#verse;; salvatore school
sergeantpixie · 9 months
is new constellations named after the rynn weaver song??? that one pls if so, i love that song!
Yes it is! I also love that song tbh. It is a Dean x Elena story, but with a healthy helping of Caroline x Elena and eventually Klaus x Elena as well. I don't even know if I can sum this one up, it came together as a collision of many many vibes so maybe I'll just list off some of those:
At this point in my life it was exactly a 10 minute walk to the bus stop to commute to work so you Know I was listening to All Too Well (10 Minute Version) pretty much every day, and in particular the line "just between us did the love affair maim you too?" vibed hard for what this verse became
for some reason New Constellations' outro and the continuous repetition of "what if there's more?" has always brought to mind a woman giving birth, I can't explain it, but that's just the association for me.
How would Elena's life had gone if Stefan and Damon never entered it?
How would knowing the Winchesters for most of her life change her?
How would Klaus react to finding his doppelganger if she was pregnant?
How would Dean handle Jessica's death if he was in a serious relationship when Sam lost her in the same way they lost their mother?
What exactly does it mean to be from a bloodline of women who all seem cursed to terrible fates? Does sharing a face make them a sisterhood even if their fates are different kinds of terrible?
What would Elena's life look like if she had a relationship with Isobel and also Katherine?
What would Alaric's life look like if his reason for becoming a vampire hunter died before he found him?
All of these questions and more I attempt to answer in New Constellations, coming to you idk maybe next lifetime if the way Addendum is progressing doesn't change anytime soon.
And just as he stumbles across the first inkling that she might not stay a sweet little girl forever; Elena Gilbert finds herself, for the first time, dreaming of someone other than Dean Winchester. Instead of his teasing green eyes, easy grin, and beat-up old brown leather jacket, there's her familiar blue eyes, cherubic grin, and that shining green satin dress.
#asks#tag games#anon#thank you anon!#deanlena#new constellations#words cannot emphasize enough how insane this story is#there are so many vibes lmao#but to sum it up dean is elena's older boy crush for most of her life#(sam keeps his distance because he's jealous of the mystic falls kids; however his crush on caroline is MFHS's worst kept secret)#(sadly for him caroline is a lesbian to me in all verses)#(maybe this is the verse I finally whip out sam/bonnie which has always intrigued me?)#dean kills the salvatores before elena really even knows them#after encouraging elena to compete in the miss mystic falls pageant caroline finds the courage to kiss her finally#and they go on the date for the rest of their high school career#in the meantime elena meets isobel kat and alaric (all separately)#alaric has remarried and has a daughter (sophie)#kat and elena bond enough that kat decides that until klaus finds elena for himself she can have her own life#dean is in and out of elena's life like he's always been; they've never been that close but she helps him with a case when he's in town#because she's finally old enough to know about the vampires (and that he killed some to protect her)#caroline eventually breaks up with elena before college because she's too insecure about their relationship#dean and elena reconnect and start dating during her sophomore year of college#they get really serious and close and he even goes with her to the funeral when alaric's wife dies of cancer (man can't catch a break tbh)#john winchester goes missing during elena's senior year of college#and when jessica dies dean panics and goes no contact to try to protect elena until they kill the demon#not knowing elena is pregnant (who does not find out until thanksgiving)#it's right before the new year and elena and her baby are dying because a werewolf attacked her at the behest of esther when klaus finds he#AND absolutely all of this is just the backstory lmao. this isn't even the main plot lmao#that picks up about 4 years later#:D
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floripire · 11 months
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social media meme ft. @unbearablyindifferent
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badasshybridqueen · 10 months
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Legacies AU 3: In this verse after Klaus’ siblings were in coffins and Marcel had Klaus, Hayley was on a mission to find a cure and get them back. After being on the road a few years she found her way back to Mystic Falls just as Caroline was finalizing the opening of her school - they decided to help each other out and while she and Caroline worked on bringing the school to life she had access to the information she needed to bring her family back. So when Hayley finds the cure for the Mikaelsons they wake up in their old house in Mystic Falls which is where she and Hope have been living for the past two years. Caroline and Hayley have been working together, recruiting kids with gifts, creating a safe space for special kids and dealing with having to raise their kids while trying to keep everyone else safe and leaning on each other to do so. Alaric teaches hand-to-hand combat and hunting skills, Freya even pops in to teach some intro to witchcraft classes, Rebekah is all about planning the dances and helping pick out uniforms when she’s around, and there is no tolerance for using abilities against each other within the school. There is no Hollow in this verse. Once Hayley finds the cure, wakes the Mikaelsons up - they go rescue Klaus from Marcel and bring him back to Mystic Falls. [ Interactions in this verse can take place anywhere from when Hayley first comes to Mystic Falls all the way through to current Legacies Canon w/ the exception of Caroline & Hayley both being present at the school. ]
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cancerian-woman · 1 year
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hi, meet the dear little witch-verse. Right now, only the prologue is shared but more to come.
dear little witch: Bonnie Bennett has held plenty of titles. A daughter, friend, teen witch, and a former wife. The most important one to her now was mother and business owner. She earned this life for herself and would be damned if she lost. A witch’s premonition is nothing to ignore. Bonnie values her life away from Mystic Falls and returning wasn’t likely for her until her daughter’s safety was compromised. The Salvatore Boarding School would change everything for the Bennett witches. Secrets will unfold and time can only tell what’s to come next. Hope Mikaelson won’t be the only one with her world turned upside down. Family is forever, whether anyone likes it or not. Everything is done in the name of family. -an au of TVD/TO post season 8 & 4 of TO.
