#verse: demon hunter boden
little-earthquakes-rp · 9 months
Bio & Verses
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Verse: Demon Hunter  OC Name: Boden Severin Age: 36 Occupation: Demon hunter by night & drug counselor by day Location: New Orleans, LA 
By the time Boden was an adolescent he had slipped into foster care and was a ward of the state. His childhood had been anything but easy; which made for an angry teenager. Petty theft and assault already made its way into his juvenile record and by the time he was twelve he was deemed unplaceable by social services, and pushed out to a group home outside the city limits.  Being out in a county-like setting seemed like a punishment, but after spending a few weeks at the boy's homes he realized not everything was as it seemed. 
Little did he know he was scouted by an ancient order of demon hunters. The next several years were spent training in combat, ritual, and investigation. Deciding to dedicate himself to the order he was a faithful foot soldier for the cause just shy of fifteen years. During a treacherous crusade, he befriended a witch in order track a particularly heinous demon. It was with her assistance they were able to eradicate it. Once the order received word that he worked alongside a supernatural creature he was banished from the legion. 
Dark days passed as he tried to find his footing now that the order disowned him; which had been the only family he’d ever known. Lost without a cause he began to dabble in drugs and found himself on the other wrong side of the law again. It was then his witch resurfaced, and in disbelief, that he’d fallen into such a state she placed an enchantment on him.  He now has increased strength five-fold and the ability to heal ten times faster than your typical human. The only catch was that he needed to reacquaint himself with demon hunting. Leaving behind the dark days he threw himself back into his work  
Still driven by the need to hunt demons, he does it alone; mostly anyway. Unlike before he’s not beholden to the strict structure or rule system of the Legion. He weaves in and out of the supernatural communities without qualms and has befriended many. It’s not to say he hasn’t developed enemies either. During his off times, he likes to counsel former addicts as it helps him fight his own urges as well. While most would say he’s a bit rough around the edges once he opens up he is all heart.  
Wanted Connection: his witch
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boden-severin-blog · 6 years
Closed Starter // @thecharmedmechanic
Entering the room with Aiden on his arm felt right. It was as if they were given a cosmic do-over on a missed opportunity. Navigating to the gymnasium was like second nature despite not having stepped foot in the place since graduation. Everything looked pretty much the same except for some random former classmates. Familiar with many there was a few which Boden couldn’t place at all. He did his best make small talk with others but was far more interested in Aiden. Still, he smiled and reminisced whenever someone approached, but his eyes seem to shift back to the woman at his side. Excusing himself for a moment he lefter her a table with some old friends
Boden had just grabbed them some drinks and was on his way back when he stopped in his tracks. Edgar had walked in and knew at the moment any chance of them having a good time was ruined. Giving the other man a hard stare he walked back to the table and politely cut into the conversation. Leaning down facing away from the table and others he whispered in her ear, “I’m sorry to say but looks like Edgar is here–and brought a date.” 
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❤️💖💜 💗: Boden from Harper
Given their past, it’s safe to say those sentiments are shared. Let’s see who admits to them being rekindled first. Like those feelings ever left at all. Well, at least not for Boden. 
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boden-severin-blog · 7 years
Lori squeaked before running to hide.
“What the...” if the hunter didn’t have two years of sobriety under his belt he could have easily blamed the sudden appearance of a tiny person on a drug-induced hallucination; however, neither his eyes or his ears deceived him. Going down to his knees he searched through the perfectly manicured grass as he muttered, “Where ya going little fellow?”  
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