#vertical fall arrest rail system
mtandtgroup-blog · 8 months
Ensure safety with our vertical fall protection systems, including lifelines, arresters, and rail systems. Reliable solutions for vertical ladder fall protection and secure work environments.
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inovatix · 1 month
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liminho22ryan · 1 year
Information about Fall Protection Solutions
It is the responsibility of the company to provide their employees with the greatest security gear and the proper working at elevation safety training, as working at height can pose serious risks to workers. It is important to make sure you have the best fall prevention and Fall Protectiongear no matter what field you operate in, and this includes building and construction work, communications, the renewable energy business, and many others. In this brief post, we will examine some of the most secure and cost-effective safety solutions and roof Fall Protection Equipment, one of the most important parts of working at height safety
  Safety Nets for the Roof
Installing roof fall safety equipment at your place of business should only be done if it allows for constant, hands-free attachment. With this setup, your staff will have unrestricted access to the roof for any inspections or maintenance that need to be done. Roof stakes, vertical lifelines, and vertical rail systems are all options for Entertainment Center Fall Protection. There are a lot of products like this out there, so it is important to do your homework on the manufacturer before making a purchase. You should hire a business that offers a custom solution for the unique needs of your organization and the work your employee will be doing.
  There are a handful of different routes you could take to address the issue of roof fall arrest.
    Systems With Horizontal Rails
When it comes to Rescue or Passive Fall Protection Airbag, horizontal rail systems provide a few unique advantages. They do not detract from the aesthetics of a structure and can even enhance them, all without sacrificing security. A horizontal rail system’s adaptability to preexisting buildings and capacity to support many users make it unparalleled. As was previously indicated, horizontal rail systems provide fall safety without requiring personnel to use their hands. They are adaptable and can be utilized for rope access while suspended for more challenging inspection and maintenance jobs.
  Roof fall arrest systems should take the following into account at the very least:
  Systems of Horizontal Cables
The advantages of the horizontal rail system, such as adaptability and hands-free operation, are also shared by the horizontal cable system. They, like the horizontal rail, are subtle and work well with both contemporary and historic architecture. While horizontal wire systems are a less expensive Fall Protection Airbag& arrest solution, this affordability does not come at the expense of workers’ and employees’ safety.
  Before choosing on which type of roof fall prevention systems are best for you, your business, and the safety of your employees, it is wise to get advice from a professional.
  Safety nets are frequently used in places where guard rails are not an option. The considerable risk of falling still exists, even when protective rails & nets are in place. A “personal Inflatable Fall Protectionsystem” is suggested for these conditions. All you need is a body harness, some sort of connector, and somewhere to secure it. Weight is dispersed more safely when using a body harness.
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suspensionplatform · 2 years
Temporary Suspended Platform
The Safety Measures for Using a Building Gondola
The construction gondola or the building gondola is a new kind of high-altitude work equipment that can easily replace conventional scaffolding, improve work efficiency and reduce labor intensity. It’s a movable platform that is driven by a motor and suspended along a building’s vertical surface by steel wire ropes, connected with a suspension mechanism placed at the top of the building.
The features of a gondola allow higher construction, strong construction adaptability, easy erection, high construction efficiency, and the need for less manual labor.
Gondola is an efficient and easy-to-use solution that is widely used for the installation of windows, and billboards, decoration of bridges, painting, and plastering jobs, external renovation, window cleaning, etc. It can also be reused for different purposes. Because of the large size and flexible dimensions that a gondola comes with, workers are more confident working on it.
Before working on such a platform, it’s important to remember a few things.
What should be done?
The fully loaded platform should be tested by raising it a few feet off the ground. Before each shift and before erecting, all equipment must be inspected. For each worker, appropriate fall arrest systems must be used. The toe boards and guard rails should be in place. The platform should be secured when not in use. The power source should be secured and properly grounded. The hand tools should be properly secured to the platform. The attachments and roof beams of the electrically-operated temporary suspended platform must be secured. Contact should be prevented between grinding or welding equipment and suspension ropes or wires. It should be made sure that all brakes, override switches, stops, and safety equipment work properly. The ropes should be secured at anchor ends. Signs of damaged or kinked ropes should be checked.
What shouldn’t be done?
• Unless each and everyone working on it is protected by a quality fall arrest system, the work platform shouldn’t be moved. • For lowering or raising the materials or tools, the fall arrest systems shouldn’t be used. • The components of the platform shouldn’t be removed, substituted, or altered. • Unless they are designed for this purpose, the platforms shouldn’t be joined. • The platform load capacity shouldn’t be exceeded ever. Are you looking for a quality, affordable temporary gondola for a major high-rise project? Get in touch with a renowned China-based construction equipment supplier and solution provider today!
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jewishtommycoolatta · 4 years
Green Eyes
Word Count: 3119
Ship: Freelatta (Tommy x Gordon)
No major warnings. Please see original tags for a full list of trigger warnings.
(Another POV of Yellow Eyes)
He really wanted to move closer. But he just stared at Gordon. He had pretty eyes. The green reflected the glow from his own eyes. He liked it.
Tommy likes Gordon. Tommy wishes Gordon liked him back.
Whenever things went wrong and Tommy began to freak out, he found that the one thing that calmed him the most was reciting what he knew. So he began to recite.
Himself: Tommy Coolatta, 36, no official degree but lots of knowledge. Nepotic intern. Son of a powerful eldritch space being. Eldritch space being. Surprisingly competent. Somehow avoiding a meltdown.
In front of him: Gordon Freeman, 27, MIT graduate and theoretical physicist. Doctor. Father. Currently slumped against the wall, barely alive and barely conscious. Missing an arm. Looking rather dead. Mumbling vacantly.
Around him: Metal and glass and the smell of death. Green light from vats of toxic sludge. This was very against regulation (not that he would tell any of his friends that. He didn’t need them worrying. Lying was not against regulations, after all).
Focus, Tommy. Dying friend in front of you. Dying because you couldn’t get up and help him. Each employee on a walking/working surface (horizontal and vertical surface) with an unprotected side or edge which is 6 feet (1.8 m) or more above a lower level shall be protected from falling by the use of guardrail systems, safety net systems, or personal fall arrest systems.
Gordon’s right arm.
Very dirty. Very bloody. Very missing.
Tommy dug into the large pockets on the inside of his lab coat and found a first aid kit, which of course he kept on him, because despite knowing the facility’s codes on employee medical treatment and its availability inside and out he did not trust for one second that those government bastards really cared. Also it was good for emergencies. Like this one.
He opened the kit. A small bottle of rubbing alcohol. A bottle, not wipes, because the wipes didn’t give you as much control over the amount of alcohol, though in this case it probably didn’t matter, because he was going to use it all anyways.
Big wound.
Focus, Tommy. A surface 6 or more feet above its lower level must have fall arrest systems such as guard rails or safety nets.
“This might sting a bit, Mr. Freeman.”
He poured the liquid onto his wound, trying to be as gentle as possible, because Gordon was injured and it was partially his fault and. Fucking focus. Focus. Tommy. You can be upset later. Eye and face PPE shall be distinctly marked to facilitate identification of the manufacturer.
Gordon didn’t even react to the alcohol. Tommy wondered if he could really feel much of anything. He didn’t even know how he managed to get here, from wherever the soldiers took him and through the vents to this dingy hellhole. Gordon was very strong. Gordon was saying something. Focus! When the periphery of the blades of a fan is less than seven feet above the floor or working level, the blades shall be guarded.