You might remember a bit of this AU from here.
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malka-lisitsa · 2 months
Verse- Marvel AU Deadpool variant
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Originally Katerina Petrova, Katherine was born in Bulgaria to a family with archaic morals. So when she had a not so happy run in with a man who manipulated her and ended up having a baby out of wed lock she was disowned and exiled. Never saw her baby again- GASP! So FAR!
Katerina found her way to the Americas where she integrated into the culture very quickly, learning to drop her accent in record time and the language almost as fast. Three months in and you could hardly tell she wasn't native.
Katerina got a job waiting tables at a local diner but was still struggling to make ends meet. One day a man named Trevor approached her and told her of an opportunity where she could earn some money if she was willing to undergo an experimental procedure. He billed it as low risk, and the possibility to help people. After a few days debate, Katerina accepted the offer and was taken to meet a man named Klaus Mikaelson.
As it turns out it was actually highly invasive and was meant to trigger dormant mutant genes into activation. (after his mother had done something similar to him and his siblings he became obsessed with perfecting and unleashing his true potential)
It took a long time to trigger Kathrine's and the process was excruciatingly painful. Needless to say her social standing with this fuck is not friendly. One night while running her mouth Klaus sent her to a torture chamber of sorts to teach her a lesson that ultimately ended up triggering her dormant Gene and how she escaped. In doing so she destroyed his whole facility and every bit of research data he had gathered (hes very old school he doesnt like computers "impersonal" and "Hackable") Jokes on him at least they're less flammable.
Angered with her slight against him Klaus set about a mission to kill her for what she had done, which has kept Katerina, now Katherine on the run for quite a few years.
Down the road while living under the radar Katherine learned how to fight, and got damn good at it. She also met a man named Stefan Salvatore who she fell for instantly. This proved a problem several years into their relationship when she caught wind Klaus was on her tail and had to bolt without explanation. Obviously to protect him.
Powers and weaknesses: oooooo patriotic
immune to all sickness
hella regeneration factor she can regrow limbs and even her entire body if need be
super strength and speed
healing factor
telepathic resistance
the most insane wit you've ever heard
highly trained and skilled fighter.
Sharp retractable fangs (oop! Didn't think I'd leave out her vampirism roots did you?)
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runs her mouth way too much
breaks the 4th wall
needs blood to be able to function correctly* (preferably human)
Incredible allergy to direct sunlight, it burns her skin like acid
wood slows her regenerative abilities
Wishes Stefan were Wolverine and gets lost in day dreams.
*Little side note thingie down here-
If she doesn't drink blood all of her powers weaken but mostly she gets this horrible brain fog that prevents her from thinking clearly and she will eventually desiccate and be rendered a cognitive husk- still immortal. It's not pretty folks.
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The suit actually is designed to protect her from the sun. It's why shes covered head to toe.
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aslightaddity · 10 months
Dappy!verse lore The Penguin
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Born the daughter of Gertrude Kableput after an affair with Salvatore Moroni. He was an only child as his birth was incredibly traumatic for his mother, he was born prematurely and with cerebral palsy.
His mother was fiercely protective of him. He barely left his home, when he did it was to the doctors, the store, the library, or the park but always with his mother. He was homeschooled by his mother and his neighbors as a child due to his difficulties speaking and the lack of accessibility in the Gotham public schools.
As a child he knew he was different, past his condition, he knew he was truly a boy, he had no way to communicate this, he had no word for what it was. Until he made a friend, a pen pal really, named Helix, who was like him. She too was trans and sheltered. They bonded over their letters, they shared photos, books, songs they loved, and their crazy stories.
For his seventeenth birthday he was surprised with his own set of arm crutches that his mother and neighbors had pooled together money for and was finally had more mobility that he didn’t need to rely on someone else for.
That was the same day he saw his first dead body. He finally had his own way to visit Helix on his own so he went to visit her but when he arrived at her home the doors were unlocked and in the middle of the room was the bloodied corpse of Helix. The only thing the killer left was a ransom note.
Oswald took the note and went to the worst place he knew to try and find answers, fish mooney’s club. He demanded to know if the person could be identified but Fish refused to tell him anything without assurance that he was loyal. In trade for the information Oswald began working for Fish.
As one of Fish’s employees he was given a spare tuxedo, it wasn’t as fitted as the others had them but he was greatful as he finally looked more like a man in it. He worked as a greater for the club and kept tabs on who came and went, like a look out, lord knows the security was just there for show and the heavy lifting. He also helped Fish hide items, often bringing them home and hiding their food hem under a loose floor board.
His mother wasn’t too happy that he got a job but he assured her it was a good job and that the extra money would be nice.
Over the years he slowly got closer to finding Helix’s murderer and he got closer to Fish herself. She was nice but strict, like a mother, and doted on him, saying how he looked like a little penguin in his suit. A nickname that quickly caught on. With the money he earned he was able to pay for his mother’s dream home in another, safer, city and was even able to pay for gender affirming care and better mobility aids on his own.
Then the day came when Fish called him aside to talk to him. They had found who they believed killed Helix and due to his dedication it was up to him what happened to him. Oswald had long made up his mind, he was going to kill them himself.
When the day finally came he went along with Fish and some of the other men to the man’s apartment. He was given a gun, not a nice one but by no means cheap. It was quick and slow the moment when he shot and killed the man he didn’t even bother to learn the name of.
He finally got revenge but there was more he realized his own potential. He could be just as great as Fish.
Fish realized this too and slowly he improved and became her second in command. She drunkenly told him one night that if she to die that it would all be his.
