#verse: hunters of ruin
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crino-line · 2 years ago
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Character design: Coral Wyland (though colors and small details may be changed)
smol boi, tough build
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sonadowsupremacy · 10 days ago
✨sonadow fic masterpost✨
i’ve been doing a lot of fic hunting on ao3 lately in my sonadow deepdive & i’m compiling a list of My personal favorites ^_^
most of these are completed/ being actively updated!
if anyone has any other recs pls lmk =w=
1. Mirror Image by kaleidoscopic_lover
Rating: 12/10
Takes place: All Sonic universes
Chapters: 33/33 (completed)
Synopsis: Sonic is constantly challenged by his “rival” Shadow and can’t seem to form a relationship that doesn’t involve using their fists, until they’re forced to work together to escape a classic Eggman trap and discover they have more in common with each other than they think. As they bond, their feelings deepen as they come to understand each other a little better, but at the same time, the plan Eggman cooked up is ruining their social lives as a pair of robots made to look identical to the hedgehogs are wreaking havoc in their name… and are programmed to be in love. Very angsty but also very passionate.
2. Beyond a Promise by but_why_not
Rating: 6.5/10
Takes place: All sonic universes
Chapters: 10/10 (completed)
Synopsis: First few chapters are Shadow’s POV, as he and Sonic grow their relationship by hanging out more often. Slice of life rivalry at Sonic’s birthday party as they explore what they mean to each other and eventually live happily ever after. Very fluffy, not too much action
3. Shattered Realities by foggystarrs
Rating: 7/10
Chapters: 17/17 (completed)
Synopsis: Sonic and Shadow travel the shatterverse and end up in a reality where they’re both dating. Classic enemies to lovers with forced proximity, angst to fluff happy ending.
4. The Secrets in our Quills by Nebrasska
Rating: 10/10
Takes place: SONIC 3 MOVIE
Chapters: 19/24 (updated 2/21/2025)
Synopsis: After Shadow helped Sonic to stop the Eclipse Cannon from destroying Earth and disappears, Sonic can’t stop thinking about him, wondering if he survived and if he was alone. Then he discovers that not only is Shadow still alive, but he tracked Sonic down and has been watching his family since the event, living in Sonic’s old cave in the Green Hills woods. Sonic starts building a friendship with him in secret as tension builds with GUN post-moon destruction, and Sonic and Shadow are faced with the same GUN operatives that held Shadow captive all his life while also being separated from their family. Mostly fluffy but very story driven.
5. Coming Home by nottheweirdest
Rating: 9.5/10
Takes place: All sonic universes
Chapters: 16/16 (completed)
Synopsis: Shadow hasn’t spoken to Sonic in years, not since confessing his feelings and getting rejected. Now Sonic is getting married in a few days, and Shadow got the invitation and decides to go with the encouragement from Rouge, who seems to think Sonic actually returns Shadow’s feelings and shouldn’t marry Amy. Angsty but ultimately has a happy ending
6. Wolfboy by Trenchcoatgecko
Rating: 8/10
Takes place: Sonic Unleashed AU
Chapters: 25/25 (completed)
Synopsis: Shadow, the notorious and world-famous werewolf hunter, is in town for a hit based on a tip he got for a blue werewolf for a bounty. But as he conducts his investigation trying to track the wolf, he discovers that the townspeople don’t fear him at all— rather, they talk of him like they want to protect him. In the meantime, a friendly (and devilishly handsome) local named Sonic has been more than welcoming to Shadow, and as they strike up a friendship it becomes pretty clear that Sonic is the very wolf the town is trying so hard to protect, and Shadow wonders if their relationship was built on Sonic’s last desperate attempt to save his own life or something real, and Sonic will have to find out if he was right about Shadow, and he really does have a sweet heart. Fluff and also angst
7. Clean Slate by nottheweirdest
Rating: 8/10
Takes place: Sonic IDW Comics
Chapters: 30/30 (completed)
Synopsis: Sonic lost his memory in a battle and he’s stuck with Shadow trying to get back to friends he can’t even remember. But something his body seems to remember is the way it feels about Shadow… which makes things complicated as they get heated during isolation. Fun forbidden love and unintentional cheating vibes, very flirty
EDIT: @nottheweirdest has a tumblr and an amazing list of fics available on ao3!
**red means mature only
**these are listed in No particular order
More to come, perhaps?
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ardafanonarch · 1 year ago
Hi there! This blog is a very cool concept.
If you feel up to it, I'd like to know where the idea of Maedhros as a diplomat and scholar comes from.
In fic he's often portrayed as such in Valinor, serving at Finwë's court, sometimes being close with Fingolfin, bring into linguistics, etc.
Thank you!
Maedhros the Diplomat (with an Addendum on Maedhros the Scholar)
[~3.4k Words]
Ah, Maedhros. A treasure trove of fanon for our first excavation. As this is also our first investigation of characterisation, let’s establish a structure for talking about characters.
There are two ways that we learn what a character is like from The Silmarillion:
The narrator tells us, either: a. with short, pithy statements (someone is “wise” or “steadfast” or “greatest”) b. with longer descriptions
We deduce character from their actions and their relationships to others.
Using this structure, let’s look briefly as what we know about Maedhros.
Maedhros isn’t “mightiest in skill of word and hand” like his father or “the strongest, the most steadfast, and the most valiant” like Fingolfin. He isn’t even noted as being particularly good at anything like his brothers Maglor “the mighty singer,” Curufin “who inherited most if his father’s skill of hand,” or Celegorm, Amrod, and Amras who were all skilled hunters. He’s not even noteworthy for any negative traits like Caranthir, “the harshest of the brothers and the most quick to anger.”
Despite being one of the story’s protagonists, and certainly the most narratively prominent of the sons of Fëanor, all Maedhros gets in this category is “tall”[1].
In this category, Maedhros gets more fully fleshed-out:
[At Lake Mithrim] Maedhros in time was healed; for the fire of life was hot within him, and his strength was of the ancient world, such as those possessed who were nurtured in Valinor. His body recovered from his torment and became hale, but the shadow of his pain was in his heart; and he lived to wield his sword with left hand more deadly than his right had been. The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Maedhros did deeds of surpassing valour, and the Orcs fled before his face; for since his torment upon Thangorodrim his spirit burned like a white fire within, and he was as one that returns from the dead. The Silmarillion, “Of the Ruin of Beleriand”
Perhaps one of the most striking descriptions of Maedhros comes from an abandoned alliterative verse poem, The Flight of the Noldoli (=Noldor), published in The Lays of Beleriand and dating to 1925 — about a year before Tolkien first put the “Silmarillion” into a prose format in the annalistic-historical mode of the published text.
... and Maidros tall (the eldest, whose ardour yet more eager burnt than his father’s flame, than Fëanor’s wrath; him fate awaited with fell purpose.) Flight of the Noldoli, lines 123-126
Fire, valour, pain, deadliness, wrath, doom. Taken alone, these passages don’t exactly suggest "diplomat and scholar," yet those qualities are a cornerstone how we often see Maedhros discussed and portrayed by fans. So why?
Maedhros the Diplomat, at least, seems to be based on what he does in canon.
Pausing for a moment, what does it actually mean to be "diplomatic"?
Here’s from Merriam-Webster under diplomatic:
of, relating to, or concerned with the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations: of, relating to, or concerned with diplomacy or diplomats.
employing tact and conciliation especially in situations of stress
And for diplomacy:
the art and practice of conducting negotiations between nations
skill in handling affairs without arousing hostility: TACT
It’s worth noting that the first use of the word diplomacy dates to the 18th century (1766) and the concept itself is somewhat anachronistic to the pre-modern world of the “Silmarillion.” However, it’s not difficult to apply the spirit of an “art and practice of negotiations between nations” to First Age Beleriand. We’ll also consider the secondary definition of “tact.”
The Case for Maedhros the Diplomat
Let's look at some times that Maedhros practiced diplomacy and was diplomatic:
1. Waiving his claim to the kingship of the Noldor in favour of Fingolfin:
For Maedhros begged forgiveness for the desertion in Araman; and he waived his claim to kingship over all the Noldor, saying to Fingolfin: ‘If there lay no grievance between us, lord, still the kingship would rightly come to you, the eldest here of the house of Finwë, and not the least wise.’ The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: resolving conflict by removing one’s own claim to a title.
Is it diplomatic? The dialogue seems pretty tactful — demonstrating deference, employing flattery and logic — and is definitely an improvement on Fëanor’s approach to the contested kingship!
2. Brother-wrangling
There are two significant instances of this in the Silmarillion:
resolving conflict
After an argument breaks out between Angrod and Caranthir over Angrod’s authority to act as messenger to Thingol, “Maedhros indeed rebuked Caranthir … But Maedhros restrained his brothers, and they departed from the council…" (“Of the Return of the Noldor”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: removing threats to peaceable relations between rulers.
Is it diplomatic? Since we don’t know exactly how Maedhros rebuked Caranthir and restrained his brothers, it’s hard to say how tactfully it was done. Maybe.
removing to the Eastern march
There Maedhros and his brothers kept watch, gathering all such people as would come to them, and they had few dealings with their kinsfolk westward, save at need. It is said indeed that Maedhros himself devised this plan, to lessen the chances of strife, and because he was very willing that the chief peril of assault should fall upon himself. The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: again removing threats to peaceable relations between rulers. Also involves gathering followers. Notably, the strategy seems to have worked for as long as it lasted (that is, until Celegorm and Curufin found themselves in Nargothrond).
Is it diplomatic? Again, unclear how Maedhros executed this plan, but the narrator’s tone here is quite approving so it’s reasonable to assume that it was done tactfully.
3. Remaining on good terms with the other Princes of the Noldor
A few examples of this:
Continuing from the preceding passage, “he remained for his part in friendship with the houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin, and would come among them at times for common counsel.” (“Of the Noldor in Beleriand”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes.
Is it diplomatic? Yes: extra diplomacy points for taking it upon himself to go to them.
He (with Maglor) attended Mereth Aderthad, the Feast of Reuniting. (“Of the Noldor in Beleriand”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes, though showing up to the High King’s peace party seems like pretty bare minimum lordly behaviour, not exemplary diplomacy.
Is it diplomatic? We don’t know except through the absence of any evidence to the contrary. Since the Mereth Aderthad was overall a diplomatic success, it’s reasonable to assume Maedhros contributed to that success and stayed on his best behaviour.