“Tommy, I--- Gordon-- Gordon need blood,” he gurgled, clearly woozy. He was waving his other arm around, grasping for something that probably neither of them knew what. Tommy couldn’t stand to see him like this. But he had to. Stay calm. Focus. When a platform is-- shit, when a platform--
“I know, Mr. Freeman. Um, the med--the medkits here are already empty. But I’m sure we-we can find some others along the way!” He tried giving him a smile. If Gordon knew the truth about him, he would have instantly known it was fake-- his eyes were dark and dull. Gordon’s eyes were glazed over. Tommy didn’t think he saw or heard him at all. Focus. Gauze. Hold him gently. Focus. It was already staining a horrible red. Focus--
He couldn’t keep focus in his head. He started talking out loud.
“Um, you know, a-according to OSHA regulations the Black Mesa Research Facility is required to keep a medical station within every-- every 200 feet?” Tommy was grateful for the medical books he had read, and wrapped the bandages with a surgical precision. He spouted out whatever OSHA guidelines came to mind first. Medical treatment, handling of radioactive materials, emergency evacuation procedures. Gordon’s eyes started to close. Tommy would have thought he was dying in that moment if not for the content sigh he gave.
Ever so gently, like he was handling a Fabergé egg, or poking a bear, he tapped Gordon’s cheek.
“Hey, you can’t sleep yet,” he whispered. Gordon stared at him groggily, eyes still hazy and mind obviously not very there, but he was looking at him. With a little recognition. So that meant something.
Tommy gave a small smile, for real this time, and Gordon, in all his dizziness gave a vacant one back, somehow full of all the love in the world, and Tommy saw bright yellow reflect off the metal of his HEV suit.
Tommy was 37 now. Finally. He didn’t know if he would even get to this day during the entirety of their... romp through Black Mesa, but he was here, in his favorite entertainment center, and it was more fun than he could have ever hoped.
Everyone else seemed to be having as much fun as intended-- except Benrey, who had been banned from the party by Tommy’s dad and was staring through the window in his skeleton form, but he did try to murder them all so he would have to deal with it-- but Gordon was off in the corner.
Tommy, through his heightened senses, could very clearly hear him screaming. It wasn’t horrific and painful, but it was screaming. Tommy didn’t think he was having fun. Tommy was having fun! He wanted Gordon to have fun, too.
Why did he want him to have fun so bad? Because he deserved it after going through all that shit? Yes. Okay. That’s the answer he’d go with.
He came over and sat next to Gordon. He didn’t seem to notice, too busy screaming into his hands. Hands. Plural. Thanks, Dad.
“Mr.-- Mr. Freeman! Are you enjoying the party?” He was giving him a 500 megawatt smile, and it was all real (he could see the light of his own eyes on the others suit again) and when the other man perked his head up at the sound of the voice, Tommy could admit he smiled just a bit wider.
Tommy had great senses, and despite being autistic and never really doing too well with body language, Gordon could be read like a book. Tommy could just see his green eyes, peering out of hands and through his glasses and raking over his face. Transfixed on his mouth. Staring in-between his glowing eyes. He raised his head more, and Tommy would swear he was blushing. Interesting.
“Yeah, uh, I’m having fun. Just kinda partied out right now,” he said, tilting his mouth into a feeble smile. Tommy knew he was lying, Gordon obviously hated being here, but the man hadn’t even tried to leave yet so that had to mean something. Something good. His happiness spread to his hands, and he fluttered them in front of his body.
“Oh, that's p- that’s p-p-- that’s good!” He could feel his own eyes glowing brighter, and his hands just started going faster, because Gordon looked a lot happier, too, and he was staring at him with a gleam in his eye that he obviously thought he was concealing, but he definitely wasn’t, and he really needed to get his energy out because the party and this man and his loving look were going to drive him nuts.
Gordon had an abandoned cup of grape soda in front of him, so he started talking about a manual he had recently read on the proper maintenance of soft drink machines, and Gordon listened. Tommy was floating on this high, rocking in his chair.
He really liked Gordon. Maybe Gordon liked him back?
Actually, Gordon hates him. Gordon fucking hates him.
It had been two months since his birthday party. They had robbed a bank together, and that was it. Gordon refused to interact with him.
Technically, Gordon refused to interact with any of them.
They had organized a weekly meetup. The first time, Gordon was radio silent, but eventually texted that he somehow hadn’t received word of the meetup. They had arranged it over email, so it was a viable reason, and so they switched over to a text group and voice chat. That way he could come to the next meeting.
The second time, Gordon said he needed to take Joshua to ‘a thing after school’. Bubby asked why he couldn’t just drop him off and come hang out, but apparently he needed to be there (some kind of parent-teacher conference, or something) and didn’t seem to want to talk about it so they didn’t press further. The man deserved some time with his kid, anyways. He would come to the next meeting.
The third time, Gordon said his car broke down. Tommy offered to give him a ride, invoking his record as the safest driver of the group (and also technically the only one with a license), but Gordon refused, way too quickly, and also hung up on the entire call. That hurt his feelings a bit, and he was starting to miss the man, but he didn’t want to be too intrusive and ask if anything was wrong. He would come to the next meeting.
The fourth time, Gordon said he was sick. Also the fifth, sixth, seventh, and now eighth time. He had a headache, or a cough, or chills, or stomach pains, or all and anything in-between. Tommy was starting to suspect that he was just avoiding them all. Actually, it might just be Tommy he was avoiding.
Saying Gordon didn’t interact with them at all was maybe a bit harsh. Gordon still spoke to them all sometimes. He occasionally went through the drive-through at the McDonald’s Benrey worked at, or stopped for a chat with Bubby when he saw him in the grocery store, or gave a quiet hello to Dr. Coomer at his new library job. But Tommy never got the chance. Gordon was pointedly ignoring him.
Of course he saw him out and about, they lived in the same town, it was bound to happen. Tommy watched Gordon notice him, and every time, immediately turn around and walk away. Because he was fucking avoiding him. Because he hated him. Probably.
He never said that he hated him, and the rest of his friends repeatedly assured him that Gordon didn’t hate him, but then why would he absolutely refuse to even go near Tommy?
So the eighth time Gordon said he was sick, Tommy offered to come over with medicine. And he called him Gordon, because he was being serious now, and Mr. Freeman didn’t have that bite to it. For the first time Tommy actually thought Gordon might really be sick, because the yes he gave back was quiet and raspy.
So Tommy was here, on the other man’s couch, hand pressed onto his forehead in a way that was maybe too familiar for his liking, and he felt totally fine. Of course. Because he wasn’t sick, and Gordon knew that and Tommy knew that but Tommy didn’t know if Gordon knew that Tommy knew that. But Gordon seemed to like the blanket Tommy had made for him, so that was at the very least something.
Tommy’s free hand was running over the quilt, feeling the texture, soothing him and distracting him from the fact that Gordon was openly gawking at his face. Sure, he was a bit close (his body felt like it was moving in on its own), but there were still other things to look at. And Gordon was staring down at his mouth and up at his eyes again, and he had that look again, that Tommy thought was loving but maybe he was just confused. Because a man who loved him would not have avoided him for two months, surely.
“You feel fine,” Tommy finally said, pulling his hand away, also tracing it along the quilt.  “Are you sure-- are you sure you’re sick?”
Tommy knew the answer, but he wanted to see if Gordon would tell the truth. He didn’t want to beat around this bush any longer.
Gordon let out a nervous laugh, and lied through his teeth. “Um, you know, I think it was more my stomach--”
Tommy was tired of this. Gordon looked uncomfortable, shivering despite the blanket, but Tommy pressed further.
