admirable in that big round show bunny you just love and burst with pride over.
It’s that look from bedraggled, helpless rescue rabbit that you can’t help acting on when you look deep into their pleading eyes.
LIKE attracts LIKE. Two subconscious things connect between you, and sometimes an instant bond is formed, right there and then.
It’s the Attractor Factor!
When it happens you just can’t miss it or ignore it.
It’s electric!
If you are lucky enough to come across ‘it’ when seeking your perfect bunny, sometimes the Universe letting you know that it has done all the decision making for you already.
Grasp the offering with both hands, and love it for as long as you can!
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Children and Rabbits as Pets
Are YOUR CHILDREN prepared for a rabbit?
Some families, that perhaps have never even had a pet cat or dog, think that rabbits as pets would be the easier option.
However, the fact is that a rabbit takes more looking after than a cat or a dog!
Lets think about that for a minute…
A cat
just needs a few streets, fields or gardens to roam around in (peeing and pooping in all but their own garden), a bowl of food at a regular time of day (provided by anyone that will give it) and a warm place to sleep (sofa, bed, laundry bin, sock drawer – they really don’t care).
A dog might need a 20 minute walk twice a day or a large garden to romp about in (pooping whenever and where-ever, with you trailing behind their back-end with a pooper-scooper), a tin of dog food once a day, (which, as long as it’s dead animal they’ll eat) and a smelly old blanket, (or smelly dog basket) to sleep on, let off gas in, lick their genitals in etc etc. – Bit unfair, I love dogs! 😉
A rabbit, however, needs a safe, secure and clean exercise area with at least 30 minutes twice a day, (early morning & dusk). They also need  ‘bonding’ time with their owners for petting, grooming and general social interaction, (they get depressed and lonely when left on their own). They need constant access to grass and hay (with quality food pellets on a consistent basis). They also need a covered, clean, dark place to sleep and call their own which they’ll use consistently, (no other place will do once it is established). Their home, living area, toilet area and exercise area need to be clean, tidy and safe EVERY DAY.  This all adds up to a MINIMUM of 3 hours of dedicated attention per day.
OK, so this might be simplifying and exaggerating it slightly to make a point, but you get the gist!
Your child will need to understand the above and A LOT more besides:
Children keeping rabbits as pets is a BIG responsibility and shouldn’t be a passing whim or phase.
Teaching children responsibility is a great lesson in life for a child but make sure the homework has been done first 🙂
Not Just For Easter!
Rabbits live a surprisingly long time. Some breeds live for over 15 years. If a child has sole responsibility they will need to work out when they intend leaving school, starting university, leaving the parental home etc. and what will happen to the rabbits in those cases. 
Rabbits don’t like to be separated from their loved ones – their owners. They will be depressed and suffer loneliness, stress and sometimes die from a broken heart! 
Marks Out of 10?
A test is always a good idea…
Keeping rabbits as pets with children in mind, should be very carefully considered.
When I rescued my rabbits from the RSPCA they were very interested in who they were intended for, checking that I wasn’t getting them for a young child.
They were for me of course, but I still got the third degree and tested on my capabilities and understanding of keeping rabbits as pets before ‘Kisses’ & ‘Cuddles’ were allowed home to me. Quite right too!
Most rabbit rescue centres or rabbit adoption homes will allow you to foster your choice of rabbits first. This is a great way of testing your children’s understanding and abilities before you commit. You’ll be amazed at the little problems that occur in the first few weeks. Rabbits will:
Dash madly about & squeeze behind furniture to avoid being picked up.
Chew skirting boards, doors, beds, rugs, wires and shoes to clear a path to retreat.
Bite if approached too quickly or too loudly.
Kick, scratch and claw if held incorrectly (and possibly break their back if dropped).
Get sick very easily through stress or poor diet
Test your children on their abilities in the first week.
Their reward for high scores is of course, rabbits!