He (with Maglor) goes hunting with Finrod. (“Of the Coming of Men into the West”)
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Sure: a leisurely hunting trip with the cousin whose kin you once killed (oops) is a good move.
Is it diplomatic? Again, lacking evidence to the contrary, reasonable to assume Maedhros behaved himself and the trip went off without conflict.
Remaining on good terms in particular with “Fingon, ever the friend of Maedhros” (“Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”). The anecdote about the history of the Dragon-helm (below), which has it pass from Maedhros to Fingon, additionally attests that these two “often exchanged tokens of friendship.”
Is this an instance of diplomacy? Yes: in particular, the exchange of tokens of friendship between rulers.
Is it diplomatic? Unless we imagine Fingon was himself tactless (which is contradicted by what we’re told about him elsewhere) and their friendship was built around being mutually despicable (see: Celegorm and Curufin), fair to assume this was all done courteously.
4. Making alliances
with the Sindar
We know that many Sindar outside Doriath joined themselves to and followed the princes of the Noldor, presumably including the sons of Fëanor. (The Grey Annals §48 in The History of Middle-earth Vol. 11: The Wars of the Jewels, and elsewhere).
with the Dwarves
In the preparations for the Nirnaeth Arnoediad:
... Maedhros had the help of the Naugrim, both in armed force and in great store of weapons; and the smithies of Nogrod and Belegost were busy in those days. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
Also, from the Narn i hîn Húrin in Unfinished Tales:
[The Dragon-helm of Dor-lómin] was given by Azaghâl to Maedhros, as guerdon for the saving of his life and treasure, when Azaghâl was waylaid by Orcs upon the Dwarf-road in East Beleriand.
Azaghâl then sacrifices himself and his people at the Nirnaeth, making the Fëanorian retreat possible.
with the Easterlings
But Maedhros, knowing the weakness of the Noldor and the Edain, whereas the pits of Angband seemed to hold store inexhaustible and ever-renewed, made alliance with these new-come Men, and gave his friendship to the greatest of their chieftains, Bor and Ulfang. And Morgoth was well content; for this was as he had designed. The sons of Bor were Borlad, Borlach, and Borthand; and they followed Maedhros and Maglor, and cheated the hope of Morgoth, and were faithful. The sons of Ulfang the Black were Ulfast, and Ulwarth, and Uldor the accursed; and they followed Caranthir and swore allegiance to him, and proved faithless. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
the Union of Maedhros
Perhaps Maedhros' most-cited and most famous act of "diplomacy":
Yet Morgoth would destroy them all, one by one, if they could not again unite, and make new league and common council; and he began those counsels for the raising of the fortunes of the Eldar that are called the Union of Maedhros. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
And [Maedhros] gathered together again all his brothers and all the people who would follow them; and the Men of Bor and Ulfang were marshalled and trained for war, and they summoned yet more of their kinsfolk out of the East. Moreover in the west Fingon, ever the friend of Maedhros, took counsel with Himring, and in Hithlum the Noldor and the Men of the house of Hador prepared for war. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
Are these instances of diplomacy? Yes: protecting neighbours, gathering followers, establishing partnerships, forming alliances with other groups of peoples, and organising a major offensive on a common enemy.
Is it diplomatic? Again, absence to the contrary and general success suggests Maedhros conducted himself tactfully in all of these dealings. One thing: I have seen a tendency in fandom to credit superior leadership and diplomacy on the part of Maedhros and Maglor for the fact that their Easterling allies remain faithful while Caranthir’s do not. Maybe; but bear in mind that’s a deduction, not something the text explicitly states.
I am sure there are other tidbits here and there to support the diplomatic ability of Maedhros, but I think we have enough here to conclude the Maedhros the Diplomat is a fanon characterisation with support it in canon.
The Case against Maedhros the Diplomat
So Maedhros was a diplomat; but was Maedhros an exemplary diplomat, as the prominence of his characterisation as such would suggest, or just an average one? Let us look at some of Maedhros’ diplomatic failings.
1. hubris, attempted deception
Look: we can’t neglect that Maedhros is behind one of the most disastrous failures of diplomacy in the First Age — his attempt to parley with Morgoth that ends up getting him captured.
Though not in the published Silmarillion, in the 1937 Quenta Silmarillion, Fëanor with his dying breath tells his sons “never to treat or parley with their foe.” (§88). (Christopher Tolkien drew from a later text, the Grey Annals (1950s), for the account of the death of Fëanor in the published Silmarillion where this command does not exist.) I cannot help but laugh at the fact that following this exhortation Maedhros immediately turns around and attempts to parley with Morgoth and outwit him.
Perhaps diplomatic relations with Morgoth are impossible, but then why accept the offer to parley at all? And what’s up with trying to beat Morgoth at his own game (deceit)? Honestly, Maedhros. Not your best moment.
We can say that he learned from this, but it does put into question the idea that Maedhros’ diplomatic training and excellence go back to his Valinorean days.
2. disdain of and aloofness towards another ruler
We saw how Maedhros restrained his brothers in the council where Angrod brought news from Thingol, but what about how Maedhros himself behaved at that council?
Cold seemed its welcome to the Noldor, and the sons of Fëanor were angered at the words; but Maedhros laughed, saying: ‘A king is he that can hold his own, or else his title is vain. Thingol does but grant us lands where his power does not run. Indeed Doriath alone would be his realm this day, but for the coming of the Noldor. Therefore in Doriath let him reign, and be glad that he has the sons of Finwë for his neighbours, not the Orcs of Morgoth that we found. Elsewhere it shall go as seems good to us.’ The Silmarillion, “Of the Return of the Noldor”
Fandom loves the line and I can’t disagree that it’s an epic mic drop. But was this really the most diplomatic thing to say? In the Grey Annals, it is said that “the sons of Fëanor were ever unwilling to accept the overlordship of Thingol, and would ask for no leave where they might dwell or might pass.” (§48). (Interestingly, there does seem to have been a point, before word of the kinslaying at Alqualondë was out, that Thingol for his part was at least neutral on them, saying, “Of his sons I hear little to my pleasure; yet they are likely to prove the deadliest foes of our foe” (“Of the Noldor in Beleriand”)). Arriving at a new place and refusing to treat with the person who claims kingship of those lands — and apparently for no other reason besides disdain of that person’s ability as a ruler — doesn’t seem particularly diplomatic.
3. not supporting a superior's initiative
We saw evidence of Maedhros cooperating with the other princes of the Noldor, but that doesn't mean he threw his support behind them at every occasion to do so. When Fingolfin — supposedly, thanks for Maedhros, High King and his superior — tries to rally the Noldor to assault Angband, almost everyone was “little disposed to hearken to Fingolfin, and the sons of Fëanor at that time least of all.” (“Of the Ruin of Beleriand”).
This statement is frustratingly vague so I won’t speculate much besides to suggest that there could be something suspect — and undiplomatic — behind failing to support the initiative of the High King to whom you so graciously ceded your claim.
4. Oath-related diplomatic failures (kinslayings)
The extent to which the oath is to blame for events is a sticky issue and not the subject of this analysis, but since fulfilling the oath is essential to Maedhros’ character, it’s impossible to avoid it entirely.
The narrator of the Silmarillion is actually quite generous towards Maedhros when discussing the role of the oath in his failings, so it’s no surprise that many fans are likewise generous.
For example:
I quoted above the passage about Maedhros taking “the chief peril of assault” upon himself and remaining “for his part in friendship with the houses of Fingolfin and Finarfin,” and it is perhaps the strongest evidence for Maedhros’ diplomatic excellence. It also ends with the ominous words: “Yet he also was bound by the oath, though it slept now for a time.” (“Of the Return of the Noldor”)
And when the concept of the Union of Maedhros is introduced, we are told: “Yet the oath of Fëanor and the evil deeds that it had wrought did injury to the design of Maedhros, and he had less aid than should have been.” (“Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”).
Both of these passages remind us that the oath — a vow to vengeance — is in the long-term at cross-purposes with cooperation and diplomacy.
This becomes especially evident when a Silmaril ends up in the hands of those who should be allies: other elves.
For Maedhros and his brothers, being constrained by their oath, had before sent to Thingol and reminded him with haughty words of their claim, summoning him to yield the Silmaril, or become their enemy. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
The narrator pins this failure of diplomacy on the oath. But, as Maglor will point out in his final moments with Maedhros, the oath does not state how and when they must fulfill it. Is it a mark of a good diplomat to use “haughty” words in making a request? And what about what follows Thingol’s refusal?
Therefore [Thingol] sent back the messengers with scornful words. Maedhros made no answer, for he had now begun to devise the league and union of the Elves; but Celegorm and Curufin vowed openly to slay Thingol and destroy his people, if they came victorious from war, and the jewel were not surrendered of free will. The Silmarillion, “Of the Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad”
What do you mean, “made no answer”? The narrator explains this away by saying essentially that Maedhros was too busy to bother, but is it the most diplomatic to just… stop communicating with the king who had the Silmaril, and whose support would really be quite nice to have in the upcoming war? And what about Celegorm and Curufin’s decidedly undiplomatic threat? Long gone are the days of effective brother-wrangling, apparently. (So far gone, in fact, that by the time Celegorm carries through on his threat and the sons of Feanor attack Doriath, Maedhros seems to have deferred to Celegorm’s leadership.)
The oath is again blamed for Maedhros’ change of course regarding the Silmaril at the Havens of Sirion. Having initially “withheld his hand”:
… the knowledge of their oath unfulfilled returned to torment [Maedhros] and his brothers, and gathering from their wandering hunting-paths they sent messages to the Havens of friendship and yet of stern demand. The Silmarillion, “Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath”
As with the “haughty words” to Thingol, was “stern demand” the most diplomatic approach? Would better diplomacy have made a difference? Well, maybe. I don’t think the discussion between Maedhros and Maglor was inserted into the narrative without thematic purpose — and one of those purposes is, I think, to reveal the slippery space of conflict between obligation and choice; between that which must be done and how it’s done; between the morality of keeping one’s word and the morality of doing the right thing.
Does the oath itself turn an otherwise mild and affable Maedhros into someone haughty and stern? Or are those flaws he already had and which are brought to the fore by the constraint of the oath? Well, examine the evidence for yourself — and allow the imagination to roam.