“Why do you keep avoiding everyone?”
Gordon flipped from staring at Tommy to very obviously avoiding looking at him. The portraits on the walls and the off TV were definitely not so interesting that he had to intensely stare at them. Tommy felt him pull the quilt into his fists, and Tommy mildly worried that he might be a little angry.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” His voice wasn’t angry, though. It was nervous. Avoiding.
Tommy put his hand on Gordon’s shoulder and leaned in close, and maybe he would have thought about he was way too close to him but he was too close to the truth.
“I’m not… I’m not avoiding everyone .” He said. Despite being closer now he suddenly found an excuse to once again look everywhere but at Tommy.
“Just me?”
That hurt.
Gordon’s prosthetic hand flew over his mouth, and he looked over at Tommy with some kind of shock, as if he never thought he’d admit it. But he did. And Tommy didn’t understand what he did to deserve this.
“Did I– Did I do something wrong?” Tommy asked. He pulled away from Gordon; he didn’t need to make him more hateful by taking up his personal space. There was no intimacy for him here.
But then Gordon yelled “No-- wait!” and grabbed his shoulders and pulled him real close, and Tommy’s head spun a little because this was much much much closer than he’d ever dare get.
“You didn’t do anything wrong, Tommy, I promise. I’m just dealing with all these fucking feelings right now.”
Oh. Oh.
Gordon was looking him right in his eyes now, green meeting yellow, and he had that clear look that said I love you and I don’t know how to tell you and begged him to close the small gap between them. He was getting overzealous, surely.
“…what kind of… f-feelings?” He asked. He didn’t dare speak too loud, almost as if he would scare Gordon away. And he was so close. If he moved his mouth too much it might touch Gordon’s accidentally, and Tommy didn't know what he would do if that happened.
Gordon held his shoulders tighter, and Tommy liked the pressure. He wished he would touch him more. He really wanted to move closer. But he just stared at Gordon. He had pretty eyes. The green reflected the glow from his own eyes. He liked it.
“Can I kiss you?” Gordon finally asked. He was so quiet, like he was afraid Tommy might say no, as if Tommy would ever say no to that. Tommy couldn’t even make his brain form a yes, so he just relented to what his whole body was screaming at him to do and closed the space between them.
Gordon’s lips were chapped and his goatee tickled Tommy’s face and Tommy fucking loved it all. He had to do something with his hands before he started flapping and accidentally hit Gordon, so he took to covering Gordon’s hands on his shoulders, interlocking their fingers.
Gordon closed his eyes, moving his lips against Tommy’s, and Tommy couldn’t keep his hands still, so he moved, tracing the other man’s body up his arms and chest, up to his face, cupping it in such a familiar way. He pulled him in just that much closer, thumb caressing one of his cheeks. Gordon squeezed his shoulders again in response. Both saying I love you, I love you, I love you, please don’t let me go.
Tommy found himself out of breath, and separated their lips, and he could have cried at the loss of contact. It was just one kiss, but he was already breathing heavy, lips wet and face red. Gordon opened his eyes again, and once again the green was washed out by the yellow glow, and Gordon looked at him like he was the sun and he felt like it. He felt so warm and happy. He was going to die. Supernova. Gordon loved him. He wondered how he could have ever thought anything different.
“Can we-- can I--” Gordon sputtered, clearly just as out of it as Tommy, but he knew what the other man was asking and he couldn’t be more happy to oblige. He would kiss Gordon forever, if he would let him.
Gordon pulled him back in, and they kissed again, and again, and again and again and again. Making up for lost time.
Himself: Tommy Coolatta, 37, taken for nearly half a year now. Joshua’s new (unofficial, technically) second dad.
Beside him: Gordon Freeman, 27, the most perfect man in the universe. Finally no longer a hermit.
In front of him: The tv, blaring some dumb kid’s movie. Tommy had a scientific appreciation for the art of animation, but this was mind-numbing. It was put on for Joshua, but he was sleeping now. On top of Tommy, actually. The whole Freeman family seemed to be made up of cuddlers.
He had no particular reason to recite, no stress pulling at his mind. He just liked to categorize and store every moment of this new life, write and file away these small memories for later. It was finally something he could enjoy doing.
He wanted to stay awake, take in the domestic scene as much as he could, but his eyes kept drooping. And it was so comfortable here; the warmth of Gordon at his side and the blanket he gave them draped over their laps, Joshua’s weight on his front, it all made him sleepy. Surely he just shut his eyes for a little. It would be fine. He didn’t care about missing the end of the movie (he wasn’t paying attention anyways), and Gordon could just wake him when it was time to properly go to bed.
Or they all could sleep through the night here, waking up in the morning just as comfortable and together as when they went to sleep. That would be fine, too. Perfect, actually.
If Tommy could have kept his eyes open any longer, they would have drowned out the light of the television, bathing the room in a yellow full of all the love in the world.
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williephames-blog · 6 years
Safety at the workplace is of paramount importance. There is no shortcut to adhering to safety measures at the workplace. It is not only the responsibility of the employees but also the employer to provide all the necessary safety gears to the employees at the workplace for their safety, comfort, peace of mind and increased productivity. Any accident at site brings the workplace to a halt incurring heavy downtime, lost man hours, huge incidental costs, lawsuits, citations and other related issues. We can’t undermine the value of potential ‘Workplace falls’ encountered by workers daily while working on the roof edge, elevated platform, rail car top, tank surfaces, skylight, mezzanines, working near holes in walls or floors and other hazardous areas. The falls from these workplaces are most common and often result in unfortunate fatal incidences causing a lot of hardship to the family and all. Quality roof fall arrest anchor, fall protection anchor points and other such measures will help in mitigating lot of unpleasant incidences.
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Suitable fall protection measures, when employed at the workplace, give comfort and peace of mind to the employer and employee alike. CAI Safety Systems has been a pioneer in producing quality safety gear for all employees engaged in workplaces which demand extreme precaution and safety measures to prevent any chances of fall. They have products suitable for different fall protection wide applications like Bus and RV, Overhead system, roof and Roof opening, Ladder and openings, Mezzanine, Truck, and flatbed, Aircraft, and hangers, Loading dock and bay, Tank/Tank vent, Tank cars, and Rail cars.
Fall protection products have been designed to meet all eventualities and area of applications. Their versatile quality products are Roof hatches, guardrails, Warning lines, overhead systems, Roof skylights, safety gates, Portable/ mobile ladder, Platforms/Gangways to name a few. The company has a professional team to design, engineer, customized requirements of any client and carry out custom manufacturing in works after site survey and finalization with the client. The experienced team also deliver and install the fall protection units at the site. The services include safety training, annual certification, user equipment repair works besides valuable expert guidance. The long diverse experience in the field has enabled the most professional team to engineer roof fall arrest anchor systems for workers working on high altitude either for loading or unloading operations as a guard against fall restraint.
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CAI Safety Systems products are well received by the market with a proven record for the last 20 years serving aerospace, refinery, defense, pharmaceuticals, food processing, construction, and other major industries. The products are in use by the industries for their diverse needs of fall protection systems, fall protection anchor points and roof fall arrest anchor system in their daily routine use. The products are manufactured to ANSI and OSHA standards including the latest January 2017 governing rule on Walking and Working surfaces covering vertical as well as horizontal surfaces. These include floors, roofs, stairs, ladders, scaffolds, elevated walkways, and ramps. The consistent quality, workmanship, durability, trustworthiness, affordable cost and prompt deliveries are the keyword to the success and large reputation in the industry.