It was an uncharacteristically sunny day in Gotham when that statement would become true. While in a meeting with Falcone the all to familiar sound of a gunshot rang out. Oswald rushed in the room to find Fish bleeding out. Despite his insistence to help and try to save her, she already resigned herself to the death and reminded him that he was going to be a great man.
Usually when he returned home with blood on his hands from work he would wash it off as soon as he could but when he returned home he found himself unable to wash off her blood.
He took up Fish’s position, cozied up to Falcone despite how much he hated the man. But Falcone didn’t care about him, instead of treating him with the same respect he gave Fish, he made Oswald look after his daughter Sophia. Sophia insisted they were friends but it was very clear that they weren’t. They talked but it was mainly Sophia talking and Oswald responding in short answers.
Becoming more and more irritated with Falcone he began scouring to find others that disliked him and Moroni. Which, naturally, was a lot of people. He promised them better, to his ability he gave them better. It wasn’t long before people started denouncing Falcone or Moroni in favor of Oswald. Far too many people to just kill, far too important too.
It wasn’t long before he was confronted by both Falcone and Moroni. Who had nothing by colorful things to say to and about him, the threatened to kill him if he didn’t put an end to his growing claim on their crime empires.
Oswald wasn’t a fool. He had learned from them and so many other men like them how business worked, after-all he was doing a fine job running his own ‘business’. He knew that all men have a weak point you have to gouge, blackmail was a man’s best friend. So he told them what he had over each of them. For Moroni, it was the knowledge of his slew of affairs and illegitimate children he never cared to be responsible for and reminded Falcone that he knew every detail Sophia did. The blackmail alongside the dwindling support forced them to accept the change.
And for years it went like that, he ran the club, now the iceberg lounge, and managed his empire, both with the threats and attempts on his life that came with them. Never once being tied back to it all. He even took in an orphan that reminded him all too much of his long lost friend Helix, the boy was named Martin and he took him in as his own. But he grew paranoid as the years went by smooth.
Paranoid that someone was out to kill all that he loved, paranoid that every new face could be a threat. It quickly became a habit to blackmail and manipulate people. Afterall it was the only way he kept control. But then he met a man that defied his control, Ed Nygma. A man who when faced with blackmail pulled a knife and aimed for an artery. A man he would become so close to and soft with as the tell him his entire story. A story no one else knew in full.
In some ways he had gained the family he had long thought he lost.
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reyofluke-ocs · 4 months
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OCs DESERVE BETTER -> Fiona Riley (The Vampire Diaries) FC: Katherine McNamara
"I mean, my grandparents were very into honoring our Celtic ancestry - especially anything that had to do with the Sidhe - so I shouldn't be surprised to learn the supernatural exists... yet somehow I still am."
Born and raised in Mystic Falls, Virginia, Fiona is considered the odd member out of Mystic Falls High's Golden Quartet. Unlike Elena, Bonnie, and Caroline, she is not into cheerleading, and is almost more of a wallflower at parties than her friends. Still, she is very close to the town's other golden girls, and has been since they were little children. Smart, friendly, and somewhat naive, Fiona is content with her life in Mystic Falls... except for her long-standing crush on her friend Elena.
The same summer Grayson and Miranda Gilbert went over Wickery Bridge, Fiona lost her grandparents, who had always been huge on honoring the families Celtic ancestry - including leaving all of their stuff to Fiona. Juggling mourning her own loss and being there for her friend/secret crush, Fiona slowly went through the stuff her grandparents left her, coming across an ancient book that seemed full of spells. Inside was a letter from her grandparents that explained everything they weren't able to - the Riley's were descended from Celtic druids and have had a close relationship with the Sidhe. Right in time, it turns out, because Bonnie begins to come into her own powerful magic ancestry and a mysterious new student named Stefan Salvatore starts at school, quickly zeroing in on Elena and followed by a trail of dead bodies drained of blood.
tagging: @endless-oc-creations@stanshollaand, @foxesandmagic , @hiddenqveendom , @arrthurpendragon ,@cas-verse, @eddiemunscns , @oneirataxia-girl, @forchrissy if anyone wants to be added/removed or I accidentally forgot, please let me know!
psd: oblivion-crackships
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ripstefan · 2 months
okay but speaking as someone who lives for and loves crossover ships (be they canon/oc or just canon muses from different source materials): please tell me more about salvacooper and fabratore, pls & thx <3
a glorious question !!! i'll take any opportunity to gush about these two ships !! i'm gonna start with fabratore because i have a lot more to say on salvacooper lol. there's just a lot that goes into them heh.
so, fabratore is a ship between stefan & miss quinn fabray ( written by miss caroline, @alchaemy ) it started off with caroline making a tvd verse for quinn, where she's a cheerleader & eventually turns into a vampire. i can't remember how she turned, you'd have to ask care lol but stef ends up helping her with her transition & they fall sooo in love. she pulls him out of his shell a lot, she helps him not be broody as often & he stays on the football team unlike in canon when he quits or i guess he never really quit but after mr. tanner died ( thanks damon 🙄 ) i don't recall them getting a new coach but we can pretend in this version. they're the couple who is together all throughout high school, the lowkey jock couple even though stef isn't really a jock in his eyes. so cute & mostly pure while she also deals with being a baby vamp. we've had them since i wanna say 2017 / 2018 ? & i just love them so much ...