Final assessment: Maedhros is a good diplomat, certainly compared to his closest kinsmen. But just like Maedhros isn’t the tallest (no, really, he’s not — but that’s another excavation), he’s perhaps also not the best diplomat on the political stage of First Age Beleriand.
[1] If we go beyond the published Silmarillion to the “Shibboleth of Fëanor” (in History of Middle-earth Vol. 12: The Peoples of Middle-earth), we learn that he was a red-head and apparently “well-shaped.” For an author who is notoriously sparse with physical description, Tolkien did seem to have a lot of ideas about what Maedhros looked liked!
Addendum: Maedhros the Scholar
“Diplomat and Scholar” do seem to go hand-in-hand in the fandom’s most popular versions of Maedhros, but I focused on the former for this Ask because there really isn’t much in canon to directly support Maedhros’ skill as a scholar.
The Noldor, as a culture, are loremasters. Fëanor, Maedhros’ father, was one of the most notable of these loremasters, even credited with founding the school of Lambengolmor, Loremasters of Tongues ( in the essay Quendi and Eldar in The History of Middle-earth Vol. 11: The War of the Jewels).
But, when Tolkien gives examples of elven loremasters, who, he says, were also “the greatest kings, princes and warriors,” he names Fëanor, Finrod, the lords of Gondolin, and Orodreth. No mention of Maedhros. And, when discussing which sons of Fëanor took an interest in language, he mentions not the eldest, but Maglor and Curufin. (Both in The Shibboleth of Fëanor.)
So there’s nothing in canon to suggest that Maedhros wasn’t a scholarly type, but it’s not something he’s noted for. His most remarkable trait remains “tall”.
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ghostinthelibrarywrites · 5 days ago
Let's be jolly
The first chapter of the MSI-verse Christmas fic (ignore the fact that it's almost March, time is fake) is up, featuring ugly Christmas sweaters, Charles being totally normal about that time Edwin banged Thomas in a supply closet, and pixies. You can read the first couple of chapters below or the whole thing here on AO3.
Rating: T
Warnings: none
Relationships: Payneland and Palasaki; past Catwin
Summary: When Charles drags Edwin to the MSI’s annual holiday party, Edwin expects the extent of his troubles to be the appalling jumper Charles makes him wear. No one is expecting the attack by pixies.
"Back in my day, Christmas was a dignified affair,” Edwin says with a sniff. “Garlands of holly and plum pudding. Not all this garish nonsense—”
“So, you don’t like the jumpers, mate?” Charles asks from behind him.
Edwin turns to his partner, dismayed. “You expect me to wear this in public, Charles?”
“I think you look mint! And we’ll match.” Charles does a little twirl. Their jumpers are an eye-scalding shade of green, each sporting a skeleton tangled up in Christmas lights and wearing a Santa hat. “And see, they light up!” He presses a button on the inside of his sleeve and the Christmas lights begin to blink.
Edwin just stares.
“Listen, Dougie told me the competition for the ugly jumper contests in Birmingham was fierce,” Charles says. “The London office is twice its size, so we have to be on our game.”
“People have contests about this?”
“You’ve really never been to a Christmas party, mate?”
“Not since 1915. If anyone had walked into my parents’ house in this getup, they would have faced social ruin.”
“No social ruin here.” Charles grins. “So long as you don’t overdo it on the eggnog.”
Only a few short months ago, before Charles Rowland was transferred to the London branch and turned Edwin’s entire life around, Edwin would not have dreamed of attending the MSI’s yearly holiday party. Before Charles, he had only attended the monthly socials once, on Niko’s behest, and had never stepped foot in the holiday party. Charles, however, is a firm believer that it’s healthy to get to know one’s coworkers socially and that it can even be enjoyable. Edwin thinks he might be a bit mad, but he humors him. To a point, at least. He refuses to do this monthly.
“So, you want to wear them?” Charles asks, so hopefully that there’s really only one answer that Edwin can give.
Edwin sighs. “I suppose.”
“Brills!” Charles beams at him. “Let me find my shoes and then we can go.”
“Best of luck.” Edwin’s eyes scan over the heaps of boxes that cover most of Charles’s tiny flat. He moved in September and yet still hasn’t unpacked. Edwin doesn’t know how he tolerates this chaos, but Charles seems perfectly content to live out of boxes and swears that he knows where everything is, though he texts Edwin asking to borrow some kitchen implement or another that he’s misplaced at least once a week.
“You know, we really shouldn’t be wasting our time at a holiday party,” he says to Charles’s curls, which are the only thing he can see behind the teetering pile of boxes. “We have a case to solve.”
“Mate, we always have a case to solve. That’s the job, isn’t it?”
“For all we know, there will be another robbery while we’re drinking eggnog and cavorting with the likes of Brad and Hunter.”
“I bring you to one party and now you’re talking about cavorting. Slow down there.”
Edwin huffs. “It simply seems wrong to engage in a night of revelry when we haven’t gathered a single lead.”
Their current case is most vexing. Nearly a dozen antique stores, museums, and private homes have been robbed in the past month, with no signs of windows and doors being disturbed, no footage caught on security cameras, and no helpful witnesses. The items stolen range from diamond jewelry to an Ancient Greek vase to a coin purportedly fished from the wreckage of the Titanic. The only thing they have in common is that they’re rumored to have some kind of supernatural properties, though in most cases, that can’t be corroborated. 
“And you think we’re going to gather any leads if we stay in tonight?” Charles asks.
“We could speak to the witnesses again.”
“Yeah, don’t think either of them are going to be any more help than they were the last ten times.”
Edwin sighs, having to silently concede the point. The only people present during the robberies have been a clerk who was so addled that he attacked officers who responded to the alarm, a security guard found sound asleep in the middle of a trashed museum exhibit, and a homeowner found dead from a fall from his balcony. The dead man’s ghost didn’t linger long enough to be questioned and none of the survivors offered any useful information. If they remembered what happened, they weren't forthcoming.
“We could put in another call to the Paranormal Investigation Bureau in New York,” he says without any enthusiasm. The MSI’s American counterparts tend to be challenging to work with, but the robberies bear a striking resemblance to a string of robberies in New York last year.
“Nah, those knobs didn’t solve it when it was their case. They’re not going to be much help with ours, are they?”
“Then we should consult with the local ghost population.” Edwin’s working theory is that they have a ghost culprit, as ghosts don’t show up on cameras and can often work magic. He simply needs to find out what a ghost would need with so many cursed objects.
“Crystal already reached out to her ghost informant for us.”
“Yes , but—”
“Maybe taking a step away from the case will be good for us. We can come back with fresh eyes on Monday.” Charles’s voice takes on a wheedling tone.
“We do not need fresh eyes, Charles. We need a lead.”
“And we’ll find one, mate. On Monday. Here they are!” Charles emerges from the pile of boxes, holding two pairs of trainers. “Which ones go better, do you think?”
Edwin rolls his eyes at the ceiling. For such an easygoing person, his partner can be incredibly stubborn. “Charles, I assure you, there is no shoe in creation that would go with that outfit.”
Charles’s grin only widens. “Yeah, I was thinking the white ones too. Thanks, mate. Be ready in a tick.”
“Please, do take your time,” Edwin says. “I assure you, I’m in no rush.”
“Look, we’ll only stay an hour and if you need a break, we can step outside for a tick,” Charles says, hopping about as he puts his shoes on. Edwin doesn’t bother telling him that it would be much easier if he would just sit down. “If we’re still hungry afterwards, I’ll buy you dinner, yeah?”
That mollifies Edwin slightly. “The usual place?” The hole in the wall Indian restaurant where he and Charles had dinner together the first time has become their go-to spot.
“Where else? I’ll buy you extra samosas.” Charles’s voice takes on a wheedling tone.
Edwin sighs and resigns himself to his fate. At least everyone else at the party will look as ridiculous as they do.
“So,” Charles says. “Seems like Birmingham’s holiday parties are a bit different than the ones you have here in London, yeah?”
Edwin gives him a look like he’s caught him eating a burrito while standing over a one-of-a-kind book. “I would say so.”
Everyone around them is dressed as if for a posh cocktail party, in dresses and suits, not an ugly jumper between them. Personally, Charles thinks they wear suits all week and shouldn’t need to wear them to a holiday party, especially when the party is held in the second floor conference room and not even anywhere fancy, but what does he know?
He can’t quite suppress a grin as he says, “This is one of those things we’re going to laugh about later.”
“You are already laughing,” Edwin accuses.
“You’ve got to admit, it’s funny.”
“We look absurd.”
“Nah, we look like we’re ready to have a good time. Everyone else looks absurd.”
“Oh my God!” Niko comes hurrying towards them, wearing a red dress with a fluffy tulle skirt and dangling Christmas ornament earrings. She, at least, looks festive. “You guys look amazing.”
“See? Niko says we look amazing.” Charles nudges Edwin, who just sighs.
Crystal follows her, smirking. She’s dressed in a tasteful little black dress. “And you match.”
“It was Charles’s idea,” Edwin says in a long-suffering voice. “He seemed to think there would be some kind of contest.”
Charles shrugs. “They had one in Birmingham. Figured they’d have one here too.”
“You figured?” Edwin demands. “You didn’t check?”
“Well, you guys definitely win the ugly sweater contest,” Crystal says.
“They light up.” Charles demonstrates, much to Niko’s glee. Edwin looks like he wishes he could sink through the floor. Charles claps him on the shoulder. “I’m going to go get us some eggnog.”
“I’ll come with you,” Crystal says. “I want to watch Nurse’s reaction when she sees you.”
“Oi,” Charles says without any heat and lets her steer him towards the hallway, where they’re keeping the refreshments. Whoever was in charge of the decorating did the bare minimum—there are a few strands of garland hung between the light fixtures on the ceiling and a lopsided Christmas tree in the corner—but the food and drink spreads look decent.
“Do you have something on Edwin?” Crystal asks as he hands her a glass of eggnog. “Are you blackmailing him? That’s the only way I thought I’d ever see him in a Christmas sweater.”
“Maybe I’m just that convincing.” He flashes her his most charming smile.
