#verse: visiongirl
soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
“        maybe i missed you.
                                     would that be a valid reason?’
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
       ‘ Oh, I am more concerned in breaking my 300 dollars manicure than this old phone which by the way, you NEED to upgrade the technology here, pal.”
                        she said. she was mostly annoyed by the telephone that she had. of course she was working as a full time supernatural half demon kicking ass chick but she had to make a greater living. and follow her dream in one way or another which was kinda off the rails at the moment since she had to sleep with a MANAGER in order to get something done. and her morals of course didn’t correspond exactly.  she’d rather punch the guy in the nuts than anything else.
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               “ An asswipe thinking that they could touch me with out my permission.  Long story short, that is all.  Would you use your fang scary self and bite him please? That’d teach him a freaking lesson.”
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
❛   i  hope  i  am  your  favorite  crime .  ❜
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the only favorite crimes i like doing is stress eating.
or having an ice cream all for myself.'
cordy being little avoidy the question, please excuse her.
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
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' aren't you to be a seductive smart ass?
prove it pal; tell me what i may think of you. innapropriately.'
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
ಠ_ಠ - for Angel, from Cordy lmao
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' angel.... you do realize that asking me that thing is like ASKING a lady her age? that's not very ANGELIC of you."
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
Send 😬 for your muse to be caught watching my muse undressing
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' blaine, towel, knock."
she said, pushing her towel tighter against her slim and feminine body.
sort of.
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
"Sexual fantasy? Let's see... You and me breaking into Fort Knox and making a pillow fort out of the gold before we leave all sorts of body prints, among other things, on them. And yeah, I know there are cameras." Blaine shrugged. "Let them watch... I'd give naughtier details, but I prefer to do that in private, my queen."
            “ oh my-------exhibitionist much? 
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                                well, want to hear a secret blaine? ‘
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
"I take it you never soul-boned Captain Forehead then? Surely you haven't, otherwise I'd be dealing with me old sire, the right prick he is. He must be lacking in the departments that matter if you know what I mean, pet." - Spike to Cordy
            ‘ and since when my sex life has become your concern, spike? i thought your concern was to think about buffy h24 and moon over her.
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                   i gotta tell you, i don’t know what’s going on with men always lusting or mooning over women that can kill them.  with a STAKE!’
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
{ - argument sentence starters // to cordelia - } " wait a minute, you're blaming me?! " Well, it was probably Blaine's fault to begin with.
              ‘ Do you see any other blond around here? Kinda tall with masculine figure that if I wasn’t pissed off right now, i’d probably kiss ?
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                    Da, i blame you dumbass!”
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
💏 to Cordelia~
fifty ways to kiss someone.   send me a 💏 and i will randomise a number in order for my muse to kiss yours… …to pretend.           it had been only a few days since she met blaine.  he was a charming one, if anyone could ever tell about the curious case of ZOMBIE era. of course zombies were kinda finctional in a ways, or at least that was what she thought few days back.  however, blaine was not your average zombie. sure, he LIKED brains ( yuck by the way ) but he had still his human brain? that was a rare thing to have when being dead had taken over your intelligence or so.                            so apparently someone was hunting him and cordelia had saved his ass. which  he owned her one and that was noted to her agenda.  they had almost escpaed but others were coming to their way so--- distraction.  she wrapped her lips around his in a kiss, opening her eyes now and then to check if those who hunted him were leaving the area which eventually they did. once they were far away, the visiongirl slowly pulled back and looked into his eyes.                                  ‘ you owe me a pair of cucci shoes, blondie.”
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 4 years
        ‘ i am fine.
                          i am godly fine. in FACT, i am fine as rain.’
                 she was a mess.  her head was throbbing after seeing another PAINFUL vision.
                                  go vision cordy-------------.
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
{ - undressing meme // for cordelia - } 😬
a hissy breath along with the sigh of pain crawled away from her lips as she slowly removed her top. her bra was coming next to reveal the wound of four slices that pierced the chocolate skin of her back.
she needed a bath. a warm fuzzy with bubbles bath. it made her relax and eventually her demonic healing would come through to make her feel BETTER than before. once she removed her last piece of clothing, she stepped onto the bathtub that was filled with aromatic senses and relaxing aromas. soon, she remarked that blaine was against the door and watching her. she gently smiled.
' you know, your batman showing. or possibly your stalker free spirit."
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soulsofanarchyyyi · 3 years
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             “ Hate to tell you so but--- duh!  even spongebob could make a better decision than you did.”
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