now, salvacooper is our favorite ship together, our most developed, multiple - verses for them. ugh. so i apologize because this is gonna get long. salvacooper is stefan & miss betty cooper ( taken out of riverdale & put into tvd / the hundred ) betty is both of our favorite character in RD so when care decided to pick her up, we of course wanted to build a ship with them, but little did we know how much we'd do. betty has full verses for tvd, the 100 & legacies that we have ships for them. also one of our mutual friends is a genuine stan of them & she used to freak out about them & read our threads back in the day lol. under the cut is what i can remember of our verses for them, you don't have to read them of course but i figured i'd give the details <3
in the tvd verse, we have a version where betty is a wolf hunter who runs into klaus and stefan when they're hunting for wolves. klaus finds her but assumes she's a wolf & kills her to turn her into hybrid, little did he know she wasn't a wolf. & right when she wakes up, she's in a cabin, stefan with her & helps her & keeps her safe from klaus. they eventually fall in love while he's helping her be a new vampire ( just like he helps quinn lol ) another version we have is, betty is a wolf hunter in mystic falls, she meets stefan, they start dating, fall for each other & then she catches him drinking the blood bags in the salvatore basement, & that's how she finds out he's a vampire. they eventually work through it, and she once again turns into a vampire but again i can't remember how for this time.
the hundred ... ( if you haven't seen the show, i'm sorry if this makes no sense hgufjoi ) this verse for them is our most tragic & most developed verse for them. they met when everyone was still on the ark, but they didn't talk much. & then everyone went to the ground, they ended up becoming close, they fell in love QUICKLY, never left each others side until s2 & then other shit happens. fast forward to when everyone's down under the bunker, a year of them being in the bunker happens, stefan gets sick. he's sick as if it's like the flu in this universe. betty working at their med bay, steals some medicine for him even though he told her not to. a couple days pass, he starts to feel better but not enough to be okay. a couple more days pass, betty was caught for stealing the meds & would now have to be thrown into the pit ( a fighting pit where criminals or people found guilty would have to fight to the death, only one left standing ) the night before betty had to go into the pit, stefan proposed. as a hopes that she would somehow get out of this. the day comes, stefan wakes up to an empty room. betty was down at the arena where the pit is. he rushes ( slowly, was still weak from being sick ) he makes it there, was being held back by one of the guards, not allowed to go down to see her. he has to watch her fight in the audience like the rest of the people, however he was being held back tightly because they knew he'd run down to her. eventually, the guard is too busy paying attention to the fight and stefan gets free. he rushes down to the arena, when he finally gets there betty was stabbed in the abdomen by one of the fighters. stefan screams out, he makes it into the pit. she's bleeding out, he pulls her into his lap, she ends up dying in his arms. needless to say, he doesn't get past it. he wears her blood stained scrunchie on his wrist every day after that. there's a post somewhere where i wrote his pov of her death, could find that if you wanna see it ! lol but it's tragic.
legacies, this one we don't have too much of but as you know, in my legacies verse stefan comes back to life in a different body. after being dead for 13 years, he's a baby witch, yadda yadda. betty is a teacher at the salvatore school, they end up reuniting and she at first can't believe it's him because of the new body but they make their way back to each other.
then we have a simpler tvd universe verse where they do end up getting married, having a life together & all that good stuff. <3 i don't recall her being a vampire for this one either.
and one more in the tvd universe that's not fully developed but we have a throuple type situation with one of @prophecey 's muses ( harry bingham ) where the three of them work out a lil situation. since they both love stefan so much heh. harry is another major crossover ship i have for him. care's betty & kt's harry are two of the few exclusives i have for canon muses bc i can't / won't see myself writing / shipping with other versions of either !
so yes, that is a big chunk of the salvacooper lore lol, i'm definitely missing pieces to their tvd verses but i adore and appreciate the question ! i could truly ramble about them & fabratore forever. thank you lovely !!! i apologize for how long this got ahhhh
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gemshroud · 5 months
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Hello! This is an indie rp blog for ARTEMIS ENTRERI — a totally normal and not at all deeply unlikable little man — from the DND book series The Legend of Drizzt by R.A. Salvatore. Super open to OCs, crossovers, bg3 verse, general dnd verse, etc! Knowledge of the books isn't required. (Hopefully. I'll try my best!)
drop on by if you like: villains trying extremely hard not to have a redemption arc ● monologuing to your special locket of your arch nemesis ● middle school child's idea of what a cool assassin is ● vampire knives ● sadness ● a desperate yearning for a home you've never had ● the inherent homoeroticism of secret little thief squads ● the messiest gay people you will ever know ● pocket sand!!
CARRD (Rules & Bio)
TAGS: headcanons, appearance, aesthetic, memes (bonus: jarlaxle, drizzt, dahlia)
icon & pinned post header made by the fabulous @maestrojax
#hatofficialdivorce : all the writing with @maestrojax 's Jarlaxle (+ related content)
#dadlaxle verse : AU where @astralfox0893 's Auraine/Deuce is Jarlaxle's kid
#heartshapednemesislocket : all the writing with @awsheets 's Drizzt (+ related content)
#brainworms : all the writing with @psionicmolotov 's Kimmuriel (+ related content)
#babsposting : beautiful shitposts with Babette from @bloodyarn
#evilwifeposting : beautiful shitposts, Esteri version (@sleetkissed)
#cheekyguys : my boyfriend and I generally causing mischief
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tvintedspvrkmoved · 11 months
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ᴇʟᴇɴᴀ ɢɪʟʙᴇʀᴛ . elena gilbert was born june 22nd to miranda and grayson gilbert. born and raised in mystic falls , virginia , elena had a fairly average childhood until high school - when she was introduced to the world of the supernatural by way of her boyfriend , stefan salvatore.
elena's bio is canon ONLY UNTIL jeremy's death in season four.