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bountyofbeads · 5 years
OUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK!!! WHAT A F*UCKING WASTE!! Trump's BIG BEAUTIFUL WALL fall down when the wind blows, smugglers saw threw the slats and dig elaborate tunnels underneath Trump's big beautiful wall. Let's not forget that Trump took tax payer $$$ away from the military to pay for his totally ineffective wall to keep a campaign promise. SHAMEFUL
Trump’s border wall is vulnerable to flash floods, needs large storm gates left open for months
By Nick Miroff | Published January 30 at 5:37 PM EST | Washington Post | Posted January 31, 2020|
NACO, Ariz. — President Trump's border wall probably will require the installation of hundreds of storm gates to prevent flash floods from undermining or knocking it over, gates that must be left open for months every summer during "monsoon season" in the desert, according to U.S. border officials, agents and engineers familiar with the plans.
The open, unmanned gates in remote areas already have allowed for the easy entry of smugglers and migrants into the United States.
At locations along the U.S. southern border where such gates already are in operation, Border Patrol agents must manually raise them every year before the arrival of the summer thunderstorms that convert riverbeds into raging torrents that carry massive amounts of water and debris, including sediment, rocks, tree limbs and vegetation. Trump's wall, which features 30-foot metal bollards spaced four inches apart, effectively acts as a sewer grate that traps the debris; when clogged, the barriers cannot withstand the power of the runoff.
Because the gates typically are located in isolated areas that lack electricity, they cannot be operated from afar. That requires the Border Patrol to leave the gates open for months, increasing the need for U.S. agents to monitor the sites because smugglers and other border-crossers can enter through the large gaps and ­advance northward following stream channels and narrow canyons to avoid detection.
The flooding risks are one of the biggest engineering challenges to the president’s vision of a linear man-made structure spanning hundreds of miles of desert, canyons and mountains. But the Trump administration has said little about how it plans to manage the hydrology of the border region.
Though Trump has boasted that his new “border wall system” will be an impermeable force against illegal crossings and drug trafficking, the need for open gates is another notable weakness that smugglers and migrants can exploit to slip through the barrier and evade capture.
Smugglers have learned how to cut through the new steel bollards using common tools they can buy at hardware stores, and some have demonstrated that the wall can be climbed with handmade ladders and rope. And most of the hard narcotics that enter the United States via Mexico pass through official border crossings, hidden in vehicles and among cargo, not through the remote areas where Trump’s new barriers are being erected.
Roy Villareal, chief of the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector, which covers most of Arizona, described the addition of the floodgates as an example of how his agency has learned to adjust to the realities of the Southwest’s extreme weather and topography.
“The border is so diverse,” Villareal said. “You have to plan for water flow. . . . People think it’s just this monolithic wall, sort of like the Great Wall of China, where you drop it into place and that’s all there is to it. And that’s not the reality at all.”
John Ladd, whose cattle ranch extends along the border for about 10 miles west of tiny Naco, said the Border Patrol and the Army Corps of Engineers began installing 18-foot bollards on his property in 2008, adding “lift gates” that could be opened during the summer to allow floodwaters through.
Ladd, who supports Trump and his wall project, said his span of the border now has about 70 gates, and U.S. agents use a forklift to raise them at the beginning of every summer. They initially were designed to be hoisted by agents using the winch on their Border Patrol vehicles, Ladd said, but the gates were so heavy that “the front end of their trucks would start lifting off the ground.”
When the gates were first installed on Ladd’s ranch, smugglers would drive through the openings with loads of marijuana, he said, so the Border Patrol lowered the height of the opening to four feet. The vehicle incursions have stopped, but illegal crossings and smuggling increase along his property during the summer months when the gates are left open, the rancher said.
“They know as soon as the Border Patrol opens them,” he added, referring to traffickers in Mexico.
Veteran Border Patrol officials acknowledge that the government would be foolish to place vertical metal bars in the direct path of rivers and creeks that swell to dangerous volumes during summer storms. The U.S. southern border is crisscrossed by hundreds of drainage channels and several rivers. One Arizona river, the Santa Cruz, starts in a U.S. valley, flows through the mountains into Mexico and returns to cross the border again with more water.
Outside of the high-traffic areas, much of the U.S.-Mexico border through New Mexico and Arizona is lined with vehicle barriers that are welded from old rail tracks. Though they would stop a car or truck from crossing, they allow water and debris — as well as wildlife and people — to pass through.
Trump’s border project is replacing those barriers with the steel bollards, which act like a sieve and can impede water flow.
At several locations in Arizona where construction crews are racing to erect the structure, workers have been leaving gaps at creek beds and river channels because they do not yet have the new fencing panels with storm gates. Older vehicle barriers remain in place along those sections, the gaps akin to missing teeth.
U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials in Washington declined to respond to questions about how many storm gates they plan to install and where they would be located.
But Villareal and other Border Patrol officials said the storm gates, and their need to be left open all summer, amount to a relatively minor challenge that can be compensated for using technology such as cameras and sensors — along with more agents.
They also say a barrier with openings is preferable to no barrier at all, and the gaps can help them by funneling foot traffic into areas where they can concentrate their interdiction efforts.
“At the end of the day, you still need an individual to monitor and make that arrest,” Villareal said. “What’s been tested, and seems to work well for us, is opening them up at the beginning of monsoon season, and at the end of monsoon season, closing them back down. Which means for the patrol agent in charge of that particular area, he or she has to deploy manpower to cover that area when the gates are open.”
The storm gates are different from the much larger vehicle gates the government installs along the Rio Grande in Texas to allow farmers, U.S. agents and others access to land that becomes cut off from the rest of the United States by the barrier. Those gates can be quickly opened and shut and do not need to remain open to manage flooding.
White House officials this month acknowledged that they are preparing to divert an additional $7.2 billion from this year’s Defense Department budget for wall construction, money that will allow the administration to complete nearly 900 miles of new barriers by 2022.
If that plan goes forward, it probably will include new barriers in mountainous areas where the force of floodwaters is even greater and engineers would need to install even more storm gates through canyons and creek beds.
In 2011, a 40-foot span of mesh-style border fencing collapsed in Arizona’s Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument after storm debris became trapped against the structure, causing floodwaters to back up.
“They came in and installed gates, but it was a challenge for the Border Patrol,” said Lee Baiza, who was the park superintendent at the time. “How do you man those gates during weather events?”
Baiza said the president’s border barrier project is likely to exacerbate the risk of damage, because the crews building the structure and the adjoining road have loosened and disturbed soil, rocks and plant life, all of which can be picked up and carried away in sudden rushes of water.
“It’s a fragile environment, so if you go drive across that country, you will loosen up the soil and brush,” Baiza said. “The more activity, the more it gets run over, the more debris you create.”
Another section of border barrier toppled in 2014 near Nogales, Ariz., when U.S. agents failed to open the floodgates in time, sending mud and stones into nearby homes. And in 2008, two people in the Mexican city of Nogales, just across the border, were killed in catastrophic flash floods that inflicted millions of dollars in damage, with some of the blame falling on a Border Patrol project that placed bars into cross-border culverts with the intention of blocking illegal crossings.
The gates have created logistical problems for U.S. officials, who must physically lift and lower the gates with the changing of the seasons. In the fall, Border Patrol crews sometimes struggle to close the gates on Ladd’s Arizona ranch, he said, because the openings accumulate rocks and sand during the summer.