She snorts loudly, which is her usual reaction to his flirting. They both know he doesn’t mean anything by it. Charles thinks that Crystal is bloody awesome and one of the fittest women he’s ever met to boot, but he figured out pretty early on that they’re destined to just be friends. The first time he had dinner with her, Edwin, and Niko, it didn’t take much detective work to see that she and Niko are mad about each other, even if neither of them seem like they’re going to do anything about it. Charles doesn’t know what they’re waiting for, but Crystal gets cranky whenever he brings it up.
“Niko looks nice,” he says innocently.
The narrow-eyed look that gets him tells him she’s not fooled. “Of course she does. Notice that we didn’t show up in matching outfits like an old married couple.”
“Maybe you should have. Nothing like an ugly jumper to get in the spirit.”
“You should see our apartment,” Crystal says. “Trust me, Niko doesn’t need more holiday spirit. But neither does Edwin, I guess.”
Charles is surprised at that. He hasn’t exactly talked to Edwin about it, but he didn’t expect his partner, who needs to be cajoled into taking a day off as carefully as Charles used to have to coax his mum’s mean old cat into the crate to go to the vet, to be big on Christmas. “He doesn’t?”
“No, Edwin loves Christmas,”  Crystal says. “Well, ‘proper’ Christmas, like they did back in his day. He even took over our kitchen last year to make plum pudding and roasted chestnuts. He even found a pheasant to roast. It was all pretty good, actually. Though I told him this year, we’re doing Christmas at his place. He can make a mess of his own kitchen.”
“Oh,” Charles says. “You guys do Christmas together?”
“We did last year. Edwin cooked an Edwardian feast for twenty people and we made him watch a Hallmark movie marathon.”
“That's aces.” Charles doesn’t know why he never thought to ask what his friends do for Christmas. He guesses he just assumed they’d all be off with their own families, which was pretty daft, now that he thinks about it. He knows that Edwin doesn’t really have anyone besides him, Crystal, and Niko, unless he counts Director Nurse, and he doesn’t see her inviting him over for Christmas. He’s glad they have each other.
It just would have been nice if they’d thought to invite Charles. Christmas is a week away and he plans to spend it alone with some curry and a Home Alone marathon, like he has every year since he left home. It’s not like he can go to his parents’ place, not even though his mum invites him every year. He wanted her to come spend a few days in London with him this year, but his aunt and uncle are visiting for the week, so she can’t get away. They’ll see each other sometime in January.
It doesn’t really matter, does it? Christmases at home were miserable when he was a kid. His dad was never happy with what Charles and his mum got for him and always ended up drunk and angry by the end of the night, which was never a good combination. Charles is an adult now, with his own flat and a decent job. He should just be happy he doesn’t have to spend Christmas at home.
“Charles!” Assistant Director Kashina calls as he walks by with a plate of oysters and an overfull glass of eggnog, Director Nurse at his side. “Fantastic jumper! Asa, we should have an ugly jumper contest next year. It’d be great for morale, don’t you think?”
Nurse looks at Charles, closes her eyes for a brief instant, like she doesn’t understand how her life got to this moment, and keeps going.
“Cheers!” Charles raises his own glass of eggnog to Kashi. “Merry Christmas!”
When he turns back to Crystal, she’s grinning. “That was everything I was hoping for.”
“Aces.” Charles grins at her, pushing aside the melancholy of a moment earlier. This is a party, after all. “Come on, let’s find the others before Edwin tries to escape through the air ducts.”
They’re both giggling at that mental image all the way back to Niko and Edwin, who they find talking to a sandy-haired bloke in a glittery green suit patterned with Christmas ornaments. Charles would admire the suit—it’s not as good as his and Edwin’s jumper, but it’s close—except he’s standing a shade too close to Edwin and that puts Charles’s hackles up. There are too many people in this office who enjoy giving Edwin a hard time and if this prat is one of them, he’s about to have a bad night.
“Here’s your eggnog, mate.” Charles inserts himself between Edwin and the newcomer, pressing a friendly hand to Edwin’s back as he passes him his glass. Edwin has warmed to casual touches over the last few months, which is brills, because Charles would hate it if he couldn’t put his arm around him or annoy him by ruffling his hair.
“Ah, thank you.” Edwin takes his glass. “Charles, this is Thomas King.”
Charles blinks at Thomas King, a memory returning to him. “You work with Thomas fine. When you’re not having sex with him in supply closets.” “Supply closet Thomas?” he blurts without thinking, regretting it as soon as it leaves his lips.
Niko falls into a giggling fit and Crystal nearly chokes on her eggnog.
Edwin’s head whips around to glare at Charles, cheeks pinkening. “Charles,” he hisses, his eyes darting about. He’s under the impression that everyone in the office doesn’t know that he and Thomas used to get it on in the supply closet and Charles hasn’t had the heart to correct him.
Charles isn’t sure why the knowledge that Edwin used to shag Thomas King in a supply closet has stuck with him, why he thinks of it every time he has to grab more printer paper from the closet two doors down from Edwin’s office. Was it that closet? It had to be that one, didn’t it? Edwin wouldn’t have been indiscreet enough to do it in the supply closet near the workroom.  Or did they move around, switching it up a bit? 
“Supply closet Thomas.” Thomas nods thoughtfully. He’s holding a martini, though Charles didn’t see any drinks on offer except for eggnog, punch, hot chocolate, and water. “I’ve been called much worse.”
“And this,” Edwin grits out. “Is my partner, Charles Rowland.”
Thomas raises an eyebrow at Charles. Charles doesn’t know if he cares for that eyebrow. “Another partner? I thought Nurse gave up on that after that disaster with Agent Russell.”
“No disasters yet, mate.” Charles props his elbow on Edwin’s shoulder. “Things are going brills, aren’t they, Edwin?”
“Quite,” Edwin says. “We’ve been working together since August and the only disaster has been the mess Charles makes of my office on a regular basis.”
“Sorry I make you eat and drink every day, mate.”
Edwin sighs. “Where were you this time, Thomas?”
“Seville, again.” Thomas rolls his eyes and takes a sip of his martini. “Always Seville.”
“What’s in Seville?” Charles asks, intrigued despite himself. He knows that Thomas works for the MSI’s International Office, meaning he travels all over the world, doing lots of undercover work. If it weren’t for wanting to stay within driving distance of his mum, Charles may have tried to join. He thinks he’d be aces at undercover work; he’s good with people.
“Vampires,” Thomas says. “Way too many vampires. Well, less than there were after two years of turf wars, but that’s what you get when you can’t keep your teeth to yourself.”
Thomas tells them all about the Seville vampire wars and Charles tries to listen, because it sounds like an interesting story, but his brain is hung up on supply closets. He has to admit that Thomas is a good-looking chap, if you look past the part where he obviously thinks he’s James Bond, shaken not stirred martinis and all. Why’d Edwin end things, he wonders. It had to be Edwin who ended it, from the way Thomas looks at Edwin like he wants nothing more than to stir his martini. And who would break up with Edwin, who is a bonafide catch?
“Anyway, I should catch up with some people,” Thomas says finally. “But lovely to see you,  Edwin, ladies. And to meet you, Chester.”
Charles’s eyes narrow. “It’s Charles.”
“Is it?” Thomas’s smile grows more toothy. “My mistake. Fantastic sweaters, by the way. Green is your color, Edwin. Maybe come find me under the mistletoe later?”
Edwin flushes. “I cannot imagine there’s any mistletoe at an office party.”
“Not yet,” Thomas says and turns away.
“Bit of a prat, isn’t he?” Charles asks as soon as Thomas is out of earshot.
Edwin gives him a strange look. “What do you mean?”
Charles just shrugs, because he isn’t really sure, truth be told. “Why’d you two break up, anyway?”
“Niko, let’s go check out the snack table,” Crystal says.
“Snacks!” Crystal steers her away.
“Thomas and I didn’t break up, per se.” Edwin is still looking at Charles strangely. “I was young and lonely when we were having our… assignations, but I eventually realized that being intimate with one’s colleague would only lead to trouble. No one needs a repeat of the mess between Agents Bradley, Kahn, and Drake, do we?”
“Right, so…”
“Charles, what does it matter? It’s been well over a year since the last time Thomas and I…”
“Got it on in a closet?” Charles supplies helpfully.
“No, the last time was at my flat. Obviously. And it’s been at least three years since it was a regular occurrence, so none of this is relevant.”
“Right.” Charles spends a lot of time at Edwin’s flat, probably more than his own. It’s a nice flat, a cozy little one bedroom overflowing with bookshelves.  He can’t imagine Thomas with his shiny suits and his martinis sitting on Edwin’s comfy blue sofa, surrounded by paperback mysteries.
“Is something the matter, Charles?” Edwin sounds peevish now and it occurs to Charles that he may be the one being a bit of a prat.
“Just looking out for you, mate,” Charles says quickly. “Wasn’t here to make sure you were alright back then, was I?”
“I assure you, Charles, I am not going to require smelling salts because of the presence of a former paramour.” Edwin’s tone is snippy, but his expression softens somewhat. “Thomas and I have successfully worked together for years without it being an issue. Now, should we go find Crystal and Niko?”
“Good idea,” Charles says, relieved that the moment of awkwardness has passed. He’s not used to having awkward moments with Edwin; they clicked on their first case together and haven’t looked back. He makes a mental note not to mention the supply closet thing again. Or think about it, for that matter. “Lead the way.”
Read the rest here on AO3.
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arc-misadventures · 11 months ago
Okay this could just be me remembering the lore wrong. But how old was Ozma when died in the Vtuber au? Since Salem should at least be in his late 60s or somewhere around that, well assuming Ozma didn't die young.
Well, there isn’t any lore, well much lore for the story in general.
But, I can certainly make some!
Before the VTubers, there was the MMORPG of, ‘The World of Remnant: Hunter’s, and Monsters.’ Salem, and Ozpin were actually players in these games, among the top players at that. And, because of their skills in the game, they were the elected heads of their respective guilds.
Salem was often referred to as the, Grimm Queen, and the leader of the Cabal. And, Ozpin was simply referred to as Headmaster Ozpin, Headmaster of Beacon Academy.
Salem became the, Cabal leader after the developers of the game came to her with an offer that she could become the canal leader after they notices her skills, and particular playing style that they thought would be fit for the position as the leader of the, Cabal.
Salem herself was a blonde hair woman with deep blue eyes in her early twenties. She started playing the game as a copping mechanism after dealing with a miscarriage that ultimately ruined her marriage as well.