ᴊᴇʀᴇᴍʏ'ꜱ ᴅᴇᴀᴛʜ . when jeremy died , elena all but lost her mind. she had a complete breakdown , during which she came close - at damon's request - to turning off her humanity. just before she flipped the switch , however , the vampire realized that doing so would only cause problems for her remaining loved ones. instead she ran , flashing to her car and taking off into the night. she drove until her tank was near empty , pulling into a nearby motel and checking in for the night.
ᴛʜᴇ ᴡɪɴᴄʜᴇꜱᴛᴇʀꜱ . the next morning , elena walked across the street to a local diner to get some food and find out where the nearest gas station was. all seemed normal , until her heightened hearing picked up on something coming from outside the diner - the word ❛ vampire ❜ , muttered by one of two men coming from the direction of the motel. tuning in closer , she found out - in a fair amount of detail - where they were going that night and what they were doing : taking down a nearby nest of vampires. she also learned that one of the men was named dean , one sam. elena ended up ducking out early to fuel up her car , parking back in the lot of the motel and sitting in her room listening out until the men returned.
ᴇʟᴇɴᴀ'ꜱ ꜰɪʀꜱᴛ ʜᴜɴᴛ . that night , when sam and dean left , elena was not far behind. seething with rage over her brother's death , she decided that killing a few violent vampires was better than letting her anger go unchecked. she followed at a reasonable distance until they'd reached their destination , killing her headlights and pulling in behind once they'd left their car. she followed on foot , staying out of sight until two things became apparent : the men were not alone , and the vampires were not evil. she can remember to this day the scream she let out upon watching john winchester fire a bullet between the eyes of a vampire who made no attempt to harm him. a vampire who was almost . . . begging. her reaction gave her away immediately , and it was only after an intense argument between sam and john that she was not only spared , but approached somewhat amicably.
ɴᴏᴡ . since not long after that first hunt , elena has been training and hunting with the winchesters. she resides wherever they do ( with the exception of when dean was in hell , when she traveled and hunted on her own for several weeks once she and sam had exhausted all efforts to save him ). in her ❝ canon ❞ she is dating sam winchester ( highly affiliated with @stanfordprepped ) , but as with 99% of my muses she is multi-verse and multi-ship. elena is primarily based in the kripke era , but i am open to writing her in different seasons. for personal reasons i will not be writing her within the tvdu.
ʜᴇɪɢʜᴛ . 5 ' 1 ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛ . 120
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perzysprumia · 5 months
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full name: hope andrea mikaelson species: witch/werewolf/vampire tribrid age: 18-21 birthday: january 2nd zodiac: capricorn gender: cis woman pronouns: she/her sexuality: demiromantic pansexual race: white (alt verse: mixed black/white) hair color / style: auburn brown eye color: gray-blue height: 160cm / 5'3" traits/personality: wiki. family: hayle(y) marshall (father/mother; deceased), klaus mikaelson (father), elijah mikaelson (uncle; deceased), rebekah mikaelson (aunt), kol mikaelson (uncle), esther (grandmother; deceased), mikael (adoptive grandfather; deceased), ansel (grandfather) fandom: the originals faceclaim: madison davenport (verse specific alt fc: troian bellisario)
C A N O N D I V E R G E N C I E S :
canon up until S05E06 of the originals. after hayle(y)'s death, hope does not go back to the salvatore school and instead stays in new orleans with her family. marcel homeschools her as much as possible, considering klaus and rebekah can't come near her and she wants nothing to do with elijah.
even though klaus cannot come near her, he changes how much he stays in contact with her and the two of them grow extremely close very quickly, somewhat resolving hope's issues with his previous absence in her life. she clings to klaus after losing her other parent.
like in canon, klaus and hope still end up going near each other and causing issues. after regaining his memories, elijah's guilt over hayle(y)'s death consumes him, and when klaus tells him of his plan to take in the entirety of the hollow, elijah intervenes and convinces freya to give it to him instead.
klaus is still the one to kill elijah, in the same way as in canon. i have issues with how the white oak was magically there the entire time after the entire last half of season 3 was spent fighting over "the last of the white oak" so the stake was not hidden by klaus decades ago, it was magically made from the remaining fragments of white oak that could be found around the city.
another thing i'm addressing that season 5 did not is elijah's sireline. because he was never disconnected from them, 1/3 of all remaining vampires on earth died.
hope does not find out that elijah did this for klaus until after it's done. she has unresolved emotions about it, and refuses to talk about it when it's brought up.
hope becomes even more attached to klaus, and because the hollow is now gone, she is by his side at almost all times. anything that takes his attention/interest away from her is seen as a threat. she completely falls into the daddy's girl trope, very quickly.
freya teaches her magic, klaus teaches her everything else. like in canon/legacies, hope has issues containing her magic and it is very heavily tied into her emotional state. if she gets too upset, the entire city risks experiencing a blackout if she is not wearing her bracelet.
3 years post series (when she is 21) hope forgets to take her magic-dampening bracelet off when she is trying to track someone she thinks is trying to hurt klaus. it ends up being aurora, and hope realizes she isn't powerful enough to protect herself too late. aurora kills her, and she turns.
these details are slightly different for my klaus's family business verse, as hope is not klaus's only child there:
hayle is not dead, elijah is not dead, klaus is not dead. we do what we want. because of this, hope still attends the salvatore school and goes to college there.
because she is considered one of klaus's firstborn children (via dahlia's firstborn curse resetting each millennia), hope is still far more powerful and uncontrollable than the rest of her siblings, and thus feels alone because of it.
she is also the only one of her siblings that does not have a direct sibling, as she was hayle's only child. this also contributes to her feeling alone.
because she is one of klaus's firstborns under dahlia's curse, she has a doppelganger who was born roughly two years after her; her name is jackie kenner-west. she is jackson's child, and because of this, hope considers jackie her sister.
hope's relationship with klaus is completely different in this verse as opposed to her canon/main verse. she is far more attached to hayle than she is klaus.
also refer to tricursed's no humanity verse for info on my hope's split!verse.