Despite what border officials said about sensors, Ladd said agents have told him they cannot leave sensors in the stream channels and canyons while the gates are open because they, too, risk being swept away by flash floods. He said he has not seen an increase in summer patrols, either.
The San Pedro River, which starts in Mexico and flows north into Arizona at the edge of Ladd’s property, meanders for much of the year or dries up. But its sandy flood plain is as wide as a football field.
At the site where it crosses the border west of Naco, Border Patrol agents must remove everything in the river’s path, even the permeable vehicle barriers, to prevent them from being swept away.
“There’s no way you can put a bollard fence in here,” said Lai­ken Jordahl, an environmental activist with the Tucson-based Center for Biological Diversity. On a recent afternoon, he counted 18 cottonwood trees next to the river at the border crossing that appeared to be tagged for removal, some of which were mature. “They’re trying to take every inch they can,” Jordahl said.
Crews were preparing to install new barriers, but border officials haven’t said what type of gates they will use at the river.
“This is a wildlife superhighway,” Jordahl said, listing the species that traverse the border through the stream channels: antelopes, deer, coyotes, bears, bobcats, ocelots, javelina.
On a bright January day, the river’s cool waters ran just a few inches deep, but the San Pedro’s latent power was visible a little higher on the riverbank. A tangle of logs, mud and other flood debris was snarled against a tree, 10 feet above the river channel.
Nick Miroff covers immigration enforcement and the Department of Homeland Security for The Washington Post. He was a Post foreign correspondent in Latin America from 2010 to 2017, and has been a staff writer since 2006.
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trendytechreviews · 5 years
Roof Safety and Access Systems Market Latest Trends and Future Growth Study by 2026
Roof safety and access systems are essential for the safety of individuals when working at heights. The roof safety and access systems provides highest level of control to eliminate the risk of a fall by undertaking work on a roof walkway with guardrails.  Rope access systems such as roof anchors etc. requires training in order to be used safely. In the event of a fall, these systems are designed to minimize the rate and extent of injuries.
Key factors driving the roof safety and access systems market include implementation of stringent rules and regulations. Evolution in e-commerce has created huge opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers in the industry. In order to cater to a comprehensive range of customers across the world, manufacturers and distributors of roof safety and access systems are focusing on selling their products on various e-commerce websites. This is anticipated to create growth opportunities for the market during the forecast period. Promotion of roof safety and access systems through various online channels is projected to offer lucrative opportunities to the roof safety and access systems market in the next few years. High cost and slow adoption rate of roof safety systems is anticipated to hamper the growth of the roof safety and access systems market.
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The global roof safety and access systems market can be segmented based on product, distribution channel, application, and region. On the basis of product, the roof safety and access systems market can be segmented into horizontal lifeline, guardrails, roof anchor, fall arrest equipment, hatch system, skylight screens, and portable safety railing. Horizontal lifeline is a significant product which is most commonly used as a roof safety system. This product is used in construction sites as it provides protection to individuals and facilitates hands-free mobility. Based on distribution channel, the roof safety and access systems market is divided into direct sales and distributor sales. In terms of application, the roof safety and access systems market can be bifurcated into residential and commercial. Commercial segment is ruling the roof safety and access systems market. Increase in infrastructural developments in the commercial sector is expected to triggers the growth of this market in the near future.
On the basis of region, the global roof safety and access systems market can be bifurcated into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and South America. Increasing awareness about the safety of workers working on rooftops across various industries is seen in North America. The U.S. has introduced a stringent regulatory framework known as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the safety of workers working on vertical heights in different industries such as construction, marine terminals, and shipyard etc. This is expected to augment the demand for roof safety and access systems in the U.S. from 2018 to 2026. However, limited adoption rate of safety products in South America has hampered the growth of the roof safety and access systems market. The non-existence or partial implementation of safety rules & regulations in Middle East & Africa restricts the growth of the roof safety and access systems market.
Prominent players operating in the global roof safety and access systems market are 3M, Precision Ladders, Skyline Group, Simplified Safety Inc., Safety Rail Company LLC, KEE Safety Group Ltd., Thermo Incorporated, Grasp Safety Services Inc., The Bilco Company, XSPlatforms, Fixfast USA, DeLuca Roofing Inc., OKeefes, Safety Products Group, Garlock Safety, Tritech Fall Protection Systems, Inc., Liftsafe Fall Protection, PHP Systems/Design, GF Protection Inc., Leading Edge Safety, Honeywell International Inc., and, Atlas Access. These players are estimated to face tough competition in the near future due to presence of a large number of local players in the roof safety and access systems market. Companies are undertaking mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures with local players to expand their product portfolio. Producers in developing countries are focusing on reducing their cost of production and increase profitability for the sustainable growth of their business.
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harshalblogs-blog · 5 years
Roof Safety and Access Systems Market Key Players- Research Forecasts To 2018-2026
Roof safety and access systems are essential for the safety of individuals when working at heights. The roof safety and access systems provides highest level of control to eliminate the risk of a fall by undertaking work on a roof walkway with guardrails.  Rope access systems such as roof anchors etc. requires training in order to be used safely. In the event of a fall, these systems are designed to minimize the rate and extent of injuries.
Key factors driving the roof safety and access systems market include implementation of stringent rules and regulations. Evolution in e-commerce has created huge opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers in the industry. In order to cater to a comprehensive range of customers across the world, manufacturers and distributors of roof safety and access systems are focusing on selling their products on various e-commerce websites. This is anticipated to create growth opportunities for the market during the forecast period. Promotion of roof safety and access systems through various online channels is projected to offer lucrative opportunities to the roof safety and access systems market in the next few years. High cost and slow adoption rate of roof safety systems is anticipated to hamper the growth of the roof safety and access systems market.
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The global roof safety and access systems market can be segmented based on product, distribution channel, application, and region. On the basis of product, the roof safety and access systems market can be segmented into horizontal lifeline, guardrails, roof anchor, fall arrest equipment, hatch system, skylight screens, and portable safety railing. Horizontal lifeline is a significant product which is most commonly used as a roof safety system. This product is used in construction sites as it provides protection to individuals and facilitates hands-free mobility. Based on distribution channel, the roof safety and access systems market is divided into direct sales and distributor sales. In terms of application, the roof safety and access systems market can be bifurcated into residential and commercial. Commercial segment is ruling the roof safety and access systems market. Increase in infrastructural developments in the commercial sector is expected to triggers the growth of this market in the near future. On the basis of region, the global roof safety and access systems market can be bifurcated into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and South America. Increasing awareness about the safety of workers working on rooftops across various industries is seen in North America. The U.S. has introduced a stringent regulatory framework known as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the safety of workers working on vertical heights in different industries such as construction, marine terminals, and shipyard etc. This is expected to augment the demand for roof safety and access systems in the U.S. from 2018 to 2026. However, limited adoption rate of safety products in South America has hampered the growth of the roof safety and access systems market. The non-existence or partial implementation of safety rules & regulations in Middle East & Africa restricts the growth of the roof safety and access systems market.
Prominent players operating in the global roof safety and access systems market are 3M, Precision Ladders, Skyline Group, Simplified Safety Inc., Safety Rail Company LLC, KEE Safety Group Ltd., Thermo Incorporated, Grasp Safety Services Inc., The Bilco Company, XSPlatforms, Fixfast USA, DeLuca Roofing Inc., OKeefes, Safety Products Group, Garlock Safety, Tritech Fall Protection Systems, Inc., Liftsafe Fall Protection, PHP Systems/Design, GF Protection Inc., Leading Edge Safety, Honeywell International Inc., and, Atlas Access. These players are estimated to face tough competition in the near future due to presence of a large number of local players in the roof safety and access systems market. Companies are undertaking mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures with local players to expand their product portfolio. Producers in developing countries are focusing on reducing their cost of production and increase profitability for the sustainable growth of their business.