Loosing herself in the game brought peace of mind, and of heart that she sorely needed. Being the cabals master also meant that she could adopted an almost motherly attitude, but strict way of dealing with its members. This way of dealing with the guild members added an air seriousness to its members. Reminding them that they were evil, but not evil.
And, she remained the leader of the Cabal until the very end. She lead her guild throughout the consequences of the, Apprentice Massacre,’ She led her guild in battle against the, Grimm Titan, and she was the last flame to be snuffed out as the, Scorpion incident struck the final nail in the coffin of the, Grimm Cabal..
But, her love for her character, and the, ‘World of Remnant’ endured. See various characters she knew given new life in a new form she decided to join in on the, VTuber crowd, and bring back her dear lady.
The world of hunter’s and monsters may have fallen to the ashes of time. But, Salem the Grimm Queen would endure.
Ozpin was to, put it simply: a huge nerd.
Like a massive nerd when it came to the lore, and history behind, The World of Remnant. So much of a fan that while the man of his late thirties never having a computer for gaming he immediately bought one just for playing, ‘The World of Remnant: Hunter’s and Monsters.’
He spent countless hours playing this game to the point that where it was often said among the various players that, Ozpin was made the headmaster of, Beacon was just to get him to slow down.
He lead, Beacon Academy with a calm, and wise disposition, that seemed to go on for hours, leading to the rumour that the mug his avatar was often seen carrying around was filled with coffee, and the man himself was a caffeine addict.
A rumour that those who were close to him, such as ErrantryPaladin, and other high rank Academy faculty members would confirm to be true.
He lead, Beacon Academy until the final days of the game. He stood side by side his friends that have played this game since it’s inception. He was among the first to join, and the last to leave.
Now that the, ‘World of Remnant: Hunter’s and Monsters’ was over, he got into the VTuber Scene, and became the Headmaster to his beloved Academt one again as the owner of the, Beacon Academy VTuber Agency.
Bringing back his persona as the Headmaster of Beacon Academy to usher in a new era for upcoming Hunters of The Wold of Remnant: VTuber Verse.
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supacutiepie · 30 days ago
My full playthrough verse for Dragon Age is 'What the World Asks of Its Children' and the idea is that we focus on children and how they change dynamics and themes in all four games. (Also I love Dorian and he's the main star for a good portion of the au because he started it with Theia and Ataashi) Origins: Running of the 78% reasonable idea that Aegis is the child being asked to save the world. So her real part of the story will be an after story tale, about her Mother, Edona. DA2: This time, Hawke is the parent and the twins are the children he raises with help from his companions. Hawke is a disabled ex-sexworker doing his very fucking best. (Instead of either Bethany or Carver dying in Lothering, it's Leandra. And the twins are way younger, at like ten or eleven during the opening act) Sort of between DA2 and Inquisition: Dorian and the story about his girls. 'A girl named Dragon': how he gets captured and meets a dying tal-vashoth, and how this ends with him adopting a little girl named Ataashi. And then 'The Ghost of a Girl', how he takes a terrified and mute elf under his coat and they make a little family. Also in this era is Bull's 'Sea of Candles'. where he learns he has a daughter but the human mother wants nothing to do with the child because it kiiiinda ruined her. Tal-Rasani is a treasure. Then we get into Inquisition: Where The Herald is an elvhen hunter named Liora who lost her husband at the conclave and the same day of the explosion she conceives her first child, several months later giving birth to a little girl named Dawn. And how the Inquisition changes when there are four little girls running around and then two angst twin teenagers LMAO PLUS morrigan has kieran. we're all girl dads here. Then to Veilguard: Rook is a Crow turned Warden. She was sweet ona boy several houses above hers, sweet for a long time and he even reciprocated her affections. enough so that they were each others only love - until she found out she was pregnant. His grandmother did not approve of the match at all, so she 'sent away' the girl and the child under the guise of 'its not safe to carry a dellamorte child' and that Rook would be able to deliver the babe somewhere safer. Bull shit. She got like, a month of rest after giving birth before she was ambushed by darkspawn. Caterina didn't know how pregnant Rook was because rook had suspicions about the old crone. So timeline was, Caterina was trying to get rid of both her and the baby. Rook is blighted, found by wardens carrying her newborn through the woods, and saved by the joining. All of this happens pre wigmaker - lucanis thinks his sweetheart was killed on an assignment bc thats what caterina tells everyone. i dont like this woman. cont
SO Lucanis thinks Rook was KIA. Never even knew she was pregnant. And Rook becomes a Warden sorta not her choice but it's what she can do, because she sort of thinks Caterina tried to kill her. So, she works with the Wardens, raises her daughter, and tries to think of a future. She doesn't get a chance to get much information about Antiva in. But she gets a single contact, she gets the news that the 'Demon of Vyrantium' is dead. That her 'Luca' is dead. So, for a year, she thinks Lucanis is dead, and he's thought she was dead for four years. Imagine his shock when she rescues him. Actually imagine VIAGO'S shock when Teia wide eyed and shocked brings Rock and Harding into the Diamond, imagine CATERINA'S shock and disdain, trying to twist it around as though Rook hid the fact she was alive. Rook doesn't mention her daughter, doesn't trust that information to the first talon at all but damn, she tells viago and teia in secret when she can. they agree, its not a safe place. SO... Imagine being Lucanis, first being rescued by the very alive first love you ever had. THEN her telling him not to freak out - but his mini me is five years old and running amok in the lighthouse. And then, imagine seeing some FUCK ASS Warden pick up said lil girl and she squeals about her 'uncle dav!' and oh BOY you thought those two were catty before???? now its a DAD FIGHT (It's not, because literally everyone and the spirits can tell that little girl belongs to Lucanis, but Lucanis is so deep in his head about spite he's terrified she'll get hurt so he tries to remain distanced but this is literally the one thing he's wanted his whole life SOOOO) ((Also, those weeks where rook is gone? Dad Adventures, the estranged father and the step dad LMAOO) ANYWAYS!! I'm going to piece together this big massive au little by little. It's been my little pride and joy for seven, eight, TEN years man.
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changingplumbob · 3 months ago
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CW: Low level sim spice - Guide to content warnings
Glenn: That was great and I'd love to just go to sleep like a normal person but I think I want to have a quick shower
Silver: *chuckling* Did I get you too messy already
Glenn pulled Silver up to where he could kiss him comfortably.
Glenn: Not at all but sweat tends to make me break out and I don't want to get all crusty
Silver: Fair point, I suppose I should wash up to then so I don't ruin your sheets
Glenn: Oh, you think you're sleeping in my bed do you? Very bold. You can use the washbasin since you're old and I've got dibs on the shower
Silver: I can't join you in the shower?
Glenn: *laughing* Definitely not now if ever, I have a whole washing routine that I am very loyal to
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Glenn turned on the water and climbed right in while Silver washed down in the sink. It was amusing watching Glenn shower. He had several songs he would sing while he did it, and seemed to have parts of his routine that tied to particular verses or choruses. When Silver was clean he went back to the room to pull his underwear on and grab Glenn's discarded clothes. Back in the bathroom he closed his eyes and listened to Glenn's singing voice. It wasn't the best he'd heard but it was every bit as adorable as Glenn was.
Glenn: Can you pass my towel Silver
Silver opened his eyes and looked where Glenn was pointing. Grabbing it he went back and started drying Glenn.
Glenn: Uh, what are you doing
Silver: *smiles* Helping
Glenn: Very nice but try not to make me need another shower
Silver: No funny business, I promise
When Glenn was dry and dressed the pair hoped in bed and Glenn cuddled up close to Silver.
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Glenn: I'm going to miss you when you're away
Silver: Yeah. Me to
Glenn: Do you think, maybe one day, you won't have to move around all the time? That you'll be okay being still?
Silver: I hope so
Glenn: Well I can wait. I think you're going to be worth it
Silver thought about the best way to reply but before he thought of a response Glenn was asleep. Part of him didn't want to leave, but while he felt safe with Glenn he still felt like he'd been in Willow Creek too long. A lifetime of being pursued by hunters was hard to shake.
In the morning he was extra quiet while he got his things together. Glenn looked so peaceful sleeping, he didn't want to disturb him. He searched the house for a pen and paper but couldn't find any. Did people not write letters anymore or just spellcasters? Taking one last look at Glenn he left, there was no time like the present to figure out the whole texting thing.
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When Glenn woke up he wasn't startled at being alone, he normally woke up in an empty bed after all. But as he dozed the memories of the past few days came back, especially last night. Smiling he sat up and looked around but Silver's pack and sleeping bag were gone. He must have left already. Glenn felt a sadness in his heart again but it was different than the sadness after Grayson. While that had been a desolation this was more of a... lonely feeling. He didn't feel abandoned, or unloved, just by himself.
Propping himself up in bed he looked out the window. Despite the clouds it was peaceful today. He thought back on last night and smiled, trying to commit every moment to memory. In the corner one vial glowed pink from the channeled pleasure. That was good, he'd be able to talk to Henri about the potion today then.
*phone buzzes*
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I apologise for leaving without a proper goodbye. You looked so peaceful Babycakes I didn't want to wake you up. I hope you enjoyed last night, I'm hoping we can do it again sometime, winky face. I know you told me how to put in a winky face but I forgot. Have a good day, chat tonight? Dearest wishes, Silver
Glenn lent forward in excitement. How to answer? He quickly ruled out chat language because explaining what lol meant would ruin whatever came before it.
That's okay, it takes time to break a habit right? I'll be right here when you get back. Well probably not in bed but still, you get what I mean. Remember to take pictures of the flowers for me okay?
How to sign off? Something flirty? Something proper? Something sincere? Give up and just send a picture of his pixel parts?
Enjoy your day, I can't wait to talk to you tonight and try to teach you the in and outs of emoji. Cuddles, Glenn
Somewhere far away Silver got the text and thought, what on earth is emoji?
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A quick locating spell after breakfast told Glenn Henri was currently in the tower. Grabbing the ingredients he needed he headed off.
Glenn: Good morning Henri! Isn't it a great day
Henri: Yeah it is, I- wait, why are you so chipper? Last time I saw you were wrestling over the idea of harvesting pleasure alone. Did you finally figure it out
Glenn: I did yeah, one vial of pleasure, nice and fresh. By my calculations that means I have all the stuff I need for a potion of plentiful needs
Glenn handed the flask over and Henri studied it closely. Slowly a smile spread across his face and he looked up beaming.