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hauntrcss · 2 months
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WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME?   helena rosa bertinelli
WHERE AND WHEN WERE YOU BORN?   february, 14 1989; gotham city, us.
WHO ARE/WERE YOUR PARENTS? franco bertinelli & maria panessa bertinelli; biological father is santo cassamento. all deceased.
DO YOU HAVE ANY SIBLINGS? WHAT ARE/WERE THEY LIKE? helena had one sibling. an older brother, pino bertinelli. helena doesn’t remember much. she remembers specifically a toy car he played with & how he’d often stay close to her when they were being carted around by their governess - or on the rare occasion, by their parents. her cousin, salvatore asaro, is like a brother to her. pino & sal are also both deceased.
WHERE DO YOU LIVE NOW, AND WITH WHOM? DESCRIBE THE PLACE AND THE PERSON/PEOPLE. This is verse dependent. In her default verse, I have her living in gotham / new york city (it depends on who I am interacting with) in a penthouse apartment, for which she strategically owns for ease of huntress’ comings & goings. I have a few photos of the apartment on pinterest. she lives alone. in all verses.
WHAT IS YOUR OCCUPATION? this also is verse dependent, although usually she is a middle school teacher at one of gotham’s public schools. she is also a silent philanthropist, donating to several causes that are dear to her heart & keeping certain proprietors afloat.
WRITE A FULL PHYSICAL DESCRIPTION OF YOURSELF. brown eyes, tan/olive skin. dark hair of brown, but can sometimes appear jet black in the right lighting. helena is tall, with a great deal of her height being her legs. she’s thin, but athletic, & very proudly tends to show her midriff when wearing clothing - except while working around students, when she keeps it conservative.
TO WHICH SOCIAL CLASS DO YOU BELONG? she is financially wealthy; after inheriting the bertinelli fortune at the age of 21, Helena is a literal billionaire. over 4 billion, to be exact. 
DO YOU HAVE ANY ALLERGIES, DISEASES, OR OTHER PHYSICAL WEAKNESSES? no particular out of the ordinary allergies/ailments.
ARE YOU RIGHT- OR LEFT-HANDED? right-hand dominant, but she has been trained to not let that limit her.
WHAT DOES YOUR VOICE SOUND LIKE? usually annoyed. rarely soft, although not impossible. she does tend to use sarcasm as a defense. I realize these are different answers but I can’t describe vocal tone very well???
WHAT DO YOU HAVE IN YOUR POCKETS? sunshine. pocket knife.
DO YOU HAVE ANY QUIRKS, STRANGE MANNERISMS, ANNOYING HABITS, OR OTHER DEFINING CHARACTERISTICS? she tends to physically distance herself from people, save for when she is fighting them. her life has largely been a wasteland from affection, so upon receiving it she….is uncomfortable. unless you are her cousin sal.
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floripire · 3 months
"when you find yourself the center of attention... it's not that they hate you. it's that... well. we're different."
practical magic › @wastheheart
there is no way she's going to fill the vade mecum of vampires in this lifetime. there are simply too many strains out there, and too many rules and regulations.
(the volturi, for one. those aligned with the night world, for another.)
of course, it won't do for one nosy neonate to reveal this preternatural world of theirs to unsuspecting humans. (certainly there are those who know, but those people often hail from families who've been entangled with this for generations now, like the gilberts.)
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there is no way she's going to fill the vade mecum of vampires in this lifetime. but that doesn't mean she won't try. if anything, it's a way to distract herself from the fact that everyone - well, almost everyone - in this coven seems to hate her.
and it's like esme is the mind-reader, instead of edward, because the cullen matriarch - who is, in fact, so much more than a mere matriarch, though she carries the title well, wraps it around her like a cloak of feathers - needs only look at the newest member of the coven once to clock the problem.
"when you find yourself the center of attention..."
esme's voice is soft. sweet. pleasant. like a breeze on a hot summer day. not that forks sees very many of those, what with it's perpetual state of cloudiness. floribeth misses hot summer days.
the younger of the two lets out an almost mirthless chuckle. esme's not wrong. she's different. all of them are different. different strains of the same species, though there are subtle similarities.
"i just---" floribeth's fingers are no longer flying across the keyboard, though her laptop is still open on her lap. "---i've never been good with being the center of attention. and, honestly, i don't want to make things more... difficult for everyone by being here."
she wants a home.
she wants a place where her sire, derek machado, can't reach her.
she wants a place that her ex-boyfriend - a very human hunter, hell-bent on avenging his late sister - doesn't know about. (because if he doesn't know, he can't tell the fellow hunters that he runs with: a witch and another human, respectively.)
she wants a place to be safe from triad industries, because she'll die. she'll simply die before she goes back to their detention facility.
most of all, she wants a mom and a dad, and siblings. floribeth's never had siblings before, ever, what with her being an only child. and certainly, certainly, she's got relatives out there, witch-relatives, but they've not yet came forward to claim her.
perhaps they don't know about her. or perhaps, and this makes more sense in her mind, they simply don't want her.