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The report offers a comprehensive evaluation of the market. It does so via in-depth qualitative insights, historical data, and verifiable projections about market size. The projections featured in the report have been derived using proven research methodologies and assumptions. By doing so, the research report serves as a repository of analysis and information for every facet of the market, including but not limited to: Regional markets, technology, types, and applications.
The study is a source of reliable data on:
Market segments and sub-segments
Market trends and dynamics
Supply and demand
Market size
Current trends/opportunities/challenges
Competitive landscape
Technological breakthroughs
Value chain and stakeholder analysis
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mtandtgroup-blog · 9 months
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Flowlok Ladder System & Vertical Access Solutions
Enhance safety with Flowlok ladder system, vertical access solutions & fall arrest ladders. Secure roof access, wind industry needs & more with guide rails & self-guiding fall arresters.
For more information click here: https://bit.ly/48DTGFy
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inovatix · 2 months
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trendingfact · 6 years
Roof Safety and Access Systems Market: Global Industry Analysis, Size, Share, Growth, Trends, and Forecast
Roof safety and access systems are essential for the safety of individuals when working at heights. The roof safety and access systems provides highest level of control to eliminate the risk of a fall by undertaking work on a roof walkway with guardrails.  Rope access systems such as roof anchors etc. requires training in order to be used safely. In the event of a fall, these systems are designed to minimize the rate and extent of injuries.
Key factors driving the roof safety and access systems market include implementation of stringent rules and regulations. Evolution in e-commerce has created huge opportunities for manufacturers and suppliers in the industry. In order to cater to a comprehensive range of customers across the world, manufacturers and distributors of roof safety and access systems are focusing on selling their products on various e-commerce websites. This is anticipated to create growth opportunities for the market during the forecast period. Promotion of roof safety and access systems through various online channels is projected to offer lucrative opportunities to the roof safety and access systems market in the next few years. High cost and slow adoption rate of roof safety systems is anticipated to hamper the growth of the roof safety and access systems market.
The global roof safety and access systems market can be segmented based on product, distribution channel, application, and region. On the basis of product, the roof safety and access systems market can be segmented into horizontal lifeline, guardrails, roof anchor, fall arrest equipment, hatch system, skylight screens, and portable safety railing. Horizontal lifeline is a significant product which is most commonly used as a roof safety system. This product is used in construction sites as it provides protection to individuals and facilitates hands-free mobility. Based on distribution channel, the roof safety and access systems market is divided into direct sales and distributor sales.
An Exclusive Brochure of Report https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=59124
In terms of application, the roof safety and access systems market can be bifurcated into residential and commercial. Commercial segment is ruling the roof safety and access systems market. Increase in infrastructural developments in the commercial sector is expected to triggers the growth of this market in the near future. On the basis of region, the global roof safety and access systems market can be bifurcated into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa and South America. Increasing awareness about the safety of workers working on rooftops across various industries is seen in North America.
The U.S. has introduced a stringent regulatory framework known as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for the safety of workers working on vertical heights in different industries such as construction, marine terminals, and shipyard etc. This is expected to augment the demand for roof safety and access systems in the U.S. from 2018 to 2026. However, limited adoption rate of safety products in South America has hampered the growth of the roof safety and access systems market. The non-existence or partial implementation of safety rules & regulations in Middle East & Africa restricts the growth of the roof safety and access systems market.
Get ToC Of Report https://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=T&rep_id=59124
Prominent players operating in the global roof safety and access systems market are 3M, Precision Ladders, Skyline Group, Simplified Safety Inc., Safety Rail Company LLC, KEE Safety Group Ltd., Thermo Incorporated, Grasp Safety Services Inc., The Bilco Company, XSPlatforms, Fixfast USA, DeLuca Roofing Inc., OKeefes, Safety Products Group, Garlock Safety, Tritech Fall Protection Systems, Inc., Liftsafe Fall Protection, PHP Systems/Design, GF Protection Inc., Leading Edge Safety, Honeywell International Inc., and, Atlas Access.
These players are estimated to face tough competition in the near future due to presence of a large number of local players in the roof safety and access systems market. Companies are undertaking mergers and acquisitions, and joint ventures with local players to expand their product portfolio. Producers in developing countries are focusing on reducing their cost of production and increase profitability for the sustainable growth of their business.
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rwlssafety1 · 7 years
What is Fall Arrest Training?
Fall arrest is a type of fall protection that both causes a falling person to stop falling in a safe manner and helps to decrease the chances of someone falling in the first place. Fall arrest training is often given to employees who are at elevated heights in their work environment.
What are the Types of Fall Arrest Systems?
There are 2 main types of systems that aid in fall protection.
Fall Restraint Systems. These systems keep you from falling. They include guardrails, lifelines, and safety lanyards.
Fall Arrest Systems. On the other hand, these systems stop you as you fall. Fall arrest systems include equipment like nets.
What Equipment is Used?
Both fall restraint and arrest systems have durable equipment that workers must be trained with and use at all times.
Passive Fall Protection: This type of equipment is not directly in contact with workers, but still helps to keep them from falling from tall heights. This protection includes rooftop and portable guardrails, warning lines, and skylight and roof hatch railings.
Anchors: There are many options for anchor equipment. Deadweight anchors are a type of lifeline that can be placed on a level surface and keep workers from reaching the edge. Anchor points are installed into the roof and can then be used to tie lanyards, lifelines, and other tie-off equipment. These can be permanent or temporary, but both are vital to keeping employees safe at elevated heights.
Safety Harnesses and Lanyards: Harnesses allow workers to connect themselves to anchor points and lifelines so they keep from falling. Workers are connected to anchor points by utilizing lanyards.
Lifelines: There are different types of lifeline equipment, but they all help stop falls. Retracting lifelines immediately stop a fall with a breaking mechanism. These types of lifelines eliminate dangerous slack because the line retracts back up into the mechanism. Horizontal and vertical lifelines are also helpful when railings are not an option.
What do You Learn in Fall Arrest Training?
Fall restraint and arrest training is important for you and your coworkers safety. Various topics of importance are covered in a training session, but here are some of the main topics often covered.
- Ladder safety.
- When and how to use safety equipment like nets, guardrails, and lifelines.
- Legal requirements.
- Height requirements for using a harness and other equipment.
- Limitations when working near boundaries.
- The fundamentals of a fall restraint and a fall arrest system.
- Load testing when regarding nets, railings, and other equipment.
Gaining training in fall arrest can save your life, but using fall protection without training could be disastrous. Make sure you are properly trained before using any fall protection equipment.
from http://rwlssafety.com/blog/4722703/What-is-Fall-Arrest-Training/2272143
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decorativeshutters · 7 years
Window shutters – An Excellent Alternative to Conventional Window Coverings
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We take a quick look at the fascinating world of window shutters to see how they serve as an excellent alternative to traditional window coverings.
Window shutters are among the essential decoration elements whose use is applicable for both residential as well as commercial properties. Shutters for wall openings are made up of a frame having vertical stiles and horizontal rails. They are designed to fit frames of all shapes and sizes immaculately. Window shutters are available in a variety of designs, shapes, sizes, and materials. However, architects, interior designers, and property owners prefer to buy shutters made of wood and poly raisins.