Henri: So you found someone to help you eh? That's great! I'm glad you're leaving that other fellow behind you. You're a nice guy Glenn, you deserve good things
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Glenn: What? How do you know I didn't just make it myself
Henri: *chuckling* I'm an artist Glenn. I take just as much care with my potion ingredients as I do when I'm making my pastries. The colour of pleasure differs slightly depending on how many people are involved in making it. I mean they're all shades of pink and red but the trained eye can tell them apart
Glenn: So it tells you I was with someone
Henri: And that they were a werewolf. Don't worry, I won't tell the twins if you don't
Glenn: *sighs* Oh I can only imagine their commentary on the matter
Henri: *chuckles* Best not spoken aloud
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kynimdraws · 1 year ago
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Another part of the Runeterra K'sante/Yone hc verse stuff....I suppose I will have to continue to give them something to be happy for idk
Yone design ref for this verse can be seen in detail here
To see the other previous parts go here (Part 1) - (Part 2) - (Part 3)
The process of acting like a human again was arduous. Before, the azakana had sustained him, made him forgo the usual human necessities like sleeping, eating, taking care of himself between fighting....and more. Not unlike how a child has to learn the ways of the world.
Of course, his body was still not completely...normal. Having a spiritual parasite did leave his mark, as he found out that he still could unbind his soul from his body (initially this was all random and involuntary, but later he found out how to channel it by will). His left eye, while ruined and blind to the material world, could still see things from the spirit realm.
It was also nice that K'sante stayed around to just keep an eye on him, making sure he rested and ate. Keeping him company through bouts of nightmares and emotional outbursts he had after suppressing them for so long to starve off the azakana residing in the old mask.
Disorienting and traumatic as this all was, Yone was grateful for the second chance at life. It also didn't hurt that his friend (or was it more...a companion?....travel partner? He was too afraid to mull over this for long) had stayed with him to help. He felt guilty for feeling this selfish, but he allowed himself to have that.
Of course, even the good things had to end. K'sante had visited all the places he wanted to go, learned a great deal of things, and his home needed him. When K'sante announced that he would leave for the Navori harbor in a week, Yone's world seemed to shatter with the news. Yes, he had known K'sante would eventually go back, but it seemed to be something that would happen far later...not this soon.
K'sante does notice Yone looking down, and ever considerate, he gives him an offer.
"You know, if you want to...you can come with me."
Yone mulls over this, looking at the masks that he had collected over the years as an azakana hunter, including the one that used to curse his face. There was still so many azakana left in the world, and Yone did vow to rid Ionia of them...
...but was this something he had to do? After dedicating his "un-life" to that cause and then getting his humanity back, Yone was not sure. And leaving home.... felt daunting.
"I... don't know."
K'sante is disappointed by the answer, but smiles in understanding. The two spend time together before the departure date, traveling back to Navori to meet Sett and other friends K'sante had made there. K'sante introduces Yone to them, and Yone does find himself enjoying their company (in small doses).
On the day of the departure, Yone does come over to bid K'sante farewell. As K'sante boards the ship headed southward to Bel'zhun...he suddenly is stopped by a voice.
K'sante feels someone tug at his sleeve, and already knows who it is. Smiling, he turns around to see Yone awkwardly trying to avoid looking at K'sante while tightly gripping onto his coat.
".............Before, I hunted through a storm of darkness, but now....will you let me follow you like a wayward gale?"
K'sante is initially confused by Yone's words, but then laughs after he realizes what he is saying. He brings Yone to a tight hug, surprising the other man with the sudden act.
"You can be the deadliest desert storm, and I would happily accept you. Of course!"
For the first time in his life, Yone feels...free. Was this how his brother felt when he forgave him? He too had left Ionia afterwards.
Now, it was his turn to fly.
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saints-who-never-existed · 1 month ago
Davechella Week Four: George Hodgson
What better day to inflict these particular musical stylings upon the world! I did not expect this one to have the funky polka vibes it's ended up with but I'm long past overthinking these playlists now - I'm just having fun with it! :)
Failure - Laura Marling He used to be the life and soul of everyone around/ You'd never catch him looking up I'd never see him down/ But oh la la/ He couldn't raise a smile/ No not for a while/ And he's a failure now. ... People push right pass me shouting their disclaims/ A preacher pushes me aside and asks to wash my sins I said no la la/ If he made me in his image then he's a failure too/ I used to need a couple people keep my head down/ Now I need a whole lot more to keep me on the ground./ But oh la la/ I gave up something and I gave it up for nothing and I'm a failure now.
House of the Rising Sun (In Old French) - The_Miracle_Aligner (Lyrics in English but come one, Hodge would absolutely delight in listening to it in 'Old French', right?!) Oh, mother, tell your children/ Not to do what I have done/ To spend your lives in sin and misery/ In the house of the rising sun/ ... There is a house in New Orleans/ They call the Rising Sun/ And it's been the ruin of many a poor boy/ Dear God, I know I was one/ Dear God, I know I was the one
The Man Who Sold the World - David Bowie I laughed and shook his hand/ And made my way back home/ I searched for form and land/ For years and years I roamed/ I gazed a gazeless stare/ At all the millions here/ I must have died alone/ A long, long time ago Who knows? Not me/ We never lost control/ You're face to face/ With the man who sold the world
Tom Thumb - Bitter Ruin I'm waving in the wind a flag of white, but I'm not scared/ See, this whole scenario can only to me serve/ Become a bounty hunter, justifying laws/ I break by bringing bodies back to bounds/ And I know I'll be burnt/ But I can stand a flame or two/ To catch you And I know what you're running from/ And I know what you're running from/ And I know what you're running from/ And I know what you're running from
Come Along - Cosmo Sheldrake We'll dance and sing 'til sundown/ And feast with abandon/ We'll sleep when the morning comes/ And we'll rise by the sound of the birdsongs Come with me catch a rare type specimen/ Cuddle up with a hesitant skeleton/ We'll break our fast with friends/ Once we're fed we shall disappear rapidly/ Many moons to the west of here and happily/ Our journey never ends Shut your ears when sirens sing/ Tie armbands to your feet/ Listen up and you won't go wrong again/ Float along on a verse-less song and then/ Get to where the two ends meet
Exploitation - The Silent Comedy The pressure, it's risin'/ To let the shadows in/ The face of your father/ It's in the darkness/ You'll fake it, you'll fight it/ You'll scrape and scrub your skin/ The stain and the fire/ Your fate's decided So pick a spot on the wall/ Stare at it with all the strength you've got/ And if the lighting's right/ Seein' shapes so you won't think at all in the dark/ Wide awake when all those men have gone/ You cry for mother's god/ Swear at him/ Say I've had enough!
Icarus - Jason Webley I wake up every morning/ To the sound of motors roaring/ They are drowning out the voices in my head/ At night while I am sleeping/ I can hear the angels speaking But I can't recall a single thing they said I see their lips move clearly/ I feel their presence near me/ But each word they try to tell me just slips through the cracks/ I push, I strain, I wrestle with my brain/ And then a voice from somewhere whisper to relax
What the Water Gave Me - Mishkin Fitzgerald I dared to heal and soon/ I soon forgot to feel, the lights were on/ But everything was gone, the beast, he screams/ He begs upon his knees for me to run I run into his arms I had to let him out/ Just once it was enough to take the doubt/ And turn it into truth, the beast was free/ So guilty I will plea/ His hands among the stars/ Each one will come to pass The damage caused was great/ My love has turned to hate, I beg for death/ But sleep will never come, I curse the sun/ The beast and I are one
Rivolta Silenziosa - Humanwine They sling our marrow like it's fodder/ Mortaring morticious brothers/ We'll never get out of this place alive/ If these walls, these walls keep closing in Into practiced chains of blather/ Bubbling a thick blood lather/ Washboard ribs and broken cribs/ These walls, these walls keep closing in
Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division You cry out in your sleep, all my failings exposed/ There's a taste in my mouth as desperation takes hold/ Just that something so good, just can't function no more Then love, love will tear us apart again Love, love will tear us apart again Then love, love will tear it apart again Love, love will tear it apart again
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laiqualaurelote · 1 year ago
2023 Fic Round-up
This year I wrote seven fics and 108,512 words, which is more than I thought! Here's a round-up
maybe everything that dies someday comes back (The English | Cornelia/Eli | M | 14k)
The post-apocalyptic Mad Max Fury Road zombie AU where David Melmont hires bounty hunter Eli Whipp to track down and retrieve a fugitive called Cornelia Locke.
wins this year's award for: Fic That Fulfils My Childhood Dream (writing a zombie apocalypse)
ain't practical, a world you can't touch (The English | Cornelia/Eli | G | 5k)
The Pushing Daisies AU in which Eli can bring people back to life with his touch, but has tried his best not to until Cornelia.
wins this year's award for: Deepest Cut, Zagged
The Lady With The Recorder Asks The Questions (Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries | Phryne/Jack | T | 6k | WIP)
Modern-day newsroom!AU - Phryne is a star investigative journalist who breaks news as easily as she breaks hearts; Jack is just trying to do his best in the war on error.
wins this year's award for: Fic I Most Regret Not Finishing (I'm sorry!)
constant as a northern star (constantly in the dark) (Ted Lasso | Ted/Trent, past Trent/OFC | T | 10.5k)
The saga of Trent Crimm and his independent ex-wife.
wins this year's award for: Most Surprisingly Popular Fic
all the men and women merely players (Ted Lasso | Ted/Trent, Roy/Keeley/Jamie | T | 50k)
The Station Eleven!AU where the Richmond Players are a travelling Shakespearean company performing in the ruins of a post-pandemic England, and Trent is, despite the apocalypse, still a journalist.
wins this year's awards for: Longest Fic, Fic That Survived The Most Hiatuses, Fic I Am Proudest Of
well-versed in etiquette, extraordinarily nice (Good Omens, Historical RPF | Aziraphale/Crowley | G | 3k)
The Regency heist fic in which Jane Austen, criminal mastermind and aspiring novelist, pulls off the 1810 Clerkenwell Diamond Robbery with the help of a certain demon.
wins this year's award for: Quickest Fic (I wrote it in four days)
speak easy, swing hard (Marvel Cinematic Universe | Steve/Tony | T | 13k)
The 1920s Prohibition era!AU in which Tony runs a nightclub empire, Steve is an aspiring artist and/or questionably undercover agent, Sam and Bucky are bootlegging their way through America and nobody knows what Natasha is up to.
wins this year's award for: Most Historical Research (I watched two seasons of Boardwalk Empire and had to figure out multiple characters' speech patterns, then transpose these to the 1920s. Also I listened to so much vaudeville)
I don't think I will be around as much in 2024, barring unexpected hyperfixations, but I wish you all a glorious year anyway! May your WIPs be finished, your ships prolific and your fandoms full of joy.