"'cause the rules, they're set in place for a reason, right? i don't want those crusty italian vampires knocking on your door and i certainly don't want triad industries to catch wind of, well, you all existing and, ah, maintaining a vegan lifestyle." a beat and then: "if it really causes this much tension and strife, i---i can go. i can pack my things right now and i'll be gone by nightfall."
"...it's not that they hate you. it's that... well. we're different."
esme's words finally land, then, and any other day it would've been comical, the way floribeth's gazing up at her, mouth open, like she's just seen fish fly.
(there are actually flying fish out there in the world - parexocoetus brachypterus - but that's neither here nor there.)
"but...but i thought, i mean, all this time." her lower lip quivers. her eyes fill with tears. between one heartbeat and the next, the laptop is placed down onto the coffee table with utmost care and floribeth leans over to give esme a hug.
"thank you."
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kmze · 7 months
Stefan and Elena would have been endgame if Nina had not quit
Stefan and Caroline would have been endgame if Kevin had not killed Stefan
Stefan and Lexi would have been endgame if Damon had not killed Lexi
It's getting crazier with each passing day/year.What is the truth?
(I guess you know what I'm talking about)
Good to have you back,Kris.Miss your metas and smuts!
Oh Anon I know exactly what you are talking about, although I hadn't heard the Lexi/Stefan one until now that just seems like she's talking just to talk. Thank you for the welcome back! I missed this site and now that it's usable again (it was awful for a few years) I came back since it's the only site not taken over by ad-based algorithms and influencers. Plus now that I'm doing a TVD rewatch maybe I'll try to write some mini-metas if I feel inspired (the smut I can't promise as much I have complete writers block sadly.)
My thoughts under the cut because this got long oops!
Lets get to that tweet that started this discourse again, which I'm sure that was her intention, and honestly, I think she believes that on some level but it's simply not true. And I don't mean not true in the sense that the Stefan and Elena couldn't have been endgame because of how the story evolved after Nina left (or even before) but because they absolutely could have been! In fact it would have been rather simple to give Stefan and Elena an implied endgame with only having Nina for the finale. I remember a few weeks before the finale there was a pretty easy to believe "spoiler" of how they could pull it off. Basically Damon dies instead of Stefan, Elena wakes up and Caroline compels them both to forget about vampires, witches all of Mystic Falls etc. to protect them. Then there's a time jump where they run into each other again as strangers and do the whole "I'm Stefan" "I'm Elena" meet-cute from the Pilot and 5x18 visions. All that full circle jazz and now they get to be together without all the baggage so viewers can theorize how that unfolds. I can't even emphasize enough how EASY they made this a possibility when Stefan turned human (probably why I felt so much dread when I knew they were going to do that). This was also around the time the SE King Kevin Williamson (who also likes to blame Nina for not getting his endgame) and I cannot believe he wouldn't have been all for this. Hell lets even go back further because Nina told them at the beginning of S6 she was leaving so they had all of S6 to redirect the story back to Stefan and Elena, which again would have been easy with the mind-erase storyline and Damon being dead, but they didn't! They made them super platonic and after years of hints made Stefan and Caroline a main love story.
So yeah sorry Jules that is not the reason Stefan and Elena weren't endgame, they had tons of time to redirect the storyline. Even if she was determined to have Stefan and Caroline get together she could have done that, had them break up for good during the 54678 obstacles she put them through and then had Caroline date Enzo (kill me) before sending her off to Klaus (because apparently that was also a possibility until Caroline married Stefan if you're keeping track).
So what's the real reason Stefan and Elena weren't endgame? I'm not going to pretend like I know for certain but I do have a working theory, I don't think they could have made Stefan and Elena endgame without hurting Caroline's ending and that was more important to Julie by the end. I know lots of people will probably think I'm crazy for saying that but it is truly what I believe. Especially after seeing where Caroline started (like it was painful watching how prop-y she was treated in S1 during my rewatch) and where she ended up (last vampire standing running a magic school in the Salvatore house one of the biggest landmarks in the verse). I don't see how Caroline's ending wouldn't have taken a hit if Stefan reunited with Elena, even if she was the one who compelled him to forget about her. Instead the show used Stefan and Elena to prop Stefan and Caroline in the finale! They made it so Stefan couldn't find peace until he was sure Caroline knew he got her message and he'd love her forever too (the teaser cut away shot and "there's something I have to say" sells this IMO). That's what Julie used to set-up Legacies as the foundation of the school, it was Caroline's love for Stefan and how he helped her become the best vampire ever and now she's doing the same for supernatural kids. Candice King confirmed this in an article when Legacies ended, it's also implied via song in the Salvatore musical episode of Legacies about the founding of the school. That might be why Julie said it would "dishonor Stefan" to make Klaus and Caroline get together because she still needed Caroline's love for Stefan to be strong even in death, that's why this parallel lives in my head rent-free.
I'm sure some people will say it was because of Damon and Elena and their powerful chemistry and love story but that's for people who give a damn about that relationship (not I) who genuinely believe the writers HAD to deliver the chin kiss endgame.
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maddmuses · 1 year
mun is superior, pass it on.