In most cases, high-quality window shutters comprise of louvers that can move either horizontally or vertically. While some shutters made for windows have solid panels incorporated in them, others contain fabric, glass or different kinds of durable materials that compliment the design needs for the window frame. If installed correctly, these window shutters always give off a very stylish and chic look to the window in question. Now, if you are still wondering about the utility and benefits of window shutters, then rest assured with the knowledge that in addition to providing protection and security against unwanted damage caused by weather elements, they are fully equipped to provide privacy and control the amount of light that enters any given space.
If you delve deeper into the world of window shutters, you will find that there are different shutters for use on the interior as well as for the exterior of a building. Interior shutters are fitted within a building while exterior shutters on the outside of buildings. These shutters provide their very own set of advantages as well. For instance, window shutters meant for installation within a building are specifically designed to protect occupants, furniture and fittings, furnishings and all other things stored within from harsh weather conditions. The benefits they provide means that shutters meant for interiors keep out the summer sun and its accompanying heat, the chill of winter days, as well as rain and frost that may cause irreversible damages if not arrested. On the other hand, there exists an exhaustive range of exterior window shutters that potentially eliminate the requirement of installing plywood or other solid covering on window frames before the rainy season takes over.
All said, in the contemporary marketplace, window shutters are among the most advantageous and versatile window furnishings available for offices, homes, stores, and other utility places. They usually flaunt clean cuts and attractive designs that make them the cynosure of all eyes. Available in a variety of stylishly designs they have a unique, elegant appeal. More often than not, they transform into practical alternatives to blinds, curtains, shades and just about any other type of window coverings. The most alluring part about these shutters is that they can be custom designed and crafted to match the texture and colors of existing furnishings. In addition to that, as these window exterior shutters do not absorb dust and dirt, they are more hygienic and cleaner than thick curtains and window shades.
Extremely cost-effective, installing window shutters made of high-quality raw materials add volumes to the intrinsic worth of the interiors. They are available in a plethora of colors and designs and complement the look and feel of contemporary and traditional settings alike. Affordable and durable, these window shutters are capable of updating the overall appearance of any room in the minimum of budget. The window treatments and accessories of this variety are durable and long lasting and retain their utility and functions for years on end. Another good thing about modern day window shutters is that they are built for instant installation and boast of many customized designs and sizes. Although some of these shutters may have a high upfront cost, they prove to be cost effective in the end. Therefore, if you have been looking for high-grade window coverings that bring in real savings and plenty of advantages, then these shutters are the right way to go.
Most window shutters serve as energy conservation installations and offer protection against changing weather elements. They eliminate the requirement of installing energy saving devices for controlling the temperature of the rooms wherever they are installed. During summers, they enhance the cooling power and effectiveness of air conditioning systems by cutting off the heat that permeates through windows. These shutters serve as a valuable window covering aids in other seasons as well. For instance, during spring and fall, window shutters play a significant role in controlling the airflow as needed, by adjusting the louvers of window shutters and keeping the AC turned off for longer periods. In the end, these shutters help you save a lot of equipment maintenance charges and electricity bills for their users.
These days, window shutters from all leading brands are available in different hardy and café styles that impart a unique look and appeal of their own. So if you desire, you can invest in shutters that fold up to provide a unique, traditional look. Café shutters are typically designed to enhance the interiors of cafeterias and restaurants; in most cases, they are large enough to cover just the base of a window leaving the top half of the window open. If you happen to use or own an old type of house or building, investing in these kinds of shutters is a good idea. The custom-made window shutters are useful for covering awkward spaces within such structures, thereby transforming themselves into important functional assets.
The benefits of installing and using window shutters are many. For example, exterior window shutters can give an altogether new facelift to any building, making it look more attractive and functional than ever before. As these shutters enhance the overall worth of property, they contribute in many ways to the benefits and aesthetics in case the building or structure in question goes on sale. Along with saving the interiors and exteriors from hail, sleet, high winds and other weather elements, they help reduce the costs you incur when you would need to replace cracked and broken glass windowpanes. These window shutters also contribute to the levels of privacy dwellers would desire when you are within the environment protected by them. Sturdy window shutters serve as security aids for homes and offices as they prevent break-ins and thefts as no other window protection could.
Likewise, window shutters meant for interiors have also gained a lot of popularity in recent years. They are replacing drapes and blinds of bygone ages, as they are elegant additions to most homes. From country to chic, there is no end to the number of designs that window shutters are available in at both online and offline specialty stores. Versatile to the core, the best window shutters sold online are made to last a lifetime and ooze elegance through clean lines and contemporary designs. So, what are you waiting for? Invest in these sound alternatives to traditional window coverings and get yourself the interiors of your dreams – you are bound to cherish the returns on your investments.
Source: https://decorativeshutters.wordpress.com/2017/06/08/window-shutters-an-excellent-alternative-to-conventional-window-coverings/
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Fixed Vertical Access Ladder In UK
If you’re unhappy on a ladder then look at purchasing a timber loft ladder. A ladder is simply part of the security story. Almost all of these ladders do need a rather large swing region to unfold. These loft ladders are vital elements of our range and give a reasonable solution of excellent quality. Our durable aluminium slider loft ladder can be found in a couple sections.
With a ladder is a fundamental need for each and every homeowner. These ladders are dependable and robust. It’s also advisable to think about ladders which have a hand rail option for more security.
Heavy machines required to level a website can eat up a good deal of cash really fast. If you believe that a wind system would be a good option for your website, please get in touch with us to establish a completely free website visit. Oftentimes it’ll be more appropriate to decide on a pre-engineered system with built-in fall arrest capabilities. The entire issue is done through technology. Thus as soon as the platform is lowered in addition to the car, the platform cooperates with the surface of the car to form a railing enclosed safety platform. No landing platform is called for in these situations.
The tower may be one of the most significant sections of a wind turbine. A building organised around an individual Fixed Vertical Access Ladder core is often known as a `tower’. This design gets rid of the demand for a slip ring that has a comparatively higher rate of failure.
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ranusoni-blog · 8 years
5 Projects that will change the way Mumbai commutes
1) Mumbai Metro:
The Mumbai Metro is a noteworthy transport extend that falls under Mass Rapid Transit System (MRTS), at present operational in the metro urban communities of Kolkata, Delhi, and Bangalore. The venture is taken care of by Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group's Reliance Infrastructure Ltd. alongside MMRDA Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA). There are many property for sale in Mumbai that will be benefitted once these projects will come.
The venture will be isolated into 8 rail lines which will cover an aggregate length of around 146 kilometers.
Cost of the venture:
The Mumbai Metro will be implicit three stages, and the aggregate cost included is Rs.36000 crore.
Advantages of the venture:
- Comfortable and safe adventure: The metro trains will be completely aerated and cooled. They will have a programmed entryway shutting framework, which will ensure that there is no hazard to life, instead of in neighborhood prepares in which travelers are hanging out of the trains.
- Reduced travel time: The main metro line, Versova - Andheri - Ghatkopar will be canvassed in 21 mintues as against the present a hour and a half. Essentially, the metro venture will generously lessen the travel time by 50-75%.
- Reduced street movement: The metros will be made to serve the busiest courses, subsequently decreasing the heap on different types of open and private transport.
- Less contamination: It will lessen vehicular contamination since individuals will begin contingent upon the metro benefit more than whatever other type of transport.
Components of the venture:
- Equipped with lifts and elevators: All stations will be outfitted with lifts on the both sides of the street. The stations will have elevators set up of stairs.