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the-chipped-cup-awards · 1 month ago
Chipped Cup Awards 2025 Nominees Part 2
So many wonderful fics, Tumblr wouldn't let it fit on one post. See under the cut for more of our wonderful writers and artists.
Best "Missing Years":
Winter Sunset by @kelyon
A New Library by @peacehopeandrats
Monster Hunter by @peacehopeandrats
Pop-ins by @peacehopeandrats
Museum by @peacehopeandrats
Balloon by @peacehopeandrats
Journey by @peacehopeandrats
Ruin by @peacehopeandrats
Carousel by @peacehopeandrats
Teeth by @peacehopeandrats
Mobile by @peacehopeandrats
Finding the Fun by @tinytorso
A perfect Storm by @goldenwingediris
Best Wish!Verse:
Granted by @peacehopeandrats
Be Looking For Someone by @angelicaR2
Best Golden Lace:
Weakness by @threepwoodmarley
The Angel and the Devil by @peacehopeandrats
One Lover, Many Dreams by @peacehopeandrats
Wax by @peacehopeandrats
Never Let Me Go by @ThatRavenclawBitch
Best Woven Beauty:
Gift by @peacehopeandrats
The Treasure in His Hands by @TheGeniusThatCallsYou
Best Afterlife Fic:
Belle's Promise by @bellerina98
Awakening by @eirian-houpe
Best Drama:
To See All that Might Be by @eirian-houpe
Premonition by @ace-cf-cups
Time's Curse by @eirian-houpe
Ad Luceum by @reolf
Best Comedy:
Inheritance by @eirian-houpe
A Moment Alone by @threepwoodmarley
Best AU - Original:
Gilded by @beeeinyourbonnet
Dies Irae by @eirian-houpe
Secret of the Seas by @eirian-houpe
His Ray of Light by @ace-cf-cups
Best AU - Based on Once Upon a Time:
To See All that Might Be by @eirian-houpe
Stiltskin Abbey by @threepwoodmarley
Best AU - Based on Other Media:
Time's Curse by @eirian-houpe
Bravery Will Follow by @eirian-houpe
Modern Wonders by @eirian-houpe
Covetous by @beeeinyourbonnet
The Beginning of a New Book by @beeeinyourbonnet
Unbowed by @beeeinyourbonnet
Best Creature:
Kin by @thestraggletag
The Lighthouse by @killingkueen
Fallen by @eirian-houpe
Before the Storm by @reolf
Best Unexpected Twist:
I touched Your Face (And All Life Was Erased) by @deliriumsdelight7
The Midwife's Tale by @threepwoodmarley
The Price by @eirian-houpe
Best Bobby Squared:
Covetous by @beeeinyourbonnet
The Gold Motel by @mrgoldsdearie
Best Trope:
What If This Storm Ends and Leaves Us Nothing? by @chickwithwifi
Wounds and Scars by @peacehopeandrats
Rumbelle Secret Santa (RSS):
Kin by @thestraggletag
Gilded by @beeeinyourbonnet
Winter Sunset by @kelyon
All Hail to the Days that Merit More Praise by @threepwoodmarley
Dark Science by @peacehopeandrats
Winter Wounds by @chippedteacupchat
Confluence by @goldenwingediris
Too Late (Variations of missed chances) by @janiquebeingcreative
Theorems and Thorns by @eirian-houpe
Serendipity by @minnl70
The Shackles of Free Will by @notalwayslate
O' Solstice Tree, O' Solstice Tree by @bearrycool
Let the Reindeer Games Begin by @of-princes-and-savages
Rumbelle Secret Santa 2k24 by @99goosebumps
Best Fluffapalooza Fic:
A Fear of Needles by @shadowedoracle
The Ledge by @peacehopeandrats
Stranger at the Masquerade by @winterelf86
Best Belle:
All Hail to the Days that Merit More Praise by @threepwoodmarley
The Shackles of Free Will by @notalwayslate
Delivery by @peacehopeandrats
Ingredients by @peacehopeandrats
Best Lacey:
Courtship: A Golden Rings Story by @kelyon
Once Lover, Many Dreams by @peacehopeandrats
Stroll by @peacehopeandrats
Wax by @peacehopeandrats
Best Spinner!Rumple:
Outside In by @lotus0kid
A Matter of Pragmatism by @ThaliaDahlia
Best Dark One Rumple:
The Goblin King by @killingkueen
Inheritance by @eirian-houpe
All Hail to the Days that Merit More Praise by @threepwoodmarley
The Oldest Door by @peacehopeandrats
Choices by @peacehopeandrats
Delivery by @peacehopeandrats
Visitor by @peacehopeandrats
Ingredients by Peacehopeandrats
Best Wish!Rumple:
Granted by @peacehopeandrats
Be Looking For Someone by @angelicaR2
Best Mr. Gold:
Sacred Promise by @ace-cf-cups
Fire by @peacehopeandrats
Best Detective Weaver:
Arson by @peacehopeandrats
Fatherhood by @peacehopeandrats
Piercing by @peacehopeandrats
Depths by @peacehopeandrats
Best Baelfire/Neal:
Steps by @peacehopeandrats
Two Minds, Gold Minds by @Palizinha
More in part 3
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richincolor · 20 days ago
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New Releases - February 11, 2025
We have four books on our calendar for this week. There's a lot of magic between the covers of several of the books along with a little haunting and a bit of music too.
(S)kin by Ibi Zoboi Versify
From award-winning, New York Times bestselling author Ibi Zoboi comes her groundbreaking contemporary fantasy debut—a novel in verse based on Caribbean folklore—about the power of inherited magic and the price we must pay to live the life we yearn for.
Fifteen-year-old Marisol is the daughter of a soucouyant. Every new moon, she sheds her skin like the many women before her, shifting into a fireball witch who must fly into the night and slowly sip from the lives of others to sustain her own. But Brooklyn is no place for fireball witches with all its bright lights, shut windows, and bolt-locked doors.… While Marisol hoped they would leave their old traditions behind when they emigrated from the islands, she knows this will never happen while she remains ensnared by the one person who keeps her chained to her magical past—her mother.
Seventeen-year-old Genevieve is the daughter of a college professor and a newly minted older half sister of twins. Her worsening skin condition and the babies’ constant wailing keep her up at night, when she stares at the dark sky with a deep longing to inhale it all. She hopes to quench the hunger that gnaws at her, one that seems to reach for some memory of her estranged mother. When a new nanny arrives to help with the twins, a family secret connecting her to Marisol is revealed, and Gen begins to find answers to questions she hasn’t even thought to ask.
But the girls soon discover that the very skin keeping their flames locked beneath the surface may be more explosive to the relationships around them than any ancient magic.
Reign of the Talons (Talons #3) by Sophie Kim Entangled: Teen
How do you kill a prophecy?
The Prophecy has arrived…and with her, war.
A prisoner caged within the walls of her own mind, the once-fierce assassin known as Shin Lina can do nothing but watch as a tide of blood and chaos sweeps across the Three Kingdoms. After all, Lina is the one who unleashed the malevolent Prophecy upon her world.
So many secrets. So many lies. And it’s all her fault.
Yet Haneul Rui—the immortal Dokkaebi Emperor who stole her heart—refuses to surrender. He alone leads the armies against the dangerous, serpentine Imugi. He alone wields his scorching fire atop blood-soaked battlefields, and he alone rallies his soldiers against a terrifying future of death and destruction.
Now the red thread of fate ties them all together in love and hatred—Rui, Lina, and the merciless Prophecy herself. And the more Lina fights against her destiny, the tighter the thread becomes.
For they are bound in both life and death; to wound one is to wound them all. To kill the Child of Venom is to kill them all.
And soon, not even the wrathful gods themselves can stop their inevitable ruin.
Ghost Queen by Mahtab Narsimhan Orca Book Publishers
Hey, Ghosties, this is the Ghost Queen tuning in from the most haunted place in India!
Teen vlogger Malika’s ghost hunter channel is almost popular enough to start earning money to support her family. All she needs is one viral video—and she knows exactly where she’s going to get it. Bhangarh Fort is the most haunted place in India, rumoured to be home to the cursed princess Ratnavati and her wicked captor. Malika convinces her boyfriend to sneak into the fort with her after dark and record the experience for her avid fans and followers. That’s when things go terribly wrong. Can the “Ghost Queen” escape, or is she doomed to spend eternity trapped with a mad magician and the princess who rejected him?
This short novel is a high-interest, low-reading level book for teen readers who are building reading skills, want a quick read or say they don’t like to read! The epub edition of this title is fully accessible.
Dropping Beats by Nathanael Lessore Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Thirteen-year-old Growls (aka Shaun) is an aspiring (awful) rapper who hopes to enter this year’s Raptology competition with his best friend, Shanks (aka Zachariah). After all, what better way to land his crush (Tanisha) and get the respect he finally deserves than winning the contest and going viral?
But when a livestream practice goes epically wrong, the two friends do go viral– and not in the way they’d hoped.
Now the laughingstock of the school, Growls is sure he’ll never have another chance to date Tanisha. Even worse, Shanks has gone MIA, leaving him terribly alone.
But when Growls meets the new girl on the block (Siobhan), things don’t seem so terrible after all. And with some patience, a little luck, and a whole lot of practice, he just might win the Raptology competition and be a hero to both Siobhan and Shanks.
Either way, he’s ready for this. He’s steady for this. It’s comeback season and they call him comeback king for a reason.
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nitkat-rp-stash · 5 months ago
Hewwo as yall know this is my Rp blog where I do most of my bullshit with my scriblos!