Teach by Example
“It is not easy to manage young humans and animals, but when parents find solutions, rather than dispose of an animal for convenience sake, an important concept is communicated to the child. This is alive. This is valuable. You don’t throw it away.” – Marinell Harriman, Importance of Permanence
OK, So why have rabbits as pets then?
Having said all that, I’m not trying to put anyone off here, in fact I love the idea of rabbits being part of family life as much as cats and dogs.
can learn near-perfect litter box habits.
are fun and interesting to watch.
have different personalities and can be just as individual as dogs and cats can.
don’t need a garden if given plenty of indoor, sun-lit exercise space.
Rabbits are social animals that need the companionship of humans (or other animals like cats and dogs) but your family must have patience, understanding and an acceptance of individual differences to earn their trust.
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Adults & Rabbits
Are YOU prepared for a rabbit?
As the responsible adult you may have to resign yourself to the fact that your children just aren’t ready for any type of serious commitment or dedication to tasks and lack the basic fundamentals of a caring and compassionate attitude.
Wow, a bit dis-heartening I know, but it just means they’re not quite there yet, they will be.
Are you prepared to share your life with rabbits?
The responsibility of rabbits as pets will then fall down to you, but be aware rabbits are very sensitive to changes to their feeding, cleaning, and exercise routines. Changes are stressful and may lead to illness. Symptoms of illness are often subtle changes in appetite, behaviour and/or droppings.
It is unreasonable to expect a child of any age to take full responsibility for the care of a rabbit (or any pet). The rabbit and your children, as well as the family peace, will benefit greatly from you accepting this notion.
Unless the adults of the household are enthusiastic, informed, and committed about the work involved, a stuffed rabbit is probably a better choice!
Prepared for the Years Ahead?
Rabbits can live from 5 years, for the larger giant breeds, to over 18 years for popular breeds such as the Jersey Wooly and the smaller lop eared rabbits such as the mini lop.
Are you prepared for many years ahead of care, nurture, training, plus keeping supplies and equipment in stock, up to date and in working order?
Are you prepared to dedicate lots of time and energy to tasks such as cleaning, repairs to housing and grooming etc.
Are You Prepared to Share Your Home?
A Hutch is NOT Enough
In order for a family and a rabbit to get to know each other (and for the rabbit’s best health), a domestic rabbit is better being an indoor pet, with as much out-of-cage time with the family as possible.
If you relegate your rabbit to an outdoor hutch (or even to an indoor cage for most of the day), your family will miss getting to know the special personality of the rabbit.
You wouldn’t cage your dog all day, you wouldn’t hutch your cat all day. Just get out of the habit of thinking that rabbits should be in a hutch and all will be well!
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Where to Get Your Rabbit
The Two Best Places
Rabbit Rescue Centres / Breeders
Adoption & Re-homing Centres Rescuing a rabbit from a shelter or charity is by far the best way to find your perfect rabbit pal.
There are adoption and rescue centres worldwide, so you should be able to find one near you.
Here you will find a list of all the rabbit rescue centres in the UK.
I’m sure you’ll find your perfect home companions just waiting for you there.
And you’ll ‘just know’ when you see them too!
Registered, Reputable Breeders If you wish to breed your rabbits to protect the line of a rare breed or you wish to show your rabbits at exhibitions etc, then sourcing from a reputable, recommended breeder is the way to go.
There are many good breeders listed in the Rabbit Association, Rabbit Council or Rabbit Authority for your country.
For more information and to select from breeders worldwide go to this page in the first instance.
A Note About Pet Shops
Please don’t buy a rabbit from a pet shop.
The reasons are disturbing.
There is no exception to this rule, adhered to by all rabbit lovers.
There is no evidence thus far to make it safe to remove this statement.
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Social Media Commenting
Share your views, points, tit-bits and tales! (Remember, you don’t have to have a Facebook account to make a comment.)
All input is good, no matter how small 😉 Thank-you.
Source: https://www.justrabbits.com/companion-rabbits.html
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