- Tactile deck: An arrangement of finished ground surface pointers will be given to helper outwardly impared individuals.
- Facilities for crippled individuals: All Coaches of trains will have offices to suit wheel seat, which will be given by the station if important.
- Washrooms: All metro stations will have washrooms and separate toilets will be given at each station to the physically tested individuals.
Ticket Fare:
The ticket charge will be as per the following:
*Rs. 6 upto 3 Kms.
*Rs. 8 between 3 Kms.to 8 Kms.
*Rs. 10 past 8 Kms.
The Mumbai Metro will have an Automatic Fare Collection System (AFC), with brilliant cards accessible for various adventures.
Operational timings of the metro rail benefit:
The trains will employ for 18.5 hours ordinary (5.30 am till midnight)
Recurrence of the trains:
At first, the recurrence of the trains would be 3.5 minutes. This will be further expanded over a timeframe.
Limit of the trains:
As indicated by a movement examine led by Metro One and the Hong Kong-based activity advisor MVA Systra, 55,000 individuals could travel for every hour in one heading in up to sixteen trains, with four to six mentors each.
The aggregate every day traveler check was thus evaluated to be 1.5 million.
The metro venture is relied upon to be finished in 2021, the principal line beginning its operations in October 2013.
2) Mumbai Monorail:
The monorail is a rail-based transportation framework which is a part of the vehicle development plan of Mumbai. With this transportation the house for sale in Mumbai will get subdue importance.
It is the nation's first monorail which is being executed by Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority, in relationship with Larsen and Toubro (L&T) and a Malaysian framework firm Scomi Engineering.
The monorail will have a top speed of 80 kilometers for every hour a normal speed of 65 kilometers for each hour.
Cost of the venture:
The entire system of 135 km and 8 lines, worked in various stages, will cost around Rs. 202 billion.
Advantages of the venture:
- Easing movement stream: The monorail, much the same as the Mumbai metro, will facilitate the activity condition and furthermore share the weight of the rural railroad.
- Comfortable trip: The monorail autos are completely aerated and cooled, henceforth guaranteeing an agreeable excursion in every single climate condition.
- Green venture: The administration expressed that the monorail would keep running on power and would not utilize any fossil powers for operation. The monorail will likewise spare 200 tons of Carbon dioxide.
The framework is intended to not impede much daylight and not trap inordinate emanation.
- Reduced commotion: The monorail is known to create sound altogether lower than the 95 decibel, as delivered by different methods of transport.
Elements of the venture:
- Advanced traveler driver correspondence
- CCTV cameras: This is to guarantee wellbeing of the travelers and furthermore to rebuff defaulters who harm the administration property.
- Fire hydrants: if there should be an occurrence of flame, these can be utilized. Security of the travelers has been given highest need, this being one of them to guarantee it.
Ticket Fare: The base toll is proposed to be Rs. 8 and the greatest Rs. 20.
Operational timings:
The monorail office will be accessible from 5 am in the morning till midnight.
Recurrence of the trains:
The monorail framework has been intended for a 3 minute progress and is intended to convey 125000 travelers for every day.
Limit of the trains:
Amid pinnacle hours, the assessed number of travelers that can travel is 7,400 with 125,000 travelers for every day.
The 19.54 km long Chembur-Wadala-Jacob Circle line will be operational from August 2013, the state experts guarantee.
3) Eastern Freeway:
The Mumbai Eastern Freeway is a 16.8 kilometer long interstate outlined particularly for fast vehicular activity developed between Fort in South Mumbai and Eastern Express Highway in Ghatkopar.
The Eastern Freeway is being worked by the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority, financed by the Central Government.
The agreement of this venture has been given to Simplex foundation.
It will be finished in three stages: the initial 12-km-extend from Fort to Anik terminal; the second 5-km-stage from Anik to Panjarpol; and Panjarpol to Mankhurd and after that to Ghatkopar on the Eastern Express Highway.
Cost of the venture:
This very valuable framework venture is slated to be made at a cost of around Rs. 8.88 billion.
Advantages of the venture:
- Less travel time: The Eastern Freeway is intended to chop down travel time between Shivaji Chowk in Chembur and Mumbai CST by 25-30 minutes.
The 20-km remove that takes around 45-a hour through Dr. Ambedkar Road will be shrouded in 20-30 minutes post turnpike. The separation will likewise lessen by 5-6 kilometers.
- Relaxed activity development: After the development of the Eastern Freeway, the movement development towards Navi Mumbai, Nashik, Pune, and so on will encounter simple development as the movement will be partitioned.
- Signal-Free extend: The Eastern Freeway is a flag free extend of land that will massively chop down travel time. It is exceptionally intended for rapid activity and this component helpers the procedure by an extraordinary sum.
Elements of the venture:
- Equipped with seismic arresters: The hoisted part of the Eastern Freeway is furnished with seismic arresters that can endure a tremor of up to 7.5 Reichter Scale.
- Allows development of overwhelming vehicles: The Freeway is extraordinarily intended for multi-pivot vehicles.
- Equipped with steel crash obstructions: These have been introduced to prevent vehicles from going into the inverse paths amid the season of mischances.
- Twin passages: This venture will comprise of developing two 500 m long passages toward the begin of the Bhabha Atomic Research Center (BARC) mountain.
4) Santacruz - Chembur Link Road:
The north-south drive in the city has been given a considerable measure of significance, since the city of Mumbai is topographically vertical.
The Santacruz - Chembur Link Road goes for enhancing the east-west network of the city.
It is a 6.45 kilometer long street running from Dr. Hans Bhugra intersection in Santacruz East and rushing toward the East avoiding Vidyanagari Campus (Mumbai University at Kalina) on its south and meeting Lal Bahadur Shastri (LBS) Marg subsequent to intersection Meethi River Bridge.
It is a six-path street and furthermore comprises of India's first twofold decker flyover.
The venture is being actualized by the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority (MMRDA).
Cost of the venture:
SCLR is under the World Bank-subsidized Mumbai Urban Transport Project (MUTP) and is being built at a cost of Rs. 435 crore.
Advantages of the venture:
- Reduced travel time: Presently, workers heading towards Navi Mumbai from the Western Suburbs need to take the Jogeshwari-Vikhroli Link Road, the Andheri-Kurla Road or take a bypass from Sion. This voyaging can take from a hour and a half up to 2 hours. After the Santacruz-Chembur Link Road is manufactured, it will lessen the travel time to just 17 minutes.
- Better network: The Eastern and Western Express Highways, which are occupied courses for business street transport, will better associated after the development of this connection street.
Components of the venture:
- Double decker flyover: The venture comprise of a twofold decker flyover with one arm stretching out to Tilak Nagar Terminus for workers voyaging towards North and South, another to LBS Marg in Kurla West and another to Nehru Nagar in Kurla East.
The development of Santacruz - Chembur Sea Link is probably going to be finished before the finish of 2013.
5) Sahar Elevated Access Road:
Sahar Elevated Access Road is a lifted street that interfaces the Western Express Highway to the Terminal T2 of Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport. It is under development in Mumbai and is embraced by the Mumbai Metropolitan Region Development Authority.
It is a 3.3 km long get to street and incorporates an underpass for vehicles on the Western Express Highway, a passerby tram, underpasses, a passage and inclines interfacing the thruway to the terminal.
The frontage road has 4 section focuses and 2 leave focuses.
Cost of the venture:
The whole venture will cost Rs. 570 crore and will be subsidized by the Central Government, the legislature of Maharashtra, the MMRDA and Mumbai International Airport Limited.
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