It’s also my first time doing this so umm but a lil nice but aside from that! Here are
1. 18 to 21+ Rps since most of the topics that I’ll do are mixed but most of the time it’s normal. ButI want to be as flexible with the settings with the characters as I can but Mature topics are gonna appear so be careful! (Also I don’t want to interact with minors had very bad experiences with them)
2. NO ROMANCE, NO SHIPPING Unless ur a mutual friend of mine and we are consenting of this.
3. I prefer rping to be a semi literate multiple paragraph style. I'll try to adapt to the best of my ability but 10+ long paragraphs or short ones are a no for me like dawg.
4. I’m open to any type of roleplay! But please be considerate with me, and if there’s any shit ya want to pull in the RP we can discuss it in DMs for further details (so both parties can be on the same page).
5. I’m chill with Rping with Ocs! But I’ll start with a few Au characters and Ocs before I expand on more characters.
6. Please for Fucks sake be nice and non rude for fucks sake, I may take a while due to the bullshit I deal with most of the time.
7. Fandoms that I WILL NOT RP WITH: Anything created by Vivzipop, Celebrities/Real people, country/military shit, DSMP (Or any Minecraft related SMPs). And probably more cause I’m still thinking-
8. Series that I’m familiar : Megaman, Transformers, Pokemon, Steven universe, Digimon, Sonic, Spark the electric jester.
Character/Muses info-
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Megaman X (Anchorage) He is a Reploid, a robot who can think feel and act on his own will. A member of the maverick hunters, he fights against mavericks. reploids who are a danger to society. He fights on and dreams of a Utopia of humans and reploids coexisting in peace. However he still despises fighting so at times he finds different ways to solve problems without violence. He currently runs a rehabilitation (a surprisingly successful) program of helping former mavericks (Who aren’t infected with the virus) and criminals to be reacquainted with society. Holding the belief of second chances, he’s currently married to Marty leader of the rose thorn pirate group for almost 50 years.
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Volnutt Caskett Light (Legends Reborn)- he's a Carbon, Biomechanical being with the ability to interfacing and changing their limbs with mechanical parts. He is a young adventurous digouter boy, who descends ruins to collect ancient artifacts and special crystals of energy called refractors. Who enjoys going on adventures, naive on aspects of the world and gets into mischief and Danger face first. but he holds a heart of gold. He loves his friends and family very much. He is, importantly, the Youngest Son of the ancient legend megaman X.
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Xavier Light: Once upon a lifetime ago he was formally the legendary hero megaman x but now in this flooded world of no war, he is Xavier Light.The assistant of the renowned professor Barrell, aiding his research of Terra’s old civilizations. At the same time the Flutter’s caretaker, performing most domestic duties around the ship. A hardened yet gentle soul that at times provides wisdom and advice to those who need it, especially his youngest son Rock. Despite living a peaceful life Xavier is still a skilled warrior, but he would rather do diplomacy than fighting but when push comes to shove he’ll fight to the bitter end to keep his loved ones safe.
Note: Reborn!X is called Xavier and Anchorage!X is just named X they are are technically the same person but in different Timelines.
OC Verse:
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Alice: Alice is a slime based alien being who explores the stars and medical assistance to those who are needed. A carefree mischievous individual who sought the curiosities to different worlds and what she could learn from it. Despite her duty she’s often dropped into the antics of others curious to see how it goes. She enjoys causing a lil bit of mayhem to entertain herself but still committing to her duty of supporting individuals on her travels. Often she enjoys the thrill of adventure and is surprisingly combative despite her status as a medic.
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starlightiing · 11 months ago
any longer fics you're working on right now?
Yeah, I have a few actually.
I have a stardew valley au I'm working on where George is a posh city boy that inherits his grandad's farm. He knows nothing about manual labor or farming or any of that. He shows up in $400 shoes and $300 sunglasses and just sort of grimaces at everything. He's really nice to the townspeople but he doesn't care much for the lifestyle. He finds a spider in his new home the first night and runs off to bother Alex, the town handyman and carpenter, to take care of it for him. It will be Galex with background pairings as I build the world. The two of them also sneak out late at night to do illegal street racing on the empty roads outside town.
I have an original AU I'm working on. It's post apocalyptic and there's a genetic mutation going around where humans are being born with wings. It's very rare. Also, the feathers are worth a shit ton of money in this ruined world, and they also have properties in them that make them excellent for brewing specific drugs of choice. So humans are naturally hunting down these poor 'Angels' as they're called (no super powers or anything, just wings) and cutting their wings off, ect ect. Alex is a human and a doctor in this verse, and he runs a sanctuary for Angels to come and hide and be safe. George is an angel that has an incredibly horrific and tragic backstory that ends up at the sanctuary. Charles is human and so is Lewis, together they make up the head of the away teams that go and find angels to save. They basically hunt hunters. Pierre, Max, Carlos, Lando, and Oscar are angels. Lando is the only one that still has both wings, the others have had one or both cut off. Carlos is actually the only one so far that's lost both. it's really gritty.
I was working on the inception AU but it performed horribly on Ao3 so I deleted it. I might rework it and repost it after I've figured out what to do with it, but I personally thought it was interesting. George was new in the dreamshare business, and he was trying to prove himself to Max and Lewis, the best in the business, by testing out a new compound of somnacin that their chemist Lando made. It...goes very poorly for George, unfortunately.
Those are the big ones at the moment. I'm constantly looking into AUs to adapt as well. For right now, though, I'm happy doing shorter requests until I can drum up some interest in the larger ideas to put the time and effort into them <3
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driftward · 7 months ago
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DESERTWALKERS. A FFXIV Weird West AU, started by @scrollsfromarebornrealm with a handy masterpost-type thing here Read my lil' contribution about the goin-on's 'round the town of Stonewood in this setting, just beyond the cut
--- In the Weird Wild West there’s a little town, bustlin’ with folks from just about everywhere. The people who’ve lived here for generations just livin’ their life, miners come to make their fortune, up and comers investigatin’ rumors and and chasin’ ghosts, and the lawman and his people, just tryin’ to look after kith and kin. Life ain’ always easy in Stonewood, but it’s always interestin’.
There’s challenges out in the wild world. Like that fellah named Gaius. A lawman who rules with an armor clad fist, who rode his iron chariot out with the railroads. Not satisfied with his own township, he’s lookin’ to take over others and throwin’ his weight around, hopin’ to make an empire out of findin’ more of that blue ceruleum gold. But he’s a little too eager to grease his rails with blood, rilin’ over the native folk and rollin’ over the common folk. But the Sheriff is a good man, and his town’s an honest one, and he ain’t about to just let the Black Iron Wolf sup on his flock, as the people saddle up to deal with The Man Who Would Rule.
And from up North, we've got some dark rumors about a religious man. Now, folks got their faith, and the people of the town are the sort to let every man sort out their beliefs on their own. Not this preacher man, though. Him and his twelve disciples are making noise and making waves, but that was no problem of Stonewood’s. Not 'til people started goin’ missing. Nobody knew what was what until a Gentlelady Adventurer called Mathye the sawbones and Bylti the witch woman to the saloon with a most curious thing. One of the kidnapping victims, right as rain. ‘Least if you were willing to ignore his ranting about followin’ the one true god on his path to peace. Turns out the preacher man’s making converts… and they don’ get to have much of a say in the matter. Things are about to go badly in this case of Dire Faith.
And then there’s the strangers from the Far East that blew into town, a man named Hien and his two attendants, a samurai named Gosetsu and a woman of the shadows who goes by the name of Yugiri. The locals don’t know what to make of them, but they aren’t here to cause trouble. Rather, they're here to foretell it. They say they’re following the rumors in the wake of a man who fancies himself a hunter of gunslingers, lawmen, and anyone else who he thinks might be a challenge. Who is this tall man, dressed in black with a hunger for blood and the fastest draw in the West? Who knows what’ll happen, or how Stonewood will handle the coming Bloodstorm.
I can't tell you nothin’ for the shadows, that’s a yarn for another mummer.
But I can tell you about the black clouds as they draw over the land. Folks are sayin’ it might be the final ways, and the witches are sowing words of worry and ruin. Anyone who heads out into that blight comes back full of despair, empty of soul and lookin’ to drag everyone down with them. A mournful tune is blowin’ across the land, damning near all who hear it. Do the residents of Stonewood hunker down and hope this blows over, or is it up to this intrepid group to rise up to the occasion once more, and end the time of the Final Song?
Lotta stories just waitin’ to be told, and verses waitin' to be written. Great fortune to be had, legends to forge, but also great big dangers that’ll swallow you whole.
That’s just life in Stonewood.
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a-rabid-snake · 5 months ago
why do you ship artisaint out of the main 3 arti ships? (arti/gourm, artihunter, artisaint) asking because i can't decide on them... so i've been doing research to see other peoples' reasoning.
To begin with, I'll say that this is my opinion, please don't listen to me if you don't like it
You'd better draw your own conclusions to figure out what you like.
Well, for starters, I'm shipping artisaint not just because arti is very bad and saint is very good, no. I like the way they balance each other, it's hard to explain because they have complicated relationships (and I love complicated relationships). Someone will say that saint and arti are like "I can fix it" and "I can ruin it" but for me they are like "I could do something, but everything suits me, I don't want to change anything"
They live together and help each other at the same time, arti began to kill less, Saint began to control his abilities to rise, but saint also restrains the anger of Artificer, and the latter in turn restrains saint from a nervous breakdown, reminding that he is here and now
Arti/Gourmand. They're good, really, it's just that my Gourmand is more complicated than it seems. He is sometimes too intrusive when he thinks that someone needs help. Artificer loves her personal boundaries, and also dislikes when someone touches her without warning. Gourmet would just sometimes forget that arti reacts very sharply to unexpected hugs. But they are still good for me, I do not know what good can be said, it's better to ask a specialist on this ship
@sleepyc63 They are well versed in this
(For sleepy: I'm sorry if I offended you)
Everything is more complicated here... Even more difficult than with arti/Gourmand
Honestly, I don't like them, a doomed relationship is not for me, you can kill me if you want, I don't mind
It's hard to say why I don't like them, it's just not for me, I love ship with treatment and help, but here, arti and hunter are arguing about what they will eat today or where they should go, they have different opinions and they can't come to a common decision, they would just hurt each other. And the fact that hunter is infected with rot? This is literally another injury for arti, she has lost her slugpups, and if she gets attached to hunter, then she will lose him too and will not be able to help in any way
It's also better to find someone who ships them, they probably should have reasons why they love them.
You can draw a conclusion yourself, my job was to explain, but the choice is yours.
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