Name: Madd, Maddlynn Maddithan, Maddie, Maddster, The Maddest, Waffles, Maddwaffles, Maddest One Around Age: 27+2 we ain't countin' them COVID years Gender: pebsi (fluid)
Food(s): Barbacoa, Tacos, Tomato, Steak, Corn on The Cob, Salsa, Mint Ice Cream, Stroganoff, (still true af untouched except ig we can add caldo de res which I have been really about lately) Drink(s): Bepsi, Milk even tho it hurt me, Coors, Vanilla Bepis (even tho I can't fucking find it) Book(s): The Legends of Drizzt, Percy Jackson and The Olympians, The Heroes of Olympus, Assorted D&D Manuals, Any decent Graphic Novel, Strong Manga series; Hajime no Ippo, Eyeshield 21, Boku no Hero Academia, Bleach, Dragon Ball, Hikaru no Go, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yu-Gi-Oh/GX, Naruto, Slam Dunk, karate shoukoushi kohinata minoru, One Piece. We also addin' Chainsaw Man Favorite Author(s): R.A Salvatore, Ed Greenwood, Akira Toryiama, Tite Kubo, Masashi Kishimoto, Oda, Rowling (Pre-TERF) nah fuck that bitch not even pre-TERF she was wildly overrated, Tolkien Song(s): We don’t have time to be here all day, I’ll list some recent listens; Ocean Avenue - Yellow Card, No Flex Zone - Karmin and Watsky, I’m Something Else - SomethingelseYT, Dammit - Blink182, Punk Rock 101 - Blink182, Almost - Bowling For Soup, Stan - Eminem feat. Elton John, Absolutely - Nine Days, Simple Plan - Summer Paradise, So many Ninjasexparty songs, Rambe - Slow, Rambe - Don’t Greed, Zombie Love Song - YFM, Maroon 5 - Sugar, Reunion - Busted, Year 3000 - Busted Honestly those all slapped so imma add a few more recents: Montero, Good 4 u, My Nonfiction, Boyfriend Complex, anything by the nerdcore rappers
Movie(s): The New Guy, Spider-Man Homecoming (okay just that whole trilogy was best honestly), Spider-Verses too, Star Wars: A New Hope, Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy: Big Picture Show, Hairspray (Musical)
TV Show(s): AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! Ed, Edd, ‘n Eddy, The anime adaptations of most of the manga I listed above, Ash Vs. The Evil Dead, King of The Hill, South Park (It fell off), Community, One-Punch Man, Gravity Falls, Scrubs, Venture Bros., Bob’s Burgers, Futurama, Daria, Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, The Boondocks, Saturday night Live when it’s decent, King of The Hill, Futurama, The Conners, As Told By Ginger, The Bear
Band/group(s): Busted, Blink 182, Maroon 5, Sum 41, Bowling For Soup, Ninja Sex Party Solo Artist(s): Rambe, Owl City, Billy Joel Place(s): Oregon, San Diego School Subject(s): Drawing, English, History Sport(s): Boxing, Karate, Football Male Actor: ?????????? Female Actor:  ???????????? I CAN LIST CRUSHES I GUESS BUT YOU DIDN’T ASK I DON’T THINK ABOUT ACTORS THAT MUCH
Best Friend: Brandon (no longer roommate, he still isn’t on tumblr) Significant Other: Am the Single Pringle ;'( Siblings: TONS Dream Job:  Online Content Creator, Teacher, Professor Tattoos: Nada Piercings: Nope Languages: English, Spanglish, Spanish Lite
Reason Behind URL: Well Madd is a component to my standard web handle maddwaffles, for prefix being appropriated from an ex while we were dating (it was a cute thing because we matched) that just hasn’t really evaded me. When it was yallneedahero I would have a more clever answer for you. Reason Behind Icon: I love Isane Nami and you should too # of Posts: 20,535!!!! HOLY SHIT BEFORE IT WAS ONLY 5,235 I SCALE SO HARD Why You Joined: idk!?!!?!?!?!? # of Blogs: P much just this one now
tagging: @pick-your-poison-please @burdenedreverance @midnightactual @waspandr @thundertempo @linklewinklewoman @rangikuxmatsumoto @baiika @auburniivenus @badassbarmaid tagged by: stole from @orihimex and stealing again
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salvatoraes-moved · 1 year
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LEGAL NAME:  stefan  antonio  salvatore. NICKNAME[S]:  stef,  steffy  (  don’t  call  him  this ) ,  stefano,  hero  hair. DATE OF BIRTH:   11 /  01  /  1490. SEX:  cis - male. PLACE OF BIRTH:  florence, italy. CURRENTLY LIVING:  the  salvatore  boarding  house  in  mystic  falls.   in  my  other  verses,  he  lives  in  savannah,  georgia. SPOKEN LANGUAGES:  italian,  english,  spanish  &  french.  EDUCATION:  he’s  got  multiple  high -  school  diplomas  as  well  as  college  degrees.   HAIR COLOR:  light  brown. EYE COLOR:   green. HEIGHT:   5′11. WEIGHT:  i’d  say  like  160ish,  maybe  less.  he’s  fit  but  a  little  thin.
SIBLING[S]:  damon  salvatore,  older  brother. PARENT[S]: lilian +  giuseppe  salvatore.  (  both  deceased  ) CHILDREN:  none.  maybe  in  other  verses  though. PET[S]: in  his  main  verse  he  has  a  black  cat  named  midnight  &  in  a  private  verse  with  @forbaes  he  has  two  golden  retriever’s.
SEXUAL ORIENTATION:  bi - sexual / romantic. RELATIONSHIP STATUS:  single. ( verse dependent ) SINCE WHEN: i  don’t  know  how  to  answer  this  one  ghufjd
tagged by:  @storias <3 tagging:  @forbaes , @neptunc ( enzo ), @klaeus , @appleyed​ , @malka-lisitsa , @port3r ,  @goofily ( danny ) ,  @khenzi ,  @witcheri ( h ) ,  @trihrid , @modelscience , @mieczlw , @fightear  @waldenborn ,  @pi3rce​, @deadranch , @camaerons , @hellsurvivr , @shesdaylight , @minimavampiress , &  you  reading  this !
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